The Straits Times, 28 November 1967

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 37 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150,000 JHCEIVED *::8N0V1967 Head Section The Straits Times The National NBwsiiiiiiHr Estd. 1845 Tl ESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1967 15 CENTS or 18 CENTS (Nia» eurrtney) (Old currency) KDN. 2578:2590 M.( .(P) 2266
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  • 590 1 Curfew another two hours UENANG, Mon. Thr curfew, which lifted for 4£ houn today, is to be further relaxed by two hours from tomorrow when banks and post offices are expected to be opened This announced tonight >>\ the Chief Minister. I. in Sri Wiinc Pow N« Im
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  • 686 1 Razak pleased with response of K.L. traders KUALA LUMPLR, Monday ATTEMPTS by the Labour Party to start a hartal here today were a complete flop. l.;iici, the Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, s;ii<l he was pleased that shopkeepers had responded lo his plea and eondueled "business
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  • 97 1 LONDON. Mon. Rightwing moves at the weekend to replace Mr. Harold Wilson with Mr. James Callaghan i above i M Prime Minister have lailed but the Premier is now likely to meet fresh lei list pressure to inject more socialism into his policies, according to
    AP  -  97 words
  • 47 1 HONG KONG. Mon The New China News Agency has described the riots in Penan r ;is a "heroic rtruggll of selfdefence" by the people suainst l a decision to de\ Uue the old dollar a decision which had causi"! "mm to the working people. —Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 870 1 KELANTAN RIVER BURSTS BANKS: MAN SWEPT AWAY Xl ALA Ll'MlM'H. Monday. jyfom-: than 7,000 people l.o<>> in I'crafc and &000 in Kclunhin have been evacuated lo higher ground lo escape from threatening flood waters. A nuin \\iis swcpl away by raging waters ;is lie \\;is Irving
    Lee Foo San  -  870 words
  • 97 1 HONG KONG. Mon Tun bombs exploded .it Kai Ink international airport in Kouloon tndav U local bombers stopped up their campaign of terror Vcordinu to a (iovernmrnt spokesman, a blast went off outside the restanrant on tin- first floor of the airport
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 239 1 ATHENS. Mon. President Johnson's peacemaker Cyprus Vance flew from Athens today to meet Turkish leaders again, with tension over Cyorus still at crisis point. A Greek Foreign Ministry spokesman denied last night that Greece had accepted all Turkey's demands for
    Reuter  -  239 words
  • 57 1 KIALA LUMPLR. Mon The Government's decision not devalue the Malaysian currency has been praised by the InterItoaoJ Monetary Fund In a telegram just recer. the IMF said The Malaysian Government decision not lo < hanse the parity of the Malay Man dollar cr mmended partirularlv
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  • 193 1 Russia to launch new series of rocket firing MOSCOW Mm The Soviet I Until tod. i\ announced a fourth I'M, 7 .series of space rocket lirin: near the I S island nt Midwaj The news KgeBCJ I ,i« said the •'carrier rockets' would he launched I'roin Soviet soil from I
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  • 114 1 Poll hopes dim for Indons lAKAKT Prospects early gem in Indonesia today al m n t lnd< postponed c. of the cruel election law. on 'iit !y before thi liur tv be submlti plenary session this iiiin 1 Tin Peopli supreme pol le u body, tiaa sel I PROTEST '■in
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  • 22 1 XI \l I N SINGAPOM Mon Ctlllr! inside new IVnpli F.irlt Market In- I ween Kn Tone is tmt known
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 61 1 A Quick Shine in Quick Time with RE-PO|§ AUTO POLISH and CLLANE* i It poit*sttt a 400 W«II motor if-<t c-nviflf. imp>f tuction powtf. y I~¥ Uht !'>«s« inodcli It com«t I bWi MCHMMf thai c«n j^^^ I I 'tor cl*«nmt »'p«". or Hoor> equipped xitn a pu»n- jßH|nnmM m
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    • 83 1 lH r "fir N i|ht| ts x '"I 12" IP RECORDS FOR LESS THAN THE PRICE OF ONE Benefit from this unique Philips music offer now! Buy any superb Philips gramophone the range extends from low-cost battery models to luxury Hi-Fi equipment before the offer ends, and we'll let you
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    • 203 2 Renewed heavy fighting in mud and rain SAIGON, Monday )RTI I Vietnaj unleashed heavy illations in the cci the monsoon rains a nam's northei n provi broken out again. six Americana wen posts by the falling mo 19 killed in the north, a said, \t .i mmand B-52a yesterr.w miles
      Reuter  -  203 words
    • 110 2 JARRING IN NEW YORK TO SEE THANT WEW YORK, Mon. Swedish diplomat. Mr. Gunnar Jarring, newlyappnintcd United Nation peacemaker In the Middle East, arrived here yesterday lor a .series of briefings with Secretary General U Thant. Hi.s :nandate la to contact both .sides to the dispute and try to promote
      Reuter  -  110 words
    • 33 2 DEI HI M. n KlllK Bavana Vatthana "f Laoi win ;<n:\r ben >>n Sunday for a 13-day ti Inciu at the head of a ...vge deleeatioii n ■vis announced liprp Rru-
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    • 106 2 |>\lll> Mori 111. I rent h Part) jrraterdaj ctafed rail] in P.irh l«i protect i^.iin>t \incniaii (ion in Vietnam \luuit i.11.111M1 iliinon >( r.i tur Irntn .ill over France mn>t oi them youth* Ird in neniben af the ln-iii h {inimiiii<t mil h
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    • 175 2 VKW YORK. Mon. Neusueek magazine reported last night that President Johnson recentl> received a set-ret, conciliatory letter from Soviet Premier Alexei Kosy in. and that this had encouraged Mr. Johnson to seek a IS -Soviet summit meeting next spring. The magazine said the
      Reuter  -  175 words
    • 135 2 PEDAL-PLANE STA YS PUT. LONDON, Mon MAN-POWKRKI) flight, elusive dream of en thusiasts. still has t» he acJiieved. Senior RriefiiiK Officer Leslie Smith. 51, of the Aeronautical Information Service at London's llea thrmv Airport, remained firmly in contact with the ground in spite of his BM Smith Riplane Special, weighing
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    • 216 2 UOM- KON\i, Mon. 11 Communist ChinMan Kam To bridge today to work in fields In the Bi colony mr the first time in more than one month. />ened authorities had released two H ;*>lire conIn exchange tor five Com mi;
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    • 166 3 pi.l MBKK Ronnie laltrrall was working 1011 ft. up on a Wo.k of Hat-, when lie slipped and fell Alter hitting the i; round, he sat vp and atfcad for a cigarette. He had escaped without a bone being broken. Now. back, at
      Mirrorpic  -  166 words
    • 33 3 RIDGELY (Maryland i. Mem A 23-year-old girl .->ky diver w killed whm i>'>tii her main and emorcriK chutes lailed to open completely after .i jump from about 4.000 police reported.
