The Straits Times, 16 January 1968

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 30 1 AVERAGE DAtLY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 1 50,000 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 TUESDAY. JANUARY 16, 1968 15 CENTS or 18 CENTS (N»w eurrtney) ,oirt current. > KDV 3101 M( (1>) mill
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  • 254 1 Tengku on pull-out: Don't worry unduly KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. J£NGKI Abdul Itulimun lod;i\ cillcd on M;il;i\si;nis nul la wmiiv iindiiiv OVer lilt: ;ir<rlei,iic(| witllflrawal of British hoops from Malaysia. He stressed lliul tlunwere countries in South-easl Asia which continued lo be \i;il>lf although lluv had nol signed any defence treaties.
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    1266 1 More talks all day— two TV appearances at night ESI Eh Smiles at Wilson's door after 5-hour meeting LONDON, Monday MR. Lee Kuan Yew was meeting opposition Conservative leaders and sympathetic Labour Members of Parliament today in a last-ditch effort to persuade the British Government to modify
    UPI  -  1,266 words
  • 193 1 Fears baseless, says Indon paper lAKARTA, Moiulay. Till. niii\ Ixickccl Indonesian iic\\s|Ki|tci "New Pioneer" locl;i\ ;ill;ieke<l ;i reported sl;ilcint 111 !>v Hie SingaiMH't 1 Prime 1 Minister, Mr. \ax Kuan Yew, that lie miglil have to hire- Foreign mercenaries if Britain pulled its forces oul of Singapore 100 quickly. The
    Reuter  -  193 words
  • 151 1 British pull-out desirable, says Tan KIM A II MM K Mon The withdrawal of the Itriiish militarj presence in South r.isl \vj.i b\ the cml ol this drr.iile u.lvrtr-M-ribe:i .is i deairaMe .m<l illex il.ible cle\elopnient ■>> .in opposition MP. Dr. Tan (her Khoon (l.ahB.Uni. in ,i sl.itement today ll«>
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  • 61 1 PALERMO. Mon. Re* euera dun Into the rubble ol shattered towns in Western Sicily today im- 24<i people mis.sinji and feared to have (ii<d aitt-r ;i series hi earthquakes Bonflret biased In the bleak countryside where thousand* ol Sicilians had Bed in UUng cold, wearing only then
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 286 1 FRIENDSHIP PACT 'THE FIRST MOVE' kIALA I.IMIM I!. Monday. •pKMiKI' Alhliil Rahman. ;is Minister <>i Kor eign Affairs, signed ;i treaty i>f friendship with I mil this morning and expressed hoi* 1 thill il would si'iM' ;is .1 kisis lOr future agree inents lielween the governments of the l\\<» countries.
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  • 14 1 YVW v m r i MfficHlsr rtird h*r» !a*» nlcht.
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  • 61 1 \riENTIANE (Law). Mam ommiiniM gurrilliis las! ni-lii >hrllccl an airiicl<i in tin rajral cap Hal of l.uanu l'r;ibans. rrli.ilili' military wirctl vaicl. The airiirM m hit by mnrtar fire and waa rlo«ert M I' aircraft today, the] mM No ietalk vert iinim--di.itch .n.iilahlr on the rxlonl of
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  • 107 1 Crisis in Sabah due to serious floods ITOTA KINABALU, IV Mon. Sabari put in a state ol emergency today as flood reports !>• from the Interior. i River district to bursi Its more 1 than lated the abov< tn lie!]: RISING MV t 111 RPKldl in the Sand hai
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  • 37 1 tr ri *fif.<. lfi ifk It) wh indov Mod huci ru-'hrfi personal Irttrr with fre*h prop le li irold w ikon is he prr>ule<) U < ru< iil ibmrt »r«.-;<in Inrt.iT If full ••tit plin« —R<
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    • 26 1 MITSUBISHI A REFRIGERATORS FANS |V RADIO I f TELEVISION »ASDII»snS Bl UIR> L CO.. l!O. «M ■mm Unpar Pmm kwn ll^Mllll The Scotch with a history
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    • 68 1 1 1| CROCKETT j JONES W NORTHAMPTON ENGLAND Philips stereo hi-fi combination Bargain Offer f 1 I 1 This popular cembinai tins of a 2x6 all-transistor amplifier, a Stcro record placer with diamond needle and 2 powerful loud speakers will be avi-ucle until the end ot February at special cash
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    • 224 2 THAI JETS ESCORT MARCOS TO BANGKOK AIRPORT |>AMiKOK. Mon. President Marcos ol the Philippines arrived from Jakarta today to begin a nved.iy state visit to Thailand. in' rrnaldc nt accompauied b> h.> wife InieldK. at Don Muniiß airport by K;nt; Bhum.bol and Qiif<'ii Sir: k and }'::n\>- Minister Thanum Kittikachorn
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    • 405 2 GIANT PLANES HIT DMZ TWICE SAIGON, Monday. R-">2 bomberi today twice attacked the north-west corner of South Vietnam, where there had been increasing siyns of a now North Vietnamese build-up. The U.S. Command said one ol the raids by the eight-engine
      AP  -  405 words
    • 63 2 The femme fatale of the fly world From TIM TREE CTDNEY, sun Srien ti*ls here have turned female flies into flying honhytrap* b> riopinc them »ilh insecticide The females are made immune, or are naturalh resistant to Ihe poison hul the males are killed •lining matins laboratory trials ha\e shown
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      4 2 mi; mi (.1.1 kiim.i
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    • 122 2 CAIOON. .Mi»n.— A joung \irtn.imese picked up -i Yiefnin; gren.wir (la sped it to his chest .mil hli-w himself In pieces t (l save the lives of four \ adxiscrs sh.trnt a biinki r v illi him lasl hri rlav I he
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    • 73 2 DELORADK, Mon The walls of several homes crashed and some roofs collapsed :n Bebar and rounding village* when an earth ir<'nio r shook the area before dawn yesterday Morr than I 000 trei have been r^uistrred In the ar»»a Of Debar In Ma nia, south Yugoslavia, nee
      Reuter; UPI  -  73 words
    • 18 2 PABAOBh M -.'n hv S'.r\fv r T > mnnri' !arg* r high, in thi «p»rrrraf' R' i
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    • 115 2 VHA TRANG (South i A^ Vietnam). Mon. Thf 1 U.S. Army la Rolng ahead with plans to parachute three-ton bull elephants into a S»11 t h Vietnamese Jungle village. I miiltarj officers, ronri::). p ected "Operation Baroom' today, «.«:d the elr strapped down and
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    • 178 2 EDINBURGH. Mon. Edinburgh University students last ■:it forced thr tpsignation of thrir rector. Mr Malcolm Muggerldge because of his opposition to the contrareptivr pill. Mr MiiKernrtue. >4. t*«|pvl--pundit and -a nounced hi* tp^.^ ■.g an .irlflrp^- v S* .•hodra! I thp start
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    • 12 2 od). i K n g \r
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 197 2 THE FIRST OF ITS KIND IN THE MARKET! 7WREEL 3 Speed AC DC Car Battery Portable Tape Recorder A IWI A C=> THE LEADER IN f\i ¥W f\ SOUND ENGINEERING EXCLUSIVE AGENT DUNN TRADING COMPANY I r tiimopurf Trl 7 7221 4 7722J P»r*on Q Ol»,«. IJI V.clor.o Jtr... F.
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    • 80 2 Our i...hi.h.d i«4i 525 Branches in Pakistan Overseas Branches at rf?y >r BEIRUT jfc- J 7 V) BIRMINGHAM *$*X* 1 w bradford T^^^HVJ^ COLOMBO r* DUBAI J t^ Wr^ KUALA lumpur ISA LONDON \l )'h MANCHESTER \J C\ mom b asa t r^^ wv 7 afr PORTLOUIB SHARJAH and also
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    • 161 3 Fishing boat that can be taken apart ]{OMI Mnn A ,(,-foot fisiuiu aval th.«t roinrs ■»l)trt like i Hi;s.iw pu//l. will Ih- t.ik-n from lln t.nn 1. 1 Baal Air n "ithoul rxrr cettint its bottom wet ti is it.irt of live year l Ssi.47a,a«a project in Which i m.isior
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    • 13 3 MEI B» nr--. M toff- c sailed which round Cape Horn.
