The Straits Times, 7 January 1968

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES No. Im.ii SI'NDAY, January 7. 1968 RECEIVED I "'ftJANJjbS llcad I 20 CENTS I* CENTS KDN \U)h M.( (T) HIS. it*
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  • 403 1 Free places, remission of fees in all form classes KUALA LUMPUR, Sat.Free education for 10 per cent of al! secondary pupils and remission for many more were announced here today. The Minister of Education, Inche Mohamed Khir Johari, lias issued a directive to all Chief
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  • 779 1  - Wrong way downhill: Jungle Jean tells 'how we got lost' B> CHOU CHUAN SHENG fA!NAH RATA, Sat. Miss Jean Luing. 30, comfortable in her British Military Hospital bed here after her three-day jungle ordeal, made a promise today: "I will never go hill climbing again unless I am pretty sure
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  • 104 1 TKN rCMI and M 1 million books liter. tin- Sunday I inns in day lakes a look, in a special 12-pagC feature, at federal Publications' .u-tiMlirs in the educational field This spatial survey, written and compiled by Peter De Cruz, spans an era unique in the history of MalMsia
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  • 46 1 Killed because he was 'lazy' 1 MI'EH. Sat— Wang Sliihetao, 55-v<\ir-ukl 1 ibmaturv ni at i middle Khooi \»ii> aentraced to tevtn years' today fl Ihr fat.< i ')'.i!:iic "1 a lirli>rr he I ol Irsumm victim WM Fu K.u-hM iffT working through m Ihm ip
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  • 23 1 SEOUL Bal rhr iaiinn ol South Korea ha* BSMSd 'he 30 milllrn mark. 1 and that of Seoul four million.
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  • 148 1 NOW PMIP STRONGMAN JOINS THE UMNO \I.\I ACCA, Sat. A iTI pmip strongman. Incho Abdul Rahman bin Hassan. 39. has resigned from his party and joined Umno. And today he ja»e these two reasons whj he lelt the PMIP THK ALLIANCE had done a lot to improve the standc'ard ol
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  • 27 1 DAMASCUS Sal ("inniandos announced today Miry bad killed 15 servicemen in orn during .1 .-rnrs ol right •iiiHck.s Into Isi-;iHi-hrlcl territory ln-liutn Drc ',(< ..nd Rrutrr
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  • 15 1 MVI( IoUOfTOI Mnla; Mall for the data of Uit 13fi« Blf Walk
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  • 567 1 THOMSON: I MUST SEE TENGKU FIRST By FELIX ABISHEGANADEN K Lumpur. Sat THE Commonwealth Secretary, Mr. (> 8 Thi s in, flew in here tonighi I the way for talks on a quicker pull out <>f British troops in the region. He declined to b< drawn on the exact nature
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  • 41 1 SIA.MESI IWINSI r \K\II l> Kill \\\l s|t| RCi -v.l 11 1 |W| .it I i .di-\ Memorial HovpiUI for iniili en line mii i4'>v|,,|iv ShMM (\miiv luiiird .il Li ill hn- pn il upokeMnan toawni K<llt< I
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 150 1 Nikon 1 SUPER ZOOM -8 Nikon Super Zoom-8 is de- a Nikon. Signed from the inside out. These are not the only values From the un que 10-group 14- you can depend on It is cr.dted element Cme-Zoom-Nikkor by the same world famous Optics From Through-The-Lens Nikon Standards which pro-Electr.c-Eye
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    • 20 1 Jewellery of International Distinction Otympic 18KT Gold Plated GUARANTEED MADE IN FR/' Exquisite styles Popular prices T>od* Inauinei Phan* 9786S
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  • 186 2 TORT SWETTENHAM.Sat— In a throbbing crowd estimated at more than 10.000. these two pilgrims stood out on ihe deck of the pilgrim ship, .their eyes searching the crowd below. The couple were trying to spot their 10 children who had come to see them on" on
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  • 78 2 read by the Mil I of Transport. Tan Sn Sardon. Thr ship. under Captain RC W i man, will stop in Prnunc to pick more pilgrims bpsailing for Ji where thr pilgrims will disembark Mecca. There were already 296 pilgrims from Fincraporp on board. With 8(io from
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  • 319 2 Mac Donald in S'pore for 2-day 'private visit' Story by OO CHENG GAIK; Pictures by TAN HONG KUAN CINGAPOF J Malcolm MarD"nald jtoner-GPtipral to Souih s nga p.>ro from Kuala I wmpur rhai he ci r ed t a two-daj 'private The senior British diplomat denli h^rp on a
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  • 22 2 TF! IK A\\<-O\ Bal lim Pe't-c Chun unit. Rani Oaish haf- a---->jm»<-i dutif a Chinese AfUira Officer. Lower Prr»*
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  • 275 2  - Spore gunman wanted in Penang shooting captured after dramatic rooftop chase R. nUDY BELTRAN A SINGAPORE thujf with ■> $6,000 on his hoad for the a 1 1 c gp cl attempted murder ol Mrs. Neoh Choo Be, wife ol P i na n r millionaire rice merchant, her daughter
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  • 12 2 S baricHune murder 4 ivrjitii .it. i-
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  • 8 2 natioi. Reariinc "IP H in Riva
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  • 12 2 THAU m In sp^rtor Muhtiud bin Sdln froSB IC naltt LUUJBUT
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 136 2 Jf t y JR silt* t/ 1 J v I *«fc- This Singapore Travel Agent is working for you He knows Vienna,.. London. .,Ne* York. You should meet him. He's your Qantas Travel Agent. He can tell you what to see in Mexico, how to save money in America and
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  • 414 3  - RAMANI GENEVA TALKS BEST WAY TO SETTLE VIETNAM ISSUE MALAYSIA'S retiring permanent representative to the United Nations, Mi. H. Ramani. today said a reconvening of the Geinference was "probably the brst way" to settle the Vietnam issue. However, he said this would only be possible if America could j;et Russia
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  • 35 3 Malaysia's tin exhibit to boost sales in US theme will In h< 21 to Jan. added that OiPinp of the exhibit w-mld stre.-.s the nee of Mies. "f protd the ition. supply ■rs fur cuter.
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  • 9 3 40 teacher trainees for Sabah i pip t ion
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  • 7 3 Mr. Province Mi on
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  • 271 3 New date for Orphanage Society film show LI \l II Ml'l K. Sal I lie Ml.msor Or pli.ui.mi Soctet) 1 1 i in pii-nunr I Ik- Hour of lllr 1 oliHili.iils siliriluicil i"r nereenlng it li«I.i v 1 1 1 n i mcm.i hi'ic mi .i.m 10. linn put
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  • 27 3 PKNAI Information Oftu-er. Mr. p lot •■iid a t href -month C( OTM .<■ the Office of Information London uiKirr t!io Ctilombc Plan technical aid i-cheme.