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    • 367 3 Panic in city as 76 die after breakfast INSECTICIDE IN FLOUR BOGOTA, Mon.— Seventy-six people were dead in the northern Colombian city uf Chiquinquira and 147 in hospital after eating bread contaminated by the agricultural insecticide parathlon. In an attempt to prevent moie deaths, <>i the must seriously ill were
      Reuter  -  367 words
    • 391 3 LISBON, Monday UOUR Inchet ol lorr renti&l rains In mx hours unleashed catastrophic Hash Hoods yesterday in the area surrounding Lisbon. A wall ol water .singing through lowlands produced .i nightmarish valley of deat h. sweeping men. i and children lrom their
      UPI  -  391 words
    • 121 3 Cumbernauld— the safest town in Britain Cl If""" land). Mon. This new towr. recently voted the worlds t»e*t example of v >nu n'( > >rrh:«eiturr ui'l winner <>l i s ;:>.<» uo \:8.!too» i w :i ret from the United States to prove it. now h tv .i pi'« '.la
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    • 368 3 Governors of seven central banks back U.S. dollar WASHINGTON, Monday. £ENTRAL bank governors of the United States and six European countries yesterday expressed confidence that they could maintain the present value of the dollar, it was announced here yesterday. The governors met in Frankfurt, West Germany, to agree on measures
      Reuter  -  368 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 208 2 I again fli HfiPfcr ii^irtfrß X'ISOOSD SUPER DELUXE iladfll I 8-TRACK STEREO RECORDING PLAYBACK CARTRIDGE --r^p^-, RitL-ro- (in CAnrmix.* »v i -to in l/ca«t«ioci 3^ ~^THlfllTlTlHf'l IfTfTT BfrsSSfll 4 -track »ix*v n«.. -'.-J..^ o>xi ii\oi- f »i»'«o *»r <i by m»on« of rogh r^^u sV f 111 jnd plo.:- i"
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 46 2 THE GAMBOLS by Barry Appleby (\.OOK. GtOBGe. M/ 6 rJOU/ UAVE^ v S A WCe LITTLE BALAMC6 /"^AAJO ALL OONC A /^\U€LL TUEt&i v in toe bawkj-^ ey mv cabcpulJ one mope tuiuo /yMAkre yikm\ r~~\~^Zs> V yOO MAY 6 TO OO) f TO KEEP \T
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 213 3 How to make o gin-and-tonic terrific! THE GIN: THE TONIC: x-^T^ Beeleatar f ice-cool. x*^^V^\ lords f Give it scintillating e«tra tang If yr *j tempting and sparkle \£S\ r dryness MoftATER by storing /^Jr whan matched J2± k it m your J^ with tonic. ■'■TgVpy refrigerator Co) j£\ THE
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    • 510 3 xi Z \J j *> SIN(iAPORi:s om.v EXCLUSIVE MENI shop 81. HK.Ii MUM I BINGAPOBE, j^. (OLD STORAi.I \K( Mil K»I((IIARI) ROAD. STORM (ORDER YOIR Stir Now (.11 A lld I M KTIE *> TO MAT( H Thiis offer ends MJS4T). h,- -.< W A A A A a a
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  • 302 4 BACKLANE SHOP NOW EXPANDS TO— SINGAPORE, Monday. Finance Minister, Dr. Goh Keng Swee, today opened a firm here which soon hopes to supply retreaded lyres for airliners passing through Singapore. Opening the Stamford Tyre Retreaders Ltd.. at the Bendemeer industrial estate. Dr. Goh said that he
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  • 350 4 TOURISTIC S'PORE PHOTO SHOW DATES EXTENDED Mon. The Tourist Promotion Board has extended its closing date for entries for the Touristic Singapore Exhibition lrom Nov. 30 to Dec. 31. The exhibition, organised by the Photographic Society of Singapore and onpinally scheduled to be held at the Victoria Memorial Hall from
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  • 411 4 SINGAPORE Vlon—National Service Registration of male citizens born between Jan. 1. IH.iO and June 30. 1950 will begin tomorrow (Tuesday) at the Central .Manpower Base, Kall.inu. The recistration hours are between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. All male citizens within the stipulated age-group are
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  • 24 4 Jumble sale SINOAPORF MOD Ihe Alexandra community centre will hold a .tumble sale cm D«v 17 i" rai*e money for lU artlwtiet next rear.
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  • 124 4 SINGAPORE. Mon. Two De Havllland experts are now in Singapore to supervise repair work on two damaged MSA Comets, which were taken off the service last week after cracks were found In their metal-work. Mr. W. McColm and Mr. T. Mathewman. who flew In yesterday evening, will be
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 197 4 IGALA^o H OPENS TODAY! J&S&. til *l» rSifttlll PKINCE") l»l lIIMMI IK WESTERN ADVENTURE BLAZING WITH ACTION WITH FRANK LATIMORE (COLOR-SCOPE) ORCHARD: today I iomokkow im> 1 30, 4 00, 630 fc Ml B.m. The Woman-By- Woman Scoreboard Ol A Man Action! <*. /iX r cw W f ERRE CASSEL-IRtNA
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    • 131 4 m THE AMAZING I Dr. GIOVANNI I M Fantastic mm\ entertainer! Af kA world leaders! 9 1 Hell take the <^ L I I WINSTON CHURCHILL: When you itole my suspenders, I neorly lost my dignity. I ought to punch you in rh« nose, bur how con I? I love
      131 words
    • 312 4 r LI DO* TODAY TOMORROW ONLY* Smgapare. 5 Shiws daily ■Bpf{r Maa^B9 11 am, 1.45, 4.00, 6.30 I 9.15 IVi f^ H I BROUGHT BACK BYKJf^J I I "POPULAR DEMAND! I J v SCHOOL CHILDREN 85 cents Li B TO ANY SEAT AT ALL SHOWS I H El Mill HAYLEY
      312 words
    • 342 4 shaYv": I ORGANISATION L 3 bKOUOHI bACK iiv UtMANO' TODAY TOMORROW ONLY' m 11am, MS. 4 00. 6 30 t 15 Th. FAMILY WAY LOIt < j-1-o JU-9 JU ihe bLINO SUN'IfaMTI 9 fc Return o» the Mauntoin God TT Scop« C OPEN m ■J KCr* 'nt Vltcount 5 AB
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  • 288 5 'SELL OUR BUS? NOT FOR ALL THi: MONEY IN THE WORLD' SINGAPORE. Mon. •Not fur all the money in the world." .said a bearded Briton. Kenneth Wilkinson, 23. today when told that there wa.s. an oiler from Malaysia to buy his ex London double-decker bus with which hr is stranded
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  • 146 5 Penang loses 'R and R' Gl visitors pi A.M. Mon <.l> from irtnam «il| not be sent to Fenunc for rent .inj rrcreation until the situation returns to normal. "W'r h;»\r cant piled fur (her flights brinKine GFi here." Lieut. William J drrt/. prorrssinj officrr in chursr of K an
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  • 100 5 'Gen' Kifli a State guest? No, says the Manila Govt MANILA, Mon. Military olluials here today denied that "General" Abang Kifli selt-styled commaii-der-in-chiet ol the rebel army ol North Borneo. »v. a guest of the Defence Department during his stay here. A spokesman -.''d the defence secretory. Mr Muia. uidn
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  • 44 5 JOHORE BAHRU Mon A--23-year-old flsh monger V*> Sv,f* Poh ■kas tabbed to death ill Muur \psterdnv. He was Mobbed allecraW hv •OHM «(ter leaving hu stall Hr >i«i:Rered ip iifavhjr restsurant betore rolUpsii r and died later in Mum Hospital
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  • 284 5 DAP: Treasury officials should resign for good of country ipoh. Mon. Senior 1 officials ol the Treasury were asked by the Ipoh branch of the Democratic Action Party last night to resign from their lobs "for the good ot thecountry and to enable better men to come in." The branch
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  • 113 5 HOM. ROM. Mom TW t latter ol l.ilr niu lit in.ih.ion: ;jinr would lie a Iklßfl it the past if i sirfplos news p.ipn rrartrr herr h.ul his w a> His UMnri Kuhhrr m.iliunc tilt-s In i letter to The a reader
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  • 249 5 A tourist complex plan for Blakang Mati SINGAPORE. Monday. THK Tourist Promotion Board is working out a blut'print to turn part ol Blakanj> Mati into a tourism complex complete with a casino It has earmarked a site with a «ood Stretch of beach But the location la *till a ckwely-
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  • 58 5 Four accused in court ki A 1 1 Mi'iH Man J 1 en toda) ded 111 Duller custody lur beuig member- ol prohibited In Pocil Avenue here yesterday niuinimi X..11. (u>: ChW i.» 1 .11. II lv Ho 2] n md riiung Ohan Bun. J3 pleuded v .iilii Hi.
