The Straits Times, 2 September 1967

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 22 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150.000 The Straits Times nratiiinal KHws|i;i|iHr Estd. 1845 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1967 15 CENTS KDN. 2578:2590 M.C.(P)2266
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  • 296 1 To the Tengku, with love from Russia KI'ALA LUMPUR, Fri, The firstcv c r congratulalory in es sages from the Soviet I ifiion were received by I lie Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, today. They were from the Soviet Prime Minister. Mr. Kosygin, and tli c Foreign Minister. Mr. Gromyko.
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  • 29 1 MOSCOW. Fri.— Veteran Soviet writer Ilya Ehrenbunc died last nlgbl of a heart attack, a friend of 1 his family .said today. He was 78.
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  • 32 1 KOTA BHARU. Fri.— The PMIP MP for Krlantan Hillr. Haji Ahmad bin Abdullah, died in the Oeneral Hospital here tlii.s evening followed a recent motor accident at Tanjong Malm
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  • 529 1 N-Language in courts WO DIFFICULTY EXCEPT FOR SOME SLOWNESS WITH LEGAL TERMS' KUALA LUMPUR, Friday COURT proceedings in various parts of West Malaysia were conducted in the National Language today first day of the implementation of the National Language Act. The general view was that it was
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  • 157 1 £135 mil. aid for U AR, Jordan KHAKTOI M. Kri. The Arab summit conference here h;is decided lo fire the I'niled Arab Republic and Jordan £135 million to pay for damage caused by the ArabIsraeli war. il was announced today. Delegation sources said the i mount would be paid by
    Reuter  -  157 words
  • 70 1 Kiss case Minister quits BRISBANE. Fri.— A former Queensland State Mi- Ulster. Mr. Alexander De- war. resigned after two girl employees said he had kissed them. The story behind Mr. De- war's resignation last May a* Industrial Development i Minister came to light in the Legislative Assembly yesterday. The Deputy
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 69 1 CANBERRA. Fri —Most of the 29 member nations of the Economic Commission lor Asia and Par East <Ecafe> will be represented at a meetinit of a sub-committee on metals and er.^meennx due to open in Sydney on Sept 4 Australian Minister for Social Services lan Sinclair
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  • 394 1  - $800,000 'thank you' for two directors GEOFFREY BOLAND: By SINGAPORE. Friday TWO company directors ol ran-Malavsia (cmenl Works Berhad ;nr lo $800,000 in return for services rendered, the report of the directors published today reveals. The two are Mr. Ng Ek Teong and the managing director, Mr. Ng Hong Heng.
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  • 41 1 ADEN. Fri. An Arab m killed when an armoured car manned j by men ol the Argyll aii'.i Blither* 1 land Highlanders opened fire last nieht after two boml» were thrown at it in an Aden slum UPI.
    UPI  -  41 words
  • 33 1 SAIGON. Fri. Vietcong or North Vietnamese forces today mortared the US northern Marine headquarters, killina four Marines and wounding 41 in a 30-minute barrage, an American military spokesman said. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 179 1 Armed band lands in Borneo JAKARTA, Fit An urmed band ol 40 Chinese has landed in Wesi Borneo, a Jakarta newspaper reported today. The Armed Forces Bulletin said the gang waa apparently attempting 10 .loin up with Chine i munist guerillas cuncen- trated along the border iietween Indo d Main
    Reuter  -  179 words
  • 31 1 NASSEB-FAIiAL ACCOEB KHARTOI'M. Frl President Nastier of Eirvpt Ring Falsa) »i flaail Arabia today formally Signed an agreemeat aimed at ending the flveyearAld •Ivil war In the Yemen Evatrr
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 88 1 Z____Jri IT ff WOODS *ND IRONS 1T»:— .frt-'f I 4 THE ARCADE U/VtV&unvy U, If Singapore LTD •*****/***** M PHILIPS W Lc6c/i 7a/tanf First full-stereo cassette recorder 1 J EL3312 Mains operated full-stereo cassette recorder— makes recordings and plays back reproduction., in Sti Simple to operate— just slip in the
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  • Untitled
    • 139 2 Writers on trial in Moscow in secret ifOfIOOW, Krl Three youiiK 9mttM Hril»T"< were brotii:lit to the City Court here >est«Tilay in a tarpaulin iMiven-il (ruck M their secret trial fur publishing ,»i. .mil vntirl unileiuriniii.l UMta/iiK' went int. i IK seioml do A second Irut „i wru. i iri(
      UPI  -  139 words
    • 227 2 Executions would be murder, Britain warns rebel Smith LONDON. Friday ui.-iiAiN warned Rhode- > !lu»t <-\f cutlon.i i ii n< a uut iii.- authority of Qovernor Sir Humphn v Olbbi would be n..,' i i ummonwealth Ofllce I death ien..nmiii Lion b] the nni; b-bai ted ruor vi the
      Reuter  -  227 words
    • 18 2 KINSHASA. Pri. White mercenary soldiers repilsed Congotene Army attacks nnd mflirted heavy looses, diplomatic sources reported—UPl.
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    • 365 2 RADIO BREAKS LONG SILENCE TO ANNOUNCE A NEW VICTORY COMMITTEE HONG KONG, Friday. "YJAOISTS have apparently taken firm control of Canton, with the support of the Army, after weeks of reported bloody clashes in Southern Chinas largest city. The official Canton Radio last night broke a
      Reuter  -  365 words
    • 38 2 NEW DELHI. Fri. Four rare white user cubs were born today in Delhi s zoo. But one of the cubs which have blue eyes with brown stripes on their white coats died soon after birth. R«uter.
      Reuter  -  38 words
    • 27 2 HOLLYWOOD. Fri. Actress Audrey Hepburn «nd ac'or Mci Ferrer have separated. No reason was given, and there were no immediate plant for a divorce. Reuter
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 273 2 Suddenly, Mao's men are all smiles in London lOXDON. Fri. AmltT blossomed yesterday bet ween Communist Chinese diplomats and their British polire guards. Im Wed in bloody ■treat flthting three da>a ago. The ChineM-. who s*t upon the bnhhies with baseball hats .inri an ax* bw( Tuesday while grimly shouting
      Reuter  -  273 words
    • 49 2 MANILA. Fn Four prisoner! were killed »nd 12 "<-,un'l*d. two s»nou*lv. when two croups of prisoners clashpd ye.Mprda* in a lail Polire .said tti* rlvh resulted from a visit by a wife of a member of one gane Thi rival group resen'pd It Reuter.
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 35 2 T ONDON. Frl. Londoners queued at a leftwing bookLa shop yesterday to buy Thoughts of Mao Ts*»-tung. More than 80,000 copies have been sold since the English language edition appeared last March Reuter.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 357 2 SHATTERING RESULTS IN Audi RELIABILITY TRIAL Singapore Bangkok Singapore 2,853 miles in 59 hrs. 40 mins. Overall average speed 47.65 m.p.h. IS jß^^l^H I "*•< -i. l^sVi^l^Hl^awa Jld^l^t^^ susi^s^Bß^siaii^^—^ f vWfll I i »-jJ^t>Ti 4' '-'^y^aw^aw^s^^Mfcm\\ J 1 I' .'l^^^Eb^a^^HZs^S^Haßl^HßViMaißpvi'*"^' J*ll BbTi S/ L^Lfc^Bttß Sfj.'V j. BBR B Jf' -J*^
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  • f^B
    • 350 3 WASHINGTON, Friday 4 SENATE group has recommended that bombing of North Vietnam be Increased and the port of Haiphong closed. Reporting on a threeweek investigation of the air war, the Senate preparedness sub-commit-tee said "We cannot in conscience, ask our ground forces to continue their flgnt
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    • 31 3 NEW DELHI. Fri. The Indian Embassy in Peking is awaiting exir permits for 32 women and children attached to the embassy to return to India, official said. Reuter.
