The Straits Times, 15 June 1967

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150,000 The Straits Times 1 National Estd. 1845 THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1967 15 CENTS KDN. 2578:2590/M.C.(P)2266
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  • 527 1 The King calls for cut in spending Xl ALA LI.MITK. 1Y Wed.— The Yang di Pertuan Agong today called for a complete cut of all unproductive e% pendittire in th c Federal and State Governments an d all statutory bodies. In hi.s Speech from the Throne opening the fourth session
    UPI  -  527 words
  • 166 1 HONG KONG, Wednesday. JMIK leftists today kept up their war of" nerves, after accusing the Governneni of j persecution, by ordering a strike among con- struction workers. Posters put up at construction sites called on workers to "take a holiday" while communist newspapers claimed this morning
    Reuter  -  166 words
  • 188 1 Execution soon, says Suharto ALSO TO FACE FIRING SQUAD: DHANI AND DALAM JAKARTA, Wednesday ACTING President General Suharto has said that the former Foreign Minister, Dr. Subandrio, and two other Cabinet Ministers who held office under ousted President Soekarno will soon be executed, the official Armed Forces
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  • 51 1 WASHINGTON. Wed. The number of card -carrying communi^iv all over the world Increased tn IOM by more than two million. a US Stale Department .survey tun The number of Reds In Malm via rose from 2.700 to 3.000. and In I Indonesia from 100.000 to
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  • 197 1 BBTWBN two ranks of Singapore Reserve Unit policemen move a line of young men and girlsThey were among those arrested at the Barisan Sosialis "sit-out" outside Changi Jail on Tuesday night. The "sit-out" pickets had been milling around a makeshift roadside tent when police decided to
    MAX MAN SENG See Pages and  -  197 words
  • 734 1 Kosygin may be on way to U.N. X T EW YORK. Wed. Russia has asked for landing rights at the airport here for the arrival of a special jetliner which may be bringing Premier Alexei Kosygin to the United States for the first time. Arab diplomats said that there was
    Reuter; UPI  -  734 words
  • 48 1 JESSELTON. Wed Twelve Sabah fishermen were flown back to Tawau by an RMAF Caribou plane yesterday from Tarakan. where they had been detained The fishermen had gone out ffching on May 8 and were picked up after they had drifted Into Indonesian waters— UPl.
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  • 136 1 TAMPA (Fla.J Wed A KSOMSTS start- V <-(l firry overnight m three buildings and a timber yard in Negro lIW of riot-torn Tampa. But there was no immediate move to send back the hundreds of National (.u.iruMiirn (militia) and police standing by Sheriff .Malcolm Beard ordered them out
    Reuter  -  136 words
  • 277 1 RED GUARDS KICK, BEAT EXPELLED DIPLOMATS PEKING. Wednesday. DED Guards beat and kicked two Indian diplo- mats in wild scenes at Peking Airport today before they left by air for Hong Kong, after being expelled lrom China accused of spying. Second Secretary Khrishnan Raghunath and Third Secretary P. Vijai wore
    Reuter  -  277 words
  • 192 1 $30m loan for Kemubu project WASHINGTON. Wod. -The World Bank announced today approval of a loan to Malaysia of US$lO million for the Kvmubu irrigation project in Kelantan. The projoct will provide i irrigation water lor growing i two crops of rice a year on 47.000 acre.s of the coastal
    AP; UPI  -  192 words
  • 42 1 SIT-DOWN FLOP n|\c;APOKE. Wed. Police tonight dispersed croup of 30 BarLsan SoslaIN MUvMi outside Chaßfl I'iimhi Mlu-n they tried to si art >r<«nd round of "sitout Two men who rrfated to disperse were arrr«.tr<l at 11.30 Pm. (See (Ins p:ief).
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 139 1 Have you thought ot wearing invisible CONTACT LENSES The Modern answer to spoctacles OAH SIN OPTICAL HOUSE 325. North Br.dq. Rd., S por« 7. (Next Door ODEON), Tel: *****/***** o P tom..,,ft- CHEN YIN POOR, Certified Contact Lent Practitioner Dip. Opt. Univ. ot W. Australia. #This knob is the secret
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    • 71 1 NOW! Compact Cassette i§n BASF.^TWTi.. C6O I 1 IUI WITH MiF QWJITY TAPE THE NEW CURRENCY can be lost through FIRE FLOOD THEFT WHITE ANTS When you bring old notes for exchange why not open a Savings Account? THE HONGKONG BANK MERCANTILE BANK LTD. are members of a world wide
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    • 137 2 Moroccan king says 'no' to Arab summit I> A 13 A T Wed. 1V Kiiin Hassan yesterday rejected a Sudahese proposal for an Arab .summit, saying it would just, bo a conference of ■•.sell-criti-cism" and suggested Instead thp holding of an Arab Foreign Ministers' conference. The Moroccan Klni scut •I-,
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    • 120 2 SHOW 0FLOYALTY TO HUSSEIN IN AMMAN STREET AMMAN. Wed. Kin* llusM*in appeared on the streets of his capital yesterday fur the first lime since last week's lighting, and crowds surrounded his limousine, auplauriing and shoutinf "l.onn live Hussein." When people spotted the Kinn's car entering one of the main streets,
      AP  -  120 words
    • 372 2 War insurance slashed— but the Suez Canal stays closed CALL TO SEND A U.N. MISSION LONDON, Wednesday. LONDON shipping insurers yesterday slashed back the extremely high war risk rates they introduced at the start of the ArabIsraeli conflict, thus showing their confidence in a return to nearnormality in the Middle
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    • 87 2 Cost of the war: 1 1 9,000 casualties TEL AVIV. Wed— lsrael M today estimated that thp six-day Mid-East war had cost the Arab countries 115.665 casualties against their own of 3.342. Thp figures Include dead, wounded and captured. The Jordanians, it estimated, suffered about 6K.000 men killed, wounded or
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    • 264 2 WASHINGTON, Wed. Spare parts for Egyptian planes and tanks which escaped destruction or received only minor damage in the Arab-Israeli war are being airlifted to Cairo by the Soviet Union. U.S. officials reported yesterday. But so far no shipments of actual weapons have been
      Reuter  -  264 words
    • 117 2 NEW DELHI. Wed 11 China has supplied Pakistan complete »-qiifnment for two infant r* divisions. 2.50 tanks. 120 MiG fighters and two squadrons of Russianmade Ilyus' bombers, the Indian Defence Minister. Mr swa r a n Singh, told the Tpper House of Parliament yesterday.
      UPI  -  117 words
    • 241 2 Death in the desert as Red Cross tries to supply water ("♦ENEVA. Wed. The VM international committpp of the Red Cross is pressing for emergency steps to bring water to thousands of thirsty Egyptian troops stranded in the Sinai desert, informed sources said here today. Some of the Egyptians are
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 261 2 ire iMP \rr\ YSt Buy a NATIONAL Iron now, at the usual price, and get a NATIONAL toy van FREE THoSE WHO KNOW BUY I^Hlimi fJSH NATIONAL QUAlm PtOOUOS ARE BACKfO BY -X fUU GUARANTEE H| SERVICE STATWIIS THROUGHOUT SINCAPOti AND MALAYSIA DOUBLE VALUE ShelltOXVapona destroys insects TWO WAYS better
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    • 191 2 Advertisement Lemons For Beauty To keep your skin clear and fair you need the natural cleansing and bleaching tonic of lemons. Ask your chemist for a bottle of lemon Delph, the latest type skin freshener used by oeautlful women throughout the world. Lemon Delph makes the complexion, neck and .shoulders
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 30 2 TUB GAMBOUS -< /te4* Cr'2!Lffls2 >fr3) i>2*le HuatW) /^m canwd-Tn /no douct iou ooulo wjo*\ (mv ip you dow YJ #qm* orumm woman id V»^uk» jrj- Vycootc amo tAVtrfeit -<euy <o+
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    • 335 3 Tit-for-tat blow to Mao by Chagla NEW DELHI, Wednesday. *JHE Indian Government last night followed up China's expulsion orders against two Indian diplomats by accusing Peking's First Secretary in New Delhi of "grossly subversive activities." Chinas Charge d'Affaires. Mr. Chen Chaoyuan. was handed a Note saying First Secretary Lu-Chih had
      AP  -  335 words
    • 115 3 U.S. bid for a peek at Venus CAPE KENNEDY. Wed.— The UnKed States today launched a 541 b unmanned spacecraft on a 212 million mile Journey to Venus. The Mariner V spacecraft blasted off In the nose of a 91ft Atlas-Axena rocket, beginning a fourmonth journey to Venus. If all
      Reuter  -  115 words
    • 33 3 SAIGON. Wed. Pour Viet, cong walked into a coffee shop here ioday and opened fire, killing a policeman and four local soldiers. Three civilians and a soldier were wounded
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    • 17 3 MOSCOW. Wed. Russia today protested to China against "unceasing provocations" against its embassy in Peking.
