The Straits Times, 9 November 1966

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 29 1 NATIONAL EIBRARYI SINGAPORE: -9N0V1966 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150,000 The Straits Times flu National Newspflpnr Estd. 1845 15 CENTS M.C.(P) 1629 KDN 2034: 2114 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1966
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  • 301 1 Bangkok imposes 2-week ban on rice exports BANGKOK, Tues. The Thai Government today considered the rise in domestic rice prices and announced a ban on exports of rice until prices are stabilised. The decision, taken by the Cabinet, will affect several countries, including Malaysia, which import Thai rice. The price
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  • 404 1 Big pitched battle ends as Reds retreat leaving 446 dead SAIGON, Tuesday THE Vietcong are falling back from a vicious three-day battle with American forces operating in almost divisional strength in Tay Ninh area, 65 miles northeast of Saigon. Fighting flared up again today in the battle
    Reuter; UPI  -  404 words
  • 217 1 Export credits proposal by British mission KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Malaysia can take advantage of the British export credit guarantee department to finance some development projects, the leader of the London and Birmingham Chambers of Commerce trade mission. Lord Erroll. disclosed today. Lord Erroll, who was addressing a press conference 24
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  • 55 1 WASHINGTON. Tues. The FBI said today that accused robber Donald Rogers Smelley. 36. one of Its "ten most wanted men." had been captured at a bar In Hollywood. He was unarmed when he was picked up. "I'm glad It's over," he told FBI agents. "You guys are
    UPI  -  55 words
  • Article, Illustration
    261 1 BIG, FAT NOSE THE DAY I REALISED THE FUEHRER HAD A BORN, Tues. Hitler's former Armaments Minister. Albert Speer, said today he stopped being hypnotised by the Fuehrer in 1944 when he realised that he had "a mu.istrously fat nose." Speer, 61, who trebled Hitler's arms production in two
    Reuter  -  261 words
  • 270 1 WORK-TO-RULE IN 15 FIRMS TOD AY KUALA U MIH'H, Tuesday. LAST-MINUTE bid by the Ministry of Labour to aval the work-to-nile from tomorrow by about 5.000 employees of 15 European-managed firms in West Malaysia was unsuccessful A two-hour meeting between representatives of the Malaya Business Houses Employers' Association and the
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  • 78 1 The Straits Times publishes with this Issue a 40-page web-offset tabloid feature Australia '66. This special feature reviews the industrial growth of Australia and the development of trade with South-east Asia. In addition to a special interview with the Australian Prime Minister, Mr. Harold Holt, dealing with
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  • 63 1 LONDON. Tues— Britain will consider "at the opportune time" whether to ask the U.N. Security Council to create a U.N. security force In the Far East, based In Singapore, as a contribution to peace In South-east Asia. Mrs. Elrene White. Minister of State for Foreign
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  • 48 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues.— The Yang dl-Pertuan Agong has sent a congratulatory message to the Head of the State of Cambodia on the occasion of its national day tomorrow. The Prime Minister. Tencku Abdul Rahman, sent a similar message to his Cambodian counterpart. Prince Norodom Kantol
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  • 91 1 A UCKLAND. Tues. J\ Twenty four women bowls players were disqualified from a tournament here yesterday because their skirts were more than 13 Inches from the ground. The bowlers, members of six teams In the "fours competition" held by the Auckland Women's Bowl- ing Centre, had to
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 122 1 BANGKOK. Tues. (.en. Kong Le was today reported to be considering resigning his post as commander of the Laotian neutralist forces. A report printed in the local press said (Jen. Kong Le had confided this to high Thai officials who were not named. Gen.
    AP  -  122 words
  • 36 1 MANILA. Tues. President Marcos today added a Japanesemade helicopter to his list of transportation facilities. It was christened "Tinklling" (Rlcebirdt by Mrs. Marcos In a champagne ceremony at the Presidential palace. AP.
    AP  -  36 words
  • 199 1 Holt: Why we are in Viet war MELBOURNE. Tues. —The Prime Minister. Mr. Harold Holt, said tonight that it was absurd to say his Government's involvement In the Vietnam war had damaged Australia's standing In Asia. Mr. Holt, making a policy speech for the Nov. 26 general election, said in
    Reuter  -  199 words
  • 32 1 NANDA QUITS NEW DELHI. Tmem. Home Minister Galtarllal Nanda hat resigned fol towing yesterday's riots in New Delhi. His resiunatioß accepted by Prime Minister ladlra Gandhi. Renter. (See Pace Z).
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 51 1 PRACTICAL GIFT for a New Home (Electric or Bottrry operottd) CHOOSE A FANCY WALL CLOCK Watch Clock Specioln'l line* ner. m 70 1199). ..mkj j f*j££tr r^*f*\ "^m A s j IB m t* t* I *<♦■*« "**x- wL K~* mZ* XZ* tv fw*" f*wr J a man's taste p
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    • 259 2 U.S FORCES KILL 423 VIETS IN BATTLE FOR RED STRONGHOLD SU<»ON. Tues. if |ln» force* killed at least 413 Vietconi; in Ihe threeday battle or lay Ninh. .i I S. said last night. He said a further IK bodies had lucn round lo aild to the earlier announced total
      Reuter  -  259 words
    • 490 2 SEVEN KILLED WHEN POLICE OPEN FIRE |NDIA'S Home Minister. Mr. Gulzarilal Nanda. is likely to be dropped in a Cabinet reshuffle which governing Con gress Party sources have predicted may follow day-long riots here over the question of cow slaughter. Seven people were killed
      Reuter  -  490 words
    • 24 2 GIBRALTAR. Tups. Teachprn vestprd.).. 1 called a one-day strike for tomorrow to protest at the Government's rejection of wage increase claims. UPI.
      UPI  -  24 words
    • 258 2 pEKItfG, Tues. —The Chinese Communist Party and government was represented at the lowest ever level at the Soviet Embassy National Day reception here last night. For the first time there were no speeches or formal toasts. Foreign Minister Chen Yl was
      Reuter  -  258 words
    • 48 2 RIYADH. (Saudi Arabia >. Tues. The eighth Arab telecommunications conference i pened here yesterday with only eight memberstates represented. Egypt, Iraq. Syria and Algeria the four Arab Socialist countriesboycotted the conference (jn the grounds that royaliM. rather than republican, Yemen had been Invit cd— A.P.
      AP  -  48 words
    • 26 2 MANILA. Tue«. A three-hour fire .swept Cebu City today. First reports xaid seven students died--19 werr Injured while 24 others were mlMing.
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    • 122 2 ADDIS ABABA, Tues. The African summit conference appeared to be breaking up alter being; pushed hopelessly offcourse by the diplomatic storm over Ghana's detention of the Guinean delegation. So far today the delegates have had a twohour public session and a one-hour closed session.
