The Straits Times, 23 November 1967

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 33 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 1 50.000 The Straits Times The National Nnws(,;,per Estd. 1845 THI KSUAV. NOVEMBER 23, 1967 13 CENTS yf iNlia NMMf) or IK CENTS (Old currtney) KU.N. »IS:2SM M.C.fDJJSB
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  • 19 1 To devalue our would be unthinkable'— Tan 01 ri i. in .nid Urn Ccagka .«i iin- Pn".* f— ftrfrc
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  • 839 1  -  808 NG: By KUALA LUMPUR. WEDNESDAY— THE Government's decision not to devalue the Malaysian dollar will NOT be reversed, the Minister of Finance, Tun Tan Siew Sin, reiterated today. "Devaluation of the new Malaysian currency is unthinkable** 1 he lolcl reporters after Ihe weekly Cabinel meeting
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  • 139 1 Cabinet fully behind decision, says Tengku Xl \l II MVi U Wed. The (■civeriiiiient's no devaluation decision iras reached "many. many months ago." Tcncku \hciul Rahman disclosed a* his pciste.lblllct puss conference U>cia>. So. he added, when tin British devaluation announcement MM m.ulc last weekend the (io\c-rn-ment <- vist stuck
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  • 31 1 No take-over of banks M w I'll Ml Wed. liif i Mi Murarji me in today that i mo n. iH( I I mier House: MICS 1> iii better than n.<Reuter.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 531 1 Arabs accept British peace plan UNITED NATIONS. Wednesday. r PHE Security Council was today expected to take a step towards promoting a settlement in the Middle East by approving a British r< solution which would demand concessions from both Israel and the Arab States. Arab delegations were said to have
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  • 27 1 JAKAKIA Wed 111. It. dunessan Proni li.i urged acting Pr«»i dent Bul carnc fron In* Boeiu n anothe: he cannot com tnunlcate with in.- midh
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  • 127 1 A winner and then it wasn't KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. There was quite a bit of confusion over the plactag Of the first and second horses in Race Seven (the big sweep race) at Kuala Lumpur today. Riink outsider Pan Andy 'Suoian Dalweei and the wcil-backed Jolly Roger (apprentice Tom Chiang)
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  • 57 1 HONOLULU. Wed Five pas.sem;er.s aboard a BOAC Boemn 707 were injured today when an enuine caught fire a.s the plane taxied towards take off point at Honolulu International airport The fire spread to the wing and the plane was moved to nearby runway where passengers left by
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 320 1 Police chief quits after gambling probe report NASSAU. Wed. A Government appointed inquiry into gambling in t lie Bahamas has condemned consultancy agreements under which the former Tourist Minister. Sir Stafford Sands, was paid fees of up to 1200.000 The report aUo criticised the present Prime Minister. Mr. Lyndon Pinollng
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  • 39 1 SYDNEY Wed The ih-.m man at n wedding m Newcastle, 100 miles north "f here was charged muht \Mth the rape of a bridesmaid whom \\r offered to drive home after tiie ceremony, police reported. Reuter
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  • 325 1  -  GEOFFREY BOLANL By SINGAPOU. Wed. The effects of the devaluation of sterling continued to he maim m.irket lac tors toda> atid resulted in a >17 T_>' drop in the tin price and a late rush uf sellers on the stock exchange Tin was declared in PeouMg at
    Reuter  -  325 words
  • 20 1 NrW DM HI W><; Finance Minister. Mi Mnraru De.sal. told Pnrliamr there would be no nationalisation of banks.
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  • 99 1 Reds kill 10 Dayaks in night raid JAKARTA immunisi Chi guerillas killed m D;i yak tribesmen In a night attack last week West Borneo province, according to reports reaching here today from the provincial capital of Pontianak. The ched the ai Kampong Kinado, and met fierce r< the villagers, who
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 17 1 TURKISH JETS FR CYPF rre Jet KihW'i rii rrnrtlt .jrts pcnctr on th Tf different
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 108 1 For Clear C Comfortable flgk^^H Consult C. S. CHONG O. D. EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 19. Chulia Street. Singapore. 1. [sso Safety Seat Belts Special Otter at $14 each while stocks last. SEAT BELTS SAVE LIVES Pntect your family by fitting safety belts to every seat in your car. Seat belts
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    • 45 1 "THE MASTERPIECE" THORENS TD 224 World's first combined Transcription Turntable and Automatic Record Changer JEBSEN C JESSEN (Sj LTD g^^^Jr g^^flMi^gW Jtßl -*^gl^Hl gggggggr x 1 1 mM JBglßHf a >^ -^/J^^*. M gg^ The perfect c^oirE companion— T~~~y^ at all meals {p at all times
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    • 297 2 'No victory in a classic sense WASHINGTON, Wed M V I I I I A M s t llliill'l.lllll. commander vi l .S. forces in Kin. mi. S.llll cs(«l(|.l\ tlir end ol lite wst "ht^nis to come into view, lull i( i> (lilli tuli tv cuncelve i>i .1 liiilit.ti
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    • 25 2 WASHINGTON Wed Pentagon yesterday ordered th' Induction ol ***** men inio v ir ts Annv in January 'he ugh«\M draft call 14 monih
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    • 29 2 JAKARTA. Wed Indoneata'a acu w Praak'ent i harto. will vim- the United Arab Republic in March ne\ U A R Ambassador Achmad Ryarl >ald Rr
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    • 337 2 CALCUTTA, Wednesday. TROOPS were moved into Calcutta last night after West Bengal's Governor Dharam Yira dismissed the Communist-dominated State Government of Mr. Ajoy Mukherjee. More than iju tiuckloads of troops were reported to have been moved Into the city to stand by in
      Reuter  -  337 words
    • 216 2 CHINA IN THE U.N. MOVE HITS SNAGS UNITED NATIONS. Wed. A proposal that the General AJuembl] examine its attitude towards the problem Of Chinese representation ran Into immediate objectiontoday from both supporters and opponents of Peking. Mr Pteru Vinci ol Italy Introduced thr prnptu-ai on lali of lus own drlpg;ition
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    • 158 2 ('HICAGO. Wed. Surg eons at Calilornia's Btandord Medical Centre are ready to make the world's first human heart transplant whenever the ideal donor and ideal recipient appear th«-re the same time, the Journal of the American Medical Association said. "We think the way Is
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    • 236 2 i NKARA, Wed. v Turkey bilateral talks on the Cyprus situation, the Turkish gn Ministry announcrci last night It v made to the Turkish Ambassador in Athens. It wan not yet known whether Turkey had accepted the offer. The Uon has
      Reuter  -  236 words
    • 844 3 U.S. TREASURY CHIEF TALKS OF A NEW ATTACK Labour MPs support Wilson PARIS, Wed. Western diplomatic sources i>aid yesterday France s c c in <■ d pn paring a new drive to undermine the dollar and dismantle the ,u<>id exchange system. They
      Reuter; UPI  -  844 words
    • 216 3 CHICAGO. Wednesday. pOLICE battled last night on Chicago's North Side with hundreds of rioting Negro youths who looted shops and smashed windows, hurling stones, bricks and bottl pc By early evening police reported that more than 100 people— the majority teenage youths— had been arrested.
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    • 143 3 VETERAN SIKH LEADER DIES fHANDIGARH (Punjab). Wed —Master T a r a Singh, veteran Sikh leader who was one of India's moM controversial political figures, died here today of a heart attack. Up was 82 Mister Tan Singh I prisoned many timr.x (luring rule In India and again alter
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    • 29 3 HOUSTON. Wed— Thr Space Arpih-v yesterday named veteran .spaceman Jaine.s McDlvitt lo command thr Brat manned flight of the Saturn -5 moon rocket next year UPI.