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    • 123 3 NEGRO IS NAMED TO U.S. SUPREME COURT WASHINGTON, Wed. —President Johnson yesterday named Mr. Thurgood Marshall, a leading civil rights lawyer, as the first Negro to serve on the United States Supreme Court. Mr. Marshall. 58. was former counsel for the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People and
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    • 42 3 SANTA MONICA. Wed. Mexican actress Movita has sued film star Marlon Brando for divorce, charging mental cruelty. The .suit seeks US$B,OOO a month alimony and support for their two children. The couple were married in i960. UPI.
      UPI  -  42 words
    • 31 3 HOLLYWOOD. Wed. me Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has elected Gregory Peck as its president for 1967-68. He formerly held the post of first vice-president. UPI.
      UPI  -  31 words
    • 88 3 LONDON, Wed. British hopes for a balance of payments surplus this year had a boost today when the Finance Ministry announced an overall Rain of £151 million for the six months ending in March Finance Minister Mr James Callaghan has lorecaM a small surplus lor
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    • 407 3 Trebled rate for Press cables: Wilson 'no' to call for conference "THE British Prime Minister, Mr. Wilson, has rejected a suggestion from the Commonwealth Press Union for a London conference on his Government's decision to treble the Commonwealth penny-a-word Press rate. LONDON, Wed In a letter to the union chairman.
      Reuter  -  407 words
    • 130 3 Wilson tries anew to break Rhodesia deadlock LONDON, Wednesday. •JHE Prime Minister, Mr. Harold Wilson, announced yesterday that he is sending a former Conservative Government Minister to Salisbury to see if the 18-month deadlock in the Rhodesia independence crisis can be broken. I Lord Alport, who was also once British
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    • 70 3 BUENOS AIRES, Wed. A car rally sponsored by the police here to set an example of good driving to other motorists failed because those taking part were among the worst offenders. Many drove on the wrong side of the road, exceeded speed limits, refused to
      Reuter  -  70 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 220 3 M Ebmß^' '^•-•■^JirflpfPTlla^Bgala»aTgWla» ■fUC^ ftp? jm^|is§HlEtP>? 4M Bart? She uses aaa^av gglt a«|||^ alHI^ atavavak aVaiafl iTavbaVaV Mary Quant StafkerS iIIIIIdII mil the nude make-up. W■ I■l I II ,4 so natural it looks like WmJn I Jk I 1"| I^l I bar. sk,n. but |b I■■ <|l :l 1
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    • 234 3 1 Maxitherm' PACKAGE BOILER (A PRODUCT Of MATHIESON WATFRS PTY. LTD. AUSTRALIA)^ FOR SAFE, SILENT AND DEPENDABLE GENERATION OF STEAM OR HIGH TEMPERATURE WATER SALES SERVICE FOLIN" Brothers Limited Lot 16, Section 14, Jalan 223, Petaling Jaya, Tel: *****.(4 lines) Getting Up Nights Makes Men Feel Old Before Their Time
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 371 4 CAPITOL TSbVZP OPENS TODAY A Countess once fled on a ship. La (Where she made all the men iireallvflip!) 0% Her stern and her bow... -^iS^ Not to mention her prow... Made them pray for a very long trip! L ,s££< A UNIVERSAL presents vS^ Maßion soPHia i BRAnoo ippeN
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    • 374 4 I RE\-OPENS TODAY-SKY I 11. 1.45. 4. 6.30 6, 9.30 b iOKfc, 11. 1.45 4. 6.30 9.15 1 The blockbuster story if Guns! Guts! Grenades! V ...that cones mortar -screaming out of Guadalcanal: I If you enjoyed "The Thin Red Line" yon must not miss... I £n* Hb»^^^^ by J
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    • 574 4 ■■■■1 ORGANISATION V Lair 4 Ihow, 1 .43, 416 JO Gory f. >.' i Notl "WIW Wild Wmtcr" color (UI-SB) _r»ntght f.iSpm Ne Fr«« LM! Wlnntr of 2 Academy Awardi! 2 Goldtn Glob* Award* ANO I Grand Prii tor Beit Picture! "A MAN AND A WOMAN" M Aoouk A.myr E^
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  • 116 5 Govt to recognise degrees of 1,500 US varsities ft I A LA LLMPLR. Wed The Government has decided to recognise the degrees conferred by 1.500 American win vrrsitirs and of the majority of Australian •mil Now Zealand univrrsitiev llir Standing Committee on the Evaluation of Foreign Qualituationv which was >rt
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  • 18 5 PENANG. Wed. Fifty Sucihl WeUan lottery tickei* were stolen from v store in China Street yesterday.
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  • 58 5 The King opens Parliament THE SPEAKER. Djto CM. Yusof, exchanges a word with Tengku Abdul Rahman at the ceremony. Between them are the President ot the Senate. Dato Abdul Rahman, and Puan Shanfah Rodziah. Straits Times picture. THE KING Inipi cling the guard of honour at the opening ceremony of
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  • 230 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday. gTATE and foreign dignitaries were in full attendance at the ceremonial opening of Parliament by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong this morning. r~ As the distinguished crowd arrived an hour earlier to take their seats in two YIP stands flanking the parade
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  • 52 5 PENANG. Wed. S:n Malaysian arttaU. banding themselves as the "Circle Six. will hold a ioint exhibition at the museum and art gallery nere starting next Monday The artists are Tan Lye Hoe. Lim Tcng Juan. Khung Hoe Lan, M. R:i,.is?opal. M. Krishnamoorthy and Madam Quay
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  • 160 5 Robbers foiled by their stalled van KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Three men. one armed with a pistol, raided the Cold Storage premises in Jalan Chan Sow Lin here early today but left empty-handed when they could not get their van started. The robbers had earlier held up the watchman before entering
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  • 55 5 KUALA LUMPUR Wed. Th« closing date of the Phulograpiiir Society of Malaysia and Emo Standard Malaya) colour photographic contest, originally scheduled for Thursday, has been extended to July 1. Entry lorrns can be obtained from Mr. Chung Woon Khuaii. DMaion of Audiovisual Education. Specialist Teachers' Trainlne
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  • 36 5 TELUK ANSON Wrd St. Anthonys School chalked up another victory when they beat Tapah Government Enf?Hsn School at Tapali in the .vfcund round ot I tlir Perak Javcee.s' inter-school I debate fur secondary- schools.
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  • 23 5 PENANG. Wed. A busmesi,tan. tee Soo Ban. had his Fiat at stolen from outside the Telejmmunications office in Madras ane yesterday
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  • 103 5 Office boy and $1,213 cheque... IPOH, Wed.— M. Raman 17, an office boy with i firm of architects here who was entrusted with i cheque for $1,213.75 cashed it and absconded with the money. The same Jay. he bought a new motorcycle for $850. which had to be left in
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  • 38 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed— The chief engraver of the Strait.Times Press. Mr. N<? SUe Loon, today left for a six-week study tour of EuroD? He ;\il] study graphic arts techniques In Britain. Denmark and Belgium.