      Reuter  -  122 words
    • 174 2 City tense after student dies in clash JAKARTA, Tues. The normally peaceful town of Jogjakarta is tense today following clashes between students and pro -Communist youths in which on» high school pupil died. Newspaper reports filtering into the capital from Jogjakarta, somo 500 miles away, today described the situation as
      Reuter  -  174 words
    • 33 2 LONDON. Tues. Frripht charges on goods shipped from British and European ports to Australia arc to bo increased by about four prr rrnt from March I, It was announced today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  33 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 303 2 E&^afl fe *V f .^*< i^^^^^^"^s m fl 1^ I .afl j M awiV > t*JiJtt^^ JL^. v _^a^ y jdaia^ak_ a^B i^bh b^bh bIL^L mm bbbbhb^bh C jajE^B^* mmL L^bHl b^bV^b^b^Lb L^^^^Lb Bb^l L^K fl ■"■i h. J i i',S'^w Amk J B^.^l^ Men who guide the destinies of
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    • 137 2 HOUBIGANT PARIS. SPRAY MIST QUEIQUES FLEURS CHANTILLY Quplques I ileurs V to roiuni 41A "as" M (r) Advertisement Soften those forehead lines Cherish the smooth serenity of your forehead by firmly coaxing a film of vitalizing night cream Into the skin from brow to hairline, using the fingers of both
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 54 2 TME GAMBOLS -< *&»^/4yy«£___ £|£t /^IUND MAOE^I f AUTOMATIC S6AW V. «U*V COACH WORK. POWEZ BRAkfE6 rt?U/EC 1 *fc»*4r I V.O. MIOM tOHIB STEERING— eiECTRIC V CNSINC y WINDOW WIMOEK AHOy^ d&b f iAT ADJU T y&ffo CAM I Wl^\ v yi sous t •yr thank* a V/** 1 I
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 131 3 (Pi ''i^fsr I V' '4k WM Ik in»ir-w KluAkH i*sE XL BRAS FOR BEAUTY WITH VALUE Oriy Koyscr brat »hope you beautifully, fit you perfectly, support you comfortably. There's a Kayier bra, mony witti a matching airdte, designed tor every type of figure. Above left: 'Young Dream' brief bra in
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    • 653 3 tA NEW IDEA IN tIFE INSURANCE HERE'S THK Lltt: ASSI RANt'E OF TOMORROW. TODAY LIFE ASSI RAM E AT ITS REST! I It is the most up-to-date and most complete life assurance your rroney can buy. One policy covers them all. That is. right! Just one We assurance policy! The
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    • 470 3 Man the bookies will miss for the next six years TH*: bookmakers will miss James Charles Shipton. He gave them HALF A MILLION POUNDS in six years. But the fortune he lost was not his. He stole it from the civil engineering firm ho worked
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    • 52 3 WASHINGTON. Tues. The U.S. is considering a request for help in equipping the Indonesian Army with bulldozers, trucks, graders and other heavy engineering items. American authorities said that the programme would have a dual purpose which would put the Army to work on rural development and
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    • 33 3 I.OS ANGELES. Tues. Barry Fans. former editor-in-chief of International News Service, the now-defunct Hearst-owned agency, died of a heart attack at Minneapolis. Kansas, on Sunday at the age of 78
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    • 28 3 VATICAN CITY. Tues. Pope Paul yesterday called on all people of different regions to work for world peace, which he said was b«Ing threatened.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  28 words
    • 65 3 BRISBANE. Tues. The Anglican Church of Australia has made a formal move to unite with the country's Presbyterian. Methodist and Congregational Churches. The Anglican primate. Archbishop Strong, sent to the leaders of the other three churches the text of resolutions by the Anglican General Synod
      Reuter  -  65 words
    • 67 3 LOS ANGELES. Tues. Southern California victimised last week by 100-degree heat and brush fires which claimed 16 lives was hit yesterday by a tornado, snow and a rainstorm which triggered off floods and mudslides and snarled traffic on miles of highways. Four people were
      UPI  -  67 words
    • 179 3 PLORENCE, Tues. x Orim-faced student volunteers today pulled art treasures from kneedeep mud In the flooddevastated galleries of Florence, cradle of the Renaissance, as experts began to see what could be saved. "The damage Is Incalculable. It will take days, weeks, perhaps months, to as&ess It,"
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    • 281 3 Secret inquiry tribunals under attack LONDON, Tuesday. A ROYAL Commission yesterday condemned secret tribunals such as that set up to probe Britain's Profumo sex-and-security scandal of 1963. "When there is a crisis of public confidence about the alleged misconduct of persons in high places, the public naturally distrusts any investigation
      Reuter  -  281 words
    • 107 3 LSD and a trip to the unknown I\EW YORK, Tues. Narcotics detectives arrested the occupant of a penthouse and questioned him about allegedly taking LSD (the thrill drug) while stretched out In a wooden coffin. Police said that when they entered the 17th floor penthouse they found marijuana, hashish. heroin
      AP  -  107 words
    • 221 3 Erhard ignores call to get out BONN, Tues. Chancellor Ludwig Erhard today refused to allow himself to be stampeded into a parliamentary vote of confidence which would almost certainly result in his defeat. He will stand by bis constitutional right to decide when or whether Opposition clamour for elections now,
      Reuter  -  221 words
    • 66 3 NEW YORK, Tues. U.S. Secretary of Defence, Mr. Robert McNamara, was heckled by antiVietnam war demonstrators when he visited Harvard University yesterday. Mr. McNamara. a Harvard graduate, was ringed by more than 400 students when he emerged from an inforrrtal address to a group of undergraduates.
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  • 194 4 MAN WITH $3,000 m. TO SPEND gINGAPORE, Tues. —American Presidential adviser, Mr. Eugene Black, looks on Singapore as a "work-shop" of South-east Asia an example in miniature of the new emerging Asia. This was Mr. Black's description soon after disembarking from the Presidential
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  • 309 4 TiHE leader of the 20-man Australian trade mls--1 sion now in Singapore for a four-day visit today said the prospects of increasing two-way trade between Singapore and Australia were "always good." Mr. A. A. Luciano added SINGAPORE. Tu«s. "If Singapore-made goods are right in price
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  • 212 4 and his colleagues on the prospects for closer regional co-operation will be of interest to me not only because I am President Johnson's special adviser on these matters, but also because I am convinced that regional co-operation and national development .ire two sides of
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  • 114 4 THE FIRST LADY AT VMH SHOW SINGAPORE. Tues. Singapore's First Lady, Puan Noor Alshah. will open the YMCA's second "Ideal Home" exhibition at the Victoria Memorial Hall at 10 a.m. tomorrow. Besides the display of furniture sets, home furnishings, household appliances, there will be cooking demonstration and food stalls. One
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  • 59 4 SINGAPORE. Tues— The Singapore Amateur Athletic Association will hold a dance at the Singapore Conference Hall on Nov. 26. to raise funds to help local athletics •t the Asian Games In Bangkok. Highlight of the event will be the SAAA Queen contest. The winner will
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  • 37 4 SINGAPORE. Tues.— Water supply will be cut off tomorrow from S a.m. to 6 p.m. at Chong Pang Road. Ti*o Lee Road. Kee Ann Roai. Chong Nee Road. Wei Hua Road and Soon Keat Road.
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  • 27 4 SINGAPORE. Tues.— The British Council is now holding an exhibition of English pottery at the Product and Design Centre in John Little's building. Tues.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 227 4 j y^^v LIONS CLUB OF SINGAPORE (HOST) fc&tjftry presents A CHhrity Film Premiere Vfib^S^r Under the distinguished patronage of X^«' The Hon. Minister for Health. Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin at CAPITOL (Spore) TONIGHT at 9.15 p.m. In Aid of ARTIFICIAL KIDNEY PROJECT FUND For the University of Singapore Tickets: $25
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    • 157 4 WHAT'S SO GOOD ABOUI SCREEN NEWS? It's Readlnfl Fare Thafs What! Get Your NOVEMBER Issue TO-DAY and Road About Your favourite MEN from U.N.C.L.E. Robert Vauahn (Napoleon Selo) Dovid McCollum (Illya Kuryokln) and Stella Stevens Previews of 9 Films with Special Poae Supplement on "THE BIBLE". $100 CASH PRIZES TO
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    • 162 4 ISLE OF MAN BANK LIMITED (Established 1865) Banker* to Her Mnjesty The Ouacn't Government of the Isle of Man. RETURNING HOMI f ACCUMULATED SAVINGS from income earned by employment abroad, if remitted to the United Kingdom during this yeor in which such income ceases, can attract United Kingdom tax. Remittances
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    • 554 4 Lott 3 Showi: I.IJ, 4.0 C 6.30pm "lhe3MUiKLlttKs I 3cne Kelly Lann furn«r Color GALA PREMIERE! TONIGHT AT 9 IS p.m. ORCHARD PALACE One oiuui !>. nosing Robert Vouqhn David McCollum I Metrrool-'r o M PLUS ON STAGE AT BOTH THEATRES DISCATRON Pn"MISSIN6 SPY" CONTEST LAST DAY' Pleosc Noi'-
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  • 269 5 Jakarta aid sought to free 18 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. JJALAYSIA has asked the Indonesian Government to use its good offices to free the 1 8 Malaysian fishermen who are being detained by Indonesian pirates at Mengkeroh, near Pulau Rupat, in Sumatra. An official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Inche
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  • 58 5 SINGAPORE, luev— Mr Ja»;at S Mehta. head of Uic policy planning directorate in the Ministry <>i External Affair:-. aimed m Singapore this morning troni Kuala Lumpur on a two-day visit. Mr liehu \\.<s [ndla'i h^<d of the mi&Mon In Peking earlier this year- He will be
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  • 25 5 SINGAPORE. Tues. A news vendor. Ambala Aran Backini-aniv. 16. was found dead. hanging from a nee at the 6; mile Duniarn Road today
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  • 20 5 RAUB. lues The district rural development comnuitee In Jerartut trill build tive shophouses in th* town for bumiputras
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  • 254 5  - 3 FISHERMEN HELD UP OFF LANGKA WI Chan Beng Soon: By < Alor Star, Tuesday CIX pirates, believed to be Thais, held up a Malaysian fishing boat off Pulau Langkawi on Sunday night, damaged the engine and left three victims out in the open sea. One of the fishermen, Saidin
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  • 42 5 KLUANG. Tues. A Remembrance Day service for solc'ieis killed in the two World Wars will be held at the St. Luke Garrison church here on Sanday. More than 250 soldiers from vanou- units of the KJuang garrison will attend.
