The Straits Times, 17 January 1968

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 1 50,000 The Straits Times Estd. IST, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 17, 1968 Ylu^Z!!*, "^£2? KDV .{lO4 MX. (I') 001 1
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  • 156 1  - Filling the vacuum after pull-out MARCOS -By DANOKOK, Tues. President Marcos <ii the Philippines said lure today the proposed withdrawal of British troops from thi.s region would make it necessary for Asians to gel together and preserve their freedom. The visiting President ifjore, /.iamlght have to come and iurm a
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  • 1518 1 Total withdrawal in four years, then an offer to help set up a joint air defence system LONDON, Tuesday BRITAIN is to withdraw her forces from SouthEast Asia by the end of 1971, Prime Minister Harold Wilson announced today. Mr. Wilson lull! Parliament the Govern inciil
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  • 366 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday of people 1 will linr thr route from the Siibans airport to the Istana Trtani ii to welcome the Shah and Kmpress of Iran when they arrive tomoriow on a si\-day State visit The Koeinu 7'!7 carrying the royal party will
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  • 88 1 A father talked out of house Mission HILLS (California I, Tues. Jame* Youiik has been literally talked oui ol his U8527.500 home by his daughter. Collene, 19, whose husband. Lynn Wade doss. 22. im'v stationed with the Navy In Adak, Alaska, last year "In mst 38 days last summer they
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  • 51 1 ATHENS. Tues. Former loader Andreas Papandreou, who was frrrd from kiil on Christmas Bye alter eifhl months' imprisoi ment, left Greece for Parla today Son Mi ex-Premier Oeorge Papandreou. ho waa accompanied on the ftlghl by his wife, the former Mariiarei Cliant <»| Chicago, tlurr o[ thrir children,
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  • 89 1 Hong Kong angry with Lee UONG KONG A number "f Horn; Kong business leaders today lashed OUt at Mr. I*. Kuan Yew because he reportedly claimed "keeping 10,000 British troops in Hong is an vi ol time Without Guards can run riot In Horn: Kong his owi the i-'o due--
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  • 164 1 US copter downs North Vietnam plane VIENTIANE, lii c s -An American helicopter shot down a \uilh Vietnamese plane attackinu Laotian n l cr n in en t tincips in Northern Laos nil s,imd.i ullii sources said here toda\ The plane identilied as a So\iel -designed Antonov 11. w.ts
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  • 33 1 I ARRIER <' LONDON. I ur- t jin> aircraft c f..ti f should be p' »iii .i« soon is will fpim Mill Perslaa Gull brrn completed Mi |Q B >„,,! —Rpiitri pier i
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 24 1 |equipmentK^ \m NAHAR CO., I 113. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. SINGAPORE froniTITONI Wishing you a Happy and a Prosperous New Year Space Star si£& j
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    • 38 1 PRACTICAL 6IFT for a New Hone MHMMi Ol bottriv ,p. rotrd CHOOSr A FANCY WALL CLOCK *Ccurotc DurobW KM ha .t. A «.>•" 5g a S.i. Koi 'i H- I HH B DISTRIBUTIO RY FRASER t, NEAVE J
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    • 146 2 Quotations of Chairman LBJ'-190 pages for $6 v»u JOtUL Twm 0ii,.1 .i t i.,ii uf < h.ui iii. hi I itj pa r»<l> <>t lii. i iii. iii M.n> I-• luiu lit l l rr« In to |ii- pull li-hr.l hrrr Mi M:in ll l"> I i itatlat* <>f
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    • 357 2 ALLIES TOLD: THIS IS OUR COUNTRY' DRESIDENT Nguyen Van Thieu of South Vietnam last night criticised th<> United States for taking the initiative from his own Government in seeking peace in Vietnam. He said South Vietnam should -most naturally" play the
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    • Article, Illustration
      2 2 dipli'M knau
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    • 281 2 VIENTIANE. Tue». rnuld move moif thr Hn Chi MU h trtU 10 Vietnam, the added The deniKi Hie Cotnm a Ait« .' to rf(«: C'>mniutu^: id beii.ui ca| Thej 'I lie Vientiane n r I Ml|)( I I •l
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    • 21 2 Polaris minus punch fizzles out on test WASHINGTON i.• —An fired itifl n i launch* iruia. nflnning the I two >r
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    • 185 2 RUSK GIVES A NEW PLEDGE TO THIEU \\\MIIN(.ION l> lln Secretary "f State, Mr. Deal l>u-k. jrestcrdaj rcalflrncd tint the I lilted Statei would take mi decWoßson peac* Dcgstlationa withoiii full consultation with South Vietnam :md staei cooatrj«">. His ttatea*MM laaacd to the Press hy thr State Departawnt. came in
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    • 256 3 THOUSANDS HURT AS TRKMORS RAVAGE ISLAND, AND LEVEL THREE TOWNS PALERMO (Sicily), Tuesday. T Least 4:>o were killed and 1.000 injured by earth tremors that ravaged Western Sicily yesterday, police said here early today. ree towns had been levelled and nine others damaged by a
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    • Article, Illustration
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    • 195 3 In 1 rapanl and <>thi r centres, ti.i streets weri blocked with car.s 111 which people were living nnd sleeping, frightened to return to their houses 111 ca.>e of another Q "Everyone la terrified the earth is dancing."
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    • 30 3 Km lay \m tsoutti India), Hind lunv-rlf .niD Mtcrutdal fire at 1 a line mi Baturday and w.«s hurnrd to c: mi: to ptlgrlnu returning here
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    • 166 3 New Bill by MP to make divorce easier lON DON. Tue«. A Labour mp yesterday published i Bill to reform Britain's divorce law by making "i r r etrievablo breakdown tne only legal grounds tor ending a marriage. The bin i.s not puvern-ment-s ponsureu. uut stands a good chance oi
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    • 64 3 mi IED NATIONS ran. BecreUry-OcoCTm] U Th«nl .m--nouncpcl 1 night th« tppointtneni of Aglu Abdul H.miui of Pakistan v i .n. Assistant uy-Gpneral [or Public In(iinnalion Mr Hamid. 56. will take <>\rr Ihr |)i>M nr\: urelc. Ho tl Bo« ("jbinr: Secretary to President \yub
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    • 34 3 cairo. Tuc^ Yemeni i<> publican (orees have killed 300 men :tnd captured 45 in a battle with RovaliM and moiforce* in •astern Yemen. the Bfyptian NTidrilf E.t-; N\'»s Agency leported from Sanaa.
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    • 236 3 Marcos asks small nations to seek world peace BANGKOK. Tuesday. pHESIDLNT Marcos ol the Philippines called on the small nations today to play greater role in the quest for world peace. Bpeakini ai Thamma.iai University m Bangkok where he received an honorary docti r «f laws detrroc. the third awarded
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    • 69 3 NEW YORK. Tue.v -Former Pro. dent Baoibower propoaad nuc' uoa|X'i;> bo turned over to tlie Un;K»d Nation.s in order to nuke the v.irid body an effect! in in an Intervtav in Vis>ta. it bi-monthly m.ica/:ne pub'Uhed by tin D.H c • Eurn-
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    • 59 3 AHMEDABA!) We -t n India i ai M than 20 i>oopie ufre hur. at kr.e flvinu ,c*Uval here ye.sterday, police reported. The victims either fell from housetops or were involved in road eccidents while flying their kites. More than 200 people were ar.ested for defying
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 484 2 THE 1968 xTN Audi SOI de Luxe j^\ X^y MERCEDES-BENZ designed the engine; —^VOLKSWAGEN, owning Auto Union, controls construction;^"*^ AUTO UNION, famous for decades for car making and racing NO WONDER THERE'S NEVER BEEN SUCH A CAR BEFORE! *i-:-.y°3Jta* s mmmtSmmk^^ Vl S K w*ft mmmT mmmi mH A LIV/
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 89 3 EA 13 -TRANSISTOR 4- BAND DE LUXE PORTABLE RADIO WITH UNIQUE WIDE DIAL COLOUR INDICATOR FOR PERFECT TUNING 1 The SHARP BZ-23 model is far more advanced than other confll ventional sets. It is super sensitive with reception completely V-^issß^-l^m stabilized. It also features a big I oval speaker with
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    • 220 3 Unique OIL PALM PLAN in re are resslve In really care foi new and unique O ;l P lin tmenl Plan than f UM > alinrl N p 1 fur w ira< The deposit 1 only |30 per month to cnabl aiddle and lower income group Income la In n
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 51 3 FOREIGN NEWS DESK EXTRA Page 18 TWB (3AMOOL€ C po« eeoJ i mo Hoee SbJt^torQtf&b- II /'atoast. pear. just"\ f HO. HOT AUOfU£B N /WUV DOES AN AIRPI4W6 SIWSLE (JueCTiOW j I MAkSE A BAN& VUEN \OP AWV 6OH.T--/ IT OOEff TUBOUGU 7 Off TO ISOr^ v THE SOUND v-"-""^
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  • 119 4 AN easy -to follow sketch of a new traffic system which comes into effect in the areas shown from midnight on Saturday. Thick black arrntvs on the throe ma.ior Chinatown roads New RridKr Road. South Bridge Road .mil Neil Road show that they arr to
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  • 40 4 .SINGAPORE Tuet..— At the inaugural meetins of residents in Hoo\er .me mr View Paiks m Bukit Timah. resolution calling on the Government tv change all street names becinnnu with "Lorong" to "Jala the two parks was unanlmouataf adopted
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  • 121 4 THINK OF SECURITY, URGES THE MP for DELTA SINGAPORE. TMa The Member of Parliament for Delta. Madam Chan Choy Siong. today urged people wai.tintf tv own their hornet uo to pay attcntioii to tiit- security ol the St;r.' Madam Chan was .speaking ■I the balloting of »>mv 500 units of
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  • 104 4 Holiday camp to be reopened CINGAPORE. Tues. The Peoples Association has reconditioned the Pasir Ri.s holiday camp at a cost of $62,000. The camp now has two dormitories one for girls and the other for boys with accommodation for 40 people The camp also has a meeting Mall, a kitchenette,
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  • 69 4 SINGAPORE. Tues Mr. Ron Chandran-Dudley has been elected president of the A.s&ociatlon of Professional Social Workers Othe- officials are Mr Lee Beng Ciuan i vice-president). Mr P Ualasubramaniam isecrelaryi, Mlm Yapp Gek Ec (MM MM UltllJ I. Mr Cheng Slew Hon ■trensurci-i Committee: Mrs Thunc Syn Neo.