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  • 222 5 I GRIK, Wednesday 1 BRIGHTENED Orang Asll 1 living near Grik. Upper Perak. have refused to guide game rangers to a deep jungle area to track a man-eating tiger which claimed its latest victim a fortnight ago. The Game Department had sent two rangers
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  • 252 5 Factory that started off double —quick— CINGAPORE. Wed. The Finance Minister. Mr. Lim Kirn i San. said today that while Singapore's industrialisation programme had progressed satisfactorily, the momentum gained could and must be accelerated. Opening the new Singapore Adhesives and Chemicals Ltd factory in Jurong, he vaid. "The Economic Development
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  • 42 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Straiu iimca reporwr Mr. y.>i> Kirn Onn leit here today to take up a cour.-p on educational taatisg find planning at the But-WM Orrvr Huwi uiwter-a Fulbneht scholarship. He will be away for two years.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 153 5 CNLY IXCLUJIVI MINI SHOP Presents the new 1967 Spring Collection -ARROWSPORTS SHIRTS Choose yours to-day from the 'FIESTA' range of unconventional colours introduced now for the first time. 81, HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE HURRY!.. GET YOUR TICKETS NOW! SINGAPORE HOTEL Presents *^W~P**f *MS«| INTERNATIONAL f NATIONAL THEATRE 1 Ws. h Tomorrow
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    • 66 5 AJI-HO-MOTO El COMES TO YOU IN A HANDY BOTTLE THIS NEW 2 TAHIL BOTTLE WAS SPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE yf^u ,w.te crystals onto your food Get this' New Look'handy bottle to-day. When your bottle is empty, you can always buythn economy pack and fill it up again. AJI-NO-MOTO makes
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  • 97 6 $150,000 self-help housing scheme KOTA TINGGI, Wed. Tbe Johore Government is to start a |tftY> 000 gotong-rovong housing; scneme here in iooperalion with MAX.V This was announced by thf> .Mentri Besar, Dato llaji Otnman bin Sa'at, nhen he addressed heads of departments and pencbulus at the Rural Prve> lopment Operations
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  • 25 6 KUANTAN Wed. The Sultan of Pahang a ill open a health cimif and a mosque at Kampong Kern- I padang here on Friday.
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  • 346 6 PRICE TAGS ON RICE FROM TODAY KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. J^ GOVERNMENT order requiring all shops to display price tags on four essential commodities from tomorrow has takert many shopkeepers by surprise. Most of them were unaware that the Ministry of Commerce and Industry was planning
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  • 118 6 Miner's last journey DENANG. Wed. Marine Police stood guard at Swettenham Pier this afternoon as the body of Mr. Gan Chai Leng was taken to his boat, specially .sent here to convey the millionaireminer to Bhuket. West Thailand. The coffin was placed on the dock of the Sindu Bhuke' amid
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  • 24 6 SINGAPORE. Wed A 50-year old man. Ho Chwee CUeng, of Raneoon Road, fell to his death from multi-storeyed Selegie House this afternoon
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  • 266 6 Accused's right to counsel brought up in court KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday. TME question of an accused person's constitutiox nal right to counsel was brought up in the High Court, here today. A lawyer. Mr. Ronald K. Y. Yeo. argued that every person charged In court should be provided with counsel
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  • 47 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Thieves stripped three bulldozer* of their parts worth $5,300 at Kamprag Kamesah in Ulu Klang. six miles from here, yesterday. They stole two fuel pumps rorth 53. 400, two dynamos worth 11.600. a fuel pipe and other parts rorth $300.
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  • 183 6 SINGAPORE, Wed. After 15 years in various .senior posts in the Singapore Civil Service. Mr. H. F. G. Leembruggcn. 42, has resigned. Hr loft hv ioh :.s ho;jd of thr Rcgi.-try of Vehicles yesterday to an on live months 1 le.u-p
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  • 49 6 MALACCA. Wed. Malacca's CID Chief. Deputy Supt. Yap Thien Chin, who goes on four months' leave tomorrow, will leave on a v orld tour early next month accompanied by his wife. Ant Supt. Ad-.iaii bin Mat Arol will act for him during his «b--••ence.
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  • 72 6 IPOH. Wed About 5.000 Mu.v>nvs here and in nearby area& will take part in a prwssion on Sundiy to celebrate tl)« birthday of Pi'ophet Moiiamed. TIM prcx-^ss:j:i "ill beem thr Sekolah LaWfaail W«l CofieiiK Road and thiouuh Huiii Lou Street Beifleld Street and BrewMt-r Road.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 448 6 P^i^ new formula ill CLEANS FALSE TEETH pf pg Steradent K keeps dentures sSBB| sparkling clean The erTerve: >« nl oxygen- ling clean. Sec for yourselT S f llMllnl action of new formula Stera- why Dentists recommend new- lH I dent fOes to work effective| y- formula Steradent— the special
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 258 6 Straits Times Crossword »i Kiis- time is>. r g J>ut new Ufe lnto r Orwne 1. We jet on to time, in thU to <ie|rre« <10>. re«pect ibj. v. clubs tour breaks up ouulde 5. Main line going along thi tne jy^ s He d ln neavy ntD clin.' (4-4
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  • 67 7 Air hostess Nancy weds a doctor DX. Cheng Hin and the former Miss Nancy (>an after their wedding at the Singapore Registry recently. Dr. is the youngest son of Mr and Mrs Kirn Cheang. of Penan* Ihr bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. dan
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  • 271 7 KUALA II MPt K. Wed.— limit 'Mill men of the KMAI at their hase here stayed away from tea and dinner yesterday in protest against the introduction of a card system. The new order requires all airmen below the rank of t
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  • 405 7 Singapore's 14 exciting new projects SPECIAL TAX CONCESSIONS FOR PRIVATE INVESTORS By JACKIE SAM I I I gINGAPORE Wed. Singapore is poised for massive participation by the private sector in its urban renewal programme. On the launching pad are 14 exciting projects, details of which are still secret. Ii is
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  • 244 7 GENEVA Wednesday. MALAYSIA will be glad to offer the benefit of its experience in the development field to countries requiring it. Malaysia's Labour Minister said here yesterday. "My Government very much likes to see that people, both employed and self-employed. get a higher standard
    Reuter  -  244 words
  • 49 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed— A full litttarjr funeral was given to the late Lt.-Col. Oman bin Hajl ■nar. Airie-de-Cainn to the V ai-Pertuan Agcng. today Lt.-Col. O<man. 49. who joined the Malaysian Armed Poices in IHt. died in the General Hospit»l last night after a short Illness
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  • 53 7 MALACCA. Wed.-Aboul 4.000 people from various Maslim orcaniMttinn.s are expected to take part in a procession here on Monday on the occasion of the buthdav of the Prophet Mohamed The procession will begin at Bondx Hllir PadaiiK and end at the Kubu Stadium, where a mas* i.nh
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  • 28 7 PENANG. Wctl An AtMra- Han idumm. Mi D W Cole- nacl his guitar ;ind c-iB-irrttr lighter stolen from Ml CM in Batu Perrlnghi la«t nisht
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  • 98 7 CANBERRA. Wed A re search team of two Malaysians and three Australians will compile an English-Malay d:ct:on;»rv for publication by C:im bridge University Press Protes-sor A. H John.s. ot the Department ot Indonesian Languages and Literatures at the Australian National University, the head of tht r<
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 145 7 WHY BE SKINNY? Mm. COME ON AND ENJOY LIFE Amazing new scientifically processed formula. Super Wate-On offers you a quick way to put on extra pounds and inches of firm, healthy flesh— safely. And Super Wate-On provides nourishment. helps to improve appetite and increase vitality. It's pleasant to take j
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    • 266 7 .yii M I^, :iml experience. flflP^ v* i DUNLOP When making these K72 scooter tyres, Dunlop thinks Take a close look at a K72. Spe the unique Dunlop of you, your pillion rider, and others on the road. That's tread. Note how strong and supple the casing and the why
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  • 224 8 Villagers are angry over vandal raid on their Centre SINGAPORE, Wed. A jtroup oi anti national elements who splashed the walls and pavement of the new Lam Soon Village Community Centre with slogans in red and white paint recently have angered villagers of Chua Chu Kang. The new building at
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  • 119 8 Sister Florence is elected to be chairman SINGAPORE Wed Sister Florence Sim Sian Neo has been elected the new chairman of the General Hospital nurslne branch of the Amalgamated Union of Public Employees Other officials elected me Mis> Sarah Chong Swee Neo tvicechalimani. Mr. Tan Im Slew (secretary Mr Ytp
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  • 269 8 Expulsion order for man on vandalism charge SINGAPORE. Wednesday. A MAGISTRATES court was told today that Teo Swee Kiam. charged under the Vandalism Act with pasting two posters on a street lamppost at Tembelinp Road, has been served with an expulsion order by the Government. A police prosecutor. ASP Yiap
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  • 111 8 SINGAPORE. Wednesda\ THE Third District Court today heard how three armed men tied up a mother and her daughter, herded them into a toilet, and then ran- sacked their home. The robbers finally left the house with cash and jewellery worth $2,560. Senior Inspector Ram
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  • 26 8 SINGAPORE .Wed Winners r the Rotary Club of Singapore cliools elocution contest today poke at the clubs weekly lunheon meeting at the Calhay lotel
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  • 46 8 SINGAPOHE. Wed. Then* will be no water supply on Frida> (mm 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Cl'.angi Koad i between Jalan Cunas and Frankel Avenue i. Lorong Malayu. Lorong Mydln. Jalan Masjici. Jalan WakafT. Jalan Kembaiman. LengkoiiK Satu LpngKong Dua and Lengkong 'lisa
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  • 141 8 TODAY'S educational TV on Channel 8 is as follows: k .id am. 8.50 a.m. E i«lisJi meiaiure. Sec 1 "Lauy Precious Stream II": 9.15 9oj. English llleiaturc. Se< I •Worus and Pictures', lo 10 JO. Mathematics. Sec. 2 'Variables and Functions III": 11 u.i 11 Jo.