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    • 54 3 i iland). Ifon 10-week old orary presldeni political :i plans in conel ma In ghorn, let t party I Charles Waghorn, 24. Hfr father said that Debbir WU ••elected" tx body meeting wanted the job. One duty at tin leader mow will tx> to change tin honorary
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    • 101 3 \IORE than 'AOQ Bremen policemen, aged between 50 and 60, are taking a five-month course of pills intended to make them feel younger. And after only one month many of the men have reported that they already feel a lot better. The
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    • 131 3 |>Ol* SIAK I'f.rr lurk. 1 of tin- Monk.c- It 1 1 Krn.ini lor l.os \iil;ii« last week uith a m>st( r\ cirl and a b.ihy. The uirl w.^ li>lc«l .is Mary H.irvev Prtrr HUd: I <lon t wanl \ou to My »'i" mj tnvclliai
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    • 170 3 BONN, Mm. day. WEST German Chancelloi Kiesinger y< TT da> advised Britain to settle ror what was possible In its efforts to Join the European Common Market. Speaking on televlsl< n Dr. Klesinger said Bi I rould yet a loo! thl the
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    • 48 3 DOVI R i>- M m. .N I wai accidpntally tnvled by ike U.'v oi lius li"llir licit. Tttt t>o-lb. dng uripped "nr end of the boy'i m-.ti in .is hr .slipjird .itl.i I I ill mck anil round dead by his mother.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  48 words
    • 39 3 M riw launching "f iho unmanned mission I foul more dayi •J'j (hi N Administration i I iini' r to 'lit ,v|>r of 1.. li hopes will take American astronaut! to Uip moon. OPI.
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    • 89 3 The empty gun trick by 'customer in a shop QALLAS, M«n— A cus tomer walked into a shop and asked to buy some pistol ammunition. The shopkeeper. «Ud to help, produced the shells, but the customer became sceptical over v hether they would fit his particular Kun. Just to be
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    • 41 3 STAMFORD Connecticut), Mm. The BtOtlMC of a at>-vr.u-oici Mooting victim today retused to niw- doctors petmb.sion tn usp bar i"" ai donor lo: .1 hrart transplant operation h M,i,nion:rl<\s BkwpHal in Nrw York »cenr of two uimmmm(ul transpunt operatlona.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 42 3 v 1 k f Jtm >^» GIVE GOOD CHEER\\V|^ THIS CHINESE NEW YEAR WITH STALLION STOUT Your friends and family, too will enjoy the really good taste of Stallion Stout. Comes in handy gift packs. WHAT FINER TOAST TO A HAPPY NEW YEAR!
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    • 388 4 mm wmq (Sim WITH LOW COAICUMPTION -the iiteom^aAaSte 4-deot Is a compact perfection of Performance, Comfort, J \^Tt^ Safety and Economy. A \\fv p .speed of 84 nules/h (i;<s Km/h) can be sustained over long 'Am^^^^ 4ip hours ot driving. Thr ideal combination of a light body and a power-
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  • 57 5 PENANG Mon a tailor, Mr Khaw Chiap Keng, WU robbed at the gad ol h;.^ York Road home on Saturday nlgni Hi was waiting in ins car for his wile to ooen the irau when two youths armed with t rode up on a motor ,i.d
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  • 308 5 214 INSTRUCTORS TO BE SACKED KUAL^ LUMPUR. Mon TOTAL of 214 permanent staff instructors in the Territorial Army will have their services terminated by April with every possibility of another 80 being dispensed with four months later. The Director of the Territorial Army, Col. Ishak bin
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  • 155 5 Ml AX Mon. It all h. 1 gan with a simplf < "lil but t<i 1^ year old Wont Vit W.iiib iabo\«-i it me .ins tile po-sililt- loss of his life For he is no« Milti-ring from a heart defect and needs immediate MUgftaal treatment
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  • 134 5 SINGAPORE. IfOO. Ml Thomas J Bata. h< ad of the world-wide Bata shoe organisation, will arrive here next weetc on of the local company accompanied by h;.s w.l<Mr Bata. 53, will not only acquaint himself with the development programme ot the local company, bir
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  • 255 5 Tengku study gifts for seven students KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. T h c Tensku Abdul Rahman Found ation Fund, sei up in July 1966. has awarded its first scholarships to three girls and lour men. 'lne scholarship winners are: Che Nadiah binlr Hail Salleh. Inner Temple. London: Miss Ire Sirw Nun.
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  • 82 5 SINGAPORE. Mon Thr Government propose- Ul dsclara a ploiirr IndUStn 'he manufarluie Ol equipment m.d Mipl>iir< wtKM pmniets «U! be military wiulpment and supplier of nil i\pes Two other industries, peirocnrin:c;iN !oi making CMibon blHck and itiPlh! tratWlX. M* also to be made pioneer industries
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  • 190 5 THREE oj the live foreign chess players partlcipal Ing in the Philippine national open chess tourna meat here lost :h<".r tli>' matches in the opening d.iy of the competition last night Singapore* Dr. lim K«k \nn had to resign In hta match againsi Samuel
    Reuter  -  190 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 202 5 So you finally took the step w Congratulations. And welcome to the local j group of Tampax tampon userv We've been lolling you for months that you would feel cool, deaa, fresh, even in hot, sticky wiatiicr. We told you that you could *wim anvtimr of the month. WcfflfTflH promised
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    • 135 5 BPS NETWORK and GROWS and Now there are another three BP service stations-waiting to serve you with Supermix. Remember! Only BP can offer you 5 blends of petrol -the right blend at the right price. Drive in today at any of these three new BP service stations get the right
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  • 220 6 People's Park complex models now on show SINGAPORE. Mon The SIT -million shopping centre-cum-flats t'otnplrx at the People** Park in New Bridge Road will incorporate man y features associated with "a place for the people." Mr Ho Kuk I'heons. (he man.isinß director uf thr Peoplr's Park Devrlop-in<-nl Ltd. -aul tud.n
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  • 33 6 SINUAPORL Mon Ihe Indian High CoinmiMlon in Singapore will hold < reception at tiie Hii<h ConimisMoner nUm IB Peirce Road or. .Ja:. 26 to otltbrate the 18th annr ersary o: the li.dian Republic
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  • 327 6 Redhill Close slaying: 2 appeals fail SINGAPORE. Monday. 'IMIL Federal Court hero today dismissed the ap- peals of twu prisoners, Awj. Tuna Hock and Lim Lye Senjj. both jailed by Mr. Justice Winslow last November for armed robbery with hurl at a Rcdhili Close flat. Ing 37. was jailed tur
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 6 STANDING l.p-icU- a niodH of the Peoplrv Park complr\ arr (fiom left) Mr. lln K«.k h-onR. Mi Low Km« Hual. another m. matins ilimtor of the firm, and Mr. honis Ilin. rhairman. Straits Timrv incline
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  • 281 6 STORE AS SHIPS REPAIR CENTRE New survey by UK team SINGAPORE. Monday, i lor executive of ;i London management consultant Hrni, Mr. Robert Perrin, Hew in here loda> lo spearhead ;i survey of Sin ga pore's prospects ;is ;i centre for servicing ;iikl repairing nierchanl ships. Mr Pern:, director of
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  • 55 6 Vocational Institute's 22 new courses BINUAP< iRI Tlip In: :'r til Brlpviipi H .!d Kill i. .11 r< i appUcatkmn i admission ti :hnr craft cour>f ol tlie l'niß-riw II) rr»lj 1 In 21 Twelve c an full-tinu rt-Ume «i'h I edlum Hi in>tructloii ..ile iwo tull-tlme roume; and a
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  • 16 6 No- water areas SINGAPORE MOT I h«rr< M.f Jalan Bi Jalan R«\a arras r> m tomorron
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  • 31 6 HNOAPORK. Mon The Smuapore Lorn Owner*. A-m>-cialloi nas piesentetl a cheque of $500 'o Mr Klioon Choy. president of the Singapore Arts Council !>>r the council* builciir.g
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  • 25 6 SINGAPORE Mon 1 h» Pulu-e Baud nill give a priloimancf m the Kumpuiic Cheng -San community icnt!* In Berangoon Oanlra Waj "i \\>diir <■■'■■
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    • 34 6 r Today 1 301 30-7 00 f.JO pm E <■ i j o h" S "KING'S PIRATC" C-'or To"- n "Darlin«". niIIIIIIMMMIIIMIIMIMIMMIIIIIIIIIIr doy 1 JO 7 30 p m M I- ANUIAVI RAJA ANUIAVI n