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    • 165 3 ONDON. Wed. Trendsetting English youth have got another boost the (>o\e:nnient has) announced its "broad sympathy" with roarri.ier at 18 regardless parPiital eoaamt I \istine marriitgr laws v';iic that parent. il innsrnl must he olitainrd up to the ,ice of 21 in Ball I
      Reuter  -  165 words
    • 233 3 A FLIGHT MISSED: SHE OWES HER LIFE TO A THIEF... CHICAGO, Wed. A woman thanked God yesterday someone snatched tier purse. The theft kept her off the Trans World Airliner plane that crashed on Monday in Cincinnati, killing 66 people. Mrs. Peggy Ball. 18. wife of a Serviceman who was
      UPI  -  233 words
    • 56 3 LONDON Weu Canadian Prime Minuter Lester Pcar»un arrived here yesterday [or a ueck-i> Inly to receive '■doni of the City ol London and <:i honorary degree lrc:n London University. He will meet the Bmu.sli Prune MiniMer. Mr Harold Wil-.-.11 i.ilk.s today the Brat Hi ijuurnmont to do
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    • 282 15 PROTEINS FROM OIL— A BIG STEP FORWARD BY BP I ONDON Wed Bn- lish Petroleum, in what could be the oil industry's bigresl breakthrough since the invention of the car. has di.scoveied how to get food from oil BP are building JC2.000.--uuu plant at Lavera. near ManeUlM, Southern Prance, which
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    • 77 15 Australia bans U.S. made toy gun From TIM TREE C\T>NEY. Wed.— Australia has banned the import and sale of an Americanmade sonic blast toy gun because It could deafen children. ttie gun, Agent Zero M Sonic Blaster, his been at Aslo and ase.s compressed air to make a loud report.
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    • 54 15 1 ONDON \\ct. BOP Susv.T a** oe'n Ed Comnund'i* ul tar Forces to Huns Kong fn Mr. li Gen. Eugs'.er 1 h :v.o:ed L:euer.Hir. Genern. eeeds Lieut.-Oe:i. Sir Jnon Wors.e\ Oen. Eugbier tm.s ucen General Officer Command Lng London Di&tr.ct and Ma.ior-GeneraJ Commanding Household Brigade
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    • 120 15 (IEXtVA. Wed. Britain and Soutb Arabia s National Liberation I- ro n t (NLF). whotf troops recentlj faced etch other aero-* sunsirhtv met at the conference Inhlr Te^terday for the lir>t time and the atmosphere was >aid to be Tniourjcint Riit.un .<ii(l Ihr Ml
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    • 389 15 HIPPIE HOUSE HORROR DENVER. W«o r piE body of a two-year-old boy. his heart cut out and a soft drink bottle inserted in the cavity, was found in a hippie house here yesterday. The child's 24-vear-old mother. her hands and the knees
      AP  -  389 words
    • 306 15 MIAMI (Florida). THE "Russian" hijacker who forced two Amerlcan fliers to take him to Cuba apparently was unknown to the Fidel Castro regime and was seeking asylum, the two airmen reported yesterday. James Victor Raymond. 39. and his co-pllot, Jeff White.
      UPI  -  306 words
    • 62 15 MOSCOW W*<: bo-, .c: geologist* have discovered valuable new golu deposits in a mining are* in the Southern Ural*. Taw reported. Th* gave no I of the val.:e of the discovery, but win there were several layers or tin.- metal at the spot. In
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 56 15 T ONDOK. Wed. Price Increases In Britain's synthetic rubber Industry, with possible serious consequences, were predicted yesterday by a mujur British dealer <i#men: by thp Interna- ptuiy h> I T^fpn- >urchan{f r' ticular til urntbc du»tr>' »J1 be R-.vfn «pp( the oil com in
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    • 9 15 MOoCOW. Wed L'niou Iftlh' Cosmo Tai* reDorted.
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    • 59 15 LONDON', Wed. A temporal rpstriction. imposed on Comet IV alrttru ne era.shed of! Turkey last month killing 66 people, was lifted yf day by its makers. Hawker-Siddelpy Aviation »ald no structural faults had been found in its long-d; and that they may now be flown at their u:-\n]
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    • 64 15 Emma Peel gets a £20,000 role n in The In ew«--e film. 'The mount Pictures :iuch ni'irp in TV's Emm Her share in th« film, she astonishes th* tlemen cit the Pre^' at th^ turn of the 20th (••-"ntury by becoming a re- 'lally n'« game then, but i. on
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 235 2 I stop m-'«i FOR SUCCESS.. START MAKING IT HAPPEN NOW! Attend our FREE PnkvicKV otSSIOHS and learn tome ••, lortj about yourult. Out Ciiat|ie tinamt cj« aelf |«i nal aidltii lions aiiaia >«grsni K llca up com, luce ia« idle. II prillie ytuiltlf let |iia*ti«a a*« at* I'Siiasilinliei. te mn
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 218 3 A touch of elegance ...from Kodak The sivli^h. new A.'.Am Itisianmlii S-10 1 .inier.i is the most exciting fa%hion accessor) iin> iewd camera, il m^ nxxlern fashions wheihci carried m us own uriNi strap or lucked into .1 jacket »i evening bag. •|hc iuu Kodal In-uamaiu SH) Camera i- als«i
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    • 338 3 We have the finest watches from Switzerland's most distinguished watchmakers mm M smmm mm w,nn,r of ali fllirpA asm 118 awards, at tf» H *Jsß Obsarvatorii UlflliUflr— a imss uptnuvtH jamv :r.r. I dependability f^V W^ and modmrn I styling produced I I IstMalUl company was You can depend on
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1309 4 j Tf MMMHW! llßfc**%>v ■'./f Vrv^^F li ,110 m, I jO, 130, 4 00. i METRO GOLDWVN MAYER PRESENTS X MH< "K«^J^^. TV\ U(£j|^Hß^ 2 IHBfei^flßl IHhRH^L^V "tlic r*n v kitn iunw j&-3m UNION HQ WILL HA YE SWIM W&fW/ s POOL AND GYM Jht; ■Fj y pore Harbour Board
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  • 417 5 Labour's 4-point plan to solve dollar mess... PENANG. Wed. THE chairman of the Labour Party's Penang division, Mr. Lim Kt-an Siew, today nig--1 a lour-point plan to solve the coni over the devaluation of the old Malayan currency. 'It is still not too late to make amends."' he said in
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  • 200 5 INDON POLICE CHIEF IN K.L. Indonesian Inspector' 1 General of Police sir. Moistafa Panv i above I who led a 52-member Indonesian police group to Kuala Lumpur jrestl relay lor a week-woi visit :.c hopes this !ir.-t Official visit will understanding for further co-operation between the two polite tor. Indonesia's
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  • 75 5 lOIIOIU KAIIKI Wed. NiiH-li-i n (.uikh.t s,.lilirr> «ere >eiiou>l> Injured when a threeion iruik craahed mi«. drain the J:il.m km Minl.ii in"' linn fitur miles from hen- l.i>t nisht Thirteen of them wnr admitted t<> Ike General Hospital here. The nthera were trr.itrri .i>
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  • 234 5  - Singaporebound ship is still missing FRANCIS ROZARIO By CIM-APOKI.. Wed— Ihr k v hereabouts Of tllf ::.;;si ton llunc Kon: (reifktet Teai llong. rrportrd mivsins in Ihr South China Sr.< rrmain> a mWery. The frriehlrr. »«ne«l hy Kir llmk Shipping <> i iik left Kawasaki in .l.ip.oi <>n Oct. S3
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  • 20 5 PENANCi Wpq. A voilTn club oi)en to all communities. Will be foimed in Pu'.arr. Road mukim on Sum.
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  • 102 5 DR GOH TO MAKE A SPECIAL RECORDING SLNGAPORE. Wed The Minister for Finance. Dr. Goh Keng Swee will press special recording to i commemorate the occasion of his opening the Philips' Phonographic Industries Ltd. at Commonwealth Drive on Friday The Philips release will feature a recording of the national anthem
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  • 31 5 BUKIT MERTAJAM W r. I The Bur.-.: Mert*J*m H\'li i School Old Bu\> Assoclatloo will hold u.k innual re-iuuon <iinnrv «nd dance m the school hall on r>c 2.