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  • 46 8 SINGAPORE Wed Electrlcitv supplies will be cut off tomorrow trom 830 am to 7.30 p.m. ;»t TMMMOhn Road Sing Avenue. Joo Avenue. Owen Road. Rangoon Roud 'between Sing Avenue and Race Course Road> and Race Course Road 'between Rangoon Road and Race Course Roadi.
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  • 236 8 'LOOK SICK AND WEAK' RUSE BY DETAINEES EXPOSED SINGAPORE. Wed. Some of Chanjji's political detainees today attempted a ruse to win sympathy from relatives by pretendnm to look weak and sick. Revealing tlu> tonight, a Ministry <>r I junior and Defence statement said It happened this morning when relative* vim
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  • 42 8 SINGAPORE. Wed Mi X.A Eber has been elected presldeni of the Singapore Catholic Benevolent Association Vice-president i: Mr Matthew Hg, and other officebearers are Mr \V H Mosbergen honoran HenUurj <nd treasurer and Mr GM Theseira honorarj MSIsUM secretary and treasurer
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  • 113 8 Serangoon Park Residents' Assn. officials SINGAPORE. Wed Mr JOMpil K. S. Tan ha.s been elected president of the newly-fumed Str.ingoon Park Residents A.s>ociaUon. Vice-presideiii is Mi. Wong Ah Wah Other officials air Mr Won« Ah Wah ■vice-president p. Mr Bciieolct Goh Tlak Hona 'secretary. Mr Foon» Foo Kheon 'deputy .*cretaiyi.
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  • 42 8 SlMJrtfOnt \veu— Ihe Ministry ol Culture held Mctlon will give Iree him shows tomorrow at 7.30 p.m. at Lee Chin Van Hng. Lorong Patong. Jalan iSagu Chln-p.-e Temple Kainpony Tengah, Ponggol Road: and Nam San Srhool Chua Chi Kane Road.
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  • 53 8 SINGAPORE, Wed. Thr Canadian High Commission has organised a selection of Canadian films to be shown at the Orchard Theatre on July 1 to commemorate the Canadian ( The two commeinuration films to be shown are: Helicopter Canada, an Academy Award winner, and The Drag,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 420 8 a secure family is a happy one! '^Biflg^UH *-r" tm "tm «i ~__i ggW 1^ '**^C*Tr^gl ritfT**"^ 1H&. ggW '^gfl jT!m» HgsKSiMMPM^bJßgggC^ k^^^.^^^^^^^^. gar* 'jg g §f /gggi I ijpnk i, let the Prudential provide security for you and your family L'ndcr the Heritage Endowment' plan, you ensure that your
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 91 8 Oirti I rtirif Hfl 1 h«>sH»r inutld fum* vai igv rjurgrc 1 I mother ano i forgot 1 f first of all. when are 1^— V^-UELiOFVEffyONE TOASK YOU A FEW YOU COMING HOME fTME GOVERNOR WISHES^ TTOU MM.LU. BVCWTWIC TH |NGS THE OTHER J te> TO TALK TO YOU TWO
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  • 372 9 i SINGAPORE. Wed. J^|H. JUSTICE Buttrooe today heard how lour grown-up brothers set out together one night for a p;is;ir malam in Siglap, from which one failed to return alive. The eldest of the four Loh Joo Shang, 38, an RAF Seletar
    372 words
  • 184 9 JUDGE ACTED WRONGLY, SAYS APPEAL COURT SINGAPORE. Wed. The Appeal Court today held that a District Judge had acted wrongly by failing to give a uniform sentence on two men while agreeing that a deterrent sentence was called for. The two men were Llm Ah Tee and Johnny Teo, who
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  • 18 9 SINGAPORE. Wed A total of 96 accidents, three of them serious, were reported to police yesterday.
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  • 31 9 SINGAPORE. Wed. The United States Ambassador to Singapore. Mr Francis J. Galbratth railed at the American Export I.sbrandtson Lines mobile trade fair at the Polytechnic grounds this afternoon.
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  • 57 9 SINGAPORE, Wed The Ciovrrnmrnt today mi iti'il private associations anil organisations in the Republic to put up illuminated .in hes for the National Day celebrations on Auk- They should con tart the Director of People's Association at Kalians for official application forms which should be completed in duplicate
    57 words
  • 100 9 SINGAPORE, Wed Singers from the Bison Chorale will present a recital organised by the Singapore Musical Society on July 1 at the Singapore Conference Hall. The croup, which conies from the Oklahoma Baptist I 'niversity. is a 25--voice choir. specially selected for the present
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  • 45 9 SINGAPORE. Wed. The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Social Affairs. Mr. Chan Chee Seng, today toured his Jalan Besar constituency to find out the needs for public amenities. He was accompanied by members of the Urban and Rural Services Committee.
    45 words
  • 132 9 SINGAPORE, Wednesday. T»HE Lions Club of Singapore (Host) will hand A over a cheque of $10,391.80 to the Vice-Chan-cellor of the University of Singapore, Dr. Lim Tay Boh as its contribution towards purchasing an "artificial kidney" for the Chronic Dialysis Unit in the Institute of
    132 words
  • 54 9 Family planning exhibition at Delta centre SINGAPORE. Wed— The next Government family planning mobile exhibition, organised by the Singapore Family Planning and Population Board In conjunction with the People's Association, will be held at the Delta community centre from tomorrow to Sunday The exhibition will be open from 3.30 p.m.
    54 words
  • 141 9 SINGAPORE. Wed. The Po.stma.ster General. Singapore, announced that there will be no delivery of correspondence or parcels on Monday, a public holiday, being the birthday of Prophet Mohammed. The hours of business at the General Post Office will be from 9 a.m. to noon. All
    141 words
  • 34 9 SINGAPORE. Wed Mr Allen Lee-Nam Yau has been admitted to the Bar of West Malaysia at the High Court In Johort Bahru He Is a barrister from the Inner Temple. London.
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  • 30 9 SINGAPORE. Wed. The Ulu Pandan Citizens' Consultative Committee will celebrate Its second anniversary with a dinner at the Ulu Pandan community centre. Coronation Road West on June 24.
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  • 117 9 SINGAPORE. Wed. The Suara Singapura Singers will present an "Evening of Song" on July sat the Victoria Theatre to raise funds for one of its members. Miss Jane Lee to study music in Britain. Miss Lee. who was edu- cated at the Chung Cheng
    117 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 384 9 IfA f J I" 1 W* lOHMB B Ja^ap| 2 I W^ <> For further details of bonus L_— SffWf^H payments and life insurance I B^,_^^tyiMMfaMfc^Jtt>tt«MiiittiAyiJß| policies please complete and despatch the coupon I HU belOW. si»s»pom «»l»»si» s oioiST ano stuonsist Em ***** company I REPLY COUPON To:— The
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
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  • 14 10 GODWIN. HAROLD SAM dl*d peac*fiill> on I.lth June. Funeral piivat*. No flnw-er. aJaaJBI
    14 words
  • 28 10 to Hora*t Hi (Minimum) MM. Jk MRS. We* Hong Guan thank ■II relanvea and frienda for UMtr vainable rre«enta on the ocraalon of th»ir marriage on .1-6-67.
    28 words
  • The Straits Times
    • 674 10 Although achievement and confidence are the keynotes of the Royal Address, Parliament has been bidden at the opening of its third session to face some la*j pleasant facts. One of them is that last year's budget M in deficit even on currvnt account; the last such
      674 words
    • 362 10 Malaysia's oil palm industry is expanding vigorously. The area under this crop has more than doubled since 1960 and totalled 303,000 acres at the end of last year. Production in 1966 amounted to 181,250 I tons of palm oil and 42,330 tons of palm kernels. Exports fetched $129
      362 words
    • 179 10 An unofficial survey of 39 households in a Kuala Lumpur squatter kampong has produced results to confirm fears that rehousing will be a most difficult operation. A high proportion of the families involved could not afford to move into low-cost flats at $35 a month unless their economic
      179 words
  • 1833 10 progress with stability AND RIGOROUS FINANCIAL DISCIPLINE DURING the twelve months sine* I last addressed you it tht opening of the third session of Parliament, several significant events had taken place. The three-year confrontation had ended and an agreement to normalise relations between Malaysia and Indonesia was signed.
