The Straits Times, 5 January 1968

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 35 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150,000 The Straits Times I in: NiitiiHiiil flKWN(lil|lßr Kstd. 1845 P JJIM ARY 5, I%K 15 CENTS or 18 CENTS <N.« turrtnty) i Old currcniy) KDN. 3104 Ml. (P) 0014
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  • 192 1 After Hari Raya visit, boat capsizes on return trip PONTIAN, Thursday SEVENTEEN people, including 13 children, were drowned this morning when a boat apsized in the swollen Sungei Pontian Besar, said to be a crocodile-infested river. I lie 1/ ;ill Malays from tour families were
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  • 69 1 HONG KONCJ. Tin;: police carried out ;i >rcrci raid on a flat in I wised a lantlt] "t explu lives. Tli raid vox made on Tuesday and only announced tin- ,i!t< rnon bj the Govmeni Information SerVH-. Polio total "i M Home- made bombs,
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  • 23 1 JAKARTA. linns Three people -a cre killed by stray bulMie iniired. r»natl m e^Dlodlnß firecrackers. durinK the year-end holld«\s liPre
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  • 45 1 TEHERAN. Thurs. Fuur earttuiuake tremois have shaken Bhlrai. In southern Iran during the post L' 4 hours People rushed from their Imnif. l !lir Mieeiv dining the tremors No damage or casualties aie reported Renter MISS KKI.I'K .i.Himec ai dinner tune
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 373 1  - Four still lost after two-day search CHOU CHUAN SENG By JAXAH RATA, Thui> II u ;l s s;iid in jest. Miss lean Laing told Ihi school principal. Miss Muili Kelrk, before leaving <»n ;i tick up Gunong Beremban here on Tuesday morning in the- iimii(kiiiv ol llncc Sikh children: "If
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  • 37 1 SYDNEY Thins— A paiiy of Mv Australian mountain -limbers, including four women, led by a m haul headmistress have rearhed a planer H.OiHl feet up Mount BvaTCat, 'he Australian BrntdrafMnß Commliuirm r»porwd today -R*t»#r
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  • 139 1 The condition for co -existence— by Tun Razak Xl AI. A I.IMPIR. Thurs. Tun Abdul Razak today reaffirmed the (i nvernm c n t willingness to co-exist with non aggressive communist countries. Rut he emphasised that the Government would never allow the spread of militant communism in Malaysia as it
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  • 162 1 HANOI TO SET UP OFFICE IN SINGAPORE SINGAPORE, Thursday. FOREIGN MINISTRY spokesman eon tinned loduy thai North Vietnam is lo establish permanent trade office here "It t.s the policy of Singapore to trade with all countries he said "We have agreed to negotiate trade with North Vietnam He was commenting
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  • 48 1 \MHICIIX.I i Massachusetts). Thurs. Discovery v of a new comet m announced vc>terd;«> hv the Smithsonian astrnphysical observatory The comet, spotted last Frida\ l>\ i»o Japanese astronomers, mi the ltth disrnvrred in I'»(i7. and has been named Keya-Seki 1967. the names of its discoverers. I'PI.
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  • Article, Illustration
    73 1 SAX.ON. Ihurv The S sullrr ed mill mem ..1 Mi.tltKN l.i>i \ than in .ill tin- retl »f thr Vletaan ».»r put lourthir ii curding to offii la I Bgam relmwd acre tixi.i\ I S (I I .1 ,1 wounded or mi-s me from IMI in tin-
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  • 53 1 NEW DKLHI. Thurs An iiii.-perlfiod number ol arrest.- in Pakistan tinweek may have been ti avirt a coup Keeordlnc to tt i>>n.- hen today. ifi Pakistan Oovei mem announcement described tin lalled .1- ".tiit:-nat]uiial ele:m ni who iieouci win; politics and ihi OoTernment r ed that Investigations
    AP  -  53 words
  • 27 1 ham .don 1 1, Burma tixla\ celebrated Ihr 20th annlveraferj <•( 111 independence »iih receptions, mi and iporti rvfii'- throug tha eountrj R*-
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  • 65 1 Feelers by Ho on site for talks yiEN riANi North Vietnam has appi i na and c asking ii they ai pared to off< possible pr< limii am peac< talks, a wrii-inloi n. tian sou; today. Thi Thi Govern men I New Y( d'Affali MEDIATE SOU! mltted ti.. the tepori
    UPI  -  65 words
  • 24 1 BOWLES CONFIRMED SAN <M I hut •un .o tend di les I S v tllill.i 101 Penh with < Fnrn i Sihan Pat'
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 79 1 /I [Vl^ DISTRIBUTORS \ll j/ CULTURED rtULiEil PEARLS WATCHES G.C.DE SUVA BROS. MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS. 3. RoHlei Place, Siafapo* I. TEL: *****. I j b^bV B^^^^^Bbß* «BB 'id i "i aaH. a '^-'^^K^^KBk /^'JvttM I ni^BHß^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^HßtttiK^ t&dmfmM^ *♦*44 4 4 I *-BB dP ■b9^b^bW^T^# S»>fco "'t»oduc»* th» 17-i»w#l i. 4s hold
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    • 79 1 /,•<!•-' rrii I• NINETY YEARS OF RESEARCH S "J f V' MEXAMOM <JK WORTH THE PRICE KONICA EE-MAtTc DELUXE Hexinon f 2.8 40mm lens. SEIKOSHA LA programmed automatic shutter with speeds up to I 250 and sclftimer for synchroflash and manual aperture control. Fully automatic exposure control by electric eye.
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    • 370 2 PROBLEM OF HO'S FORCES USING CAMBODIA AS A SANCTUARY... WASHINGTON, Thurs. E*residenl Johnson has self cted Mr. Chester W. Bowles, U.S. Ambassador to India, as his special envoy to discuss with Prince Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia the problem posed by the use of Cambodian
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    • 294 2 NEW YORK. Thurs 4 NKU \DIiM radio station ri'portPd yrsterday that a senior Hanoi diplomat had told its correspondent In Paris that if the U.S. wanted peace talks, it had only to stop bombing North v ietnam. The report came
      Reuter  -  294 words
    • 49 2 \-ii!NtiioN rhurs *>•-- -n BugfßC McCarthy of MtnM <-d rhallenger fa tiir DemiK-r*' r s prcsidnitial noauna- m ounccd :).^n>- today to of thf n^T'.on* in iry flection*. ThM tln-.M. Ul Miirn r»MI» Premdeni Johnson, srho 11 expected ti> be the Demo--1 anriirig'' 1 Renter
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 38 2 1 1 him A-i Ind'v lu'llTr fr:. hi- rien-h from Hi- urth (loof ot <n nnfiniMi '1 tMllldtni :nitut»d hv ;no > h*l h» ■<»- Pr»Mrlent U h ujr h.v (>et protert "f 1 Cnntrrenre of NewlyForce* cConefoi.
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    • 198 2 Why the Prince decided to ignore advice... pilMiM PENH Than I'rini c \ornd«m m ii.inmiU s.ud jrcotcrdaj Red I ri'ni h ad 1 t r hi In i <hinei op pnvrd hi- dri ion to alloy* lawriean troops 10 •toss t'lr hi'tdrr in h"l pursuil r < onimunist VictaaßM
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    • 125 2 M Wll I tuns Pre 1 siilrnl us mili-icil th«* arrest mil in vmtlxatwa <>t .1 son at •< provincial Goransot here in ciinneclion with the shooting up of the Customs headquarters at the Manila port area l.»sl nighl Police said the
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    • 112 2 SKINDIVERS BRING UP 1201b OF COINS FROM SEA KAITAIA. (New Zea» land). Thurs Sere n sklndlvers, Hunting against a heavy swell, yesterday recovered 120 lb. of encr iMpel lumps of iiolri and silver ((ins from the of a llnor which sank In 1902 with the loss of 4.S )n owned
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    • 91 2 SENSOR PUT INTO HEART OF PATIENT N K. rhurs a tiny tenaor has r the first uid to obtain ether Information. II was announced herr vest era Mr Jama Wrob. Adminihp Civiiian Bpace r\gency, taid n: r»marks pr< pared for a meet- Brllevue H the sensor had inserted through an
      Reuter  -  91 words
    • 19 2 p people rii#d in r drinking industrial A.mhpl mixM in ci>(Trr and soft dnnics. rfrxuTrt.
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    • 291 3 Presidential candidate returns home with better viewpoint NEW YORK. Thur». Q 0 V E R N R Etomoey of Michigan said '■rday that whatever the results of the 1968 presidential c 1 c c tion there would be no abandon in c n t
      Reuter  -  291 words
    • 31 3 I I \NG PRABANG. T!iui v Government troops (1 ;he town of nut in northern Lavs from the pro-Communist Pathrt I ces. military sources sa:d yesterday Reuter
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 76 3 Fake notes to sabotage economy saigon. Thun.— South Viet- nameae security imiu-e here r\hibited JjO.ouo dotlan la couni it-rim is. banknotes and .v.vii they were part <if a Peking plot to sabol >^o the otoiioniy (if Soutli-lii.s: Ihr itackl cl PWB BVO i dollar bills, printing pl.«< 1 mactainery wew
      Reuter  -  76 words
    • 191 3 Sweden develops a new pill to end pregnancy T ONDON. Thurs. The Science Journal reported in its January issue that a pill to end pregnancy "which can he taken up to a month after conception" has been developed in Sweden. The British magazine said that from tests carried out in
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    • 59 3 LONDON. Thurs— A '.'9 yearold Jamaican gtri has m:ide history as the first non-while woman to join the Britisii police loice Mrs Sislm Fay. who emigrated to Britain in 1961. began her training with ihe Metropolitan Police in London's Pimlico district A qualified nurse.
