The Straits Times, 14 January 1968

Total Pages: 18
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 26 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES 1*4** HettUM im Mat**** no \mer" SUNDAY, JANI'ARY 14. 1%8 20 CENTS 23 CENTS (Niw Currtney) (O'fl tartWMyl ki>\ tin] me. (p) his.
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  • 1758 1 Spending: A record $2,*****1 bill THE Governmeni will spend a record total of $2,820.1 million this 132.2 million on ordinary expenditure and $887.9 million on development. Ordinary expenditure shows a jump of $103.6 million over last \< ar's original estimates while development spending will be $51.8 million more than 1967"t>
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  • 428 1 888 SINGAPORE, Sat. The Singapore International Chamber of Commerce today disclosed that Britain's colossal financial interest in the Malaysia-Singapore region involved some $22,000 million (£2,930 million.) it warned that any hasty Bri- military pull-out from the region would "result in irretrievable damage both to lon^ standing
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  • 251 1 MALAYSIA AND IRAN TO SIGN TREATY TOMORROW KUALA LUMPUK. Sat. Malaysia and Iran will sign a treaty <>i friend.ship (jii Monday to precede the 8 visit by the Shah and Empress of Iran on Wednesday. ih'' treaty will be sian^d by Tengku Abdul Rahman In hli capacity Minister ol Foreign
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  • 90 1 IPOH. Sat. Thr Mititli--1 ward hound MSA plane from Prnanc ni crotindrd hen- thi> rvrnins hrrausr of mreh.ini<tl faults. As it ».is un.ihlr to mrrt the 110 p.m srh--riulrd flichi to Kuala Lumpur. .Malacca and Singapore about 15 pas- WIHH were left Mraixlcil here for an hour.
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  • 486 1 A new dry dock soon (SINGAPORE, Sat. The Jurong shipyard today announced a number of maj o 1 expansion |>rogrammes for the new year. The biggest ni these is the construction of a second dry dock alongside the existing one. Work will brniin early next month and will be ready
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  • 436 1 Lee: I'll forego aid for security LONDON, Sat. Sin K ;i o r p's Prime Minister, Mi Lee Kuan Yew, who arrived hen ludav for (lefentT talks with British leaflet s, sai <! he would Forego ceo iioinii- aid iii return I'd seiiirik l<»r his country. "It* nor economics worried
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 29 1 ■MOT IN U GARMENTS ARE a UNCO. GUMMtTOO MM, ABLE SI m QUAUTIZED L ,k W.II not ttamk Mtfft S JL IRONIMG SfEDfO v or ploy v IHa S
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    • 110 1 ■V Blbk m I wB i i Im j| r With the new Parker 75 you can adjust the 14K gold point to the exact writing angle you desire a relaxed, comfortable angle you'll never lose. The Parker 75 is as personal as your handwriting a mark of your character
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    • 14 1 Diamonds Gems tet ENGAGEMENT RINGS U. S. de SUVA SONS, Jewelleis :->. Ralllca nacc, Siß*«piM»-l
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  • 245 2 30 Umno rebels return to the fold \I A L A C C A. Sat. aM About 30 of the 40 members of the KamTaimh Mcrah bra:. ih ol Umno. Dear Sungei Urtaiiu. 11 miles from here, who left the party and Joined the pmip two ut-(k.^ ago, last ni&hi
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  • 79 2 Cleaning-up at retarded children's centre SIMiAPfiRK Bal A group i.( Rotary duo .<nri mrmbrr.s of the Rt John's here will aacrtflc* their sunn. iv rp^t tomurroi to help retarded children They will vtall tbc trnii«>r«ry centre ol thr Retarded Children s AaanctaUon I'a-ir Panlanc t'> clews vi) and paint the
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  • 33 2 AMMAN. Sa! Three men \»rrr puhlirlv exrc uteri in a cpn-ral ,-qu.irr in Riyadh. Saudi iftw prayeri jrMUntat fnr kilium .< iKilicemHii a* tlirv tried ti« .smueslr alcohol mm the country.- Renter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 29 2 Kl'Al A It MPIH Bl Chinese Nn Tear treetine )'»\e been is-wefl hv the Apex Club of Kuala Lumpur to i«Ue funds for its bursary awbemav
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  • 121 2 |^ELANTAN police smash* d two car smuggling gangs and recovered 38 bttilt n cars durinu the [)iist year, tho OCCI here, Supt. Mohamed Shahir bin Abdul Majid. today. One ;; ad it.- he id quarters Kuala Lumpur and tho nth**r
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  • 189 2 Man who went to wife's aid acquitted I^UAI.A LUMPUR, *at A man who rushed up R II .1 DO licraun tried lo uresi hrr was acquitted by a nagU< trate's (-inirt here today of i laulting the cuii^tabip yap Than Loy, 26, waa charged with lutng rrim:aal fonr on ihp
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  • 48 2 MALACCA M Thf Clr.rf Minister. Hail Tailh l,m Karlm. miicl inrlnv that the Stale- Gover inner" hurl set a.Mde $2(10.000 this ye?;- for books and bicycle* for poor pupils He wan addrtfismg 23 community leaders at a civic* course bi Tan.tniiK Kelinic near here
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  • 32 2 biki i intß i vjam Bat. The Qovernmeni hu contrttmn •>( n Chinese lempia i Ta»ek Juni"ng The ni.T to nated another 1 no for tlie HO.OOO building I
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  • 174 2 Application! *,< I for wrrlcc with the B. lomNin rativi ipfoini mi m ASSISTANT KCKETAJtl ->,i hl» 21*1 but not Decree fron .<-rtee of the Natlona HIT IKS: Hoard general •■ervirpv within tlM MOpa of SALARY: entry to the Mlary m-bI* will depe::c. i enre in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 52 2 By walter de cruz: kuala lumpur. Saturday t\ wrfor a u seasons awfwßr Li Mk s\ *•> »a^ ai— W W^^^^^ a^l^g^Lwl^gf^C K^~ A 1 N»^ j AIR'iNDIA %V OVER 35 YfcARS OF rLXNG LXPtRIENCE **\i AsOUJ^MtHUieLaUX^CULSMANbiRLLI bINUAPOHt t ItL J9604 8 oLNLRAL bALL 3 AOLNTS FCM MALAYSIA ft BRUNEI