    1,833 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1029 10 I Classified adTerliseneuls for Straits Times Malay Mail may be handed to: COLO STORAGE SU»f■-MARKIT Orchwd Rood iß D«tk) COLD STORAGE lIANCHIS Hollond Rood Novol Bom CITY BOOK STORI LTD.. w.ixheiin Houh, Collyw Ouov TMI NEWS FRONT Fittootnck't Supermorkart. M M. ISMAIL J Admirolty Rood. Novol Bau HAMIIM STORI. 1419
      1,029 words
    • 56 10 "'gee ghou)* Thm Renowned CUSTOM TAILORS Stylet Cat to the Latest Fashion* Hand Tailored Best Workmanship Also I i aaa i a at. Km m »4»n Importers m •■^•fTtri o* H^h CVaas Wn■■> A m M. WiXJalaUaTf SINGAPORE 21, Oi-Uo S»Mt. T.I ***** HONGKONG: Mirador Momwi, Ist Floor, Room No.
      56 words
    • 153 10 Good Health Good Humour with DUBONNET S fCANYOO i m I SPEAK 1 FRENCH CTZJ BB /''only I after a |v glass IB V of wm V -..Dubonnet/ Tm DUBONNET I'm Frtmb, I'm pg. I'm rub, rtdmmifrmty a imqm Umd of ran limwrn- vims frtm tbs famtd nmyards of Franci,
      153 words

  • 439 11 318 on bail— 'matter of right, not favour' SINGAPORE. Wednesday MAGISTRATE'S COURT today released 317 people on bail, after tl ?y had pleaded not guilty to a charge of continuing to be members of an unlawful assembly outside Changi prison last night. The magistrate, Mr. Anwarui Haqi.p. In granting bail
    Mak Kian Seng  -  439 words
  • 181 11 'Keep out of politics' warning to officers TESSELTON. Wed. Civil servants in Sabah were warned today not to dabble in politics but to "learn to work and live with the politicians." The head of the Sabah civil service. Mr. John Duslng. gave the warning when he addressed more than 30
    UPI  -  181 words
  • 67 11 KUANTAN, Wed— The Pahang State Government has extended the deadline for paying land premium to July 1. Previously, land owner* had to pay by May or they were liable to a fine. The acting Mentrt Besar. Dato Hajl Abdul Aziz bin Ahmad, said that the Government
    67 words
  • 88 11 TODAY: Sedtll Kechil 1.16 am. (55ft) 330 p.m (7.3 ft); Singapore 2.56 am (Bft) 503 p.m (6.9 ft); Port Dickson 11.19 a.m. (7.5 ft); Port Swettenham 10.39 am (14ft) 10.39 pm. (12.6 ft i Penang 643 am (6.6 ft) 555 p.m. »7 3ft < TOMORROW: Sedili Kechil 2.44
    88 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 82 11 PETROL J PETROL j j^J- J 6 t^(llg)g§pf^ ROAD TAX CSSiira ONLY V^^XS. *-V*7\_ lAjfd (6 MONI HS) moments tike theseHILLMAN IMP MX.2 (FOR ONLY $4,728/- nett) -^-~*""J7StS The BEST VALUE in /Y**^[^^Wx? family motoring Call Jl jy __Ay*T N 1 _S^ in and test drive the i _^aagaßM»-^-r^~T7T^-^ Hillman
      82 words
    • 213 11 TOP OF THE CLASS! Thanks to Educational TV and KRIESLER MODEL TlO9 SINGAPORE LIST PRICE $1390 This Kriesler model incorporates the popular lowwide line and features speakers at each end. Kriesler puts power behind the picture with a king-size power A.C. chasis giving you perfect picture and sound. COUC*nONAL TV
      213 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 668 11 TV MALAYSIA CHANNEL 5 Kuala Lumpur musical programme; 7.35 Lurand Praini; 6 Ipoh and Show Lucy and Joan; 8.00 Malacca: 3. 10 Johore Bahru; News in Mandarin; 8.10 Empat 4 Taipinc; 7 BaUi Pahat; 9 Sakawan Modern Chinese Kluang. drama; 8.35 Mimbar Ugama .V 45 P.M. Prosrramme sum- a religiouc
      668 words

    • 531 12 YOU can prevent the tensions in your home that create problems for you and your children, says an expert on family relationships. Dr. Ruby Harris, of the University of California, says "It is important to control tensions because the number of eight, nine
      531 words
    • 182 12 THE time has come for girls to start thinking about restyling their hair with emphasis on softness. So says Singapore beautician and hairstylist, Miss Nora Wong who has returned recently from Hong Kong. According to Miss Wong straight. severe-looking hairstyles are out. "Girls in Hone Kong
      182 words
    • 294 12 AT a recent exhibition of Tlenstln made carpets at the Singapore Conference Hall. 90 per cent of the 1.500 carpets were sold during the five-day exhibition. Mr. David Tai. managing director of a Hong Kong carpet firm said: "I decided to hold the exhibition to
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 485 12 ELASTOPLAST Dressing Strip Comforts, heals, protects small wounds NOW AVAILABLE WITH FREE SCISSORS Dressing Strip This simply means that the adhesive, medicated Stretch fabric ELASTOPLAST which everyone knows about in ready-cut patches, is also available in strips, 1 yd in length. This is an economical way of buying Elastoplast. All
      485 words
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  • 169 13 The backing for the new KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday. THE Minister of Finance has declared 80.59 per cent as the minimum value of the reserve of external assets against the Central Bank of Malaysia's notes and coins in circulation. The figure wa.s arrived at from a calculation that the total assets
    169 words
  • 78 13 MALACCA. Wed— The chairman of the Malacca MCA Dato Tan Cheng &wee, called on members night to look nut (or these peopir creating unreal iifl disturbances in thr country. "AH the recent trouble was the work of .some extreme leftists and it us up to u.s
    78 words
  • 36 13 ALOR STAR. Wed. An earJy morning blaze, today destroyed a large pan of an office building belonßine to the Sentab Civil aad Engineering Construct ion Co at Jabi. about eight nnlc« itom hare
    36 words
  • 107 13 I^l ALA LL'MPI'R. Wed. A request by six I pko MPs to "cross the floor" will be met as soon as seating arrancement.s can be made to accommodate them in the Opposition benches. This assurance was given today by the Sneaker of
    107 words
  • 42 13 SINGAPORE. Wed. A maximum Jail sentence of three veare on a pick-pocket was upheld today by Mr. Justice Winslow in the Appeal Court Lo<v Keng Kirn had been found guilty of Mealing $200 from a bus passenger
    42 words
  • 452 13  -  JUDITH YONG By gINGAPORE, Wed. A 15-year-old schoolboy came to Times House today with an armful of sketches of buildings with which he hopes "to grace Singapore's skyline and to beautify the city." The brilliant little '"architect." who has impressed teachers and
    452 words
  • 210 13 Why we should join Alliance: Dato T KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. VfALAYSIANS of Ceylonese eiigin have good reasons to be a component of the Alliance Party and maintain their identi v as Ceylonese Is the party. i The president of the Cey- I lon Federation of Malaya. Dato Sir Clouijh Thuraislngam.
    210 words
  • 91 13 DENANG, Wed.— A Facul- ty of Journalism might well be considered for inclusion in the proposed Penang University College. the Chief Minister. Tan Sri Wong Pow Nee. said here last night.. I hope you will give trils project every support." he told Llic Journalists'
    91 words
  • 33 13 MALACCA. Wed. More than 200 uuicers. cadets and men of the Malaysian Army attended a tire power demonstration by the Malaysian Artillery at the Asah&n r:<nae hcht here yesterday.
