The Straits Times, 21 September 1967

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 23 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150.000 The Straits Times IllH Nirtiiiiiiil Huwsjiiiiiiir Estd. 1845 THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 21, 1967 13 CENTS KDN. 2578:2590 M.C.(P)2»66
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  • 1320 1  -  JACKIE SAM 257 (all but two in dock) jailed for contempt of court By SINGAPORE, Wednesday THE big trial of Barisan Sosialis members and supporters ended dramatically today— 2s7 of them were jailed for contempt of court, and warrants were issued for the arrest of two others.
    MAX KIAN SENG  -  1,320 words
  • 199 1 Aussies join j 'boost rubber price' moves- Xl \l.\ LUMPUR, Wed. Australia has joined Malaysia in tin- effort to maintain a stable and fair price fur natural rubber. On its own initiative. Australia is raising this matter privately with the U.S. Government. By this move, Australia has become the first
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  • 50 1 SAIGON. Wed. North Vietnamese artillery barrages wounded 71 Marines in northernmost Quang Trl province yesterday as heavy guns opened up across the demilitarised zone, a military spokesman .said today. Some 100 round.s from North Vietnamese artillery fir.' struck three separate Marine positions during the day.
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  • 27 1 CLYDEBANK. Wed Queen I Elizabeth n today named the (treat new ocean liner .successor of the Queen Elizabeth— Queen I Elizabeth lI.— AP.
    AP  -  27 words
  • 57 1 /CARACAS, Wed Three V listers from Carora in western Venezuela whose combined ages total 285 years have challenged other brothers and sisters to beat their record. The three sisters, who claimed to have reached their ages in perfect health by "behaving well at all times." are Adel--•in.t 107.
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 49 1 HONG KONG. Wed —Riot police opened fire to disperse an unruly crowd in the Mongkok area of Kowloon tonight as renewed mob violence continued for the second straight day. At least 18 persons, including three children and seven policemen were injured, by grenades and bombs.
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  • 32 1 LONDON, Wed— Earl Attlee, 84-year-old former Labour Prime Minister, is cravely ill m the Westminster Hospital and hi.- eondttion is causing concern, It was announced today— AP.
    AP  -  32 words
  • 47 1 JAKARTA. Wed Indonesian I journalist Mochtar Lubis. who was named winner of the International Press Institutes Pen of Freedom award this year will be unable to go la Tel Amy to re- ceive his award, it was reported i 1 today.— UPL I
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  • 195 1 SHELL PUTS UP ITS PETROL, DIESEL PRICES KUALA I.L'.MPIK. Wed —Shell petrol will f up by two cents a gallon in Malaysia und Singapore tomorrow At the same time, riiesrl oil will he increased l>v two cents a gallon in M.ila.xsia. Sopershell will tost S_\M instead of s'i.lil. Si.Ofi
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  • 167 1 Nigeria now split in three lON DON. We d. Nigeria's Mid- Wet* declared Itself a Republic, becoming the second to secede from the Federation, according to a radio broadcast from the regional capital Benin, monitored here today. The Eastern Region broke from the Federation ai the end ol May and
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  • 33 1 FICHTING SPREADS TO MANCHUfcIA MOSCOW. Wru H*Btint between »•<• MaoUl soldiers and ami Maoist workers an.i peasants a*f \iiiii.illv »iii;>jj<'i .'II industrial production in Manchuria. Soviet (io\crnnient newspaper Izveslla said tonicht Reutcr.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 114 1 i thought ul icearmg invisible CONTACT LENSES Tbe modern answer to spectacles DAH SIN OPTICAL HOUSE 1 325, North Bridge Rd., S pore 7. (Next Door ODEON), Tel: *****/2957S 1 1". ■,i mi- CHEN YIN FOOK. tuuuM V Certified Contact Lens Practitioner J jj Dip. Opt. Univ. of W. Australia.
      114 words
    • 116 1 THORENS World's first combined Transcription Turntable ond Automatic Record Chanq r At*. TD 224 JEBSEN JESSEN (S) LTD Of f to see new places 3' l I MMrUWsssirrss—ai-iriiMiaini J r V^M Hbk Plk I Hi frM 1 3PWBBf K ASb A She's not just a lucky girl, she's one with
      116 words

  • 227 2 SAIGON TERRORISM BY RED GUARDS? SAIGON, W«d. DIKED and >Uail«| HK-mltrr*. »t llie Nationalist (IliiirM- lin b.t-Nsv in Saijtoii are Icit .<».<> for I real mm I after vcfttordajr'i plnaMai hnmli iilt.ick I'hr lilust at the einti.iss> ami cuiilirr r\eluuigrd on tlit- strrrl (Ml I Mill- klllril (Mil
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  • 52 2 I'IU STORK is outrun nlnf the plouih. A hungry world Is a potentially explosive world. The failure of the underdeveloped countries to produce more food could Irad to political turmoil and thr breakdown of order. by Mr. Herbert Waters, who Is In charge of the American Government's War on
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  • 162 2 Cupid— a big business now in Japan YOKOHAMA. Wed. Japanese bureaucrats have gone into the cupid business in bi« way. The local dtg marriage counselling bureau has just linished construction o[ a cozy garden where prospective brides and grooms can get acquainted after the bureau introduces them. Last year more
    UPI  -  162 words
  • 46 2 ACCRA \V«>ri The movable properu m fo.mer President Nkrumah.» ministers l* to be auctioned t>y thr Ghxna Government Uter thin month. It was announced today The proj*rty. including cars, television *et«. radiojrramx. furniture, and personal e!fert.<. un.s confiscate a few months ago. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 323 2 A TRUCE IN CANTON TO MARK AUTUMN FESTIVAL HONG KONG. Wednesday. THOUSANDS of Red Guards in Canton stopped their armed struggle in an undeclared armistice to celebrate the Chinese mid-autumn festival, according to latest arrivals from the city. The arrivals, quoted by the South China MornIng Post, said the young
    Reuter  -  323 words
  • 88 2 Indon store reprimanded for showing miniskirts JAKARTA. Wed. Police yesterday reprimanded the State-owned department store Sarinah for holding a miniskirt fashion show without a permit. Commissioner A z 1 1 MJraza told the store manager. Mr. Jusuf that a permit had to be obtained from the police before any
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 53 2 LONDON hrn ln» Ho*aJ Commontt-eal'h Society fo- Blind reported today that there ere at least four million blind people In the African and Afian Commonwealth countries And tt warned In an annual report "Unless decisive action it taken to prevent blindness the number* rould double by tne
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 64 2 SAIOON. WH— An Amerlnn Air Force Supers* bre let rrasheci Into tn •rmy b^rraikK and m»f>f. hall 18 mile,. nn-th-*«t of Saigon vMterday. ki'ling the pilot and four other people. militarr *prk^in»n said totlay Between 15 and 20 people «erf uiiured in the crash of
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 105 2 TOKYO, Wed. The Japanese Prime Minister. Mr. Eisaku Sato, today left here for Rangoon by a chartered aircraft on an 11 -day official tour of five South-east Asian countries. The tour will take him to Burma, Malaysia, Singapore. Thailand and Laos. It was
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 214 2 MOSCOW, WPdnpsday. scientist Vladimir Tkarhenko arrived home last night. 76 hours after British police snatched him from a Moscow-bound AeToflot jet at London Airport. Soviet security .>fflnal* Immediately put him Into a waiting black Z!m lirrtuslne. a car often used here as an ambulance,
    Reuter  -  214 words
  • 261 2 Wilson ready for 5-nation talks on —Vietnam- [ON DON. WerJ— lJ Prime Mln Wilson said yesterday he was In favour of a fire-nation me r aimed at getting peace in Vietnam. In a JpMrr to the World Federation ol United Nation- A- in Geneva, V'r. Wilson sail that Britain wa.-.