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  • 177 5 ipoh. Wed. Rn}s 1 Nazhatul Bhixna, 15. oldest daushter of the S\iltan aD d Raja Perempvian of Perak. will be the first princess of the Perak royal household to go overseas for further studies. Th* Sultan, tccompanlwl by th«> Raia
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  • 35 5 KUALA I.L'MPUR five men heid up a wlrenun Chua Aii Wdn. In Ui home a. Ciier«u> Road here. M i.'-3j am. today and robbed liini of 5129 and 5429 vonh of J«r*Herj
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 72 5 There's a VtCTA mower for every type of lawn J 1 Don't buy problemBuy a VICTA-a trouble free motor mower brtrlwri by prompt service and n 100 of genuirip victa parts. AUSTASIA INDUSTRIES LIMITED. 282 1 Rond SINGAPORE 14 T«l 8730S |2 ir«-sl SHARIKAT AUSTASIA INDUSTRIES (M)SDN.BHD. „,<j Srwok
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    • 301 5 1 b9")l presents The Fabulous 0% *^A SENSATIONAL^^ "PATTY" «wi L SEE HER IN THE EXCITING AJB TO ENTERTAIN YOU A I ijf /H GIRL (J V- t .ONSior, -^BAND -CAPR/S Miisir Mb VMr WUOIO JW daM DEVILS ON SKATES rnur t« "_W AT WU L A INTERNATIONAL S,Ssl SHOWS
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 42 5 Alley Oop by V.T. Hamlin THAT'S TREASON, V" *~4 whv those poor. that* wmatiti^ A bloody A mungr> lemiai^s J S^HaES^NG I LET f HANPEP? NEVER FIRED BUDOCA-MANDEP WAR S^, -^(V A SHOT CRiMiMAl. ESCAPE.' J "^S Uu^pul "^N /SURE *OULP M
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  • 500 6 SINGAPORE. Wednesday. "pOOR application of crosswind technique by the pilots" was the probable- cause ol the crash ol a US Navy Dakota C-47 at Paya Lebar airport last month in which three people died and nine were injured. The report ot the crash inquiry, made
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  • 34 6 :tkih \\ed_p- Mltftt who were disman 1 j iing two moiur-cycles m a lonei .-po' in K-«mpong Rjtr, MditV Our >f Utf- mo repoited to ha\c >>er »uc iai paik on N
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  • 28 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed Thr sultan of Seiangor ,v;! iomorrow make an official \wt io Kan.pong Tun Abdul Razak ai Kiula Kubu Bharj an oiang fell jsettlemeni
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  • 35 6 PWSAHO \\f« mien ntonal Ainiv headquaite' Peel Aveiiur 8 .1 m Vacanci< tor ti an- oilier trade.* In the -ii;iiiii< MUld bnilfl ihe;r ;den:,!y i .nr Hit h citlceiublp ag -ud edu<«
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  • 163 6 Marshall 'ready to stand for next election' lIONG KO\G Wed Da 11 David Mar>ha.. of Singap :ibed id tlie Soutii Africa Jewbh Times a.-> a "fnutrated man. still full o! lighting ■pUrlt" and prepared lv COQtCSt next year> plpction us ai. Independent He ka reported to have told Mr Leon
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  • 31 6 KLALA LUMPUR W»d Senior officer* of vie Public Department will hold rheir eighth annual coi at the conference room of the Department of Informs .Talan Moumbatten here ou Moodav
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  • 108 6 VIM.APUKt. Wed l-'«ur men and fixe tirU «rre toda? uilrri for Wire* month* each aftrr thr» kk found cuillf br a macintratr i nmri of beins members of a» iinUwfui ■asnaklf *i \i«'t<> ria Street »hn»f comninn nhtert ira* to "riiMrihutr rlocnmrni* <oiißsellm: rfiMth#>dieni to
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  • 20 6 I'fcl r C About 2oc chiiniirii and ■•enm Uc| n nip<,ng de\elopnifnt coirmiuer.Perak Dd ene-di-. Nt iiere on
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  • 22 6 IPOH Utn the MmiatK of W clecommuiucatlon* i v r a>mhnr>than. i add tat 'ar r ru» linr on Siind^'.
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  • 36 6 SINGE! PAIAM. Wed lv,. ifater* 8 Kh.ilid;<s. five, and S S^ndi d.iuehteis of a hu> driver. K Subramaniam were found drowned in a diMix^d well near their Batu Dim house ve> lerd^v
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  • 138 6 $15,000 to beautify S'pore road SINJ.APOKI. Wkl the (.oveinment today diurlo^eil that work a.s now in progress to heautifr the Alexandra II i<l r from Delta inns io Kuniah Romha Cirrm mith flower bnxek Some '.000 foliace plants and flowers would be used to decorate tlie»e boxes A Piiblir
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  • 80 6 Road death: Police seek help of driver SINGAPORE Wed Police a taxi driver whoi. beheve can help m In. allons of a hit-and-run accident on Sunday in which a mother and her month-old child wen killed The :r.iam Kuen died on the spot, while her mother. Madam Cheong Swee Koo
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  • 9 6 PEN -j nod fn m inr(u Bnam<
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  • 207 6 Alpha tin cold and grey with a bright future By 001 CHENG GAIK L' UAL A LUMPUR, IX rJ Most p<»ofamillar with the tin that looks ■'■lute and bright in thr sun. i p lhat'a are • thai make.c uur- tere*t a.v a solid-state phv.-iha-tin or tin, goes ba Rii.-.-:.t
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 55 6 your floors and fu m itu re with long lasting RONUK products oor la aW A t aW RONLK WAX POLISH RONUK LIQUID WAX mkm cream f i&| RONUK SPI\ FL RMTLRE CREAM jhly finish* to glass. No obing! Just one r int, lasting ace on and p< c Brighten
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    • 105 6 French Fortnight KS£^-» at tile T i L1 r roni'h clmmvs<» and a (iozen other Weld Supermarket eheeneHpiquaiith French! Beginning today! And to complete 1 an unforgettmble Authentic French cttiftinf repast. Master Baker from November 17. and Pastry Expert For the first time. French chef (iil les Maunius. also Yves
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 57 6 Br^^ I J MOISTURE BRINGS OUT M I PROBABLY JU5T ALL. [""J^^^EANWHILE rLIZ7r*Vr^^at N Sv^c 1 ABOUT TO STEAM A /^m Rm|f y; /blmluJ rHERBAC 1 HER KEVS? )> CAME By SfVCE a OlPfF DP r*Kll^LO. DC I I Cf\. |A, F rrrr xn ccc uajat'c 1 COUPE CJIllMfl \^L
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  • 239 7 Rubber magnate tells of plan for a hotel and shopping centre CINGAPORE, Wed. A $20 million building insisting ol a ftrst-cla shopping i jo up in the city art The 18 ting $14 million nnd th< irey shopping tro costing $6 million will bo built
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  • 120 7 L I \l II MPI K. WML l>nuku Abdul R ihni.m's «wn f.iinilv ln> heea Ml by the ievataaturn of (In- old lurrnu I h«- Prime Minister discleaad thai his uif..ind daughter. .Meriam. s.i\t-(l 1 1 1 1 uld curri'iuy amounting lo
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  • 13 7 Lan Pf~ Abdul t hrld at the tre in
    Bernama  -  13 words
  • 210 7 Linguist Miss Bandara to teach Aussies CINGAPORE. Wed.— A Singapore schoolteacher who speaks NINE languages and Chinese dialects has been selected to help teach Malay in an Australian school. She |j MIM Kal Bandara of the Telok Kurau Malay Girls School. Mill Bandara speaks English. Malay. Hokklen. Cantonese. Teochew and
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  • 65 7 Wed A ■ralian ml»- ightIn Kuala Lum- will Ma industrial and chemicals ma d on the mission which has already visited Hung Kong. Taipeh. Manila and Bangkok They aim to obtain a larger share of cxl markets for chemicals and pharmaceutical products. The
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  • 102 7 Cane me, he pleads SIM.APOKI W.-tl N»koorpiti h.iy K.iiinis.uny, uho is uiiiirr .i j.i 1 1 -fnlince for three counts of arned robbery. tod.«> told Mr. Justice Tan All l.i li in thr tlieti <>iirt h« uonid r.ithrr receive a c.tnine than so l<> jail for .i limit
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 65 7 Life begins with .it/. FORTIS The watch with the pcr-'-.iial toadi J' V' I j Automatic with Calendar FDRTIS The Makers of the first selfwinding wrist watches WORLD SERVICE FORTIS WATCH LTD. GRENCHEN SWITZERLAND Rheumatism Whrn*\r r the paim of Khru.niktlrm, Arthntl». N> atlra, atlff muiclra and pwollrn Joint" make
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    • 242 7 tii.m-i *mu\ M SaW M *\m MfcT*^ ijW ay :::::::r r """:f:""":::::: i'im:::::::::::::-:::- £l«aß' N::^l3H| r^*tf**** Mtfua WH»Mal^a^i^iMMttrtMHtitirtiriti<iiiliiiiiiißii» iSK^' rjjn .^a^B^^^S '■^■^hw Elegant new 'Valise' GP33R radio phonograph Wherever you go there's radio, and Toshiba looks great, carries easily. Two detachable 9L-780R. This handsome, tastefully designed i 1 76 cm