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  • 269 5 SINGAPORE, Tuesday. Y\R. Ahmad Ibrahim, the Attorney-General, has 11 said that the Government will not be able to do anything for Muslims if it has to meet demands that Muslims in Singapore be allowed to follow their own practices and laws.
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  • 51 5 Shakespearean on tour i SINGAPORE lues Mr. Joseph Verner Reed, co-prodweer 'of the American Shakespeare Festival Theatre and Academy in Stratford. Connecticut arrived here this morning He is on a tour of Sciuth-Eait Asia ,t member of the party accompanying Mr Eugene Black. President Johnson special adv.scr on South-East Asian
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  • 30 5 SUNGEI PATANI. Tues. Alt 35 students from the Sungei Lalang Youth Ciub passed the axxmonth practical rubber planting course sponsored by the Smallholders Advisory Service. Sungei Patani
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  • 37 5 PENANO. Tues Penan* Batcit artist Tay Mo-leong will exhibit his works at the Samat Art Gallery in Kuala Lumpur from Nov. 21 to 36. The French Ambassador. Mr Pierre AnI thoniot. will open the exhibition
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  • 187 5 rt Federal Minister for Sabah Affairs. Tun Mustapha bin l>ato Harun, today hit out at certain Alliance politicians who were saying that the adult education scheme Mas a cover for the Alliance Government to influence rural people with it& beliefs and policies "These MMWIiMI
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  • 135 5 Elders back MCA on language issue l/UALA LUMPUR. Tues.— The 17-member MCA Council of Elders today fully backed the central working committee's stand on the language issue. It also supported the policy statement of Tengku Abdul Rahman in Penang on Oct. 21 relating to the use of English and other
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  • 131 5 'Withdraw that report' calls by undergrads SINGAPORE. Tues.— The University of Singapore Socialist Club and the Polytechnic Political Society today demanded the withdrawal of the Thong Saw Pak Report on Ngee Ann College. In a joint statement, they claimed that the aim of the report was "to suppress Chinese education
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 295 5 For the woman A who wants the M Llovc Tuu» of youth... wmi cw kiss c i; undc a lic i uid M make-up base that keeps your v complexion soft and fresh-look-'Slt^L ***0r \JF*> ing for hours never shiny or \^**"*ff^ JMli caked. It is a product of the
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  • 261 6 Ningkan rejects Jugah's conciliation move ITUCHING. Tues. Dato Stephen Kalong Ningkan, leader of the Sarawak National Party, has rejected Tan Sri Temenggong Jugah's recent proposals for a reconciliation of SNAP with the Alliance. In a speech at Bintulu, in the Fourth Division, he said; "We are not interested in the
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  • 415 6 $60,000 'showcase' for Bangkok trade fair is ready Next step to motor industry: Definitions KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. THE next step in Malaysia's drive towards industrialisation is expected to be taken here on Thursday at a meeting of importers of motor-cycles, scooters and mopeds. About 15 importers are expected
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  • 59 6 SINGAPORE. Tues Mr. Lee Kali Wei. of the Ministry of Education. yesterday presented certificates to 14 Singapore watch makers and watch repairers, who passed the (list advanced course conducted here by the Swiss watch industry. The students were tested in August by the director of
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  • 78 6 Fewer road deaths SINGAPORE, Tues.— FourJ teen people were killed in road accidents here last month— lo fewer compared with the same month last year. Pedestrians continue to be the largest group of those killed. There Were 2.735 accidents last month— an incrrr*>e of 31 over the corresponding month last
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  • 67 6 TAIPINO. Tues. Three men Yahya bin Mai. 37. Budin bin Saad> 43. and Dea* bin Ha*him--36. pleaded guilty in the magistrate's court here yesterday to being in possession of three sack.s of lump -scrap rubber, believed 1 to have been fraudulently obtainI ed at the junction
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  • 27 6 BUKIT MERTAJAM Tues S. Pulavendian. 22. who stood up In a coffee6hop. and exposed himse'.f in public, was fined 525 i yesterday for indecency.
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  • 31 6 SUNGEI PA TAN I I Uf*. The SuH-»n of Kedah will i^v the first wreath »t the Remembrance Day parade at the Kedah Volunteer Force Onotaph here next Sunday.
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  • 191 6 I ONDON. Tues— The RAF will continue to run certain airfields on behalf Of the Malaysian forces for a limited time after the withdrawal of British forces, Parliament was told last night. Mr. Peter Blaker (Con- servatlve) had asked what decision had been
    Reuter  -  191 words
  • 75 6 I ONDON, Tues. The House of Commons last night gave five of its members leave of absence to present an Independence gift bookcase to the Parliament of Singapore. The bookcase, containing parliamentary and constitutional re- ference books, will be tpresented by Mr. James Davibon
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 76 6 Building foreman slain OINGAPORE. Tues.— A building foreman. Chan Chwee Kit. was found murdered in a track off Taman j Bunga Abu. in Toa Payoh. last night. Chan. 32. of Kampong 1 Tionß Bahru. had injuries I in the lower part of his face, believed to have been mll flictcd
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  • 23 6 BUKIT MERTAJAM Tues. The Province Wellesley Central District Council will meet on Thursday to con-sider H.& draft budget for next year
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  • 117 6 Another British trade mission I ONDON, Tue.s Lord Rhodes. Parliamentary Secretary at the Board of Trade, will leave on Sunday on vi>n to SouthEast As.a. it was announced yesterday. Lord Rhode.-* will lly to Malaysia first— Nov. 14 to 17 before noing on to the first Avian International Trade Fair
    UPI  -  117 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 255 6 DEEPAYALI WEEK10% n au purcha*t'S till Nov. 10th (Sponsored by Govt. ot India) Nandlooms are famsd for hand-wovan miracle fabrics Always In fashion Always modem WHAT TO BUY? Silk Stoics. Silk Sar*««. Raw Silks, Dress Materials, Ties. Towels. Bedspreads Rugs, Carpets and Dinner Mats in designs that defy description and
      255 words
    • 251 6 ■ft? In »l U arrimi JhaM Ita M U trrimt Slam JS SdE ebeut 1027^4'9 8.C.) Ittiou' 4*0—222 B.CJ |9a Knilt M*m,, Mlmf JCm/f, m Knife Money J H One of the oldest forms of- currency in I H China took the shape of a knife which hyis- I §g
      251 words

  • 1335 7 Favours? 'Council didn't show any to party members...' Penang City Council inquiry: The case for the defence Reporters: Oh Kee Tiang. Jessie Leembruggen PENANG, Tuesday (XXJNSEL for the City Council, Miss Ong Cheng See, today submitted it was> not true that the Socialis F r on t-controlled counc'l had, during
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  • 738 7 Council: Officers feel such an operation dangerous i-ont itmed names of Socialist Front members." she said. "In any event there could not have been any favouritism in the recruitment on the basis of political affiliation, as has been alleged, because as I said previously, all candidate* are required to att
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • 58 8 ct N ß»p O p- r.. e v -The Singapore Chinese Women's Association is celebrating its golden jubilee with a dinner and danre at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce I auditorium lomonow :roiu o on: to midnight Guest soprano Mrs. Aileen Grassby will sing at the function.
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  • 228 8 SINGAPORE, Tues. The Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Wee Thong Jin, today described caning: as the "most deterrent" part of a sentence on a convicted armed robber, without which there could apparently be no hope to contain the crime. So saying, he dismissed an appeal of Toh
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  • 243 8 i— SINGAPORE, Tues gMH)(ii:ST()NI-; Malaysia Co. Ltd. has agreed to subsidise by .">() per cent the monthly rent of those of its KM) employees who desire to shiv in Economic Development Board flats near its Factory in Tainan Jurong. The flats are of
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  • 195 8 SINGAPORE. Tues. A row between two plumbers atop a partially-completed 16-storey block of flats in Chin Swee Road ended when one of them fell about 140 feet to his death, a preliminary Inquiry was told today. About 10 plumbers working on the
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  • 40 8 SINGAPORE Tua Electric 'supply will be interrupted between 9 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. tomorrow at •Toh Drive. Toh Avenue. Chiu Terrace. Toh Street. Toh Heights, Toh Crescent. Toh Close and Upper Changi Road. 12 m.s. to 12i m.s.