    Reuter  -  261 words
  • 51 2 When you u*,e DDD ugly spot* toon disappear. DDD penetxaua the skin, reaches the cause of infection and kills off harmful germs. la no time at all your skin is clcaj. Try DDD on those beauty spoiling spots you'll be amazed at the fait result- Get a bottle
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 100 2 WE LIKE RfflOWo) AND IT DOES US GOOD "g| 3ti iH I 111 Wft au Hr I 1 RtlV k fy sA I La *^^m^^^Jt lift Wr MM M k |l mw Skn 'i Its MARVELLOUS what a difference Nilo makes y You'll like the delicious chocolatey flavour of Milo,
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    • 108 2 Arthritis and Sciatica Banished The araaitns new discovery Remind banlthea the paing of Arthritic, Rheumatlßm, Flbrenltlt, Veuritte and Sciatica Ilk* romcic. In SO n-.lnut«» after tno flntt qos# pAlns oiKApp^sr, *ui(2 ill a few daya -hn marvrli-ua medicln* dlaaolvfi aid remnvea the body polinns and "ric Arid that are th*
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 289 3 I Mils. UVd.— I lie N.iln .sen clary -general, Mr. Manila Br— i; said f« t'-rday that Nato ■MMMCftal .m anti-bal-listic mis.sile system in huropt hul he declined to elaborate 'Am ABM sNslpin is under consideration in tlir alii. inii'.
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  • 446 3 Castro men in unprecedented UN protest walkout 'Delegates prevented from attending by US officials' charge UNITED NATIONS, Wed. THE Cuban delegation walked out of the opening meeting of the new General Assembly yesterday after protesting that 10 Cuban delegates were prevented from attending by United States immigration authorities. Before their
    Reuter  -  446 words
  • 422 3 U WANT'S REPORT IN his report to the 22nd session of the General Assembly, U Thant said the international situation had deteriorated considerably. He spoke of a lingering -crisis of confidence" in the I'nited Nations, caus- ed by the Middle Last war and the continuing Vietnam
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  • 27 3 MOSCO.V. Wed. The Soviet Union yesterday put into orbit Cosmos-178. an unmanned satellite carrying scientific instruments for space exploration, tlie Soviet News agency. Tass reported.
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  • 93 3 \IANILA. Wed— RomantiJ cally inclined Fil.nno swains at a town near here will no longer be allowed to serenade their girl friends after 11 p.m unless they have a permit. Those violating the ban are liable to a fine of 22 t P<-m;>> i about $20 or
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 105 3  -  BOAC man by YEW DELHI. Wed. Finance Minis' ry utlicials yesterday turned down attempts of a BOAC official to claim custody of USSI.4 million in gold bars .seized by Customs from a Hons; Kong-bound flight Mini-try sources said Mr. Douglas Buchanan. BOAC's Eastern region
    AP  -  105 words
  • 115 3 FREEDOM CRY BY SOUTH MOLUCCAN GROUP UN I TED NATIONS. Wed. About 25 South Moluccan men and women yesterday demonstrated outside U.N. headquarters calling for U.N. intervention in their 17-year "war of independence/ The South Moluccas, which proclaimed Independence from Indonesia in 1950. are situated between the Philippines and Australia
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 84 3 L GUINNESS STOUT is now available in suku bottles If you've never tried Guinness Stout, start now with a suku botde. It's just the right amount for the first time. You'll grow to like it. It's the same Guinness Stout that lifts you up, gives you strength. Take home six
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    • 269 3 P.V.C. files iri Document Cases *S^H k^r ~~K HI W^r a^^^^Qnll nfl JjWORDMAN RV.C. files and document cases to meet all office requirements. Ring Files Document Cases Manila Files K.I.V. Folders Box Files YONGKAMFOOK PLASTICS INDUSTRY 17, Light Industrial Area. 4 1 Mis. Klang Gate Rd,, Kuala Lumpur, Tel: *****7
      269 words

  • 168 4 IVJeTTY French swimming costume modefieri" by pretty Singapore model, Michelle Kirkham (right), was among the latest swim-wear range presented in yesterday's charity show of French fashions. The styles shown were simply simple. You could call the collection startlinfly classic. About 320 women packed the two
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  • 65 4 Sarong Island opening SINGAPORE. Wed.— The official opening: of Sarong Island. Singapore's first tourist isle tomorrow night will be marked by a dinner and show for invited guests only. The owner, Mrs. Christina Stone today said the five-acre isle, .iust off Rlakan Mali, was at the moment catering only for
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  • 52 4 SINGAPOfIF Wed The Minister of State for Culture. Mr. XC Le« will give away prizes to winners r.f the ninth annual inter-secondary school debate at 4 p.m. on Sept. 30, at the Chinese YMCA auditorium. The finals of the debate will be held on the
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  • 37 4 SINGAPORE. Wed— There will be no water tomorrow between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. at Siok Wan Close (houses 2 t- 12 Chwee Chlan Road (No. 4). and Paslr Panjang Road (houses 170 and 186)
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  • 26 4 SINGAPORE. Wed.— The fifth and seventh district citizens consultative committees will hold a buffet party at the Singapore Conference Hall at 7.30 p.m. tomorrow
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  • 551 4 Oon agrees with what Judge said on leave SINGAPORE. Wed TRADE unionist Mr. Oon Peet Fong today agreed with a suggestion by Mr. .Justice Chua that he should have taken one or two weeks' annual leave at a stretch last month to settle all his outstanding problems. The problems: His
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  • 74 4 Mr Oon Mid he had also pcc»M«n to make a umihr offer throuch the company's Industrial relation"; officer. Mr Foo See Luan. and reiterated It later to Mr Tan without EFttmc any .necltic reply fio;n either of them. It <va& not until Aug 14 that the company In
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  • 37 4 STNGAPOTJE Wed The Ministry of Cul'ures field section will hold free film shows tomorrow at 730 pm at Kamnong Dunearn Road: Lee Cheng Van Hng. Lorong Patens?: Tai Keou Bchool. Jalan Paya. and Tuas village.
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  • 156 4 'TODAYS educational TV for schools on Channel 8 is as follows: 830 am BSO am. ClMcs. Sec I— For the Good nf Others 9 15 9.35. Oeoeraphv. Sec 2 limber of Cansd* iCh»; 10 1030. Mafhematir:,. Sec 2 Sines and their practical applicati,-n* (Eng); 1105— 11.25.
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  • 127 4 First Muslim kindergarten being planned SINGAPORE. Wed. Plans ar»* afoot to ?pt tip the first Muslim kindergarten in Sincapore. TTU was BnnoOßCed tnri^v hv Pv-Fri llj F■ I^a Al?agf>ft chairman of thp Prnphft Muhammad Memorial Scholarship Fund board HP .-aid thp boarrl had Its education sub-commit tee to lnnk Into
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 306 4 I "1* lAPITOL-SUNDAY9am i ffm AVOID RUSH 1 CASH SOOK NOW! $2.00 A SI 00 2 > musical m 26 prtwntt iXOTIC IXCITINC DANCES by 4 Miss SUSIE SO -from Korea (By Arrangement with HOTEL AMBASSADOR) If Miss LOTUS HOW Miss HAI6H MARGO U[ V CHIN WHAI WEE MIN WONG
      306 words
    • 27 4 Tai: M 5424 I I M iHlßniaa Alr-Cor.diti.m.d Opan* Tr.H, 4, •ft 9 JO ;nElkf *r>mm#r lr > "DEADLIER THAN THE MALE" Technicolor T>chni«e">pe with Chin Sub*
      27 words
    • 75 4 FRIENDS TURN AWAY? BAD BREATH MAY BE THE PROBLEM Bad breath can make you so unpopular. Thi* may be caused by amoking, drinking, digestive disturbances and •yen •motional strain. Bad breath can kill a romance— destroy Inend•hip. Don't take chances, gat AMPLEX today and bamth all mouth odours. lAIR conditioned)
      75 words
    • 29 4 SAFETY FIRST SIMON SAFETY BELT Obtainable from: FAR EAST MOTORS LTD. HO'cM'd «o«S. Slnjioer* IJiim Igunui. KutU Uimaur. RwrM*nt*d In etfcw untra* In MtltjUli >» w WEAHNI WO3 <M) LTD.