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  • 284 4 SINGAPORE. Tuesday. THE Association of Professional Social Workers today urged the Government to initiate a comprehensive survey to obtain more information before formulating legislation to legalise abortion. In a statement, the o elation said: "Social worken in general and medical .social workers engaged
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  • 39 4 SINGAPORE, 1 Ministry of Cultures field sec- free fUm tomorrow niglit at the Maia Gate Labourers' quarters in Naval Base Jalan Quee Chew. Kampong Eng Ho Hn B in Thom--«n Road. ;ukl Tao Khoon School in Kranji
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  • 43 4 SINGAPORE. Tues> About 60 officers and soldiers from the Singapore armed forces w. ill carry out military exercises 111 the Boon Lay Road area in Jurong on Thursday and Friday. Blank ammunition and p>rotechnics would be used during the exercises.
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  • 90 4 Two girls guilty of rioting SINGAPORE. Tues. Two girls and a youth, all aged 16, werr found guilty today by a magistrate's court for rietiiif; and bring members of an unlaw sembly at Vaunhn Road in N'pvi mb r last yi tt The girl.s wore Lily Boon and Cheng Ah
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  • 156 4 SINGAPORE. lues. A cinema theatre manaiccr. Tan 1 1 Swan, has made a report to police that two men robbed him of S.i.ltOO while he was on his way to deposit the money at the Jalan Ben.ii/ Chartered Bank branch yesterday Tan. manager of the Grand
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  • 173 4 T'RE following is the educa- tlonal programme on Channel 8 of Television Singapore today: 7.50 am-8 in am General Science. Sec. 2 Introduction How the Scientist Works: 8 30--8 50. Geography iChi Sec I: —The Solar System: 905-9 25 Mathematics. Sec 1: Ratio. Proportion and Variation
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 242 4 GDEON OPENS TOMORROW! PALACE Wcmen and money were the two things he went for. ..and always he wanted more more more until he was caught in a web of deceit! HORST *j^^^^ THiT MAN IN ISTANBUL A I SYLVA \l^J KOSCINA JOHNNY BANCO IN EASTMANCOLOR I ORCHARD: opens tomorrow! EXPLOSIVELY
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    • 116 4 WHY NOT RENT AN ISLAND Balinese Statue on Sarong Island For visiting YIPs, employee, presentation, weddings, graduations, award giving, foshion shows, or any private or company (unction. Restaurant Houm Opens Nightly Except Sunday Ext. to 1 a.m. on Saturdays Sunday for Sultan's Curry lunch with added European Dishes. A la
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    • 133 4 I.IUO OPENS TOMORROW j IT'S HIM OR YOU! OF ALL THE fa,. J I CREATDBES t «.fOS&JL I ON EARTH ■£^SLjB^'- I only han -5^4K?S^ HONTSHIS OWN KIND JtiftV a. BEACH RED >i wo* fAPITOI ■V^BM^Bl VM« 11WL445 930 pm. L> Jd L* J^9l lJl^^ mandarin in color ■■■■■■■■■^CJQ^jJ^ «"th
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    • 361 4 ORGANISATION m,,iuh Lo« Day 1 11 45 4-630 9 1J Th. HAND ot NIGHT I Op'" I illoca "BEACH RED Opens Today 1 1-1 JO-4-6 4S-9 JU "ULIAR of SOCIITY Color H Mond win C_7 Now Show.nq 11, 2 30 6 9 pm- f~ m "Aayr din BoKoor fj 1
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  • 238 5  - Women of Iran winning battle of the sexes MARGARET WEt b, tUALA LUMPUR. v Tues.— The women of Iran, like their rs in all progressive countries, are coming out of their homes to take their places in politics, business and the professions "much to our husbands annoyance." thi.s view. Mr.-,
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  • Article, Illustration
    7 5 MRS MARZBAN more beautiful than I thought
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  • 336 5 Commitee set up to aid Camerons hill climbers By CHOU CHUAN SHENG: Tartan Rata. Tues. iN eight-man committee, beaded by the Cameron Highlands District Officer, Inche Abdul Azmi bin Abdul Tahnm. has been set up to minimise the risk of hill climbers and other adventurous tourists K«*ttin» lost in the
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  • 95 5 Malacca to build house for VIP visitors IIAI C Inn Work on a ncu si:; I. omi tM<>slor«- > ll* BMMi hcrr I". t«i start at the end of tlie month I In- hiuiM- will be used \>\ si-nior (•o\ci niiirnl .tnd (lipluni.ilic olliri.iK on visits to Mal.u i. It
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  • 77 5 KUALA LUMPUR I ue.s. \nnuN-.ici"! to Malaysia Mi Pierre Ambon* da> presented .< selection ul Krrnch ixioks on 'ii' Pn ournaliam Uj une Bouth-Baat \.> a Jalan \mp tag pubilcatlonii rtuch m elude ih' Joumaiu dv rospi duced copwi •i nr ■".iiK traai t.i» PTem
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  • 285 5  - Making money out of Mao's thoughts RODERICK PESTANA: Singapore. Tuss By CHIPPING companies whoa ships call at Chinese ports are having trouble with seamen who warn to make money out of the 'Thoughts of Chairman Mao." The representative vi a shipping company whose vessels call regularly at Chinese ports, said
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  • 36 5 I'KNANti 1,1..-. servtceg kIU d<- held v Urn Mhhtnd*numi Maple Kampar Kii.<fl on riiursday and FrKi.iy t<> Mfßinojeoratc uic fourth •anivmarj of '.'ic draiii "t the tifh I'm.-' and thr Yen. K. Gun i
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  • 136 5 Accused of cheating two women UENANG. Tiu-s. A 1 man mi alleged today tc; bave cheated a woman ol S2UU by deceiving her that the money was meant for the Deputy Prime Minister and the Penang Chiei Minister. Chong Sa;K Cheong, 53, pleaded not suilty In the Sessions CoUII I
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 231 5 LAST RITES V THh VSH immersion crrc:. 1 t'p Mr M. P R Nalr, Supervisor Post Departin- nt, Kualj 'I'rengganu. who pawed away on 31 U 67 will be conducted at Batu Burok Beach. Kuala Trfngganu. on Thursday, 18 168 at 8 am. All friends and relativea arr cordially invited
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    • 281 5 a., B*^"F*«4j B* MOW to increase your knowledge your qualifications bbbi your earning powerai THROUCH THE *O«ID FJMOUS AlßMlll POSTIL TUITION OF THE MPIO tESUITS CSUNI ot LONDON Mc«Kr et tin *>skhlim tt InMli CarrtsfMlfucp CditfM ■It I f m ■0»- 4T? 1 17i no f iftnj charge flßf^ HORLICKS
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 227 5 Straits Times Crossword \< Kosx 6. (J" too far Ufi^rni 6 O*M tffWl v. make a n<.i«- o h .am?ng thr Mtvaatta* I i n-rv b^ tor II MH II SSg^^O, PX mPIO id. in^,,.. «m .m ssSb^beS: TV:' ii vii' ns n 9 t 13 B*«ndßd with i 2
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  • 41 6 Pritam: Appeal against injunction today N VPORF I i< Court will begin liearLomorrow oj .1 }>!>•■; »l ihvolvh.l: P Pntam Singh 9 in througl S K rhambPr> b^tDr*' .i tnber B member<i Occupied held beri; II \h EDWIN TAN brother ol accused
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  • 733 6 Victim's sister tells of pleas to help trace brother INQUIRY INTO MURDER OF MILLIONAIRE'S SON REPORTER: SIA CHEONG YEW \N unemployed advertising graduate, Freddy Tan Seng Keng, 27, turned down on appeal for help trace a missing millionaire's son because he had an appointment to go to the cinema, a
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  • 126 6 Waiter in a bar tells of man "with an awful smell' hiel, replied Ido remember wh< put La; V ru i" r him in Tor tbii i v retun n 1 'n carry hi> turniture from the a.rport." Borrowed von accused I "am bridge Road, where he borrowed a van