    33 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 273 13 A Period Piece II Hi mi.tii I 111 llilll iIH I J/ >\ DlH* ililllliHiiil I fj^l BL mV I i 1 1 f iiiil! Utiiaiiß MM -f if i Mmm mmmw^— H 1 !1 1 1 1 HHitiiH^il iHn ill I I'lMwSrw^Mv uml a^HTi^iii^ii^Liiil^ V I I* 1! 'flfliilli
      273 words
    • 351 13 n *'7*^7,' ifL^KF wWBOSB^iBJBBM Now Showing at CATHAY and PALACE HiMiiiiik^. *Vw Mmk If ML Mm r Tt BY Swmßwk fiar k BY ftfl fi Br W «W A jf 'j!^ HASS£L BL AD Hastelblad tb« •p::ome of ths camera techmaana craft. Hasselblad la acknowledged by the world's leading photographera
      351 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 64 13 Bugs Bunny By Ralph Heimdahl "~^> -v/^GO^N YOu HA/E ANY MAY I O-SPLAV SOWE \AHEAO. 1 PABTICULAR SXKTSj or m plowecs in your K S J N MINO -y~Z~Z77^ ESTABLISHMENT? |t7 y j^ T~^ P| CK E^ N. MAY STIMULATE y T VECSEI r I DISCOVEBED YOU MAVE a\ iT'iiff
      64 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 730 14 BHI t t ontmuru irom fagt IU ACKNOWLEDGMENT ft Wort* Sli l Minimum i THE FAMILY OF the latr Mr. Koon r"ook Weng thank friends and relatives for their condolences. donations, wreaths and attendance at tbe funeral. ANNOUNCEMENT M Wort* SIS (Hlnlmmm) NOW: FREE VO5 Cremr Rinse when you buy
      730 words
    • 848 14 SITUATIONS VACANT li Wo, t* U 'Hlm.r—Box tt efs s«fr» IF TOO CAN persuade oe« iwupit .ach «ceK to save U/. a *eek. you r can esri SIA.OuO/- a year, cor Oe- d taiU pl-kM. c«otact Bos AI66V sj.'l. K.U AMERICAN COMPANY Has vacancy for a temporary Laboratory Assistant. Only
      848 words
    • 986 14 ACCOMMODATION VACANT l sj rfjjsa _sj«, m >> FURNItHEO UNFURNISHCO three ■>edroom.« semi d bungalow or oat lUtrict 10 Pbone Spore *****. FLATS Nos 344-B 350-A Joo Chlst Road 3 h rooms each. Available Immediately. Telephone Spore ***** FURNISHED ROOM batb attached other facilities 216-C Moulmein Road Singapore <1 1
      986 words
    • 892 14 HOUSES LAND FOR SAI.r !i fi Wortt SI I Him.)— Box i» rfs e>lr« R SELETAR HILL ESTATE: 3-bed- roomed semi-detached house. ovor 3.000 sq.ft. 125.000 Loan availahl'. 1 Real Estate Agents Investment Co.. 1 53 The Arcade, B'pore *****, W4307 3 BRAOOELL HEIGHTS: Elevatral c position. Detacbed bungalow on
      892 words
    • 1035 14 TOURS EXCURSIONS i Wort* tt (Him.)— Box tt el*, ottrm SOUTH EAST ASIA Travel Service ,td Jnpan, Taipei /HonKkoim/ Rmu'kok Days XI. UO '.*3 Days $<i 18/7 s Bangkok Chiengmai 13 Days S34U I J Days Air S7v) 6 12 7 Malaya luilrnid lv Day* SI.Mi Malaya 7 l>a>s fti)
      1,035 words
    • 919 14 VEHICLRS FOR SALE IS Wort* St (Him.)— Box St rtt txtrm SPACIOUS INTERIOR. 810 <-nmtertUJJS) seam. massive boot, sports J car zip and Mvlf-sll ynurs with th» S 1 nt\\ Corsair at a runarkahly 'ow price Knqulrr *t DMVWBBI Cars. 1 j Singapore l VEHICLES WANTED I tVossJi .<» i
      919 words
    • 651 14 WHERE TO STAY (Malaysia) li Wortt tt (Mm.)— Box it rtt ttlr* HIV* STRAITS VIEW MOTIL lohor Bahru Sratidr lunrlni rvrry Saturday Kxrrl.ent Kniiiian and Chinese dishrs Tfl J.B VIM 4 BARS* RES UURANTSISWei IS Word, Sit (Mm.l—Bvx S» r»« rxlr,, LCT'S CO OANCINC ■< Ih. TWMtM DvcoUmtur Talk irl
      651 words
    • 419 14 PEMBERITAHU TAWARAN J.K.R., SELANGOR Tawaian daripada Prmbora\ng2 vaiiK berdaftar di-JKR Kelas C Hd 111 S.Hdl dan ka-aias akan di-tenma di-pejabat Jurulcra Negeri. JK.R. SelaiiKur. Kuala Lumpur hingxa jam pukul 3 00 peung pada nßb Jun, 1967. UNTOK:— SUPPLY AND DELIVERY TO J.K.R. STATE METER WORKSHOP KUALA LUMPUR OP SPARES FOR
      419 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1257 15 c -m COS' L Dwt S'pari Suit P. 3'hMr. Pming i MENCSTHFUS Bil'ait Ggo Jm II Jmi 71 Jmi 22 25 JMa 21 AUTOMEDO* Liverpool, 6laige« JMI 21 Jm 72 ASITANII >*rfMl, Out -•'77 Jm 71 JMI 21/ 2 I AENEAS ItfOtl Imi2l Jll| 1 t PVRRHUS ;oo GllsgM J*t|
      1,257 words
    • 1192 15 T//£Lh\3£//V£S to 1 EX»HESS SAIIIWGS TO GENOA NORTH CONTINENT SCANDINAVU P. Sham Penang Spore I Genoa R'datn H'burg Aarhus C'hagen imtk IBM 25 27 Jtte 71 21 Jm Jl/ 2 Jtiy II .tly 27 Jlly 11 Aag 4 Aag I ■ATAtONIA a] Jalf 0/10 Jaly 11/11 11/11 Am I
      1,192 words
    • 1313 15 I BENULINE I EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONDON. LIVERPOOL t f.QNtINENTAL PORTS. BEN VENUE BSI Siagppor* rtaTOJ Penanp E? 1 Ill' II ..P1T..., jM.1t,17 tU .n"i Far Lonoon Jtly II nfNßrnrU Ro-teroam J*)y 27 BtNMtUIM Hamburg Jiiy 11 S ngapore Pt. S'htm Penang C'moutn Aag 12 iftUJ.lll7 JMIII2I JM122.21 Mproug* Aag
      1,313 words
    • 1304 15 feELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO., LTD. SEE OVERLEAF FOR OUTWARD SERVICE FROM U K. CONTINENT tinppor* P. SIM PMM| CITY BF IRSIftIYTI London. Hamburg. Rotterdam, ciiiirttinim Ha.-c, Huil. Crangemojtn.. t.l-4 II Jm* 17 Jm HIM* Cm IF LANCASTER Lcnoon. Rotterdam, Hamburg. Hull. MiOdlesbrough M JM* einOFCIJESTEI London. Hamburg. Rott.rdam. Ml OF
      1,304 words

  • 437 16 r|MIK Straits tin prirr JTCCIcrI d.o continued its advann with another KLltl to WM.121 per puul on an nlTrrins estii mated down 15 tons to SB i lon>. Thi- advance was due to strong demand from all quarters and the tone was reported
    437 words
  • 195 16 MELBOURNE. Wed 'THE buoyant mining section was 1 again the feature of upward moves C.R.A. which has reported a nickel find In Western Australia together with New Broken Hill which has an interest, moved further sharply higher as demand continued unabated Today's solid support for nickel prospectors followed
    195 words
  • 185 16 (JMIP» lying alongside the tiniaparo Harbour wrharvoi or expiated today are: Ki»hm Mam I city or Brooklyn rt 4, EasMra Rover t, Prima l.iKhlen «T. TiKrr 10 11. Johannra Maerak 18, IMirhan Maru It, I nkal Mam No 2?. IM. Kin-antu ZS, Van Noon 2«, Ceylon Maru
    185 words
  • 78 16 M par E e"n.rn*,r"e. VaV'piiui 'a'atirday Coconut oil: bulk S47i aellara, drum SOD ncllera. Copra: Mind foh) loose June, July UK Com S2oa buyer*. Pepper: Muntok white $145 nrllera. Barh»ak white $142 i arllera, apecial Sarawak black $97i aellera, narnled lj.rr.iODi Mack $lO7| arllrm rail 9H'; M.W,. ASTA
    78 words
  • 31 16 -I'MI Anociation at Binkt in Malayto mercbanta >eaterday tall raiea to $100, many IMi; Netherlartalt 1161: »«t itrland Mil Belgium l.Kwi. Frarwa US*. Denmark Ba)N n( l Norway 231|.
