The Straits Times, 19 January 1968

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 31 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150,000 fllß Niitiiiniil NHWKpapßr The Straits Times l.Ntd. 1845 FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1968 15 CENTS or IK CENTS (Niw cuiiintii ,oki •ucrini' KDN. 3104 M <!') 0011
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  • 409 1  - Major pull-out only in the last phase... By SEAGHAN MAYNES [^ON'OCX, Thurs. Urilain is expected lo keep subslaiitial louts in Singapore until close to the tolal c-v;i--ruation deadline <>r Dec. 31, *****. according lo authoritative sources here. The c\;ul phasing <>l the w itlidi ;i\\;il prograniine lor the .">."). oimi
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  • 1441 1 Budget surprise —NO tax shocks Tun Tan's target: Only a modest $14.5 mil. more in revenue KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. AFTER letting the word "sacrifices" sink in it was repeated several times the Minister of Finance, Tun Tan Siew Sin, surprised the Dewan Raayat today by introducing a "no tax shocks"
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  • 453 1 TENGKU CALLS FOR A MUSLIM NATIONS 'SUMMIT State banquet for visiting Shah |^l ALA IJMIMIi. Thins. Tengku Abdul Rahman l<>Iliglll spoke of Hie nerd lor Muslim countries In iv.-icli coin lIMMI iin<lrrsl;in<lino on nli gious iiKillirs. Ho said efforts to achieve tins end could only be done through a conference
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  • Article, Illustration
    427 1 HERB, .it .i ulantr. arc the nni UUMa introdilrcd l>\ tin- Minister of Finance. Tun Tan Blew Sin. in thr Dcwan Ka aval 1(1(1. IV XX( ISK 1)1 TV of one crnt a II) on M>ap. two <cnt> a Ib. on toilet soap, our cent an ounce
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  • 34 1 BANGKOK Thur.v— None of Hie 43.0f10 American militmv men based in Thailand air encaged in combat operations *gain*l eommunl.M sueiillas npfTSittnc tn ihr rountrv Dnltrd Piatu Amba-.atl"! Leonard Unger .>-«td toria> Renter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 328 1 No more pay rises, civil servants told Xl ALA 1.1 MPt'K, Thui-sday. THEKK will lie no I'uiihcr general |>;i\ in(tcmscs tor Govern men I servants unless there is ;i "sulistantinl improvement" in Hie financial position of llu country. The Minister of Finance, Tun Tan Siew Sin, who announced this in
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  • 82 1 BANGKOK I hin Ihil hoi (I, i pnlic i' i apt II I <-il .1 hilltop .iiiiiiniiiiiM i.l mp in N'aruthh .it pro> Itu r rtaw in tin- Malaysian iinni< i tin Tacsdaj aftei > .'iO-ininiitr battle with .1 MMip ml .'."> communist -inrill.i-. polite
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  • 30 1 IMF IBJ SQIFF7F tTASHINOTtW I Prr*i<lcnt Johnson "rdfr^ 10 ix-r (ml rut la I lomatlc prr«onnel and rcdacttoa ia tr.»\H h> £nvprtini« n pli>.irf< l< #lrni ci"l Rruter
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 34 1 Rings of Quality G. C. DE SUVA BROS. MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS. 3. Bo'fle< Ploee. Singapore 1. VIL: *****. *For LADY IN FASHION PRECISION WATCH and Modern Jewellery in One Masterpiece by £NICAA £AHCAU SWISS X
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    • 16 1 GERMANYA IN FASHION nbermain BBV*^ fir '»> i •II h //*t^S I The Scotch with a history
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  • 595 2 A Tory Govt will review pull-out— 'it's wrong to name a date' FOREIGN NEWS DESK MACLEOD GIVES PLEDGE IN THE BIG DEBATE ON DEFENCE CUTS: LONDON, Thursday 1 CONSERVATIVE Government will review the acelerated British withdrawal from the Far East, Mr. lain Macleod, former Conservative Colonial Secretary, told Parliameni last
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  • 256 2 OVERSEAS TRUST IN THE fc PUSHES UP EXCHANGE RATE rONUON, Ihurv— Over ■«r.».s conlidrnrr in nlitliiik mountpd in l.«n<lon MM) itiarkrl* yesIrrflay l\ hours .ift^r iii.i^mvc r< iinmiiy e«ta aniiduiii riiK'iil hv thr <io\crninenl \n Hit- fort-iun txefcaagc r.ilr niitvcd up siradily. a priiininrnl Bctglaa hankrr sunsfst^d h<-rr Illal omnmn
    Reuter  -  256 words
  • 127 2 RABAT, Thurs. King Hassan of Morocco last night carried out a major Government reshuffle with numeroui ehancet la the Cpbinet formed in March last year. Mr Dnss Biaoul. former Director of the Dank of Morocco, was appointed Minister ol Justice, to repla< i Mr
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  • 15 2 'Heil Hitler' cry as woman is jailed ion;. 13 Hi H" ni I f I
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  • 10 2 KC-133 n t«lc« pit 1 !tl
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 106 2 Why Don't You Enjoy Cycling With A Japanese Bicycle ■bVi JB^^**^ A x^** .JBBfc '^bbbb^H^bV r 'NITUb; WE *^^B BbV^^ll V J» v 3^ ■>*■ iTv m' 4L IBBBT^ B^^^^^Sbßßßßß^ V«s^ P? 9*mt .bbbbbb^ {'Hbb?^ *'<«•*' *^Sntf 'JbL^' o^mSK^^^^^^ W^ «BBB^i». .BP V Vf jKBIMB^^^B ■BB^T^V^U^^^^UCHBr^^Si IbBBT^BBM BbJ^TJJ £*j^F ii.^l^^3fcL]^^^3BE^^^Bj|BE^^^
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    • 15 2 festive offer NOW2QC JiwHIIII Available Plain with Salt. or in flavours Curry. Cheese and Onion
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  • 573 3 'Our goal is peace, but we'll fight to repel aggression' FOREIGN NEWS DESK (Contd) PRESIDENT JOHNSON'S STATE THE UNION MESSAGE: PRESIDENT Johmon declared last night that the I.S. was peace in Vietnam but the nation would persevere in its fight to repel aggression. "Hut our goal is peace— and the
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  • 787 3 ENEMY' HOPES OUR WILL CAN BE BROKEN HE IS WRONG' Budgrt expenditure! pmiimately L-ssiB6ooo milUon .11 1.1 iae of L'ssio.- Chi i>resent Adm 1.,,-d U»al the increase ••Mild n; defence nr mandatory increases re(juirru by law. ■he i.llln.ils Mid that raad in >outh I .«>l \m.i 111. tiidmc Vietnam,
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  • 170 3 CANTA MARIA (Cali- i fornia), Thurs.— A young housewife awoke, gave a piercing 10-second scream, then died just at. ner sister died mysteriously luur year* uro Robert rtufct) urn« police ntßet r> thai in. wile. Patrlt*la. 23. iu>t stopped breathtiiK. He and a policeman
    AP  -  170 words
  • 445 3 legislate now to free our gold reserves' appeal WASH ING TON. Thurs. President Johnson called un Congress yesterday to end obligatory gold cover for the dollar. This would free the whole of U.S. gold reserves M back Americas pledge to keep the gold price at 35 dollars an ounce, he
    Reuter  -  445 words
  • 80 3 Another two senior Cardinals quit ROME Tlmn. i Cardinal* resigned from „rnu<r Dcwta yesterday, continul niHic.r reahuffic thai la giving younger and more international look to the Cardinal Brnpclrttn AtoUJ Ma.-rIU. 88. resigned as P of Ihe Congregation ol i: i ramenU. p.ipe Paul hai appointed 73-year-old American Cardinal Fr.mii.i
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  • 59 3 NEW DELHI. Thurs.—lndian Journalists and newspaper workers started a week'ong series of demonstrations yesterday to back their demands for implementation of wage increase recommended by the Government's Wage Board Employees of th* Indlt.ii mwi agency Pre.vs Trust ;jt Innia announced last nluut Uial ihev »"uld »nn in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 195 3 sfWP^^PlinsssssPWsßslsssssl t ;&jlf|ijS I S»^ aMf JMbLj^tf 4% Wherever you go there s radio, and Toshiba 9L-780R. This handsome, tastefully designed 9 transistor 4 band radio gives you perfect drift-free reception every time. The extra large PM dynamic speaker faithfully reproduces sound with exceptional clarity and rich full tone volume.
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    • 9 3 foreign nm\ desk eitrs Md tbt Gsmbols Ps*« i.