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 198 6 alf^B^^^^gf^^^a^^^^g^aa^^^^w^BsV^^Sg^a^BT la^B bb^bbT^^^ j' J WST k g^K gggggggggggggggggflgflgggg^a^^ggggggggfl Mk» Wi.i% ip My\J ggggOt^Hgggggl B|M«jgaiA^^kßi|>l^g)li^rT9 g«« &j^^^^^^^^L g^Hg^^g^i^ggg^^^^^^^L^H gOaV!^^9gggg> gggl n 1 IM^ I wBBKMR oid 11l I J gga tggggj gggggggCb A gggl itSS^r l\(irilx mk\ ■1 -*3E3L' a j£ V ggNggS w g^^ggggggfgggl ggff^ 91 ssVMaW tw aVaV
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    • 73 6 New long Kent comes to town! f^. m _^^T" Hgggflgl Iggg*. BggV gk. isW A V H ,^g^ ggggW I 4|v <■■ V-^k ndV J" o^Bv. W^^ F t*rWftL iK B BaY > u>ubv i mla»j b>w H^^H a^Bm^a^sss& BSr/ av^ HkrMVPuwL 'Tp -jSm pRggHT^^M jJ \»m.*^al HP' w/71 BaagsV^V^aVJgmflHawJHa^a^a^^^^^^gMg^^SESnißß^ai^^^^
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  • 268 7 JJALAYSIA will favourably consider having a trade agreement with Iran, the Minister of Commerce and Industry, Dr. Lim Swee Aun. said today when he met members of the visiting Iranian trade delegation. Three members of the delegation, led by Mr. Ali-Akbar Mahloudji,
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  • 233 7 French to be subject for the LCE KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday JTKEXCH will be an optional subject in the Lower Certificate of Education examination from 197 U. This wu.s announced today by the Minister of Education, Inche Mohamed Khir Johari, when he oprned the new building of the Alliance Franchise i
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  • 26 7 PKNANO Fuaa lhic\e« ::'O «orih of pment when they broke into Cl op I Ufl Chuan and Cn in Malay i n.. „.ne were
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  • 23 7 lIMII lv. -Mr M Ma- irk nt the .ii h i uft;(f abo'it 11 m today and dird while •n ambulance
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  • 179 7  - WANTED: A 45-YEAR-OLD GUNMAN RUDY BELTRAN: Kuala Lumpur. Tues By HOIK) .tie huntinu for a IS ><\ir old l; u n in. in who yertetelaj robbed two warken .it .1 tMMtnwtiea siti- in Amp.inu. mx miles from Ihtp. A police spokesman said toil. i\ that the description of the uuiiman
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  • 27 7 SINGAPORE. Tur.s— A h w.fe Madaa I'm Ork Tian 44 down hv in a. died of her tajariM at the Gene- r«l Hospital yesttrday^ I
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  • 176 7 A woman diplomat iearns the language and wins friends ■DRUNEI TOWN. Tues. D Can you find a better way of learning a language ana making many friends at the same time? Putting tni.s Into practice Is Miss Bronwen S. Pearson. 24. third secretary at the New Zealand High Commission in
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  • 95 7 Raja Aznam to be envoy to Nepal too KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. —Malaysia's High Com-missioner-designate to India, Raja Aznam bin Raja Hajl Ahmad, will also be accredited as Ambassador to Nepal Current iy Malaysia*! Deputy Permanent Representative to t.'ie United Nation. 1 lia'a Aznam loined Uie Foreign Service m IP.JT Hr
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  • 115 7 y>ENOI I M>dtil Rah- m m will open a s'x d d «i C Dewan rlu R** 1 man here on Monday The ki tninar will auk an :i which still ;>m*nt in the Atfsn Pn KUALA LUMPUR. IHM. ;t.'. rnaUonal Pros Institute .md the
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  • 129 7 4.200 are back in homes as floods subside IOHORr RAHRL. lues The fl»io(l \Miirrs in thr Yoni; Prne and \>er Hitam arras of ll.ttu Pahat ha\c ?one •**>'* tn<li\ 4,20.1 residents of sur rnundinc kamponqs returned to their homes. Tney were supplied uith two k.itis of rice each hy the
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  • 66 7 Oil firm to pay $10,500 damages SINGAPORE. Tups. I judg•oo damilnst X »l! I La] lorry lent case was made b tire Chua In the High, i in today. <Uno who vii run over and k.Urd ren by an <■:: p. my njUIH two r The ludumeni wa« t favour
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 146 7 b^b^b^L^EallZA^''' i bWbUVb^blb^lW a^a^Fiß B^^T^BM /VZ/J a^B^B^B^B^BV*W aMMBB -V^V^ V^^3J^^b^b^*^Hb| J^bT ■■■■iB^B^B^B^BV y^^B^B^W ■♦^^^^hJ^blm V>Jy •■b^«BMBBIMB*W1»« b^H b^bP vB a^al b^Mb^V 4rk Rmß The TOSHIBA 19RAS otters luxury TV. \a% 9 fxg enjoyment at no extra cost. It's special t^»* m mm Km tinted screen provides anti -glare, and \s%a
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  • 265 8 573 MILES RELA Y RUN BY 40 ARMY MEN MMIDKI. BAHRI, Tues. Forty men from 3 Squadron, Royal Corps of Transport, based with the 28 Commonwealth Brigade at Terendak, arrived here ahead of schedule today after running about .*>?.'{ miles from Kola Bahru in 70 hours. Thr day-and-nieht nonstop relay
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  • 132 8 I SINGAPORE. Tuesday. 'THE Minister of Stato for Culture. Mr. K. C. Leo. this morning visited workmen putting the rinal touches to a mammoth trade-and-fun fair being set up at the Gay World for the Bingapore Festival '68. Tin i.tvi ji wll] offer is and
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  • 157 8 A series of lectures at the TTC CINGAPORE. Tues. A series of lectures on education by experts are to be held at the Teachers' Training College for professional officers of the Education Ministry and the Public The TTC's acting Rev T R Doralsamy. will conduct four lectures on Ethics
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  • 121 8 Festival days shops can keep open SINGAPORE. Tuet I*. cnablr the public to hi p for the Chinese New Year, chap Goh Men and Thai-pu-am. the Sinsaixnr Oovernmenl today announced thai shops whose weekly closing day falls or Jan 2'">. Jan 28, Fcb 9 and Krb. 11, n. ,iv (ipon
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  • 32 8 No- water areas SINGAPORK. Tuet vupplie, will be cut off tomorrow from !> h m to spm in New Industrial Road, and from 9 a m to 6 p m in Grey Lane
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  • 54 8 BINOAPORI TUN The First I-.ii-. I'uan Noor Al.shah. will dUUlbuti Red CRM Old Peoples Club New Year put] '■> lie held ai Red Cross house in Penaiiß Lane on Thurtda) 5 p m Ihe Minister (or Culture and S<uial Inrhe Othinan Wok. ami his
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  • 254 8 SPCA may have to close: Given up to next month to quit premises Singapore. Tuesda r PHE Government's city development schem threatening the closure ol Hie Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Annuals in Orchard Road. The 20-year-old organisation has been given up to next month to yuit its
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  • 94 8 TWO PEACE CORPS' GIRLS START WORK SINGAPOh I t-A ,;ian "Peace Corps" volu reported for work at school! tuday. ai v B.irbara Dorothy E\: both fmm the Australian St.*te of Vlctoria M: Pi \trrr\ to Margaret Dnvn Primary s. I Mls» Jonr.- ranKhn Girls i tool. The two I
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  • 54 8 Federation of Boys' Clubs officials SINGAPORE K M B heen elected ion of Boxs i Chal Othf: Q'iek Hiang Whee K ilrmen), Mr R We« retaxyi, Mr (J.>n s«^ Keang ureaturcr), Miv Hlans n( treasure! Mr Cbia ("liuan i lea me tecretar) >, Mr Ho Hee Keow social Mcretaryi and
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  • 70 8 rAFORE. rue I lie Port cf Singapore Au(hon'\ D DepmrUntnl is to bod reason dinner on Jan 2o to r<>nimcmnraif Christmas Rarl K.i .i rh:nesr New Year and the Tamil FeMnal An organising (<.nimin*»> rm«. been formed to orsanise the dinner, which la ri>MKned to fo«t*r better
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 208 8 NATIONAL JSr9 ELECTRONIC ■9HBIII aP^^vi AC/DC: operates either on 4 penlight batteries Ki©ißSl L(^)i or on Housenold curr ent. -0 -X Built-in voltage selector: can be switched to any Horizontally j=iL voltage in the world, from 105 V- 250V. =^^=^c X Can be mounted horizontally or vertically. Inla^aS Backed by