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    • 294 4 1 ODEON: On Stage-Sun., 24th SEPT, at 8.45 a.m. ©Faoturlng Our Glaatame Trir#ctnm* Snnabtrdt RITA CHAO- SAKURA -LARA And f«r Tha Firtt Tima tf%/ Snuth tait Ada't A kllT A I DANCING QUIIN API I I #*V Vf W9 KARTINA DAHARI VERONICA YOUNG Saa«li«ht en Anatiur Talant and £fc CHARLIE"«nd"the°TNF"INITES
      294 words
    • 542 4 LCATHAYuiJ BSSUSSbbVLi^hmbi 2ND COMMAN9O WfJK 1 1) i*, 2 li. 1.00, 4 00, I S.4S 4 845 p» II tOO pm. Adm St.OO, 1,2 00, S'OO IJ4 00 CASH BOOKINGS ONLY! NO Wilt Tr in 70MM full St«r*nphnnic Sound 'THE DIRTY DOZEN' le» Marvin trn*<t I ootON I UOWU DRUM',
      542 words

  • 151 5 So nice, but a bit cold, says Tengku of his new $800,000 office I. I ALA I.LMIHK. Wed. This is the new SBOO.--000 private «nicr of the Prime Minister It is sil n.iled in the grounds O f the Residency. Tm-ku Mmliil Rahman'* official residence. I The tuo-storey building is
    Tan Hong ivan  -  151 words
  • 274 5 Japanese agree: Blood debt' pact signing today KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. THE Malaysia-Japan agreement to settle the •'blood debt" issue with two ships worth $25 million will be signed tomorrow. The Japanese Cabinet has approved it. The Japanese dcci^on was reached .shortly after the Prime Minister. Mr. Sato, kft Tokyo on
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  • 201 5 Driving schools that can't be traced KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The traffic police disclosed today that a number of driving schools w e r e either •nonexistent" or were conducting their business over small tables in coffee-shous. A police spokesman said that ol the 77 driving school* in Kuala Lumpur lifted
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  • 52 5 BUKIT MERTAJAM. Wed Three men in a shop at Alma, three mile> from here, were injured last i night by acid Huns at them 1 from a ear. It is believed three men were in the car. The victims were treated lor minor burns at the
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  • 165 5 SINGAPORE. Wed The body ol pianist David Apel. 63. who died ot a heart attack while holidaying in Prague last week, will be flown back to Singapore tomorrow for burial. His son, George, a violini Ist who flew to Prague from
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  • 228 5 1 CHORE B A H K U, J Wed. The Dtmocratic Action Party today accused the Alliance of resortiiifi to distortions to arouse Malay fears and suspicions. In a statement by the national vice-chairman, Inche Nor Jettey, the parly said: "The intention of
    228 words
  • 32 5 SEREMBAN tormrr Amrrtean niisMon.iry h*re. Dr. i died >i<iddenh. m cmdnnatt on suuci.i\ Hr r>r Hi p«»tnr rit the \Vc«!!r\ ChiiK I m 1957 jnri I«JfiO
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  • 15 5 I'tNAVi ButtPi-v jfrandf !r< i lock for Uon tn -he nrw v»IUr» mioqiif
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  • 118 5 SINGAPORE, Wed. Mr. Maurice t'oley, Britain's Parliamentary Secretary of State for Drlince (Royal Navy) flew back to Singapore this evening from Kuala Lumpur where he went in the morning to meet the British High Commi> Moner there. Sir Michael Walker, and leaders ol
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 159 5 ■Bl^bM^l 11 P^ 'at [B- A riVi^fJl XSMSMSgfrT^ ■M l itoS ..^PJr /y m ■>|ggK^ 2 ia H ■J&^^B T^^. ißlr ss v SHm RBSBBJBB v BBfl BY nt fl|B^^ S? BjBjBSSS*«>. Ww "JhR. >^WBSh.^^"/ JwV^SMBMKV t |tHH m t l BbW^""JBF If 'flftl HB^k. v t B^B^^B^Bk Strange place
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
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  • 101 6 SMTU to discuss pay proposal SINGAPORE. Wed. The Singapore Malay Teachers' Union at its annual general meeting next month will discuss a proposal to get more pay for religious teachers. This was disclosed today by the union secretary general. Inchc Haron Ghani. He said the meeting would among otner things,
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  • 21 6 SINGAPORE Wed A medical student. Onu Leon^ Boon, has been re-rlected president ot the University of Singapore Students' Union
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  • 527 6 $350 mil. invested in S'pore economy, says Toh SINGAPORE. Wed Till-! Deputy Prime Minister, Dr. Toh Chin (.live, today revealed that more than $.V>o million worth of invcstnicnl had been Injected into the Singapore economy since Ihe Republic embarked on its industrialisation programme. Of this. 50 per cent represented foreign
    527 words
  • 288 6 SINGAPORE. Wed. U I M V Industries 11 (Far East) Ltd.. in Bukit Timah have decided to give their 560 dismissed dailyrated workers another chance to apply for re-employ-ment. All Ihi former workers until 4 p. in. on Sept. to apply for their
    288 words
  • 39 6 Now UMH lri>|»a>>n v havr Irft Ihr planl. the c-om-li.iim i> p l.i n ii ii i- tit rr-coin-mrnip production to nn-i-t important r\p<irt orclrn.." he said. Hr >aid lhr>-r mwmm >>i dm.. worth Sli.'t million.
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  • 109 6 DENTIST RENEE IS ALSO A SINGER SLIM Rene* Ebron i above i sings before the mike at Singapore's Peking Restaurant But she is not a singer by profession. Sin Is .1 ((uaii,'ied dentist. Renee. 24. is attached t<> the Veterans' Memorial Hospital in Manila. Sixha.s taken .six months' leave to
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  • 61 6 SINGAPORE. Wed Singapore has been invited to send two nominees for the hotel management cour.-.c sponsored by the Institute ot Technical Interchange of the Bast-West Centre Hawaii, scheduled for March 11 to June 14. next year Application form and further details can be obtained from the
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  • 53 6 SINGAPORE Wei. Ihe section committee iMacPherson South i of the Aljunied Citizens Consultative Committee will hold a full fair to raise lunn.s to provide better social amenlUa residents of the MacPherson Hou^m.' Estnte It will be held ai the Shell Sports Club P-.iya LeOur Ro:id
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  • 337 6 'Council of Seven" (ALL GIRLS ARE 15) plan to raise $60,000 to build wing for school QINGAPORE, Wed The ffirls af St. Theresas (on vent. ltm|ini Bah r v. havo stoppnl dajrdreamins about tins a new wins lor their school to house a classroom and an arts class. They have
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  • 82 6 An interim injunction is granted SINGAPORE. Wed The His') Court today granted an eaaergeaci application by a leather. Madam Jessie 11. C. Yone. through her counsel. Mr Chens Pcnu. for an interim injunction against the Malaysia Land Investment Co. Ltd. of Robinson Road. The injunction, granted c\-parl«\ is to
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  • 420 6 Recovery of premises: Woman wins plea Wed. A woman. Tay Nan Kua. won an appeal against a civil district court order for the recovery of a premises in Weld Road by the trustee of the estate on the ground that thp premises had been used for illegal purposes. Mr Justice
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  • 36 6 SINGAPORE The ont.inued i-.p., di.<.pir» between the sinantx,^ i Workers Union and K Presv xrixine out of the union. Im a nr-\ rnWmum sreemwit. be nek Socond Industrial Arbitr»OiM Court on mda?
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 547 6 sfl B^L 9 Sxm CflD J run ■if ill No make-believe here! Yet this pretty miss In Smgapore, Style 200 is just $14.50. is wearing her Berlei Bra in size 32A. So, why not join the In-Group. Let Berlei Maximum loveliness. Minimum price. do pretty things for your figure. Look
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 91 6 W-r-r-rl [lyiXnT^S^^'l fA^'POWN TH'rHALL^I 1/ we ALL love twees. 1 fjUNIOR DESCRIBED THOSE HUSBAND |IN MIS^PPICE.J ■PTTT^/vin U av V li SUT WE KNOW NOW SKETCHES TO ME. THIS 7^*\T/S L JOIN YOU?" )^M TWkT MAKV -CAUSES" I #>*7 Almt By AI <«/>/> s^' WHAT AN INSPIRING /-3 MEW SONKjS
      91 words

  • 909 7  -  KHOR CHE ANG KEE THE STORY OF ST. NICHOLAS SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND by handicraft, taught in the school. It is altogether an ambitious project but one which, judging from the past achievements of St. Nicholas and Its dedicated staff, will be fuUy justified. These
    909 words
  • 373 7 AFTER 41 YEARS A BOLD EXPANSION PLAN, AND A NATION-WIDE CAMPAIGN FOR FUNDS >t\XT K walk by ff bysiKht" that is the motto of St. Nicholas Home for the Blind in Penang and 144 sightless, handicapped, cheerful, undaunted and unafraid children live right up to it, stepping into the future
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 285 7 h #tfS I WOMANHOOD 1 WOP" I FROM TIME TO TIME... v x gl^gl^gW a IS P uljlistieil destined '1% A H^H t° be a bestseller, to occupy mL p a ce on our look Jh'' J I m J^^^^B II she| f and a ver y s P ecia
      285 words
    • 280 7 Doubly rich Carnation makes ice cream twice y.y'$ I c<w^|. v 3». j-JWB >Jt»t,* 9 T^K 3KSCT :.X' 'jPI f^fr X&i' £i?^ w IJBk 5^3 lb J^BglßSi^ -""Tti'fiiy i-ijto, W*. BhK J, 'k^^. iSkPism >;; IB>. w- v ts» EVAPORATED @rnation Smooth, cool ice cream whipped up with Cama,ion the
      280 words

  • 28 8 ?n Unrfi 1/5 t Minimum I MRS. P.E. ACHAN and rhlldrrn K H ''.'1 ir>nli for the mt-MPlKea at MMlelean ami udituei durmic ■Heir r I Ml
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  • 26 8 ■Teal SIS tfimmiim) IK. CHEW from worried mother •ho la now in HmK»|Hire to look for 'on Pteane come home. Don t dla*r>pnmt your mother.