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  • 158 5 Italian envoy to open 2-week display CIM.APORI. >l»n Thr Italian Aaakaaal dor to Singapore. Mr Dante Pollici. will ■•pen a tvwi-urek Italian industrial exhibition at thr l.ielit Industries Srrvices exhibition sitr at Shrnton MTaJ al '>-!<' PJaV to morrow The rxlultition. fr.ilur mc Italian rngineerini: products and s t »nir
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  • 97 5 She kidnaps men for love in new film IT'S d funny old film lhat Lucillt Soong is working on just now in London. It's called •Minnie Mob." and Miss Soong. 26. plays one Ol a Bang of trirls who fto round London kidnapping an n at gunpoint because they're lonely
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 90 5 There's a VICTA mower for every type of lawn ft fj Don't buy a problamBuy a VICTA a troubla f rum motor mower backad by prompt ■•rvica and a 100 availability of ganuin* VICTA parts. AUSTASIA INDUSTRIES LIMITED. 282 J P»y» Lab»> Moad SINGAPORE 14 T*l ***** larm**! SHARIKAT AUSTASIA
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    • 232 5 B <aai aai fl Should you see what s new in Vienna on your way to London? Why not! You'll find a lot going on in Vienna. Baroque Opera Houses. The forty museum. Heuriger wine taverns. The V ienna Woods. And nearby, the breathtaking Tyrol. Business or pleasure it's the
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  • 85 6 A 'LOSE-UP ot some oi the weapons seized l>" the police during .i raid on the .Jalan Bukit Bintang branch of the Labour Party on Saturday night. Apart from the strel catapults and ball bearings, the police also seized booklets (;ii Alaos thou^hLs. photographs and
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  • 505 6 'DO NOT BELIEVE RUMOURS' PLEA TO PUBLIC ONLY MINOR DEMONSTRATIONS KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. Left-wing demonstrations were reported "from various parts of the country today, with the police dispersing crowds cl slogan-shouting youths wherever they appeared. In SELANGOR, there was a lightning demonstration by
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  • 91 6 L'L'ALA LLMPLR. Mon The Mentn Bear of Kelantan, Dato Hai Mohamed .^.srl, said today that h^ fully approved of the mea.sure.s taken to quell the vioienr. Peuang. .As acting president of the PMIP he said thai hi* party did not believe in violence However, he
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 222 6 >■■ lle^ ft J9M *f You read s>o much these modern times about the vital will all be possible with FIBROLITE' Asbestos Cement V,' importance of healthy arteries and veins to the he'dlth and Pipes, and Accessories. i^~x_^) well-being of the human body. No less important to the f I
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 70 6 Dick Tracy By Chester Gould U \trycp a ROIEp^S »<E ICMECK OF YARD CUSTOMEPS I \*%H AUTPMiVnc TIMCR |uSTEO in iNoeuBLE scrawls I CLOSES THE TRAP AND I®^ t-»^< r -ANO-MAP, AS A BOY, I ALL IS QUIET I A^ B«oocht pouce I —AN OLD WirXJW. r ABOUT PIVE MINUTES
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  • 248 7 POLICE ARREST 84 SECRET SOCIETY THUGS IN PENANG p E N A NG, Mon.— 1 Police arrested 84 secret, society thugs during the present riots in Penang, the Deputy InspectorGeneral of Police, Tan Sri Haji Hussain bin Haji Mohamed Sidrk, disclosed today. "These Include 10 rounded up in thr Buklt
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  • 79 7 SINGAPORE. Mon— The Singapore Lions Club today handed over a cheque for $35,519 to the Frl Choon Free Hospital In Balest ler Road to help run the hospital. The money was raised by special film show. Dr L. Y. Lai. president of the Lions
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  • 44 7 Anned guard at exam centre A RMED guard for examination candidates in Penang yesterday this picture shows three boys going to St. Xaxicrs Institution. All School Certifland H.S.C. exam centres in Penang were guarded like this yesterday. Straits Times picture by Ng Weng Chee.
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  • 583 7 Emergency sitting to try more than 100 curfew breakers MORE than a hundred curfew breakers appeared in court today to await trial at an emergency sitting before the First Magistrate, Mr. Shiv Charan Singh. The courtroom and lockup were packed with curfew breakvrs and their bailors. Mr. Shiv Charan Singh
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  • 516 7 95 PER CENT TURN UP I PENANG, Monday than 95 per cent of Penang candidates for the Malaysian Certificate of Education, Cambridge School Certificate and H.S.C. examinations turned up for their various papers today under police and military protection. "I am very happy
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  • 258 7 PENANG. Mon. CEVKRAI. WM of looting have been reported in both Penang Island and Province Wellesley. Two -hops in the rural areas of Penan* were raided last night with a loss of about $12,000 worth of foodstuffs. About 30 to 40
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  • 62 7 SEREMBAN, Mon— A toddy comracter. R. Krishnan, 40 from Bukit Pelandolc in the the Port Dickson district, has been missing since Nov. 22. A puller spokesman at Port Dickson .vdid today that Mr j Kirshnans car an Austin Cambridge was found at the (unction of thr
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 82 7 for Exclusive Grooming This is the fragrance of exclusive used in them. TabacOriginal Shaving grooming, the fragrance with the Cream or Shaving Soap, gives you a special touch. Tabac Original Toilet- smooth, cool shu\e. Tabac Original rics arc created for those to whom After Shave Lotion freshens and regood grooming
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    • 371 7 when sympathy is needed... so is Dettol At a time like this mother's sympathy is comforting, but powerless to meet the real need the need to fight infection. Fortunately, today, millions of mothers know about Dettol and have learnt to put their trust in this ideal germicide to protect their
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  • 451 8 TOHONTHE ABSENCE OF INSTIGATION OVER OLD BANKNOTES SINGAPORE, Mon. The Deputy Prime Minister, Dr. Toll Chin Ii ye, Baid tonight thai the absence of instigation in Singapore against th c de valuation of the old currency notes was a convincing indication of tli c strong
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  • 41 8 SINGAPORE. Mon The Ministry of Culture's field section will give free film shows tomorrow at 7 30 p.m at Taniomj Irau. Hlndhede Road <ofT Bukit liinitli Road). Hens Toon School. Upper Tlvm.son Road, and Sin Hwa School, Mandai Tekong
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  • 76 8 SIMiAPORK. Mon. A sighting of the new moon will be made on Friday to determine the *Urt of Puasa. A Government announcement said that if the moon was sighted that day. the fasting month would begin the next day. If thr moon was not sighted, then
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  • 224 8 SINGAPORE, Monday. rvHE Malaysia Associated Industries Ltd., which has set up Singapore's flrst-ever bicycle manufacturing plant in Taman Jurong, has a registered capital of $5 million Disclosing this today at a press conference, the managing director of the firm. Mr. Soon Boon Seng .--aid
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  • 176 8 SINGAPORE. Mon. A Panamanian-registered vrssrl. the Pacific Trader, which was arrested by a High Court writ at the Jurong wharf a month ago, was today ordered to be re- by Mr. Justice Chua. The arrest was made following an allegation by the charterer,
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  • 27 8 SINGAPORE, Mon. Wat#r pressure will be Interrupted between 9 am H pm on Wednesday at Stance* Pla> c. Loron? Stangee. Siange* Close and Melln Mansion
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  • 254 8 BEAUTIES FOR 'ALL STARS' SHOW THESi; five ppurK of tha Orient :ire from Tal Man and Hone Konc. two places which ho.iM some of thr world's most beautiful women. They are (from loft): Miv* Rillie Tarn. Miss Mnna Fonjj. Miss Betty Chung (recording artistes from Hong Kail) Miss I'ri I
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  • 356 8 SINGAPORE. Mon. j SOME 80 per cent of Singapore's population lived on 20 per cent of Singapore's land area, and this concentration of people called for extra skill and ingenuity on the part of city planners In accommodating them without any reduction
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 221 8 Ifyouvyere speaking here tomorrow ir%|K^^^S|fc3^*^^^^ ill l 1 ->«\m m you'd wear When the General Assembly of the United i|| -iCll^ff ]M, Nations meets in New York, the best watch lOvin the world is there. N^ Its large, classic shape is carved out of a I |ajbw .^k Inside the
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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  • 2128 9 IT seems that all discussion of military tactics in the Vietnam war has been either flooded out by the emotions surrounding the bombing of the north or bogged down in the mud and blood along the "demi litarised" zone between North and South Vietnam.