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 118 8 IHck i r tiv tf It t/ Ilfst*'i I,4utlfl 7] V 62° I S GOING TO SMOW P^ARDEN AN I NTEREST"" K77ELL YES. 620 BUT Rf^T^^lßD CACP us MOW T O" r «A p BIRDS Tfc BIRDS IS BOUND TO Fexactlv hOw do voo V for our A^^-^f^ HELP GENERAL
      118 words

  • 224 9 JPOH. Tucs. Caltex dealers in Perak will stop all sales at their service .stations If a satisfactory sfttlemen! Is not reached with Caltex Oil (M) Ltd. over their dispute with the company. Thia "boycott." a .s x)kp.s- tman for the dMlen
    224 words
  • 8 9 ings i Us and tirstiJ
    8 words
  • 104 9 CIM.\POKK. lues Sine-tP'TiMiis today responded asagaUleentlj to the Blond Transfusion Centre's s()S |nr about 23 pints of r.ire uroup "IV rhesus necative blood, reqiiired for a IS*VCM "I'l Ctrl uho is to undergo open heart sur gerv tomorroM R\ I M
    104 words
  • 177 9 'J HE West Borneo military commander. Brig.-Gen. A. J. Witono. has given an opportunity to Communist rebels to surrender in exchange lor sale conduct treatment. Antara news agency said the General instructed all military personnel, the Dayak tribesmen and Government officials to treat thp returning
    Reuter  -  177 words
  • 310 9  - The drawing of lots settles the schools row P.C. SHIVADAS By IPOH, Tuesday. pOUR of the 22 pupils of the Tarcisian Convent hero, involved in a "which-school-to-go" tUSSIe with the Education Department, will be Uiven places in the main Convent in Brewster Road. •\:.d for the tour who were chosen
    310 words
  • 88 9 Extortion letters sent to 5 businessmen L-IAI A Until, lues At least fiw busiiirss men here ha\e received extortion letters vi t h bullets enclosed during the past Ihii weeks. A police source said today that there Mere about 30 attempted extortion etM *o far this month two rases a
    88 words
  • 46 9 Xl AI.A I IMl'l U lIM Mr I.m Clianu I-hm li«s been mstplled rwiiinnal pmidsnl o? th* .liir-m: (r "!mniber of Malaysia »rh rtec-praaidinu Mr oiu Yoke Choon ?nri Mr Stephen Tap, lacmsry. Mr 1 Stephens nnd treasurer. Mi Poo Boon Fonc
    46 words
  • 40 9 XV m I DMPtJK I x T!ir Mrntri Bes:ir <<t I'ri'is. Brl Shrikli Ahmi'l bin M'lhamrrl Haslnni will cne Ihr nri7rs to innera <••( the 1967 ScieniT n nntine contest ai fur Drw:tn Bahxso dun Pu>taka her* •>n Fr.fL.v
    40 words
  • 39 9 KUALA I I MPIIt lurs TltievM brnkr Into tat Metro Rrs'aumr :n Puth] Rond lierr MTljf vr'.lrrdnv. »nd took *M) 0 and -JKaret'es nr.d liquor worth M 000 Kntrv was trade by breaking ope-i *h- r~»r door
    39 words
  • 350 9  - A call for a cabinet of Asian nations R. CHANDRAN =3> OINGAPORF. TOM A i^ top Filipino publisher. Mr Jiaqu:n P Roces, today suggested that the executive heads of South-East Asian nations should 1 form a permanen 1 "Summit Council" to bring unity and 'rust among the varloui peoples
    350 words
  • 161 9 I ondov in' Bar L rtjot* working In the lower Rtjani arcs of Sarawak wrr«- ml.>takoii for beadhunten, accordiiiß to the annual report of ttv Director Ovor.seas Su-vpyv in the BrltiMi Ministry of Overseas Devflopmeut. In this ;ip a Of prima-v swamp Jungle along the cna^t
    161 words
  • 33 9 PCNAMG, liK-v Iwrnlv <-icJU \TA\r\ mi Imlinc It unmpn. tntlav hoarded thr P and O linpr. Cbitral for floating trmlnar. the flrst conducted by the P and O In South-Ea*t Asia
    33 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 35 9 "X^C^y. SIGW OF QUAUTY AND TECHNICAL ADVANCEMENT I VICTOR COMPAMY (V lAPJN I Tfl v w- 5 H-T J ~^^^^^^P^H B MSL-ISE Micro J^porole stereo Ihot operates like the"Big One*" S«5! flgg M Mil ll^jiMgJ!;
      35 words
    • 128 9 sum**" <# v Ws^ .*4B^« Hill 'j»r Jm JTiLk HMB "r. Jt ■■■■Lv^^fer I i f^ PB^^^^^^B.l i^Ji ii 4 <* r i\ *J| ■K^wV^al ■Itfi^l 1 V'BHhßJKjk' V \v» Bva^l i Ss^BcSS Js> i London-city of architectural wonders London's beauties aren't all old and covered with ivy. More and
      128 words

  • 25 10 M *»r4s Hi fSSMBBBBII IN iVtR L«VINO HBBMtf of Mr r IH Mlniam »hn <I'J I .t,*4 kt hi iov m *nd «oo«.
    25 words
  • 120 10 W H.rrff t/« (minimum) 01 ft FURS OF CANADA «»mllat Ruhlnxm «ln»» M.NIMAJI FURI WOOL <«rp»>» »n(l t.19 T*lt- ,1 Pin» Ru( !»«!>! JOAM BOOTY'S BMtati rmhium N«lio«»l «*o» pgnaorirf ky V h N KHMBB. A 810 BIG THIRST* SB) Bf| ki il,» HI. II p it> rSM I
    120 words
  • 13 10 li Wurdt U M'.Htmum 1 IT. i.torn.l I I- >• 1 ay
    13 words
  • 672 10 Straits £imrs Wednesday, January 17.1968. Looking At Trade Malaysia's trade Humes have bean nrfaced by the tall in rommocl ty prices. After five years ef steady expansion, Halayaiaa export earn- j lagp dropped leal >«•«! by a round $Jl»> million, pei hap- a little more, bnorts totalled anproxtjnatel) 5>2.91j million
    672 words
  • 348 10 Malay.Ma welcomes th»Shah of Iran and Queen Far«h as the distinguished representatives ol a friendly country. Two da\* ago Malaysa and Iran signed a treaty ">i friendship, providing the basis for progressively closer tU>s in thf future. It promise.s to maintain diplomatic relations "in conformity with international law
    348 words
  • 183 10 With trawling <>n ihe weel <-o,ist of M<iln\ s I'obbled Iv in.-horo ii-hpnnen'< resictsnee tr chHii"«\ 1 iirtH he«»r hopetl that widct opportunities or. K*st Coas4 would tun t:n.s mine advanced technique chance to pn ye itself, t'nfertunatelj thorp has be^n ttoi.olt iioic wdL Thouc'i the local m
    183 words
  • Article, Illustration
    1327 10  -  A Staff Writer by A monarch who stands for progress IN an age of the heart transplant, nuclear power, the cultural revolution and the hippies it calls for m effort to think of someone whose heritage reaches back more than two thousand years. He is the King of
    1,327 words
  • 524 10 LESSON 144 in a new series by YUNUS MARIS OLOMABT: rri.hagai <adj< variouv nil noris. Pl.l.bagai bangsa iNi multi-racial: surhi (adj' pure, clean, sacred: amalAN (n) practice. BKRgrlora (VI to be stormy, troubled. IIIIipMIHCHM. TKRsisih ivi to l>e dlfferrn 1 .si.iftini; contradictory Hrre is the IMt of the
    524 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 218 10 1 Clissifitd is'renitemnts fsr Straits Titi»* A Malay Mail may b« handed to: coid sto*a6i surm-MARicrr COtD STOKAfcJ a«ANCHIS CITY BOOK. VTO«t ITO, t>aa>. TMI Nl*t »»ONT «4*fflras%Bf< M M ItMAIL, "-vat Naval Bobs* HAMIIM STO«f. l^ mw» Ownn* 4» Sinuopor* 1 v ritnAVAmT m- CO, 3 I Jolan R.07V1,
      218 words
      60 words
    • 243 10 WHY DO ityiMlS* AIR CONDITIONERS RANGE IN COOLING CAPACITY FROM 8,500 TO 18.000 B.TU.'S Hr? To ensure that you hove the unit exactly suited to your requirements that you do not pay for more, or less, than you need. The cooling requirement; of any room depend on its size, location,
      243 words

  • 142 11 Tin price may drop below £1,300 From Hall Romnay I ONDON, Tue«. i Tin values in Lonaun remained depressed despite res to •d the Butter <iid postdovaluation price 24" tons U -iMI'J tons, the si level since May. The 1- Inai ban merely currency lusing .do. ..S. stwkpile record which
    142 words
  • 959 11 The NTUC suggests some changes SINGAPORE, Tuesday THE NTUC today recommended that certain amendments be introduced to make the Redundancy Payments Fund Bill more acceptable to the workers. In a statement today the NTUC secre-tary-n eneral, Mr. Scan Mvi Kok. said the report of a special committee set up to
    959 words
  • 129 11 KUCHING. Tues The former British High Commissioner to South-East Asia Mr Malcolm Mac Donald. was veMerday jfiven a traditional welcor.-.e by the family of the fnrmer Paramount ciHel f iht loans the lat» Teiner.gßon-; Koh. si Nangn Eiitav.ah in Kapid district
    129 words
  • 30 11 HEKEMB.AN. DM Ihe Chlel EducHtton Officer. Nrgrt ScinhiiHii Mr Ong Pi m K( »d th't chUdrea itn Bd mi' ed tnto Stanrturd one thw year throughout the BUta.
