The Straits Times, 29 January 1968

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 26 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150.000 The Straits Times The Natimiiii jbvspaiißi 1 Estd. 1845 MONDAY, JANtAKi: 15,68 l t^S2L IL^SS KIIX. :U(H M.C (P) 0014
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  • 188 1 \V AS HI (,T().\. Sun. The I S. t ml;i\ pursued inl< nsi\r diplomatic '.llorts to win freedom For the I'SS I'ucMo an (I its < ivw. while keeping up v military alerl around Korea. r the U.N. after sharp
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  • 1312 1 Tengku urges Chinese to make Malaysia land 'fit for the Gods' KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday TENGKU Abdul Rahman in a heart-to heart talk tonight with Malaysian Chinese on the occasion of Chinese New Year called on them to resolve to make Malaysia a place "fit for the
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  • 143 1 MONTBBAL. Sun. Train robber Charles Wilson tried to co\er his face as he was removed from police headquarters reatetdbj to an unknown destination prior to his departure for Britain. He was arrested on Thursday in a house he had tmught on Mount View Ranches. Kjgaud.
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  • 174 1 WASHINGTON. Sun. I>RESIDENT Johnson appealed last night for unity of the American people In the "grave times we are living through." Mr Johnson made a surprise appee>ranee al the Inauguration <>f the new presldi-nt ol the National Press Club. Washington COTrespondenl Allan Cromley, Of the Daily Oklahoman.
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  • 427 1 B-52s pound Reds at Khe Sanh again KHE SANH, Sunday. AMERICAN B-52 bombers blasted North Vietnamese positions for the seventh day running today in an attempt to break the siege of this remote U.S. Marine base The base ta surrounded by two divisions ol North Vietnamese troops armed with ions
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  • 132 1 4 I II to 1,1 (Swit/rrliindi. Sun. llcsciir workers today dv; out tin- liodirs nf five children huUdlrd in the ruin-- of a f:»rmMout him r here lirinc- 11 11; to 'JO the number of people killed hv yesterday's a\alan<h«'> Their mother's hod\
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  • 49 1 CAIRO Sun Filtwn miles I ol the i>uev Canal brd were .invrvi-f! vesienla*. t lir ii,i\ m clearance operation.' •ccordtng tn an announcement here. Sklndlvei mid two liny .irigßinc heavy chain. moved south from IsmaUli Canal Aiithnrin lur<. aim^l In j Bitter Lakes lod.v.
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  • 115 1 A fivenation hunt for 2 subs I ONDON. Su n. J Dozens o! .slnpS ;uul planes from r.a; ions searched twit areas of the Mediterranean 1.500 miles apati today for two missing submarin A i I)- '•n. i in- Israeli «übm Dakar 'Shark' with 59 men aboard li.'d been ml
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  • 14 1 JAKARTA, Bun. R< Bupfi)«tna found ijntltv ol mun OilfT 111 M.i! LI
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  • 3 1 I
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 71 1 Seven-Up Whisky the periect mixer WIN A NEW FORD CORSAIR V 4 i. 1 II Cl Jtji^ IT] SEmSF §Bf J^m JM'k Buy a Noiionol Safety Fcrit Council donation draw ticket and help to >avc lives. Ticket', at SI/- each arc ovoiloble at all Mob. l Service Stations. C K.
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    • 31 1 ~^l \A I PATEK PHILIPPE j^\N World's Finest nf!w Hand finished i^- ?M \k Watch y Hut 5^ ■tltd. Jewellefi I TJipt Ii Jiff F N Wishing all our friends KottgHeeldrtChoy
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  • 172 2 BARNARD: CHANGE OF HEART IS NOT MANSLAUGHTER MUNICH, Sun.— Dr. Chris Barnard, the South African beart transplant surgeon, yesterday rejected theories by some lawyers and theologians that h e a r t transplants could be regarded as manslaughter. In an intoiinal talk With .surgeons and journalists here. Dr Barnard said
    Reuter  -  172 words
  • 44 2 DAM ASCI B An Ii»--nian was k.iled hiui .wen ..iher txiiplp wounded In an unwd -h ukU) between Irsnian snri PakUuni piUtrtau In the Xi nine miles north "i t>:<nthe nfflrm did no) anr «nj rau« fnr thr ria<h Rriror
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  • 421 2 Closed -door diplomacy FOREIGN NEWS DESK SECURITY COUNCIL MEMBERS HOPE TO COAX KOREANS TO FREE PUEBLO UNITED NATIONS, Sunday THE 10 elected members of the Security Council met for more than one hour behind closed doors here last night to discuss possible ways of persuading North Korea to free the
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  • 111 2 MANILA. Sun Pirates TI raided a tow nin the southern Philippines at dawn yeisterdax and held it captive while s»>leniatiially liHttiiu stores for two hours. a««ordin R to reports reaching Manila today. The Philippines News Serrle« said that at !'<-' one resident was killed while the
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  • 29 2 MOM REAL gUB a 17y» ir ri routh turned tuburban sror' In I hatllel eH en Fnrt»v niKli' firing ah»iu 100 rifle > irrling five people at
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  • 242 2 Korean truce breaches 'a threat to peace UNITED NATIONS. sun. The United States, as representative i»i the in. Command In Korea, has reported to the Security Council that recent breaches of the armistice agreements constitute a grave threat to International peace and security. In the r< pori ihe i:i.-t for
    Reuter  -  242 words
  • 43 2 CHANGE IN CODES WIHHINOTON. Mm Ihr I nii.'i >t.itev Ins rk int'-il siniir riHlrs sinrr Nnrtli Korea* «ei/.mr ol thr I'uel.lo <ilTi< i.ils said here i<>«|j\. I'bc BltermUMH »rrr |>m> mr^Mirr and there w.t* no dni^it of other riidrs brine Innkfn. Krutrr
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  • 264 2 'Philby responsible for Mao's men moving into North Korea' /'l!l(.\(.ll Sun Inforni.ilinii pi-s.-d no h> Brittok dnuhle .unit Kirn Philhy enabled the hin«M ti> n>«i\i- into North Korea in ISM IUMWIai Hieir supply hases \inuld not he attacked In I V farm, t ho ChlcafO 1 riliuiip s.nd tii(la\
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  • 11 2 Eartha's big hit in Moscow i <n r -Ui'il i PI
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  • 6 2 Clearing Suez Canal ISM Ml 1
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  • 11 2 Ci.iiit- i in iv living tt> <m i."