    31 words
  • 37 16 ON thr free exchange market In Hon( Kong \nirrdav the U.S. Dollar nan quoted at 5.81 a for T.T. and 5.7>i lor cath. Sterling vaa qn-jt.-n at 16 OS and om tael ol gold hi
    37 words
  • 19 16 Junr 14RUBBER PRICE: cents (unchanged). TIN: M.uK.l. 1 (up nisi). Kstimaied ofTering 225 tons (down 15 tons).
    19 words
  • 820 16 From Our Market Correspondent THE Stock Exchange was very quiet yesterday and conditions were flat with thin trading. Prices moved fractionally and there was no particular incentive to deal. Minor features were continued fairly heavy dealings In Central Sugar from 51. 40 to si
    820 words
  • 33 16 Malayan Stork Indirr* June 13. Junr It. 'Industrial*: WIM 1H7. 74 I'llipil tirs; 1115.17 llli.dl vMininjs- 9-1.69 92. XX fS ruhbrrs 110.16 110.1* vDrr. M, 1962 1011. •Dec. 30. 1966 KM.
    33 words
  • 1207 16 DI'SIN'ESS in and rrporlrd to a thr Sinjaporr and Kuala l.umpur tradinf rooms of thr Stork lAchancr »rstrrdav with the number of shares traded in brackets: INDUSTRIALS: Baustoad (16.000) Si. An. il6 ooo i BUT: Central Sugar (2.0U01 $1 .4". I). i.~.O(Xi> SI.3U. I>. (46.0O0) 51.
    1,207 words
  • 15 16 Further May crops included: Iyer Molek 67.500 lb and Bukil lUtil 49.080 lb.
    15 words
  • 67 16 THE Malayan MimsUr of Financr ha* tixrd lhr*r priirn for calrulatint ru>tom«. dutirs for thr iwriud from .III Mr IS to .lull'- -I. Ir bbfr 57 1 <<-nts a Ib. npra lonPalm Oil 1.75 ton. Palm Knnflv sntt a ton. The rates of dulirv p^Tablr arr: Kuhbrr ft*.
    67 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1113 16 Y\ KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Wtnern Australia/ Singapore /Japan Sttrvle* Frr- Sing. i "»ma Hoßi "t.lta.ail Man- Sailel 17 II Jum 71 laat J«lt ■' Mnu 3/ lII} 15 1. 'il| 2) laly II July " Man" 11/71 lilt S/ i Ait 14 An II Weit ACrie* Singapore Japan Service
      1,113 words
    • 734 16 MMMMrWI] ZUI4KO sIRVICk I INDIA faRI.'T.N aNO F/.R USI SERVICfS la (rraiatll. Utii.le Me.liirae S,i.e« It, Milris Nanpittnia. fn^V. I/ B| *«l 'I'll *«t "Jut* 1111 111, I! lg i, j"J BUllallA Mtpt 1/ I Sept 11/11 Stpt RAIUU J/11A«f 12Au( 13 A«f fria Daae. lyt.. Well.. Aoc.. Install f
      734 words
    • 305 16 OtSIIOUND EUROPE SERVICt >inga(iur> r J !>•• Pinjni rORi TOCANSA It 21 lit 71 73 June 14 IMI M'iritiet. Bumeaui. Havrt. O'kiil YAM* IS/17 111, 11/21 Ml, 21 ill, Moat Havn. OuntirlL LASTIOUND Dtp. mi. »ri. An. Marsiiiltt Penanp p. S rim $'Dun rBRi TATIANA* 13 tMt 2 111, 1
      305 words

  • 858 17 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD, JURONG POWER STATION, SINGAPORE Applications are invited for temporary appointment* for the construction of Jurong Power Station for the Public Utilities Board. Singapore. Applicants for the vacancies must satisfy the requirements stated below: 1 Senior Assistant Engineer* CIVIL 3 appointment*:— a) Must be corporate members
    858 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 848 17 ■■PJ^T-frXTSH MAJLIS PERBANDARAN, IPOH (The Municipality af Ipoh I MAKING IP Or PRIVATE STREET KNOWN AS LABROOY ROAD Under the Municipal Ordinance <SB. Cap 133 as applied to the Municipality of Ipoh under tht Municipal Ordinance (Extended Application) Ordinance, 1948. Pursuant tn the notice* Issued and served upon the respective
      848 words
    • 691 17 NOTICE OF SALE MORTGAGEES SALE The undermentioned property will be offered for sale by public auction on 21st June, 1967 at 11 ajn. at the saleroom of the Town Auctioneer* No. 30, Jalan Laksamana, Malacca. PARTICULARS Rubber land comprised In Lot 1278, Tanjong Minyak. Central District. Malacca, held under Bututery
      691 words
    • 367 17 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT UNiVF.RS.TY OF SINGAPORE ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Applications are Invited for appointment to the following poctt: <\> LECTURESHIP OR ASSISTANT LECTURESHIP IN ANATOMY Candidate* should have a reglstrable medical or dental qualification or a higher i degree in Anatomy with suitable teaching and research experience, and an Intermt in Anatomy
      367 words
    • 205 17 COST WORKS ACCOUNTANT Applications are Invited from Malaysian Citizens holding reglstrable accountancy qualifications for duties In Coet and Works Accounting at The Company's Butterworth Bmeltlng Works. Preference will be given to those holding A.C.W A. or Part, or prepared to study for this qualification as Company sponsored student*. Replies giving
      205 words
    • 400 17 rENOERS TENDER NOTICE Tenders are Invited by the South Indian Labour Fund Board for the supply of foodstuffs and stores to the Home for South Indians In Circular Road. Kuala Lumpur and the Home for Aged Indians, Nlbong Tebal, Province Wellesley. for the period commencing Ist July. 1967 and ending
      400 words
    • 290 17 (tsso) ESSO STANDARD MALAYA BERHAD Applications are invited from University Graduates for a Management Position in their Employee Relation* Department. Age: Under 30. Qualification: University education. Honours Graduate. Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience. Benefits: Non-Contributory Pension Plan; Bavlngs and Retiring Fund; House Purchase Assistance Plan; Medical Insurance Plan; and
      290 words

    • 390 18  - Indon team 'resting for follow-up' LEE FOO SAN BADMINTON By INDONESIA Thomas Cup badminton players are now resting in Jakarta "waiting for the follow-up against Malaysia in the challenge round." This was told to Timesport in Ipoh yesterday by J. C. Thambunan, the manager of the six-member Indonesian team who
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    • 297 18 Cobra set to make Selangor league debut RUGGER COMBINED Old Boys Rugger Association will make their debut in the senior league tournament of the Selangor Rugby Union this year. Cobra will draw their strength from all who want to play regularly and have not had a chance to do no.
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    • 57 18 THE Briu.-h Mn-cer team. Middlesex Wanderer*, will open their tour of Singapore u-tli a match »«i 111 st the Republic's national side at Jalan Besar tonight "klckofl 7.30 i. In their fareweli match -»t Jakarta on Tuesday, the Wanderers outpwed an all-star Indonesian team 4-2. In an
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    • 164 18 THE Malaysian Fencing Federation will make a strong bid to include fencing In the Fourth fceap Games at Bangkok in December this year. This was stated in Malacca by Ronnie Theselra. I the Malaysian Fencing Fe- deration president. Mr. Theseira is confident that three
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    • 256 18 CRICKET By ERNEST FRIDA SINGAPORE Cricket Association will take a major step in its ambitious programme to give the game a big boost when a fully representative side tours Western Australia in December. The tour is being made at the Invitation of the Western
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    • 133 18 pERAK Malays, the holders, will meet Necn Senibilun Malays in the annual tcntm competition lor the Raja Muda Mus;i Cup on the Perak Turf Club race course courts here on Sunday and Monday. -Perak have won the tronhy four times, with Nesn winning once
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    • 206 18 JETS FOR FARRER PARK RELAYS ATHLETICS I EADING Kuala I.umpur athletics club Jets are one of six teams entered for the Singapore Amateur Athietic Association open relay championships at Farrer Park on Sunday trom 2.30 p.m. Jets, who were the Joint champions with Light AC In last weeks open relay
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    • 135 18 LONDON. Wed. British nio- i tor-cyclist Phil Read rode a four-cylinder Yamaha to victory In the 125 cc liKhtweißhi Tourist Trophy raw at the Isle of Man international mectiUK today. Another British ridrr. Stuart Graham, on a Suzuki, was second and Japans
      Reuter  -  135 words
    • 24 18 PARAMARIBO. Wed. Surinam oeat Trinidad 5-2 yesterday In the second leg of thetr Olympic soccer elimination, for a uinnum anuieijatp of 6-5.