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  • 129 3 Sarawak gets good news from rice experts I/UCHING Bat Two Japanese rlci expert liuici vast areas of lai d Sarawak ideal tor iltlvatlon this at ;> -ci'D'-iin at t i In D vision, the tor BaraTai S-i TeJusjah, ■"I 1 w.iv things are will soon be no snort I rici-
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  • 43 3 Brown for talks with Rusk i()MH)N i Poratatn irge Bnrvn, pl»ns to hold world- IV. m Ru k in Washington next T'"li i in. et white Mr Brrwn Is on his why 0 Minli>;i .ifln .1 nort to fokyo I tin JapaiMH Ministfrs.
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  • 439 3 OTHER 4.500 people t r o m kampongs in t h r Aver I tarn- Y on g Peng area of Batu Pahat district were evacuated today as flood waters continued to rise. A total of 8500 from 4.) kampongs i:i the
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  • 381 3 APPALLING GAP IN EDUCATION SAYS MB HARUN Kv.<u..-\ LUMPUR. Bat. TIM Mi-ntn Be^ar Dato Harun bin Ha.;i Idris .sa.d it was of utmost importance that the relationship between teacners and parents be oi the closest degree ii children were to get the maximum benefit out of their education. "With few
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  • 261 3 NUT calls off its six-month work-to-rule tomorrow j/UAI.A LUMPUR. Sat. Thi- National Union ol Teactaen today amiouncid that It would call off it.s si\month work-to-rule iron Monday when the new term .start Announcing this, NUTs Mcretary-gt'tK'ral. Mr. John Guru.samy. said the dftision was taken alter a three-day executive council meeuni
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  • 38 3 JAKARTA Sal Pn liippines ull chiiaten tndonetla'i Parliament building originally bull) to house deposed Piomden> Boekarno's rheri-hed ■Conference ol Hie Newly Emei m.- PW when he n official mm' tine la'.er tins monUi
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  • 44 3 KANOAB tout hundred pup. ■fn m four kiniponß.--wiil receive liec daily lunches when they return to ichaol an Tlio lunrlie> will ijr |iru\ uled by 0%% Perlii BUte Welfare Council from foodstuffs don- ted by the Catholic Wellare Relief Council.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 59 3 New RUPTURE CONTROL! .i.vict in HERNIA eoniroi th» %*f «rr«ff« NO PADS NO SPRINGS IDEAL CONTROI Coll todiv or »Ml<- for FREE HlWlf MEDICAL HALL 3 BATTCKY ROAD. SINGA(*Ok( I n I A Ja<on Srolion KLUANG Hro Phirmncv. JO wrdtn Po^or > icmi'U* G.-o>qo Town Duprnio'i, 14 Stitinn Hnnrt IPOH
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    • 149 3 TEST YOURSELF CLC is a new, mod. expression. It means Check Last Count Cute Little Cookie Contrast Light Compensator Corn Loves Cobs Crown Light Company Cool Lone Cheetah the correct answer,^T turn to Page la T^T of Asia Magazine PHILIPPINE INFORMATION EXHIBITS at the Hotel Merlin Lobby In conjunction with
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 296 4 K^ mm mm M m M Mf mm M^m^M^MwW M M MM m mm m M M Mjf Mm, m ffjb Kf/tm aWM m^* m M M^* Mm W *f*f*ffl ci ink J mmmj m Ammf Ammf MMMr^MMM MMM MMMY M^MM/^Mw MML^m*. A §Ls*- fipr 'IS* IL. j^lß^^&^^^HhHJJ^^P^ a >>^i»
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  • 308 5  -  From PADMAN GOPAL J^OTA BHARU. Sat. Kelantan polu(> fired more than 30 shots in a midnight gun battle with a gang of car smugglers yesterday. During the 10-m:nute battle, the nnifltn, .sonic aimed with pistols, fired s veil shots at the
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  • 231 5 GINGAFORE, Sat. Three armed robbers wore toda>' sentenced to sevenyear jail terms while a fourth bea six-year pnBon term for committing a leries of u;'»ldsmilh and provision shop robberies and thefts of vehicles between August and December last year. Sentences on
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  • 124 5 SINGAPORE, Saturday. MUTTON dealers today got a shock when the meat from the new ultra-modern Juabattoir reached them at about 9 a.m. instead of •> 30 am \.cir mutton v. ual morninK w&i affected Offldala ol thr Primary Productions Department ol
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  • 72 5 Art tools grab from school PENANO, Sa" 1 c into thi of the Welle.sley Primary n Northam Road and Stole c radio und Industrial .tit tools worth about ,000 The loss was discovered by Mr Clvw Xelk Wah. a when he opened Mr Chew told the police he locked up
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  • 38 5 KUCHING s.r i.,,,. selaion bin M :he Ist Batialm' Regiment ntationed li in :he Kn -i Divl&lon n heari attack rtl nrhinri ins w Jivr children L C'pl came trom Sabak Bernam. Selanscr.
    Bernama  -  38 words
  • 232 5  -  TSAI TAN I BY l/UALA LUMPUR, hat. 1Y Discrimination is the greatest barrier for the advancement Of women in an Asian society, a Filipino visitor, Miss lieana Manarag, said here today. Anil .sin should know best. having worked tor 15 years in
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  • 82 5 Bride-to-be found in death pains KUANTAN Bal Miss leow Thing, 20 who to iie married in two Miefi toon a.'er rim sslon to the General i' 'oital ii- 1 1- toda] shr vai found thr fkwc of her i Pureta at in 3d i m Juah SI, .nd v<;is ni
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  • 31 5 PEN A n.potiiu nl the CliMMiv. ill i !■!»•< chairmen ai tor all toe area n the Matrtd will !>«• held ai in ;> in tomorrow ai in Banuuimii Tnanku Sved Putra
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  • 36 5 KIM A KANOBAR. Bal A utidi ;oo(i. -hup kciK-i In Kamponti Seburanj Kan: near line. Cloli Kin threatered with a pan .>i ■riawrt luken frrm in^ counter and robbed of $67 by t.iie*> ridav
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  • 151 5 Police act as thefts of phone wire increase £EREMBAN, Sal Se k remban declared war (Hi ,i i thieves specialisiiiL teU phone wire In tiie last 12 da;, were nine thetts of tele-ph'-ne w:re in the S'a'«The thieves made a total about worth more than sin. (inn Phe latest theft
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  • 47 5 $30m sewerage scheme will be ready soon QINGAPORI >..• pa O Btlttoa T'ia Payoli Seueifiuc Scirmr hlch will about .ii) 000 paopli A ipokexman aid i >:. ■in c- if, ion b ptenn ■•ev\e i rurtber SOO.OOQ the two ■-i r c uli! 1 sr'\nl with up-to-data uue s>
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  • 26 5 K INGAR tl ii Wai K i.i,-;mi bin 'A .ill Din ha mi in nl tin .n.: brand) I Partj R I Irla bti
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  • 182 5 tx>irtef:n ll F ngapore Airlines air englneen and instructan flew oil to the I States today lor training on Boeing aircralt Sc\ in ol them will be in and Whitney's factory In Hartford lur engine and alrframe courses. Of these two will be In