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  • 311 9 by A Special Correspondent of the LONDON ECONOMIST weeks. The deserters come mainly from the lower ranks. This leaves the Vietcong short of the manual labour on which Us support and supply system is based. Equally a significant number of the key. experienced Vietcong cadres are being captured or killed.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 56 9 HOT or COLD rr=r:=r v^ M|| M|| ninlpnfl **^^r»^* lIBUIUUU RITIOUS IN STS the nutritious instant food beverage fc< r Build up your energy s j\ 0^ Kirwith new^Makoa-the fc^J'^ET W^K^^ k health in adults. jrt, <q^tfL>^L EASY TO PREPARE. Malcoa dissolves instantly even in cold water or milk to
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  • 85 10 H.irrf. tli (Minimum) THE FAMILY OF thr Ut» Mr. Chan Otal thank all rrlatlvra ■hr;i aaatatuaa and MUM and dimaiiou in MR. AND MRS. A T lrnv.n.larH>« .■•(1 rflativ»a fur ihnr no th»ir <lavMR ANS> MRS. l-00l OM l-hw.n thank all rrlatlv»« and IMtnda fur ihrir kind |lft>. Binrrrrly
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  • 21 10 M Woriit 111 .Minimum) IN CHERISHIO MEMORY 0' ot Rud.y miuM t>m forrtly rad tijr hia family and eoi
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  • 673 10 The Straits Times Tuesday, November 28. 1967 The Floods Strike Much of the Kae4 Coast is .-.gain immersed in its annual ordeal by Hood Sew ml thousand people have l>c<-n evacuated from their boon a, many roada have been cut, all ■choola in Kelantan ondetcd closed ><nd tli. customary but
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  • 354 10 Singapore's record of health planning being one of th*» most impressive in thij part of the world the Republic is appropriate^ playing host to the World Health Organisation's current seminar on health problems in urban development. The rapid growth of urban communities in the comparatively underdeveloped countries of
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  • 203 10 The announcement tha l Malay is to be the medium of instruction in selected subjects in non-Malay schools caused BOOM MM ni. not because of Blly opposition in principle to the wider USfl of the nation**! language but because children's progress might he Underwd It they did not
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  • mm
    • 258 10 Justifying the devalued dollar \\'AS the Government morally or even economically justified in devaluing the old Malayan dollar? The old Malayan dollar although issued by the Board of Commissioners of Currency was still the responsibility of the two Governments. Any devaluation of the old Malayan dollar should have been borne
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    • 705 10 Visiting artistes and Singapore's taxman 1 REFER to the ItttCf from Mr. Donald Moore BT. Nov. 20 1 regarding income tax and visiting artlsti IB respect of any employment exercised in Singapore by non-re-sident artistes, the gains or profits are liable to tax, except where the' viatU are supported
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    • 70 10 THE fault lies not in Britain's devaluation of the pound, but in the folly of the Governments of Singapore and Malaysia in making such haphazard announcements over T.Vand radio. At least sufficient notice of devaluation of the old Malayan Currency should have been given. It was absurd to devalue the
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    • 82 10 \VITH all the furore regardlng the shortage of new coins, here is an example set by a six-year old in our Kindergarten that should make all grown-ups sit up and take notice. During recess. I forewent my usual snack on account of the scarcity of new coins. Noticing this. one
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  • 727 10  - The Dayak war makes a new political problem PETER JOB by Pontianak GRAVE economic trouble threatens busy Ponrianak port, built on stilts and sawdust in a swamp over the equator. Echoes of warfare and rioting in its jungle hinterland have already hit its rubber, i pepper, and copra j trade.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 480 10 Classifif d adverlisfjie«ts for Straits Times Malay Mail may be handed to: COLD bTORAOF SUPtftMtfAßkfT UaahJ COLO STORACf BKANCMIS I t i CITY BOOK STOHI LTO. THI NIWS MONT of kef. MM. ISMAIL, ■■-Hi, Novol Boat. MAMIIM STORI. 1419 Upper Chongl Koai, Sinocpoc* 17. V. Rl TNASAMY t CO, lyii
      480 words
    • 31 10 The Bank You Can Trust Bank with MALAYAN BANKING BERHAD and you bank wisely M«OC« > H«LAYANIAN« lUILDIN* 92. Jalan Bandar, Kuala Lumpur. BANKING BERHAD A«HmW Cmm* > 50.« M 001 anaaaaa*a«OaCa»Nar> aOMUXB
      31 words
    • 116 10 BERLEI CREATES FOR THE IN-GROUP Maximum loveliness. Minimum price. Berlei's International Style 200 Bra. Yours in white, black or skintone at just $18.80. Cut low under the arms with LYCRA side panels that cling smoothly to you. The stretch straps are adjustable too. Your Berlei qualified fitter can help you
      116 words

  • 217 11 Another Upko Assemblyman quits party JESSELTON. Monday. ANOTHER Urko State Assemblyman has quit thp party. He is Mr. Wong Fook Siang, the member for Kulau Penyu. The first Upko Assembly- r man to defeci wai Mr. r Juman, who is now I the State Minister of I clal Welfare and
    217 words
  • 52 11 KL'AI.A LUMPUR. Mon Mrs. Bes-sip Coral Gom<v. 24. a was today granted a divorce Irwn her husband. A.B. Gomez, on grounds of cruelty. The decree nisi us to to matte absolute in three tnonilis. Mr. Justice Gill granted her fear-old child and a monthly maintenance
    52 words
  • 23 11 KUALA t UMPUR. Mon. A Chinese periodical 'The New Youth." published by the Bari**u Sosialls. has been banned us Malaysia. a Government
    23 words
  • 85 11 Praise for alert fisherman lOHORE BAHRU A lucai fisherman was "highly cnmmi-nded" by the Chut Police Officer hen. Inche Mohami d Sharur bio Mohan week for being in.^trurruntal in the capture of tWO thl- tly. Tht fisherman, Ah K> walking along the I at Kampong SungeJ Kapal when h' saw
    85 words
  • 39 11 IPOH. Mon. The trial of Trtii Hock Khoon. l' 3 of murderinp detective corporal Wong Fook Senif at tlie Rainsporta Club lieie on Oct. 19 last year, srheduled fo: hearing today, was postponed to Jan 15
    39 words
  • 82 11 $100 PRIZE FOR EMBLEM I/UALA LUMPUR. Mon.— The Library Association of Malaysia invites designs for an emblem to be adopted by the association. A cash prize of $100 will be awarded to the winning entry and all desißii* -übmltted must measure 12in. I by 12in.. and should tncor- porate up
    82 words
  • 190 11 Business as usual— with armed guards ITtJALA L I M P I K Mon. Shopkeepers and hawkers today responded to the Government's appeal to ignore left-wing demands to observe a one-day hartal in the Federal capital. Business throughout Kuala Lumpur went on as usual with thousands of housewives going marketing
    190 words
  • 158 11 A daring Sl O,OOO hold-up near busy office SINGAPORE, Mon. A gunman and an accomplice held up a cashier and tcok SlO.OOO from him in busy Fin] .reen this afternoon. The cntrunrr ol the K Ea>t i i. id looked <ni The two sudd* 1 1 c firm. I an
    158 words
  • 32 11 .-inc. Mi IRI M An Indonesian, ong Ah Ho' nnwi $5,000 or onr j a magisi possessing civ 59 under near h Roiid <m Satun He pleadfd
    32 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 111 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i iiiihihmi*: THE BOARD
      111 words
    • 143 11 To commemorate our Ist Anniversary and the opening of our Geylang Branch, we are extending to our new customers a special offer. Between 25th. September and 31st December 1967,- free gift vouchers or other attractive gifts will be given away for new accounts opened at our Head Office or our
      143 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 755 11 TI)P News: 940 NM Cum- I Tinir: 11.00 Malaysian EnTW MAI AYQIA mentary; 9.45 Window on tertaiMn; 1130 The Newt; i¥ m.HLHiOIM thP world; 10.00 I Like 11.35 starlight .nid You: IHI.VML Kuala Lumpur Sports Arena; Til BUT IU tt B: 103 Me dyl «-«0 Clok Do»n and reruns Ipoh