    30 words
  • Article, Illustration
    2 11 Mr. Seah
    2 words
  • 106 11 Hurricane kills expectant Singapore mother (I \n(.()\\ |u.s— A 23-->>id rapsctaal motiier from Singapore died durinu ihr hurricane uhuh hullilo/ed its (limuul; Gla*f*tl mil (iiernock \e>trrd.i\. kill HU I I pcopli Mr* J.inet hu.i t pli\siolhri.ipist tame t» Scotland almosi i > v ln- .unl Inr hu>baml. a mrveyor, were
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 4 11 a 23
    4 words
  • 132 11 immediate defence talks' call by DAP 1/ I ALA LUMPt R. lues. The Democratic Action Party today called on the (io\ernment to make arrangements to hold "Immediate talks" with MtUvsia's "traditional defence partners and friends" tn work *>ut a common defence arrangement for mutual assistance. In a statement, the DAP
    132 words
  • 36 11 SINGAPORE lufs Clnia Phvier 56, of I R'iu was found dead UK i block of fi.. v<-mbin.! I ion« Bahru thus mornine He uv t-e.:r\r<l !r. ha\e !...:< n lr<'m one of the top fi
    36 words
  • 205 11 Ship's owners get ultimatum over crew's pay SINGAPORE, Tuesday. THE Panamanian Consulate-General In Singapore has written to the represei >1 the Panamanian freighter Arrowhead asking them to settle the wage claims of '22 dismissed Vietnamese crew or face cancellation of the ship's Panamanian registration. a spokesman for the today said
    205 words
  • 27 11 U.OR STAR. TIWI -Thert oorn ,m call K x 1 d in Sungn and -1 nnd J injong. All werr :n--mitted
    27 words
  • 17 11 KUALA M.MPfR. I to hou g Itera „nd .^d a' $4,813 trrr M to
    17 words
  • 30 11 ■a 1 1 mpur Tun The rif-~id»nt or ihe Malayan a Cluo. Mr Da.ld Oih- a 'alk 0:1 •Vorlri nt UH Hall h?re on Pridav p m
    30 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 46 11 Cure your COUGH ton i g h t~T~^^B^j J with Oe Witt's Cough Syrup j^^HL^^ I STRONG. QUICK-ACTING |o-*'rr« IMMEDIATE RELIEF I comqH PLEASANT. SWEET TASTE I syrup For young childran use De Witt t BABY Cough Syrup |*4k^k~*fc>^^ START STRONGERM^H LAST ilßpSSyi 'LONGER Rr BATTERIES
      46 words
    • 167 11 v> ♦♦4«»»«»»««»»«»«»*»««»«»»4«»*»*» FOR EFFECTIVE METHODS AND JT EFFICIENT SERVICE IN POSTAL j B EDUCATION CONSULT: Cambridge i CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL t 171-C. BENCOOLEN STREET. SINGAPORE-7. P.O. BOX 1935. SINGAPORE— TEL: ***** ***** or P.O. BOX 104. JOHORE BAHRU TEL: 3958. HOME-STUDY COURSES FOR 1968/69 EXAMINATIONS I 5 Moths, Applt^d fc*«th\. *hv-.'c\,
      167 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 613 11 LON YOUR TV AND RADIO TODAY TV MALAYSIA RADIO MALAYSIA Kuil.i I iiinimr /arc! t. 700 National Shorlwate <servlre Down 500 The News 510 Pro"10 «i. b«.i. metre*. Medium Summary and Fi^h lohore mmi .> n thr Ser«i<e Hi 3S* MtMBI i'- 5.18 M Kui EveiyB*hr;i I raipiu; 7 Katu
      613 words
    • 54 11 The weather HIGHEST and lu«est temperatures In Malaysia and Singapore for the period 8 pm. Monday to 8 p m yesterday Hifheht Lowpsl Kuala Lumpur PO 70 Kota Bharu 84 72 Penang 73 I; "ii 88 68 Malacca 88 72 Singapore 85 73 H. :;:ancK M ."^7 .Jesvpl nil 7.S
      54 words

  • 255 12 FjiROM the outset, the management ot [he new Vespa scooter assembly plant at Petaling Jaya will be 100 per cent Malaysian. The East Asiatic Company Ltd., which has commenced construction of the $1.5 million plant has appointed Mr. Leong Ah Chce, a qualified mechanical engineer, as
    255 words
    17 words
  • 60 12 Another partner for Singapore brokers ONE ol the oldest established stork and share broker- :n Singapore, JM. soon and C nounce the app« ment of an additional partner making the present num- In the firm Mr. T. s who Is a and it broker In Fe rv 1. ami I
    60 words
  • 91 12 Islay Kerr name new manager MH. Adrian Heywood has been appointed manager of Islay Kcrr Co. Ltd the P O and 8.1. agent* in Singapore. His appointment wa announced by Mr. John Mills director of Islay Kcrr Co Ltd Ml Hevwood. who is a Singapore citizen, arrived in Sin- in
    91 words
  • 85 12 DEAN Organization, Ban i B.A. one (it the worlds largesi International mover of household goods, iwi fxpandfd their actlvltie> to Singapore. The OrsanttßUoo tiu". esiabii-.ifii a blanch m Sinua (Hire— Dean international Singapore Ltd at International BulldniK. On hard Road Mi Lawrence Chla ha.s in-eii appointed
    85 words
  • 64 12 AFTER a t«o mnni! emDractng South Amen. a. hl« nat;\e New Zealand and Mr R I I ..■apnre tills even-.tii; n panted b\ his trlXe Ml I nlve ba I I.i^lKiet and jroungCl founder of this On whlcb is m i speclaJlsti In the fie;: of retiremer"
    64 words
  • 61 12 Mr W: the marketing officer of the Pineapple Canner i Ltd ha^ fxprc->pd hi^ confldeocc in i Malaysia's .h it.s canned pineapple exports to the Midd!? r Mr Wniii: recently led a pineapple-selling mission to countries in the Mlddli whlcb waj privately sponsored by the Pineapple Cannc Ltd
    61 words
  • 40 12 TWO NEW EMPORIUMS ARE OPENED TWO I I H i I Peopli i storey I I will opei {or n I manuf.ii and lm- nployment to over 200 people t'ri.plr t:i and Tanjonp h the twon[ tin Llou Cilv Hotel
    40 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 471 12 ENJOY YOUR NEW YEAR IN YOUR NEW LUXURIOUS HOME r*i m a\/ i We se read > ftou 6 tor JMU Lltl.AT. immediate Delivery. SEMI-DETACHED BUNGALOWS at »IDA STUfT TOSCA STRUT OPERA ISTATIi 4 (Hdri/om Parquet MgMK tloonnq •athreomt, Li»in» o<m«f Room., Kitr^n, Porch Etc S. m. Octothed J45.0«0/- u»wo>«>
      471 words
    • 196 12 500 TH TRUCK SOLD wm jfl IBI.Mh.m; iMALWMAi 1.1 1). rompariT uill Ih- m.ivinj tn Hi aicenU for <"onvp»anrer Kork nr« farlorv in IVlaling .lara in Trurks Ltd.. Warrinctun. li><- April, and that a round-the-rlork, land, on January sold Mi Mttt m-\<'ii-<l.i\ week wifci will he Irurk Mif the l»pr
      196 words

  • 318 13 Why more British aid to Spore? Query to Govt l/UAI.A LUMPLH. 1V 1 rheOorernment will be asked to explain why Britain is offering $11 million assistance to Singapore and only S7 million to Malay- a result of the British defence withdrawal. ».,1 be a>ked by a FMIP Member during the
    318 words
  • 23 13 s. earn i was charsprl :n a MMT) a* < mm Still y israr. Ho »a. rrmn:\dKi til pnlir* ril>!<><lv.