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  • 161 5 Kean Siew under fire by party secretariat KUALA I.I'MK'K Sat The three n. in Central Secretariat of Ihe Laboui Party has di scribpd as •unorthodox" I move by lv national (rice eh lirman. Mr. Kean to r^nrganlae and streamline the party. '"It !s against 1 1 tlon ol
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 108 5 Advertisement Healthy Legs I For All! If you suffer from aching feet and legs. rheumatic pain or p<v>r itkm, >ou can get raaJ relief b\ improving lhc qualit) :rculatu<nof >our blood II his is now possible b> means of biocbemk tablet. I LAS I which helps restore etmstkity lo \cins
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    • 492 5 ALL OVER /the world m /jmm g^g^^^^/ mmmmw g^gw L. 1 \w 11 MORE S MORE II PEOPLE are opening a deposit account You gain in so many ways KM i\un ITY: A 1 car i i ipit»l»ndic*erve<ine< I Ml SKII In• > nuinev tan h- irv.t l.i Ihe .<
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  • Article, Illustration
    152 6 and evenl could r I I FREAK-OUT mini. 1 DEDICATED Flou Children believe the> can reach a stale ol mind w hicli is "ecslalic, i !nl ;iml relaxed" withoul lh< use <»l drugs. mi tiedrine or amphetamiii start them un the "road to a in ss," and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 75 6 usso) ESSO STANDARD MALAYA BERHAD RETAIL TRAINING .\C*-: UllC.' Litizen*hip: Mai;:. Qualifications: University Drcree, prcli:. Ing background. Cai most hav< 1 mechanical ap' Kxperience: Must huve previous experici training executive. Rr>ponsihilitir>: Direct! and evaluates all tr program- pertaining to retal Salary: Commensurate with qu and experience. Benefit*-: -contributory pension and
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 99 6 BOM: i Aid <6<. ;> «c .41 UattMC ie>: 9. Name i>"»n I en <6»: 2. f s': 10 ippli- wtary <4 < .■> ,4.--mUco 14 Latch tor gai I i6>; 8 quart or ift>: 30. Just amta i9>; 13 Quite tu'ilf a "ap:.. Defend (1 17. Trui (S) 2a
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  • 782 7 THE CHILDREN OF FLOWER POWER. But on Friday Ighl home from and I Mild outfit sequin cowbells on her dn In her hair a:.d B diffen »t garb each week. I London. E try and pal and she said: "I lind a lot of the present Flower N a bit
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 148 7 One of these London courses could bring you much higher pay! Which one? Journal...* S.ati.tie. 1 Mechanical t nqineering Structural Engineering Modern Linquaqem Surveying M otor I. n<|tncfffin<) •leconimiioic^iioos Ortlm Management Televnion Personnel Management Typewriting Plumbing Melding J Radio Service Engineering EXAMS Refrigeration J C-. moment s'orthVnd P specialised training
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    • 168 7 y j»^7 "X'*^ T^slPL^wsM WC f 3k.'4* j" "itr**'' THEY'RE (\"*slfrl X* JLJ nciKiSi y \S n juii\£i ix^ jnadnlSi »rHjE/J? ««r*r happy hipp^ (s ,hG^ FLOWER JP°^^_^^^^^^^^^ Meet them in breathtaking colour in a lush m iwk^^m. 'I flower-decked setting and join in their fun in January's: ////ill 11
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  • 6 8 |M »»i^i«..»i .iv v
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  • 18 8 < Wtttmam rmtt hivlom mamicuhi »>i i i ..i t RIRNINA ItHIII ffWINQ, rull» mm Thi M»m m.
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  • 26 8 Nh.ii.xii >tiri*n < HuM C H in Rlngm l«l R*r*iraMi < r rxx*, M 'MOIIItT CMUHCM. V .....rt W«r T>urrh al ■lAN (LIENI E JOLIITY ii
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  • 9 8 »< t ,lm -»»r. i l < AH Hint
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  • 364 8 OPINION Sunday, January 7, 1968 A HARD ROAD NINETEEN SIXTY-EIGHT I acgtna with the boikl news th:tt after four years „t -row greed the economic facts of life Itnning to ii the industrml Pi I de-i-idod to do what it can lp tin- poorer nations ol ttM world. the (i.vtlopiiiß
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  • 809 8 HE HAD NEVER SEEN SO MANY COWS BEFORE-AND THAT WAS HOW A RUBBER KING WAS BORN... TUT. rise of the rubber industn in New Zealand has established one of 1 the principal trade connections between that country, Malaysia and Singapore. This area is the main supplier of natural rubber in
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  • 967 8 h'\f.K aim r iu> HM-iia IMI l*n did h«i »i. i> on in.- ah tin- prololypr of Ihr New Woman." I ha\* no; had a mnmrnl pr»<r. riltirr al Ihr t hrUlmak partm I .tiii-niitil ot in tht Sriiiui •mi Kouro. I lir mm s irai tioiu kS\M
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  • 490 8 Love that ladybird THE daya ol that standing jo k c ,1 hoi it women going hysterical ;it the si^hl of v mouse or ;i spider are surely numbered for the new woman of tod;iv Likes rodents ;mi<l insects in her stiitle One of the new breed la N| Sook
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 110 8 CLARIFIED ADS. sir SITUATIONS VACANT iKial-l"! <-(. »»k. P'DIBUTORS LTB 1 LOPACDIA ISirANNII A KirnltlNTATIVIt HNUNII or tht I <>.ir w«T. > > Many of *h« »n« »«n- *hl#> lv .UN T tINCAPONt. i IV DONS WANTED K AUVIRTISCMINTS <1 n* IMMOUAIIUM VALAM >l 1 rt, tMtru URNIIHIO i i
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    • 14 8 WaTraP SXSH w QUMJTY ANOTECHMCAL NIVICO i *^Tl*^ td c^« I|T I rvj4lU |NIVK()^IIH'
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    • 73 8 Why Have These Prooiems In Your Homes X X :Let our experts service them to your satisfaction with no charge Enrol Now To: LIEW ENTERPRISE BSBB*^^BB^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBssss»sssssssslssssssss«BBai I PJLjLIjB^B^BBBBBSIBaMHSBMBBSBBVBaataSBBVJHMA^S^BBB^BBfID O»»ic«. Work»hn P Ooy Night t 146 -B. Robinton Rood. 201 Still Rood. Sinqapori I. Sm«opor« 15 T.I 9(1087 T.I *****2 We
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  • 154 9 The diplomat and the prince WH INUTON, teran diplomat CbMthe sador to ill draw vii < LnternaMid u.s. dolirs m till I imbodiai> Prince Norodon idinn a for Phm 'ndny talk.s .i.anoulc. public ears, to exteni an dor PnaMent- \nioand Sp<^ to thp BccrtGraauated 9 i»oi, in Chusetti, Mr. Bowles
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  • 287 9 SINGAPORE, B .ness :n and i the Sinuapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Stork Exchange today with the number of shares traded in brack r.NDI "IRIAI*: Brr. and 52 21 D. 1 3.000 1 10) $-24. Bouitwii v.ral $2 is n. UO. $2.lfi: (1.65 D.
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  • 121 9 V^ft i';im drnuinvtrntnr^ J\r^ liurled r«tlrn egfs B| "Misi World." I'fruxian beatify !\l.ulrleinr H.irl/oL r -B«'ll Hiirinjj .1 nnitiirc;i(lr mi her return hcrr Irom let11am where she ent'rtainerl I V troop*. Mir WSa 'ml hit hut a Press 1:1 r following her luiKiiisiiif waa smf.irrd. I'olic