      755 words

  • Untitled
    • 223 12 How to solve space problem and lend colour to house QFTEN simple ideas can be more effective than those that art quite involved, and the simplicity is part of the beauty of the idea. A com in point is the attractive home pictured here. Beams, 2" x 6" in tiie,
      223 words
    • Article, Illustration
      56 12 This it a column of ideai, not a merchandising promotion. Our local stores may not have an exact duplicate of any item shown, but now that you have the idea you may find o way to adapt it to your own home situation. Lovely flowers fill window openings to moke
      56 words
    • 395 12 BETTINA SAYS MINI-SKIRT IS NOT PRETTY ON THE STREET WHEN Bettlna .speaks, one listens. And Bettlna says the "mini-skirt Is not pretty on the street. You see so many ugly girls In It. It Is more tor the beach." Bettlna is the international beauty, one of the most iamous Paris
      395 words
    • 188 12 Social student back home after 7 years IT'S good to be back In Singapore, says Miss Helen Deborah who has returned home after a sevenyear absence. After securing an arts degree from the University of Malaya In 1959 she thought she would be away only for two years when she
      188 words
    • 169 12 For that big sparkle in the eyes BEAUTICIAN BACK FROM EAST MEETS WEST' CAMPAIGN Ie YES are bigger. They must sparkle. And make -up must be naturally flattering. It is all a parb of the new look that Revlon has just launched In Australia and which Singapore will see next
      169 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 539 12 Get away from it a11... c) g.^ +r Takes 2 weeks Ocean After 4 days sailing you'll be U«, HoM* to Hongkong *£gg*Z*£^ For your next leave take a real of fresh air and P&O comfort holiday sail away on P& 0 on the way back. And this Reet, relax,
      539 words
    • 91 12 Advertisement Complexion Beauty The secret of smoothing and beautifying the complexion is said to lie In the saturation of the skin with a new type of moist tropical oil. The skin takes on a radiant peaches-and-cream bloom as roughness and tiny lines are gently smoothed away. This nourishing treatment with
      91 words
    • 444 12 J Bsf: 9 I 9 With Kodel Fluff Pad in two lovely versions to fit every figure type for above-the-bra beauty Adjustable wide set stretch shoulder straps give unparalleled comfort to this decollete bra. For added lightness, new CURVALLURE is designed with a flat under-bust wire. Lyaa Spandex wing sections
      444 words

  • 256 13 Now BOAC says it: You don't have to pay more KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. jyjALAYSIANS wont have to pay a cent more to fly despite the rise in international air fares due to the devaluation of sterling. And a BOAC official here gave this reason: Malaysia was one of the countries
    256 words
  • 67 13 IPOH. Mon. A mUa shop keeper. Mr. Teoh Yam Ktr. 42. «as robbed of cash •nd proMsions worth $866 ni his shop in Pusir Puteh new village here last nicht He was awakened by wrnionne knocking al the door and when he opened it two men
    67 words
  • 79 13 Don't accept this $1,000 note, says the police s,in(.\l'okk Mon. Police today asked the public not to accept a 81.000 note which was stolen from a house in Wilkie Road on Saturday. The owner. Madam Yeo I>oe Hianj. had kept the note in a handbag which was found missine at
    79 words
  • 64 13 SLNGAPORE Mm. The Tourist Promotion Board is now prncpssinc ihnu.sands of suggest inns from tourists on now to further improve Singapore aj> a tourist centre. These have bern made in rrspniw to quest iona:rrs distributed to dfpart:ne louris 1 Oct 15 to Nov. 11 The
    64 words
  • 206 13 Detainee Zahari to sue for freedom: Wife SINGAPORE. Mon. A political detainee, Inche Said Zahari. is making arrangements to start legal action against the Government over his continued detention, his wife. Che Salamah Wah a b announced here today. She said that the Government had failed to meet her husband's
    206 words
  • 178 13 SINGAPORE. Mon. The Far Eastern Freight Conference today reiterated its earlier assurance to shippers that there will be slight reductions in freight costs in spite of the 12i per cent surcharge imposed last week. The conference said that exporters had really gained, and that It was
    178 words
  • 79 13 ClN(.\l'oi;i Mon—Police loday praised two >ouths for helpinc in the arrest of a snatch thief in Stamford Road >«¥sterdav The Polire Secretary. Mr. l.oke F«o Vee. viicl the thirf had snatched a sold chain from an 18--year-old i:irl. l.irw Kirn Hooy. at about
    79 words
  • 404 13 DIVORCE HEARING TOLD 0F- SINGAPORE. Mon AN ex-nurse and A mother ut three, Mrs. Bessie lion Sau Lin, 36. was today granted a dissolution of her marriage to a bankrupt businessman on the grounds of his adultery and cruelty. A married woman. Ida Aw, was
    404 words
  • 87 13 SINGAPORE. Mon A soldier. Tan Kok Kong, whs charged m a mag court today with roMM causing hurt to Ch..n Kens Teck. Tan., a private at thr aini(\l Forces Training Institute, .who pleaded not guilty, was alleged to have robbed Chan of Stele- trie vurcs worth $5
    87 words
  • 151 13 S^ K^MH\^ m*m < ond ir\ mno >K in West M.i l. 1 w.i Hill, from the N«'« uprn their doors to pupiK Irom Malaysia, th«- Minister of Education'! Patltieal Secretary. ln< he Sh.trifT viirt here tixl.i.x Tim. he said,
    151 words
  • 13 13 KI'AI.A langor 1 Children nil morrow at the Taniii Mi fe
    13 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 190 13 watchTV Ljtonite.^ Watch yourself instead! See yourself developing into a more positive, more confident, more effective person. How' By Rivinsr up a few fissive evenings of TV-watching to attend the Dale Carnegie Course. Too tired? Perhaps you're just bored. Men and women who have taken the Dale Carnegie Course say
      190 words
    • 99 13 mm m W r „-J W /I Msw V^'^4 W 3< mJt f J| l&.-i;" 1^ i ff m*^ 1 Mit I <■ I A M i %> "V 7W I jJSM IR GIN| A i\ 1 W^ > 5 WAYS BETTER I y^ Better tobaccos. Better blend. I Better
      99 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
      99 words

  • 533 14 LOCATED at Pavia, ancient capital of Lombardy and an aspiring modern industrial centre in Northern Italy, thr Necchi Co. truly reflects the enterprising spirit of this old cultural and political centre. Shortly after World War 1. Vittorio Necchi. the company's owner,
    533 words
  • 697 14 Italian trade team to study S'pore market ENGINEERING EXHIBITION OPENS TODAY TOP executives from manufacturing firms taking part in an Italian engineering exhibition in the Republic will evaluate its market potential and obtain first hand knowledge of the needs of the Singapore and other Asian markets. The display is being
    697 words
  • 186 14 MESSAGE FROM TUB ITAI.IXN .\Mlt\NS\iKiß TO SINGAPORE. DR. DANTE POLLICI: IT gives me great pleasure to announce the opening of the Italian Engineering Exhibition sponsored by my Government. Technical This exhibition, organised by the Italian Institute for Foreign Trade, spotlights the latest productions of Italy's
    186 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 643 14 WELCOME TO ITALIAN ENGINEERING EXHIBITION ■i Shenton Way, Singapore. (Light Industrie* Services Exhibition srt«) From 28th November to 11th December, 1967 j«i X Quality ,^_iM i Durability gQ22£9av insist on marocchi GAS cooker mLf^ a— l/j f JttflHi Model: F '4 Model: C; H5 Easy-Quick-Clean Cooking k "^^-^l Model :G5
      643 words

  • 264 15 Factories set up sales, technical offices in many countries Italy s manufi turers maintain sales and tectani assistance organisations abroad that an vast, complete and rx tremely flexiblr Exam pies of this oreanisa tlonal work In the foui sec-tors arc numerous Ir the field of elf engineering. Iho Italian Company.