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    • 185 2 Pimples and Bad Skin Fought in H| #S\ 24 Hours W M Since Ihe d:irc-. t ry of H.ioitim by an cistlng and duftguring akin blemnrea ftuch aa Ertema. P.mplfi. Hsh, R.rgand lUd Blotches. Don't let a bad akia lorn your friends' Clear your skin this new •cientine say. and
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    • 159 2 BCFORi AFTIR htalina* your skin, ir.aklng It soft? r, whitav and \rl\e-y smooth In Juftt a day or l*t yojr m.-ror till ttll you tnat h>r« al lan you 'tin trlfnds. N. h'as'broutnt as Mr R. K who »r;les. X sufltrtd from tfrnbiy itchlnt. burrmf and smarting Ec«ma frr 12
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  • 288 3 THOUSANDS AT VIP FUNERAL i KUALA LUMPUR. Sat THOUSANDS. mi lulling < thin*-: NtaMcn .i mi ( v tod. i\ piitl Ihrir laal respects to iiir late I'm hi Sri M.iimuii Uintc Ptiif I. mho (lini <if hi-.irt (ii>o.iM- yesterday al tcrii'inti I'm. hi Sri M nniiin Was Hie wife
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  • 177 3 Marcos calls for D-pact against China JAKARTA, Sat. President Marcos (<1 the Philippines today m»%e an appi-al to memLer countries of the Association of S(iuth-Kay Asian Nations (Asean) to join in a defence arrangement against China. He said In i speech that di spite their reluctance to countenance aid from
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  • 199 3 SMASHED: PLOT TO KILL TITO IN CAMBODIA OANGKOK, Sat. Prince Sihanouk tiaid yesterday the Police had smashed a Communist plot to assassinate Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia durum bis visit to Cambodia next week. Four Chinese had bren arrr^U-d and four crates of "very powerful handgrpnadt V seized along with a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 290 3 .'8 r^i I more jSjfiiiij^ an ar| y The Whisky White Horse W, f Mf. awSfwi m*M y% 'W% sRI awßsawd •fc^aH BB^Kaawlw^ > "'"i^S K. w> K^c^^awly£ You're right! The man 4r 9aW with the Kiwi Polished shoes! w DM^awM Smart people always stand <^\m ~-W- lj^ 1 R
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  • 54 4 presenting THE LIMELIGHTERS SHE'S cool to look at but hot in her comments. She's tender in her understanding but tough-minded in her judgments. She first focused attention on herself with the controversial book "The Useless Sex." Now she makes her own estimate of "The Limelighters," people whose activities
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  • 1413 4 Microscoping Mr. Bond... MR. CONNERY. I don't believe that any actor today is as difficult to approach as you arc. >l OXXERY: I know Ihe image people have of me: a ow devoid if intellectual capacity, boorish, aggressive, the image 1 often see in the newspapers. When I read things
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 289 4 an entire ANIMAL <Mr* WORLD J»a land, sea air for Wn YOU and your FAMILY klmJlfi&l More than 500 pages in text •M;** m A marvellous encyclopaedia where kJ I• f w if Amphibians unusual animals which can live on land or IyJPl yJP w)r 1 yßfe if s ran
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    • 278 4 PIB for faster relief from ASTHMA V 'M PIB (Pressur.sed Iso-Brovon) provides prompt and iong-!astng rel ef in ASTHMA and ERONCHITIS. Compact unit— simple to use c earned in pocket or handbag. Over 300 doses at low cost You can SEE th* contents and need never fear running short Ask
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 273 4 ACROSS: 1 Dredge (s>; b DOWN: 1 Anything worthless Formal document i4>: 9. En- (5) 2 He p of gtoneg as land dure (si; 10. Snare (3); 11. Value (5; 12 Headgear (4): mark (5). 3 A single time (4). 14 Uncommon <4t; 15. Quote 4 Poem (3); 5 Swelling
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  • 1209 5 No. 2: GERALDINE CHAPLIN, another Limelighter SHE'S 23 years old now. On that beautiful face of hers Geraldine Chaplin has three beauh spots forming ;i triangle. One is above her mouth, one below her riuhl eye, and one below her left eye. The one above her month she manages lo
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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  • Article, Illustration
    86 6 PHOTO NEWS iron. Saturday. 4 lure ol Kean Siew, socialist and polo He Penang to beal op inn.; lie nt the Malayan 'lay. H chukka. of course. He iiriprd Penang Polo Club SingaUi id the the >'. Malaywrit t h c to play lh< field with Kean sirv foi
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  • 142 6 Kandang Kerbau records a big drop in births CINGAPORI v^ The Kandang Korbaii maternity hospital recorded a bit; dup In the bu' h rate last year. Thn numoer "f verl«a toi tiled 924 a drnp Uti pnr^d w.-. v pn spokeam i the drop mlgl •he Repul I imlly plam
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 285 6 7 .«Mak w^. Rides and drives like a dream ■itsuiish motoi vtHicus 'he ci* t?.- ffflfl i t t r jflflfl tt '\\\f the mo<xl subdued i A-mx%, I warning dash lights, ;i wide an ivifv Comfort ts 5 per' one Tun imn are lower for d much more. (4
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  • 145 7 y K anson. sat. a rating 1 housewife in Market Street here. Madam Chan Poh Chee found a new-born baby girl abanm the flve!ier husband's sundry ren lb. the bahv was swathed in a piece ol green cloth and kept in a small t similar
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  • 461 7  - Looking ahead to 1969— Govt to review the First Malaysia 808 NG By \N overall review of the $4,551 million First Malaysia Plan is to be undertaken later this year, the Government announced today. Conclusions arising from the review would be incorporated in the 19t>y development estimates. memorandum, rether with
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  • 217 7 STRONG BIDS BY FIRMS TO TAKE OVER BASE SHIPYARDS CEVERAL leading shipping firms are interested in taking ever Singanaval shipyard when th< out. 1-tv. k.t B i >n the I ip and i DevelopSurvey baa ai I leasli. dock yard-- for th'ir plans which envisage "he build Iry-dock •ons i-.