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    • 104 6 -LIDO- OPENS TODAY j^raM* 5 Shows at 11 am, 1.4.">. 4. ti.'iQ K. 'M."> j a after SHOCK after SHOCK a after SHOCK after SHOCK Don't dare 4fl _v_A_ see it alone i -■■■■^^■wf- HB I ltr\ -OPENS TODAY: 11 Brj MR.^^^i_[___bP I I _^_^_k.^3 -IPO f _E__V_B A!HfIPftPEKHDHfIfIMINPER I
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    • 466 6 jgATHAYi^I vow showing: 11 am. 1 30 4 00. 6 30*9 30 pm. "YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE" Lorxi JrUnn Lu<« C-a Scop* Coiof Chmtn botr. OOiON PALACE' "JOHNNY BANCO i j> bu- >'■■•■ >day' 1 30,4 00. 6 30.9 M pm "MASSACRE FOR GUNFIGHTtR" Nero Eosimorc T CHANGE' Ool<'m< TMUNDfR
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  • 287 7 ftt'ALA LUMPUR, n. The Shah of Iran will address a joint session of Parliament on Friday the third day of his six-day State visit to Malaysia. Another highlight of the visit will be the conferment of an honorary degree of Doctor of Letters on the Shah
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  • 318 7 2 trawler fishing bases scrapped From Padman Gopal: Kota Bharu. Mon pLAXS to set up permanent trawler fishing bases at Tumpat, in Kelantan, and Besut. in Trengganu, have been scrapped by the Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives. The 15 trawlers at present based in Tumpat and Besut have been ordered
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  • 41 7 KOTA BHARU MoB I'hr Pnmarv School B.wra. Pato Wua Jay* Ha.-him. UkUj pieseilted $300 WOltta boons tO 3"> upUi m the winch will brought with loi iti M fr n) kimpa and the actaooU 1 fund
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  • 71 7 CINGAPORL. Mon. An 11--year-old boy. Razak bin Muhammad, of Qeylang. vuu d row nod In tht S'.n^arvir< swimming Cluh \y»A at TanjoiiK Rhu v^>terday. No-or.e imuii^ a lariir number of people and children swimming and playing ;ib<i!it 111 the pool senspd thp traced* until the buy's
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  • 198 7 Tin team to ask ITC to confirm prices I/lAI.A Ll'.MPl'R. Mon. The .Malaysian delegation to thr three-day mrrtinu of the International Tin Council which begin*. In London tomorrow "ill ;isk the council to confirm its provisional price ranees agreed on at its last meeting in November. It will .ilm> indicate
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  • 136 7 World's fastest boat to guard Brunei UK (M.I TOWN. Mon Thr world's fastest patinl bnat t 96ft gas turbine craft armed with Miiiaf-e and anti-aircraft «t apons is soon U. i_u.ird Brunei watrr.v This was announced t.dav by a (iovrrnmrnt spokes man. Ht said that thr boat Pah la wan
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 273 7 GRAND CHARITY FILM PREMIERE undrr thp DtottnguUhcd M M MII ill HK\K "They got a murder on their hands. They don't know what to do with It." SIDNEY POfTIEfI ROD STEIQER MfLm NIGHT 7 /L llwir IBj r ylr. at LIDO THEATRE, IPOH TOMORROW 17th I'tt.S it pm. IN
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 260 7 Straits Times Crossword \i Roys 0 You want fuel without num MM in charge sno.ila jEsSJ n Switierl.nd o. spend IMS '9. chin> 2 10. The couple at home are 7 a »a> they have ln 3 (St. divided >2. 3' 8 l*p*r not in post ianag 1 16 "2LT22
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  • 292 8 UINCiAPORL. Mon.— Three busy ru.uls In the hinatown area South Bridge Road. Neil Road, and New Bridge Road will he turned itito one-\va\ >tre«-ts m a $50,000 scheme tit signed to streamline the flow of traffic along these ro.iuv A number of interconnecting xtr«-rts
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  • 171 8 THE Univ Singapore's Department of Extramural Studie> la .sponsoring a five-lecture course on the basic prii.ciple.s of small magazine production. Beginning on May 8. and to be held every Wednesday at 730 pm. at the lecture theatre 3 in the university, the course la being co-or-dinated
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  • 110 8 DRIVE TO IMPROVE DISCIPLINE IN CHINESE SCHOOLS SINGAPORE. Monday. riVE Chinese education bodies here have '.aunr ched a new programme to improve discipline in Chinese schools. The programme began with a special ceremony at the Yong Cheng School in Club Street where some 500 principals and deans of discipline were
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  • 55 8 SINGAPORE. Mon— Mr Tan TecK Seng has been elected president of the Old Battlevans' Association Other officials are: Mr. Tan Siak Hoe. vice-president Mr. Tan Chee Teik. secretaiy; Mr. Ng Chuon Teck. treasurer; Mr. Tang Chuy Tlk. social representative Mr Llm Anit Yonu. chess convenor and Mr P
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  • 557 8 DELEGATES ARRIVING FOR MEETING OF PRESS FOUNDATION OF ASIA SINGAPORE. Mon. Delegates began arriving here today for the first board of directors conference of the recently organised Press Foundation of Asia. The conference will begin at 10 am. on Thursday. Among those who arrived today were the vice-chairman of the
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  • 37 8 SINOAPORE. Mon— Mr. Tan Swee Slang has been re-elected president of the Singapore School Canteen Vendors Association. Other officials are: Mr. Chew Yew Seng, vice-president: Mr Chong Wee Joon. secretary; and Mr Yao Pe.ig Koon. treasurer
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  • 95 8 i MR. GEORGE TAN. the vice-president of the Singapore Printing Employees' Union, who leaves for the United Kingdom tomorrow on a study tour. The tour, which was sponsored by the National Trades Union Congress will last for six weeks. Mr. Tan will
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  • 34 8 SINGAPORK Mon The j Peoples AsMM-iailon has published a "2-page booklet i containing major speeches delivered at the weeklonu PA staff conference held at the Singapore Conference Hall li. November last year
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  • 566 8 Services unions: Loyal citizens don't behave thus 40 WHO APPEALED TO WILSON, TENGKU SINGAPORE, Monday Till-. 40 civilian employees <>l the British base, wlm wide l<» three Prime Ministers opposing [he Singapore Government's plan lo protect their redundancy benefits, came under attack loda> from two of the biggest services staff
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  • 71 8 SINOAPORE. MOO Th» Heralds Choral Society of Slngapon Wl musical evening orta Them aid of aport ArU Council building fund. The concert will feature th» famoui Hi ;>raDO solo spcitril Yen tenor milo lecltal by K"k t"hi;ui Kwong and a pltnn solo by I .muse Hwant'. one
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  • 171 8 OINGAPOBE, Mon. The $7.8- million Fishing Training Institute to bo set up in Changi soon will revolutionise the fishing industry in Singapore. It will, for tin- first time in local history, turn out a new generation of "technically-educated" fishermen, whose main task will he to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 73 8 Now Abdulla of Bond Street bring M9WP^^F^^9j^m you the luxury of a new King Size T# I T-^^BC| Virginia Filter. You enjoy more of your favourite Virginia tobaccos, and get a really efficient filter, too. K^7l^^Hl3l^^V3lVl3^l Abdulla 37 King Size Virginia Filters |^BAA|^UM|AMafc^A^*^^H come in a smart new green and
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    • 132 8 tPirk tmttf By Chotttvr i.ould L^LWtl > v*;^\ta [LITTLE HONEYMOON*^ r i ordered GIANT "^H W i'll take MY shirt "1 r^WE kids are at home 1 YOU DIDNT EXPECT TO 1 ESCARCOT for dinner 1 OFF. Ip it'll make WITH US THIS WEEK J SEE GRAMPS.DIDVOU?J V^ YOU FEEL
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  • 853 9  - Singapore builds a new step in higher education William Campbell The first of four junior colleges for Pre-Unlverslty schooling will be ready next year, and the first students Will be the elite of the School Certificate classes r by FOR Singapore students preparing for the school certificate examination this year
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  • 704 9 by A Special Correspondent vjr.S Neolithic at I tilt- top." cried *the two archaeologists from the tup of 60 ft. mound. "My God! Its Neolithic at the bottom as well.' 1 Mrlhiart shouted back irom the bot- m it wa> 4 o'clock i)n Nnv
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 71 9 SAVINGS 1 Hg^g^Hgir f WmUm k i g^M^g^Jlft^ ll 'Tr l^Bg^gi Fab, the washing powder with the powerful difference is now offering big value savings. For a limited period only, you can save 15 cents on a medium size packet of Fab, save 40 cents on a large size packet,