    264 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 305 15 'Wgjt&b 'BBj^^St^HP^* J1 j^^^^^^r sssssi /Hi JWufl W SX means ,itEK- exacting laW Vh^ i Wk a Mm ißm b*M design with «^^S| chrome tiTiish— plus choice of colour! ;^SSSSSs! Bm SX means swift-exhilaratinci *4i H^ tn* pov.«i'u! surge of the new 4 speed jH ffc It <4*^s t <'•
      305 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 761 16 c •1 ■•niinurd tiom t'AZr 1" ACKNOWLEDGMENTS r*. tit 1 Minimum MR. ANO MRS. SIVALINGAM thai.X atl reiati\ es and friends tor their atteno J a.-«> oa mi aci**ion of their voiding on 1K.11.ti 7 at Ifon. THE* FAMILY OF the late Ur. soon Pou thank all priests. relatives
      761 words
    • 1030 16 SITUATIONS VACANI Ij l» ordt Hi Bo j it rt,. txlrt REQUIRCD EXPERIENCED SALES MAN -tp Dttrtai Licence tor t.actutica. producu. Applicants to appl\ p«nonally at 721. Uuaman Road. Singapore Ij during ofrlce 1 hours. WANTED a cierK in Malacca Ascncy Office of a leading national insurance company. Applicants 2i>
      1,030 words
    • 896 16 HOUSES AND LAND FOR SALE Jj H »rrf» n» Win.' Box j* ctM. rxlrt NO OILAT .v... Haini-decacoed ann uiiu.'o But.(in«> at Ui' OSBBi Ku«d Ka:oi.«. 4 rtouii.* ttaturooms .r.j, inning Ku«m< Kitcnen Ho/> n built-m AarvuDes. etc. Parquet. Mosaic nooriccs tei itipore' MM MM JOHORE BAHRU: Jalan Waterworks. New
      896 words
    • 948 16 TOURS -.ND EXCURSIONS M H.rWi M Mm.,— Box i* tit. rxlrt NAM HO TRAVEL SERVICE LTD.. j M>Uw .-Un>> EM/* Uep*rture I >.iua.i> Hoa4aj lu«.-da> i.^»nu> 4-LiaNe ;U(). >Jvj Jo 1 1 <>'. J I'- 1 •>. 'IS "i < »Ko« Cnrii..ia) ULi«>» \*Jj., M jr. «7 •> i;.t>"7
      948 words
    • 1001 16 VEHICLES FOR SALE H Wards I Him. I— Box if c(» ettra I EXCELLENT CONDITION I Peiueo' 4U3 Dietti t- u uAoers Jl'MH*.- < -iing Telepuooe 1 b pure RSCISTEMEO NBI f CONSUL UK: L Blur engine K.>d>'Orii I Paintxi, b.l' Ponsiti< le; IB port- iRENAULT OAUPMINE 19*0 •I I
      1,001 words
    • 743 16 FURS DRESSES I* *ord* t$ Him. t— Box J» </- IF IT IS li i> Boo'« 11 ITiisis 37 Mamioni I'.o.ii t'cwi-t Rood. LAUitS HAiKUKtiSiNO Word. Bf -Win.)— Box i* r(. •>(.. CRAND OPINING: S.noli i) to.v v. wuh Hum V*r\*. i-ondoi. 1 8 v CelcstiaJ Koom, or ha NEW
      743 words
      325 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1264 17 tO LIVERPOOL I WEST CBAST UK Due i r p i .m Pftat SUN '<"» It Part 'HISIUS „ft Dec I BM 7 CLTTONEUS Km. 11 laity Ntt 21 2 ""US Nev 18 Bee 1 Bk 4 S MEMNON Bet 8 CYCLOPS isajaa Bk i Ok 8 Ore 812 Dec
      1,264 words
    • 2645 17 W^^^^udtfJ^MiUm^Skiß THeXjMsL/NES xmxAx r' THfc tAST ASIAT.C COMPAS i He H» |K»«»a OkrWMrt EXPRESS BAIUHM TO CEriOtHOHTH OOFtTI>IEFtT/tC>FiMIIAVI* P Sham Penan?. S'oora I Genoa R'dam H'burg Aarttus C'higsn SUMBAMA a 0 Sallta lr Part 21 2S Bet 1 'mil M IJM 11 Ml) ka 17 SONCKHU I() Btc 2177 Btt
      2,645 words
    • 1002 17 %g^l ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO., LTD. Y^mQ^ SEE OVERLUF FOR OUTWARD SERVICE FROM UK CONIINENI T^^^ LtaaJiajt Ik: CI*Y BF WBRCESTER iii ok hi: Ok nit arc CITY B» JBNANNESIURC LataMß, Rottenai. f 11 ti BK Ik U Bee tl II «>< CITY IF CNtSTIR toneon. Ro"- 21 21 Bee
      1,002 words

  • 1185 18 BUSINESS ON STOCK EXCHANGE D(MM» IN \\l» lill'lllillll TO TIU «l\(,.*J>Oßi: AND Rl ALA 1.1 MPtR IKA1)IN(. ROOM* ill IMF STOCK IXC HANOI M.sTI.RUAV. HITH 1 111 l MMBF.K <»l SHARES TRADED IX BRACKETS: INDUSTRIALS Ben JL Cc O.OVOiI P C. Suga'- 13.000) 59.84. iS.ugO) l>. ibuoui I ;.utoi D
    1,185 words
  • 181 18 MELBOLRNI- Man INDUSTRIALS e*>t(l with movejawnu but TMth falls wel l in fxceriS of rtseh B.H.P. lesi U cem-- to Sl6 3-'> after otjenmr. n: 516.15 »nci .S.R. dropped 20 cent, to M >0 Peko had an outstar.cing Rain of 30 cer.t.s vo S6 90. Minings nere firm
    181 words
  • 1105 18 From Our Market Correspondent Tl RNOVtR was> reduced on the Stock Exchange >esti>rda> uu a falling market which resulted from wrnc small selling and also a proportion of stoploss liquidation. The market m» uncertain apain with the backwash of devaluation still tri .1 tin
    1,105 words
  • 27 18 STOCK INDICES MaU>4ii stork IaeJjJBCI Nm \m. IneJuatrtalk: I tl rraawrtfca: ni i:;;.?>t> Minings: x.vxx s Kabfcen It IK :i; Dae. IM IM Dm m, IM) IM
    27 words
  • 290 18 C-MIPS LVINI. ALONC»IOt I HI (INCAPORE HARBOUR WHARVES OR IXPeCTCD TOOAV ARI Oottm.-cr. .1 < temeu M-^.. rorrt A T. John'- *r»i« I 9 Murgrlain in n Olenrariaal l*'l* lournai ih. Kmpir* KMttwaJM 21 ?2. To ?4. Ralldor :5'26. K»»tern Mv« TT B#n«von ai 32. Clyton»u»
    290 words
  • 54 18 U.\ IM tret ajeaMNfl oiimil r Hon» Kor; v»»tcriky (Br U.I O.ll*r .ot*d at ti O4J for T.T. ».-.<i -juu* for cash. ■ttrimf •aa yuoi- i <i v »n» un *r (.io ji NOTS: A., IMat IM -oia pr;te i»aajusted following tDt upward tea p«r ctnt revaluation or
    54 words
  • 161 18 I jl.i I HIM I. him iubl»4»r 1.0. b bu.wis etoacal .il i>.m. in Koala Laaspw aaej >iueapora yeßtcrdaj al M>i n-m- prr lb. ti|i iinr-cightli ul iint on Friday's ttaßßßt Inrl lln torn was nil. R.A.S. and M.K.fc. cloMnj pneaa in nut- per lb. >r»lrrd.i>. Buyers Seller*"
    161 words
  • 14 18 -I'HC «necilti»n .r Births in Malapaia mad< no akaaajaa m tia vf»ter<ay.