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  • 159 8 in Word* StS (Mlmimnm) WHY IS MELITTA Klll.r Just DOMIM wmter Ukfl pure ■in today! PEOPLE ARE r*Ytag ikit RoMaV !':ilH Vlicu, run* modelling brilliant Haute a aturti 10.30 a.m. A.IKrre! MISHINC TIM iiui'i wmidi rriil Kir! In I 'he world who makea the moo' with Nratli a "Swim
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  • The Straits Times
    • 631 8 The [metlgll of the United NatiOM was at its lushest Of) the day it was founded 22 years auo. The speeches painting a vision of national state* submitting to a supra-national law-giver and peace- keeper were, scarcely done whin events began to give it the lie. A
      631 words
    • 362 8 The Port Swettenham Authority's report for 1966, published this week, confirms that ovtr the last two or j three years the port has repaired its reputation. Improvement since the authority was set up in 1963 has b<vn remarkable and today only vestiges of the old troubles I remain.
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    • 250 8 In England the so-called Speti of Kings suffers trials and tribulations scarcely known where horse racing is controlled by less ni'ntlfiiuinly bodies than the aristocratic Jockey Club. This doesn't, v i course, explain the worst ol what goes wrong, although the Jockey Club's lordly indifference to public opinion
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  • 1113 8  - The dispirited rebels of Thailand J.S. GIRLING A VIETNAM ANALOGY OF GUERILLAS AND MURDERS THAT IS NOT QUITE EXACT. by of the Department of International Relations, Australian National University who recently paid a return visit to the North-East IS the Communist insurgency, now stirring in the forested Pu Pan range,
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    • 457 8 r |T4E economics of the Malaysian Government's purchase of rubber to support the price are .s.mple. but the facts difficult to ascertain. The consumption of rubber is rather inelastic, and a tall in price does not .stimulate consumption to any great extent. Rather
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    • 144 8 LIVING In Opera Estate I have long been concerned at the large number of break-Ins that take place in the area. I have always taken every precaution to safeguard my house with grills, bolts and locks, but regardless of these I have now been robbed. It Is
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    • 62 8 AT Alor Gajah District A. Office I asked for a form to apply for a government job and was told there weren't any. I was diverted to the Btate Secretariat in Malacca Town. There the answer was the same— no forms. Must all applications for such forms
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 409 8 Classified advertisements for Straits Time* Malay Mail may be handed to: COLO STORAGE SUPiR-MARKET Rood Receptions! Deik) COLO STORAGE IRANCHCS Rood Novol Bom CITY BOOK STORI LTD 3uov'. THE NEWS Front ukef. M M ISMAIL 3ood, No.'ji Bom HAMIIM STORI, Jiongi RrKid. V RETNASAMY I CO, ivu R A f
      409 words
    • 51 8 The Renowned CUSTOM TAILORS Styles Cut to the Latest Fashions Hand Tailored Best Workmanship Also Importers t Exporteri of High Clots Worsteds Woollens. Suit Lengths uf World Renowned Brands FINTEX DORMEUIL, HUNT WINTERBOTHAM, WAIN SHIELL. m GLORtX Make Ideal Gifts for All Occasions. 21, Chulio St., Spore. Tel: ***** Hongkong
      51 words
    • 94 8 Thinkv 81^ twipp f v^ before you smoke Do you know, cigarettes cm affect 'y^^ I your heat and lungs -injure your S '-L^mmmiitttOkS health 7 Why smoke your nil <:..• /waVSfSSl*^^^^ Use your head-You can stop smr> I \£}i& s H^ 7 A ing today NICOIREVIN X..-•?.=-•K original
      94 words

  • 361 9 Petaling Hill in a rage over so noisy copters By WALTER D'CRUZ: Kuala Lumpur, Wed. RESIDENTS of Petaling Hill mostly, senior government officers are furious at the RMAF for carrying out helicopter night-flying exercises right over their rooftops. As one irate resident said today: "'They used to be a minor
    361 words
  • 104 9 SINGAPORE. Wed- The Registrar of Vehicles received more iaan 7.(100 applications tnr the 300 taxi licences which are to be issued soon. A spokesman lor tne depart* ment today »aid apphc<int« already employed or who owned taxis would be disqualified. He said
    104 words
  • 32 9 .■<>Kh Wed— A formei incil workei was today ;.iiled lor li nl Mi > Betty Harris, wiu serviceman however i«tmrt 1 lentenr* \u«. 28 tin dv hi ti.- erected.
    32 words
  • 28 9 SINOAI'OKK Wed 81] has been unanimously admitted as i hf 68th member of' Hie InterParliamentary Union, an organisation devoted to .ntcrnational peace and co-operation.
    28 words
  • 60 9 SINGAPORE. Wed— The Sings. pore Government today deprived Lee Seng Chong. 32, of his citizenI ship. He was detained in October last year. A statement said that Lee. born in .Tohore. had participated exten- .<•:>• in Communist United Front activities in the pro-Communist :iuted Malayan Pineapple Workers'
    60 words
  • 58 9 W>ORE. Wed. Mr. Jus- ■■<■<■ Ambrose :n the High Court granted a niaid.'-ervant. Lim Sco Hone, her petition for hvnrco tarns: her husband. Loke Wenif Kwan, mi the ground* of dp**rt;on. told the court that her husband left her in 1863 after "on» of many quarrels."
    58 words
  • 99 9 rOOATi Kedili Kscfall in>7 .1 m .7 1 f 1 1 11.31 pm. ("Iff: Singapore 12 13 am < 8 fift > Port Dickson 7 4!> am ■f> Sit > 805 pm. 1 8.4 ft 1 Port .Swcttenhmn 7.06 a.m. 1 15.9ft > 718 p.m. 1 14 Bft
    99 words
  • 137 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed— 1 "tram Sobzbak. is a very lucky woman indeed. For her husband believes in taking her wherever he rocs. "We s" round the world all the time," said Kurt, her husband who owns a travel agency in Germany. "1 conduct tours
    137 words
  • 107 9  - DMK: Our symbol banned Govt by SINGAPORE. Wed. The Singapore D:avida Mumiet.ak Kazha^am today disclosed that the Government had banned Iti .symbol A DMK ■UtteflMßt said that tin RtgMnur oi Societies had informed the organisation of the ban. adding that "Its symbol i* similar to those of a political organisation
    107 words
  • 190 9 Rape case girl of 13 lived in a brothel SINGAPORE, Wednesday. A CQUITTING a man on a rape charge today, Mr. Justice Winslow remarked that the last place to bring up unspoilt children was a brothel, which was hardly ''a finishing school for fashionable young ladies." 1 Kok Ham Yam,
    190 words
  • 150 9 CINGAPORE. Wed. A by 156 employees of Nestles Products entered Its 21st day today as the Labour Ministry continued Its efforts to bring about a settlement. The workers stopped work on Aug. 31 over what their union the Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers' Union had
    150 words
  • 68 9 L I I A KIA U N < Wed. A bomoh. Haji Talih bin PanKgil. 55. was charged in the magistrate's court here today with the murder of another bomoh. Won* Tiew. alias Mohamed Yusof. IL Haji lalib is alleged lo nave killed Wong at the 58th
    68 words
  • 124 9 Body in bed: It's murder say police SINGAPORE. Wed. The death of a Kelantan woman. Lijah bime Adam, whose body was lound in a cubicle in a house in Oph.r Road early today, has been classified by police as "murder." Lijah. 31, who. was from Tumpat. was found lying fully
    124 words
  • 47 9 NIBONO TEBAI. Wrrl A Penang 6t:tt* executive council.or. Mr. Kee Yong Chin, hits bp«n rrelerted chairman of South Province Wflles>y Alliance committee for the ensuing year. Han Said bin Haji Hassan is vice-chairman. Inche Lshak bin Ismmi. necretarj 1 and Mr. Yroh Kep Thon«. treasurer.