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    • 73 3 SOME 40 seductive Indonesian models created a sensation among Indonesian society in Jakarta last week. They presented tent-like mini's at the year's top fashion show organised by a leading Indonesian film star, Kirn.i Molati. and created by her young designer, Iri Supit. The popular Indonesian
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    • 45 3 DAR-ES-S ALA A M, r 1 1. Three Tanzanian lax collectors were jailed fur nine months here when they admitted having pouied pepper and flour on the heads of tax defaulters and made them sing and dance all day. Reuter
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    • 16 3 MOSCOW. Pri. Russia launched another unmanned space satellite Cosmos 1 74— yesterday. Reuter
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    • 116 3 Gowon's jets bomb Biafra I AGOS, Fn. Federal iNigtnan jeis have agam aiiacn.ed military targets in Eastern and Mid-weat-ern States, according to a Radio Nigeria announcement last night. The radio said airfields weie bombed at Calabar, on the southern coast of Biafra, and Port Harcourt, In the breakaway state's rich
      Reuter  -  116 words
    • 29 3 FELTHAM England Ftl A private detective and his assls- conucu-d yesterday of bugging a punter's telephone to see it he w>s cheating his bookmaker Reuter
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    • 172 3 T ONDON, Fri. The Prime Minister, Mr. Wilson. said last night Britain was paying her way in the world and would go on doing so despite the temporary setback of disrupted oil supplies from the Middle East. The statement seemed to be designed, at least
      AP  -  172 words
    • 256 3 A Beatle makes fun of Monty and Winston 1 ONDON. Fri— A new film called "How I Won The War." with Beatle John Lennon in the cast, promises to offend many people when it is released in autumn. It is wildly off-beat, highly irreverent and .savagely anti-war. |An unidentified American
      AP  -  256 words
    • 38 3 ATHENS, Fri. Dimitrios Sailings. 60. was sentenced to life imprisonment and six others were given prison terms ranging from two to 20 years at Salonica last night for attempting to overthrow th« Oreelc regime. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  38 words
    • 161 3 Sallal changes summit boycott decision I/HARTOUM, Fri. Republican Yemen's President Abdul Al Sallal was persuaded yesterday not to boycott the Arab summit conference here In protest against the Egyptian-Saudi Arabian agreement to stop the civil war in the Yemen, official sources reported li^t night. President Sallal. who was not consulted
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    • 52 3 JAKARTA. Frl. A man opened fire on a moving train In East Java with an automatic weapon, wounding two people. Antara said today. Hit in tne burst of fire were two military men. one from th« Air Force ..nd one from the Special Forces. Antara
      AP  -  52 words
    • 28 3 RANGOON. Fn. Gen. Ne Win and his wife returned this morning from London, where he spent four weeks and had a medical checkup. AP
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    • 10 3 |J 1 drink I brandy Ik. B Hl, HEHHJL sS
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    • 437 3 Hurry, last day today I Final reduction on all items. ~^2nd Family Saving^Men's Tetoron sportswear Now 6.90 Men's Tetoron cotton sportshirts Now 3.90 Ladies' cashmilon jumpers (15 colours) Now 4.90 Girls' Riverloft stretch slacks Now 2.25 Boys' dacron shorts Now 2.90 Children T/c (2 pcs.) playsuits Now 2.90 Baby napkins
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  • 20 4 SINGAPORE. Frl. Units of the Peoples' Defence Force are now on a two-month annual-ln-camp training at Camp Maju.
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  • 453 4 Our goal to make every citizen a soldier: Raja SINGAPORE, Fri. {SINGAPORE'S National Service scheme not only served as a deterrent against the possibilities of a military takeover, but also gave the country the "right" type of armed forces the "citizens army." This was stated tonight by the Foreign Minister,
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  • 187 4 SINGAPORE, Frl. The Minister of State for Education, Inche A. Rahlm Ishak last night said Singapore, 1". Its own interest should work towards regional co-operation l.i defence matters with friendly neighbours in South-east Asia. "It is only when we are internally strong
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  • 100 4 LIM TO INSPECT 903 VC PASS-OUT PARADE SINGAPORE, rri. The Minister for Dcfmce, Mr. Lim Kirn Ran. will inspect a passing oat parade of 903 new members of the Singapore Vigilante Corps at the Police Training School in Thomson Road on Tuesday. The new VC members, including women are from
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  • 119 4 3 MPs as army officers SINGAPORE, Fri. Three Members of Parliament and a professor of prosthetic dentistry are among 51 cadet officers of the People's Defence Force who will pass out at a parade at the Beach Road training depot next Wednesday. The parade will be reviewed by the Minister
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 280 4 l~ Mftli CATHAY PALACE TONIGHT MIDNIGHT! I GO WHERE ELVIS IS! Ym'H dive i flint W with thi me^t If lusctous levehes x I f T whe ever fitted jji ft I -4 <^P^ i bikini You'll je /"V^fc 1 i with.... fmt\^Ml <j» El If IE r **M»*V. PRESLEY
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    • 64 4 IB CAPITOL -Today Only f < I Wang Hsiao Yen ft Kaw Yuan I "It's SPRING AGAIN Mandarin Film in COLOR I pj superimposed In^lish Subtitles. I 1 CAPITOL A LIDO TONIGHT at MIDNIGHT! js (Stasan frem Tomorrow. Copltol) .-^^T- fA Chant Pel-Pel "BLUE SKIES" S Mandarin In SCOPE ft
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    • 282 4 AMBASSADOR HOTEL NITECLUBS 'N' RESTAURANTS 46, MEYER ROAD, SINGAPORE 15. Presenting 2 NEW POPULAR VOCALISTS TO-NITE NITELYH^*m MISS LIZA LIM MISS THERESA WONG m* at fhc mike «j, with J^b* LOTUS LIOW l.xa UM thimsa WON 6 "LIONEL* I 'hm[ SOYS" Floonhow Spietienlir: MISS SUZIE SO The Korean Beauty Dancer
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    • 429 4 rr~ ..iii. i ._.i m. namMOßjaiHe Dining out at MUHtt CHHKRHICE HhUI RESTAURANT s I with beautiful surroundings and tea breeze. Enjoy the most delicious food and tim sum prepared by our Hongkong chefs. Business, hours: mOQ am. to 11:00 pm^DAEY I Parking Facltftitt-raifi »f »hl«« SmG*PQK£ MXEL if* (GEYLANG
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    • 662 4 |CAT>JArS] j Today At I, J 4s, 6.30 9 IS pm TK mm OF I* SHREW Elixabeth Taylor Richard Burton Color Pinounon Columfjto. (Mo Free I I School Children C-"ic SI 00 To Any Srot Doily During The Day Shows Only. ORCHARD ft GALA! TONIGHT ••DIMCn THE M tK Of
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  • 216 5 420 girls to bare their teeth for a good cause SINGAPORE, Fri. About 420 Singaporr ternage girls have agreed to bare thrir tppth for the titlo of Dental Health Queen. The contort, being orjjan'.*ed by the Dental Health Education Unit of the Ministry of Health, |i open to girls between
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  • 416 5 FEASIBILITY SURVEY FINDS GOOD POSSTBILITIES By RODERICK PESTANA: Singapore, Friday gLAKANG MATI is likely to be developed as a huge depot, as part of the Singapore port complex, to provide distribution and storage facilities tor bulk cargo. With the handing over of the
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  • 62 5 SINGAPORE. Fri. Two top Indonesian officials arrived here today from Kuala Lumpur in connection with the resumption of full diplomatic relations between Singapore and Indonesia, expected to be announced tomorrow. They were Brig-Gen Suuarso. special assistant to the acting Indonesian President. Gen. Suharto, and Mr. Anwar
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  • 50 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Fn T«o Telecoms technician* will leave here on Sunday for four months' training; at Indian Telephone InduMrie.s in Bangalore under Colombo Plan scholarships They are Mr J. M Saram. technical a&sLstant in Johon Baliru and Inche Abdul Rathid bin Jaafar a technician in Kangar
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  • 51 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Pri. Inche Wasudin bin Safaele of Bersia. Orik. and Mr. Harbhajan Singh ot Buntong New Village, Ipoh. will begin a nine-year training course on the Indian merchant navy ship Dufferln this year. The training is under Colombo Plan scholarships offered by the Indian
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  • 26 5 KAMPAR FYi A nine-year-old sirl told police that a relate c raoed her in her grandfather's house on Tuesday Police have detained a youth
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  • 18 5 BUNOEI e'AIANI Pr; Ihe Clab here has pre.-en:ed medic appliance* to the oUtmct I no»piu» here.