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  • 267 8 SINGAPORE. Tues. The second Industrial Arbitration Court today rejected as "untenable" an argument advanced oy Lion Tourist Service Ltd., Singapore, that redundancy was the main reason for some of the dismissals of its employees. The count's deputy president. Mr. S. Natarajan said "The main
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  • 61 8 MISS Elaine Bo I who has been chosen "Mis.s EAC Lino" for the forthcoming lerryboats floats parade organised in connection with the Singapore Tourist Week regatta on Sunday. Miss Song will bo Iht star attraction on the decorated Ey\C Lines Boat, which is tiie
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  • 142 8 INAUGURAL MEET FOR A STUDENTS BODY SINGAPORE, Tues. A national student organisation will take on a more definite shape tomorrow, when hundreds of students are expected to gainer at the University "i Singapore campus for an inaugural meeting. The students will be from the Singapore and Nanyang Universities, Ngee Ann
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  • 34 8 SINGAPORE Tut s 1 ese youth goodwill t<\im now 'our uiK Singapore, today vim:ne r>t;ttrs ;hr new I Sm«apui;i s:-..<!io the Bo' dem and thr Tioni; B;ihru hik Stamford Road rommimi'v
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 202 8 We're happy! There's a SINGER* in our family Your family can wear smart, well-tailored clothes you can own one on the lowest monthly instalments mff i" and happy smiles, too. Own a Singer. You'll find with a guarantee of efficient after-sale service. Call home tailoring such fun and so economical.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 228 8 1 U*u i^ n P 11'/ I Hnmlin £y3F^ AW, I WAS JUST TELLIN' I I OUR CLUB? I THOUGHT I WHO L^ 1 *< WELL. FOR CATSAK£. r"/rf%V "s£<c^ VW*T W*.6 HER ABOUT ALL TH" >OU VW*S TH' GUY WHO /SAID YOU SINCE WHEN HAS IT *7» IS (r
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  • 1139 9  - The shrinking larder The FAO s latest report on world food production has shocked the world. But will it shock the nations from awareness into action? How can developing countries help themselves? SOME of us can put names and faces to fads and figures. And those who have seen acute
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 45 9 Real tobacco iQOTD c^-l ■nii ii x j .y < f: iI j •■^■fcte.-,.,. I nnn QI7P filtor m LUIIU olic *****1 a? n White Horse... a man's choice. You can taste the difference. la^i^^Nlifl^i^i^^ THE cftot/lincuiAL NAME ON THE PACK IS YOUR GUARANTEE OF QUALITY
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  • 66 10 20 W,,rt, $1S (Minimum) R U D H I R A N SORROWFULLY THANKS the Headmaster, Staff, friends and relative* who shared In ways the loss of hi* beloved wife Parameswary and sons Nlmalan An<l RAnriAnA n. MR. A MRS. K. Ratnaaahapathy Thnlpuram Ceylon (daughter and son-in-law) of
    66 words
  • 252 10 :o W,,rds SIS (Minimum) BUYING OFFICE EQUIPMENT. Re wlac and consult the Yellow Pace* In the Telephone Directory. MISS TOURISM will visit the Ideal Home Kxhiintion on loth November at 12.30 pm. at Victoria Memorial Hall THERE'S SO MUCH fun In More, "hen BMac a party treat. To your
    252 words
  • 37 10 15 Wordt f 3 < Minimum) FAITH METHODIST CHURCH, yueenstimn Sunday Services (English, T.M am. A .1.10 p.m.; (Chinese) 9.30 a.m. 7.30 p.m.; Sunday School (Eiucllah) 5.45 am. 4.15 p.m.; (Chinese) 230 p.m. All are welcome.
    37 words
  • The Straits Times
    • 646 10 The anniversary of tlie October Revolution is Communism's sacred day. Much as Christians, at Christmas, endeavour to suppress spiteful thoughts, quarrelling Communists customarily have observed at least a 24-hour truce on the day Lenin brought deliverance. Not so this year. Sino-Soviet relations have grown so bitter that the
      646 words
    • 392 10 Malaysia, unfortunately, is not one of those countries which are going to save huge sums through the more accurate and far-sighted forecasts which will arrive with the proposed international meteorological service. This may come, of course, but for some time few people are going to be much
      392 words
    • 186 10 The cut-rate early morning and late night flights which Malaysian Airways will introduce between Sinßapore and Knall Lumpur from the first of next month should prove extremely popular. Despite bus or taxi fares at each end, bringing the cost of a one-way ticket below $30 will attract not
      186 words
  • Letters
    • 284 10 I AM iorry to have upset the president of the University of Singapore Pharmaceutical Society. I do not dispute the fact that the pharmacist is an important member of the medical profession. My earlier letter (S.T. Oct. 19) was only to refute the
      284 words
    • 142 10 HTHE attack on tourUU J- by gangsters is only part of the expansion of activities by the extortion "industr> Some time back thisu extortionists expanded into the building industry. Contractors and workers were intimidated and made to pay "subscriptions" on the threat of damage to the completed houses. PLBLICO
      142 words
  • 531 10  - Learning Malay 288 YUNUS MARIS By M.A. University of Malaya VOCABULARY: KEaelurotaAN (n) at whole; ma'amor (adj) prosperous; MEaenangAN mi comfort benefita; MEsenangAN hidup INI the good things In life; ni'mat tn> a God -send, benefit*; ni'matl ivi to be enjoyed: na.slb (it) drstlny, luck; union* naaib INI one's lot.
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    FWF  -  1,100 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 666 10 Straits Times Malay Mail Cl««.».rd ■■■■■111 l I H be handed to: COIO STORAGE SUPCMMARKET Orchard Rood (Recrptionlil O«tk) COLD STORAGE BRANCMIS Al Holland Road Naval Bate. Authomcd AqcnM: CITY BOOK STORE ITO.. Winchester Hou»«, Coll»*f Qu«». THE NEWS FRONT Fitipatrick't Supermarket M M ISMAIL 1 Admiralty Road, Nov.ll Bat*.
      666 words
    • 63 10 SAFETY FIRST! is O.CB.C's Policy. Because it is the best in the end* Let it be your policy too! BANK WITH OVERSEA -CHINESE BANKING CORPN. LTD. the LARGEST and STRONGEST locally incorporated bank. Th« Bank for All -Big and Small AUTHORISED CAPITAL: $100,000,000.00 ISSUED m FULLY PAID: 30,000,000.00 GfNERAL RESERVE:
      63 words
    • 115 10 \A Si OQOO < S/ r T" >< MADE IN r y SINOAPORI •> V "Whtre do you want it to go is the question But to send it through us is th« answsrl You'll save time and cut costs everytime you consign through us. Our experienced staff at the
      115 words

  • 209 11 IPOH, Tues. The air and ground search for the singleengine Pioneer aircraft, missing in the Jungle on the PerakKelantan border since Tuesday, entered its eighth day today. A detachment of the Royal Malaysian Air Force planes and helicopters which took part In the search,
    209 words
  • 71 11 ..UALA LUMPUR. Tues. The i'O senior offlcirs Of the Rubber InlUStrjr 'Replanting" Board ended t1.0.r three-day conference here on P'turday with a visit to the Sungei 3uloh Leper Settlement and a $316 donation 'o thp Malayan Leprosy Association. The Chi f Replanting Officer. Mr. ran Trim
    71 words
  • 390 11  -  By V.K. CHIN: Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday r £HE Mentri Besar of Johore, Dato Hassan bin Yunos, today again denied that there was any personal rift between himself and the Sultan, but said he would hold a meeting with his advisers later this
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  • 87 11 Mystery disease hits padi I/ANGAR. Tues.— Farmers and padi smallholders in Jejawi village, about three miles from here, have reported the outbreak of a disease which has stricken their crops. "We have notified the State Agricultural Department but so far none of its officers has visited our area to advise
    87 words
  • 233 11 CINGAt-oRE, Tues—lnternationally famous architect, Mr. Richard Neutra. saud here today that Singapore would be "sunk within the next 10 years if the island tailed to double its present rate of progress. Singapore, as a world port, should not compare its progress
    233 words
  • 34 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, has sent his "warm and sincere greetings to the 21st World Congress of Junior Chamber International which began at Kyoto. Japan, yesterday.
    Kyodo  -  34 words
  • 30 11 KANGAR, Tues. The Kangar Boys' National School will hold Its annual speech day and prizegiving on Saturday. The Mentri Besar. Tan Sri Sheikh Ahmad, will address the school.