    47 words
  • 237 9 SINGAPORE. Wed.- Th c Singapore Government ga v permission to Inche Abu Bakar bin Pawanchee. retired Permanent Secretary to the Foreign Ministry, to work for the Malaysian Government. This was stated by an official spokesman today when commenting on inche Abu Bakar'.s
    237 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 166 9 Now k Hun ahead! I M..».««~'« tM^*; vourold tri ,.r.tor'««P«f 1 BuH rCond lon r IA 4 flfl of =9» Sil us°3o% oiswunt I k~P» "u«6r fr..h ,et always raady to spnad. I working orde < P ot 'y O ur new I Poly.tyteno Lined I»■ M^sWsF off the List
      166 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 673 9 TV MALAYSIA CHANNEL S Kuala l.ur- 700 Npw En B luJn 7.10 inn and l'riiaii£. K Ipuli and i w Andy Williams Show; MaJares. iv Mmn j 8.00 Npw.^ in M.indann: K.iliru. I Taifsagi 7 Batu 810 Empat Sja-lca\M»n a Pi But, S Kluang. modern dramn in Clunpse; 835 Minihrir
      673 words

    • 368 10 MRS. SATO PAYS STRICT ATTENTION TO HER HUSBAND'S FOOD AND HEALTH AS the wile of a premier the demands are greater, both in public and her private life but Mis. lliroko, GO, wife of Japan's Prime Minister, has remained unruffled
      368 words
    • 236 10 Now it's high fashion for the masses OIGH fashion Is 11 filtering down to the masses. As a sign of changing times, the famous designers of Paris are opening ready-to-wear shops. A report by Aline Mosby says that Pierre Cardiii. whose $6,000 creations are worn by millionairesses and high society.
      236 words
    • 239 10 r DAY'S little girls including the preteens find fashions much more Interesting than what their mothers found in their girlhood days. We had to wear what mother liked all choked in lace and ribbons. Now the scene has
      239 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 287 10 NSj: •*wJ~ Bsfc^^T ■;-;-;«*^fv -f sssSt asssV \^.V^\ *>, ?fje*^»t^ BsW*^*' af^ IIC Ci I Jk. t 9k. I 3s£'C^ perfumes cosmetics toiletries [|P^^ft| from Paris l^^^S) A dt>€t tist DlfTtt 3 WAY RELIEF FROM COLDS AND CHILLS Attack yoar cold or chill In 3 ways at once with one
      287 words
    • 156 10 I Advertisement p«. Mouth Lines Fade Away i The quicker mouth lines i j and crows feet around j the eyes disappear, the i quicker you'll look i younger! You, too, may i know the thrill of ai second debut when you S try 2nd Debut, the lotion- i like
      156 words
    • 301 10 LIMMITS LIMMITS CHOCOLATE BARS 3 i ~l Choc Bars in I eafffirlPMircl meals. You'll I I not only love then you II get a figure to rr> 1 1 i A iti/h iff ihflii \h i IliXfil irttlj Eczema Itch Killed In 7 Minutes Your skin has nearly 50 million
      301 words

  • 136 11 SULTAN HELPS OUT GAME DEPT Iron. Wrcl. The Sultan of Porak has helped solve a problem facing the Department A I ark his birthday, he presented the me Warden Mohamed Momln Khan. \hmad Siiuddin. the Sultan's jer brother, honorary Deputy Stale Game Warden. Killer animals -aid afterward.-: With this new
    136 words
  • 377 11  - Ah Kooi— boy who never gives up GARY CHIN: By Penang, Wednesday A FIVE- YEA ROLD boy who writes and draws with his toes because his hands are abnormally soft and short hopes to start schooling next year. With botli hands deformed since birth, cheerful little N?r Ah Kooi was
    377 words
  • 61 11 KUANTAN, U>d I lie OCPD Pekar. AmL Supt i>m«:l bin M mitted to the Gen- eral Hospital Us: night after be- I ing accidentally shot in '.he right thich He '»<is returning trom a huntinc trip to Merchong «bout SO miles from here when his
    61 words
  • 46 11 SINGAPORE Wed The 150--bed (jtiiuin floating hospital Heli■Oiand .i^i^ned for duty ln Vietnam to serve wounded civilians, ha* arrived in Singapore for maintenance repairs. Thr 3 001-ton .ship a lormer pajajengw steanrr v lil be her* about .< nerk beloie returning to.
    46 words
  • 80 11 M-cyclist killed in ravine plunge Xl ALA KANGSAR. Wed Motorcyclist Mohamed Sahid bin Surjani. Kg, of Teluk Anson. was found unconscious and bleeding from the head and ohrst in a ravine at the .l.'ith mile Kuala Kant^arManong road yesterday He was taken to hospital here where he died soon after
    80 words
  • 113 11 IJELGRAUE. Wed A Singapore trade rals«lon. headed by Mr Sim Kee Boon. Permanent Secrelary oi rhe Finance Ministry, yesterday had talks with representatives ul major Yugoslav industrial and foreign trade rirrns. Possibilities of direct trade arrangements between Singapore and Yugoslav firms were discussed. Later in
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 100 11 l/l Al A LI MPIR Wed The Government has anpruved thr issue of rilM to nine Russian Irarte oflii'ials *o they ran establish their country's lirst trade ofTiip hrrr This «.»s rliM'ln^rrl tml.iv h> >pokesman f«»r thr Ministry of urn mere* and Industry, who vi
    100 words
  • 211 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The way the Malaysian Government has entered the rubber market has impressed at least one London firm of brokers In a market report commenting on the move received hce. Pacol Ltd. of j London says the entire operation was carried out with a
    211 words
  • 142 11 Knocked down by car— and robbed of $8,000 By RUDY BELTRAN KU AL A LUMPUR. Wed. Canteen operator Mr. Low Kon-z Lent:. :h. carrying $8,000 in a paper bag. was riding his scooter along Jala:; Doktor LatiiT this morning. when a Volvo knocked him off his machine. Two men jumped
    142 words
  • 28 11 PENANG. Wed Urn Km Ene. tjs w <*.- rufched to death b a COCOaul tret uli:> ci v ca near h..- 1 '.mjonit Bungai horn* vpjterrU-
    28 words
  • 305 11 Export quotas tin on the way? I ONDON. Wed. lJ With about 4.000 tons of tin in the Interns tional Tin Council's buffer stock, the introduction of tin export quotas becomes a possibility, a London metal merchant said yesterday A. Strauss and Co. Ltd. n ius monthly tin market review,
    305 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 268 11 WHY BE SKINNY? COME ON AND ENJOY LIFE "T^ «a» BBHf j Ama/inu new sciontincally procct 4 formula. Super Wate-On offers you a quick way to put on extra pounds md Inches of firm, healthy flesh— safely And Super Wate-On provides nourishment, B^BHHH^ helps to Imorove appetite and lncrease vitality.