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  • 53 7 Lemons For Beauty To r ciear d the and telph -kin by beauti■ii throughout fair aiu: ph them i D. Iph ener :or a quii or to quell little brushed on the bar after your shampoo will give it the glamour of .-parkllnn diamonds. This is a luxury akin freahener,
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  • 110 7 Another plea on 'semi-nude maidens' KIING Si' nion il ■•^■mi "It p io see the know why sell tl no more true. ■•I!) tn girls don I around i bar< :i the Wed Speaking at Kampoi Muara Tebas i here, the of Lot v Government, Abang Ikhwan Zalnl, said:
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  • 81 7 |£UANTAN. Bat nw> ma «ked men, one armth a pistol, entered •> and escaped with a watch and j told chain. 1 had broken Into the Gall j Besar at I o .i "i and woke up an i mployee. l Im Ming 27 who
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  • 25 7 l\(i JAVA. Sat. broke Into thr Mr. R. S. nient nrid iv with a translator t two t.ipo-rpcorders ..i clt nether worth
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  • 6 7 KUAI A I'MI
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  • 16 7 ml BAHRU Bat ol ppp'i trinplp and peoples bom at Rengit near Pontlan today.
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  • 158 7 EVACUEES RETURN HOME BUT 1,000 MUST WAIT JOHORE BAHKU. Sat —While more than S.DUO flood evacuees have returned nome as the Hoods m most parts ol BatU Pahat districi continue to tide, about I.UUO people ni Pant Sulong are waiting for the :> tci DT?Y up bethey can return la
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 34 7 MEN FIND NEW WAY to feel Young An only natural w ii.wn. But 1 f»i«t».- thiin .v f#fl w«k, i tol "> 1.. >.l 1 t-TABS mn fit a <*amplpn or money bark Vi-Tabs ".wnua.
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    • 371 7 THE WORLD NEEDS TRAINED MEN I^HHi^HiBV? > I Canada A ~"~-«p «y 7**>^ Singapore POSTAL EDUCATHwff^ JlkZ^w^ BRANCHED THROUGHOUI THt WORLD OVER 500 COURSES for the forward-looking man and woman. ji/t/ta tmatmitumm ■m.uai However, the best |obs go to those who technical have the foresight to prepaie themselves jTrfTT?
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  • Judith Yong from London
    • 516 8 It's cover-up time in the swinging city WHEN THE COOL OF THE DAY TURNS A MINI-GIRL TO A MODEST MISS THK tales of London you have heard. Swingy. Fashionable. Hippie. They are all true. Today I present London as I see it as a tourist. Undoubtedly, it is the place
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    • 75 8 And so to bed -in a mini-mini THE mini may be missing from the cold, cold streets of swinging London, as our girl Judith Yong pointed out. But if it cannot be worn outdoors then bring it indoors. And what better way to end the day than in a mini
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    • 276 8 JANE LEE IAM going overseas f« r h;gher stua;e.>. and though I promise to be faithful, my girl friend is unhappy She lays that once I get my degree I will not consider her a fit wife. How can I pacify her' We are boh 19 TBI7I I.OVE Dun t
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    • 238 8 DearKnow Alls CAN you give me the average speed of the fastest train service between Tokyo and Osaka, and what Is the time It takes to travel the 300 miles between these two places. TOKYO JOE Tfit- "Sew Tvkaido" service, uhicli lias inaugurated in Norernber. /JXJ.i. covers the 320.2 tmhs
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 922 8 HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT FAST and still eat 3 full meals a day Stop starving yourself I Now y ■■■■■^■^■■^■^H can eat p'enty of m«at, fish. P^P^MVffVk^Jß cheese and vegetables lots of 1 1 1 I T I If 1 1 1 1 1 your favoor 'c fned foods and
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    • 465 8 Advertisement "Now Every Woman" is entitled to look YOUNGER! A new •tartung di* made by a «mail groupof ?kin ph HQfl MOHI iolo(tista. Th*y ioundaw. i gTaafl iSlga B^V tl.e <kin of face and thrnat '>' .illy wkWHfiFgtjft^M rirmk tiny hit sufficient <r of water, to quickly gain an appear-
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    • 133 8 BHa£ If Jgj g*V; p" jgS Are you ready? Will this be the month >ou try i new means of sanitary protection? Because there certainly is aa easier, better wjv. It's Tampax tampons. Worn internally, they keep you sure and secure. They never interfere with any of >our normal activities.
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  • 3 9
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  • 260 9 Benefits pool: Protest to PMs SINGAPORE, Saturday. |«V>RTY local civilian employees at the British base here have written to three Prime Ministers opposing the Singapore Government's plans to protect their redundancy payments. They wrote to the Primr ■rr-, of Singapore, and Britain. es to the Binga- Labour. •ho British Mirustr
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  • 33 9 Co-op college 'not up to expectations' KUP R In* seminar fi I \w,rlc n i Boat show opens [8. Sal erda\ wl'h Paris Kxi.iHall Rape report PORI WFI i old dan- i has
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  • 179 9 JOE'S $400,000 KISS •i HVI s MtMM ki>s 1 b.ii In lor Mr Joe .Manni\ is cixiiiu his haiue.. Mrv \i \\nmK. He von the mnnrv m lottery. uorker Mr M.mmv i.l. Saul: "It ".is time I had a win." After huyinc tickets tjueeiisliiiHl's (.olden CaxU<t lotlerv i.:i and
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  • 77 9 Contributions to EPF up by $9 million KIAI.A I IMPIR Sal. Contrflmttana to the F.niploywt Prmldent Fund Board !c r l.i-' \ear amounted to <14fi million a-i lnrr«-as* ol <9 million met UM l!>»iti COO:ribulion < a statement by thr I- IT Hid today At Hip hum Urn*, than wm
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  • 126 9 AUSTRALIA WOULD WELCOME NURSES CANBERRA. Bat The lustra in Minister i<>r Ml Blliv t-:icdfio!i. .said yesterday i (i non Eurt p nurse* could or admitted i. Austral .i "ii tlir Mim i~.> as other profewlonaily Liiial.lH'd j.i opli Thr decision, appan I- w.t- var. but w.ii hitherto unanuounced Hi- announcement
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  • 10 9 Umno seminar to map out polls strategy Kol HMAHU. here
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  • 103 9 ■fANGAH Bai The PerUs Government lias decid:tt Ltd ban on trawThls wai decided l Kuala rm> n convpiipd b.- the M Tan Ahmad rim n prm- trawlers T.i. \h!ii:ir| -I'd h. M .in. i Co .>p. ranvps. Ha)i Gha?a!i bfn Jaw., had a b<' pause
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  • 708 9  - No panic over sterling but LESLIE HAYNES Lee Kuan Yew's hint that Singapore might consider withdrawing her sterling balances from London has not caused any panic in financial circles here, although such a drastic move would obviously not be welcomed. Latest official Bank of England statistics issued at the end
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  • 20 9 KolA HAHRI B*l K<arr.m ;><■:. if i-.^\r detained ii of iflc .<r <•-. n a if amn •ra .um> ravivered.
