The Straits Times, 24 January 1968

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 33 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150.000 The Straits Times Ik Niitiniiiil Estd. 1845 WEDNESDAY. JAM WRY 21. 1%8 II CENTS or IK CENTS (Ntw cufitntyl illm rurxmi SON. 3104 Ml. (I 1 0011
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  • 250 1 JAKARTA. Tuesday MORE THAN Indonesian \outlis shouting We are hungry' 1 surged p;isl armed troops lo surround the ofliics of acting President (icneral Suharto. The \oiillis. many dressed :ill in while, which has become Ilic demonstrators 1 uniform, carried slogans attacking high prices
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  • 52 1 JAKARTA lues— West (terinan.N has tillered Indonesia L'Ss22.."i million aid for I 'HIS. a West ( hml>.iss> spokesman s.nd tnd.i\ In 111 l HAGUE, the Nit her lands (io\ eminent announced an IX million guilders < I SS."> million) i f l to Indonesia for the import
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  • 690 1 'Guaranteed neutral S-E Asia, treaties and co-existence KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday THE former Minister of Home Affairs, Tun (Dr.) Ismail, today put forward a threepoint proposal for peace in South-east Asia. Speaking in Hie Budget debate in the l)e\\;m Ra'ayat, he added thai he had nol
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  • 487 1 It's my i^^^H i^i^ifl peace. i^^^fl he tells Mr. MOSCOW. Tuesday BRITISH Prime Minister Harold Wilson (ailed on the Soviet ommunist Part] chief Mr. Leonid Brezhnev, today and told the Kremlin leader the famous Wilson pipe was "a pipe of peace." Mr Brezhnev received Mr.
    Reuter  -  487 words
  • 340 1 BANDRUPT JUNIOR MINISTER MUST PAY OFF DEBT TO KEEP HIS JOB L'LAI.A LUMPUR. Tucs. The Assistant Minister of National and Rural Development. Inche Sulaiman bin Buion. who was made a bankrupi recently, will have to discharge his debt to keep his Job and his scat in the Dewan Raayat. Tengku
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  • 38 1 NEW YORK. Tups Mi Will 1 .niii. .Vi. chief "f Life Maearlnp's dORMtk and loincn newv bureaux [or Mie pa 1 lout inn, di«i o( a heart aitmk ve.Mndav whilr NkHm at St Anton Austria Reiner
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  • 33 1 HONG KONO lur- A ta\ mi uravn. al l!ir ralr at ;"lv>iit DMIO I**' ">iit rveiv fur \rar-. «a- rtrcntljr intrnHurefj in China* K^nne'une PrnMnrc it m-i* report*d today fpi
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  • 25 1 !'A." ADI NA i)I HIP luiiai ing in.. l m mill iii tin lorj A spokesmi Sinn 1 lion lit I M'
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  • 370 1 WASHINGTON 1 i.-s. A U.S. Navj intelligence ship captured by North Korean patrol boats in the Sea ol Japan las' night ami believed taken to a North Korean port, Del Department official! said today. They had no km ol the present location "f the
    Reuter  -  370 words
  • 23 1 I" lil 0 IMRMU n rOKTO i 1 1nMir iir.l Into Ni rtli K Ml aho.jnl t.iki n prisonen IF So
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 89 1 PRACTICAL GIFT for a New Home llrcfr.c or Mattery ,pr,or.4 (HOOSF A FANCY WALL CLOCI m pi iv of 1 (£*N) I ONE ATTRACTIVE 1 GOLD RIMMED GLASS 1 FREE! WITH EVERY CASE OF •Vtrtr*^ OR WTTWffTm re d lion '«mtt»i STILL ORANGE SARSAPARILLA a5SS^* get your free "^!J£f* GLASSES
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 156 2 =l >&. AA\v m^ c r M mVm^ (MR 3V3 j1 jO iSS ''5= s^ i^^ i^^^^§ itoiMfilt «!r^^^ I HR y II m 2> J^P"irto^F«PL* u *~^^w I IBM J A vSW fIE i BJK/* 1 1 J" t/ v od YEAR DF PROSPERITY^ The Rado Watch people wish
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  • 152 3 GIANT B-52 WITH HYDROGEN BOMBS GOES DOWN GREENLAND WASHINGTON, Tuesday. J^ GIANT U.S. An Force B-52 bomber with hydrogen bombs aboard has crashed into ice in Greenland. The Defence Department said there was no risk ot a nuclear explosion because the bombs were de-fused. The Pentagon .said
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  • 302 3 The eraili wa.- ■ninmr ca 1<J huur» utter the B-52. od flight iiom the U.S. Str.i'egic Air Command Base at Plausburgh, New York, plunged Into freezing North Star Bay. about seven miles fr.)in US. base at Thule. Greenland. The co-pilot wa.s killed In
    Reuter; UPI  -  302 words
  • 295 3 On the lawn MANILA, Tucs. An ira t c customer iired a pistol inside the Manila Hotel last night, setting off a Mampede inside the hotels coffee shop and upsetting a nearby banquet attended by President and Mrs. Marcos. No one v
    UPI  -  295 words
  • 69 3 CMIKISU IHH( H (New Zealand i. Tim-.— The tourist ship Magga Dan ».is I reed from the ice •XT MtMurdo Sound, in Antarctica, at noon today. Tile -hip wav pulled clear of an icy shoal at f r ti "l'T to Winter (Juarlcr Bay by the
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 297 3 24-hour alert: The B-52 was on double duty... 1 11 1 Blf which crashed near Thule, Greenland, was one of the bombers in the U.S. Strategic Air Com mand's Airborne Alert Force. The nuclear deterrent command headquarters in Omaha. Nebraska, normally keeps up to a half dozen B-52s armed with
    Reuter  -  297 words
  • 224 3 OANGALORE (Soulh 13 India), Tues. Police opened flre in I the air to break up a three-hour hit and run battle on the Bangalore University campus yesterday in which stone-throwing anti-Hindi students injured more than 100 police. They Invaded the campus
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  • 134 3 Driver in court over death in rally It: MANS. Tuev Brit •2>h irirei >i l.olm ,m« was i ...r.'.-il unii' r hc.e cvlcr .ay follou iik a (oli-ion betttcin his lord Lstos Cortina and a private car in the Monte Carl* Kill, un Saturday Bight. New left I.c Mans
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  • 23 3 RAWAI PINDI, TOM l'nkisiHn ;>nr! Turkey have acrord in collsborate vi producing lonta in Pakistan it Nl oiliciiiilv annuuncctl veitrrday Ri
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  • 248 3 'White slaver' if Britain accepts Sheiks' offer LONDON, Tuesday |JKITAIN would be a 'white slaver for Arab Sheiks' if it accepted a reported offer by oil Sheiks In the Persian Gulf to pay the cost to keeping British troops there, Defence Minister Denis H^aley said last night. On a BBC
    Reuter  -  248 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 216 3 How do you plan for the future V ■mm a minion D«r Ctmrglc t C helpful In <»'lind up k'.d In' Evil b«nr«.lt ron 9 «r»m Wm*m% patilivo attitudft through buiMln«* tprokmg obilily. human rvlattAnt •k.llt and Iradtnh.p qw01.1... ftiff »<r prrmtntt p"""'i ntf- «-»n. m:r.l". *n 9t
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    • 8 3 l-"irlfn nr«s drsk icontd.) and Gambol*— Pne IS
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    • 275 3 Unique OIL PALM PLAN No« licre are the ■■ntiniv new terms ut the Thlra Phase of tiie MCIS 0.1 p.ilm Plan trom M Co-operative Insurance Bocletv limited rout progressive insurance organisation with olans to really care for vcur future The new and unique Offer i- the MCIS Oil Palm Investment
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  • 367 4 SINGAPORE, Tuesday. glMiAPOKE is all set for a bifi boom in the tourist shipping trade, when some 10 large luxury passenger liners bringing more than (J.000 wealthy tourists arrive here in the next two months. The luxury liners, several of them on world cruises, will
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  • 192 4 TODAY I Educational TV Un schooli on Channel 8 is ai loliovks 1M am -8 10 am. General j science. Sec. 2. Chemicals, ironi the Hocks Ljnie.stono 8 3(i--8 50. GeogVaphy <Ch i Sec 1: Latitude and Longitude; 9 05- y Jo. Mathematics. Sec. 1: Ratio.
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  • 31 4 .SINGAPORE. Tues The president of the Singapore Medical Association, Dr Arthur Lim. will be guest speaker at the Rotary Club of Singapore luncheon meeting at the Cathay Hotel tomorrou
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  • 70 4 OIMiAPOKF. Tufsi3 —The PWD uill ton>trurt a pedestrian overhead bridge at the ms Ilukit Timah Road at midnight on Saturday. During the operation, the section of Bukit 1 1 man Road between .lalan Juronc Knhil and Chun Tin Road will be rinsed for about an hour. The
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  • 108 4 Remember the three C's: Police to road-users SIM.APOKfc. lues— With a trim reminder that right people wore killed and 87 mainirri durinc last year's Chinrsr New Year season, the polio- in day urged road -users to remember the thrre CV They are Care. Cnurto\v. and Consideration while op the road.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 389 4 I LI»O OPENS TODAY 1 5 SKo- M, 1.45, 4, 630 ».15 THE MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD l-^Uf STORY OF A TOWN RUN w ■BY LUNATICS! J //h m Deßrccas <£ J jL, Crowning g^^tn -if J/*,)* I m Touch' Trt ~h/h-\ i i ir"^ r I PiERRL BRAbSLUR r»..
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    • 71 4 USA Aluminium Awningi Venetian Blindi Palmett ***** I^^m^L^LL SUNMASTER ft CO.. 49 Co»enaah «d. 2»S >lva» VaHay Ka •MM I I'I'I'IICIiITIIIIMIIHIIIIIItIM' •T.I- *****6 I'l^Hi'iiiH trnrr Today Only: 145, 4, 7 9 30 am Micrwle Morcon in MGM's TELL MI WHOM TO KILL (Eostmoncoler) Tomorrow (Same Time) "TWO POR THE ROAD"
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    • 138 4 Jpl IN bA I UnUAY rvi I L) f\ loH T I Wl#fcWll» OF OUR GRAND CHINESE NIW YEAH ATTRACTION I )L M^ THE ACTION IS SO F»ST. .IT'S A WONDER Wajk i TONY ROME STAYS ALIVE. .AND SINGLE! B"4 P^3 > R' c iar( onte I ~jfl dn^ up
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    • 258 4 SPECIAL ONE-DAY PREMiERETODAY! ODEON J CATHAY ORCHARD PALACE 11am, 1.10, 4.00, jl lam, 130 4 15. 1.00 4.00. 6 30) 100. 330 i3O 9 15pm !*45 t 930p m t 915 Dm i64sft 9 JO p.m (CASH BOOKINGS ONLY -NO PKEE UST] BRUTES* SAVAGES* HEROES* THEY'RE MERCENARIES... THEYRE PAID TO
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  • 165 5 COU NCIL POLLS: TENGKU TO HOLD ALL-PARTY MEETING ITUAI A LUMPUR, Tues. Ten«:k\i Abdul Raliman announced In the Dewan H:i ayat toda y he would convene an ailpaity meeting soon to discuss the future of local council elections in the country. Prime Minister .snd that the meeting w^uld be held
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  • 320 5 Razak: We are against tied credits KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. fHE Deputy Prime Minister. Tun Razak. stressed in the Dewan Ra'ayat this morning that eapital requirements of developing countries could not be met by world capital markets which only ""operate on commercial terms." "The recent trend towards higher interest rates and
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  • 46 5 Malaysia signs pact with Germany |>ONN, Tues. West Germany and Malaysia signed a technical co-operation agreement yesterday undrr which the Bonn Government will send teachers and teaching equipment to Malaysia. It was also agreed to allow Malaysian students and trainees to come here for >t udy.
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  • 74 5 Komun Ministry iiinounceinent sa:d at present the agreement would be United to trade schools and programme.* connected With the Malavv n Rshini industry Malaysia will bear the cost of the teaching personnel and the equipment they will need. Officials declined to give a money value to the agree,
    AP  -  74 words
  • 56 5 SINGAPORE TUM. MoM ••'ian 500 Rotarmn* and thpir families from seven countries in this reeion are expec>d to attend the annual canfprence of Rotary District 330. which will bo hpld m Singapore in Marcn at t'lP ConfPlPnce Hall. Thp conference will .i plenary sp.vsions. group dlacua■fcM
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  • 89 5 DBNANG. Tues— Thieves stole S\J.">o from an Ayer Itam Koad home yesterday while the victim was telephoning the police from a neighbour's home Madam P'ns (iaik I. an. I. was opening the front door on her return from a visit to a friend when she heard movement.*
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  • 369 5 CINUAPORE. Tue.v TIM fitrait.s Timo.v has rrcelved donations amountiiiK to $5,986 for the Ro>e Miiv.r Memorial Fund in aid of the Retarded Children- Association of Singapore. IhP lunrl st.ntrd by llie Hans Anderson Club to iJfrpftuatr ihe memory of snrial worker Mr>.
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  • 58 5 After 80 years PENANCi TMi For UK first Mmr in its 80-v.\i< history. the Chinese Catholic Chinch o( Seven Sorrows. in Mai X.'ad will hold ,i Chtneae N« ■i > nldnigbi ituum on .'mi. it. Ii there la g(M>d mponnc from 'ii Barfabkmera, we mil anniril mi vice," tin*
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  • 38 5 Xl ANTAN lues Mi K Sit nu awn rlpdpd piPMcihm <ii Urn Kuantan Jajrcen v ith Mr 1 Ci N i idu riCF-pn irtpiit. tncte I -Ink Vu nerrFtai7 A treaauw, Mr. l-ponc rticn k
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  • 123 5 On the hop: Helicopter mercy mission in Brunei |{Xl NU TOWN. lues. A llrunei Army helicopter unit mi a midnight mercy mission last nielii II "hopped" from cue interior village to another in search of little lima hinte DMaiaac. > six ><ar •>l«l Diisun fart, who wax Itleedine Ironi the
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  • 26 5 Ml I IKRWOHIH In.. ThievM broke into thp Fi^spr urn nv-i\<> factor; In .inUr. Mjror la.M night and *to|p plpc'ncal aoDllanrex val led a'
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  • 148 5 Flood waters recede in Sabah LOTA KINABALU. 1Y Tues. The flood waters in most pans of Sabah have receded leaving behind a M a of mud In R.m.'U. at Mn Mount Kinabalu. the roada are under at two feel ol mud lemvtm Urn town Isolated I be -lory is
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 1296 6 Filling the gap- a united nation vital, says Seem DAY TWO OF THE BUDGET DEBATE BY OUR PARLJAfHENTARY REPUHWB* KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday I HE Penang disturbances, the high percentage of LCE failures among the non-bumiputras and the accelerated British military withdrawal were referred to by Opposition leaders in the Dewan
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  • 80 6 XI A I LI Mn R. lurv lentku Ahtlul It.thiinn reiterated in the l»r».in Ka avat this mornine thai Malaria was prepared to adept IaUIM from :iih country provided there were no ".trine* attached or ulterior motixe behind the offer. Thr Prime
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 181 6 BEGIN YOUR CHINESE NEW YEAR SHOPPING AT EASTERN emporiullimiled (FULLY AIRCONDITIONED) the republic's newest emporium with the most ij||\ Mr comprehensive range of quality China and Singapore, >Sk made commodities at reasonable prices >^ [Ujji GROUND FLOC it HOCK 2nd FLOOR Vnf «lAt S I CRAFTS lr??l nSjm MINES I
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    • 136 6 Ifyouvyere speaking here tomorrow i 'ft I i iJin .i_.. s f t < 111* 1 .^y you'd wear Vvhen the General Assembly ot the United JB %C^*^ nl Nations meets in New York, the best watch BL /a m the world is there. Mm^t^ Its large, classic shape is
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  • 50 7 PENANG. rues. The Geor- Ihe PMIP is t.i petltli n Tun Raz.)k U) rr.ra.-e "all lnnncen: detainees. irre>necti\«s 01 rare' 1 held in since the di&rrunances here last No\ fm nor S;m;iHr rrprrsrnta'ions will be marie to *i.r G<nernnr of Penang and the InApec'or-General of Police.
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  • 94 7 IPOH. Tue.v— Police ti>day I announced a three-month M n of their $***** reward fur informatmn leadu.g to ihe w hereabout < of missing sillc millionaire Jim Thompson The $75 000 revk.irrt offered hv the mi>MntT ni,.n's cnn>panv in Bangkok 11.15 also bern extendrd Indefinitely. Mr Thompson
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  • 130 7 Disarming thugs Jambu-style PICTURES BY SOON HON SIN JAMBU (formerly known as Tex), the police dog. springs immediate ly he gets that "'Get Him" order. He goes after the "gunman although he has been fired at. Ai:d (tearing the "thug" he snarls and then grabs at the gun with his
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    • 57 7 "■""""»"'"»""»iniiimiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllimillllll!|l|||||l|||||imil||im FARBWERKE HOECHST AG F RAN KFU RT (M) GERMANY wj^^ .^HL.^^^^ JKL JKi MMI HOECHST SINGAPORE LTD. rJLrffl HOECHST MALAYSIA SDN.BHD. Ist floor. K. P.M. Bldg. C^Mr T* 468-6 C Jalan Ipoh Chung Siew Yin Bldg. 15, Palmer Road JM Kuala Lumpur 25. Light Street Singapore 2 B^> Tel.:
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  • 526 8 MOVE TO PROMOTE DEVELOPMENT At least 3 months notice to tenants <2 I X (i A P 0 B E, Tues. A Bill designed to encourage and promote development in the private sector will I>e introduced by the Minister for Law and National Development, Mr.
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  • 90 8 rE compensation for tenants from landlords, under the Recovery of Possession of Controlled Premises (Special Provisions) Bill 1968, would be as follows: FOR COMMERCIAL premises, not less than a total of eight years' rent; FOR RESIDENTIAL premises, not less than a total of six years' rent, and IN
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  • 185 8 SINGAPORE. Tuesday. A YOUNG motor accident victim, almost blinded in the left eye, today lost a two-day civil claim in the High Court for $85,000 general and special damans m his negligence suit against two merchant brothers. Chew Song Moh and Chew Song I
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  • 109 8 POLICE APPEAL ON FIRECRACKERS SINGAPOHt. Tue The Police today appealed to the public to in considerate when letting off firecrackers during the Chinese New Year season. The acting Police Secretary, Deputy Superintendent Lionel Chee. also reminded merrymaker that fireworks are prohibited in places like hospitals, the Botanic Gardens, the Padang.
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  • 112 8 SINGAPORE. Tups I The Ys Men's Club of Singapore (Beta Chapter) is to present the Thomson Road ( Hospital uith a heart monitor machine worth 55.000. The presentation ceremony w ill b* held at the rlubs lurii lu-iin meetiriK at the (•niidwiiod Hotel on Saturday
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  • 159 8 16,000 HOUSEHOLDS ON LIST gjnr Mtie n» mum mr* o« Mv t Cm l>iili| O«a •> Ha SINGAPORE ["he 40 Inter viewers I ivr traffic survi State and Cil Oflu-f will *<■: ually as from tomorn .strati ol In pal Earh (it them ha- .in
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  • 96 8 SINGAPORE. Tues. The Ngee Ann College has at last begun to Initiate moves to reorganise Itself along the lines of the con- troverslal Thong Saw Pak reports. The report, which sparked off student mgltatlon la 1966 after It was published, recommended, among other things, that
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 184 8 fromTITONI \aS/ Wishing you a Happy and a V^^S Prosperous New Year ih 077 "^^^sr» Space Star «07 7^ t&JI fe (Hjpfl^ i^ TITONII f One of Switzerlands Best I 9542 369 Now. \bu can fly Pan Am across the Pacific and all the way to New\brk. One ticket, one
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 92 8 IHrk Trmev By €ku9o»r GbmM f you Krow^P^^^^*^ Ik) (T WAS PERFECT COOUOM f well! its so nice to be ,-^.^S dt,^ IMV WIFE.yOH.VES.HI, MRS. [TOkTION. THERMS SO G* FREE AGAIN ANDSO GOOO LETS GO' J J&*& |7fe Vf^ CHINCH I LLAR. APIECE TOR US AT TWE IjOSEE YOU CHIN
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  • 1364 9  - A new deal for the forgotten man in South Vietnam's war JOHN RANDOLPH by SAIGON IF Hie Vietnam war has had a forgotten man, surely it has been the South Vietnamese soldier. With few exceptions, he has been remembered only to be reviled as a good chicken thief but a
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  • 568 9  -  Richard Halloran by IT may br a cliche but it's still true that the more things change In Japan, the more they remain the same. Take marriage, for instance. Since the end of the war and the emancipation of women, free choice in marriage
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 250 9 IMlilll! it again! The R |1O I I nLr_r Fantastic Fiat 125 lul ||n I f^^l for 1968, a masterpiece -^W H Sm of good proportions and ljs bw^^^4^K| engineering skill. The Fiat 125 is J all new from the ground up with a host of extra safety features. The
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  • 44 10 m aw* at rwMHMBj i oh new tii. Tt. puwd I kufn> oo t3.l I son J dauxtit^rs. 1 1 MfM in-U» 1.1 '~%j>4rtiiHi-*wt and I cm/id 4auitM*r m M 'ur 1J..1, gum of «i t. n: mi :< •< 1 <r~ u. Hi<iBd+n Cn'iw)
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  • 20 10 W Wm**, MS rmtmtmmm) in ever Lovma Mrnorr u>* <\<n L»B« »C1C whr) fcund. po J« 1 WT.
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  • 93 10 M tIS rm li .m) JACOUIS FU«I OP CANADA MM .•■vwr M HoMHni latt N»HO«»nt rune wool i^p>u M«*. T*»»- i-.r. MU. T«l Itac Ra* ELJIC MART LTO, lad now IS ■....I raw*, hmthi)' Onset? KXmcx Pmi no vou kmow tk.i mi> .y, w mMy <ii —i»i Mmmnu-. Vo4te
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  • 625 10 The Straits Times Wednesday, January 24, 1968 Reviewing The Plan I Parliament will want to hear more about the difficulties the Government continually experiences in getting suitable sitOS for some of its productive projects, including land for settlement. Programmes for housing, jndustnal estates, electricity and civil aviation on the other
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  • 406 10 Anxiety over the British military withdrawal from the Persian Gulf has been vividly expressed in the offer, by the oil she.khs. to pay for the cost of maintaining British troops in the area. It |g unlikely to induce- stcond thought* in Mr. Wilson but it will help to
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  • 182 10 At In. it- pei ,Ptit the West ■<n and Singapore post office laving! banks' interest rate, from n.xt May 1. should Htlr.n.1 even livelier interest in Raving. The two and a half cent .aid three par cent ratat of recent yean have not ■warly the mmm ring, yet
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  • 1434 10 The washing of hands. Defence cuts that were political, not economic; a withdrawal that is a retirement from responsibility From The ECONOMIST London MR. WILSON and Mr. Jenkins nave taken their decision about the future extent of Britain's interest in the world. It is a decision to retire, except in
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    • 205 10 •J>.\PENT- 'ST. Jan. who concurs wi'h the Asst Minister of Education's allegation that the NUT's work-to-rui. the cause of poor LCE results, should think a«ain. What could be more ridiculous than the charge that :he boycott of extra-mural activities has affected the academic mterest.s
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    • 73 10 THK Tart-tinie 1 «S.T. Jan. 13' aeaka rlanfication from this Ministrj on his liability to reKister for National Service The answer Those who become liable to reimter for National Service include part-time' students. Persons iike 'Part-time' if in doubt of their liability to register, are advised to consult
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  • 441 10 LESSON 146 in a new series by YUNUS MARIS OLOSSARY; I'KRSKfahamAN n i uiuK-r-Mandms. goo<l«il): Dl-jrUjahl i\, to be ;ia\ersed. RKRcanriinglAN) i\> 'n be |M| r>\, tUKtanriinf A\| bahu 11 Id r-.pi to work logMlMV Here are a few more lines from BH .Ian. 10, (or
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 368 10 uM for Straits Times Malay Mail be handed to: rciD itoßA^r suPiR-MAKKtr ÜbmJ COLO STORAGE BRANCNCS CITT BOOK iTORI LTD., Oaky* Cuay. TMI KIWS l»0NT I rtajfca*. MM. ISM ML, J *xi. Noval Bm*. HAMUM STORE. Junpl aoocfj M vmY t CO, ,>s.r Vlefnr. S.S. MUBARUK MOV ITO, Rangoon
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    • 86 10 Tht New f:.':: r ,iUU IKSIRUMINta Electronic Reverberation Echo Chamber I"ia^B^B1^^B^B^B»^BB»B 1 K*V l^^**"l a w~ £*.X if «UCl»oni( EONOOaWSM n Tha new'/ icsig.od Fanner »..«rk»relion 4 CcHa Ckamker '>g a transit otuad circuit and "»aa« typt a"«*ay". The echo it. f rOm 7ero to 400 milli \r n,K w.tM
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  • 129 11 $66,000 raid by 30 armed men DEN A NO, Tues. About 30 armed men held up three watch the William Jack., godown In Weld Quay earl] terday morning and took about irjG.hOU worth ol television sets, radio transistors and tape recorders. Onf .man. Haji Sidek b.n Rahman. 64. tnld police
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  • 35 11 SINGAPORE lies— A German. Peter Gavdp .<i H v charged in eour n-tth of a 3.' bullets anri foirvcle chain at Jalan B Ball "0 in one rarety was offered
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  • 310 11  - 'Grass hopper' bride gets a divorce T.F. HWANG PARTED BY 'NOTICE 9 FOR MUTUAL 'EVERLASTING HAPPINESS 9 By SINGAPORE, Tuesday. .^N elaborately-designed Chinese wedding certificate written in rich traditional style evoked comments today from a High Court judge, who accepted it as an exhibit in a divorce hearing. Mr. Justice
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  • 63 11 gLN'GAFOU, lu<> More than 300 >oune Japanese youths are dv.' to .urive hrre next month on board .1 I inanese "youth shio" to promote cooduill and friendship .mum; the youne DP"Ole of SincaDore. They will sail in from Ranekok by the Sakura Mam on I eb. 4
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  • 98 11 SINt.U'OKI Festival Vl "llftl Queen." Miss Mohana Dcvi, 20. (centre) (l.tnkeri In Miss Rosir Lee. also 20. (left). WBM <\«me in serond and Miss Puspha Meluani. third. The winner w.i* crowned hv South Indian iilm stir Miss M.tlh.iM Krishna at ttie end of
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  • 131 11 TV quake film starts new tremor IJUALA LUMPUR. Tues. No disreaDed *.i, Intended, but numerous television fttwtn last 11 lilt felt sli(Jc\:Pd when a national earttquakf disa>ter In Sicily was accompanied by lhe majestic chords of "God Save The Quern. The t;me was alter 9.^0 p.m. ana the Dronramme entitled
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  • 141 11 Constable and VIP wife: A query in House |(UALA LUMPUR, 1Y Tues. —An Incident involving a police constable and the wife of a secretary m one of the Ministries was reported to the Dewan Raayat today. Mi I) R s r.,.\ <PPP-Ipohi .-a:d the wo man had commltU traffic offence
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  • 60 11 MALACCA Turs. The sale* manager oi the Malacca branch i Borneo Motor*, T*n YhIi K;m. 36. plr.idPd not euiltv in the a charge of usn.? criminal force Bpp. 31 wito in:ftv Hp is alleged to have c tod thr offence on tiir company prpmifrs In Prrmlci
    60 words
  • 54 11 SINGAPORE I man Japanese goodwill 1 from Uir O^ak.t Ymca movement will arrive here on Monday In the course of its South-East Asian tour. They compn'-c business and profeaatonal nn n at wall ernment officials, all of whom are members of the Osaka and Osaka-Tosabort V's
    54 words
  • 31 11 SINGAPORE. Tues. I broke Into) G.immetefs Ltd.. '.he ».i--h itoxe in Cnllver Quay, the "vic-rnd ,tnd B°t away with watene* worth $6000 and I $800 In ca.s).
    31 words
  • 258 11 KUALA LUMPUR. rhe Minister I Finance. Tun Tan Slew Sin told the Dew;m Ra'a* hat in the matter o] Ma] bettrr off" than v In additiun S.i'i i 1 Sarawak wen receiving far more development funds prr onpita 'Jim the Sta'cs m
    258 words
  • 19 11 TET VK A\.-> »N Tues. Ah Ho>l her? \> *tolp $280 in n >ias mtl r:s<rftMi worth $30
    19 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 98 11 HBBBr ELECTRIC 4 has no mainspring The driving force is this tiny energy cell >^/ (actual size) It gives steady electric power and steady electric accuracy; costs $2.50 and provides full energy for more than one year (guaranteed). 18K gold plated $95.-Same with calendar $105- TIMEX ELECTRIC is totally shockproof
      98 words
    • 149 11 feds** fr^SB^WP ?3BB^jfc RIGS YOU LIKE THE LOOK OF "^•^NfIHC BTo add an exciting splash of colour, bola and bright. *<n|^, Intensifying the Impact of modern decor or to quietly 9 i enhance the luxurious air of your home a constant "*k»i pleasure to behold. -wl^^^^^ p pile virgin wool.
      149 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 798 11 TV MALAYSIA li.mnrl K u.iLi I umpur jnd fi -jj .\!r ./.irrl TOO N««S In renanit: K Ipoh md Malarra; EngnMi. 710 Comment. m "35 "III" Samurai— The BloodI and 10 Johore Bahru 4 ti.:i>v Sword. 800 News in Taiping; 7 Batii Pahat; 9 Mandarin; 8.10 Ghazal Malay E 835
      798 words

  • 247 12 U.S. Group acquire pioneer company THE Corn Products 1 Company Far East announce that they have recently acquired Stamford Chemical Industries (Singapore) Ltd., a company which has been granted pioneer status in principle by the Singapore Government for the production of liquid glucose for local consumption and for export. The
    247 words
  • 462 12  -  CHAN BONG SOO By THK American war effort in Vietnam has made South Vietnam Singapore's top overteas customer with an annual purchasing powci now reaching million. Singapore's exports to South Vietnam started the steep climb only three years ago when America's military
    462 words
  • 358 12 INTERNATIONAL C«» m puttT.-, and TabttUtors Ltd. aniiDUiicr lour nrw additions to the 1900 Mill s of computers, suitable lur both commercial and .scientific applications— the 1901 A. the 1902 A. the 1903 A and the 1904 A. The acting Singapore area manager for I
    358 words
  • 298 12 Singapore executive hosts Advertising Congress- MR Max Lcwl>. c above i general manager and director of Fraser N'eave Ltd. has bren elected as chairman and host of the Sixth Asian Advertising Congress >cheduled to be held In Kuala Lumpur and Singapore this year. One of the founder members and the
    298 words
  • 165 12 IJOUR young Singapore men have been selected to beT come 4-year apprentices with Qantas in aircraft ground t n^inrerinß The apprenticeship scheme rovers the practical and theoretical training on engine*, airframes, electrics electronics and instruments, the alrfrnme section covering both hydrauUca Bad shettmetal technicalities The four
    165 words
  • 94 12 Vf R. Hor Vr* (mbovr) IBM run--IT* U.m«T rn»inrrr attarhrd to thr Kuala I umpur offirr, left for inn romputrr training in Svdnrv on January. 9. h, joinrd IBM in r" I and ha» hrrn M-rvirinx data prnrrssinn marhinrs In Kuala I. umpur and
    94 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 248 12 KM\,l[ JW First rate design, quality British miff !/l^ R °P es indispensable for use on IIP If! I JW n dredges, cranes, excavators, ■fli i'jifll tl0 stSi sn 'P s lifting slings, etc. vmvi'ir Jffl he r ght rope or every J ol: rea dy r Iff iifffUf or
      248 words
    • 177 12 /gh fr IN BETTER fi- mtmm\ wln v< Hnßs£ i tnjoy your New Year in your new luxurious home THE MOST POPULAR H GH CLASS RESIDENTIAL AREA HOLLAND GARDEN B'--6 mi. Hollond Rood, Singapore. M h land Grove Rd.) SHOW HOUSE READt FOR INSPECTION 2-STCREY, 4 BEDROOMS. SEMI. DETACHED Compler*
      177 words

  • 4 13 FOREIGN NEWS DESK (Contd)
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  • 230 13 Captured spy: We came to chop off Park's head... CEOUL. Tues. A North Korean arrested during a clash in which 11 people were shot dead said last night that he and 30 comrades came down to chop off the head of President Park. The man. who identified himsell v North
    Reuter  -  230 words
  • 52 13 MOSCOW. Tues Dr. L.«v Landau, a 1962 Nobel Prize nucv&icist whose wofe halted by a near-fatal car accident fix years ago. was awarded the ornrr at Lrnm today -for gien .-.ervlrr m th« Qevelcpinen 1 ol Bovtet ph •nd In Aith his 60th birthday.
    52 words
  • 111 13 yMll DOMIMiO. lues -dm Miyurl AageJ p.uiiirir Ike stroncman in chart:*' of stifling opposition to the former Trujillo dictatorship. WUM >hot i rul killed on Sund.iv nitht Bj unknown assailants Pauline, .it one time one of the people closest to si. tin former President Rafael Tm.jillo.
    111 words
  • 357 13 A town is cleared as big battle shapes up SAIGON. Tuesday. 'pHH population of the remote South Vietnamese town of Khe Sanh was being evacuated as U.S. forces prepared for a major battle with North Vietnamese units dug-in on nearby hills. It was not known whether the entire population of
    357 words
  • 120 13 Gift ticket wins $300,000 for Sisters of Charity DATKKSON (New J«rnext. Turs Fifteen nuns at a Roman Catholic school here ha\e won UMItMM (fSMt--000) from a New York State lottery ticket bought for them by a parent. "I < <>ii ld ii t he happier if I won it myself."
    120 words
  • 50 13 WASHING TON K A Sunday (i. r and kbOUt nilfvuy Ix-tween Africa America, Thf US N hauake inannounced yasti •ude el 65 on thr i Hichier waif, eoesiderably strangef «h»n the rrrrn 1 BKUtaB quakrs Its tntaan vtp probably t .trr i the information ivntre aridpri Rpuvr.
    50 words
  • 84 13 GINA DROPS LIBEL SUIT j%| oN z a (Italy), ITI Twos. Italian Dim star Gina LolloI brigida yesterday dropped a libel against a local pin-up magazine which quoted her as saying she pr c ferred 'violent, brutal men like lorrydrivers."' Miss LoUobrtgida, who said she had beei. quoted, dropped the
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 258 13 JON DON. luev When is a «on>an not a woman. and hou iin jientlemen t«*ll? l.iam I l.i'ierti encountrrrfl th's odd problem on i^it la London front Dnlihn and he's still not sure ol the answer It all began when l.iam and i
    258 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 343 13 The New A" power computer systems from I.C.T. i% The I.C.T. 1900 A' series give direct access and real time operation for less cost than ever before I I Until now only large organizations have been able to are fully compatible with each other and with existing 'A 1 power
      343 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 50 13 TME <3AMBOL« U mSSfv l^^ A»sD you so witu u'M^ioDCesißi VZj_Z>'r^^-o6»* CB MiSSy AWD -WAKE WKVM-*-^" T/ iU*«^V---- \SUKE tuat ue sctcT_ \-r— r lll UAie cutj r L»*%- rtcasy* 3^^~~ /now Noue op rueS A^K^V^-r--^ I «LUOW« U/ILL fcCNOWj V THAT I rt4V WITU < <^r Vl_ a aiRLj
      50 words

  • 483 14  -  RODERICK PESTANA: By Singapore. Tuesday Light aircraft operators hit out at Singapore airport's new landing fees J^IGHT aircraft operators and private plane owners have protested that Singapore airports new landing and parking fee increases will cripple the expansion of light aircraft services in this area. They say the now
    483 words
  • 303 14 PA Y-OFF FUND BILL TO BE AMENDED Singapore:. Tues .^.MIJ.XDMENTS to the Redundancy 1 merits Fund Bill will be proposed by the Labour Minister, Mr. Jek Veun Thong, at tomorrow's meeting of Parliament to meet some of the suggestions made recently by the National Trades Union Congress. The B:il ka
    303 words
  • 43 14 SINGAPORE TIM LlfUtGrn. Sir Thomas Pearson, coavm..ndrr ol Britaln'l PsJT E.u-t I^nd PDrcM in BtagspoK, Is tv bprome military secretary to Quron Eli/rfbpth in January EM <!•:,! Hp succeed) Lieut -urn Richard Goodwin, wno will tie rrtniriK np\t January
    43 words
  • 130 14 Peace force for Singapore? Britain says 'no' ONDON, lues Ihr «.<>v em me nl esln n--K-i |«-f I .1 it should raise with Sim.i P'mi- the possibility of the's militar.N .mil ■aval facilities heinu u-i'd fur international pe.n'f-keppiiiK Ihe (omnionwralth gecw tary. Mr (JeorßP I horn
    Reuter  -  130 words
  • 47 14 KIWI A 1 MPUH luo 1 RMAJ Squadron 1 bin aii aiui n h.n li.uo bepn splec-tPd to ;iitpn<: UTWm. ihrudtn 1 i3-nion;h course at the Indonesian Air Oomleae. in lpiiiI OOcei si- ill -:>in(i lour months OH I h<\: RAF Tcrnrti)!. Ens Und
    47 words
  • 32 14 I'ARIT BfNTAR TMB Application lorms for 50 Peralc Stale Oovernmpnt low-cost house.s beinc built at Kod;ii-, Road here are a\aiiablp no« at the District Office. Closing dflte la Feb 1
    32 words
  • 68 14 KANGAR. TUCS. A woman visitor trom s khla. South Thailand. was sentenced by the Sessions Court here vesterd.iy to a year's lail lor possessing a pi.-tol without a licence. Aminah b ntc Kodik 28 pleaded guilty. The court was told that Aniinah '.« arrested at tCamp<ni^
    68 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 363 14 "Fancy having to ask for Schweppes!" The gentle art of Schweppesmanship (how to be a good mixer) if; liberally practised in most countries. However in Singapore it is necessary J o ask for Schweppes. "For an authentic Gin Tonic, Brandy Dry, or v IllSlv j m^% you have jJSL i
      363 words
    • 210 14 2 ITS BARGAIN TIME 1 METRO LTD. I 72-74 HIGH STREET. SINGAPORE. jtt TEL: ***** UNTIL 29th. JANUARY 1968 Bargains Galore in every Department CENTS OEPT UP_ NOW S? Kl ShSmIM 3 pieces for SI 00 3g *> J Neckties it $1 50 Terylene and wool English §r! fagf; 100°-
      210 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
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  • 176 15 Low clouds blamed for RMAF Pioneer crash in Pahang L' UAL A LUMPUR. 1V hies An RMAF Twin Pioneer crashed m the Pahang Jungle on Oe-t 20 last .1 result of the pilot (lying Into a tree on a ndg^ hidden low cjoui The p; Biiang bin Ahmad. on. ai.d
    176 words
  • 258 15  -  SIA CHEONG YEW By E, Tues. Polite art- hard on the trail of a big syndicate of tar thieves believed to be responsible for at least "9 thefts recently. Their first success a man described as "a small fry" was arrested In Pender
    258 words
  • 228 15  -  LIM BEING TEE J By SINGAPORE. Tuesday. pACTORY worker Madam Loh Teck Hong, 46. who has never missed a days work at Union Carbide Ltd. in the past seven years, today attributed this to her "'happy frame ot mind."' Madam Lob
    228 words
  • 260 15 Professor Lim scores a shock victory c— Al A ML A. Tues. all Singapore's Professoi Lini Kok Ann caused quite a stir in the Meraleo national open chess tournament here when he defeated Australian international master Bela Berger in 2(1 moves of a King s Indian game. Profr-ssor I:m now
    260 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 162 15 i^BJBy S^^k j a jet BBm l^ 4 3hß^Bt JB* v L Mi w^4 jB^B^BT 1 flW| I 9W m si bW v 99 't k /s% »r!!^v^^% \l*^" 'sV"V' ■kM^^^^^^^Bk Va^^^^^^^^^aA JB tW^Mfl BsMßißßi^Bßißfcß^Bßa^^a^M^^Btt SmIOB Our Hong Kong flights are for the birds... the early birds Want to steal
      162 words
    • 149 15 A QUALITY PAINT THAT COMES TO SERVE YOU AGAIN NOW Colorceni (II) Scir.. Bhc; sidiary of FEDERAL PAINTS ORGAN SATIOX wltb all its up-to-dato tpchnnlogy and skill will serve yon b thr f:eld of pal PfiOM raw material to finished product COLORCEM PAINTS ofTrr you such fino choice from an
      149 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 281 15 PISTOL SEIZED ALOR STAR. Tues. Jitra police seized a Thai home-made pistol in ft raid on a hou>o at Kampong Tok Alam early today. Two men were detained. Straits Times Crossword HI iV ***** MB HI BBT~~B3 ■B HI wM~ asV in Mil -T^^^Ti \< R(l>> i L t. Ration
      281 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 432 16 B > TV¥9!fr^j^HrTvivrjTM777SH ntiniird Imm Pace 10) ACKNOWLEDGMEM tt It-circS Hi 'Minimum) MRS M. SAMUEL and ihlldren. Ipoh, tnank relatives, friends tcr their wreaths, trlegrams. donation and attendances at the funeral during Oieir receat Bcraavemeat. OVERSEAS LEAVE Ii ayard* >f (Min.t—Bax it rlt. txlrm FULLY FURNISHED CENTRALLY •rated house required
      432 words
    • 941 16 SITUATIONS VACANT 11 Waw4i 'Mm (—He* rf. -ate* FREIGHT CLIRK REQUIRED r.y Kuropran Shipping Agency Company. must posse>- Senior Cam'Vrtihcste «iUi credit a Mathematics and able to t>pe «fflctrntly Should have initiative and drive. Previous experience an advantage. Apply Box AMM B.T. B'pore. 'ARE YBU A 00 OETTIHr Rapidly Kxiwndint;
      941 words
    • 949 16 ACCOMMODATION WANTED SJ W...1. v* (Mix >— aVx >• rl» aBBJB AMERICAN EXECUTIVE requires ■ii nedrtmm oungaiow. Completely detached wiu> garden. No estate. Preleratily ui.furnisned. Must be Mvailanie by 3lst March laiest. Pnaoipala i-nly need apply uarucuian to Boa A 5015 8.T.. S pore HOUSES AND LAND FOR SALE M
      949 words
    • 708 16 OIC-IH7 PITMAN MM. 1 "»>» rt nand result! announced in Li-*inn SHORTHAND HCINHfKt FEBRUARY commencing- S February 2 •ni.nth* intrniivf courses. -IS3 30 alternoons Alao evening clasps. SIV 15 5.15 p m. City School. 21s street Singapore Telephone *****/ MM •T. FRANCIS CIRLI tCHOOI M "T. FRANCII ROAD SINGAPORE 12.
      708 words
    • 905 16 AGENTS WANTED It H.rK. Win I Rut S" rtt. BM PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE COM ANY undrrwritini all classes of |MM Inaurame Invites Ageni y apilications with in the state of Johore. nterested parties please reply indicatm uperteace etc. To Box A 5070 IT.. 8 pore. IV RADIUiALLiit StßVltt 11 Wor4t IMm
      905 words
    • 1024 16 VEHICLES FOR SALE (j Wmm M iMtm -I— Mum it rlt ,xii--I**2 JUNE VAUXHALL VICTOR I'.-I.iur nnr o»n»r a. Klrnt tnr r» I niliiiK Tel: lB|«rn 3HHJ. IMI AUSTIN MEALEY SPRITE. Uoocl rundmon. Kirst ollrr Sl.*"' -Miirr«. c|in. k sale. Strven (Bpor»' I MBit rM-nm^n. IMS CITROEN Humr Uriivtrl>s Only
      1,024 words
    • 693 16 SHOPPING GUIDE (Spore) i Ware's *t Min.)— Box rlt »irr.. SHOW MIR YOUH U.• »«hioii^r«ie and Dtatlßctlvi I rom Tin Sinn Oold.-miths Ltd Hall South Rridit* Road IB [Hire). WHY EHVY MIR' 1 'ni*nt MM* mine oum Bridge Rcwii. atacasen CALL AT FLOURISH Hair WfM rod.: i. I. id.. Jolm
      693 words
    • 238 16 KENYATAAN TAWARAN JKR. DUNGUN, TRENGGANU Ta— IBH3 rjajipada t>*>tiiborr>ni;2 rana Dfrdanar dJ-JKR. KD.a f\ K dan 'D' di-bawah kepnla II Mthaja akan di-lenma diJurutera Kei •< Kana-i JKR Dungun hint. J9hb January. IBM untok MKMBKNA DA] KAN POWER KOOM DAN MHKOWAV B ROOM Ol\hf B 1 a 1 ion ni'Ki
      238 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1050 17 IB LIVERPOOL A. WEST COASI OR.. AT'tui Lme-soo 1 laltist tit ~M lat' 21 Ja* 27 a Jaa '2! PATROCLUS G'aao* Ita V 1 LV. T *1 TIIUS :c: »*5 A-iroßßi^: M. 3i la* 27 la* Jl •I.^ 1*535 f«a rpi l«t 11/ »'l FISINRIR ruV M f(| v I
      1,050 words
    • 1153 17 r//£LHhi//V£S tHr I EXPRESS SAIUNGi TO 6EHOA MOUTH COWTIWEHT SCAWDIWAVIA 1 -.i.'» -c 01T H'Cjrj I "litr I SARSIOHA t i la* 27 71 la* II 11 la P|rl S Mar I Mir IB Mar 17 Mar it Mar H GM 18-11 PASAOENA I I >ek 24 2« Fei 27
      1,153 words
    • 1026 17 I BENmLINE\ ((PRESS SERVICE TO LONOON LIVERPOOL I CONTINENTAL FQIII^ BENRINNES M i Mar 7 la 'ill Ttaai m 2) 2S Mn 11 BENLOMOND > PLMaa i :a r Mar 4 la Part 'in. Mar I lENVANNICM ;i Fik J lENHIANT j 1,. j) im J| Fek 3 4 lESMHII
      1,026 words
      929 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1029 18 Y^" "^KAWASAtU KISEN KAISHA LTD. WtMtrn Australia Singapore Japan Servlee b dj" TokkaiC NaaaM I >onama He«« t.iat Mara" l 5 Frt ii 12 Frt 21 Frt 21 Ftl tt Ftl "T»» ...V... 7S Ftl 1 Mar ll I Ml. Ii Mm II Mm M Mar West Africa Singapore/ Japan
      1,029 words
    • 972 18 P&O to Europe and the United Kingdom s.s. "CHITRAL" (14,000 font fully ojrconditioned) Departing SINGAPORE 2 FEB 1968 PORT SHAM 3 FEB 1968 PENANG 4 FEB 1968 Arriving LONDON 8 MAR 1968 via Colombo, Durban, Cape Town. Dakar, Gibraltar and Lt Havra LIMITED FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE (raret SINGAPORE/UK rrom
      972 words
    • 1670 18 EQUITY YIELDS I THE following list of selected Malayan Industrial yields It imwi on nut sales to January 20 Companm i«e»t»n In Malaysia Ur aialian nuiaatti •P. *D.T. Y. «T.C. ilni>'H<t I M 7 17.401.S Dunlop 2«U 4.2 b 7.1 A 1.7 r. Smelting 4 M V H ISO 1.7
      1,670 words
    • 637 18 price is over $1 prlte.s Mio\unu j-*s>es of £10' i per long ton (or OUti and £8' 2 for tluee montht. affr moderate dealIngs Sentiment w«a unuermlnea by the tall at Penan,; o^er the week- end and the further Mzeablt- increase in market > locks last week to o\er 4.000
      637 words
    • 184 18 AUSTRALIAN STOCKS MELBOURNE. Tues A CTIVITY In mining issues wu f the main int«re>,t in todni markpt Ri.-es were mo.-tly moderate while some key stork- ea.wd Western Mining eased early bu« ~lu.<«d sh;irplv iiicher $1 90 tin Mrtalx t plural inn was do«n 70 BJOU Ht So UKJ (Jn-al Boulder
      184 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 934 19 Business done on the Stock Exchange IM *|\|v> is AND KII'OKIU) TO TIM s|\».AP«>Rr \M» I I MIMK TRADING KOOM«i in IHI sum k I < ll\\«.l > I >II R|»AV WITH IHI NIMBI R OF SHARLS I R \l»l It BR\( M I > INDUSTRIALS Btn and Ca. 12
      934 words
    • 1017 19 M.B.Bfc l.m M. Br»w 4.M) 4 M 1 M l-»m»nt Ikj BY Coll. io .1 1« xhl M. CMMaSMH MM :i L* M -r»«lit 1 117 M Tohar-o 3?• W Malayawata. 1 44 1 4» MPH MalnvamaU 1 4« I 40 MrAllatar 1 M Mfrlln 1 I :vi M. Bo*
      1,017 words
    • 642 19 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE Originating Petition No. n of 196? In tbe Matter of TAN BOON POH A COMPANY LIMITED And 1 In the Matter of The Companle* Ordinance ((hapter 174) Sactira 58. NOTICE is hereby given that th« Order of the High Court dated
      642 words
    • 595 19 LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION OF INDIA. DIVISIONAL OFFICE. KUALA LUMPUR Notice having been given of the lose of policy No: *****21 dated 10.3.48 on the life of Foong Soon Seng Issued by National Insurance Compain Ltd: the policy moneys In entire cancellation of the policy will be paid to the life
      595 words
    • 567 19 PUBLIC APPOIN I MfcN I JAWATAN2 KOSONG POLIS DI-RAJA MALAYSIA Permohunanii aUa-lah di-pela»a uaupada Warga Negara leiakiJ Malaysia lermasok peK<twal2 lelap Keiajaan dan ju«a mereka yaiiK ma.sen dalam percnubaan yanic bei i.mor tmak lebeh daripada lahuii pada 1.4.68. unlok berkhidma' sabagai PELATEH PENOLONCi PENGUASA POLIS. Poll* dl-Haja Malaysia, dl-dalam unKkatan
      567 words
    • 618 19 NOTICES BY ORDER OK IHI KM I IMI: ft MANAI.rR OK PatOCESSEO TK\ ill I v LIMITED. AUCTION SALE OF Plant Ac machineries. 1.577 rolls of leather i ordinary A: Btntchsd), 13 raws and 26 rolls of vinyl fllni. 2 rases and 747 rolls of Poplm. 1 Renault car. 1
      618 words
    • 205 19 Congratulations and Best Wishes to VOSPER THORNYCROFT UNITEERS LTD. on the occasion of the official opening of their Company's new headquarters at Tanjong Rhu. Singapore tS on Wednesday, 24th January. I M),S FROM: HO AH LAM BOAT WILDER HO \H LAM HO AH CHEW WONG KUAN CHIN I— a— KKMKMIRIAN
      205 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1061 20 PEMBERITAHU TAWARAN J.K.R. Taviaran d;'ilp«da Hembnronjr \anc bei.ixti.u di-Jabaian Kerja Raxa K--. i D C Hcl 11 *H 2) hkan (ii-(erini.i di-Pejaba; .luruKuba Bharu hliiKka pukol an petang pada 29 1 tiJI I M IK Menibeua dan menuapkan sabuiih NU.-jid di-Ulu Yam I .mii. Segala b;itu2 bold, di-dapoti dlm«-» kerja
      1,061 words
    • 707 20 riJRUC THE PORT OF SINGAPORE AUTHORITY VACANCIES Application* arr imitrd from Bingapora dtlaHM for the follo«--11 .s apfMtataMMa m thr Depaitmrnl uf Chirl Riißinrrr, East n Dr\elopm^i; (A) (IMI. I\(.l\KKr HI mim; OBAMCI QualiHraliunx x t.xprnrnrr:— ii' A Inheisiiy (\ or dll>loma In civil t-riKinming ui. un ins PXfinptnn from
      707 words
    • 966 20 TIMESPORT 1 A o*o^l lIP S DAMACHANDRAN. the Nejjri Senibilan jjoalkeepn. bites the dust as hv jt*. gv/uiiv iv lets n sinsapore s goal No 4in the FAM (up tir ;lt jalan lew Stadium 1 on Sunday. Ramachandran is caught hopclrsslv nut of position as Andy 1 z\Y\ O UISO
      966 words
    • 302 20 TOP SPORTS RUGBY UNION Pirates loot phuan leagues poH TM Ptaaa at aaa. T li! \J appoint Promo- BM i lion Sffl 1 ncv.h- lush and tronj csiablished Stx.ri- Division ol fo: Nigri Plra m'ch". Hie Ministry of Social Allans. this season a.s they J a£S5BTt nt &S" d H,,!:
      302 words

  • 554 21 TEST at PORT OF SPAIN pORT OF SPAIN. Tues. West Indus survived some hostile bowling, particularly from David Brown. to reach 195-3 in reply to England's first Innings total of sfiB by the close on the third day of the ll Test here yesterday. England, all
    554 words
  • 147 21 IWHini Ist. Boycott lbw Holford Edrirh c Murray b Biggs. 2^ Cowdrey c Murray b Griffith 7t Barrington c Griffith b Olbbs 143 tiravcney b Gibbs lix Parks lbw b Sobers 42 D'Olitrira b Griffith S> Titmus lbw Griffith IS Brown not out 22 Hobbs c Butcher b
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 840 21 RACING with EPSOM JEEP CHEN HUAN SHOWS IMPROVEMENT CHAW stables Amusement Ifl has recovered complrtely irom a hoof infection which caused him to miss some of the big races late last season. Ridden by Ricky Kingston. thr American-bred horse stepped out in fine style in a
    840 words
  • 58 21 The Selengor Turf Club's C iol<! Cup DMCttttg Mil l> held on Feb 10. 11. II and IK toi horses 111 CkMBW 1. 4 and 6 Distances: Class 1 <if and 10f; Cteaa 4 er or 7f and 71 or !>f. Class 6 fif or 7f
    58 words
  • 196 21 Indons block out Iraq SOCCER DANUKOK. Tues. Iraq were eliminated from the Asian Group 11 soccer berth for the Mexico Olympics when held to a one-all draw by Indonesia here last night. Indonesia will now meet Thailand tomorrow to decide who will go to Mexico City in October About 8.000
    196 words
  • 82 21 JAKARIA. 1 ies Fony Sonnevillf. lapiam of Indoiii sia s i) .umin'.'ui team, ha.s reMgned from Indonesian Badminton A.vsonation. Sonneville. who helped h;s country to win three successive Thomaj, Cup competition*, told Heuter. "I may still act as an unoflicial advisor He cave no reason for his resignation.