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  • 417 9 ANTONIN NOVOTNY has been dismissed as Czech Communist Party chief but allowed to remain as Czechoslovakia's President, the official Czech news agency CTK said. At the same time it announced the appointment of 47-year-old Alexander Dubcek as First Secretary of the party in place
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  • 320 9 .a«M CALtTTTA: The West Bengal Governmenr relfa.s,>d m^ Indian actor Utpal Dutt, who was arrested last week as he wa.s about to go before the cameras In a film that also stars Britain's Rita Tushingham and Michael York. The actor, who had been held under 'h<* Preventive Detention Act.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1928 9 RMAF IS OFFERING OVERSEAS TRAINING FOR YOU Are you in possession of a L-C.E. Certificate with a least category 2 or GCE O' level passes In English. Mathematu.- and Bdenct, a Malaysian Citizen, medically fit and between 15$ and 17± year old? 2. If you are, you are the right
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  • 42 10 Girls who like to laze THIS is Liyibour for girls who like to laze. A lovely little number in p.ile blue washable quilted nylon satin Terylone filled, nylon lined and edged with lace. Also in pale pink, hot pink or vivid turquoise.
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  • 465 10  - What you do if you found your husband having an affair with another woman? ANNE EDWARDS WELL, just would \ou do if von found your husband having an affair with another woman? A hundred tactics have been tried screaming lows, pleading letters to friends, dignified disgust, icy silences, red
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  • 362 10 M^ \U)\ friend is ;i wonderful man when lie is sober, liui he seldom is He iliinks lot. and whenever he is lips\ be hints nic and sometimes abuses me I love him very much and have tried lo correct him. luit lie onh gets more abusive
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  • 186 10 Has man alwaya been able to speak to hla U lion human beings? What v the oldi g| known formally written lani '.K»it(.i HOO Homo 'Kihih\. nr Ihc known man. ;»).s^ the physiological capability for speech. Ttn >imst known tomiallu written language is Sumerian, ahull tiiitcs
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 486 10 Now, for the first time... Pastils/808 the near-effortless way to SLIM Pistils 80S let you lead a normal life while you slim. m No need to starve— you eat regular meals. Tou lose weight with v the minimum of \£o^^ willpower. Read how... There's no mystery- about slimming. All you
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    • 166 10 PIB for faster relief from ASTHMA PIB (Pressurised Iso-Brovon) p'Ovides prompt and lo^i-last'ng relief in ASTHMA and BRONCHITIS. Compact unit— simple to use— easily earned in pocket or handbag. Over 300 doses at low cost. You can SEE the contents and r never fear running short Ask your chemist Iff
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    • 58 10 Ik m Dissolves without trace. 1 All bt-cauM- it contains no I sodium bicarbonate. Yes, HcrmesctM is pure sAvii'tness. Each tablet sweetens like two sugar lumps. At your pharmacy or authorized provision store. Hi-commended for Diabetics. Discover the fun of be- in it slim-with nriTllr iinmilM Hermeseiss THt SWISS f'Ußfc
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  • 719 11 The 1 1 0 per cent promise WASHINGTON, Saturday. Years Day statement outlinl plan to strengthen America's ba-:-payments position and thus pre;ndness ot the dollar, PresiJohnson observed that ''more than ".his is on< world in econoin every other way Nothing demonstrates this interdepengraphically than the role ot ihc mtornationa! monetary'
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  • 289 11  -  I preMing feature of the since the began has behaviour d Japle prire reI LI $566 the £4 London local 23. $10 ofl the ■a* or lt has been E was de- December c N v 18 i hedge By GEOFFREY BOLAND: expected devaluation
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  • 47 11 Couple robbed by armed gang in home ALOR STAR. Saturday, j j men held up a couple in their at Padang Terap, 28 miles from after midnight last night. !h< i him d< d chain Govtndasamy a parang from the house. two rofcbew r men guarding the
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  • 23 11 For your day by the sea BKechil v 40 ijfti: p i t ro.MORROM 403 pja 4 :8 m. Port 11 13 p
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  • 22 11 Two shout to motorist, then rob him uir. v.v to him to mm then came up on a mo'or-cvtle and robbed him.
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  • 34 11 SINGAPORE Bat. The nn mice t<xi.iy remmlnerl unchanged al $566 a piiui on :.n OflCling fftim.ited down 25 ton* t<> 195 tons. Sinijapore Oil M.;iers' Association Bulk SSBj sellers, diuin
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  • 10 11 PEN \SQ. i I at 730 pra.
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  • 14 11 Pi r-'.eetetl pnMKluariß th h -^»#r>T«. AMoriation fo: t >• "f»iw ymr
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  • 173 11 Local man takes over top police job I/ICHING. Sat. Thr pu»t of the Deputy C'ommis- I sloner of the Sarawak Constabulary lift vacant by the departure ol the expatriate officer ha.-, been nili ci by a local man. He is superintendent Hamdan b:n Sirat. 47. vrhose appoint mi Ing
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  • 35 11 rELCK v wok* into the house I N VI -1- rubber upper thwd m* B thu« mornjis »nd >to> rranrtWor "«n;o '»'r[i tnd vr rinf* *-«rth total «f »nd »1M I •Mil
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  • 99 11 Perak gets 10 Peace Corps teachers IPOH Sat Ten tn Peace new arrlvali them teacher.^, m Chief Education Dato IdrU tor .t ge< -to-know and .i bi ;>«.stiiiß.s The ".omen. lilai Ql i mathenii Bharon WarkUi .^ptT..!';:.- 1 on m< chlldn n Petro'. Dioi-.ii;. who hemlsThr. mg a I Lumpur
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  • 20 11 AFORI Bi pie > A pertorm at 'he bar. hie Re-*r\. P morrow trom o p m t'.
    20 words
  • 85 11 Lt. Tan ('My best reward) takes the salute L t. tion! toon the B iklt Miiartly tlnlng Ambition 0 join Ltb rui t, she < ilui.t rvices during the Indonesian conago. r completing her education at the Stella Mar..-~ School. .-he applied to be a nurse. Her opportunity to
    85 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 64 11 introducing OF PROVEN INTERNATIONAL RALLY FAME .^isiiiiVßsVßßlßk WITH 10 MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS HAVE A GO WITH A PEUGEOT TEST DRIVE A 404 TO-DAY! s^Ls^MxT^^fAa^^A^f^^^^^t^a^^-^^JSjBM^BIS^SJBJJj^^^-^Lyfc^^j^LM^L^LM^^j^^^a^^^BA' L > O^l HsV J liTfHIl I* 1 7 Vl\\ 'f II 1 1 jf lit T TT (It m^rLw m lii" M"^^ ~~^lf ■^fi^^^LngL^^^^ Jsl C^
      64 words