      AP  -  59 words
    • 353 3 U.S. gives pledge to developing nations on investment curbs WASHINGTON. Thurs. '■"HE United States told developing countrip.s ot Asia and the Middle East yesterday that it intended to apply its new overseas Investment curbs with flexibility to prevent undue hardship. The assurance was given by Mr. Anthony Solomon, Assistant Secretary
      Reuter  -  353 words
    • 75 3 Britain names I new PoetLaureate LONDON. Thurs Mr. Cecil Djy-Lewus. one of Britain 1 BO I distinguished poets, baa brcn n.imed PoeULaureaU n ••on to the lute John M.i^rticld. Mr. Mxsefit'ld. f-". netfrt) 40 yoar.s. d:ed hist May IL> a; 'he age of 88 and thr (xj>i been \.u-.ii.:
      Reuter  -  75 words
    • 23 3 CAIRO Than. The Yemm Republic denied yesterday that Yemeni roy.ih.sls had captured Al-Rahbah airport m San.i.i and surrounding mountain heights. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  23 words
    • 116 3 ijWANKFI/RT. Thurs. Before holding up a bank, two Yurosluvs removed the hammer from a revolver so that nobody would be hurt, a Frankfurt court was told. Emil Bratusa and Emaran llvalec. both 24, said tliev staged the holdup last July 5 to
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    • 317 3 'We love you says a full-page Times ad to five girls LONDON. Thurs. THE Union Jack was raised in a full-page advertisement in the Times yesterday, hopefully to stir the nation to make sacrifices to help the post-devaluation export drive. It was virtually the official opening of an "I'm backing
      UPI  -  317 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 201 2 i dm j B mmmmm^mm H BBBBBBBBW»^t f- tr Jf.'*' Smt m a gB^BBBBBB^sSft SBBBT SBBBBBBBSk A,' J IVmmmW AbbbbbbbV t I i mm\ vblbbbbS c BBBB^^^^^Jlk? l "^ilifiH^s' r|<L M ,^^F~*~" ~^m '..Km fikTSas^sßßß^^^^Bßm BTJa^iaMißiasß^ '^sbbbbb^bbbl' l^r J fjfl fttAJrlV bbbbbVbv l> *t! mtimT^S 1 'i W* Tl _^^b»^B1
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    • 159 2 07\ Over 1000 products by the world's largest manufacturer of precision chains m I KmWm m RENOLD L ,A. f chains for power transmission If islßlHtai^. I Ba' sP^H completa range of driving chains fib^| 1 KsC and wh«#ls up to s' pitch, Including BJ^HHk^ s>ocK driv s iJ P
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 58 3 tins new year GIVE ANCHOR BEER IN COLOURFUL, FESTIVE GIF PACKS W 550 jfc ffln w fig 111 llt fl rm J III"' -H« Say "Kong Hee Fatt Choy" this very welcome way with a gift-wrapped pack of Anchor, everybody's favourite beer. Available from your store now. Give Anchor beer
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    • 355 3 ALL OVER /THE WORLD II MORE MORE II PEOPLE are opening a >y/ deposit account You gain in so many ways RFLIABI! I IV: A Deposit Account »ith Lombard Banking pfO»iitl a yood rale ot intcrci, wilh complete Mfrly '"or ymt mind. Your deposit v tup- > cs in execs
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  • 160 4 SINGAPORE, Thurs. Certain factors exist in Singapore which are favourable for the establishment Initially of a modest social security scheme. of S»M ibour Or- •ecurti Lvangelus >ut to the rnmpnt on the planning ol and espe- unemployment H:s tlx-month rr by
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  • 4 4 1 mpong
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  • 79 4 Top police officers on transfer \f M \< V Thur> Ma- UuaS CIU chief. Drrnt\ *upt. Yap I'hirn thin, left hrre on Su:ilor Prnang on tran--frr. He will be succeeded by Asst. Supt. SM Pillay, from Ipoh. The deputy OCPD (Crimes!. \*>t Supt. Sha m s her Mngh ulmi left
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  • 32 4 KTA! A I UMPI R rhUTS. The N.< .tit y Board"* ml industrial relation* ofllMT. ln.ii* Z.ncar.a bin Budii'.. will leave here on Sunday for a i Industrial E
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  • 59 4 XI.M.X I I MPI K. Ihur* liner women rin ptayaM of Prtaline Tin Ltd.. were charred in a tnagiatrate'i iourt hrre today with stealing '25 katies ot tin ore from the company on Dec. 23 year < hoong N(H \m Yoon« Thai. 31. .«nd
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  • 98 4 Unknown woman dies after fall CINGAPORE, Thurs. An 13 unidentified Chinese woman between 25 and 28 years of age died In the General Hospital thU morning shortly after she was found near a block o< fiats at Jalan Balam. In MacPherson Estate. A pair of slippers belonging to her was
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  • 166 4 BLACK SHIRT GANG ROB 8 FISHERMEN OF BOATS AND GEAR WORTH $18,060 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. FIGHT fishermen from Tanjong Sepat were lobbed cf two boats, fishing nets and mar worth a total of $18,060 by a gang of •'black shirt"' pirates in the Straits
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  • 38 4 IE! UK ANSON, Thurs About 200 Bursts in li<\i#"r T>rak attended a Han Raya Puasa iur:y BUfn by thf Raja Muda of Pcrak and his Conior:. C'\f Purtn Besar at their residence h^re yesterday r\enin«
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  • 163 4 Green-wave traffic system postponed again KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs.— The capitals $700,0110 "greenwave" traiiic qrstem, which waa to have started on Bunday, has bi en put off to Jan. 12 lor tear thai it might create confusion dur^nti the Visit of President Marcos here on Jan. 9. The Shah of Iran
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  • 55 4 SINGAPORE. Thun. Sen -r Aircrattiiran Warrtrop. 21. vied In the RAF hospital In Ch.. <i early today shortly after an acctden 1 In Upper Channi Roari at 12.10 a.m. in vn;<h hla cyrlr col: >!<*ri IUI I U<rr\ hks pUUan rider N t> ol ti.r
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  • 28 4 BUKIT MfcRIAIAM ThUTI —A wvtn-yaar-old boy, Oman bin AbriullKi- wa M loualjr in'.utk\ when hr irtl krnickrcl down by 1 Itahru. »bout thre« niilev fron m
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  • 424 4 Qualities of a judge— by Bar Council head KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. THE chairman of the Bar Council. Malaya, Mr. R.R. Chelliah. said today that the administration of justice in Malaysia was the joint responsibility of the judges, legal officers and members of the Bar. To 1 discharge pon.-ibillty. there mu.-t
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  • 143 4 $13,390 haul by thieves during holidays IPOH. Thurs Thiev--1 1 stole 513.390 worth of coods. including a large quantity of liquor, from Maclaine Watson Ltd. in Jalan Yang Kal>om duni.p the I Year and H;iri Raya holidays. The manager nf the firm. Mr K Sam, •rhen he found all the
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  • 47 4 IPOH. I^urs Two Br.utb Army privates with The Kiofa Shropshire Ligh; Infantry «U--tioned in Terandat Camp. M*'.tcca. v'ca-le th« magistr«'.f rour' here radar v> I two car* on New Year mcfrt The two Private Oo.r(r» Robert YouH. lg anrt Priv«t« Mirhar re allowed b
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  • 39 4 ALOR S r tnms nfflrerf .'.T<-ci sN-iii- 700 Ik of manufacturet! Thai tnbucco fmm v thp boi-ripr tf>»r. of P^dang B»--&ar yecterda) Th« tobHrc-.. worth about tva.« b?!i*v?fl tohave bffn imun im TTiailand and I 1
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  • 133 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Three lawyers will represent Malaysia at the riveday Int c r national Human Rights Year conference oi Jurists in Bangalore, beginning on Wednesday. They are Mr C. Selvaraiah. secretary of the International Commission of JuriMs Inche HUSMin Onn. and Mr. R T.S.