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  • 149 11 KANGAR, Tues. An English hitchhiker. 19-year-old Anthony SutclifT, who was rescued from the Kerman desert in Iran after being lost there for seven days earlier this year, arrived here yesterday In the course of a round-th* world trip. duiclifl. of South Port, England, resigned nis
    149 words
  • 61 11 PENANQ. Tues The Penani division of Party Rakyat has pass eri a resolution demanding the "lm mediate and unconditional release' <>f the r national chairman. Inch* Ahmad Boestamam. and othei political detainees. ihc di.iMon. at its annual ciuv frrrn^" l.<st Sunday. -»lvi called or the
    61 words
  • 160 11 S'pore housing estate building probe goes on SINGAPORE. Tues. New developments in in the bis building proherp are imminent. Within the next few days, the Housing and Development Board is expected to make some major decisions as a mult of preliminary reports from investigators. These decisions may set back for
    160 words
  • 57 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Turn. —The pupils of St. John's Primary School ha\> donated $610 to the India Famine Relief Fund. The Malaysian chairman of the fund Haii Ibrahim Ma. received the money from the hesd prefect of the school, Jnharl bin Tun Abdul Razak. second son
    57 words
  • 43 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues— The 1 a German ■Wtou „-u.ip >\.il oerform at the i\lala>un Teachers' College hall here on Nov. 18. Tickets at $5 and M rach may be obtained at the Goethe Institute or the Weld Supermarket.
    43 words
  • 130 11 SINGAPORE, Tues—Malaysian Airways will offer their first tourist fares with the introduction of early morning and late night tourist services between Singapore and Kuala Lumpur from Dec. 1. Six flights weekly will be operated by Fokker Friendship aircraft. The services will leav« Singapore at
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  • 265 11 Polish hubby's shoes? Why not? KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Three Malaysian wives today claimed that the Asian woman, unlike her Western counterpart, "thinks nothing about polishing her husband's shoes because she considers it part of her duty as a wife." They were commenting on a report from Hambure. West Germany, which
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 104 11 ONLY $1,200 INSTALLED [eat©n] CAR AIR CONDITIONER j *ISINGAPORE ONtY) rAM iwlf SINGAPORE *****1 UALL rrtH^ KUALA LUMPUR ***** Cure your COUGH t o n i q h t^^T^Bs^ (1 with De Witt's Cough Syrup ■P^Bi STRONG. QUICK-ACTING W^l IMMEDIATE RELIEF gggtrfrj PLEASANT, SWEET TASTE E&Mill He young children uf
      104 words
    • 33 11 T"|om|OOOi\l super-waterproof (guaranteed waterproof to 50 metres) ref. ***** steel case; ***** gold filled, steel back On sale at the best jewellers FAVRE-LEUBA® GENEVE VBMraSWISS ■^fHH^.jH SWISS TRADITION Bl^^PM^^ifl I PRECISION AND QUALITY
      33 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 703 11 TV MALAYSIA CHANNEL S KnaU Lutn- Samurai; 7.3S Los Callaberos; pur and Prnant 6— lpoh and 800 News in Mandarin; 810 Malacca; 3. 10 Johore The Black and White Minstrel Bahru; 4— Taipinf: 7 Batu Show; 8.35 Nimbar Ugama; Pahat; 9 Kluanjc. 900 News in National Lan--5.45 PM. Opening and
      703 words

  • 176 12 Dirt by post: Appeal by police IKSSELTON. Tues.— Police have appealed to the public for their co-opera-tion in clamping down on the sending of obscene articles through the post. People receiving obscene articles or immoral literature are urged to report promptly to the police to help trace the culprits. A
    176 words
  • 543 12 PORT WORKERS ALSO GET $lm BACK PAY KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday AFTER a 21-day hearing that began last May, Penang Port Commission employees were today awarded an estimated $1 million annual wage increase by the Industrial Arbitration Tribunal here. In addition, the tribunal back-dated the claim
    543 words
  • 86 12 gMILING bravely, despite the chill breeze along London's Embank ment, is Kuala Lumpur's Merlyn McKelvie, 19, (Miss Malaysia 1966) who is in London to compete in the Miss World contest. Merlyn, who is finding London in November a far. far colder place than
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  • 225 12 Centre run by MARA to boost sale of batek KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. New designs and colours, aimed at enhancing the export prospects of Malaysian batek, are being developed at the newly-established MARA handicraft development centre in Petaling Jaya. The centre was set up In September to look into the problems
    225 words
  • 43 12 TEMERLOH. Tues. The Sultan of Pahang will pay m> oneweek visit to the district her* beginning on Sunday. A meeting, chaired br the District Officer. Inche Jamaluddls) bin Haji Cjang. waa held here recently to arrange the pro irramme.
    43 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 114 12 Give the Parker T-Ball v. J I V" .aaam "^S?^^:" >• the quality ball pen You wouldn't think of giving an ordinary ballpoint for a gift. But the Parker T-Ball ball pen is no ordinary ballpoint. A quality Parker writing instrument, it's built to last by using the finest materials
      114 words
    • 258 12 TOKUHON H V"y. DASH i\ LIQUID MEDICATED SPRAY HfIJJH A New Medicine mT s^ 1 1 matures: ©It la particularly .pplic.bU to taa apceifi* part* at tfc« MOSt Effective for >"*<.» "here TOKUHON Mtdicai Plaatera do not .tick aaaily. Relieving of Minor Ptina, Restoration of akw^tato iV°£*£'Jl!^??J,'™£*i? enJZS, Muscle Fatigue
      258 words

    • 1272 13 ACTOR-POLITICIAN RONALD REAGAN PLAYS HIS BIGGEST ROLE TO DATE OAKLAND. Tuesday WHO is going to win California? Today America votes in her "off-year elections' to return Senators and members of the House of Representatives to Washington. Also at stake are a number ot
      1,272 words
    • 163 13 THE GREAT LOSER IS WELL ON WAY TO WINNING In the hundred or so films he made in the colden age of Hollywood. Mjuare-jawed Ronald Ki'a;;in alwa;.s managed a erin when he MM InMnc Ihe girl, his fortune. his life. Hr lype-cast a> the perfect loser. The go*4 rut
      163 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 200 13 BBBBBW S' W BBBBBBBBBBbI 4 W _*a^BBBBBBBB^BBBBBB»^ W I BBbI BBBbI 8888 4 bbbbT iirf™ I X $mr H^y^ W L^lbßbV fc *^_d^J BBi V l T W tBBBBBBS»tgB^BSr^£^l l '^B^>l'7? fell fl ■■f M It B a m 9 j& .^e^^Bßßs v JflflH Bf "^*Mt-- BPHHbMMbWBWbV T BWBWB^BHBIbBwI BWBBtB^ttMWBI
      200 words

  • 335 14 niiSPITE the economy squeeze in most timber consuming countries, exports ol" sawn timber from Singapore has not been affected to any great extent. Exports from Singapore had been maintained more or less at a steady level, said Mr. Fong Pin Chee, vice-president of the Singapore
    335 words
  • 136 14 rE East Asiatic Co. Ltd. has appointed Mr. Patrick Lee Kwok Yuen as manager of the printing machinery division in Kuala Lumpur. This division caters for the needs of 160 printing establishments in Central and Eastern Malaya. Mr. Lee is the second Malaysian to be promoted
    136 words
  • 204 14 A leading Australian neckwear manufacturer, Mason Manufacturing Co. Pty. Ltd.. Queensland, Is studying the possibility of extending their manufacturing activities locally. The company, which has expanded its production In recent year*, is now interested in manufacturing locally It Is senqusly considering entering into a lomt venture with
    204 words
  • 214 14 PAL CHIEF IS NEW lATA PRESIDENT MR. BENIGNO P. Toda. jr.. board chairman and president of Philippine Air Lines, has been elected president of the International Air Transport Association for the year 1967-68. The 100-mcniber airline body picked Mr. Toda at tit- 22iul Annual eeneial mertintc in M< nico Cilv
    214 words
  • 83 14 Sime Darby's new agency Slme Darby (Borneo)) Ltd., have been appointed agents in Sarawak. Sabah and Brunei by Thornycrqlt lAlalaysiai Ltd Slme Darby' will handle the distribution In these areas of a full range of marine equipment and fittings Including nbretdass dinghies and launches. The company was also recently appointed
    83 words
  • 50 14 The head of the Gestetner Limited. Mr. David Gestetner. Is now on a 10-day visit to Malaysia. This is part of his Far Eastern tour In which he will meet as many people as possible, including Government officials, and will Inspect branches in the Far East.
    50 words
  • 283 14 NOW FISH SALES CAN BE EXPANDED VIALAY6IA and SlnA gapore could increase their exports of fish and prawns by using the latest food processing methods. This was stated by Mr. E.W. Forth, president of the Frlck Company of the U.S.. who is visiting the area for talks with his company's
    283 words
  • 104 14 !VTK. WONG Food Shing (above) a Singapore citizens and an old boy of Gan tng Seng School, has been promoted by The Chartered Bank as a new assistant officer in the bank's branch system in Singapore. Mr. Wong, who is fluent in a number of Chinese
    104 words
  • 204 14 A UNIQUE training programme which would immediately and visibly improve the problem analysis and decision making abilities of top management personnel will be launched by Esm next year In conjunction with thr I Kepner-Tref-oe Associate*, leading consultants in management development and research facilities. The associates offer three
    204 words
  • 200 14 THE famous makers ot the modem printing press. Schnellpresenfabrik AG Heidelberg, have opened a new research and development centre In Heidelberg to aid printers all over the worlc This was announced In Singapore by Mr. B S. Ransen. manager, printing paper and machinery department of
    200 words
  • 33 14 British sales of new motor vehicles In August fell to their lowest level stnee December 1963 and were 12 per cent below those of August 1965. the Board of Trade announces
    33 words
  • 79 14 The UK. tinplate Industry overall Is quite busily employed both on domestic and export account. The greater rate of the output, however, continues to be absorbed Internally Nevertheless, a considerable amount of oversew Inquiry Is reported, especially from Thailand. Malaysia. Ceylon and South Africa, though competition from
    79 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 359 14 TO-DAY'S DESIGN is the LYNX This modnrn cistern Is hanesome. hyrienic. and efficient i n opera' i on. It flushes at a touch, with a quiet yet powerful «'tion. The shell Is made of blaclc Duranlta and the Kimrnsherslphonmechßnlsmofpolythene-non-corrodlm. raNha, non-airln* and unbreakable. Conforming to BS3 1125. and Water Works
      359 words
      213 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1318 15 ■TMaa^^-i^BrJ TO LIVERPOOL t WEST COAST U.K.. Cue S'pori Sam l**<* »enm| ULYSSES ;xl. Dublin, ClMgota Net 11,11 Net 14 fEIEUS I »»:0001. Dublin Ntt 11 Nit 11 MYRMIDON I tM, Ha»re, Lrvirpool. G <",; Nit 13 Ntt II Not 11/11 Not 14 MENELAUS i ■•■■•soo'. Glasgow Nay 71 Niv
      1,318 words
    • 1326 15 iHt lA»T ASIATIC COUPANT u» tcn»M •> Ow»-»» EXPRESS SAILINGS TO 6ENOA-ROTTERPAM-HAMSURC-AARHUS-COPENHASEN. P. Shan Panani S'Pura I Smua Roam H'burg Aarhut C'hagM AUGODHA I) Nit 15/17 21/21 241/ 2BM i Dtc IS iM 17 OK IB JM I JM S iUMIAWA Oec 25/27 71/21 18/ IJM|ImISJM II JM II Ft!
      1,326 words
    • 1363 15 I B£NBLIM\ EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONOON. LIVERPOOL t CONTINENTAL PORTS. BENCLEUCH H e /X, SH i! Smgapori p t Sham Penang Rotterdiri Oec 11 Il Pt Niv 11 Nit 11/11 M'brough Jai I G'mouth Im 11 nruunklT f <x Southampton Dm 11 HLrlnlAn 1 Liverpool Bk 2S S'ninpore Pt. S'riam
      1,363 words
    • 1319 15 feELLERMAN BUCKHALL S.S. CO., LTD. 11l OVERLEAF FOI OUTWARD SERVICE FROM UK. CONTINENT. Lialug tar. rport P. S'haa PitiMg CITY IF CHESTER Havre, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Bremen. Hamburg 11/11 Nay 14.13 Not Cm 8F NEWCASTLE London. Hamburg. Rottrdam. Havre. Hull II 21 Hrv If Nit i Cm Bf WINNIPEB London. Hamburg.
      1,319 words

  • 128 16 MELBOURNE. Tues. INDUSTRIALS were again steady I with movements narrow and tails exceeded rises. Western Mining continued to lose ground and closed 34 cents lower i at $6 26. Other base metals and oils were steady. Todaya closing prices In Australian dollars and cents with Monday s prices
    128 words
  • 367 16 rpHE following list of selected x Malayan Industrial yields is basrd on last sales to Nov. S: Companies IscaTid In Malaysia far taxation purposes: •P. •D.V. «E.V. «T.C. Average gross dividend yield 8 per > cent (7n per centi. Average Kross earnings yield 12.9 per cent (12.5 per
    367 words
  • 75 16 /■HINESE Produce Eichanxa, Singa- Dore nasn pricn per picul yistir- day: Coconut all: bulk 542 sellers, drum < $44 sellers. Capra: Nov. Dec. UK/Conttneol: L'n- 1 quoted. Sar«v. «k white SlT'.'i sellers, special 1 Sarawak hlack <l-o sellers garbled Lampong hlack $1-5 (N) sellers (H6'i NLW). ASTA (140
    75 words
  • 101 16 'THE Association ol Banks In Malay I na made IkW* changea In Its rates to merchants veaterduy (all rates to 1 0;> United States: htiylns TT 32 11/16. airmail OD 32 13 16. 90 d 'st. 33 5/16 credit bills, 33 9/16 trade bills. Canada: buying TT 351,
    101 words
  • 26 16 Nov. 8. R! BBF.R PRICK W cents (down half a cent). TIN: 5607.25 (up 37* cents). Estimated unofficial offering 240 tons (down 5 tons).
    26 words
  • 603 16 From Our Market Correspondent rE present obsession of the market with Gammon continued unabated on the Stock Exchange yesterday and turnover in the counter rose to 266.000 units. Both ready and delayed business was done from 51.27 to 51. 22 and then slightly recovered
    603 words
  • 29 16 Malji in Stork Indirr* Nov. 7 Nov. 8 •Industrial: 90.34 90.10 Tins: 109.23 UlK.'ll I iulil..-is: 11O.:» 1 10.79 Dll 3« 1963 as 100 Dec. 19b.» 100
    29 words
  • 970 16 DI'SINtSS in and reported to the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Stock txchange yesterday. Kith .the number of the shares traded in orackets: INDUSTRIALS: C.C.M. (8.000) I 40 U, IL'J.OOO) SI. 3D. (2.00O) 51. 40: G S Holding-. $4 H5 SL. (5.000) 52.U4;
    970 words
  • 142 16 CHIPS i yln|(,, a. tha S.nta»*r« Harbour wharvit r .It-day hi Bergenljord I/a Mataiarn 3-4. Manolotvcrett J. AtreuaM i? Robert Maer.k 13 v. Halldor l«. M.kun, Man, 1«. R.^h Brooke 21 /J2 N*w Teh Hu 23 '24. Karachi 33/34 Ulyaaea 34/36. Andrzrj Strug 38,39" Elzan Mara
    142 words
  • 40 16 /yN MM Urn,. m thtt w Horn Kon ycatrrday ih. ut. dollar van quoted at 5 741 for T.T. »n<l A 7:1 for caih. Stirling na« quoted at 16 00 an* •n« tail if gald at 266.
    40 words
  • 458 16 rE Straits tin price rallied by 37} cents to 5607.25 in Penang yesterday on an ottering estimated down 5 tons to 240 tons. Good all-round local support was reported especially from Japan. LONDON: Though tin softened in early trading on Monday following
    458 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1139 16 \\f^*"*'*^lCAWASAK| KISEN KAISHA LTD. D.S.A. PaeUia «t Atlantic Service Btnitol Hwitkoni L Anitlit N. Tori Seinoort Ptinaa.~Ka*f>twi atirt" 1/22 OM 27/11 Otl II JM t Fit M fel tl Ml "Tuin Mars" 21/24 Im 21/11 jii 11 Ftl I Mw 11 Mi. 19 Mm Japan Direct Service Pinint Stnftport ToloMmi
      1,139 words
    • 955 16 P&O to Europe and the United Kingdom s.s. "ORONSAY" (28,000 tent fully airconditiencd ttobilijcd) Departing SINGAPORE 25 Nov 1966 PENANG 26 No. 1966 Arriving LONDON 19 Dec 1966 via Bombay, Aden, Port Said, Piraeus, Naples, Palmo and Rotterdam. LIMITED FIRST AND TOURIST CLASS ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE s.s. "CATHAY" (14,000 torn fully
      955 words
    • 228 16 SPOKt fSMAM PfcNAN<» FTA/6TD ETA/ETD ETA/ETO fROM MADRAS. NAGAPATTINAM "MOHAMMEDI" For Nogapottinam Madras Nov 24/29 Nov 30 Dec 1 fROM AUSTRALIA M.V "VISHVA MAHIMA-i-or Bnngitok Rangoon. Mooroi Calcutto Nov 10/12 Nov 13 Nov 14 FROM JAPAN M.V. "STATE Of MAHARASHTRA" For Madras. Bombay Cochin Nov IS/IS From Japan M.V. "STATE
      228 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 988 17 (Continued trom Pace I*l ACKNOWLEDGMENT it Wordt tIS (Minimum*) MR. A MRS. Lionel Robson thank relatives .inrt frlrnds for their good wlshri*. attendance and gifts on tbe SITUATIONS VACANT IS Word* 54 Mim.)— Box SI cts. txtro EXPERIENCED CENERAL COOK Amah wanted. Kuropcan family 2 children. Muat live In. Tel:
      988 words
    • 1084 17 SITUATIONS VACANT IS Wordt tl (Mim.)— Box U ctt. txtrm < A VACANCY exists In our Kuala Lumpur Oflc* for a Brandy Salesman axed between 26 aad 40 year*. Minimum requirements are Senior Cambridge, two years previous experience ■silaaf liquor, ability to speak three fhinr*e dialects, and a valid drivtnif
      1,084 words
    • 1040 17 ACCOMMODATION VACANT li Wordt tl I Mim.)— Box St rtt. txlm AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. In'urnlshrd Flat. DiMrict 10 Oei Tlong rlam Park. Rent $500 p.m. Available 'rom l»t November. Tel: 2K».J4 Llm i Singapore i KIM LIM PARK Two Storey nemilei'irhed house 4 Bedrooms Fullj burnished Servant* room. Flat al luniilin
      1,040 words
    • 955 17 EDUCATION It Words U (Mim.)— Box il et*. txtrm ENROLMENTS NOW OPEN For 1967 0.8.C. and H B.C. Selene* and Arts at i S'por* Commercial School (opp. Rex). 8 pore 277*7 NOW IS YOUR Malay progressing? Improve your knowledge of the I language i> reading Benta Harmn t dally, the
      955 words
    • 865 17 RUGS, CARPETS CURIOS IS Words U (Mim.)— Box ctt. txtrm WHAT IS MORE Luxurious than wall-to-wall carpeting. Be* the rang* of colour* available Quotations gladly given. Call Tal Ping Carpets. 417 River Valley Road, Spore *****. Sole distributors for custom carpets Australia a Bnest Shipment Arrived of PERSIAN A BOKHARA
      865 words
    • 987 17 VEHICLES FOR SALE li Wordt tl (Mim.)— Box tl ctt. txtrn 1983 FORD ZEPHYR Six company owned vehicle In good condition, fitted with Mlchehn X tyre* 12.800 on o. Tel: (B'pore) *****3. LATE I»S7 FIAT T.V excellent condition (I.HOO 0.n.0. aaiy HP. arranged vl*w 172. Buklt Ttmah Road 8' port
      987 words
    • 796 17 MISCELLANEOUS It Words U (Mim.) R«x it Hi. txtrm GENERAL SPRAY PAINTINC/ REPAIRS Refrigerators. S hours customers bouse Telephone B'por* *****. RE-SPRAY, PAINTING Your Refrlnrrator at reasonable tei-ms— s4o.oo for fridge up to 7 cv. ft. Free loan for frlds* arr*ns*ahle. We aim undertake maintenance service/ repairs lor sirconditioners Contact
      796 words
    • 372 17 WHERE TO STAY (S'porc) IS Words U (Mim.)— Box SO ctt. txtrm SOUTH EAST ASIA HOTEL Rar/ Rpstmirsnt. IPO Waterloo St.. S'pora. HOTEL AMBASSADOR SEASIDC 40 Meytr Road. Spore. Dancing nilhtly. Kxcrllrnt «c< omincxiit ;on and yet cheapest In comparison. Tel: 4T:iui. TIONC HOA HOTEL Bur Ri-ntmi-rant. dancing run' i
      372 words

  • 517 18 IN SINGAPORE TAN HOWE LIANG, Singapore's most successful inter national weightlifter, last night qualified for next months' Fifth Asian Games at Bangkok. He lifted 832-lb in the final trials to beat by 22-lb the qualifying standard of 810 for the lightweight division. Howe Liang. 33
    517 words
  • 157 18 IN BANGKOK BANGKOK, Tues. Formosa's hope for the pentathlon gold medal at the Asian Games. Chi Cheng, has arrived here to acclimatise herself to Bangkok's hot and humid weather. She is accompanied by her American coach Vince Reel. The 22-year-old athlete, who is a physical education
    Reuter  -  157 words
  • 18 18 The Malacca Hockey Association will hold their annual meeting on Nov. 20 at the MiUm Hi"h
    18 words
  • 72 18 SOC'CKK Bay Icy Cup a-flnal (Taiping): Thenavan 6 M. Engineers 0. RUGBY UNION Milsum Trophy (Klang): Klang Club 21 VIOBA 13. L. Perak League (T. Anson): Combined Schools 18 DTC 8. GOLF Sl- Patanl Club stroke competition: 1 Col E. R. Hill (33i nett); 2 Foo Chee Eng (34).
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  • 250 18 Nonis stars in 7-1 win HOCKEY SINGAPORE 7 SERVICES 1 SINGAPORE Civilians, the national team, greatly encouraged by the news that hockey entries for next months Asian Games can still be accepted, played superbly yesterday to beat Combined Services in the annual Poppy Day match on the padang. Singapore Hockey
    250 words
  • 43 18 The Johore Bahru and Royal Navy Cycling Club have invited A>ian Games riders from Malaysia and Singapore to take part in the club's first anniversary 62 miles road race on Nov. 20. The event will also be the Army championship road race.
    43 words
  • 26 18 LONDON. Tues. Result of an English Football League Cup fourth round match played last night: West Ham T Leeds 0 (winners away to Blackpool). Reuter.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 163 18 CHENG WAH .3 KINTA INDIANS...- 1 AFTER a shaky start, Cheng Wah settled down to well-controlled football to outplay Kinta Indians in the RDY Cup final of the Ipoh District knockout soccer competition at Stadium Perak yesterday. Cheng Wah were awarded
    163 words
  • 359 18  - IN MALAYSIA Team to leave in five groups M. RAHMAN By r THE Malaysian conx tingent to the flfth Asian Games at Bangkok on Dec. 9-20 will leave in five groups on thiee days from th« Kuala Lumpur international airport. Two groups will leave on Dec. 1 and another two
    359 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1177 18 ■ww-i-Him.'i'h-il PENANG PORT COMMISSION BtTTTEKWORTH DEEP WATER WHARVES DEVELOPMENT OF RECLAIMED AREAS The Commission will shortly Invite tenders from qualified contractors for the construction of roads, buildings and general oversite works on the reclaimed area behind the new Butterworth Wharves. Only contractors registered with P W.D. as Class A Heads
      1,177 words
    • 663 18 TENDERS j KENYATAAN TAWARAN BEMILA J.K.R. DUNGUN, TRENGGANU. Tawaran darlpada pemborong2 yang berdaftar dl-J.K.R., kelas 'EX. 'E' dan D' di-bawah kepala IV K. Kechil 7 akan di-terima dlPejabat jurutera Kerja Kanan, JKR., Dungun dan Kemaman, Dungun hingga pukol 12 tengahari pada 15hb November. 1966. UNTOK MENYEDIA DAN MENYIAP- KAN LONGKANG2
      663 words
    • 736 18 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS KERAJAAN KELANTAN JAWATAN KOSONG PERMOHONAN2 ada-lah dlJemput daripada Warga Negara Persekutuan bagl perlatekan kajawatan Juruteknlk (Awam) sej ntentara dl-atas asas sa-bulan ka- sabulan bagl Ranchangan Kemajuan dl-Pejabat Parlt dan Tallayer Kelantan dl-atas tangga-gajl $122.50x7.50-152 50 Galangan Kebangsaan Pertama 237x14-349 Galangan Kechekapan 394x14- -< 506 bersekali dengan elaun sara
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 44 18 HOCKKY Spore Div. 1: University v SRC: Ceylon SC v Prisons; 19 Signals v Combined Schools: Police v RAF Changl. S'cor Dlv. 3: EPF v Municipality tat Pantait: Airways v MCIS i at Brickfields). Perak Govt Services: G. Gajah v Police (Ipoh Padang). SOCCER
      44 words
    • 267 18 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 4. Flask has r mount, perhaps, 8. Does fresh harm to U.K. In containing raised work (7). the Sudan <B>. 5. Horses found with a pin? (4). 9. Turning momentarily from 6. Are. nigged types sir and royalist or queen (6). possibly soldiers (96). 10. Backed
      267 words

  • 967 19 The way is clear for Sir Argent WITH PIZARRO II OUT. CIR ARGENT, runner-up to Pizarro II over s£f last Sunday, is a good thing in Race Six, the only Class One event at Kuala Lumpur this afternoon. With Pizarro going for the Hcnggeler Stakes (for top division sprinters) on