  • Article, Illustration
    621 12 'Jl I .r *fj^t w^JlbV^x^J Itl C^afl STAR of the WEEK OUR "Slur uf the Week" today is Miss \Krr Ktu Wnh Singapore student/ —born [in Jan 6. 1952. II ><H 1: BIKIIIIIW tails hrlwrrn Jan. ?x and let). 3 in< luvnr s.n(l a passport picture ol voursrlf with
    621 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 493 12 THIS WEEK FOR YOU i U'KK im;\ iLm ji Jan, warn* danger ol i.ik.i^ oa mure tponaibUiuei can :rry you I \S< I l> lering coming wei upii. n jrou ralut You Ox up an igreemei ill oring money xwi xi.ii H .it) in mm-iyCo tJtU] U AUK L'li.
      493 words
      275 words

  • 356 13 J{l MKMBEH thai clean living, all-American I < > Jim llnit'iii givinfl his all lot* his country in "Walk Don'l Hun"? Would you believe thai same Jim skulkmn through sewers under Washington D.C. in nn at tempi to separate the U.S. Mini from seven million dollars? Or
    356 words
  • 719 13 NOW FROM THE PEN OF BONDMAN FLEMING~FUN AND FANTASY... Y()t wont recognise James Bond in his next film, "CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG." For one thing he won't be Scan Connery. the well groomed, death-defy-ing original British secret agent 007 in more
    719 words
  • 204 13 SAL U was the lot of the Rpdinan In history, the saddest Indians of them all was the Navajo, a proud people who were finally pushed into the worst possible lands in the great Amoric a n south west, where many of them
    204 words
  • 275 13 THE THEATRE Out De Bum on i-eb. il .i.,u ii rtM la.y and i Urn Hmt, ti><. ii I ia not ii. mi <(i in Singapore beiore. ibe miiMi- It by Verdi. a:raii(fe«i by C'hailes MacKura.y anu t lie nioreonraphj 0., John CraiiKu. repruu KJ I'ourli tnavutl 41 yttn mo.
    275 words
  • 74 13 Surprise on moon rIS film. "YOI ONLY I.IVK ONf K. ultramodern it takea a look al the future. It is all about the first expedition from earth which ;irri\i>s on the moon where .1 sensational discovery awaits the travellers. This turns out to be an extremely ancient rare of heincs
    74 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 408 13 ORGANISATION m NOW SHOWING No Free List aj 11 am. 1 45. 4 00. •30 4 9IS H NAVAJO JOf BJ TtOvhtcepa lUA). pj Ton.qSt M n,f, PILLAK OF BJ SOCKT> H m No» Showmq 11-1 30-4-6 .1 g TWO FOR A TOMMY& eotor (SB). 1 Ton.c LLAR Of pj
      408 words
    • 350 13 J| UnUnMnU Thursday: sfW "NIGHTMARE TERROR" !rom c tom^ A 9 I J& MUMMJTS f> Wj* SHROud ODEON coming 1 TWICE THE ACTION! TWICE THE THRILLS! and don't forget fy^BjajaMßr OV Vfllf LANG JEFFRIES 7K>JJ IUU LUIS DAVILA m once Mi technicolor j it U J ■techniscope llv^f^M tGOLDEN CROWNyJ^J
      350 words

  • 14 14 Rubber body can penalise members a ted ul iling .iDiiI letri- mltt in Co-operwtio*
    14 words
  • 290 14 By ELIZABETH WONG I/lALA LUMPUR, Sal Miniiterial Ination i!i the laitory there is good reason i<> be. tnd Yong Mook Chin, I Education Mohamed Khlr Johari I „n the rharacterls •he rock On the extreme len ;> another >tudent N
    290 words
  • 236 14 ills name Is Richard If* 11 viti .1.1. abovei Is 47 years old an Induxtrit the entr#pn :.<.:•- I »me >r > ip re un .mpleitloi. ol th.' Rt-pub-ilve Indust n programme four when In- rtory in Hong Kong he dei
    236 words
  • 170 14 Detective shoots youth who felled him with a brick KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. i DETECTIVE shot and woundi-d a youth who threw a buck at him in Jalan R Laut here Last night. The youth was hit in the right thigh. He was later treated as an outpatient in the <■'.<
    170 words
  • 78 14 Imperialism and colonialism IMPKKIALISM and coion--1 thU week's Asia Magazine, with Brit;.-!: historian Arnold J Tovnbee adlng nfl with tho ins: part ierics on Western ;inperialistic enterpri» i i Fiilplno writer A B. San •o> shorteru the historic perspective with a look ai ■■The New Belf-Conndenl japan" which. h< finally
    78 words
  • 83 14 Floating Lady leaves for Singapore HONCi KONG. Sat. Floating restaurant rtverboat the Hong Kong Lady left for Singapore to be on< ol the Republii tourist attraction. Tho sh.p hi- >><•-,. lying the the [tnally sh< i irant and BJ on In tJw colony t' llowing the exuiP. "Bui loon the
    83 words
  • 5 14 11
    5 words
  • 11 14 H PATANI Bet Helmi bin Bwd Ni* I 19
    11 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 232 14 4 i examinations i H success minded students join g 1 STAMFORD COLLEGE 1 Baaß the largest Correspondence Collage R^ Malaysia Singapore Region commend- f=\ ed as a model by Educators and Colombo- "'w/M/m. K3 Plan experts /)l/r-*f^aS So.ntific.lW d«vi««d J&**y*tß Ed HOME -STUDY COURSES J>l« adopting the Utest Diagnostic
      232 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 60 14 Wij 'i a h r^|sir^Z%*J r#^^gm^i^l ***** *****11 How to develop the late hit A a^g^g^gMglaTJaW »<.-«»> or» M .w*nm <i JJlU^Ab*^, '^Igflßg^g^H B^gg7^^' H cnvi *c*t>s A V I 1 «IMty OrOM I Af t«i i 1 I 9JI TH6 TOP Of THE »«O(SH/IW« ANpS i_7 V^■^^.T EirceigpinG Mosroryrxi?
      60 words
    • 83 14 Today's TV, radio TV MALAYSIA «II \ns« I 5 Kb ila I raa]HM .md P -nanc S lp<iii «ii<l >i i in Joharc Bahra i I.hi.iii. 3 Hun 1'11... i. Kliiani •> mi i- m v a■ i n 4 4: l. 5 oo 1 v A Johnn v. in
      83 words
    • 86 14 lIIWMI r,.00 j.30 I RADIO MALAYSIA i- ail %l tn-.ry o.uu 8.45 I I 1 M .ng Wr Help nn r mtrrnidf: an n a 8 3( Hall at Ran ik 1 30 rin RADIO SINGAPURA i' |w| tune sum- uu i, nmg Pre--7.10 720 Up an. 110 Up and
      86 words

  • 307 15 Record stand, then a slide nRIDOETOWN. Sat. MCC COlAlter Colin Cowdrey and ott had hit centuries in rj s-rennd wicket partnership iUiimst the Prrsidcnt's XI here 2 for one. MCC slid to I at close of play. They now appear to have only a slim topping the President's XI first
    307 words
  • 36 15 Inns 435-9 B D M jray F 3. K. m i l»t lnn> 135 1 h All 139 1 9 6 -rr 4 in It m B.mli i. fi-73 1 2-0-11 W-0; Alt P-l--26-2. Cama--1-n.n
    36 words
  • 5 15 ti i -our-.ns
    5 words
  • 3 15 League
    3 words
  • 21 15 ?»M»1 n. one MR n* CNIM stNI.. n;»<1 It. i five «<in«. Kbcni la ijht»r«"HE B»». «t Pu rrmrnt at
    21 words
  • 8 15 MEMORY I 'i w ho i,Vf«
    8 words
  • 68 15 Kojima and Akiyama in last four ma, both of tnt 'o leu h :i n»i badminton tonrnamrn 1 tM I ang -hie reir:pvir!(s and physical fltn«ss marked th' m»t<h in which tndia. < previoni winner of the m>nl 13-15. 15-6. 15-10. India, brfin'f uinnine 12-15. 15-12. 16-1 In t ma
    68 words
  • 291 15 URIDGETOWN. Bat Bobby Simpson ha» h*>en one of .A. greatest captains, Tom Heirce. president of the West Indies Cricket Board, said last nigh? after being told that Simpson planned to retire at the end of the Australian season. Mr. Peirce. after hearing yesterday's announcement from Sydney
    291 words
  • 165 15 AUCKI \m>. s.,r Worid racing champion Denis Hulnie oi New Zealand whs involved in a spectacular cra>h today rar th< end of the IMb New Zealand Grand Prix at Pukekohe. Three laps fr>m the end of the race, Hulme, driving a Rf pco Br.ibham
    165 words
  • 922 15 HOW TO MARK THE POPULAR 16 pHECK over a bunch of pool coupons and you will find that, sixteen is the popular number 01 selections lor the Treble Chan that one is expected to take a lull cover uf any eight from such a number. This would require 12,870 columns,
    922 words
  • 300 15 1 2 X at a glance ENGLISH DIV. i 1 Ar.'enal v .siw.'f Ltd 2 Burnley v Man Utd 2 Chelsea v Liverpool I Everton v Fulham 1 twd- v Sonthainp'on x Leicester v Wolves 1 Man City v Coventry 1 NeucaMle v Norfm F x Sheff Wed v Tottenhnm
    300 words
  • 201 15 United crush Hammers to stay in front I »re n 1 N'GLISa I <l 1' 'nd roußdi i < ii m 1 Ro 3 n 1 3 < > 1 pc 0 l 2 Hove 1 2 V -semouth 3 0 4 Town v ISH ii IRION ONE I 1
    201 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 50 15 hue t I.ASSIKIKDS M CLASSIFIED ADS. AT YOUR SERVICE If n H,, t Sll .if-r ir hnm» r> i -■.m>r»l IB SHOPPING GLIDE (S'porc) ,—Box $0 ctt rxlrr i r hen thi > JUIT WATCH MCR r\ m FP«rk!» r'l«h:on I. tn «<• DRESSES FIRS TO STAY (Mil.y.i.) r i'
      50 words
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous

  • 72 16 Five new caps among 18 for Lahore X: A LUMPUR. Fivi players to international hock' imong 18 thr pi( -OlyniUiC tournans .ore from January ltl-28. I P sml i nam who v •ry a Th«for tl O<"ober «Pre I .John K chci c Thr Ferieruncer en 'he Council a meeting,
    72 words
  • 7 16 ;m--nual i today. 1
    7 words
  • 832 16  -  By NORMAN SIEBEL J^UALA LUMPUR. Sat. On the strength of a well contested first half. Malaysia must have found some encouragement for a not-too-faraway Olympic Games soccer attempt in the match against a well performed West German amateur national team at the Merdeka Stadium
    832 words
  • 386 16 Armed Forces qualify for their Ist Malaya Cup final PENANG. Sat. -Malaysian Armed Forces qualified for their firs: final in the Malaya Cup ruuger competition when they beat highly-favoured Commonwealth Forces North, last, year's north zone finalists, by 11 points (goal, try and penaltyt to three 'dropped r >;il p
    386 words
  • 229 16 MEMBERS of the Hong Kong football team yesterday signed statement* declaring their amateur status The statements were to be turned over today to Mr. dc O. Sales, chairman of the Hong Kong Olymnlc Committee. This cleared the way for the players to make the
    229 words
  • 54 16 [> Mat--1 ,n I 'lip II Aircraft M icored 1 runs j I Ndbounic 1 1 0 Wicket* ft 11 .11. IS»«lnu --3S-1 0-13-1. 1111 I Batl I l< Broad J s 28 c Colr Dunstan i> Bin-^ii 0 E M keta
    54 words
  • 68 16 Easy win for Soon in PSC tennis ri id Club Ist ii.uml Rajendram bt Michael Chan J-3. t>-J. R. Ho Kenh Ton. Meah bt B. Blum 5-3 Kula*lngain X 2 Qf bt j Dobm 6--***** bt R Men'i ihiiitiii-. id- r Holder ;it:ci Tan Kee Tone eh and M and
    68 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 156 16 Mexinon f 2.b 40mm leni "i*--^' \u^^a^se^Sllef automatic shutter with speeds S&^flUffil l <^»P^BHHR r r^!Pi HiiHS up to I 250 md selftimer for synchroflaih and manual aperture control. Fully automatic exposure control by electric eye Safety device renders shutter moper— g^gflfl T* >r able when sub|ect is too dark
      156 words

  • 902 17 hi tl nan of c decude. Federal Publuatw forged wiy uhcud of others in 'he hic/hlv text mmi, publishing business. And it enters the next decade confident that it will further terre the U students of South-east Asia. DUCATION is Indispensable tn progress. Malaysia a
    902 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 390 17 lk*r^s^ j GINN and FEDERAL ..a link that spans s/*r JL B'ooo8 000 miles of ocean and continent s? :*&^km\ Hk CINN &co LTD thjf sus We are one of fhe leadin 9 publishers of educational books in the world .and one of the \2.%£''** *£skiJs*!!S^ 1 B most experienced.
      390 words