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  • 126 4 CINGAPORK. Thurs An J abandoned baby girl, between two to four weeks old. m found in a side lane oft Amoy Street early today. A housewife. Madam Veo Kirn Lan was passing by with her dauuhter at about 2 30 a.m. when they heard
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 137 4 First impressions count I ■c Sanyo's reA/'Tc'" ■^■^■■HlB^^^^k csfcre oj turn :rs. look at it f ron several wjj !|Bw| anj es. del 23-K7L's 111 dassicsl Tient your illllnllßal home during its c'f-hours. mli llluß Then s-vitch it en. That spacious 23" -4?Mll«»ll HhL P'Cture i.t.izes 3 w ih-senstitivity frame-
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    • 98 4 ANNOUNCEMENT We are pleased to announce the good news to all our customers who have already paid deposit and those making pnquiries that a new shipment of our ]968 model Datsun Pickup 1300 has now arrived. It will therefore be much appreciated if these gentlemen will immediately contact our office
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 271 5 .*^^^•*•v•*•^*^*^x*!•x•^^-*"■-■•***-'**•l•t^*Xv^•^•t //■'y*'s%*x*x*x*X'**X'!*!\*!***!*!***.'**'«*. *c% X^v.x.x-:- wx-xv.- ::i:: ix.>x :;ii-v.v.v:.:.x-x-x-:>i:-:-. '^I^K^HHK^^^^ -v- v fe^w^vx-/:.^ ISold in over 160 countries,..^^^^^^JMgtf^PPl^^^^onmore than 100 airlines.,, and on more than 150 shipping lines Abu Dhabi Bril iras Dahon Senegal Tumdad Air India Finnair ena b I Holla Aden British Solomon Is. Denmark %a J Papua Seychelles
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  • 77 6 PRESIDENT Yusol bin Ish.ik .iiid the lirst Lady welcoming beaming Dr. (■oh KtMig Swec. the I ma n c c Minister (left), t»» tkc H;»n Raja i'ua>a rtception at the Istan.i Nfj-ara last night. Tlie President an d Puan Noor AishaJl played hosts to more than
    77 words
  • 45 6 $llm. order: Shipment of pipes begins kPORI Bl lined un „.i va on the Btraat Musamblque I irons- order SI iFai i I td I Zambia take wait: Iron Bl ii. t|p\ible )otni> «nc mml hip being maiiulacurrci al Mime !aito;% in Bukll > m of
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  • 29 6 BALLOTING FOR STALLS: ALLOTMENT FOR 74 SINGAPORE llnir- X liavker.i ••en illotK (i covered I .Kit bm-t n. the Ml I I Him, Mi' i ii A H. I
    29 words
  • 42 6 STOLE JADE CURIOS: 2 MONTHS JAIL SINGAPORE tliur> Lin, i a« |aU« d for two .t >;. nl i\ foi •■■•lev wortll Hi Pew t idn>s I 1 Lrn pu'Kink! .\v- « tim inn i pocket i»:~ro at. ilarm nrrt '»i m*l: ar
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 332 6 ■■■■■■■ll* IE •.musical m capitol: ;£xpk£ss^.-oi; CVCU I A lOW MARY LING PO Hoogkong ■^^SSfiro^y SUSIE CHINC FILM STA! J,\aH: JUDY LEE* CHIN WHAI- WONG SA and YA FONG Plus! Miss Amateur Singing Csntest 3rd SEMI FINALS Gmst Hand: Ttu .11 PITERS C~ Datuxrt Resident Band: PAUL WINSTON the FIREBYRDS
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    • 417 6 ORGANISATION LAST OAT II HHIIttH »"9*r -IN THI MIAT »t THE NIGHT- ■J CafcM t>v l»«L lift '"1 Artaflli fl .a,o tor A p| LAST DAY'— No Fr*« Lilt- fi Horn. 130, 4 00. 6 «S, »10 J *mg C«» Uo'- *_o*or 1 i >^ T.o tor Tommy f if*
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  • 491 7 Razak to teachers: Play your role Kuala Lumpur. Thurs. J N Abdul Razak today callt-d on all teachers to play their rule in nai building and str< ed that it was im- hey instil the spirit of loyalty to those under their ch;i Add r t ism g ;i Eat
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  • 121 7 Brunei to spend $5 million more for defence u::i Mi juwn. rhui It unri i- i tgemi jn Dil(lui(ii..i| |2 million for MtaiMj .md (lefetue Ikla > A (jo\ernnirnt sgwkesasaai ■aM that tin- adtlilinnal funds were reciumd to pay for the (■l>^tv of Rri tish arm> units stalioncd in Brunei
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  • 33 7 penang Tbun. A Deputy Pubic Prosecutor n< in Ku;ii,i I.utnpui' Chr i Suleiman. iia.s ..^unit-a d sri-imd couri magistrate h succeeds In Patruz who U** brrn traaiicrr«.d to Ji'KiT B^hru
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  • 407 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Thur*. ~I THE- president o| the 1 D DP.. Dr. Lm Eu. today strongl] the Oovemmeni to review tin progress made In the development Of the National Language. He recommended that a non-partisan or allparty commi It 1 and. In the light Ol
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 73 7 shop at C.X.TANG j>| $900 (26 pmei) worth o» y Gift Vouchers muit be won in thimmple conloU. Thu P%(^^M/^^ conteit it opfn to all who >^*^^T^T 1 ihop at C. K. Tan* from Jj/fciii I January sto January 23 •^K and whoie bill, at any onr time, exceeds $10.00.
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  • 234 8 SINGAPORE, Than. The Mm ister lor iiltuic .tnd Social Affairs, Inchc Oihrnan Wok. today saw how three voluntaiv organisations were working in uplifting the lives ol the underprivileged, the ah.indoned. disabled and handicapped persons in the Republic. He lir^t railed at the onvent of
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  • 20 8 Singapore Infantry F Banri «i!l pi Bahru rommunii 1 M>n 8 p ir. a::n :J p m
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  • 140 8 INDIAN DANCES BY CHINESE SINGAPORE. ThUH A local Ch;nes« k will foaturo Indian rl.i-.-iral dancps it the Sineapr:. I to be staged at the Victoria Theatre at 8 pm. on Jan. 11. H- Mi Richard Tan Tai Kiat, who graduated in Indian classical
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  • 103 8 LORONGS: HOUSING ESTA TE IS ANGRY The residents of the Hoover Park hi itc, like 'he resld--1 of Clemrnti Park recently, are indienan' about the streets in the being named I "I oroni and be replaced Resolution Kecci nvsu: ernment> Cnmpi I Bureau I the urn' ben" in '.ip housing
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  • 77 8 Supervisor and teacher-bride MR. and Mrs Michael ran Chin Hua ilett> after their wedding at the irch ol 0..r Lady Queen of Peace in X pore. The noom, "tin- el son nt Mr. and Mrs. Tan Cheng Him i> a production a v pc r visor with
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 375 8 llfci iijr^ it WS OP GOOD MORNING SIR, WHAT BUSINESS ARE YOU IN PLEASE QQ Right now, this young lady is one of our staff access to these directories. They will rely on busy telephoning every business in Singapore. "Yellow Pages" to find the products and services Soon, your business
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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  • 507 9 Will THEY take over from the family doctor? MEDICINE IN THE COMPUTER AGE |s rHE family doctor becoming redundant? Can la- do his job pruperlj under modern conditions, or will iis traditional functions be increasingly taken over by ■pecialisl consultants on the one hand, and machines on the other? These
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  • 387 9  -  NOEL HAWKEN By 'rHK British (Jovernmeni is moving to smash 1 the power oi the crooks Infesting many of tlic 1,500 gambling ••lubs in Britain. A new Gaming Hill haa been Introduced for this purpose When it becomes will set up National a iminti Board
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 102 9 SFn G^^ gggggggggf I 1 ■ar <■ <f gar gar *4l gggggl A \J Lj i ftitfi i olw I P gMlMgggaaasil im I i n ■UMB^jaal In Engldnd we fe known for our steamships. In America they think of our railroad. In Canada it could be our hotels. our
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    • 137 9 I_J^gJjJßW^iP* i.ii«viiiii«Bggi^^^^m I i 1 11 1 p Throw the doors open. Ask them in to see your home. You could do it next week if you paint it this weekend. And it can be fun with the right paint. Check that it's made by people who have the greatest
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  • 8 10 4. |H (IN (.AM mi: and MM
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  • 8 10 DO YOU KM«« MRS MAR> lil.ttlliH Lord
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  • 355 10 The Straits Times Friday, January 5,1968 A Time For Change How has the i ;il>l» i indusii> retponded t<> tin chalMainly it appears to have Ignored n. i.» pcactice U not m comimiit. Productioi to hav> be< n site* ti growet Iresne i" i( l negati ne, tapping and laj
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  • 375 10 KTeemetM sigSMS] reeenUy by Japan. SingajHire ami Thailand prevUhaj (or the setting tap <>f a Bsjncrias eseai ii\ centre In S ngapore trstesag A (>■<! Ism b1 Bangkok. Tins is in fulfilment of decisions taken earlier in Manila by the Bouth-Easl Asian ministerial onfen i amting ter. nations
    375 words
  • 215 10 The results of tht- Lower Certificati of Eduoatiea <xuninatMM in K«-lantaii »n--both ahockawa] and puzzling. Of the VJM pupils wh,, th<- ten last year, only 30 i"-r Nt have paaseela comoared with fi.~> p« r eesri hi IM6. No sclumJ had h paoa rate of even .">o per
    215 words
  • 1702 10 THE CRUCIAL YEAR Will Johnson win backing for a global role for America, or will he suffer the unprecedented humiliation of losing office? This is goJrig to be Lyndon Johnson's year. It is also the year in which Americans will make up their minds what they want to do in
    1,702 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 170 10 nngaßassssssasßSii. 'j—i. mi Classified a^vertiscaests fer Straits Times a Malay Mail (nay be handed to: COLD iTORAGC IUH« MAUKff coie sto*aoi ihanchiv •ok iron no. i QjOf. .^•-nOlVtt. w ISMAIL. HAMIIM. STOKt, V lIINAIAMT L CO, Mtr. SS. MUtARUK ft t*OS. ITB. •.»..A««KM»M ft CO. 17. IMARIKaT K.A. WAMAI. Rtl
      170 words
    • 67 10 The Bank for AllBig and Small AS A ROCK sap* 4*- m tf^V k? -y; rff^ntm^^mmm) OVKRSEA-CHINESR BANKING CORPN. LTD. rkc STRONGEST and LARGEST BANK in MALAYSIA and SINCAPORI AL PAID UP CAPITAL 30.000.000 00 GENERAL RESERVE AND PROFIT b LOSS BALANCE OVER 40 000.000 00 TOTAL OVER S
      67 words
    • 135 10 tsZ E£ bz. E2. B£ En 23 Sil p lL _a^S. afflftjggggf, [the perfect gift I >KrV: An expen- ,^gl^r*^^E^aaßßßna\ «ive handmade It»* OUTSTANDING MATURE MELLOW m CAMUS cognac the only GRAND VS.O.E MeAl ISTI R I I O.LTD. COMMERCIAL TECHNICAL INSTITUTE 47 49 U'ptUirM Road It, P. lasm, Whilr
      135 words

  • 309 11  -  GILBERT WOODEN: By Seremban. Thursday THK wadding was over, the guests were gone; the wedding presents remained but for barely eight days before thieves mar-Aly-marricd couple's happin< The couple, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Menc/.es. who were married Dec. -ih had most of then 350 wrdding
    309 words
  • 258 11  - ONE RED KILLED, THREE HELD IN SARAWAK PREM KUMAR From Xl < HING lliurs A nninmnist was killed mm lursdav and three then including a miii m i ipturcd m hen a conipany of the Pi'llie I ii-ld I in ii- *i umliled on i Mnmanist hideout in i r
    258 words
  • 30 11 A LUMPUR, lliurs 4J Sent 1 i in the maßiMra'.e rou > .th rHp'.ni: n ••fp.^grri IV- 2« He. pleaded .<! '<h mi rnc-tponefi to n«-\' ThursfU;.
