The Straits Times, 18 November 1967

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 23 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150.000 TIIK Niitii.iiiil NKWH|lil|lKr The Straits Times Estd. 1845 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18. 1967 15 CENTS KDN. 257H:^59U M.r.(P)i2fi6
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  • 434 1 Marcos' party gains big lead in polls MANILA. Frl. The results ol the midterm elections held last Tuesday appear to Indicate that President Marcos has maintained his overall popularity after two years in office. Political observers here (eel that the trend established In the partial returns of the polls .show
    Reuter  -  434 words
  • 29 1 .JAKARTA. Pri. About 150 peoplr dtednl smallpox during month at Borneo, Anlar;i newa Hwenry reported today The mllhup Ims been declared clnseri area -Reuter.
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  • 285 1 Hanoi airfield blasted 'Civilian casualties' Tass SAIGON, Friday AN airfield one mile south of Hanoi was hit by U.S. bombers today. II Nviis a targei which had never been bombed before. The Soviet news agency Tass reported in a despatch from Hanoi that the U.S. planes bombed the centre of
    Reuter; AP  -  285 words
  • 217 1  - Widow crash pilot found dying LUI THAI HENG By I^UALA LUMPUR, Fri. Annie Chew, 25-year-old widow of Lt. Buang bin Ahmad, who was killed in the RMAF Twin Pioneer crash four week.s a^o. died today soon after being found unconscious in bed in her home in Ulu Klang. Beside her
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  • 315 1 The 'Gestapo chief turns out to be an American PANAMA CITY, Friday. THUMB-PRINT limn a 1!)42 Panamanian immigration form today apparently shattered the belief (hat Hitler's Gestapo chief Heinrich Mueller had been arrested here. Lieut. -Col. Hector Valdez, chlel (if Panama's National Invest (nations Department, said the left thumb-print matched
    Reuter  -  315 words
  • 46 1 CARDIFF. Fri. A bomb exploded here today, a few hours before a prepared meeting to discuss the imesiiture as Prince of Wales of Prince Charles Doors of the building, called the Temple of Peace, were blown out. No one was injured. Reuter.
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  • 27 1 SEOUL. Fri— Three coal miners were killed early today in a uiine cave-in in the Samchok area, about 120 miles south-east of here— UPl.
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  • 83 1 SI.M.APOKK. Kri— MSA rniploMcs tonight voted for industrial action against the airline to support claims fir better wages. The decision was taken h\ a !)4 per cent majority of about 1,630 workers at i s.rret ballot. Only I<M> were not in favour. After the
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  • 151 1 A cable solves the Russian riddle l/UALA LUMPUR, Pri a six-man Russian trade mission due here yesterday will now arrive on Sunday. The mission, led by the First Soviet Trade Commissioner to Malaysia. Mr. B. Kokorev. i.s coming to set up a trade office nere Yesterday morning the YIP room
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  • 44 1 MANILA. Fri About 500 tourist officials from all over the world yesterday opened a five day conference here 10 dteOM ways of developing tourism. The officials are attending the 28th world congress of the International Association of Slcal Clubs. Reuter
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  • 53 1 JAKARTA. Fii -Ninety nine high school .students have been arrested in Panorogo. ea&t Java, for attacking members of the Nationalist Party, which v. as founded by deposed Prrs.deni Soc-karno. the Jakarta newspaper. Elbahar. reported today. This was the first report nf mass arnvst.s by the army against
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  • 46 1 AUCKLAND. Pri Hisham. a 17-yrarold Johore boy who underwent a delicate heart operation here last month, leaves for a short tour of New Zealand s North Island tomorrow. After a final check, he will return to Malaysia from Auckland on Nov. 28.— Reuter.
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  • 233 1 COURT ORDERS GOVT: FREE THESE FIVE MEN SINGAPORE. Fri. Five political detainees were ordered to be set free today by the Chief Justice. Mr. Ju 8 1 ie c Wee Chong Jin. because he held that their detention was Illegal. He allowed their applications for writ Ol habeas corpus axain.«t
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  • 112 1 Border Reds in pitched battle DANHKOK. Fii. 11 !ommunlst guerillas fought a pitched battle with ;i joint. Malaysian-Thai police to defend a camp near lhr Malaysian border last week, police sources said today. But the .uniflghi niter half an hour and withdrew Into the behind a nu cache 3 CA
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 15 1 JAKARTA d i.i were n ea.M Ja\.i Four I i«re destroy*
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  • 25 1 STOP PRESS LB NO INCREASE OF TROOPS n-\sillN(.MtN •rl Prrvidrnt Johnson told conference today his \MI commander anticipated no mcrra** in present pl.inned level
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 82 1 f^ Prickly M««t ■TW^ Skin Itch Dermic Eruptiont^H GRAFTON LABORATORIE! SAFETY FIRST! is 0.C.8.C.'s Policy. Because it is the best Eend. Let it be your policy too! BANK WITH :ersea-chinese banking corpn. Ltd. the LARGEST and STRONGEST r locally incorporated bank The Bank for All Big and Small AUTHORISED CAPITAL
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    • 44 1 GERMAMTS IN FASHION nbermain PAGOL WORLD FAMOUS SWISS WATCH DAY !Wk^^jsm .i Automatic tjm k~*^^s^^ Calendar ffßi f/ with Day-Date fjj^KzW&r A 'wi*\ M A Distinguished Hfll Time -piece for h men of Decision! r; p q| mm os Mil! 7 M»db46i*. wm Ml
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    • 95 2 'Father of nutrition' dies at 88 KriMORE (Maryland), PrL Dr. McOollum. a pioneer nutritionist dl*cov< red Vitamins A. H and U. died last niiihi al tii<Johns Hopkins Hospital here. H<- was XX. rred lv .i.- the <t "i nutrltiun." in :.tni»- :n Mi. Meld of nutriwhli lip wa.s an In
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    • 22 2 Presley's car to raise funds HOI LYWOOD Elvi.s Cadillac I charity iliuli .1 s|xik« !ur ll»r I .<«.!<!> .s;,l(< u\\ mi. hut lulpn
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    • 22 2 i>i-.ik<»ii hi. Michigan* i the i )< not printed "f a .strike feaowter Union truck md circulation wor»aW im.v Increases er
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    • 231 2 'NO QUICK VICTORY' REPORT TO JOHNSON WASHINGTON, Kri. —President Johnson yesterday sot iirst hand Vi c tnam war report from Gen. William West morclaiul. shur tlv after the I.S. com ni.iiider in the field had told Congressmen he did not see any early end to the Ofhttng. But the IS
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    • 104 2 ON HIS TALKS WITH THANT SATO V'EW YORK. Frt Th c Japanese Prime Minister, Mr. Eisaku Sato, said yesterday that he had discussed with U.N. Secretary-General U Thant the possibility of Japan becomiiiK a mediator in the Vietnam conflict. "Since Japan 1* not involved in the fighting, there an expectation
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    • 310 2 JJKITAIN made a last-ditch attempt last night to end the long-stand-ing impasse in the Middle East with a ""balanced and just" resolution that would require concessions by both sides. The proposals, tabled by Lord Caradon in the UN. Security Council, called
      Reuter  -  310 words
    • 233 2 Call for continued efforts by UN to reunify Korea UNITED NATIONS, Friday. THE United Nations General Assembly yesterday called for continued efforts by the U.\. to bring about the reunification of Korea. The Assembly adopted the resolution tabled by the main political committee by 68 votes in favour. 23 votes
      Reuter  -  233 words
    • 60 2 India to drop its pi .in for sterilisation of i .ready children, 'he Minister ol r iy an:day. -ekhar Maharashdoned tor such ..'i the Govornmeni would not pursue the plan tur': The pi rm of in the Indian mpii it was lirst mooted four months
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    • 13 2 1 i* Cam--1 •r the that tht 4 rdajr.—
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    • 142 2 VILOSIA, PtL Orcrk 11 and Turkish Cypriutx who fled from tu<> divided village* when hravy fiehtini; broke out on Wednesday returned jrsterday while imtrd Nations triMips stood guard. As L' N. troops scan lied Kophinou and \>n>Theodoros just v <«uth nf here
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    • 184 3 BRITAIN'S INTERESTFREE LOANS TO POOR NATIONS I ON DON. Fri.—Over- seas Development Minister Ror Prentice told a six-nation mission lure yesterday that 90 per cent of lin's loans to devel 0 p ing countries now InterestHe added It waa hupoci to rail British mmc next year. Lid he also told
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    • 318 3 Wilson backs Benn on U.S. firm's bid to buy British nuclear power key on the cheap THE giant American WestinghoUK Electrical Corporation seemed to be trying to get British atomic secrets by buying top nuclear scientists, Prime Minister Wilson said yesterday. He told questioners in Parliament that
      Reuter  -  318 words
    • 236 3 New Miss World model Madeleine faints CLEAN SWEEP BY S. AMERICANS LONDON. Fri. Peruvian photographic model Madeleine Hartog-Bel. 21, last night led South American girls in a clean sweep of the Miss World contest. Madeleine tainted seconds before coming on stage to be crownea Miss World 1967 and had to
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    • 154 3 Former Tory Minister made a life peer I ONIiO.V Fri Mr. Peter Thorneycroft. who held a series of top government posts under IS years of Conservative administration, has been made a life peer, it was announced yesterday. Mr. Thorneycroft. 58. who lost his House of < ommons seat in last
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    • 157 3 LONDON, Fri. Britain's AttorneyGeneral is seeking to jail the editor of the Sunday Times over an article about Black Muslim leader Michael Abdul Malik. An applicat.on will be made in the High Court today ior permission to seek an order committing the editor.
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    • 45 3 DhIROIT Kri. About 800.000 hunters headed for MuhiK.ui's northern woods yesterday in search of deer and 2.000 of them are expected to return on stretchers. This is Ihe average number who fall victim to heart attacks or erratic shooting by their fellow-hunUmen —Reuter.
      Reuter  -  45 words
    • 79 3 CALCUTTA. Fn. Fifteen Indian Army personnel and a civilian werp killed yesterday in one of East India.- worst road accidents near Rangiya. 3UO mile* north of here. Ofiicia: reports said a truck carrying army personnel collided head-on with an oil tanker. The impact
      AP  -  79 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 420 2 THOUSANDS OF SUCCESSES THE EFFICACY OF famous, systematic and most up-to-date home-study courses 7968/7969 EXAMINATIONS ADMINISTRATION OFFICES: FOH CHONG BUILDING '2nd ond 3rd Floor), JOHORE BAHRU. Tel: 2171 ond 2006 Generol Administration: Rooms 8, 9 and 10 Despatch Division: Rooms I, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Printing Department: Room 6
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 137 3 4th ANNIVERSARY SAIE! SAIEiSALE! BLOUSES STRETCH SLACK^H SKIRTS^^DRTS^^TC.ETC. A RfferH J^ 1 HALF-PRICE MAC KAY f house n 347, Gcylang Road, (Between Lorong 19 t 21) Singapore. (Shop opent till 9.00 p.m. Nightly) POHHENG^- Q GOLDSMITHS LTD \f J, *fo f^| lA m bl2 North 8,, d. t^' fc J
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    • 311 3 OPENING or CHILDREN DEPT. JWp_> (Ist floor i N^^^A^.^V Mode to Meo*ure LADIES I CHILDRENS Hsfi' Vk DRESSES 'IS-Wi in 1 2 fo 24 houn S I 'or »hn Convenience o» M£+W&M TOURISTS ond LOCAL Mfc M Residents mtt Spec/a/ m gifts DISCOUNT offer to every purchase kVsHANTI GARMENTS J
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 296 4  - Magic in black and white: Fui Ning scores a double Magdalene Lum By 1/UALA LUMPUR, Fri. 1Y A few magical brush strokes is the passport to international success for 12 year old Chin Fui Ning. a Form I pupil of the Bukit Bintang G-irls' School here. SUCCESS No. 1: She
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  • 83 4 IPOH. Pri The Perak brancn of the MC has formed a committee headed by lt.v political chairmat.. Dato Liew Why Hone, to dra i>, a list of candidate* for the 1989 elect;onv The canduate.s. according to the branch chairman. Senator Yeoh Kiar. Teik. will be
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  • 42 4 PENANc l-n —A radio dealer's 2>hop i.i Perak Road. Kepala Batas. »a-> broken into yesterday Its propnf'M- Mr Oh Ah Leng. told th< police he $600 and about 14. bd. worth ot tape recorders. plt n igraphs and radios.
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  • 40 4 BUKIT MERTAJAM Fn Sin masked men aimed with daggers, forced their viav into the nome of loss-stick maker. Tang Kirn Ko.iy. ;it Jalan Himpan hrre. last nichi and robbed him ot $80 and jewellery wurth $180
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  • 112 4 I^UALA LUMPUR. Fri. The Government U waiting for the recommendations of the Employees Provident Fund on assistance to contributors to buy houses, the Assistant Minister of Finance, Dr Ng Kam Poh. told the Dewan Ra'ayat last night. He was replying to Inche Mustapha Ahmad
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  • 53 4 PENANG, Fn. Businessman Sian Mab Hock w. having dinner at nis borne in Pulau Betonj; Balik Pulau. last night when a man. armed witb a knife, walked in and demanded money But be flew when Mr. Sian grabbed tbe dining table and sent it crashing
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  • 201 4 Experts to carry out rice survey in Sarawak KUALA LUMPUR. Friday. TWO Japanese rice experts will leave for Sarawak next week to carry out a survey on the feasibility of turning swamplands in the State into rice-bowl areas. This was stated by the acting Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives. Dato
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  • 69 4 Watchman hurt in acid attack Ul I itKWOKTH. l-ri. watchman. Jogindar Smth. >u>taiiied burius on his body when two rin-ii threw acid at him outside the National l.lectricity Board's office at J.ilun Pantai, early this morning. Jogindar was lying on bis charpoy at about 2.30 a.m. when he felt a
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  • 318 4 Brokers forged shares warning J By GEOFFREY BOLAND: Singapore. Friday ITOR the third time in two years, forged share certificates are believed to be circulating in the market and have resulted in an urgent warning from the management of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore to member brokers. The
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  • 173 4 THE 'ALI BABAS' STILL AT WORK, SAYS GHAFAR DENANO, Fri. Tht chairman of Mara, Inche Abdul Uhafar bin Baba, last night pledged that hi ganisation \v o v 1 d make every possible effort to stop the "Ali Baba" system of business adopted by bumiputras. "I am afraid this system
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  • 28 4 KUANTAN Fn.— The acting Mentr. Be< ir of Pahang Dato u>di. Aziz bin Ahmad, will open a tw- -day pol:ticil course :>• the Umno building at Temerloh.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 150 4 unconditionally guaranteed watches for the whole family 47 different models to choose from). /s2^ /s22^ /s2s^ M27> /s3s\ /slos\ I wmraow I I w*Tt«p»oof calino»» 1 V avjoHu^c Vw** I all TIMEX watches are sold at factory controlled prices y Ipn a MOKT MADE IN GERMANY TRAOE k MARK I
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    • 87 4 THISTINYCASE W^£^ HOLDS A FULL-SIZE k a HAIRDRYER? Yes! This little case holds a full-size hairdryer? Tndeed! Press, twist and out pops the hose. Snap, pull and A^^ there's a big bonnet and yards of cord. What else? J^^^P S^Z A Cool to Hi four-heat control and a full-sire a^M
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  • 159 5 Clickety clack -the contest with a difference SINGAPORE. Fri 3 rhey sat at their typewriters fingering lik keys nervouily 13 oi them, Including firls. riiThe but wit)i a dltiern tDtestanUi From Mie School l«ir the Blind And the used wore ordinary Same story lie first ul [In kind to be
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  • 174 5 Cable car service plan for Maxwell Hill IWiriM.. I ii. Ways of turning Maxwell Hill. (lie coiiiitr\ s Oldest hill resort, into .i lop ttuiist centre M ill be liUl ht'lort- the IViak Stale (iovrrn ■sent before Ike end of the month Mil- ret '.iiiinirndatiiins will l»e contained in a
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  • 83 5 Govt gives 10 sows to Chinese farmers PENANO, Frl Ihf State Government today handed over 10 sows to 10 Chinese lurmers at a cere- mony held at the State Veterinary Depart ment j here. 'I lie *ows vorc di.striouw-d under the °'ptiv\ah" borrow and rpturm systean by h stute Executive
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  • 418 5  - Stephens offers formula for peace in Sabah ALBERT RAMALINGAM 'THE OLD PILLARS SHOULD GO 9 By ITPKO leader Dato Donald Stephens today proposed a formula for political peace in Sabah. The formula: The "old pillars" should go and he named Tun Mustapha bin Dato Harun (USNO president and Chief Minister).
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  • 59 5 PLNA.NO KM -Ml.s. Kli. T Kte. wire of Hie cii^n man of the board of governors and managers will give away the prizes at the Penang La Salle School's annual speech day at 9 a.m. tomorrow. The Glugor English School will hold Its parents' day
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  • 26 5 KANOAR. Prt. Th« Ministtr of Information and broadcasting. Inche Senu bin Abdul Rahman, will address an "Operation Progress" meet~ ing beginning on Dec. 16.
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  • 74 5 SINGAPORE. H; -Sunn expkwtvea wire rered by CusUmu <>iii- a lmt in Mill Lmt. nil Kallaug Road, jri li. th( hut ihr ofTicrr.N .\\>v found 300 detonator.s kopt in three tins. 13 botilo and 12 tins of powdery duteiance and 4i) eoui with a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 387 5 I PAhfuCTHK I ANNOUNCE GREATEST II REFRIGERATOR W W FOR THE FESTIVE SEASON A A ONLY $50 WILL SEAL THE DEAL! W W All you need now is $50 to seal the deal on a new r Pan-Electric Super Deluxe Refrigerator!! And when 2 -J* l&f^k you pay the dealer,
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  • 139 6 BLOOD BANK'S STEEP DROP (SINGAPORE, Fri. Some u rue nt operations inrludinu open heart surgery at the (Jeneral Hospital ha\e had to he postponed hetause ot the low hlood reserves at the Klood Hank. This was disclosed today by the Singapore Blood Transfusion Service i" an appeal
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  • 298 6 LAWYER GLOBE-TROTTER SINGATOHE, Iri. —An American lawyer. s><lm> Kusen. JK. is now in Siagapwc after tramping hilluay round the world <m less than S5 day. Id' is on a t\\o-\ |tafee truttin^ mission to learn about otlicr proplr by penetrating
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  • 100 6 SINGAPORE. Fri An < Amendment > Bill, which has been given a first reading in Parliament, will empower the AiTuuntant-seneral to -eretaln a deposit made by a Singapore insurer whose application for registration has been refused by the Commissioner or the Minister.
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  • 48 6 First flight covers SINGAPORE. Fri Cathay Pnii!u Ainrajn r laaulni free to all collecior.s firM flight rovers In conjunction wish its inauguration of an expanded service between Hong Kong. Taipei and Okinawa. These covers can be obtained from the Manager of CPA. at Ocean Building In Prince Street.
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  • 137 6 2 overhead bridges for 2 villages DINGAPOBS. Fri. The O Public Works Department is to build two moro over he -id pedestrian bridges at Bukit Timah and Bukit Pan.jani; villages. They will rrplai r r\islin; rebra mMßata «hi(h r»u«* frrquent and vriou> ..hstrn. tions In vrhirular Irartic. and "ill illow
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  • 31 6 SINGAPORE. Fri P K Mah. Inspector ol Kindergartens. Ministry of Education, will open the new kinderKarten hall of the Zlon Kindergarten In Serani?oon Garden Estate tomorrow at 3 pm.
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  • 124 6 SINGAPORE. Fri MIM Joaephlne Lt-e i above car-old nur--tached to the Hospital, la one of Hip 12 contestants who will participate in the "Singapore Health Queen" contest to be held at the Park Hotel on The contest la nne oi t lie highlights of thla
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 44 6 The mazing passions of a land -Its proud warriors us exotic women nursling aflame in revolt! Jr^' Organisation tIX-— presents VUL BRYNNER Wit ji cUi^R Jfi [Ml HOWARD COLOUR PANAVISION' iiKW'KBr? V VW6iiIUNOR7N *mm mt 1 1 SIMULTANEOUS I MIDNIGHT j TONIGHT! ODEON PALACE
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    • 173 6 >^«THE BUNNY NITE CLUB^^< /'Jv^nAJvA T O p OF PALACE THEATRE BUILDING. KATONQrf^AJvxv' nhmi EVERY SUNDAY PUBLIC HOLIDAYS r™""™""""™ """"I From 3.00 TO 6.00 p. m. Da n c E/f^ r ISN hosi HARRY LOWcW«««»Wr METROPOLE HOLLYWOOD VENUS MARLBOROUGH ANDARIN t, COLOR SCOPE 1-3.30-7-9 JO i With brtglisn l^pwla^V W1
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    • 442 6 [CATJHAr, J OPENS TODAI IJO 4UO ft JO A IS p m A HSTFUL OF DOLLARS NOW SHOWING' 11. 1 30. 4 00. O JO I 9 10 p m BAREFOOT IN THE PARK NOW SHOWING' 1 1 am. I o lul o 10 9 JO pm E.OV Mon I
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  • 278 7 SINGAPORE. Fri TIIK Fourth Magistrate. Mr. Donald Yeo Hock Chwee, loday told Mr. T.T. Rajah, defence i*oun.sel ;il the trial ol the 2(11 Bari san Sosialis members and supporters thai his ruling thai the court should not be used as a political platform
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  • 40 7 SINQAPORK I- 1 1 Mi Beniaul Rodrtguea. Ml' toi Telok Blanuali. will pritoiin tlir svviuh-un ifiemony ol lh«* newly-installMi street UajhU slont the more thickly populated BBCttoO "f Mount Fal>er Road at 7 p m on N<>\ U
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  • 339 7 SINGAPORE. Fri. To a man who spends almost a lite-time sailing the high seas, the saying that there is a girl in every port soon begins to lose its attraction. Such a man la Danish Captain N. Agge. sklprxi
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  • 84 7 AA'S $100,000 DONATION DRAW SINGAPORE V\\ In. National Safety Fust duin cil of Singapore If to launch a donation draw al the AA Ho. Monday. The aim is to mtat tUMU to finance the council's vanous safety campaigns next yeai. mcludlng road safely, iiuliistnul safety and domestic sulety. The
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  • 33 7 SINGAPORE Fn. Hn UmvciMU Ot Sme.'lXire Society will Magi ri*iv show ai the N;ition:il Theatre or No\ 23 »t 8 p.m '< raise funds tor Ita rtudy-cum-goodwill tour of Japan project
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  • 277 7 Silent 3's secret: First deaf children for exam THE secret of the three silent girls who sat with thousands of other Singapore school children for the Government Primary Six examination recently was out today. They were the first deaf children to sit for tin examination, and ;ill Ol tin in
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 111 7 COME AND DINE AT THE HOTEL FACING SEAFRONT fe^ 61, Brooke Road. Kotonq JUDY LEE I I ot the mike P^^^^^BfcjL^B it Music by the B^ COQ DOR TRIO led by JULIA TAN M B<k W* •Superb Food it Courteous Service ML. /z± ff WT a RESERVATION PHONE ***** f^J
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    • 70 7 I ITE CLUB GKtAT #***** CiBiRET S^ T| In Sti{ lliiii Sii«h" 9 At the Mike Nightly The dynamic Singer From Korea j MISS SUSIE HYUN DONA CHAN From Singapore. Tonight Dancing Extn. BJ to 2 a.m. Vote tor MISS GRUNDIG' QUEEN I SUNDAY A-GO-GO 2.30 to 6.00 p.m. :the
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    • 327 7 EL AMIGO NIGHTCLUB I a Kitchener Road. Singapire. Tel: *****/***** RIGHTLY 9.00pm. to 1.00 am. Sats. Ext. to 2.00 am. featuring Philippines Tap Recording Artistes Versatile Entertainers I D STARLIGHTS I i TO PLAY YOUR FAVOURITE NUMBERS also featuring SHIRLEY WONG I TAIWAN'S RECORDING STAR M AT THE MIKE NIGHTLY
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  • 362 8 gIXCiAFOKK. l-ii. The hi;. l of IkislxHlkill cikuli. Lim Kok (lioon. ."i2. rharaed vvilh having c;ii n;il roll lict't ion with ;i 1.1 yea I* old girl, look ;i (Iramalic turn lod;iv when Ihe prosecm lion offered no further eviil cine ;i^;iinsl liini
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  • 101 8 44 more pioneer plants in S'pore SINGAPORE, hi Fortyfour pioneer certificates will be presented to new industrial concerns by the Minister lor Finance. Dr. Qoh Keny Swee. at a dinner at the Eastern Palace Restaurant on Monday This will bring ihe total number of pioneer certificates presented so far to
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  • 134 8 A notable PWD achievement In The O Public Work.s Departmem >ui-cerded i1 1 laying an 18-inch sewerage pip*' iindpr busy Bukit Tlniali Road a:id canal last year without cauMiiji any interference lo trallii' Thi> is disclosed In ihe 1!)66 annual report ol the PWD. which described tinproject aa a -notable
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  • 32 8 .-UNUAPORE. Pn -Tlie FliM i'uan Noor Aisliah will di.Miibute Rlft«. at a Chrt.stma.s Party organised by the Handitapped Children's Club at Red Cro.s.v House on De< 2 ai 4 pja
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  • 146 8 SINGAPORE. Kn 1 k>« Han He!;;; 22 was today committed tor tri:.l at the High Court at >.he end of a Magistrate's preliminary Inquiry Liow laced two charges, one accusing him ot being In possession ol an automatic pistol, and the other ol
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  • 37 8 SINGAPORE \ill ix- no water irom 9 > i> hi torn n Upper H«.kn n oirn Houses 1 lo IT- 1 > Road 11.iu.-'-.--IJB to 162' Upper Ptckerlng to 47 > .mcl New BndKf ■i'.iti .111 lo !J7
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  • 54 8 MX. AM) MKS. Bearj Leaag rook Kee alter tlioir ut-ddiiiE in Singapore. The groom is the son of Madam (han Ah Sun and the late Mr Leung Heng, and the bride, the former Miss Doris Low Lin Moi. is the daughter of .Madam Tan Mm Heap and the
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  • 412 8 SINGAPORE, Kri. An k expert io(i.t\ i..ive a I i >. t of "do's and dontV f«» r anyone who w. mts lo become .i mouH link hrtueen the Government and the masses through community service. Mr Lc*aa Km> Staa principal hi
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  • 24 8 SINOAPOfU ciclevtaii c D Monda visit Tuns Wan was established in 1870 During ;nwi local charitable < nese ChaniiH nerce Tlie it here.
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  • 116 8 SINGAPORK. Fri A of 11 evangelists and musicians from live Asian countries flew into Singapore this evening I part in a three-night evangelists crusade at the National Theatre, beginning tonight The evangelists preach the message ol love their panacea tor peace in turbult lit Ada at
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 367 8 SUPERIOR TWO STOREY SEMI-DETACHED BUNGALOWS wm guan mi* Ln^LnW p^j^B-J SUflHfi-T^f VuJgnii LnV^V .^^^^^^nnnw h^ 5,-6, m.s. HOLLAND ROAD. f^^^ SINGAPORE THESE BUNGALOWS ARE UNIQUE IN STYLE AND MORE SPACIOUS SELLING PRICE from $43, 999 upwards i lncluding Mosaic, Parquet Flooring, Window Grille and Iron Door for Main Entronce) Upstairs:
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 69 8 Uirk Jnirtj f* v 1 hostor tVoMfW ___JB r you'll always be T NOW REMEMBER, 1 \ooir let anvtuincT'Ml ONP op mtup^pi ca<b 1 CHUBBY UTTLE TUL2 A LAFFITE IS VICIOUS HAPPEN TO T^ESE I jobsXt^^ma^m Fm E /T^^; TbucM^it; w-n^ IrtF BTITCAI 1/ ffX KIOT ait>J rr "ALEXANDER GRAMAMV
      69 words

  • 1396 9  - Common Market the Latin- American way JOHN PARKE YOUNG by of California State University Great and compelling advantages to be gained provide the spur for the dedicated, far-sighted planners AN over riding aim in Latin America is to unite the countries into one large common market, making them economically like
    1,396 words
  • 406 9  - Shooting Pearl Harbour all over again STUART GRIFFIN by Tokyo r |MIK <l.i\ nt inlaim .is Roosevelt named the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour which first brotlfhi the two Pacific nations into cun- 1 1 i is to be leenacted as a massive venture in Japanese Unerican eo-operatton. And not
    406 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 108 9 ln^L .i V m-jfj y Build u p y° ur ener 9y with new YT^X jj ''}\{rii^^Ls Malcoa— the delicious chocolate <Vl|. wJi &r flavoured food drink. Malcoa -'^mm :^"i contains all the minerals and vitamins W i/ s^ essential for healthy growth in children V i \^J, 4B I
      108 words

  • 1968 10 Chief Justice frees five detainees 'The orders are defective as they were not made under the hand of the President who had absolute power.. 3 THE Chief Justice Mr. Justice Wee Chong Jin. directed in a judgment in the High Court today that an order be drawn up for the
    1,968 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 55 10 Make fresh noodle in your home with noodle making machine IT'S EASY TO OPERATE IDEAL FOR MAKING ALL KINDS OF MEES' AT HOME for only $42/=nett available at: SENG HONG CO., LTD. 8, HONG KONG ST., SPORE. TEL: *****/3 $3 VALUE FOR ONLY $2 4|H^^lg j Irl W i 0
      55 words
    • 99 10 Life begins with FORTIS Tbe watch with the personal touch Ev v Sf w a, j~ ''Mi Automatic with Calendar FORTIS Th* Makers of the first selfwinding wrist watches WORLO SERVICE FORTIS WATCH LTD., GRENCHEN SWITZERLAND* LATEST DAY-AND-NIGHT LIGHT SENSITIVE LENS /clears >. EXPOS6o\ TO I '.-T I Call tor
      99 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous

  • 128 11 DSNANG Kri. A 53--ur-old blind prisoner in EaM Germany. Mr. Manfred Stahn. invites younf MahiVMans to ><Mid him vitweards and photograph* of local scenery with brief de.scription.s of their lmpresalona. Mr Stahn. whose hobby la organising exhibitions of foreign lands with the aid of viewcards
    128 words
  • 56 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri The Minister Of Health, Inche Bahaman Sham-suddln will open the School of Nursing of the Medical Faculty. University of Malaya on Nov. 28. The KhOO| which forma Dart ol the comuli-x ol the nurses nuarter>. is situated on an adjacent low I
    56 words
  • 178 11 Crashing boulder disrupts night trains IPOH. Kri A ma»si\«boulder Ux^enul by heavy rain in the last few d.i>> crashed down a hill onto the railway track at Bukit Berapit. in Taiping. ye teroay eveni ik And a little later, a nort.i--b mid i;oodv train from Kuala I.umr-ur crashed into i..