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    • 86 3 Colorcem I CM) Sdn. Berhad, a subsidiary of Federal Paint I Organization,- now TO SERVE YOU AGAIN Anti fungus, waterproof cement based paint for exterior and interior use. pobond] I High quality washable oil bound distemper for interior and exterior use. HlV***** A high quality synthetic enamel producing magnificent brilliant
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  • 330 4 SINGAPORE, Thursday. \l.\\Y civic organisations here have responded to ;i call by I lie organising committee <>l the Singapore Festival '68 to make the fair a l>i^ success. The month-long festival will bo officially declared open by the Foreign Minister. Mr. S. Rajarat.nam. at
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  • 173 4 I ii v rs (3 The I < minimi Development Board today annun in id the promotion of Mr P.Y. Hwang (above) a senior officer, to the post ol' .v tint; deputy director. Mr. lhfag| will at the sjine time olliciate as the
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  • 51 4 SINGAPORE. Thurs. A magistrate's court today disrliarerd and acquitted a teenage girl. Ng Geok Tin on a vandalism charge without calling for her I defence The Eighth Magistrate. Mr i E. C. Foenander, freed her on the ground* that prosecution's I evidence against her was
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  • 532 4 'VHE Press Found--1 ation ol A.sia today approved an action programme, including an exchange of journalists and grant of fellowships to enable working journalists to visit other countries in Asia to study journalism practice, and to improve their standards. A board ol dim-tors conference
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  • 34 4 SINGAPORE. Thurß Mr. Scow Kway Chin has been elected premdent of the Gunons Sayane Association. Mr. Chua Wye !ee and Dr Chia Ban Wei are wre-presldents and Mr. Koh Kirn Chay the wrreUry
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  • 65 4 MR. and Mrs. Jean-Pierre Mialaret after their wedding in Singapore. Mr. Mialaret. 27, is a French language and music teacher with the Singapore bureau of the Alliance Francaise, the French Government cultural organisation. The bride, the former .Miss Sarathamonev Purushothaman, 21, was a pre-university arts student. The
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  • 192 4 ACCIDENTS ON NICOLL HIGHWAY: MP's QUESTIONS SINGAPORE. Thurs At the next meeting of Singapore Parliament, nn Jan. 24. a back-bencher. MR. CO KAH I.KONG of Juronc. will questions on Nit nil Highway. He u.i nt- to know how many accidents ha\e occurred on this highway since its conversion into
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  • 163 4 Seminar on problems of teaching science Singapore. Thursday. The Science Teachers Association will hold a one-day seminar on the problems of science teaching at School Certificate level at Tanßlin Intepratfd Secondary Technical School on Saturday. The seminar will be opmed by Professor TH. Elliott of the University of Singapore, who
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  • 48 4 SINGAPORE. Thurs. A party of SO boys from Boys Town will visit HMS Eagle at the Naval Base tomorrow. They will bp entertained by the ship's crew. Their visit is beinc orcani-ed by the Hans Andersen Club v part of its community welfare pro.icrt
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 426 4 ORGANISATION No- Shnwmq 1 1 I «5 4 6 30 O I J in "•IACH RID _j LAST DAY 30 fu Cht I "PiLIAR or SOCIETY Co or Cr AW Mar ii I Sunrlo. > "OEVIL I TMt FIRE GODDISS OPENS TODAY' REX 11. 145, 4 00. 6 30, ">
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  • 383 5 Govt 4 no' to call for inquiry on riots QUESTION TIME IN THE DEWAN RA'AYAT A COMMISSION of inquiry to look into the recent disturbances in the north- em states of Malaysia is not necessary, Tun Abdul Razak said in the Dewan Ra'ayat today. "The Government and the people know
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  • 117 5 LI M 1.1 MPI K. I hurs I lit- lornu-r Minister of Home I flairs, lun (Dr. i Imii.s'l. liei-n p.iid si,|.;,nu in recognition <>f Ills s|| j<(S .IS .1 i Inn-t >Imisti v r. I Ills BUM 's p.irt of (hr
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  • 470 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. The Labour MP for Batu, Dr. Tan Cher Khoon, today failed to get the Dewan Ra ayat to debate urgently the present dispute between the National Electricity Board and Its staff union. His call was rejected
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  • 43 5 KOTA BHARU. Thuri.— The manager of the Ipoh airport. Mr B. A. Peris, has been transferred to the Pengkalan Chepa airport here. He succeeds Inche j Latifl bin Tan Deman who is now the manager of Ipoh air- port
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  • 66 5 DCNANG. 1 hurs. The Religious Affairs Department completed payment of allowances to N Muslim converts in Prnang and Province Wcl-lc«-ley. Each convert received $90. paid nut of fitrah funds. He is Higiblr to the tnnnry every three months 'Converts are entitled to receive Mich
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  • 84 5 S'PORE VICTIM OF HURRICANE QLASOOW, Thurs Singapore physio therapist. Mrs. Janet Ku;». "-•."> (al»o\n. nhn killed (lurinc Monday's Imrric.ine. will he buried here tomorrow. Mrs. KM anil her husband. Mr. Kua !.<■ Kia. 27. a <-i\il rnjeinrcr. ratne to Scotland last year. She .uimiic ;o people killed
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 160 5 Effect of pull-out on oil trade will be 'negligible' SINGAPORE. Thursday. BRITAIN'S accelerated military withdrawal will have negligible effect on the multi-million-dollar oil business here and virtually no loss to the Singapore Government. This is the Singapore oilman's view. Fuel supplied to British bases hero is mainly aviation fuel and
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  • 88 5 22 Vietnamese accept ship agent's terms SINGAPORE. Thwrs I lie 22 dlsmiM-cd Vietname.-p seamen from the Panamanian tieighter Arrowhead na\e accepted toe terms of the shiu'.s agenis. Anglo-French Trading C". Ltd.. and will fly home to Saigon on Saturcl.iv One of the ship's oScen today said that most of Uir
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  • 58 5 BUKIT MERTAJAM I liurs. The poultry farming project j launched recently by the i Farmer.N' Association of Juru village hw.s turnrd out to be a failure, thr chairman. Tongku Ayob bin Tengku Mohamed Ariff. said today. The Government t»nvr .< $4,000 grant to the association for the
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  • 241 5 $22,000 claim by woman whose hand was crushed (ji.NUAPORE. Thun. A woman factory worker whoie left hand was crushed in a machinery accident two years ago, today claimed SJJ.uOO damiturs from her employers. Mi.-.s Loo Ji^w Wah. 27. was working in th<> granulating and mixing department of the Columbia Internationa]
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  • 34 5 biNUAPORE Thun Police today Klentilied the man who fe 1 to his dra;h Irom the top o[ the 17-ctoßy SeleKif Hon.-'- ltd night a Ch' ns Hff, ST. a retired rlprU.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 55 5 v *1H 4r^"- jfaWMs^s^Psß M iw MB tit A Mi i*s lUs^r A frnkm iN A t HtMm bBt IbE^hJ t A m^k* sW JsshSv Jebl Ay T##e^J^ fOUKOONS sinoapura ISUR'C^IIVfVUL r^^^| IK 2404 FO» TAiLt RESERVATIONS GALA OPENING ON JAN. 25th. THE MAORI QUIN TIKIS TOP NEW ZEALAND ENTERTAINERS
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    • 238 5 ALL OVER /THE WORLD ll MORE S MORE II PEOPLE 1 are opening a 6/0 deposit account 3 You gain in so many ways F.H l\Rll riY: A Di -„nt proMilcs 1 r capital «up» B iioo. AVAILABILITY:^ --drawn sut>» j jfet to ik- irrangetne 11 made 1 en 1
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  • 709 6 Singapore's first condensed milk factory expands Modern equipment to produce 3,000,000 cans a month MAGNOLIA Dairies Limited, tirsl company in Singa|jore l<» receive pioneer status l<>r Hie manufacture of condensed milk, has moved to a spacious $1.3 million extension at Ihe Bukil Tim.
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  • 21 6 The new tour storey extension at the Cold Storage Croups manufacturing complex at Bukit Timah.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 23 6 new SCS SWEETENED Condensed Milk SCS BRAND A SWEETENED M Worth -IK lt> v^eiight in ness Delicious health-giving enjoyment for all the family!
