The Straits Times, 23 April 1967

Total Pages: 24
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 23 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES P P.O. Sen on .A it* i NO. 1623 SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 1967 20 CENTS KDN 2577: 2591/ MC (1')2267
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  • 437 1 3,000 JAKARTA YOU THS TERRORISE CHINESE JAKARTA, Saturday THREE THOUSAND screaming youths today terrorised Jakarta's Chinatown in a rampage that sent a wave of fear and tension among the Chinese. They beseiged the Chinese Embassy and severely beat several Chinese. Four cars were overturned in iront of the embassy. At
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  • 50 1 GOTHENBURG (Sweden". Sat. A five-year-old girl was bitten to death by seven greyhounds in a dog compound The girl had climbed over the fence of the kennel. A four-year-old girl saw and ran half-a-mile to fetch the victim's grandmother, who called an am- bulance.
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  • 45 1 Up in flames— a dozen coffins SEREMBAN. Sat. Thirty people were made homeless In a fire that gutted three squatter houses in Jalan Limbok last'.t TMr worst affected wn.s a coffin shop. More than x dozen coffins worth about $6,000 went up in -niokf
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  • 36 1 CALCUTTA S.ii- se\rmrrn peuple were killed and 89 ui.mred when a truck yesterday went out of control and ploughed through a religious procession n*ar Siaan. a town 1 300 miles from Calcutta.
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  • 141 1 Plot to kill LBJ in Bonn UONN. Sat A letter claiming knowledge ot an assassination plot against President Johnson, who is expected in Bonn on Monday for the funeral of former Chancellor Konrad Adenauer. wa.s leproduced today in the Cologne Stadt-Anzeiger. one of the city's leading newspapers Printed by hand
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  • 343 1  - Tengku is back from Ceylon PREM KUMAR Support for wider ASA with Ceylon in mind By KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Tengku Abdul Rahman returned here tonight from a six-day visit to Ceylon and said Malaysia would support "any form of a wider organisation for regional cooperation." And 'Ceylon should b* in
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  • 276 1  -  GEOFFREY GELDARD From KUCHING, Sat.—lndonesian security forces air moving 350.000 nonIndonesian Chinese living in West Kalimantan into controlled areas io await deportation to China The Chief of St;ttt of Indonesia's Kodam 12. Col. M. Saihosein. said this in Kuchlng today. He said that in
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  • 428 1 No other way: Healey But forces will be cut without hurting economy of countries, he pledges SINGAPORE. Saturday. BRITAIN had no alternative but to make '"substantial" reductions in her defence spending in the next 12 months, tho British Defence Secretary. Mr. Denis Healey. said here today. He. however, stressed that
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    • 56 1 HUM. k(i\<. >.l I irdrrirk .liwv British JaanMaM umt MftoawM in his MttM, M !■> Ml ilnih to«Uv from Ihr tMh flmir nf Hone K»n: hotel Mr nil from I M- <mv adjuininc tlir lor r,tn I orrrtpondrnU lnl« lixatrd in Ihr hold ll' km daughter
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    • 17 1 h\\(.k(ih Hal.—>nrr hrjt l.ip.m <• la nighi to (|iuiii» i.i iaiaa Wiilh HM InuriMiiiriit qiMrlri ftMla,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 350 2 Exhibition to climax big hunt for art treasures I/UALA LUMPUR. Sat. A "treasure hunt" tn Ku^la l.umpur and .'etallne Jaya homes has uneartheo an amazliiß rnllertlnn o! objets dart anrl pnlntlriL's from other countries worm more than $325,000 The hunt was conducted by the honorary secretary of the National Art
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  • 143 2 Horosho (WELL DONE) gift of a tray from Russia r»letor« by Othm.ii Yaacob THK Mercian «f the National Art Gallery. Mr Frank Sullivan (left), accepting a hand-painted tray on behalf of the callerv from Mr. V. \estrrov. leader of the first Russian tourist part?, in Kuala l.umnnr T^MerrfaT l.ookintr on
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  • 205 2  -  Bill Campbell From gANDAKAN, Sat Usno took three-seat lead over Upko in the Sabah State Assembly elections when the result of the Lamag constituency was announced today Dato ppnelran Ha.ll Galpam Pentriran Indar had two-to-one wlnntnp marein over his Upko rival. Mr. PbMin
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  • 115 2 The share market hucksters YEW YORK. Sat The A> American Btork Exchange nnnotinrefl yesterday It was lnveMigatlne the possibility of a ring of share manipulators falsely boosting utork pnres and milking the pubiir of millions of dollars. The Exrhanße prosirirni. Mr. Ralph S Saul, said in a statement the investigation
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 60 2 SEREMBAN Sat Etcrtt i members of thf Nejn Semhilan Stot^ Exerntn* rounrll «nd ihre» nfflrtalK met the new I Ruler and hi* Onntor' »t the IstMnn Hlngsup hrre for an i hour thm morning It m«!« thr firxt nfTV i»l mfei mi of the Yang di-rvrtimn
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  • 141 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Bat -About 5n striking wnrkers from Bukit Asahan Estate in Malacca and the Trianc Estate in Pahant tnday dreidpd tn stay nn In the Federal capital till they see the Prime Minister. Tenpku Abdul Rahman. At a meeting mdav
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  • 114 2 'Show cause' unions protest CINGAPORE. Sat Tb* Singapore Rubber Employees' Union 'nria' a meeting in Chll to protect agaln.-t the Cmv eminent* nntirp to -how cause why It should not t* de-reglstered Attempts to hold d« mon-tration:- after »h« meetine fizzled out A similar meetins was called later tn the
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  • 55 2 Tank fire victim 'very ill' BINOAPORE B*l Mr R. Sinnathsmhlv an RAF civilian »mp:ivw »no «»v»r»iv burnt when two fti»l lank* raught flrn in RAF Btlttar nn TTiurwlav. «M todwv -n b» very 111" Hi* rn;i»«gn» Mr Mnhind«r Singh »ho tniur»«<l and i.« h»me <rm<?ri m »h» j«m» »-*rd in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1092 2 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. The following is a SlaU'iiu-nt by the Chairman, Dato S. Q. Wong, S.I'.M.J., J.P., lo be prrsinud at the Annual (ieneral MeetinK to be held on 27th April, 1967. In iiK-sruiiiiK ilir CuwiMO] i ,<*u> Aiiuiihl ii givrx uic gieai plt-asuir to »iai«
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  • Article, Illustration
    351 3 Dig that created a historic U.S. achievement in the Space race Scratch like a furrow in a field PASADENA, (California), Sat. America's unmanned Surveyor 3 spacecraft scratched a shallow furrow in the surface of the Moon today. Close-up pictures of the footlong furrow revealed that the Moon's topsoll
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  • 128 3 MANILA, Sat. The Foreign Office has asked President Marcos to order the Consul General. Mr. Marino Logarta. to return to his post in Singapore to dispel impressions in Malaysia that he has been •grounded" here. Mr. Logarta was recalled to Manila early
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  • 37 3 .-LNGAPURfc- Bat. I broke inio the lioii»c of C\ iil Raymond. 45. ol Jalan Sayan. altrr lie and hi* wile had gone out to work Cash and jewellery worth about $1-900 were aiolen
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  • 374 3 Firing as new Greek PM explains JJOME, Sat. Athens today was a tense city with armed soldiers, tanks and armoured cars controlling the almost deserted streets. According to airline passengers arriving here there were sporadic bursts of gunfire. Passengers said thai as planes landed at Athens airport they were ringed
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  • 242 3 Marriage and divorce By A THRICE-WED NOVELIST ONDON, Sat. Elizabeth Jane Howard, the thrioemarrled novelist, today agreed to go on TV in a soul-baring programme in which she will be questioned by Alan Whicker about her marriages and divorce. Her present husband. Kingsley Amis, and her first, naturalist Peter Scott,
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  • 39 3 MALACCA. Sat. The Governor of Malacca. Tun Haii Abdul Malek bin Yu&of. and the Chief Minister. Inche Abdul Ghafar bin Baba. and their wives, attended a show by the visiting Indonesian cultural troupe here last nieht.
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  • 54 3 SINGAPORE. Sat A register of condolence will be opened at the German Embassy. Orchard Road, to mark the death of Dr. Konrad Adenauer, former Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany. The register will remain open from 9 a.m. to 12 noon until the day of
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  • 289 3 Russians plan double space-bus shot MOSCOW, Sat— The Soviet Union was planning to launch within the next 48 hours two space ships manned by a total of four to six cosmonauts, informed sources said today. Soviet newsmen, photographers and cameramen have been alerted to stand by for the most spectacular
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 180 3 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER (ONMMIM. BfOIiaBM require the services I of an Ueetrieal Eneineer on their site staff for about I years from August/September 19<>7. to supervise contrails for the installation of electrical and mechanical services at Butterworth Deep Water Wharves under the overall supervision of the Resident Encineer. Preferred axe 35-45
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    • 548 3 fT~ Be* p: in Tit is 8 HOTT S frc £j featu I |l i H Ji( if pl/ Jig AvoiK Bl Tc mn M V.I. P. M H Tel: !=y ri g ISKCUI c I'"" LJivii Air Tr, v is lor i The*/ v HI I in Singap I
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  • 384 4 J^|ANILA, Sat. A Puerto Rican, described as a Communist agent for Cuba, was the centre of controversy today following reports that he had admitted complicity in a plot to assasinate President Kennedy. Yesterday Luis Castillo, 24. was produced by ufflnaLs of the National Bureau
    AP; UPI  -  384 words
  • 477 4  -  ALIX PALMER By London, Saturday "T FINISHED writing 'The Death of a President' one twilight," said William Manchester. "I told no one, not even my wife, because she would have wanted me to rest, and that was not what I
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  • 194 4 RUALA LUMPUR. Sat. The Bar Council of Malaysia was today urged to look into the circumstances leading to the detention of one of its members, Mr. Karam Singh. The call came from a group of lawyers who met here to discuss the matter
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  • 196 4 Official to take over Bank Negara functions SINGAPORE, Sat. A Mlnlstry of Finance official is expected to be named Singapore's new Commissioner of Banks to perform the functions carried out by the Sinttapore branch of Bank Negara, Malaysia which ceased operations here at 11 a.m. today. There will be no
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  • 25 4 SINGAPORE. Sat. A $280.--638 converter factory U to be built for the proposed pulp and paper manufacturing mill at JaXan Ahmad Ibrahim, Jurong.
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  • 28 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Bat. Atma Singh. 15. wm cycling along Jalan Ipoh ye«t*rdav when he was stopped by a man and robbed of two bottle* of milk.
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  • 182 4 JAL's new service boost for tourism I/UALA LUMPUR. Sat. Japan Air Lines expect, to make a big contribution to the tourist trade In Malaysia when they start a direct service by DC-R ietliners oetween Kuala Lumpur and Tokyo next month. In jrder to cope with the increasing traffic In the
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  • 62 4 Fined: Girl who had 40 leaflets KINGAPOPE Mi A Ifr year-old girl *'a.- today fined $150 and plared on two years' probation for havine 40 subversive leaflet,* m Chinese. The fine was paid on h<»r behalf by hT mnfhrr. a washrrman. The girl, who left school five years ago. rommit>d
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  • 70 4 Millionaire and MCA founder dies at 74 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun The funeral of Mr Kh"o Cheng Keat. a millionaire nlnnrer *n4 miner who died here on WM ne«rtay at the *?e of 74 «n!l take plire today from 310 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman at 10 am Mr Khoo «v rounder
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  • 31 4 SINGAPORE Silt The Singapore Turf Cluh today gave the General Hntpital h«r§ $18,500 to buy new medieaJ equipment (or examining and tre«Mnj h^n miurles rained >■ motor acridenu.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 521 4 V^ Saw iEfc* ■BiHßß^^^^^ iW* > '"^''''^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H^BB^^^gH Your son a Captain of Industry? Save now with CITIBANK Whether you want your child to carve out a which help you build for the future of your career in commerce, or as an Airline Captain. family with carefully planned regular deposits, his
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  • 392 5  - IGP tells those PCs: We expect undivided loyalty from you STEPHEN BOEY By [POH, Sat. The Inspector General of Police, Tan Sri Mohamed Salleh bin lsmael, today told 294 of the 365 Malaysians discharged from the Singapore Police Force that they must give their undivided loyalty to Malaysia. Speaking to
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  • 277 5 Losing friends and infuriating people-a lesson for Mr. Krishnan TPOH, Sat. The lead- er of the Opposition coalition controlling the Taiping Town Council, Mr. N. M. Krishnan, today complained of the "uncooperative attitude" of the Alliance State Government. But the president of the Ipoh Municipal Council, controlled by the People's
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  • 110 5 HELD-A BANNED UNION OFFICIAL 1/UALA LUMPUR. Sat. The organising secretary of the de-registered Unitrd Malayan Estate Workers' Union, Mr. Teo Cheng Hai, v/as today detained under the Internal Security Act. He was held when he left the magistrate's court after ho was allowed bail on a charge of being a
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  • 154 5 Strike over: Penang Rediffusion to go back on the air DENANG. Sat. The 93--1 day strike by Rediffusion workers in Penanf has been settled. Rediffusion, which closed down their Penang office on Jan. 26. now plans to resume service from May 1. An extraordinary general meeting of the Penang Rediffusion
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  • 41 5 ALOR STAR. Sat.— Police In Perils last night four.d a loaded home-made pistol In Kampong Buklt Besl Haßlt. 15 miles from Hangar It wu hidden under a stone tn a blukar. A suspect h*j been detained.
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  • 480 5  -  REJAL ARBEC ALLIANCE OF TOMORROW AS SENU SEES IT By Batu Pahat, Sat. ■JHE one for all party. This was the image of the Alliance envisaged today by Inche Senu bin Abdul Rahman, Minister of Information and Broadcasting. Although conditions at present were noi conducive,
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  • 122 5 Riot squad at inquiry into tec's murder IPOH, Sat. The ma- gistrate's court compound was heavily guarded by policemen and members of the Riot Squad armed with rifles when a murder inquiry ended yesterday. Tan Hock Kirn, alias Tan Hock Khoon, alias Ah Joo. 23, was committed to stand trial
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1308 5 NEW FROM AMERICA TO TRY IN YOUR CAR FREE FOR 30 DAYS NOW! RUN YOUR CAR HALF ON PETROL HALF ON AIR... X/ r7TA w Save B»Hons ot petrol each aid Jj^ WIT month without changing --^^J 1 Q r i^»y a aingle part on your car! PROVED BY THE
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  • 57 6 11 Wt4m U (Mlniwutm) PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH m Singapore. Orchard Road, Sunday Service 9 a.m. and s o.m.— All welcome WESLEY METHOOIST CHURCH. I rort Canning Road. Singapore Worship Services at 7.30 a.m 10.00 a_m and 5.30 p.m. Sunday School for all axes at 8.4& a.m. Junior Church at
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  • 62 6 tt Wt4m fK (Mix.t—Bnx it rf«. extra HOME LEAVE I'tnnca only. Country cottage In Rant Devon, 3 bedrooms, completely equipped, mains electricity. Available from early August. Apply J. Beadon Stowford Lodge, Umbarlalch. Devon. COMINU TO BRITAIN? Nelfdrtve Cars at reasonable Mag term raus. Lateen Baloons and Kalats—comprehensive insurance
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    • 252 6 TWO roads face the havenot nations after the recent ECAFE deliberations In Tokyo. ONE, the road to ruin which will most certainly befall them If they stick to present policies in the futile hope that the industrial nations will realise the folly of their ways
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    • 142 6 SINGAPORE'S plastic industry, as will be seen In the survey we publish on Pages Seven to Ten. is eagerly seizing their opportunity of advancement Factories have been modernised, quality of goods improved and managements have gone out with zest to sell their products abroad. In five short years
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  • 544 6  - WIVES DON'T WORK HARD ENOUGH JAMES WILKINSON r-by LONDON TELL any housewife that she doesn't work hard and she'll probably hit you over the head with her shopping basket. But one scientist has just worked out the amount of energy she uses up during the day. And he says that,
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  • 502 6 To be a success WHAT really makes a person successful? Is It possible to pln-polnt any special quality or qualities which prod a man (or woman) on to great achievements? Psychiatrists who have been studying a group of men considered "most likely to succeed" believe that the common denominator of
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  • 515 6 FOR TEN years, since she was elected Miss World in 1957 in London, Fraulein Petra Schuermann has lived off her beauty as fashion and photo model, TV announcer and occasional film actress. For the former philosophy student, who assembled electric light bulbs
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    • 124 6 Just a close friend TT is sometimes 1 mildly amusing to see how false impressions can arise from press reports. For instance, your report (Sun. T., April 9) on the arrival in London of Miss Tourism Singapore, Miss Mollie Ang, describes me as 'her boy friend who is a student
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    • 100 6 FROM THE FISHBOWL A GOLDFISH swimming morosely round and round la hist glass bowl is not really as disinterested in the outside world as be appears. He may not know precisely what goes on in your sitting-room, but a major change in decoration would not escape his notice, it seems.
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    • 21 6 London airport surprise for so Happy Mollie r ondo.v s**, I A Mirpriiw I was «attint f*r Mi» Moitie An« 1
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 695 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. SITUATIONS VACANT It Wmr4m U (Mln.}—Bmx t<l eta, uclrm READ me IMnior Appointments <nr •suit In The Munday Mail eacn we**.. EARN UP TO •14.000 DOLLARS ANNUALLY International Manufacturer na* opening In tne Singapore area for man over st>. English e»e vial Export-Import expenenre heipul. hut not necessary.
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    • 11 6 f-Cough Drops-, ron mmumr otcouom SO"1 THROAT amej SMOKEN'S TI— .OAT
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    • 114 6 CONFIDENTIALLY there's a big new way to keep you cool in city traffic. We call it Holdenaire a new auto air conditioning unit that works better four ways. It works in your car. We know, we've tried Holdenaire in just about every kind of automobile. Why don't you? Install Holdenaire.
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    • 1100 7 It's go go go as plastics hit the golden trail At a glance THREE years ago there were only 19 plastic factories in Singapore. Today there are about 60, with a capital investment of around $10 million, producing more than $12 million worth of goods a year Plastics is labour
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    • 629 7 THE BIG breakthrough: how it was achieved in five years JJuY-Slngapore Is not merely a slogan It must be made a reality If this Island republic Is to make any headway In a fiercely competitive world. Cola statistics Indicate that pt-ople have at last begun to heed the exhortations of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 199 7 A Ar«B A CHANGE OF ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NUMBER We M pleowd announce that due to the eiponnon ot our butinau an 4 in t4*r to oHar better service* to our clients, we are proud to inform tfcat we arc moving into New Premise* at from 24th April 1967. ,4&EX
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  • 849 8 Messrs Midas talking Move with the times and keep a weather eye open for anything new' How do you get to the top in the plastics industry? What is the secret? I pnvrd this question to Mr. Woo Tihsien. one of the oldest manufacturer* who owns three factories in Singapore
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  • 605 8 IN THE MONEY TWO BROTHERS WHO TOOK A MOMENTOUS DECISION 20 YEARS AGO IYJLkI-T the Tay Brothers who started in plastics with only $X(M). way back in 1947. Now they are directors df two companies, of which Mr. E. J. Tan. a well-known personality In the business and rubber world,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 210 8 QUALITY PLASTICS for industrial packaging materials, advertising novelties, gifts, household wares, containers, pails, basins etc. SPECIAL MADE TO ORDER PRODUCTS ARE ALSO MOST WELCOMED. GENERAL PLASTICS (Spore) CO. 699-D Commonwealth Drive, Singapore 3. Tel: *****3 JK"^- JmmL i b^Asm^bbbbm' sn m M Mmm I&W .^BBBSY -BBBB^^ .^BBBsT M^ <^m\mr a.
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    • 79 8 [40* iDJFCTOJLA® lk^^ LAMINATED SHEETS i FOR EASY i Available in INTERIOR a wide range DECORATION of harmonising I i ,^tftfß*fll colours patterns. Decola is used extensively in homes, hotel's, restaurants, train coaches, ships and in any IkJW fl IF* place where W^^L^ M attractive and heat resistant m surfaces
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    • 81 8 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■♦+»»~t»» I Injection, compression, ond Blow moulding specialist*. Manufacturers of Domestic Plastic articles of -all sues. Polythene ond plastic cops of vorious sizes ond light industrial parts. Moderate prices and prompt service. Enquiries welcome Please contact: Mr. Loke Yue, Weng YEE CHEONG PLASTIC MANUFACTURERS COj S3i KallanU Road, Singapore S.
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  • 406 9 T 1 1 IV are to ease your poor, lire<l eyes these gaj diffusors. We have them in our homes, offices, theatres, streets, wherever we n<> in a modern city. Thry ronir in all shadPS and colours. They add beauty and grace. That, however, is not a
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  • 440 9 Presenting the brightest idea in plastics variety of uses. They can be used to carry water to estate homes in several parts of Malaysia. They can also be put to watering the orchids in your garden. They are, however, not ordinary tubing or piping. The trade name is Aquathene polythene
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 81 9 /f!S\ FEDERAL PLASTICS INDUSTRIES LTD. 3 20, JALAN PENCHALA, P. O. BOX 23, PETALING JAVA, SELANGOR, i 5 MALAYSIA. CABLE "'PLASTICS" TEL *****4 JLq kJ JL PRODUCTS The up-to-date plastic manufacturers with modern machinery serving the leading industries in Malaysia JjL JSL Inflation Polythene film L E Extrusion Piping A
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    • 267 9 Who makes these attractive PVC HI Mr I ALL PANELS? ELECTHIC CONDUITS? 1 ><>C><V>^< CHAIN LINK FENCINB? -55><g^ ROPES? FINE TUBING? s^^sS And many other PVC Building Material! and HouMkold Articles? Atk the people who moke them. Camel Industrial Corp. Ltd., m^JS 687, Hovclock Rood, S Singapore 3. Wr Tel:
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  • 420 10 Flying fingers that seek the tiniest flaw NLY a few people In Kampong Arang. deep Inside Singapore's fast-developing Kallang Basin, know this teenager who works with the concentration of a senior wrangler. Yet the prints of her lovely fingers are on thousands of brightly-lit homes here and abroad. She Is
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  • 523 10 1,2,3,4,5. ..and out shoots a lampshade SAW plastic lamp shades come out of a machine one every two minutes with a regularity and speed that was rather shattering. The moulding was partly automatic. You feed petroleum chemical powder in the hopper and out a lamp shade shoots at the other
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 285 10 hot water on \S our claims .and proving Swedish Perstorp before your very eyas. The sophisticated Swedish design of Perstorp tends to conceal the fact that Perstorp i% a very practical material. So we poured some hot weter on it to prove our point. Hot water doesn't affect Perrtorp. Neither
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    • 104 10 Tformica RtGD natural woodgrain finish LOOKS LIKE WOOD FEELS LIKE WOOD Formica Limited have produced the first-ever authentic simulation of wood grain in a plastic laminate-FORMICA natural woodgrain finish. It has not merely the appearance of the natural pattern of wood but the reality given by depth of texture. It
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    • 97 10 W W Sap SWORDMAN fmSS. Yes.w* make almost anything that can bt mad* J out of plastic or P.V.C- household plastic wart, office files, container* for the chemical industry J advertising sptcialtits and novelties. Vbo namt tht shape, silt or colour Within reason*, of course and we will make them.
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  • 264 11 TELL US ABOUT YOUR FATHER JTATHER'S DAY falls on June 11. And we are interested to know about the father in Singapore and Malaysia. 80, if you are an adoles- i rpnt. a tpenacpr, or even a grown-up, write in and tell us about your father. About his habits, his
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  • 62 11 KUAIA M'MFT'R, Sat. A silwnan from Singapore. Inrhe Nmb Yusof. 4fi. yesterday reported to the oohre that a baz rontjuninu $20,000 worth of watches tv stolen from his parked van at Jalan Savor. He had gone into a shop to roller* yome mnnev when someone hrnice
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  • 320 11 BY HAYLEY MILLS ON HER 21ST lass of Richmond Hill became a woman officially, that is. For Hayley Mills is an actress who was grown-up before she was a child, and playing little-girl roles after she was obviously a woman To celebrate her 21st Hayley had a
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  • 99 11 Muar seeks a passport office \fVAR, Sat.— The Muar 1"! Chinese Chamber of Commerce today called on the Central Government to set up an Immigration office here to help traders going to Singapore on business after the passport system is introduced In July. Its president. Mr. Yee Kirn Kam. said
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  • 65 11 PENANO, Sat The chairman nt the Penane Miweum and Art Gallery. Dato Inmall bin Mohamed Jamil, ywtt#rday nppralrd to art-loving philanthropUU to donate painting* to the gallery. 'It is disappointing to not* that to dat*. only four painting* of locai artwu have t*rn bought for prearnUtion to
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  • 30 11 PENANO. But. More th»n 334 tin* of motor oil valued at $1,400 were reported nujlen from a vemei at the Butterworth Jetty m Pantal Road here yesterday.
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  • 124 11 DUTTER WORTH. Sat. —A staff nurse today recalled how she tried to save a burning patient in the District Hospital here in IM6. "I was on duty on June 27 when I heard someone shouting that a patient was on fire." Mrs. Kong
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  • 249 11 A professor slams at the professors who stay put on academic 'high horses' IESBELTON, Sat An J American professor charged here today that the Universities of Singapore and Malaya had failed In their duty towmrds their respective countries by staying on their "intellectual high horses" Instead of taking
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 72 11 We produce high quality plastic hand bags, polythene bags, polypropylene bags, PVC bags, etc, using the latest extruders and printing machines. Enquiries are most Welcome. Geylang Light Industries 70 A Yio Cliv Kong Rood, Singapore 19. T.Uphone ***** SING LIANG PLASTIC I INDUSTRIES 21, LORONG 17, GEYLANG, SINGAPORE. TEL: *****7
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    • 244 11 Hold it, Please! -a wJ hJS^m sVßsk i '/ttILJ la s^r^ Look at an Asahi Pentax I before you mv«& in a fine MS yk iWi camera Holdwne. Handle itjH |v ■L Get it in shooting position. I Note how remarkably .JH Hk *ell-ba!anced it iv Look J Hk through
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  • 473 12 FROM RUSSIA WITH NO LOVE: SVETLANA IN U.S. W rHOTO| m:w«B NEW YORK, Saturday. gVETLANA Stalin, Communism's most spectacular defector, arrived here yesterday to find "freedom of self-expression to replace Communist dogmas which had "lost their significance for me." She came with a broad smile and a "Hello, there, everybody,"
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  • 312 12 CINGAPORE. Sat. Busl- np.«NS in and rpported to the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Stock Exchange today with the number of shares traded in brackets: Industrials: Bousiead SI.SS (24.000>; Central Sugars 51.86 (8.0001 $1.87 (7.00 M; CCM Ord (1.75 (14.000) $1 79 (4.000) $1 5P d.OOOi;
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  • 37 12 BUTTER WORTH. Sat. Over $10,000 worth of dutiable < Roods. Including comnetlc* clothes, medicines and playing cards, found hidden in a lorry yesterday, were seized at the Customs checkpoint here. Three men have been detained.
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  • 39 12 ROTTERDAM. Sat Mis* Tourism Singapura. Miss Mollie Ann. now In Holland on her "trip around the world In 80 days." yesterday visited the famous Dutch bulbfields in Lliwe. She will leave Holland today for Copenhagen.
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  • 36 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Set —The National Land Finance Cooperative Society Ltd. has I bought two more estates the Pakal Division of Baoenorh Estate in K«dah 2.437 arre*i and Cairo Eotate In Negrl SemMian < 550 arrmV
    36 words
  • 93 12 In praise of nurses —by MR. M. J. MYRKS. a colomoo **lan lecturer at the School of Nursing. General Hospital, in Penang yesterday. Malaysian student nurses possess a high educational standard and a fine sense of humour. They are most cooperative with the staff and serious their vocation. Their
    93 words
  • 88 12 Woman of 27 dies after 1 1 storey fall IPOH. Sat A vejtetable ■tiler. Kam Choon Yee. 27. living on Jelapang new village, (ell to her death from the 11th storey of the 15-storey block of the Sungel Parlt Towers lowcoat housing complex here yesterday afternoon The lift operator. Lee
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  • 423 12  - Stock Exchange meets with fears over the currency split GEOFFREY BOLAND By SINGAPORE. Sat. another link In the common financial system, still operating between the two countries. Every broker asking himself the question "how long can the joint Stock Exchange system continue 'o operate when the split in the dollar
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  • 88 12 SINGAPORE. Sat. A 14 year old schoolboy, Chonjt Pent Choo. was drowned today in the sea off Niroll Highway, while fishing with his younger brother, Peng Kee 10. His fishing line fell into the sea and he slipped and fell as he tried to i-atrh it. His
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  • 213 12 Top bosses go to special school tomorrow SINGAPORE. Sat Fifteen tou local management personnel will attend a five-day course, beginninc here on Monday, conductd by Kppner Tregoe and Associates of America, acknowledged leaders in management courses on problem analysis and decision-making. It conducts courses in 20 countries, including Singapore and
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 122 12 Take a heavy duty lorry add Super Road Lug tyres. Now get titra bile because of deeper, tapered lugs. Forget cuts and art growth and get longer highway mileage. Count on more retreads. Picket mm pnfcs. There's a Goodyear Dealer near you. Take maximum soft surface traction. retention. Fight back
      122 words
    • 195 12 AT HOME! In nollf of wMki »ou can W pointing your way to ••ctll«M pov or an additional incem*. You n«ld no prcvioul troininq If rM can dm» o itroiaht tin*, thi« cou'M can t»oet> you to k«om« a top-notch ttan paintor. The Hold n vide open. SIND FOB. mil
      195 words

  • 332 13 HAWAII" winner of two Golden Glnrtt- •wsrdl, for best supporting artress 'Jocelyne LaßarrtP' and best musical score. A bevy nf Hawaiian Rirls swim out in urept a ship. Keoki iManu Taunaoloi, a youne Hawaiian prinrp. arrives and appeals for volunteers t^ carry the word of
    332 words
  • 609 13 BLACKED OUT IN FULL COLOUR URSULA SIRENS screech, the lights dim as I'rsula Andress. the Swiss-born honey blonde actress, undresses. I*he np\l second the screen goes black in the De Luxe colour of "THE BLUE MAX." Yes. you are right. That scene is cut This is most disappointing. A big
    609 words
  • 393 13  -  RODERICK MANN by L ~Kr** WHAT hip we lo do alx>ul Miss l.illi Palmer? II is very serious. At an age when some women's skin is beginning to take on the texture if not Ihe interest-value of the Dead Sea Scrolls, there
    393 words
  • Article, Illustration
    51 13 SINGAPORE «tudent Sucheta Mukherji in (he lead role of Shakunlala. a drama by the famed Indian poet Kalidasa (about Mh century ADi, first translated from Sanskrit into English h, Mnnicr Williams (1819-99). The drama, produced and directed hv Dilip Kumar, will he staged at the Victoria Theatre. Singapore, on May
    51 words
  • 187 13 DLITHE SPIRIT' opens at the Cultural Centre Theatre on Wednesday and tickets ai *4 S3 and si are on sale at Tang.- and Cold .Storage Many of you may have seen this Noel Coward farce before, but so amusing are the situations, so crisp and witty the dialogue. It
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 577 13 SHAW I ORGANISATION 9 '-^-jaj-ia-jjy^a-ajMaai-aajaf, a N— Shs»m« 11-1.45-4-a.J«-».IS m Laigh. fj ir, StMOrl D^nberg m sr r YOU i» HELL. DARLING' I a ----I. p.nfr S'f^ j I i.h Oov 11.1 a JOam H CG/ 1 See it NOW -<ijdson K Ganrgr B (D po"1 3 TOBR> Gakß (Ul)
      577 words
      51 words
    • 64 13 I »OTVW*vn-fa> T »«i4la lllllj.'imi o—r.H... Today 1 lam Uotinrd Elvis Pr«>«i*v m MGMI "LOVE IN LAS VIGAt" Pinov.vnn M»»rocolor 4 SKo-. At 1 41-4- T 9JO t m i "THE NUTMEG (CK 0 -Cant. X ||Ml| MMM M .»t»M, K• I.'S NOW SHOWING! 1.11. I.JO. 7.11 4 I LOVE
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  • 401 14 Rejected— bankrupt pawnshop's 23 per cent offer AND 10 per cent proposal by the Official Assignee SINGAPORE. Sat. Housewives and domestic servants today dominated a four-and-a-half-hour meeting called by the Assistant Official Assignee, Mr. Tan Kirn Seng, at the Victwia Theatre. They were among the
    401 words
  • 413 14 My husband wanted sex machine— not a wife— says the bride who wrote about love LONDON. Sat BRIDE who wrote "romantic stories ot discarded lovers" married a selfish, lusty young man and wept on her return from honeymoon. 'She said, and I believe her." said a Divorce Court
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  • 111 14 TOUAV. Sedili Kechll 823 I am. r 6.4 ft i 8.38 p.m. Tft Sii.gapore 9.53 a.m. <9.2 ft» 10.25 p.m. i9ft>: Port Dickson .V 39 I am. 1 8.51t > 5.57 p.m. < 10ft i i Port Swen enham 4.2» a.m. I < 15.1
    111 words
  • 188 14 The many faces of Petticoat Cop oINGAPORE. Sat. The k? many faces of the petticoat cop from society glamour puss to hardfaced crime buster was revealed by their Singapore chief today. Assistant Superintendent of Police, Mary Quintal, officer in charge of woman police officers. Introduced hpr many-faced sisters in a
    188 words
  • Article, Illustration
    38 14 \IR Lai Wai Kun. a technical representative of James Warren and Co.. and Miss Vim Sau Chun, of Lee Wah Bank. were married in Kuala l.umpur rcicntlv. Picture shows the couple cutting the wedding cake at their reception
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  • 352 14 SLOW-DOWN... THEN SOUTH-EAST TRADE WINDS TO THE RESCUE fHK Sou tli-east trade winds have come to the rescue of Sir Francis Chichester. After beinß forced to slow down over the past week by variable winds. Sir Francis is now making good progress from about 90 miles a day
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 399 14 c sTinmnirMiT^TiwraßifTniiroonMßißD mlege 3 I Plan Your Success I I WORD I^k COLLEGE M^p^'.y Famed for efficiency and examination ag^! y^l r'J results and commended as a model by ;-4 s MB Colombo Plan experts. 3gj I^^^/^^r^^ Stamford College can help you, c> whether you are still in school, or
      399 words
    • 22 14 MALAY MAIL Word puzzle "IK" -a»^ $6,000 JACKPOT awaits the Outright Winner! SEND YOUR ENTRY NOW. Closing Vale: Wed. 26-4-67, 2 p.m.
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 237 14 TV MALAYSIA < hannel 5 Kuala Lumpur and I'rnant 6 Ipoh and Malacca; 3 and 10 .lohorr Bahru; 4 Taipine: 7 Batu I'ahat; kluang. P.M.: 3.00 Opriung »nd Programme Summary. 3.01 Texas Rasslin; 3.26 ThP Other War; 3.42 The Roil Story of Radar; 4.10 Robin Hood Knight Kr--ant: 4.35 Trick
      237 words
    • 235 14 Nrw.sreel In Chinese 8.06 TwCiVe O clock Hißh; 900 News and Newsreel in English: 9.25 I Spy: 10 IS Sr»nps tiom Shakespeare: 11.00 Crisis (Tint Time in Havana*. 11 oj Ciaae (HANNKI. 8 r.M. j.OU Programme Summary in All Languages: 5. 05 Belajer-lah Bahasa Kebangsaan: 5.1U World Middle-weight Championship Bout:
      235 words
    • 252 14 Tli« N>».\; hlO F»voiiru«R Of Yesteryears: 5.45 1.-tilah. 6.00 Programme Summary. 6.03 Announcement: 605 Bright Orchestra: 6.30 The News: 640 Feature Corner: 7.00 Race Remil's: 7 15 Malaysia Music* 7.30 Sunday Oazette; Ji Oir Farawnv Places: 830 Time To Tell: 900 Records At Random: 9 25 Sports Round-up 9.30 The
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  • 15 15 C VC H CON/INf! rr^i" nn>r tar(O"rn Bf ha wife, children and relttiona.
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  • 621 15  -  MORLEY MYERS Pv CTOCKHOLM. Sat. Japan made a rich haul of six gold medals at the 29th world table tennis championships which ended here last night They followed up last week's Swaythling and Cnrbillon Cup victories by rapt.unnp four of the j five individual titles. misstne
    Reuter  -  621 words
  • 417 15 Clay will be stripped of his title if he refuses army service YEW YORK, Sat. If 11 Casslus Clay carried out his vow to refuse army service, his world heavyweight boxing title would be declared vacant and an elimination tournament set up to find a successor, the New York State
    UPI  -  417 words
  • 95 15 BRITAIN SNUB SONNY LISTON f ONDON. Sat. Sonny Uston. the former world heavyweight champion, has been refused permission to box in Britain by the British Boxing Board of Control. A statement i&sued by the board said: "An apnlicatlon has been received for Sonny Llston to engage In a contest in
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  • 93 15 PRAGUE, Sat. Tht 1 Soviet Union won the gold medal in the women's world basketball championship yesterday when they beat South Korea 83-50. Neither team had been defeated so far in tht championships. The third position remains op«n between Czechoslovakia. East Germany
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 637 15 ELite CLASSIFIEDS J» WmrdM tl» (Hi«mii») NOTICE T V. FAIRHTAR" Tb» tN- 1 (at in Fmiapor* Vid»- fro»- R"«biui» »d 4 wtll bertß IB tfc» Pnr' o' -ESPO-* I qodnvn* iQaU Ko 9' »t Mxwt 3 *m r»"B»T*n Ml) M dooo nr MaMay for Colombo asd U»» C«Btlant. OattwK Rnuttaad
      637 words
    • 239 15 m mm Australia, thp big. wide, fl M^ I exciting land •down under"! l^^^y lm#l^ta^#m MSA jets there... and offers IHil lUI M M I you a choice of regular weekly m W^ mm > k I W m^mmTW^^l fllghts Silver Kns Jet fil^ hts B^l^i^^^ m to Perth depart
      239 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 153 15 SOCCLR— Maia>ila tup: Penang CSC .both matrhM at v Sgor .City Stadium. 8 p.m dangi ia v RAF Li.^" Malacca J chore .Kubu "Staler Rd i R^P r^t J, Siaaium. 515 i S porf Necn v Ami" Yrh. n «n o w"* 1 •Jn B^sar. 7.30, Tour match: A^ Rr
      153 words

  • 108 16 (ALL BOY POINTER '"'< > iw win ,i^ in \u i>\\ \\Dv ii Patarii Mivmlc Marti MisMir '"> \nd> National Scholar BAVUAMI BAYDALO RAYUALO "i!>.i I*] spinnrr <;| rn Ve^ linnet Moomba rt co-cd < <»( mm rocuM% 1"■ ■"!> < liarjjrr < ute o-rd ■ml win
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  • 176 16 Mirthful Ml has easy task in Race 6 Vl/ITH 1. Held WithdJ i Mirthful RUM should have an < In Race (j. week .sac came Hum behind to finish id to Hall Century in a record run over 61. Mnthiul Ml s will appn the extra La^t c over
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  • 27 16 •*rlH I. art*. Briwlan »r I»i>:i'n pk«Uf"»kl k» >"■•■ r»Hti. lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIMIIIIM IMI >11l II I I lllllllllll:i I Lllllll Illllllllllllllllllllllllirill I mil ,i......
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  • 739 16  -  EPSOM JEEP By HE HAS CLASS AND WILL BE RIDDEN BY LUCKY JOCKEY OEAK OF PERIE(--1 TION H can be backed with confidence in the Bif Summer Cup for Class 1 horses (Race 4) at Penang today. This classy four-year-old who came with a fine record
    739 words
  • 941 16 Race 1-2.30 Class 2 Div 3 ($7,000) 7f Local riders only 1 ***** Pan Andy g i Dandy > Teh 5 9.0 (F) Kant 8 2 ***** NATIONAL SCHOLAR a (Won? Teoi Rodgers 8 8.9 (SF) Maniam 3 3 ***** Ye» Dear 111 (Lucky) Teh 3 8.8 Chuah
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  • 145 16 Signals wreck CSC hopes of grand slam CINGAPORE. Sat. Ceylon J Sports Club, Singapore league division one hockey champions, sutlered their BM defeat today when they last 2-1 to 19 Signal* in the quarterUna Is of the League Cup competition at Farrer Park. This shock defeat ha& dashed CSC's hopes
    145 words
  • 32 16 PENANO. Sat. Sarawak won the Malay.-lan volleyball championship when they beat •iritncliiiK champions. Ptrak 15-13. 15-10. 15-5 in the final ■t the Han Chian* Hi«h School Indoor stadium last night.
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  • 495 16 PENANG, Saturday. WILLY YAP of Selangor. the No. 4 seed, pulled off a stunning upset in the Malaysian national tennis championships today when he beat dofending champion S. A. Azman 7-5. 3-6. 9-7 in the quarter-finals of the men's tingles on the Penang Sports
    495 words
  • 171 16 Perak hard pressed to beat Perlis 2-1 l/ANGAR, Sat.— Perak 1V had to fight much harder than they expected to beat Perils L'-l in their Malaysia Cup north zone soccer match played at stadium Dato Sheikh Ahmad here today. Alter a scoreless Brat hall. Perak lound themselves a coal down
    171 words
  • 62 16 V LOR STAR. St held Mrtl.tvM.iii Armed Forces to 1-1 in ihr north zone match of ihia year '.s Malaysia Cup competition ut the Stadium Daruluman here laM night Forces scored in the lltfi minute through ouuide Irfi Mohamed I.^a Kedah levelled in the 22nd minute
    62 words
  • 354 16 O.NDO.N, ITI Hani .im- lv« lj mulls ot football matches play eo 1 1 hi. i 1M.1.1Ml IM\IM()\ <IM AiaMMl i NaMi »<"• 1 A. \ilU II buinliN 1 Blackpool ii Kvcrton 1 i In K. i I Stoke v UlMatat I stun, i id. i Liverpool I
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 139 16 ■aa national K^uaannnMßn BBT^ni m j^~~~ MODEL MP-10 m/^« For easier po'ishmj of r any kind of floor. Incor- ponced with twin-bruih, fi M 20-foot cord, and automa- tic handle-switch. MP-10 .reache ■w^BnVnVnVM^CSS''^^^ hard scrubbing. ELECTRIC POLISHER weight provides every t^^l n^w^ convenience to clean teii^L The floor nozzle is
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous

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    • 908 1 AUROVILLE AT THE UNESCO Renera] conference in Paris in October, 1966 a resolution wns unanimously adopted, endorsing an unprecedented project for the creation of an international township, to be known as AUROVILLE. is Auroville? Who nre behind it and what ideals will it serve? Auroville
      908 words
    • 589 1 The last gunner on Blakang Mati ALIVE AMONG THE RELICS SEBGEANT Major William John Hodkisson. MM, R.V is surrounded by the decaying" relics of the past as he finishes his army career The junqTe creeps in around him; old gun omplacrments built for a battle that never »vas crumble in
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 128 1 GOOD HEALTH Nature can and often does in its own inimitable way provide relief from many bodily ailments. For many centuries throughout tha world mineral spa water has enjoyed a high reputation as a natural way to good health, particularly when taken regularly. So it has long been recognised that
        128 words
    • 1762 2 'Horses go soft and silly if you make pets of them Two winners at Bukit Timah LESTER PIGGOTT. His name is a household word even to the millions who have never been nrar a race course. For two decades hr has been the subject of fierce controversy yet many racing
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 298 2 s^s^s^Hs^L^L^l^LMs^s^B I vßfrJr M Jt-^s+ i■ v^ sT^B M I I i v ■^■liW**J^lfcsM»B6-' <*t jv* n^m HHHBBMLHHLHHLHLHHHH <~ !1£ *s^» HHlftl MJBMtik^-^3l lteaws*>D Emil Schulthess established his jenius is a photographer H gSgj with three brilliant bioks- AFRICA, ANTARCTIC THE f^H 1m AMAZON. The present rulers of China accorded
        298 words
      • 380 2 Pimples and Bad Skin Fought in IS f\ 24 Hours W§W •Inc. th. dl**o*«ry of Nlie^efm by an BIFORI AFTII American physician It li no lon(er neeei> heallni your ikln. maklnf It toiler. whIU» eary lor anron* to suffer from uilr. dis- and velvety smooth. In Jutt a day er
        380 words
    • 443 3  - LESTER PIGGOTT Tom Forrest A It wta humble selling race In heavy going at Haydock, Dad was the trainer, and the ttlly's name was The Chase. She had only one food eye, and had never won before, but the unknown L. Piggott dashed her ahead Inside the final furlong, and
      443 words
    • 1095 3 The impetuous schoolboy grows up... and grabs the champion jockey's title Never Say Die. What a name for the omen backers What a day for the Golden Boy's fans, when the youngest Derby winning rider in history came stormlni< home alone at 33—1. Jubilant? Not a bit of It. It
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
    • Page 3 Miscellaneous
      • 309 3 »T I^^ B¥bT^ I I At R»ss i strays (5): 6 ixnvv 3 Bfcya <•>; 1 Freeze Skins cs'. 11. Distributor <9i; (3> 4 Crochets i4> 5 Pilot i 5»; 13 Ebb <6>; 15 Observe 161; 6. Renovate (s>; 7 Metal i4i; 17 Single < 3 > 18 Number (5);
        309 words
      • 293 4 TOWELLING TREA TS FROM THE BEACHES TO NIGHT AND DAY DATES AND PARTIES iudith yong TOWELLING has gone respectable. It is no longer just a convenient piece of cloth to wipe yourself dry. It is now high on the fashion circus bills. This town-wear towelling is liner, cooler and less
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      • 155 4 'Merry Widow' designer YOU don't have to go to a fashion show to see the creations of a dress designer. A Singapore housewife, Mrs. Faith Harris (nee Pearce), has designed a stunning collection of costumes for the Naval Base Singers' production of Franz Lehar's romantic "The Merry Widow" next month.
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      • 467 4 MY rich relatives take a delight in gossipping unkindly about my family. As a result, some people are looking down on us. What can be done to stop the gossip and redeem the respect of my family? IVAN The answer lies not in trying to stop the
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 256 4 The Tampax Story in brief Invisible in place. Unfelt in place. No belts, no pins, no pads, no odour. Can't chafe. Bathe weaiing Tampax. Swim wearing Tampax. Swing, volley, Icb. chop wearing Take Tampax menstrual tampons on your holiday «-and give yourself a holiday from worry. m *»->•' FA»r=^. V-^*^"
        256 words
      • 765 4 Give Your Complexion Year-round Beauty at Jf*m Margaret Merril v Beauty Skin Care Consultant I Care of your skin from day to day is what produces an all-the-year-round complexion loveliness. Follow the fundamental beauty rules, observe them faithfully, and try some of these special suggestions to reap the rich reward
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    • Page 4 Miscellaneous
      • 58 4 >"^ (JO 5^55*2) >IKX A MEAL J TWw i THOU«HT W WW TJ r T«VM ju»T 1 1 ll ■> *a9c<jv run vm h./ mni m*Sm tu{^ A«y ali rurt\ /Mcauw fwpm n* urn? 7/■ -iftUTVr- »MV jo«T KM) TUBYW 3* A DOZfH fS Ao NiMUrA V* rtm ****y w.
        58 words
    • 588 5 __> ...OR THE SHOCK A MOTHER SUFFERED A CAUTIOUS mother got a shock recently when she saw her active two-year-old (laughter settle down in the toy department of a Penang store with fragile and expensive porcelain, pottery and glassware well within
      588 words
    • 414 5 IT Is surprising how many people are suffering from an Iron -deficiency anaemia without knowing it. Some feel tired, some complain of palpitations, some complain of being short of breath, but the last thing they think they have Is anaemia. Of course there are faddists about
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    • 354 5  - WHEN ONE JOINS A RIVAL FIRM FENTON BRESLER Ea225^^^^ by WHEN can a man legally be prevented from taking a Job? That was the question raised in Jack Standing's case. Jack was a car salesman; one of the best. And when he joined Harris's, the leading firm of car dealers
      354 words
    • 808 5 •pHERE is one place in Rome where you might expect to find the works of Dylan Thomas, the Welsh writer who sacrificed his life to the bottle in 1953. It is a new. sixth-floor flat in the city suburbs, overlooking the River Tiber. The flat
      808 words
    • 200 5 science: NEW WAY AND THE OLD,.. NEW Scientists have developed a water saw that can cut cleanly through materials as tough as wood and concrete in less time than it normally takes to do the job with a power-driven saw made of metal. The water saw is a high-speed jet
      200 words
    • 334 5 Dear Know Alls I AM Interested :i World War U and in collectIng propaganda stamps and parodies produced by the warring countries. During the last war the British produced a parody of a Japanese occupation note used In Malaya The note forged was a $10 bill, dark green with a
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    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 240 5 Advertisement Tormenting Rectal Itch Stopped in Minutes SCIENCE FINDS NEW HEALING SUBSTANCE THAT PROMPTLY STOPS ITCHING AND PAIN OF PILES London, Special i One of the i cases where a doctor's observamost common affllcclons is a tions were continued over a condition known aa "Itching period of months! Among these
        240 words
      • 605 5 THE WORLD NEEDS TRAINED MEN V_^_H_Hs_ HHß n s' an^ BBT^^^^^^bmß Hi^B^a_^_B^B^sj^^B ft\^_7y** I _^^^^^^^_HH__r________W Kenya^H 111 I la AV^ H__-^- Hongkong H__BBHB_h! f B Canada J^y v.E>jK<>~ Singapore <$y^.. __»_Sg **j Bangkok BRANCHES THROUGHOUT THE WORLD 1 THE WORLD is desperate for men to fill OVER 300 CO U
        605 words
    • Page 5 Miscellaneous
      • 54 5 Wom_■ Ah ues <*>"? ...»Vwy demonstrate our the co*<*<on JT T J% co*Ju"atrve Mutual resporiaibi/'ty good. Hugeness committee. for running that... How I H/dcom* J3c^^ *Wr//w,..^^^^^-^v_ _.//S your business <_?Vf ***V muenas mm* and I crowded agenda. so want you lets get _^T^^^, L-— —--»—-———_—_—>_—_—_—_—_—_■—- _a_M-M -mV 1 1
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    • Page 6 Miscellaneous
      • 1557 6 EuiabLiHaMHMlnl! STAR oS r^^ the WEEK p<jf OUR "Star of the Week" today is Dons Choo Kuvhitig prisons department viatrom —born April 28, 1944. V'OI must expect two Job. Whatever happens you wUI 1 developments thi> year. be well pleased with what you Firstly, you will make an possess. important
        1,557 words
      • 193 6 jr/J^^^ P^bwX^^BQbj y-y,- jJF\^' >s^~^^\. I I A"r*t a3 O(J At (Me v— t si^sß^^^9Bsi^\ I 1"11 "1 lIS I \\&oi>Af9 A Cl (r* H 1 > I /what are^n] S«" YOU AIKI'T "MR RIB" I I CAREER EMC3£P AND NOW THAT YOU'VE BOSTED A i 25^' TO T ,71
        193 words
    • Page 7 Miscellaneous
      • 155 7 I Every i| L/TT23 genuine (BJC) l YtHHOKg/f QUICK! GO Jjt C THATS TME LEAPEK-- ME /MUSTJ t W^l f S H THAr BE"-ON 5 T^ Xjt 1 W^A^ TL«i, TOO FAR FOR A s*<OT 01^-^1 AT THE WAGOH TVAIN.. K KS4G<»J /MA$rK/ >/ I I LOOK/ THE BOBeE*/ JUS^'ifci.""
        155 words
    • Page 8 Miscellaneous
      • 315 8 1 OA -n ri f\ n /7?\ rt r\ D Z^TS VOL! RE DON© I/ yES,LENA /5 SICK/ WRAT wa<? T^Kioiec?! IHHnRBHr^TTVHHHHHHBHHBHBHI loflv///r/f/n///K /f/n THE PISHES, tD ASK FATHER TO 1 THAT J^Sr P #/TB l^U^UiAj\^UU\J\jJ MOTHER ?>4 HELP ME, BUT HE'S/ NOISE VJeSaS IMllllllff f f VJFJJI ■^PPPPSri 4***
        315 words