The Straits Times, 18 December 1967

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 29 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150,000 The Straits Times TIIK Niitinmil Estd. 1845 MONDAY, DECEMBER 18. 1967 15 CENTS or (MM eurrtn.,) is cum (Old currency) KDN. 2578:2590 M.C.(P)22«6
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  • 64 1 Bridge crash horror r FHE 1,750 ft suspension bridge over the Ohio river at Point Pleasant, West Virginia, collapsed under rush hour traffic on Saturday, sweeping an estimated 100 people to their death. At left is an aerial view showing a railway bridge near the collapsed bridge. At ri^ht. a
    UPI  -  64 words
  • 833 1  - Holt dies while skindiving L.C. HOFFMAN, Jr. From FAILED TO SURFACE AFTER A DIVE NEAR HOLIDA V HOME. MELBOURNE, Sun THE Prime Minister of Australia, Mr. Harold Holt, disappeared when he dived into the surf ror a swim in the sea near his Portsea holiday home, 50 miles from Melbourne
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  • 4 1 Burnt-out wreck of Beverley
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  • 162 1 CINGAPORF, Sun. -Two k jungle rescue teams from RAF Changi and the Royal Navy in Sembawang were this morning; air-dropped into the Johore jungle near Mersinj; where an RAF Bovrrley aircraft crashed on Friday. The rescue operation was mounted shortly after an RAF Twin
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  • 314 1 ROME, Sun. Kin<: Constantine r e mained silent on his future plans here today but observers believed he had sent the Athens military junta terms for his return to Greece or abdication in favour of a relative or regent. The Greek Orthodox Primate. Archbishop
    Reuter  -  314 words
  • 49 1 contonou (Dahomey i, Sun. Young officers of the Dahomey Army have overthrown the government of President Cristophe Soglo. Cotonou radio announced today. The announcement, read by a Major Kouandete. said the younu olTi(ii.s were sci/inu power because the Soglo regime had shirked its responsibilities. Renter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 340 1 Razak to discuss key issues lANILA. Su n. ATI Malaysia and the Philippines agreed today to thrash out some key problem! afTectiii" their relations and paved the way for an exchange of services in the field of agriculture and production. The official spokesman for the Foreign Oflici i 1 this
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  • 24 1 STOP PRESS `PLANES SHOT DOWN' CLAIM RONG KONG, Sun. Nine Xmrriran plants •hot .loHti over North Vietnam tor! it Radio Hanoi rrportrd Reutr r.
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 31 1 sOtf DISTRIBUTORS JEWELLERS 4". M. o s, Swgoeo** 6. S'o'ioo P<i. 'poiv Co.. iP.H d» S.'»o (M.K.I Ud.. Mo«» Kong. MORE POWER... PASSING POWER... WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST M©bil Premium
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    • 46 1 PATEK PHILIPPE GENEVE THOSI WHO INSIST ON •^T^~" <^k PRECISION... -y THE ULTIMATE f >^ &B High Cln«« J«wo*ers %^l Uft/ a GAY, FESTIVE PACK I you give them Tiqe YOU d r I tithe I Bi. Chr.itm.i'. gilt-wrapped T. I today. DISTRIBUTED BY FRASER NEAVE
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    • 149 2 ALGIERS. Sun. An armed rebellion led by former Army Chief of Staff. Col. Tahar Zbiri. has enilrd and the laM rebel troops have Mirrrndernl. it Waj ofliiially announced last night The troops had returned to their barracks, a <oniniiini(|in> by ui<--I'rin- .Mmislrr's ollire slatr.l
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    • 475 2 NEW YORK. Sunday BRITAIN would greatly increase her world inHurnce and boost her economy by withdrawing from tho Far East, asserting her independence of the United States and concentrating her efforts on leadership in Europe, according to a member of the U.S. State Department's Policy
      Reuter  -  475 words
    • 155 2 The lone voyager catches them all napping MELBOURNE. Sun. Lmip British yachtsman Alex Rose threw welcoming preparation into confusion today when he arrived in Melbourne's Port Phillip B;iv hours ahead of schedule at the end of a 14.500-mile voyage from England. Ihr .15-vras-dlcl enxTr s^ilrd his 30-fnnl ynchl I.:vrv .iriy
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    • 35 2 HONG KONG. Sun Ihr wife nf nnp of Ihe colony .s most pmminpnt Chinese bltf iie^mm. Sir CMaii. died herr thus nvirnin". 1 ;,rly rhau i died Rt Quivn Mar; Hi)-;ntal
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    • 141 2 If Peking can break or bend India lITASHINGTON, Sun. if China wants India and all of Asia to be under its influence and control. I>r. P. K. Banerjee. .Minister at the Indian hmhassy. charged tod;iy. Appearing <>n a Georgetown I nivcrsily television discussion pruer.imme. Dr. Banerjeo said India un> the
      Reuter  -  141 words
    • 160 2 Love song session ends in chaos at varsity <JAIGON. Sun A folk concert on the themp oj" "Love and the Nation" became a chair-s winging brawl alter a student was shot in the stomach at Saigon University's Faculty of Letters last night. A faculty ■pokeUMW >aid trouble started wiim :m
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    • 39 2 811 < )XI 'M The DUilft-ndrllrri bod? "f 65--vpai-<iif! H.«.i Bennett. .> Dig limr KHmli:' ;nrl in fr^ir nf hit luxury tpartmail hrrp ye (erdaj H irh his front rlnnr vihen hr i right 32-caiihrr bullet*. Renter.
      Reuter  -  39 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 116 2 rnalaysia's gift to thenvorld SELANGOR PEWTER "HI J Products of Excpsite Elegance, Superb Craft snianship and Matchless Beauty from Malaysia, for your home or to delight your friends. Sold at controlled prices. Look for the pewtermakernt the anvil -our trademark of quality. Available in Sini|apuie from: ORIENT CRAFTS. IUB Ofduid
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    • 8 2 15 1 Ml 8 Cfe I MI i
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 27 2 I/4B (3AMBOLS -^^i^^fe^^ C- £>. />/?.. ae... no -^N MX GAMBOL ?J SUB« NOT AT J 1, vZ- HOMe^^ (W, WUAT 4 GOOD job} i«UE DOESWT KNOW »£J J
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  • 110 3 JAKARTA, Sun. Gen. Suharto has guaranteed the religious freedom of Chinese in Indonesia but ordered them to confine their worship to the family circle. In a decree published here today the acting President said religion and customs centred on mainland Chinese traditions should ho
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  • 48 3 JAKARIA. Sun Military authorities 1 In Jogjakarta wer« detained .sr\oidenta (or distributing •md pro-Cor-n• ure. tudent newspaper Kami said tbi .students distributed bul ntaining Dr. Amulet* or the Revolution and tlw Comniunist-in^pired M;irhaeolsm (Dr. Soekarno'a term for Indot>e»uin imdetariat) to new students, i I'l
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  • 280 3 PHILBY BID TO FREE RED SPIES I ON DON Sun. Double agMH Kirn Philbj olleied not to publish a book exposing Western set ret operations n Kril.iin exch.iiiKcd two Soviet spies, the Sunday limes claimed today. The newspaper said Philbj told one of its reporters lie wanted spies Peter
    Reuter  -  280 words
  • 102 3 Why Virna loves the c-c-cold Vhl has be< n described as the must exciting Italian export since the motor scooter. Actress ii ii.i Lisi. that iv Virna. 29. flew into chilly London from sunny Sicily last week to finish work on her latest film. With her rame six fur coats.
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  • 248 3 A survey finds Britain rich and young I ONDON. Sun.— A pic- ture of Britain as a youthful, well-off nation with car seats for almost everyone has been Riven in a Government report. It showed that about half the households had cars and lived in homes they owned themselves and
    Reuter  -  248 words
  • 28 3 NEW DELHI. Sun T«o magistrates and their lar?e parly of eucn'.s were mnong tickrt dixicrrs caught recently by rail oflicirtl.v an ofiicial Press release reported here.