    30 words
  • 50 11 him mi ions rfcmr* >i :> mUUm hi««k «f 111 "'I- is t" be t>uili hv thr Hrunri (.«\ernmrnl at I intlm Hill, Singapore, fo r Rrunri itadeßta ■UMiytni there, i (iovemmeol v|i'> aanoanred here i»iaj ll< Itriini-i -.iudrnls there wtf n»H staying in I i fiitcd
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  • 118 11 I*l ALA I.IMPIR, Thurs. Racehorse trainer .Alan Meddle and his wife were attacked by two rot)bers. armed w'th a p.iri;u .md .1 knife, in their haau in ircular Road at 3. 50 am today Maior lirdd.e m stabbed th cc times in the chest whil>' hla
    118 words
  • 318 11 Sentimental tour by Brunei revolt hostage SINGAPORE. Thursday. CEIZED as a hostage during the Brune. revolt, 13 Mr. Richard Morris has made a "sentimental journey" to Singapore from his home in New South Wales to visit the Royal Marines, who rescued him within hours of his threatened execution hv the
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  • 260 11 A 1,000 START FOR THE ROSE MINIE FUND... SINGAPORE, Thurs. —A group of business executives nave promised to donate an initial sum of $1,000 to start a fund to commemorate the death of social worker. Mrs. Ko.>e Mime, who was killed In a road accident on Christmas Day. Thf spokesman
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  • 34 11 An- pfn the nr.\. S-00 COO prem..-rs -he Chee W Khor Moral I rirty at Kampona Paya. Butter- xti. t<-imorro« -i in 19*0 tc .«ocirty has .i member&iup ol ibom I 000.
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  • 108 11 ITUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Four men, armed with a pistol, today robbed a broker of $5,000 in Sha here. Thai Yrw. 43, ihe r> m. spotted men who .signalled him When he retu^Pd to ■>1 the thugs drew a pl.-toi and nred at him.
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  • 23 11 :o Thun. Inch* >rat in i la-^t merit sed down by n when the accident occurred in Jaian Semin-
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 239 11 ON YOUR TV AND RADIO TODAY TV MALAYSIA CHANNEL I Ku.«la Lumpur News Outlines In the National .md I'injn: h lp<>h .inrt Mil 1 anifU.iL-r S .>5 NHtionnl Jchorc Bahni; I Tupins; Hitu r.«h.«t; 9 6.10 Daktarl riw Return "f n Eni:- 3.00 M Indian Music 800 News in
      239 words
    • 269 11 RADIO SINGAPURA SHORT WAVK SI KVU t ln(j: 200 Doctors Husband; HO and 25 metres Oreaf Therru-> in Music MtlHI M XVI SIHMO 8.15 Ddittng and Dreaming; 330 and m metre* 400 Jazz. 430 Dee Jai JJi- m.: 6on pr< s Summajy: d^y; s.oo Marie Proa i\--601 MorninK Prelude; 7no
      269 words

  • 199 12 Shell name first local director DR Ru-Mard T. T. Hu 'abovt recently appointed marketing mana-«-r ul Shell ha.s been nominated. It is now further announced to the boards of Shell Malaysia Ltd. and the Shell Marketing Company ol Borneo Ltd. with effect ;ii January 1. Cliairman Mr J .1 uer■tt
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  • 33 12 Visitors from Japanese corporation uuru Radio CorporaMon. Japan Mr M Nadaiome. imanagei !<.: pic:i trade i a:id Mi Nihel .Hiiiin:.: •it Bin- N';i(i«tiiir.e »i>d Ml layata Ingaporc, Mall K^i.k: ma i ndlttora NADATOME NIHFi
    33 words
  • 119 12 SINGAPORE an important area lor salr-, and didtnbutli ol Italian 1 In- was Mated by Mr Gu:do Muraglla. who has •pd factor] lor thr Far Bast I istralla and Ocrania tnr Piageio <v Co., Oenora. thp manufacturers of Vespa M Mi M TV -A 111
    119 words
  • 61 12 1 liret bi ci with ve:\i<( uetween them, wfre |imti vi bonout at dinner held in Penaoi lut Mr Chee Kh .n:i Honj rctiruiK U chief clerk aitrr 4" ym vice, Mr Tan Mah Keat company sfi-retary who has served 39 years and Inche A 717 Rahman, watchman
    61 words
  • 298 12  -  CMAN BONG SOO By DEVALUATION HITS SPORE MERCHANTS IN FAVOUR OF HONG KONG TRADERS THK Singapore Rattan and Cane Merchant Manufacturers and Exporters Associate lus reported llwit its 17 members are involve in an estimated loss of $1 million because i the devaluation of sterling. If the
    298 words
  • 202 12 /)M. ul .Singapore s firM uprrtacle and sunxlaM manufacturers. Signrt a ha\e linalisrd thrir rxpanxinn plans The company whuh started about 2'. t years ago and h.i» hren prnducinK <pecUrl<- frame*. MMgIMMi and l'\( leathrr speclaclr MMi frnm a irmpn 1 rary factory in (•rtlang. ha* recently
    202 words
  • 75 12 Jap*. (Ed nei vehicle production by 4n per cenl this year and Is now the worlri second biggest pro the United .States marketti lurvej orgaiuMtlon In fans 'I he Mathematiq'.r BEMA in 111 veai-e::rt WUnU tq Incrcaslni "f road vehicle* to 3 ■.ipan hHd iiver-•;i»c-t. Weal
    75 words
  • 136 12 Company appoint new vice president VfR Ed»«rd P Carpenter has been promoted to v|c»pre.siden' •>! IVrg-Warnei Ir.'erna>rp< ration in charge of the BW] Y.'k division. »hirh rr.arket.s ait ronditiomng and refrigeration Hfl He former »a> «aies maiiaicr of -hr aw In his n*'* p<*ition Mr Car|>enter is tlao in rhargc
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  • 149 12 Suzuki's new cycles arrive BHIPMEN v n»w kind cycle arrived on DecemberMlnsmeapori Harrx ur Knovin a* the A7O this new Su7Ultl machine available throughout Singa:v>re »nd Maiavsm early this month .nner ol two ft her new j liediiled i'>r 19(i8 introduction Model A7O j i»htwetgbi claimed uariy j ihH
    149 words
  • 182 12 I has been announced by I the manager of The Hongkong and Shanghai Ranking Corporation. Kuala Lumpur that three members «.f the clerical staff Inche Mohd Kassim bin Mohd. Sir. Inche Abdullah Shairi bin Abdul Rashid. and Inche Abdul (ihaffar bin Abdul Majid. will be transferred
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  • 273 12 P O FORM NEW SUBSIDIARY P| o haa tormed a subsidiary company to ship managers for uttrallan Service <>f Overseas C intainers Ltd it was announced <»ti December 29 The new company will be call- j ed Container Fleets Ltd and will be responsible for the manning, maintenance and Internal
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  • 87 12 The general manager of Scandina\ian Airlines for Singapore. Malaysia and Brunei. Mr John E O Hover, announced that SAS has placed an order for two Boeing T475, for delivery in 1971 The total cost including spare parts and ground equipment amnunti to million This is
    87 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 243 12 A LITTLE TIME TO SFftRE? Time enough to cut your grass with the ggigi It his iord^hipcal'* mother ren I I'll gj mad! D«c B. he realise how P*H BBBBni mute; 1 in«;,r. xh B^^SbQBBhT Th 26" HaytermouvT is the J word in fas: a -^i- T iJKj^^k weather
      243 words
    • 249 12 VvikcJk biscuits rslß^Baa^aa\ t gar roatfd f bUCoi! I .3t'JU>^tß ■*i***¥ai^r»sa[^B l »^o 'V i «^»i^ a* VenhaM sultana K9 ■•■NA saaaaaai Bte bit by bit. Taste the crispy goo6 r < know why the I r VerkarJe. C^c; itromi M.LMI ASIA TRAOINC CO UD woaw THE FIRST OF ITS
      249 words
    • 12 12 Worried? BRIGHTEN YOUR MOOD INSTANTLY 1 j Get Pro-Plus Tablets toddy. I
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  • 253 13 SINGAPORE. Thurs.— k:j Remcmter Marie Price? Perhaps some people in Singapore and Malaysia do. -.lar.e a.seu tt. arnund. s;ng and play with other children In e> r»tween 190 l and 1957. a ho may have known her then, would like
    253 words
  • 27 13 PBNANU, i h.<»--*n A;tl«i Pcnaaf yon*, pnkidtnl, ha* bren e.ecl»d fna,rm<n .>f :h" H- <• C. Ismail who ha* b^rn ffliirman 'of the past three I
    27 words
  • 119 13 Hole in the heart boy flies off to Perth Cl\(.\r<>lU Ihurv a Vokr Prn«. the Hi year-old Johore B.ihrii <-< hoolbo> with a holr in liin heart, flew to Au-tri li.i today fur an <ioci.i--t ion. the son of a pork M*ller. will he operated on liv iloi
    119 words
  • 85 13 yNUAPOKb. 1:. The Police Sc Poo sfee, 11. L: now doing a two-month course at the Ministry of t'oreijjn Aliair.s before ;i possible postiHK overseas Mr. Loke holds a Master* Degree in Arts from Sydney University, where he studied for four years i Colombo
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  • 161 13 THIO: WORKERS ARE WORRIED OVER BILL SINGAPORE. Thursday. 'J'HE Alliance Party Singapura today came out in opposition to the Redundancy Payments Fund Bill which was introduced in Parliament last month. Th<> party's chairman. Dr Thlo Chan Bee. said In ■i Btatenen' that the Bill TOa "causiiiK grave enncern and much
    161 words
  • 304 13  -  PHILIP KHOO: By Singapore, Thurt. CLOWLY. a piece at a time, a passenger took off all his clothes on board a Ma-laysia-Singapore Airlines Comet on a flight from Bangkok to Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday. The man. aged about .'SO. was believed to
    304 words
  • 128 13 Another $130 for orphans SklNGAF'oi.i KJ Latest donattonj to the Clip s.t; Harun binte Ibrahiin '•rp.'.. i.s fund, received by t>i, limes, amoun: t<. <?13(). brinsinK the total to $220 rrcf far Clip Sit: of Kuala Lumpur dird last November, a after her husband. leaving six orphi Donat m
    128 words
  • 37 13 KANCiVH I Inn. Indie Shahlml bin Hun Sh«ffie a —lltinl with Radio Malaysia, will ira\r for Brumn »*k-en<l to study plecri'«l NißlneerlnK at rha Plymouth Collie »f Technology on a MARA scholarship
    37 words
  • 30 13 KANCiAK TOUT! Another M -m uit edurntixii cteaaw will be op«iipd in Peril* S^latan (hit month, bringing thf total n <imber to 90 with rnr>ilment nf 1.800 siuri^nf.
    30 words
  • 55 13 SIM.APOKK Thiirv Primes,, Sorva Renxi. dauchtrr of the Cambodian Head of State. Prince Norodom Sihanouk, and her younger brother. Prince RenM. flew home today after a short holiday here They flew in on New Years Day and upent innr lime mc»t|> sichl srem- .md shopping Final decisions
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 54 13 To all boiler users do you appreciate the advantage of higher boiler efficiency and increased latent heat in lower pressure steams? FOR ALL STEAM BOILER PROBLEMS CONSULT: Me ALISTER COMPANY, LTD. [Quite frankly we'll offer a solution for any problem] Me ALISTER COMPANY, LTD. KUALA LUMPUR ***** 9 IPOH 5364
      54 words
    • 134 13 I -i m.l» A m 9 mm m ______M_^*^^^^ <f COMPOUMSw*/ o °°o pp_M IS 11 A: 3 I V V COMPOUND 1O 16 9 2 1 Made in Malaysia for Malaysian Soils CCM is pleased lo to its range of COCK S HEAD NO' f~*~^^. I _^T~T_I lity concentrated
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
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  • 567 14  -  SEAGHAM MAYNES By LONDON, Thursday ('OMMONWKALTH Secretary George Thomson leaves tomorrow for talks with Far Eastern allies on the strategic. economic and security implications of any accelerated British military withdrawal from East of Suez bases. He 11 us first to Kuala
    Reuter  -  567 words
  • 75 14 Father and son die on same day ||ihir MEETAJAM. IMn A lalher and sun (lied uithin three hours «f each nl her— one from a heart attack and the other from in nines suffered in a road cr.ish .Mr. S !K. was on his uay to see Ins sick
    75 words
  • 61 14 SINGAPORE Than. The chairman of Taipch .x Youth Service Club Mr. T.C. Lu. irJt lor Australia vev'erdav after spending more lhan a w.-eic xtudvinK the youth movement here. He It currently on a Ktudy tour "f Asian countries, AuMralu and Nen Zealand :o'ftnfi out for himself
    61 words
  • 240 14 WIFE DESERTED BY HUSBAND WINS DIVORCE penang. Thursday. MOTHER of two Children, Cheah Gaik whose husband drsorted her on \i v. Y< Day seven years ago. was today granted a di\< from Tay Boon Eng. a former car salesman now unemployed. Cheah. a daughter of Senator Cheah Seng Khim. was
    240 words
  • 335 14 ('AN'BERRA, Tbun u.ili.i has tuiliiir the capattttj nor the will to undertake ISrii.un s role in MMK.i|><>re and Malay* -i. i alter If iit.i i it withirawa her fatwa, Urn amkerra Tlmna said in an editorial t<><la\. The editorial \vas c«minriitini; mi
    Reuter  -  335 words
  • 7 14 r padl a
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 226 14 ifaW dBW There's more to a Luxaflex Awning than meets the eye m if like the 365 days a year benefits of sun control and weather protection if like the infinite care and precision with which it was built if like the light, strong, corrosion -free aluminium beneath its sparkling
      226 words
    • 34 14 fIX Ronson lighter (Normally $13.80) Yours for only $7.95 if you buy two quart bottles of Beehive Brandy See your liquor dealer for details. ■881 W v I BEEHIVE BRANDY Produced bottled in France
      34 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 251 14 Straits Times Crossword 0 nrtn i <RO SS K Aid ;o rlmrfr writing ■«-»> h NCO chai let JtM of mlk .Hi. 7 OTC \f nev*r a trouble to th» 9. Writer k hack, w hrn i«) pr ev>. us a soldier might be 11 Ape new Indian fashion 'fit
      251 words

  • 5 15
    5 words
  • 31 15 DESIGNER'S COMMENTS ON WORLDS WORST DRESSED WOMEN M YWOOD Tliura. of what E Lizalook small bo>uuder LCtl lasued Ml I LU Taylor fhe boy b j ndcr a n blanl ■1
    31 words
  • 6 15 H I
    6 words
  • 42 15 TK)KYO, Thu iiirh c\iindncal Sana] Building stands, la the highest priced In Japan according o a report from the Tax Administration Agency. A no sq. ft. lot beside It costs about $9,000 -or $300 a square foot U.P.I.
    UPI  -  42 words
  • 99 15 1 ,000 aircraft workers to lose their jobs I ONOON. Ihurv— Mmhil l 1 iHMI :iinraft workrr> Mill lose their j^>b^ b^».iu>e of thi- d<Mf rnmrnt '■> defence <uts :ind itv M arm>-for-South -Afrira p<>lic> llauker M(l(ielr\ Ivla tion >es»terda> annnuni-rd a iO per rent rrdurtion in the S.OOO labour
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 304 15 After 118 years, a challenge to TREND-SETTERS OUST RETIRED GENERALS LONDON'. Thurs. '•Who's Who. the established biographical reference work on leading Britons, fact I a challenge to its idea* about who really matter! from a book called 'Who Really Is Who." The new work is planned by publisher Anthony Blond,
    Reuter  -  304 words
  • 71 15 \AIROBI. Thur- Mr 11 S. Koulak. rf>pondent of the Soviet news agency Tas.-. warirrested in western Kenya today wbik cover, tour of the area by K ayz't Vice-Presldent Da- tiUl 'II pern.. iident.s mii the caottnl. Mr. K' -i'm\ »a.s reported to have
    71 words
  • 172 15 BELGRADE. Thurs I>RESIDKNT HtO of Yugoslavia is convening a meeting ol progressi vt forces In Belgrade In midJanuary to discuss the titbit against imperialism. Ob^rver the PreNident decision vealed n thi rti isNue ot the Yui' Communist weekly Kommunlst, as an appirent chalipnge to Soviet docKommunlsi
    172 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 215 15 r^^^^^^T^^^^^^^^^^^^B^ka^B^B^Bßlßlß.--B^^ f«r M*ll wl Qifl/- This exciting book by Lim Bian Yam. a talented and dis- n irrangemenl by L 3«an Yam ol tinjuished Malayan flower arranger deals exclusively with i«cus bio i stump. local tropical piant materials and will be recognised as a major contribution to the interpretive literature
      215 words
    • 182 15 SIEMENS <i(£ttk AUTOMATIC mjb TELEPHONE 4% SWITCHBOARD A S •mcrw *AlXi a* !»>• product o» dacadet o 1 tig '^^B^aBBBBBBai ripcxnca Ih«,( majof l^aallll i- i-'eC tr» aM ol <*,«!■•> cerxpo»*nM lh«< h«M W/L -r »<t stood lh« a million tuw o»a> w j^*2 II J Hp) P4BX* and
      182 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 546 16 1 nntinuril fii.m race |n> ACKNOWLEDGMENTS M Wmrd tli (Mnumumi UNIVERSAL CARS LIM4TED tn.nk al n|.|i.Mt,'- tor th. I >epartm«ot rlrrk and advise that the) position has bow been filled. PAMILV OF THE Ms Miss Chan K»»i Ying thank all friend.- and reiatn»« fo- tru-ir k:nd itfisun.. Jona•100*. visitr wreaths
      546 words
    • 831 16 SITUATIONS VACANT M aTasaSj B] Mim.i Hux ill rim. txlrm APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED Horn Malaysian Clttxeni mi ap|iointment as School rl.rk at KoW] Tunku Kur.«hiah. «in7.SO x 7 .mj lis Ml l-.m. in y Bar »H»«/- a Kxam Bar tM) x M 316. KH x 14 iJV. plus coat of
      831 words
    • 788 16 HOUSES AND LAND FOR SAL. ii Wmtttt Bl rMka Hux it rim aaasa TEN ACRES LAND, Batu Caves Koad frontat:.' I- or housing, industry. Writ. ll«. i:ir, n i:.iad. Seremnan CORNER TERRACE I.UM sg. ft. «>rwiii laarßßß Estate BBkaBB o.n o Box MTM .-.1 Xingnpore jiiiu 1 STOREY TERRACE HOUSE
      788 words
    • 879 16 EDUCATION IS Hard* <f (Miit.)— Box i» rt*. extra SECRETARIAL COURSE FOB r.iRLS Six Montns Rapid Course: MaraJßt Aitfrnoon I Kvenlng I'i.parin* lor LC*' Pitman Kxamin)*Quaranteed Kaja s 1 ..i.«- |Mir. IMI ACADEMY conduels Speeialueo Private tuition All Sußiects All Standards a.m. to p.m. AHHLY 10. 'HE PRINCIPAL
      879 words
    • 955 16 PEST CONTROL I TEST CONTROL CALL IN THI EXPERTS RENTOKIL MALAYSIA LTO. I'.irt ol the RENTOKIL CROUP rurrinn«t prsl consultants in the world TEL: SINGAPORE *4t305 S K. LUMPUR *****. BRANCHKS IHKuL'GHOI 1 MALAYSIA. PETS FOR SALE li Word* Bj (Mim.t— Box i» cl*. uetn IMPORTED BEAGLES. Breedins Lunnhaired hshund.
      955 words
    • 662 16 MISCELLANEOUS sj aTaaat M Ban < Baa an saasa I.INEHAL SPRAT PAINTING r» noii«' '."U. MAKE NEW FRIENDS n Iraoal, cii Hoi 188, >.i (aw 1 1 A I YOUK SEKVItE /> Wasak *t 1 Mm. 1 X-, M rls. ixlrm KWOK S PHOTOCOPY SERVICE -J, .tie. Ist rkm 8
      662 words
    • 633 16 |BayjßTMjl^BlßJMß^^fc^^^^^^Mgß^Bjß]B^B^Ba»a»aßßi'^^^^^^^^ PEMBERITAHU TAWARAN I ABA I UK kllllt li Si NX.XI IOIIOIt rawaran dartpada HeinboronKsanu beri;alti<.- dl-Jabatan Km» .1- 1) H.I 1 C. BX 1 B A Hrad ISh 2 keata.s akan di-tenmi di-Pejabat Jurutera Neueri J K R. Johore hlngsa pukol :ii) petang pada 20hb. January, Mi UNTOK: PEMBENAAN
      633 words
    • 422 16 FHt LOI.AL GOVERNMENT IN.tGKA.ION ORDINANCE, 1963. (No IX of 1 96.1) in 1 \i: M ion 1 KM I v| 1 l(.\ WHhK tli 1 v|K\ 1 KOMI .11 lunrluin ol (■< l.i mi; II.IMKI K.i... 1 Ml vwlliln I lie Kepublir of I not benits a public le\elleJ. thainiclled
      422 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1103 17 tj^ KpMbM^M&MMl^UJ^M|^^^^^bta^l| TO LIVERPOOL t WEST COAST UK ANTINOR 1 G i'|o« IM l/ll Jm 1/ I "I** IM 17 Jm 11 G ntOW JM II JM IS JM It It JM 71 'm ji jm 2s im it 7i jm v ItrlsJf.t >m lv n J mVA°n civs »m
      1,103 words
    • 1245 17 mEEj3EnS3SS@f3BES3KI THEILrXjUNES mtti lil ir EXPRESS tAIUNGS TO 6ENOH NOHTH CONTINEHT SC*NDIN>VI> P Sn<vn Psra^g PJa- Hb'j f r h-f.. ■:j»n tti ti tBMKMLA a Sliltl Sailtl la Pt I iai PM 7 Ftt 11 Ftt 1] FM 17 Fit II SIRCIIHI ii ill tim ita '7 'I lit <t<
      1,245 words
    • 971 17 I Benuline MPPESb btR.ICI 10 LONDON tI.tPPQOL CONTINtMIL PQRIb BENATTOW H* 2 F.I I lan 711 In Pt lai t M«l i BENNEVIS Fri 7t 31 Jap t Jan 7 I Ml i| 11 I IENALIANACN m J tENRINNES up 'k II un 19 73 Jip 74 74 INLOMONI iar
      971 words
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  • 215 18 MELBOURNE. Thurs. |)I.KO-Wallftrnd and Mount highlighted today's otherwise mostly narrow and quiet market. Mount Morgan, under recent taket.ver bid from Peko gained $1.00 to $7.50 and Peko. following a report of hlßh gold content In reserves on Its Juno ore body, trained •>0 rents to $6.98 Peko options
    215 words
  • 243 18 lAWKI fir*t xradr rubber fn li him iv i Ifvul at 5 p.m. in Kuala I.umpur and Sint;aporr M~.lrrrlav at 49 t crnts prr lb. rli.a n half a rent on thr Drrrmrx-r riming Irvrl. Thr imir was Idlr. R..VS. and Mill closing prim > in i mv
    243 words
  • 79 18 ;I II i' 1 1 II Iflll I I'd itiiDounce that Mr R T. R FlPtcher igned from :li<- Board mlXh effect f i cm December 11, on retireM ;uid Mr L R Patterson haa been app Uir company with rfirtt tram Januarj l I ho board ii>!ituipd as
    79 words
  • 26 18 Jan. 4 ItIBBIK TKICt: 49J CCBtl (down half a itnt i UN PRICE: S.Vi.'t (down 51. 75). Estimated offering Jlo tons (doun '^0 tons).
    26 words
  • 94 18 THE Allocution ol BrfnUt in M»Uytil made .hfsc theie ihanun io K» rntr* to MNhMBi veitrrdav oil r»lei United HMHI alrmati on U i"' d »t 3:i» iredi! will. 33 II I K trad» MMa MMMai B«r*m n n i«- ma i ui> i.. 11/ l*. <* M
    94 words
  • 65 18 -HINESE PiodiiCf S«ch«n«t, *inu»- pn,< noon prictt Mr picul ttrdiy. coconut til: nulk *^'-'J «eneri .t <utt: Copra. Mixn) HO") iuo»e J»D t- tp IK Cool <^j su.i^k black ***** Milan Lanipoof. Mi'k lltO M.Ai ASIA JIJO ».ller> (IOU'V NLW I t incaport coconut OH MHUrf Al location
    65 words
  • 805 18 From Our Market Correspondent rl Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore yesterday in the first day of trading in 196K was steady, but not \ery active except in a few individual counteK. CC.M had a turnover of '.'03.000 units and moved up from $1.54
    805 words
  • 26 18 Stock Iniln rv li. !l i.m. t liußMlilali. 1 S3 Properties: 1».5t 149 M Mlntnct: Kub'urs: ln.'.t.ii lu.'.hO l>.i IMSsIM Dec. ;;n. IMCaKIM.
    26 words
  • 313 18 IMIK Straits tin price was ;i t; a i n easier in Pcn.iiu yesterday falling furihn51.7.") to S.)ti per picul on an offeriaj ratimated down .'t» tuns to tit Imm 'Die decline ua.s mm h los strep Chun that uf V; \l a
    313 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1083 18 Yv**""""'CAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. I*«it«m Australia Singapore Japan Scrviee 1 Taifw Mar.i 4 I Jan 15 ti laa 24 Jan 25 Jan 21 Jaa Tern Mary' 2131 Jan i 7 Ftl IS Ftl li Ftl 21 Fel W«ut Africa /Singapore Japan Service Xtitwd v,. 2 7 JM 1 7 Frl
      1,083 words
    • 987 18 V-^ mmW M MHW7 Wfli M IV ivlvfl 4USIRALIA N(W ZEALAND MMMIM INDIA. PAKISTAN AND FAR [AST SERVICES I*- 'rvmaalle Adrlaila Mellaume Sitnei <•: Madias im Natataliii«a S pore P S ham f pnant Penana b <**■ b Dint i«i U i« n,?. i>. >« in im BULIMBA 7 1
      987 words
    • 347 18 FLOTTA LAURO N^K^Pafc*. AtllTlM lIIECT FISH TRIESTE ITUI V^ dKWWN DOOniNuS "> NMI MONtnONG iAiCOit Inajatj Prnjrj p S "jn Score Manila H'kong Saigon VALPARAISO Sailed 17 Jan II Ja* II Jan 27 Jan W Jai 4 Ftl MEGARA II Jan il Ftl II Fel 12 Fel 21 Ftl 23
      347 words
    • 188 18 u»TfV rROM HOMBAI M V STATI 01 MAMARASHIRA' .jn lan 11, 1* imjv n.iiiia ntHva MMtiur kustralii i" lan 1/ I rNUM ><rak MATi 0' RIHAR MM Va:'»^ 1 Kurpj, Lan t/ll m ipov <i.i«a.v Mr.apaTiiNiM MAt« •aIDPAStoi Nai Maorn iar 4/ I laa I im I FROM BOMBAY M
      188 words

  • 999 19 |>l^l\J»v N 4 M) KirilKlMi TO 111, M\(.\PORE AND KIALA I I Mil R TRADINT, ROOM- (H IHI ST(K K EXCfIANGE WSTERDAY WITH THI M MRI.R OF SHARES TRADED IN BltA( Kr In INDUSTRIALS Ban and Co I .4.U-JO. l«. 000) %X.M Contril ku;..
    999 words
  • 51 19 (~VN Mil Official»n > x trrm M«me» Mitrket for the week ended >aturdav lierember JO the ranfe of tall rite* tv R\NK r I MaW: per rent to t, per rent. <.l SIKAI rOMMI Ii per cent to 5 p*r rent. MOXLMF.NTS of fund* totalled •191
    51 words
  • 31 19 Rofir Knnc yeaterday tfi« 111 Dollar Mi >]uotr<l at 07» for T.T. anil 6 061 lor ea»h. Starllnn »a/« quotx! al 14.48 «nd enc Itai or geld at 2*41.
    31 words
  • 332 19 CHIPS L<.lNli ALONI.SMIt I HI S SINGAPORE HAHBOOR v.HAR\.E» OR CXPCCTEO TODAY ARC *.n 1...1. ...1. R--P-. M. C»r- I rnnhank 18, Rajah Brook* 10, Ranyo •4. T>'ii Tung -v Malayn» 29 SO Brnx'tow II 13, f'»r»>u» 1 M, OMon M ran««hl» 4f» mi. Kuala Lumpur
    332 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
      35 words
    • 1485 19 Mllli^lll llli^MMß i^i^M DN THt MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ORDINANCE. CHAPTER 174 S. P. H. DE SiLVA LIMITED Incorporated In the Republic of >nu ipin (Members' Voluntary inding-ap). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Creditors of the abovenamed Company, which Is being voluntarily wound-up, are required on or before 28th
      1,485 words
    • 733 19 TENDERS HOUSING DEVELOPMENT BOARD Separate tenders are muted for any one or all ol the following (1) Constructior of ROAD. CARPARKS. DRAINS and CULVERTS at Upper Alkinled Road Estate Phase II '2» ERECTION A: COMPLETION of 1 Block of 2-Storey Hawkers Centre 'lfifl Units* I at Tanjong Rhu-Mountbatten Road ISI
      733 words
    • 473 19 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD Applications are united frnrr th« Singapore Citizens for the post or TECHNICIAN (PLASTICSt In the Botrd Qt ALIFH ATION A Technician Diploma I run; Singapore Polytechnic or equivalent with gooti theoretical and practical experience Ii plastics technology and the use. of a wide variety of
      473 words
    • 581 19 ESSO STANDARD MALAYA BERHAD Application? arr iti\it«ci fl "idii- ates for a manasemrr.t po.-i';on in: RETAILING TRAINING Ace: Under 3.V iii7Pii«hi|i vsian. Qualiflratimiv: Univprs:' \Mth rnsiinperinff harkaround Candidate mutt bave mechanical aptitude. Ixperiprne: pxpprionce as training executive. Kesponsihilitiev lining procrams pfrtaininft to retail sales acth. Salary: CoUJMIMUrate With .md exper:
      581 words

    • 824 20  -  NORMAN SIEBEL On to 1968 and Singapore sport looks better geared for progress By 'THERE'S nu better Hiking tv uture oi .spu: Singapore and Malaythan through tlu Its ol the Fourth Qames held ai Han«kok last month The Oamea ihowed Slnitapore to be bi ed for
      824 words
    • 80 20 TIIK M <■ icki c üb, ii™ nn a tour Par 1 .v two in K;.i i i umpur. They will meet :\\r Belangor ClUb I 'mpiu- Hail Siml.iy und Ki..r ClUb (he!(.i champions- piuv in. n. The Selangor Club teaso Jaea>» Btntti
      80 words
    • 28 20 SYDNEY Am .i--woiid bearjrvelKhi champiun, Bonny l utton, 'lip lormer •HI Hgbi Australian Ughthe:i\\wris;lit champior, Bl Dunlop .v the Bydn«) Btadlum ■in Apn: 18 Rcuier.
      28 words
    • 394 20 Build Cup winning team order for Peng Soon BADMINTON PROFESSIONAL bad- minton coach Wong Pens Soon has been told "to produce a team capable of reaching the Thomas Cup challenge round in 1969 and winning tho Cup in 1972." 1 hi' directive came from Inche Cthman Wok, the Minister tor
      394 words
    • 27 20 Ii)NIK)N Thurs. Jnimny Mil defend hia Britisii .i n (i Commonwealth wplterwelghl boxinv titles .mainst Charlen at the Royal Albert Hall here on Frb. 20— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 269 20 RUGGER Forces North will make a strong bid to make their second successive appearIn the Malaya Cup rugby tiiiai when they meet Malaysian Armed Forces in the north zone key match at Butterworth tomorrow North were beaten oy Servicen m 1.i.-t jrear'i lm il
      269 words
    • 362 20  -  TONY FRANCIS SOCCER TOURISTS ARRIVE By ASIAN SOCCer teams arc basically sound In technique— but they are not so fjood in I work. This was the opinion of Udo Latti of the West German amateur football team who Mew into Kuala Lumpur yesterday. Mr.
      362 words
    • 19 20 Bvaßovi i* Bi Anl School 55-31 lti ihr Pn;ik jumi. t basketball final I »t Teluk Aiim)ii.
      19 words
    • 26 20 LONDON rhun R "1 Rutbv I rti yetU Irtal n» Inland 11 Combined Dulvprtities 17 inui Bateh ■Kuper-M ire L'H ah iin vii r.
