The Straits Times, 19 November 1967

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES Mat***" No 1653 SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 19. 1967 20 CENTS KDN 2577: 2591/ MC (P).':•.:
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  • 433 1  - One minute three words of freedom JACKIE SAM By Singapore. Saturday L"MYE important political detain* es were released today for just about one minute. Then the technicality thai freed them was quickly resolved and they were arrested again and whisked off to an undisclosed destination to continue detention. The rive,
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  • 683 1 Massive loan move to save the Wilson in hush-hush midnight talks LONDON, Sat.— The was the top topic of conversation today in London, Paris, New York and Singapore. The French capital buzzed with speculation that a new loan of £357 million to buttress the would be announced this weekend. In
    Reuter; UPI  -  683 words
  • 518 1 WILL THE DOLLAR FOLLOW SUIT? By GEOFFREY BOLAND CINGAPORE, Sat. There was practically only one topic on markets heie this morning and that was will tne round oe ut valued/ With near chaos reported in London financial markets yesterday privatp advices irom Britain suggested that devaluation was now a 50-50
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  • 16 1 T.MPtH Sal Ihe Chim-.sf Ououßunlsta Bred 35 .nljoll* at Ihr Quemoy UslailiU yesterday AP.
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  • 117 1 Sex choc hunt: Samples taken from schools OENANG, Sat. Samples of chocolates sold in school canteens here have been taken by the City Health Department for analysis to find out if they contain any sex stimulants. And because these samples had not be c n tampered with canteens will be
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  • 55 1 Employee foils gunman CINGAFOKE. Sat— A gunman and two accomplices today failed in an attempt to rob a stlverMnlth'.s shop in Havelock Road. At about 2.50 p.m. the gunman accompanied by two thugs with daggers walked into the Lee Heng Silversmith's. When the thugs smashed a showcase an employee raised
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  • 26 1 eiAIGON. Sal A In llcop'rr crashed ohm :.<\i here today, Ici'iiiig hr 1..X1 driver Thret men Hbimrd the helicopter were n< hurv— U.P.l.
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  • 21 1 LONDON. Sat. An exolo»ion shook Dover Town Hal I last niKht. iniuiuiß rour peooi? at a Jehovah's convention—Reuter.
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  • 19 1 CALCUTTA Sut six ixilirrmen werp killed ny Mir" rebrl.-- vh" raidrri an outpost Tripura. AP.
    AP  -  19 words
  • 9 1 1 1 n r r
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  • 5 1 7 md Ed
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  • 58 1 ROMN'EY IOINs k\( I i OR PRI >n>l \< 1)1 I KOI I lot ■ciirrnor Ourge Kiimnry •if MteMgaa ti.d.n nffi i lalh .irmuixril his >in dnl. u i fur Krpuhhi .in nomination in inn I I BreaMciiUaJ H«-< < Mr said: "I ha\r (!<■< nlr.l tn fight for
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 72 1 qLYMP/q |K UKT GOLD PIATID M^> WOIIO FAMOUS Maft Aristoaatu ktueUery N »f*UTIFUI SIYIfS »T POPULAR PRICES TRADI INQUIHItJ: TELEPHONI t2t«t lm snnr lmfi d riic^nrinrr 111 SB» .-> jhb c Si W AND TECHNICAL ADVANCEMENT N4MC fM-SWI-SW2-MW 4-b»"d ««reo console with «<ho device. 4-speed automatic record changer 2»ay 4-speaker
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    • 67 1 !jf?c t'lajnmr oj solid staiina silver Jf&W. m^^W I 1 jhW PAKKIK Inspired by the artistry of a London silversmith, the Parker 75 is clad in solid sterling silver, deep-engraved and subtly antiqued for the most elegant of gifts. What's more, this pen can be custom-fitted to the hand that
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    • 17 1 Diamonds Gems set ENGAGEMENT RINGS U. S. de SUVA SONS, Jewellers zs, Knlilc. Place. Statfapi ii-l: I
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  • 239 2 MSA men want ministry to step in SINGAPORE. Sat— The Air 1 Transport Workers' Union la to ask the Labour Ministry tn help break th>deadlock in Ita talks with MSA over more pay and bPt'er working conditions for the airlines' 1,600 workers. This decision WSJ taken following la.-t night's .support
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  • 94 2 Khaw sounds warning on stability KUALA LCMPUR. S*t. la nuist rely btavtly uu<in her lechmral. ,n«l nnd mnnHßfnal n order to maintain econotnlc niid aocial itabUity. the MiniMer t«w UocaJ Ooyernnirnt and HouMne Mr Khaw Kai B<>h. >aid tonight. wr cannot afford to l im«'-ni •<:- rwent maniwiwer mrwj) >h«»ed
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  • 35 2 Kf.M A I.I'MPUR. 8«t Tri* riiioi Juatlct. Tun Sn Azmi bin Rail Mohomerl will fly lo 8.-iliKkok tnm<Trr>« r<> a't^nrl \hr Rw-day A»mn conference of chirf Juaticei whirh opens on 1 Monday.
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  • 568 2 PONTIANAK. Saturday SCOURING THE JUNGLES ARMED WITH KNIVES THEY BEHEAD RED GUERILLAS AND CIVILIANS Kalimantan tribesmen have killed some 70 Chinese and driven SO.OOO others from their homes in a savage crusade against Communists in the jungle interior oi this remote Indonesian
    Reuter  -  568 words
  • 321 2 ALGIERS. Saturday. ALGERIAN MiG fighters forced a S airliner with 100 people aboard to land at Algiers airport last night. The plane wa.s allowed to ■if 12 hou ng clearance of the crew and passengers by Algerian mi!ita; and i betwe.-n airport aim aviation author. 1
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  • 148 2 Air crash pilot's widow is buried Xt/ALAK t/ALA LUMPUR, Sat Annie Chew 25-year-old widew of the late Flight Lt. Buang bin Ahmad, wa.s buried at the Cheras Road cemetery here this afternoon. The Kuala Lumpur RMAF Base Commander, Group Captain J W. King, wa among a large gathering of relatives
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  • 56 2 Kt'ANTAN. Sat Thr S'li'an of Pahaiig has appointed Duto Ha'i Abdul A. Ahmad •iiik Mentn Besar for three months with effect (mm \iKi\\ The Ment n Be.-.. Yahaya bin Moha tried Seh. us nn" nn -;i k Thin l* the ihird time tlii.s year.
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  • 41 2 PORT SWETTENHAM. Sat The US Navy ship Surf Bird sailed in here today for a five-day vu>t. The shm is commanded by Lt. Commander M.T Nelle.s and has seven officers and a crew of 70 men.
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  • 26 2 IPOH Sar The Y.W.C A h»re lx to conduc' courses ;n rake \c\nt beginning nn I day »rh in*trurur>n eh»; ab- i 1 roy
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 355 2 em m m 1 1 9 P^~ THE BEST WAY HOME IS mT OCEAN LINER HOLIDAY IN s.s. IBERIA Arrives Southampton 29 March, 1968 Leaves Singapore 29 February, 1968 If you're planning tO go You see half the world on the way I tO U.K. don't miss this i: Mop
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  • 249 3 THE King and Queen ■relay visited the ist supply Company, Malaysian Services Corps, at Haiti Cavefl and the Batu .son near here to see for themselves how small arms are repaired and renblod and food rations packed for soldiers On patrol duty. On hand to welcome
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  • 307 3 KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. THE proposed 15-nation second conference of natural rubber producing countries, scheduled to start on Monday, has been postponed indefinitely, the Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Tan Sri Raja Mohar bin Raja Badiozaman, said today. This was
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  • 74 3 PENAN- 1. Sat Penang police are till investigating the loss oi a $30,000 diamond rins reported mi sing from a million.iiie ,s h'mse in MacAlister road aboct three weeks ago Mrs. Saw Eng Lock. 24-year-uld d.«us?r»er-ir.-law oi Pcnans inilhonanc Mr. Saw Choo Therm, told police
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  • 150 3 ANKARA. Sat. Turkish Prime Minister Suleyman Demirel warned last night that any fresh fighting In Cyprus could mean war with Greece. He was Hcidresslnß a Cabinet j meetlna Immediately before Parl'anient (i»ve his Oovern---ill powers to send troops Into any forelcn country including
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 261 3 KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. THE Minister of Education, Inche Mohamed Khir Johari, today gave this advice to Umno leaders in urban areas: "Do not ignore the interests of non-Malays in your areas." He gave this advice at the opening of a political .seminar organised by
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  • 81 3 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. The Tariff Advisory Bo.ud today announced that copies of the evidence molded by the boaru at its public inquiries In July on eight items are now available at its ollice in Ampanc Boad here The items air groundnuts and y.m/e products (at SI per
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  • 99 3 Three-day oil palm talks in K.L. end KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. The three-day at] palm conference which was held at the Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. was closed today by the chairman of the Incorporated Society of Planters Mr J.A.S. Edington. The first ot its kind to be held here, the conference
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  • 72 3 SINGAPORE. Sal The Ocillatom the world's most accurate clock will be in Singapore from Tuesday to Nov 25 in the course of its worldwide exhibition tour Durtne i f s «'»y here, the atomic ricwk which "oes only a seronf* «ron? every 3 000
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  • Article, Illustration
    17 3 K!I*NG aal rhirty-h\e pecplc ''d>e ocen killrd ;:i road accident.- here since la*t year.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 304 3 Direct to you from EXPO 67 The Swiss atomic clock that keeps time to one second in 3,000 years. Phone ***** on November 23rd and check your watch by the world's most accurate clock. The Oscillatom is go. It's the clock that times satellites. (/lit To Singapore By The SwiU
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    • 626 3 Advertisement YOUR MEMORY HOW IT WORKS! am HOW TO USE IT! J_ I r \Jrvy "Most people." says Sydne, S<'^^"V. I W. LangfordPenny, "ha*e a riukl memory. but just don't know how to use it." Be completely truthful with yourself. WHAI, \>^ EXACTLY. DO YOU KNOW ABOUT YOUR MEMORY. fK^k
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  • 561 4 MORE REVELATIONS OF HOW THE REDS USE CHINESE MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS gINGAPORE, Sat. More revelations of the way Communists manipulate Chinese Middle School students have been made by a member of the Malayan Communist Party who has been under political detention here.
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  • 276 4 THE TIME BOADICEA TAKES TO CONFIRM A PLANE SEAT j l/UALA LUMPUR, Sat. Five minutes that's the time it would take BOAC here to confirm reservations on a plane to any part of the world And when will this come into operation? September next year when Boadlcea
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  • 200 4 I/UALA LUMPUR. Sat. A 40-year-nld van driver. Inche Shanti bin Ibrahim. 1 above 1 today received $500 as a reward for helping to arrest a snatch thief and recover $21,000 The money was handed to him by Mr. A V.M. Mohamed
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  • 266 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. 'pHE rapid expansion in technical, administrative and financial divisions of the National Electricity Board may give rise to the danger that its senior officers become more and more contained in their compartments, oblivious to the activities of their colleagues That is the
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  • 94 4 Blood bank saved by donors SINGAPORE. Sat. The public today rallied to the Blood Bank.* urgent appeal lor blood. By lunchtime, some 190 donors had turned up at the transfusion centre in the Singapore General Hospital. A spokesman for the centre described the response as "good." The centre. In appealing
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  • 74 4 Women lend hand to clean town SEREJIejaN Sa: Mor« than 500 people including women Uk k p..rt in cleaning Ran tail town 14 miies from here The Mentn Besar Tan sn (Dr > M"h<tmed Said bin Mohamed plan'rd a palm tree in the compound of the community centre Bef< 1
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 370 4 w till i mm&kM M t JKBa kI, m it-jc>^. '■3^- B3^H li^i^c^Vl i^^pjw. ■■>■■■ rf- "'1 flc^iH E£ ■^p^Pw-^^lpto'* BBM^^ p^^B^^ j^p^p^p^p^p^p^p^pV 40R ywrMH]/ too. will Mitfy)ir\ GLUCOUHS ihStgui vieyj/ 'supply vitality that I GLUCOUN OURING p RECNANC v I C~ up because Glucolm Glucolm taken during pregnancy is
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    • 417 4 I STOP WAITING FOR SUCCESS.. STAfTT MAKING IT HAPPEN NOW! Atieno our j Hitt Pht.itM dtSSIONS I and learn tome •ncouragina, tarts about yauntlt. Daii C«iif|ii trimni cm klip m till kutrn piwirt wittia jlutselt la slip up ciiMtuct mi pane; II areaare yaursrlf tar piamtiM Mil iripusililiiies. to start
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  • 226 5 CINGAPOKL. Sat I Defence Minister, Mr. Kirn San, today rj the need for two>.v.t\ traffic between the Government and the people >id colllsio Mr Lim. who ing at the closing oi the peoples Association -Mil conference at the conference hall m Shenton Way,
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  • 400 5  - UNITED FRONT DOLLAPSES IN TWO HOURS BOB NG B, KUALA LUMPUR. Saturday 'J'HL bid by Opposition parties to form a United Front against th< Alliance has collapsec alter twu years ot sporadic negotiate Eighteen representative! from six Opposition partiei met hero fur two hours yesterday in a make-or-breal ;iti< mpt
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  • 172 5 Sabah to continue her barter trade JKBBSLTON. ML Barter trading between Malaysia and Indonesia in Sabah will continue provided traden in the State are registered and the goods are covered by import or export permits. This clarification was made today by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry division here on
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  • 35 5 IKI I K ANbON OtH Work "II III! M OJ!I(1 llll.i--rniment > 17M.600 hlMlMlng -ill. Rl :uii mi le« (run lien >i ell under 400. vii j 1 1 two-bedraooi h.ivi .< li.ill .tiiU .< lutcben
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  • 74 5 PENANG. Sat.-The Governor. Tan Sri Syed Sheh Shahabuddin. continues to make good progress at the Penant? General Hospital. A bulletin Issued this rp°rn» by V actiMt Chief M^ and Health Of.icer. Dr. Yeoh 3uat Hong, said Tan Sri Syed Sheh was "now off cardiac care and
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  • 24 5 SINOAPORK iiir B.ilic! 'Alii gIVI t performance „i Macßitchie resen-otT t rk band.-:and bc«oen 5 p.m aiid 6 p.m. t<^ morrow.
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  • 245 5 tINUAPORE. Sat. The i J Minister of Culture and Social Affairs. Inche Othman Wok. today spoke of the unfortunate* lack of close relationship between community centres and residents whom they are sup- posed to look after. Speaking at ihe closing session of the
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  • 330 5  - Out at last: The secret of a pilot turned valet NG WENG CHEE By Penane. Sat. FORMER Japanese pilot who served in the Pacific War is now head boy of the household of the Governor of Penang, Tan Sri Syed Sheh Shahabuddin. at the Residency here. Hiroshi Kamagata. 4li. joined
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 118 5 Season Confectionery Co., Ltd. Announces Opening Today of New Branch SfTASww^tllSililsei f"'Vr il 0., I TO. tFAllt R gggl^^^B ipiD ai Batestier Thomson Road junction and cordialh unites nou to vis>it us. Our new branch is a unique confectionery as we have no secrets to keep. Customers can see for
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  • Article, Illustration
    321 6 VJM v I I M VH I M P VJM Jt I BUT TODAY ITS TOP-OF-THE-PAGE I NEWS— THE BOLD WAY I TO PUT THAT BEST FOOT FORWARD DT^IS "S gomg to be a Chnst mos in colour from the toe up It's a \eor when the footnote comes
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  • 324 6 Dear JANE LEE I AM mixing with bad company and I know it. How do I shako them off I would like to avoid hurting my 'friends if po> sible UDHKIIIi On not join their crttosrthors. and Rive escotrt ererj timr they ;<sk ymm u< lip part of their compan.N
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  • 103 6 NOW let's take a step forward and try to see what could be the talk of the town next Christmas in the way of legs. I don't say that this will be the trend in 68 but a shop in London has come out with "spicy-hot coloured stockings
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  • 228 6 SINGAPORE'S Prime Minister. Mr Lee Kuan Yew. mentioned something Hi the large publir rela linns in the United s during a recent pres> lnt( r view A.- a PR man. I would like to know ii the I public relation* linn 1 world i.s h, Unwind il mi.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 348 6 JWHAT IS SO SPECIAL ABOUT "SPECIAL SKIN bhiseido "Special" Skin Lotion helps soften and smoothen your skin It removes excess cream and I oil from your skin leaving it clear, cool and com- jgg^r^^/ j pletely refreshed W mm t^ ■^k^sTo^B^k^l K W_^^ a^B^^L^L^BW Laa^BT L^BW Sole Agents THE EMPORIUM
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    • 380 6 I've stopped singing the blues ■la»^* -l •"limc-01-ihc-monih" usi'd 10 be a real nuisance with all thai paraphcr-H nalia and everything. H Glad I switched to Tampax You know what Besidesall the I" advantages they talk about in the ads. I find I'm just plain happier! lampav many letters reflecting
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  • 394 7  -  OH KEE TIANG By DENANG, Sai. Observing that it was clear that a former managing director, Mr. Soon Chenji Sun. his brother and his son could not possibly work together lor the good ol the company, the Penang High Court judge Mr.
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  • 49 7 I Ml'Kll and .n:> otber a.-:.»u nation* will tneM in lokvo in April ix\-uni; ol mini Asian offabi rbU 1 ing liHiixi.iv i.i .in ii-dny lounomtc Oomaitaaion lov Asia .<nd the F.n- •ECAFEi spoitoored meetuiu ol t m cnimitiee loi offshore niincral research. A. P.
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  • 28 7 KIWI. A PII.AH Minislpr ol Heultli. Incr. on Bhamwurtrtln. today opened the lirM and aecond 5b4.000 to build The ho*pi'.al n in i. nti
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  • 285 7 The Stephens formula gets big 'no' JESSELTON, Saturday. THE Sabah Chief Minister. Tun Mustapha bin Datu Harun. today rejected the formula put forward by the Upko leader. Dato Donald Stephens, for political peace in the State. "Where does he want me t<» go MOMQWf asked Tun Mustapha. who is also
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  • 53 7 liir Ami rl i ..ii rniwiMtio Club ol M«--d Pawns in huid its anual TbanJunivlng dmili.- Pnuw Club. Northam Ho.>d. it 3 djb un Thur.-d..\ The MctMarj Mi O>* Climicr Kie tod M.v irminded members itnti Menda tiiaD i R 5 id the tradi!ion.U $7 per head «iii
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  • 39 7 KLUANO. but. Iho Ping Mum National Type Primary hew iH-;r. IS other tn v. in Ihr Shell trHtltr ettUoti hold .t! !h» To'.ui padtng hen peaterdajr runner-up «.>. !i< Bi ■U Pjrp* Primal v B
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  • 40 7 IPOH Bhl B Building So-iety. Mr Chiam Hens Kin SI in -tun Mi'ir radio, nun .i ii v mku pi of $765 Entry v< ,i- nmap [cm >ng op» i. the (rani ai» i
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  • 325 7 oors $10 BET ON NO CITY POLLS IN 1968 DBNANO, Sal Ttafl Mayor, Mi ooi Thiam Siew. today Ottered the Chief Tan an Wong Puw Nee. a bet thai there would be no City Council elections m Penang next year. "He has indicated that there would be. but 1
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  • 32 7 ll*oh Nil i' detained KbMt* ci nibtx-- when thej raided .< It>iin«- :n (' in mUcc tinni The rakba re beftol) i. :mni ber denier ir Chennir i.. nesdhv
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  • 25 7 penanc; Bai Ttutvti ed nitli IU.OBO yardft r>\ wire valued at (350 irom telephone Roil.s ul Jaian Kamponi; Ga.tah id Butlerwoiih day
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  • 24 7 KI.LANO Sat The K..r..:. readuiK competition ior Johore State will be held at tbc Oiamuncl Jubilff Hull in Pontian on Nuv :.O
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  • 222 7 L-shaped fizz factory planned IPOH. Sat Praser and Neavf is to build H now L-shaped. $1.75 million factory here to cope with increased demand for its products. It will be bnlt on a I al the junction "f td Connolly Road and will replace the existing factory at the »-nd
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  • 109 7 HHl\l S«dili Kecliil 9.33 a in. •6.81'> Sinaiipoie K> U Im. >8.51t> 11 18 ...m. < 9.5 f t Por; L)ick.-.on 7.33 aJD. < 9. 1 tt 7 42 p ni. It Mir. Port SuettenhMtn (>37 BJB. ''5. 0n i 7 18 p.m i
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  • 53 7 \1 RLMIb Sal I luce Indonesian Qahmnen ii.t\e been I det.iincc! by police alter they landed here yesterday. Abdul Lain. jo. KsawnU. im and Clans <>i" Rani, sold thi.i their boat h;ul been drnen to land by a .siorm ;uid that tliey cam from Pulau Bujar In
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 23 7 Pcccf a A iJiJijli Bn ML aW ...more (jr—iaii bell's %y^m in Scntland B ELL 3 dlly Uliici V c i brand fef£^^
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    • 36 7 YOUR ASIA MAGAZINE BI (\l SI »l tlrl.o hi ilesipatih ihc sund. l > J imrs today «.»rrir> Ihr A>ia Masa/inr of No\ _'h I h«\<n 19 i^sur will be distributed with the Sunday limes aext week.
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    • 616 7 Fresh ways to beauty Come and mccl aliu Arden'a consultant and learn from her new ways to cultivate beauty. Learn how to enh:i: the natural radiance of your skin, how to highlight eyes and lips, and boi harmonise your clothes with make-up. This advice Is, o; course, tree of charge
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  • 717 8 The battle the eyes with cool Kosygin JOHNSON TURNS THE TALK TO GLASSBORO HKRK we wen-, sitting in the garden .il Ihc I'aiicli <>l llic l*re skleni of I lie* United Stales. To mil us ;il our ease lie started talking ;ill alxnit his cattle and liis farm. This was
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 206 8 P* Fly away to your beautiful beach with Qantas Anywhere on five continents Nassau. Waikiki. Korolevu. C oolangatta. Shimmaiku. Soft sand. And warm naves. The beach you're looking for waits close by one of the exciting places Qantas Hies to. The Bahamas, Honolulu, Fiji, Australia, Japan. Or perhaps Athens. Qantas
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 162 8 \< K<>»^ "rt -t -i DOWN t»N ;i O' r. >n lh«« 4 I'm- Sphne i Aba .18 < hiid i4i. Figine 3. 19 la Sicii- r-Uf:on I 14. Corm M Cain ReM«uranl- 8r»Rgf i Dingy 18 V«tf«Die .5.. 21 Gar3. 28 Chiic f* 22 Unalterable i5i: 14 vt Secular
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  • 1629 9 The day LBJ played the par of NikitanK WHEN COMPARING KOSYGIN AND KHRUSHCHEV rigm downbto the short dumpy steps relaxed and confident When the Russian told him that America wanted war and he did this several times in the first two hours then Johnible to look at him calmly, count
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 185 9 *«.r»*«*^m/^.l^:lMlll|M,.rsa.*w>;mV>A.f»J*.^ NEXT WEEK: THE GERMAN PROBLEM lA /VJUuiMrTIfWM^ ■LI h Jr^ 1 I jvj^.'i "v bbbbibbV .^bbbbbb! m^ I .■>&>;*'.•--■ _S -afc/ H-^^dH /■SHSSf I ijS Sl^tein^^withßoroi^l^n *iim the space age motor fuel XX Boron Mk.II the entirely new FUEL SYSTEMS GO-protected from rust and corrosion. INDUCTION SYSTEMS GO- carburettors
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  • 24 10 It M.,,rf. <fl Viniaua) IN SVIR LOVING Memory of Oato him sin K«n MutJ miaaed ■r alwaya Rememhered by ala lorad net
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  • 27 10 I/i %t.,rdM tin tltlmtmmml htrnina SEWING PORTABLES. T'-«t ('hMmpkin ao pssajftM nmm ■Btrassj j PO. Hoi tSL arpor.. demons' ration phona .NAAKI. I tlam a Charm.
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    • 142 10 [>ÜBLIC tru-st in their in- tegrity that is th« civil servant's most precious pos.session, and it Is clear that under no conditions will the Malaysian Uovernmtnt allow a corrupt minority to damage the fine image of the service. "uu Kazak's assurance In the Dewan Ka'ayat that the Anti
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    • 183 10 'pilhKb was no smooth BsMllllltlMf. pattet from the rostrum when Mr. Lee Kuan Yew addressed the American Association la the Republic. Kith a tongue sharp and genial by turns, the Singapore Prune Minister sketched the luture the MVMtsM have in store lor Soulh-East Asia. [l was an outlook
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    • 122 10 Indie Amhirl bin Abdullah, l'J67 has been wuudtrful ywr. Lake the niH>d aaiessfluui be is, has spent most of his days on the road and a nood portion of bJa nights keeping records ol orders worth jl.iuuu lie's chalked up in the past six months. Fifteen thou Mind
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  • 766 10 One day's votes cool down climate of America ROSS MARK reporting on those very significant elections From WASHINGTON THE recent results of America's nationwide municipal and Slate elections are a triumph lor the decency, common sense-, and basic liberalism of the American way of life, A major social transition, which
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  • 509 10 The Chinese bookmaker, miniskirts and the press Bereft from Australia where he saw the Melbourne Cup (or at least some glimpses of it) EPSOM JEEP today reports on SURELY the last prison you would expert to see among the bookmakers on a racecourse in Australia is a Chinese. Hut there
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  • 366 10 Behind the big yes in Frisco A SIGNIFICANT clue to the state of public opinion in the United States was provided by the referendum on Vietnam ronducted in San Francisco in connection with recent local and state elections. A well-organised antiwar movement succeeded In collecting enough signatures to place on
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 576 10 CLASSIFIED ADS. RELIGIOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS IJ Words U (Hlmlmmm) PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH la XleaaOrefcaN Kond. Huoday Benrlcea 'am. Mr.<1 fl n A. wicwnt. WESLEY MITHOUIIT CKUKI.H. i Koa<1 aingapore. ".r .»> ■> 7. Id m. 10 00 a m. »r,.i A 3<> p m. Htiadar ftrbu »l! I If <• m. Junior
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    • 72 10 PIB I for faster relief from ASTHMA PIB (Pressurised Iso-Brovon) provides prompt and long-last r>g re! ef in ASTHMA and BRONCHITIS. Compact unit— simple to use carried in pocket or handbag. Over 300 doses— at low cost You can SEE the contents and need never fear running short Ask your
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  • 906 11 A JANUARY START LIKELY IN INDONESIA FOR NEW SPELLING BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT JAKARTA. Sat. The Indonesian Government is pressing ahead with plans to introduce a new spelling system early next year aimed at harmonising the Indonesian and Malay langua. Advi>er.-> In the Eduratlon Mr. Sanust Hardiadlnata say he has
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  • 760 11 HUSINKSS in and reported to th« Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Stock Exchange today with the number of shares traded In bra. InduMruls; Ben and Co. "2.000. $191 D. d.OOO) $190 D, (18.000) $1.92 D, (22 000) $193 D. (28.000) $1.94 D (7.000) $1.95 D. (1.000)
    760 words
  • 94 11 End Wrinkle Dryness Use the t older months to give your skin a lovely bloom, but guard against dry wrinkles caused by the cold air. Even mildly i crisp air causes the skin to contract, preventing protective oils from reaching the surface. aslc your chemist for a little oil of
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  • 73 11 Bus conductor denies modesty count KTAI A I.L'MPfR Bfti A 23-vear-okl bus conductor Thru Km I i^n whs riiarged in the MMtstrate'i Court here today «Uh ouiraems the mixle.sty of a hoiu>r«ife. Che Zaleha bmte T^hir. 25. He »v allrsfd to have molested her in a bus at the Malacca
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  • 37 11 SINOAPOF Llnß I*r Hu.i ha> been eiec'.rd presicient ot the TbMtlßMten' Club :;ap<>rf> Othrr ofllclai* ciTlci m K-k Shla *nd M 1 Mr Cheng Tub Pm wen•«rv an. l Mi Chiang Hai Chew, utaiurar
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  • 266 11 Drive for markets in East Europe l\/f ISSION accomplished. lil Contracts have been made and substantial export markets for Singapore manulac tured goods virtually assured. This about sums up what the Republic's recent high powered 29 man trade mission to Russia and East European countries has achieved." So starts the
    266 words
  • 275 11 pENANG. Sat.— ls the younger generation of today cm wild as It is painted to be? Posing this question before 1.500 pupils at the La Salle School's annual prize-giving yesterday. Mr Khor Cheang Kee chairman of the
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  • 150 11 SUNGEI PATANI, Saturday. £USTOMS officers seized about 1001 b. of raw opium, valued at $16,000, from a car after a half-mile chase in the town last night. The car, a Volvo, had earlier crashed through a Customs road hlorv a« 'he bridge near Sungei Patanl
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  • 82 11 ALOR STAR, Sat. -A man who tried to molest a housewife in a padi field fled when she clung to a tree and screamed for help. SiU Saleha blnte Salleh, 23. reported to police at Kubok Panjang yesterday .-he was fishing alone beside a flooded
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  • 56 11 PENANG. Sat— The new c- I mand home for the rehabilita- tion of juvenile delinquents at Pay* Terubonft here w.ll bt officially noened by the Minister of Welfare Services Haji Abdul Hnmid Kimn. on Wedlt rri rtn^nd hem* at Waterfall Rnad which was I damaged
    56 words
  • 29 11 PENANti S.<t A fisherman. Mr. Ton Prng Knot. 26. lias reported the loss of In. 1 outboard nmt'ir «»rn:n<* from his boat, anchored ai Pmntai Acheh yesterday.
    29 words
  • 278 11 I ONDON, Sat. After losing to the baiiiffs perhaps the most luxurious mews house in London in 1964 exMalayan Mrs. Wendy Elizabeth W i 1 m o t moved to rustic simplicity in an earth-quake-wrecked village in Italy. But this home has proved
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 713 11 span^oustic vinyl-faced fiber glass sound control panels This fiber glass "lay-in" panel is made from long. fins, flameattenuated glass fiber bonded with thermosetting resins and formed into a strong, dimensionally stable board which will not warp, buckle or s*g. It's also a class A— lncombustible, sound absorbent and it provides
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    • 950 12  -  HAROLD SOH By w HUH is the best way l<> cook by jj;is. power or charcoal— and what is the difference in t;istc between each method? A culinary expert. Miss Chan Sow Lin, has ventured to make these observations, gleaned from 1 1
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    • 470 12  -  TAN TSAI SIONG By w HAT will a housewife ask for in an ideal kitchen V "(live her plenty <>f space,* 1 s:ii (I Mr. Douglas Lee. a leading local architect. "Space lor her lo cook in comfort; cupboard
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 267 12 Get together the modern way with P V REX DRINKMASTERS ftfftf T'Klt M "^3H Hg& jg W S~~ v ~jlW. !^F^-»^ f gmYr^'^ Vb -1 v J^M BfcM^nir"itifcii^MEa isfl s^^gfl ,^^^^ttfcg|Mgflgfl 1 gflg^g^^m Ac- w*v^^^^^ f*~*\ fh|S IS the beginning ot treating C -ryw your friends to coffee or tea
      267 words
    • 122 12 WHY tiUiN HONEY? 3 WAY PRESSURE CONTROL iff "^^^^ifPWll AND 3 SEPARATORS t ftj \k\ LET PRESTIGE' HELP TO PAY YOUR FUEL BILLS You save up to three-quarters of any cooking fuel when you use a 'Prestige' pressure cooker. Cooking takes only a quarter of the usual time and all
      122 words

  • 762 13  - Why these wives are always on edge HAROLD SOH By jj O «>Hcn experts have Found housewives, in -Ic.uiimu kitchens complaining of how tit „l |lic> Fell ;>i Ihe end of the day. Recently, work kliml> experts looked into jusl whtl we lid wi 0111; The lisi la depressii are
    762 words
  • 541 13  - A frozen asset that's what the freezer is TAN TSAI SIONG By ff ITU a ueii kitchen what else can a housewife want.' She may want a selection of the latest appliances to make her household chores a pleasure and leave her with sufficient energy to enjoy the result of
    541 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 200 13 FREE! A BRAUN COOKERY BOOK.TI containing over 220 delicious recipes, WHEN YOU BUY A BFIHUII kitchen machine I WT m BRAUN The mOtt v rsatile SMOBBBS m KITPMFN MimillF th range tuoplitd with m i untw mAbniric a wjd- range ot accettonot t IB _X KM32 shown above at no
      200 words
    • 321 13 arcopal tempered ovenware gvi M gk m f. LL J made in France I gfiflHLH SOLE AGENTS: QPTORG CO- (M) LTDjnmyMfpthjL cooker jj Durability I ggg^g^BSQOE** insist on marocchi GAS cooker N gfflP^ M Model. F l Model: G 65 %B?^ -L^— EasyQuick-Clean Cooking i 4 Model :Gs 45\s^—^ m
      321 words

  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 1529 14 a^^Sd CTT P^'BbPT^bP'^Ubl ri'l^^^^nvJ^^l"^^^^ Mha^6^^^r^^^\ EELIEVE THE^ QP TMEI^ At£4VTMSUg7Eki!, _\i/__r^ |T > ITALIC AN7 <iu_ TWO- i. a^^l^B^^B^^^Tß^B^B^^^B^^a^^^^^a^^^^^^^^^^^B^B^^^^^^^^^^V^^B^B^^^^ f^^^Vt^^^^awl l^B y™\ \JJ v^^P^^ A 2/ 1 L H /lw •^3RH^^nAj^^^ B l I ifc Jj I VyyHk S^ fla^ a»^^^ \3V¥r¥r¥ar ib COt? WW fjfjfY. Jl SOUHPS L/KE A
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
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  • 3 17
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  • 434 17 THE BLACKBOARD JUNGLE SIR' SYDNEY TAKES ON THE TOUGHS Till. Ml-; is a wide gulf of difference between the hook and the film, "TO SIR, WITH LOVE," an outstanding blackboard jungle story of ;i negro teacher in ;i tough school in London's Kasl End. Tho book, an award winning autobiographical
    434 words
  • 164 17 Walker's own war... SEE POINT BLANK", a power-packed thriller about a man they called Walker who pits his cunning against a deadly crime syndicate. Here's the story. Motivated by his determination to reiover the fortune that was hl-jnrked from him at AlratrH7 two years before. Walker iLee Marvin > is
    164 words
  • 326 17 THE THEATRE LJELMUT BAUMANN. who is dancing with -Ballet fmm Germany' on Thursday and Friday, decided on ballet a^ a profession only seven yen Prior to that he was studying architecture at Berlin University After only two years of tutelage, he became a member t>f the corps de ballet of
    326 words
  • 225 17 Heroes all -the second time around ONE ot the most lavishlyproduced epics based on an important incident in American history la that highly- inspirational film THK ALAMO". a multi-million-dollar Batjac Production in Technicolor. This i.s the chance (or tho.^e who saw it and can't forget it to see it again—
    225 words
  • 186 17 When Yul meets saree-girl Tara A GOOD pi< lurr of the turhulrnt 1 t uith all th«- touch and breath of a love drama set in an exclusively Indian background. I his i> "THE LONG WEI." The lihn. vhot in Krcland and lndi,i h bevy of Kashmir beauties to
    186 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 466 17 SII XW I a ORGANISATTOW II am 130 4CO 630 A 9. 1S 1 DARLING' m aj Da-k Bogard*. pj t, School Children rason Pr-nU ot Pauline" it! m 11 am, 1.30. 4.00, 6.4S 4 9 30 LI LI HUA and LI CHING RAPE OF THE SWORD' TRODLCTION op*, color
      466 words
      219 words
    • 276 17 POWER BOAT RACE MEETING Sunday 3rd December 1967 Republic ot Singapore Yacht Club/Army Yacht Club Singapore tak* part at Sunaci Pendan, West Coast ltt Race 10.30 hrv 65 h.p. end under, h.p. end O»'l, unlimited ratine, ovoiloblr from Maior I, Reilton, HO Army Avietion. HQ FARELF, GPO, Singapore. Today I
      276 words
    • 286 17 j n'f" s" AREX I SK yVpEnVtODAY REX 11 a m 1 45. 4 00. 6}o I 930 p m SKY 11 am 1 4S. 4 00. 630 L 91 S p I■■ jp^ |t JEAN CLAUDE BERCQ -Jf^ MARIIU TOL0 < k _l Jlt^^ THE MAN WITH v THE
      286 words

  • 1505 18  - MAFOOTA— BY 7 LENGTHS EPSOM JEEP By Total Pool SiII. SOS i»t I4MM Nio. 100 md I4:>:»8:{ s.>.n:.ii :?r«i IStni tfcttl Starters s.">o."> r.irh: Nos 1 4">r.SS l7tSt9 IXIHMii 157M4 IKISL ConsoiatH.n ftH each: Nos: *****3 *****1 I4SMC iHfMfil 1C1123 *****4 15*525 *****1 *****1 17M34. J^I'ALA LUMPUR. Sat. Bang-in-iorm jockey
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 259 18 Insure your success with I STAMFORD COLLEGE I I HOME-STUDY COURSES I incorporating the latest H DIAGNOSTIC METHOD OF TEACHING M M OBJECTIVE TESTING M STAMFORD COLLEGE Tha largaat Corraapondanca Collaga Malaysia Singapore Region commended at a modal by Colombo Plan axparta offara you. IR^^^_ FRFEprospactutandcaraar Gu.d«« containing WT M
      259 words
    • 136 18 MEN FIND NEW WAY to feel Young Aa w« grow older It'a only natural that we b>jr/!n to alow down. But •oma people itrow old faster thxn they ahould. Then thry feel weak, tired, find It hard to keep working and aeldom ret any fun out of life. l>ut to
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 723 18 illllllllimilllllllllllß^ fr^3 lr#^J I How to watch the ball 11.00 The»» Sho« 1 1 30 Tho Nrus. 1135 The Late Shew; 12.00 Cl<w Down. TV SINGAPURA 11 w\i 1. 5 I.M.: 1.00 PioKiiiinnn- >umnirtiv in all lancuages; 110 Be-"aiar-Uh BMhas.i Keba 1.15 The Superman Cartoor. Show; 1.35 Oft Smart
      723 words

  • 324 19 Saints bow to leaders Manchester United lON DON M R«mlU of football miitrheft pluved today were AMATKI R INTFRNATIONAI. Wale* 1 EiiKland 0 i.r.At.t f niviMiov osr Burnley 2 Ne« n ■verton 1 Shelf Lid. I Fulham .otij« n I>4«»d» lUI I furnlrj 1 1/nMlfr Arvnil 2 Man Ctrl :t
    Reuter  -  324 words
  • 52 19 CAHLI nil liviu from Cnankaiia!. !>•- n.n ini:ma 4 in* mi drath of Naranap;in f»'f\«r of Najun'i'nu. Kilahli*hm>n> OAet Maiamia. Kuala l.ii>il|>iir 1 I I V RtMAIAMT I > 01-frif»r 1 a' 4 p m on nil (ran g'im<»t« i MR. COLANOAIAMV PILLAI l>n pa*~"l «<i on Tenant »i
    52 words
  • 300 19 FINED FOR REMARKS AFTER MATCH lONDON. Sat. Johnny J Haynes. former England soccer captain, was severely censured, warned about his luture conduct and fined $25 by the English Football Association dlscipli nary committee here yesterday The disciplinary action was imposed on Haynes lor "makinK remarks when leaving the field" after
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  • 58 19 Malaysia, Spore in Asian women's hockey DXI.HI sv The fir.«-t A*un women's hockey cliHmpmiuhlp will be played here from Jan 6-14. the Indian Horkpy Federation announced today Japan CeylOQ Malaysia Singapore. India and Uganda firmed their entries Korea •\pected to enter Japan and India. founder members nt the Am m
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  • 142 19 IPMI.M Jill 1 CALL BOY i'nlMlK R«c« 1 \RC EN (Id. PlIHr iriiß lOK S\KH\ I) lor ;>ur Bm-*» Irt rII itl (ia^ Pan* Actiw (.in l'.m> R»re I r MMfnOK I«i I MABLENI r IMMTION w IWp H»l« InhlM-r I ill Mailrn- *>\rr i rut Pnnr
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  • 719 19 Jerry's Special looks the best bet on wet track RACING WITH EPSOM JEEP JKKRV's SPK I\i iseiiil over 8f and beyond. He also likes a wet track. I fancy his chances in the Class 3 Div. 29f handicap (Race 4) at Kuala Lumpur today. At his best he has beaten
    719 words
  • 1354 19 2.15 CLASS 6 all divisions (J2 IS4.800) 6F 1 ')2f112 Artor IV iShtwi E Doni elly 39 0 (SF) MNH 1 2 HCKI4 Arc In < i< I IlIOl) Nb" 8 R 13 IF» •Jamil 13 3 1)4745 l*ort dOr iiu. Heddle 10 811 Hamiri 6 4 *****
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  • 40 19 NEW YORK Bat N.Ulr* i) mi of AmerW aon 21 t w hile unders<'inc surgery for a block- ':nc. The 27-year-old erey utallloß retired In 1953 with "total winmngs of U*****.420 u> cont> mand a $20,000 stud fee.
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 276 19 Liv CLASSIFIEDS Worii t/« (Minimum) R.MAN LIM: BMvraasj O»orK». Kum f«»ne. ih r<l a o M<lm T»n Ijim Pm and l><"».n II i"h.n» thid <| B Mr and Mrv I .ni Tionu i'han on IW II mini; CHUNG M« n fns Hm| Iff Son^ kn« v: n; »n« S-.,!« Kent
      276 words
    • 154 19 NOW you can win $11 Million for stakes of only RJtjf a line on the VERNONS FOOTBALL POOLS COUPON issued by SPORTS POOLS StS& r "^^i^^^^® easy t enter 1 'V^-ygrl^^^'^ '"ZZ~-~^^~~^---~^lX-*-~i-^\ Printed on Vernons coupon is an example I 'j_2-^— '-^\v^^^-r^^^-v^^s-^\ of a simple entry which enables you to
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 92 19 ,««iii in i iv big «^iK (XL, 7is turn i walking rare ■rnliam. 7 »Jt i. lUKKI I lndo-te>lone»e bnal: b cor v piiie (Pantai, XL). UNO Perak open 100--mile ma&M'd s>;an road race ibilibin Hd. Ip«)h. 7 a.m. GOLF A. Kcroh CC s monthly mcd.i: tourney. HOC Xl Arraru
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  • 45 20 Koon Chye breaks tackle by Perak defender Ow Koon Chye, the Selangor centre, breaks a tackle by a Perak defender In the Malaya Cup match at K.L. padang yesterday. The game was one of the worst seen this season. The result was a 6-6 draw.
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  • 476 20 CEREMBAN, Sat. Singapore Joint Services virtually made certain ol their place in this year's Malaya Cup final whin they ran riot to beat T egr i Malacca 48-0 here today. Ben Ice*, whote points came from five nd one penalty, meet Singapore
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  • 191 20 Forces rout two short Penang All Blues l/UALA LUMPUR, Sat. 1V Unbeaten Malaysian Armed Forces, bidding to become the North Zone finalist in the Malaya Cup Rugby competition, showed their mett'e today when they wrested thr Panama Cv,) frrm the Penang All Blues by 31 points <two goals and .seven
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  • 59 20 PERTH. Sat. Malaysian Jockey Moses Lee had a rough introduction to West Australian r. icing at Ascot racecourse here today. His lust mount. My Lady Nit.i. vuffered bad interference near the turn into the straight ana went back through tne field. My Lady Nita was
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  • 58 20 TAIPING. Sat Results of the four-ball billiards competition organised by the TupIng Chinese Recreation Club: Tai Boon Aun bt Goh Chew Poon 300 100. Lim Alk Chew bt Nr Kam Yew 300—235. Ooi Eng Choon bt Tok Beng Hai 300—293. Lull Gu;m Huat bt Chew Sun Hove 300
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  • 39 20 TELLK *NSON. Sat —Low lk Malay Club beat Day v Centre 4-0 yesterday ■o cij.iiily to meet the deloiiclihk champions. PersatUdii PemJda Sukan. in the final of the Lower Perak knockout soccer competition on Nov. 25.
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  • 31 20 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat M. Sivamayam top scored with 54 in Singapore's first innings 94 in the Mala Ceyionese Cricket Association final for the Sara Shield Selaneor today
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  • 69 20 Kin Tat beats straight sets Horton in LONDON. Sat. Sm?aix)ic badminton siar Lee Kin Tat beat England internation- ;on 15-6- 15-12 to IMLtI the semi-linal of tlie Northern open chantpioaabipi at BirkenliL-acl last nignt. Lee. a medical student at London University, faces another Ens'and international, Colin Beacon for a place
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  • 18 20 TAIPING Sat —Kin? E'lward VII School beat Mhlhvsian Enameers 1-0 in thrir l«vcur hockrv match
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  • 28 20 SINGAPORE. Sat. RAP Chuigi beat Port of Singapore Authority 2-0 In a SHA league Div 1 mutch here today. were May c r s and
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  • 507 20  -  PERMEX lyiTH the prospect of few draws this week it will be a case of once again bringing in all matches where the away team looks to have the best chance. You will remember I mentioned the wisdom of this move in
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  • 422 20 Top ten for treble chance COVENTRY v EVEKTON. Still struggling to find their feet in Division I football, Coventry make up for a lack of sKlll by sheer hard work and bustle. Everton have all the class and must be worth one point at least. Norm ran leeds. A real
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  • 275 20 KOALA I.IMI'LR. Sat. Sin.lined thr .V K(.i> Cup in the iuuiu.w Internal trimis scries against Malaysia with a vmtnnff 4-1 lead lyre today. Two more doubles remain to be completed today In th<- Guillemard Cup for men. Sineapoi'p let! 3-2 with the first
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  • 32 20 PENANG. Sat. K University of Thailand showed superior speed, fitness and teamwork to beat a Penang XV by 19 points (2 goal* 2 tries and a penalty) to nil.
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  • 38 20 Nagle— sth time HAMILTON. Sat. Australian Kel Nagle 47. won his fifth New Zealand ooen srolf title at the St. Andrews course here today with a 72-hole aggregatr ot 275. four stroke* ahead of follow Australian Ted Ball
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  • 294 20 DIVISION 3 DIVISION' 1 1 Arsenal v West Ham '2 Chelsea v Man Utd x Coventry v Evert on 1 Liverpool v Wolves 1 Man City v Burnley 2 Newcastle Sheff Wed x Nottm Pnt v Leeds 2 Sheff Utd. v Leicester 1 Southampton
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  • 177 20 Two more in the bag: Kamaruddin and Victor triumph JAKARTA. Sauirday. MALAYSIAN athletes won two 01 th'j three track and field events on the second day of the Indonesian national athletics championships here last nmht. Kamarurldin Maid a national record for Mir hop. stpp ;ind nimp. Amt Victor beat team-mate
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  • 225 20 MACAO. Sat. -A Hol^ driver vai injnred today when l:is sports car crashed concrete wall and overturned during a qualifying trial for the Grand Prix proper which BtarU tomorrow. The accident occurred little more than an hour before the Drat race of the two-day
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  • 20 20 BATU PAHAT. Sat— Kluang dr<nv 1 -1 with Batu Pahat in the v: .("ague soccer match here today
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  • 44 20 ■iaihinc; Bat A \..n Youtl .mtl thr i play for iho Bayii yester' Refers* Shalud abai play ten mmutr.s beft rt t:me when a section of the crowd Invaded the field and fought each other Thenavan Youths wert leading 4-1
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  • 15 20 PENANG Coun- PWD 4-1 in thr quarterfinal of the i dppdirn irier
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 70 20 J you fancy m a carr V' n 9 case /3 as t that you will be 1 ra* /^k*Jo^^i proud to show of f r wherever you g0. examine the new attache -case J :jfr now available with the f Hermes A Baby> I K^B II aaVHV k iII
      70 words