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  • 255 3 ■^ORTIi Vietnamese soJ wounded 52 America day battle on the centra miles northwest of Saigon. A U.S. m nia.> oKes man here .sad some 104 North Vietnamese had be?n killed when the fighting stopped at noon yesterday The spokesman said the battle started as elements
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  • 26 3 BANGKOK Sun —The thai j ConKtl'U**!) AsMrnhlv lias Mi- (rota tbc ration's draft constitution the provision ruaranteelne freedom of the Presa. lUuter.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 153 3 A^ the best W world aw a!sP^^^ v* WP be rti •O- I aW<:»' inßlß>SEißi ■■sste^'^^^^^^wNsS Bsav^sV*asl m a^ ng I^™ Wv^nM M^^^^jSfoSf aSissQ It's true! No other car in the UOO category can match the RENAULT 1O Just see what you get:- Over 40 miles to the gallon Fantastic
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    • 292 3 Til L^rJrT^ r i TaW^Lsi avL BSSsI O/0100 WITH UNBELIEVABLE S g FANTASTIC BARGAINS! k i DISCOUNTS ON EVERYTHING YOU BUY!! ?V LADlti' Sportsweor, Sleeks, Skirts, Short?, Stockings. jjT *M Evening Blouses, Brassieres, Ponrics, Pyjamas, Dusters, Nighties, Flannel Pyjamas Swimwiar. >^ MEN'S Shirts, Sportshirts, Underwear, Socks, Ties, ftj Jf Swimwcai,
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  • 63 4 SINGAPORE, bun. Mr. N. N. Leicester has been elected president ol the Singapore Family Benefit Society. Other ofOetUi included Mr. Lee Boon Chye i ice-preMdent Mr. Neo Cheng Sum i»ecretary>. Mr. Lee Soo Chuan (treasurer), and Messrs. Lim Keng Teclc. P. M. Pillai. Cheong Yew Hock. Tan Khoon
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  • 464 4 SINGAPORE, Sun. TIIK Prime Minister. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, today spoke of Singapore's search for more new leaders with talent. He said that while the present leadership must improve itself in quality, it must also undertake to train future leaders to take over
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  • 132 4 SINGAPORE. Sun. The Postmaster-General. Singapore, announced that there will be no delivery of corrrspondence or parcels on Christmas Day. The hours of bUMiies.s at the General Post Ofiue will be from 9 a.m. to noon. All other pot,t offices will be open from 9 am
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  • 496 4 TH E century old Thong Chai Medical Institution the oldest charitable organisation in Singapore is to build a $!2 million headquarters in Chin Swee Road as part of its medical expansion for the people. The 10-storey structure will go up in the area where
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  • 112 4 SINGAPORE. Sun. The MP for Telok Blangah. Mr. Bernard Rodrlgues, tonight urged more women to step forward to serve the community through community centres. He said i»t the moment it appeared that women have avoided getting themselves involwa. He added: "It Is obvious
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 182 4 LIIIO (spore) OP€MS TODAY! m v I Youll meet them all in.£«WllSM||K jKowwii/WKEir; 4bb! L^Lr 2 LB f B jHaWi a^P^^V^Bk I 'V-^ 1 \t Sid I V v BHaHHBMMaiaVHaaMMaaa^LaVl LIDO (Spore) BIG X'MAS AnRACTION- CHARITY PREMIERE FRIDAY 22nd December 9 15p.m IN AID OF I NATIONAL ART GALLERY ACADEMY
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    • 138 4 fU'VmT fU always Ik wjk nice to give j WL get uuembley J ties J^k alv fl Luxurious weaves. sumptious colours... dignified designs are yours with every Wembley tie. They're crush-proof and creaseresistant too. Choose your gifts from the range of Wembley ties. And while you're there, why not
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    • 477 4 ORGANISATION moEKsxma Optns Today 11-145-4-6 30-9 15 "LOVC I HOW TO MAKE IT" NOW SHOWING II am, 1.45, 4 00. 6 JO, 9.30 I aj Recommended tor ADULTS Only! Horst 8.. :jk ■j "OF HUMAN DtSIRf (bßi aj aj U2T?" F K^SSjH NOW SHOWING REX: 11, 145. 4, 6 _>0,
      477 words

  • 266 5 Holiday bus robbery on trunk road IPOH. Sunday. robbers staged a daring highway robbery on the main Ipoh-Kuala Lumpur trunk road, 159 miles from here, at about 5 a.m. today when they stopped a school bus and escaped with a total of $1,165 cash and two watches. The bus was
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  • 122 5 CONCERT BY BRITISH ARMY BAND KUALA LUMPUR. Sun The Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Negri Sembilan will attend a concert by the British Army Life Guard;- Band, who arc on their first tour of the Far East, at Seremban on Dec. 30. The band arrived In Singapore on Dec 15 and
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  • 53 5 PENANG. Siit. A cat bugj glar sneaked into the home of the Penang Harbour Master. Opt. Michael Eland, at Green Lane yesterday and stole a tramttor rmliu valued at $150. Capt. Eland was In the office. His \ufr had Rone out shopping when the thief climbed in through
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  • 97 5 pBNANG, Sun— A visitor from Simpanc Kuala. Alor Star, was stabbed in the arm when he resisted two robbers at Rangoon Road last night. Mr. Tan Chan Inn 19, was walking along the road at about 8.40 p.m. when someone caught hold of his collar
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  • 125 5 Hearing aid gift for deaf and dumb artist Xl ALA LIMP* K Sun A deaf uncl dumb cumherd artist from Kuala Kani; N. Nagalingam (above), may have his world filled with sound soon. An anonymous' weilwisher, struck by his story, has sent to the Straits Times office here hearing aid
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  • 30 5 KUAI M MPUR. Sun. An exhibition of Chinese pdiutlngß by Mr. Shih Hui Shan •>i Hong Kong i Mi1 1 1 1 1 a Btrtaurmt, Jalaa Bukit Bintan«
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  • 154 5 DAP blames Alliance, Labour for Penang riots OATU PAHAT, Sun. The Democratic Action Party has blamed the Alliance and the Labour Party for the recent disturbances in Penang and Kedah. Its Batu Pahat branch chairman. Mr. Urn Kit Siang. said this at a mePtinK of the branch yesteri day. Mr.
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  • 64 5 IPOH. Sim. Chill Ah I,ak. I 17. from Kjinuxin^ B«vh;.m. drowned in tbe Km a River int;ik> as k.iihbutan near hen when hr wont mir (or pteak wnh tfur frirnd.s Ho ilipped uuo the rivar aad til earned nway br lh( currenu f«>i- 300 vardi down■traaa
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 405 5 i444AAiiii4444A444i*****44i ish hi 111 2 Merry Christmas I > t -arrow- mk y l I 3 COTWRITE- W < t Perma-lron SL V COTTON for comfort H^jJMr "'r^**-* FORTIFIED for long wear Vk '1L N m> PRESSED for life \V. Vf. +> The comfort of cotton... the lux- 1 M
      405 words
    • 76 5 B SMbß^Bßßb^m yP^i i Ml Hi k o/oioo GIVE YOURSELF OR YOUR LOVED ONES \M$& A WING ON W LIFE ASSURANCE POLICY The security that makes every Christmas a Merry one HP* He/ 1 BMMy#|-yß[G^y/^ < sa > JL» *.*■•> Br^ f .A *^*iH^< ■■M&HI. '^S— jff *%^B E■ v
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 282 5 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS b. Eventuate in a call to duty L eaTTy 5 •E'SHSfcli wE K\«- lire 8. Arrive at one In all the conXu- 7 Musical interval to go followsion. girl i7>. ing previous failures? i 5. 7i 9. Lover* ol marine-creature* 10 Reserves support half of 22
      282 words

  • 318 6 THE NURSES GET TOUGH SLOWLY. 11. first karate club X ior nurses aid Immi .issisUnts has been i.,,.i;e<i here. L>M than tuo mouths nlu. ihe Sao Club now hM a memurrship uf 18 MTM and 34 hospital assistants all from the General Hospital. Its founder. Mr Patrick Lim. a
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  • 774 6 SINGAPORE. Sun (COLLABORATION and co-op* get South-East Asia abreast of the Western and Eastern blocs was Mr. Lee Kuan Yew's theme when he spoke tv leaders and stuck'iit.s a; the University of Phnom Penh recently. It the lesson m%&
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  • 76 6 PISTOL, AMMO FIND BY POLICE PENANG. Sun A Police party raided a house in I Arheen Street at about l I a.m. today and uncoverpd a revolver and a round of ammunition. A man has been detained The party, led by Deputy Supt. Abdullah BanJ ni head ol the Secret
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  • 106 6 Malaysia needs 'idealistic leaders' Lim j pETALING JAVA. Rat 1 Malaysia needs youth leacers who are idealistic, yet prac- I I tical leaders who are Rood i!ti/en.s 'he N. mister of Commerce and Industry. Dr Lim Swee Ann. said today Dr Lim. who was addrevsinit the national council meetlna of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 268 6 Malaya I In m 'ii'A UMI linrsl Holrl in <«MagßooPMMftK>~ Mala\M.i ii ii .ixrr <£a I>U luxurious »ir- »H with muitrni jftfC* JxV\ **B amenities. Well JKM^I.Mk tk trains staff prorflf- 'flMkjM. .">k S 4\ ing lirvl class srrvirr .^MWWWT 'J*?"' 'ir. tk 4tot\ l>\ day and by ni^ht.S Fil
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  • 116 7 SUSAN, 6, WRITES TO SANTA CLAUS SINGAPORE. Sun. 0 Like little rirla all over the world. Susan M trgaret Ferroa of Singapore believes in Santa Claus. Susan. of Lachfield Road, wrote this letter In her scrawl to the Straits Times: "Dear father Christmas. I am small girl. I am six
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  • 418 7  -  P.C SHIVADAS by GEOCHEMIST FINDS THAT ALL IS NOT WELL IN HIS HOUSE... IPOH, Sunday. ]T started with stones falling on the roof. thrn in the house itself, despite all the windows and doors being closed. To top it all. a blanket, a curtain and a
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  • 106 7 CINGAPOU, Sun. About S Singaporeans will re«eive certificates for passing their German lancuace courses at a presentation ceremon> .it the Singapore Conference Mall on Tuesday nishl. The West German Amh.issador. Barnn Von Richthofen. will present pii/r>, to 1!> of them. The courses were or-L-anisrd jointly
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  • 42 7 TAIPING. Sun. J bere will kward tcbolanhipi 'o three dp.sorvini; Form Fim dupils in tin' Tiiipine. I.anit and M.i'anc dtotrictl next year. The Kbotenblni are woitli $300 each. Appueatknu ibould refill P.O. Box 131, Trnpniß. before Jan. 15.