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  • 47 10 H BRSI IM *i>iaa*i I I CHI N| i < u.tai.i* at tba im. family OF iM bavraawa uf th> aaa i\ »>(•■ tanai MR MRS aaaaltaM r .,nvr>. I a ub A ai OaraM k—i and MRt TlMi—raa Maal Baaar «n<wr aod WtMai af.| Oiaarr <r» ail
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  • 12 10 H,,rw IM Hiilmum) IN LOVINC MEMORY of afttafl by loving
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  • 7 10 ,1. IM Minimum, mr nathan OMaMai
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  • 25 10 n m Wkmmmmi II k. v. 4. Iliupann >"«'.'f». iTiiuU COURSES ad KU4 M Kara* I n niSLOvmt rn,.<,-BtCM. i- ...> Ma Have pair vt >
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  • 607 10 The Straits Times Tuesday, January 16. 1968. Timetable Madness shall learn tonight th» blunt tiuth from Ixwdon However disconcerting British plans for military withdrawal from Singapore and Malayi- to l>e. to know the ajwat will be in one »en..c relief. We i -i" b** 1 «n with the job oi
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  • 376 10 Piesident Marcos was doubtless thinking aloud and not making a proposal when he suggested in Jakarta that the interested Asian power* should get taSJStfcar to discus* the Vietnam problem. He confessed dLsariningly that there weie many obstacles", as he himself discovered in his search for an "Asian
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  • 220 10 Everything about the Motor Insurers" Rwienii agreement signer) in Kii^lh Lumpur yesterday is admirable cx«-ept the tune it took to complete DiaCUSSMMIS bewail about tllie*years ago. and about twe >.'}.rs ago the Lord President of the Federal Court ol Appeal drew sharp attention to the need to protect
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  • Article, Illustration
    1173 10  -  Robert Stephens LONDON FOR THE GULF STATES LOCAL DEFENCE CO-OPERATION The other half of the crisis by BRITISH Ministers who were deployed round the globe to explain the impending drastic economy cuts in Britain's military forces and commitments East of Suez returned from Washington, South-East Asia and
    1,173 words
  • 557 10 I cannot understand all this hullabaloo about the low peieentajje of pa.s.-es in the L.CE. exam What rise can you expect when the Education authorities decided to <!" .iw.iv *:th the Std VI public exam, .wid Instead had automatic promotion ui> \>> Form I
    557 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 359 10 P Clmifif i is\ertisr«.fßti fer Straits Time* A Mal*y Mail may be handed to: coid iTo«A6i mn* MA«rr COLO nO«»(.l •RANCMIS .1 bat* CITY BOOK >T0«l LTD.. (?-«»y. Thi NIWi MONT ..yf inorVef V M ISMAIL. vrf, Nawal Bats. HAMIIM STO«l. M i I •<•' tangl Road, jMitfyna 17. V
      359 words
      17 words
    • 37 10 This Ronson lighter (Normally $13.80) Yours for only $7.95 if you buy two quart bottles of Beehive Brandy See your liquor dealer for details. I i U ii L ip»ui»»i j BEEHIVE BRANDY Produced bottled in France
      37 words

  • 6 11
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  • 2 11
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  • 729 11 $250,000 ransom note read out... SISTER TELLS MURDER TRIAL: 'I OPENED LETTER' SINGAPORE. Monday A MILLIONAIRE'S daughter, Miss Koh Bee Yong, told a court today that she received a ransom note addressed to her father demanding $250,000 for her brother's release two days after his disappearance. She was testifying at
    729 words
  • 335 11 The last time I saw Gene—by his sister Miss Koh testified that the last time she saw her brother Gpne wa.- on Sept. 28 lost. She described him "active yOUH« man. fine and fit" Relating the which led to the reo ;>•- of the letter, she sad: "At about 1
    335 words
  • 207 11 'Don't give ang pows to public servants' plea J^l M I IMPIK M»n I he direitor of the \nt i -furrup lion \)trn«>. liuhe ll.iruii I. in It.itu Hasklaa. it»d- t> tdvived iniNinessmcn no< tn jhrt •.lIIK pll«^• ;;n K \tU to imiTiimfnl sfrv;int<. durliik Urn ratlin Chinese .New Year
    207 words
  • 19 11 ■\< M n I .1 misLah, Ai)(ii;l Kader i I .11. lie firM b« Suncl.i
    19 words
  • 75 11 JET SET ZAINAB SHOWS ALL HER BADGES., By Magdalene Lum 7AINAB M i can (abovi live yel member ol the Internati And numbi r ol fur d a widely. travelled j a blue Polka-dotted lnrk under hr ci it, whli and a hairbai d looked part nf World tour Accomj
    75 words
  • 15 11 KUAI A I7MPUH M I A '>ber. •rnrif 1 Mr K'Mco-
    15 words
  • 4 11 I it^ide
    4 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 139 11 FOR YOUR NEW YEAR ENTERTAINMENT iX^i^. offers Lowest Hire Purchase terms available on these attractive TV sets j "f%-> V 23" Model 593 A V Only $31.50 per month l^LL 596 0^ Only $29.00 f& G.E.C j D<iy <r Sight Servtct for m.4% 4T many hours <if vn wiiif!
      139 words
    • 109 11 W > j IflHsi >T I] I weSST l I in I K m ialH I v \f m llsH East side and West side. One through San Francisco the other through New York. Both are close with Canadian Pacific. And we'll give you Vancouver at no extra charge too.
      109 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 533 11 ON YOUR TV AND RADIO TODAY TV MALAYSIA f'hannrl 3 Kuala l.umpur lLsh. 710 Srxirt* Ar^n.i. 735 and I'rnang, 6 Ipoh and Liberacr. 800 News in M<nMabn.i; 3 a.- 10 Johiirr durin. 810 Einpa' Sn-tciuan Bahru; J Taipinj; 7 Batu Chinese drama. 835 Bi rncp In I'aliat; 9 Kluang. Action;
      533 words
    • 131 11 RADIO SINGAPURA Mini, i BfAVi lUVKI nri 230 Euphony; 315 60 and 25 melrr> 330 Drifting and MKDHM WAVE SERIK'L ?S??Sf S^nS**^ 1(1(1 and 1-K nrtm 500 r S 11. 503 A 380 and 1.6 metre. Q Jn ternai fi.Tu Sunaet \.M.: 600 Pr<vj Summary: Serenadi 601 Murninß Prcludr. 700
      131 words

  • 51 12 Latest novel idea in batek £ift-wrappin& with batek flowers Puan Sri Kadlr. who runs the Federal capital's first Malay boutique. Sri Zayn, is showing her latest novel idea in batek. that of gift-wrapping with batek flowers, to Ng Sook Ming, a University of Malaysia tutor and part-time
    51 words
  • 66 12 GOOD DIET HELPS STORK Irrnajrrs Mini rat adrquately while prr(nant have larger, nays a I iminilv uf alifnrnia obstrtririan. n Howard N. .Urobton axsoriatr professor »f ak*at> fcrlaa, contends that dirt is important t»uu»r "fetegw habirs trnd to br hralthirr and siiptiini ihlldrrn Babirs »ii<limu lew than > lin mills
    66 words
  • 320 12  -  001 CHENG GAIK by Result: Something, essentially Malaysian IT may not be Carnaby or Quant: it does not pretend to be but the Kuala Lumpur product is quintessential^ Malay ->ian This la me riist impression un«- gets at the Federal capital's
    320 words
  • 171 12 When polishing dining room furniture, remember to include extra table leaves (heck pad supplier (ii\>- decoralivr copper and brass pieces espec iall> fireplace tools 1 thorouch cleaning Slicddirit Irom 1 ik-w arpt-t or rue durint: -leaninv is no cause for ilarm Kxtension special ists at the I'niversity of Nebraska
    171 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 394 12 B^^a^L^B^^ akel a/ .^aW-tV .^a^B^B^L^r^ J^| ■B^ m*. J^f" _afl a^l^r^Aba^k^l^ll Wm mf S Takea2we6ks OCMfi After 4 days sailing you'll be Vmm Hol-day t. Ho^gton, '$£«3&£Z£ For your next leave take a real of fresh air and P&O comfort holiday aail away on P& 0 1 on the way
      394 words
    • 664 12 Advertisement A complexion forever Young and Beautiful Margaret Merril I Beauty Skin Care Ha^. Cnvtiiltant t CAN there be anything prtaaitised to -ttik down a woman values to the vital depth where 1 more highly than a com- II will assist nature with plexlon that la per- 'he buildlnts of
      664 words
    • 55 12 c Dissolves without trace. All becailM it contains no sodium bicarbonate, Hersaesetas is pure ■wee t bcss. Kach tablet sweetens like two sugar lumps. At your pharmacy or authorized provision store. Recommended for Diabetics. Discover the fun of being slim -with new Hermesetas. 300 Hermesetas Q THE SWISS PU SWEETENER
      55 words

  • 372 13  - 19 girls defy school transfer order LEE FOO SAN: Ipoh, Monday By QXLY three out of 22 girls of the Tarcisian Convent here attended Form Four of the Raja Pcrcmpuan Secondary School today as directed by the Education Department. The others were not present and the Chief Education. Officer of
    372 words
  • 87 13 Mon. S:x rubbir companies in Singapore and MalayMa are :nvolv. d in the sale of more than 13.000 tons of rubtx r to be exported. China within the next few ships are already in Singapore and Malaysian por' preparing to load the rubber for
    87 words
  • 25 13 BINGAPOF rlerk $RfiO :r. a magi.«tr»t* eouri 'r>r I ar'inK »n vcrnl n( boolcnmic^r a' flat in Yon§ Siak S'r^- lav' Nov lg.