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  • 44 9 BUTTERWORTH. B*l Th» rhaiiman of the Provinif Wei'.rsiev North DUtrlcl Council. H.i v Ahmad Sh ici «ill open the lieu Suka Fun ;U Slirll Srrv ,< r al 4 pin on Tm.~ is Ihe <*von m lie run hv R-imniutißv In
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  • 27 9 BUKII MERTAJAM Sat I'hinf'p [imm in Bukit Tarn- bun. about roilr-- Inm heir j h«\»> NCCOBfUIh cultivniKi j maize on 300 acre* of «w»mpy tend.
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  • 9 9 hr hr^rri nerc 'in Feb 1U Reuter.
    Reuter  -  9 words
  • 211 9 ESTATE BACK TO NORMAL AFTER TROUBLE PATANI. Sat. It was back to normal today at the Arumugam Pillai United Patanl Estate where the man Mr. AS. Don; and throe of his tin dais were attacked by a group of labourers yeiterda) Over 500 tappers and other workers who n (i.r.
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  • 15 9 PFN \NO Bat.—/ disappeared from 1 iftei had parked K outatdc a shop
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  • 35 9 iron. Sat. 1 cii-l'. puau .it N< lan took in Lhe dt Pi: ;ik. on tour toda ■A Questions i \i A Entertained v Mr V I I
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 718 9 I ONE-TIME-ONLY PRICE SLASH! SAVE ONE FULL DOLLAR on this One-Time-Only Offer! Y»»' Ov»r IOOOCJ peon. j.» »f»»<.. i )J'B 9S MN| MHM IMM, I (sl*9 •>•« lw> ■ton le MjvMM* UK* H Xl Mil mil Mil «>t In •■>< i.— <,-. mi, l- \o AT LAST A LEADING AMERICAN
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  • 15 10 ANNOUNCEMENTS < Hi niaMial imiKII m mrt m fir. BM THimi II P Tl '<» iWIM lIWINi.
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  • LPIPJI IN [I PIN | Sunday. Jatiuary 14. 1968
    • 120 10 IMU. I'resident M.lT' ■.lv» to tl.' i da tn I ol •>■ ami ritjr of South I Then number <•! paramount luter>i both ihe countries and strategy nf defence subject on which the Teufku made constructive development, co-operation In the fields uf economics, education thla
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    • 56 10 too [mrc road sigh moti !jH i,f Ick Up ,t ;»a> M llKpr; walkers chtldi II rt-c TTipm and !r thrlr pan In fS..S4a road accident ;)lai-*> on Singapore 1 ,ids in .1: 1! the authorities. f..r thnt !11«' real road safetj lit n r way ti but
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    • 131 10 II SEEMS :<- be ;i woolnß wi rid In tpoh when meet u:rl on the n :ui(i trom th" altar with a motor ironi thai town, are out party to cruise around with horns •I course, wit Wai that VUIJn hniii fur thr nr.ri cause but m%'' tako a
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  • 825 10  -  FELIX ABISHEGENADAN THE four day visit by the British Commonwealth Secretary, Mr. George Thomson, \v;is us hush-hush ;ts could be, liiit the repercussions have lieen loud and, in certain quarters, critical. For public consumption Mr Thomson revealed nothing of Britain's latest biyger cuts) defence arrangements. Confidentially (to the
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  • 720 10 THE HEART-TO-HEART MEN WHO HAD THE SAME MASTER I'liol 4.M hurt trans 1 pi. nit target*} s|> m u Malj lour such iip«i i lions li.-«\h hri-n ptTfornncl on human adults, thr r< M'.tnli ami rxprrini<nlHtion mi MhUh IkcM "P<t.ition.s wen- li.isrd wit back a| leu— l a decade
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  • 599 10 Man-made supermen— is this dream so far off? TALKING OF TOMORROW. THE SCIENTIST WHO CREATED LIFE IN A TEST TUBE Til)-, man who created lit*' in a list tube a feal which may herald humanih ultimate victory over hereditary defects ;iii(l disease says science is nol Irving to play <i<xl,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 160 10 CLASSIFIED ADS. ri .r,4 Mr. Iflff.rOl S IS W,.,4t IT «fmi_itl-i r-RKRVTfRIAN <:HU~CM Ml TO Hf AR ii.«l l*<» ..»r niAr f tr |f« S,»»k ■••I RrWkt 'M( HIST (HUMCM ■>•> ERSCAS IKAVF I AVI CAR H i SITUATIONS VACANT rf Dill "> Ml m I -sMt SIITATIONS WANTF.P m
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    • 6 10 M-K^ar 9GN w (aMJVf ANOTKNNICAI NIVICO
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    • 205 10 BBbw h^Bßbb^^. Ssa^^— -^bF BBBna^B^B^B^l StctiM •< com(n<rni« mi You can Hart your own Radio-Ttlevition Business without capital. The A.R.T.C. Practical Radio and Televmon Course gives you training and your tools of trade at the same time. A.R.T.C. will tram you, in your own homt, for a good-paying radio-TV position