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 136 2 Every Sunday^ Air New Zealand leaves for the South Pacific via Australia, New Zealand and then on to the U. S. A. 'Departs 7.15 AM every Sunddy-From February 11th. su» »»»r at »o f p tot >wf iis- BJMM Si M NEW lEAIAH/0 ftC anttUM AiN INO'A «««d MSA r^rf
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 29 2 (^WUAT WEXT?) s. V -~ZZ— AND TUE CIDEBOABO /^we'LL move rue ovep uerej _^(!L a*y tZZ&U, j L_±S^ 'nS?OUIT«D I ni/^VOUCOu^NI d.*utTs-' (JUST /MOVE TUE L-V I WINDOW 1
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  • 234 3 Sihanouk: If I'm not left alone... lIHNOM PENH, Sun. Prince Norodom Sihanouk said yesterday thai he would hief of state unless both the Communists and the Americans left him alone and stopped using Cambodia power pawn. ..'ii that 2.000 ed ne nt temh Vihear .uid th. v are ready I
    UPI  -  234 words
  • 146 3 HOW THE MURDER INC. BOSS GOT THERE: INFORMER YEW YORK, Sun.-A Al termer Cosa Nostn lieutenant now turned informer described how Murder, Inc. boss Albert Anastasia disposed of his Underworld superior by having him killed and his body ground up i n a garbage truck. Tin* information cam*' ttam Jim
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  • 142 3 Jason, the travelling salesman lASON of HtuMlrs. .1 pell, t.ui. at < ompanifd by !«<• Swiv%air hostesses, Heidi /immcrmann and wtnnr Si-hnee!»eruer (right), arrives at Heathrow in poti. London on a BWiwUl trip to Britain lo help sell ii.iirisni for Greece The S3 Hi l»ur-\ 'Icr foul who ".islound »f|
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  • 117 3 JUST FANCY THAT DALLAS Bun D a K< engineer, paid his lax day 111 01 iboUt 8)01b. Internal vice i nnally to-'k hU money. He tranaII llU> W lltS .illlcc in .i wheel-barrow. UtS r!rrk> tolct KeUey Uicy did ni.t 'i.i« men to ioun; that many coin* liny I Dank
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  • 39 3 SYDNKY Bydnev h for multiple births with the art ihin 9u nun. terday .'n .in .it oi five pouoda n to Ml .1 lin N 37 and Mi I lin Carter, 24 R' Utl r
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  • 45 3 Cat in crib smothers baby 4KI i Japan), Sun. didn't take lung for Itsuo Kosaka'a [>■ ke in tin- latest adto tho family The <■<• ol en crept Into the nd purred lonten- 'i i. irsday, dun. en tumpb a* i .i babj face i'h-old Chlyako DPI.
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  • 19 3 1 ORK Bun RcpuParty u-.ur n tron 11 n :..i w.iYuik t Vjtc Presidential nomi- A P
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  • 36 3 .NtA\ i'ukk bub.- a m.'H ie .ill<ufd!v 1} pulw nme nil mother by giving htr Ballad milk l.i. m1 with ursrnic when he u-itcd lirr iii the hosn'tal has boen arrested hi n DPI
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  • 26 3 I MiKi >X, BUTI Ih.,i tali MM/.td it iisliiiik ixiat carrying $3oo.tiou worth cii opium on tin Siicii. 65 miles south of it. Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 88 3 JAKAIU.V m,i, i,,,. Indonesian Uavemimiit lias givea laternational Nickel Co. I. id of .in. id. i i\( hisivc imi li ut n-"o<i.>lion rights for Indonesia > rnlit>( uickel ilci;.iv|( Ib# linn. uhiili prodmrs t,;> p rr cent of the world's nickel. will
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  • 236 3 Girl hurt in road accident strangled and stripped GOUT HAMPTON. Sun. A murder hunt was launched last night after a bizarre killing in which a 16-year-old girl was apparently injured In a road accident and later strangled and dumped naked in a country lane Police at Droxford. near this south
    Reuter  -  236 words
  • 26 3 VATICAN CITY. Sun I lit swinging ix\,- o4 "pop" toe air :n>m ihr r-rtdm last mem for the tirsi t:m< In 17-yi history. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 101 3 fromTITONI V&j) Wishing you a Happy and a Prosperous New Year |Sj t ~£-f+*^ 9 Qpace Star rft f#v*^ W Space 2far CeUtCMN gm. X* |H 95 ***** I 1 k TITONI I W/ One of Switzerlands Best I MUSICAL CRUSADE H^MMM RECORDING 9kM ARTISTES Mg^ga^BtOiiggggggggl A. Afflß gv y
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    • 114 3 &JP This Ronson lighter > (Normally $13.80) Yours for only $7.95 if you buy two quart bottles of Beehive Brandy See your liquor dealer for details. BEEHIVE BRANDY Produced bottled in France AIR SPEEDED COPIES OF~ I Clje Bangkok Thailand's leading English laneuagc daily are now on sale in Singapore
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  • 93 4 SINGAPORE. Sunday. WORK will start soon to develop a 10-acre vacant plot at the corner of Lower Delta Road into a public park The project, costing nearly $100,000. is expected to be completed by September this year. The scheme Is part or the Government's plan to
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  • 93 4 SINGAPORE, Sun— The National Library lending section will be open tomorrow on Chinese New Year s Eve only from 8.30 am to 9 p.m.. while the reference section will be open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The Joo Chlat branch llbrarv and the Slglap branch
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  • 45 4 SINGAPORE. Sun The MlnlMfr lor Culture and Social j Affairs. Inche Othman Wok, will attend a get-together party ol Sembawang citizens consul- tatlve committee and community centres management committee members at Cliong Pang village community centre to celebrate Chinese New Year on Friday
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 318 4 Illlllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllll Ttl: *****6 Air-Conditioned Today at 145 pm Shew only: THE GIRL 1 THE GENERAL" (M6M (Color, Chin Sub) 3 Shows ot 7 930 Midnight FIRST LOVE' (Cont Tomorrow momma. Shows: 9 am, 11 am. Torion The Ape Man" IMGM) Tomorrow V'dnight Hcvenot Of The Gun flfhttr" (Mandonn) mi'i'iMi'i i.
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    • 372 4 mimm a V|> CHINESE NEW YEAR ATTRACTION a \j\f\ll AT NO INCREASE IN PRICES!!. a TONIGHT 9.30 pm PREMIERE No Free List B B TOMORROW 5 SHOWS ot 11 om, 1.45, 4, 7 9.30 p.m. g aTBarUmaWJiF ft ADF CHINESE NEW YEAR ATTRACTION* 1 (iLUbt AT NO INCREASE IN PRICES!!