    25 words
  • Article, Illustration
    0 13
    0 words
  • 198 13 LIU U MFI K. Mon. siiue the iniitr.iit briiise competition for the leiiKku Abdul K.ih tii in Irophv started in l!tt.{. men have always beaten the women "at a women s game" until Mrs. P. <; I>. P«i came aJoiiu
    198 words
  • 75 13 Freighter on shoal freed SINGAPORE. Mon The 7,000 ton Greek freighter Navamachos, went aground ofl Pulau Bukom on Friday, wa.s ireod today < earlier attempt to pull her off a shoal last night failad. The ship, which went aground while coming Into Singapore lor bunker-, was refloated with the he]p
    75 words
  • 144 13 CiNGAPORE, Mon. An International Labour Organisation expert is now In Singapore to the Government on the setting up of an industrial health unit to promote safety in Industries. The expert. Dr. S.F.M. Cressall. Is at pre.sent studying existing safety measures n
    144 words
  • 58 13 Floating Lady' arrives V^IMiAPOKK. Mon Singapore's new floating restaurant, the Hun; Kong I. adv. arrived here today from Hone Kong The shin, to he renamed the Singapore l.adv ts expected to lie ready for use in about |un weeks' time The shin, owned by (Jooilm ii'id I.i rk Hotel Ltd..
    58 words
  • 123 13 Pants here for women undergrads? It's nothing new' 1/UALA LUMPUR. Mon. For University of Malaya women undprviiaduatrs wearing pants is nothing new and no great step forward. While the Aumeti undergraduates in Oxford, England's oldest university. have only now been allowed to wear pants that Is, slacks, trousers <n jeans
    123 words
  • 134 13 S^IM.APORK. Mon -The K I ii n d>fusion Ccniir i> in urcent need of .ih:>ut ',*.> pint.s of rare group "B" rhe.sus negative blood. spnkr>man of the blottd bank today >aid this was needed for a 16--\ear-old Indian i; i r
    134 words
  • 23 13 TEI t'K INB4 'N M Muthiyam k nrhrr. ■*«.>. found hand near hr.< Hi note in Tanai adcirVs.-f ri to the police.
    23 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 57 13 DISCOVER THE HIDDEN EXCITEMENT Vodka Samovar Jot a trace of taste it's shew ■ensation. Vodka Samovar lights lj a drink from the inside Gives cordial a surk, makes tomato Bloody Mary, or any drink the quintessence of itself. Fresh as ipring water. Enticing a isitely pure. it C:ea:i. ILddea excite-
      57 words
    • 297 13 |Anothep\ I Quality Ih Product in f^ll The ZEISS/ X: Tl Group MADU/kT7" V SPECTACLE Iflllflfffll^Li FRAMES 1 MADE IN WEST GERMANY New shape, which $jt gives the model an P extremely striking A^Hfc/ ,,iii(e. Avoiloble at all Opticians in Singapore Malaysia. JEBSEN JESSEN (S) LTD. l WOULD YOU RATHER
      297 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
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  • 221 15 EASTATES IN KED AH PLAN CUTS IN LABOUR FORCE By Chan B«n£ Soon \LOR STAR, Mul. Several big; rubber es i»a Kedah are rted to be planning to reduce their labour force In it m of :he current low price of rubber. Hundreds will be re inched If this la
    221 words
  • 27 15 APt irf: it n nic«lip to hold fund-raisin? ■r.jwign in June *o boost for needy tn« deeded to c<» ahead tb tht
    27 words
  • 330 15 D-Day today on quicker pull-out LONDON. Monday THE British Cabinet today gave final thought to a £1,000 million economic package designed to ensure Britain got maximum advantage from sterling 's devaluation. Its decision will be announced tomorrow British newspapers today predicted a military withdrawal trom Malaysia and apore by 1971
    330 words
  • 67 15 SINGAPORK. Mon The Barisan BeeWfti toda.T described as .i "phoney withdrawal the proposed British pull-out from their military bases here. Ihe party s.ud withdrawal by the British meant getting the United States and its "satellites" Australia and NewZealand. to move in. The only solution for tlie
    67 words
  • 166 15 Britain will never return to S.E. Asia paper CVDNLV, M«n— AosUiUU is now (i>n\in»ed that no British forcis umilil >t.i> anywherr in SouthBail \>ia. apart from lion? Kong, after the erneral withdraw. il from Singapore and Malaysia ends in 1971. Australia's national nruspapor. The Australian, reporting this today -ml Australia's
    Reuter  -  166 words
  • 47 15 SINGAPORE M E.i.-tfrn Emporium !:J in H.^:i S:rrr- coda] doi to the Social Welfare Department and the Th clir-il Ii c.m. opened li>r bifc-i--7he firm hdrl a b 1 1 by 1 Mr 8008 Pens; V im. i Clumbtr iif C raerci
    47 words
  • 158 15 ITUAI.A LUMPI'R. Moll.— An application lor an order ot habeas corpus fur the release of Mr. Karam Singh, the iormer Socialist Front MP now detained under the internal Security Act. has liled with the ilijn here. Da o u.iv;(i Marshal] Mr K. I. D'-va.var
    158 words
  • Article, Illustration
    32 15 O Mr. LEE waves to a crowd on his arrival at No. 10 Downing Street for talks with Mr. Wilson, seen standing at the door awaiting the Singapore Prime Minister UPI photo.