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  • 72 11 IPOH B i hool. 1 .;ri. Choong ter this month for a hole-ln- in at the Prlnc< v Marcarrt spital in Perth. Ip Rotary <"luh ii Aus'i t tnp and r her during will be peril frco by Mr J. A. Senior
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  • 7 11 Conference of Japanese attaches 'useful' S D
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  • 5 11 I Hari
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  • 687 11 BACK TO MONKEY BUSINESS IN BRUNEI FOR BABS BKI Ml TOWN: It fg^^ a.i.s monkey bu.sifmt nfs.s again tor Mr.> Barbara Harrison as soon as she arrived here from America this week. And that la no; surprising for Mrs Harrison's lnteresi In the primates is no secret if tad ihe
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  • 160 11 LABOUR CAMP FOR FOUR INTELLECTUALS MOSCOW, Saturday. F Russian intellectuals were lsI night to labour camp five-day trial which two of their prominent friends earlier publicly denounce d as a stain on the honour of our slate."' ive bi c urn ol the gr twlng struggle b<-- nunui Party theoreticians
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  • 42 11 For ycur day by the sea rODAI 3 lit m. (8 lit Pi r Dtck-s-n 5 Sfi m 1 8.3 ft i B.OT p m (7ft); P r.i. Ppnnng 12 31 pm. rOMORSOW 753 11.10 pm '84!' in 08 a P; 636
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  • 195 11 Murder bid: Actor, actress accuse each other MANILA, Sat. A leading Filipino Him actress and her actor husband have hlea attempted murder charties against each other after a fight on their nrst wedding anniversary. Official charges of attfmpted parricide 'murder of a parent or near relative) were submitted to the
    Reuter  -  195 words
  • 29 11 PEN \MO Bal A 70-vr»r--old fishrrman [nctlC I \,i'i Bakai fmind Mi lift Mic S3on stolen ii I< Frrrincjln house, ,ib«iut 11 milrs from Hip ctty, j»«t«rrlav
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  • 146 11 The barge with a guilty secret \IANILA, Sat. The i 1 Philippine Navy discovered a new smujjglinfc technique being used by local smugglers when navy investigators stopped Macao-built barge at the entrance to Manila Bay recently. A navy announcement said the barge, worth about 100,000 pesos 'about $75.0(10) wa* belnc
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 51 11 KI'AI.A I I'MPfn Sat.— Thieves entered sundry shop r Jaian Birrh horr Ust right and nut away wi'h M packets Ot tm worth $150 L.iter polife, arMng en a ::p-nfT. stopped a lorry at JsUn Bricknrirts «nd rrovrred th» t-« in two b>xrs A mm \>
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  • 22 11 PF.NAN(- Sal M.:>\- pta> ii Kampong Terang, Putau imn h a eotong-rovonit project t'-morrow t" plant .sorrlhne^ "n thr nidi liflris
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  • 492 11 S .APORE. B«l B nr.s., in and reported to p ire nri Kuala Lumpur t ima of thr Stt ,-k I today the number of sharrs tradrd In bracket*: Industrials: Ben and Co. (--,00(1' S2 18 H d 3.000) $2.16. dOOni «2 1S: P^usiead (2.000) <i 03; Central Bugar
    492 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 250 11 gc^^VVH^^. JflH oC3CTi'^'.* fci*ii y*\i^u>2!sT*i'i.f^Wß» V«» in rot- h- urs f»m con Turn into a morn »noid c» n t tough t Z 'Mlh -r Itt, «»rOV !<>b «tur*fv O"<* odvorcemtut a oh incrcott your «clf -contideic* and prcifftqe oil rhreuoh o-«o7inq r.» 1-1 MATH Y»v in jutf hour* you
      250 words
    • 269 11 oueilecitlun rapidly restores VIM. VIGOUR AND VITALITY bovlecilhin also strengthens the muscular system. Lecithin is of great significance for people doing heavy physicol labour, or engaging in strenuous sports. During ail such physical activity sometimes sooner, sometime* later there comes the time when the body can no longer respond to
      269 words

  • 597 12 A successful industrialist who finds time to serve S'pore J/ R I ENDS oesenbe Mr. Alan Yeo t as a dedicated chemist, i oi men and a successful ndustr alist Trviay. at 37. he presides over a multifamily food and beverages ire with a quiet efficiency "ed him the admiration
    597 words
  • 523 12 r VAareeks with bright prospects will become available ;t.s the food proci a industries are developed and extended In this country. We have travelled a loiim way from backyard sauce and noodle fact usually family concerns of the twenties and the thirties
    523 words
  • 267 12 M ILAYBIANB hmm between BM million to IIM million north of beer .mil stout yearly. And this accordii the managing director ol a local brewery In Kuala Lumpur. Dr. I W Scott. amount- to n< million gallons ol drinks in r ye;ir "As an average."