    14 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1068 18 Yv^*^ KAWASAKI RISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia Singapore Japan Service Clilr Mar. •> t| Dtc 17 II Oec I Otc' ll Dec Ta.|e« Mara '5 Oec II ai 17 11 Jai N Jai 21 Jai 11 lea West AErica Singapore/Japan Service '■Mittill»ei Man Saiiel 1 Ore II BM H Ik
      1,068 words
    • 520 18 ejBjajBBBBJ aV99*4Bal eafJl AUSTIHI* NfW ZCAUNO MMM I INOI) t AKISTAN «N0 MR EAST SCRVICES BJI rreaaatla. Aeelaile, Melteene. aMaa) tti Ma«ras Nataeattnan t t p I/Bta StaapMffl kiaaajHi' p i'-3* t>t«4nt i»mom 1 oec I- I tec ll 1} Dec RAJUU 2 7 Dtc I tec I tig tUUMRA
      520 words
    • 228 18 FRIM lAPAN "STATE IF TRAVANCORE COCHIN 'o-C«.w:> »k 2 FROM lOMIAT M V STATE OF ANIHRA Dec 4 FROM tALCUTTA M.V "VISHVA KALYAN lo- l'isca-e i S.:-.e Ok 3 4 Oec J I FROM lAPAN "STATE IF ASSAM lor Va:r<: .:c I Infill 111. 41 Nil 2S wMlt> *«.tNr> 1(1
      228 words
    • 146 18 fir AMSfEROAM ROTTLIOAM. HAMIURC t GDYNIA. ..j,,,"- 11-12 Dec -13 14 tec •ISIItM smec, I 315 0" il7B 1 General Agents: C.F. SHARP <St CO., (M) LTD, Tel: Sinjjpare ***** 7. P. Sham 6353. Pimm (1069 "mrnmt p i.; ri^ V& H IVS ■W -vSTg »:«D W 2 5 2,
      146 words

  • 145 19 r pill Mr.ntv tin pntr in -<i tmde selling of forward* I Peaaag fOTtefiay was tthl( h however, were well absorbslightlv falling hv rentv lit >.".'is on .1 quirt The market closed idle with No market Kss December buyers quoted at v pc: lb
    145 words
  • 73 19 HINESE Pr.mitt Cichanm iin«a--v part. n»»n pncai (Mr pieul »tt Urday. Coconut ail: hulk SOI n'llrra. drum *<U» HellerCopra Mixril ifo.h looat Nov./ < I R Pap*«r: Muntnk whit* SI2~I arllrra. j Mta»ak uhi't IMB Mttata, apeclal < k v;« Milan varbim ii k |I<M atllrm (all NI.WI
    73 words
  • 28 19 \..v n liillßllt PRICE: :><U irnts (up unr rulith of a <«>ntt. UN I'KK E: S.VIB Ulnun cents). Estinatod offeriai 111 tons nip S torn).
    28 words
  • 53 19 |i\ 111 l Malayan Short Inm Monov Market for th» »erk enili-d Saturday, November U, thr range of rail rate* was as fallows; BANK USDs 4 ]trr cent to I 1H prr rent. i.l NIK \l. MXDS: 3', per cent lo I per rrnt. MOVEMENT* of funds
    53 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 314 19 i;i'iih-I J ,'l^i[ffl3 THE BORNEO COMPANY (S) LIMITED Owing to the rapid expansion of our Consumer Products Division we are looking for a Marketing Executive with Pan-Malaysian responsibilities. Applicants must be Singapore citizens, should have a good educational background and have experience in marketing consumer products in Singapore and Malaysia.
      314 words
    • 768 19 NOTICES TOWN AND CITY PROPERTIES LIMITED (Incorporated in thr Republic of Singapore). ANN! AL (.KNERAL MEETING. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN I that the Fifth Annual General Meeting ot the Stockholders of Town and City Properties Limited will be held in the Viking Room of the Goodwood Hotel, "cotts i Road.
      768 words
    • 1221 19 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT STATE OF BRUNEI VA( AM Ir.N IN THE DEPARTMENT OF KKOMM ASTINC, AND INFORMATION. APPLICATIONS are invited for the following vacancies in the Department of Broadcasting and Information. Brunei a i EDITOR il vacancy) Ql ALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE: Passed Overseas School Certificate or equivalent with credit in English.
      1,221 words
    • 460 19 LEADING BRITISH COMPANY requires experienced CLEARING AND FORWARDING EXECUTIVE Applicants must have minimum of 10 years experience sea freight, air freight, rail and lorry transport of goods and be fully conversant with all Customs and Port Authority formalities and requirements. This is an important post and right applicant will be
      460 words

    • 389 20 $500,000 BOOST FOR BASKETBALL J^UALA LUMPUR'S mam spurts complex around the Merdeka Stadium and Stadium Negara will booh have an important new amenity a headquarters building at Davidson Road for the Malaysian Amateur Basketball Association. In order that Malaysia should measure up to it
      389 words
    • 903 20 yt/UUUIS lm Major I'il k.O'i Menang 1.08 all seven races Major 1 (iir| 8.09 upper Lens 8.07 on the first da> of Surveyor 8.09 Son of Sol 8.07 the MapyM Turf I'an Kajah 8.08 Cannon Kire 8.06 mil's Dc.rmliri Solicitor 8.08 meeting at Bukit \a>a (on Dim
      903 words
    • 171 20 Damascus is America's 'Horse of Year 9 |\JEW YORK, Mon. Dama»I" rus a three-year-old American money-winning record-hold-er was today named Americas •Horse of the Year 1 by the Thoroughbred Racing Associaicird ol selection Damascus won a total ol USSBI7 941 Mil-- season setting a record (or one years winnings in
      Reuter  -  171 words
    • 64 20 BOWLING MtI.BoLRNK Mvii I ih..l- Kob Zikman to win Au s top ten-pin bowiu South Classic, lor the third sun ir Insl night. H ihr top 17 Ausirallan Knn; .iin! H in 38 of ihr 48 g.mies lie i W -Til .i
      Reuter  -  64 words
    • 51 20 i->^ Smith-Court Wimbledon champion. vwl] In the worniiii Hi ti. South Waii-s tennis championships. li look Mrs Court only 38 A helm Kathy c-:v 6-3 in thi nii.ii In thi .'o the final, v. here he will meet Roche, with :< 6-3. 7-5, I Bow-8-1. 11.
      51 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 845 20 BP MALAYSIA SDN. BHD. are invited from suitably msllHsd Malaysian K-ho meet the rrquirements set out below lor the j. TECHNICAL SERVICES ENGINEER *<■' 25 35 years Mi lion iTKMa Meaobsrshlp of a pnataasloaal kasttli Engineering or Combustion Technology and<or an Engineering deuree. Chinese dialects and English I Ml nil
      845 words
    • 758 20 TENDERS MAJLIS PERBANDARAN KOTA MELAKA TENDER NOTICE SIPPI.V OK (111 MM M s SIIT ABI.r rOK U II K IKI \l Mr I H)R Till YKAR I*6B Tenders are Invited for thi supply of ih» following chemical: suitable lor water treatment foi ihe >ear 1968:— ll) 300 long tons Sulphate
      758 words
    • 489 20 TENDERS TAWARAW Tawaran untok prrsediaan makanan nuak ka-Asrama Xjiig iii -I'usatkan lAsrama srk.iUnj ISlBBjSrto) Johor Bahru. TAWAKAN akhii dl-ierima dlPejabui Pelajaian. Johor Bahru hlngxa 12 tFiigah hail pada hail Alihci. mill) Di.sember. 1D67 untok i*rse<iiaaii makanan ma.sak untok r knaJ 1 1112 1 penumpang pada masa 1 1 1968 hingga
      489 words
    • 135 20 'mi WAHMTH AND SOOTHING FRESHNESS cotn<> naturmlty mnd in*tantaneou%ly in an IGNIS home There is an IGNIS water heater, tailor -mad* to nut*t all your requirement > So why don't you see your local IGNIS supplier today? You'll be to glad you did. IGNIS water heater O©SOUIH KUIMIHS So\ Bf
      135 words

  • | TIMESPORT – 1 [
    • 320 21 Spotlight on the Seap Games— and there's no joy for Malaysia and Singapore in first event BANGKOK. Monday and Singapore have had a start m the Fourth Games hi Three Malaysians and two Singapon well beaten last 1. in the opening bouts all semi-finals
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    • 350 21  - Ten wins target now for Golden Girl Pat FRANCIS BOEY SWIMMING By L-IGHT gold medals at Kuala Lumpur in 1965: ten at Bangkok next month. Fourteen year old Pat Chan, the Golden Girl of the Third Seap Games will be swimming after this target in the fourth Game* next month.