    UPI  -  32 words
  • 168 15 I^HE Minister or Health. X Inche Bahaman bin Samsuddin. today disclosed that 12 doctors from the United Arab Republic will arrive this month to serve in Malaysia. "We will also be receruiting doctors from other countries on an individual basis instead
    168 words
  • 25 15 PORE. M flat Vlrvlew 1 Valley Road, and The girl.-, aaed 16 and 19. rtrts Hf>me New appointment Pre.MYong K it and
    25 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 84 15 Harbingers of Happiness FThis Chinese New Year TV RECEIVERS l f tfk I 19 23' MODELS OR 63G DR 65G T.nted tube fcr bertrr contrcst pre-set tine tuning high flux 8" x 5 speaker push bjtton controls. 19" $410 00 (nett, Singapore Penang 23" $475.00 (nett) Singapore Penang SPECIAL CHINESE
      84 words
    • 255 15 an entire All I Art AL fflT* world mk\ land, sea air for YOU and your FAMILY Wore than 500 pages in text K^^le 4 jfew^tfi** animals which can live on land or PP^^^ Jk kjr*^ ,j- SaSM in water. i j^Bur^t 'ilfflS -fiii. OiL l B'f3j rangrg (rcn the
      255 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 658 16 [I^^^jy^jJlfl^^ K iiniimird fntni l'a»e ACKNOWLLPuMENO U »m4i Ml Hinanxi THI FAMILY UM Ml I Toon ilMnk< mii ni.ww «nd frltnda aOH, «reath«. ■crall* and umtutc. FAMILY OF LATt Mr. T«n IJIU Gar* ttank mi for thnr »«pr'«noni ol rofidolrr.ic!.. WMMI, attendant dur- men! MR. AMO MRI. Kran.:« l*« «B«
      658 words
    • 951 16 SITUATIONS VACANT M Wmtt < Vim. t— Box >• rti. «sfraj tISHMONIALI DIPLOMA*, I' lup quallt> Motion Mnith cont 4U cent* 1.1 B-itlrrv Roart nor« Tel K3UW4 IF -00 MOLD a Beauty Culture ot Hairdreiung Diploma «nd lull .annot set a Joo, make lure you do refresher courie it saion
      951 words
    • 840 16 ACCOMMODATION VACANT I 11 Wmrit M I Mim.>—B»x S» eta. ex»r« I FURNiSntu MWMIMIIN Houm with ion.jt.aih mmur.i. <■• |«i sraiH>i>>« H;ii» out. *pmiv mm f EMIA* ANI, mil* UTAH, lvi- I mshed terrace house. Hilltop. spacious 1 i con t'b»<k *ard<-n« Hood qui«t locality lohnny ZBTt. I r SIAVIEW
      840 words
    • 683 16 HOUSES AND LAND FOR SALE M H»rrf« »i«.l-l« UNIQUt tOKNIK i-STORtY MMM mitisiio* Lar»« «r*» ».»4» „n. mi «a. Jalau Pan Dedap id l'rake\ille Katale". Price W4.u«iU i mi iiiiinriiMtr iH'i'iipation. Tel irS3»4 Mr. Chong s port). lINCLC ITOIIEV SSMIOETAtH-U house in Utraiwoon Garden Kstate. J i.rrtrnomn $*7.0U0/-. Semi-detacned nouic
      683 words
    • 515 16 tDUCATION U »<ir<» >• i Mm. i— Box Si) <■»». txltm BUSINESS STATISTICS tLONO MICS Glanaen CMMMKi ixiii I""' «ecretaryinn> ChPWt— u fcvwnM, .Singapore .((MM TYPEWRITING: Uur >|x<ihimv. e.ngn»h Malay. i-Mnmr laairvelora hUpid IU »eek» H :ij wpm Any rim<r Normal Thrue Da.iv Mi Middle Road Spore HMI RAPID COURSE*
      515 words
      353 words
    • 374 16 VtHllLtS FOR SALt 1»5» F &O(1. > "TMI Idl X |TM I H.I 1 MKTINA DELUXE r..K,r CMUWi FOR »ALE I MratoclC) h HO irtit i-ondmon T*l. Woodward ur Harm* II X.L 1960 MORRIS 1000 onvi-rt T «'l n li r ._ni. H.M S. Anchorite. Naval Kasf. NEW CORTINA-DELUXE oMy
      374 words
      234 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1011 17 Tr ll»ERP(IOL t WEST COAST U H ovt i p r*m Pf«n| t'/.[ v .1M... inPt JM II la« 2B "i*." SI. 33 MM Ti/Tyi..,™ B B lap 3 ian 'I 7/ up >t PATPOCIUS ut tH IM .1 2 PMSANnFR Fel Fei f?i 717 Fei 13 Ji",!.,. f M
      1,011 words
    • 2263 17 fKSSEk^^^MKSSSImWi THEX-YMUNES i iii I EXPRESS SAIUNCS TO GEWOA NORTH CONTINENT SCAWDINAVIA -mi t- ,^r SAR(uOm< ma 1 H Ml ii i» MfH mi. i Mar \i mi. m mi. ii m« n PAStOENA 11l Frl 74 71 Fel 77 71 Frl Jt 7 All 1 All a Mi N
      2,263 words
    • 927 17 teELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO., LTD. SEE CVEUIEaF F 0» OUTWSPO SERVICf fROV v CON' vf HI CH» OF tUHOFC'O I il Ml IFa cur of si AiiMts I FM 1.11 CITY or OUNBEE -I M 1 Cli OF HEREFO"C tl' McALISTER CO., LTD. Harrisons c*osf itL. tm JmT*iT t W*
      927 words

  • 693 18 From Our Market Correspondent 'IMII Xl was little or no X change in conditions on the Stock r.xchannc of Malaysia and Singapore •/esterday but the tone had a slightly steadier look The market ruled quiet .main with a reduced turnover of 732JM units. There
    693 words
  • 32 18 M.iio.m Steel liiclk.--luit IS lndu>tn.iis i•: la i :;.tiT I'lnpniiiv i 137.M Minincs; M I S ruhbiiv in i, ii liii.bil i»r ;'i. I'm.: urn. Ore. :;u, ItM inn.
    32 words
  • 679 18 DDBINEBB IN AMI 1:1 I'm; 1 1 n v to tiii: siM..\roKt: ami Xl M LI MIM R TKMHM. I:imi\|- OK Till: STOCK EXCHANGI YESTERDAY, 1 1 11 THE M MBFK Ol THE SHARKS IKMIII) IN I.i; M Xl I I INDUSTRIALS Ben A C" 17
    679 words
  • 270 18 rpllfc Straits tin price fell SI 1 to S .">:>!• :><l per picul in I'cnanu ycstcNhiy on an olTcrini; estimated down ."1 tons to MO tons Support .it slightly lower leveti WM reported partuularIS from Japan and Anie:u.i LOCAL KIBKhK MAIM There was
    270 words
  • 70 18 MINCSE Produce EiotMnn*. lm«»> v pore, noon prioaa par ptcul v«atorday. Coconut oil: bu!lc »57J arllor* drum lorn. Cop»a- Mlxrd Cob.) loom Jaa./ FM IK c.nt «:i4« B. Ptpp«r: Uuntoll «hlte $130 *fll*r». ■> I L' 7 nrlkr.. iprclal black 1106 sFllrn. Karblrd l»nn|Kin^ black |118 (tllrri (all
    70 words
  • Article, Illustration
    16 18 •1-Mt A«««tlAO .f Hank< m M«*y. 1 m nod* M > run to iserctauii* ytaterdav.
    16 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1021 18 XT* KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia Singapore Japan Service F*MB ftrlllitii Nig i* Yumyn'ta Kobe I I laa Rials 21 la* 2% la* 2» la* 1 I Fll il 12 ftl 7t Ftl II Frt 2» Fel West Atrica Singapore Japan Service NHMI •Nt<la«a Mar. J 7 Jaa 1
      1,021 words
    • 844 18 IUSTP.tI.Ia NCW ZEAIaND SERVICE. INDIA. PaKISTaN (NO f** EaST SERVICES Ta Tawiwlle Irnlaai. S»«t» »a Mairas a*l Ni|ipatli*a*i. Pfndn P& "am Scote MJUU ,j/2l la* J» 'la* M Ja* Far li«b> tuck.. Dim. Utt W -II RAJULA 11 II Mar IT Mar II Mat Penant P. Sham S pore Tar
      844 words
    • 827 18 RUBBER PRICES lA.XI AKY lii-t tr.dr rubhrr I*' f.u.b. buyers rlusrd at p.m. in KuaU Lumpur and Singapore xrsterday at 1* < rnl\ ppr Ib. down quarter of a crnt on Friday's losing lrvrl. I In- tone was dull. R.A S. and Mill rinsing prices in cents per Ib. yesterday.