    23 words
  • 221 13 UKITISU Prime .Uin- i-U-r. Mr Wilxon his cabled a rrplv to the Singapore International h.mibir of Commerce's weekend pmlrM on pwnnh to accelerate the niilil.irv ui' \(!(lri'ssr ||i(. h.nnlii r Mr .1 H. l». Sibree. the «able s.iul: You will n»l
    221 words
  • 646 13 A personal letter to Wilson, then talks with Labour MPs LEE BATTLES ON (cont'd) LONDON, Tuesday MR. Lee Kuan Vow and his Finance Minister. Dr. Goh Kentf Sure, put Singapore s case on economic and defence grounds against a hasty British withdrawal at a private meeting of Labour MPs in
    646 words
  • 181 13 WHO IS MR.LEE AFRAID OF ASKS INDON PAPER lAX VRTA. Tuf*.- Singapore s concern about tlie withdrawal of British troops from its territory is Massing, the Catholic newspaper s-mpass said today. The nrwsp.ijM-r said an "S I pore's Bttltadc OBl] vri\ps to m;ike Krit.un Mtwdtcd. ■Singapore 's Primp Minister
    181 words
  • 108 13 Floods, so the expats have to row to office l» ipa. For a few d now it has been all hands to the oai >. tor several s< ttnBrunel (ir.vrrnmrnt officials and consultants and all in an effort to <jf»t to work time in the mornings. T<iitpm;:;»l *U rma dunnK
    108 words
  • 5 13
    5 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 156 13 ;^U[|i!!j|r?^ wB y^H f I *^m M I m 1 aX 4 1 ggggg* w m ,vV 9 J m J Iff gW Our Hong Kong flights are for the birds... the early birds Want to steal a few extra hours in Hong Kong Fly Cathay Pacific's new convenient daily
      156 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
      119 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
      297 words
    • 398 14 SITUATIONS VACANT M 4fr» r—Sm >• MM erfra PNOTOr.RAPMIC MODELS (PARTTIME) .'..!iidin» UNITCD ENGINEERS ISINCAPORE) LIMITEIi I two tall I Uial ned Xsiea HMMMM < i.-nrrer.ia 1 ontvlrn c tn the I cpcie inc. driver. Haea. Must 'Phone an advantage. c: Manager. P.O. Box 100. Ore. AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL SALESMEN ORRAMISATION
      398 words
    • 965 14 SITUATIONS VACANT li Hare's i Wm>— Box St rl.. exfre WANTED EXPERIENCED ma i c I NMBM advertising canvasser. Pleate ral 1 personally at 6«-B P.oomton Koad Room k S pore i REOUIREO EXPERIENCED ME »np'isnce« *ppv r ith f.ill particulars 'v K.n \4O.Vi S T. 8 pore. BOOTS PURE
      965 words
    • 958 14 ACCOMMODATION VACANT li "ore's it ■Him.)— ti S* eU. txtrm SERVICE APARTMENT!. Luxury furnish.d fully equipped, two air-con-rt tinned hedroom* Wefklv term« si eepiable Kxerutive House. Ox.e\ Rise. Tel S pore HMI SEMBAWANC SPRINGS: U Jalan Sendudok Senu-d- 'ached hungaiow. nearest Naval X.«<» All floors tiled. well furnished RMM approved
      958 words
    • 852 14 TUITION PRIVATE TUITION in Physics Chemistry with Laboratory Pia.iti.als Ken/.e Road MM* S |K.:e. POHSAN OANCE STUOIO Road teachc n Dances lain I'rivate i.v ap|«intmrnt 7H7i.l S pore ASIA DRIVING SCHOOL new Mc.i--r liiio dua controlled cars. hoiiny M S7s'- «7. Orchaid F;...n iS[«in Phone ".'7'.'7. -J1177 TUITION ALL SUBJECTS
      852 words
    • 766 14 PHILATELY M Wort, <« fflfcl J Ml Sit rl; .xlro COLLECTION MALAYA. Malaysia. Singapore 7i»u different to IPH7 SMO P'u» P" I att for comircncnMv, pr,,,. i: t «c nuy stamps. "'•""I PTICM i-c.rt 1. C Lee A CO il 1 rs I'raang T.V./RADIO SALES SERVICE U Here 1 *t
      766 words
    • 894 14 I VEHICLES FOR SALE M Wnrdt <* <*•*.)— Box S* rfs. MEM ISSS F 1100. condition. I tax oaint. insured. MM I Contact ,!ol3n?. id. «vi .xinmipcre I*M VOLKSWACEN 1200 M „i vn c. \nw I i ueylaM mj fiat soo cc atatka i«oa Wn »ood lond t.i.n. Taxed May,
      894 words
    • 260 14 SHOPPING GUIDE (Spore) li ore's <f rHin.l— H"i i» BM rsrre SHOP EARLY AT Kltß USf for call at riaunivH i> DIAMONDS clii.lrr.or TAILORING /> Worst. •<>. If n SO MANY PEOPII o and th. 11 sivs: S |K>re I PURS URESSES M aTarda M Via > /•'•■> M rla,
      260 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 875 15 .iVttPOOL A Of, COAST U 1 P. S'-am p.-ari ll Pt IM II lan 71 Lan ?3 Jan 2i lai 2( 77 lai 21 > Im i* Jaa 27 lan 21 2 c 1 lin 21 2 S--» -14 Ftk 2 Frl I ftl I 17 Fel 13 -rl i?
      875 words
    • 2473 15 aaaaW ■■■■JHH^ theWySh/nes mii 1 EXPRESS SAILINGS TO CEHOA HORTH COWTIWEWT SCAWDIW>VU P. Sr.d-n Penang S'pof« [GMM R"da"i H'burg A»: SARGODHA i 1 Jan 27 29 Jm 31 31 laa 71/21 Mar 1 Mar II Mar 12 Mar II Mar II rASADENA I 0 Ftl 24 Ftl 27 21 Ftk
      2,473 words
      1,022 words

  • 719 16 From Our Market Correspondent aMONMTIONS were again vv quieter on the Slock Exchange yesterday with turnover dropping to just over 500. 01i0 units, the lowest since mid-August. There was an even greater, lack of inclination to deal as the market awaited Mr
    719 words
  • 31 16 Malayan Stock kjgppj Jan. II Jan. IK Industii. |v lit Wi 121 »i> 1 I'ruprilir^; ISI.M 1M.97 .Minings: :m.7K TfXN S Rubl>rr>: lU.M HUM l»r.. IMKsIM I>«. 3». l«66=lil(l
    31 words
  • 71 16 HINESE Profiutf Eichann, ttntja. pare, notn per picul ytittrday. Cacanut oil k*J|t < -i drum $6<i> m Copra HlMd iTo iii ioo!>e Jan/ f->l>. t K (int. *.4» K. Npaadri M -i.k »n:u ji:ki yriirrn I Sarawak white mtj r... aptcla II U, arllrra NJHV), AST JI2S
    71 words
  • 72 16 MXI 801 I'M" I lift thhk than nun 1 UmJ aritti moves Mi'iill. bill KHI' .Hid ivkn d> i ta us. rVtdttlH Mm la| ltl other Practically all <Ipi lired «ln> In Xinpi'l f xp. moved U| -a Mourn In I N. Hrok.r. .7 AO I A'l-I <
    72 words
  • 149 16 I," 1 ltl! I AIM ln-t gra*k riihbof full, huwis ■I■>-. > ti a{ mi in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore yrstrriiay at IS irnls per Ik down half a mi Monday a i liimiik It- mI Ihr tiiiif v.i-. win quirt. i; I I an,! vi i
    149 words
  • 25 16 Otrc. xchariKt mark, i U.S. U»;i*r T.T. an<l >» BS| tor ea«h It»n.n« »v quoted hi 14 47 anil ont Ual of gold at
    25 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1044 16 Y^ KAWASAaII KISCN KAISHA LTTX Western Australia Singapore /Japan Service Taigea Mar*" 4 I laa W Roads 25 Ja* 21 Jai 21 lad Ttias Man" t S Ftt .1,12 Fek 7t Ftk II Ftk tt Ftt West At rica Singapore Japan Service Angola Singapore Yokohama KoM "NoMaad Mara 2 7
      1,044 words
    • 963 16 P&O to Europe and the United Kingdom s.s. "ORONSAY" (28,000 tent fully oirconditioncd stabilised) Deporting SINGAPORE 19 Mar 1968 Arriving SOUTHAMPTON 16 Apr 1968 via Colombo, Durban, Cape Town, Dakar and Lisbon. FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE (tares Singapore/UK rrom $2389) Apply to your Travel Agent, or to:ISLAt HEM I CO.