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  • 338 7 1 00-word Bill to change name of Sabah's capital lESSELTON. Sun.— lt J will take a little more than 100 words to Kive legal effect to the State capitals new name Kota Kmabalu. For the Bill to change the State capital's name from Jesselton is one of the shortest to
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  • 84 7 PENANG, Sun. A teacher who went to Perlis on a holiday returned to find his house at Tanjong Tokong Road here had been burgled. indie bin Ibrahim M for Perlii an Dec. 12. And MB lir returned yesterday he
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  • 48 7 SINGAPORE. Sun. A 16-year old Malajnjlaa uirl. Lian Kwie En». fell to her death from the 10th floor of Selegie House las( ni«h(. Police today said her identity card bore a Kamnont: Sembilan. Malacca, address. No foul play is suspected. The house off Labrooy hoad
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 73 7 pi* "m W C*M 'mmw I 'id !fc IP y%? //^M wtt Fresh! Fragile! Haunting! J Perfume of a new generation^f^ jm i g m Guy Laroche, great French fashion designer fl has put all the exciting promise of the New M mm Era in this rare, new perfume that
      73 words
    • 210 7 Stainlesi Steel A> and Goldf.lled. S^W mO^fr fJj S'pore/Penang oV£Qflßf^&! HORLICKS increases your LIVING POWER > v Wt jsaaups^ if' mm This is Andy ...success story MHHH^^^^^Mnbi& Andy bustling, driving, on- m ■■Mflfljl the-ball Andy. ..where does he Moping Mary .can't cope Mary get his energy from? His wife you'll
      210 words

  • 357 8 NUMBER FAR SHORT Or TARGET CINGAPORE. Sun. The Minister for Health. Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin. today urged the Singapore Red Cross Society to play a more active role by recruiting more regular blood donors fro 1 the Blood Bank. ■■H"'f is
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  • 147 8 SINGAPORE. Sunday l/NCOURAUEU by the Singapore Tourist Pru*J motion Boards efforts to attract more tourists and to cater for more international visitors, the Great World Cabaret Ltd. here has renovated its Flamingo Nite-Club and Restaurant at a cost of about $150,000 The renovated premises will br
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  • 69 8 KIAI A IMPIR Sun A Pakistani, v ho \\on a cold medal at the .ntrrnntioral Koran rradln-^ rontpM ti<>rr in 1063. in to compete aeain In th: contest beginning on Wedneaday Hf i~ \!r Glnilam Raaul. prrsidrn' of the Palci-ai- Qjmt A.^orlatlon and an Instructor at
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  • 160 8 Sin«. vroio i B ii na DWencr ltfaa%aaa, Mr Kirn Han. today that in Mgtty urbanised Smt.ipnrr th* majority of th«- povOß*tion appeared to "ft fnr«ottrn the iai nes* of natarr •\\ilh(Mit br-int <■•«•• to n.tturp wf ran not IH« a
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  • 74 8 59,253 work permit holders now in Spore SINGAPORE. Sun Tli« Government 1 another 28 wor!; permits to non-citizens bringing the number issued up to the end of October lo 39.253 A tot..: ol 4M) I vr:r vr ill .< Itti dvi tall month. Of the** 107 wr>rr upproved. 22 mrpilrd
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  • 44 8 KIAI.A I LMPLR S-an Pin•moid luynbee. ;ne miin■toriai. will dellvei on ihr Future of M.mkind" in I.fciurc Iheatre A of lir Art* I ol :hi- University of ursd.iy night. Th» leciw will tv chaired by :hr> \>T H E The publii
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 311 8 *^aP^Bliaw^a<Ma^^ r Fi*v a hair cut to suit your face. His face could look \ci> heav) il he didn't got the proper out. He makes Mire the >ides are lull, the lop a little higher. This gi\es his lace the correct balance. As a final touch he uses lancho pomade
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 147 8 .1 lion/ <h»f» iti/ Ham lin LIKE GENTLEMEN?/ Pvou w»VMr a. wa(?onL-^~-C awkic^itl leave tmis to I us people 1 mim aw' me... THIS LUNtCS N»O OUR HANt?S' tTVOU NO.O THEN PEOPLE WMCVE WHAT AN* BAZ OVER THERE, AN* fiENTLEMAN FOR V WAMT US TO MAFTA COURSE KEEP HAP SOME
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  • Article, Illustration
    431 9  -  RICHARD HUGHES Extracts from the book by with the tide of history and the How of events continually running against the status quo, one thing is tin; the key to Hong Kong's future ue Peking. The optimists or ostriches who pretend to think otherwise artblind to the fate
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  • 410 9 Now it's Mao's turn to move to change and the rewards of change. The Hong Kong mood. as we have seen, is one of masterly expedience and arlate-to-crtaM adjustment and recovery. It is partly a gambler's mentality, partly fatalism. As In Shanghai, no foreigner came to Hong Kong to make
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  • 714 9 Kong people over Chinese or colonial rule. Another embarrassing approach could be reviva' of Peking's request for diplomatic representation in Hong Kong, fta a sort of Communist counterpart for Britain's consular presence, however precarious, in Shanghai. This
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 113 9 NOW...FILL-UP WITH, 4*m w i^^^ l\ m c f 4~-Caf£ v\ 1 W "X 1 V V^ J v\V^>^ 4^\V,/ W 0 *—mm »-J \mmmmml v>l^.^^ W A t-^/r-^ AT YOUR ESSO STATION HEU GRAB YOU! I T 9^ STILL A KNOCK-OUT Jj yours with every fill-up of He ™**>
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  • 120 10 ANGELA, 19 WUBS `TEEN PRINCESS 1967' TITLE FROM 8 IPOH. Sun. Miss 1 Angela Chong Keat Yin. 19. a pupil of the Kesselring Methodist Girls School, won the "Teen Princess, 1967" title from eight other contestants at the St. John Ambulance Hali here last night. Second was Mi.n.s fen Khoon
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  • 143 10 Nanyang plans to give honours degrees SINGAPORE, Sun. Nanyang University is to introduce honours degree courses in the next two years in addition to its present ordinary degree courses. This was disclosed by the Vice-chancellor. Dr. Huang Ving Jung, at the annual meeting of the Nanyang I niversity Guild held
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  • 614 10 Two teams of experts coining for aid studies PLAN TO PUT BASES TO CIVIL USE AFTER THE MILITARY PULL-OUT SINGAPORE. Sun *JWO teams of British experts are due in Singapore early next year to undertake feasibility studies in connection with British economic aid to offset the effects of the military
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  • 107 10 PENANO. Sun The office of the Controller of Pilgrimage today said tliat there would in four pilgrur.ages to Mecca next I year. The first batcn of 2 100 pilgrinu will leave here by the liner. Kuala Lumpur, on Jan. 7 and the second batch
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  • 131 10 Now nearly back to normal. says police A LOR STAR. Sun —In Kedah and Perliv n/> incidents or trouble have been reported for tke third consecutive day. A police spokesm/in said today the was "fast returning to normal." However, the 9 p.m. to B a.m. curfew in four mukims
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  • 40 10 IPOH. Bun A trisha rider. Mo.iamed Tahtr bin Yunus. 47. chafed and raughf one of five boys who robbed htm of $12 while he was bt'hine in the Kinta river yesterday. He recovered 60 cents
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  • 230 10 Penang keeps the peace for 3rd day pEN ANG. bun- r Peace and calm privailed on the island for the third day running, folio wing rumours on Thursday that another hartal was to be observed. There were no incidents, but two thuc.s were arrested by the Special Branch la.>t night
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 323 10 Lady TUDORare HH|^^^HHH£i beautifully elegant H^^^^^^HBa| Swiss watches 'Why pay more for a watch when I get the I Jp pit IF -^^^fH simple perfection I admire in a Lady Tudor?' said I W *e4P^i Miss Sheila Ong. With her unerring good taste, I' > ISP* she knew as soon