      827 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 593 19 AUSTRALIAN CLASSIFIED ADS. STOCKS BAR RESTAURANTS (Spore) MELBOURNE. Mon r- INDUSTRIALS were firm In quiet oahcing nightly south l*»< trading Moves generally B r *'*'*"'*'><■ >»° Waiwioo iv cent* to (4 ,fi B.H.P. dropped cool j H n B««ar. Snort S eanta a' 116 23 Mining were r« \snab!e Barrier
      593 words
    • 811 19 INVESTMENT OF FOREIGN CAPITAL IN CAMBODIA In order to encourage the Investment of foreign capital to 1 Cambodia, the Royal Government of Cambodia is willing to grant the following advantages to all foreigners who wish to invest their capital in the priority sectors of the economy within the frameI work
      811 words
    • 673 19 NOTICES I WISH TO INTERVIEW VOL A lew permanent appointments I lor educated ladies with a charming personality above 21 jPMfI unavailable in an knUnutUonal organisation dealing In cosmctiu Commencing monthly income ot $200 and additional rommi.sMon* averaging $100 per month for those who wi*h to excel «t their work
      673 words
    • 697 19 NOTICES PEOPLE'S PARK DEVELOPMENT LTD. invite* suitably qualified contrartors to submit applications for consideration for the piling BOBtract of norm mm SHOPPING M.ATS (OMPI.KX at New Bridge Ruad. The contract l.s for approximately 1.500 piles of 80 100 tons rapacity It K anticipated that work will commenre b«twe«n April and
      697 words
    • 196 19 TENDERS KKNYATAAN TAWARAN J K.R 18l PKJARAT Tawaran daripada Pemborong2 yang bcraaftar di Jabatan Kena Raya di-dalam Kelas A' < Kepala I Pechahan kepala 1 dan Kepala II Pechahan kepala 2> akan dlpangeil tidak lama lagl untok "MEMBENA DAN MEN YIAPKAN ASRAMA2 UNTOK INSTITUTE TEKNO LOJI MARA DI-BATU TIGA. KUALA
      196 words
    • 624 19 WOODWORKING FACTORY FOR SALE The Kri-rm-r ol lIKKM |{|\IK ffOOOWOMUNG CO »I»N BHI) announrrd thai thr un<|.-> i..k.nt of lhat nm|un< i* nffprrd for Thr CMBpaajri int.ntmr. ».i- p inci|.*lh t,. m*nuf»rtur» kiln-diird profilrd hnishrd timhri nm|i,,nrnu t« -upplv to th» (anadian and Amrn. .»n Hlrtg when tin md r\rr(rowinc
      624 words

  • 349 20 TIMESPORT l RUGGER by Norman Siebel IF the story is true that the .Malaysian Aimed Forces were drinking their pints to my immediate illhealth after Singapore Joint Services had dealt with them so severely in Saturday's Malaya (up rugger final, I can
    349 words
  • Article, Illustration
    18 20 KILAI winger Santhok Bingh trying to dribble the ball past Armed Forces Brian Qaliston in yesterdays Pantai match.
    18 words
  • 127 20 Kilat hit 5 off depleted Forces i/ the defending champions, scored a 5-0 win over Armed Forces at Pantai yesterday when the Sehinuor league Div. 1 hockey competition resumed in Kuala Lumpur after the fasting month. In tlie other matches yesterday, Pollec b<>:it Svlangor Cub 2- 1 at tho Padaiin
    127 words
  • 108 20 Mate) dan iu<n< a mm latlon commit rea toi I*W Tours: M c Schubert i chairman*, m r 1 mti'iii and En CtMO* Tr-ik Flaanee: P Ategendra ichalrm.,i ii ijati Mean J D. H<lic A P<re. Dr Thambinathan. x A Hiehohf- < •aapetMeaa: P Ategendra i
    108 words
  • 319 20 PRE-OLYMPIC HOCKEY MALAYSIA md Singapore will clash on the B day of the pre-Olympic hockey tournament Lahore <>i; Saturday. This will bo the vital test for Blngapon and will have lo win -t ire to rcm.ii!) In the running In their Quest lor i lclusion
    319 words
  • 92 20 Thi p n nan i oivmpK ttocke) tournameni at I ahorc ta Material •nn v Spam We«l Oertl -1.1 Sunday (Jan 21 Spam v h rmi nj Pak lon Monday Jan 22' Ceylon. Kenya Mala Tufsday '.tan 2i' Spain v Kenya West Germany Malayda. Pakfetan i Singaoon WrdnrvHav (Jan,
    92 words
  • 44 20 nkw nti hi. Mon An Asian in- ii hocki \in by l-o here yesterda) ti close the first Asian women' hockey championship won by Japan It»e Asian team comprised nd ipanese Alule Kenj .i form■ylnn's II Bai the goal AP
    AP  -  44 words
  • 40 20 Michael Ho won the Singapore Isi. aid Countrj Club 1967 gold medal competition with a net 74 scon -ii eountback from K K i mi Buk:' Course I The competition >.<> tor the I rnwlai minnerx of last year.
    40 words
  • 174 20 Malaysian titie provided in this system Bym] spedalh trong for the south ne ti ams wh liik "in to bi sa?( d Irurn r by Joint Services, who have won the i I of the ps rmula by which the contln male i their contrlbutli tournatn nt and '!i (>
    174 words
  • 63 20 QPORTO I' •> <• Is i Mala>sia ;«n--nouni'pd .vrNteril.iy thai list urrk's pools were caacell'■cl is in in- than half the hes nit the primr.iinnic \trrr postpunrd All niiinr\ vv .m •■red l.isl week m.i\ be used for beta Ikia weak <>r in suhsf (|iK'n( weeka ■in p
    63 words
  • 23 20 M.n.u c,i open i>.niminton champkmanlpa [or bank rmployeei will ix he«d on Saturday uid Sunday ;it tlie Malacca UA halL
    23 words
  • 182 20 Ooi makes another appeal rl ma..- mi on Thtam Blew, yeaterda) made ii appeal o itu Cblel MiniMe: Tan Sri Wonu T- NM ow controlling me City Co mi! to pei iv ederal O< v« i nmeni tribute toward* the construction i f an Indooi adium in I'enani; Mi o»i
    182 words
  • 177 20 BADMINTON SINGAPORE B;uliniii'uii As'il.HMl: v. ill KOd tWO top tayen to iht Peata badminton tournament oi ehainptoiM at Kuala Lumpur from Apr 17--20 They Hill he affected BlU» -he triali nt Guillrmnid Road ftaai Thursday U> -Jan The UteUata are Wee Clioonu Sang, Omar
    177 words
  • 80 20 Till. N SC\ -he Ahmad On wer: Cheng m n mai i Wong Hln can 'M.\r M\v i) w --I let < ivhT md John c)«m,-i>., < withdrawn because i»l Omen-Oavtex i- replaced by Walker Walters replacement In the werk Tiir south xv. alao announ- ->;r
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 864 20 I'KLAN TAWARAN J.K.R. KELANTAN ,-irr.nm ilan- !.>.■ ,J XX, lllilMlll al kt di-iMiHal, „.< Mil 1.3* nVlerlana (u-Pr.i»b«t juuit K I-: Kel-iniHii VHkol 3.00 I -I.UIMII. I!'h8 Mr MhKKAI KAN BAI I DAHII'AUA KIARI UIBUKIT PANAC PASIR MAS KELANTAN BACiI ■\'U\l 1 19H8 HINGf.A J8 2 SpacUtcaUDn Ix.leh di-Uliat i!l-Pej«biit
      864 words
    • 509 20 TENDERS PEMBERITAHU KtK\J\A\ KBGOU fWMAM RANCHANGAN l-MM'MAHAN Ml KAII PARIT 111 NTAK Pruiiohoii.iiC ad.i-lali di-jeni put danpaiu Raw vat Ni-srn Mala) -ia vane netnpunyai kriayakan] sapem J i 1 >:< w a 1 1 uiiiok meOcli dengm bh\.i'.in .n.'iiian Rumah2 Mural' Ml Nei;en \aiiß seksrai": In] .seuair.: oi-ixMia di-Parlt B'.mtar
      509 words

  • 80 21 %|ARTIN CHIVERS has a family net-together with Wife T1 Carol and thrir baby after the 1125.000 deal which made him a Tottenham Hotspur player and Britain's h ghest priced footballer. The "double deal" took centreforward Chivers from Southampton to Tottenham, and Frank Saul (priced at 145.--000)
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  • 58 21 BANGALORE. MOB Rusaian playeri di'mnmted the Asian tennLs championships here yesterday retaining the men and women* Mncles titles. The ever-smiline holder Alex Metreveli beat the bearded Rumanian lon Tlriac 3-6. 6-3. 6-4. In the men's final The women's title went to the Russian holder Ivano\a. who