      963 words
    • 760 16 Pfnini EIA ETO HA tID ETA,HD FROM AUSTRALIA "VISHVA VIBMUTI tor IMWM. Ccion-br. v M 21 2» Jin 30 JM 11 FROM MAORAS 1 HAeAPAITINAM "STATE OF MADRAS in jm inn from Calcutta ■state of guiurat linn ft! II 11 from cucum "STtTE OF KUTCM" rtl 14 15 FROM CALCUTTA
      760 words

  • 884 17 I»l ~IM sv and rrnnrtril In I hi- i Sinrapore and Kuala Lumpur trading room* of the Stock r\ehaaaja >e>tridav with the number ut vhatrs Itadrd in brackets: INDUSTRIALS Ben and C. 13.14 I13.IMIO) 10) 'J 11 I' Central Sugar IXII $-'13. tl.OOfli »2 14
    884 words
  • 293 17 BOIH the Straits tin price md UM rstimated oflrrins renmlaMd unrhangerl at md .'HI tons respecti\r|\ m Pcnunc vpstrrday. Muhtlv lxtt«T market uith .ill-rnund support was reported In I.oikliiii on Monday aft«rnooa the ."5 months forward I j its prire had fallen Bl
    293 words
  • 179 17 S. Mirs LYING ALONGSIDt THE SINGAPORE HARBOUR WMAHVtS OB EXPECTIO TODAY ARI V.inino IS 14. Or^nt Mari- Oolomho li. Emplrt ti Rajah Kmrvu ■aniana lku«h:ma Maru 47 ith. SHIPS IN THE ROATS AS AT 4 AM ON JAN Ifc. ■•torn Rmi> Noroni ..n Konj. f. irata
    179 words
  • 24 17 Jan. 16 RI'BKKR run I 48,< cents (down half a rent). TIN PRICK: SSSH 50 (unch.). i.lll Mlt. 210 tuns (unrh.)
    24 words
  • 138 17 kUrtaa A\era«.» cro«» attvMßßt yield 6.1 per cent per .enti Average groeii earninge yiald 10.3 p*r rent (16.1 pei rent.. O\erall average groaa dlvldand 7.1 per ptl MM) O\erall average gro«» enrninga UJ per rrnl (19.1 per Mat). •r Price: *O.Y. Oieidenri Ylald (grot* par aant): *E.V.
    138 words
  • 85 17 THE A«»oeiation of Bank* Many 1 tia ••i-.r Qh-\rf' :n 111 |g hat veiterdav lall tlOO) United Slate*: BuyinS TT IXI, airmail OH T.I «0 rt et. 33* credit hill--33 13 HI UAd" hill«. (..m^i Bui ng n in It, 13/11 ,1 >t rifij rredit hlll« Selling TT
    85 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 103 17 jviiildhlc: TOGETHER IN OUR SCHOOL by Mary Thomas and a Team of Teachers I Fint book o* THE TOGETHER SERIES For Primory One Teoeher* of Ethics Bosed on the lotest ethics syllabus loid down by the Ministry of Education, Singapore Meets nquirements of cthio teaching in Malavsian Primary Schools The
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    • 197 17 SOCPAL COMPANY BERHAD Notice Is hereby glvn that an extraordinary general meeting of the Company will be held at the oflices of Socrin Company Berhad. Bungsar Estate. Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia, at 10 30 am on Satur(i;.. loth February 1968 Kusuiewc To consider and If thought fit. lo pass the
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    • 778 17 BIASISWA NEGERI. NEGERI SEMBILAN, BAGI TAHUN 1968 Permohonan2 ada-lah di-pela\va 5 dannada ra'ayat Negen sembilan l 1 Melayu dan Bukan Melayu i yang bcrkelulusan tttjtl Perseko- lahan Tinggi (Higher Stlic^l Ceruficatei atau yang U mengambil pepercksaan yang tersebut dalam tahun 1967 at..v yang ba-taral dengan-nya -2 Bagi raayat Negeri baim-a
      778 words
    • 1353 17 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT: PUBLIC APPOINTMENT PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD SINGAPORE The commencing bH.slc salary oflered (or ihe following posl& will be dependent upon applicants qualifications and experience plu< varlablt allowance as payable from time to time. Appointment will on a 3-year Agreement In the fln>l Instance. ELi:CTRI( 11 V liH-AIUMr.VI: Requires ELKCTRICAI.
      1,353 words
    • 624 17 ASSOCIATED MOTOR INDUSTRIES MALAYSIA SENDIRIAN BERHAD (MEMBER OF THE WEARNE GROUP) The ahnve nmpany |f currently e*nstntrtil Bat ii Tiga the largest motor vehicle uwaUj in .Malaysia for the assembly of 8.M.C., Ford. Kimtr Hulden and Krnault vehicles .md invites ,i|>pli< .(tinnfrom Miifahly qualified and experienced person thr under
      624 words

    • 394 18 Savundra placed order for £30,000 boat, court told Witnesses tell of bills paid by cheques drawn on a finance firm LONDON. Tuesday. £EYLON-BORN Dr. Emil Savundra, former head of a London insurance company which collapsed with a £3 million deficit, placed an <,rder for a £30.000 power boat, a court
      Reuter  -  394 words
    • 97 18 IMKIv lues In win ter. a church can be a very cold place, and if a ceremony takes time, it can he very uncomfortable. To keep bridal couples warm. tliis imention needs only a coin in the slot to operate the builtin -heater.
      97 words
    • 47 18 TOKYO. Tuts Japanese leftist students opposing the comlni Basebo, Bouthei n .Japan, ol the U.S nuclear DOW yd aircraft carrier Em i clashed with riot poll the second succi today Four student arrested The clash occurred ;;t tin Hakata railway station in Kyushu. Renter
      Reuter  -  47 words
    • 324 18 WASHINGTON, Wed A BLACK-CLAU army A ot 3.000 women. including housewives, writers, actresses, and students, marC h e cl silently on Capitol Hill yesterday to ask Congress to end the "ruthless slaughter" in Vietnam. The orderly marchers, ranging In age from 18 to
      324 words
    • 68 18 Munich Tups. Princea loraya. <'.\-wii<> ut tlit£»hah of Iran, la reported Bf laying ihc wu too tired to do any more filming The news was confided by her U> a columnist <>f Munich's Abpndzeitunß The 35-year-old Princess. |ust back from g Urini tni) to Hawaii and Hollywood
      AP  -  68 words
    • 142 18 WASHINGTON. Tues_ j TT Former film .star Ronald Reagan, now Governor ol California and tipped sometimes as a future President. wll yesterday reported .-l:pping badly U a potential Republican vote-catcher The I.o'iis Hams Opinion I- i mn.-: voters wee ted him a.s i possible
      Reuter  -  142 words
    • 255 18 BIAFRANS DUMP 7 TONS OF NIGERIAN NOTES IN ZURICH 7 U H I C H Tues. Breakaway Eastern Nigeria unloaded more than 20 million dollars worth of Fedoral Nigerian currency on the Swiss money market last work in a last-minute attempt to beat the Lagos Government s currency conversion. A.,
      AP  -  255 words
    • 63 18 MAN SUES GOD FOR HACK INJURY WEST PALM Hi 1 TT 1 Florida i. Tun A man who lost a Injury suit the jury ru>d lv. mi aci Qod. h i reflled h:> .suit "God and Company." 1 in m I •r n urn ,md „s inta on l::.s
      AP  -  63 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 827 18 UNITED ENGINEERS (Malaysia) LTD. STAFF REQUIREMENTS Dm iii .mi rontinuiiu rxpansion ami <.mu|i Kmntaniwiion miuiir thr (011.....K1; sun In 111 into i>ui rxlslin» rgaaawllaai »n«l \>U\ |>ail in |.i<.j(< lint thr ompany nt -i 11. lirlds nf .iMli.iM.ur whilst *t ihr same lim* con.olidjlin; 0111 pi.srnl maikrts SENIOR SALES EXECUTIVE
      827 words
    • 745 18 NOTICES AGENCY WANTED New factory Buuntfactarlng elertriral Wtrea ant! eakati seeking; BOMKC9 M niiUket IU products. Interested gtaSßMai nouaai please apply before January 1968 to Box A 3667 ST. XL. Applicants mark on envelopi- >..» agencf on the left hand aac ner. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALI. STB SIBSCRIBIRS ami in
      745 words
    • 720 18 1 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT LEMBAGA KEMAJUAN TANAH PERSEKUTUAN Prnawrmnanl ada lati di-pei»»» jHripuda irg.i Nmara Malajrata jrang iv ik.ri ivakknn unink |a> v>.^t.u\2 vans oprikut dennan 1 1 1--1 Krrani U.elakl saliajm untok laiii liuimau2 di-Luar Bandgr. krluluvan: Hi Lulus 0.3.C. MCE i). BHrh menaip salaju 25 30 ;> .s in
      720 words

  • 433 19  -  TIMESPORT REPORTERS By BUT MRU AND SERVICES OFFICIALS ARE AGAINST PROPOSAL fHE PROPOSAL for a "Services only" third zone in the Malaya Cup competition, made by Norman Siebel in yesterday's Timesport. had a mixed reception from rugger officials. Officials of several state unions were in favour
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  • 88 19 The Malavsian XV to play Singapore in the annual rugger match in Singapore on Feb 3 Zublr Ahmad (Johorei; Ho Chee Pong (MAFi Koh Yeow Tong 1 Johorei. Chan Cheng Mun <Selangor>. Zainal Yen < Perak > Wong Hin Jee I MAF capt 1 and Joachim
    88 words
  • 251 19 First donation comes from S'pore THOMAS CUP DEFENCE FUND DRIVE A SINGAPORE citizen who gets •'immense satisfaction out of knowing that the Thomas Cup is only across the causeway" has sent the first donation through Timesport to the Badminton Association of Ma--1 a y s i a' s newlylaunched Thomas