    267 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 95 12 TULIP EATnAM!SH for every occasion. jk^tm/^li Is^l C IJJJjjfV^lWlri Tulip canned meats are specially m prepared by expert Danish Chefs and scientifically packed by the 'A»**aP latest canning methods to ensure b that all natural flavour is retained fc^Ui^rGßii See the full r^nge of TULIP products t 7gffßl in all
      95 words
    • 81 12 SHNE THE WORLD Including the leading Hotels and Restaurants > 3$ ft t "f LftMß LOIN CHUMP Off llf TOP SIHLOIN w^ EfF SIMIFLOIN I M BltF KNUCKLE OH SIRLOIN TIP LAMB I If, CHUMP OfF FULL TRIMMED OR LAMB SHORT LEO with Prime Quality NEW ZEALAND MEATS, HAM, BACON,
      81 words

  • 489 13  - Food imports go up every year Philip Mathews aAFAST growing population and a comparatively high standard ut living these arc the (Menu for a growing food and beverage mar- 1. 1 These factors, coupled with .i change in the eatabiu of Malaysians brings to the market an I y of
    489 words
  • 828 13 wSmmmmm •1. 00 D and food processing industries play an important and increasing role in the economy of Singapore, as they supply not only the domestic market but earn valuable foreign exchange by exports. It has been estimated that there are over 4.">0
    828 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 223 13 |MIMIMIIIIC]IIIIIIIMIIIC]MIIIIIIIIII(]IIIIIIIIIUIC]IIIIIIIIMII[)IHIIIIIIIH(]llltllllllllC1IIIN| yGreen Spat I Ft ORANGE-ADE! NON-CARBONATED J •NO PRESERVATIVE M k PASTEURIZED The rea[ ''<"' drink ilWiK^b Wh^t is GREEN SPOT C P Jsm 9 &*WFi oranqe-adc gflgWglf^llii i J ißmy^kJ GREEN SPOT orangeade is 5 E^^flvV/ an orange drink made from the finest, tree ripened, fresh oranges. GREEN
      223 words
    • 107 13 jißtw^ "gggg|«gg*i JcHh t #^»v <g>g*%i gggr^ vBHHBiugV^' 4 i#* tfgfe.-^ 0 f Nothing beats the sunshine goodness of milk, for healthy vitality, real food value! A glass of milk a day athletes thrive on it, you will too. Milk is one of nature's greatest sources of calcium and protein,
      107 words

  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 436 14 vvnw^ if] V IZ^^vS 111 1 *^K7Z^I STAR of the WEEK tuiUiy "rrtk teacher f born on Cmi forward miv tins i nl hie with niilidi in r It V ill bi tni: 1 nil si ,vi lit 1 Ililti r Ii inn ill iii i tie) .Hid in.uiN ill
      436 words
    • 496 14 n and si-ijniiN intrrrsl. \nd nct< I iii-iiils will mi ludr pi-nplr nldrr than xiiirsilf .mil also keenly uili-M sti-il m some special liiu- mi will spend in.tnv of Miur h.tppii-st moments it lioinr llolid.ivs do nut cdine mtn the pit Inn- virv mm h in If»tiB, tkwatß wl <»<ild
      496 words
    • 436 14 aW»i"^^^^(«W»^BRRRRa!»BBIB^gBIBB|^»^7 IT WASNT NECESSARY POR I BUT HE IS IN A DRuG6£ t>T THE BEAUTY OP W PRUG,^ 7^-i r^Vv— r.— V 80TH SO y TO COMe Vaf^kT^^^^^^n L^ TUPOR pathek:.' greta, is that it does YOU NOTICE THAT TARZ/W 0065 EXACTLY ..•'.^-1 1 THOUGHT YOU WERE V DON'T Be
      436 words

  • 1233 17  - For me, love is all or nothing, says Marcello RODERICK MANN By 1IIAI) lunch the other da} with Marcello Mastroianni, Ihe celebrated ll;ili;<ii actor. It sened in his studio dressingruom iikl consisted, for him. of ;i cup of strong black coffee, one <>f Ihe or so he consumes during
    1,233 words
  • 244 17 BLACK AND WHITE —IN COLOUR THIS is an explosive drama of love and the absence of love according to the advertising. "It is set in the Deep South, but it is happening everywhere, say the posters. Here is the story of Otto Preminjers "Ht'KRY SUNDOWN." The place Is Georgia. The
    244 words
  • 305 17 THE THEATRE THE Singapore Musical Society i presenting Kam Kec Vmm and hit strum Orchestra at the Sineapon ference Hall on Sunday Jan 21. Thi> concert should be very interesting ■< M will be the debut ol a local orchestra, founded in 1965. thr achlevem< i I ng-cherLshed ambi tiuti
    305 words
  • 440 17 The spirits are willing— but the flesh weak Till! < > 1 1 1 child is i |)iMilu(i of our present ('cuiioinic system. He is usually Ihe offspring <»l wenlthv parents whci, having Iliemselves been brought up in luxury an«l keen thai their child should inherit their wealth, refuse
    440 words
  • 40 17 MR. PAUL St'RRAMANIAM. h.lrr -<1 I utirlf of Him Man Hwatrti Mri :>»\i<lli"r i*..*.! rui n»».»fullv on II I rt» CnrTt. katn ft, loon Hiun( Roai to s i c '■h«r > -i rti th»m r M RMI i«r <k|»\
    40 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 419 17 [CATHAY tibj NOW SHOWING' 11 om. I JO, 4 00. 6 JO t 9 30 pm "YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE" M Of I 30. 4 90 6 30 1 IS pm THf iumwv S SHROUD NOW SHOWING' Today S Showi lloti I 30 4 00 6 JO 1 IS pm
      419 words
    • 16 17 METROPOLF HOLLYWOOO VENUS MARLBOftO'JGH NOW SHOWING' <-l JO-» 1 irj CANTONESE) U |Sl I \~-l Compa«»ionot»
      16 words
    • 72 17 CLASSIFIKD ADS. FREE! 0m ATTRACTIVE BAG GIVEN AWAY WTTH EVERY TIN OF VESOP GOURMET POWDER YOU BUY. shopping, outings, travel. It's waterproof, too p^gyeso» Watch your family enjoy j ▼^■^■a-^Bjjl your cooking. Put VESOP hIbSIS gourmet ponder in it. i j j VESOP brings out the nidx- I* 1 7
      72 words
    • 181 17 lido -"next change" nH&sili i SHOCK after SHOCK after MM la J SHOCK after SHOCK after A j SHOCK after SHOCK ;"THEHANDOF J I NIGHT" JhWj -in COLOR Wk I **j. ni i \i;i JM SLj, n i&\miii\m Jkkjwm < M V FSTI n J.M Wrm a i^^^T L^ 0F
      181 words

  • Untitled
    • 133 18 Shirley Ip, hip, hurray By CHEAH SCONG PAIK pi Proudest girl at the 1 iduatton ceremony <>i the Dental io] here today was L'2-yrar-old Shirley Ip of Hong Kong. ;>r a.s >!h llnlster ul Health. 8 luddln. io receive the iwarded annually tv ear. narses iron; tlrsl 'Her ens .I'luates
      133 words
    • 191 18  - EDUCATION DEPARTMENT UNDER FIRE Albert Ramahngam I Depart m< Lei political lit B^ anol h'-r 'i)"uuli they had ex"Frcw vrnai wt 1■ 1 iald. •be Btfuca Departmeni Is not Inch* Suloni also said reminders <• department to rr|)iy to I tlllK 1 whm a i: Kota Kinabaiu. Sat be "Ii
      191 words
    • 242 18 HIS name Richard Lrr Yih J.:. i above). Mr U 4. yean M, an industrl..d one of pnneun to come to Blngapore on tlio implementation ul the Republic.-. massive Industrialisation programme. Four years ago. when he was manager ol a leading
      242 words
    • 33 18 KT.AI X 1 I'MPftf 8 ll Nat I Union ol Heads tot branch, will imld i meeting at the MBS School Hall in .n mi .inn 2;i it 9 ,i m.