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  • 164 5 British Minister inspects S'pore RAF base SINGAPORE. Fri. Mr. Merlyn Ree.i. Britain's Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Defence (RAF>. today began an on- I the-spot study of Singa- pore's future role in the British military air transport network. His study will be made in the context of Britain"s increasing
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  • 39 5 IPOH. Fti The YWCA will hold a food and fun fair at its premises in Anderson Drite tomorrow not Sunday, as previously reported from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. to raise funds for its welfare work.
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  • 114 5 M-joy: Jamal is host to 2,500 in S'pore A BOLT 2.500 people Government officials, members of the Diplomatic Corps and leading community and business leaders attended a reception given by the Malaysian High Commissioner in Singapore. Tan Sri Jamal bin Abdul Latin", on Thursday night at Hum. ih Persakutuan in
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  • 165 5 COMING— MUSIC FOR MSA PASSENGERS SINGAPORE, Fri. Passengers travelling on M6A overseas flights from August next year will be able to enjoy music and other audio entertainment of their choice merely by twisting a dial by their seat. They can listen in through lightweight earphones. The programmes will be In
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  • 56 5 SITIAWAN. Fn Police recovered a 22 revolver from an unoccupied shed on the adge ot a rubber estate, oft* the SltlawanAyer Ta.var road on Wednesday. The revolver -vaa hidden under "a P'ank platform. Police also recovered a homemade pistol at a road block at Simpan?, near
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  • 29 5 SUNGEI PATANI, Fr:. A tapper. Mohamed I&a Din Awang. 19. died in hospital here yesterday after his motor-cycle had collided with a van on the Sik-Gurun road.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 141 5 +< J* %> HOW! SEE clowning Vv*jCoY/*/' jgg hg "^^fV'RT/// ROUER SK T i GAY WORLD STADIUM 11 a.m. 2.30 808. Tfc' V -2 5^ 5.30 p.m. 8.30 p.m. RRJ^f MONDAY TO SATURDAY I R£ C *J f _fe j 630pm 9 30 p.m. ■WJ/fl JaVfli k^^ ADMISSION $5, $3.
      141 words
    • 481 5 al 'J| bVJ Success-through hard work and SANATOGEN ;L Sf yen l^ e most ""•telhcient student has to .put in years of hard work to achieve iB success and during these years he uses m plenty of nervous energy. He must replac* 4 /rv it by taking Sanatogen regularly if
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 288 5 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 5. A sort of sea change n I n--1. Put down to drink having don <4. 3> decreased ult were? <10k 7. Birds raised in Ulster. tn\6. Well, you must have got erallv (8> this! <6> t. Cupid not employed n ihs 9. Chronicler brings girl
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    • 103 6 For 200,000, a night to remember A PANORAMIC view of the floats procession in Kuala Lumpur on Thursday night as seen from Parliament House. The Selangor float (right), with Che Ramlah hinte Alang waving to the crowd, is making the climb while those of the National E I c ctricity
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    • 110 6 J^UALA LUMPUR, Fri. From Parliament House, a scene of fabulous beauty. The multi-coloured lights of the shimmering float procession stretched as far back as the Damansara gates of the Lake Gardens. Watching the glittering spectacle from Parliament House on Thursday night were
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    • 282 7 SIDE BY SIDE AGAIN AROUND THE WORLD JAKARTA, Frl J Seven Cabinet Ministers attended an Independence anniversary celebration held by the Malaysian Comm i s s ion here last night. The Indonesian and Malaysian flags were flown side by side at the reception hall of Hotel
      Reuter; AP  -  282 words
    • 224 7  -  MARGARET WEE By I/UALA LUMPUR. Frl. v Che Sharifah Norma blnte Syed Mansor. 22. the "Floats Queen" had one good reason (or keeping 3.000 guests waitIng at Parliament House last night she did not expect to win. Che Sharifah, who was crowned Ratu
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    • 43 7 Clerk's Merdeka sorrow IPOH Pri Mr urn Bor Siew 48. a clerk in the General Hospital here who went out last night to see trie Merdeka celebrations, returned two hours later to find his home In Anderson Road Woken Into and 12.000 stolen.
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    • 222 6 i >^M THeM^ sound i foM^ forStmmer -l f V SPFEDO U A Fa t*«*S' i On tlie heacli. it tlie fT^y^'W ¥a t\^ f="n pool iide. more md ('A'vVnX^^ O \*^iJL more people are spomng v Jr^s y^^ATS Sp«edo. And no won- At, l^^ wa V i# r^ >
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 83 7 First Love Think back to your first childhood love and imagine yourself meeting that person today after so many years. Would you feel a twinge? Here's what happened to the great poet Robert FTost, who. In his old age. made a remarkable discovery quite by accident In a sheaf of
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    • 458 7 DIPLOMA IN ACCOUNTANCY tor ftud»fit« wrth C*mbridg» Gnd» 2 (or higher) including English Candidates for the Diploma m Accountancy offered by the Commercial Education Society of Australia will be able to train in the basic skills of the Accountant and then advance in status by choosing one or more of
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  • 254 8  - MURDERS LINKED WITH SECRET SOCIETY UPSURGE PHILIP KHOO By gIXGAPORE, Fri. Police link an upsurge of secret societv activities in the last three months to at least 10 of the 22 murders in the last eight months. Last month alone, secret society rivalry is believed to be behind seven of
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  • 105 8 $8,000 FINE FOR BID TO EXPORT CURRENCY SINOAPORE. Fri. The Second District Court today fined a businessman. Chan Kien Kee. $8,000 or 10 months jail after he pleaded guilty to attempting to export from Singapore currency notes of six foreign countries valued at $211,741. The notes totalled US$3 500. Australian
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  • 92 8 Used false piling record charge SINGAPORE. Fri. KrlshnaplUai Madhavan Nalr. a clerk-of-works in the Housing and Development Board, was today charged in the Ninth Magistrate's Court with using a false pile-driving record with intent to mislead the Board. Knshr.apillai. who pleaded not guilty.' was alleged to have committed the offence
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  • 111 8 rtSK 12 SiiK.jpore eirta will vie for the "Mobil tnlr tonight at the Kaffirs Howl. The conte>t.ints Mill h« judged during the "Pegasus Nile Ball" organised by the Mobil Recreation and Spoils Club. The finalists uere chosen from 2b contestants in the preliminary
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  • 19 8 SINGAPORE. Fri -There will b* no water along Jalan Ampanf tomorrow from 9 am. to 6 pm
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  • 662 8 SINGAPORE. Fi THE Government will be asked questions on criminal abortions, illegitimate births and abandoned babies in Singapore when Parliament sits on Sept. 7. Professor Yeoh Ghim Seng IJOO Chiat). will ask the Health Minister, Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin. how many cases of complications arising
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  • 88 8 SINGAPORE. Fri. C.K. Tang (Singapore) Limited were ;oday fined a total of $5,000 by the fifth magistrate. Mr. Liew Nyik Kee. on two summons charges of importing goods worth more than $7,000 without special import licences. The prosecutor. Mr. John Hanam. Assistant Con- troller of Imports
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 469 8 ■in JaPpi^»Jpß SS9I lip [LL&whl J Hto fl »^»> mm -""I"*" i i^^^B You expect economy from any Diesel. But this car also gives you safety, reliability, comfort and enduring value... plus Mercedes-Benz prestige. Many cars can offer economy. But how many sturdy body structure and shock absorbing manufacturers can
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 86 8 iPirk Tracy By Chest vr iiould Z^g&iMEl fVM? SEGMENTS OP PIPE.] V VVONDER iPANVBOOV^N rWBLL* *x> "f SAW^S <"was wvai-Kinc my oar. II O«-MAV&E A WEAPON? EISE SAw the MAN < E <^ THAT MAN. LVi \bnvr By AI Capp -&O T V^ WOULDm'T HAVE AX^NAMELy) rp^ C~ O« VO'l-l_
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  • 1327 9 A DE-STABILISING FORCE, BUT WITH A KEY ROLE TO PLAY by A Special Correspondent THE mercenary's profession is as old as history, and has been despised for almost as long. Machiavelli's advice to rulers in "The Prince" in the fifteenth century was to avoid foreign
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 106 9 4) ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA can help Your BUSINESS or PROFESSION grow ■Br^> VMFa^k. WRITTEN 8Y43 NOBEL PRIZE fcs»jQjfc|^^^^^ fe^&J WINNERS 9.000 CONTRIBUTORS AJ 2J«H| Hfcfci^^l 39.000.000 WORDS liM WtJm^^Kk JJBli 500,000 REFERENCES 1^ I^^^Bl W 2 S.©OOiLLUSTRAT!ONg««Wte^JQi H^^llß W mSm mmmm iJK^J I J FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS LTJ.. \\\!/>y Times House, River
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    • 50 9 HmA(> iitowJdhiargest^^mm ESfflL soiling battery ■rl £*&^*aW aWA M wU AU lB Ift^^^/ w iH Aw AU m fl V^L^ Jw^^rAW Am Qp^afi btittvrtj J[ if a TKSn^lThaiZryWlM ■U Gl llt I V II ll> uyainnt 1 manufacturing defects^ npnnnm m Kf MALAYAN BATTERIES Sdn. B*rhad IM/M ■P .i /^J
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  • 26 10 M Wordt Hi Minimum) 001 CHENG TtIK retired Twrhar »c*s Klang paaaed on K '4. Happy Avenue Ka»t S port, funeral n 2 o n.
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  • 633 10 The Straits Times. Saturday. September 2, 1967 Peace And The Vote Once upon a time, as the fairy stories have it, there was the notion of a bombing pausr in Vietnam to coincide with the parliamentary and presidential elections. Instead there has been a prologue of heavier bombing, and air
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  • 351 10 A little affair was laid to re&t yesterday when Malaysia iind the Philippines signed their much debated antisnuiggling agreement. The difficulties began to wither j the moment Mr. Ramon, tht Philippines Foreign Secretary, arrived in Kuala Lumpur and yesterday there were none left Manila has got what
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  • 247 10 Blakang Mali is about to lose its calm. The British withdrawal yesterday opened the way for a rush of interests which pi omises to change the island unrecognisably over th? next few years. The Ministry of Defence has staked a claim, has moved a naval department lrom Telok
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  • 1551 10  -  KENNETH MACKENZIE SOUTH VIETNAMESE GO TO THE POLLS TOMORROWSUCCESS OR FAILURE WILL HAVE IMPORTANT CONSEQUENCES ON THE WAR by of THE ECONOMIST, London who visited South Vietnam recently M^W situation in yf South Vietnam will be radically changed by the elections to be held tomorrow,
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  • Untitled
    • 188 10 rpHE Bill moved in PaxA liament recently by vie Minister of Local Government and Housing to amend the Municipal Act 1963. extending the definition of "squatter hut." will if passed Include in its scope not only ll l gal houses on unauthorised land
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    • 133 10 ON the eve of Singapore National Day. I took my seven-year-old son to the American Club fnr a swim He was enjoying himsplf In the company ol the other little ones when he ventured towards the deep end of the pool. He got into difficulties there and but for
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    • 110 10 WE have just returned from lovely Singapore We found Singapore much more beautllul tnan we had imagined, the city so well laid out and the streets well planned, and we enjoyed especially seeing the different, colourful costumes and sampling the food of all the races that make up your
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 904 10 Classified adverlisenenls for Straits Times A Malay Mail may be handed to: COLO STORAGE SUr-ER-MARIUT 1 Hood Receptionist O«»k) COLO STORAGf fftANCHC* "ood Nov ol Bosc CITY BOOK STORE LTD oiiva'f Ouoy. I THE Nlwl FRONT f orket, M M ISMAIL ••>., rolry Rood-.N0.0l Bo\« HAMIEM STORE. 14 19 epper
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    • 163 10 Call Teacher's loud clear! p«l Ah f unmistakable! Study at Home and Pass •»WT **J Wtaw antw at Wolmt Hail ttxm ttudemu to Malaysia and iflilu al over tha world. Tbeaa young men and womea mfiaatfaatt a food educatioa it tba only sound btia for a suca»«fuJ aaroat, and ha«a
      163 words

  • 197 11 War Dept retrench notices put off TWO months SINGAPORE, Fri. 0 The British War Department has agreed to postpone by TWO months redundancy notices which were due to be served today to about. 160 employees in West Malaysia. Originally thr Briti.xti Srrvlce authorities had drcidf-d to postpone the nerving of
    197 words
  • 47 11 SINGAPORE. Fri. Two goofy goggles' sunglasses were stolen from the show-window of a boutique in Raffles Place today. Mrs. Eunice Lee. owner of "Vanity,' .said that the thieves had cut the window glass and removed the sunglasses, which were put on display only yesterday.
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  • 50 11 KUANTAN. Frl. The Mentrt Brsar of Pahang. Dato Haji Yahaya bin Mohamed Sen. lesumed duty today after being on medical leave for more than three months. During hi.s absence Dato Han Abdul Aziz bin Ahmad, an executive member of the Sate Assembly, tcted in hi.s place.
    50 words
  • 25 11 KUAI.A I.UMPL'R. Fri. The I Indonesian Information Minister. Mr. B. M. Diah. will leave for home tomorrow after a four-day viait here.
    25 words
  • 73 11 Gen. Osman off to attend war games KUALA LUMPUR. Frl. The Chief of the Armed Forces Staff. Gen. Tcngku Osman. left for liondon today to attend a fourExercise. "Commonwealth Partdav Commonwealth Defence neiship 111 Defence The exercise, which starts on Monday, will be attended by top military leaders and civilian
    73 words
  • 240 11  - A HAPPY SURPRISE FOR TWO TOURING HIPPIE ARTISTS LEE SIEW ENG By KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Two French students with that hippie look turned sidewalk artists today to collect funds to help them continue their world tour. Out of the crowd attracted by Yves Jacqul (barefooted) and Helene Lesme drawing furiously
    240 words
  • 52 11 PON i lAN Fn. The Tengku Mahkota of Johore. Tensleu Abdul Rahman, will open the new $120,000 Pontian Diamond Jubilee Hall next Tuesday. A Development Exhibition wil> be held on Sept. 5 and 6. while Fcmh Queen will be chosen at a buffet dinner on
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  • 27 11 SINGAPORE. Fri. The strike by 156 employees of Nestle Products entered its second day today with no prospects of an early kettlement in sight.
    27 words
  • 409 11  - Letter riddle of rebel 'general' R. CHANDRAN SINGAPORE DATELINE SETS A POSER r ßy SINGAPORE, Frl self-styled ''Genera l v Abang Zulkifli, commander of the clandestine Tentera Nasional Kalimantan Utara (who may face the gallows if caught by Malaysian authorities) in Singapore on Wednesday? This poser has been set by
    409 words
  • 215 11 10 women detainees in fourth day of hunger strike TAIPING. Pri—AH It women political detainees here today refused, for the fourth ron<ecutive day. to take the food rations supplied th«m by the prison authorities They began their "strike" on Tuesday in protest against what the* claimed to be an insufficient
    215 words
  • 70 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri Nine Malaysian trade unionists will leave here tomorrow to attend a three-month training course for 25 Asian tradP unionists in Germany. They are Mr. K. Mvlvaranam, Mr. M. VUiwaluigam. Mr M Kumara.«amy. Mr. J. Arokia.samy. Mr. N. Kamalanathan. Mr. P. Palaniandy and
    70 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 192 11 DONALD MOORE CONCERTS LTD. *mm* another UNIQUE ATTRACTION THE WORLD FAMOUS CAMERATA BERN ORCHESTRA WITH INTERNATIONAL CELEBRITY SOLO PIANIST ILSE VON ALPENHEIM VICTORIA THEATRE 25th SEPT. 8.45 p.m. Programme: Handel -Concerto grosse in G major Op. 6 No. 1 Bach Piano Concerto in D minor Mozart -Piano Concerto in A
      192 words
    • 186 11 Jt INSTANT SUCCESS STYLES V These are dresses that don't need the arrogance W of youth to carry them off. They're a triumph for every woman Designs are on the zippy side, with long slender sleeves, crisp collars and pleats. Fit is tailored for perfection skimming the figure subtly £v\fc\
      186 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 97 11 THE TIDES TODAY: Sedill Kechll 9.08 a.m. (7.4 ft). 6.42 p.m. (6.lft); Singapore 10.23 a.m (7.4 ft >, 9.11 p.m (82U>. Port Dickson 4.37 a.m. (7.lft). 5.30 p.m. (8ft): Port Swettenham t 358 pm. 14.2 f t»; Penanu 1123 a.m. 1 7.5 ft > 1158 p.m i 7 lft TOMORROW:
      97 words
    • 778 11 TV MALAYSIA CHANNEL 5 Kuala Lumpur 700 News in English: 7.10 and Penanf; 6 Ipoh and Chaz&l; 7.35 Bewitched A Malacca: 3 and 10 Johorn Very Informal Dress; 8.00 Bahru; 4 Taipint; 7 Batu News in Mandarin; 8.10 Pahat; 9 Kluant. Lembaran Minggu a weekly 9an P.M. Programme sum- magazine
      778 words

  • 116 12 Six girls among 10 charged in court I^UALA LUMPUR, Fri. Six girls and four men were charged In a magistrate's court today with refusing to comply with a police order to disperse during a demonstration In Jalan Bukit Bintang last night. The men are Foon Ah Sal, 29. Thean Boong
    116 words
  • 64 12 SINGAPORE. Fri. Three girls pleaded not guilty in a magistrate's court yesterday to a charge of trespassing at the Nanyang Girls' High School hall in King's Road on Monday. Soon Ying Hong. Tham Chin Eng and Chua Lian Tee are alleged to have entered the hall
    64 words
  • 43 12 SITIAWAN. Fri. For using a car as a pirate taxi. Rasisi bin Mohamed was fined $150. The car was forfeited. Rasi&i was also disqualified from driving for a year. and fined another $100 for not having sufficient insurance coverage.
    43 words
  • 71 12 PETROL KIOSK ROBBED SINGAPORE. Frl. k Three men. who stopped at a petrol kiosk at Airport Road last night, asked for two dollars worth of petrol. They also asked to use the telephone. Suddenly, one man produced a dagger and held up the proprietor's wife, Lim Peck Ltan. The gang
    71 words
  • 320 12 The success story of a decade: Holt Anniversary message to Tengku CANBERRA, Friday. THE world at large, and particularly people in the South-East Asian region, admired Malaysia's achievements in the decade since August 1957, the Australian Prime Minister, Mr. Harold Holt, said here yesterday. In a message to Tengku Abdul
    Reuter  -  320 words
  • 172 12 SINGAPORE. Fri. Steps are being taken to get local employees in all airlines operating in Singapore to come under one national union. At present, about 2,000 workers in five companies are represented by the new Singapore Air Transport Workers' Union, formerly known as
    172 words
  • 79 12 SINGAPORE. Fri. The Prime Minister. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, will be asked in Parliament next Thursday to make a statement on the outcome of his talks with the British Prime Minis: Pr. Mr. Harold Wilson, and his ministers on the proposed withdrawal of British
    79 words
  • 21 12 PENANG. Pri. Win worth more than $800 has been reported stolen from several RedinUaion posts in Perak Lane.
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  • 31 12 PENANG. Fri.— The Memri Besar ol Kelantan and PMIP national president. Dato Mohamad Asn. will address the inaugural meeting of the party's Kampong Makam branch here on Oct. 10.
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  • 19 12 BUKIT MERTAJAM. Fri.— Two stolen cars both Mercedes Benz, bearing Selangor registration numbers, have been recovered here.
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  • 76 12 I ONDON. Fri. The driver of a lorry loaded with old Malayan coins worth about $35,000. was kidnapped at gunpoint here yesterday, and the load and his vehicle stolen. The bronze and nickel coins, packed in steel boxes, were being returned to the Royal Mint. The driver
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 90 12 Hong Kong Governor for talks in S'pore JJONG KONG. Fri Hong Kong s Governor. Sir David Trench, is to have discussions in Singapore with the C-in-C of Britain's Far East Forces before returning to the troubled colony from leave. A Government spokesman said today that Sir David, who has been
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 99 12 Killed week before wedding OUKIT MERTAJAM, 13 Fri. A young couple, due to wed in Penang next week. died in hospital here yesterday a few hours after a road crash. Kuah Ah Hoe. IS, and nil fiancee. Tan Chye Long. 23. were on their way tn>m Penang to visit a
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 500 12 BLUE CROSS (arnation 318 Fotwkws Mzei 4FIRST PRIZES J SECOND PRIZES Ra-u-n In* Is or Ta D. MM Ral-n p h «'t .n Mala,t aolor uo by CATHAY PACIFIC AIR MM s "gaoora lor 1.0 p'.a hoM acconWAYS plua holal accommodate mos t en and S»000 (1 pma aacK
      500 words
    • 174 12 B^B^B^B^B^a^ai^bWttMM^iMfSß^i^MHflßP^ I I BBBBbV. Look before you buy! Don't buy unless the name SANFORIZED is right there on the label. It means you will never wash away the fit no matter how often you launder the garment. SANFORIZED is your assurance the garment will never shrink out of fit. Stays
      174 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
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  • i^S L.t I I Crtw I forum J
    • 121 13 YOUR correspondent A "Interested" <S. T. Aug. 19) enquired if the Housing and Development Board would enterta 1 n applications for Board flats from Singapore citizens intending to get married, who wish to take advantage of the relaxation of the rules announced recently. The
      121 words
    • 352 13 Abortion and population control AS an individual and a doctor, I regard the step by the Singapore Government to legalise abortion as courageous, realistic and practical. For, surely, the aim and end of birth control by whatever means is a wanted child for the family and control of population for
      352 words
    • 298 13 Bungsar and K. Kedah CNCHE Devan Nalr in Kampar iS.T. Aug. 28 that the electoral system was so arranged that the D.A.P. could never hope to gain control of the Government. Mr. Nair alM> stated that Bungsar (his constituency) had 69.000 registered voters while that of the Prime Minister had
      298 words
    • 156 13 MULTIPLE CAUSEWAY CHOPS: THE ANSWER TOMMUTER" (B.T. Aug. 21) can obtain a multiple entry endorsement irom the immigration Depot, South Quay, If he is a frequent traveller between Singapore and West Malaysia. This will obviate the need lor a daily chop in his passport. With regard to the fee of
      156 words
    • 211 13 JENKIN IST. Aug. 23) has raised the quest .on whether a baby in its mothers womb is human. That the human foetus is "human" is beyond question, but until It has reached the stage of viability (beyond which the term abortion does not
      211 words
    • 125 13 Iwas away from the country when the Member for Geylang Serai raised the question in Parliament on June 26 about my resignation from Civil Service. The reply in Parliament was that I refused double promotion to the Permanent Secretary grade, because I could not have precedence over other Permanent Secretaries
      125 words
    • 231 13 QLR Prime Minister* v remarks on the "pantie raid' at Eusofl College ST. 25 Aug.) appear quite mild in the light of what really took place. Your report that 75 medical students "stole panties and brassieres and painted dirty words on the walls" lenrL> the
      231 words
    • 193 13 THIS morning I started 1 out for school intending to do a proper days work teaching. When I reached the school I was surprised to find that there were no teacher's cars there. There were groups of boys hanging about. I went upstairs to find the grill
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 189 13 PARIS SPRAY MISr QUEIQUES FIEURS CHANTILLY IQuelquPS fleurs I n\ www* V ktiouiiiS I mC (ess, LATEST DAY-AND-NIGHT LIGHT SENSITIVE LENS y^CLEARS^V Xv.HEN NOT fcXPOSEoX TO I SUNUGHT I Call for demonstration at: STAR OPTICAL HOUSE 14 Rukit Rintanc KH.. Kuala Lumpur. 15 l.icht Stfvt, IVnaitf. •9 MMd St.. Ipoh.
      189 words
    • 119 13 eau de cologne "bien-etre" No matter jC*\ how y°u|^>A say it... (mw. means < l^N^JP^ freshness p> Ifin.offn ■Cli Clt« j k i aw o« cou»«« 'I n^^»n^^-"-*" mr Mm 1 w fl ''I NBW... YOU ARE IN GOOD HANDS Csfl I^B Wm PS A Wx TO ■B-»^k»-»^" fcl^JPrC^jß^l
      119 words

  • 1496 14  - Tobacco gold for Italy's smugglers GEORGE BLACK pby ROME Faked ambulances and fire engines used by the gang Vast profits, and the fight is with guns and mortars, cannon and even a miniature aircraft carrier against every smuggling trick, including one-man submarines THANKS to the high taxes levied on things
    1,496 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 102 14 mmw dv MAURIER SUPERKINGS above The one that stands r— all others ills' Hll Vsiii ""in "Hll I'!"! 1 iiijii; this much longer than Mug size ii jjjj: to smoke that much smoother jjijjj j •I l|li I .*****. iiii i ::iih Stand above the crowd. Changs to new dv
      102 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1214 15 10 LIVtRPOOI t WEST COAST U > 0u» Span 3» s P. i 'am P«narig OIOMEO TOOL Oußlin. 6'g0n.... GH Stpt 3 Sipt 4 I Mpl 7 MIPOM Stpt 3 Sipl 4 llPlTtlay .HTHYBIUS Stpt 3 Stpt Stpt 711 Stpt 12 11 PRIAM Sept 1/ Stpt 11 nni lUS Stpl
      1,214 words
    • 2555 15 1 BBBH aa¥ m I m m f M I M AB7A 'AT a(Lt_| _LVar 9m m I i)bb_l THi\* ACz//V_TS i il, j i EXPRESS SAILINGS TO GENOA WOtITH CONTINENT SCAHDIHAVIA f S ham Penani Sport i Genoa Roam H burg Aarlius C'^aien i Gla M SARGIOHA Jll Sail!*
      2,555 words
    • 1209 15 teELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO., LTD. SEI OVERIUf FOR OUTWARB SERVICE FROM U.K., CONTINENT. lllliag rir Siniaoun P. S'haa Pnaap CITY OF CUILDFORD WV Ha~Du'g tlM SUIU Sailtl HPt2Sipt 3 JSIPi CUT OF SI ALIANS P". Hanbuig tPH ISUStpi CITYOFOUNDEE .> Rotierair*. Ham»«ig. 4/1 SCI 1/ I CITY If HEREFORD
      1,209 words

  • 310 16 rE week's trading in rubber saw a maintenance of the downward trend on an active market and price levels at one stage reached 48j cents, report H.C.B. Co. Ltd. i n their current survey Little change in sentiment was noticeable and oonsutr<:rs continued to
    310 words
  • 158 16 MELBOURNE, Frl. DHP. recovered 45 cents to Sl2 to lead some solid gains In a firmer industrials section. Dunlops gained 13 cents following a record profit and higher dividend announcement, but closed 3 cents higher al Sl.BO Minings improved. Hampton gained 31 cents to $4.31 and Western Mining
    158 words
  • 727 16 From Our Market Correspondent AMLR a steady, quiet morning's trading on the Stock Exchange yesterday in industrials some prices in the section were inclined to slip in the afternoon. A feature was Bin and Co. which on an improved turnover of I* units
    727 words
  • 31 16 Malayan Stork Indicrs ::i Srpt. 1 Industrials: ll.yii; HUf Properties: lIS.SI 113.97 rMlninga: s: :>:: x; 48 tl Rubbers: 1114.11K 104.08 Dm. tt, iMt mo. DfC. 3D. 1966 I mi.
    31 words
  • 395 16 rl tin price eased b> SI JO to $594.50 per pun! in Penang yesterday on an offering estimated up in tons to 240 tons Good support, particular!.* from the Continent was reported but at lower levels. In London on Thursday afternoon the
    395 words
  • 25 16 Sept 1. HI Blilli PRICE: 49J cents (up half a rent). TIN PRICE: $594.50 (down $1.50). Estimated offering 249 tons (up 10 tons).
    25 words
  • 87 16 •PUS A...c..t,.n .f s.nha in M.. laytia rnado these change* in It* rates to mi-rcrjant.i yrsterdat (all rates to JIOO). United ttatet: buying TT 32|airmail OD 32!: HO d «t. 33 3/16 cr^df! him. 33 j trade hills. Canada: u.vmu TT 3:.» airmail UL> 3.. J. Wl d
    87 words
  • 355 16 <^HIPS lying alengtlris tht llngap«re Mstbiur wharvea or exaweted tsday are: soon Boe N .w. l. Se* ExpreM N W BmlMa t. Mlhara Maru »art;odia t> Kyosbo Maru 10/11. Kroholm 1:1 M. .lesenice 15/1«. Keningau 28/24. Gunung Tambora Tjimanuk 27/28, Benrlnne. 33 S4. Manoloeverett 3j-:t«. Remidonax M
    355 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1131 16 YV KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD, Western Australia Singapore Japan Service Fremantle Geraldton Singapore fokonama Kots ■■Miskiaa Man" II Aug 3 Sept 4 Sail II 11 Sept 21 Sept 24 Sett "Target, Mini" 1/ I Ott 13/14 let Ott 27 Oet ■■«jm,i.iwi Maru" 25 M Oct J/ 7 Ntt IS Nat
      1,131 words
    • 957 16 AUSTRALIA/NEW ZCAIANO SCRVICt I INDIA. PAKISTAN ANO rAI (AST SERVICES Ta. Fresiaatla. Aaelaile. MelU'urae. Sr*st| Ta: Mains as! Naiaaittiaaa Penani k S 'j-h Sinajpore I iirj(i,u'» P. S "-f •'rrv.'g BULIMIA 7 I Seat tII Sept P.AJUIA Is Part 5 Sepl (Sea* BARPETA k 7 Ocl I I Ocl II
      957 words
    • 279 16 t~~X^ Orient mid— east lines Great Lakes Service FAST DIKECT SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE AND MALAY* TO CANADIAN AND U.S. CHEAT LAKES PORTS Singapore P. Slam Perjna tIA vc-'-eai '.'ORIENT EXPORTER" Sept 4. 1S Sett Seat Ul7 Seat 11 IS Oet 25 Vestal Acceitini carries fir MOHTRIAL. TORONTO BUFFALO. ASHTABUU. TOLEDO.
      279 words
    • 140 16 Baßll >-~^ aaiLaMa^LaAajaias^|sss^H *«f-"l I Mil mwlllw SINGAPORE Accealmi earn lafHA ETD II •Tai'mi?" ISeft tUrK ""U sgiEEEE g 5^::; sbbj-"* 1 IAMSI 'Sapt II Seal l«. Pnok. Panjirt,. Far Eai., Haast ca.tact: Mirt n i|e ll; P.N. KUIAtkW^nWMIU INDONESIA. TUN4S UMITEO s,Nt»p O to. laimaa mi i, n »,,t.
      140 words

  • 1187 17 Ol ftI.NEM In and reported |r the Singapore and Kuala l.umpur trading room* of the Stork r m hangr ymtrrdav with the nnmlx>r of share* traded in brarkrlv INDUSTRIALS: Ben and Co. (k 000) ii ii- !<• iii«. ii .'o. i i.ooa ma VIKKJj
    1,187 words
  • 241 17 OEPTEMBER first |T*d> rubber f.o.b. buyers cloned at 5 p.m. In Kuila Lumpur and Singapore; yesterday at 49*4 cents per Ib. up half a cent on Thursday's cloning level. The tone was quietly steady. R.A.S. and M.R.E. closing price* 1 In cents per Ib. yesterday. Buyers Seller? Int.
    241 words
  • 73 17 /^HINCSC Produce Sionange, lingaport, noon prices par p<cul »tttcrday S4(< sellers Copra: Mixed (f.ob.) loose Auk/ Sept. UK Cont S29t B. Pepper: Muntok white SI 25 sellers, Sarawak hit* Jl'.'Ji sellers, special Sraawak black Ss2» sellers, earbied Larrpor.g block $43 callers (all W", NLWi \BTA SHo tellers ilOO<",
    73 words
  • 36 17 ON int free eacnania market m Horn Kong yesterday the US OeHar waa quoted at 5 7«4 ror T.T an<l H for tath. tttriinf quoted at 15.06 iM ■M tail at nid at 2701.
    36 words
  • 62 17 in ore's Hi iMmimnm, THE FAMILY OF the late G. Mumsamy Naidu thank relatives and fnend:; for wreaths, donations, condolences, assistance and attendance during th'ir recent bereavement. LEE AND BOBBIE Hick, ox isb to cial acts of kindness and messages of sympathy following the death of their son Lee.
    62 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 166 17 How Much Space Does a Man Need Scientists have discovered that overcrowding especially in cities, leads to delinquency, sexual deviations, and even physical illness. Read how a traffic jam or a crowded beach affects your well being and what 5 steps can be taken to make cities more livable. SEPTEMBER
      166 words
    • 723 17 1 i( onlinurd from Pace |0) I ANNOUNCEMENTS JH Word* SIJ (Minimum) VARSITY CARNIVAL TODAY Tomorrow 10 am. midnlaht behind On hard Theatre, Orchard Road. Talenrime. Queen Contest, A-Go-Go, DhindiK etc. All proceeds to chanty. JACK'S PLACE RIJSTTAFEL Is 4 pm. The place, for a drink and a snack lounge
      723 words
    • 1054 17 SITUATIONS VACANT It Wmrd* M I Mm.,— Box M rfa. esfra HEAO OF ARTS Department. Anglo-Chinese School, Ipob. Applications are invited from experience Kraduate teachers (preferably with Honours Degree, 'or the post of Head of Department (Arts) in a fully assisted Sixth Form School. Application forms (obtainable from the school)
      1,054 words
    • 1014 17 ACCOMMODATION VACANT i IS Word* U (Miit.)— Box SI ef. exfr. HIGH CLASS fully furnished 3 bedroom flats Toh Close Upper Cbangl/ Tampems Junction $471 p.m. suitable services officers. Phone *****7, Kbian Whatt. FURNISHEO BUNCALOW (23. Jalan Selaung. 8 m.s. Jurong Rd.) 3 rooms, ball, dining room. 2 W.C.. eer-vanl's
      1,014 words
    • 890 17 HOUSES AND LAND WANTED IS Word* SI (m<n.)—Box St rt*. ntr, URGENTLY REOUIRE houaea and shoDhousea within 4 miles of City. Flease send particulars to J.B. Lee (Realty) Co. 47. Beacb Road. Spore Tel J'.'l«C '.'0796 RIQUIREO FOR CLIENTS: Factories, commercial properties, bungalows, semi-detached A vacant land 2<* commission if
      890 words
    • 580 17 F.V. RADIO SALES k SERVICE li Word* SI «■«.>— Boa M eta astro ILIVIIION SBRVICE COMPANY ipeclallse in repaira of aay make at elrvision set. Day nlsiv semco. Rrag S pore, *****9 any lime. ■DIFFUSION TELEVISION RENTALS .P. CASH Complete range t* suit ereryaae Shorn rooms Clemeaceau Are. Joo Cfe.
      580 words
    • 647 17 PETS FOR SALE It Words SI (Mim.r—Box tt el- esfra BREAT DANE MALE puppy t nsatbs Rrtndla SS.V) 26 TVarebam Road. off Tanjong Katong Road. .8 porr OOBBRMANN PUPPIES. Bi '-">- M of Red.-el. rhampior Rloodlin*. P.eitular abo« wnner. Rughea Talping 21U (Office,. SINGING SHAMA BIROS I upwards. Thruenea. Bulbuls,
      647 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 955 18 [MM^j^aMBMMMMMBBItBIMBiMiMfcMI i( ontinued from Pafr I*l VEHICLES FOR SALE H <>,4, %t i Him., Box i» cl> txlrm OOINO CHEAP JACUAR Mark IX auioma'ir. cood roodltion. F»«' "<Ter r.ure. «>er»«t»d Tel Sim MttV. MUST SELL 1«M Renault UOO. ».t»oo 1»«1 A'ntm C Bndct $?1."M) ono. Koth good condition. |S pore)
      955 words
    • 688 18 VEHICLES FOR SALE M R (BUm.i Box it clt oxlrm DOES THE CAR von re considering hsv» a written warranty a cuarantee of <juality" Ban it undergone a thoroueh Ht point HRM rheck- Be •afe and "lire hy fir« ln« 1 I Warranty u«.-d wmrm ai I'mveraai Car« Smsapore Only
      688 words
    • 790 18 FOR SALE Wnrrfa U (Mi*.)— Box i» rit nlrm KELVINATOR Uomrtin dcrp MM now availablr ai >>in«»poff Rrfrlxfra■on Comiuinv I] M International Kui'Xins 8 porr Tel Rl9*. MOUTRIC PIANO in »ood condition 1 Alao piano lor hire Rrnnrr piano Co., 5k 8rl»fi« Road, 8 port .•■..■l* JUST ARRIVED World rtnown
      790 words
    • 617 18 WHERE TO STAY (Malaysia^ M HoiV. St (Win.)— Box it rft. txlrm JOHORC MOTEL J.B. DaodDC ToNfM I- Alrconditionfd Roorna Phone NEW STRAITS VIEW HOTEL.' Jonorr Babru B«aaidt Dancing every Saturday. Czrellroi Kosnoti and Cm i n«f dnhn. Tel J.B. I CAUSEWAY INN (Btralt» Uufll House Hot.-.> johore Bahru Tel.
      617 words
    • 929 18 invites applications from citizens of Singapore for the positions of: TRAINEE SALES EXECUTIVES Applicant* must be:— Citizens of Singapore Successful candidates of the Senior Cambridge or Higher School Certificate Examinations held in December 1966 A minimum height of 5' 4" Single and within the age group of 18 21 years
      929 words
    • 471 18 Australia's Overseas Airline offers ENGINEERING APPRENTICESHIPS in Australia I to single young men who are citizens ot Singapore and who are aged between 17 years and 18 years six months as at Ist February 1968. are already preparing themselves for an apprenticeship in an engineering trade. can demonstrate a keen
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 371 19 TOYOTA SERVICE WEEK Mr. Osugi of Toyota Motor Company Limited. Tokyo will be holding a series of service weeks in our various branches for the benefit of Toyota owners. Bookings will be BY APPOINTMENT ONLY with our Workshop Receptionist. A FREE comprehensive vehicle check will be carried out and a
      371 words
    • 757 19 NOTICES SELANGOR DREDGING LIMITED (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVKN that the SIXTH ANNUAL OENERAL MEETING of SELANGOR DREDGING LIMITED will be held In the Registered Office of I the Company. Bangkok Bank Building 1 7th Floor). 105, Jalan Bandar. Kuala Lumpur, on the 23rd day of September, 1967,
      757 words
    • 880 19 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS MALAYSIAN GOVERNMENT VACANCIES APPLICATIONS are Invltet from Malaysian Citizens for th« following appointments: 1 COMPIiTOR (Division m> lr the Division of Agriculture. Ministry of Agriculture and Co-opera-tives. Malaysia. The post Is permanent and pensionable. Salarj scale (Mem 1140x8-156 230x1!5--260 300x15-420 445x15-535 plui Cost of Living Allowance at current
      880 words
    • 714 19 NOTICES SELANGOR TURF CLUB THREE DIGITS FORECAST POOL I The Public are advised that > commencing with the Penang September 1967 race meeting on 3rd September 1567. Three Digits i Forecast Pool Tickets based on the usual $1 Unlimited Sweep will be on sale to the Public at: •A' Three
      714 words
    • 758 19 NOTICE ESTATE OF HEAH JOO SENG. DECEASED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having any claims or demands upon or against the ■rtate of the abovenamed deceased, late of 32 J»lan Utara. Kuala I Lumpur, who died on the 4th. day of December. 1966. are required lo *end particular.*
      758 words
    • 162 19 > w»w»M.iim »^e^ilw^^^M[ S* 1* HA rALSO IN THIS ISSUE MEET tlin lAr Designer, artist, collector, who first made camera news in Australia as the model from Malaysia most likely to succeed. Now meet her in colour as— THE GIRLWITH A YEN FOR TRAVEL MORE COLOURSPREADS: BOLD, BRAVE AND BEAUTIFUL
      162 words

    • Untitled
      • 36 20 SOCCER (up >[' X: an North 1 Knan South l lee iropin iTatptagt: civlV 0. Fund malrb (T, AlMOBi: Prt^k (nritatioa 3 I. Prr»k 2 S«lwmi Slurld: Teh KhPne Sans XI 3 Danaan s XI 0.
        36 words
      • 10 20 HOCKEY l>ato M Karak tr<i|>h; 'laipitigi: Civilians 4 Military 0.
        10 words
    • 436 20  - Switch of engines for Lee's Brabham MANSOOR RAHMAN Another HK 'casualty'— Ranee out of the Formula Libre By I^EE Han Seng's Hopco-Biabham dropped a valve during yesterdays trial runs for the Tengku Abdul Rahman Circuit Races at Batu Tiga. Although he has no spare to replace the valve, Lee is
      SOONG HON SIN  -  436 words
    • 191 20 FOREST HII.LS. Pit Four men seeded player.s won their opening matches without drcppine .i .set on the first day of the United States .smgle.s tennis championships yesterday. First of the .seeds" through to the jsecond round «h.i Australia's Roy Emerson iNo. 2>. who
      Reuter  -  191 words
    • 337 20 Kent go back to the top CRidcrr I ON DUN. Fn Km* scored an impca*BlTe victory over Essex by 9 wkU m under two days to gala 12 points and go back to the top of the County cricket championship table. But champion.* Yoffeshire ended the day wtM placed to
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 382 20 4 The Colt 1000 Fastback s-^Bp W^. sets the modern pace. MITSUBISHI MOTOR VEHICLES j£ A compact sedan whjch seats 5 Wheelbase 90 ojn Wherever it goes the Colt 1000 Fastback impresses people with its wSttmSSA*^ (1 88CC); Ma dashing performance and comfort. The inside is stylishly luxurious, J^^'" ".stt.
      382 words

  • 2 21
    2 words
  • 402 21  - DOW JONES DOES A SPARKLING GALLOP EPSOM JEEP RACING By now JONES, the topweight in the Malaysia Cup at Penang tomorrow, showed pood form yesterday morning when he beat Navaho and Pahang in a half-mile trial on good going. Ridden hv I*? OoICS, Dow Jones finished half a length in
    402 words
  • 150 21 JOCKEY FORM JOCKEY FORM five* placIngs of the past 15 mounts cf the top jockeys. Latest placing is on the right. oleman 1 49) nnnnnnonnnmmin PretU 1 43 1 000(**********00 Harbridge (30) **********330(10 Boucoure (29) *************** Coles (26) *************** Trevena (24) **********032fi0 L*ie f 23) *****000(*****01 Kane (20i nnnnnnooioooonn Nelson
    150 words
  • 1955 21 PENANG RUNNER AND DRIDERS Race I—l.o Class 6 Div 2 ($4,500) Bvzf < I n. i| riders only) 1 ***** Indep^ndVnrr n < Independent i Oman 9 90 (Ft Namdi 7 2 ***** MKS FIF*>«I Rf i Wolf > Allan 5 9 0 (RF) 'Allan 1 3 n4?.2fi Gtpnv Moth
    1,955 words
  • 741 21  -  NORMAN SIEBEL AFTER THE LAUNCHING, FORMS FOR ALL TO FILL i— By QUOTE: "X would like to aspure the Foundation that the Government, will give every support to ensure its succ»?s r insh the foundation every »ucccm In Its endeavours in the name
    741 words
  • 129 21 Indon B.A. officials have all retired BADMINTON TTHE AU-Indonesia BadX minton Federation have informed the world body, IBF. that all members of their executive board have retired since Aue in Copies of th» AIHF le'f^r to Herbert Srheele the IBF secre•arv in London, hive been circulated to all other national
    129 words
  • 176 21  - S'pore girls take a thrashing E. Fri* i PORK 0 AUSTRALIA 8 By C I NOAPOR£ S hockey girls took a lesson from the world champions yesterday. The Australians. who are <">n their uav to Bonn. W* -st Germany, to defend their title this month, overwhelmed Singapore wtth the jreat^st
    176 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 267 21 lion m For all White Lion users in Malaysia The Republic of Singapore!! It is almpl», easy and not n«e«ia«ry to fill any form or to annw^r any quoailon. Y«mj only s«nd on* Whit* Lion dontal cum FAMILY alt* or 2 LARGE siio •mpty boios with your NAME, FULL ADDRESS
      267 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 141 21 Sports diary MOTOR-RACING Tengku Abdul Rahman Circuit <rU&&> Batu Tija. XL. 9 < m p. ATHLETICS Spore t-sso lnt#r-elub ch*mpion*hu» 'Farrer Pk. 2 p.m.). Perak Govt Services crumpionehip* dpoh AS grd 9 ami. BOXING Penang open and novices championships (New World Pk. 9 Dm i CRICKFT Ruler*' Shield nnal: Pgor
      141 words

  • 40 22 SINGAPORE Fri. The mobile unit of the Singapore AntiTuberculosis As.sociatlon will be stationed at Buklt Merah West community centre in Jalan Bukit Merah from Monday to Sept 12. except Sept 9 and 10. to take free X-ray pictures.
    40 words
  • 28 22 SINGAPORE Fri The PAP Kampong Kapor branch will hold a picnic for its members and their fannlii** on Sunday at the Kampong Ter.gah holiday camp.
    28 words
  • 199 22  - VIETNAM BEAUTY'S CHARM SURVIVES TOUGH TRAINING RUDY BELTRAN By KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Rugged police training has not diminished one bit the grace and charm of this South Vietnamese beauty. Miss Ly Mvi Liem. 20. holds a rank equivalent to that of an Assistant Supt. of Police in Malaysia's Police. She
    199 words
  • 622 22 ANTI-SMUGGLING AGREEMENT IS SIGNED AT LAST i~ KUALA LUMPUR. Fri I I MALAYSIA agreed today lo help the Philippines Government stamp out the "rampant* smuggling from Sabah into the southern islands of the Philippines. This undertaking is contained in ;m an ti -smuggling agreement
    622 words
  • 108 22 Constable victim of booby trap HONG KONG. Fri— A terrorist booby trap seriously injured a police constable this morning at a hillside in Tsuen Wan town in the New Territories. Police reports said two constables were Investigating an object hanging from a Hag pole on a hillside when an explosion
    UP  -  108 words
  • 24 22 SINGAPORE. Fri— The Singapore Institute of Archie hold Jts annual dinner at tn« GoodufKxl Park Hotel at 8 p.m. oa Sept 9
    24 words
  • 76 22 SINGAPORE, Fri. The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Health, Mr. Chor Yeok Eng, will open the new 3370,000 Jubilee Primary School at Bukit Timah en Tuesday. It is an integrated school using English and Malay as the media of instruction and can accommodate 2,080 in
    76 words
  • 315 22 LONDON STOCKS LONDON. Fri. The London i stock market entered today into j what was described as a period of consolidation after recent sharp advances to new peaks. Closing equity values were little changed on balance. Business was quiet due to lack of Incentive and pre-weekend influences. Closing middle prices
    315 words
  • 77 22 LONDON. Fri— Spot 15 7 16d., Oct. 15 9 16d.. Nov. 15 11 16 d.. Dec. 15 13 16d. Oct Dec. 15 11 16 U. Jan. March 16 1 16 d.. April June' 16 7 16d.. July Sept. 16 -,d. Oct. Dec. 17 1 16 d.. Jan. March 17>
    77 words
  • 35 22 LONDON. Fri— Buyers £1184' s .—£2,.. sellers £1185'^ £'2>. Forward buyers £1186 O).| sellers 1 1 86 < 1 > Settlement £1185.. i— £3 l Turnover! a.m. 105 tons. p.m. 80 tons. Tone: I Stead v
    35 words
  • 175 22 Xl ALA LUMPIR. Fri.— The Philippine Foreign Secretary, Mr. Ramos, today described the Malaysian Press as being "fair, objective, and nationalistic" in its presentation of the news. It was false to say that the Malaysian Press was controlled by the
    175 words
  • 34 22 SINGAPORE. Fri Some 400 school children will take part in the finals of the Mobil sponsored sixth annual safe cycling rally to be held tomorrow at 2 p.m. at the Raffles Institution.
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 238 22 i W mmm Wm f *Il_ BB^B^LIvpV EXAKTA Choice nf Specialists For Jtt Its Amaziim crsatility And Unparalleled Performance. ■"^Vfife The EXAKTA Varcn n fitted enly orth A^SSSti world renowned trad* marked lensn. In only optically perfect, but mechanically fn supreme, too, and will meet with the f^S||j phoioqrapl.rr in
      238 words
    • 378 22 June CLASSIFIEDS^ t* Word. Hi i Mmnwaljaj SIDHU: To Marc.-ir.-t nnd B. run on 31 V 67 brother for Stevaa Kuldtep SiJhu. Grattfiit tbanki to doctor and X.X.M H. sUtT. LEE: To Andrew and Monica ton Gerard it Seremhan Grnrral Hospital on MM «T t.r.'hrr to .lull*. Alex :md E\clyn
      378 words