  • 1194 18 ADVANCED METHOD OF TEACHING ENGLISH TO LOCAL STUDENTS PUPILS ARE HELPED NOT TAUGHT TO MASTER THE LANGUAGE Kivaticed me!ln m I ol leaching Kn^lisli In siuil( nls < > 1 1 i i_ 1 1 lv Hit' I. in igc is I'cisl i;.iin until in M.t kivsia nil ■I r.
    1,194 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 422 18 these '^o&!&s\ are the _.^BBBBBSSSBBbB BBBBl^^^^ lsl^BßW^^ flß^^^^flß^ .^BBSbBbBbW Hi; I lollioirow >st i I cl.irirs. slciloi;! ,i|>liers. typists, sssP^^ <^VM^rfrtr^sV\ %v| sssssss^ l)(N>k keepers. ;k < niiil;iiils. c;i|>l;iins ol indtistrv, md siV^^^ vCQ ssßssfc those en^i^ed in (oniiieire ;ne usin.U. I<ml;iv. CiissfN's books \WJ^ A on («n mikmc'iil .md
      422 words

  • 901 19  - Big future for books in the National Language f f !11l more Hi. in IDO lilies in llu' National Language to its credit. Federal Pub In itioiis has con tributed much lo w iids the growth ol Malay literature in Malaysia and Singapore books in th( National is wide Hit
    901 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 118 19 PRENTICE HAIL ANNOUNCES APPOINTMENT OF FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS OHO., AS SOLE AGENTS FOR M ■||H| M| MAI II VI? In f:; SINRAPORF I 1 ■S■ M Transistor C.rcutts *-*!)< t>■ r C-vmn| |f lIIMIII Will] Shoch A V«r»t»r wing (feignM Two AND JOSEPH G H HANG HUH uuwtrn v. n. nniiu
      118 words

  • 660 20 ThH ii a JVf Or Pfiolo Cop/ ot t»t \t YUSOF BIN MOHAMED. r>o now acfino Vire Principal at Lanquaye Institute, X.L a-tcr a distinguished rdurational cveer m Malaya and Brunei. Wrote "Embun Di-Wuktu Prtang." Has varied interest*: Woodwk, Sketching. Electronics and Music. rYSTHIA
    660 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 744 20 Copies Get o Bright New Image with 3M Dry Photo Copiers At a businessman, you cannot results. Prove it on a3M Dry about which copier you wantafford fuzty copies which might Photo Copier. Make perfect copies do a little comparison shopping, lead to confusion, error and loss from solid blacks,
      744 words

  • Article, Illustration
    514 21 C% SIY t*e very beat is aood tnough for Federal Publications And this is irhy 'he organisation corn missions only qualified local men and women with uears V experience in their resrlds in educati •trite their text books This policy has led to the production of top quality 'looks incorporating
    514 words
  • 373 21  -  "T^hf Tarietv and I of school •pxt ryv,k~ in present i arp a far ,-ry from what they *n. To ijrt an ovrrai ■Nt on this remarkable advance. I asked Mr, Kathleen ./inga. one of the school book authors in th" country for her comments. BY A
    373 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 140 21 lIIHII UNESCO the l.n.ted Nations Educational. S .entifir and Ciiltural Organisation disseminates vital information and statistics on edu< atioo in the world through its own publications, Unesco publications also publishes books and periodicals in the fields nt Science, Mass Communication. Social Science. Libraries and t'brananship. Art and c Some Unesco
      140 words
    • 342 21 H^^HH^m IH^I Congratulations, partner, on your tenth anniversary. A great occasion to start a great nev\ partnership B||^^^H|||||||||||[|[||^^^H|mj to fne partnership of Coles and Federal. Certainly an occasion of "double happiness" Coles publications, including Coles Notes, are being introduced now to students and teachers in tne tar East for the
      342 words

  • 930 22 COVERS CHANGED TO BEAT THE BOOK PIRATES Xl OTHING infuriates publishers and authors more than being victims of unscrupulous "pirates**, whose illcj;;i! activities are real menace lo the publishingj business in Singapore and Malaysia. It was only In January last year that a number ol publishers Including Federal Publications discovered
    930 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 122 22 Kngratulations to FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS BHD.| I on the occasion of their 10th Anniversary CELLUMAT (S) LTD.! j CELC UTTERS LTD. TANGLIN MAM CLOSE. SINGAPORE. 1 TEL: S442SL CELLUMAT (S) LTD. ARE PROUD TO HAVE, OVER THE YEARS, SUPPLIED: Woodfree Printing Papers, Coated Printing Papers, Hook cloth and Mixed Mechanical Woodfree
      122 words

  • 1073 23 FEDERAL READERS USHERS IN A NEW PHASE IN EDUCATION A HK pioneer anuinu school Icxl book* published by Federal Publications is the series <>l Federal Headers. Almost v decade ago, Hit- seriei ushered in a new phase In education in Malay>n i Singapore thp use of local authors to write
    1,073 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 45 23 Our Heartiest Congratulations to FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS Oil 106 OCCQSIDP T^^^^ N^i^^— TENTH ANNIVERSARY SSllSiit IkLlllll fill 111 V Lllljnil I "^1 ==^r^j(^ BLINDETEVES-JACOBERG SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR IPOH PENANG JESStLTON SANDAKAN Suppliers of DM AMI nULHNU L^^^». Single and multicolour y^^a P'.imfefSpisfcg^ offset machines 3^ 3
      45 words