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    • 49 6 new condensed milk condensed milk SWEETENf D iMiii 1 1 ii i f^ I^^^^ xndensec j T Delicious on bread! 4MMSS^ a g^MMMfc '^T^^^f condense: *Tw VXGood""" with coffee! condense" W Perfect for children! Enriched for pure vitamin energy; Vitamin Fortified Vitamin A Vitamin D Vitamin Bi v J
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  • 84 7 CINOAPOR] be new 1300,000 airenndrionliiK system at the arrivals was officially .switched on today by the parliaBuang bin r .1 inld. 111 Idress, he said the added amenity would "enhance Singainternational image and attract mor< Bi.uikr mN,, irlfirpd to othpr 1 iipil out hi Uie
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  • 80 7 Tun Razak warns lazy' civil servants Xi ma LI mpir. Than. Disciplinary action CAN he l.iken against (■uvernnient ullui.ils v Ik. 110 nut reply to. or ignore letters from the public. The Deputy Prime .Minister. Tun Alxlul Ra/.ik said this in the Dewan R.i'.iml today in reply to a question
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  • 24 7 PKNAMO rhun M:s F Panama, will give a demonstration an floral menu »i the Resident v a. 4 i> m on i
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  • 545 7 LOOKING THREE YEARS AHEAD... AND A TIGHTER CONTROL ON SPENDING HI must choose TT between hutter and cuns. and I venture to sucgest that if the hutter is laekinc all the tuns in the uorld will not save this country from political and
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  • 257 7 Tun Tan Aid should be in grants, loans... Increase in education '$4 million) wa.s linked with the .lu-rease In •Monetary KhooJ fees ready made effec';ve as from the h<>Kitiii:iiK of ihis year Since the fees were paid directly to :h>' schools, the Ministry's grant, to these schools were correspondingly reduced
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  • 87 7 $19 m contract for low-cost homes PENANCi. rhun. CtU M is>i Local (i.Mi I. men- .1 d HouMng Mi. KhM* K.. 8011 \v:ll sicn SIC million contract wuh tbe tti in ol Hoehtirf-Chm Bsas loi tin conat ruction ol 411(111 knr-ccui Hsu it Riii»outraci. under Utc Mcond pilcii indti.sii ii,
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  • 52 7 BINUAPOU 1 huts Hit tinMiniiK ii' vill br Mked itrmcthcn the Itenac Polite k. 0 prevent Binawport ">■ mi mill tiuni betßg i.ibljed nt kntn.i|)!>cfj by pirmUi [in reqoMl ki lo o< made >>\ Mi Hi. Iciins Ml' t,,r JunitUl ;it th' nr\i A
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  • 32 7 At. OR STAR Chun Six-year-old l^hu bin iia.ssnn Ml killed whet) lip \\h> knoc kf^l down by n lurry at thr 22nd mile. Alor Strfi-Suneei Patsnl main road' vn>terdnv
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  • 89 7 SINGAPORE Thur.v The Blood Bank tud.u broke thi> nod nevu U dooon who uave rare ■^rinip B" b'ood lor an open heart operation on a xirl of 16 It was complete success She was making Rood prorr*«« In hrmpt's.l- the volunteers donated
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 31 7 BELL S W J^feaal the K^^J^B largest P^^ selling h Lts *^O QL 1. L \t/i lXSm\ 1 CUT If frJfmLiT, Will any $W?% in Scotland Need we say more?
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    • 124 7 BP f S NETWORK Illflllld and GROWS and Now there are another three BP service stations— waiting to serve you with Supermix. Remember! Only BP can offer you 5 blends of petrol -the right blend at the right price. Drive in today at any of these three new BP service
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  • 348 8 Xl AI.A LI'MIM R, Tlinis.l. t Till-! Si;iiisiKs Department is carrying oul a surve\ on l.niiiK l>udi;eK in S;il»;ili wilh ;i iew lo drawing Up ;i retail prices index oil ('< iliimodil les. This was announced by the Deputj Prime
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  • 118 8 Attracted by the racial harmony of Singapore... OIM.APOKK. I hu rs *> Singapore's multiracial harmorn has a I trailed Hh Barbara Ka< I'iael/ .ibo\ei. ;!l. of Melbourne. t<i MM tv Situ; ipi'i c she is our of :»!> \iiNiialian "Peace Corps" Miliintrrrs hu have iiivt arrivrtl I lead about our
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  • 123 8 Arbitration courts: MP's queries BINOAPORE Tbura the n< xt meeting of Sing;)pon Parliuinoiit on Jan. 24. .1 bacK-benchrr. .Mr. ll<> sec Bm^ ißra.sßa.sah>. will .»-k the Minister ror Labour. Mr Jel y- un I ng. tor pai-tk-ular.s >i the I. umber of arbitration cases in which heaiinga before t Mr
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  • 31 8 SINGAPORE I y W <ju£ v eta eir <>: i I 1 Vio-prMktent Mi Ng Cher ll :ir\ KtortS iry. Mr Marat) K.i\ Ann choa niduor Mr. Patrick Tav Kirn Chuan
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  • 75 8 SINGAPORE, Thurv Ih. Mcaibci "i Parliamcni l»r \hiuntli.ittcn. Mr. Nfi Ypoh < lunu. will lea, l a party i>i .iimut 'ion propir in a cleaning eanpaign .it the r.i n ions i;iiu Iliu^iiiß istatc between IJtaja ml i: iKion on Stmri.n. lh< rmnpalga i- brine »rcanl9e4 h\
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  • 111 8 MH. ill I bin (above a Ne« Zealand phe4e gfaphat wlki has "shot" more than l..")il(i nilourrd photographs oi Singapore and is presarini l"o of the best lor a bunk scheduled to he published in November. Mr. Sieben, «h<> has also produced
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  • 52 8 Call for regional newspaper SINGAPOR] 4 TOP iblisher, Mr. 1 to- day urged the publication oi a r< paper as it would help bring dosi r in among the countries In th< ludUlg India and Pakistan. i i Will! Hi Experiment on: ply t ha\excru n MR I AN ll.\\VK-\
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  • 12 8 sinoapoh H i D M lln be Hie nour
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 179 8 ii QEJEIEJaEJEIE KONGHte FATTCffOV l^^| IN fUlttl >»O£S WV/, 1 I 4-— y '^^S^B^ta^^floSK ■s&BB&w i r^ \II fv \i/ jdom.^o^^o^^^^^^W^ x^o^B^ot m— ill V.^>ioV y <RBH >1» r\^r B\ J^P^^^n^k^O^g^ y^K^mrr I ll Wf iPVflr/ 4O^>aß>^O^& iM dn iv f jOS H iL y x .^do^Pv^ ill F I
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 100 8 I "1 p-EP.tAbAs- zonel Tour cp&rp -i If SOON WILL BE T hf I 1 UUK OK/\C-t \i L_POH_O^INC A GIANT I UNPLEASANT MNP iw J*#B\\ COUPE IS W iFVARrnT nitjMPt? va/i-tl^ I UNrLCMiMNI ZONE IN Inl^H i v— "w'Ur-'rr 13 ni .\h..o. r f/ At fapp ?^'i?2Sy T HE
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  • 1111 9  - Nkrumah— exile in a gilded cage RUSSELL WARREN HOWE by For Dr. Nkmmah, exile in Conakry is no longer so free and exalted as it was when he was first welcomed to Guinea by President Sekou Toure and styled "co-President" of that country. His life is now subject to tough
    FWF  -  1,111 words
  • 552 9  -  ROBERT L. JACKSON by THF war In Vietnam has brought a bountiful for Amerit It illui how U 8 foreign \*< hi havt nerican industry. Kilted. rire i anted another type oi escalation a tenl tld Lncreaai In export letnam. This is not to
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 240 9 -9J:- &33p^* «S«^gW L m^^^Z.. ■■ii^ > m only Shellane gives you _t tk'm 1 32lbs. of gas. It's f-111/ jP the biggest: Lasts Longer "^^^F BIG BIG SAVINGS 1 1 BIG BIG DISCOUNTS Save in a big way! Get a complete cooking system now, con- Bargain prices on over
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  • 209 10 In 26 years he transformed his country from feudal bondage to enlightened prosperity IyiTII eyes focussed straight ahead. ot him (above), he ■stands motionless as his academic robes art bring adjusted this is the profile of a monarch for transforming a coifntry "from feudal bonda#<
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 234 10 r^i T T Xj^T 7T3 C^ T T7 1 r^ r^ *P Tlie lx k st yet from America's tii*st name in car^ in JBr J^P— M M M^ Beautiful That's what you'll say when you see the '68 Chevrolet. And you'll be I i^L^R^ Bm6^' right. Without a doubt
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  • 586 11 The Shah urges: Rekindle cultural bonds with my country KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. The Shah of Iran today made an appeal tv cultural and literary cent its in Malaysia to rekindle thrir relationship with similar institutions in Iran. Addressing a gailu-i ing of more than 6nn people at a convocatmi. during
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  • 49 11 Tcngku Osman Jiwa. Earlier the Shah had laid a wreath at the Cenotaph Straits Times picture by C S Choong. TOURING the National Monument the Shah, in Field Marshals uniform, is seen with Tun Abdul Razak and Gen.