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  • 23 19 LONDON Tue* Results of Rugby l'n;on matches; Bristol Academical! 3 Frr<* I'niversity (S. Africa > 3. M<rs;rg 16 Newbridge 3 R^;i-
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  • 345 19  -  Lan Pereira .1 nd Joe Dorai by SINGAPORE University 1 three team^ Titoni. His fa.'hlons and Olivette are enEased In a thrilling battle for the Inter VarMtv Colleges championship at Jackie's Bowl The three Singapore Univei sltv tMins occupy the top position*. Titoni leading v ith a total
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  • 353 19 ENTIUBB and weicht.- right-net amateur pi'>crainmr at Ipoli on Bfttorday ROYAL LAKM i:RS I r Us* I handicap R'.f: Plnkson UJ, Oleander 11.11. Arouse 13.11, (•Inns 12 3. Green Jungle U 1 7 Downing Street 12 5 Nanguin 12 4. Toowiioniba 12 3 Pardon 12
    353 words
  • 55 19 rpHE expression is impa s s i vc, but w 1 thin Mirsunori Seki there's drtcnnination to prove that he"s the best man in the world at his weight. The Japanese boxer is challenging Britbh champion Howard Winstone for the vacant world featherweight championship In London
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  • 144 19 WELLINGTON. Tues Increasing sales of New Zealand racehorses to Malaysia were predicted by Mr. Lim Huck Aik president of the Penang Turf Club, when he arrived here last night tor the seventh Asian Racing Conference Mr Mm said In .<" i:i:or\lev» that Malaysia
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  • 79 19 c.-c stars I|)|iri Konma and Masao Akiyama eonttnuad their domination of Incl.^n badmin--1 ton by reaching the mm s singi* 1^ tint: .it tiip Intern i invitation event in Merrut. In i.iM n:eht .v mnl-flnaU, Kimma defrHtori Dtneah Khan- na 15-}. 15-8 anrl Akiyama nvrrrame National champion Sure&h
    79 words
  • 232 19 CRICKET DORT OF SPAIN. Tues— Colin Milburn hammered a century before lunch in an innings of 139 to nut himself in line for a Test opening position when the MCC rattled up 400-6 on the first day of their two-day match against Trinidad Colts at
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  • 59 19 MELBOURNE. Tuei 1h» I awa Tennis Association ol Australia i.ii! night provision. illy accepted Britain's entry for the 1968 Davis Cup competition But the LTAA reserved the r.ght to withdraw Brit.i. Hritain is ruled ineligible to" compete by the Davit Cup European nne ronmittce. Auitratte, .<-
    59 words
  • 92 19 B> ttMtl RAMAUNOAH THK babah State Goveiiunrn' haa ni.irlr .i gnat ol $131).--ooo lor »pw r an „i 130.0 M ant last Irani l'^ed .< tpokeamau t(« II M ry ol WCilare, at Kota Kinabslu. The S.'ba.i BporU Council W in get $***** troa <i.c
    92 words
  • 71 19 FIM Mi.aiiH to nrvt Ma lyslan Armed Forces in :he Y AM Cup matrh at Kubu Stadium on Sund.iv \wll be from: Ptang h. Daniel. Lee Yip i ick Stephen Cheam. a. S. Yto DM Sens Richard Clioe, Ten Chrnn Wer Johnny Chi*. Tay Gan San.
    71 words
  • 200 19 Indoor Stadium: Wong promises action •THE Chief Minister of Penang, Tan Sri Wong Pow Nee. said yesterday he wuuld examine the City Council budyrl again to see if it had included an allocation ol »50.000 tor ail indoor stadium in Ppnang. ■it It is there, thon \\\o Council will naturally
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  • 103 19 TOW LAW EARN 2ND ROUND REPLAY F A. CUP LONDON Tues were the only non-lr, club to sunne In yesterday three English FA. Cup second round ties. They held Third -D. Shrewsbury to a 1-1 home a:id earned a replay at Shrewsbury tomorrow But other nonLehgue challengers Dfi.-.enham were beaten
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  • 17 19 Ib will hold ''vir annua. Danlop Trupir tournament uo Frb 10 nt the Ayer k
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  • 211 19 Malaysia, plan to stage preOlympic tourney WEIGHTLIFTING j-he Malaysian Amateur weight--1 Lifting plan to stagji a pre-Olympic toumanrant at Kuala Lumpur. MAWF secretary Lim Choon Biang said yesterday that such a tournament will enable Malaysia, and other Asian countries to assess how thnr standards compare with world standards. The tournament
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  • 67 19 \|t' BOURNE i Bmlth Court. AuMr«mbierion champion in 1963 and 1965. will return to tiic Inti .-Mi t<»nni» circuit ttili v-ir iSlie p!«n.-- to leave with her Barry. for Smith irch. Im f\rited dbnut (?oing n and I'm wpII." i-he »aid here. Conn announced hrr
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 2 19 OCCg: On
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    • 130 19 POLYCHEM SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR have now been appointed Sole Agents for CRANE ENFIELD METALS PTY. LTD. CRANE COPPER ALUMINIUM PTY. LTD. members of the SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR Polychem (Far East) Ltd.. Polychem (Malaysia) Kheng Chiu Building, Sdn. Bhd., Beach Road. Room 214, Hardware House, Singapore. 7. 398 Jalan, Tel. 32
      130 words

  • 208 20 HURRICANE HA VOC IN SCOTLAND Gl \N<.()\\ I Ills -Kcs< lie and salts If workeis toiled thiiiimh the night hrre in the rubble of buildings destro\eil b\ ,i liuiTM.uie which claimci' 10 livi in Scotland and c.ilisid (l.iin.tue estimated .U Mvci.'l million pounds Nine people were killed heir Hundreds were
    208 words
  • 137 20 Heart man Kasperak remains in critical condition I OS ANGELES, Tues. Heart transplant, patient Mike Kaspcrak was still in critical condition today. Hi.s doctors, howtw r. believed he had beaten back recurrent liver troubles plagueing him since his operation 10 days ago. Treatment A bulletin from Stanford University Medical Centre
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • 60 20 CANBERRA, Tues. Many of Australia's key Industries could not exist at their present levels without Immigrant workers, the Governor-Gene-ral. Lord Casey, said today Thirty per cent of Australhi's male work force between 15 and 24 years of age is of Immigrant origin. Lord Casey told the annual
    60 words
  • 336 20 AN OUTLINE IN ADVANCE FOR LEE LONDON, Tues. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew was today given an advance outline of Britain's new Far East defence cuts affecting bis country In luncheon talks here with the Commonwealth Secretary, Mr. George Thomson. They met lr.>s than two hours before the announcement by the
    336 words
  • 412 20 i.ondon. Tun Prime Mta Mer WllMDi economic statement was leceiM-d by London stock market dealers with a (treat deal of relief today. Earlier, prices moved steadily higher as the view spread that the measures might be less severe than had been expected. CloMiic middle prices
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  • 429 20 The flood situation worsens in Sabah From ALBERT RAMALINGAM KOTA X I NAB Ml Taes. Hmdreda •I people in the State irerc in-iim evaesMted today as Use flood situation In Sabali was reported to Inworsening. I looil reports lilteinm through from interior ireas told of complete towns in Ihe Kmlat
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  • 15 20 M MANICKAM 17 17.1. W MADAM LCC AH VIS 1 rlevrn srard a .a
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 72 20 THI SUPREME RHCORD CHANGER I U I v Mr m l IMADI IN OCRMANY 'SNhfc. ~^BT ~^^mm .*.a. other latest DUAL Quality Stereo Components such as transistorized iSolid-Btatei Amplifiers. Tape H< Decks, Loudspeakers Microphoni etc available H t NAAI- I A Hit- bole A.' M. PRAGER LTD. i'nict> o IMOVH.OUMI
      72 words
    • 40 20 Late CLASSIFIEDS 20 aordsSlS (minimum/ j TO I. >. n i.illia a ANC LIM »».r.«'" ..nly (1 0 Mr ami Mri Llm LCC CMCN I Chin 1o Har r 1.*.-. Ith rt o lfi-I«v flmT asT The Scotch with a history
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 37 20 The weather h i „:.c it 1 1 tomporao and bniKaixjre I<n 'lie )>eii(xl 8 pni Monrrcia\: ll.Kllist l.u«r^t Lumpur W W Ibaru 84 Penang 88 1.8 Malacca «R 2 ore B.S Tl M T.i 81 T3
      37 words