  • Presenting Proudly the poets of tomorrow
    • 88 24 rht itorla i> (jetting better in Fashion Where young ladies tr- v hkt Dyaks Iht world is getting bttt't in Education Where nnliions halt 'ifin tpent on Juvenile Delinquent:. Fhr world is getting heft- r hi Medicine Wh- r? we t istt bo•nohs 'mil witchdoctors Tht icjrla
      88 words
    • 56 24 A pretty tittle rose bud Bloomed jne day On v bright lunny morning In early l/u</ It look; a M HI irl And whom could we ura'st Hut uir new Lora in Heaii. n To whom we shall always say •Thank Yon Lord, For all You haif done
      56 words
    • 155 24 I like the wind that comes jrom the sea. That HWeM inland and -unties the arass and '■"IT.N. That hlows on my tacr. ana hands and tcet md whirls through my hair t like the wind that mores the clouds which uruj) the moon Irom the darkness below.
      155 words
    • Article, Illustration
      79 24 Sjomeonm has the poiMf tn \tir my heart, Somcjne could com'ort me, when I'm lonely. Somtouc could make me. I the beauty of nut'ir, nhich lie missed Someone coulu guide me to a right way of lit lug i know you are curious tv know who is 'hat Someone
      79 words
    • 49 24 Lifting their thin slender legs. Swooping, wming they in nt Darting here and there. Looking 1w a sot tlcshy base Landed on soil Ueshy ground injecting their Drobnscts tut) the skin Sup' A plane crushes i Iked />!/ the hand ot a liii ma u being. —FAX NY TAN
      49 words
    • 141 24 The world to me is dark, dull, sombre. Miserable and v lonely place to live m. Filled with unending and ci a lasting sadness, misery and loneliness. Thut seems to accompuny me wherever I go, even for the rest of my life! Loneliness is my one great fear, for,
      141 words
    • Article, Illustration
      50 24 Jnu of mv lite Delight ot tny heart a' tojft Comfort to bo^s Hut it oe to him When si'Oldings occur. Rattli rattle. Carries jn Mother: Not to worry. In one ear out the Olh' r Thanks to Goa of her. G'icji to us. Our Mother, dear BARBARA PERLII;A
      50 words
    • 37 24 hint ttiitchu-g on th. tret Waiting eagerly to be ir, t It is a p:ty not to know ■ly Loin ly ail the white. Waiting waiting tor my n :n<js ti grow MARGARET TAN
      37 words
    • 24 24 Anger Hushes up in a minute. And makes an inemy Of a friend. Calms down, and makes him think and regret. RLBIE VICTOR
      24 words
    • Article, Illustration
      59 24 frur la a darkness that overshadows the earth. It gnau.s deep into none Like a deiounng bn I Fear of L)t i Naturally, it comes to everyone including tne. The Wear Of War lingers deep down inside me. The disaster it <a and the tragedies and paintitl cniiscqiicn- All
      59 words
    • 40 24 Looking at the bfl Then my eyes turn to the wall The image is t>-- so real. Slowly it fades Lighter and taint er it becomes. Now only a glimpse Gone.' It's disappeared into thin air. —JENNIFER WRIGHT
      40 words
    • Article, Illustration
      61 24 a train), dOWTI (h, mail. With shabby hunouiQ In H:.s nhouldi r ngth nan ana Knotted B corcrim/ One could hardly know What he looks like. For his with dust and H:s *:nc s are knocking and he i^nns on his walkwQ stick. //:.s shoes arc different on
      61 words
    • 57 24 I'm a'ttrnys n. Waiting for "u-nrte. Wait go g for the 'phone tn ring. I get impatient. I hate waiting fyr tomeot ttgtne accident*, mishaps and worse things. can she be doMaybe she's not comi'ln I'll speak to her when she comes. I'm hot nnir. she an hrr iray?
      57 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 141 24 Cotigra tn la tions FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS BHD. on the occasion of their lOth Anniversary from COLLIE (ASIA) LTD. Postal Address: Window Delivery Service 13 Tamen Jurong PO Box 22. Spore Telephone *****4/5 m^^^^mmmaWM 9m .1 Collie ink i.s avui'ablc for every printing process, including, letterpress, lithographic, iravure. newspnntitisi. screen process,
      141 words
    • 99 24 10 years old ...and they helped to sell overl/4 million books Federal Publications Bhd., ten years old this year, helped to sell more than li million copies of our NEW READING course. And. as the editorial technique which has made The Reader's Digest the most widelyread magazine in the world
      99 words

  • 112 25 1? BDBRAL Ucatiom dated with a number of top-fliKht international publishers of world-wide rein the field of education. They are rpprespnted Malaysia re and other parts c region. them ;trr Pren-tice-Han International Ginn oirf Company Ltd Edward Arnold 'Publish- and Cat Company Ltd. :id Company half
    112 words
  • 951 25 own schooibook punii>nlng compa His books Joined quality with utility They looked good, they were accepted i ;l'in prospered E in ol his b spread throughout Amprica and then to Britain where the American company spt up a London branch. British COmpromptly established Itself
    951 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 148 25 looatratulatioiM FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS BERHAD i ABDUI KAREEM Co.. On Mrrchonti. Nfw«S9«nt< L Book Mton 131 Jolon Mrntfi 1 00 Jin. Ofnnnon Pont Luntar Kodak serves It was fifty-one years ago in 1916 that Kodak first came to Singapore. It seems like yesterday betc-jse we've been busy ever since. Introducing new
      148 words
    • 167 25 moms mil HAH B Letterpress H II Lithography II I^A Flexographic H IHj I H Silk screen Any hand printing jobs WITH I Aqua based paints Wt^^^^^^n^l^ Plaka based paints fwi Oil based paints ZXMY^ I Art er I Class WtT "TICJ Metal JUD Text,!. r 1 PV.C. I IN
      167 words

  • 1040 26 A new challenge to our Mathematics teachers QUOTE THE primary aim ot ma rhemarical education at all levels should be, not merely to teach children tacts or little tricks on how to solve certain kinds of stereo-typed problems but to equip them, through the right type of concrete experiences and
    1,040 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 197 26 CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES TO FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS BHD. On the occasio)i of their 10th Anniversary from SHUM YIP LEONG RUBBER WORKS LTD. Manufacturer Supplier of PRINTING ROLLERS Congratulations and Best Wishes to FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS BERHAD on the occasion of their 1 Oth. Anniversary from MARICANS KUALA LUMPUR SINGAPORE Heartiest Congratulations
      197 words
    • 296 26 Attention to all students and parents!! Do you like to buy your school text books? VISIT KATONG NEWS AGENCY (350 Tanjong Kutong K<»ad. Tel. *****) The leading Hook Shop just opposite Tanjong Katong Girls' School, where you' ran gel TEXT HOOKS OF ALL STAGES completely, from Primary to 11.5.C. level.
      296 words

  • 2474 27  -  Malaysia's proud boast is not of a million men under arms, but of a vast schools system for 1 ,50 C-.-000 boys and girls. This is the result of the nations massive education drive which has in the past five years developed at a tremendous momentum. And
    2,474 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 205 27 A GENTLEMAN'S \ki On As good as an oath. That's what makes Far East Book Co. so reww w- liable. Reliability. It's an important ond desirable trait particularly to the many principals who enjoy the service that Far East Book Co. offer. Add to this a keen desire to provide
      205 words
      93 words

  • 823 28 if From Pnye 19 vice if DooKsei Malaysia ;md Slnga pore Thi> Includes a prompt and >i>< <iv mot hod ->i dellvi book. c cm ctall v lna school term winch leaves nothing to chance Tin' prat the streamlined warehouse where order* are handled Immediately on receipt and
    823 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 233 28 jJJ[ I^*xW^^"J^"^"^^'^^"^'^""^""SpS|gS^^Bßßßßßßg{ fl^j^^^H 'MM It? i' "iTia^iBHMMWT*SSa^BB^B^BW^B^B Now the Mustang-bred big car ride and easiest comes from wide-opening Falcon 500 introduces new handling of any car in its doors, roomy interiors, superstandards to its class of class. Wide track long quiet sound proofing and motoring. Falcon's lithe good wheeibase, big
      233 words
      70 words