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    • 30 18 K x\\ Ktfi The Mini GiiWMiiiienl and Housing, Mr Kh. k... Boii tonight presented Malayda Conunemi itiv< Mi j 13 redpienti at tlie Hawang I Youth Club.
      30 words
    • 123 18 Ex-Men tri acquitted, maid is jailed I Penglran Hajl All former i^puty .vlintri Hi Brunei ted by the Bl artah i here Lhl* morning nl com r.uitliii tirnr in June last The court, In acquitting Ul, said then «v Insufficient evidence lo convict 1... Howi mald-ser-Lunak binte Abu
      123 words
    • 16 18 BINOAPORE Bs nn I il 1)T--tween 5 p.m. and fi p n morrow.
      16 words
    • 20 18 PENANO, Bat tie octd ol Ball! Pulau. Inch* Abtlnl Ma.nd bin Ahm.iU. loft ye. iransfer in K....;u K;n i
      20 words
    • 14 18 K ALA I MPUR, E Lorong I nicht nan I i 1
      14 words
    • 205 18 (LfANILA, Sat. The Late American President, John F. K( nnedy, gave strong backing to the inclusion of British Borneo in the Malaysian Federation in a letter to the then Philippine President Diosdado Macapagal. it was reported today. Ir. his reply Mr MacapaKal warned the reeration
      205 words
    • 38 18 J OM. S.i Opium and i i^d at 18 miles to b| ide by preThe drive.- and a pa.*T 9 a.m. Th< th»* when wn« tr>«) inclc 1 I .■•ci at «7 nnn
      38 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 304 18 w H.S.C./S.C/M.G.E. I EXAMINATIONS 1 B success minded students join M I STAMFORD COLLEGE the largest Correspondence College La; Malaysia Singapore Region commend- A^» fiE" r»-J crt ds a model by Educators and Colombo- Plan experts n,"^t// G Sciantifically devisad K UV£t) H HOME -STUDY COURSES 4^ —5 *> Mb
      304 words
    • 349 18 MALAYSIAN TIMBER EXPORT INDUSTRY BOARD ta for serwee with the Bimrd at Ita K Office: M)MI\I- IK\ I IM MTOIN IMI M SK4 RETARY: A 1 alsed unlverrit) or in pi 1 nvslenl pi'ofes Mimai 1 Hr mvi 3 years' e\|«»iicii« < :si ,t 11. enmiin m lal ment depait.meni
      349 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 303 18 inn^HMHHiinMjHn TV MALAYSIA < lIWM I I I uiiipiir and I'm.iii),. I. l|iiih nil r.i: 11l lulioir K.iliili. I I. ii ■tag; K.i in r.iii.n I Kiumj Qy i' >i Open lam 3 oi I 4 lti 1 un< R iiiri M b i4J Rai ki Bquad S
      303 words
    • 283 18 V- Mi :ninr> HOBHI ii v ,in(l RADIO MALAYSIA G.UO .1. '< MHu il :i» A.< uu 1 1.. bn i»-..i-: urn .ta .V -v.ll IM iVi. i.jiltyi.i^. I) o.uu Hit i .i; .in. BucKyai uiißuu] I 5.1. 1130 la i i iii air*. 14. 30 i uu Pn Kiammi
      283 words

  • 123 19 GL.ASGOW, Sat.—Kilmarnock, the Scot•>h first division soccer club, announced here yesterday proposed round world tour next summer which la expected Ice in North Ame- ica. Australia. New aland and Far East ountries. The first four games of Urn tour will be in the United
    123 words
  • 69 19 NALLAMMAN mtU of la. M MsniiC'f s I.'impur. aittfr pa.»*r ra*>M a' Knni 'AM LUAN C.AKK. .^4 h-o-h.r of I >-.i »n-l Df Tan 1. inn l <g at ■.ia' >;»n. m-n 1. tai R»n» »r>l adop'^l from ]tIH It 3 •MO KHOON lAU, Tl r«M«d *wav < id
    69 words
  • 8 19 HAN KOON LIONC K»na>H aa< rtMttwal
    8 words
  • 21 19 "I *Nn Mnt Mattfecv 7*c+t-ii\ \"1 i ar.l trail.* .th#a oo TMt PAMM v Hjt Paul a»<l •m'u •■!w« rmderM
    21 words
  • 218 19 L I A I I 1.1 MFUR,— Sports Pools (Malaysia) have not been officially informed by the principals in Britain that today's football pools have been cancelled. L i 1 1 1 ewoods and Vernons, principals of Sports Pools (Malaysia), announced in Liverpool yesterday the
    218 words
  • 218 19 Tough week money for lucky bettor XHIS seems to be a really hard week for draw seekers. In the majority of matches everything points to success for the home side and ii form works oat that Treble Chance dividend should be a fortune for the lucky person with eight draws
    218 words
  • 405 19 DORT OF SPUN. Bat Trinidad shook lICC by graboinc s:x .-erond :nninss wickets (or 13a runs here vp-s'crdav a> their fourday match ended In a draw. lICC finished 130 runs behind af'er a Trinidad declaration at 204 fur three had left them a v.ctory tars<"
    405 words
  • 249 19 1 2 X... at a glance DIV. 1 x Co\ entry v Newcastle 1 Fulham v Leicester 1 I peris v Evert on I Lr.eipoi I v SouthHinp'nn 1 Man Utd v Shelf Wed x Nott'm Foipm v \\fst Brom 2 Bbaff DM, v Man City I Btokt Chelsea x
    249 words
  • Article, Illustration
    197 19 Coventry Ncwcattle Fulham Leicester leedt Everton Liverpool Southpton Man. Utd. ShcfV Wed"* Nott'm F. West Brom. Shefl. Utd. Man. City Stohe Crf Im Sunderlarfd Burnley Tottenham Artenal Wolves Weil Ham~ Aston Villa Charlton Blackburn Birmingham Blackpool Bristol C. Cardiff Rotherham Carlisle Bolton Crystal P. Hull Ipswich Hudd field
    197 words