      268 words
    • 41 11 Life begins with FDRTIS Tbe watch «iili the personal touch s i i 6262 Automatic with Calendar FORTIS The Makers of the first selfwinding wrist watches WORLO SERVICE FORTIS WATCH LTD. GRENCHEN SWITZERLAND in thi mi in »an mi rif i
      41 words
    • 517 11 pi I Carmen Curlers are th* nwMt Ifl 1 M M l|| I ||V j V HU why (4rmm won the lihh Bfl I llf ft I iP^ JdVal Home Exhibition Blue WM lIUW fl RiUboa Award for beaut* |p4| Jfbl JuBt ronnffrt voiir c rmMi to ■f Ml I
      517 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 563 12 (ontinurd (rum I'aje 81 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS •ak %U 1 Mimtmumt THE FAMILY 01 BM late Mr. M. N. Menon tiiank friends for their condolencw. wreaths, donations attendance at tbe funeral. MR. AND MRS. Tan Peng Seng thank relatives and friends for their kind assistance and presents oa the occasion of their
      563 words
    • 834 12 SITUATIONS VACANT n Word* ft 1 Mm.) Box iO et*. txtra STOCK RECORD CLERK requ :ed. Age 23 30. Ability to i>;«- esseonal. Knowledge accounts procedure advantage. Preference (Ivro to applicants v i'o «arehou*« experience. Apply Personnel Manager. Box aoS'js .•s.I I pore. CLERK REOUIREO to control stO-Ks and
      834 words
    • 727 12 ACCOMMODATION VACANT ll tS Wardt tt (Mim.)— Box in rtt txtra I ACCOMMSDATION PROBLEMS? Let Ca'l Hou.-ing Agency Solve it. We|i have turotsntd/unturnisbed nou«t" 1 1 flats ror detana •■ontact Carl Bousing I S Agenry Tel IM'BBNI .44Ab. PULLV FURNISHED LUXURY (Tat for rent every room wlin a:r-cond:tion wall to
      727 words
    • 806 12 iOUSES AND LAND FOR SALE <S Word* U i Him.)— Box SO et* ixtrm TOSCA STREET— Opera bKM I itorey bungalow 6.0U0 sq ft. Kreebold. MA.MI I'.eplv Box AS6M 8.1. i poro BUNGALOWS: Kirtn htm r.affies Park IO.&UU .<7uoou Braddell Heights 11 UOu MM Kor particu.arn -in* luiot A
      806 words
    • 721 12 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Ii Word* U (Htn.)-Box iO et*. txtrm FINANCIER WANTED *ti <>"' 'or dullness expansion BBMUaal terms. miaranteed. Box Aoe^Y 8.1. I 8 pore REOUIREO MANAGING Capitalist partner m runnin* concern. N>' Income a^allahlf siwm Moblblv Write PU Box Jtir. 1 i>. t>oiei WANTED DISTRIBUTORS tor I .itest J
      721 words
    • 633 12 FOR SALE I ti Word* U iM in.)— Box SO rt: txtra NIW SMIPMfNT hockvi iraniw- I tor* $13 ii) upward* c\t»n<:on 6pmccrii t3 .Vj. Tape-record«r $33 UU upsara* 1 <■ MBW iVBBra EVERYONE KNOWS NOW ngapore RelrifcrnMon pany spccnli." in no frox ••'ii rrfrigentor* Can 18 14 International Buildins
      633 words
    • 474 12 THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE (CHAPTER II) KOI l< I <>i M•I l\ IM. OUH X" TAKt NOTICI that Revr: Orders were on the Bth September. 1967 made agahiM the follouui.^ persons and or flrmt. Bankruptcy No. 356 67 Tan Thian Poon. SI, Jalan Keladi. Singapore. 196 67 I,lm Soon Hoe. No.
      474 words
    • 287 12 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT THE PORT OF SINGAPORE AUTHORITY V\l tnutwl in omEtfacatiMMl QaaJMestßMi and r. \|K- nrncr; Ui University v< nia in Social StudlM or raJtnt, and 3 years' relevant working experience. Sal«r> I i' SB3O per il. s Allowsalary Mlna yinulr > Married Ol u'.Uk so p m •ith dependent
      287 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1184 13 TO LIVERPOOL i WEST COAST U DOLIUS GtPMOtl Mt 35 Tna> Sept 22 25 Sept 21 TANTALUS Sept ?3 Sept 2k Sept 27 Oct 3 PATROCLUS S'P<">4 Srpt 27 S'tt 21 <fpt 31 ANTILOCHUS |P* SeptZl Oct 7 Oct 112 Oct 13 ANCHISES Oct 4 Oct k Oct I PEISANOER
      1,184 words
    • 1148 13 7>wEAC///vys ipi i EXPRESS SAMLINGS TO 6ENOA NOBTH CONTINENT SC*NDIH»VU P Sham hena^c rtoM i Genoa R cai H'burg Aartius C'fn|Bri MALACCA aij Sept 22 24 Sipt 21 21 Sept JI/ 2 Hn I Ntt 17 Ntt II Ntf a Net 14 MAS3ALA II) Ntt 1/ 4 Ntt 1/ I
      1,148 words
    • 1370 13 I BenWLine] EXPRESS SE'VICt 10 LUNOON, UVFRPOOL t CQNIINENIAL PORTS. BENARTY m It Pt Sept 22 Net 1 BENVORLICH 8 S leajM PI c«rang ie< tl Sept ?l II Oct 1. 1 Oci 4/ I I Net 21 tmg.p,.ra P. S'narn Ptaatp lENALIANJCH ■> g Bci 13 BEHHACHIE L'COui. H
      1,370 words
      1,166 words

  • 134 14 MELBOURNE Wed INDUSTRIALS were firmer with most moves moderate and slightly higher B HP. continued to 10.->e (fround early to touch $12 5> but recovered to close steady at $12.35 In Mininas moves were rei.urely ."mall and about in balance OOM Gold dropped 12 cents to 55.24 and
    134 words
  • 303 14 (.MIPS LYING ALONGSIDE THE ttNGAPORE HARBOUR WHARVES OR EXPECTED TODAY ARC: Sally M«« t 3 I ruafJW 10 11. Bakunam 1.1 ii. Mrmat LaaM II H*lldi* l!>, Kihimi Maru T.t 14, 1 Ht.irtn :;i i irient Kr-|.oit«-r :W .".I Holm- Latja i i Mv i:. Oritnt
    303 words
  • 70 14 i hinese Pro<int.» laaiianii, IMiav port, noon pnett Btr picul ycsUrday: Coconii: oil: PUM 64' <\T.i:r. ■.:er.'. Ctara: UlMd (f.« S.) 100 Oct. UK font 1391 i:. Pepper: MunluK <• n\ir 113 while 5132» >rll«>r> r.iat-k *y.'» lil?| ,ii n ii XLW) ASTA 51UT5 seliert lou NLWi. S<naaporc
    70 words
  • 70 14 rpiiE Malayan Minister or Finance has fixed thrse prices for calculating custom* duties for the period from Sept. 21 to 27. Rubber :>O<', cents a Ib. Copra 5472 a ton. Palm Oil 5630 a ton. Palm Kernels 5355.25 a ton. The rates of duties payable are: Rubber I
    70 words
  • 856 14 From Our Market (\>r respondent /IOMMTIONs were sencr- ally easier on the Stack Kxchan^e yesterday. teatare l>ein^ the receding in price ai I which was done from to 5 1 1^ before rccoverint; to 51. 57 md then droppin:; off to 81.55 on disappointment
    856 words
  • 945 14 BUSINESS in and icpoited to tii. Bißgaaerc mm! km.ii.i I uni|iur trading rooms of the Bteck I ukaaee yeaitftfiif i\ith the numbrr uf >hairs traded in brackets: INDUSTRIALS: B. n Co. U 15.1W01 11. ii si n ii i. 11.71 Boustrjrt 1.000) Central (S
    945 words
  • 30 14 THE Aitociation ot Banks m Malayan tn Itl ratefl to merchants yesterday tall KM to JIOO. Cjnaia airmail 16 credit Sellma TT or OD rcidy: Canadian D NtthcrljPMl
    30 words
  • 28 14 Seal :<■ Xl BBKR I r;< v.'i cent (dawn three-oar-trr>> "I i cent) I|\ l'i;i( I. 5592J7) (down l ihilm Kstimatid ofVerinc 225 tniiN tup S (<>ns).
    28 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1129 14 Vl' KAWASAKJ KISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia Singapore' Japan Service t c u.f* Mart" 5 II Oct 17 II Oct 21 Oct ?l Oct 21 Oct 1 Nat SKhikawa Mara" II Oct 3 Nat 9 11 Nay II Na* 19 Nt« 21 Nt> 24 Nti •X«.i» Mtn' l( 31 Nt«
      1,129 words
    • 846 14 AUSTRALIA NEW ZEAIANO SERVICE INDIA. PAKISTAN ANO FAR EAST SERVICES Tl fremaitlc, Aftlaift. MtlUmu. Sytaei i| Malras at< Naiaaittnam 5 -tic P 5 am P'-ana, P«n--5 P. S-3-n Sirjmre RAJULA il 71 Sett 71 Se»t 31 Sell ARPETA t 1 Del I Bel 11/11 on RAJULA 17 71 Oct 2?