      24 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 152 18 ONODA CEMENT CEMENT COvLTD^HT s, W Head Office: Tokyo. Japan Cable Address: ONOSEME. TOKYO" Sajfa /ipenti: Hong L«oni A Co., Ltd., Smgeper* Hong Hardware Co., Ltd., Ptnong FRIDAY QAviyr GAY WORLD AT 9 P.M. PUAinU ifi.u iiinf '«7 DOUBLE MAIN EVENTS PROMOTER: E.H. Till I'l'llUll II nillijßfc /^j ISMAIL FAHMY
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 97 18 BADMINTON Malaysian Open championships < Ijx>li SJA hull. 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.). ATHLETICS Johove FWD championships <B. Pnhati. BILLIARDS Sporr 4 ball tourntv: Siouß 800 v Naafl i SRC. 7 p.m. i. SOCCtK Tour match: Spore v Middlesex Wanderers <7.30 p.m. t; Youths v Schools '6 pm.. both at
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    • 445 19 Chance for Tulloh to saddle five Penang winners EPSOM JEEP reports from the track gUKIT Timah trainer Colin Tulloh, who is having a lean spell since his return from a holiday in Australia, should saddle a number of winners at the Penang Turf Club's June meeting ooening on Sunday. Colony
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    • 204 19 —JEEP'S TEN to FOLLOW EPSOM JEEP 1 teo-to-fnllnw at the Penang meeting are: THE TEXAN: promising newcomer, went like a winner on the trick on Tuesday morninc when he reeled off 3f in .>« 4/5 with plenty In band. COLONY Slßf: showed promise at Ipoh when aerond to Star Plndi
      204 words
    • 92 19 Cooper stops Bodell in two rounds LONDON. Wed. henry Cooper retained his British and British Empire heavyweight titles In Wolverhampton last ni«ht by defeat ins challenger Jack BodPll in less than two rounds. It mi hI! over after smin 18ser the referee steppin« in to save Bedell irom unnecessary punishment
      92 words
    • 288 19 rpHE order of play in the 1 Perak Opm amateur golf championship o n the Tiger Lane course. Ipoh. on Saturriav is MEN— Ut tf*: 74S »m. .1. Paull. I P David. Pulaiman Bluah: 753 Too Joon Lokp. K. C Chon. Zalnal Abldln; 7.59 L.
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    • 149 19 gPRINOriELD tNew Jersey) and Julius Boros added their names today to a petition protestin? all Professional Golfers Association procedures "We now have every known player on the petition except BUI rasper and rvnjg Sander* «aid Douf rord -Both of them have told us privately that they
      149 words
    • 511 19 Champ banned for life for cheating GOLF f ONDON. Wed. Former amateur county golf champion Bob Sanders. 30. has been banned by his county for life for cheating. It is the second time he has been found guilty of breaking the rules. In 1984 he was suspended for 12 months
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    • 214 19 ENGLAND TRIUMPH BUT TEST GLORY TO —INDIA- LONDON, Wed. India might have lost the First cricket Teat at Headlngley yesterday but they won the glory. That U the summing up of cricket writers In Britain today commenting on England's alx-wlcket over the victory over the Indian team. EW Saanton ln
      Reuter  -  214 words
    • 407 19 YORKSHIRE moved into third place ln the 1 English county cricket championship after a ten -wicket victory over Glamorgan at Swansea yesterday. The county champions, however, were very nearly robbed of a win by Alan Jones and Tony Lewis. These two put on 119 In
      Reuter  -  407 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 236 19 I S SOOTHING RELIEF FOR STRAINED EYES The strsm of modsrn living can have a harmful affect on your ays*. Reading, working, teltvislon-vtsnving. and "fun in tha sun often result in burning, itching, blood- I <*• snot ey*s. For fast, complete relief fiom eye-etram Ha^HBHPI use soothing refreshing Eye-Mo' Eye-Mo
      236 words

  • 264 20 A free trade zone pledge by Tan KUALA Ll'MPl'R. Wed. The Central Government is prepared to set up bonded warehouses as a first step towards the establishment of a free trade zone in Penang. The Minister of Finance. Tun Tan Siew Sin. Rave this assurance to Mr. Geh Chong Krat
    264 words
  • 61 20 EE HO: MtWMI OhMg BM O Knoo BenK Mm and Ihe late Mi. Ke K.ih Kn and Ai l.ian <1 o Mr. and Mr* Ho KM Chin IU-tt-HT. THE ENGAGEMENT IS announced brtwe*n Jeremy. ?on of the late Mr. f IV Keriey and Mr.«. DC. Bulloch. and Wendv.
    61 words
  • 255 20 MESSACE RECEIVED t>r!owd father of VamflMM md Mis Muihrw paasad ■way peacefully Rannl Krrala R. RENCASAMV. OHPI Avcnuf. t-g»|T— >ay prac?lully 1 p.m. 1...6 i;T lur Biil.ri.ii 1 MISS CLAOVS OE ROZARIO i>m>»?l auay p— atl M\«t hii-a I'mti-i|. Mnm 101 si Jo»pn 1 Church IPMI .ii i ,;i»
    255 words
  • 462 20 LONDON. Wed. The London stock market closed firmer today but some prices lailed to hold their best levels. Sentiment continued to benefit from yesterday's Rhodesiun news and U.K. May trade figures. The strength of Wall Street aiso contributed to the trend. Issues which moved up sharply yesterday on
    462 words
  • 63 20 EX.HI paratroopers of the Gurkha Independent Parachute Company make a spectacular jump in groups of '20 from two Argosy aircraft in exercise "Second Blood" at Kangkar Kalian?, Johore. This is believed to be the largest group landing ever made in .Malaysia. On return to their unit lines, the
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  • 92 20 Thais to send 2,000 to Vietnam BANGKOK, Wed. Thailand's 2,000--ma n Queen Cobra battalion will leave for Vietnam in September, the Interior Minister, Gen. Praphas Charusathien, said today. A small advance unit, led by Major Narong Klttlkachorn. son of the Thai Prime Minister, would leave on June 24. he said.
    AP  -  92 words
  • 33 20 VATICAN CITY. Wed. The Vatican will issue a special series of five stamps on June 30 to commemorate the 1.900 th anniversary of the martyrdom of Saints Peter and Paul— UPl.
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  • 25 20 TOKYO. Wed. Japan Air Lines iJALi announced today it will buy 10 Douglas DC B Jet* from the United States.— UPl
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  • 173 20 10,000 students battle police in Seoul SEOUL. Wed— The major Opposition New Democratic Party today renewed its demand for a new Parliamentary election as 10.000 college and high school students took to the streets for the third day in protest m.imst Thursday's election. Ten universities in Semil were closed
    173 words
  • 44 20 WASHINGTON. Wed Some South Vietnamese civilians have been flavouring their vegetable dishes with aircraft jet engine oil. As a result, tt was learned tociay. at least 28 South Vietnamese have fallen ill. Some reports .said they are paralysed— AP.
    AP  -  44 words
  • 314 20 Cheng Hoe scores winning point BADMINTON MALAYSIA won four of the five second day's matches to complete a 7-2 victory over Denmark in their friendly badminton International at the Stadium Negan last night Both Denmark's points were scored by their AllEngland champion Erland Kops Teh Kc'v Sun. Malaysia's Thomas Cup
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 37 20 Late CLASSIFIEDS 20 words $15 (minimum) FRANCIS: To Inez and Amir, a boy on 14-4VIMJ at Aaiunta Hospital. Th.-nk- tv OynaeroloKl't and Staff. CARVER: To T'Tenci- and Suzanne a dauKhti r C.itruna Marie at Glen•aklea .10 67
      37 words
    • 148 20 You can tell by the sparkle in her eyesShe's a VITAPLUS girl 1 M^. B^^ m\ m V ~M ha^ 44mYs 4 Ml v > V l JH ■mv w 4 M^Mk BBr^ mW 1 tfrTTh m The extra Vitamin C in new Vitaplus keeps your family #j 9A radiantly
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 54 20 The weather Highest and lowest temperatures In Malaysia and Singapore for the period 8 pjn. Tuesday to 8 p.m. yesterday: I Hiihest Lowest Kuala Lumpur 92 73 Kota Bharu 90 73 Penang 88 75 Ipoh 92 73 Malacca 88 70 Singapore 88 75 C Highlands 75 59 I Jesselton 84
      54 words