  • 80 19 LONDON Sat. Brian Close. Yorkshire j, captain who ma MVtrely censured by the Enu-l:.->h county cricket' authorities last summer, received a tribute frum his club today. In YorkMiire's annual report, the dub thanked Close lor "hi.\ valuable services as captain md upon loading the team to championship
    80 words
  • 431 19 Top ten for treble chance COVENTRY v NEWCASTLE: Coventry are still lighting hard but lack experience and that eovM ocat them .> point here. Nawcutle art h-ivms s"'xl .-rason and tliey a marked pull in •ttmck. Could see many ■oak MM I'M rOBBST v RUT KKiiM: H.<s all the
    431 words
  • 20 19 IPOH Sat. The Bardhan Cup .-nrrer match between Perak and Penang scheduled here tomorrow has been postponed
    20 words
  • 218 19 Big freeze: 41 matches postpons: T ONDON. Sat. Bnti.-h soerer Mffend it* biggc.t for some years today whei Ice and watertogged ground ed out mo ol t ir cause< Thir 1 pOB«d I] pros ramme M.I I DP Lttds U'd m o t VIA. 3 V. l*ice>:er n r. Seven
    218 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 229 19 Lue CLASSIFIEDS ;n Wort, il* i •fimmum) \«<nni» Hospital n IKK'nr «nil S'«fr Gnndvon 1 K-rr»ri»»iT.y and kl vii irmi LEt KING lON < o Mr »M Mrt M i| Kh»r K»f d o M t AM ANC O<ll KhTl Otllv fO imt Mrr Ang rwi in -it »100 a
      229 words
    • 129 19 Congratulations People's Emporium Ltd. on the opening of their fine neic departmental store at Lion City Hotel Complex Tanjong Katong Road Singapore from Xl AIM G WAN we are proud to have supplied and installed all the Air Conditioning requirements You can be sure if it's Westinghousa Hearty Congratulations to
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 140 19 I Keep that head still i PO>.T TEU ME I MoVtl>\\ f^f SWIM9INS WITH YOor HEAP^N f~OH THE MCTSWIMS, >O0 «WuT\ /A /^~Tt»iZ>. CH TV«N S ■f^* /M1 kIAP464W. &»R/.' *&iINST* POLE, 4K» you WllL 1/ WOIICE THAT AS XXI TUfM WU» /Cf < KXIO*/- TW»OU«M.\ S ZTK I I
      140 words

  • 51 20 PENANG n le.u'.ir cnajnploni nnd winners of tlie Merdek.< tournament, worn tcxlav when lipped City Council 7-0 in the final of the Pcnanc Public Services luvx-kout tour- the Bass Ah Chow Shield. The match played on the QreCß M tlie formidable Prisons team dominate exchances
    51 words
  • 19 20 PENANG. Sat E iraslan Toutlu upset defending champions Jolly Lads 2-0 In a league DOCSIS] match todflv.
    19 words
  • 15 20 Xl LANG. Sat Rrveitez brat Bukit Brnut 4-1 in an match here today.
    15 words
  • 294 20 ■AN BUSSELL, Malaysia's top motor racing J driver, did the fastest lap in the Malaysian Motor Sports Club speed practice yesterday when hp clocked 1:43.7 at the 2 1 mije Batu Tiga Circuit Driving h:s Brabham F 2 <1598 cci. the only thoroughbred later in the
    294 words
  • 890 20  - Services again and it's a knockout JOHN OWEN-DAVIES. SOONG HON SIN STORY BY PICTURE BY IHJALA LUMPUR, Sat. Singapore Joint Services, playing their eighth HMS Malaya Cup final in nine years, convincingly beat Malaysian Armed Forces by three goals and six tries (33 points) to nil on the Padang here
    890 words
  • 329 20 Australian selectors experiment with tour bowlers SYDNEY. Sat. Bill I, awry. ;n)-y ar-old bat>mun. m today named to lead Australia in their two remaining cricket Tots again, t India In B: .-bane an:! Bydney. rails, who hold a 2 o lead, w!l play the tonrini team iii the th'rd
    329 words
  • 33 20 KUAIA LUMPUR. £>at. Palm Oil Research Station wen the Selangrr Estates football title \v;th a 4-0 victory over Ulu Yam at TPCA today Satile >co:ed three goals. Oaman Bajori one.
    33 words
  • 145 20 BANOKOK l< them ie o mi ni Oct.;b. t Iht Asian occer i leven i til.- pre Olympic 1 1 ci tounwDseni .•■.j i tries b K< nt: drew Oi»<i im youthful an '■> win th. tournament. Impressive The ii.)f|i have had .i
    Reuter  -  145 words
  • 134 20 IPOH. Sat Royal Pahan^ 1 Poio Club lead Singapore It) "> alter the second days play today in the three-day Malaya. i P'»lo tournament lor the Bultan o| Prrak Cup. Singapore with a fourgoal handicap were leading ti-5 after the first two chukkas. The
    134 words
  • 253 20 Perak snatch try near end to beat Singapore |£UALA LUMPUR, Sat. by a try to nil In the r-23 Cup final pre Anal at th< Padang thii won all hearts with a 0g Perak beai Singapore lan Ru-Mv. Union reding the M liaya Cup s evening, but Singapore fhting disi
    253 words
  • 151 20 Michael and Sit Chee shock the top seeds DENANG ed Michael Chai Lam 811 cht><- shi eked top .-rrcirci defending c!i m pia Bonny Soon and J. ndram 6-4 (i-4 In the semt-flnal <>i the men blc< in the Prnang Bporta club tennis championships today E. Nonla and K Batty
    151 words
  • 20 20 NEW DELHI. Sal won tiir Brat Am.hi women's hockey championship di Uganda 1-0 in the final here u>day
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous