The Straits Times, 14 May 1967

Total Pages: 26
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 19 1 r THE SUNDAY TIMES 15MAY***** In NO. 1626 SUNDAY, MAY 14. 1967 20 CENTS KDN 2577: 2591/ MC (P)2267
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  • 578 1 PHOTONEWS IN CRISIS SPOT Third day of rioting: Rush to hoard food POLICE FIRE TEAR GAS GRENADES TO QUELL RIOTERS IN KOWLOON HONG KONG, Saturday HOUSEWIVES on both sides of Hong Kong harbour today panicke I and began hoarding foodstuffs and other essential commodities as violent
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  • 160 1 DAkio. oai .Peter Louu Alphun •"cuaieoaed" at a Pie^j.-, Lonteience here loaay that he comnnued a muraer In rirtuun in 19til lor which another man. Jame.s Hanratty. was hanged. Hanratty was convicted of murdering Michael Gregsten on Auk. *3. 1961. on highway A-i>
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  • 23 1 i::. tmt Muslim rie»kwm>;Z.ikir Hii>Hin. w^.^ .-."cmi .n .mi. ti tnutltlonal pageantry in thr ceotfal bali <>t Parlianent tiu.s m
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  • 25 1 r hut. were killed and ttarat Injured in a munitions explosion last niHht Ht the French air base al Bifp- We i O«r'nanv.
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  • 22 1 C «*1 I film "Blow-Up today won wir i top award at the Cannai PUbi Paatival, it «as affle^jili* >;■.- nounrerl
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  • 18 1 BYE.** v *u*l ralian CMDBBunM Putty leader Mr. Laurence Sharkey died today. He was 68.
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  • 48 1 MtAi; Bal Batu polloc ban mashed •> h:glily (iiij.iiiLsed icniiß spi steaJing can .s'.dloii rehiclai and detained four pcuple Following .i ti|>-i'tT tlir ixilice h«ve been watching tiu.s uang for two mnnth.v The stolen can «rer« s:iiKa-pore-registercd and Mime had :mbPi pi. fiuovered
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  • 37 1 RIO 1)E JANEIRO Pour polii-FouMi are on ti running .< protection racket mnura; Rio'l begßan. It hi believrci 6."i befgan fuspd to pay vere ihrovn into a river iind dravned In the past thrpe months
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  • 327 1  - Orchid gift Indira from Tengku 808 Nti By VUALA LUAIPIH, Sat. Tengku Abdul Rahman today sent a box of Malaysian orchids to Mrs. Indira Gandhi. The Ini Affairs Minister, Mr M. C. Chagla. ti«)k them aloiiK win li he flew horn* Thiv evenlni .uipr a fourday \i> to Malaysia For
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  • 95 1 STOP PRESS CURFEW IN H. K FOR THIRD DAY HO\<. hllM. ■>■•! Serious rioting rajrd for the third -traithl da» hrrr toda\ whrn tlioiiv;«ndo <>f w»un« hinrsf riiilrrv stun rd piilirr. 'iiuslird \rliKlc and s<*t MMMM Ikta \ulhcirilirs il..lii|Mil I «-ur(r« on Ihr riot Arra. \oi ,«trd Im Ihun A
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 48 1 cymaM O% Lux* In llct E-J, {g I told, italnlan t, r»UI > -0^..4r— new avoHafeU W. BtNGOLD COMPANY RoMlvt Ploc. $»r». Til: 77JM IHfltlj MORE POWER... PASSING POWER... I a^^^^ -mm '•^■aMBBBBBBaBBI' aaft^^^aaal HEi t^Pk a IP^^PaaiSato^^S LaaW* aaT WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST Mobil Premium -lefraPower
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    • 41 1 >§ THE vi WWCH Offl OF OUR -jJi I AGE H\ ot Sw'je'land Xfl ■^SSBaaaafll Model 528Y 912 For modern living a modern watch— calendar and Moblot bracelet. Sandoz day and date watches for quality and elegance. Sol* Agsnts: SHRIRO CCHINA) LTD.
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    • 5 1 aa»»3nL^«X3L«< ii 1 H Ta»
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  • 142 2 StNOAPORK, Sat. Bingepore and North Korea today Signed trade agreement to boost two-way Hade to the target figure of $34 million a year. Tnr agreement was Rlgned at Ihe Bcunomlc Deve lnpm<nt Hoard Sißniim on Ix'lkill of Ui« Binsapore Oovernmpnl Mr. 1 D.i.ciur
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  • 179 2 Batman dates ex-wife: 1 may re-marry 1 lONDON, (d--i in iskrd. <k| and ililii ilt-ni. :>K-yritr-(ild Adam ( \\>M *aid at his I in Imirl yesterday: "I muy rr- marry Hi* marriuKr in old dancrr Nucaru I ri>hir. v h.. 1> half Pols ni-M. hi, til divsolvrd
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  • 198 2  -  MAGDALENE LUM By J^UALA LUMPUR. Sat— A parrot and a mynah lightened the scales of justice in the Magistrate's Court here today when they insisted on giving musical testimony in a theft case. They hud the court, including the magistrate. Tengku Suleiman, and
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  • 352 2 J£OTA BHARU, Sat. The Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, today likened himself to a general in the army. "And Umno is like an army and everyone from the general downwards must work hard," he said. Stating that he had romp here to prepare the State Umno for
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  • 143 2 CHARGES WITHDRAWN AGAINST TWO UNION OFFICIALS SINGAPORE, Sat. Two officials of the Cleansing Workers' Union were today acquitted and discharged after the prosecution had withdrawn the charges against them of instigating and participating in an illegal strike on Feb. 1. The officials aie N. Pottu and Osman Kadtr. At the
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  • 76 2 Training for the Big Walk MANY have started training for the biggest local sporting event of the year— The Malay Mail Big Walk. Though the date fixed Is Aug. 28. you must get down to training as soon as possible. If you want to finish high up on the list.
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  • 175 2 I^UALA LUMPUR, oat Malaysia and the Philippines have fnreed an antlsmusglin? acrepmfnt to stop illegal trade between the PhilinpniPs and Ea.-t Malaysia Disclosing 'his today, the spokesman of the Ministry of Toreißn Affairs, Inch* Ahmad Nordin. said the Cabinrt last woek save
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  • 20 2 Kt'AI.A T rMPT'R Knne Ptm chairman of rfv Si;«ij»! WIT Wr-v Villacf l/v»l Cmncll »t Its mffting yes^rday.
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  • 32 2 KUALA LUMPTTR. BM Four robbws armed w:th screwdriverg «nd riaggprs brokp into Mr Low Kff Yams h Jalan Kundrrr her^ and made off with i*wpl!pit worth II 100 Iwit nisht
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 144 2 ■lIIH l«k aflfe W Kill MM '',yW^S^: f i&W^yMM«ak^ttlßBBBtoc<. ■■1 n I n y'<^^w '■^w&eF NATIONAL Wnfflfcyv j^^l '3^^' S. t y&*i&slSd&£ss&&*£\- vNß^^^^Lt^ •"oKvJooc*".' iiw v*'^"'» JyHfftP^iWt'' -y '■v/^M^HF' aU&^^^^^^^Ußttßtt^^&?v'' t ifi' .■'■'.■y^js^B^^^ WHAT IS FM? PM in full is frequency modulation which is quite a mouthful. ri Vi riilTil
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  • 215 3 On-off bus threat on again IfUALA LUMPUR. Sat. The threat of industrial action by 350 workers of the Toong Fong Omnibus Co. here, which has been on and off since mid-March, is on once again. The workers la>t night their union. the Transport Workers Union, full mandate to take whatever
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  • 60 3 SINOAPORB. S.a to be invited p.i:' in .in Indonesian interimUonal trade .md industrial exhibition to be held in Jakarta fri'tu March 31 to May 15 next ■Mr. Mr. J M I .i.i. ul ol konaJ Bimkl of Indune- ;»i] h'.iu-.s and Exhibitions, has arrived here lo
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  • 66 3 World Bank yes to $69mil. loan SINGAPORE. Sat. The Minister. Mr. Lim Kirn San, today announced that the World Bank had approved a $69 million loan to the Public Utilities Board He made the announcement just before opening the new $1 million cosmetica factory of Yardley Jardine Ltd at Buklt
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  • 38 3 SINGAPORE. Sat Mr Yuicnl Yuasa. president of Yuasa Battery Co. Ltd. in Japan, flew into Singapore this j evening for tomorrow's opening of the Singapore Battery Manufacturing Co. Ltd. See supplement Page Four.
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  • 50 3 SINGAPORE. Sat Brig. Fen Bnmno member of the Indonesian High Commas i iKotn left Singapore for Jakarta this evening after three days ot 'hush-hush" talks with Singapore leaders on trade and resumption of diplomatic relaI tlonn. He declined to meet the Prac at the airprrt todar.
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  • 103 3 •WOK AV A lakCl the plunge an.l how. The sinking neckline thai gone down for the last time. It ni the Mad Mod fashion show presented l)> the Sinuapore Champagne Vannequins at Hotel Merlin in Kuala Lumpur yesterday.
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  • 348 3 SINGAPORE, Saturday. jyjORE than 300 flag-carrying youths pelted the Geylang police station with stones, rotten eggs and other missiles when they demonstrated in the Geylang area yesterday evening. The youths, described by police as Chinese Middle School students, carried small triangular
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  • 68 3 MALACCA. Sat. The Chief Minister of Malacca. Inche Abdul Ohafar bin Baba. announced today that the Umno Kaum Ibu would this year take steps to form an alliance of the Umno. MCA and MIC women's sections. Malacca, he said, would be the first State to start
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  • 35 3 SEREMBAN. Bat Thievrs broke into the Adult Education Department ai Jalan Dato Abdul Malrk here last, night and escaped with two typewriter! and an adding machine, worth a total of about $1,000.
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  • 234 3 JPOH. Sat. More radio stations are to be built in East and West Malaysia while the power of existing transmitters will be increased to give improved services to listeners within Malaysia and abroad. > This was disclosed by the Minister of Information and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 298 3 BT Plaafl at .aV^am^^ f^LaH Aaar^BaPr^^Q Dbbbb*--*-' ''"^fl •■■■^^^^■■■■■■^B; Accept This Free Book of Facts Have you unrealized hopes? Are the better things of life always just beyond your reach? Times have changed but have you? Do you still believe that some were born to have eventiul lives to have
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    • 555 3 m //START HOW! MAKE YOUR II MONEY EARN II A SAFE JL 54% nF ma DEPOSIT ACCOUNT You gain in so many ways I RELIABILITY: A Deport Account milh I ombard Ranking I provides a good rale of tatiercst, wnh complete salely lor >our I capital leading to financial peace
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 198 4 Batteries for Automobiles, motorcycles, compact cars, s^ scooters, mopeds, power boats, telecommunication, s'^MW I A CA fe»> electric traction, marine and aircraft services, etc < U£%IMO% /^^MMMMpr Wt^ mM GENUINE HARD RUBBER CONTAINERS are used to withstand rough treotment. j^^^(| w^^^^ mmßiT^ FULL-SIZE PLATES ore used to insure quick-starting, unfailing
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    • 46 4  - SINGAPORE BATTERY HAROLD SOH WRITTEN BY THE QUALITY control and res«irch sections of the factory are superb. Ths batteries are comparable with the best in the world. The initial aim is to meet domestic needs and when that is done export to Malaysia, Vietnam and Indonesia.
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    • 624 4 WHAT MAKES THIS FACTORY SO UNIQUE T A HE new $2 million factory of Singapore Battery Manufacturing Co. Ltd in the .Jurong industrial complex is the only one of its kind in this region with its own mill producing lead oxide for battery plates. It will be officially opened by
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    • 459 4 Engineers from Japan help train our hands F X ACTORY hands of Singapore Battery Mfg. Co. Ltd. were 'rained by two Japanese engineers Messrs. T. Kambara and S. I to. They were sent here by Yuasa Battery Co. Ltd., Japan, to supervise the installation of machinery at the Singapore plant.
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    • 435 5 Fraternity: Brothers become AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY-SOON YUASA WILL BE 50 UP A lASA 'lattery Co. Ltd., Japan, will mark its 50th year next April. The co in p n n y a Iready Ikjs three joint enterprises in South F.:ist Asia. These are Yuasa Battery (Taiwan* Co Ltd., Yuasa Battery
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    • 422 5 Gosh! What a sales network MARKETS, MARKETS ALL OVER THE GLOBE A (ASA Bat ter.v (o. Ltd., Japan, said to be one of the lar«j<-si of its kind in f lic Par Mast, exports ils products to countries all over the world. The countries Include Thailand. Hong Kong China. Malaysia.
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    • 699 6 The one race we just can't afford to lose c k^INGAPORE could not afford to rail behind oilier countries in the race lo sell Ihe advantages of investment for lack of "customer servica," said Mr. Lim I long Kent, chairman of Hie Singapore Manufacturers' Association. In a message on ihe
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    • 457 7  - One m an 230 g irls P.M. RAMAN: Story by Picture by WAN SENG YIP The perfect boss say his charges: We like working with him SINGAPORE, Sat. He's a Gay Galahad, handsome. Just turned 2.<. a bachelor boss to 230 girls and quite unperturbed hv the fact that not
      WAN SENG YIP  -  457 words
    • 215 7 SINGAPORE. Saturday. JJKITISH infantry Battalions, at present grouped into Brigades or large regiments, are being re-organised into larger groupings called Divisions. A statement by Headquarters. Far East Land Forces, said apart from the Brigade of Guards, which is already roughly thr size proposed for
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    • 91 7 KUCHING, Sat— Youths in Sarawak have found a unique way to promote racial harmony —by flying kites. About 80 people :rom all races took part In a contest —the first of Its kindorganised by the Kuching Youth Club at the Song Kheng Hai football
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    • 111 7 roOAY: •MUli KmM 1.47 p.m. <7.3tt i 11.14 p.m. is.Bft»: Singapore 12 39 a.m. iB.Bft) 2.29 pm (Tlfli; Port Dirlcson 8.48 am. (7 sft i 9.29 p.m. (7.9 ft»; Port Swpttenham 8.32 am (13 4ft > 7.30 p.m. 1 13 sft); PermiE 3 a.m.
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    • 43 7 IPOH. Sat a carpenter. Wei Seng Koon 29. who slashed a fello« worker with a saw at the l.ian Onn Firnlture Wnrkshnp m Kamporiß Tailee here on Der 30. »■«< uiled fnr nrJ lined $fioo by the MneiMratr's Omul hrrr trxlav
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    • 26 7 CRIK Sal A tanner Chenn Wpp Tom us* robbed Of $446 by three men. ail armed with revolvers at Kampong Lallaag near here yesterday.
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      • 453 8 WANTED: SUPER SALESMEN riiHERE is only one way to command success in the field of foreign trade. By demanding an all out effort Irom everybody. From employers who should ■Mk out business overseas and ensure that their export departments operate at the highest level of management. From managers who should
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    • 685 8  - The— FACTS women have been waiting JAMES WILKINSON by LONDON THE intense medical quest to find the truth about the safety of the birth control pill, used by 800,000 women in Britain, has now produced the most detailed dossier yet. It la a document which I believe will allay many
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    • 473 8  - Why I believe this man Hurkos CHOU CHUAN SENG by TANAH RATA I BELIEVE this man Hurkos. This American telepathy expert who, late last month, said the missing American millionaire, fil year-old Jim Thompson, was no longer in Malaysia but was being held captive by an underground Communist organisation. I
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    • 706 8  - PATHFINDERS IN THE SKIES BARRY KINGSTON HOW AIRLINERS KEEP ON THE RIGHT TRACK By FOUR RollsRoyce Conway j c t engines surge to full power as the giant VC-10 gathers speed along the runway. Outside the roar is fantastic; inside it is little more than a loud whisper. Slight vibration
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    • 426 9 fELUK ANSON, Sat. Pupils assaulted by teachers should report to their parents and the police so that action could be taken against them in the courts. This advice wa.s given by the circuit magistrate. Inche Mohamed Eusoft bin Chin, here yesterday, when
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    • 305 9 LONDON, Sat. When the cat's away, the mice will play, said a judge yesterday. In this case the cat was a sailor at sea, the mice his wife ..who sent him loving letters. But, said Mr. Justice Faulks in the Divorce
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    • 45 9 BINOAPOR] SineaFns! Lnr!v. Puan Noor today onened the 1067 Corr.Nneri Welfare Services Fvhibt'inn and Sale of Work at the Victoria Memorial Hall. Phe s^id \V» have been Stneapore In trint there arr ■Jwaya people uji their free Mmc in rendo!
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    • 22 9 TOKYO phlrrwnpher-writer .lean Paul Sartre hr N^r'h Vi<"»n*m for givinc it "vthi bh moral iwlstanoe" •a I in Stockholm -AP
      AP  -  22 words
    • 317 9 (AN ABHORRENCE OP CLOTH tI) Is this the cure for a marriage going c-r-a-c-k? LONG BEACH, Sat. A sociologist has revealed the results of a survey into nudism and found the practice may contribute to greater marital happiness and indeed save many a failing marriage. Dr. William. llartman. Professor
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    • 261 9 Tell us all about father CATHERS Day falls on June 18. And we are in terested to know about fathers in Singapore and Malaysia. So. If you are an adolescent, a teenager, or even a O rown-up. write in and tell us about your father. About his habits, his dress
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    • 77 9 Dolly role for Barbra NEW YORK. Sat. Barbta Streisand. 24--year-old "Funny Girl" star, ha.s landed the top role in the film version of "Hello Dolly!" In the three years since It up?ned on Broadway starring 45-year-old Carol Charming and spread across the world, the stage show has grossed about £9
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    • 55 9 Lokman praises union KUALA LUMhutt Sat. The Commissioner of the Federal Capital. Dato Lokman bin Yusof. t '.is evening opened the $150,000 assembly hall and office t illdlnc of the Municipal Workers Union. Praising the union for raising the fund* through contributions. Dato Lokman railed on members to make full
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    • 31 9 KUALA LUMPLR. bit.— me Director of the Strategic Information Bureau of the Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff Maj.-Oen Shin Ja* Sik. arrived here today for a three-day viait.
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    • 126 9 J^r\LA LUMPUR. Sat. K>ur robbers armed with d.iKner.s u*'d a car-jack to !irf>aK open the w.ndow ;>.ir.- of ,i house in Diana Suimei Way, early yosterdav morning. One of thp two robbers who entered the house •hrough the broken window ♦hen demanded the key
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    • 42 9 At,OR STAR Bat Teneku Ahdul Ruhmnn flpw into Alnr Star today to attend a t^vo-niaht the Rnvai Court Da neons Revue performing S'arimm i 'in here The Teneku. ■ltd H""r'H the mptm.ri hv a >admg radio and t«le- vision start
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    • 136 9 Five fly off to win wings SINGAPORE. Sat. Five Malaysia Singapore AlrlirW recruits leu for Manila today to be trained as commercial pilot. v They are Edward Kway Eng Chuan, 19. Ng Chenng AU. 18. Leong hpp Kuan. 22. Soong Suet Kong. 19. and Triptl Kumar Joseph. 22. The airline
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    • 28 9 SINGAPORF Pat Bishop Robert F Lunriv wiM officiate at the living of the eorners'nn* of the P«y» Lebar Chines* Methodist Church at 4 pa tomorrow.
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    • 286 9 SINGAPORE, Saturday. THE Finance Minister, Mr. Lim Kirn San, today wished a new cosmetics factory the sweet smell of success for a better Singapore on the nose and in the eye. Speaking at the opening of the $1 million factory of
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    • 153 9 Surgeon kicked me, says nurse ]y|ALACCA, Sat. A dental nurse told a magistrate's court here today that a surgeon gave her two kicks on the legs when he found his surgical mask had dropped off in a clinic. The surgeon, she said, also told her that if she had been
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    • 24 9 SINGAPORE. Sat The Slrißapore Technical Education Society today presented certificates to 38 members who recently completed the society's 30-hour special upgrading course.
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      • 318 10 Why I say what's good for GM GARMENT) (MAKERS) T •A. HE garment manufacturers say: "Very well indeed." With the right type of encourogement from the Government they ore prepared to take on even Formoso and Korea where woges ore lower than in Singapore. Indeed Mr. Lorn Thion, a big
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      • 840 10 XT AJLkKH are the basic facts about the garment industry in Singapore. Twenty two factories turn out an annual $55 million worth of ready made clothing for export clothing which I am proud to say, rides the seven seas out to all quarters of
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      • 334 10 THE BIG FUTURE LITTLE MISS STITCH SEES IN FRILLS A TALENTED and determined girl is 16--year-old Tan Mvi Chin who works in the embroidery department of Unitex (Malaysia) Ltd. in Commonwealth Drive in the heart of Singapore's Queenstown. Talented because I saw her weave with ease a beautiful pattern on
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      • Article, Illustration
        174 11 AND THE NITWITS WHO IGNORE THEM BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO FAITH AND VERY LITTLE CHARITY T g AXE a close look at thtse p ctures. On the left Li-Lian models an American--aoe sweoier that costs $12.50 in Singapore shops. On tne right, she shows off to ad vantage
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      • 771 11  - Presenting a modest-priced Made-in-Singapore sweater with an inflationary look (and by inflationary I mean of course a rising challenge on the world markets) JUDITH YONG By m (H 15 hundred i^irls in Singapore's lirsi Hatted liuloiy m Commonwealth Drive are producing quality garments for export i<> chain-stores in America. Among
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      • 355 11 WHEN IT COMES TO SHIRTS IT'S WOMEN WHO WEAR THE PANTS lxfcVER thought I'd see Ihc day when this Famous slogan would literally come alive. When It mean> n.aking shirts in Singapore It's "les girls 1 all the way Its girls, girls, girls who draw the patterns, rut the cloth,
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    • 490 12 HOW LOVE CAN BE A KILLER LONDON, Saturday THE dangers of love-making were outlined by a leading pathologist as he gave evidence in a murder trial. The Jury heard that the victim, a 19-year-old student died alter three acts of intimacy in the front seat of a car Vked
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    • 323 12 Malaysia and Singapore back boost rubber plan sions with international financial organisations on financial aid for measures to make natural rubber more competitive with synthetic rubber. Stability The Group will also study the possibility ot international action to bring more stability to natural rubber prices. Reliable sources said the representative
      Reuter; UPI  -  323 words
    • 103 12 I/ANGAR, Sat. -The Mat* Ayer UMNO branch has re-nominated Inche Jaafar bin Hassan, a lawyer, as its candidate for the Pcrlk< UMNO divisional chairmanship. Inche Jaafar will stand for election at the forthcoming annual delegates conference against the Mentri Besar of Perlis. Tan Sri Sheikh Ahmad,
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    • 381 12 $1m school to give more scientific education to deaf PENANG. Saturday. r £HE Federation School for the Deal' will aim at a more scientific approach in the education of deaf children and bring new hope to their parents, the Minister of Education, Inche Mohamed Khir Johari, declared here today. Speaking
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    • 57 12 SINGAPORE. Sat A charity premiere ol the film. "A Countess from Hone Konij."' will be held «t the Capital on June 14 at j 9.15 pm in aid of fhe I'nivcrI sity of Singapore Students' Union rltare committee. A fashion show will be staged showing the
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    • 176 12 LONDON. Sat—ACTOR (.K)K(.I COLE and actress Penny Morrell are planning to marry quietly at the end of the month. The couple earb has been married before —first met last summer when they played opposite each other in the West End Since then Miss Morrell
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    • 77 12 TEI UK ANBON Sal Kna<K\<h knte Abu B»k»r 16. a housewife, va.s bound over to be ■f good behaviour for our y*ar In $500 for making a false report to the police in a criminal summons here yes'.erdav. Shf way stated to have reported
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    • 204 12 Patient on fire refused treatment: Doctor IJUTTERWORTH, Sat. A hospital patient, severely burned, refused treatment, a i ner's inquiry was told today. A 81 d:rd '.n the d:>tr: on Juiw 22. Dr. Cheah Swee Kan laid .i ported to him that .i p "on fire" In her ward When he
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    • 32 12 KLAIA I.L'MIH/R. Sat —The Mentri Besar ul ScUiik Hiirun bin H.i.n Idn.v will open a three-day courw for 50 kamu Tei hnwal Colleee at 9 a m on Tuesday.
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      • 34 13 THE tludow of death falls acrou a North Vietnamese Soviet-designed MiC as it comes into th« suninht ot an American supersonic Phantom during a dogfight over Hanoi.
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      • 193 13 CING AFORE, Sat A leading Indian neurologist today suggested that Asian experts should not slavishly look to the West for solutions to their health and medical problems. \{r pointed out that it would be folly to depend on the Western solutions to all
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      • 278 13 TRAFFIC TO BE DIVERTED FOR BIG FLAG WELCOME I POM. Sat. NorthSouth traffic to and irom Ipoh will be diverted for several hours on Tuesday. IV ed n c id a and Thursday I his is. to ensurr the safety of nearly 30.00(1 Mac waving schoolchildren who will line (he
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      • 165 13 A taped talk worries divorce judge LONDON, Sat. A divorce judge said here that he had considered sending the transcript of a tape recording to the Director of Public Prosecutions. It wa.s a recording ot a talk between a husband and a wile and the woman who wa.s named in
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      • 38 13 KOALA LUMPL'R. Sat A I unipur tv.uucip*! worker R Laztir 27 was staooed by two thugs at Jalan Loke Yew burial ground here yesterday evening His condition i* repor:ad to be 'not serious."
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      • 401 13 A I G O N, Sat. North Vietnamese troops and Vietcong guerillas today continued to make the war hot for the Americans in the battlefield and over the air. The Vietcong struck for the second time this mornlnc when they blasted the
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    • 156 14 Spy cash for magazine? Editor resigns YEW YORK. Sat. British pod Stephen Spender has resigned as a contributing editor of the AngloAmerican intellectual monthly Encounter because nt an allegation that US spy money h^iprd finance it, for 10 years. TTfTP is lln PVIdPD.P that tru- fund* from the Central Intelligence
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    • 724 14  - CHAGLA PROPOSES A COUNCIL FOR ALL ASIA 808 NG and YAP KIM ONN By WE CAN ALL BE PARTNERS IN PROGRESS— REGARDLESS OF IDEOLOGY* j^UALA LUMPUR. Sat. The visiting Indian External Affairs Minister Mr. M. C. Chagla, today proposed the formation of a Council of Asia in which ALL Asian
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    • 484 14  - College snoopers fight a losing battle against student sex wave HENRY THODY NEW YORK Saturday. THE administrators of America's swinging, fun-loving, co-educational colleges are lighting a losing battle against the no-holds-barred extracurriculai activities of the students. With most oi the attractive teenage girl co-eds taking the Pill, sex is rampant
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    • 36 14 IPOH Sat. Thr National chairman of the Democratic Action Party. Dr. Chen Man Hrn. and the secretary-crnrral. Mr. Devan Nair. met members and Minportors of the party line last night at a closed-door session
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    • 36 14 SINGAPORE. Sat —Pipe Malor Peggy Iris \ull sneak to members of the Rotary Club of Singapore on ihe "Daggenhiim Pipe Band and its build-up through the ytars" at its luncheon meeting on Wednesday.
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    • 35 14 IPOH Sat. Two lood hawkers. Ibratii&a Rawather Gham. SO. iiid S. David Gnanadurai. 37. were fined $10 each, when they pleaded guilty in the Magistrate's Court here today to hawking without a licence.
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    • 29 14 PENANG. S*t.— The Penang Star.*- Umno will hold a political seminar tomorrow conducted by officials from Koala Lumpur > led by Inche Musa Hittm the party's executive secretary
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    • 32 14 PENANG. Sat A clerk. i Chuah Pow Henc. «ho went to pray at the Goddess of Mercy Temple in Pitt Street lost his S5OO moior-cycle parked outside the temple yesterday.
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    • 282 14 IJUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Proble-n: How to span 56 years of a great man's life In the space of a couple of hours on the stage? ANSWER: You bring a great artist by the name of Max Adrian 'above' and give h:m thf* lta(« and
      282 words
    • 533 14 SINGAPORE. Sat. Bus:- ness in and reported u> the Singapore and Kuala I Lumpur trading rooms of I the Stuck Exchange today i with ihe number oi shares traded in braciceU: Industrial*: cenlial buuai <2.000 i i 1.86 D. 7.000' si C.C.M (3.000. $1.81 D SI .9 D. U4.000.
      533 words
    • Article, Illustration
      572 15 AND THEY REALLY MEAN IT- THESE FEMALES WHORE DEADLIER THAN THE MALE SAYS blonde Berlin bombshell Bike Sommcr: "I like men I him fascinated by them. And I love to Ilirf with old mm ;is well .is young men. I'd never allow .loe (my husband) l<> fliri, but I
      572 words
    • 260 15 ACTBEM \*TAilr; WOOD has been talkIng for the first time of her love for London shouhu«ine«.s agent Richard (iregson. .Mr. (ircgstin's m^rrnc ha* now been quicth dissolved in London. This leave* the wax open for him to marri the 2R-\ear old Hollywood *tar when
      260 words
    • 304 15 "TVf AX AI)RIAN as George IT Bernard Shaw" If thr title of the nrxt unit|i|p attraction which Dnnalrl Moore C'lncrts in association with thp Brinish Council, is presenting at the Victoria Theatre Thursday week Like Shaw. Max Adrian was born in Ireland There is almost no branch of theatre
      304 words
    • 247 16 Singapore won't fail, says Chimba vJINUAPORE. Sal. The Zambian Minister of Commerce, Mr. -M. J. Chimba, said toaay he was convinced that Singapore would succeed despite the gloomy forecast* on its future after separation n Malaysia. Speaking at a farewell conference at. the .Sinnapore airport before his trade delegations departure
      247 words
    • 111 16 Pact ends strike by 1,800 on estate VjEKEMBAN. Sat. The 1.8000 workers on Ladang Geddes Estate. 55 miles from here, who stopped tapping on April 26, will return to work on Monday. Confirming this here today, the secretary of the National Union of Plantation Workers, Negri Sembilan branch. Mr. K.
      111 words
    • 494 16 Ship ahoy and Chichester is nervous THE experience ot seeing a ship for the first time on Monday since he conquered the stormy Capo Horn single-handed 47 days ago (on March 22) made Sir Francis Chichester nervous. In his latest cable to The Sunday Times, the 65-year-old British mariner named
      494 words
    • 555 16 LONDON, Saturday MINISTER has voiced a view on life after death which is certain to astonish millions of church-goers. The Rev. Peter RussellLacy believes that after death, a husband and wife enjoy the same sexual union as they did on earth. He
      555 words
    • 31 16 TELLK ANSON. Sal. St. Anthonys School beat the Hor lev Methodist Secondary School in the first round of the Prruk Jaycees 1 inter -m-Ikiol debate held here last evening.
      31 words
    • 35 16 MUAR. Sat. The Central Government is to consider reducing the toll charges at Sultan l*mail Bridge here. Dato Chua Song Lim. vice-president of MCA and chairman of the Johore Works Committee, said today.
      35 words
    • 23 16 SKREMBAN Bat. A Dickaon chapter or ihr Junior Chamber of Commerce has been formed WttO Mr. Ton Khai Lai a.- pn-Mdent.
      23 words
    • 24 16 KANGAK in bin Mohumrd. 18 ciiixl tat n:.'lit alter lio \Ui knocked down hv CHi- at Brhor later, three miles from heir.
      24 words
    • 19 16 PENANG. Sat. Marc UMUI S4OO worth of copper win li.i Ibeen reported Rolen from BUD(eJ Nibong ye.siprdH.v
      19 words
    • 373 16 '< I LOST contact with my brother in Sweden. He 1 left Malaya about 10 years I ago. What shall I do? WORRIED Contact the Malaysian diplomatic representative in Sweden or write to a Suedish netcspaper asking it to help trace your brother. IS there any harm In
      373 words
    • 303 16 Martin Bormann mystery Guatemala sends photographs and fingerprints to Germany U A T E M A LA CITY, Sat.— Police have sent photographs and fii prints to Germany to determine whether a man being held here is Martin Bormann, Hitler's long-missing right-hand man. The man said when h» was picked
      303 words
    • 662 17 Moomba can prove the hottest of all in this hot Class 2 field RACING WITH EPSOM JEEP TIfOOMBA can give weight all round in a "hot" Class 2 Dlv. 1 field iTI over fif (Race 4) at Bukit Timah today. This Edmundo five-year-old. I think, la Class 1 material. He
      662 words
    • 153 17 EPSOM JEEP CALL BOY POINTER Race i PAN It VI AH SPRING FANCT PAN RAJAH Golliwoff Victory Port dOr Looking Forward Blue Venus Hmhj Charge* Race 2 RT MURICE BAVDAI.O KAYDAIO Pure let M. Auctioneer >t Mturlr* M Auctioneer Moo* Lin* \elios Rmc 3 HfK > roDk
      153 words
    • 299 17 rCTE CO-ED is my choice in Race 6. This Eng-lish-bred six-year-old has been consistent, having won over the Penang 7f with 8.10 and was a close second to Tototak over B£f. Son of Sol looks the next be.-t He was a good winner over
      299 words
    • 172 17 rpOKYO. Sat Japans ThoX mas Cup team of six players, a manaser and a coach, are scheduled to leave by a Garuda Indonesian Airways plane tomorrow for Jakarta. The lnteirone semi-finals will fee Malaysia play Denmark t>n May 31 and June 1 and Japan
      172 words
    • 41 17 PARTT Pt'NTAR. Sal The seven te*m* who w ill compete in thf Krtan foo'nal! league first division which begins en Mnndav i :f > Bagan Serai. Kalumpanc Sjtate, Kursu. Krsan Tf.irher*. Gunong Semanecol Arabic School, Asohan Bella and Cherwinese E>ta*e.
      41 words
    • Bukit Timah
      • 194 17 (Local riders only) 1 ***** Lavender Prince g (Booii&i Bagby 6 9 0 Kang 3 2 0 Panehen < Sultan of Pahang) J Donnelly 7 8.13 Omar 1 3 ***** Fraier a (Llnali Bagby 5 811 «Yeo 4 ***** Blue Venus s
        194 words
      • 187 17 1 ***** Pan Andy g (Pandy Teh 9 9 0 F i Nelson 8 X ***** Carrot Gold g (Orandlflora) R Breuk. 6 9.0 *Ynsoff 9 S ***** Mona Liaa a (Kirn Kirn) Allan 5 813 'Allan 1 4 ***** Pare Jet
        187 words
      • 188 17 1 ***** Glen Peak g (Gembtra) R Breuk. 5 9.0 (F) Bongonre 18 t ***** Shantln Call g (Olvmnla) Teh 6 8.13 Nelson 2 3 9 Lasterold (Kayed) E Breuk. 5 8.13 Weir 4 4 Aristocrat II (Simmons Eu) Heddle 3 8.10
        188 words
      • 191 17 Race 4—3.45 Class 2 Div 1 (S1 0,000) 6f 1 ***** MOOMBA a (Chukell) Allan 5 9.0 (SF) Coiea 2 ***** Mandarin a (Tan Yuen) Noordin 8 8.11 (F) Trerena. 18 I Gino (Arrivedicrp Bagby S 8.9 Kang 14 4 ***** Nearco Myth 111 g (Lucky) E Donnelly 5 88
        191 words
      • 151 17 Race 5—4.20 Class 2 Div 1 (SI 0,500) 8f 1 ***** Kit* Snka s (Newmarket) Spencer 7 90 (F) Ha-bridge t 2 0 Promise II (Harapan) Tulloh 4 810 *Nawari 13 3 ***** BRONZE KNIGHT a (Capital) Mawl 4 8.8 (IF) Nelson 11 4 0 Port Capri (Plash) Daniels 4
        151 words
      • 270 17 1 ***** Lovely Day a iCH Tan) Noordin 9 9 0 Moxham 5 2 ***** Rom Cup a (Leong ft Tan) J Donnelly 7 812 *Ha«san 4 3 5538 A Bintang Singapura a (Malaysian) Sullivan 4 810 Wllmhi 8 4 0 Fart
        270 words
      • 227 17 1 89P98 Now What a (Centenary> Heddle 8 9 0 HamJd 8 I ***** Angelina (OL Woolf) E Breuk. 5 813 Trevena 15 3 ***** Pendorm (1. Patio) (MBF« Nair 6 8.10 Moxham 0 4 ***** Tapagenr a (Soon Lee) Paul 5
        227 words
      • 180 17 1 ***** TOF POWER g <OW Wong) R Breuk 4 SO (SF) Roar>ore 8 2 ***** Jame« Bond g (Income Xi J Donnelly 6 90 •Hiian 8 S ***** Flrlnit GHn-y a < Lucky) Sullivan 5 8.12 (F) Coleman 4 4
        180 words
    • 34 17 NIBONO TEBAL. Sat. The Henry Gurney Boy.« Club here will s'arr exhibition boxine bouts in the club premises at 6 p m tomorrow Boxer* from Bukit Mertajam and Buttcrwortn will lake ptirt.
      34 words
    • 151 17 OLYMPIC GAMES: SOUTH AFRICANS HOPEFUL JO H A N N ESBURO, Sat. The Bouth African delegates who presented their country's case to the International Olympic Committee in Teheran said yesterday they were very hopeful that South Africa would return to the Olvmpir Games. One of their grounds for hope was
      151 words
    • 294 17 fANTERBURY. Sat. v The Kent spin dowlinß was altogether too strong for irresolute batting by the Indian touring team on a wearing pitch here ypsterday and the county side won by 76 runs with 11 minutes to spare. The Indian cricketers folded up badly
      294 words
    • 287 17 LONDON. Bat. Former England Test bowlers Ray lllingworth (Yorkshire) and Tony Lock (Leicestershire) steered their teams to convincing victories in County championship matches yesterday Oft-spinner Illinr»orth spearheaded the county champions to a five-wicket victory over Worcestershire their tirst win of the season, when
      287 words
    • 290 17 LONDON. Sat —Tottenham Hotspur, who meet Chelsea in the all-London final of the English FA Cup at Wembley next Saturday. had a morale-boosting 2-9 win over Sheffield United In the league tori Xfter a >.roreless first half. Jimmy Or— in and Frank Saul netted
      Reuter  -  290 words
    • 153 17 ROME. Sat,— Maria Esther Bueno (Brazil i, Lesley Turner and lan O'Neill Lehane of Australia, and unseeded Lea Pericon Italy > today won their way into the women's Mneles semifinals of the Italian international tennis championships It was a day a two rnaior upsets with
      153 words
    • 506 18  -  LIEW MOOK YOONG By take a leaf from the Singapore Government which is affording all sorts of privileges to its top iuoit.snien. For example the Singapore Education Ministry decided that all st.«te athletes and coaches who are school-teach-er* and promising athletes in secondary .school*
      506 words
    • 73 18 SINGAPORE, Sat. Youn Sang Chul (68) won the Singapore island Country Club "C" medal stroke on a count back from Lav Teng Chuan at the Bukit course here today. Ball .sweep winners: Ist nineTan Eng Yoon. 33, 2nd nine Youn Sang Chul, Lav Teng
      73 words
    • 1889 18  -  EPSOM JEEP By gINGAPORE, Sat.Kuala Lumpur trainer O. M. Noordin had a nice change of luck when Escort, with Khamis up romped home a fivelength winner in Race 3 at Bukit Timah today. Je Mainteindral ended a
      1,889 words
    • 104 18 Total Pool $71,480 Ist No. KJ9754 $30,786 2nd No. UKR4 S 8.796 3rd No (***** S 4.398 Starters (SlOOO each) Nos. 3031U2 *****0 *****1 *****.' *****1 ***** *****1 *****9 2!.-)i:s.> •.'«:,.->•.»!) ' ion (5750 each) Nov .'4OOBO *****3 *****4 *****3 »***** *****7 *****7 *****6 *****3 *****8 Extra
      104 words
    • 370 18 STIPES REPORT 'FHh stipendiary steward's re- 1 lxnl un yt.-trrday a races ai B i K.\« K 1: (.lamis lA.suwadl) reioscu io taut ttos itaHtin stall and ««i withdrawn by the stewards. Trainer J. K. Kudgci-a was lnloiniea that ttH geiamg would
      370 words
    • 282 18 KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. SELANGOR led Perak by 45 runs with seven wickets in hand after the first day's play in the Malaysian Cricket Association league match here today. Perak, who won the toss, were 54 for four at lunch and were all
      282 words
    • 280 18 AZIZ AHMAD TAKES FOUR NS WICKETS FOR 20 NtEßLiw^xm, oat. ..ialacca were 10 runs behind with three wickets intact In their MCA match against Negri Sembilan here today. Scores: Negri 94. Malacca 84 (or seven. Negri won the toss and batted first. At lunch they were 59 for six. The
      280 words
    • 34 18 KANGAR. Sat The North Zone Malaysia Cup football match between Selaneor and Perils here today was bandoned because of the flooded pitch. The teams played a friendly with Selangor winning 4-1
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    • 122 18 CINOAPORE. Sat. Bharin Osman entered the men's singles hard court tennis semifinals when he eliminated P. Huggon 6-1. 6-1 at the Tanglin Cluh here today. Sharin will meet Albert Tan who beat Wilfred Wee 6-3. 6-4. Other quarter final results: Daniel Lim beat Paul
      122 words
    • 204 18 HUI AND ALI STAR FOR SCHOOLS IJENANG- Sat.— Belter ing enabled Penang Combined Schools to beat the Thomasust Universuy ot Bangkok 3-1 in a last and thrilling soccer game on the Victoria Green this evening. Sonny Hut and All were outstauduig in the Penang attack. Sonny scored the first goal
      204 words
    • 128 18 Ireland score 11-5 win over Australia gYDNEY. Sat. Ireland bounced back with a convincing 11-5 win over Australia in the Rugby Union international here today. It was sweet revenue lor tlie Irish who were heavily beaten by New South Wales a week ago The Irish transformation earned them a thoroughlydeserved
      128 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 473 4 NEW! from DuBcIRRY GussanDo naiL EnamEL IRRESISTIBLE IRIDESCENTS! Gold and Silver Glitter Who else but Dußarry would have the genius to come up with a nail enamel that doesn't settle in the bottle. And in such lovely shades including two unique "flecked" overglazes. Gold Glitter containing 24 carat gold. Silver
        473 words
      • 211 4 mM a^Hlv iVI 1 aH^^ M all a girl needs to face the world beautifully >^ With Creme Puff you feel prettier too. because you know you look fresh, calm. i supremely confident. That's because Max v Factor's Creme Puff does a little more s^L f or you... adds a
        211 words
    • Page 4 Miscellaneous
      • 36 4 rvuopHfjmne mvuD) I |fc» to^t^v w> well —j !/>, tia<€ trajiTto a~) TIT V^ irLL fKotumx K™!!*!^!"?™?!-^ (cui\.on* c* rtainlv f family or voop own^---' VTft v-^iiXM out X™***** 1 v-^ttit:* id you j v \^»CSiN) \M\
        36 words
    • Page 5 Miscellaneous
      • 1577 5 the WEEK \<~ OUR "Star of the Week" today is Shirley Khoo (Ipoh waitress j— born May 14, 194*. Y OU n Interesting Job this year and probably of year In which you will background, but it is as well nave a great deal of "luck. 1 to know what
        1,577 words
      • 191 5 I^W'/JaV fla^BHslßsaair If J&S b^b^^^ Jb^bh vlbm J *^»^l at X* I^bt OTw W tA I W _H Eb^b^L. Tf\ y* r"» ■aa^^BfaW s^BW^aW^^Bs^^BW '^f W »i LJb^b^bP^bSb^l b^b^bV JaW- a^L.* »^^^\^BB BaaaaVaT *^r f ~~^^S- Bll^^b4v -^bs^T I v*<>*« Si-«v.wt« asß iL. r "iaa^aWt BsLJt b^bbVj l^L^ «^B^BsT"" M^
        191 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
    • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 1003 8 Mgggggggggj Jggi cigfe i 1 ggg^gggggg^^^^gf k Vgk tokgi ligggk^^^ggggl hggggg) ggggi^^^iggggggggg^ gm^^ gB gggggg^gg^ggggj P^Sflgl gggggggggg^^ Jgktt ggf Vvi _ggl F^^'V iW^%*lH A *t'ri ggggggggl i P^Biw jwiigflnißfc^ f v g»^^ g>r^* *B I J flBgW ggi Mi B^^^l gM 1 •■■i^^^— HRaW J |P~rr~-^ ggm T O()KIN ti
        1,003 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
      82 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 312 6 CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES to SINGAPORE BATTERY MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. on the official opening of their Battery Plant at Lorong Tukang Tiga, Jurong, Singapore 22 By THE MINISTER FOR FINANCE, MR. LIM KIM SAN from SWEE HIN TRADING CO., 1 66 Cross Street, Singapore 1 Tel: ***** ***** 12-B Jalan
      312 words
    • 125 6 Congratulations to SINGAPORE BATTERY MANUFACTURING CO.. LTD. on the opening of their factory From: THE UNITED COMMERCIAL BANK LTD. Raffles Place. Singapore 1., COSGRA TULA TtONS to SINGAPORE BATTERY MANUFACTURING CO.. LTD. on the occasion of their official opening Electrical Installation of Lightings, Powers and Machinery, Undertaken by LEE SENG
      125 words
    • 266 6 LIM SAI PHENG and THE MANAGEMENT OF J^^TfIDVERTISING extend their heartiest congratulations to SINGAPORE BATTERY MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. on tk« otficiol opening ceremony of tHeir Battery Manufacturing Factory ot Lorong Tukang Tiga. Jurong Industrial Estate, Singapore, by The Minuter for Fmanc*. MR. LIM KIM SAN Congratulations to SINGAPORE BATTERY MANUFACTURING
      266 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 232 7 Advertisement: Lemons for Beauty To keep your sicin clear and fair you need the natural cleansing and bleaching tonic of lemons. Ask your chemist for a bottle of lemon Delph. the latest type skm freshener used by beautiful women throughout the world. Lemon Delph makes the complexion, neck and shoulders
      232 words
    • 205 7 BsK^vHsflsslsH*' Hswt 1•I m I ■a»- <l «s»sB Ht kP**lssi Fly Qantas V- Jets direct to London 6 flights a week! Oantas offers 6 good times a week direct to Europe and London. Tel: *****. American International Building, Jalan Ampang, Six Oantas V-Jets to pick and choose from, giving you
      205 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 758 8 CLASSIFIED ADS. M II ..rrft illi I HlsmiiiM) PHANC MAM Jonnnie so Mr./ Vis Chang Ah Chong to Slew Ylnn Mr Mrs Mah Peng Ooh on I 5 «7. irrrniv kanc kirn SENC eldest i o Mr A Mrs Kang Sway Bab to '>tty Tan Bee Tee eldest d, o
      758 words
    • 11 8 fCough Drops-* for pjELjer of couOM SOME THROAT •rx» SMOKERS THROAT
      11 words
    • 75 8 IPIB for faster relief from ASTHMA it *****>. Jo wrmk PIB (Pressurised Iso-Brovon) provides prompt and long-lasting relief in ASTHMA and BRONCHITIS. Compact unit— simple to use— easily carried in pocket or handbag. Over 300 doses— at low cost. You can SEE the contents and need never fear running short
      75 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 953 9 W^ m ft DRAW Any Person IN 1 Minute r% I NO LESSONS! NO TALENT! I I rfit| N#w Irivcntiorv— lnsfont iy Th* Art Wo^^B Jk Complete tor only $9 «0 Copy Photos! Also Excellent for All Types of Drawings! Hainan Flfwm Outdoor St»n*i, landtcopei. buildinqi Still lif«, »o««l, bow
      953 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 187 10 j pnvSrvJlf i L--~~ 1 "111 *iH^H M I J W I I"I No rretty miss is wearing her Berlei Bra... in size 32A. Maximum 10. .".'jrvclous look. This is Berlei's world-famous International style 200 Bra. Yours h k or skintone. Cut low under the arms so you can wear
      187 words
      112 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 156 11 For all-day Smartness and Comfort K. OLYMPU3IA M I ***** I I SHIRT I Permanent Press I Sol. Aa«ri» j- j£ 7f ft. a Malaysia MJLM_^^^^^^^^^ •nd Brunei SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENAN6 For Comfort and Durability buy. Pagoda /^XX BRAND /^M^\BINGLETS* T-SHIRTS *BRIEFS MADE IN SINGAPORE BEST MATERIALS USED AND
      156 words
    • 118 11 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimmmiiiiiiiiii INSIST ON FABRICS V J MOOR SILK MILLS LTD. KARACHI. M. A. FAZAL A9 ELLAHI CO. 35 ARAB STREET SINGAPORE. ****************************************11 l INSIST 0P\ ON E** 1 SUNBEAM OVERLOOK SEWING fJjStt MACHINE, ENG CHUAN CO. 223 SOUTH BRIDGE ROAD. S PORE TEL: ***** ***** fi: Always insist on "PARAGON"
      118 words
      146 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 273 12 QOll £l\A/£l\/ on your voyage Odl I dWdy to England oS P&O's big beautiful Book now on s.s. ORSOVA for the October voyage stabilised ocean liner. She has First Class and Tourist to England. Start looking forward to a wonderful accommodation, and both have elegantly appointed holiday on a great
      273 words
    • 479 12 Advertisement I J The Priceless \ssrl Of A Beautiful Complexion day every woman la dent to enablp It to sinlc L >eire« to a beautifu 1 into the skin rather than jlexion This priceless ride ineffectually on the -ct has almost become surface In addition it has her birthright, due
      479 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 136 13 ■m j| Jf*%^ Mk Jake MSA's Lunch Jet to I l\ gU It^am. M\ Taipei any day of the week! IhM I I\m I En route you'll enjoy fabulous Jp^tj* k I W B^^Fir'm Silver Kris Service... a superb to^ H lunch. .and drinks *on the Tp «^a^ house'! It's
      136 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 240 14 IwanttarememberthismamenL.. -*aaa*aat^apagjpju»tanr iRi f*^ a^ar BBBBBIaw > **Mfc 9 it Tal k^BUdaf^BBBBB Tm 488 with a Kodak Instamatic Camera I; sSO easy. Just drop in a film cartridge and you re ready to lake pictures. Indoors, pop on a flashcube and take four Hash pictures without changing bulbs! Could anything
      240 words
    • 427 14 Pimples and Bad Skin Foughl in H] 24 Hours W %4 MOM lh> Itaan rf N.iodom by an itFC«I AFTIR Am.rcan phraiciaa It no lon«er n«tf«- h»a'.ir.« your akin, maklni It aontr «hlt«r aar» lor an*oo» to lußtr !rom u>. o.<- and \r. am<Km in juat a da» or t»#
      427 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 655 15 fgATHAJg LAST 2 DAYS! Horn. 2 10. 00 9.00 p.m. t IN PRICES "iht bLUfc MAX" (roo I <"-» Peppard Unulo Ai>d"«i c_r>>~' b) Dl OPFNj:. TUCSOAV! IMondO"") "RECALLING MY DREAMS" I: C- xnpe C-.Q C^i" Sub* NOW SNOWING! I Mam. 130. 4. 430 4 •30■ m. rvALK.UOnIKun I Cary
      655 words
      153 words
    • 100 15 CaEOE3E3Ci TODAY SHOWS: I-*-* P.M. DARA SINGH Ak PRITHVIRAJ MUMTA2 gs| PREMNATH EASTMANCOIOke.»*.i-s»MALAr>osii>as TODAY llom. (Scope Color) REVENGE OF SPARTACUS MGM) VsVsVA*.V,V.Va'a'^.Va«.V.' SBlUfjSfllLglliiim imo« ■^^■■••■■"■■■■■^■■■■■•SBlßW Ta«*v: I.JO-3.JC-7.00 30 p m Wong y u Ching Ping Lily Ho 'THI SWORD AND TH£ LUTI" iManaorin-ColoricaM) I 1 I bam "Fettatt Gun Alive"
      100 words
    • 535 15 lIdo" opens'todaY. S SHOWS DAILY at 11 a.m., 1.45, 4 00, 630 I 9.15 p.m. Wl BACH! assi^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B „^Tr_^« Capital of Hell J I Where everything and I .',j^ I everyone has a price I I ~[g fUF~ I Where love and murder I 1 mt H meet by night
      535 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 115 16 LCE STUDENTS Are you prepared? TheL.C.E Examination will be based on OBJECTIVE TESTS are a series of 4 Objective-type questions from this year books, one each for General Science. .I, i \l General Mathematics History and onwards. Have you prepared yourself Geography Each book contains more for this new type
      115 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 615 16 f%/ ia>< «w<- IA DMifhters: 10.00 ProgruMM TV MALAYSIA summary lor Lbe next day and CHASM. L :>: Kuala Lumpur and Penan*; b I^.l, and Ma RADIO MALAYSIA Urra; 3. 10 Jahan Bahru; 4 Taipine; 7 Batu I'alial; 9 \M: 600 Pngnum Xlu u v. 6.U1? Moriui.c Mr iv.M 3.00
      615 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 27 17 Now On Sale MALAYSIA YEAR BOOK Malaysia L^^Jp*^^ gives you all J| th* answers jy I LBF 'i.'.'x' s. ...i';.; a 1 Available from Newsagents and Booksellers
      27 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 185 17 ATHLI'TK S perak AAA south SOCCER Malavtia Cup: ■one open relays cT. Anson Per ant v Kedah (City Stapaciane' Malacca AAA mini- dlum. 8 pmi; Armed Forces marathon iKubu Stadium. 730 v Perak (Merdeka Stadium. 8 *Ja-). pm): Negrl v Johore (8t«-BCDV-Bt ILDING— Mr Body- tlor P^S. 8b«n): STpore vJt
      185 words
    • 68 17 lllimill IHI ■ U The art of timing W <»uv|i[>6a' suois^fwutv s«nj» VMtutr u>u wxnw- ">j~N ay nit niie i<u utis wt-y~Zii^iu^M f c»u ir ywtcto Side to cucu i iur*v ru4T mi *et sT»»r... s rxm I I w eeaniswvo. ywj mvi iinisr trwvct m% I <-•-« i«', 'frit
      68 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 169 18 would you buy this The one and only Olympus Pen FT doesn't ftl»#ii*w%il« I II I much here. We've forsaken the usual I ll_ _J g product shot in order to expose the /g a^^^ *—> Pen FT for what it really is: a half-frame and W^j^^LaW B U. tingle
      169 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous

  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 70 1 Get the real tobacco taste of BROADLEAF VIRGINIA White Horse.. ..the man size filter cigarette. A great smoke because of great tobaccos. Bright, broadleaf Virginia. Specially selected imported and blended for full-bodied flavoudj j^* rich aroma, satisfying taste. White Horse-frowl Rothmans expert tobacco men since 1890. k WHITE Ik fe^M.
      70 words

  • 2711 2 HEDY LANARK tells how cecil b. de mille gave her OF ALL the men who have been my husbands, John Loder was quite the most infuriating. He would keep falling asleep. He foil ■■lerp at the table, he fell asleep at parties (standing upright), he
    2,711 words
  • Article, Illustration
    143 2 PART TWO f) HEOY LAMARR, the beautiful girl from Vienna who became the glamour queen of Hollywood, continues the intimate story of her life as a star and as a woman revealing the tears and terrors behind all the glitter of being a sex queen and the joy of being
    143 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 229 2 This book is a collection of magnificient French recipes, fk ij^ coupled with vivid description that even a novice cook will U find them not difficult to make from a simple daube of I^ll SIZE: 11^" x8i/4 beef to a spectacular gateau. l|r w post free You don't need to
      229 words

  • 2823 3 STARDOM'S MAGIC FORMULA OF SEX AND SPECTACLE'! told me: "Remember C. B. is brilliant. When it comes to sex and spectacle, no one can tear down a temple and tear off a piece at one and the same time like he can. "When he sells sex.
    2,823 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 94 3 M PHILIPS W LUeATZ/ianf FIRST AGAIN! Philips Stereo CASSETTE Tape Recorder __-cr FULL STEREO RECORDING Ipa^l REPRODUCTION (^^^^^R |||jj| Portable, mains operated full Stereo Cas- 'If! i sette Recorder. Model No. EL 3312 Battery operated, portable Portable De Luxe Battery Cartridge loading Cassette tape recorder. Complete with Cassette recorder, with
      94 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 283 3 ACROSS; 1 Extend 6 Atonement (9). 3 Separately (5). Very hard stone i7>. 11 Ex- 4 Inner part (4), 5. Colour (3), plained <9>. 12 Lean <s>, 13. 6 Snakes (6). 7. Clerics (5). 8. Flowers i~i. 14 Weary (4». 15. Passage (4). 9. Disturb (7). 10. SttfT grass ,4).
      283 words

  • 152 4 rr HAS taken a Greek military decree to halt the mini-skirt revolution. A fashion that began with the London mods three years ago; was taken up stealthily in Paris and New York; was a wow at beach resorts everywhere last summer i including Greek ones) which swept America last
    152 words
  • Article, Illustration
    495 4 THE MINI SKIRT POLITICAL SPECTRUM OF LONDON, Sat. There's nothing political about the miniskirt in Britain (or in Singapore and Malaysia, for that matter). It's just as likely to be worn by a Young Conservative as a C.N.D. supporter. That's one of the joys of a democracy. But around the
    495 words
  • 269 4 Dear Jane Lee A BOY rings me up frequently and each time we have a long conversation. I try to cut the conversations short but I find It difficult to do so for fear that he may think I am rude. My boss is a very nice person, but it
    269 words