The Straits Times, 25 March 1967

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 26 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 1 50.0JD0 The Straits Times fJiltlllllill flHWSl)il|ll!l' Estd 1845 SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1967. 15 CENTS KDN 2578 2590/ M C(P) 2266
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  • 254 1 Razak opens Kuching to Sibu road ftUCHING, Fri. Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, this afternoon opened the trunk road linking Sarawak's two major centres of population and commerce Kuching and Sibu. A lon» and festive convoy bearing 150 people drove from Kuching to Sibu today as Tun Razak and
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  • 374 1 Planes from carriers blast a power plant and Army barracks SAIGON, Friday TTNITED States Navy planes today struck twice close to Hanoi, bombing the Thai Nguyen power plant and an Army barracks, an American military spokesman said here. This was the second American raid against the
    Reuter  -  374 words
  • 89 1 Indons kill 54 Azahari men JAKARTA, Fri. Indonesian troops along the Malaysian-Indonesian border in Borneo have killed 54 members of the "North Kalimantan National Army" in military operations this year. In a recent clash rive rebel soldiers and one Indonesian were killed, the ofiicial Antara news .i:'-nn reported here today.
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  • 35 1 TOKYO. Pr: Singapore 1 Prune Minister. Mr. Lee Kuai Yew. today talked briefly wttl leaders of Sohyo. Japans larges trade union organisation. Mr. Lee is here on a privati visit.
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  • 37 1 PARIS, Fri. A pop song version of the "Thoughts of Chairman Mao Tse-tung" has gone on sale in French record shops. Main refrain: "It's the little Red book that makes everything tick." Reuter.
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  • 292 1 Officers put ex chief in prison THE ARMY TAKES OVER IN SIERRA LEONE FREETOWN, Friday. jyjILITARY officers have seized power in Sierra Leone after detaining their former chief. Brig. David Lansana. and former Prime Minister. Sir Albert Margai, and Mr. Siaka Stevens, who was arrested minutes after he was sworn
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  • 29 1 PARIS, Fri riv of Blargie.v In Northern France, Mr. Gftstun Buiivson, 59 was shot and killed as he f turned to hu bom* Imc night. Reutar
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  • 374 1 CHINA THE ONLY HOPE, SAYS HAN SUYIN YEW YORK. Fri. Novelist Han Suyin said last night that Russia had betrayed the Communist revolution. "Only China can be counted on to .stand with the Impoverished peoples of the earth in an inevitable World War 111.' 1 she said. Miss Han made
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  • 259 1 Third of Africa now under military rule WITH thp Arrm coup in Sirrra Lconr, the rising ticlo of military rule in Africa has now spread mm an estimated N million people more than a third of the continent's 270 million people. Ten of independent Africa's 38 States (South Africa and
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  • 56 1 WAIRO (New Zealand). Frl. A railcar carrying 88 holidaymakers was wrecked In a collision with a freight train near here and IS of its passengers Injured. The Impact of the ~:ash. .shorilv before midnight, hooked the railcar and the rrelght locomotive together and derailed 18
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  • 84 1 Nine die in plane crash QAIOON, Fit Nine Americans. Including a group of education officials, were believed killed when a small aircraft crashed in South Vietnam yesterday, a U 8. spokesman said today. The twin-engine plane crashed in bad weather between the northern 1■: Danani and Hu" while carrying member-
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  • 42 1 SURPRISED s^^ Mil COLONEI M W YOKK I I ..I Irabrmic < .<■ n«l :t s.n<i here i.icl.i\ he n luised la bear I)' lulu named as n< hr itional K< (i)l Ml .11.111 (.HUP I rii ,i I 6 this i
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 122 1 JOmW BANISH \nn HAIR A Wlth MORGAN'S POMADE OHJ€M» dpi IJ Tf j V7**^4-t NATIONAL CA-910 ADAPTOR ANOTHER NATIONAL FIRST! You c»" now idipt »ny bnnd car radio fro~i I mw band to 9 ihort wive band spread* thu lateit model NATIONAL CA9IO ADAPTOR. Another NATIONAL FIRST Newi. music
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    • 91 1 I Dbermain Rtgoltrtd Tradt Mart, a^B^BHß^^ Mm fltt Am i 1 I AW e °<-o I v IT Wincarnis the modern i«»nk_>unf health-giving I tonic drink W\ x~* WINCABNIS TONIC WINE Wake up and live the Wincarnis Way the modern approach to health. A glass of Wincarnis Tonic Wine will
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    • 352 2 Hong Kong, Frl. ]ll A N V contagious disc ub c a are erupting and spreading from place to place because of the negligence ol medical authorities, Shanghai Radio said lasl night, It Wax the 111' I m11i, admission by thr Chinese that thr ruiinl
      UPI  -  352 words
    • 131 2 VIENTIANE, Friday. A "HIGH military council" has formally di.smiss- od Gen. Kon^ Le as commander of t lie i,aotian neutralist forces and appointed a successor, the national radio reported today. Th^ broadcast *v i!i<first official announnemenl of the general* removal although h*' Uisl physical
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    • 88 2 IfON IKKM 11. II if J.nii.ilc.iii Prime M m.sii i Mi Donald ii.i.- in in mirroring i lom IjmUi, in til) Urulll, .mil .il'.huuyii big ciiiiditkin i.s ir.i.MHi.ibiy stable i iiiiwly ill. 1 1 if J.iin.i i in Health M n .> rhe i. affecting cer-
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    • 172 2 T ONDON. Fri. The Prime Minister, Mr. Harold Wilson, said yesterday he was satislied that there was a desire in Hanoi if the right conditions could be created to get to the conference table to st-v If peace in Vietnam could be
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    • 94 2 How to make geeps or shoats SVONEY, Fri. (ioats have been successiully mated with sheep in Australia but so tar no geep" or "shoats" have been born because scientists ended the pregnancies halt' way. But there seemed to be no reason why the hybrid should not be born and a
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    • 200 2 LONDON. Friday BRITAIN has protested to the Australian Government about its decision to permit the duty-free import of 12 American DC-9 jets for Australian domestic airlines. Government sources said in London yesterday. Britain considered that the decision contravened a 1965
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    • 253 2 Vietnam: Light at end of tunnel in sight, says Bundy LONDON, Friday William Bundy, US. Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Allans, said today that "a rather large light at the end of a tunnel" was in sight in the Vietnam war. Answering questions on a recorded British television
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    • 39 2 BUDAPEST Xi i. A man. who gained admi-won tn 4d i by fooling docton «i<h invented sicknesses was sentenred jrastarday to two yew ;md two months' jail on charges ot work shirking and causing of public funds
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    • 56 2 JAKARTA. Fn. Civil servants and members of the Armed Forces are to iwme 150 per cent wlary increa>fts next month the PreMdi'im announced today. The increase, which will not apply In West Irian, will brine the pay of junior civil ?■<■ such a* clerics, up to about
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    • 136 2 'Narayan as next President' proposal by MPs YEW DELHI. Fri. Three opposition leaden In India's Parliament havo urged that the country's next Presiclrn! br a close disciple ol Ifahatnia Gandhi Mr. Jaya Prakash Narayan. In a joint sfatrmen* said the country needed a head of Btate wl above party politics
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    • 55 2 NEW DELHI, Fr: SuppU* drinking watpr are ninn:nc shnrt (or about lrooo.ono pen-^ o n rirniici -stricken Bihar State alr*>adv threatpnpfl by Glsastroui Brain famine. Wf>lls srr r!ryin(t up in nbr«it 18.000 of Bihar's 78 000 viUimv. and thcrp is no hopr of rain until thp
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    • 314 2 Men who depend on split second liming wear Rolex Lee Han Scii.^. wimu-r 2|^feJ > '^\I? Motor racing is a dangerous occupation and the men who take part in it know that their life can depend of the Formula Lilire H^P^^^^l S*/&msSs^ T& <\s*. n s P ht second timing,
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    • 209 3 ST. LOUIS (Missouri). Friday. AN electric truck powered by fuel cells has gone into operation for use by the U.S. Army. The truck weighs four tons and is powered by four 5.000-watt hydrazine-air fuel cells developed by the Monsanto Company for the
      UPI  -  209 words
    • 102 3 $40m. TYRE FACTORY OPENS IN CEYLON {"OLOMBO, Fri. -The Minister for Industries. Mr. Philip Gunawardena, opened Ceylon's first tyre fac- i tory, a state-owned project built with Soviet financial and technical aid. The factory will turn out tyres and tubes labelled Kelani after the Colombo suburb where It Is located.
      AP  -  102 words
    • 51 3 ROME. Pri. More than half million secret abortions take p. ace in Italy each year, killing hundreds of women- a report by Italian Health Ministry experts Mid. The report was submitted to a special government commi.sf.un studying whether the laws banning birth control should be changed.
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    • 28 3 LONDON. Pit The Dulc of Edinburgh, hu.sband of Queer. Elizabeth, returned to London last night after a five-week tour tovrrlnp eight countries and 28.000 miles. —Renter.
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    • 86 3 Astronauts abandon team training UOUSTON (Texas). FrL American astronauts have abandoned team training for future space flights in view of the uncertainty surrounding the m .m mi the moon programme, space officials disclosed yesterday. Two three-man Apollo teams have been broken Up. although the astronauts win continue individual training. No
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    • 238 3 LONDON. Friday 'PHE Government yes- terday brought in tough new laws to combat drug addiction in Britain. They will back up a na-tion-wide drive against dope-peddling. The new legislation, which is to be rushed through Parliament, was drawn up after official statistics
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    • 54 3 NEW DeXni. Pri.— A nmdu member erf Parliament yesterday intioduceu a private Bill to ban the slaughter of cows throughout Indin. The Bill b]P Independent member Prakeash Vir Sha.stri would miike it an offencp not only to kill rattle but also to sell or purchase
      Reuter  -  54 words
    • 79 3 HAYWARD. (California), Fri. The two cunnien carried off the holdup like professionals. They wore stocking masks when they entered the El Portal motel in the night. "This is a stick-up," they told operator George Murphy. One seized the SttO loot and laid it on a couch while
      AP  -  79 words
    • 158 3 WASHINGTON, Friday. J^RANCE will boycott the South-East Asia Treaty Organisation ministerial meeting here next month, informed sources said last night. President de Gaulle will not ever, send fin observer to the meeting as he has done for the last two years the sources said. No
      Reuter  -  158 words
    • 37 3 WASHINGTON. Pit Mr. Ralph McGill. one of America's leading newspaper editor.', lias been refused an entry visa to South Africa, the State Department said today. Mr. McGill is on a tour of Africa.
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    • 237 3 The vision of Hope Street I ONDON. Fri.— ln I.iver- pool, they call it the wr.tum, the rocket, the crown or the space capsule. In a i itj where the language of the people is noted for its colourful imagery, only the writtried cliches seem adequate to describe the new
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 74 3 ft** then start right in a Quality suit made from a High Class fabric such as GLORAX, Cashmere Silk Worsted the first of its kind, a new ■»9 luxury blend, mediumA weight fabric ideal for the man who loves luxury jfyfcfl B and doesn't mind showing it. All suits B^R
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    • 518 3 [71 GOOD NEWS! |7l TO ALL DRUMMERS! (jg ALL our PREMIER DRUMS ARE FITTED WITH THE EVER LASTING EVERPLAY PLASTIC HEADS. J J^*-" Do drop in and hove look fjßgr' Jap* m> our PR E M| fR DRUMS and you will b« convinced «lT""lvj^*/ PREMIER ii unequalled So I it
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

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    • 1124 4 J|k Now, MSA announce even more M^k mg^^^ H^k^k Mk U increased services. This tim« to U B^^^ J^T^^B«^b\ £lM m Penang via Kuala Lumpur with an A A I IB llflf additional daily F. 27 flight departing B I I I I Iv VV Singapore at 4.00 p.m. and
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  • 230 5 Sarawak civil servants are told: Quit if... KUCHING, Friday. r J»HE Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, last night said that government servants in Sarawak who did not want to serve the State loyally or abide by the Government's policies should resign. He was speaking at a rally at Kampong
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  • 356 5 UPKO AND USNO HURL CHARGES AT ONE ANOTHER lESSELTON. Fri. With two weeks to go before Sabahan> so to the polls, the main contestants the United Pasokmomugun Kadazan Organisation and the United Sabah National Organisation are hurling charges at one another. UPKO claimed today that one of Usnos strongmen in
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  • 117 5 IfUALA LUMPUR. Fn. A busy programme has been drawn up for Mr. Sterling Tucker, a Negro civil riuht.s leader In the United States. He iv duo heir on Sunday for 10-d.iy lecture lour of We.-t Msi,, y>i., Mr. Tuckers programme includes sin .speaking
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  • 36 5 rAIPINQ Prl.- lUjoi H Cottam of thr 2nd Riv«J M., Aitiilr-\ U irturninv Mtain tomorrow \-itli his wtlt ami famil .nifi will be succeeded M Majoi Ahmad Mn Sharif I. fel n, M«(ri Sembilan.
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  • 17 5 KUANTAN. Fn The B.*nk Bumipiiti.. hiis opened a brunch |ii Jalan Haji Aixlul A/i/. here.
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  • 175 5 Russians mix business with pleasure IT has been busi- ness and pleasure for members of the Russian trade delegation which arrived in Kuala Lumpur three days ago. Enter tamed by the Malayan Manufacturers" Association on Thursday night, they were asain feted by the Secretary for Commerce and Industry. Raja Mohar
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  • 128 5 SINGAPORE, Friday ALL is set for the start cf National Service gistration next Tuesday at tour centres. About 9,000 youths born between Jan. l and June 30. I !i IM. are required to register. About 2,000 of them will register at their schools. All those
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  • 164 5 Imports of vodka up at expense of gin VINGAPORE. Fri. Vodka imporis have gone up at the expense 01 gin and tins trend is likely to continue, says the Singapore International Chamber of 1 Commerce in its 1966 annual report. The report, reviewing the wines and spirits trade for last
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  • 46 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Fi i M , Zain bin MotuUMd Mull managing director ol Kuala I ingat Transport C<>. ltd ral lined $300 by the Telok Datok niaeis:r.iteN court yesterday lor i.uline to furnUh particulars for \he i purpose of income tax.
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  • 150 5 SINGAPORE. Fri. The wage freeze in Britain is one of two decisive factors behind the poor response for imported Malayan ranned pineapples although Britain still remains the principal importer of the product. The other factor is the excessive Influx of South African and Australian canned fruit
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  • 58 5 ipoh. Fn Three youth*. on« armed with .1 kniie. robbed .< Upper, Cilia All G;in 23 ..lid his eiri Mend. Lav Chat MOOl. 17. or Ihrpp dnilnrs. v neckl.ui- and prnd.•nt v. r;li ml'o and BoW ring. 111 the Coronation Park here last inch.. This was
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  • 208 5 Two ways to deal with problem of quacks 1/ U ALA LUMPUR, 1V Fn. The problem of unqnaliried practitioners should be approached along two main lines -the use of a registered sign by qualified doctors and the registration of unqualified practitioners. These are the recommendations of commit ice formed by
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  • 35 5 SINGAPORE Fn Officers Bnd staff of the Port of Singapore Authority have donated $1,661 10 the Malaysian Flood Hehel Fund. The money will be handed over to the Malaysian High Commission here
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    • 37 5 rthenewi afr l^m CHO(:oiATE K^. ftp i j^. xTI CHOCOLATE W^ tf% A^l CHOCOLATF ll |f J 4 Ij^MllKimul ...and the trusted Van Houten's famous eagle' range I°' Piec c a rea (van"T^en] J> c/ »ocolatc treat
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
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  • 31 6 SINGAPORE. Fn —Mis Geraldtne Kha will represent the Singapore Physiotherapy Association at the forthcoming conference of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy to be held in Melbourne in May
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  • 139 6 RUNDOWN OF FORCES: NOW FOOD SUPPLY MEN LOOK TO ESTATES SINGAPORE. Kri. The president of the Singapore Food Suppliers' Association. Mr. Toh Seai.ii Moh. disclosed today that his member* have been experiencing a decline in business since the gradual rundown ol British troops in Singapore and Malaysia following the end
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  • 93 6 30 MODELS TO SHOW 'WITH-IT' OUTFITS SINGAPORE. Fri Thirty Singapore models will parade along the Grand Prix circuit at half-time on Sunday and Monday. The girl* will ride in 10 latest cars in a beauty pageant motorcade, providing an interlude to the days' races. At each grandstand
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  • 204 6 Tribute to S'pore architects by UK editor SINGAPORE. Friday. rpHE work of the Singapore Housing and Deve- lopment Board in building on a massive scale low-cost homes within a short time, has impressed Mr. Malcolm MacEwen. editor of the Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects. "They arc a
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  • 187 6 SINGAPORE. Kri. The Prophet Mohammed Scholarship Fund board Is offering 1 1 j oursarie.-) to university, pre-university and secondary school students tills year. Two bursaries are for undergraduates attending ihe University of Singapore and one for a student at the Muslim College. These three bursaries
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  • 94 6 29 students on tour of jetliner SINGAPORE. Frl. Twentynine s>tudent> from RAF Chang! Junior School, led by their teach- er. Mr. J Gallagher, were taken on a conducted tour o: a ulant I 707 Boeing Jetliner parkerl at Paya Lebar airport this week. They were the first group of <
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  • 47 6 SINGAPORE. Fri A coffee morning ana britiK-and-buy .~ale will be held ai the Singapore Children Society Convale.-cent Home ai M. Nlcoll Drive at 10 a in. on April 1. Che Dali wife of the Minister for social Affairs. Inche Othman Wok. will attend.
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  • 33 6 SINGAPORE. Fn Dr Yap Meow Foo. medical superintendent of the WoodbrldKe Hospital, will l'l\p a talk on Mental health at at the Wesley Methodist Church at 1.15 pm on April 1
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  • 39 6 SINGAPORE. Fn .--Mr. K XiO'.inchaiui has been elected president of the Smdhi Merchants A ■ociaiion Other officials Include Mr J G Bhojwanl. vice-presi-tleut Mi T Gulabrai and Mr. K Amardas. joint secretane.s. m>d Mr. T Ki>iien treasurer
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  • 25 6 SINGAPORE. Fn Thf Queenstown Resident* Welfare A«sociatlon will hold tU inaiißUial meeting at the Alexandra community centrt at 7 pm. on April 2.
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    • 157 6 Com* to NM OLD place WHITE BEAR KtiT AURANT Still Charging tht OLD Price parkinf problem a«k Jeae •xtn. 1 o m cvcrv Sat. •2■ 2. Brai Bosoh Rooa. Tel: )40la, 2**24. ftltri CM I but M| SiCHED KECOKBS 1 ?••»%<■ ;«t f 1 If ETHOVIM »ECe»» n HOUSE. II
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    • 515 6 I REX SKY TONIGHT MIDNIGHT ■J THE HUNTER BECOMES THE HUNTED! I k7^» ll«%lni«nr«»lor-\\ ifl«'«.rr«-i'ii l|| g Hf ROGER BROWNE EMMA DANIEL) f§^ r Welcome to Pc ggol Boatel the best spot for your skiing and boating pleasure. Come and ski and boat safely in the beautiful, calm Johore Strait.
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    • 590 6 £ATHAY ivd i— WISHING ALL OUR PATRONS HAPPY EASTER NOW SHOWING' Todoy 4 Shows 9.30 am, 1 00, 5 00 1 (30 urn. 9 45am, MS, S IS 8 45 p m IN SUPER Cinerama "GRAND PRIX" Jamt\ Garner Eva Man* Saint NOW SHOWING' doily 4 Sho-j liam. 2 JO,
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  • 56 7 THE Raja Permaisuri Agong with women guests at a garden party given by the Alor Gajah District Officer, Inche Abdul Karim bin Mansor, at his residence on Thursday in honour of the first official visit of the King and Queen to Malacca. More than 400 guests
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  • 458 7  -  A. SRIPATHY By MALACCA, Friday. THE full 75 member band of the Henry Gurney School at Telok Mas, seven miles from here, gave a repeat performance for the Yang di-Pertuan Agong when His Majesty visited the school this morning. Yesterday the band with
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  • 46 7 SINGAPORE. Frl. The Australian apple trade with this region last year was badly hit by unusually heavy imports from China. e\en during periods when the market was at its lowest ebb. states the Singapore International Chamber of commerce in its annual report.
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  • 224 7 Christians pack churches: Extra train services KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. —Hun dreds of Christians throughout Malaysia took time off from their offices today to attend morning and evening church services to observe Good Friday. Services were well attended, although It was a holiday only in Penang. Tonight, thousands of people from
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  • 98 7 Police blamed in change of plea IPOH. Pn. Ismail bin Mtv hamed Shariff. 25. unemployed, told a magistrates court here today that he pleaded guilty to house-breaking at his last appearance because he was assaulted by policemen. He changed his plea and claimed trial to breaking into the house of
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  • 95 7 KI'ALA LUMPUR. Fri. Two senior agricultural officers will fly to Berlin on Monday to attend a three-week seminar on food supply They are Inche Khalid bin Abdul Rahman. Selangor State agricultural officer, and Mr. Aw-Yong State agricultural officer The seminar, which Is organised
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  • 119 7 I/UALA LI MPIR. Fri An Indonesian Armed Forces cultural team will arrive here next month to help raise funds for the Malaysian Armed Forces and the flood victims. The team, consisting of 43 people, will perform at Kuala Lumpur. Johore Bahru, Malacca.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 269 7 THE ROMANS W% Italy's Top Entertainers TERESA KHOO HER 3 NOTES Provide non-§too dance music nightly. TONIGHT: EXTENSION 2 a.m. ADELPHI NIGHT CLUB PEACOCK BAR Non-stop dance music 8 p.m. midnight MALAY CULTURAL SHOW by The LION CITY REVUE Nightly except Sundays. TONIGHT'S SPECIAL: THE TERWELLOS THEIR SHINDIG A-GO-GO PERFORMERS
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  • 126 8 It Ward, US (minimum) MM. A MR*. Khoo Yaow Kblm thank rrlatlraa and friends for tbrlr kind rMsM »nd ilfti on thalr wadding. M«. VALIPURAM Of Midlands bull KlanK and famllr thank r»- and friend* for tt»lr kind »rn>- i-h» in<l attandana* at tb* funeral of thrlr tldut aon
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  • 258 8 M Ww4* Sit (Minimum) COLD ITORAQI lUPERMABKITI All «hop« Op«n All Day Today. COCKPIT MOTEL! "RIJSTTAFCL" i« aenr*d Hatnrday and Sunday. Lunch Re»ervatloni 33MS S'por* BEEN LOOKING DOWN your now ■< Kngltah ooffee? You harm t trIM Rr>ne«f*-» Rnxliah Blend. Ob* cup 11 M kr ro>i a rh»»nn» fan
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  • 7 8 The Straits Times Saturday, March 25, 1967.
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  • 623 8 Although hope of a MalaysiaSingapore common market springs eternal, the prospects recede as the competition in industrial development gathers strength. The latest plea for co-operation in industrialisation comes from the chairman of the Singapore International Chamber of Commerce, who suggests that the investment climate would be much
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  • 304 8 Whatever else is happening in Sarawak to cause Tun Razak to warn some residents for their disloyalty and some public servants for their lack of co-operation with the government, there is no doubt about achievement in at least one field. Road-building has i been going ahead brilliantly. The
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  • 253 8 There Is no rapid road to the integration of the aborigines into Malaysian life. The transition is a complicated one, to progress step by slow step; better by far that tba pace should be steady and sure rather than spectacular but uncertain. Thus official policy runs primarily to
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  • 1083 8  -  ANTHONY HOWARD HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES EXCLUSION ORDER HAS SET CONGRESS AND SUPREME COURT ON COLLISION COURSE reports from WASHINGTON THE Supreme Court building here, looking like some ornate Creek temple, has always had about it an air of massive imperturbability. Lacking entirely the
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  • 632 8  -  R. ABRAMSON By T*HE National Aero- nautics and Space Administration is planning a series of probes of the frigid, distant planet of Jupiter in the hope of finding some of the original material that went into its and Earth's creation. There will be five different
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 677 8 Straits Times Malay Mail t>« hond*d to COLD STORAGE SUPERMARKET Orchard Rood (Rrc*pfionn» D*ik) COIO STORAGE BRANCHES At Holland Road Naval Bo'.e AuthorKfd Aq-nti CITY BOOK STORI ITD Winchester Hou\«, Collyer Quay. THE NEWS FRONT fiitpatfick Supermarket m M ISMAIL J Admiralty Road. No»il Beta. HAMItM STORE. 1419 Upper Chan«i
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    • 61 8 Samsonitef LUGGAGE SLIM,SLEEK,STURDY ...SOPHISTICATED Samsonito luggage is made for people who are going places. It's a combination of fashion, luxury and practicality. Light, with scuff-free exterior finiih that will stay new for yean and yean. Then is a wide ranee of Samaonite luggage*. Choose the one that suns you best
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    • 296 8 Atttrf "Hk l^t vobroe of a •*<7^* f®v monumental NdyMMiCJU K «K^ \Hufshed &iwl*ta m *2m\ -IV«s colour-full* (sKD. THE NEW ILLUSTRATED MEDICAL AND HEALTH rS3j ENCYCLOPEDIA UtMT (1 TolumM) 00 Distinguished SpccialisLs. A MtgniC^y flcent Library every home should own. Anstr*Tt many questions you hesitate asking your physician. Mom
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  • 646 9  - All set now for pick up of full trade with Indonesia JACKIE SAM BARTER AND SHIPPING PACTS SIGNED AFTER FOUR DAYS OF HARD BARGAINING —By gINGAPORE, Fri. New moves towards full resumption of trade with Indonesia were made to day. After four days of hard bargaining, representatives of the two
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  • 117 9 Students praise Govt on L-Bill |/"UALA LUMPUR. Frt.— The University of Malaya Students Union today praised the Government for its "realistic approach" to the national language problem. The Union's general tary. Mr. R Raj Kumar, n a statement said the Bill parsed by the Dewan Ra'ayat recently "not only gives
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  • 251 9  -  LEE FOO SAN: By Tanjong Tuallang, Fri. IT took just two min--1 utes for a freak storm with winds estimated at 80 m.p.h. to wreck the Joo Aun factory in Kampong Timah, near here, yesterday evening. One of the factory buildings collapsed while an adjacent
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  • 40 9 PENANG. Prt The Penan* ""I stage "Arsrnic and Zi at St Gpor p s Girls' School Hall on March 30. 31 and April 1. Thrre will also be a special performance for students on March 29.
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  • 45 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Pri —The Chief Justice. Dato Azmi bin Hail Mohamed. today dismissed an appeal by Sehrudln bin Ahmad against conviction and srntencr of six months" jail for c.iu.Mnt; hurt to Panikknave Titi! Kunhamu in July last year at 9th mile Cheras Road.
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  • 65 9 SINGAPORE, Fri.— Singapore wijl hold its first sculpture exhibition at the National Theatre from April 21 to 26. The works of seven sculptors will be on display. The show is being sponsored by the Singaport Art Society, which has also invited artists In Singapore and Malaysia to submit
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  • 299 9 INCHING. Fri. More must be done on the political, economic and psychological fronts to eradicate Communism in Sarawak, the Deputy Prime .Minister. Tun Abdul Razak. said here today. After a security and development briefing in the State Operations Room
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 182 9 MANSFIELDS GRAND EUROPEAN TOURS I967 SPEND 26 INTEREST- PACKED DAYS TOURING ITALY, FRANCE, ENGLAND, HOLLAND, GERMANY, SWITZERLAND, LIECHTENSTEIN AND AUSTRIA FOR ONLY $3,499/If you've always longed to fake a Roman Holiday, shop in gay Paris, see Westminster Abbey and the discotheques in Swinging London, gather tulips from Amsterdam, behold the
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 815 9 TV MALAYSIA CHANNEL 5 Kunla Lumpur in Tamil; 6.10 Super Six And Penanc; 6 Ipoh and Mai- carvoon; 635 Dennis the Meacc*; 3 and 10 Johore Bahru: nace: 7.00 News in English; 4 Taiplng; 7 Batu I'ahat; 9 7.10 Focus; 7.35 Bewitched Kluang. Eye of the Beholder; 8 00 News
      815 words

  • 152 10 Health cards for visitors urged JC UA L A LUMPUR, 1V Fri. The Malayan Medical Association has suggested the issue of health advice cards to keep a close watch on travellers disembarking in Malaysia without valid health certificates. According to a report of the association. Port Health officers have had
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  • 81 10 Mollie at Niagara Falls today "TORONTO. Fri. Miss Tourish Singapore Mollie Ang Mooi Hua (above) arrived here yesterday to begin her four-day tour of Ontario as Singapore's ambassadress of goodwill. The 22-year-old university student is visiting several countries around the world to extend Singapore's friendship and to invite visitors to
    UPI  -  81 words
  • 19 10 TAIPING. Frl.— The Lions Club here has presented 120 lb of sugar to the Indian welfare home.
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  • 124 10 A priest in search of historic sword DENANG, Frl. A Ca- tholic priest here is searching for a cavalry sword which an ancestor used in the Naning War, near Malacca, in 1831-32. The Rev. Father Louis Ashness, Vicar of the Church of the Immaculate Conception. In Pulau Tikus, said the
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  • 47 10 I KUANTAN. Frl. Llm Choo Kau. 20. wait jailed for six months i by the magistrate's court here today for extorting 536 from a hawker. He admitted takling the money frnm Liew Seong at Kampong Melayu. Oambang, at 8.30 a.m. on I March 14.
    47 words
  • 63 10 MUAR. Frl. Twenty-thre* people were made homeless last night when a flre razed five attap houses In a crowded area at Jalan Daud here. Total damage was estimated at more than $***** A bedridden man. Ong Loon, 70. was carried out by friends when the flre
    63 words
  • 89 10 Two killed in road crashes in Singapore CINGAPORE. Frl— Police today appealed for eye-witnesses of two fatal accidents last night and early today. YACOB SALMON, of Hlndhede road, was killed when h» wu knocked down by a lorry In Upper Buklt Timah Road last night. DOUGLAS STEWART MICHEL YOUNG. 25.
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  • 40 10 PENANO. FTI. The National Umno executive secretary, Inche Musa Hitam. will address the Penang Umno division at its annual assembly at Umno Hall on Sunday About 200 delegates and officials from the division* 34 branches will attend.
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  • 397 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday THE Malayan Medical Association today explained why the Government's offer to private practitioners to work part-time in hospitals had produced disappointing results. According to the association's annual report, the scheme was apparently introduced to ease the shortage of doctors
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  • 44 10 MANILA, FrL Angela Filmer Miss Asia of 1965 and former Miss Malaysia. gave birth to a six-pound girl here yesterday. She is married to Filipino businessman Jos* Faustino. The baby, who will b» christened Angelica, is their first child. ITI
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  • 224 10 BRUNEI REBEL MAKES NEW BID FOR FREEDOM DRUNEI TOWN, Pit Detained rebel leader Zaini Haji Ahmad, 33, plans to renounce his Brunei citizenship in a new bid for freedom, his tempted such a mov" F- D- Weeber. to recommend his exile, but "S. bad been refused Che Kogayah said she
    224 words
  • 211 10 BATU PAHAT, Friday. pOR three weeks a section of Gurkhas toiled in steam-bath weather on a rugged jungle- clad hillside near here They tunnelled deep Into a natural cave and camouflaged an observation post. Inside was a radio, a week's supply of food and water
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  • 51 10 1/TALA LIMPUR. Frl.— More than 7.000 "entry passes" have been issued to Singapore motorists since the new Motor Vehicles (International Circulation) Rules were passed last month Announcing- this today, the Minister of Transport, Tan Sri Sardon bin Haji Jublr. said that the law would be enforced by
    51 words
  • 106 10 SINGAPORE, Frl. The volume of shipping and «eaborne trade In Singapore last year showed a substantial Increase over the previous year, said the Singapore International Chamber of Commerce In Its annual report. There was, however, a •light drop In both the general and the total
    106 words
  • 26 10 pENANG Fri. More than 5,500 10-rent bus tickets have been reported stolen from the City Council Transport Department office at Lorong Kulit.
    26 words
  • 40 10 KUANTAN. FTI.— A n*h packIng oentre with a coldroom will be built at the- jetty here won. The Town Council hi) applied for a piece of State land on the bank of the Kuantan River for the purpose.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 175 10 TIME SAVING DIRECT FLIGHTS FROM SINGAPORE TO THE MIDDLE EAST, EUROPE AND LONDON Qantas Air Cargo Qantas offers direct jet services to the handling ensures damage-free delivery, Kuala Lumpur, Tel: *****-4 or their U.K. and Europe, Australia and the safeguards against pilferage. And General Sales Agents: MALAYSIASouth Pacific several days
      175 words
    • 174 10 NO MORE GREY HAIR! 6OTA LOTION Oruwku rokmrtmm |M*B yet rrntorra terry bfftr t» Ma ORK.INAI, colour as M IS rl«v«' NOT a dye. Rrrommrndrd for ■atMto^asal and oldrr propt*. COTAB DIVINAS hair to It* ORIOTNAI, colour In 4— 7 days NOT a dya. So It t*ay to ua* yam.
      174 words

    • 244 11 In defence of U.K. road sign system A LTHOUGH I do not agree with Sgt. Shears' view S.T. March 18) that there Is a lark of a proper road-sign system in Singapore. I do consider that it could be made for better if the British Isles system were adopted AsforMrlwruttle'S.T.
      244 words
    • 84 11 \VHV dues the National TT Library not make available for public reading in the adult section daily new.spaprr.s In the lour official languages In use In Singapore? while British newspapers, such as the London Observer and The Guardian (but not The Times* are available. One Is unable to
      84 words
    • 63 11 IT used to be a pleasure to drive down Jalan Ampang because it had a most Impressive avenue of trees. Now going down Jalan Ampang is like driving alone any other hot and dusty road In Kuala Lumpur. So I join L. P. Simkin (S T. March
      63 words
    • 456 11 SERONOK BELAJAR BAHASA KEBANGSAAiN-OR: am constantly 1 struck by the expressiveness of the National Language. So many words sound, or feel, exactly what they are trying to say. Take some of the animals, for example. You fan hear the tiger snarl in harimau.
      456 words
    • 219 11 OPENING the recent, exhibition of paintings by Mr. Choey Kwok Kay, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Culture is reported (S.T. March 20) to have said that Mr. Choey's work proved that Singapore was not devoid of high calibre personnel in art
      219 words
    • 185 11 I REFER 10 the letter from "Citizen" (S.T. March 18) complaining of delay in dealing with his application for correction of an error in his birth certificate. He claims to have submitted the relevant documents 11 months ago. All applications rercived by
      185 words
    • 144 11 I AGREE with "Subscrlb--1 .r" iS. T. March 22 > about tho Telecom*' poor phone repair service. I have also had to wait and wait on many occasions It Is only fair that there .should be a rotund of the phone rental for the period between
      144 words
    • 142 11 SAVED BY KIND OFF-DUTY POLICE CONSTABLE ALLOW me through your columns to thank a Malay Constable from Jurong Police Station who, though he was going of! duty, stopped to help me when I was involved In an accident. 1 was driving along Jurong Kechil Road at about 1.15 p.m. the
      142 words
    • 68 11 I WENT to the Seremban Government Dental Clinic for a check-up in December last year. The dentist found that 1 had five decayed teeth, but told me that he could nut treat me that day. A nurse said I would be informed by post when to come a
      68 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 570 11 New from Germany rins Kodak's new dX Retina concept! I j R^tirta S) ■j| MIU 1 u,.-.-fr"-Outstanding Quality at Low cost! Kodak Retina Cameras, made in Kodak's factories in Germany, have lone been famed for for precision engineering and high quality. Now! Kodak presents a NEW Retina concept: Kodak Retina
      570 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
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    • 433 12 Singapore and Malaysia share honours ASIAN CUP SOCCER HONG KONG. Friday gINGAPORE and Malaysia drew 1-1 in the second match in the central zone of the Asian Cup soccer tournament here today. Singapore led 1-0 at half-time. Singapore opened the scoring in the 26th minute through Majid ArifT. Malaysia equalised
      Reuter  -  433 words
    • 195 12 MALAYSIA REACH LAST 4 IN CANADIAN TOURNEY BADMINTON TORONTO, Fri. Malaysia, represented by the Lon-don-b a s c d Oon brothers. Chong Jin and Chong Hau. reached the semifinals in the Canadian centennial badminton tournament last, night. Malaysia. who had earlier beaten Norway 5-0. gained their second success by 3-1
      Reuter  -  195 words
    • 93 12 LONDON. Iri. The Oxford University boat race crew collided almost bead -on with a school crrw on thr Thames yesterday while practisine for the race against Cambridge tomorrow. Nobody was hurt. Oxford were travelling at full speed with the tide and the school crew were working
      Reuter  -  93 words
    • 45 12 A Penang soccer team, which Included players from Kedah and Pt-j 11.-.. has returned liuni a tour ol Sumatra. In their four matches, the Penang team beat Binjai 4-3. outplayed Siantar 5-0- drew with Tebing Ttnggi 3-3 and lost to Medan Selection 2-0
      45 words
    • 51 12 WALKER'S VAIN BATTLE... OLOOD streams from 11 the left eye of Britain's Billy Walker as he battles gamely with West Qermany's Karl Mildenberger in London. Mildenberger rptained his Europe a n heavyweight title when the referee stopped the fight in the eighth round to save Walker from further punishment. UPI
      UPI  -  51 words
    • 90 12 TWAIROBI. Pri. The favour'^ites Bengt Soderstrom and Gunnar Palm, of Sweden, Ipd yisterday after the first stage of the East African Safari rally, the 680-mile overnight run froru here inio North-eastern Tanzania The Swedes, driving a Ford Cortina GT. were the first of tlio 97 crews to
      Reuter  -  90 words
    • 798 12 By A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT LONDON, Friday SOUTHAMPTON, celebrating their first season in the English First Division, are determined to play a crowd-pleasing brand of football when they tour Malaysia and Singapore, beginning on May 24. Manager Ted Bates said: "We are honoured by
      798 words
    • 241 12 ITtOUR of the seven teams In Ml the FA of Selanaor Ooen League competition this season v, ill play on the opening day at Merdeka Stadium on Tuesday Selangor Chinese RC will meet TPCA at 6 p.m while Chui Loke will play Police Depot,
      241 words
    • 197 12 CLAY Future is uncertain YEW YORK, Iri Cassius Clay's manager said yesterday that the world heavyweight champion had signed commitments for title defences against Oscar Bonavena and Thad Spencer, but these had to be tentative while his army conscription status remained uncertain. The 2.">-year-old Clay, who disposed of Zora Folley
      Reuter  -  197 words
    • 347 12 Guy the leader in HK Open GOLF OONCi KONCi. PrL Britain's Guy Wolstenholme. with a three under par 67, snatched the lead in the second round of the Hong Kong Open golf championship at Fanling today. Wolstenholme > .36 hol« total 01 135 wa.s one >troke better than Japan's Haruo
      Reuter  -  347 words
    • 173 12 JOHANNESBURG. Fri The two Wimbledon finalists, Mr-. BiiliP Jean Kin« (US) and Maria Bueno (Brazil >. remun* their battle for supremacy when they eU.Mi in the women's singles final of the South African tennis championship* i Monday. Both showed impressive form l« uinjiinß their semi-final matches against
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1185 13 RPQOL t WEST COAST U Ou» J'd«h lam s'jjt Ptnang TALTHYIIUS l vt.n. I'BuOi. BMijt, G'lO* l« Pt Mlf 2S Mir 2J ANTENOR limtmi, 0..0'-n mcjin.. Ml. 13 Mir 27 Mar 21, 2 Apr J M«CM»ON u.roocl. G »i|o« Mat 2J Apt I MTRMIOON Apr 1 Apr Apt 1/12 Apt
      1,185 words
    • 1386 13 7ftyEAC///ras idld^rh THt l»$T ASIATIC COMPANY U* f;U fit D»— X EXPRESS SAILINGS TO GENOA ROT*ERDAM-HAMBU»G-AARHUSCQPENHAGEN p. Sham Pcmni Spore Genoa R darn H burg Aartius C'hag'n ;ARCOCMA a) II Ptrt 77 Mar 21 21 11/ 2 Ait All II Apr Apr 31 May 4 May t MAUYA In mm
      1,386 words
    • 1067 13 I »PRt>> >tmicfc 10 IUNOOH, nvtßmct t coNiiwtwui rom BENVANNOCH ft" S.numot. PI S'M* M<-t.:j May 12 Mill ToOj Mar M Mir 31 31 Ma, It W o f o'-|h Mt| 4*l mini '0» H-mbura Apr 25 BENCLEUCH mi ft* V-^ibort ft Shim •••ntm Ritt'fam May 7 Con 31 T.dir
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1018 14 Y^ KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Aujirnlia Sinßapore Japan Service Fremintlt Smfipun Yokohama KoM -T»,r» Mm 21/31 Mm 111 Apr H /pi I* *»i "Taifti Man 15/21 Apr l/IMi) II Ml) U Ml} Japan Olreet Service Ptwap lunoon loi«m MM ■Ham Man- 31 Mm Api 12 «tt "Daiaart Mini 1/
      1,018 words
    • 870 14 AUSTRALIA tV> AAI»NO SEKVICtS INOI* P4KIMAI tND rAP lASI NMMU Freantie. Alclaite. Melkum s»«an It: Malm m« nj|j«hii>j« Sm|ipure S'hjm Penani, RAJUIA J :0 Api 11 All 12 Api Perunr P STiam Stnppor* RAJUU 2«. I Ma| 5 M>| May BAMORA I «pi 1/11 Apr 11/1J Apr »»JUL* ii 21
      870 words
    • 999 14 (Continued from Pafe 8) ACKNOWLEDGMENT Hcrrfs SIS (Minimum) MAY REBELLO and family thank fr:-r.d«. Doctor* and Staff. General Hospital for invaluable MfMaaM, ring their rct.-ru oere«\ement. OVERSEAS LEAVE li Horn, >t (Mm.) box rd. »x»r« LITTLEMAMPTON kM 1 tiedI room new hou*e fully equipped and cem ial -heated close beach.
      999 words
    • 945 14 SITUATIONS WANTED H Wmr4t It < HiitJ— Box St rfs. txtrm READ Ihr .senior Appointments vaea in The fcunda* Mnn »»ch «r»ii ACCOMMODATiOM VACAWf IS H „rdt $S (If in.)— Box S» fit. txlrm 2-4 BEDROOM luxury flats with sit.ond.tion at PD. .V 9. Hi. Rent contait S pore 474i>7.
      945 words
    • 626 14 HOUSES LAND FOR SALE IS H „,-rf, t$ < Hifi I— Box i» fit mxlrm COLDMILL CAROENI mrjl o Barker Roadi »em:rt» tacned hungalowirhnKt mhinj hooking Apply Bob norr HOUSES LAND WANTED H IM U (Mint— Box it rl: txtrm TO PURCHASE or rent Shop I «ith viunt po>*e«sion at
      626 words
    • 329 14 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ■TART YOUR OWN MMMNI (mcri it am MONK IN YOUR OWN •UIINIM. L.t vi oulto »»u a M« PA VINO WBULESAXX (JfcAAJtRSHU? B* Hor Own B*M. Na IxMrltnct Nictttary. *»v Ntto 515.000 Cask *B» Marchandita. Wrn« Qlnnt »our oackgTOOBB And Puooa Now To: BOX ASOII STRAITS TIMIa, SINGAPORE
      329 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 468 15 RAJA'S "COLLEGE offers rapid courses In Private Secretarial Course (for (iris). stenography. Bookkeeping. Shorthand. Typewriting: Classes anytime: HIGHER SCHOOL I KTIFICATF. < I.ASSFS Morning <V- Kvening sessions) Graduate teachers. (OP. History. Geography Kronomir*. Knfclinhi SCHOOL I;KTIH( ATI CLASPS Afternoon A F.veninc aewilnns Qualified experienced teachers: (Enfllxh. Literature. Historr. (ienrraphy. H.Sr.
      468 words
    • 306 15 (Continued from Pace l«i TOURS EXCURSIONS IS Word* U (mtn.)-Bos it eta. txtrm NAM HO TRAVEL SERVICE LM.. Malays 7-daya tffi/- every Sunday. Monday. C/ Highland! 4-days $60/--l»/4/«7. Ranukok. Chtengmai 16-daya IMS U 4 ST 17/4/A7. 138. CrOM «t.. I porp Tel 72'JM HKNHtRt H Words *f (Him.)— Box it
      306 words
    • 560 15 T.V./RADIO SALES SERVICE IS VinUU Hi* .-Box H rl». txirm TELEVIIION SERVICE COMPANY specialise In repairs of any make of television set. For speedy and reliable service ring (Spore) *****8 anytime. TV! ELECTRONIC sells ana install an type* ol car radios/car tape recorder. Vimt 2<ll Cantonment Road. Ttl. tt'pore H.MIS7/2S.
      560 words
    • 961 15 VEHICLES FOR SALE 14 Word* U (MiH.)-Bax S» tit. extra 196* VOLKSWAGEN '6OOTL r»«' iMCk excellent condition all round. Terms arrangeaole. Flr*t private owner Phone 1 8 pore) *****. 19*3 F, •000. M/ 1100. 1»«2 F/ Ansl!a. H/fIM Super, IMI F An|ln. Jiorgward. Hiap Huat Co. 245 Middle Road, Tel:
      961 words
    • 825 15 FOR SALE IS Word* U (Mlm.)—B«M M eU. «rfr« COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATORS All Sizes suitable for Bar/ Restaurant. Also iviilimf w*lk-ln-cold room. Eatf payment* arranseable. Central Refriceration Co.. 34A Joo Cblat Rd.. ■'port Tel: ***** 46V05 STEAMBATHS. MASSAGE, ETC. IS Wordt U Mm.)— Box it et*. txlrm MARTINA'S SALON, 1« Jal»«
      825 words
    • 685 15 IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT MUAR. IN BANKRUPTCY NO: SO OF 1966 Re Nr Kirn if i trading under the name and style of Glm Soon Co. No: 1. Jalan Ibrahim. Batu Pahat. Date of Receiving Adjudication Orders 3.12.66 Date of Order for Summary Administration 7 3.67 Dat*
      685 words
    • 644 15 PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD, SINGAPORE WATER DEPARTMENT NOTICE TEMPORARY I.OSIKK OK WHITITY BRIIM.f FOR LAYIM. Off M WATER MAINNOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that Whitley Bridge 'leading to St«ven Road from Whit ley Road and connecting Dunearn Roa.l and Buktt Timah Roadi will be closed to traffic from 24th March, 1967 to
      644 words
    • 179 15 NOTICE THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 11) NOTH'K OF Xl < HMVO OKIIKKN TAKE NOTICE that RFCrtrtng Orders wen? on the 10th A 17th March, 1967 marie against the following per.scn.s and or firms: Rwriving Orders made on 10.2. (1. Bankruptcy No. 117 67 Fong Sholc Kin (mw). No. 32C, B«o
      179 words

    • 528 16  - Han Seng and Rodney are the big race favourites ERNEST FRIDA JOE DORAI SINGAPORE GRAND PRIX By and CINGAPORE'S annual motar-racing showpiece the three-day Government-sponsored Grand Prix meeting begins this morning with trials and heats. The various class events will be run tomorrow and on the final day will be
      528 words
    • 36 16 Snm.iijore beat Joluirr Dv ten rickets in thrir uiulri-L'3 cricket nwtch played at Jnhure Bahru yesterday. Scores: Join ire 88 and 99-9 ciii ijajraratnun 46 > Bincapore 131 '«in«li 31. E Eilov 25i and 57-0.
      36 words
    • 65 16 BADMINTON Boustrad Games (XL): S'por* 5 S'gor 0. CYCI.ING 15-mile time trial iS'pore>: 1 Rohani Sukari i36m 325) 2 P Humphrey 3 A. Pearson 4 J Forster. HOCKKV State trial (Malacca': Colours 2 Whites 1. SOCCER Sultans' Gold Cup 'Sri Gelam i Spore Malays 3 Johore Malays 0. Boustead
      65 words
    • 51 16 Chua on the winner's rostrum Ch v i Phung Kirn the Singapore weight I who won th« Austr a I i a n lightweight title, stands on the winner's rostrum after receiving a bouquet from Pat Earp. the "Moomba Festival Queen." Betide Chua are runner-up Gerald Hay and third John
      51 words
    • 1097 16  -  M. RAHMAN GOLF By MALAYSIAN Putra Cup golfer Zainr.l Abidin of Selangor took a 11-stroko lead after 36 holes in the Malaysian Open amateur golf championship at the Royal Selangor Golf Club course yesterday. Zainal returned a magnificent flve-under-par 67 for the first
      1,097 words
    • 201 16 TME RAF are going to x the rescue of Steve Holland, the Hong Kong driver taking part in the Singapore C.rand Prix. Holland has been told that delivery of his new car, the Lotus -41. which he ordered from London, has been
      201 words
    • 313 16  - Jega and Co to take altitude tests in Camerons NORMAN SIEBEL OLYMPICS By T-HE Malaysian Hockey Federation and the Malaysian Amateur Athletic Union will make full use of the otter of the Cameron Highlands District Officer. Inche Abdul Azmi bin Abdul Tahrlm, to help them In their high altitude training
      313 words
    • 36 16 Penans. .sports club beat Royal Bangkok Sports Club 6-0 In their annual hockey match for the Tiger Trophy at the Western Road ground, Penan* yesterday Scorers were: Brian McMullen <3). Barnes (2i. and Dobson.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1304 16 ASSISTANCE TO MAI AY TENDER NOTICE PIIPIIS IN FIIRTHFR GOVERNMENT OF SELANGOR PUPILS IN FURTHER Sab k Water %upplj EDUCATION CLASSES N>w FORM SIX, 1967 Contract No I-Soppl, IWlTer, and Krrrtion of Plant and The Perak State Government Equipment. has derided to offer assistance to Tenders are Invited from CondevmnK
      1,304 words
    • 107 16 ///rr/A/e r//f I 1-f MU^T 3B ZffZUCK WKH ANJ OPgN CHJB- 1J i face i^*j i i MOVING? YOUR HEAP J atANCZ, wMiug -fHe" j9L Ui k bauu ReMAiNS' opposite Cll vB fk THg ug^-r u&eu for m v~L f% J-OfSi: IP JUjj 1 fHe H^AP l& 1-OCATgP AW ■100
      107 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 57 16 (iOl.F Malaysiiiii anwteur rhampionship (RSGC. XL. 8 a.m.). BADMINTON S/lamor arhools championships finals iSBA. 10 a.m.). CRlCKET— Klephant trophy Penane SC v Royal BiiiiEknlc SC 'Western Rdi Spore senior league- Army v Indian A.vw (Nee Soon). HOCKKV— S'pore Dir. 1: Priaons v Jansenites SHOOTING— S'ror championihiD* Silhouette rapid flra '9.30
      57 words
    • 221 16 Straits Times Crossword IUQgI 7 ralming everrfwie? T«a. wtah i. Hora. n~da dr.nk. Uk. v. g a-d MMM I. Order firm to have decora- v t M in^i^d te tion done by Dan Turner a r>pe M the dmaf mt^ a shnib w add u> the bill iy j^ n
      221 words

    • 592 17  - Straight run will suit Moonraker EPSOM JEEP RACING WITH pENANG trainer Rudy van Breukelen has been out of luck so far this season but Moonraker (Race Four) can break the spell at Ipoh this afternoon. The three-year-old is one of Rudy's most promising youngsters in the stable. He has smart
      592 words
    • 179 17 THE TOP TIPS: Tore (Race One). Moonraker (Race Four) and Victory II (Race Six). BEST FORECAST: Timah Api and Shantin View in Race Three. LONCSHOTS: Thunderstorm (Race Two), Bulldozer (Race Four) and Watch Out (Race Five) fcFSO.M JEEP CALL BUX i (US IrK K*c« 1: TORO Milkman Gemini I
      179 words
    • 242 17 Penang. could be hard to beat again. I suggest a saver on him. LAVtXDfcK PRINCfc <Rac 0 Seven) did a winning trial on Thursday when he strode out fluently over 3f in 36 25. He looks a good thing today. Last season, he
      242 words
    • 1526 17 GOING FORECAST: Good. Race 1-2.15 Class 6 Div 2 ($4,000) Bv,t 1 5R208 Shoe Bridge h (Novelty) RS Breuk. 1 U.U Coleman 8 2, Ardent Lad a (Olympiai Teh 8 8.12 *PK l.enng 7 3 98II0H Nazafat a (Npwtowm Ahmad 8 810 (F) 'Ramry 14 4 *****
      1,526 words
    • 214 17 ON THE TRACK PICTURE HOUSE 111, who contests the main s£f straight rare at Ipoh tomorrow, did a dashing trial yesterday morning, reports EPSOM JEEP. Ridden by Des Colermn. the four-ye3r-old went faultlessly over 3f in 37 1/5. accompanied by Colony Surf. Newcomer Violacea showed
      214 words
    • 120 17 PIGGOTT TIPPED TO KEEP TITLE T ONDON, Fri. Lester Piggott Is a 2-1 on favourite to retain the British jockeys- champlonshio In the 1967 Flat racing season which begins tomorrow. Australian Pcoble Brpaslpv. formpr champi"n, ts spcond favourite at 5-1 His compatriot. Ron Hutchinson. is 8-1 in thp bettin?. and
      Reuter  -  120 words
    • 319 17 EASTER SPORT FOR the next three days, beßln- nlng from today. Malaysia and Singapore will have the customary full programme of Easter sporting events. The main attraction In Singapore will be the Grand Prix which bpglns today and will continue tomorrow and
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 391 17 NThe latest thing in carrier equipment FUJITSU'S PCM system L Jl HL__lH IB_^^BL___- 888I 1 ■■■L—J^BHBH—- -J !••»»•»>' I^L m jggggg jh p i^ ma i^ mm.Mß*\m M m m FUJITSU has succeeded in commercial production of a t^^JT *?-?lg-? PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) system for short-haul car- rier transmission.
      391 words

  • 74 18 PICTURE TAKEN BY MEXICAN STUDYING LAND FORMATIONS ANEW MEXICO State University student took this photograph of what he says is apparently an unidentified flying object while photographing land formations for a geology class. The picture was taken with a Press camera at l/100th of a second with
    74 words
  • 135 18 KUALA LUMPUR, 1Y Fri. The PanMalayan Islamic Party leader, Dr. Burhanuddin Al-Helmy. returned today from a successful bladder operation at Freemason's Hospital, Melbourne He left for Australia on Feb 4 Dr. Burhanuddin. who leaves for his home In TaipIng tomorrow tor a rest.
    135 words
  • 62 18 HONG KONG. Fri Lo Kei. thr 20-year-old who wa* a j key tieme in the Kowloon riots I last April, was found hanged in a j room he shared with two friends in a resettlement estate flat yesterday in Kowloon. Lo'.s body was discovered
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 155 18 SYDNEY. Fri. Eight-year-old M (i li a in .i il Jamil, (above), of Kuala Lumpur, is making good recovery in St. Vincent's Hospital here alter a difficult heart operation which has given him a neu lease of life. A feu days after the
    155 words
  • 65 18 Mao buys 15 Alouette helicopters PARIS Fri— France tMU sold 19 Alouette hHicoptrrs— the samtypo used by the Royal Malaysian Air Force to China reliable sources said today. It was not known what China wanted the helicopters for. but the sources said the Chinese Government had asked for great interior
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 120 18 MINNEAPOLIS (Minne--11 sota). Fri. Finnishborn waitress Mrs. Jennie K.iuman has just picked up her biggest ever tip USSl.Ot>7 roundtrip air ticket to Helsinki plus I SSI. OOO to spend Bachelor J. H. Baron, a court clerk who eats at her cafe at least three
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  • 136 18 Soek's sex life— by ex- wife Harjati JAKARTA, Friday. J)EPOSED President Soekarno's ex-fourth wife Harjati Sumantri says she plans to produce a book on Soekarno's sex life. And she took a swipe at a book by American Cindy Adams about Soekarno, calling it "one-sided gibberish and not objective." Cindy Adams
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  • 29 18 IWffht npnnlp wprp killed iriri niah? EtlKlll prwim weir MIHU ,1110 t IRlll others Injured in eoUMon between a car and a station wagon here today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 180 18 If'JALA LUMPI'R. Fri. The Income Tax Officers' Union has rejected an offer by thr Government to increase the salaries of only U members of the union. Its president. Mr. T. Narendran. said today the union received a letter from the Government
    180 words
  • 46 18 MOSCOW. Fri. The central A.sun city of Tashkent was today rocked by un earthquake of almost the .snnip (orce as a tremor that reduced large areas of the city to rubble nearly a year ago. There was no immediate newi of casualties. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 24 18 VATICAN CITY. Fri. Pope t Paul will iNf-ue an encyclical letter on social topics next Tuesday, the Vatican officially confirmed today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 103 18 MRS E. C. ARULPRACASAM widow of lh» late Mr J T. Arulpra- K'lxnm of Johorr Bahru :ind motliir of A F. Kajaratnam of Hith Court. Ipoh. |im»fd away in Jaffna on U I BT. MAANOAC HENORIK -li.ldeniv Irom lived husband »f Mary Kiln. l.lhtr of Patrick «nd •tonka CrmM
    103 words
  • 13 18 MRS JEEVAMONI ALEXANDER 'rim intMTFd b]T (but BMUa an* loved OM
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  • 233 18 Hatta calls for vigilance against military rule JAKARTA, Fri.—lndo- nesia's former VicePresident, Dr. Mohamed Hatta. said today that the present military rulers must be prepared to turn the nation back to civilian rule. Hi* comments came v the Government began taking new paring to explain t<i the people that the
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 8 18 SWISS PRECISION TIMING at the Singapore Grand Prix
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    • 378 18 Late CLASSIFIEDS 20 Words $15 (Minimum) WEBSTER i.. roct) ...1 Jo>ce a «on Ricbard rother for MhiK ami rial* Mth Mhiili I'.'hT FOONG I" OaJk Imin ami Hork I. ill. x dßilthlrr un 23rd M.nrh lo I ,il. Buklt Mfriajeja Honpital CHAN: "In Sun Bee an.l i inn Uaafl
      378 words