      846 words
    • 224 14 DJAKARTA tfc INDONESIA Service m.v. PURNAMA loading on 26th 27th September, m.v. RAINY loading on Ist October 1967. Agents SIN SOON GUAN LTD. 4/, Celofc A\cr Street, Singapore. Tel: ***** 97/76 y^mt American Export A a *U ISBRANDTSEN LINES Htm-. New Ytrk. Barceiana. Marseilles G«nta »iric«i. Be«ti> It: Htm KH|.
      224 words

  • 439 15 THE price of Straits tin fell slights yesterday by 121 rents to $592 R7i per picul on an offerinc estimated up five torn to CSS tons Fair support wa* reported ptrttcularlv from the Continent and Japan In London on Tik
    439 words
  • 269 15 <k< TORER first grade rubber f oh. buyers closed at 5 p.m. in Koala Lumpur and Singapore >e«terdav at .S2»* cents per Ib. ilmin three-quarters of a cent on Tuesday's closing level. T^e tone was dull. R .V and MJi.F. closing price* m cents per Ib. yesterday.
    269 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 483 15 'H||Bp|fißßßfißjjSasSj| A Large Industrial Company seeks CLERICAL STAFF I Vacancies exist for Clerical Staff in the office of a large Industrial Company Applicants should have a Senior Cambridge, with a liking for Accountancy. Experience an asset but not essential. Reply stating education, age and •xperitnee to Box A 3318 S.T.,
      483 words
    • 841 15 a^aVaftjMPaMaiaMaM^— a^^^B TOWN BOARDS ENACTMENT IF M.S. Cap. 137) NOTICE I'NDER SECTIONS M mi, AND 43 MUNICIPALITY OF IPOH. Whereas It is proposed to adopt under section 43 ol the Town Boards Fnactment the assessments contained in the Assessment List for the Municipal area of Ipoh for the year 1967
      841 words
    • 1296 15 TENDERS KENYATAAN TAWARAN KEMENTERIAN PERKHIDMATAN KEBAJIKAN AM, MALAYSIA T«war«n ada-lah di-jemput bagl membekalkan dan menghanUrkan makanan avam untok 1 masa mulal dari lhb Januari. 19K8 hingga 31hb Disember. 1968' 1 termaaok kedua2 tarikh tersebut kapada Yayasan2 Kebaukan. Kementerian Perkhidmatan Kebajikan 'Am berikut:1. Pusai Pemulehan Orange Chachat, CSeras, Kajang, 3. Rumah
      1,296 words
    • 673 15 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS LEMBAGA PEMASARAN PERTANIAN PERSEKUTUAN ■Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority APPLICATIONS are lnTlted from Malaysian Citizens for the following appointments: MAKKRT INFORMATION ASSISTANT: Salary Scale: $140x8--156 230x15-420 445x15-535 (with COLA at Government rates) plus housing allowance. Minimum Qua HhVat ions: Age: 17 and above. Overseas School Certificate or the Malaysian
      673 words
    • 303 15 8 j( ACKNOWLEDGMENT i M We express our grateful thanks to uDato (P. P.M.) TAN KIM CHUA who M& y so kindly officiated at our Removal Opening \.< V I Ceremony, to our friends and patrons for their M cables, good wishes, bouquets, gifts, and their fl kind attendance at
      303 words

    • 63 16 AS BLOOD STREAMS FROM BRAVE McGOWAN'S FACE REFEREE STEPS IN TO SAVE HIM FROM THE POUNDING FISTS OF THE RELENTLESS THAI BLOOD pours from the eye of Walter McGowan (right) as he throws a punch at Chartchai Chionoi during tho world flyweight title fight In London on Tuesday
      UPI  -  63 words
    • 661 16 BRITAIN'S Walter AlcGowan was beaten in the seventh round ot his world i'lvweight title fight with the champion Chartchai Chionoi of Thailand here last night. Referee Ivor Powell stepped in to prevent, further punishment of the Scot, who fouiiht since the fourth round with
      661 words
    • 67 16 Thr Peiak team to meet Kedah in their opening Malaya Cup runner match at Taiping on Saturday: M:.mat Taib; Hamdan Azizi, Zainal Yen, F. A.F. Daniell. Ro/«ii Nouiin. Adrian de Silva, Andrew Yap: Ahnud Mydtai Cnenu Mok Senu. A. McF^rlene; Lim Ai. in ran Sln«h: Foo See Kio!i
      67 words
    • 185 16 Youngsters hold RED with late equaliser SOCCER f/LNTA Electrical Dis1V tribution were surprisingly held to a 1-1 draw by lowly-placed Tamil Youngsters in the Ipoh Div. 1 soccer match on a waterlogged ground at Jalan Abdul Jalil, Ipoh, yes- terday. The other Div. 2 match scheduled for yesterday between PCRC
      185 words
    • 119 16 1 {'OMBINED Kboois Will liave to v niauily on theu- speed I and ski:i when they play Army In the Singapore Rugby Union un-cltT-23 tinal at Dover Road at i 5.15 p.m. today. Schools record to date h.<^ been J Impressive. They )>o.ft Changi,
      119 words
    • 59 16 The fine kicking of centrethree Wilson helped SCC Leions beat RAF Sf.etar 1 B" 8-0 with a goal and a penalty, in a friendly rugger match at the Singapore Pudung yesterday. In the first minute Wilson converted the penalty and in the sth I
      59 words
    • 40 16 lIO< XXV lupins league: Mai. K. 4 Mai AMllleiv 4 so( lit Taipmi: Div. 1: Mai Ranger--2 CRC 1 Rengam lea rue final: v. ton Est Renßam Uid. I. Friendly < Tcrendaki Arm\ Depot Police 6 Ist Bn KSU 1.
      40 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 399 16 Have vacancies for Data Processing Representatives in Malaysia. Men between 22 and 30 who are interested in building a lifetime selling career and have a minimum educational qualification of a Higher School Certificate should >*ipply giving Age, Education and Experience to: THE DIRECTOR AND MANACER THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO..