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 42 7 Bugs Bunny By Ralph Heimdaht P-ASH- I SUPPOSED aW 9 z\£^ o r~*Mtfal l Tu ®jO^'E in fwont Jx\T| I CO^APA^T-l OPTMECAS SO, BJT I GOT j BfIBFA~T~~A^CE^P| *Acrr#£& idea: J IK^^ m l v twc^tt, \f /speak up- F*V q 3^
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  • 107 8 MISS PEGGY UM, (right) 19. who will be one of four girls specially selected to jive Singaporeans the correct atomic time to.l o The Swiss AtoMic (lock which arrived in Singapore on Tuesday will he Installed at the Kee (heong Answeriny Service, and the
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  • 185 8 SINGAPORE. WVd. An eight-member corps de ballet from Germany flew into Singapore this evening for two performances, one at the Victoria Theatre tomorrow evening, and another at the National Theatre the following evening. Led by choreographer-cum-solo dancer. Jurden Feindt. the team comprises some of
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  • 113 8 SINGAPORE. Wed. The Public Utilities Board has promoted Mr. L. R. Estrop. 50, to the newlycreated post of Deputy Chief Electrical Engineer. Mr. Estrop. who has had nearly 31 years of experience with the Electricity Department, was in charge of the planning and Implementation
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  • 44 8 Singapore. Wed. I his »eeks TV programme TalrnUrn*' 1967. to be trlei-a.s' tomorrow at 9.20 p.m. ovrr Channel S of TV Singapura. Mill have international recording artists Julie Rogers as one ol the judges in the first quarter-final of the Ulentime series
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  • 210 8 French expert shows how perfume can enhance milady 's charms SINGAPORE, Wed. l.ondon-basrd tri-nch perfumo expert. Monsieur MDehd L Dnwmtoux. who has (irvoteri his life studying the scjiels of women's most Irthal weapon against the male species perfumery is now in Singapore. While here. he will impart to total uirls
    210 words
  • 224 8 SINGAPORE. Wed. record shop proprietor, Lum Keng Choon. whi pealed against a Dj Court sentence ol tl months' jail lor po.ssr.s-ion ftgranlophonr recorda iring false trade descrlpru, today had his sentence reduced I by the High Court. Lum. of Kuen Hln Record
    224 words
  • 101 8 SINGAPORE \\V(ln«s |;..v. DOCTOR lod.t.v called mi mxmcI.v lei Like up Ilic challenge jiosed l>\ some 10.000 to 20.000 chronic patients in Hie Republic Dr. Gwee Ah Len<:. the thr Genera] Hospital, made the po Iip talked about the problems of chr< 111 to members
    101 words
  • 86 8 MISS Patricia Smith (above) who will rial the title role of "Patience" the Sccneshifters' forthcomlng production to he staged at the Victoria Theatre from Nor. ix t" Dec I Ins will hr Miss -„„,,I s eighth in a Gilbert »\<i Sullivan show. iiii'inhrr
    86 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 320 8 An ordinary watch has a mainspring as its driving force, so it can be TIGHTLY WOUND LOOSELY WOUND ~^f\\ ATTACKED ft \l\ II y^ vK/ 'T* syJJ/l «q I .^H I i^^^^^M lIWIEJk ELECTRIC g^^^^K has no mainspring .||j W The driving force is this tiny energy cell^Zsr (actual size)
      320 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 60 8 Ln %hn**r §iy 1/ npp gm m mWW 4 OM,WHAT LEMCTHS &EAOTV SALONrS J /f{^-'- r.'OOEP. F PC. wLr^lk SO^E: BEASTS |^PS ARE FOR US <W/ V^l) THAW COULD 2.E I, MAN ISHIDIMG ■■^■^••_v\ WILL GOTO- JMffl. £>EAUT\ES-*iCTrJW'xi\rf S^UNDER QME OP r *^Z^n S**'^Sr^imL TO GET A PORVOU r"^" UV,
      60 words

  • 956 9  - Aden's revolutionaries face up to reconstruction JOHN de St. JORKi: by THE National Liberation Front of Occupied South Yemen NLF the party of power in South Arabia, will lead the country into independence next month. In four years of violent and successful revolution against the British, the Sultans and its
    956 words
  • 670 9  - THE YEMEN'S NEW RULERS SEEK PEACE PETER HUGHES by i -CORE ol Yemeni Republicans, freed ne month ago i .uro jails are today seeking to end Qve-year-old civil war in the legendary land of Sheba. This follows the bloodless overthrow on November 5 of Marshal Abdullah AlSallal. the Republics first
    670 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 442 9 WHY BE $KINNY?| i W |v Bs^BJSifti 'J A -i .*^k^* Amazing new scientifically Jrocessed formula. Saper Wate-On offers you a quick m tt> put on extra pounds and inches of firm, healthy flesh—^fw \nd Super Wate-Qn provides nourishment, bSJ helps to improve apPeti^mnain crease vitality. It's pleasant to take
      442 words

  • 5 10 Wimlmutml r r H
    5 words
  • 19 10 I Minimum OHI MT vIII A 1 i n>.. I II 1 ThM 1 Ml,. A COFFII TLAVOURFUL
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  • The Straits Times
    • 543 10 'I'll. mi Government's dollar decision stands ifiid m>. "i course, <I<><Singapon 's. There will I noin^ back i.n Sunday's annee in. Tun Tan Suw Bin at the nd d terday'a Cabinet meeting. The devaluation i>! t h c new Malaysian i-u unthinkable Mala; sia's Finance
      543 words
    • 367 10 Crisis is likel) t.i follow New Delhi's dismissal of the leftist United Front G mem m Weal Bengal, a coalition of 14 parties including rmht and left-wing Commun.sts. Troops have moved into Calcutta as insurance against threats of wkfc violence and disorder, but there seems now little chance
      367 words
    • 220 10 The 14-nation "donor conference' on aid lo Indonesia inn ting in Amsterdam takes place in slightlj less desperate circumstances than last year's similar event Political control is firmer, recover) has begun .tiul the overall economic performance has been "awns what better than expected." Were it not lor h
      220 words
  • Letters
    • 540 10 Devalued dollars and legal tender The concluding instalment of "How Sterling Went Over The Brink" will be published tomorrow. Today we print a selection of the very large number of letters we have received on the Malaysian and Singapore aspect of sterling devaluation. Most of the writers are concerned with
      540 words
    • 131 10 CLNGAFORE and M sia cannot have not devalued their currency at all: on< lar in the old curren now worth only Is it tair :or thi governments to ci> the old currency make the publn ly the poorer classi fer by getting less than
      131 words
    • 323 10 IW-: Deputy Prime Minister and the finance Minister should hud lime to v.sii Kota Bharu during the next lew day.- to see tor themselves the crowds ol kampong tolk at the local banks Or they should «et Jiii- to record the pathetic sight lor them because
      323 words
    • 168 10 the poor tCOORDING to the A Federal Gazette the total amount of notes and coins in circulation on December 31 is $1,595 million. The sterling «"ld ail(1 Investment reserves total was $1,755 million. It 1* thereiore apparent the old currency before devaluation still has $1.10 backing The devaluation of
      168 words
    • 76 10 THE Malaysian and Singapore Governments guaranteed by public announcement that the old currency rates still in circulation would be at par with the new currenuntll such time as the change-over wa.» complete. Government by the medium of the radio and television broadcasts announced the devaluation of the old currency
      76 words
    • 120 10 WHEN the new currenwere issued it was stated that we had strong backing to support this action and the old notes in circulation would be exchangeable at par. Because the United Kingdom has devalued sterling, the values between the old and new currency notes In our countrie- have
      120 words
    • 135 10 rpHE position regarding A the old currency is unique. While our currency was in a process of changeover the pound was devalued. Now the changeover period has not expired. The old currency should then be at par value with the new notes. Moreover, the Board of currency whuh
      135 words
    • 143 10 WE refer to the report in page 4 'S.T. Nov. 22 > where you reported that our clients.. Heap Hln and Co.. Ltd., of Chulia Street. Singapore, pleaded guilty and were fined $5,000 by a District Court for "smuggling in 5.000 plastic handbags on Dec. 24 last year." We are
      143 words
    • 106 10 the matter 81nce Singahave .ed why i. and 1 t vernn, the amahs, and workei who dvi n money in the bank will be the harde- c her friends saying had 12.000. the savings ol mai and I irned into about the lubber tappers, the fisherich HkeV ole undertaking; whatever
      106 words
    • 49 10 .^ued 1 irrency Board. wording is printed T! legal tender t 'or v the figure ■n of SUngapon. SaNorth Borneo and Bur:> How can the Govern- d these old n rtli only .anre ler understand the words "LEGAL TENDER :i 4 t. pleas* ri .-chool r\\ PENG LENG Pen.mK.
      49 words
    • 37 10 TJNTIL Singapore coins are issued freely the value of the coins in cir»n should not be as they Let not children with piggy banks and others sufTer for no fault of their own. M GAWELA Singapore IS.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 62 10 Classified admlisements for Strait? Times* Malay Mail f he h.mded to: COID iTUKACI iUHIC MAKKrr <-■ COLO bMANCHIS CITY BOOK iTOKI LTD, Quoy. 7M( NI*S MONT 'Jovol BaA i i rvjl K "iQO t MT CO., SS MUSARUK t SKOJ. LTD, A T GNANAPRAKASAM CO. 17 SHARIKAT K A WAHAB,
      62 words
    • 51 10 ghoul' The Renowned CUSTOM TAILORS Styles Cut to the Latest Fashions Hand Tailored Best Workmanship Also Importers Eiporter* or High Cost Worsteds Woollens. Suit Lengths o/ World Kinuwned Brands FINTEX 1 HUNT WINTERBOTHAM, WAIN SHIELL, DORMEUIL, GLOREX Make Ideal Gifts for All Occasions. 21, Chulia St., S'por*. TH: ***** Honqkonq
      51 words
      148 words

  • 207 11  - The few who have chosen to suffer in —silence LEE KIM SEr'G By KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Th( hard hit by the ion 01 the old Malayan curhere chose tv 11. themselves the embarrassment. Take {or In buslnp.s.xman In th*»Ch"w Kit Road area who turned up Incoiupl a fri»'nd'.s shop
    207 words
  • 66 11 SINGAPORE. Wrd Pll Sydney Chancellor of thr Malay*, ik hern fur b: to ccc old friends and .< Accotnpann Came, ho is on a round-the world 'our. Bit Bydi 1 1 retired In son t»mber frooi the poat of Dirrc to- of the London B
    66 words
  • 24 11 PORT TOCKSON. Wed. pnsMnß-ii'i 1 parade tor 208 arm; lerrults will be held «t the Pni DiricMin Oarrtaon and Kecrul Traininc Ceni:e 01
    24 words
  • 309 11  -  R. CHANDRAN By SINGAPORE. Wednesday. THE number of new coins now in circulation in Singapore is a mystery. Though the new coins were first issued on Monday, there is still a great shortage of them in the island. Times House continued to bo
    309 words
  • 140 11 JOHOKK KAIIKI Wed Information Depart merit units throughout Jobnre have Iteen lastructrd to carry out intensive campaign t. ills pel rumours in I lie rural I that the old .Malaysian dollar is no lonucr legal tender. The State Information Officer. Inche Sa ad
    140 words
  • 158 11 MANILA, Wed. —The Sec--1 retary of the Ministry of Labour, Inche Osman bin Ca .-a:cl today Malaysia vai viewing Indonesia as a possible source of manpower. He made the remark a day after tallcs between Philippine* and Malaysian panels on a revised labour pact
    158 words
  • 212 11 ITC price range revision expected soon IPOH. Wed. A revision in the price range under the International Tin Agreement is anticipated to correct the present situation arisinu o\er the (lr\alution of the -111 BMHMa here. deacrlbilig it .1 "terhni111 pmrcdurf." induateil this lod.i> when the London pi ik sf
    212 words
  • 31 11 Pilgrimage course PENANG. Wed. Tt Xi ligi<>u.s Afl.iii.' Department inane a course, on Sunthe Kut>iinc Ulu religious scliix'l. Pinaiiti. Bukit 111. !>>r Muslims who nitind to nMke tho piignmage next
    31 words
  • 172 11 l/UALA LUMPUR. Wed Imh Senu bin Abdul Rahman, the Minister of Informal. on and Broadcastim. today stressed the importance for Malay disrorrespondents to write Impartial reports. Inch! Senu .said this in a speech read by the secret- Istry, Inche Junld bY Haji Abdul Rahiin.
    172 words
  • 20 11 KUAI-A LUMPUR. Wed. Bank Negara hfus to date recn\<\l $*****54.37 lor the National Disaster Relief Fund.
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  • 413 11 Charm school head: I wasn't in a mighty hurry... DEFESCE IS DAMAGES ACTIOS IPOH, Wednesday 'J'HE proprietress and principal of the Joan Booty Mannequin Training and Charm School in Singapore, Mrs. Joan Freeman, denied today that she was in a "mighty hurry" to go to Penang when her car wai
    413 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 130 11 what's so exciting about 36,000 vibrations? A mechanical watch as accurate as an electronic one but without the increased size and at a reasonable cost isn't THAT exciting? That's why the magic words "'36.000 vibrations have got the watch trade into such a dither ever since the news first broke
      130 words
    • 46 11 BIG SET I PERFORMANCE dynamic sound output from exclusive 3SPEAKER Hi-Fi SYSTEM It With fine-tuning control, tuning and battery level indicator and pilot lamp for easy tuning in the dark MOD£L 8Y157 12- TRANSISTOR 3-BAND OBTAINABLE AT ALL DEALERS p RO^CM)CQ,LTD. C^F^p^ SISC»^OR[tKU»I* IUMPORHPOH»«>f DtNG M
      46 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 519 11 iV MALAYSIA < hannrl 5 Kuala I.umpur 800 News in Mandarin: 8.10 and I'mang; 6 I;x>h and Timan Sari a programme Malarra; 3 A 10 Johore of popular dances and songs; Bahru; J Taipins; 7 Batu 835 Science Report; 8.50 I'ahat; 9 Kluku Koran Reading; 900 News cit p.M. Programme
      519 words
    • 170 11 RADIO MALAYSIA Language P.M.: 100 Tiffin National Shortwave Service Dare: 1.30 The News; 140 6.0* metres; Med.o- New^tLfl,^ 00 wave Service K.L. 33» metrei; 510 gtli Popular; 545 latem IVnane 34» metres; Malacca ChrlU**Uou. 600 Pro e Summary: 605 Anmvpr.sarv t59 metres: Ipob 405 metres; R P qu«.N 645 Extrai
      170 words

    • 643 12 AND THE ICING CAN WAIT TILL THE LAS! PHRISTMAS may seem a long way away. ..bul i! is only four weeks ahead. Now is the time lo star! on your special cooking. Christmas catering, however simplified, would not he complete without :i
      643 words
    • 321 12 HERE is the recipe li.r the Fruit Cake Mix furr. It s for an 8-inch round tin. The cake muM be made mow You need 7 <>z super sifted nr. flour. traspoon mixed iplce. good pinch of salt. 5 nbrown sugar, 5 oz. butter. 3
      321 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 293 12 Wk H 8 SINGER IT if s llfill "ill ScujSINCERZigZag There's nothing easier than owning a Singer 224U Zig-Zag Sewing SPECIAL DISCOUNTS Machine. A few dollars down, a N EWLY^ DS \our wedding date t.iiK between 1^ few dollars a week and you can sew January at cm modem Zig-Zag
      293 words
    • 221 12 H CARRY ml optone H EYE CARE W WITH YOU f ll jt wF put 'NOidO L m optone p D.i Ullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllt {IMPORTANT NOTICEI from METRO I I I METROTEX j j Due to the inconvenience caused by dcv;- j luation of the Sterling Pound and to lighten i the
      221 words

  • 156 13 Once a polio victim, now she's a dancer By MARGARET WEE K\ LUMPUR, Wed, P <> l i o struck when Michelle. is simply known, was rmhl old. But it proved I in disi;.. On duel up dancing at her home town In Melbouri her left Today only ;iT handicap
    156 words
  • 360 13 TUN TAN SUIT: $100,000 POLL BRIBE ALLEGED MALACCA, Wednesday. JNCHE Hasnul bin Abdul Hadi, former national chairman of the Socialist Front is alleged to have told an election rally that \iliance had offered him $100,000 to withdraw from the 1964 parliamentary elections in favour of the Finance Minister, Tun Tan
    360 words
  • 47 13 PEN ANO W«d Ulchf Aziz Ibrahim, h state Executive Councillor and vice-preMdrnt of 'he Ci-ntrai C th* eprasy R v B n tend ihf lin 1 Western <n<l TIK" MM' i|ip Intern "n Sr<cial WriUre. rill be held rrr>m Nov. SB to Dec 11.