    Choong  -  49 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 360 11 First impressions count if iiiiilL II ti'ilf HbU I v 4. jj r '|l HV nif'Jk,. UP Then s.\ ::::i it o: i r lfl j^^ ja^Kulif'.HHu SbbSSSSSi laßaßaUk Ibbb^bbbbbbbblv ~TB m^^^mf ft for inter'- If a pmy H^^^m it c »:••>.:.• 11 rvawwaai W tun d's M aBBBBBaafI
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 84 11 Ml i'il Onp lltf V.T Uantiin "ArS RkSMT, BOYS AM' KO /NO HECK NO' EITVIER> WtrD P B '.C» T>T i WtLL.TWERE —\»t,TOO > ITKAsI NO MORE PREE J MORE I MORE I A GUYS A /veAm rVr*J\VS*5^X wiy ITS n IS! MOO TOR A REAL BOIIP EATS FOR r-^ARMS
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  • 22 12 tn ararah in < mimtmmm > IN LOVING MCMCajV of Maoalß 4r%mrir4 1» SI li OM •orrt>»ir,l kiMUuxl. (T%BdoklMraß. atin .a dr*p
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  • 23 12 M W»,4t tit iW.mmmm) MR MM. JanMa >joa Ibamk frirnda for tkatr nwtrlbuinu <ondolr*r*« ...o»«l rnuibfr tka iat« HO. Hronf lAi Wm
    23 words
  • 96 12 a pj* tit 'Hi t .id a mi: Bir. tniritt aaiiatr tt wi-n Hwr at rh« Wtila Houh T-n II am. 11 pat daily i£U rthot-piM C*ntr«. Oi < fcai il OO YOU KNOW tbal WiMrkupl la I >i>nw R«a»MU> VoaHn -.i.»» |oi r» urf HlllTill' Kri ttm MTT'nrr
    96 words
  • 918 12 The Straits Times Friday. January 19 1968. A Brave New Budget The best news uhich Tun 'I '.4ii BietV S.n had for the MalaryauM taapaQrcr he kepi for the last minute and a half of his two hours' hudgt-t speevh Malaysia baa reached, he said, the optimum level ot taxation
    918 words
  • 298 12 lively defaalt mi tfi* question of legalising abortion Sfanapore will doubtle** !>•■ >|);.ik.>H whi n the <i»-ia K oi the proposed legislation are ;.\;.iU)l,-. Mu. h has »1reedy be.-,i s «id for and iiiM.i.-t the <Jo\ eminent* intention but not neatly enough "i publk feeling t., IkI Certain
    298 words
  • 2026 12 A brighter ahead From the speech by TUN TAN SIEW SIN IN THE DEWAN RAAYAT YESTERDAY INTRODUCING MALAYSIA'S 1968 BUDGET AS a result primarily of the lower prices which prevailed for our major export commodities and the sluggishness of world demand for industrial raw materials in particular, national output in
    2,026 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 274 12 Classified adrrrliseßWils far Strait* Timas ft Malay Mail may b« handed to: COLD WOUACI SUPIK-MARKrr COLO ITORAGi BIANCHti CITT HOOK JTOKI LTD, i',a Quay. TMI KiwS FRONT o,« i market. M M IiMAIL. ' B<ML HAMIIM STORE. r jngl Koad, V KITNASAMY Si CO, X«*or. -j6a»uk C iROi. LTBV. I
      274 words
      52 words
    • 53 12 Further extracts from Tun Tan's speech will be published tomorrow. SUCCESS!! Gordon's G i i\ c^nsasi QaxrclToiiic !rGORDONS?r~«^ 13. dryginJ o The World's largest selling Gin Sola Ag.nt« Till lIOIIM-O MPANY New Sounds in Music... teisco/\\-^ Amplifiers LATEST SHIPMENT JUSTrjj^ !^^^*Wl APR IV/F H HaT^PI UllMssj s— 1 f\ I
      53 words

  • 109 13  - Robbers grab $2,300 from cashier Cheah Seong paik pBNANG, Thurs. ol Shaw Brot; btK d bag contalnLis $2,315 at gun-point in front of th< Royal Thea'ie tcjeiay. The iu r r u armed to] 1 1 c 1 the others with apecl :n a w 1 up ruadbi .strategicfar there
    109 words
  • 71 13 Armed Forces in relief operations KOtABAI I The Malayalan Armed Pi la lay da pre Mt'.ing the c .orlties In flood relief and rescue operation*. The sth Malaysian Infantry Brlcade has sent out troops and motor-t >odeii areas In Ta«au. while RMAF aircialt •r» fandir.g b\ tn In KI(H1\(. the
    71 words
  • 93 13 T'HI i i-ii ni v sii.Ui «f Iran ohliginKly five* his aulocraph to Mr. I. Mu-rug«-s U a fartorv worker at Highlands oil Palm 1 ttata time milrs north of Kl.uu- M-vtrrday. I Mkiag <>m i-. I'mpre-s J'.ir.iti «h<> aNo signed h«'r name. Mr. Murugc-su HMHti
    93 words
  • 25 13 iAN"i\(, KAUM ITiurs A food and fun fnr held in the Mfthodtsi Pr.mar Prhoo! ground here ..n Bttur- he districts Poppy Day fund.
    25 words
  • 103 13 V. IMA LI'MPL'R. Thurs. The Deuan Raayat is to be asked to approve a M-.'.nd supplement.irv estimate of S">9 I million lor laM year's budgetary expenditure. Of S2CI million for contribution to statutory funds. Sl5 million K required as first payment t\--
    103 words
  • 398 13  - Mission of mercy that saved the life of Cpl Soo CHECNG YIP SENG B> gINGAPUKE. Thun. What could possibly bring togetht r two an lin< s, men of a 400-strong police force, two foreign embassies, and three doctors in a drain at 1 c six-week operation to save a life?
    398 words
  • 134 13 Alimony: Soon a law to deduct it from pay packets ITU ALA LUMPUR. a.iitenance orders will sooa lur 1 to demand the defendto make pa f the 1 dv '-o him. the 1 more xU of enforcing i rden of mainten.-• acr 'he delfiidant or h\» ■■■Qglj 11 tO UTt
    134 words
  • 4 13 1-
    4 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 102 13 |*M This JH& Ronson llynTCr (Normally $13.80) Yours for only $7.95 if you buy two quart bottles of Beehive Brandy See your liquor dealer for details. Mk L^S Mi m. i>IINI 2m* fc Ji BEEHIVE BRANDY Produced bottled in France /S~^f\ SOUTHERN TRAVEL PW^h) SERVICE SDN. BHD. V SJ >K
      102 words
    • 40 13 V '^1 GIVE GOOD HBl\ \S^^^' THIS CHINESE NEW YEAR WITH STALLION STOUT Your friends and family, too will enjoy the really good taste of Stallion Stout. Comes in handy gift packs. WHAT FINER TOAST TO A HAPPY NEW YEAR!
      40 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 778 13 TV MALAYSIA < HWNI-.1. 3 Ku.iU I nmpur I 80OKI I.M r. »nrt IVn.iriL t liioh md Achentu: MitUrra: .t A 10 Jnliorr n CUh*. 70d NC«I ID EngBahru; 4 Taiiiing, 7 Batu tist\ r^hat; 8 Minn. 710 In M 800 News 300 M ProfT«min« nun- m M.noann 810 Andy
      778 words

    • 68 14 has good potentialities for Increased charterair frfieht and p.. lowing th« expariMon of hrr trade. Ore Htivanraee of itii of transportation ll that tt can l-> ma: rodUCU to their deMinai. ani more economtcsll; and Mr R A Clients Mr He elude i' l aircraft
      68 words
    • 68 14 l.i.vsi:ui iti7i!i and now r\iTiiti\ i dirri lor of l/ong life I uinhrr Ltd will rr>i.iin a rmaeettoa with (.Tf.ti Eastern Llf through Malaysia Marine Ltd.. pensions rnnsultanta. •if which he is also a Hlrertur. above giving his retiremrnt *pee< h is Mr .1 .1
      68 words
    • 179 14 THE Unit fd Commercial Bank Ltd. last week announced a reshuffle of senior staff in the banks varioua offled in Singapore. The newiv-appointed managrer for the banks main In RafMfs Place Is Mr R. A Narayanan <42 > who Joined the bank In 1946. :i dlstlngul.>hpo
      179 words
    • 118 14 /JM nl the Iridinf shipyard* in Slngaporr. the Cathay Shipbuilding ruimt and Indu«trir« orapan>. haii irnl it* nui»(rr Mr. hia Swrc Whyr la I haiUnd, I'lnlippinrs. Hong Ki.iu. liunmsa and Japan. 1.-uiing thr rourw of his loui. Mr. I ala fWI some of thr trading shipyard*
      118 words
    • 148 14 MR. K-L Loundea, chairman ol the Noble Lo»noes Group, has relraned details of organlsaUonal cMange^ aimed at increasing tne international efSrrtlveneaK ul the group A new company. Lowmcim International L;a. will 10-ordinate international armitips from London, while the newly formed Singapore company. Nnble Lowr.des i Far Ea-M
      148 words
    • 214 14 INITIAL production Ikis already begun in the new :>."> million tractor and earthmoyer Factory buill by Dunlop Malayan Industries Berhad in its major tyre factory complex ;it Petal ing Java. The first earthmover tyre was produced on December 23 last year, making
      214 words
    • 148 14 AfR. Sunny I s.«|.» oiiprri l vlM>r cvf Ahhot l.^borat«rj«. SingHporp and Malaysia. will Iravr shnrllv for S\rinr\ in »t- pit tin I'irinr and Far I i.i Arra Markrtlng unfrrrnrr. Mr. Hi. h. nl l.yr, trnrr:i\ maiMgrr nf Ihr local company. wh.. m»dn thr annonni rmitil
      148 words
    • 189 14 rpHL director and efiieral 1 manager <>l the intorsiattonal dfpartmenl ol Nippon Paint Co L'ri Japan Mr Ryutaro Nakashtrna. vi .sitffi Singapore la si dim t 0( N:;>i>"!. p< ir. Co i.irt their l< iil lolnt pan) w.iattrnd the lo< a 1 compan; ■.'•PtlllK Duxtn
      189 words
    • 120 14 First National City Bank has reported that the net operating earnings of the Bank, and its wholly owned subsidiaries for the year 1967 rose to a record DW1 13.756.000 tor $4 22 a share i This represent.'- a per cent Increase over thf $104,890 UOO <or
      120 words
    • 108 14 Chase Manhattan Bank announce promotions IN kpppine. with Ita poliry I prcmotP lora! employees to key pOSItIOIU Manhattan Bark. N A. has announced that Itl bfinrri of dtrrrtnrs. In Men Yurk has appointed Mr Yeap Chniiß Gark. assistant manager. Mr Yeap joined Ohane's predeMaaor, Th^ Nationale Hsndelsbanlc. NY. In 1947
      108 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 221 14 Kriesler Lowboy Wmmmm mW^ ummmwJ ->••*- TMm^iiiiiiii mm iiiniii'iii I Compare 1 the quality... f 1 compare the price. v You get a'l the traditional Kriesler tuning .fine furniture cabinetry quality features in this compact to complement your furnishing. TV set. Hi-Fi 23" picture, Com- Take a good look at
      221 words
    • 301 14 Get away from it a11... vi v HHI s T+m^r r 9w J .^S^* K?^. k **^iav^~ '".^■Mt'ff *4^i ■JsyKttok\m%jL***'*J&* i^ammk^^^ y B» 1 ''^i v~f*^"'' :> Tal(G a 2 WPPI'S Ocean Comfort all the way fully air- for bookings and enquiries see your i- Conditioned, good Company, Travel Agent
      301 words

  • 501 15 Record breaking year for Asia Magazine Ltd. SINGAPORE. ThUTS. Rpvenuo totalling more than $5.8 million made 1967 a record-bteakmy year for Asia Mauazinr Ltd. This was announced by Mr. AC. Simmons, chairman of the board of directors, at the company's annual board meeting here today Recalling the shaky start an
    501 words
  • 30 15 KUALA I rMJH'R TOUTS. R K.sakuno. 36. of Tapah. heiv today with tlie R ParlhH- Kompoiii! Ri\c-r- .111 red In uiidpr^ i >n I H
    30 words
  • 11 15 K L. A Rk/a, Ha plf rtMi g It?.
    11 words
  • 410 15 Body had a hole in head REPORTER: SIA CHONG YEW GENE KOH MURDER i INQUIRY SINGAPORE. Thursday A POLICE Inspector -told a preliminary inquiry today how he found a body with a hole on the back of the head on a hill at the 1\ mile Old Thompon Road. Inspector
    410 words
  • 380 15 Court is told of letter and a Times cutting seized at accused's home went to the Straits Times office, where I saw the librarian, compositors and reporter:-, ho said. "I then went through with my colleagues over last year's September cnpips ot the newspaper. In the process of the search.
    380 words
  • 180 15 $43,000 DAMAGES FOR WINDOW 7-DEATH CRASH BRUNEI TOWN. Thursday. 'FHE widow of a bus driver who died in a crash 1 was awarded $43,200 by the Hi«h Court here this week. Btven people died in the collision between a bus and n taxi at the 12th mile Tutong Road a
    180 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 268 15 NOW EVERYONE CAN AFFORD A WORLD-FAMOUS REFRIGERATOR! You get tremendous value for your money when you buy the exclusive Coldspace 4 5 and 7 cu ft. Refrigerators. because you get the same world-famous G EC quality. now at a now economy-price 1 A price each one of you can afford
      268 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 37 15 Bugs Bunny By Ralph Heimdahl f MORE -C3S rC\<\, ?O?<V. S*i«2tflSll« 1 YE? S_??CS£3 -OSO'O'-' fc\ J \Dooa or sr-t MONTOSMtOunj Vrr- SiS^*- Mm H^ K^g^g^gflg^a^^g^^gflßr^gaj fli tv ir rVMsjT^ PITUMA/ xjß» I 4 CAU3VSS r^W f"?/
      37 words

  • 73 16 Hurricane havoc FOREIGN NEWS DESK EXTRA MASONRY blown down by hurricane- forre winds caused the damaee to these rars In Glasgow on Monday. Thousands] of houses in the rity wore damaged and nine lives were lost, including a woman from Singapore (See Page 5). Ships in the nearby Rivrr Clyde
    73 words
  • 203 16 Woes of a man wed to very rich wife London, Ttaurs. A 39-year-old London antique dealer claimed in court yesterday that his multi millionaire American wife sent eight gunmen after him and had him put In chains when he removed his two children from her home. Th*> ppisodp was 'old
    Reuter  -  203 words
  • 19 16 \.M.\N I of them chlldrt i died m the i- izardi 'hrt- havt p.< ree days. AF
    19 words
  • 145 16 HANDK.AKH. I hur< v fifteen pi-nplr wvre iniured when poliiii I.inli«-(| last muht srith 'Mill rnsiru-erint stinlenu who yeatetdaj kecaai an indefinite strike t<> (leni.'.nd the dm critmrnt >>ol\e the problem of un rmplm mint a 'nsineerinj: sr.idu.itrs. The were marching to the oHict-
    145 words
  • 227 16 Chauffeur who earns $300,000 a year with his Rolls >'E\V YORK. Thurs.— Mr. Roosp vrlt Zanders is a softspoken Negro nentleman who says he c a m a uss ($300,000) a year as chauffeur to the worlds wealthy In his cu.<tom-m a d c U5532,000 Rolls-Royce Silver Wraith His
    227 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 293 16 Test drive CORTINA now prove that Cortina is better value than ever North, south, castor west, you won't do better than Cortina tor proven performance and value. It makes real road sense to slip behind the wheel and get the feel of Cortina.... because Cortina s *a=rsm^^ proven features make
      293 words
    • 36 16 Insist on genuine SELANGOR PEWTER luil \m\ Look for the above hallmark of quality. Every genuine SELANGOR PEWTER product is stamped with our trade mark -the pewter maker at the anvil. SELANGOR PEWTER CO. W .LOT3.SfcTAP*W
      36 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 892 17 ■itrooi 1 wist coast v r OuiS'dc* Sam t)t"iin in.. in Pt Jat 21 lat 21 la* 23 11* 7} lia 21 27 la* 28 t«T»OCIU* Lan 27 1 T»L'"»I'US ut 24 lat 2> lat 21/ 2 XA'BN re* 4 Fet fek k fek 12 frt 1] P(i'»NBEB Fek 12
      892 words
    • 1155 17 I r//£\\nhi//V£S i iii in i EXPRESS SHILIH6S TO 6ENOA/WORTW COHTWEHT/SCAHDINAVU t- S haTi t?eran| Sport IGenja Ream H'fiurg Aarhus C'hagen SAKSONA 1 1 lai 21 29 lai 31 J1 JM 2VM Mir 1 Mai It Mar 12 Mir IB Mai IS rAS.XNI •ti 'I* M2l Fel 27 '78 Prt
      1,155 words
    • 1189 17 I Benuline\ EXPtESS lERVICE tB LONBON. UVERPOOI a, CONTINENTAL PORTV BENRINNES S;-jar»ra ft S "i-n "'iim Ronsrcjß Mat I Jin 33 lan 21 lai 2124 lai 25 25 i 3 ktal 11 BENLOMOND Siltaoort «.$»!-> Ptnant R.o"e'(ia» Mat 4 Itt 22/24 KBjasßS Sir.gaui.ra P. S'"aii frraas ■ENVANNOCH 1 c.i. MBuri.S-1-cutn.
      1,189 words
    • 1044 17 feELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO.. LTD. SEE OVERLEAF FOR OUTWIRO SERVICE FROM UK. CONTIhtNI Mniaoo'i rWßta HmM C'.Tttf GUUO'C»O "J- L :.i H 6ur| 21 1 M 1 Frt 2. J Fel 4 fll CITY SF ST. ALSANS ISM B, RotttrrJim. Hamovrs it tmm ar mj 1 1< f'i 12 fit
      1,044 words

  • 173 18 MELBOURNE. Thurs INDUSTRIALS were again firm l with few bin moves. Banks generally improved, but t.SA eased BHP moved up to $16.90 early, then finished 20 cenu lower at $16.60. Minings further strengthened. Wrstrrn Mining being up $1.20 to $3t> with other key Issues showing solid gains. Oils
    173 words
  • 247 18 I/l Bi;t AKY hrst grarlr rubber f.o.h. huyerx dosed at .'i p.m. in Kuala l.umpur and Singapore vrsterday at IS'_. irtits per Ib. il»«ii nut- riclilli of a 1 1 nt on Wednesday's rlonint: levrl. The inn- was very quirt. R.A.S. and M.K.I rinsing prices in cents per
    247 words
  • 27 18 vat ■imitcd at 6 06 for T.T. and 6 031 for caih. Mining wa< <|uotrd at 14 4" and one tatl of gold at MT|.
    27 words
  • 27 18 Jan. IK. i; I HKJ.It PKKK IS eeatl (down «ne-eiKhth of a font). TIN PRICE: SSGO.SU (up SI). hStimatrd ofTrrinK. 205 ton* (up 5 tons).
    27 words
  • 854 18 From Our Market Correspondent FjH)K the second day running the behaviour of the stm-k Exchansc of Malaysia and Sineapore was unpredictable and rather surpr/sini;. Just as on Wednesday after the announcement of the accelerated withdrawal of British troops when the market showed both
    854 words
  • 33 18 Malayan Meet laateei i.Mi it. Jan. ik. laesrtriala: i Prapertics; 137J0 j::s > t Mininga: :x.:.x 78.41 i S rulili.r- in i. ii Dm tt, IM] inn. Dm ".ti. I'lfiH ion.
    33 words
  • 319 18 'rill Straits tin affiaa unnil > 1 one dollar in Penane yi^terday to S.")iiO.."iO piiul havine remained unchani;ed fur market days. The rise was achieved despite a drop uf C 1 per tun I in thr tulure' price in l.iiiitlun on
    319 words
  • 48 18 poit. noon prices par yttMKNtay Coconut oil: 1.i.. .Iruin Copra MUMd 1f.0.8 I Mn./ R. P'nnri M lI3U I L<mpon« black Ml .\>l.\ II tin^apoir Coconut Oil Militii' At* vociation pnett: bulk drum M Ih.- tone «nji ».n»apor- Copra Altociation noon pricol: I ataMl <1.
    48 words
  • 271 18 V.MIPS LVIN(; ALONGSIDE THI «IHCAPOFtE MAPBOUB WHARVES OR EXPECTID TODAY ARE 1 Idihiia mm-u :i p>Kai pgfi I'l 11, Amf»n« 1.1 v, it- I.iot"! Hnkk* SX/aa, h»n- rioma SB Soil M 36, Ptnya 1? .19 Java 4." 41, Art ion eVU SHlnrabn* 41 frrvir V.W. 3 and
    271 words
  • 16 18 M..1.». Canarla- If. Selling TT hi on tarty Caniita w Ntth»r. lands 117 i
    16 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1015 18 X^ 0 """tCAWASAm KISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia' Singapore /Japan Service Frpman'e S'pori Yokkaicm Nagoyi Yokonania Kooa Teui Him" 1/ S Frt il/12 Frt 1 Frt 21 Frt IB Frt Tiynj Tim" .V. 2S Frt 1 Mai 1/ I Mir .5 Mm II Mar 21 Mn West Africa Singapore Japan
      1,015 words
    • 934 18 USTR»tI. NEW UALANO SERVICE '«0U PIKISTIN INO F«« USI SERVICE) Ti TiminiMt BrnlMi. S»mt» r a Maaris m* Nagaiatiuaa P Sn S iV'i».. S i« w a'"- ""7m' IOMIIU II W M|UU |§/2) Ff| n ff| ,j iif fai lawn. »»c. OMt, Litt. Wtll RJUUU 11/11 Mai 17 Mai II
      934 words
    • 442 18 FLOTTA LAURO \VafgW tnrmM men rttH Trieste itait ACCEPTING BOOKINGS FOR MANILA-HONGKOMS-SAI6ON. I' p"p l-f Spore Manna H >cng Saigon RAPIOO Satlrt 12 Fei 13 Ftl 14 IS Frt 21 Fll If Ftl 21 Fei MEGARA II Jan 25 Frt 2t Fft 21 ffl I Mar 12 Mar IS Mar
      442 words
    • 62 18 U. MANJU LINE Discharging from Japan iam M.V. EIZAN MARU 24/25 Jon 27/28 Jor. General Agents: CHIP SENG COMPANY LIMITED 63A, Tclole Aycr Street, Singapore. Tel: *****. *****. KYOSEI LINE Oisclanting mi jatai: SEIKAI MARU" 2131 Jan 31 1 Fit Ganaral Agents Harper Cilfillan SinKapore Tel: ***** Pirt Swetteikaa 151R4!.0
      62 words

  • 693 19 DIMNESS l\ AM) .Ml'olflll) ro mi bingatou and M*l H Ml'l K TRADING KOOMN o» Mil m<i< K t\< HANOI Mmi i;n\, ftm Mil MMBHI «>» •.HARES Ii: M)tU IN BHAt XL I INDUSTRIALS H,,, 4n j C r.'O.UUO) yin $i .-•rt'JOO. .<•:.. s.
    693 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 284 19 I SITUATION VACANT IN SARAWAK Applications are invited for the po^t of MANAGER, MAEINE MEDICAL ELECTRONICS DIVISION of The Industrial Scientific Co.. 12. Gartak st P.O. Box 91, Kurhinc. Sarawak, E. Malaysia, to whom all letters of applitalion -Mould be addressee] for the attention <if the Ocaaral Manager Salary M.OOii
      284 words
    • 865 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 U 111. 11 l I',;, J SITUATIONS VACANT H«r«. i i/m i* t rra DRIVER l.iv r.» VMM Rl MM I.UK I ID|»U Spoil Hi AUUi* K«\ A4.*v I por». TfIIIMONIAU MiflHtNLt. diplomas. Pc.auntQi lup> MfM ay Motluu Sm :i. BBS*.
      865 words
    • 899 19 i ACCOMMODATION VACANT It H,,rrf, v* ,\tin.t—B,.x rlv -*If. TWO FURNISHED BEDROOM <M ■n. MM t:.... I. Raag iM»i4i tMOII httvcaa l(. MB, f 0 I ill. CORNER TERRACE HOUSE I rvant room >em ■>.th c;ir lorip*. .Spoi*. o4:i'.\'J RIVER VALLEY ROAD Koora «u:tHUt. no iiK.king *rpar»u Apply Box
      899 words
    • 710 19 HOUSES AND LAND FOR SALE M »or 4, »fiie Hut ,n r t, ,ir. 1 STOREY SEMI-DETACHED HUH CALOWi *T i_oron»r:uti U1..1 •rfnwi MBi [wr-iu***.- < VALUABLE PBOPCRTits (•■Jim-. »i- '■<• l.:j 10 snn tvi 1 EXCELLENT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY <.-.' OM I v ll :j wariham ro«i »B l«i.;ou k
      710 words
    • 377 19 EDUCATION /i H ,rw. i» <f. rrfr. MIHLANIIII INSTITUTION 1-y Dorr f\tawt mm I COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE I i:.iH.f v MUIIC FOR CAMBRIDGE CLAM M*H T«.»- p CONCESSION ITUI-«*'TS «.*t. 1 ■jn M dill* Koad. por» 211(1, LCC PRIVATE SECRETARIAL FXAM (Junt 1961> PREVIOUS "it. 16 Hi. <M> RAJA S
      377 words
    • 461 19 OPTICAL HEARING AIDS li Wm*» m (Wlm j Bii A HEARING AIUS. I, V>« (Mm) p RUGS. CARPETS CURIOS to <« V« .rt^, WIDI SILfCTIOK J. m iiuxirii ii...;. Lilti hacked WWII 111 hambai jttd Pd ,n, i,, „^n «tti»ii« 4 Itoral b s > in i in i u>
      461 words
    • 165 19 VEHICLES FOR SALE <•' v,i m I- >>>.. ••>«.* RMw ti UAHATSU VS ITM I-»*S OPIL KAI.ITT I I**3 riAT lim, FORO CONSUL I" PLYMOUTH VALIANT !•>»? V,^. iirone iuvim. VOLKSW Al'.tH "'no 14M l»- WE RELItvE IN HlKlHillTl IRTMOAVt Or CAM THAT It i_M>a PRo'.nis» moioiiv i M DIVISION
      165 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1189 20 < •intmurd fnim l»i VEHICLES FOR SALE fj H.ra 4 <• I *lm.)— Box i* rf. .I'r. HIKCIOIt I*o FITML M r»»l» imni rml.a. 1 det»il» 7 t«*» JAGUAR 24 $l*i«> «ood co»Radio I ....I M^> InaurM »»pt. W. Kraaer imi ***** K«t. 4127* i«orh <I."<J i mid'nr' POWER QUALITY.
      1,189 words
    • 702 20 FAMILY PLANNING Ha. an immediate vacancy for an Evaluation-Fteld-Reseanh Officer to be stationed at Kuaia Lumpur. Salary scale $700 x 50—11.250 all-m Point ol entry depending on qualifications and experience Qualiflca- lions required are an Honours de- -re* in Social Science or Political Science or Economics, or an equl- h
      702 words
    • 815 20 GOVERNMENT OF THE a REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE rhr Local Government Integration Ordinance, 19*3 (No. 18 of 1963) Notice Inder Section 19 Notice is hereby given, pursuant in Section 19 (1) of the Local I government Integration Ordinance. 1963 that the Director of Public Works requires the execution of street works
      815 words
    • 780 20 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS STATE OF BRUNEI VACANCY FOR ENGLISH PROGRAMME ORGANISER Applications are invited to fllll a vacancy (or English Programme Organiser in the Broadcasting and Information Department. Brunei EDI NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: Overseas School Certificate or its equivalent with credit In English PROFESSIONAL QI'ALIFKATIONV Must have at least three years broadcasting
      780 words
    • 837 20 TENDERS BRUNEI GOVERNMENT TENDER NOTICE BRUNEI GOVERNMENT TENDER NOTICE Trnders will be received by tlie Chairman of the Tenders Board at the office of the State Financial Officer. Ground Floor. Government Offices. Brunei Town. Irom suitable suppliers up to 13th February, 1968 lor: The supply and layinn of approximately 960
      837 words
    • 1294 20 JAWATAN2 KOSONG KERAJAAN MALAYSIA PermohonanZ ada-lah dl-pelawa darlpada Warganegara Malaysia untok mengisj jawatan2 yang beriiut:— 1 PENJAGV! JEXTERA GRED II (Bahagian III) bagi Kapal2 Korek Dlesel-Letrik di-dalam Jabatan Pant dan Taliayer J**«!* n mi teup teupi la' berpenchen. TANGGA GAJI: (Lakl2) $210x.U--250 di-tamban dengan Elaun Belanja Hldup menglkut kadar yang
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 628 21 PERSONNEL/STAFF RELATIONS OFFICERS A leading British Bank wishes to employ a Personnel/Staff Relations Officer who will be based in Kuala Lumpur but will be responsible for the Bank's Personnel and Industrial Relations throughout the Bank's branches in Malaysia. The successful applicant will be Malaysian Citizen aged about 30 with at
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    • 920 21 NONCES I 'liquors licensing board SINGAPORE NOTICE OF GENERAL I.IC ENSING SESSION A General Licensing Session of the Liquors Licensing Board for Singapore will be held in the Court I of the District Judge and First 1 Magistrate vi the Criminal District I ft Magistrate Courts Building. I South Brldce
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    • 781 21 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS IHt PORT OF SINGAPORE AUTHORITY DOCKYARD DtPAKT.MIN I APPRENTICE KKCRITTMCNT Recruitment of up to sixty apprentices for training in the mechanical engineering, wood and steel trades will shortly be undertaken by the Dockyard Department of the Port of Singapore Authority. Training will be given in two grades: craft
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    • 826 21 rENDERS HOUSING DEVELOPMENT BOARD Separate tenders are lnvilec (or any one or all of Ihe following: .li Construction o( ACCESS ROAD. CARPARKS A: DHAINS ai Kampong TlOll4 Bahru 1 Balance I—Contract1 Contract IV i2j ERECTION ft. COMPLETION of 1 Block of L'-Slo-rey Workshop together wnii SANITARY WATER SUPPLY and ELECTRICAL
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    • 672 21 DIETHELM CO. LTD. Owing to the rapid expansion of our Consumer Product Division, we have a vacancy in our Singapore office for a SALES EXECUTIVE f at attractive terms with good prospects for the right man RESPONSIBILITIES- The selected candidate will manage our sales force and assist in the planning
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  • 129 22 'Swimmers of the Year' awards for Pat, Alex and Thuan Heng TIMESPORT 1 SINGAFOWB Seap (iames stars Patri tia 'han. her brother Alex, and Tan Thuan Heiij: will receive ■Swimmers of the Year" awards this afternoon. The presentation of Urn awards will be made at a tea party at the
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  • 503 22 FAM CUP KICK-OFF Jy TIMESPORT REPORTERS ton m eh Malaysian and Joborc skipper (Jngku Ismail has been recalled by Johore for their Ant FAM Cup match againsl BelangOT ;it Sri CJelatn on Sunday. Cii airst epei Unfku Ismail, who ha.s also np: es- i.ted hi state
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  • 101 22 •THE OoTMBOr "I SonckhU. in. mi rhongkiuunpla fhnngyai, .wiUiduy racrtt'fd ihr challenge cup rhich he hid donated far annual HNBpctltlon IK'lwiimi thC IVn.ii.t City C'DUil-i-il .i ixl tin SongkhU Muiucip.ill;v. The Penang Cit] Council iu<i In rtW for thr pii.M six month*, having shared the Bnt
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  • 26 22 ihe Uif ii i anta loci iimn M ayaia executive coßunittee «iii mr ti the Belangor Ctub on Jan 28 «t 10 ;i m
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  • 350 22 REPORTS NOT IN BUT OCM PROBE IS ON \IORE than halt of Malaysia's team managers to last months Soap Games at Bangkok have not yet submitted their reports, but this will not stop the Olympic Council of Malaysia from carrying out their post mortem on Tuesday on the Games. Tun
    Reuter  -  350 words
  • 156 22 GOLF DM KN DING champion Zainal Abldin leads the Held of 51 gotten ith a score of 'ifi Into the second round ol the Royal Selaiifior Golf Club champic.-.-ship at Kuala Lumpur tomor- row. B Pearson and Choo Kwan Chunng are one stroke behind the
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  • 83 22 Majrur iM friaing Mr Ot.i Tliiani Siru yesterday uiged tnr Clhpl Minister. I'^n Sn \Si>nß Pow Nrr to >rrk $200 000 in granta (mm the CenI tral »nd Stute Ooyernmenu for i 1 an indoor atadium to be built I in Pen. inn Mr Oil aatd
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  • 76 22 Cn i m Bteat of thr MmlaysUn An Wetghtlifttolg. Fcdcr.r.inn will be d with Urn Inten .:!inu Frdr:al. on'.s Gold Mroa! o( Hnnom l>v Deputjr Pnmr Mir.i>:r, Tun Abdul K.i7^k TUI Thr n will be n.Miir ciuniiK Urn oivnipn OouB«il of M.ili.vv,.) xecutl' niirtint
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  • 151 22 Recrio hold champions Kilat HOCKEY OECRIO held Kilat, 11 the drfrndin? champions, to ;i scoreless draw in the Seianeor Hockey Association league Div. 1 at Pantai yesterday. Tlie tpam* matched ,-m-u other '.n >kin and sttckwort A win tor pithPr side w old h»»* i)p"p an Iniustlce to th» M'h"us!i
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 250 22 WHY BE SKINNY? COME ON AND ENJOY LIFE! ■ay p* Ama/. initilirally priH'fs.-,fd fonmila. Super Wate-On offers you .4 quick way to put on extra pounds and mchfll of flnn health) llesh safely. And Super WattOn provides noiin.shnient. helps to improve appetite and men "^^alma^^^H vita: ■'< take with C,,
      250 words
    • 94 22 y&ikcuSt biscuits i Saflasg^Bnammnmw r^Bassar iflgssVa*^ 9 V&ikaSt jrjf] J VehhoM salt ana I SULTANA aaiM Disr^it »Jt **?Kr W i •na Cutnntj g ai SmSSS3 Bite bit by bit Taste the crispy goodness of Verkade. You'll know why those who have tried Verkade always ask tor Verkade Choose trom
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous

    • 410 23 MALAYSIAN MOTOR-RACING J'HE Malaysian Motor Sports Club have planned four big meetings this year. Each of these meetlnjrs will carry more than $20,000 ln prize money. Announcing their big programme for 1968. the MMSC said yrsterday that this was designed to take full advantage
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    • 92 23 ACCRA. Thurs. Ohanas Olympic boxing hopes suffered a sever* .setback yesterday when Prince Amartey. captain of thr Ghana national team, and Anns Aiao. a Commonweal'h QsBN silver meflallust. were MiMjenrifd for a year. The Olnim ABA found that the :wo boxers and four others h.H competed in
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    • 302 23 COWDREY WILL GIVE WI TOUGH SERIES TEST CRICKET pORT OF SPAIN, 1 Thurs. (jury Sobers and the magnificent team he leads face the tougHe&t challenge yet to their world cricket supremacy when the first Test between West Indies and England starts here tomorrow On paper West Indies muM be favourites
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    • 233 23 Olivers wins his spurs in debut BRITISH SOCCER I ON DON, Thurs. Martin Chivers. Britain's most expensive footballer, marked his debut for Tottenham Hotspur by scoring the winning goal for the London club in their English League match last night. The Spurs bear Sheffield Wednesday 2-1 to register thrir
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    • 113 23 Stephen Warboys is a giant in the making in the world of tennis. At 14, he became the youngest-ever British player to win the junior covered courts title. Vet, instead of getting cheers and admiration, many envious people
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    • 59 23 IONUO.V Thurs. Pat JsjgMß, who Hoiked a worlds j best time of 17.. 5s for the women's :»00m hurdles has been voted Britain's best woman athlete for 1%7 by the British Women* Amateur Athletic Association Miss lories 1 time was later bettered br Russian »hIHM
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 56 23 NOW FLIGHTS WEEKLY Djaima MON WED THU s^^^ va^j BBKg^g^g^g^g^w^ SON rWth the Saturday )et Garuda now offers 6 flights weekly from Singapore to Djakarta. F!y in style on board Garudas luxurious jti irwri and 'Ramahtamah"- traditional Indonesian hospitality- ail thewa/ <CQajnuda m INDONESIAN AIRWAYS •WCAPORE .-4 b MMU UJMPUR.SAKAAAN
      56 words
    • 174 23 o SYMBOL OF QUALITY MONT BLANC HO*. 72 K°MOMTUAMC MASTERPTECE MOMTIIAMC MAttIMKI of precious metal. Wing nib In with gold plated esp. Wtaf nib in U-caxat gold guaranUMd (or life. 18-cirit gold guaranteed tar U». NO. 149 \j/ MOMTIUMC tnagnlfleanl MOMTMAMC ball pen witKGIANT diplomatic model. Extra- Urgs RLFILL and
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  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 269 23 Straits Times Crossword 1 it II r H i I I P A('BORS 8. Run and get the cops In IS 1 Pigs land ln 19 16 <8> s. Contemporary object of learch 12. Pneudo- silver chalice shaking and symbolism <6> like corn (5-6 i. I Bridge between Yorkshire and
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  • 65 24 GLITTERING BANQUET FOR SHAH AND EMPRESS WHE Yang di-Ponuan A Agong toasting the Shah at the royal banqia't at Istana Neuara on Wednesday nmiit. On the left is the Raja Permaisuri AfOng while Bmpreaa Farah is on the rijiht. About 80 people, including Tengku Abdul Rahman, his
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  • 18 24 LEE VET »l K viow C*BM HOC I' It. «a ii if >n ior Vn«[»l ai hi
    18 words
  • 260 24 LONDON. Thurs.— CßMßfll niiciflle prices of selected .stocks not Including stamp duty were: London Tin 18 3 6 Malayan 2" 3 Pahanc 99 4.3 Penckalen 11 1, Petalmc 9 6 :t Simiir 1 10 6 3 South Klliia 21 :< South Mal;i\an 21 fi 9 Suiißei Besi |6
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  • 55 24 LONDON. Thurs. Spot lid., Feb. 17 116 d., March 17 3 16d., April 175 16d. April June 17>.d. July Sept 17.d Oct Dec. 18'» d.. Jan March 18 5 16d. April June July Sept. IB\d. Oct Dec 18 ,d. Jan March 18-.d. April June 19d. c.l.f. Feb 16
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  • 34 24 LONDON. Thurs —Buyers £131« i filers £1316. i t wavd buyers £1315'• I s'll-r.v Cl3l fi'.- i £2' Settlemen! C1317S i i. Turnover a m 340 tons, p m 240 Una Tone: stradv
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  • 53 24 AHRHUS i Denmark). Thui.s A small dog brought traffic at a busy crossroads to a halt here tonight when it lifted its leg against a traffic light post and caused a short circuit. The dog got a mild electric shoek and a ixme from
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 28 24 LONDON. Thurs —A Cunimouwealth Prime Minister' conference la expected to be held later this yea:. possibly m Ottawa well-tn!ormed sour(rs said last nicht Reutrr
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  • 80 24 SINUAPUHE ttmi The Minister ot Slate lor Education, lnche Hahim Miak will attend the Opera Estate Residents Associations lourth chlldicns paiiy on Sunday at 2JO tn at Uie Opera Estate Boys' School Some 7lio children, including those from the St Andrews Orthopaedic Hospital and the Singapore Red
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  • 51 24 SINGAPORE Thun PreKeith Buchanan, head 01 the Department o.' Geography of the University of Sinpore, will give a public lecture on "Hunger Cauaes, Extent and i UnpUcatloni at the new Iseture theatre No 4 on Jan 'JH The lecture is organlaed by the untveisliv > Department of
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  • 183 24 Pull-out aid talks soon says Tun KI'ALA LL'.MPI'K. Thurv —Official talk* on the imal assJeiaaee which Britain will fiivr Malaysia following the Britixh pull-out aft to be hold soon, the Deputy Primr Minister, Tun Abdul Rama, told I hi- Dew an Kaayal late) Mr was rrphinu to Ti-imku /<id bin
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  • 11 24 MIA!: indary t each other to death in
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  • 40 24 I>ri;SSKI.I>ORK. Thurs. I'olicc here have c.iucht a hotel thief «ho stripped nude before enterins womesi resident-.' rooms to steal their lußßaue and liamlaaga, If his victims spotted him he apologised tor mistaking the door and disappeared. Keuter
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 18 24 [Late CLASSIFIEDS 20 xords $15 (minimum) >vmons Te OeMM laucMer Tanya Jan.- at A»i". .'Mtikj to doctor and
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    • 312 24 I EXAMINATIONS I 9 success minded students join M I STAMFORD COLLEGE P^^ the largest Correspondence College C 3 Malaysia Singapore Region commend- a twaj ed as a model by Educators and Colombo- |3 Plan experts n^fo BpS Sciantifically devised U]/£t} 3t |jj HOME -STUDY COURSES CAf E^ adopting the
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