      26 words
    • 68 20 Malaysia can make grade Naidu HOCKEY INDIAN coach Vcnky Naidu feels strongly that Malaysia can qualify for the Olympic Games hockey competition at Mexico City in October. pre-Olymolc month 16 ympic Hockey dera (1 f 0 I morrow. Problems :i. who roachii squad 'problems" tied out in the i," he
      68 words
    • 12 20 s John ill i>e I I mem.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  12 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 251 20 SINGAPORE FINANCE LTD. (INCORPORATED IN SINGAPORE) PAID-UP CAPITAL $6,000,000.00 SYMBOL OF SECURITY One of fhc lending Public Limited Finance Companies in Singapore BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman: Mr. TAN KONC PIAT Directors: Mr. CAN BOON KOO Deputy Chairman: Mr. NC ENC KIAT Mr N C TEE PENC Vice Cha.rman: DATO TAN
      251 words

  • 216 21 Only six Aussies are competing FAR EAST GOLF CIRCUIT 'REGULAR 9 TED BALL A SURPRISE OMISSION SYDNEY. Thursdsy (JNLY mx Australian professionals will play in thr Malaysian Open (Mar. 7-10, at Kuala Lumpur) and Singapore Open (Feb. 29 to Mar. 3), two of the seven-tournament Far East Golf Circuit this
    216 words
  • 24 21 SYDNEY Trie h hah •t the International chatnpi- The hau I:: !lie Ihe PGA rti»mthe date<^ .scheduled fnr the Dunlon international Rmiit
    24 words
  • 120 21 YORK. Thui i. rr;»n will xing proh with a i trie bill 1 and :>r the world middleand undefeated Frarier and B. t>. m matched for the NewYork vention nf the wnrld Ihe r 15 unced at a nni'a iid be set Orlfnth-Braveouti >' ;M iv
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 461 21 SOCCER PARIS. Thurs. yHE French ftporta newspaper l'Equipe yesterday proposed an 'international court" to try ofTriidinc soccer playen In matches between trains of different countries. The tiow^papor a!*o suggested thr >pttlnß up of a specially trained fll'e pam>l of refers.- to take charge of International matches. L'Erjulpe.
    Reuter  -  461 words
  • 142 21 MLLBOLKNL. linns I ii. ill >lf (.ill mdii lir^l *r\rn mm tn Im'i iimf MM Hr«t prrMin In >«im I > Ilir Ulllrsl *****11 l of IVirl 1M.i1!.,, B«J tirnhrrmis .mil »h.u k inirMrd ..I U Mlllrv Tlir NffM > -i-jii'-vl .ml- lm
    142 words
  • 342 21 CRICKET BRIDGE T O W N Thurs.— The President's XI gave the MCC touring cricket team a gruelling time In the field when they scored 243-4 wickets on the first day of the opening firstclass match of the tour here yesterday. The
    342 words
  • 205 21 Marge battles through to final TENNIS PL'RTH. Thur.v Mar- garet Smith Court, the Wimbledon champion in 196.J and 1965. today battled her way to Hip final of thr Western Australian c h a in pio»>h;jv» hrre. Tn her setond touch threewet match In two lay*, she de- i featerl Rosemmv
    UPI  -  205 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 106 21 WHY BE SKINNY? COME ON AND ENJOY LIFE w I I fl -4, «*"T^^ t W WKB. a sripntifira.iv proCBMWI frirmula Suppr put on extra pounds M firm, hpalthy flesh safely. And Super Watc-On iSHtffl nourishm pa U> C^^^^^^B and in' mIDPI' a delicious strawberry flavour and \4ATr-(l\ I contains
      106 words
    • 210 21 SPORTS PfIOLS (MALfIYSIfIUr.C: Certified Dividends FOR SATURDAY 30th DECEMBER 1967 24 Points $28.974 43 23 Po 1J671 22J Point, 68J5 22 Point, j67 SI niK i ro it Mii ii\> DRAWS (3 pHI No, 1. 10. 15. 16. 18. 19. 20. 26. HOMBS Hi Ptt) Rcmi.ndc, D.v.drnd 24 POINTS $85
      210 words

  • 33 22 JOHN r GOMIZ I »f itobrrt MvMH OEY SIOC TJOAN n Indo. I 1.: >>7 O»y. I l«r». MRS K V. MCNON CoaM Ku.irt v at Munich.' MR J R ZACCHEUX pan.*'
    33 words
  • 4 22 EVEIt LOVING
    4 words
  • 108 22 Bergman' s 'Persona' named as best film >JEW YORK. Tiiurs. The I National Society of Film Critics, composed of critics from national magazines, today named Ingniar Bergmans "Persona" as the best picture of 1967 Other awards announced at an annual' reception ot the society were: Beit actor Rod Steiger in
    108 words
  • 164 22 -SINGAPORE Thurs The National Theatre Club will pre■snt a Harmonica Night by Mr Boon John KwatiE and his Harmonica Orchestra at Its office inside the National Theatre at 8 pm lonionow j emerge with a precise poli- i tical lunctlon. "North Vietnam's chief external propaganda point I has
    164 words
  • 78 22 WHIPPING FOR A ROBBER SINGAPORE. Thurs Two labourers Lim Kwung Mong. 52. and Choong Yun Soon. :r> were today jailed for two years each in a i District Court lor robbing M A Abdul Jabar in a public toilet at Hons Lim. The> pleatieu nu.ity io robbing Jabar of
    78 words
  • 65 22 sinuahjkk. Tbun. Mr. H.S. llioina>. who arrived recenih mini New Zeaiand to become Warden of the Outward bo.iiid School at Pulau Übm. will give a talk on the school I at the Peoples Association Headquarter bl Kallang at 8 p.m. tomorrow. Mr Thomas is serving the
    65 words
  • 144 22 SINGAPORE. Tbun Fl\e people in two cars were injured when the vehicles collided in Nicoll Highway near the bridge shortly alter 9.30 o'clock tonight One of the three men involved was later warded at the General Hospital The other two were women Back today KUALA LUMPUR.
    144 words
  • 184 22 LONDON. Thui Snow- siorm.' Jiui gales hit Scotland and no.-lhern England yesterday, blocking roads and stranding motorists. Snow (ell in at least nine northern English counties UPI decided to no along, too. "They did not l iavo time for breakfa Mr. Hazara Singh. He ha.s live other children, all
    184 words
  • 744 22 Flood waters recede in Johore KOTA TINGGI, Thurs Till. Hood situation continued l<> improve slightly today ns waters in most of the affected ;iiv;is in Johore began receding. More than 5,(100 evacuees are now being cared l<»i by the Welfare Department in various Mood centres, in Kola Tin^gi, Hutu Pahai
    744 words
  • 269 22 LONDON. Tliurs Clomur middle prices ot .-.elected stocks not including stamp duty were: II I 1 I>< I I' Consol IV £35 1 16 1 16 Funding 4' MS 1 War W 149.. +1 16 BANKS Chartered 65 6 HoiiKkoni; £9-» INSIRAM t. Com. L'n 52 .i Prudentials
    269 words
  • 58 22 LONDON. Thurs -Spot 17'-d Feb. 17 \d.. March 17 ,d.. April 17"sd April June 18d., July/Sept. 18',d. Oct. Dec 18' d.. Jan. Mar 18 -d.. April June 18 ,d. July S'pt 18 d Oct Dec. l?d.. Jan. March 13 s d.. April June 19\d c if. Jan 173 Hid.
    58 words
  • 31 22 LONDON. Thurs -Buyers £1333 'imch-id.i sellers E1335 i £!'.i. Forward buyers. ***** lunchgd.i. sellers £1331 mnchgd > Settlement £1330 £B' L -i. Turnover a.m. 510 tnn.v pm. 345 tons. Tone. Steadiei
    31 words
  • 135 22 JAKARTA. Thursday. liWO Indonesian army commandos from the BUlWaHgl Division wore shot dead during a street brawl with a number of Indonesian marines, military sources revealed today. Tne two men were killed alter the marines und the army cummando.s took sides with two civilians
    135 words
  • 280 22 Heart man 'making very good progress' tiAPETOWN. riiurs Heart transplant i>iticnt Dr Philip BlaibfTg is making "verj R*e4 progress." a bulletin from (■mote Siluuii Hospital said this mornirm. i>r Blalacrr. M-year-eM retired deatist, made quirk and stead) mm mri I in the ix hours siace ins operation and atocton
    Reuter  -  280 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 47 22 Late CLASSIFIEDS 20 words $15 (minimum) BMSV I CHIEW K.n» W« LOW LtE v Mr A- Ah CHAN TUNC: Mr. Kathr ANC CORBETT KOH ANC CNG LIANC **A\j»^^ T?< > VQaL^AbaK i Bbmt saaSc** ii g\\>Oirlr|\\\ 1 ga^gHgaßßiglaAttL'*' <l. m&&!^EP^^^^~^^ 7^. a.T*^a^o nWf'' w Jji^la^gssi aWWWWyfff^fW^ai I nil
      47 words
    • 197 22 K^pjpaassaisUss^ L 3 vJt 'aHNnk Lr'''*V Insure your success with STAMFORD COLLEGE 1 1 HOME-STUDY COURSES H H incorporating the latest H DIAGNOSTIC METHOD OF TEACHING H OBJECTIVE TESTING If STAMFORD COLLEGE Xi-:'i The largest Correspondence College Malaysia Singapore Region P5 commended as a model by Colombo Plan experts offers
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous