The Straits Times, 22 August 1967

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150,000 The Straits Times Hie Niitiniiiil fJKWSJlilllrir I Mil 1845 TUESDAY. AUGUST 22, 1967 <£ 15 CENTS KDN. 2578:2390 M.C.(P)£BM
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  • 762 1 Bases: Tengku tells of pledge by Britain Amphibian and air forces to help repel aggression KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. TENGKU Abdul Rahman told the Dewan Ra'ayat today that Britain had given an assurance that she would maintain amphibian and air forces in a "nearby area" to help Malaysia and Singapore repel
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  • 188 1 Malik: Time ripe for full ties JAKARTA, Mon. Mr. Malik told Parliament today that the <.overnmeiii considered the time "sufficiently ripe" to open formal diplomaticrelations with .Malaysia and Singapore. The Foreign Minister, however, said that the Government would like to hear Parliament's opinion on the feasibility of establishing such
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  • 307 1 MP: Why $4,500 a month? KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. JHK $4,500 Niihrv paid by Malayawata Steel Mill l<> its acting secretary Dato Ye;i|> Kee Aik w;is queried by* Dr. Tan Chee Khoon Labour-Bata in the Dewan Ra'ayal today. l);ilo \ci\\) was the former secretary to the Ministry of Labour. He resigned
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  • 85 1 LONDON. Hon. BnlHin lias refused to mvrpt a Note Iron communist rhirm tiring British authorities 48 hours to cancel their ban on three Hong Kong newspapers and demanding the release ol 53 members ol the staff. diplomatic .sources said today. This became known after v was
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  • 124 1 Stormy Kate ties up Hong Kong UONG KONG. Mon. 11 All air, land and sea traffic came to a standstill as severe tropical storm Kate, packing strong winds, bore down on Hong Kerne this afternoon. The storm also brought welcome showers, but accompanying strong winds uprooted trees and caused at
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 35 1 NEW DELHI Mon. InttlH lias! (Ip( ;dpd Lo extend her territorial from -i\ u> 19 nuies .in Evernal Affairs Ministry .-ix>kp> man said today. A formal notification is tKin». prepared —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 224 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. —The Income Tax Bill to replace the present income tax laws in Sabah. Sarawak and the States of Malaya -containing several amendments to the original proposals was tabled in the Dewan Ra'ayat today. One significant change from the original proposal.-, made on
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  • 76 1 HONG KO\(i Mon An explosion rocked the Royal Hone Kmu .lo< ke\ Club clinic hi Hip Woo Street in Kouloon shortly before midnight last nulit The blast which shattered a few window panes but caused no in- .juries helio ill to have been cium-cI by home-made
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  • 235 1 30,000 'fleeing to Hong Kong' report HON(i KO.M.. Mon. Between 20.0011 and 30.0110 Chinese were reported today to lie trekking towards limn Kong in a mass exodus from the troubled South China province of Ku.ingtung and its capital. Canton. .Mao Tse-tung is reported meanwhile to have set a Sept. 15
    Reuter  -  235 words
  • 29 1 KINSHASA (Cong*). Mon. Fighter bombers of Air I bombed white mercenary soldiers in east Crnier tffwa of Ruk.ivn "all day yesterday" official rariis «nDounred today. Tfl
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  • 317 1  - Black day for tin, rubber GEOFFREY BOLAND By SINGAPORE. Mon Today was a black Monday for rubbpr and tin. Rubber fell to Its lowest levels for more than seventeen and a half years and the metal price went below the $600 a plcul level. The price ol September first grade
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 20 1 A Quick Shine in Quick Time with /UTO POLISH and CI£ANER FOR I IB GENERATIONS BRANDS essence of strength-since 1535
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    • 75 1 m philips W LaeA7Muut/ a luxury model cassette recorder EL3303 Battery operated. Uses only six standard batteries for 40 hours of operation. Output no less than 800 mWatt. Simple to operate just slip in the Philips Compact Cassette and you can record or playback at once. Excellent sound quality. Dual
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    • 335 2 OIKIISIIt, Mon. A IM'NS p. 41 l>. Clll i-il tin- Iliml (llllli.lll) N.i/i l'.u i^ vwi-. inrni,iii\ in. iii-iii ii«-il here resterdaj 41 .1 neeting vi iliout M voting Hindus and ftlklu petal 111.1t 1 Hume «ir< ui.ttftl at th«*
      Reuter  -  335 words
    • 155 2 SAM AIMED AT U.S. PLANES DOWNS A MIG VJAKiON, Mun. A Soy i c t-ilt\sinm'd Miti Interceptor wus Rccidently <i »i nt d terdajf by v North v letnamc t BAM mis Blli a.s i tie aircraft tpi in to attack American bombers, a U.S. military spokesman said here today.
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    • 415 2 SENATOR TALKS OF BID TO MAKE JOHNSON SHIFT POLICY TO SEEK NEGOTIATED PEACE WASHINGTON, Monday gENATOR William Fulbright said yesterday there was a great movement in Congress to make President Johnson shift his Vietnam policy towards seeking a negotiated peace. "I
      Reuter  -  415 words
    • 298 2 'Reinstate Tshombe' mercenary ultimatum passes deadline ITINSHASA. Mon. The deadline passed yesterday for a white mercenary ultimatum that President Mobutu take the former Premier. Mr. Mois« Tshombe, bark into the Government. Col. Jean Schramme. th» Belgian born mercenary leader, was still firmly in control of the Conßo town of Bukavu
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    • 195 2 JAKARTA. Mon. New clashes were reported to have broken out in East Java where several supporters of Dr. Soekarno were wounded in flKhtine with militant anti-Soekarno students in Kediri city. Thf Jakarta newspaper. Buluh Marhaen. official organ of pro-Soekarno Nationalist Party, said the
      Reuter  -  195 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 293 2 J m^^- f j^e* a^f^^^^^^Kf\^ iflH mmVMlmm^. v— I LJ LJ v—J fIH 'x .y Bf m»EmmTjmi I 1 I 1 __^^B«MMMI B^^^^ Jf MMMMMMMMMMMMMM rTgnnJh 1^ n nn ***<^. 4. \7\ ofl I H llrf D 1 1 1 1 r1"• II -W l^ '^BBT 9 B the scooter
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 224 3 Biafrans bomb Gowon's Kano Airport KADUNA (Northern Nigeria), Monday. A B-26 bomber irom secessionist Biafra has raided Kano Airport, centre of a massive Federal Government arms build-up and damaged a plane on the ground, a military spokesman said yesterday. An airport building was set on fire and one man killed
      Reuter  -  224 words
    • 86 3 CHICAGO-STYLE MACHINE-GUN RAID ON U.S. EMBASSY I ONDON. Mod. Three men in a car made a Chicago style machine gun raid on the United States Embassy in the heart of London's Mayfair late last night. Doors and windows were holed but no one was injured. Afterwards police found a note
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    • 52 3 VALLEY FORGE iPenn.-ylva-Mon Gen. Waiter Kruecer. one of America masters of military tuctics and commander ot the U.S. eth Army in World War 11. died yesterday in the General Hospital here. He \\a» 16 and had been a patient at the hospital .since Sept. 14
      AP  -  52 words
    • 66 3 ADEN. Mon. Three RAP men were shot dead by terrorist gunmen at the weekend A sergeant was killed as he filled his car with oetrol at a garage on the main street in Mumila Ninety minutes later, a dozen bullets were pumped into two off-duty airmen
      Reuter  -  66 words
    • 287 3 Israelis search for arms and strike organisers EL ARISH. Monday BURSTS oi' machine-gun and rifle fire echoed through this war-scarred coastal town yesterday as Israeli troops searched for arms and the organisers of a general strike on Saturday. I A few Arabs defied the 24-hour curlew imposed on the town
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    • 208 3 A PEKING ULTIMATUM TO BRITAIN OVER HONG KONG IJONG KONG, Mon. Communist China issued an ultimatum to Britain yesterday demanding that it allow three banned Hone K~ newspapers to resume publication and release 53 detained men within 48 hours. If Britain tailed to act. it would "be held responsible for
      Reuter  -  208 words
    • 76 3 MANILA M ii. quadruplet; ha\e been born to a poor couple in Iloilt City in the Misayas. the Philippine Niw Service reported today. The iuM child, weighing 31b. 40z., was delivered at 4.40 p.m. foiiowed by the others at interval* Of two t( th re minutes.
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    • 130 3 I ONDON. Mon. Mick Jagger. one of the Rollins Stones, his girl friend. Marianne Faithfull, and another friend were snubbed by taxi drivers at Heathrow Airport when they flew in from Dublin last week. The first two drivers on the rank
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    • 123 3 AM in the cause of pop... LONDON. Mon Deirdre Median. 19, chained and hande'ifled herself to the Buckingham Palace railings in a MirTagette-like demonstration all in the cause of pop Home Office had ordered that two Australia! members of the Bee Gees pop group drummer Colin Peterson and guit.irist Vinie
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 205 3 (S^ABDULLA/^ Enjoy the finest blend of rich Virginia tobaccos /*oi from end to f/ *fjf*tffe^ satisfying *jl^v^^ 50 cents m Jt^T T Specially imported irom England j v lym/tiDo] r A /"I A I nAA"L^ iMLMHcwtf! rALIAL rALI\ Penetrates deeply into the skin to maintain a smooth and d*>wvfresh complexion
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  • 72 4 SINGAPORE Mon Mrs B. Brohler has been re-elected president of the Singapore Trained Nurses' Association Officials are: Miss Son Wai Yin. vice-president; Mr. X.X Namblar. secretary; Miss Sarah Chong Choo N«o. asst secretary; Mrs. E. John, treasurer: Mrs Grace Poh. asst treasurer. Council members are: Mrs Laura
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  • 33 4 SINGAPORE. Mon— Slnuapore pianls* Lee Kum 81ng will elve 4 recital at the Victoria Theatre on P»r before starting on a concert tour of several ccmntrief m South-east Asia anri Europe
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  • 31 4 SINGAPORE Mon —The annual general meeting of the AUPE Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society will be held at the AUPE premises in Farm Park at 3 pm on Saturday.
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  • 478 4 Political detainee contests expulsion order I SINGAPORE. Mon. I I THE Minister tor Interior and Defence and the Attorn c v General, through the State Counsel. Mr. Ho Kian Ping, today contested a High Court motion by a lawyer for an expuls i on order against his client. Lam Wee
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  • 117 4 SINGAPORE. Monday SINGAPORE'S massive four-month survey of land and buildings began today About 120 field workers, who have undergone special training fanned out to different parts of the island in teams of two early this morning. Their task is to collect data on land and buildings
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  • 222 4 Lim: People of S'pore now feel they belong SINGAPORE. Mon. The new Defence Minister. Mr. Lim Kirn San. tonight said that a democratic independent country like Singapore could only become strong if there were sufficient public-spirited citizens These people, he explained, must not only be willing to work for themselves,
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  • 131 4 New Mobil Princess aspirant ,2INGAPORE. Mon. Miss 1:7 Betty Ho (above) Is the latest entrant in the Mobil Princess contest to be held at the Raffles Hotel on Sept. 2. Miss Ho. who enjoys bowling, music and reading, is employed in the Jurong offices of Mobil Oil Malaya Sendiran Berhad
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  • 30 4 SINGAPORE. Mon The V's Men's Club of Singapore will hold its annual general meeting at the board room of the Chinese YMCA at 1.15 p.m. on Saturday.
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  • 141 4 SINGAPORE, Mon. The Indonesian arts and crafts exhibition at Wisma Indonesia in Orchard Road has been extended for another nine days, until the end of the month, to enable more people to see the displays. The exhibition team manager, Mr. Hersubeno today said the public
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  • 127 4 SINGAPORE TRADE MISSION NOW IN MOSCOW MOSCOW, Mon— A Singapore trade mission flew in here today for talks on the Implementation of a trade agreement signed with the Soviet Union last year. The mission, headed by Mr. Sim Kee Boon. Permanent Secretary at the Singapore Finance Ministry. Is to visit
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 38 4 SINOAPORE. Mon— A lecture on management of acute and chronic liver failure" by Prof. Sheila Sherlock will be held a' the General Hospital's pathology lecture theatre at 5 15 p m instead of 8.15 pm tomorrow
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  • 35 4 SINGAPORE Mnn —There will be no water between 9 am and 6 pm tomorrow at Crescent Road, and Swanage Road; and from 9.30 a.m to 8 p.m. at Peel Road and Swettenham Road
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  • 25 4 BINOAPORE. Mon —The Singapore Polytechnic Marine Engineering Society will hold Its annual social and dance at the Polytechnic exhibition hall on Saturday.
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  • 19 4 SINOAPORE. Mon— The Singapore Vocational Institute will hold a graduation ceremony at the Conference Hall on Sept. 18.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 183 4 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a ■CAPITOL Tonight 9.30pm Premiere I FRANCO NERO...The GUNFIGHTER WITH THE COFFIN IS BACK! ACIIONSCOPE M^^ft^B>i tfi'"*!^''a free a'-'i Lm«ai f9iZW9»f j FOR A FISTFUL #op BULLETS \l\ I (Sn re) OPENS TOMORROW i CHANDRA SHEKAR jL^mt and SARITA in MM CfSaXCT CtMVCR HINDI Wlfh superimposed WIR£HR OiniSiCLiil Engluh Malay
      183 words
    • 241 4 CATHAY ORGANISATION A tmk welcomes MJL *Tf miss miss c~ii i^ V CHIH CHING*^"J stars or 3r i'M MADLY IN LOVE" "SAIGON OUT OF WAR" fATHAY TODAY TOMORROW ONLY! I I lafl I 1 1a.m.. 1 .30. 4 00. 630 9 30p.m. UNINHIBITED, FRANK, DOWN TO EARTH-YOUNGSTER, WITH ALL THE
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    • 32 4 Tel: MS42* IrjllT JHtJ'J I I II |-|l_-|iafl A.r-Conditioned Today Only: 143,4 00,7.00 4930 pm Lex Borkc m "APACHES LAST BATTLE" (C«:op» Enitm'ineolor). Tomorrow: "Not With My Wife, You Ooei't" »♦♦■♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦>♦»*♦♦♦♦♦♦ !£(ASSIFI£PsJ
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    • 531 4 ORGANISATIOW PM M'lii^iiarUlLl 14th DAY: 1 -1 30 4* 30-9 1J NO HALF-PRICE -HO FRCE LIST Advance CASH Bookings onlyl la Sf 'i Jotws Bond 007 "YOU ONLY LIVt TWICI" B T»<nn,c -r Poncvmon lUA) NO MILITARY CONCESSION Bl »or 630* 9 13 pir. ihowt m lest J Showt am.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 174 4 Schools TV for today ►TODAY'S f ducat Inn il tv (or Pnrlcataan iN Lang.). A srh<y>ls on channel g U v 3 pn. 2.20 p.m.. General follows science. Sec 2 What Is Llfht? 830 am 850 am.. English Nature and Brwcefi iEne i; second language. See l Our 2.40 3.
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  • 302 5  - Hang Tuah death legend disputed in new play GARY CHIN By DENANG, MOn. The legend surrounding death of Malaysia's greatest warrior, Han^ Tuah, is disputed in a new historical play, Hun» Jebat. which the Penang DPP, Inche Suhaimi bin Dato Kamaruddm, will produce early next month. -••cl H at Welli
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  • 95 5 Manager robbed at gun-point CINGAPOBB, Mon. A v 5 lim-ni.i in. tinker. Mr. Siaw Yec. was ronhed of Si. 'Bl at gun-point while mi his way to hank the niom-.v this morning. Tin- money was in a plastic l>a« which Mr u.«n forced to hand o\er in the
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  • 53 5 Moo itoriea shorn "n television detn--10 the niui.ils of the young Tins will be the thrnie lor dw< u.sMcin ;i! a lorum which the Glvmor N: plan* to lio. d p.iily next month Prominent community and reliciolls leaders will be invited to .ike pan
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  • 204 5 SINGAPORE. Monday. r PHE Government today announced the appointA ment of Mr. Lim Kee Chin, a businessman, as Singapore s first Commissioner to Hong Kong. Mr. Lim, 43. who heads several companie.s In HungKong and Singapore, will take up his appointment on Sept. 7. At
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  • 454 5  - Woman (KIDNAPPED BY MISTAKE) tells of her night of fear RUDY BELTRAN By Kuala Lumpur, Monday i 37-YEAR-OLD wife today described to police her night oi tenor alter being kidnapped by four men and held captive for 19 hours. Madam Wong Yoke Ching. wife of a coffeeshop proprietor, was freed
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  • 64 5 BRUNO IOUN M. n BiuiK'i-burn Awsna Ammg Bukir, lnrnxr Linib.uiu district eouncUlor. who \\a* expelled from BarsKsJt i»>t Aoni. baa appealed iv liit- Biit;th auilioMtic- liere to persuude thr Mulay.Man Goveinniem to hMow him io return to Bart Malavslm. Aw. ing 30. who has been living
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  • 22 5 SUNGEI PATANI. Mon Inche bin MohaniPd Akib ebstr- the Rubber Industry (Replanting i Board, is on leave before retirement
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  • 210 5 TANJONCJ MAUM MOO. I 1 -The Tamil Methodist churches in West Mai I and Singapore have decided to break away trom the Malaya Annual Cmtereiu-e of the Methodist Church. The Tamil churches plan to form a separate autonomous group kn< wn Tamil Provisional
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  • 277 5 Top floor panic as quake hits Penang PENANG, Monday. OCCUPANTS of the top floors of the ninestorey Bangunan Tuanku Syed Putra and tho 11-storey Hotel Ambassador scrambled out when a mild tremor was felt at about 3.15 this afternoon. Hundreds of office workers from the fourth floor upwards at the
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  • 255 5 PLEASE HELP ME, SAYS GIRL WHO LOST HER THESIS. KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. A University of Malaya undergraduate today appealed lor the return of her 60-page thesis on the 'Sources and Uses of Commercial Bank Funds. which she had left in a taxi. Che Fatimah Ibrahim. 24. a final-year stuaVn'. in
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  • 32 5 PENANO. Mon— Move than 200 I village rn.ldi'n ha\e been invited to a party unuh the B.«gan Jermal Umno blanch hr>:dine on Aue 31. lo re.ebiate ihe 10th merdelca anniversary
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 62 5 There's a VICTA mower for every type of lawn Don't buy a problemBuy m VICTA -a trouble f r«« motor mower backnd by prompt service and a 100 availability of genuine VICTA parts. AUSTASIA INDUSTRIES LIMITED. 282 J Pay* Labar Road SINGAPORE 14. T*' ***** \2hn»%\ SHARIKAT AUSTASIA INDUSTRIES (M)
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    • 293 5 ADD TO THE OILYOU NORMALLY USE IN YOUR ENGINE.GEARBOX.STEERING&BACK AXLE GIVES YOU ZIPPIER POWER MOLYSLIP MOLYSLIP G Cc-'i-nj U-'.ti'r.m 0 It N p itsirsi* it kr<« mm »w»»t» to inmm*r*-m**Zhmmm- H "25 mm pmt *r*n t- r M culrs }n r' i' -i 'pi>^|'siNotiMi«ir tipjlefir.j, lotn«r Me lof your t-miiiis^ioi.
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  • 192 6 Gunboat pirates make a $12,000 haul Xl ALA LI MPI R. Mon. Two M alaysl lishermrii surrendered all their fishing geat and mts worth 51J.704 to ■evea armed pirates in international waters in the Straits of Malacca. It happened six miles oil the coast of lanjonSepat at 8 p.m. on
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  • 126 6 BAJAU HORSEMEN WILL SIGNAL THE START OF MERDEKA JOY DAJAI' horsemen from Sabah who uill take part in the procession on Sunday. signalling the start of the 10th Merrleka anniversary celebrationv This picture Mas taken at the Selangor Polo and Training luh in Lumpur yesterday. Ic^dins
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  • 77 6 PENANG. MOR. A boUM pn inter- Abu MO Koya Knutty. 19- plertdod suiiiv today to Hii Hiriended charge ol du--luinp.sily re-.Hininc five yards ol Malm "cloth and WM ordered U< to the Henry 1 school unul he reaches the age of 21. Pleading
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  • 59 6 IPOH Mon MM t- Mcand vr.ii «rti itudent •i the unlversttj <n NUUiya. win lv "Queen ol the Fl<ml im' contribution to Urn procession to hf- held In K'.iala Lumpur as p;.n of the 10th Merdeka i-Plebrau<>n<-Thr State*! $2 000 float den'.ct* It, nain revenue
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  • 275 6 Sardon on corruption at Port Swettenham: Give us the facts KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The hands of the police and the Port Swettenham authorities would be strengthened if they were given specific instances of corruption in the port. The Minister oi Transport. Tan Sri Sardon. >ald this in the Dewan Ra'ayat
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  • 330 6 High Court protest inarch warning SINGAPORE. Monday pRO-COMMUNISTS in the Barisan Sosialis are planning to demonstrate tomorrow morning outside the High Court, where the fate of Singapore's longest-detained political detainee is to he decided. Disclosing this, today, the police warned that any Illegal assemble the vicinity would be denlt with
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 471 6 ment The Value of the "Read and Do" Books Do yon want your children only "barking at print as to understand««what they the sayinp boo. read 1 ThenMhe/Read,and The main purpose of Do" Books /are /the. things reading Is the ability to to pet. -to accompany, the understand the printed
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    • 80 6 Adrertisemrtit P A Delightful Complexion Bloom Wrinkles are really "river-beds' of dry cells caused by the plasma colloids 'tho water carriers of the skim drying out throueh the passage of time and the drying effect of exposure to wind and weather To brim new life and lovelin' your skin and
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    • 254 7 Armed forces pay under review IT UA L A LUMPUR, Mon. A working party is reviewing the pay structure of the other ranks and allowances of all members of the armed forces. Announcing this in the Dcwan Ra'ayat. today, the Minister of Defence, Tun Abdul Razak. added that the report
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    • 104 7 New hospital plans— by Bahaman KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Ihe establishment of a .separate orthopaedic hospital in the Federal Capital will be among the proposals the Ministry of Health will submit for consideration in the Second Malaysia Plan. In ttfCy to question by Dr. •L.ib-Batui. i.t h. Inche tun s.msudin said
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    • 159 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. OUBANU airport had been planned to cater for ipersonic aircraft and the largest jets, the Minister of Transport. Tan Sri Sardon bin Haji Jubir. told fhe Dewan Ra'ayat today. The Minister m replying to a question by Dr. Tan Chre
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    • 22 7 ALOR STAR. Mem. Former pupils of St. Nicholas Convent here will hold a reunion at the school on Sept. 1.
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    • 299 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. fHE Minister of Finance, Tun Tan Siew Sin, told the D c w a n Ra'ayat today that people in East Malaysia were getting the best of both worlds. They were paying less tax than their brethren in West Malaysia,
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    • 105 7 VTALA Ll'.MPl'R. Mon. IV Tengku Abdul Rahman told the Dewan Ra'ayat today that he had dis(WNi the Middle East situation and the question of establishing trade relations with Turkish and Iranian leaders on his way home from London last month. He added that
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    • 58 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. A Malay Mail reporter. Ravi Krishnan.' 26. was charged in a magistrate's court here today with obstructing Police Constable Haron bin Abdul Rahim in front of the Central Market at 10.30 a.m. on Saturday. He pleaded not guilty and was allowed $300 bail. The
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    • 32 7 IP nn Mob A Mercedes .fd at about $19.--000. from outside :eht while I urnrv soccer Biah-lie-. a buMnr -mm rame out of the .itxrnt 10.30 p.m. to and
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    • 13 7 SINGAPORE. M"n A 40--nunw :nine ioum in Upper Btran^uuo I I
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    • 119 7 ITUALA LUMPUR. Mon.— Twelve long-service employees of the Malaysian High Commlsion in London will be specially invited for the Merdeka Day celebrations. ni.s iu.s announced in the Dew an Ra'ayat today by Tengku Abdul Rahman in reply to questions by Han Ahmad bin Abdullah (PMIP-Kota
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    • 48 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The Malayan Rubber Fund Board has awarded 20 scholarships to students this year. Seven are for post-graduate studies overseas three to the National College o( Rubber Technology for a B. Sc. degree and 10 for a diploma at the argiculture College in Serdang.
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    • 191 7 The truth, says Tun Xl ALA Ll'MPl R. Mon. The Deputy Prime Minister. Tun Abdul Razak. told the Dtwan Ra'ayat today that the recent statement by Tengku Abdul Rahman that Malaysia would surrender rather than fight a more superior enemy was made "sincerely." He said the statement was not aimed
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 171 7 >4A\\ m I U I ill 2/ III! W TO SfflßrMj H v^ SB I m Yes! TOSHIBA'S got everything 'IN' for the wL B utmost T.V. enjoyment. Pick from a variety of mk models to suit your taste. Take the 23SK-A console model, luxurious with safety screen, no glare,
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 51 7 Alley Oop By V.T. Hamlin IjZ. i^" 1 AWRkSHT, THIS IS TOAD CRICK THEY GOTTA V&: <^*\ tjHhi *W ...NOW WHERE'S THOSE BE AROUND FHQ^T'I |i> I NEANDERTHALS \OU SAID I HERE SOME- h-WBgA W* BROKE THRU OUR UNES? VWHERE Jm~ ~^i %n up >, mvi« t M wut h.
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  • 231 8 SINGAPORE, Monday. 'pHE manager of the (io\ernment-run~ Korea Trade Centre, Mr. Wong Chong Sam, today urged Singapore to send trade missions to South Korea. Such missions, he said, could result in an Increase of trade and Joint ventures between the two countries.
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  • 229 8 UK study hope of Poly s top student SINGAPORE. Mon. The Singapore Polytechnic's top student of the year (1966/67) is Cheong Hin Fatt (above) of Queenstown. Cheong, 21. passed his professional diploma course in mechanical engineering with honours and gained a Certificate of Merit. During his four year course, he
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  • 50 8 SINGAPORER. Mon Mr. Peter Y.S. Fu has been elected president of the Lions Club of Singapore East Other officials Include vice-presidents. Mr. YW. Chan (first). Mr. Tan Khla Fatt i second i and Mr Abdullah F. Tyebally (third): secretary Mr. Shlraz Abdulhusaln. and treasurer. Mr. Chua Boon Hoe.
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  • 55 8 SINOAPORE. Mon —The tuberculosis control unit of the Health Ministry will hold an X-ray campaign In the Moulmeln constl- tuency beginning from Sept. 4. Before the compalgr begins, nurses from the control unit will visit the homes of residents to take down the names of those
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  • 140 8 5,798 ARE NOW STUDYING AT TTC SINGAPORE. Mon. The Teachers Training College here had a total of 5.798 students studying various courses at the end of June this year. Of these. 2.991 students were taking the General Certificate of Education course in the four language media. They Included 720 In
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  • 58 8 MR. Albert Ramalingam and Miss Angelina Navaratnam who were married at Trinity Methodist Church in Petalinf Jaya, Selangor. The groom, the Straits Times correspondent in Sabah, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. S.K. Ramalingam of Singapore. The bride, a well-known soprano, is the daughter of
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  • 339 8 Chess Festival champions SINGAPORE. Mon.—Rosendo Ballnas. who has been four times Philippines open champion, added the 1967 Festival championship to his collection by winning It with 9$ points. He conceded only one draw to Tan Llan Seng Singapore's champion Tan Llan Ann. took the
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  • 165 8 4 Canadian volunteers to teach in Republic SINGAPORE. Mon. The first group of four Canadian University Service Overseas volunteers will fly In tomorrow afternoon to take up teaching posts in various secondary schools here The volunteers three women and one man— will be in Singapore for two years. They are
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  • 122 8 SINGAPORE. Mon— A Singapore social worker. Mr. Lim Kirn Seng, died yesterday at his home in Cuppage Road, aged 83. He was a director of the Overseas Assurance Company, and also a Justice of the Peace. For his services to the community, he was awarded the
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  • 65 8 Bird singing contest SINGAPORE. Mon —The Kelab Furring Singapore (Singapore Bird Club) will hold Its annual merbok singing contest for the 8. Llm challenge shield at the National Youth Training Centre, South Bouna Vista Road from 8 am. on Sept 17. Enthusiasts wishing to enter their birds In the contest
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 325 8 when sympathy is needed... so is Dettol At a time like this mother's sympathy is comforting, but powerless to meet the real need ....the need to fight infection. Fortunately, today, millions of mothers know about Dettol and have learnt to put their trust in this ideal germicide to protect their
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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  • 635 9 Federal Court to decide: Was million- dollar 'royalty prepayment' a loan? KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. THE legal battle between the Central Government and the Kelantan Government over constitutional rights arising out of a multi-million-dollar agreement the State Government signed with a Singapore-incor-porated company
    635 words
  • 260 9 Our right to be on the teachers' panel: Yahya KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. T»HE Staff Side. National Whitley Council, has a A right to be represented in the Teachers' Panel of the National Joint Council for Teachers as the panel is also responsible for government teachers seeking a transfer into the
    260 words
  • 64 9 KI'AI.A LUMPUR, Mon— The president of thr Malaysian Youth Council Tengku Abdullah. Alliance MP for Rawanc. and its secretary. Mr s Pereira, are rrfrrsrnMng Malaysia at the World Assembly of Youth seminar at Arnhem. Holland. The j-eminnr. which opened today, is discussing the rela-tion-hip between youth
    64 words
  • 20 9 PENANfi. M A formrr •tuclent of thf Chung l.:ng Hch I Har by Mr Qfl M;n Ta<-
    20 words
  • 23 9 p<)N I! \N M n. Mr z y Olfu-er h. re I awds Mr S In wnr hM oetn iraiLshrred to begamat
    23 words
  • 62 9 235 graduates to get certificates U'OKE. Mon. A total f 135 graduate! from the Singaon Vocational Institute will rerive their crr'itirates at the xaduation ceremony to be held t the Singapore Conference Hall n Sept. 16. Of these 129 are full-time stud-p.irt-ume < ordinary i ncl 48 part-tiBM < advance
    62 words
  • 131 9 EMBARGO ON EXPORT OF LEAD SCRAP KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. The Dewan Ra'ayat today approved amendments to the Customs Duties Order. 1967. which place an embargo on the export of scrap lead from West Malaysia. Inche All bin Hajl Ahmad. Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Finance, explained that the embargo
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 66 9 zi E^= GET THE TASTE OF INTERNATIONAL SUCCESS The taste that is uniquely 555. The taste that State Express created for you by being t fl| 91 that much more exclusive in the tobaccos llb^^^Jr they choose. That much subtler in the blend. \^^or 555 were made for you. Get
      66 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 252 9 Straits Times Crossword ACBOM 7. Flower or sweetmeat contaln--1 Now «vail»ble; opus 100. for lnR ocaine? (8). the pipe (4-4). 8. Bestowal of lens and ear*? (8). 6. Slave girl with Bible backing n Lack of !ncllnatloo to 9. Beiow. a mouse after visiting anything? (12). the farmers wife of
      252 words

  • 26 10 10 Word, US i Minimum) CABLE RECEIVED FROM ma Vargla. mother ol ITargal 11. .r.l. Naval Haa«. i S porn pas».-.i a».iy uu lntli Augiiat.
    26 words
  • 95 10 ID H.iro $li (Minimum) MR. ANO MRS. llouai.l Lllaa Ot Malacca thunk tbelr Irirnda aud NlHtivea fm Uirir allvudaucra. good viahea aud valuatil* t ilu i.v Uie ocraaioo of thnr MM marriage. THE FAMILY of til. lair Mr. Cbua V"t\ c noon thank tnc Key. Urah. i aud immbara
    95 words
  • 21 10 M »«raa Hi > Minimum) IN LOVING MEMORY uf our l.elnvr.l ■I away r«-ni. Tinned by M-ok-.\to. CyrU md fHn.ily.
    21 words
  • The Straits Times
    • 646 10 The Tengku had little to say that was new in his ■tatetneni yesterday on de^ fence of the region and the British sssuranM "I continued ■aristanca even alter withdraws! from the bssef in the mid-seventies. The framework of British intentions is quite clear. The forces now employed
      646 words
    • 391 10 The National Joint Council of Teachers is not working at all satisfactorily. There has not been a single occasion in j-cccnt years on which the unions in the Teachers Panel have Ix-lii able to agree on any major issue. For seven months in 19(35-66 antagonism union}! the unions
      391 words
    • 170 10 Tun Abdul Ra/.ak's reply in the Malaysian Parliament today to a question about Hutu ing between soldiers and civilian! in Babah and Saraw;ik did not attempt to gloss over an unpli-asant issue. There have botn fights in Kudklng but no more than one would expect when smartly dressed
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  • 1082 10  - Commodity prices— the long-term hope ALAN CHALKLEY The richer countries are beginning fro learn the lesson thafr low commodity prices in the poorer countries not only harm the growers they also harm the rich countries themselves. by Forum World Features Special Writer THE world's producers of exportable commodities are going
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  • 896 10  -  ANTHONY HOWARD And it is hailed as penal reform by NEW YORK WITHIN the United States Missl ssippi has become so totally synonymous with backwardness that it comes as a shock to discover that in one respect at least it has been for 50 years
    896 words
  • Letters
    • 119 10 The TV man's split-second problems \|AY I refor to th« letter ny "Squart Eyes" (ST. Aug. 16). I wain to record our appreciation for his Btructlve criticism which we are In complete agreement. This Is a matter of skills to be developed on our part. All that I can
      119 words
    • 61 10 MR. at T. ONO (ST. 11 Aug. 12 1 said we are destroying the "Peace and serenity of the park at Macßltchie with the noisy bam; We must admit we cannot bring Mantovanl here to entertain Mr. Onp and Mr. Ong must b with nur own U ra! b
      61 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 523 10 r Classified advertisements for Straits Times Malay Mail may be handed to: COLO STORAGt SUPIK MAKKCT Data COLO STORAGt BRANCH!* f. No.oi Bo»e CITY BOOK STODt LTD .Oliver Qlkjv. THt NtWS FRONT orkct, M M ISMAIL id. No.oi Bos*.. HAMItM STORt. .'iQng, Rood, V RCTNASAMY 4 CO. KAf S»l»'or, S
      523 words
    • 33 10 The Bank You Can Trust Bank with ■MALAYAN BANKING ■ERHAD •nd you bank wisely Mf AD riCTir»>~-d-^-N MAUTANIANKIUIIOIN* 92. Jjlm Bandir, Kuils Lumpur. BANKIN6_BERHAD AMkerM* OaltW: S 000 000 iMalMtFlMUaCaiftlM 15.*****8 V J
      33 words
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  • 141 11 SINGAPORE, Monday. TWO Indonesians were fined today by a district court for unlawful possession of Singapore Laminated Identity Cards. Sungib bin Mukit admitted possession of a red identity card about 9.20 am yr.sterday at thr :mm:srutjou checkpoint at Woodlands. The card was that of
    141 words
  • 94 11 Hearing fixed for Traction Co. dispute SINGAPORE. M'in. The Industrial Arbitration Court has fixed Train-day and I (or the hearing of a dispute between the Singapore Traction eees" I'nnm and the Singapore Tt irtsing out ot claim.% lor improved wace.s -md fringe benefits. Earlier this year the parties d mcnmrinda
    94 words
  • 31 11 PENANO, Mon. The State Chinese iPen^i'. itlon will hold it* annii^l meeting :it the assnciation'i premises at Jalan Bukom. ofl Da'.o Kramat Road, on Aug. 27 at 2 pm
    31 words
  • 139 11 Tebuan jets make their debut KUALA I.FMPCR. Mon. The RMAF'S two Tebuan tactical jet aircraft otherwise known as Cnnadair (I 41 made their debut in a test flight here today. Led by the R.MAF project officer. Squadron Leader l.iwrenee Phong Kien Mun (above), the iets stayed 48 minutes in the
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  • 14 11 IBUTTERWORTH Mon. The Pr-vmre North District Council will meet on Aug. 30.
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  • 394 11  - Crackdown on the ambulance chasers JACKIE SAM By gINGAPORE, Mon. Anti-corrup-tion investigators are poised for a big rrackdown on "ambulance chasers" lawyers who indulge in unethical practice and their accomplices. Investigations have already led to a big raid on the admission room of the General Hospital and departmental action against
    394 words
  • 80 11 PENANG. Mon. The newly- formed Penang branch of the Muslims' Welfare Association plans to launch a c»mpn«n to explain Islam to peoP le snWx'- ed in the religion. i The president. Sheikh All BalAdram. said today the branch would be writing to it* Kuala 1 Lumpur
    80 words
  • 57 11 PENANG Mon. The Prrmng I Tjmno division's Merdeka An- 1 atonrmry Pet.i scheduled to be, held at Lorong Kulit from An?. !29 has been postponed to nrxt month to prevnt it clashing with other activities organised by the State Government. The Pesta will now be
    57 words
  • 119 11 Hiker in search of quick money JOHOKE BAIIKI Mon A i aii.iiii.ui hitchhiker, David Capross, told ihe Sessions Court here today that he was ihe victim of a smug Rime ring based in Singapore. Capross, 37. said this after he had pleaded guilty to smuggling textiles worth St6V from Singapore
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  • 51 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon Victor Gomez. 21. pleaded guilty In the Sessions Court here today tn a chanrr of offering $40 to Insnector Sved A/man bin Sved Moh.imad to mdure him to r.ecommend him f^r Urn pail of a sub-inspec'or in the Re 'hce. Srn*enre was
    51 words
  • 28 11 PENANG. Mon A Up* recoider and an alarm clock wer« stolen from 'he Island Park Green Lane, home of Mr K H. Soieler. 31. an engineer
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  • 29 11 PENANG. Mon Thievps broko the Jalan Sntu Ayet T^ti. home dI Mr. Nb Theng Yam. :>3. during thr urrk-rnd and stole «250 and $800 cold belt
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 212 11 But he could be found by tomorrow through The Straits Times TELE- ADS service. If you have lost a treasured or important possession, you stand a good chance of recovering it quickly by phoning in your advertisement now for tomorrow's Straits Times. Advertisements are accepted up to 3.00 p.m. for
      212 words
    • 90 11 In this child's glowing wide-awake look I is the evidence of her mother's love. I Br '**■•->. Her mother gives her only the best of I everything to make sure her little girl I grows up happy, lovely and healthy. I F ■s Of course she gets Sevenseas Cod I
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 722 11 TV MALAYSIA Channel 5 Kuala Lumpur mand Performance— «ongs »nd and I'rnang: 6 Ipoh md dances from South America; Malarra; 3 and 10 Johore 8.00 News :n Mandarin; 8.10 Bahru; 4 Taiping; 7 Batu Anata classical songs; 835 Pahat; 9 Kluang. 80* Tbe Bits Shot; 9.00 News In National Language;
      722 words

    • 309 12  -  Olivia Yeoh Hats make a look pretty By HATS make a girl look so pretty and feminine", says a grandmother, who has spent most of her life making hats for her relatives, friends and daughter. She is Mrs. Eva Pennefather, 63,
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    • 307 12 THE Singapore Young Women's Christian Association began with a handful ot Chinese and European girls who gathered around the founder Miss Sophia Cook, once monthly for meetings in 1875 Today. 92 years later the membership Is nearly 800 And with this growth, a new
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    • 101 12 HOUSEHOLD HINTS CUT meat across the grain instead of with tli grain. This cut looks better and is easier to eat. If paint assumes a rough crinkled texture, or "wrinkles." it probably is caused by application of too thick coat. Never try to make one coat of paint do the
      101 words
    • 105 12 QETTING a kick out of fashion seems to be the bright idea for the current jewellery styles. Leg bands prove to be an exciting new ornament to coincide with the "mini" craze. Seen here is the latest matching set of collar, earrings and leg band
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 311 12 ■■ssßPSs^Bl^^ mmi'mmi Take a 2 Weeks Ocean After 4 days sailing you'll be Liner Holiday to Hongkong in v Hongkong and off on a shopping spree! Then 4 days For your next leave take a real of fresh air and P&O comfort holiday; sail away on P&OI on the way
      311 words
    • 300 12 P»y IK •^■■■■s! m. mm. VOl wSTSt ft i iiH LsssktSkZ J2 *<+ NOW! Teenform's exclusive range of exotic bras, panty girdles and panties await you at your favourite store. Go soon, young lady! Treat yourself to a new experience in shape-shopping at: CASUALS, 8 John Little's Arcade Singapore. CHANRITA,
      300 words
    • 205 12 Your growing Baby needs Vitamin C everyday v GIVE HIM Optrose ROSE HIP SYRUP Optrose builds strong bones and beautiful teeth. And many doctors behove that its high Vitamin C content pre\cnts colds, flu, and other infections. Optrose. so vital for your baby from 7 days to 7 years. Opirose
      205 words

  • 255 13 Manila VIP says our police best in Asia MANILA. Mon. Malaysia boasts one of the best police forces in South-East Asia and the only one in the region that is free of corruption Mr. Carlos Albert, former Philippines Armed Forces intelligence chief and onetime Vice Commander Of the Navy, said
    AP  -  255 words
  • 33 13 IPOH. Mon Th« Rev. Leong W«i Ah. a. founder member of the Ipoh Chinese Young Men's ThrisUaa Society, will open the society's new building in Lahat Road her* on Merdeka Day.
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  • 42 13 BtTKIT MERTAJAM. Mr>n. Ooh Huat Seng, licensee of the O«yhong Singing Troupe, pleaded not guilty when charged today to failing to conlorm to the conditions laid down in the permit for the .show at Bukit Mertajam on Aug. 11
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  • 329 13 Churches back 'think again' call by doctors LEGALISING ABORTIONS SINGAPORE, Monday. 'J'HE Council of Churches of Malaysia and Singapore today supported the call of the Singapore Medical Association in urging the Government to give careful consideration before implementing its announced intention to introduce a Bill to legalise abortion. In a
    329 words
  • 301 13  - Another Red border camp is found CHAN BENG SOON From ALOP STAR. Mon JJALAYSIAN and Thai border police, in a combined operation, have located a big terrorist camp in the jungle off Betong, in South Thailand. An official source hrre said today that the camp, capable of accommodating between 100
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  • 44 13 KULIM M.n. Six masked m«i carrying daggers entered a B| KiranßHn laM night and robbed a mining labourer. Lee Weng. of $5 and $20 worth of neirrttes and clothes. Police have detained five »u»pects and recovered part of the
    44 words
  • 34 13 PENANQ. Mon— A housewife* Quah Saw Cheng. 19. was bound over In $1,000 for two year* today whpn she pleaded gin I chante of assisting in the management of a 4-d;gn.s lottery.
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  • 111 13 I^UALA LUMPUR. Mon— The University of Malaya library staff comprisiiie 23 clerks and 20 attendants began a wnrk-to-rulp today in protrst against the University Council's refusal to grant five of their colleagues "special allowances." Mr. RC. Daniel, president of the University General Staff Union, of which the library
    111 words
  • 205 13 KI'ALA LU.MPIK. Mon. Tun Abdul Razak l-il'l the Dewan Ra'ayat today that the recent flints in Kuchini; between civilians were the lesult of smartly drpssed young; soldiers attractingyoung girls to the envy of the local youths. The Deputy Prime Minister, who is also the
    205 words
  • 77 13 High Court trial for businessmen SITIAWAN. Mon. —O. K. Tawooch Khan, 50. a cloth merchant, and A W. Kayamudern. 44, a bakery owner, were sont for trial in the Huh Court on a charge of murdering M. I. Mohamed Irfan. 45, also a bakery owner. Both wen ordered to be
    77 words
  • 20 13 PON TI AN. M.<n. The Le* Foundation has given $4,000 to the Pontian Diamond Jubilee HHI Fund.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 208 13 How to make a Marvellous Martini First Hint: From Long Island to the Lebanon the most talked about Dry Martinis are made with Beefeater gin. It's the tempting dryness of Beefeater and the way it mixes so marvellously with vermouth. Second Hint: When it comes to ratio of gin to
      208 words
    • 297 13 $2210 OWNATV (We're not Kidding -We're selling) For as little as $22.00 you can now be the proud owner of Singapore's most popular TV set SHARP. In the provision of Hire Purchase Facilities, we hay« decided to stretch the H.P. terms in order to make it possible for you to
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 60 13 Bugs Bunny By Ralph Heimdahl f DWATJ 7MIS DOG CHASES J J- EVEIT/TWiNQ HE SEESI ILL \J3 ■JJJHSQr BE WORM OUT BEPORE I GET HOME \M\ ,'X 1 I WISM I HAD SOME y -ISE/ i •/y^gy. > BUMPgg6 PQg W^A m Z~Z~\ g[\ A\T GOT N |BRHf^P£S AS<7rHE^TH!?eEBUO<S N
      60 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 405 14 It nnlinurd from I'age lUi SITUATIONS VACANT Is Word, St (Mim.)— Box SB rl, txtro GENERAL AMAH REOUIREO, Y.n*llsh apra* rierii-ed. Trl Singn;. EXPERIENCED WRITER WANTED for free.. <pply ny telrphot por«). WANTED HARDWORKING Chinese male. English s| tion r TEACHER WANTED TRAINED' Secondary s> 1001. Karrer Road. S pore--10.
      405 words
    • 383 14 SITUATIONS VACANT IS Word, St (Mim.)— Box SO el* *xtro »ÜBLIC ACCOUNTANTS rrqulr* A irlit Clerk with working knowledge of Chlnrs*. BUte mir. fxpfrimrt, quxllBcattou hw Mlnry required to Box I T. Spore. EXPERIENCED HOTEL AND Night Clii>i Mxnagrr requirm. IMeaae apply p«T*on«lly with I'«i imoniali at. 14 .la l.i
      383 words
    • 1140 14 SITUATIONS VACANT IS Word* $t (Mim.)— Box St et* txtro EXPERIENCED COOK and house amah— salary up to S2BO for a really competent couple Apply personally '■-Mimoniala to 38 The Arcade. I S pore. WANTED n SHORTHANO Teachers ■hrrmghout Malaysia to teach new system of shorthand. No shorthand knowledge required.
      1,140 words
    • 970 14 ACCOMMODATION WANTED IS Word, St (Mim.)— Box St el, txlrm WANTED NOT LATER than If 1" AT hy Kuropean Kxecutlve. furnished 3 bedroomed bungalow with garage, servant quarters, large garden In district 9 10 or 11. If location suitable prepared to sign 3 years lease. Olve full particulars to Box
      970 words
    • 816 14 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IS Worda St (Mim.)— Box St et* txlrm INVEST! BE SECURE. Dividends guaianteed. Particulars from the representative. P.O. Box 94. Katong. Singapore-15. WANTEO WORKING PARTNERS for Ist Class Halrdressing Beauty Salon In Kuala Lumpur A Penang. Writ* to P.O. Box 2470 (Spore i WANTEO FOR EXPORT. Malaysian' Crafts.
      816 words
    • 966 14 VEHICLES FOR SALE IS Word, Mtm.) HoM in rtu txirm FORO ZEPHYR BIX IMS. Uood ondltion. 39.0U0 miles one owner g«MS. oew. S24no. Telephone Spore •4711. extn IIML IM4 VOLKSWACON. Rxrellent Condition. Tax Ins Feb AD. radio. 54.1.V) on.o. No dealers. Ring (Spore) ***** Loh 5 7 p.m 1»«4 VOLKSWAGEN
      966 words
    • 1064 14 r= MsM,^ pyM =1 KENYATAAN TAWARAN KERAJAAX Mi. MM PERAK. BEKALAN AVER KIXTA PKRKXGKAT II KONTREK BACiI MEXYIASAT TEMPAT. Tawaran ada-lah di-pelawa dari- i 1 pada pemboronc2 yang berpeiuralaman untile menylasat tempat keadaan tanah tsoil mecha: bam kontrek yang di-atas. Kerja2 ada lah mellputl mengorek dan melobanc pada t*mpat2 dalam
      1,064 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1216 15 10 UVERPOOI I WEST COAST U k Out Sport ba 11 i-enanf I. ion L'pooi. O'tast. 6'fo» l«Pt,Tala» Aaf 23 MI'ON I 1 Aat 21 Alt 21 IHH'I DIOMED C'sc»j... Auf /7 Sept 1 Sept 5 Sept I TALTHVIIUS Cfow... Sta I Sept 1/11 Sept 12/11 mum Sfpt Sept 13
      1,216 words
    • 2520 15 mt M l l Dm\ C^f -7 i*/ A* Y^ml yp^§§/ 7 DM r THE\\ V(hL/Af£S i Mi Jii EXPRESS SAIUNGS TO GENOA NORTH CONTINENT SCANDINAVIA P S turn Nbjobjj S Dore Genoa R'dam H'burg Aarh^s C tiigen SAREOOHA a■) Ait 2J Aif 77 71 Aif 71/ I Stpt II
      2,520 words
    • 1211 15 te£LLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO.* LTD. SEE OVESIEAf FOR OUTWARD SERVICE FROM U K CONTINENT. Luliat tail Sinfapgre P. S "am PttMßf emofEunDFORO -;.-;.:<;;;^ .^i „n hn JiM H Cm OF ST AIOANS It* Han-burp, CITYOFOUHDEE <»m.' Ha-'buif! uroufn 4/ t Ocl J/ 0 Oat CITY OF HEREFORD r».-ajm Hamkurf. Ha.r*
      1,211 words

  • 360 16 'IMII price ol Mraits tin in A Penan;; vi-icrday fell In-low the Minn per picul level The price »as ricil.uril .it $599.25 or down 7."> cents on Saturday. Interest especially from the Continent, was reported at conkMermMy lower levels. The estimated oflerinu
    360 words
  • 17 16 THh AMUCtATMM OP BANKS in a made no hincn la ttl rates to merchant* yeMerday.
    17 words
  • 165 16 MELBOURE Mon INDUSTRIALS were On move*, were moderate with rises well in BXCCW of falls BHP. however, sold down to $11.80 before closing 10 cents lower at Si 1.90 E.Z. Industrials also eased and nnislied 13 cents lower at $3.28. Minings were variable in moderate movement OH eased.
    165 words
  • 315 16 I HIPS LYING ALONCSIDE MM I SINCAPOHE HARBOUN WHARVES OR EXPECTEO TODAY ARI C'Hlhav H 4. \tAht Muni S. Rjim Bikk* «< T, Tantalu." s9. Bllllton 10 11. Slnkal Mam J3 '.'fi. Tjmecara XI M O/arrta 31 3S. Pr*sid*nt JackaoD .1.1 .11 C»lrbf» Mam 3S :i«. Tr»vi-ta
    315 words
  • 74 16 /HINESE Eieh*n«<. tin«- P»r«, noon pricti p*r vicul ttrrlly: Cooniit «ii: bulk $4« PtUom dnjm »4«» srlU-r. Ctprj: Mixrd ifnM loon* Ail« K font. SIB* B. P«»p«r Mur.tok whltr 1130 »»lirr*. .-■.r,..,k •> h.'^ |127| "i'-ri, «r». -il Larr.iiong hiack S»7J »*!l»r« (all .'6', NI.W, a.«ia <<<:t
    74 words
  • 47 16 the Offirial Malayan Short- j term Money Market for the I week ended Saturday the range of rail rates wan as follows: I BANK FINDS; per cent to 4' per rent. GENERAL FIND: 3', per cent to per rent. < MOVEMENT of funds totalled *i.-.'i million. <
    47 words
  • 17 16 All Hong Knnjt Markets closed j early yesterday due to tJT>hoon i conditions. I
    17 words
  • 776 16 From Our Market Correspondent INDUSTRIAL share prices eased on a broad front on the Stock Exchange yesterday. Buying power m fairly weak. The market is now undergoing a technical reaction after the recent inflated prices which was anticipated. It may last for the
    776 words
  • 36 16 Malaxan Mm k Indue* Auj. 11. Aug. ?l Industrials: U5. 77 llx vi Properties: 117.119 11b.43 MtaiPatS; rii.n.-, 90 17 t$ rubbers: lnx.«:. lux. (is v Drc. 29. 196' inn. Dec. 30, 1966 100.
    36 words
  • 1468 16 DISIVESS in and reported to l the Sincapure and Kuala I ii m |hi i trading rmmv of the Stork K\rhange yesterday, with the number of the share* traded in brackets. INDUSTRIALS: C. Sugar (S.MoM »1 ih *l h- I. <l >,b. H.4M, '4u Mt)l Jl
    1,468 words
  • 27 16 Xl «BKI< I'KK r >0« cents liliihii one and a h.ilf rents > lin K599.55 (d«>wn 75 rriils BsttOUtcd »n>rirn 215 tons (r|o\\ v 10 tons).
    27 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1013 16 Y^ KAWaVSAKI RISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia/Singapore Japan Service -aTa • Mara" 1) Auf 2 Sept 9 II Sept 19 Sipt ?3 Sept Taigea Maru 21 Sept 3 Oct 1.11 Oct 21 Oct 24 Ocl West Africa Singapore Japan Service S,nj<cor» Yo"".' Kcbe I -Owiaiar. Maru- Sa'HP 2 3 Sept
      1,013 words
    • 749 16 AUSTRALIA/NEW iEALAND SERVICE INO. 7KISTAN AND FAR EAST SERVICE* IP: Freauatle. APelaiPe. Mrnourpe. S>P«e» I MM Mapras aap Natapattipaa. Pendni P. S idm Singjport ti gaocrc P S r..m Penan| BULIMBA »7?Sept I 9 Sept 11/11 Sept RAIULA 31 4 Sept 5 Sppt I Stpl BARPETA 67 Oct 19 Oct
      749 words
    • 227 16 m 'i p IHm Nmm EIA ETD ETA ETO ETA ETD FROM lAPAN M.V "STATt OF SUIARAT for Calcutta »p| 79 FROM BOMBAY M.V. "STATE OF MANARASHTII" for Japan 77 FROM CALCUTTA M.V. "VISVA MAXIMA" for Brisbane. Sydney. Melbourne. 1 Motto* lift 4 Sept 2/1 (Adeiaioi Cargo Discharfi Inward Voyaf>)
      227 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 750 17 =i PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD. SINGAPORE WATER DEPARTMENT NOTICE TO CONSIMERB Shutdown of Water Supply There will be no water In the following sreas from 900 am. to 6 00 pm. on Tuesday. 22.8.67 (1; Mandal Road from Upper j Thomson Road junction iid to 13 ms.. Mandal Road: (2) Nee
      750 words
    • 655 17 PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD. SINGAPORE ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT NOTICE TO CONSIMERS Interruption of Electricity Supplir* To enable Rwitchgear extension work to be carried out at Nee Soon Road Electric Substation It will be nere.varv to interrupt electricity supplies on Wednesday. 23rd August 19fi7 between the hours of R3O am and 6.30 pm.
      655 words
    • 789 17 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS PUBLIC APPOINTMENT PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD, SINGAPORE APPLICATIONS are Invited for the following posts the commencing basic salary offered will be dependent upon applicants' qualifications and experience plus variable allowance as payable from time to time. Appointment will ba on a 3-year Agreement In the first Instance: WATER DEPARTMENT:
      789 words
    • 840 17 FORM I -NOTICE BY COMMISSIONER RELATING TO INDEFEASIBILITY (Section 84 (2)) NOTICE BY THE COMMISSIONER OF LAND TITLES. Whereas I am satisfied of the validity of the replacement Otlea tn the holdings described in the Schedule hereto, together with the names and addressee of the proprietors thereof: And whereas such
      840 words
    • 626 17 TENDERS PEMBERITAHU TAWARAN J.K.R. Tawaran daripada Pemborong2 Penghawadingin (Air ConditionIng Contractors yang berdaftar di-J.K.R. akan di-tenma dlPejabat Jurutera Negeri. Selangor. hingga iam 3.00 petang pada 4hb September 1967 Supply and installation ot air conditioning plant for the new Waterworks Oflice Building. Kuala Lumpur. The equipment to be supplied Includes packaged
      626 words
    • 516 17 Mdmni o/r/l/A lf,d Invites applications from suitably qualified Malaysian citizens for a position of EXECUTIVE TRAINEE Position Specification: The appointee Will initially be Riven training and be required to bf> actively involved in all aspects of costing and accounting work. Cjiialifications: Candidates must be Malaysian CtttIBeni within the age proup
      516 words

    • 567 18  - AMUSEMENT —A CLASSIC PROSPECT Epsom Jeep RACING ...with CSHAW STABLE'S Amusement 111 (late Gold Shalimar II), the only American-bred horse in training, looks v classic winner in the making. Sent over his right distance for the first time. Amusement 111. a (our-year-old by Royal Note, put iip a sparkling performance
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    • 481 18 WEIGHTS for the third il.i> I Saturday) of the Singapore Au(ll-t Meeting Cl. 3. Div. 3—71. The Peacock 9.00 Money Printer MM Okaj Oka; 8.12 Splendid U) Tamerruss Hi; Queen of the Night 8.11 Flying Mercury 8.11 i. mil Total 8.11 Rramuir 8.11 Dollar Printer M.I 1 El Amiga
      481 words
    • 726 18 All the Singapore national meet results BADMINTON SINGAPORE badminton chani')ion^h;p NMlltl yesterday Ml N HNOUCB: Ihl rd: Ong Tionij Hin bt Wong Po;.« Yung 15-10. l*-9: Wee Sen bt Luu Cheng Yew lj-8. 15-8: Richard Ohee bl Lsmail lbi'<ihim 13-3. 11-15. 15-2 .'nd rd: bt Kok Kum Sen-4
      726 words
    • 116 18 15- YEAR-OLD BREAKS 18-MINUTE BARRIER SWIMMING PHILADELPHIA. Mon. Debbie Meyer. 15-year-old California swimmer, became the first woman to beat 18 minutes for the 1.500 m freestyle when she set a world record of 17:50.2 durine the U.S. women's outdoor championships here yesterday. Miss Meyer set the previous best time of
      116 words
    • 31 18 NEW YORK. Mon. Charles Sitiord. a California Negro, ye.sterday won the US$lOO,OOO Hartford Ooen coif tournament by shoot ins a la^: round 64 tor a 72-hole total of 272.
      31 words
    • 59 18 (COLOMBO. .Mon lndone>ia are certain of winniiii: thr akagtea in the International Schoolboy > minton championships herr today. Last nicht in the Mini-lin.iK Rudy ll.irtono brat I. inn See llon^ and Moh Ju>ri defeated Swandi Janto. The doubles final will be between llartono
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 346 18  -  MANSOOR RAHMAN By AIALAYSIAN Leg-spinner Gurucharan Sin?h spun South to an innings victory over North before lunch in the annual cricket classic on the Kuala Lumpur Padang yesterday. Lanky right-arm bowler Ourucharan had a finai analysis ol six for 17 runs
      Ne In Khran  -  346 words
    • 118 18 NORTH Ist INNS. 10« MM HI W INNS.— 2IO-6 df«. NOKII! 2nd INNS. (•vanriajM IS-Sl Sathanandan Delilkan li Marimuthu t YoeeMraran b LaSM 7 Pathmalinxam c D'Souzs li (•uru.' I DOSS •> • 1 BL Tissrra. c (.uru.h.nan b 1..111. is A. Philip b I in. X j.
      118 words
    • 121 18 pEYLO.VS Michael TitKj sera found his form ;'nd runs when he scored "6 in a 30-over cricket match on the Kuala Lumpur Padang yesterday. The match was arranged after yesterdays early end to the North t South match. era. playing for Geoffrey dr Silva's
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 158 18 Name any place in the USA. SSSSSSm Well show you the easy way there. And one Pan Am ticket can take you anywhere you want to go in the U.S.A. Anywhere. Pan Am Jets can fly you from the Pacific to any of 4 U.S.A. West C oast Gateway Cities,
      158 words
    • 255 18 iM^OWPRICED #5. ECONOMY The highly successful New English Workbooks ore now ovoiloble ir i on economy The New Eng|(Sn Workbooks Qre Q series of ten MAIN 1 THE SAME carefully graded English Workbooks which promain lilt bAMt. v j c j e Q p nmor y course covering all aspects
      255 words

    • 152 19 OVERSEAS TRAINING FOR PROMISING ATHLETES (~)LYMPTC Council of Malaysia yesterday agreed to principle to s*»nd promising athletes or sportsmen, whose performance* are comparable to world, cla.v. overseas for training ■Jid rxprrnner This riecl'ton came after MAAt.I president Tan Frt Ohatali bin Rhafle hroueht oij' -ha ra*e of the Ma'avMnn 410
      152 words
    • 43 19 TOKYO. Mon An 18-vear-nld fighter i.samu Hakateuchi died of brain haemormage her* trcliv after he nt floored m a match at the all-.Tapan ama'e^r boxing championships las' n:gh f i, vaa h) j irM j ita accident in Japans amateur bovine
      43 words
    • 391 19  - MERDEKA SOCCER This could be Year of the Tiger NORMAN SIEBEL By FORM in the Merdeka football tournament has run true to the book. Burma, the Asian Games champions and pre-tournament favourites. South Vietnam,, the defending champions, and South Korea, the most improved team of the 11 contestants, are in
      391 words
    • 280 19 PROSPECTS IN SEMI-FINALS WIDE OPEN Malaysia and Korea had a no less torrid argument last ve«r as they fought for the ncht to contest the third and fourth places in the tournamen*. Korea won 2-1 and pulled ahead to a 3-2 lead In their meetings with Malaysia, with on* match
      280 words
    • 534 19 WEIGHTS for all nine races on Sunday, fourth diy of the Slngipore *.UKU*t Meeting: PESTA M KAN MF.RDFKA CIP I. 1. Div. I— lof f.renadler 9.00 Viva Ipnh 8.08 Gamhalan 8.07 Peak of Perfection n in« ri-ir Rntik 8.08 Kookaburra 8.01 K»bir R.OO Iron Hmrt 7.13 Malapin Ml
      534 words
    • 319 19 SCA name 21 for selection for Aussie tour By ERNEST FRIDA SINGAPORE Cricket Association selectors have shortlisted 21 players for a tour of Australia in December. Invi.aMons to the 21 player*; nave been sent and they have been given up to the end of tnis month to reply. From these
      319 words
    • 72 19 PARIS. Mon Baron Ouy de Rothschilds flllv Madina. the favourite, yesterday won the £14 700 Prix Mornv for fwo-ye»r olds run over Ht at Devailie Ridden by Jean Deforge. Madina came with a tremendous burst of speed 2f out and held off a late challenge by the English
      72 words
    • 153 19 Unseeded Rahim is champ DAHIM tinilTT. who up«t defending champion R. S. Aminuddin in the second round, won the Persic Malays badminton men's singles championship in Ipoh on Sunday night. He bear Shaharuddin Yiisot 15-12. 15-9 in the final. In the semi-finals he beat another unseeded player Azmeer Rashid 9-15.
      153 words
    • 371 19 CRICKET O'Neill on Australia's new breed AUSTRALIA, presently in the "bottom of the burrow" in world cricket, will be ar\p tn beat England In next year's Test series in England with .i new brerri of young players. Formpr Australian crlrketrr Norman O'Neill, who will conduct coaching clinics in West Malaysia
      371 words
    • 170 19 BADMINTON Chee beats champ in comeback DICHAFD CHEE. f-»rm<* Foong Feone cu D player, fprane the first unset in "the Singapore Bsdmin'on championships when he beat, champion Ismail Ibrahim in thre« set* at the badminton stadium yesterday Chee. who making a comeback, played accurate and crafty badminton to »-uj tn«
      170 words
    • 134 19 SINGAPORE, hockey International 6. Kanagalmgam apolO7'«ed «o Malivsian Grade Ore 1-orkey umpire Chonj Kok Heng on Sunday before the Tun Fazak Cup competition final round match between Malacca nnd Singapore at Rifle Range Road. ii ngar ">ovi?'i t'er the Malaysian Hockey Federation had given him
      134 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 315 19 cAAIvTA M^v is the complete I answer in all fields M PHOTOGRAPHY. ■La m LA V -S. «M^ A\ a. Jvi^^vJ The Choice of Specialists For C\F A I^TA Lnparalleled Performance. N« vha form. frtemlihla vltfc an IXAKTA V«r«i pt>« rh« war to pfcote^'Opiilc Mircßi. not snry tfc* beqmner making
      315 words
    • 48 19 8 Editorial and Administration is now operative at Balai Berita. 31 Jalan Riong off Jalan Bangsar Kuala Lumpur. Telephone ***** \|r P. O. Box No. 250 remains unchanged. ILj« w% >^^-^^ THE STRAITS TIMES PRESS (M) BERHAD Bjla. Bentd. 31 jalan Riong, Kuala Lumpur. Tel. *****. P.O Box 250.
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 50 19 1,7 M'j SOrCF.R MerdHia tourney: China v India (7. X) p.m.); •emi-final: Burma v Vietnam 1 9. both matches at Merdeka Stadium) Penang Div. IPTA v Ramblers ifity star/urn 5 I.Si Klanf DiT. 2: Police v Ramblers. Harper v High Sch RrGGER Padang Invi'auon v Bcrvicaa Invitation (XL padaac). 1
      50 words

  • 236 20 SINGAPORE, Monday. piU) (OMMIMST youths carrying 'banners ;ui(l lighted torches tonight held a number of lightning demonstrations in different parts of Singapore. The Police Secretary. Mr. Loke Foo Yee. .said tonight: "They are a prelude to the disorder the Barisan soslaiis intends to
    236 words
  • 82 20 LIS to start course on quality control -INOAPORE. Mon.— l he Licht Industries, Sen ices ol the Ecom>mic Development Board is oi-■-.'.ini.sin? a course m "Quality Conutint; Sept. 4. The course in Mandarin, is aimed at main- taming high quality standards in industries at minimum cost and maximum efficiency. ■HlTilfl
    82 words
  • 87 20 MANILA. Mon. -The anti-smua-Bttnf agreement between the Philippines and Malays]. i m.iy bt signed late this month during the ministerial conierence of the Association of South-east Asii i ASA i in Kuala Lumpur, the Philippine Foreign Secretary. Mr. Ramos, said today. In a statement released
    AP  -  87 words
  • 60 20 SEOUL. Mon- A pre-dawn attack by North Korean Anm regular! on a South Korean Army patrol yesterday left nine killed and five wounded, the South Korean Army reported today. Six South Koreans, including two officers, were killed and five others wounded in the
    AP  -  60 words
  • 124 20 Gimson School boys admit robbing their overseer SINGAPORE, Mon. Mr. Justice Kulasekaram in the High Court today reserved sentence on seven boys all lrom the Gim.son School lur Boys in Clementl Road on a joint charge of gang robbery The Judvie called lor reports on all the boys from the
    124 words
  • 67 20 VADAKITHU ABRAHAM, beloved father of Htt»r*. V. A. Oimrko. charlah. Maine. Qeome. Thoman ..r.d Abraham pa»sed away peacefully >n 21.<».67 at Kurlannoor. MAOAM LIM Choon Nro away peacefully U.S.ST leavtnK behind •or." Khoo Tioni: Loon. TttM I ii.nk: l.ian. Tinm: Jian. daushurt Ann Neo. Wan Nro. one non-in-lnvv. four
    67 words
  • 22 20 MR. LIM KIM SENG'S rortritr cnlrol. MRS MUNIVAMAL KORAr. MVUm rrmdrmr a.« 87 ..t 4 pm. for Chu» Chu Kin* emartrry
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  • 13 20 SIM BOCK CHOON Kondly Alwnw. PiK Lan and loved I
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  • 137 20 HE GOT $400 FOR STOLEN GOODS WORTH $2,800 SINGAPORE. Mon. A youth who admitted stealing $2,876.50 worth of goods from a shop told a district court today that he had received only $400 from the proceeds of the theft. Lee Kai Lye. 19. admitted that he and another man had
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  • 41 20 Decoration course SINGAPORE Fri.-Thc Aduit Education Board is to conduct an advanced interior decoration course tor students who have completed its introductory interior decoration and home furnishing course. Further details are available from the board at the Cultural Centre. Canning Rise.
    41 words
  • 298 20 LONDON. Mon— Generally quiet conditions prevailed throughout mast .sections of the London stock market today. Prices mo\ed narrowly. 1..H k of Interest brought a fractional marking down to industrial leaders around noon. Despite some modest two-way business later, nowed little further mo\eiiien: and tin undertone crlbM as firm
    298 words
  • 60 20 LONDON. Mon— Spot 1 3 \<\.. N. 8.. Sept 15\d.. Oct. 15 13 16d., Nov. 16d.. Oct. Dec. 16d.. Jan Mar. !fi ,d. April June 16\d July Sept 16\d. O-t Dec IT.d. Jan March 17 7 16d April June 17 11 16 d.. July Sept '7 13 lfid c.l.f.
    60 words
  • 33 20 LONDON. Mon— Buyers £1186 i— C6','. sellers £1189 <— £4'..>.i Forward buyer? £1190 < £6>. 'i sellers IlltlU t— £.ii. Settlement £1191 i— £l'-i. Turnover a.m. 75 tons. p.m. 110 tons. Tone- Dull i
    33 words
  • 454 20 200 who went to union meeting get a warning letter SINGAPORE, Monday. TIIK management of Ksso Standard Ltd. and ils subsidiary. Petroleum Transport and Services Inc., today issued warning letters to 200 <>l their employees who attended an emergency union meeting last Thursday In Identical letters, the management said the
    454 words
  • 303 20 TENGKU OPENS CHENG LOCK SCHOOL OF NURSING I/UALA LUMPUR, Mon. Abunt L'UU uiris in various smart uniforms and 25 yards Of rod carpel today lined the driveway tv the new $500,000 Tun Tan Chc D g Lock School of Nursing In Petaling Java to greet Tengku Abdul Rahman and Puan
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 42 20 Late classified advertisemeats BROWN: To Ann and John a wo on i!« i,7 ,t Aaaaatt Hospital. TO TIRRV and Adela Lee. a dauphin. ;,t Gleneaslea. Thankn to B rajalinCAM: To Olive and R»ja (MM nil fl.ift. CHEW i><«; ii I Thank* o
      42 words
    • 231 20 beautiful^ 1 radiogram R fPHl^ffll^HlflflHß models I f arabella/stereo '1 tO ChOOSG I 1 M.,tcrp,.« of electronic .n,,necr.n,. d«,,,n I ..production mk It has 13 valvei 13 Diodet, 4 Wove Bonds vii. BC FM, fmm I Lh 2 SW AFC *AM nP>> P cclal mo»chcd speakers, I 4 -spaed DUAL
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 48 20 The weather Hieiiesi and lowest tcnptrttun fn M;il;»vm.) ;md Sinc.iporc (or the period 8 p.m. Sunday to 8 p.m. yesterday: Highest Lowest Kuala Lumpur 90 "2 Kot;i Bharu 7.S PeimiiK 86 I poll 2 86 70 Singapore 88 72 C. Highland.- 72 56 Jesselton 88 75 Kuching 72
      48 words