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    • 135 10 Here's the fantastic new shirt that irons itself smooth and ZIPS AWAY STUBBORN STAINS in a single home laundering! "Midoeo poraaMßtly protiod shirts of 80' > Dacroa Polyeitor and 20 cot ton with •xclMiva "ZIP-CLEAN"™ Siil-nltut fioul that ihedi toil aid stains ii the wash! NOW AT LAST, the most
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  • 243 11 SINGAPORE COOKING CONTEST TO PROMOTE THE USE OF WHEAT SINGAPORE, bun. A second cooking competition to promote the use of wheat is being organised by Radio Singapura and TV Singapura because of the success of the first one held in October. It will be run as before. Competitors may send
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  • 223 11 Foreign estates in local hands soon Sambanthan KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. The Minister of Works. Post! and Telecommunications. Tun V. T. Sambanthan. said today that most forelsn-owned rubber estates would be in local hands within 10 to 15 years U the trend was an ini t. .ising number of European estates
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  • 408 11 Mustapha: No comment until Upko congress decides STATEMENT AFTER 3-HOUR MEETING 'piE Sabah Chief Minister, Tun Muslapha bin Datu Harun. said here today that until the United Pasokmomugun Kadazan Organisation congress made a final decision about the dissolution of the party he was unable to make any comments. However, he
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  • 122 11 MCA bares 'hate slogans' of the Left... PI NANO, Sun. The M( A has circulated samples of "catchy and abusive slogans" often found in documents and pamphlets issued by Party Rakyat and the Labour Party. "These reflect their anti-national approach towards the problems of this country," the circular said. From
    122 words
  • 200 11 All set for $90,000, 1 5-nation Koran contest KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. All is set for the international Koran reading contest at the Merdeka Stadium. The Yang di-Pertuan ngong will perform the openIng ceremony on Wednesday night and will present prizes to the winners of the international as well as the
    200 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 90 11 CII GRANT'S Y&pSCOTCH 4flPv WIIIQKY Scotch Whisky Distillers since 1886 iffi 1 RANK KiaMJa X-^ COPY SERVICE XA/HILE YOU VA/AIT SINGAPORE IPQH KUCHING •orey Car ParK Asia Life Building 0C.8.C Building. Ist Root; 5*63 Cecil Street. Ist Floor, Khoo Hun Yeang Street Singapore I Tel: ***** 458. Hale Steet, lpo»i
      90 words
    • 782 11 Kriesler If Cinescope 25 the big clear picture with the exclusive rectangular shape The bigger the picture, the greater the realism. ..and Kriesler Cinescope 25 is bigger, clearer, wider, with squared out corners and rectangular dimensions— it's the nearest thing to real cinema proportions! And Kriesler quality gives you craftsman-built
      782 words

  • 82 12 in Kora-a Hi 'Minimum) MR AND MRS. Srr. «k»n«iirtarn>h thank" re:.iti\r< and fl Ii ll<a fO» ther attrn«lar. gU%M »od rnea- on thrir »rddin( nn la MR A MRS I I rXIIBBI 'I'HtiK and vahiahle (ifta on 'he Of their »rddm( on MICHAEL EZEKIEL .he. In BaTW hla Maaan
    82 words
  • 19 12 M H „rW> Hi I Minimum) Goon N>» Vellr k .'o urtli ibslrad rontrirnitiof "o Montfori Royi Hi
    19 words
  • 26 12 in Hortfj Hi I Minimum) WOULD RELATIONS OF I Flynr. I r,.«» grt IB lon. Ii vMlh M.irtarrt KirKfood StaffoM. 1 H.n.M, Hire, Buaarltoß. rail*.
    26 words
  • 306 12 In H ;/.< 1 Minimum) ELSIE MARY LTD. II BMtSty Road, tut Ht Ar ..r»v \rri\al tllllMl CIRLS SPORTS CLUB N«* Vrar I I I i.,rm Memorial Rail. PIU ilr». 1 mi »atl— i FREt WITH MONI.AFE. E] Blrda r]^H wllh tvtry iMiiiod of I'lfndu 1 Cold ■tonKf Sni.rrm
    306 words
  • The Straits Times
    • 678 12 Praise for Singapore's budt;. t u:is largely thanksgiving for no changes in taxation remarked Dr. Goh Kens Swee. a little cynically, winding up a not very Inspiring debate Th» re is a great deal to be said, however, for any budget which does not add to the
      678 words
    • 303 12 The completion of the Saiong Tunnel is an important advance in the Muda Rivfi irrigation wheme. The tunnt-1 will link two reser- I voirs being built on the SunKPi Muda. 12 miles upstream of Nami, and on th< Sunßei Pedu. seven miles j upstream ol iU junction with
      303 words
    • 206 12 The disclosure by the Director of Singapore's National Museum that a collection of historical prints, paintings and maps of old Singapore has bfen formed and is to be exhibited shortly will be well received. Like all newly independent countries in Asia, and perhaps more than most. Singapore is
      206 words
  • 718 12 pONTIANAK, Sun. Chinese refugees crammed into rotting warehouses in this river city arc now dying at an average rate of three or four a day. Chinese doctors ;ind Red Cross workers, struggling to overcome severe shortages of food and medicine, fear the situation may become
    718 words
    • 202 12 BORN in Singapore I came to Surabaya on a British passport before my country became independent. Upon the expiry of this passport recently I went to the Singapore Embassy in Jakarta to obtain Singapore travel documents for myself and my family of six. t^BsnHßja we could get
      202 words
    • 62 12 CRUELTY. WE hear much about, the s.p.CA. but one significant factor is overlooked. I live in Canning Estate and I am surrounded by neighbours with two of three dogs each. Their incessant barking day and night has affected my health. Complaints to the owners have only created animosity. What has
      62 words
    • 155 12 "THE Housing and De--1 velopment Board has not given it-s view.s on the firing of crackers at Housing Board flats. They should either appeal to flat -dwellers to exercise restraint or suggest to us how best we can avoid the monstrous noise during festive seasons. I live
      155 words
    • 68 12 "THE process of getting a telephone is wearisome and discouraging. I applied for one in May this year. It has still not been installed. Is the delay really necessary? If there is a shortage of lines, could not the government acquire mo™? This la one
      68 words
  • 549 12  -  YUNUS MARIS LESSON 131 in a new series by GLOSSARY: Keluarca <n > family; saki-baki nn remainder, leftover: Dl-usir k\> to be driven off. or away, ejected: KKRlindong iv) to shelter: IH-peduliKAN (\> —to be cared about, or heeded; chiril-birit in) diarrhoe; barek mi barrack; usane <adjt shaky,
    549 words
  • 276 12 X-ray bomb is U.S. answer to Mao By JOE HAGGERTY 4 RADICALLY new X-ray bomb will form the curt- ol the Sentinel antiballistic missile system which America hopes tv Install In the early VJlo 6, when China is expected to have intercontinental rockets. lhe weapon* n use oi the tact
    276 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 314 12 aT Classified advertisement* for •traits Times A Malay Mail may be handed to: COLO STORAGt SUPEK-MARKfT 1 Om*i f COLO STOKAOI MANCHIS CITY BOOK STORE LTD, Cottyai Qjaf. TMI NIWS MONT d r.t.-nutf k"s 'Hj»>crmarkar. MM. ISMAIL. 3 A-i 11 ..j-arf tlt ai Mil Aftaßßßi At'" f '"wXJ, IwW OuHU
      314 words
      43 words
    • 129 12 I w /jgWaVaW a riJTaW iat aVmi mWJmXmBm W ajk. b^' ja> w aB^BBBT^^X jKBBBBB a«A '***i a^Bal BBTaaaw. «V I NV^B BbV^ 1 atIJiu Exponda Bot foWs into c tiny pouch H' x3' V J Bring home a bottle of LINGHAM'S g 2 #£1 in this free EXPANDA SHOPPING
      129 words

  • 92 13 SINGAPORE. Sun. Lily Koh i ab< ly became the ftrst Singapore studt celve a special diploma lrom the French National In>Mute of G rter one of her a. is selectad tr s annual show in P Miss Koh, now studying at the
    92 words
  • 17 13 SINGAPORE Mr E \V. B.irker. ChrUt--1 ii and he 11 Thea're at t>63() Dm. tomorrow.
    17 words
  • 143 13 KUALA I I MPIR .Sun. 1 Bernama. .Malaysia's national new* agency, is expected to start operating early next year, the I'nrsco adviser to the j acency. Mr. D. J. Dallas. said at Subang airport t >- d.i\ before he left for I London for
    143 words
  • 305 13 Minister to traders: Don't raise prices 7F THERE IS EXPLOITATION THE GOVERNMENT WILL STEP IN... 9 J^UALA LUMPUR, Sun. With Christmas, Hari Raya and Chinese iNew Year just around the corner, traders were urged today by the MiniBtei of Commerce and Industry Dr. Lim Swee Aun, not to raise prices
    305 words
  • 82 13 Two teachers wed in Alor Star j ALOR STAR. Sun Two i teachers Mr. Foo Chee Seng, 28. and 00l Kirn Hoon. 22. were married in a ceremony held at the Foochow Association here today. Senator Dato rDr) Cheah Toon Lok officiated at the ceremony, which was followed by
    82 words
  • 63 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. The Minister of Commerce and Industry. Dr. I lm Swee Aim. will jjive away pnzr.s to winners of thp poster competition of the Department of Tourism here tomuiTow. The presentation ceremony «ill be held at the MARA auditorium in Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman at
    63 words
  • 66 13 PENANG. Sun. Two motor- cycles ha\e been reported stolen I here. Mr 00l Hock Chuan. a motor foreman of T>e Sin Street, told police his machine was stolen fiom a parking lot at Phee I Choon Road on Friday evening Mr S. Kelayan. a City Coun- cil
    66 words
  • 58 13 Money-changer victim of $4,800 grab SINGAPORE Sun Three men entered a money-changer '.s shop 111 Hie Ca hay Cinema shopping arcude last night and held up the nrcp.ietor. Mr. N. A. Majeed. and iiis assistant. They thn< ;ij~!i a«av $4,800 in local and foreign currency from the drawn. Mr Ml
    58 words
  • 74 13 SINGAPORE, bun. Two tlnc\ r: c;ic (if them armed •with a r er. rubbed Mr. Tng Cniag Jwc.»r of 11.160 in Dunr 1 Bead at 940 a.m. yesterday. In-. <>f Airoort Road, hud PMrkCd ha car and was tak--1 1 the n "Cy tO ;i Iwnk
    74 words
  • 27 13 SINGAPORE. bun. The Housing and Development Board has r.iilrd for tenders for the construction 'f a total of 518 units ol flat at Toa Payoh.
    27 words
  • 323 13 JOHORE ASSEMBLY j JOHORE BAHRU, Sun. THE Johore GovernA ment was today urged to make a proper and com p r ehensive study of the industrial situation here with a view to further encouraging capital investment. The call was made by Mr
    323 words
  • 59 13 IOHORE BAHRI Sun. Th» Johore Government had been urged to open up a port at Kukop. on the southwestern tip of Johorr. to foster greater direct trade dealings with the Indonesian port of Tanjong Balai. Inche Abdullah Sudin, member for Pontian Dalam. told the Assembly today,
    59 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 202 13 HL Dependable EXIDE batteries are _fll equipped with PORVIC SEPARATORS for complete pro- '^^^^B BL tection against internal short circuits between plates and are virtually indestructible in service. _jfl _L CB. 95 ALLOY PLATE GRIDS, an exclusive Exide formula for much greater durability and resistance to corrosion. _^_H TOUGH, LEAK
      202 words
    • 267 13 i^ki \ffr rt> t \S| i I Yk'CttritJN 1— SI WATCH YOUR MONEY GROW WITH COMPLETE CONFIDENCE Open a deposit account with us today. PAN MALAYAN FINANCE LTD I*£WOMI(0 A SNGVCK AS A PU*C LMTtO IIAh'TV CCW4NTI AUTHOWStO CtfiTU J 10.000 000 ISMD UlO PAID UP CAPfTH 5.000,000 m MAUYAN
      267 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 98 13 The tides TODAY: Sedili Kechil 8 55 am <68 ft 11.59 p.m. t85lt s.neapore 12.16 a.m. (8.3ft 7 a.m. «9 Sft Port Dickson H i8.8.'i>. "32 p.m. T.blv > Pon Swettenham 6.30 il4.7fli 7.10 p.m HOft); PrnaiiK 12.51 a.m. 8.3ft i 1.29 p.m (6.7:: i MlMOKKOW. Srdlll Kocllil ."> 37
      98 words
    • 655 13 TV MALAYSIA H ANNtL S KuaU Lumpur toon. 635 Tlie Texan: and Penanc 8 Ipoh and Ma- Mountain Man: 7 News in larra; 3. 10 Johore Bahru; 4 English: 7.10 Seap Games: laipmg; 7 Batu Pahat; 9 735 THE. Cat: 8 News in Kin. nit Mandarin: 8.10 Bahasa Kita: 825
      655 words

  • 111 14 PANIC IN TRAIN: SNAKE MAN IS FINED PRETORIA. Sun. Passengers became hysterical aud threatened to jump from a train near here when a young man in the carriage pulled out a 3ft. long snake and began to play with it. When the ticket-collector suggested that he put the snake back
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 48 14 HAVANA. Sun. Doyens of. "idcolocicii. dlverstonlsta' 1 have been arrested or purged in d recent weefcs !<>r opposing Premier Fidel Castro's indeprndeai Communist line, according to reliable aources here. At r.i-i jl) people. ni;tiu "I 1 them old guard Communists I have been arrested. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • Article, Illustration
    110 14 Air warrior THE STRAITS TIMES MONDAY. DEXEMBER VS. -WMT7 LATEST U.S. CHOPPER SHOWS ITS PACES rpilE rusfced, rapid I.S. 1 Army AH-SKA < hevenne, named after the hard hitting Indian warriors of the western plains. It can take-off and fly forward with the speed and of a fixed-wing aircraft.
    110 words
  • 294 14 U.N. CALLS FOR BAN ON AID TO SOUTH AFRICA UNITED NATIONS, Sunday. THE General Assembly called last night for a worldwide ban on assistance of any kind to South Africa, Rhodesia and Portugal until they "'renounce their policy of colonial domination and racial discrimination." In other decisions, the Assembly demanded
    Reuter  -  294 words
  • 54 14 LONDON. Sun. Thf bridegroom collaiK-ed and dir< within minutes of his urdtiins. at St. James* Church in Burnopfield yesterday Arthur Mitchell. 70. retired Deputy City Treasurer ct Durham, 'collapsed just a.s hU bride, the former Mrs. Nan Seth. and gPMtI were (fathering lor a wedding photograph
    54 words
  • 87 14 ADEN. Sun. Elehtren offlcers. including tin comma nrier of the armed forco. the commissioner of puller ;ind five tribal princes. Ml dismiss yoMcid;<v by the (j(i\rrnm Tit of Southern Yrn A presidential decree announ- erne the dism. ttM purge «a.s>iiry to "ek
    AP  -  87 words
  • 26 14 MADRAS. Sun Eight peopie were crashed to death yesterday outside a cinema when a protective wall in front of the booicinjr, counter collapsed.
    26 words
  • 21 14 NEW YORK. Bun. Fire devoured millions of Christmas parcels and other mail at a post ofTic« here yesterday.
    21 words
  • 111 14 Reds burn to death 200 hungry peasants TAH'LH, Bun. ChlnCommunlat troop* burned to death mor» than 200 hungry peasant* in September as punishment for looting a granary. Nationalist china'i official Central News Agency reported yesterriav The report said rhe maiwaor* occurred at Chaoari in trie. ae»bnard province of Puklen, opposite
    AP  -  111 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 272 14 ■Mr JSSf Ba^Br A man wants a man's gift... it must be (y!u/(y/)/€e Baw 'At Bm jßjr'^^^r^^tr-^^^^^^ H lv^ > l]f| i aaw I BbV^ After Shave Lotion, Body Talc. Cologne, Shower Soap, Shaving Mug. After Shave Talc, Hair Cream, Stick Deodorant SHULTON NEW YOuK LONDON 3^m Ba^BaY SaA J
      272 words
    • 101 14 khinco a FILING CABINETS ?m •*>f ail KHINCO make it their business to give you top efficiency and economy in modern office furniture in steel. There is nothing to beat KHINCO steel cabinets in values and price economies. Special rust-proof and glossy finish that can be done only by hot
      101 words

  • 611 15 US For the 6th time, NO WASHINGTON, Sunday THE United States, for at least the sixth time since Britain devalued sterling, reaffirmed yesterday that it would not devalue the U.S. dollar. Officials said they hoped the Joint formal statement by the U.S. Treasury and the Central Bank would once and
    Reuter  -  611 words
  • 96 15 From Tim Tree §YDNEY, Sun. The R o y a I Australian Navy may buy ;i SlBO million helicopter < arner within the next five years to play a \ital role >n the defence of South East Asia. Navy planners, it is reported, believe that
    96 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 201 15 P GREAT NEW OFFER JJL from COURVOISIER Am Wtt^^ mm Now a new type of flask with two screw-on V r \iK' cups specially for you, from Courvoisier. Buy your bottle of Courvoisier Brandy and get this I fQf •j.j^.' I special flask free, while stocks last! This offer I
      201 words

  • 737 16  -  ALLINGTON KENNARD Reviewed by 'pilK student of early Chinese history often pausi's iii bewilderment at the contrast between cultural achievement and the chaos and debauch" <ty which from time to time became its hackground. The period of the Six Dynasties, three centuries of struggle, intrigue
    737 words
  • 373 16 KCONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN EAST ASIA. By E. Stuart Kirby. (Allen and I nw in. 505.) By STUART KOBE LX)R seventeen years r Professor of Economics at Hong Kong University, Professor Kirby is splendidly and almost uniquely equiped to discuss the economic problems of East Asian countries,
    373 words
  • 170 16 rl rule which co-opera-tives (tufht to be playins in economic development is discussed by Professor I'ngku Aziz *in the feature article of the new (June) issue of Kajian Kkonomi Malaysia, the journal of the Economic Association of .Malaysia. Prof. Aziz points out that
    170 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 142 16 It A %SAVES UP TO 25% ON TOBACCO FALGOL^r The pipe that smokes r de nEnaland BONE DRY Falcon Pipes Ltd. —cooler, sweeter, too! 1 •s, life 1 M m***j* modern people know the value of Wincarnis the quality tonic wine,! imported direct from W'\ m England m i for
      142 words
    • 540 16 THE MURMUR_IN (I STREAM. The Life and Works of Hsien Linjr-yun. (University of Malaya Press: OUP). Two Vols. $30. VOLVO PENTA AQUAMATIC This 100 outboard jR-fli |n*" r drive is fitted with ■J I ||r A the Silent-Shift. lPl]|W r% I Gear engagement WW i f is smooth, quiet •stesSifc^yi—
      540 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1131 17 TO LIVERPOOI A ttEST COAST U K D rran| PROMITHfuS Git 33 Itlay OIC 1177 Dec 71 EtMNOR Oec 77 OK 74 Otc 25 71 lie 71 POLIUS > t- Dec 73 Dec 21 Otc 27 7 PIPSfuS Otc 21 laa 1 ANTENOt a laa 4 Jaa Jm 711 jm
      1,131 words
    • 1275 17 I I CAP THE\.n\3L/NES i■— i I i EXPRESS SAIUH6S TO GEHOA WORTH CONTINENT SCANDINAVIA Spore I Genoa R'ddrri h c-.rg Aartius C'hafcw SSNUML. 41 OK n\% UtC 77 71 StC IS/ 7 JM 11 Ft! I FM 11 Fll II FM It lARGOOHI 1 < ia* /4 71 HJR
      1,275 words
    • 1277 17 1 Benuline EXPRESS SERVICE TO .ONDON. LIVERPOOL A CONTINENTAL PORTS. Drill AVAI t|u Lonoon IM IB bLNLOIAL Rotttrojo im a HMAV. H »"">"" Otc 77 73 OK 71 71 roc LISIS* res BENATTOU Man-bu'l Ft* 77 i VSaugti »M 27 *5 »l Sk ll 4 ore 71 it Ma> 7
      1,277 words
    • 1141 17 Vm^ ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO., LTD. Iftyfa Set OVUIUr FOR OUTWARD SERVICE fROM UK CONTINENT. jr^BVB%4 Loading; tn CITY OF lOHANNESBURG m <4f» l-: h Ha. G 47 i| Dec il 21 Oec 2} BM CITY OF CHESTER LonJOn. RotttrOM, HaniDuig. Hi-e 27 :i Ok il oic CITY OF GUILBFORO
      1,141 words

  • 1030 18 riillfc Struit> Un priif on 1 Saturday nuirninK remained win hanuid at ISW.M per picul in PenanK on an offering estimated up 15 tons to 200 tons Good all-round support was reported In London on Friday .ifti rniitm the three months forward afternoon buyers' price
    1,030 words
  • 28 18 Dec. 11. 1 n. 11. 16. KI'HHt K I IN iprrlb.l |i.-i |iv hi s;.xi.<m» 4K\ rls J581.50 U S. Hl. Oil U cU. s:>B3.2S $583.!5
    28 words
  • 93 18 THE AiiKialitn of Banks in Maltytla 1 madr taaaa I h lasai in n* ratta to BMNbaala en Saturday tall rmt*a la nay). Unit«l tttlt*. Buvin»: IT :ij U/la. "> :i:' II iti ioi rt »t. .13 7/1* credit hi I l.i. a:;; Canada: Buiitu TI Sbi. airmail
    93 words
  • 34 18 t,.« „th.,iu. mirktt to Haas Kaaa on tautrami <hr u.t. DaHar «at irinlsd 6. Hi (or T.T. u>4 «.O«t (or ca>*i. tttrhnx qui.i.<i at 14.46 tad ant tatl or cold .it tat.
    34 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 952 18 Y^ KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia /Slngapor*/ Japan Service Frcmartie Spore Yokkaichi/Ifagoya Yokohama KoM Taigea Mara 4/11 ).-n 17 II laa 21 Jaa 27 Jia J1 JM taaskt Man" 2S/H aa 7/1 Ftt 17 Fit It Fit 27 rel West Atrica Singapore /Japan Service Angola Singapore Yokohama Root "Tptatss*
      952 words
    • 868 18 P&O ROUND VOYAGE TO HONG KOtlG s.s. "CHITRAL" (14.000 tons fully oirconditiom d Departs:- PENANG 15 Jan 1968 P. SHAM 16 Jan 1968 SINGAPORE 19 Jan 1968 For HONGKONG 23/28 Jan 1968 Returns:- SINGAPORE 1 Feb 1968 P. SHAM 3 Feb 1968 PENANG 4 Feb 1968 FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE
      868 words
    • 629 18 MALAYAN STOCK INDICES BM.U. Ore. 12. Dec. 13. Dec. 14. Dee. 15. Dec. I*. Industrials: 124 13 123 75 123.47 123.41 122.91 122 43 Properties: 139.19 138.53 138.21 138.04 137.47 136 89 v Minings: 82.44 82.13 82 13 82 36 82 36 82 49 t S rubbers: 102.68 102.68 102.68
      629 words
    • 524 18 i^^— a»ajsjsi^tj)i^"«j»»jajp»^a™^^» l^a»a JKR PULAU PINANG IKLAN TAWARAN TAWARAN daripnda pemborong yang berdaftar dl-JK.R. di-dalarti Kelas2 E. L) clan C (Kerja2i (Kepala I) akan di-ienma dl-Pejabat Jurutera Negerl. JKR.. Pulau Plnang, htngKa Jam pukol 12.00 tenpah hail pada 3hb Januarl 1968. UNTOK: PEMBKNAAN PARIT KONKRIT DI-MAK MANDIN INDUSTRIAL IRAI)IN(i 1.-lAIE
      524 words

    • 2130 19 Turnover on Exchange is again reduced From Our Market Correspondent TURNOVER contracted si ill lurthcr on the Stock Exchange last week falling lo 4.627,--500 uniis of stocks and shares done Ilirough Hip two trading rooms, >alued at $8,316,7^. compared with a,126,000 units in the previous hading period. Turnover is dpflnitely
      2,130 words
    • 487 19 'iMlt (iilliiwiiiK is a 10m 1 plrte list of rrvised quo tation* for the week endec S.ilurday Dec. 16. a Air* BrtCU 8.-1 CO. 2.1 Hounttad in 2.03 C CM 1.4 a iM. 6r\> era. ora» CS. Hudinit Dunlop 3 lioi 2.06 J. \J LM M
      487 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 435 19 ilontiourd from Page I.*' ACKNOWL.EDGMENI HVar*<s 1/5 r Minimum t MR. ANO MRS. Vuayaratruuß thank '!.d trienda for rh<ir -utendaßta, aaasasjMao md vaJaaata sift* ob on their weeding on LI-U-87. SITUATIONS VACANT Hor*. SO fViii >— Baajn rfa. eatra READ tn. BSBaBI Appointment* vacant n m. Sunday Mall «ai-b araaß.
      435 words
    • 487 19 miL\i UM> VAC AN! M '*<«•'— rfs. ajatra 2ND CRADE ENGINE DRIVER h itler for Kiitat* in North Jonor*. Ai'iii) IB uritln^ srndiud ouiee Ot tiftimootaiß adplv Box HiMO 9.1 K 1. SALESMEN WANTED toi .NorUMrO (raons luterested. pirase call personally al M*j Kuan Won Ltd., I-! Andernon Road. Ipob
      487 words
    • 1040 19 SITUATIONS VACANT M »>«r*<* ff (Htm.l—Mtx it (08. aMra WANTED 2 TEACHERS Of CMrniatrt I'milri and Biology. I Taacner pp«r K-tondatt ► Katßßtl> >e•irM mi- gualtned te»tner» aad tboar witn B 8 «u»!or.i preferre*. Apply to Mr. Chin Thin Laa, Tun Ctooy Pi Tat* Recorda > Smoni. Ipon on wr
      1,040 words
    • 1051 19 ACCOMMODATION VACAMT (1 Wmm M ratm.i— «as »a r*w. aaara JALAN NOVCNA BARAT II Wa'K MiroianM r im-o Baa- I orr aarvavi p oom. osoaaJa i Bourwic. Please tr.rpnofie (9 uora> t hiriaa .-Hi" noiira LUXURY FURNISMin delaoMal IaIOVS alr-ronditiooed I Unoad- I r.i Road. !>eraniooo i.arrjea trVay. ffSMtna Mansion
      1,051 words
    • 696 19 I* «•••<*■ U (Mlm.)J^ mfttm aaara STRUCTURAL BM JL«4«|M« r, parlut for it,64 Cltajpiai RUB. Raia roikaa* aaruHET PW> r«aa-a at l«ftT bso. Mwm Raja's court* <a por*. Jmm ir ia- Know rngTlah Him Maori n.n.l .an aaaMtejkra poat a> i mnnina I CI. mt£B*n\ Mil Kaßla Uimp r 1
      696 words
    • 449 19 TUITION BO f»Hm.i fcJS W r*j.j*», BALLROOM PRIVATI I B»ll»i I aaitr n> Appaaatraaai. -~atl. C I T*a N A I v. i naana tasaas-x «p*iali.- t* D Pr-ma*B Him. «m '•nor rx .t4xl s nan. t I A ILII TRONIC lISOIHIKaaaMJ '"•'■i' 1 II >'•!■ i«*ar Road Ipx lav
      449 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 676 20 i( ..ntiuurd from I'agr 19) T.V./RADIO SALES SERVICE U M.riM I Him.)— Bmx rls .Tfr. TV REPAIR SPECIALIST L»y/ re. King STC (8 Pore) 4M7oJb TV REPAIRS HAY NICHT Service, IV Service Hise's .'nsonanie charges U T M. PROVIOES Prompt Kfticient. V Service. Phon> REIFPUSION TELEVISION RENTAL* U.P. CAJstl. CoaacXrte
      676 words
    • 1003 20 FOR SALh Ii Wmrm* U 'Him.) Hot it <■(• sjM PAIsAP SWISS HANOKNITTINU MACHINES DaaaaatM Comhi Modris 4 Market Btrtwl tntar U.P.U.I S oort lOM M IJVA COOO TEAK HOUtf HOLD Kiirmturr M i.wrdi-nia Koad. 1 I'ark Kstatt. Thomson Koad, HOLLVWOOO VASSARETTI SLIPS. Prlca liMKi now sk.imi Kuab to I
      1,003 words
    • 696 20 WHERE TO STAY (Spore) SOUTN lAS AHA Hntrl. Kar, Krataurant. ItHI Waterloo str**t. Soon MM. "CITY" GUIs! MOUSE U Singir ttooma. M (*onv eoiencrs. Kronoimcai Terms Telephone MH6J (8 i>ore>. STAY IN full> hurnishra lair-eoe-ditionrrti Singapore Service Apartment at lillataasi Rossi, Dear Urrhard Koad. away from ooisv traJßc Tel s
      696 words
    • 720 20 I TRADE MARKS ORDINANCE (No. 26 of 1950) This adyertiarmrnt appears by dirertion of the Registrar of Trade Mark*. State* of Malaya under the provisions of Sectloa 49 ffj of the Ordinanre. NOTICE is hereby given that the following Trade Marks registered in the name of the World j 1
      720 words
    • 1538 20 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS THE PORT OF SINGAPORE AUTHORITY DOCKYARD DEPARTMENT APPOINTMENT OF FOREMAN IRONWORKER Applications are invited from Singapore Citizen* (or the post of Foreman Ironworker In the Dockyard Department. Port of Singa- 1 pore Authority 1. QUALIFICATIONS: Applicants must: ia> have served a full Ironworker apprenticeship. tb) have had wide
      1,538 words
      390 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    27 21 In Kver Lining Memory of MRS. DAMODARAN NAIR Departed IK.l2.fcfi. Fondly remembered br I .mine hii<hnnd. wim, daufhter*. daushter-ln-law, Min«-in-law and (rand-daughter. •OM SHANTI". j
    27 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 526 21 lfhij#ij*lMSl NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN paitnerMiip heretofore fen the unc> Tom Yoon and Mr. Ing on bu&iness Tuanku AbI.umpur under Central Shoe \ed by mutual i-crns the .--aid Mm who has retired with effect liom sth Herealter a.s from November. 1967 the Central .shoe Store nr sushall ha' i
      526 words
    • 119 21 NOTICE •nd expanding Mupbmidinc ornniaatkn reajnra a to th» Slnpyard Manager to eon- gtruction ol \uxxi and steel .^hip-s up ti> 150 l\. in length QualificaUons: iii iigr preferably under hiiKuhkc.--: Eii^ii>h and at one Chinese dialect. '3 1 Rood training and experience attraction of ,ship-> up to
      119 words
    • 263 21 NOTICES PUBLIC 1 1 1 LI TILS BOARD. SINGAPORE XI.M IKK II V DtPAKIMI I NOTK K TO t'ONSI MKKS Interruption of Klrrtricitv Supplies In order that electrical exten- sion work may be cameo, out at Ramah Stieet Substation, tt v. in interrupt electricity supplies from 11.00 p.m on Tumday
      263 words
    • 387 21 NOTICES MINISTRY OF EDUCATION SINGAPORE Cm Gt'ILDS OF LONDON INSTITUTE tXAMINATIDNS 1968 Entries tor the above examinations will be received at the Examinations Division of the Ministry of Education. Kay Siang Road. Singapore 10. trom 4th December, to 29th December. 1967. 1 excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays) from candidates who
      387 words
    • 384 21 TEMPERS GOVERNMENT OF BRUNEI TENDER NOTICE TENDERS will be received by the Chairman of the Tenders Board at the Office of the Slate Financial Officer, Ground Floor. Government j Offices. Brunei Town from registered PWD Contractors CIM A' up to noon 8 January' 1968 for j BUILDING TRADE AND i
      384 words
    • 403 21 TENDERS STATE OF SABAH MALAYSIA IM Xl It WORKS mi'WMMt.NT TENDKR NOT UK Competitive tender*, are lnuted for the Desittn. Supply and Delivery C IF. Jes.selton and the Supervision of Erection uf the Steel Superstructures for Four Road Bridge* In Sabah, Malay&ia. 2. Tender Documents and other relevant Information may
      403 words
    • 357 21 AUTWWOfIVE ELECTRICIAN Applic^TuaV art- mviied to till 1 vacancy lor AutomotiM- Bectrician in ;i large Iron-Minins (ompanv hn t-ilinv; Qualifit ah'oii: Applicant! must bo citizens I States ol Malaya. bpMtNMt: AppUcanta must luvr experience in rewiring, lcwindinn. repairs and maintenance of starters, neneraton and other allied elect: equipment on lißht
      357 words

    • 306 22 Selangor face toughest test v Hapoel SOCCER SELANGOR. the Malaysia Cup soccer champions, face their toughest test ever when they meet Hapoel of Tel Aviv in the Asian Champions Team Cup final at Bangkok tomorrow. Backed by rich experience in European competition and a good knowledge of Man .styles and
      306 words
    • Article, Illustration
      76 22  -  LIM YAW CHONG by is winning ten Seap 'Golds' IT was "gold, gold, gold" all the way for 13-year-old Pat. the Singapore wonder t>ii i swimmer, at the fourth Seau Games at Bangkok. Pat won ten gold medals and rewrote the record books ten times. Sharing Pat's "on top
      76 words
    • 79 22 LONDON, Bun smii Andenen ol Denmark took only 25 mmutf.v to retain im London norn badminton Mnclrs title when ho be;it the Lundan-OH.-rd S:n"iDorr Dlayer Ire Kin 1..-. 15-8. 15-11 lirrr la.M niKlu 'krd lils control and often niisuidced Andersen'! returns. He Imigl.t determinedly but lound
      Reuter  -  79 words
    • 239 22 Winner 'runs' 20f in 6sec RACING I O NDO N. Sun. Thousands of British punters and millions of tel c v i sion viewt ri took part yesterday in unique sports event -the world's first electronic hone race. It was run on a London university computer and. a.s might be
      Reuter  -  239 words
    • 32 22 LONDON. Sum. The Nm» Zealand All Blacks Rugby ;eam maintained thflr unbeaten rerord in their tour of Britain and France bf b**t* m| the Barbarians 11-6 at Twickenham w.sterday.