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    • 389 4 .ORGANISATION 1 l^fcTM?T?T?!flrTnri ™NOW SHowiNj N« Fi Mam, 145. 4 00, 6 30, 9 IS»m_ MATCHLiSS g ,^~TZ_' Lo.f 3 Sho-s II 1 4i, 4 p m P Montgomery C M The D in Coli.r _S*O*on ttort. trom Tomqrit 6 45 ond 9 30 ptv tho<.i No t c "LAND
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  • 175 5 Thailand's best Asian friend-by governor JJANGAR. Sun. The 1V Governor of Setul, Mr. Charn Pancharun, yesterday described Malaysia as "Thailand's best friend In South-East Asia." •I hope the friendly relations between our two countries will last lorover." lie said wiien he opener! a Buddhist temple at Kampong Guar Musang. 10
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  • 45 5 rr. \m m Malaysia will m.ikr m-r--hf staged by the I'm. nig p Da) \pf* C n C Giri.>" H.L-h S PM>. 17. J^ rtlKl $1 are avail i >im Mlairs ■ii ir .inn ;lv Mm.:. B ruanku •jwd Puir;i
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  • 97 5 SINGAPORE, sun ilie \isitmg ln« in. in YuKoslav trade mission will tall on trade officials in the Finance Ministry tomorrow morning. In the afternoon they will meet leaders of the chambers of commerce .mil the Singapore Manufacturers Association The miss-.on. led by Mr. Anton
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  • 575 5 Bonus not part of salary: Court SINGAPORE. Sunday T'HK Industrial Arbitration Court ruled yesterday that ''bonus payment must be regarded as a fringe benefit forming part of the terms and conditions of service and cannot, in the absence ol special provision, be regarded as part of an employee's salary." This
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  • 322 5 Govt not out to destroy middlemen, says Ghazali I>ENANG. Sun. was nut the Governments Intention to declare war on the padi middle-men nor to eliminate them. the Minister oi Agriculture and Co-opera-tives, Haji Ghazali bin Jawi, declared here yesterday. "Mludle-men nave their u>es.- h>- -a,d when he opi ued the
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  • 35 5 Ang pows for 330 inmates i'h\ \m. Sun, red and '.lin i\ h n leprosarium on Pulau Vr.,l The dlntrib i bj Inchr A/i/ Ibi.Umu. eh :i-i official* ul the I branch eproxy RflM'l ASMN
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 55 5 Sorrento Try our exciting new menu of savoury Italian dishes, cXb cooked by our own Italian chel SoiTCIIK) COFFEE HOUSE 30«S ORCHARD ROAD. SINGAPORE V PHONE JS7II Optr. •> JO a•■ M )0 i m i:\ t HOW LICENCED TO SERVE MINE AliD BEER SORRENTO COFFEE HOUSE will b* cloud
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    • 290 5 M THE WONDERFUL I LEMON SISTERS I M international recording stars sing pops, m S ballads, torch songs in their I 9 a. o*± own inimitable style! I J f} mso\ I < MARGO HAIGH U iV l new resident I M vocalist J accompanied m V J by Lawrence
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  • 201 6  -  Goh -by SINGAPORE. Sunday i V. Financi MiniI)i Guli Xi id tothat the GovIt i) U 1 l some and econo- «ed accelerated British pull-out. Therefore, the Rf- for nati and promote md (l comA I the mental artivinrs Holiday flars ■)ulci Uiltil nothing could progress
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  • Article, Illustration
    71 6 ri M.XI RfMt KurNi.ih prfsidpni <>f I he Mu»lin) Wmiiens Welfare Itui mi; the K.ti.i V'-r m.iJMirr \^<>n- and Ihe 'I'eiiKku "I Ml.insor .is thex .irri\c«l it the Han R.ix.« rei<-p I ion lirld b\ the NmUh \\i-lf.4re Rn.tril .it her it vidriiir in
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  • 134 6 4 stalls go up with big bang: Girl hurt SINGAPORE. Sun I nd i acrlminaU frackpr-flrinj; claimed its ilrst vict i in this year when a 12-year-old girl was burnt on her hands and legs in Jalan Bosar early this morning. Someone thn-w a cracker In to a stall, where
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  • 23 6 PBNANti Sun. It,» 'I d Frrrs .Vv«.< ...':oi. »ili hoid a Chinett Ne» Year dance 'h^ir :n Ro»d pr^mis*<i :omor-
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  • 210 6 MEETING ON UNIVERSITY PROPOSAL MCA leader* Ar> gmm views, suggcxtUmx KUALA LUMPUR. S«n*fc 4 BOLT 100 MCA leaden will meet in &a+> liamont House on Feb. 8 to study HreOfrnr^e university question. Among those attending are OtMDrt M*ntsten, Senator?. MPs. state AssemMymgx branch rhairmen and Central Working Coimrt*tce members. "Hie
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  • 53 6 BDKMRMtf sun I •»ges> of empKivecs irtll beMBM assessable puses of Ihe Oentr»i Pri videiu Fund under an an.'Tidmeiii whii b read I in Par MMBt i,c« MCtka nton hv 'he CPT B"Mrd I disrloMirr Mini cytm and pi ■ai. or a fine ot nn to
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  • 25 6 s uer^ bun T V> houaet in K i tOIHI < i $:f(H>o me 1 he »er^ i- lidi\W:ng r>» their rr-irt.".
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 364 6 "•■■■■W~»»— bbst^ "■*~~gsr™^lgMß^'^"T"r"*~"™Jßßa» sjt-sjt—^ I J I I I I^^^^ _^-M—|— I I I 1 1 \J n^B I Clnr^C^^gli^l 1 TT, tb^ls^ Two-Storey Detached Bungalows Two -Storey Semi -Detached Bungalows Single -Storey Terrace Houses Two-Storey Semi-Detached Bungalows v Type A) (Type A) (Type A) (TypeC) LIVINL ROOM OININC ROOM
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 1003 7  -  ARTHUR J. DOMMEN by New Delhi Their hope: That the gyrations of war and peace will one day sweep them home in triumph SOUTH-EAST Asia's exiled generals lead comfortable though humdrum lives and hope that the gyrations of war and peace will one day sweep them
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  • 283 7  - A doctor's warning, on second-hand hearts, ageing brains CHRISTINE DOYLE by TH E PROSPEC 1 of an increasing traction of the population with second-hand hearts, lungs, kidneys and livers but with their own ageing and senile brains is presented with alarm by Sir George Pickering, Regius professor of medicine at
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 85 7 1 /O' pi 7i Now Abdulla of Bond Street bring ■r9l^T^^^R9^^^^3 you the luxury of a new King Size L^i^t^B w4 *B Virginia Filter. You enjoy more of KHHHBBtf^^bjHA^H|fl your favourite Virginia tobaccos, and 9HW9H9W9W9IP^I get a really efficient filter, too. tf&^TJ I T^&i I £J I F—^I JUlHt^B Abdulla
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    • 14 7 DUNLOP wishes you a happy and prosperous Chinese New Year DISLOP MALAYAS ISDISTRIES BERHAD
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  • 162 8 Now it is drought in Kelantan KOTA BHARU, Sun. Kelantan, which normally is in the midst of monsoon season from latter part of November to late March, has been experiencing drought instead. Ever since the floods about one and a half months ago when continuous rain caused the Kelintan River
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  • 550 8  -  ABUL FAZIL BLAZE AT SEA— THEN AGONY IN SLOW MOTION... By SINGAPORE, Sun. Owners of the 8.500-ton Greek freighter Enosis. which was gutted by fire off Penang recently, have written off the vessel as a total loss. The $500,000 vessels cargo of coal 10.000
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  • 96 8 IPOH. Sun. Illegal taxi i operators here have called on the police not to j take any action against them In view of the need of the people for transport during the Chinese New Ytar period The call was made in a
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  • 187 8 A 'HEAVEN ON EARTH' FOR ALL SAYS OPENG KUCHING. MALAYSIA- and in particula a heaven on earth for all, includii Chinese who offer their undivided li>; the nation, the Governor. Tun Abang Ila H Openg. said today. I:, I i v.utual unde: land the .servec all element^ who the i
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  • 136 8 LI INTAN, Sun— Floating loiisini; houses ;ire to he set up in l.ipis for loinistv the P.ih.init •>.< r i*t Promotion Officer. Chr TMM I'intc U.ih.«ri. <li-i Ins.-'! hen i<" Sue viirt l.ipK rOVM provide nunv ;itti .ntions to the ftdventaroM tM»" became
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  • 25 8 in i r I He \> penprayer h.iih in m Ulu Tir hrrp. He V: managpnifnr for I 'kine in actlie of
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  • 12 8 SU4OAPORI tr«rip i l •rled a h caa>
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 315 8 SAM MIN ADVERTISING CO Presents For the Ut TIME -EVER in Malaysia I Hi: MOST FASCINATING I NDER WATER BEAUTIES from Japan!!! Tickets Available at \\H(] Supermarket, Central Shoe Co. (Jin Kukit Kintaiiii). Kata's Batu Rd.), Cheong Kee Cafe. Fom lorn Store, Cheong Hin Co Bee Hin Co.. Van Kee
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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  • 364 9 Traffic: 4 days, then police step in J^OAD-USERS have just live days more to get used to the capital's 'green wave" traffic system before the Traffic Police chut. Supt. Mansor bin Mohamed Nor. and his men start 'laying down the law" "We have given the people enough time to study
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  • 168 9 NO REUNION DINNER FOR SINGER PATSY TIII.KI! wiin t !>«' .1 (hinrM* \cu Year rrunion dinner for pop siniirr Pats} < Mhiivci lomorn»«. for the lirst time in 30 \e.uv While hrr parents and two pMMager risten uathrr in their hunie in Hone Kong for the most important meal of
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  • 20 9 INO API IfU I P I n X "n Thursday n I he net will be here lor
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  • 190 9 Gun and chilli gang grab $7,500 ang pow I AX. Sun Four youths armed with ilauuer* rohhrd fivr rnh l>er estate dirertors of 5,500 at (ienias > ester iajr. Two of the ilirettor* urre in 111 red hi pieces of shattered «i11(I s r r een ;;i.isi believed to have
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  • 138 9 7 -nation talks to be held in S'pore in May SINGAPORE. Sun. Singapore has boon picked as the venue for a hi^ conference on regional economic planning Involving nations in SouthEast Asia. The thn to be held h< n ir..n. Ifaj 13, wil! !)<■ attended hv about To delegates from
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  • 62 9 Another school reduces its fees CTTIAWAN, S Tie 0 St. Francis Continuation Secondary School hen- ha.duced its school to a flat rate ol $10 tor .Hi classes with effect fron month cha 1 orm Three, |i: Four tor Form school had w., f"r Irs per rolmenl and 1; shorthand the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 4 9 jgV~ffi P sWw < i
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    • 217 9 Think of a better place to start something South Pacific -^psg^BP* I*^.1 ■^Zj^gw 'i' S" am .^9 W m Jm wmawF .*n**:< L am .4 jam HL joWl .„> jmmmmmY flHbs Sydney is where it begins. The holiday Centre of the South Pacific. Relaxing. Friendly. Take-off place for a thousand
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 284 9 Straits Times Crossword BBBBbT BBBBbP* HsBBBBBBBBBsf^ BBBBSp' BBBbF' BBBBBf^~~BBBBsI A(KOSS Kl i. 7 T Inn. for rxamplr. (uppljrlnt 11. Cttiael-dtoped loktn of uina more than a Rill (ft). knatrttoa in Ihe Ix.rder Stale of 7 .9. .Hi 9 A sly remark to the point ol 1 3 Male with an
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  • 37 10 11l W*4m Sl* '*llmmmmt MRS HICHAIIOI 'hr«n»« f»' MMtMM lln'n. tni MR TfOM KON tO« «n4 f«Bi I ■■i ''""<•• hrlp »n.l imiilo mr»i iinot -i «-f r mother MM MRS. rHAMCI* «0M 10« "i« »«i»»)«i<-» at
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  • 33 10 th M.,rrfi SSJ rSßMaaaal IN CVIR LOVING M.etnorr «f »,1 tfi an '•<">• h'" IN EVIR LOWING MIMORV of lal. Xi II •»>'. Ma***] »n1 n. h.!.i>aiH Mg nn H 1.1 '■"urn, in»H»d.
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  • 731 10 The Straits Times Monday, January 29. 1968 Finding The Money Budget debates in Malaysi.. I Parliament have become over the yean loss ;m oc- ration ior dieeusoing the principles of the new estunexpenditure and revturn tnao. an onportunitj lac a broad survey of national polk y The balance is rarely
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  • 324 10 me leacner education conference recently concluded in Sngapore was laudable in its conception, and the- terms of leference set out by the Education Minister Mr. Or, K Prftie Boon, were well thought cut. How imi.-h practical good Will come out of it, however •spends on the quality of
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  • 157 10 Thr Congress of Malay Lrfngtiaß'' and Culture in Singapore has had" thp happy thought of organising a Malaediting festival and using part ill the proceeds to finBnsc a cultural delegation It Indi.fusM H.lations with Jakarta, after thr confrontation, are all tno olt»-n thought r.f in latins only »>f
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  • Letters
    • 338 10 WITH reference to your T editorial Floral Way" It is gratifying to note that the Straits Times, has aroused a greater interest and participation by the general public in the planting of trees and flowering shrubs, a step forward towards transforming the lepubllc into
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    • 89 10 fHE need for a further education class centre it: Petallng Jaya Is most acutely felt by pupil.s who failed the recent LCE. examination The centre would benefit a large area extending to Batu Tiga. Also only a limited number of places are available in the morning Form Six classes in
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    • 135 10 NOW that the Singapore Polytechnic is already conducting Degree courses 'in Engineennc. Accountancy and Architecture', it would be timely for the authorities to consider changing the name of the institution. The present name was chosen almost ten years ago when the institution was
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    • 84 10 I-'VERY hravy downpour brings serious floods along B v k i t T.mah canal and literally thousands of motorists and residents are .stranded or marooned. Is it possible that repairs by the PWD along the canal at Jalan Besar and the Rochore Canal Road tunction is causing a serious blockage
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  • 459 10  -  YUNUS MARIS I FSSON 148 in a new series by GLOSSARY: Dl-dahulul oleh ivi preceded b> idamAN IB) desire: in present aituie. bone of contention. KKgixihAN (n) MubbornDMi unyielding nature, .--loiii heartednevs: nelinWW (Bl statesman, sas«rAN (n* tnr> ■tt, aim For the next three lessons, we will t>e
    459 words
  • 881 10  -  DAVID HAWORTH by LONDON Wilson and workers on a collision course LIKE two heavyweight wrestlers, the British Government and the trades unions are circling each other, warily looking for a grip; It will bring a crucial trial of strength. The starting bell was Prime Minister Harold
    881 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 385 10 Classified advertiseaetts for Straits Tim*« Malay Mail •nay bs hand** to: coid stodaci turmuAifrr COLO STOCAbI SdAMtMII Hr: 4 liu/cl B<n* CITT BOOK STOtt LT», I- c .m Quqf. THE NIWS lIONT -lfk«f. M M. ISMAIL. Ooat MAMIIM STO«I, r..,ng» Ksad. 17 V RITNASAMV ft CO, f 371. j
      385 words
      59 words
    • 77 10 You buy life insurance for someone you love "IKf nnMk. P dj|j^^H^^r5 i ssJ**l If you care about their security, you will insure yourself. WING ON is one of the oldest and most respected insurance companies in the Last. Insure with WING ON and >ou will be investing your money,
      77 words

  • 453 11 lang villagers hit back at gangster menace with heckpoints, round-the-clock vigilante patrols... KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. pOLICE have detained three youths and questioned ■even] others following the attack on the chairman of the Serdang Bahru Anti-Gangsters Goodwill Association, Mr. Yuen Swee Kong, last Wednesday. Villagers in District
    453 words
  • 506 11 Singapore Govt explains airport fees SINGAPORE. Sunday. 'pHE Singapore Government today said that the recent increase in landing fees for commercial light aircraft was "relatively insignificant" considering the fact -.hat it was made after a period of nearly seven years. An official statement from the Deputy Prime Minister's Office also
    506 words
  • 60 11 I'ENANO. Smv— lhe pravident of thr Spn.s!ic (,'n;.drrn.s A>.VH-iatmn. Mr. T. S. diet Chua has received from the Australian Men's Spoi-s Club al a pre.v. r ceremony here. In .i plea fur Government a.s>Hid the aju.ociation'« trainmc centre was badly in nred of a
    60 words
  • 53 11 KOTA BHARU Sun The Wireless Inspection officer for Kelantan and Trrngganu. Mr. P. Mohamed today warned all owners of radio and television sets to get licences. To date a total of 308 offenders in Kelantan and Trenctfanu have been bmimht to cmum and fines «m.,untlng
    53 words
  • 47 11 TAIPING Sun Shop ow tier Mr Ng Sool Vain was «a\lald by two armed men at Pokok Aj..<-am ne» Milage last night and robber of |780 Mr Ng »a* cycling h"mt «1U) th« da\ t coUtctioru whan ha m atopped by Urn «m tm
    47 words
  • 77 11 Razak answers $30,000 S.O.S. SL'NOEI PATAM. Sun fun Abdul Razak >i>terday answered an "5.0.5." from the D.D. of Kuala Muda. Syed Osman with a gTant of 530.000. s oon after the Deputy Premier's plane i >in h. ;l down it Mata Km Mini; irpciri for his visit to Baling, Syed
    77 words
  • 234 11 A LOR STAR, Sun. Kedah Alliance leaders were today jubilant over their party's victory in the Baling Barat state Assembly by-election date, .imad Zain bin YlUOff, 4'J. pilit^d 6 161 b\ Inch.- M. iliamed R'.mll bin Abdullah. M. of the PMTP Only 6834
    234 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 143 11 WtMi WNG HEE WTTCttOY k. j B J^^' Remember... Chinese New Year is so special— but so much is soon forgotten unless you tike snapshots or movies. The way a child opens an "ANG POW", the family reunion dinner, the guests who bring their greeting caught only on film for
      143 words
    • 205 11 the symbol of I servigf: 1 1 I SIABILITY 1 PAN MALAYAN HNANCE LID iHumnciD**u-:*i i <^>«s-i UnORSED Umtt'S 10.000.000 SStKOUtO M UP UPITH 55.000.000 PM lUIIYIN FIUNCI UllllD GROUP ASS£TS tICLEO 528.000.000 Hn<l'W«iM"v,'i- -JU 3 ipo'tl.T»'»r > l 1 kuß-B'tncv 3SM&«'«e< MM M|)IM b'itic tl. Ttitp"9ii MO»7 SHJUUUT MN
      205 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 676 11 ■B»B§«§aa^B^BBBia^BBB«BBl TV MALAYSIA a^rJTVS 8 in. 11 o an .mi n out- Roundun ION la N n- -3S h P 1 1^ 71 Sr "P«- Sl r«« Chuk Cnak Ke*. (.35 Hm.m>1 Him; Wave I H.JJ Ckmt. TV SINGAPURA (H\NNKI. 5 ||\\M I ft 6 e-\ FiSTS: 7.50^ -oio-metv biinRiaan.
      676 words

  • 1047 12  -  ALLINGTON KENNARD THE VOYAGE OF ABDULLAH. Translated by A.E. Coope. (Oxford University Press. $2.20 by WHEN St. An (Irrw's Cathedral in Sinca pore being built, a siikill party ooo- ids ana their jailers v\;<s posted to keep intruders away. There was
    1,047 words
  • 326 12  -  MARY KENNY by CHALIAPIN: An Autobiography As Told To Moxim Gorky. (MocDonald 651.) WHEN Feodor IvanoMtrh Chaliapin. who was born a peasant; a serf, a moujik in a small village along the Volga. was presented to the King of England at the
    326 words
  • 159 12 I M CHI By Cheng Man-rhinit and Robert W. Smith. luttlr. Tokyo. ( By DAVID SZE PROFESSOR Cheng Is a master of the "Five Excellencies' painting, poetry, calligraphy, medicine and Tai-chl. the centuries' old ballet-like Chln- ese system of callisthenics. Tal-chi is both exercise and sport. Of
    159 words
  • 108 12 THE "nuta and bolts' papen dlncussed at la>t y«ar> >tail cunfrrence in Singapore of the Peoples la t lon have been pub li.shed In booklet form. Dr Goh Keng Swee coin rd thp phrase for papers dealing witli worklnn procedures, from runninf? basketball competitions to meetinijs
    108 words
  • 331 12 KING COHN. By Bob Thomas. (Barrie and Rockliff Ha.) By Chaim Brrmanl HARRY Cohn, the head of Columbia Pictures, was once asked how he liked being president of a large film company. '•It's better than being a pimp." he retorted. Not.
    331 words
  • 176 12 A close study of animal behaviour PRIMATE ETHOLOGY. Edited by Desmond Mornv WeirtrnfeUl and Nirnlson 555 A PHOTOGRAPH of the Archbishop of Canterbury in the Monkey House could be accurately captioned. without a wisp of disrespect: 'The Primate among pnn One needa to atresa both the high lntelllgi of monkeya
    176 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 401 12 L W New Improved Suspension ELf c^Vk^gfl^K M Completely new all-coil. ■H .^H rubber-mounted suspension, I front and rear, irons out bumps. 1 iT^B^F^^J gft^^l C\ Ci v s *&-y*Srt*^sJ^'' Other safety measures include: k W f l^^ VICt r markS 3 eW Cra f W V > n a
      401 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 693 13 i onUnurd from Page (Oi ACKNOWLEDGMENT 1* Words SIS Mmtmum, THE FAMILY OF ktU Valeric Baptist I i eau ie« friends rels !r donation, wreaths, visits on their '■trcivtmfnt. GREETINGS M Words 11$ (Him****,) MB. MRS. Khong Chla Soon wish a their Friends and Reiativea A <ry Happy and Prosperous
      693 words
    • 604 13 ACCOMMODATION VACANT M Word* U (Htm.)— Box S* rl,. extra FURNISHEO ROOMS. H/CoM Mmgbath attached, in Bungalow near Botan'ral Garden. $75/-. tvn. Boa ASI2S ST. Singapore. KINOS ROAOi Pull* furniaiMd semi-detached bungalow Uirre Dedr«oma. tman room, garage. On rent at $375/P.m. Contact telephone 2b2M 1 8 pore,) MOOERN FURNISHED BUNGALOW
      604 words
    • 624 13 TUITION It Words M) (Mlm>—Box >• rfs ejrfra MATHEMATICS ADDITIONAL BLEMENTARV d ;i #eex)Odarlee Prl- mary vil. Any time experienced i Mathematics Oraduate. Tal: 8815 M i ore. LAMBERT'S DRIVING SCHOOL Dual-control led Komi lOou, Hourly $0/- 10 Balmoral Road Tel: 625W4/ i »022« Spore. MALAY LAN.GUAQB; Standard I 11
      624 words
    • 787 13 FURNITURE j upon, i mm r— 9m etc. «*fr» CAME FURNITURE Manutacturad (knockdown for export) Visit Mings IS« Batu Road. K.L. Tel. S22VO/7 I FOR DISTINCTIVE CANE f'urni- ture. UM Adrian's <ZS River Valley I Road. Singapore 2A674. PETS FOR SALE <c Wards Mm > Hot SO els. t«»re 4
      787 words
    • 806 13 VEHICLES FOR SALE IS Word. <« I Kin I Box S9 rl, txtn 1 IMS V w. 1(100 Station Vlageo Just over 21. (too mil.-» in e*rellenr rondi- tlon. Best orT»r phone (S'DOee) mm. 1»M MERCEDES i«0 islrrondt.'onI *d> also IWI< Oi^l Rrknrri 14 doore). dltlon. 2» Granse Rosd. »:n3
      806 words
    • 813 13 AT YOUR SERVICE It <» Hrn I Hoi it rl. .iir. KWOKI PHOTOCOPY SIRVILI The Arcade lit Floor I«i HiSlu 8 [>ore OOCUMINT COPVINU PLAN PRINTING Mniiun nr.itn A .-on. Ltd. Rattrn Road. Stx>re Tfl. v:\>rj& tPIOIALIST IN REPtIRINi: IV, «l<ni Krirmirauin Atrcondinonrrs. Bl*nrii«i «nn niiniury etc Id* Eltvtronici l»i
      813 words
    • 683 13 TENDERS LEMBAGA PELABOHAN SWETTENHAM PEMBERITAHU TENDER Tawnran ada-lah dl-pelawa untok membekal spare parts bagi tah an 1968. Butlr2 ianjut boleh dl-dapatl darl p*jabat Pegawal Setor. I^mbaga Pelabohan Swettenham pada masa kerja. Tawaran hendak-lah dl-hantar dalam stmpul surat bermeten bertanda: •'Tender untok membekal spare parts 1968 dan dl-alamatkan kapada Ppiikurusl. Jama
      683 words
    • 54 13 NO CUSTOMS DUTY! NO FUSS' NO DELAY! NO INFLATED PRICES! DRIVE AWAY TODAY! CORTMA I DELUXE >^ S7OBO- I I GT ESTATE S'H5 SUPER *****It you would know th. ot money, try to b tome (Benjamin Frit you know the voluc c o camera, try to tal color picture. (Yaihica
      54 words

  • 855 14  - Fed-up Americans are voting 'No' to de Gaulle's exports J.J. HAGGERTY CARS AND FASHIONS. PERFUMES AND AIR FRANCE, ANYTHING EXCEPT FRENCH COOKING IN NEW YORK by New York AMERICANS are so fed up with President de (iaulle that many of them are striking hack the only way they know how.
    855 words
  • 596 14  -  ANTHONY HOWARD: by Washington 'pHL British Oov- ernment's cuts in overseas defence and domestic welfare have been .jumped on here by right-wing Republicans as a heaven sent campaign Issue for use in election year. While Administration officials have generally reacted with tight and still
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 813 15 KnMdHMßk^kjßJ^gS^Lj^p^^^^^^^^p^l V- U<E»»001 I WEST COAST U „11^5 b ls P. Slam Pw "»2| h n yiius SBSI mm «> S; 5 a pw.. FH 11 Fek 17 FH II 2> fek Jl BS ft F*k ?t Fek 27 71 'fk 77 fek *S Fek 71 2 g Fek 21
      813 words
    • 2468 15 IWp^Wf^y W^^^jj'^L^S-^^Jm^^Jm^^ T^i trS. fc **Ji Jf \3 r//£LH\j£//V£S M '"LLOTA.ITiu COMPANY U_ r.^po>«M«r Owe** EXPRESS SAILING TO 6ENO>/WO«TH COWTIHENT SCAMDIWAVIA P. S'^am Penang Sport 'Genoa F IMH CIbMJHJ I SARGOOHA ai In Part 71 lai 21 11 Sailel Mar 1 Mar II Mar 17 Mar It Mar 11 PASAIEN*
      2,468 words
      1,045 words

  • 906 16 rpHK Straits tin prur on X Saturday mornine I' !l 53.75 to 55.j»».K7 1. on an offprint; estimated at 81 tons, up flvr lons Support locally MM reported from l-.ii ■«•!>•- In London on FrMaj afternoon the three months forward afternoon buyers' prit-e had
    906 words
  • 82 16 tla mid' >h*«« ermncM ra IM ratal to trafcaata on Saturday (all -I. 1 <M) Umt.rt »tatti: B'lylnK TT 32 IS/1«. I airmail on 33 IMS. HO d 33 9/1* h Ua, U "-8 trad* bill*. Canada: BuylnK TT 39 13/lt. airmall Ol> 35 15/ IS. SO d/at.
    82 words
  • 38 16 ON tha fria MlKmit markM l« Hon» KonK on •artardav th* U Dollar w«» quoted at 6.061 for T.T, and A. 04 for taih. »tariin« wma quoted at 14.M an* on* taal »f l»m at 287*.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 981 16 XT*" KAWASAKI RISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia Singapore /Japan Service trrrr vokUirrti/Nafoyi (ukoMmi Aok* This Mar* Salt I fek I) li Frl 24 Fek 2} ftk 21 FH •Tkrra Tir»' ?S f(I 1 Mil JIM*, IS Mm II Mii Mai West Africa /Singapore/ Japan Service aneon Simapure fokonamt »uot "NUianl
      981 words
    • 953 16 P&O to Europe and the United Kingdom s.s. "CHITRAL" (14,000 tons fully oirconditioned) H Deporting SINGAPORE 2 FEB 1968 PORT SHAM 3 FEB 1968 n PENANG 4 FEB 1968 Arriving LONDON 8 MAR 1968 p via Colombo, Durban, Cape Town. Dakar. Gibraltar and L« Havr* LIMITED FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE
      953 words
    • 972 16 SHARE MART REVISED QUOTATIONS T*<K Ivltawini a romplrlr listx UkkM BJ 7t A of rni.vd quotation* for the nt 5^ wefk endfd Saturday Jan. 87. i K J 1 INDUSTRIALS Kr^\ I ""Z""Z 11/- !•> Me. Krrk. K X m P«f >1 S K«»1 (alPji rtFl< Xl i- i -r
      972 words
    • 371 16 MALAYAN STOCK INDICES Jan.;.'. Jan. 23. Jan. 24. Jan. 23. Jan. 26. Jan 77. IndustiMls: IMJO 11!6.83 127.25 127.87 127.R1 128 im Pro|«rties: 1413.) 141 4M 141.65 140.83 140.67 141.33 Mining: 78.16 78.48 78.48 78.90 78.9*) 78 8« rubbers: 102.60 102.60 102.6H 102.60 102.60 102.60 t Dec. 29, 1962 100.
      371 words

  • 2037 17 Buoyant week for equity counters "•■■■■■fcii^mß^JmLULmam^LM From Our Market Correspondent 0N the Slock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore List week the behaviour of industrials could be considered to have been buoyant in fronl of the long Chinese New Year market holidays. The Exchange will be open for halt a day
    2,037 words
  • 29 17 KIBBhR TIN iprrlli.i (prrpicul). Jan. 22. !K rts. 5558.25 23. 47 cU. 5556.75 24. is rto. $:,;.:.mi MV 47 eta. $558.25 2b. 47', ctk. J56U.K2", 27. 5556.87',
    29 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 134 17 tMBIX uprntiii; m Singapore and Mala\»ia a MMM) a BITUMEN DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANT IN I Mill; (UNsIMIK MXIIKII DII'MtIMINI IN Xl AI II MIlK i qualilji tor aaMcUan oaadMatee etamid I i :ii *■£< ol 1!5 ;*iiU -0 Li H- M WM ur iiir. haincai enijineeniiK arui.r v in ,-ersity
      134 words
    • 115 17 SHIPPING NOTICE S.S. "JADE VENTUREnotice is BOn OIVKN that U .JADF VENTURE will arrive on 29 1 19«8 fi i>m Mails— f All consignees are requested U) t.ike Immedi.ite delivery Ht West Anchorage on ve.v-eli Arrival i\iyi t shipi-im; trading (O LTD. .11 Bint Quay, -iimii-iin 1M: *****5-9. NOTICE While
      115 words
    • 558 17 PEMBERITAHU KERAJAAN NEGERI PERAK RANCHANOAN PERI MAHAN Ml RAH BATU GAJAH Permohonan2 Rda-lah dl-jemput daripada Ra'ayat Negerl/Worga Negara 'lalaysla yang menpunyai kel;i\:ikan2 sapertl dl-bawah untok tnambeU deruan bayaran ansoran RumahJ Muiith Kerajaan Negeri yang sekarang lnt sedang dl-bena rii-Batu Gajah Jeni.s rumah2 mui:ih im la-lah rumah batu-sanl-' rai yang mrmpunyal
      558 words
    • 1449 17 ■iSuHSißSKtflli^'l 3 I m M TOWN BOARDS ENACTMENT i F.M.S. CAP. 137) IPOH MUNICIPAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN hat It ls proposed to permit the •rection of a three to lour storey loiel and a shopping centre on ots 3125s 3129s Chung Thye Phin Road. Ipoh which lot* are
      1,449 words
    • 344 17 MALAYSIA-SINGAPORE AIRLINES LTD. ot> in arc mwtr.- 1 h Htl luitofe "•e following I (A) Flight Stewardesses (SINGAPORE) Quoliricotiom Senirr Combridge Schcol Certificot' i cnt. Agp ifUfpn 20 Ond 25 Attractive aooeorarvce, pleasant persona ond confidence t (II ond >peok flu<" O"H Main Ihf on adva' P<vfrct nfo th t
      344 words

    • 1819 18  - TRAINER TULLOH SENDS OUT 3 WINNERS Wicklow by a head EPSOM JEEP By gl-KIT ilm a h trainer Colin Tulloh sent out three winners on his home course yesterday. Hut the main sprint of the day wont to Ui»' Kuala Lumpur trained Wicklow, who led all the way to equal
      1,819 words
    • 53 18 ■OCKEY .1. t'o\ (foreground) falls from hii mount. Campaign. Into the path of Flying Leaf, wlkose Jockey, M Bolton, is shown falling face forward during tlv RotUngdean Maiden Steeplechase at Plumpton. Thr race was: won by Alterc.t titm. with R Champion up, from Fairy Music and
      53 words
    • 207 18  - TENNIS Billy Yap named 'Player of the Year TONY FRANCIS Bj THK l/l A of Malajraaa rca lrril.iv named Billy \jil) ot ICaMSat a* their Tennis Pl.ixer of thr Year. l!Mi7. The Woman renni PUyat of :he Viar award «'ni to 14--vrar-old schoolgirl Radhika m .11 „i Hembau. Negr. Bernblail
      207 words
    • 212 18 FAM CUP Shock goals k.o. Malacca I'WO shock goal£ by Singapore In the drat 10 minutes eliminated Malacca tram this year i I'AM Cup soccer competition. The young Singapore side won this quarter-final 2-1 at Kubu Stadium. Malacca, yesterday. [1 was B lucky Win After these >etback> Malacca pounded the
      212 words
    • 74 18 rlfc I- \M Cup •pi J I halt" .ill m 1 oiiii nail yin 11 Perils ,11.-, a I'hey reii a >\>.. 1 ..|i|)i iflcials. .ii ol Xi i. ii. 111 K'llh a :<*tioi: ti n 1- AM loUl I■■ .lit nt 1, .11:111 I o (cored
      74 words
    • 34 18 I.AHOKK BUI W< lin my bea C m :t-2 In the t urn iment 1 11 1-1 P 1 Ili'iOloIl" v. in n -n ;>' ived .1 scoreleaf K inothei in,' h
      34 words
    • 108 18 CELANQOfI played cool nn» ■J hurried game to beat Blnga- Int s< rvtoea 3»i al the Mi hi. r,. 1 Stadium list niMit lo qualify to mcci Bingapore in n -1111 lls ol the FAM Cup 'i ted oil business !ikr !o dictate trims but Belay me
      108 words
    • 378 18 Chadwick gets a severe reprimand r rnF adjourned inquiry into the son for Dukedom II (Chadwick) b p i n disappointed for a run after entering the straight in Race a on Saturday concluded yesterday. I' wai round that the winner, 5.,,t Dale prentn-p Ham) after bcitiE wide nut making
      378 words
    • 47 18 TOTAL POOL »!V9xii Ist. No. IMSII IflMlll ■.*nd. No. mm is; -,ii,i :;iri IMXM 1t1.7711 SUrtrrs (J^il each): No*. ttsaii immi issi»i mm 1 l I7SM II >i < aaaaJatieAta ,imi i M V"v 17M41 rp-»K:i IS44M I7SSM I MUM 111"! *****1 :0n.,48 *****1 *****0.
      47 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 326 18 I NOTICE OF AUCTION SALE antad fmirt vide Oi So IL'« of 1967 ihe under ißiied will put. ion on v no|>ei- 1 1 A Barai Putui I 4 I iMii of Alor Stai Pt \lrl»Mi A!. <2' All that pir«e of BUM Town .11 thr pie'4l A and 141
      326 words
    • 621 18 PENANG PORT COMMISSION »tKK» SIRVIIC NOT HE Knm '.'tid Januaiv 1968 unlil aaaaa tune In June rep.urs to the (Miter beitliuit dolphin in Butter- ir »oik 1 will be (Allied .mi in five mam (II laataßattoa <>.' temiiorarj twin beithinß dolphin. (2) Demolition of outer BMtßßaf dolphin. .3 1 Installation
      621 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 182 18 V*a*MMaMßa^aa^|JßJß^j i.OI 1 M. M.,|.n.jin An«•em championship ilim.u 745 a BLJ Tl WIS liii!i.-( rNlon'M rhampion hipi 1 Prince- Rd Xl 1 pin nwis (ii 11 6-4. f.-i. Mh rogarataaaj UldO-C inriii .■•id MF N. I) 1 A. T. Iki 1 H-' Siiißlei Ist id Niii-ui and N I
      182 words

    • 190 19 Irish lose after injuries hit key men RUGBY UNION O N DO N Sun. J France bt-at Ireland 16-6 in their Rugby Union international championship match in Paris yesthe Irish had been seriously handicapped by injuries to two key playprs Ireland urrr leading «-5 Ln the first half with two
      190 words
    • 846 19 DUNFERMLINE KNOCK CELTIC OUT OF CUP The $180,000 motor-cycle \>l.V» I ill 111,11 ill .lour uorld-hcatini; hope. huilt jointly in Britain and West Germany, 1 iiiiiplrtril a hiKhly pniitiiviii- «.erie«. of circuits trials oxer the Brands Hatch circuit It is thr Mt »c "KithMetisse
      Reuter  -  846 words
    • 154 19 CRICKET Hobbs wreaks 7-97 havoc 'NTEGOBAY (Jamaica). Sun. Robin Hobb.s devastating demonstration of the ari v Jamaica Colts were disml 216 on the first day of thoir two-day match thi MCC .hem jresterday. At the close. MCC had scored 2:i without loss pk nty of lift ron Jarrett worked rnplete
      154 words
    • 56 19 Pj-k 1 m Bun A rich- 1 4. 1 good :hr firs- :r shpftVld rlcl n here ves!rrday de a useful Mar? iv reaching 1118 lor ll n m I4fi I rrj. in Becker r^rli^r WM thp bi I < srnerally 242-8 1 Becker r.-l.
      56 words
    • 17 19 ONDOM Sun Bn-.ii Clo.-<--captain ol the MCC team Indiain ol Yorkshire, the English •mpions —Rpiitrr.
      17 words
    • 186 19 Banned drugs list for IOC TAL'SANNE. Sun. A comprehenslve uln f ilrugg banned for uae bf hipTr- was proDl nipr'. ing of th" International Olvmplc Committee and the General A>>embh o( Sports Federations lien yp.vtrrday. The lis' which Includes imrhitammes siimtilant. 1 narco-anti-depreaMnti »nd strong traniiuillisers. wa* drawn '>•• thr
      Reuter  -  186 words
    • 12 19 B.irry i ri PlunI :i lbl- Reut*r
      Reuter  -  12 words
    • 508 19  -  BOB ARNOLD 13 LIELPED by Eloo,ooo signing Alan Birtchenall, Chelsea have been improving their position in the First Division table. The side are still .1 bit short on cohesion, and this could cost them a home puint against Nottingham Forest The toughest battle of the da', promises to be
      508 words
    • 318 19 K. I I 1 Third Kuuiid Latoo Villa .t Mlilwali Jarrow 1 Ln. 1 Ilackpool 2 CIItMcM.rUI 1 limn ii'Miniitli II punl U ■rMal 11 bn>tui k. 11 ■wait) I tti H:.m 3 I teawtch 11 1 atahaatef 1 Wr-i Hmm 1 _u\entr\ Cbarltofl 0 JoncaMer I
      318 words
    • 102 19 HO NOKO N Ci Sun. A lortner Hong Kmid sporis official now living in Australia has threatened to n«me colony sr,.\-er playrr.s rl<im:ng amateur status who lnve played for pay. the China Mull said ThP paper smd it had received letter from Ltsllc Churning.
      102 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 251 19 YOUR FAVOURITES MISS NORMA SANGER POPULAR STAR OF RADIO TV INDONESIA f^S? Ssi c c R \m Co Co Paloml My Love Hi-Fi STEREO i s Available At All Record Dealers >^m GOLDEN CITY RECORDS CO. 31, BEACH ROAD. SINGAPORE. TEL: *****5 Distributors for Malaysia:YONG YEE MERCHANTS 72, BATU ROAD,
      251 words

  • 101 20 ,»OMBAV. Sun A si\Ij day cooduill rWI Botnh;i\ by three Ko\.il M;il.ivsian Navy ships. H.itiK lu.ih ilu uid Mah.nniri heuan vis lirday. Their Kancctlvc cmin.indiiu oflii<rs. Command)'!' Chcaa Leastg N imiii I i ut CinniiKindcr 11. l> .loncs ,md I.i'-ut Conini.indci' Chooni:
    101 words
  • 230 20 KUALA l.lMPli;, Sun. Despite additional coachi-v. North and South mail trains last nicht m ii- packed with people going home lor the Chinese New Year. Long queues lined outside the railway station here for tickets. Insid;' the station itself, hundreds of people «.i i •(I
    230 words
  • 379 20 New Sabah intellectual' party for the Chinese may link with SCA f KUCHING. Sunday tihe group of young Chinese Intellectuals who have made an entry Into the political scene in Sarawak have "strong links" with a large segment of the Chinese-educated population through school teachers in the state. Disclosing this
    379 words
  • 37 20 'ADOPTION SCHEME' FOR HOME SWOAPORS, Su" pli .in ■i.ciop: i Hit H. 'I he aebamt wia 'x :hp Mime present one chlldthe iKimt-. Mr- K. M. M tixliiy L'r.der t lie prtaenl ight td c.icli clulil '|)ted
    37 words
  • 268 20 Royal Navy takes 15 Rodrigues prisoners to Port Louis FORT LOUIS (Ma,; ritiu.s). Sun. The British Beet auxiliary tanker Tidereacl) arrived here rday with 15 me n detained bj naval landing patties after a mob stormed a jail on the Mauritius Dependency of Rodrigues, :i5() miles northwest of It. ie.
    268 words
  • 194 20 TWO LEADING POP GROUPS PUT OFF AIRLINER MELBOURNE, S in Of B .g p«.,j jroui The EmaU off an airliner bouriu tod them stay aba The 1!» in. nib' I groups were on I lroni Adekudi I alont/ with sii Jones, whi I mbourm- and l adieu v p to
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
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      91 words
    • 342 20 I Late CLASSIFIEDS i 20 'xords SIS (::'.r:::, lum) to kuhup am > twin i.aui.htlk io tada and TO VIJAVA LAKSMMI .-on on I i(M, eaei I v. cinup*i (Mraval daacktar Rajcm Oencrmi 1' Thanks to Iff QUALIFY FOR ENTRY TO fS fi MALAYSIA CERTIFICATE/1 i SCHOOL CERTIFICATE g g
      342 words