      399 words
    • 517 16 NOTICES MAJLIS PERBANDARAN IPOH TOWN BOARDS F.XAf VMENT IF. M.S. AP 137) NOTICI I MIF.R SECTION UI NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that It is proposed under section 144 ot the Town Boavus Enartmeir FM.S Cap 137 1 to amend ihe Ipoh Appror-ed Towrt Plan No B 3 publi-hed «>■ Notification
      517 words
    • 170 16 Reminder! m when you're out of HARPIC you're out of hygiene Harpic Toilet Cleanser is specialty formulated to clean the lavatory bowl quickly and easily. Just on* daily application of Harpic granules both cleans and disinfects the lavatory bowl. Harpic kills germs in all three danger areas— the bowl, tha
      170 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 272 16 Straits Times Crossword laH ■aB~THr~~aiBB~"~BB~"~ ACROSS 7. Bvll can ruin a Spanish city 1 U-.e PM rises, wreathed In 181 .smiles i7> 8 Particulars of relations' 1 .8' 5 Retired (leiEyman takes a 13 Uk( c lnclud i nX one ln fmnk causes talk 17) rtlumnie* < 10 9. Vehicle
      272 words

  • 239 17  - No visas for Israel so Asian meet is off By MALAYSIAN Amateur Athletic Union will not be able to stage the first Asian Track and Field championship;-. at Merdeka Stadium on .Jan. 1-8. The GnvFrnment ha? re ftif^d tn Grant VIM.c fnr a t^am from Israel, wh" w»re the flrM
    239 words
  • 195 17 Gangsters use Moore's name in demands from horse owners LONDON, Wed. Australian joikey George Moore, who plans to leave England and return to Australia, was surrounded by a cordon ol guards at the Longchani;) Paris, yesterday. In London, police are invesligaiinc reports that eanjrsters have Men telephoning racehorse owners
    195 words
  • 122 17 01R COCO, with G»rnet Bomoure astride, went attract!' e!y In heavy gojng at Kuala Lumpur yesterday, reports FPSOM IFEP. BreaK-i.-'e into a gallop from the half-mile, he ran 3f In 42 3 s on thp bit An In«h-bred fl\-e-vear-olrj hv Our Coro has had oplv or' prevtoui
    122 words
  • 119 17 FAS chief resigns 'with regret' ABU Balcar p.jw«nrrie# pr»sMHM of the F A of por*. hat tendered hi* resignation In a !»n»r to the arfnc president Tay S'^o Yonz. Inrh«Abu Bakar :-*\4 I have d»--<-ot»td more than half of <hr fiv» month.- r^tirrmi»nt )*i\» for the hettfrmmt of th» FAt»
    119 words
  • 186 17 Govt ban may hit Selangor team too SOCCER fTWE Governments ban on IsX raell teams entering Ma-lav--ia. announced by Tengku Abdul Rahman after the weekly rshinet nireting in Kuala lumpur ywttrdßjr, will probably aff^rt the fielanaor <torcer team. Olaneor are well placed to qualify for thp Mnal at the Asian
    186 words
  • 427 17  - Tiny Mirza breaks 5,000 mark ERNEST FRIDA ATHLETICS *y VIIRZA Namazie. Singapore's pocket-sized longlfl distance runner, put himself in reckoning for a Seap Games "gold" when he shattered the national record for the 5,000 metres at the Swifts A.A. meet's early events decided yesterday. Namazle. a 16-year t ld pre-unlversity
    427 words
  • 248 17 Confirmed: Kops in S'pore Open ERLAND KOPS Denmark seven-tun«£ winner of the All-England £inglas title, ha* confirmed hi* entry in the Singapore Open badminton ch*mp.onshipt on Oct 6-8 The last time the Danish ace played in Singapore was in tha 1958 Thomat Cup series and in exhibition matches against Wong
    248 words
  • 29 17 LONDON. Wed. Results of 5 veer matches played last night English League Cup second round rePUya Rotherh&m 0 Norwich 2; Bury 2 Orlmsby 0. Reuter. BADMINTON
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 947 17 ENTRIES p?JTFIEF f^r the pint? p«re GciM rup matins: at Bukit Tlmah on S'Pt. 30. Or* i. 7 and 8: CLASS ONF .Kf or Sf and 7f or I6f>: Advocatp hf 7f: Atrrtream Rf inf; All Couraee af lif: All Steel 8f 7f; All
    947 words
  • 81 17 ».nt 4»x n. 2 Dlvi. 2 and ■;_Sf ,nH M: rl. l»tv». 1, .nH I_ Sf. *,r«n* ijayi Cl 1 niT». 1. ,nH -_«f n H If; cl. 2 Dlt. «f .n-4 Hf. Third day: CL 1 IMt. t» lOf Cl. 2 D«v. 2— »f. XHy*. »n<f 4—
    81 words
  • 81 17 Maw wins race in blinding dust TKDNY Maw. of the Maple L«>af Racing Team, of Kuala Lumpur, fights, off a strong challenge in blinding dust to win the Thomas Chan Trophy at the Sultan's Birthday grasp track races at Kuala Kangsar Maw (Lotus Elan) was pawed by Eddie Choong (Cooper-8>
    81 words
  • 183 17  -  RLJ.U. ARBEE By THe Johore F.A. have ordered an investigation Into the incident at Johore Bahru on Tuesday when a referee was beaten unconscious after a match R»f»re» Bfttp Wiishim •>** •^•n p')n'h<»ri *n<l k"-k*<i hv kt«ijp r>f pitmen it Brt O»l»m jrnijnrj jltrr
    183 words
  • 194 17  - Pull out' hits badmi ton champ FRANCIS BOEY TH F British Government's defence cut in the Far East had a dramatic se-uiel for Mohammed Sadall, a former Singapore badminton rhampinn s«dai< ih i fvhor o< among fh» ftr»t ni'rh r.*r»n,-tv *r\ in .ti;pr R*cetvtng iit'i* ov*r SI nno payment out
    194 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 148 17 Sw tS* r "^ls^n^B Lw^^-^w US3 °> it ii^M* i ilikcsr T* I^J l?^V/fI B-iy awy D«M. pwdue/t -Q,,«»n -p., Cc"3p"n Vi\w. T 8.0.P. or 8 cur. Duneaa a W>i»lry. Qua«n Em T.g.Of. BT«rHy me. and you will earn a r- Marnu* f-«t«i« Tin M Utj/tWU 3 pt*. coupon. Accumulate
      148 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 71 17 CRICKET l-riejidlr: S pore PoUce HO v lohore Bench tnd Bar <P»lic« Depot grd 1 fftGEB S'g«r »enior: Sgor Club v Varsity Blues (XL p»dang> Penang •choola tnumer: SA Munshl v PTS; TI "A 1 v tl Spore under-23 final: CoaiD. Schools v Hrmy (Dover Rd). SOCCER P. Ja>» iMrae:
      71 words

  • 103 18 RUSSIAN physicist Dr. Vladimir Tk;i chenko and his wife Galina are seen here on their way to London Airport to board a plane for Moscow. Al Moscow Airport. Soviet security officials immediately put them into a w;iiiin^ black Zim limousine, a car
    UPI  -  103 words
  • 242 18 2,300 at funeral of detainee, but all is quiet KUCHING. Wednesday. U7ALKING three abreast 2.300 Sarawak United People's Party members this afternoon tollowed the funeral procession of detainee Chung Yung Hu. who died at the Centre for Protective Custody near here on Sept. 6. Thousands ot others watched the procession,
    242 words
  • 75 18 SINGAPORE. Wed. An incentive scheme to encourage workers to donate to the proposed National Art ■ry and Academy ot Art> is to be introduced shortly by the Singapore Art Council. This mv announced by the Minister ol State for Culture. Mr K C. Lee, at a
    75 words
  • 26 18 MANILA. Wid Mi Ombre Amllbsni:.-n -elf-prcx laimed tan i)f Babah". has now extended h« te to induce the Philippine-administered Turtle Islands Renter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 343 18 LONDON. Wed— Closing middle prices of .-.elected stocks not Including stamp duty were: RUBBER LONDON. Wed— Spot 15 id.. Oct. 15- 8 d.. Nov. 16 1 16d., Dec. 163 16d.. Oct Dec. 16 1/16d.. Jan. Mar. 16 5 16d., April/June 16 -d.. July Sept. 16\d., Oct.' Dec. 16
    343 words
  • 47 18 CAIRO. Wed— An Egyptian official spokesman today denied Israeli claims of sinking two Egyptian boats at the southern entrance to the Suez Canal. ■Report^ claiming there were Egyptian boftts in the canal at the time are absolutely untrue." the spokesman added. AP.
    AP  -  47 words
  • 58 18 SYDNEY. Wed. Ten British seamen have left the 7.500-ton freighter Hopepeak here because they say they are aJVaid to return to China alter incidents with Red Guards on .heir last voyage. The men told reporters la si night before flying back to London that
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 211 18 Half-naked French girl found murdered in London flat LONDON. Wed. Murder squad detectives today examined love letters anil photographs scattered round the half-naked body of a blonde French yirl found murdered in met one-room London Hat ftaßM reports named the Rir! as 18-vrar-old model Claud y Danielle. from Paris I
    211 words
  • 97 18 SINGAPORE. Wed. The Portmaster. Captain R.L. Bird, has drawn the attention ol snipping to a new signal i being useci to denote a vessel l which has a bulbous bow. In pon circular. Captain Bird saul tliat (lie signal had been Introduced by a
    97 words
  • 218 18 Thanom closes Thailand's biggest paper OANGKOK, Wed. D The Thai Government last night closed Thai Rath, the country's biggest daily newspaper, tor making "false allegationi and insinuations" against the Government. The closure i language paper, which a dally circulation ol more than 100. 000. waa ordered by the Cabinet.
    218 words
  • 27 18 HALL NEVILLE ANTHCf heart attach in London on Hth. ONC TIAN HOCK Ifad I •1 Hu-pltal leaving 4 sona, 8 dauKhter*. li Duku R«i Wrnon Crematorium.
    27 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 249 18 1 Late CLASStFIKDS 1 20 words $15 -(minimum) LIM DENG CHONC Of Prnltnc U> Lira IA-»-. try of il:irr.....v PcrlU vu THE MOST POPULAR HIGH CLASS RESIDENTIAL AREA HOLLAND GARDEN 6 m i Holland Road, near Holland Grove Road, Spore. SHOW HOUSE READY FOR INSPECTION TWO-STOREY 4 BEDROOM SEMI-DETACHED Comp.ctc
      249 words