      32 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1043 22 MUNICIPALITY OF IPOH GOVERNMENT OF THE TENDER NOTICE COLONY «f- SINGAPORE SI PPI.V OF I'NIFOBM FOR 1961 V, [•< lh i;i ll \KrV|TA I l(»\ LOAN lENDERS are Invited for the (IS6* nfc»' supply of Uniforms, Footwear, ana Notice Li hereby gTVen that the Head -gear for staff of ttae
      1,043 words
    • 529 22 1 TENDERS TENDER NOTICE Tenders are Invited for the purchase of the following property 1. Indenture No ibil. Loi Jn9, Mukim 15. P.W. North, containing an area of 2 rouas and 32 8 poles <3U.?lu sq. It.) hou 2. Indenture No. 4547. Lot 360 ili. Mukim 15. P.W. North, containing
      529 words
    • 280 22 IICPPA 1\ f^ family enjoyment from UCuUM! the whole year round... With every purchase of a Decca T/V, or Record Player you receive 2 LONG PLAYING RECORDS FREE! H yfm DECCA Deccalian Mark 4D deluxe Quali f Features Decca Deram stereo mono pickm up head with high W fc j
      280 words

    • 428 23 BRITISH FOOTBALL ROUNDUP LONDON. Sun. Manchester United, strengthened by the return of Scottish international Denis Law after a six-week suspension, consolidated their position at the top of the English First Division with a 3-1 win over
      428 words
    • 1708 23 FIRST DIVISION HO Ml A WAV i- w n l f a w n l r a pu. Man ftd 21 8 2 021 8 4 4 3171S 30 LlveiJX"! 21 > 1 1 24 7 2 5 3 8 9 28 Man. Cn\ 31 9 1
      1,708 words
    • 327 23 0 Number of draws ill coupon: 14. FIRST DIVISION Chelsea 0 West Brom. 3 Coventry 5 Burnley 1 Liverpool 1 Man. City 1 Man. Utd. 3 Everton 1 Not'm F 1 Sheff. Utd. 0 Shelf. Wed. 4 West Ham l *outhampU>n 0 Newcastle 0 Stoke 0 Arsenal 1 Sunderland
      327 words
  • 418 23  -  BOB ARNOLD EE Poojs] MOTIU.waAM r ..I C^llllH. J .-urngilicnod by it:" L.uton face a tough fining uf £100.000 ffmttWh afternoon at Banisley. lntrrnatmiial Jim Baxtrr Their opponents ire uncdii halt their Midr and deipated at home tins beaBiin nil Away flrnv. against, son. But the Luton team Arsenal.
    418 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 389 23 Advertisement WHY WE WON THE GOLD AND SILVER MEDALS The Gold Medal was awaided to us at the International In\rntois' Inhibition at Biu> els (or our Sooger spoiiKe mop. nnri <he Judees tnund it so cood that they also awarded us the Silver Medal. We did ncH jet the Bronze
      389 words
    • 381 23 FEDERAL PAJME? Delight >our guests this festive season Paint 5 home with Fedelux and Fedelite. Collect Sfree of charge two pretty plastic tumblers t"r every purchase of one gallon FEDKLITK EMI LSION PAINT. This offer applies only in Singapore. HURRY WHILE STOCKS LAST! ■j mmm #Vni7l¥ r^l MANUFACTURED BY IFO
      381 words

  • 587 24 8 ft— and still going up in Johore FLOODS WORBEN IN KOTA TINGGI AS RAIN GOJ3S ON UNABATED JOHORE BAHRU. Sun •JIIK llocml situation in Kot ;i Tinggi, 28 miles from here, worsened today ;is rain continued unabated. About I.BDII people Irom the town and seven surrounding villages have been
    587 words
  • 24 24 SINGAPORE. Sun The 115 th birthday of Sri Saradadevi will be celebrated at Sri Ramakriatma T"mpl«- at Bartley on Saturday.
    24 words
  • 72 24 TITU, REMEOIOS IfOI I Hway <ti i and i p.m. Church, yu. UMM t t: ..1. "1. in CHARLES LEE FAH KUU l.nn Part i i r.T C;i«k»i Company (or Bidadarl on 1!' 12 f.T MR. CHEAH PENC I7U-H7 S.II a.m. divine bi-hind wMow Mxflam Low K C ChpHh,
    72 words
  • 48 24 aOSWCLL ll m* MeI mn ikon i Chariot t' 1 .-in' i x* >>■ IN EVER LOVING M. im.M Ol l DtoMßbri I- i km In ciiii-i «n b) M'tir Imi'il tun s. Solomon prtnl eternal i. .t i .ul,. me. I utl our 111:1.
    48 words
  • 189 24 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. The Malaysian Trades Union Congress was today given the "green light" by delegates attending the 17th annual conference to push ahead with plans to take part in politics. The estimated 200 delegates from about 60 affiliated un'ons gave their
    189 words
  • 204 24 Washkansky develops pneumonia but doctors are not too worried CAPE TOWN, Sun— Mr. Louis Washkanskv, the 55-year-old Rroccr who is the world's first heart transplant patient, has suddenly developed mild pneumonia in his Irft lung, but the hospital is not worried. "We think it is not very serious," Dr. C.
    Reuter  -  204 words
  • 39 24 SINGAPORE Sun The Ministry of Culture will kivo free film riwwi tomorrow al 7.30 p.m .ii the TW Mont; School. Chone Nam School Kampong Goh Soon and Kcat Hone in Track Four. Chua Chu K.mih Road
    39 words
  • 402 24  -  FRANCIS BOEY BACK PAGE SPORT By 4 VICTORY parade on Wednesday that will be Singapore's reward for the Seap games contingent lor their .sterling performance at Bangkok. For "wonder girl" Patricia Chan, who outdid her i Kuala Lumpur performance by capturing 10
    402 words
  • 36 24 ADELAIDE. Sun Anirrt-i-iin.s Billie-Jr.m Knitf and Ri»sei.nhl> inmrci tar supertoc to thru- Australian opponent*, Kerry Mclulir and Kurrn i m (in v "men double final "f the South Australian trunw championships lim today. Rcutrr.
    36 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 93 24 Late CLASSIFIEDS 20 icords $15 (minimum) HAJEHORA: 1.. Raj lIMI >j. V.i r «on on 14.13.67 MotlMl .mrt rhild in i:uckl h<Miih. th.nik* tv private Hu.i.ii.ii I ,\ur- uiiuiiiiiiiuiiimiiiiiiiiiuutiiiiii f J Jfl I for men; Zv* v p— JL_ *^jr,»aff- jjK FOR VVOMfN/ range today at I "Hi a I
      93 words
    • 17 24 aBBBw* -.w tiJ SbwK \rr~^ P ODu Ct OF SCOTLAND V- /^>T) THE SCOTCH WITH A HISTORY
      17 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 50 24 The weather Highest and lowest temperaturea m Matajnda and Singapore for thr pcrinud 8 p.m. Saturday to 8 p.m. ye.s;erd;iv: Iliji.-i Lourst Kuala Lumpur 89 70 Kota Bharu 82 73 87 73 [pob 91 70;i 87 70 Singapore 82.2 71.5 C HiehlancLs 71 59 Jeaselton 75 Ruchlng 84 73
      50 words