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 60 21 ROME. Mon BaMl Reay secretary of the Britten 1 Tennis AaMdatlon had talki v 1:h Da-, is Cup (iruaniMng officials here yeetuday Mr Rea\ was no) m h<>du!ed to neet the ILTF president nr .10 rie Rte(Min to diaCUH tlip Federation's decision to bnn Britain
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 228 21 SINGAPORE, will "experiment" with a young team when they begin their defence of the FAM Cup against Negri Sembilan at Jalan Besar Stadium on Sunday, reports JOE DOKAI. The FA. of Singapore announced yesterday that the team will all come from the under-23 <quad
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  • 85 21 UANOKOK. Mon.— lraq swamlJ pod Thailand 4-0 in the .\>. m Oru II Prr-i aoccer tournainen: 'icir' last [rag !rd 3-0 al lulttimr. hnq fiKik ..n early lrnd when Inside .rti Albert Khoshaba scored alter 30-yard driooie in the ':iu<i Btottte, OHtaUfaHnghf HUBhain Ata •cored Iraqi
    85 words
  • 23 21 LOS ANGELES. Mon American Johnny Pott, won three-way .sudden-death playoff to take the Btng Crosby gol! tournament at Pebble Beach yesterday
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  • 88 21 itIKI.WO. Mon. luelvr women bowlers, all over (In- .>:■■ ill t;o. mm% disqu.ilitii d limn .1 liiivvhii^ tnur iiiiiniit heir rstrrda> heuiisr tin 11 skills were !•><> tlMri 1 hr\ wi'ir li.innni fiom Ihe tcnii ii.uiiciil follnHinf rhrrk on hiMnlinr> li\ Auckland Uwn 'iml« nf||ii.ii>
    88 words
  • 179 21 SPORTSLETTER I REAP with ln'crcst the ren Tteeapori of Jan. 11 ol the proposal by Suleiman raamrer of the Perlus Malayt FA to keep Singapore out of the Sultans Gold Cup tournament. Al a kfs<n football fan and a hat, the pro- WOUid be
    179 words
  • 449 21 Wok to Jek: Let us keep unity BASKETBALL BODY TOLD: DON'T HURT THIS IMAGE SINGAPORE Olympic and Sports Council president Inche Othman Wok yesterday called on the Basketball Association uf Singapore to withdraw their public statement alleging incompetence of certain members of the National Sports Control Board. Inche Othman urged
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  • 92 21 SYDNEY. Mon. Australian Test bat.Mnen Bobby Simpson (62 1 and Brian Booth (78 > rescued New South Wales alter a disastrous start again. 1 Victoria with a fighting fourth-nicker f 137 in their Sheffield Shield cricket match here today Nr« South \Valr>. Who lu-t thru fir'
    92 words
  • 56 21 BRISBANE MOO, l!ie Queensland Country match hi ie ilnst Uie indMn.s i v ifl today oecauK of ram. lhus h;i>, robbed the Indians of any chanct tor matoh practice before the start of Friday s> Third Test against Australia at Brisbane. Ind a are two Test*
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 215 21  - Pretty is having a busman's holiday EPS(»I JEEP TrMESPORT 2 RACING By (JOUTH Australian jockey Uly n 11 Pretty is having busman's holiday in his home (own of Adelaide. He is settine plenty of mounts from old connections. Brfnrr he came to ride fur Bukit. Timah trainer Keith Daniels. Pretty
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 115 21 VeftJtaoe biscuits j «ne old s> gt'-cqf*d *< rtW^r <r I t S7# '••OND v£\JZCuO4. iH AA<^ X Ty>nos VehhoJe, sultana pdQ w wL >*^fr Mi •ng cunantv HI^HV I hy bit. Taste the crispy goodness of Verkade. You'll -iose who ha^e tried Verkade always asK for Verkade. Choose from
      115 words
    • 129 21 STOP ITCHY FUNGOUS INFECTION WITHk TII\EAFAX' POWDER AND CREAM Irritating fungous infections Such .ts Singapore Foot usually start oen the toes Treat it with 'ected nneafdx o I owd«f ■3&&*ztM. 1'" day And m .ill timi UN fe«t LJS 'Section J -.ith Tmeafdx pci 1 >> »v I m^^J^^^^^^ A
      129 words

  • 101 22 231 ft. dive into ocean sets world record F^OK I LAUDEKOALE (Florida). Mon. A 11 Irenchman. lacejaes >iayoi. phmged Ml ft into the Atlantic Ocean \esterila> for a new uorld f1 i in v record Maynl surpassed by more than tuo fathoms the mark of .17 ft. set in
    AP  -  101 words
  • 73 22 GLASGOW. Mon A Malaysian nurse, Mr.-. Om J;; Ktia. 21. wan among nine people killed here today as buildings in many parts of the city collapsed in hurricane force winds. She was killed when I masonry crashed into her bedroom in the Mary-hill district. More
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 31 22 SINGAPORE. Mon The Maf] of Bridgestone Malaysia will hold a social and dance at tbt nmpany's premises m Jum Industrial e.-tate at 8 p m <m Jan M
    31 words
  • 219 22 KASPERAK SERIOUSLY ILL AFTER LIVER OPERATION pALO ALTO (Calif ornia), Mon. Hear! transplant pati«:it Mike Kasperak remained In critical condition today after an operation to relieve a liver ailment but his heart beat normally. A medical bulletin la.-! said surgeons at Stanford Medical Centre operated (or an hour yesterday to
    Reuter; UPI  -  219 words
  • 48 22 .JAKARIA. Mon— The North Sumatra military commander. Brig. -Gen Barwo Edhie. hat temporarily oannecl the Christinn daily "Ray of Hope and the Muslim dally "Lighthouse." The newspapers hud tn-en warned several times not to publish slone, that BUgM "inflame religious controversy" tn Hie UN UPI.
    UPI  -  48 words
  • 49 22 SAGAK ISLAND .West Bengal), Mon. Seven Hindu pilgrlmi have died in near (ree/lim temperatures while attenolng religious bathing ceremonial <>n BagM Maud, in the delta of Ihe s.icred Ganges River. Hindus btlir\r that by bathins i»> lllp Ganges they wash away their .-ins Reuter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 26 22 SINGAPORE. Mon The Singapore Surgical Society will hold its 17th meetliiK at the pathology lecture theatre of the General Hospital at 8.15 p.m. tomorrow
    26 words
  • 373 22 I ONDON Men CloMiiy middle prices of selected itocfa DM Including sump duty were: <.IL'. r.ix.Kl) RUBBER LONDON. Mon. Spot IT.d. Feb. 17 5 16d. March 17 7 ltid. April 17 9 lbti April June 17 11 ltid July Sept. 18 1 16 d Ocl
    373 words
  • Article, Illustration
    0 22
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  • 160 22 Mon. Mr. Vladimir Demi kov, ;i l\ic\ surgeon, posies with ;i four-year-old dog called Mukntar, on which he grafted t lk* head and fronl legs of ;t twomonth old puppy lasl week. Incisions were made on MukhtaVs neck for the transplant. lIM picture. Lawsuit
    AP  -  160 words
  • 209 22 Sihanouk orders an alert against Maoist coup PIINOM I'KMI Men -The (amixxlian IM) niil polirv have br« ii alerted and Ihous.inils ol men mobilised ;ill<r tlie ills tmttn "i i» lot to kl President Tito <>f lf«KO slavia duriim his isit lure (his Hn'k Held i>l State Prim > N»ro
    209 words
  • 16 22 in Even lovinc Me n m > hit ArparM on It I Nmliatid .mil ct
    16 words
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 105 22 Late classified advertisements TO TMAVAM t.ifi Lg LIU Th..nk» d Motv r« baby boy oi i• i Mother and diK-ti.i LtE KENT. SONG Mr ..t,.' 3 111 WA&k fewP^^Hi g S 1 s (Ujfl m a^^iS^^BJSJBJSJSMBJBJBJBMBBB t Accredited dealers: C.K. Tang (Singapore) Ltd., 310, Orchard Road, Singapore 9. Metro Ltd.,
      105 words