    178 words
  • 38 11 BIMOAPOM I The Fiii.uii' Kcng Swee. will officially opon 'iie $'J0 million National t;: Ltd. at th- Jurone industrial complex next Thursday The company hai Dul- grain lor ini|M)rters •torage .'O.fcOO tulii
    38 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 392 11 Am inuft o< tunfenfaarary «yte am 4 mtmtrf innovates Mm FEATURES OF THE EXHIBITION Display Griafac Art Industrial Design wd Industrial Architecture Students Typing Contest Winners ef each day te receive an Olivetti Dora 31. Results will be annaimced hi Straits Times, Miwlay. Narember 20th. Daily Quix An Olivetti Otra
      392 words
    • 331 11 .a^aal ffL aaH A. aSh Tifrti iiftjtjriai 'Vaf^aaßM. J^aaL* laV^.^abv /l^ M ftL ii^g^.- «jt> ttf^^^^^^^^^ I aaaaiaaaaaam B» f Eisai Co Ltd sj^ Lost Stamina is regained, adds that extra zest for •f* 4z"f hvmg! Enables greater activity without tiring, Lld increases vitality. Prevents rough skin condition, c and
      331 words

  • 24 12 M H,,,rf, \n (M,m,mt,m> IHI KEREAVED FAMILY of late M in ■.'eat. a'tenaan^ rf a'h« n! thr I 1 nard, Inhor. Kahm I
    24 words
  • 110 12 J» Hore 1 Mi (Minimum) RONi AFC HAS ;i nrw Rlrntii l\ n.l fr,n.h mat nnal hirn<tl i all' INEXPENSIVE CORGEOUS FRENCH KNIT M rd lira' for Mill iniwiriiu irhrl HOW ABOUT GINO'S Ink. •nc ajulM Dellrloui ..tirt .1r«.»:i». SUPIRHLY STYLED l -t t t|lk .n-. n drvea v,,
    110 words
  • 216 12 Ii !»...</. U (Minimum) BARKER ROAD Church. t hixii v in. 10 IW am Kveryoaa HIBLE PRESHVTCIIIAN LHUHtH v i.'. a in. Life i,iire l'»«ir CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SCRVICCS ■■•lit .it -i Wi' A. H „i. 13 J.i.n i Lumpui it V .hi a m. KATUNC PRESHVTERIAN IHUHLH ■I
    216 words
  • The Straits Times
    • 639 12 The Dew an Ka'a\at completed a busy wei k a day too SOOn. What was the compelling reason for adjournment on Thursday mulit I with two motions by an Opposition member still on the agenda? N< Ither motion was oi shattering importance, whatever the member himscll m;t\
      639 words
    • 345 12 No solution of the Middle I Kast deadlock is possible unless it in inspired by a sp.iit of compromise, a quality of which there is as yet little evidence. The latest British proposals are unlikely to satisfy either of the parties to the dispute. They ought, however,
      345 words
    • 222 12 A licence to a Jnpanese company to prosptn-t the Miimut copper striki :n Sabah dot's not MNaaMfil) brim; Malaysia t<> the vergi of a mineral boom. On the contrary, the next two <ji three yean could as aaailj see present drsam svaporating as a new industry established. Though
      222 words
  • Letters
    • 311 12 THREAT TO THE MISSIONS IN INDIA by Cecil Northcott 4 WORLD wide threat vO the future of Christian missions is causing iei iou.> eonce m to Church leaders. The last missionaries lett China m 1 t*4i* and Burma in 1965. But the threat to missionaries now growing in India where
      311 words
    • 138 12 IREAD with interest the assurance given by Mr. Jek Yeun Thong that a person can withdraw his Central Provident Fund contributions if he can prove that he will never return to Singapore. Would whoever is in charge of the E.P.F. in Malaysia make a similar statement?
      138 words
    • 61 12 MR. D. Traynor has 11 written regarding exhaust .smoke I have to state that the traffic police in Singapore are taking action against smoky vehicles. If Mr. D. Traynor could supply the registration numbers of vehicles that have emitted excessive smoke, this Department w.ll summon the vehicles for the necessary
      61 words
    • 325 12 EQUAL pay for comparable work has been a matter of controversy for a lone time, and the statement of the Prime Minister that he could not guarantee equal pay for women early next year pending the result of the Suffian Salaries Commission, is most
      325 words
    • 30 12 "THE Pharmaceutical Society must not assume the public is gullible. The public has not grumbled about dispensing by doctors Let the public continue to have a free choice. PEDANT Singapore
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    • 757 12  - The gambling odds are piling up against Britain's laws ALFRED FRI ENDLY b> LONDON AS Americans might have told them, the British have finally discovered that gambling, be it ever so "legalised," draws crooks like flies to honey. Belatedly, the government is cooking up new legislation to attack the disease.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 208 12 Classified advertisements for Straits Times Malay Mail may be handed to: COLD iTORA&r SUPIB MAFKtr LkMwJ COLO STODAGI BRANCHES CITY BOOK STORI LTD, ,<•! Quay--IMI NIWS FRONT ck'» 'jupcrmarkai*. M M. ISMAIL, -Trf, Novol BoMV MAMIIM STORf, Ml* l :nrr i nitngt Rood, I Stngopoie 17 V Rf TNASAMY CO,
      208 words
    • 64 12 Snnisoniio' ATTACHE SLIM, SLEEK. STURDY ...SOPHISTICATED Coin] place*.! Then sou desme a SaUntOMM Alt ji lie a cony binmion of fisbion, luxury. 'lity. I inlit.clccin:. v.iih scuff-lree exicnor tinuh iluill »uy new for years and ycii^. In 3 si/es 2-imh "StateHnea*", 3-inch "Commuter" or 5-nuh ••Diplomat". Choose the one thai
      64 words
    • 213 12 'WriGd D?IP J loit Saturday mqhr'i Hopp. ninq-in-rhc-Gollcry vgi on vNSIiaP^ th« i-lar't magic lomcnr. Whor't toniqhr? We don't V>JTs not come to Donold Moore Galleries in Singapore tonight #^aHjl •Wj» »och yeor, their volue at collector'! pieces grow. ■>■■ Today the first Christmas plate, made in 1(95, it TJM
      213 words

  • 167 13 Two-hour common platform' talks by six parties IT UAL A LUMPUR, 1Y Frl. Six Opposition parties today met for two hours to discuss proposals for a common platform. to be refem la the individual i> ii will n "beHudget .lament to trrlv* .>• .i final d> the appointed spokesman, Mr.
    167 words
  • 23 13 SKRKMHV TbieVM iimke drix)t m Bukil Temtaok I night an Dowruer. two calrulatine machioes and niciMrr arorttl a total ol $1,100.
    23 words
  • 277 13 Labour against monarchy WHAT WE ARE OPPOSED TO IS EXTRAVAGANCE, SAYS DR. TAN KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. THE Labour Party is not against the institution of monarchy in Malaysia, its leader, Dr. Tan Chee Khoon, reiterated today. In a statement, he said the party accepted the position of the Sultans as
    277 words
  • 79 13 Dud bahts: We know nothing, say police CIMiAPORE, Fri. Police here are not aware of any syndicate printing counterfeit Thai bahts. A news agency report from K.tnEkok said that counterfeit Thai notes were being smutted into Thailand aer«H Hie Mal.nsian Imrdcr. The report said that the notes of Imi haht
    79 words
  • 58 13 SINGAPORE. Fri. A record pressing company, which' will produce its half millionth record this month. will be opened by the Finance Minister Dr. Goh Keng Swee. on Nov. 24. Philips Phonographic In flu-stnes Ltd.. with its distr;bution company. Phonogram Far East Lul., repre&ent.s an investment of almost
    58 words
  • 128 13 —AND THIS IS THE CAR THAT CAUSED THE ROW mHIS is the Roll* Royce 1 Silver Cloud which is to be hnuirtit for the Sultan of Selangor. !In the State Assembly on Thursday Dr. T;»n Chee Khoon (Labour-ltepong) asked why was being ear-marked for it in the Budget. Traditionally
    128 words
  • 24 13 SINGAPORE. Fri— l-ec Sucp Heng 35. a waiter, fell to his de;tth from a 10-storey block of flats at Lengkok Bahru yesterday.
    24 words
  • 86 13 CUNGAPOBE. Iri. A old woman. Miss i !<.'•' l.ii X■K in. was fond bleeding from several cuts on her wrist in her St. Thomas Walk flat tart n ;IU police patrol car,, wh't-h sped to her flat after a telephone call a
    86 words
  • 187 13 $3.6 mil cloth factory: The partners ITUALA LUMPUR. Frl. The Japanese firms which are to enter into a Joint venture with Mara In setting up a textile factory at Batang Kail. 35 miles north of here, are the Marubeni lida Trading Co.. Daiwa Spinning Co. and Tokai Dyeing Co. This
    187 words
  • 18 13 KUALA lAMPVR Fri indent* newspaocrs will g cor- ea»t A*;a Pres* Centre bar* ginning oa Wedne*dajr.
    18 words
  • 66 13 SINGAPORE. Fit A two-year old girl, Oh Lvv Tec. fell to her death from a block of flats in Jalan Batu, Kalians Estate, today. Police saict tiuu ibe had accompanied her Rrnndfather to visit a iriend on the eighth floor. She was playing in
    66 words
  • 30 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri— The Ceylon I i ol Malaya will hold Hi .>nnual meeting on Dec. 3 nt the Selangor Girl Guide:, A^sorHtton in Jalan Abdul Sairmd here
    30 words
  • 179 13  - Slain-25 minutes after I'm in danger' phone call to wife OH KEE TIANG By PE N A N G Fri.— lwcnty-nve minutes alter he telephuned his wife mat three men wanted to assault him, a restricted resident was found knifed near a bus station in Prangin Road last night. Chonn
    179 words
  • 214 13 8,500 workers now in Jurong, says Dr. Goh OING \POHE. Fri re now 8.500 in 102 plants at Jur< people adjoining the industrial complex Is O.ouu. re, in addition, I personnel and their families in the itatistics were Finance Keng in a brief review of the progress at Jurong lie
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  • 5 13 I
    5 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 172 13 l^g^l MAN'S MIXER! FOR THOSE WHO ENJOY THE TASTE OF GOOD BRANDY V i- —^T| Ask for your favourite brandy I but be sure you mix with P^"%l^Wr*^l 1 1 A I 7-Up! Scvcn-L'p knows how to smooth your drink without *N smothering the good brandy B^gfj^f W taste you
      172 words
    • 134 13 IN COMFORT with Rob.niont Crost Soclci ar« n.w They're setf rrvg out to m«k« th« going sorter for »ctiv» t—> How? By using th« fm«st Ertgixri fCI I Nylon to rake th» iti«n»«i from shoe* They're lighter weight Fuity stretch«ble. j Jfl Strong So they stay sleekly above the caK
      134 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 657 13 TV MALAYSIA CHANNEL 5 Kuala. Lum- Flipper: 655 Kualt Lumpur pur and Penan* 6 Ipoh Race Results; 700 News in ,nd Malacca; 3. 10 Johore En K lish; 710 O"""'"^"^ Bahru: 4 Taininj; 7 Batu Mumc; 7.35 Bewitched; 8.00 P» h .t tH» H^ r^ Manda^n. oaa PM. Programme sum-
      657 words
    • 227 13 RADIO MALAYSIA National Shortwave Service 4.30 Takr It Ea.-v 500 Tie 41. 60 bO.« ajetre»: Medium News; 510 Instrumental mm .wvi.r hi. jss nini r« veni": 5.4j Talent une Winn rs; Penan* 349 metres; Malacca 6.00 Prog. Summary; 8.03 Vege*s9 metre*; Ipoh 405 metre*: table and Kruit Prices at PonJuhore
      227 words

  • 498 14  - Jobs: 'No dog in the manger attitude...' TSAI TAN A REASONABLE APPROACH, HE SAYS By KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The Government will not adopt a "'dog in the manger" attitude where Malaysianisation of skilled and professional jobs is concerned. Tho chairman of the standing committee of officials on Malaysianisation of commerce
    498 words
  • 240 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The Minister of Commerce and Industry. Dr. Lim Swee Aim. told the Dewan Ra'ayat last nitfht that the ban imposed on the transhipment of Indonesian rubber from Batu Pahat to Singapore had affected the barter trade in that
    240 words
  • 62 14 JOHORE BAHRU. FTI -Sung. 66. a tailor, was -ed to fivr jreai in thr High Court here for manslpuchtrr of lik 30-\THr-<ild neighbour. Lim Yong Chcon?. Leow *;i.s onmna'Uy charged with 'he murder of Lim on 1 March 1 .it Jalan Tcnang. Labis. Thr "-rvm-msn uirv
    62 words
  • 101 14 CIMiAPORK. Kri. The M P for Miiunt li.itlni. Mr. Ng Yeow (hong, wants thr Government M encourage the introduction of a boat race to br competed between loyal colleges and universities, similar to the traditional annual event between Oxford and Cambridge universities. He will make
    101 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 194 14 I SOOTHING RELIEF FOR STRAINED EYES Reading, working, television-viewing, and "tun in the sun" often result in Wit burning, itching, bloodshot eyes. Just RLaiafaM a two-drop bath of gentie Eye-Mo (1) floats away irritation due to sun 9 B glare, dust. wind, and smoke. (2) relieves inflamation and redness >2JJyII
      194 words
    • 138 14 sy a^aV tSbI fc».. bbbbV^^^A. W j^r 4t^ I £Jfs?' -Zjw hA J?3 Help stamp out runny noses. Just one Contac 500 capsule works up to 12 hours to relieve sniffles, sneezes and stuffy nose. Inside each Contac 500 cap-, sule marked are over 500 tiny 'time pills'. Some of
      138 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 271 14 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 4. Gun thai is so wrought as to 8 CharmmK '"J lBl^ nag wlth 5. Some drakes meet duck* (4). 9 SeU Cc f l rom I door to door, after 8. Opus In G. No 100: one with orders rejection; one might a delicate air?
      271 words

  • 29 15 8 \I Fri —A law making anyone found In RhoIn unauthorised po t ,irm.~ liable to the mand.itorv death pen. ii:y comes into force Government *Utement said.
    29 words
  • 67 15 THK trial of a ease must h<- fair t<» Imilli sides to the pi oset iitiun a.s ucll .is the (Iffrnic anil fairaeM u> the prwecalion means that, if the .h < useil m.ikiN imputations the character of the witnes>eN for the prosecution, he can be
    67 words
  • 28 15 JAKARTA. Fri OODsress ciiairman. General Abdul :on. baa tailed fur a oimpifie investigation of top m ill suapected of corruption, n was report«d yesterday. AP.
    AP  -  28 words
  • 107 15 HAR-ES-SALAAM, Fri. President Julius Nyerere of Tanzania terday received a >p rial envoy from North Vietnam and agreed to upgrade diplomatic representation to ambassadorial level. Hanoi's mission here at present U !iraded by a rhirse ci Affaires. An offl-uil .statement said
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 95 15 LONDON. Fri— A grey-hair- e<l hou>e«.ifr marched into P.irlmmpnt t.i itierrs diid tbt skirl of hxeiiipe.s yesterdrtv to Bi\e Scot U ml Us tint Nationalist repifientative in the Commons for more than 20 years. Burly men in kilts and women waving Scottish fines
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 35 15 PORT MORESBY Guinrai. Fri. About 35 Papuans are mi.v>ins and one Australian la conftrmpd dead in lho wrtkf ■ahich hit .shipping the southeast tip of Papua on Sunday night. Reutrr
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • Article, Illustration
    78 15 At 62, she is still the centre of attraction r VHE cent re of attrac--1 Uon here is former Hollywood slar Myrna Loy. At <)-. the star who was a protege of the late Rudoli Valentino appeared at tin London premiere ol "Custer it the West" and all
    78 words
  • 270 15 PERTH, Friday. AN AUSTRALIAN farnur said yesterday he swore in surprise when a flying saucer landed in a field so close to his Land Rover last night that he barely had room to open his door. Alan Pool. 43. told
    Reuter  -  270 words
  • 149 15 The drops after 6 glorious hours 1 ONDON. Fri. Sterl- ing enjo\ed six tloiious hoiir» >esterd.t\ i^ «urrf n«y dealers here rashrd in on reports of talks alHiut a pounrisoisteriai wwhre I SN 000 million loan from international hanks. From a dollar rate of 2.7832 it soared to .\7X.iO. Then
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 322 15 Ring Dang Doo 1 i J n 112 "'Hanky IVinky' Mi l.nnrly Hrart' 'Kinc l>.«nc l)no° Before You H<> "1 Should Have Known Brtter' n us 'Ivan Mv Lovr' Tome On Silly Boy" •Thr Sh.ulow Of Your Smile' "Born A Woman' Sung by FUNG PO-PO (Hongkong's film Star) j Ifefvj^
      322 words
    • 288 15 0 Only Once A Year SPeciAL pf\| Starting M WM 18th. November V>rEl\« 967 Here's real savings for you. All genuine goods at genuine low, low prices (*T^) MM FlgingEogle Rush to: NAI NAI CO. 12. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, SING APORE. 6 TELEPHONE ***** ***** DON'T BE FAT c *T
      288 words

  • STRAITS TIMES Saturday Forum
    • 253 16 When an aircraft flight is cancelled WE apologise to Dr. Otto Steckelhuber for any inconvenience he was put to at the Malaysia-Singapore airport counter when flight MLI2B was cancelled due to a mechanical fault. However, we feel it is necessary to point out that quite often, counter clerks are unable
      253 words
    • 117 16 SINGAPORE'S SUBSIDISED FLATS THE Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, says that a Malay citizen living in a Singapore Housing Board flat geU 20 per cent subsidy paid by the Social Welfare Department. As a Malay citizen of Singapore living in one of the flat.s. I have been paying the
      117 words
    • 61 16 \f ANY cinemas in are discouraging smoking during shows, vet at least one-third of ihe screen advertisements are for cigarettes. If cmenia-ownrrs wish to serve the community by discouraging an unhealthy habit and yet cannot resist the temptation to earn good, fat cash from the tobacco companies, then I
      61 words
    • 164 16 I^HE rubber price has A now dropped to 47 cts. pec lb. or so, and the whole industry looks very depressing indeed. Some estates have closed down, and you report that two large ones in Kuiim. Kedah have stopped work, throwing over 100 labourers out of
      164 words
    • 215 16 THE STRONG ARM BOYS WITH HUMPHREY JT is Infuriating to read In the Pnillppines Herald a report by UPl's Patrick Killcn of the disgraceful behaviour in Kuala Lumpur of U.S. Vice President Humphrey's bodyguards shoving our officials around. A similar incident was reported during President Johnson's visit when Tun Razak
      215 words
    • 50 16 THIS year 52.26 b candidates sat for the School certificate examination. What of the years to come? What have the Ministry of Labour and the Public Services Commission done to help candidates who have passed their examinations two or three years ago? Many are still unemployed. U.S.A. Port Dickson
      50 words
    • 42 16 I SAW an accident mar Singapore's Great World the victim a cyclist lying unconscious and bleeding by the road .side. A Red ClOtt ambulance parsed by. The driver slowed down to take a look and then drovt on. PASSKRBY Singapore 3
      42 words
    • 268 16 YOUR recent editorial 1 entitled 'No Harm Trying" may have given -nine of your readers an incorrect impression of Use United States' position with respect to tariff preferences for the exports of developing countries in the markets ot the developed nations. I would like
      268 words
    • 122 16 A choice of cars... BUT no spares T E are one of the few countries in A>ia where there Is a choice '>l ears. But some importers are not at all concerned about maintenance and spare parts. Cars which are world renowned have suffered adverse market reaction in Malaya, because
      122 words
    • 153 16 THE AMATEUR ARCHAEOLOGISTS IN SARAWAK IT seems astonishing to anyone acquainted with international archaeological standards that Eastern Malaysia permits unqualified persons to excavate a major world site for the history of man. such as Niah Great Cave. The clays of the amateur archaeolopi>t s have not passed and Sarawak's history
      153 words
    • 84 16 I SIRt)NCrLY support the Ministry of Educations move to -top employing temporary teachers and to increase the number of students in each class. Clasa roum.s in \V< st Malaysia are big enough and well ventilated enough to accommodate forty to fifty student.v Also in comparing teaching with other
      84 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 760 16 V\V\\\ j c -,*rfMThebißSoundi iosM forSummer -i SPEEDO 5 I 4.^ Ml nf K £+is\ On the beach, it the /9J\*N C M-fM pool -side, more md fi\ > r A more people are sporting \Mr T *r'^/^ Speedo. And no won- +S*?jS AJ f /'f^^yd" Speedo'i Mream- J\/ f
      760 words
    • 255 16 Wl^*m m, ti Mo hi I 111 I i V H I ml i ■Mr- urn A/I (v&v <s mm l J YD 1L For a Rudutntly Lovely Complexion begins from I first step CLEANSING. Avon's New Moisture Bath. I 1 Lir/ht textured Creamy liquid cleanser containing I new dcluute
      255 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1158 17 TO LIVERPOOL 1 O(S1 COAST U > STENTOH Ni. Nn 24 Nn 2J 2S N|> 2( THESEUS Nat 24 1 Oet 7 CIYTONEUS I Nat n Nn 2k Nat 27 7 PUrj< Ni. 77 DX 1 OIC 2 4 MEMHON ok k CYCLOPS Oic b Ok I Ok 112 Oec
      1,158 words
    • 1362 17 THEX.V\jUNES i I EXPRESS SAILINGS TO GiNO* NORTH CONTINENT SC A WDIH A VI Spote Oeioa R darr H'tug »arhjs C'ftJjen KAMBOOIA ii Ni. 1121 Nn 22 Dec 71 Jm 3 Jan S 111 I Jaa I SUMI'NA ki, tn 7k 2) Ni. 2129 31 Ok 2 Oec 31 Jan
      1,362 words
    • 1278 17 I B£N®ZlN£\ EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONDON, LIVERPOOL i CONTINENTAL PORTS D XTTtTD IT/tr^U *<* Lonoon Ott 10 OtrinLUtn H]mtK.rg im 4 I MtaotM Pi S "air- Ptmai Rottardara laa tl I Nn 71 ,'J Nat 24 21 M'broufh laa tl BENAVON fM m iingatori Pt. akM PttAHl G-angemoutfc laa tl
      1,278 words
    • 1137 17 feELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO., LTD. SEE eVEftEAF FOR OUTWARD SERVICE FROM U KVCONTINEWT. llttlßl tW: wn«ciyi P. J' k iit Pataag CITYBFUNCASU. MM »««H CITTOFWOmSTE. Cm Of jOrJANNESIURS Lcflcon. RortarflaM, I lantern. Hatra. Hull 1* II Ok 17 11 Ha il/» tut CITY OF CHESTER ORO9R. Rottarflaea. llaralearg. WM tm
      1,137 words

  • 352 18 A FURTHER gain was re- 1 glstered during the week due mainly to the re-appear-ance of the sterling bus bear as the effects of the dock strike are reflected in U.K. trade statistics state II B in Ltd in their current review uf the Rubber
    352 words
  • 241 18 DECEMBER lir>t R r»de rubber f.o.b. buyers closed at 5 p.m. In Kuala Lumpur and Singapore yesterday at bl'- H cents per Ib. up one and five-ei(hths of a cent on Thursday's closing level. The tone was quiet after steady. R.A.S. and M.R.L. clusinc prices in rents per
    241 words
  • 31 18 Or, IBM tr** «ich«rt(* m*rk*t in Hnr. Kor..- \r«trrd.iT tnr U.S. Ooiur was quoted IMI lw TT BM e»i» Sterling *ai MJMM M II •n* ta*l *l gold a:
    31 words
  • 894 18 From Our Market Correspondeni rERE was a further record turnover on the Stock Exchange yesterday of 2.075.000 units valued at 53.147.997. The closing tone was firm. Main BjajM were (a hies (!8 cents i Matsushita (SS icntsi. and Jardine \\.uii;li IJ cents) I \<
    894 words
  • 33 18 M.ii.iv.m Mack iniicSoy li.. \m 17 Indiislrials: I'.MK, 131 II l*i apt i Ilia 1 1 M Mining^: 9SJJI s roboon: IM.II v Drr. It, lfl(i! |9«. Dec M, INI IM.
    33 words
  • 867 18 ni siness in AMD kkported TO THE BtNOATOBI AND KI'ALA i i Mii i: n:\msi. ROOMS OF THE STOCK EXCHANGE YESTERDAY WITH THE NIMBER OF SHARES TRADED IN BRACKETS: INDUSTRIALS: B*n and Co. (a9.ajN» HUM D. (2oou> BUM U. I.16.OKI) 11.89 U. (2,000) II.M D 1
    867 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1000 18 i Iyr^ KAWASAKI fcUSEN KAISHA LTD. i WaiMrn Australia Slnßapor* Japan Scrvio* neman:'. spurt Tokk»ictii/Nagut< (okonama Aoot < Marr I, II Ctc il H On 27 Otc il BM tea Mars" tJßtc/H.aa mm laa JI laa IJ laa Ii laa West Africa Singapore Japan Service «c»t •Mijntsi»pi W»ra" Suit! It
      1,000 words
    • 718 18 (USIRAHA NtW /UHIt HMM I*lol* r>««i<>T*N (NO Ml tASI SERVICES II <'t«»tlt. ««*!>■«(. MtllturM. S|«M« Mjlru tit NitMitMjß Perinj f y,i, auiipu'- b'*<t,.'? P i'r.jrn »enM| itMOR.i Oct 1/ I Ott It/11 RAjui* i, Oec I Ik llk JUIIM6* I jm 511 til 11/12 1M RAJUI» M Ott Jl Ott
      718 words
    • 141 18 10 GENOA MARSEILLES ANTWERP, KQTTtItDAM BREMEN, HAMBUH6 S ngaoore P. Sham Nl c? benjß Har.Du»« WESTFALIA (H*P»Q) II Ntv 19 Sec 6QTTIN6EN (HAPAG) 24,2* Nn 38/ 2Ok 3 Oee 29 Oee 13 ut BMUSSU iHAPAG' 11/12 Oee 13/15 Oec 16 Oee II Im HOLSATIA (HAPAG 22/74 Dec 25/27 Dec 2S
      141 words

  • 419 19 r |MII tin price fell I rctlh JTCStCfete] to Setfi 37 J p«-r picul on an nffrriii.i(»(l (limn iO tons td MO tons In London on Thursday .iftiTtmon Ike 3 months forward buyers' price had fallen V. .> llo»e\rr. thr loss
    419 words
  • 31 19 Nov. 17 111 BRER PRICF: 51 1 cenlN (up one and ttveeighth*. of a cent). TIN PRICK: MMJII (down tt'Jj tents). I >»d oiTcrms MO tons (down '20 ton>).
    31 words
  • 73 19 CHINESE Produce Eathanis, »in§apere, neon prrtes per picul reetarday. Cocenut ell- Msi Ml stllaia, dnim %Sl MOan Copra: Mixed tfr>b> looae NOT./ Dec LX. Cont. $t pepper: Mimtok erUta HS7I t»ara'M«k mhite 6133 sellers. -p.c:al Sarawak Mack »!'>:» »eller». garbled l_iniion^ o.ack (U3t sellers (All f.«', NUtT). A.«TA
    73 words
  • 370 19 y-HIPS LYINC ALONGBIDE THC si NGAPORE HARBOUR WHARVES OR EXPECTED TOOAY ARE Citr of L*nra.«t— (1> 10 11, Mytiurirhl U 14, 2S-J4. Kunak r.aMern Ranirer 3t '32. State n> Bihar .Tt/34. Bldor SB. E'.mel Mara ~le 4^. Cambodia 46, Hupen 47. ■1 rone* N W. 2'B.
    370 words
  • 183 19 MELBOURNE Frt Mimm.v s/erc nrmer today and ,i rr< nverie.s »ere made 1: up 30 cents to $12. tir^at Koiildrr up 40 cenU to $12 20 and Broken Hill *outli up 32 centB to So 88 ll, mill. m \rr.i» led thp few losers \wtli a drop <>i
    183 words
  • 67 19 THE Association of Bsnks in Malaysia made these changes tn Ra rates to merchants yesterday < mil rates to United Ststet: F.nvtng TT H 9 16. airmail Ol) T> II I*. <*i d si. 11l credit hills Xi Ih trarte hills. Canada: (Sin '.rmall Oil in!.-. I.i/ie iilla
    67 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 237 19 JOO CHIAT GARDEN I OWN A MOI)tKN KJUII ttlm DOWN PAYMENT OF 57,780/BALANCE ON EASY INSTALMENTS I I 2 ilor.y modernixed ftatiaw Terrace Houm at Joo Chiot Place NEAR TO CITY. S Rooms. 1 rlallv. 2 Betht. Ala- minium Main-door. Front aaei Rcor Balconies. Spociout kitchen musoic flooring ond Turfed
      237 words
    • 153 19 ,-tatr fc i s-l»'— W BarJJtllß GLORIA MANSION On. Sioek 12 -Storey Hi«jn Cloai l..cuti«* Matt ot Petir Pan|on« Rood, Singapore memt to Ho- Po. I Villa on high around tacina ta« beoutitul tostefullv 1 furm«he<« arUk on-mmtifiris I IV Set. Left only o tew riots. SINGAPORETRADING* CO.'.LTD. 4 4-1,
      153 words
    • 859 19 ontimied from Pit' 191 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .'/< U orafa >/* 'Himniimi FAMILY OF THE late Mtl laaMtß Mar^atrt Nunt* thank relative! .nd tor their donations. real ha. and Attendance al the lunerhl. WEE PENC CHOON and I i.-miy Of late Oei Tlang lik who pa--.o a«ny on llth Novel r 1967
      859 words
    • 1084 19 SITUATIONS VACANT li« tMiH.i—Box it rtt extra WANTED ENCLIBH BPEAKING .ir'ver deliver* i>o» I'leaaa .:id experience 10 Bux AMI 3 S.T. 8 PBEBJ EXPERIENCED TEXTILE SALESMAN '.yinred t,\ waJl-kaoetß K'iropeaa urn. .if mantifactur. ra r.'ire*. ntMttvea iry. comroisjiioo. rxi-mrin payment bans. Apply P.O. Box M SingaSEVCRAL EXCITINC VACANCIES exist
      1,084 words
    • 1081 19 ACCOMMODATION VACANT H li Hor4. >» I Wiaj.i— Bui in era. extra I. DETACHED CORNER BUNGALOW— et or T of rlione l«i 4V1303 fi Sport. Q< MERCANTILE HOSTEL. 18 Wuee* S-re.t. X pore < urtifortaoie rooma Jeslr- O Ing aeclumon admirably adapted ron- ki ver.ient.y situated continual transport. FURNISHED 3-BEDROOM
      1,081 words
    • 935 19 lOUSES AMD LAND FOP SALE i M'sri lt S4 r.Wrn.j— B*x it rtt txtwm > I SEMI OETACHED HOUSE D6S«JM en three h^<lroon.'< »*r\ai>»» room, 1 illy furtiKh. il. i ft to- i THOMSON COURT" BedrOOTB orn.r Flat riillv mooir tnlai and i m sjBB ono necuren Hox A 6831
      935 words
    • 801 19 TUITION I Itant§ IS (M,n.)—Box i* rli tilr* A6IA ORIVINC SCHOOL New M. m. 000 dual-controlled cars bouriv So/uaiantead BTt/< Orrbard Roatt I LAMHERI a URIVINU iCMIIOL I Ml Murri* |i««i in K.imorai Road. In EXPERIENCED TUTORS AVAILv Mas. Irtaaca H>i M>m> M-N. *a*- i in. BECONDARV STUDENTS -<> mine
      801 words
    • 337 19 OFFICE EQUIPMENT M ~as»*J >• rtfin.i— H»x >• r«s ulm SOLI AUENTa UOt I <I BTM BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Hot <•!« »t'.. 6ALE WELL ESTABLISHED MANUIAITURff MANIILIM. ft TO CO IN WHOLESALE Al.tNlY AVAILABLB for hat M WMIt (l*mi Ph.,,. n,.m... a,,d p.m..-.,. Of Busmttt (ia«ri.n.. BOX A.452 T. S PORB.
      337 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 424 20 I niitinurd fiom Pate Itl VEHICLES FOR SALI «ra-( \t 'Mm I Hit 'I' »r»»« I4SS SIMCA HUMBER SCEPTRC lt«t F ANCLIA roRO PREFECT '•d II riAT MARVELLCTTE SOU rORD PREFECT fORO CORTINA CT I9H 1 i«H FIAT (SOS 1 MC MIDCET lib) nn .no JACUAR MKIO IB u*»r*l r«
      424 words
    • 326 20 VEHICLES FOR SALE f> ITavafc Hrn y— Mux rlt tmtn ROVER M> ISM SBBSHMrt condition •i o n o. .■•<•< Kirn mru. CORTINA SUPER *4 MIM a a K«tra.< '.oad. .8 pore. ONE OWNER VOLKSWACEN banama Hlue > at pore. AUSTIN MS HSI »l I pper Srraogoon :i.<4 > <
      326 words
    • 546 20 VEHICLES FOR SALE NC KEONC CAR TRADERS IBM 1»M F Cortina. itrSS t Ar» a BM «U IWI H Mm* 40 e«:SU4. I M Patemon Hill, 8 por# VOLKSWAGEN VAN Let'Jiajld t Rternng. IMA. o.VOOOm. Best rond:tloa. i fully equipped for Overlaod-Ttip to < Kurort* sold lunuary b> Kuropeu o
      546 words
    • 1001 20 VEHICLES FOR SALE Win al.t It 'ttrm I VOLKSWAGEN 1300 Mm. M JMin I SOU. I«UZU K W D Mrrcrdrs I'JOD. IW<M Murna llou. t imuu ine»ti i»t>3 ataraaiM \'olka«as«B 16uo. Mini aliaui I V'olkivsaseo. atercedm ts»n bMI Aua- > tin A6O. Impala. K Kaltor. I Mrrcean 1»O. 1961
      1,001 words
    • 817 20 AT YOUR SERVICE Ii »<■», la Win i— at«i >* fit •rfr* LIIV/ f MTIRPISI He leli'iiiOD sii r r<n<e rator air-tondl-ioo«r. rnmoairam «ater-tapa or as; wmr ipbiiancc!. out of order. B« our •uiwcnbar aod lor a modcrat* cbarg*. mi rojoy our day and a.gbt »r- iice. Ac a.M» s-iiirr
      817 words
    • 665 20 GUTHRIES CONFIDENTIAL FILING CLERK We requite (m oui bmgapore i Head Office a Confidential Filing S\e: k 4ppbCa\ntJ must be Singapoif ."iti^eii^ ami lia\e had coiisiaei >ble experience in thi.s or :elatei i field Gcxjo lemuneraiion will be paia :o the right candidate Please mriie in confidence with record of
      665 words
    • 654 20 SINGAPORE ARMED FORCES SHORT SERVICE COMMISSION OFFICERS AppUcatum.- nrr i: Itcd nr uppoin'.ment us abort Service Commia*ion Ottcer> m the s?ui«aore Armed Forces luahhrationi: XJegTee in An- >uns•xv at Eiißineerinp 'oliticfll Sciei.. >sycbolog) rhose »nh .>• he Singiioore P(.i.yteohnic and those with pri ations a:» aft: 1 1 68 frms
      654 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 587 21 Opportunity for Intelligent Lady We an- looking for an intelligent lady, pipforably with secretarial experienrr, to work as a Lady Travel Assistant In our Travel Department. Hor duties will include the arrai menl of travel bookings, accommodation Immigration documents and other travel formalities for our staff and clients. Salary will
      587 words
    • 643 21 i NOTICES TONGKAH HARBOUR TIN DREDGING BERHAD i Incorporated In Malaysia) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a Board Meeting held on 14th November. 1967. the Directors neclared an Interim dividend of lOd. per stock unit on account of profits for the year ended 30th June. 1967 less United Kingdom
      643 words
    • 716 21 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS SINGAPORE POLYTECHNIC APPLICATIONS are Invited from suitably qualified persons lor the following posts: •A) SECRETARY GRADE II Candidates should hold at least a Grade II Cambridge School Certificate or other equivalent Certificate and have not less than five years experience as a Stenographer or Secretary In addition to
      716 words
    • 501 21 TENDERS HOUSING DEVELOPMENT BOARD SEPARATE tenders are Invited for any one or all of the following ill ERECTION A; COMPLETION of 2 Blocks of 11Storey 3-Room Improved Flats Shops <338 Units'. 2 Blocks o! 11-Stoie\ 1-Roorr. Improved Flai^ i7OO Uniis> at Toa Payoh. Neighbourhood I Contract 111 12J ERECTION COMPLETION
      501 words
    • 231 21 I PLESSEY 1 Highlights from the Chairman's report 1966/67 Turnover up 13%. Pre-tax profits up 14% 0 Dividend 14% 0 One-for-two 'free' share issue 0 proposed f Improved results indicate upward a trend Predominating UK force in related fields of communications and electronics w Advanced micro-electronics capability... w Progressive market
      231 words

    • 567 22  - Malaysians set sights higher in shooting TONY FRANCIS SEAP GAMES By SINGAPORE CONFIDENT OF TWO GOLD MEDALS tol: Dr. Chan Chin Cheung. Khadlm flnssaln. Yuen Sze King and Moe hi Kiat. entre fire: Dr. Wong Mm Tnanc. Khadlm Httfsaln, Yuen Sze Kins and Freddie Choong. Rapid fire: Dr. Chan Chin
      567 words
    • 225 22 TABLE TENNIS Rtxxm 1.. Perak schooU under- 15 tourney cT. Ansoni: Pel Yuan 8 Horley Secondary 0; St Anthonys wo. SAAS mm (KR KUY COT quarter-fin**: (Ipoht: Cheng Wah 2 Kiiat 0 (replay); Kinta Indians 2 CRC 1. Friendly (T AdMO): Pemuda Melayu 2 Kampar Hunting Club SWIMMING S|»orr
      225 words
    • 247 22 Malaysian squad 'cautiously hopeful' YACHTING "THE Malaysian yachting team are "cautiously optimistic" about their chances at the Seap Games in Bangkok next month. Wing Commander G.A. Crabb. trainer and coach, told Timesport yesterday that the yachtsmen had tackled their two weeks training at K.D. Malaya enthusiastically. He added that the
      247 words
    • 58 22 The FA. of Malaysia ye.-ter-day named 18 players for the Seap Games at Bangkok next month. They are: Lee Soo PhttnK. Chinakaruppan: Abdullah Noordln. Poo Fook Chuan. J. Vincent: Chow Kwai la Chandran. Ho Voon Hung. Au Yoon. Sardar Khan: Zulkifli N. Thanabalan. Agus Salim. Shaharuddin Abdullah.
      58 words
    • 15 22 The Negri-Malacca Rugby Union president. Abu Bakar Fathir. has resigned for "personal reasons."
      15 words
    • 188 22 BOXING VyiNNING a Seap Games gold medal wi:i be the criterion for selection for Singapore boxers for the A.Man championships at Colombo next month. Singapore Amateur Boxing it ion deputy president Frank Prsiana told Timeiport that :f any of thr live boxers
      188 words
    • 415 22 By lAN PEREIRA MALAYSIA'S table tennis preparations for the ScaD Games at Bangkok next month have been hit by the loss of four of the country's best players. Among those who have not responded to the Tab> Tennis jn of Malaysia "s call to play
      415 words
    • 126 22 Jega beats record with 10.3 ATHLETICS RAJALINGAM SECOND IN 10.4 JAKARTA, Fri. Malaysia's Mani Jegathesan won the Indonesian 100 metres championship today in 10.3 sec one-tenth of a second faster than his own Asian Grmes record. Second was his team-mate G. Rajalingam, who clocked 10.4. Indonesians Jotje Oroh and Agus
      Reuter  -  126 words
    • 267 22 Singapore, Malacca teams meet on Nov 25 GOLF WINGAPORE will meet Malacca in an inter-state golf tournament organised by the Sinamporc Ministry of Health Council at the Singapore Island Country Club. Thomson Road, on Nov. 25. I la] and dance will follow the tournament culminatmi with the election of a
      267 words
    • 273 22 CO) 111- Kaneoon. Kri. Bur- m.i. tin- canou Aai ■oooet champions. iuu< mm Into the final round of 11 s A.sian Cup championship by defeating India 2-0 and Cambooia 1-0 in western (t*.i> of 'he tournament. Burma haw MM more match HI Pakistan on Sunday
      273 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 582 22 IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPUR i OMPANIU (WINDING I V mi i or itb: In Jhr Mailer of Julmrr Soo Bee I.UJ. And In thr Matter of ■•HIM ID 111 ibi uf the < omp-trurs Art. ISb.i. NOTICE IS HEKKBY C'.IVKN that a petition for the
      582 words
    • 408 22 THE COMPANIES ORDINANCE (CAP. 174) IN THF UK. II < DIRT OF THE i;i ii hi n or HNGAPOU MM l< I Dl »IM)l\(i-lp MM Name of Company Moluccas Trading Co. Ltd. Addrrss of Krgistnrd OfficeKP M. Building. 2nd Floor Finlayson Green. Singapore, (ourt: High Court, Singapore. Nurnbrr of Mattrr:
      408 words
    • 434 22 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS Applications are invited for appointment to the post of Teacher Special Grade in the Education Department. Salary Scale $250 $1,050 In Division 11. PSC Notice No. 11l 67 Pull details and application forms may be obtained from Messrs Straits Central Agencies Limited Hotel Merlin Building Treacher Road. Kuala
      434 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 75 22 IKKKKY Sporr |)|v. I: RAF Teiißah v Piisons- 19 Siena is v Police; RAF Chan*! v PSA Women's r»iv. l: Comb Schoolx v GSC A. Dlv. 2: Duliearn STS KI(>(.IK WlOyi (up: Spore v Perak <XL pHtiam.-': NeKri-Malacca v S jxire cS'bant. Panama ('up: Mai Ann'- i Forces v Penang
      75 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1138 23 RACING with Epsom Jeep Weir dies in his sleep in XL hotel AMTBAUAM j'xkr) Dmig Ufii dull in In- sliM-p in a Kuala I iiinpur lintel »n ThemaVij Bight He wmi IL Onl> tin- nnHiiiiic Im-liih-he «v iklimk »oik and was hooked fur >e\ l.uuird hi>r«r» this «!•<
    1,138 words
  • 66 23 RAIN hampered trackwork at impur \e.sierday mormnn >nfl only a few horse* were galloped. \iuU<ea lOflrnet Bougoure lip i .vhmv.-(l 1" l>e-ir HI iJohni vent easily over 3t i.i 41 rakfaiwaa n.uid*l (Jim chadwick' raced over 3f In 27. Bate Mela l »vena) «lia 3f in 45.
    66 words
  • 91 23 MM 111 iokm R.\es the placing* of the past 15 mount* of the lop Joqtars, Latest placinit la on the rifl oleman <66> *************** l'retl> 59' *************** Boutourr <40) *************** Tie*— '34 i 01 1J000 *****0 11 „|r, ittj 1)1 **********022 Harbridjr <33 (U*****03 *****0 VelM.n 1 31
    91 words
  • 148 23 CALLBOI POINTER 101 RSfc tORR. •Uce 1 (lIIHI (HIBA INDKPKNDt.NCK KKCORT Independence t.frort Thunderstorm Magnificent Kinj I'a\ Day Tapafeur Race 2 WntMmMM (iIKI. lINK 111 \llll.R no.VDLK GIRL I'uik Heather Wonder Girl untract Baku Pleasure Gourmet I'uik Heather Hace 3 t OBBKRS BOY OBBKR S BOX LANDMARK Martini Landmark
    148 words
  • 1284 23 GOING FORECAST: Heavy V>VfgWM 2.15 CLASS 6 DIVISION 2 ($4,500) 7F local jockeys onry 1 mil Masnifirrnt Kirn (XT Llmi Daniels 8 8.0 IF) Llm 4 i l^iMKrur s (Soon Lee) Faul 6 8.0 Ram 13 S ***** uuni Bahu v iPurhong> Heddle 3 8.8 Hamld
    1,284 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 372 23 la INVEST [I in a HOUSE I SS^ 1 Quarry Grardens OWNERSHIP rn 1 mmm 1 bukit mertajam ANOTHER HOUSING ESTATE FINANCED BY Here is your opportunity to own a house at Quarry I Accommodation: Gardens. Kulim Road. Bukit Mertajam. You have the choice of single-storey terrace houses and double-storey
      372 words

  • 69 24 CRASH PILOT'S WIDOW DEAD •fc From Page < ;he Methodist girls' school here. She met Flight Lt Buang at a dance three yean ago. They were married a year later. Flight Lt. Buang and three others perished in the crash in the Pahang Jungle last month. After attending her husbands
    69 words
  • 27 24 SINOAPORK, Km The Public Works Department lias romplited the metalline nl the mile-loin: Boot) Hock Road and the construction of a permanent concrete traffic bnd«e
    27 words
  • 17 24 CABLE RECEIVED A KANOIAH. Krlnnmn. of MRS 001 CHIN KMVI I impur. <>n MM ir»:drn.» 10
    17 words
  • Article, Illustration
    47 24 Peruvian cattle rancher's daughter wins the title MISS Peru, a cattle rancher's daughter named Madeleine Hartog-Bee, 21, was crowned Miss World in London on Thursday night. She is seen here with runner up, Miss Argentina (left) and Miss Guyana, third. See story in Page 3.
    47 words
  • 552 24 Made-in-Malaysia shirts above world standards, says manufacturer KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. local manufacturers to expand by placing quota restrictions. He thougnt even an increase oi the current 25 per cent duty on shirts could not provide adequate protection The chairman saia the Board would prefer not to impose quota restrictions unless
    552 words
  • 26 24 SINGAPORE. Fri. The Skal Club of Singapore will hold a luncheon on N<>\ -S ;"t 12.30 p.m. ht the Four Lions Restaurant. Hotel Smuapurn
    26 words
  • 90 24 POLICE ON TRAIL OF MEAT VAN ROBBERS KUALA LUMPUR. Frl. Police are on the trail of a gang of robbers who hijacked a van containing frozen meat worth $30,000 belonging to Ben and Co.. of Singapore, near Kuala Kubu Bharu on Wednesday. The empty van was later found overturned at
    90 words
  • 74 24 'Give us lifts' appeal to motorists SINGAPORE. Frl. Twenty members of the Interact Club of Raffles Institution will hitchhike to the various states of West Malaysia next month to promote "goodwill and better understanding" with their counterparts there The Interactors will go in batches of two or three from Dec
    74 words
  • 294 24 LONDON. Frl Currency tears dominated the London stock market today. Heavy switching from industrial issues Into traditional •hedge" stocks was noted. Market sentiment was confused by this week's rumours and counter rumours on sterling and other currencies and the uncertainty over the rumoured sterling loans. Closing
    294 words
  • 200 24 UNITED NATIONS. Friday. 'pHE 55-nation U.N. Trade and Development 1 Board called today for concerted international action to deal with problems arising from the decline in the world price of rubber. The Board was called Into special session by live countries which
    Reuter  -  200 words
  • 61 24 LONDON. Frl. Spot 16' a d. N B. Dec 16d Jan. 16 3 16d Feb. lfi '.d Jan. March 16 -,d April June 16-S.d July Sept. 16' id Or* Dec 16\d Jan March 17d., April June 17', d.. July Sept. 1 17". d.. Oct. Dec 17\d Jan./ Mar. 17.d
    61 words
  • 31 24 LONDON. Frt Bu-er* £1219 I £!)i. filers CI2JO I £8). Porwnrd buyers £1214 < £9i. selleir ***** £B>. Settlement £1226 <4£25> Turnover a.m. 360 tons! p.m 120 tons Tone: EaMer I
    31 words
  • 119 24 Sabah to get TV 'soon' ptUBLTON, Frl. Sabah J is tn have television soon, the Chief Minister. Tun Miixt.iph.i. said here today. Discussions hail started between thr State and Ontral (imrrnmrnt'. over the netttag up of a trli\ision station in Sahali. he added. Tun Must.iph.i made the announcement on his
    119 words
  • 76 24 Sultan's condition better KUALA LUMPUR, rrl The condition of the Sultan of Kelantan, who suffered a stroke on Monday, was tonight reported as "Improving." The King's physician. Dato <Dr. R.P. Pillai. said today: "His Highness Is now conscious of his surroundings. There are some signs of improvement." This morning the
    76 words
  • 192 24 Blow at road hauliers to boost state railways I ONDON. Fn. Stiff taxes are I levied on heavy by the British I eminent under a new plan aimed at divert Ing freight transport oil the roads to the state run rail an d easing traffic congestion. The plai by the
    Reuter  -  192 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 28 24 Late CLASSIFIEDS 20 words $15 (minimum) e.OM BOY. Mm Lronc '<> Kong Chuan ami Hormr. on lf-11 c«i> to Ohntrtn. Lan and Stall ■■'■in.;. m I ''I W
      28 words
    • 97 24 N: r Sleek and Sophisticated 1 ll^^MLJl witjiJsJTC... equipped with NTC. anti-glare kj I vista-scope filter screen. These Li B-1000-23" modern components enable If I* long hours operations with European manufactured parts built within teak I cabinets of the latest design, are features of all j Setron TV receivers. Our
      97 words