    47 words
  • 241 13  -  GARY CHIN By OENANG, Wed. Collecting feathers was almost a forgotten hobby to schoolteacher Miss Pauline Toh until something "strange and wonderful" happened to some of her specimens. She noticed that several feathers which she had kept in an exercise book for more
    241 words
  • 214 13  - 3 hurt Bas alice disperse mob Chiah Seong ANTI-DEVAL I r A TION DEMONSTRATION By Paik: Penang. Wed THRKE youths were injured last niyht when police fired tear gas bombs to disr about 1.000 Labour Party members and supporters protesting against the devaluation of the old Malayan currency. The 30-minute
    214 words
  • 47 13 SINGAPORE, Wed Trn M-hoolnoy., who wrrr Mung by hornets in the Macrilrhie Korr*t Rrservr this afternoon werr sent to thr General Hospital for treatment. The condition of onr was reported In be serious. They were among a group of teenacers who wire on a hike.
    47 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 288 13 ;J|Jairn swear IJMBBYS N V Vli A TfttiM* I B?.irnsw?ar (from J-weaf. Made Made to last. v\ Boy Ba^rnswear the name you can To commemorate our Ist Anniversary and the opening of our Ceylang Branch, we are extending to our new customers a special offer. Between 25th. September and 31st
      288 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 322 13 Straits Times Crossword ACBOM 4. Everyou* hut to rtng mm! 1 IS Demurring comment by to on prematurely J. bulkier on lugireaied bung*- ■2> >- low-Mjpemrurture? ,4. 11. 5 Ha b I? Wn s ndl br nd m t specified >4i 6. Appearance of reiW over Ha I IS. 14.
      322 words

  • 543 14 Till National drain Elevator factory at Jalan Tepong, Jurong Industrial Estate will be officially declared opened by the Honourable Minister for Finance Dr. (joh Keng Swee at 4.30 p.m. to(1.1 N. This grain Elevator was established on 3rd August. 19K3 by the Economic Development
    543 words
  • 245 14 TX a me\s»xr to ronunrmoritr UM npt-nini; of the National < .i.i in Elevator Factory al tmnmg, Mr. Ho llii|i. < Inn mm. Execatlvc (iimmillrr National Grain I levator Ltd. vmi "There is a grown ik nr)tion nowadays ihiit bulk handllnir and Storage
    245 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 240 14 CONGRATULATIONS and BEST WISHES to NATIONAL GRAIN ELEVATOR LTD. on the Official Opening of their new Factory. I_SP_ =1 J~ We are proud to have been entrusted ■^^■j with the foundation piling of this important westpile project supported on West's Shell Piles. WESTS PILING (M) LIMITED 6th Floor. Mac Donald
      240 words
    • 151 14 Congratulations to NATIONAL GRAIN ELEVATOR LTD. on the occasion of the official opening of their factory IH^BL' at Jalan Tepong, STARLITE vbnstian* Jurong Industrial estate. Bar**, <» VENETIAN CO. 462, Geylang Road, Singapore 14. Tel: *****4 *****7 We are proud to have supplied and installed all Starlite Venetian Blinds for
      151 words
    • 274 14 <wfif*t Waring (fiftHis fpfrnfffir (fu'na Jffis In 1865 the China Trade was booming. Lofty clipper ships raced to England with their precious cargoes for the rewards were high for the first arrivals. It was in those exciting times that the Hongkong Bank was born. It provided the China Trade with
      274 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 242 15 Nikon SUPER ZOOMS p.* n N>korr r■' FhM* »rp no* tb« o" v«iu«l r: o m 0-group 14- ,ou ran dtosnd on !t s cratitd by th# tanie worid t«mou« I M Nikon Standards which proNtkon F *r.d th« -!r|(J r.imera v:jt rtfs.qntd tor >,our N -on Suo*r tl to
      242 words
    • 214 15 ttfft^tttft 12" IP RECORDS FOB LESS THAN THE PRICE OF ONE! JM bHw^U Beat from Europe Inspiration Tijuana, tijuana, tijuar.a BUY A PHILIPS GRAMOPHONE NOW! Thre* magnificent 12" LP rtcorda for less yojr the price of one! That's the money-saving offer oniy .0.. be ib »tol /these3re^that Philips are making
      214 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 3337 16 r- HIRE PURCHASE FOR SALE |nsßHHS6lS*flEfl ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■H H( rrf> ..u or*t Hi-. -Box it cfi A WELL ESTABLISHED IMPORT COMPANY in I J ■,vXv] HlHil V.iiVH'oi I WH Tld it i^ t^Wo, r^rr^ri^^-""^ 1 Kuol^ Lumpu with recen ly "t^ c| «^°"'c« ri ■*fSr\l I I m Wi iJ ,1
      3,337 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 2283 17 K^mgfmmmam^gmmgmu IM^^PL h^^^^^^f^^m l£^M^^^ w^ ellerman bucknall s.s. co.. Ltd. iffvfa StE OVmE F FM OUTWARD SERVICE FROM UK CONTINENT C II P em of Lancaster |fj ™A.V\>unes -^i.-,. BENUIINE flu ft CITY OF CHESTER Ofc 'I II 9*c S.'t iok IkH EXPRESS SAILINGS TO GENOA NORTH CONTINENT SCANDINAVIA t
      2,283 words

  • 116 18 MELBOURNE Wmi "THI eco\fry lndlratrd in later dealing* vest«rd4V and n>fs exceeced fal].- »liii ;lif v hole Minings Ust sliounc -oUti nUna C.H.P. iin^lieci 15 cer' Bl Sib 45 mid 1../..« improvffi r.:!hr>! In rta| i'outh m.l.< dropped -.anr.i: mo-.f raro\«lic« \orih Broken Mill 101. MagrlUn nunpad
    116 words
  • 335 18 S.MIPS LYING ALONGtIOI TMI I M C 0 H F HARBOUR WMARVtS OR IXPCCTCD TODAY ARC R«lOr»';k T«edr* c Frsel «9. ■oai'K* 10 M. HoUau* 1 M»»r»k It" Mo hAmrr,' J7fcr Mwm Sanaa J7 !t Bul:mba 29 ::O Toooa. I 31 3.- Clvtoneuit 33 -i* Au-irra. 3«
    335 words
  • 181 18 'I'HE AaaataMaa Bank» in Malay A >■• n ><w UM*> baagw M to n.rri irat<» are quotM to equivalent of B*l'. London: Buying TT H.IW a. OD cßKurra in airmail followed »y »ea mall respectively). 32.7533 d (3a Ol'-'J di. 30 d »t 32 »942 d (33.273% d).
    181 words
  • 30 18 No\ Zt Rl Hl'.l i: PKK I mi. cents (up fi\e-eii;lilli sol a ii'iili. tin pkk r s:>:r <down sl7 12 >. bttaated offering VM> tons (down ."i Ihiim
    30 words
  • 851 18 From Our Market Correspondent rcXTREMELI uiivf cm Vj ditions ruled on jkn uncertain and easier Stock Exchange yoattrdaj with business suspended during the afternoon to allow tkoot writinc contracts to keep up with the market. The uncertainty stemmed from the general feeling that locally
    851 words
  • 25 18 Malayan SUx-k Indices. Nov. il Ncn. 21. Industrials: Y! !S nt Prop*rtirs W.'X l t I r$ ruhlirrs: lo'.'Tb Ore. IffCS Inn. inn
    25 words
  • 458 18 UIBIAtBB l> A.M) Ul'lllllll) TO THE SINGAPORE AND Xl \r LIMPIK TRADIM. BOOMS OF TIIF s lo(k l\l HIM I Vl*Tll*lit« iiitu, M v x.»V; 1 1 h IHI MMBF.R OF SHARLS IUXIII.U IN BRACKETS: INLUSTR.ALS B«n C. D. .fcouo. M.-.M MuMMd •S.u v d uiuom
    458 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1675 18 MWmui MiM /ititNO H*MM iNOia f«mst«N iso fii t«5! HlviCls jLjf* ■ioa*jgjjjj((*<TV ,«a^. TWftiaa^^T^T •>vo»a /Ore If Ifc ll 1/ lit DtIUK I Ore I let I tec bmVk aVVo* \sBBBaB 'tjaVJaV aa» B aa^^al aH sulimr* i i,» 1 h >,» n:j Jia *«iuit ji ore n ire i
      1,675 words
    • 154 18 m -J 10: GENOA, aURStIUES. mIWE»P, HOTTtRDaM. BBCMEN. rUMBURS Mjara P. Snam Penmg Genoa Hjitiouri SOTTINCEN HAPAG 25 27 Ntv 30 2 Dec 3/ 4 Dee 29 Bee 13 Jan BORUSSIA (HAPAG) II 12 Oec 13 IS Dec It Oec U m HOLSATIA (HAPAG) 22 24 Bee 25 27 Oec
      154 words
    • 60 18 GAZETTED PRICES "THI Malayan Minister «f rinau.r ha* fixed ihf» i-Ucs for ctlculatinr roM»m< dulif> for thr prriad fiom Kubhn 4<i', rrnh a Ih < a ton ml a ton Palm km.. nn I be ra«M uf dutic* payable Hi: Rubber I rrnl« a Ih (lotal J <«pi» a ton
      60 words

  • 358 19 rpill Mr.iilv tin price \j-nUt--1 <l.iv fell hv 517.12S to ihr louest price Mini' mid June VMA on .111 ofTerinu estimated ilovvn five Inns to IM tons In London on Tuesday afternoon the months' for\\.\r<\ hnvers prite fell Mil i.oi.illv Kuropean support
    358 words
  • 72 19 -HINEit Profliico lubinjr Singattrdiir: Coconut oil: bulk f*O arilrri. drum ,rr». Copra Mix..l if ob.) loone Nov./ Com lIS B. Pipptr: MuntoK whit* II »»ll*r. Sarawak »hit« SUU MllCTa, apectai S.irawak hlm-k SIO.S iiellrri, Karbltd L.trnponi; Slack Sim trUrrt (all H< M.vvi. ASIA tUH •rlleri (10Ur« M.vv 1.
    72 words
  • 35 19 ON Ih' lrt« uchinii mirktt In Horn KOM \<"'frrtay thr U.S. Cellar quotrd at «.M for T.T. and S.Slt tar cath. Sttrlint wai 'I'io'M at 16.0U and im tat I of **lf! at
    35 words
  • 237 19 |jl I Mill II lust iraffc rubber (oh. luiM'is i 'lomtl lit p.m. iii Lumpur and Sinsapore >rktriday at .">«• n cents per Ib. up fi\e-ri(hlh<t of a rent on lih-mUnv i losing level. I hr tone was quirt. R.A.K. and M.X.L. rlo>in( prices in i
    237 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    32 19 In Invinf memory of Madam Sect Suan Neo iMn. Ho Slant Ann) called to rest 23-11-S't. Your telfleta devotion nr\rr forgotten 'our abnence deeply felt. Inserted by children. grandchildren, daughteri-in-law.
    32 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 380 19 AT LAST, AT LAST WATCH OUT!!! YOU Ladies in Ipoh and Districts MONEY is coming your way: Make Money Magically. HOLIDAY MAGIC COSMETICS arc coming to Ipoh. We are well established in the Federal Capital, East Coast and from Johore in the South to the tip of Paris in the
      380 words
    • 534 19 MARKETING ASSISTANT Well-established and expanding commercial firm requires able marketing man to nil an interesting position with good prospects in one of it* branch sfflces. Qualifications: University Graduate i Economics or Business Administration i preferred but holders of not less than Grade 1 Senior Cambridge and HSC will be considered.
      534 words
    • 506 19 KERAJAAN NEGERI MELAKA PEMBERITAHU TAWARAN IVmhakalan Raja dan barang! lain untok tahun IMS Tawaran ada-lah dl-t>elavva untok pembekalan tia:»:.^.!^vaiig tersebut dl-bawah im bag! kettunaan Ranchangan Kemaiuan Tanah' Negen Melaka bag! lah Baranf! < ran jumls rti krhmiUkki tahun l'< 1. RR I. Mix. M Witt. ions 2. R Rl. Mix
      506 words

    • 1854 20 RACINC with Epsom jeep Taiping Jade, Lok Sabha —double for Rodgers JOCKEY Alan Trevena again showed dashing good form when he won on an outsider. Little Angel, in the sixth race at Kuala Lumpur yesterday. Four furlongs out. Little Angel was last
      1,854 words
    • 151 20 XHKEI. ol the nine new hor:-r.s recently registered with the MR A have been placed 111 Ci They are Milliard Diamond. ave-jrear-oU New Zealand gelding by—Atua Lady. .NuiuelUn. 1 ihree-ycar-old AuttrteUan gilding by Coronation Boy Ram.san: and ■aaaarai. late Ahwahnee. a lnur-yeai-<>ld New Zealand coll by
      151 words
    • 56 20 Total pool HUM 1st No. Ittltt S 16.807 2nd No. VKiiM S MM .Ird No. 17»0!)0 I 4.i01 8tel tris |i.,; f.n h Nos. IU818X lG!t!C 1)11" l.;U!l ITIb.V! 1»"89 I?)887X IS71M IUM1. ' urn ,v:;::s Md): No»>. •-'***** I7J7I.: .'Ill li.-, |7HS68 I 171 I I7tl
      56 words
    • 162 20 Prisons want to enter Malaysia Cup SOCCER y MANSOOR RAHMAN •the Federal Department Of Prisons have applied to the F.A. of Malaysia 10 take part in the Malaysia Cup next y< Prisons' application will be discussed by the FAM in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday. Malaysian Police have .mnounecd thoir in-
      162 words
    • 29 20 The Malaysian badminton team (or the Seap Qu Banykdk nexi rnonili will take hlMUon tna'chat at the Johon Bahru Diamond Jubilee Hall on Nov. 30 and Dec 1
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 89 20 ©2© ASSOCIATED MOTOR INDUSTRIES LIMITED tnvl'r Mpii!ic:<i|nn< from suitably qualified persons for the following ponitinn.v whi.-h will abortiy become available In our Motor Vehicle Awemblv Plant at Jurong Factory Oflic* D Foremen Technicians Account* Clerks Painters Material Supply Clerk* men Telephone Operator Gas Electric Receptionist Finishers Security Guards biers stenographers
      89 words
    • 83 20 40 TL.* Ronson (Normally $13.80) Yours for only $7.95 if you buy two quart bottles of Beehive Brandy See your liquor dealer for details. iitmvl T.M JM BEEHIVE BRANDY Produced bottled in France Direct to you from EXPO 67 The Swiss atomic clock that keeps time to one second in
      83 words

    • 995 21  - Jega co can give Seap real class NORMAN SIEBEL MALAYSIANS SET FOR 23 ATHLETICS GOLDS By in next month's Seap Games at Bangkok is again going to be very much a Malaysian affair, on probably a grander scale than the 19 gold-medal sweep in the 1966 Games at Kuala Lumpur.
      995 words
    • 288 21 CRICKET H. Wed The Indian un opened thrir Australian tour with a mv« d display in their drawn a match •Raiii^t a Western Australian Country XI at Harvey The Indian batmen to 3M for lour rie. i»red in 179 bul their bowlers r
      Reuter  -  288 words
    • 37 21 KHALA I I'MPtTR Wed Tencku Abdul Rahman will give aw«\ the Unlveralty of Maiav* Afhletir Union badminton col- :he Malovslan badminton ehampi'in. Tan Aik HuaAC, a' n presenlation ceremonr at the Rothmnn* Pavilion on Monday
      37 words
    • 122 21 SBA plan coaches' course next month THE Singapora BadminUm Assuclatton have already pl.inned to hold a (niches' rmirse for teachers vi secondary >ls. sba ■aentary Max L.mcc said this :n reply to .1 letter which appeared in Time* port day The wTiter cif the letter pointed nut that the SBA.
      122 words
    • 486 21 'Posh' get push to Div 4 WORLD ROUNDUP COCCER London, Wed: Peterborough, the English Third Division club, wilj be relegated to the Fourth Division at the end of the season, the Football League announced yesterday. The penalty— the most severe wttt Imposed by the League was for making illegal payments
      Agencies  -  486 words
    • 290 21 DEPARTURES JHE main party of the 305-strong Malaysian contingent to the Seap Games at Bangkok on Dec. 9-16 will leave in seven groups from Subang Airport on Dec. 1, 4. 5 and 6. The yachting and boxing teams have already left. The yachtsmen, who
      290 words
    • 87 21 IPOH Club retained the Merdeka Trophy yes'erday when they beat Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman U-9 in the Perak inter-club rugger final at the Ipoh Paciang. Ipoh Club scored a goal and two tries against three penalty goals by the schoolboys. The trophy holders had only 14 players
      87 words
    • 66 21 Two teams each from five school* win take part in a 4 x 1.2-mile relay for the Vasagam Trophy, organised by '•Pain, Agony and Hurt" of Petaling Java, at Section 5 at 7.30 a.m. on Saturday. The schools are: Bulclt Blntang; Boys Secondary School.
      66 words
    • 269 21  - Aussies hope for earlier date FRANCIS BOEY M-SOCCER By AUSTRALIA would like to send their national soccer team for the 12th Merdeka tournament at Kuala Lumpur next year if it is played before August. The Australians, winners of the recent South Vietnam tournament at Saigon, said this in an interview
      269 words
    • 47 21 The Chief Minister of Malacca. Haji Talib bin Karlm. was elect«d president of the Malacca Hockey Association. Other officials: vice-presidents Joginder Singh. M. Nagarajah: aecretary Kartar Singh: treasurer V. KuInslngham: competitions aeerrUry C Ramasamy: independent members Dr. Jaswant Singh. S. Slnnappah. O. Samy R. Linus.
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
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    • 218 21 ON SALE NOW! Another Great Annual! The Straits Times Annual 1988 This is South-East Asia's finest publication. The new 148-page edition has scores of superb full-colour and monotone pictures and 21 features by the region's top photographers and writers. You will want copies for yourself and friends and for business
      218 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 45 21 S()( H{ I'rnang Public Service* »tmifinal: Ptl- >h 5 Education 1. RIGGER Sgor «*nior 1 KL > Cobra 17 K -ib Club 13 Inlri-M-lionl under IT. )T. Anx.iT SfkuUh DAR 12 St. Anthnnv 1 8 voLunrsAix Mil up la Malta) mic M PoilCt Collagt 31-16. 2i-l«.
      45 words
    • 51 21 SOCCER Tour malrli: Spore Jt Services v Australia (8 p.m.). fcporc Div. S: Bakal Baru v PARC <6. both matches at Jn Be-*- i. Dato Leone Cup: Perak CRC A 1 v Cheng Wah (Jn A. Jalil, HOCKEY— Scot DIv. 1: Kllat v SIA (Pantai). TENNIS— Kedah open championships <Sg
      51 words

  • 194 22 AMSTEKDAM. Wednesday. rpHE United States today conditionally pledged A to give Indonesia next year some US$llO million In development aid— one-third of what Inla hits been asking for from nine donor countries. The United States was the Bnrt and BO far ihe only
    194 words
  • 109 22 CABLE RECEIVED K K.m.ip.ilhiv Jl II 6T. KalhrrIn i«« TELEGRAM RECEIVED FROM Tirumnkkoiiii South nrormlni thai ih<- mother pipit. isapoN 13 on TurKtay CHAN tltW LOCK ..lohn> nsrd ?'>. I formerly of Koiimmd and Co. Ltd. md of IM Kilhn.v Koad) pa»rd away kMMfßlly on II h7 l»avlnu behind
    109 words
  • 14 22 I.OM PUI MUANI n I mo'iKi who h«> heen no ,IM OMMvb.
    14 words
  • 16 22 PARIS? Wed President Charles De Gaulle celebrated his 77th birthday today.— UPl.
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  • 139 22 SINGAPORE. Wed. Work is expected to begin in early December of a new $200,000 extension to the Fairlield Methodist Girls School in Neil Road. When completed, the extension will provide much needed facilities for the conduct of secondary classes, particularly the teaching of science subject.. The school
    139 words
  • 395 22 LONDON. Wed All sections went ahead from the outset on the stock market today and gains were often extensive. The advance was aided by growing concern over the International currency situation. i while news of an all-time record i demand for gold bullion also aided the -hedge" buying
    395 words
  • 63 22 Off to the House to face the music THE: Chancellor of the I chequer. Mr. .lames CaUaghan, on his way to the House ol Commons on Monday to face the Basic after the devaluation of the pound. Opposition awaken greeted him in the Mouse with dies of "Resign, rcsicn!" He
    63 words
  • 358 22  - New Minister is booed by UPKO men at rally ALBERT RAMALINGAM. From JECSELTON. Wed Till! new Subah Minister of Soi-uil Welfare, Mr. Payar Juman, w;is booed and shouted ■A when he addressed ;i rally organised by liis supporters in his constituency today. Ho was interrupted several times when more than
    358 words
  • 25 22 SINGAPORE. Wee) The Ministry of Health Sports Council will hold their third Sirißapore Health Queen" contest at the Ocean Park Hotel on Saturday
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  • 404 22 Bank of England leads big squeeze on the gamblers LONDON. Wed Hie Bart of Kncland lias led a massive squeeze on stcrlinu speculators who hoped to reap fat profits from Britain's devalued pound. It clamped down yesterdaj on bank lending to deal ers in this country and o\ erseas Speculators
    404 words
  • 25 22 SINGAPORE We d University <>i sintsapore's is<><i<>bociety's inaugural dinner and dance will br held on Fi id.iy at RoUnaon'i Dragon R<><>m .it 8 p.m
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  • 256 22 U.S. spy tells of CIA bomb on Chou's plane MOSCOW. Wed A Belt proclaimed American spy ii;. that the Central Intelligence Agencj involved In the blowing up ol a plane taking Chinese delegates to the Bandoeng AfroAsian coi in 1955. John who claimed he in India at the tun about
    256 words
  • 56 22 GOAL by richl-wintrr Saat Malik moicil almost m time rarnrd llotrl Stagapwa the Malar division sinsapor* Businrss lliujsi v sorcri title fur UM sci ciiiU >cai in mii < -rssion at the .l.ilaii Bis. 11 -.t.idiuin l.i-t nigbt. The unlurkv BaalM wrrr Malavsia-Sinsa|M>re Airlines. In Urn junior division
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  • Page 22 Advertisements