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 76 21 MON I E ftJUX). I ups, A total of 153 can out at ihr 200 ttartera. arrhted here In brilliant sunshine yp.sterday U> complete Urn las' par. of 1 .he M^nte Carlo rally. Freezing I* nver the nioun:.i:n. la Monte Carlo took an unexpeetedlv
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 68 21 I I 1.1M.10V lues Mr. V IS. h. C 1>«li »f Siruaporr 1.M.l VZSUM lor a ln\ roll if Kihiilhght out of loud at the Nrw Zealand thoroughbred yearling tale* line todaj. I Mr. I.rone Hoe Veii(. a Kuala Lumpur bu->ine*>ftman Ind rommittee
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 226 21 Pataudi denies 'private flight' report UKIMJANL luev The Niwab of Pataudi in i.r captain of Ihr Indian tourins cricket team, yesterday denied an Adelaide newspaper report that he had sought leave to charter a jet plane to fly home between the end of thr Australian tour and thr start of
    Reuter  -  226 words
  • 2 21 TIMESPORT 2
    2 words
  • 311 21 TEST at BRISBANE gRISBANE. Tues.— lndia, needing 218 runs for victory with six wickets left themselves with a reasonable chance against Australia after the fourth day of the third Test here today. India, fxtrlcating them■elvea from rarlirr dlflßcultips when thry .'-lumped to 61 -:i.
    311 words
  • 25 21 LONDON Tues. Result* of Ruzby Union matches played yesterday: Alderfhot Btllleaa 8 Orance Free State University 3: Ebbw Vale 19 Mae.steg '6 Reut«r.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 116 21 inui\ M inn-. \i >i i; \i i u,i is\> Itrdp^tl, l..i» iv p«r 2h SI..MI..HI 26 Ii.i|.|«-M 27 \\.ilii (2 l.irmari 9 I irriii.ii! t R (.lrr«<ui 1 onnulh 0 Rameheri I i .i, r«UI 294 Wki> ini it i ij| 163, Bcwlm; i| 4-0-22-0. Suit i -0-6-0;
    116 words
  • 65 21 JOHANNESBURG ruei i opts golf niir when fourthround $s ur lor ra-ll i hrrt trokit n C<v n?r ,i3-281 p with another South irevor 2-284 14-under-par only om rt of hii bey of 273 n in 1965 anJ r -iblod him to rqual the feat cr b
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 131 21 OVER 2V 2 MILLION m YES. MMM »'t the dividends that can be won when I'ttlrwoodi Vernont start their Coupon service in this area. THIS ..:ti from Clients' letti IS YDS CLARIMONT. V/MID -i one, YOUr tootoall j CHANCE.... 1 t ikare 1 HpprcLnte to be ready with a rl
      131 words
    • 12 21 i^S^ ST^S .fer^ AIR-INDIA f| at^^^fy J \S// y y/^ fe^* EISDEIHDEIHOEIHDEIHDBIHD.^
      12 words

  • 355 22 PORT LOUS, Tuesday. IIItITISII troops arrived in Mauritius today to quell race riots thai have claimed It li\cs. Troops were brought in by an over* night airlift from Singapore. First reports this morning ;is yet nn(oiilirincd by police spoke of new rioting
    355 words
  • 39 22 CAPE KENNEDY lur Americas spine dinghy"- the -lgned to terry astroand from !he moon's -urface from an orbiting innthrr ship -had 111 fir.-t te^t m *iay. Jubilant officials said afterwards it was a success.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 28 22 I »HLC RECEIVED FRO" I lorn '■i.nni.ih P U I m I'nl Hi |ah Port MRS LIM LUM CHIN Slf» I.iT I «h.n Bual 10, Hukil to-d»y
    28 words
  • 13 22 WONG SIEW WENC. It, Kvrn< oui di Omm hat not luitioitrn
    13 words
  • 44 22 BMGAPOBK, run The Imports and E.\poi's Oflice. the Controller of Supplies Office .md the crew and port clearance nl tiie Marine Department will lie clo-ed on Jan 30 and will be open for one hour from lo am. on Jan 31.
    44 words
  • 92 22 SINGAPORE. Tucj. Mr. Ju.-lue Wiiislow today grunted a decree nisi to a waitress. Wee Leim Neo. dissolving her iu-vear-oid marriaße to Ho Kirn Houk. a settlor employer, ol a carpel s>hop on the ground of desertion Wee. represented by Mr. N. ii granted a maintenance order of
    92 words
  • 367 22 LONDON. TIM CkMtal middle prices ol .-elected stncki not including stamp duty were: f.ii/rrnc;ED Omni 2< £35-1 ii; Funding 4': £95-5 16 War 3K:',o £49 BANKS Chartered 65 9 Hongkong £9-9 16 +9 16 INSURANCE Com Un 56 6 Prudentials A 1 50 9 Royal
    367 words
  • 152 22 LATE SPORT I AHOKE. Tues. Singapore"s winning, run in the preOlympic hockey tournament here was ended today when Pakistan, the 19(34 Olympic Games runners -up to India, beat them :i-0. Paki.-tan showed the Class and experience tO steadily wear down Singapore's stubborn p slstance.
    152 words
  • 40 22 POHI O lues The We.- 1 Incurs lm<l sioied 282 for lout wickets by lunch in reply to England.- first mnian total ol .">fin .<n ml on the inurth day of the first Cricket Test here today Renter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 504 22 Chambers hail joint security framework move SINGAPORE, Tuesday r pHK lour Chambers of Commerce tonijjlit welcomed the effort! of Singapore ■ii (i Malaysia in working nut an '"inseparaMe" secMiitj framework. Bpeafciai it > ilaaef .<t the Chinese Chamber of oinmrrce in honour of Mr. Lee Kuan \>-w. the ih.iirman of
    504 words
  • 52 22 taI'RAGA iNn Zsataad), Tues. Battling grandmother Mi lorta Langton, 59, finally hauled .i 610 lb. broadoill swordlish liom the sea near here today after it towed her launch the waves for o%er 18 hour.Mrs Langton lus led with the 12ft 6': ins long fiah through the
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 51 22 SAIGON. Tups A small group at CblncM Heii in a boat from the Chinese island of Hainan and was euided to .safety In South Vietnam by a informed sourres disclosed today The sources said that four men. three women and two children were on board the
    51 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 122 22 20 words $15 (minimum/] .•THREW: In Can! ami Jotin I L'l I.6S. taka in doctor LIM: To CfeM h \A-r Q H M.i Audi.. Im i. in .ir ENJOY YOUR NEW YEAR IN YOUR NEW LUXURIOUS HOME _j^% mri AY I se read > houses for HiU UtLAT immediate Delivery
      122 words
    • 169 22 FOR EFFECTIVE METHODS AND f EFFICIENT SERVICE IN POSTAL B EDUCATION CONSULT: Cambridge i CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 171-C. BENCOOLEN STREET. SiNGAPORE-7. P.O. BOX 1935. SINGAPORE— TEL: ***** ***** OR P.O. BOX 104. JOHORE BAHRU TEL: 3958. HOME-STUDY COURSES FOB 1968/69 EXAMINATIONS Higher School Certificate. C-ncrol Poptr, Econom,c<, History, Geography, Art, Divinity.
      169 words