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    • 196 21 ATHLETICS MALAYSIA MAY NOT HAVE MAN ON APPEAL JURY MALAYSIA are in danger of not being represented for the first time on the Seap Games mo»t important jury of appeal for track and field events In accordance with the ruieb of the Gajnes Federation which require every country to appoint
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    • 65 21 ASIAN KAIRTING GP OFF HONO KOI Th« rtaiv of tlif Hone Konc C3o-kait Cluh wa^ ng the AMan Karline Grand Pn\ srheduled to h? held in ManilH next year, has been cancelled Ung to the 'China Mall dub serreurv Khn Kirn An said the lace meet was being cancelled because
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    • 256 21 YACHTING OLYMPIC Council of Malaysia are vnrtuiK IWO move conr lo linn the Seap Games yachting team currently training at ratten Beach, aljout 80 miles from Bangkok They are Capl. Alcysius Poll of thr Malaysian Armed Force* and Daphne Rabel a sales a.«siMant In
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    • 120 21 SUMMARY SOCKET B'POSE I>IV. l: Port Authority 1 UniveiMty 0 II \M^ i\ 1 1 i; it k I ilna ping CRC bt Peiait CRC. Ipoh. 5-1 'Ng Ho Hun and Foo Guan Hu bt Mu.siaph.i <nd Lim Tenw Wan 4-6 6-2 L'-3. Lim Gu.lll Kuan and Ng Suy
      120 words
    • 240 21  -  J. OWEN.DAVIES RUGGER By •THE Malay >ia n rugger squad (or the Seap Qamea. shovine the benefit* ni eight days of Intensive trainuic. beat a Selangor Invitation by two :.d try 1 13 poinUi to a ocMtty '3 points' at the Ba'u Oarri
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    • 588 21  -  Mansoor Rahman GOLF NOTES by the Royal Selangor Golf Club committee have 1 called an extraordinary general meeting for Dec. 11 to seek ratification for their increase in entrance fee for membership from $600 to $1,000. Approval for the Increase in the entrance
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    • 248 21  - I'll do good for S'pore promise by new coach ERNEST FRIDA SOCCER By I OZAN VALDIMIHOV KOCEV. one of Bulgaria'! L tup soccer coaches, la confident that, given the tight conditions, he will definitely improve the standard of Singapore soccer during his oneyear assignment In the Republic At a press
      248 words
    • 247 21 CRICKET PtKin lion a century by tttnkb Engineer and &tout tontnbuiiou.s l.urn Ru:i bui'U ..aiiilu BuidP (ailed 10 keep liit IrviiHu cricketer* fiuoa ihe bunk vi on the V 1)1 lII ■m AUbtialid here. Knc.ncer Inl U'B Ji the first lniungs ..nd with
      Reuter  -  247 words
    • 79 21 ALGIERS. Mon Algeria moved to the next round of th* Olympic soccer qualifyinc tournamen' with -'-l se-cond-iec win over Libya yesterday The fn>t m.«tch ended in a l-i draw in Tripoli. In Turn-. 'on :nc draw to dc-iac their Olympic qualifying Tunisia the team.- fought a ifter
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 140 21 MITSUBISHI SEWING MACHINES <MZ-51> y^^ M A New Versatile r^i m Honie Helper VjM The Mitsubishi MZ-51 lully automatic zig-zag it a top quality tewing machine with all-round versatility. A unique 16 cam arrangement permits 48 types of embroidery work, and buttonholing it accomplished by a simple dial setting. With
      140 words
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  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 32 21 SOCCER RDY Cud final: Cheng Wah v Klnta Indian.'. (SUdlum Perak. 5 pni.i. HOCKEY S'cor Div. 3: Kilat 'D' v EPP < Pantal); Survey v MSA iGurney Rd); PWD v ERC (Cheias Rd).
      32 words

  • 49 22 'ABLE RECEIVED FROM \1 I Ml \nthoiT\ i 1.67 MR* ISUUORAI PERCIRA .1 V.IMM MRJ TAN SOON KtNG r,. 1.., I „r, Leaving hrhlnrt r(1 m. ii \ii a d.iii^hl' i law and ktrrn k, mourn Hrankrl Katatc, ■< t pin on Ifl.llii; ir,im KIM.- I'.rk «Md Ih.r..
    49 words
  • 50 22 BANGKOK. Mon— Philippines President Marcos and South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thteu will visit Thailand nexi >ear. the Prime Minister, Field Marshal Thanom K.ttikachorn. announced today. He .said the Shah of Iran l.s also scheduled to come to Thailand for a state visit next year. —Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 153 22 London dockers vote to end strike I ONDON, Mon. London dockers today voted to end an eight week wildcat strike that has held up £100 million in vital exports. Three thousand hard-core-strikers many others have been drifting back to work over the past fortnight decided to return to work at
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 52 22 TOKYO. Mon— The Nationalist Chinese Defence Minister. Chiang Ching-kuo. today received a red carpet welcome when he flew Into Tokyo lor a sixday official visit. His chartered Boeinu 727 of China All lines came to a Inlt on the tarmac to the boom of a 19-gun
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 48 22 LONDON. Mon— Nearly half the young people of Britain would like to emigrate, a teenage survey In the Daily Mall reported today. Teenagers who saw no pride in being British wanted to live in the United States. Canada. Germany. New Zealand and Australia— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 48 22 SINGAPORE. Mon. Water supply w ill be shul-ofl in the following areas from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Wednesday: Hythe Road i houses 34 to 70 and 35 to 85i. Court Road il and S). Kensington Park Road (65 and 67 > and Jalan Hwi Yoh.
    48 words
  • 246 22 LONDON. Mon CloMng middle puce.s of selected Mocks nol Including stmp duty were: 111.1111.i1. 90MOl 2' £35 13 16 a 16 Funding 4 £95 7 16 War 3 1 r, £49 5 16 +3, 16 BANKS Chartered 64 9 tfongkong £9 t W ISM RAM
    246 words
  • 63 22 LONDON. Mon. Spot 18d.. Jan. 17 5 16d. Feb. Had., March 17 ,d. Jan. March 17' 2 d. April Jui- 17\d.. July Sept. 18d.. Oct Dec 18.d Jan. March 18', d April June 18 3 »d July Sept. 18.d Od. Dec 18-, d.. Jan Mar. 18 ,d. elf Dec.
    63 words
  • 33 22 LONDON. Mon Buyers £1360 IS) sellers £1363 i— £l3», Forward buyers £1364 i— £11 >. sellers £1365 i— £11 1. Settlement £1365 i— £s> Turnover am 130 ions, pm 265 tons. Tone: Steady
    33 words
  • 128 22 NEW YORK. Mon— A man shut and wounded an am.e el intruder who had broken into his apartment and forced him i" look on while he rapril his wife, police reported yestersiaj The intruder was taken to hospital, where police chargea him with
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 186 22 No more Filipino workers after Thursday lESSELTON. Mon. No more Filipino workers will be allowed into Sabah after Thursday until a new labour agreement la aiu. n c d between Manila an d Kuala Lumpur. Thl by ihe Sabali Controller of Immlgration, Mr 8.1 Arrowsmith, .v a press confi here
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  • 26 22 BANGKOK. Mon Pakistani Ambassador to I hailand. Mr P M Chaudhurl. died at, the Seventh Day Advenilut hospital here today. He was S7 Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 141 22 Late CLASSIFIEDS 20 words $15 (minimum) du>k- Krrhnu H KOM TO ACNEk d* i^l.trr si.lrr lor Su«m on T'"" ....I >t.,n II Mvrrni.i £E WHISSEL •i .'Tlh .Niiv ISST PARAMEIWARAN SATMY Dt. M m Ml Mm <■ m xmr on Jim ST. |J2J XX2 bsES One of many models to
      141 words
    • 209 22 would you buy wdiiicrci yr M-JBkC^' >fl B&.-IWEfesi^^B^ The one and only Olympus Pen FT doesn't j/'^^^bV Alumm r I II I look like much here. We've forsaken the usual aY t r-* stunning product shot in order to expose the stsVH^ Pen FT for what it really is: a
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 48 22 The weather Hmiu tempsratam in Miiliusis and Singapore for tin period 8 p.m. Sunday to 8 p.m ye.-teu: WgBMBt Luwrsl Kunhi Lumpur SS 73 Kota Bharu H 7^ Ipoh 88 73 Malacca 86 72 Singa| 86 72 C Hiuhlands i; 8 'M .Ip^sr-lton 86 73 Kuchmg 88 73
      48 words