    967 words
  • 138 19 lImiMJHT CALL BOY POINTER C INFORMER SPARTAN S. KID Race 1 Shanghai Kid Shanghai Kid Lord Francis Blur Martial S. of Silver Chief Informer S. CHANGE TAPAGEVP. S CHANGE Race 2 Fraser's Green Small Change Sooehow Jade Sceptre Jade Seeptr* Jade Sceptro HALF CROWN HALF CROWN LOVABLE Race 3
    138 words
  • 1273 19 COINC FORECAST: Yielding to toft Race 1-2.0 Class 5 Div 2 ($4,300) 6f 1 ***** Blue Martial g cHock Huati Bagby Jr 7 9.0 (F) *Kanj 8 2 28C55 Lord f rands a (WM Valt) R Breuk. 8 8.13 rules 7 1 n.'.iOT Star of Silver a (Shlnlnu
    1,273 words
  • 154 19 \Vaphington, Tim 9m Ma .s Analin and Canada's (irnrge K»yal worked out on crass ye.sterday for Fridays running of the. USslso,ooo Washington International at Laurel nceoDUM. Analin. who finished third in the race in 1964. went about a milr and was clocked in 1:45 4
    AP  -  154 words
  • 61 19 juiklv iokm sives placlrgs of the past 15 mounts of the top 12 riders. Latest placing Is on the right Coles (8.1 1 *************** < oilman (7 8) *************** Pretty (711) *************** Posner (7.8) *************** Nelson (7.9) *************** Trevena (7.12) *************** Kingston (78j *************** Weir (7.8) 2OOOOOOIOIOOOOD Harbrldge
    61 words
  • 220 19 SYDNEY. Tues. Bill Waterhouse, the Sydney bookmaker, got the best of a gigantic betting duel with a New South Wales punter on the Australian Oaks day at Flemington last week. In the Oaks Waterhouse »c crnted a bet of A 520.000
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  • 254 19 Aussies win with day to spare CRICKET SALISBURY. Tues.-The Australians scored a crushing eight wicket victory over Rhodesia with more than a day to spare In their four-day cricket match— the first major fixture of their South African tour— here yesterday. Set to make 108 runs to win In their
    Reuter  -  254 words
  • 156 19 US GO OUT AS RALSTON LOSES TO MANDARINO THE BRAZILIAN NO 2 IJRASILIA, Tues. Edson Mandarino, the Brazilian No 2, beat Denis Ralston, the American No 1 and ranked fifth in the world, to bring off a shock 3-2 win over the United States in their inter-zone
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 74 19 BYDNEY, Tues— Tony Roche. Australian Davis Cup tennis player, said he was inclined to reject a $30,000 offer to turn professional, according to the Sydney Morning Herald. "It's a lot of money and It needs a lot of thought," Roche said. Another young Australian
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 30 19 MEXICO CITY, Tues.—Mexican Olympic Games organu>rr.*> yesterday officially opened the office controlling hotel and lodgings for spectators at the ltth Olympic Games to be held here in 1968.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 25 19 LONDON. Tues. Results of Rugby Union matches played last night: Palmouth H St. Berts Hospital 3; Merchlstoniana 16 Old Merchants Tailors 11 Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 181 19 Award for Moore and team LONDON, Tues. Bobby Moore (above), the captain, and his teammates In England's World Cup winning squad won the "sportsman of the Year" Award made yesterday by the British Sports writers' Association. Tim is the first tin.,- In its 20 years history that the association have
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
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    • 130 19 Fastest ledger posting machine in me low cost Held is the Burroughs F3OOO The powerful Burroughs F 3000 yet costs little more than an ordlhandles high-speed specialized nary bookkeeping machine! Preposting, general accounting, man- programmed for your specific agement report writing or any jobs, it is highly automatic, offer* combination
      130 words

  • 279 20 Armed mob assaults shop owner KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. A mob, armed with parang and sticks, broke into a provision shop at Kampong Pand a n here last night and assaulted the proprietor. The police said that after attacking him, one of the mob set fire to a wooden partition in
    279 words
  • 118 20 SINGAPORE. Tues— A man. who since 1952 had been given two jail sentences totalling 16 years, today failed In a Federal Court appeal against a High Court sent- ence of seven years' jail in a firearms case. Cbua Boon Teck. 32. had been arrested in
    118 words
  • 61 20 SINGAPORE, Tues— The Public Daily-Rated Health Workers Union, one of the 13 affiliates of the Public Daily-Rated Employees' Unions Federation, will take a strike ballot on Nov. 20. It will be the sixth affiliate to take the ballot after the federation's two-week ultimatum to the Government to
    61 words
  • 89 20 LEE SOON LEE, M. Borneo Motor*. K L pasurd away H-11-H6 leaving behind wife. 7 sons. S daughter!. 3 aoo>-ln-law. 3 dauKhteni-ln-lmw and grand children. Cortege leaves 6 m* Cheng, Malacca (or Jelutong 11.30 a.m. 10-11-66. PAUV ANG HOC SAY (JambuK 64. paiaed away In K U ot.
    89 words
  • 63 20 IN LOVING MEMORY of Albert Edward OmUm dud •t-ii-fis We mix* you so much and alwajr* will IN EVER LOVING Mi-mnry of Dato l)r I it D.-arly ml»--*d. but ninny* rrtnrmlN r<d l>y hi* lovrd om IN LOVING MtMOBV of Mary I Kll.-.ihc-th Ch.,|.in.,ri laid to rent two
    63 words
  • Article, Illustration
    69 20 A pause to meet Edgar and Freckles' family... PRESIDENT Johnson plays with a new litter of beagles on the south grounds of the White House as the pup's parents, Edgar (left) and Freckles, look on. The President was en route to board his helicopter for a (light
    UPI  -  69 words
  • 157 20 Venice faces new menace from sea VENICE, Tuesday. NORTHERN Italy, devastated by the worst floods in the nations history, today faces a new menace from the sea. Venice, already halfcrippled by storms, is desperately fortifying Its sea dykes as meteorologists forecast worse weather to come. A leading Venetian engineer warned
    157 words
  • 40 20 SINGAPORE. Tuev Two Lee Kuo Chuan scholarships to Malay secondary school pupils for 1968. I each valued at $180 a year and paid from Lee Foundation funds. have been awarded to Nordin bin Jainon and Rohana bte Osman.
    40 words
  • 37 20 SINGAPORE. Tues. Fourteen Singapore amateur magicians will take pan in a magic competition at the Cultural Centre at 8 p.m. on Saturday. It is organised annually by the Internationa] Brotherhood of Magicians, Singapore Ring 115.
    37 words
  • 51 20 SINGAPORE, Tues.— The Singapore Cigarette BUU Holders Association has asked the Government to allow stall-holders who are not Singapore citizens to be licensed so that they can continue with their business. The Government has ruled that hawkers who are not citizens will not be issued with
    51 words
  • 309 20 LONDON, Tues— A technical recovery In golds and a rally In British funds after earlier dullness featured the London stock market today. The drying up of recent selling in golds and some covering led to gains of several shillings In some Issues. Elsewhere. Industrials eased fractions on further
    309 words
  • 56 20 LONDON, Tues.— Spot 19>).d., Dec. 19>*d., Jan. ISHd.. Feb. 199 16d. Jan. M»:rch 19 9 16d April/June 204 d., July/Sept. 20 3 16d.. Oct Dec. 20 3 16d Jan. March 20>4d., April/June 20\d., July/Sept. 20Ud.. Oct. Dec. 20'< d., c.if. Nov. 18 7 i,d., Dec. 19 1 lfid Jan.
    56 words
  • 30 20 LONDON, Tues— Buyers £1210 i E2i. sellers £1211 (+£>). Forward buyers £1212', (+£2^). sellers £***** (+*l%), Settlement £1210 (-f-£2). Turnover ajn. 195 tons, p.m. 25 tons. Tone: Steady but Inactive
    30 words
  • 36 20 SINGAPORE. Tues— The Singapore Polytechnic Buddhist Society, in co-operation with the Catholic Society and the Muslim Society, will hold a forum entitled "Why Religion?" at the Polytechnic lecture theatre at 7 p.m. tomorrow.
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  • 159 20 1/-UALA LUMPUR, Tues. The chief of the Armed Forces Staff, Gen. Tengku Osman bin Tengku Mohamed Jewa, today appealed to all Malaysians to donate generously to the Poppy Day Fund. He said here: "Let us not forget that so many died so that
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  • 203 20 Fisheries goodwill committee holds first meeting PENANG, Tuesday TME fisheries goodwill committee, formed by the x Minister of Agriculture and Co-operatives Haji Mohamed Ghazali bin Jawi, on Oct. 31 to foster good relations between inshore and licensed trawler fishermen, held its first meeting today at the Bangunan Syed Putra. The
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  • 88 20 SINGAPORE, Tues. The Second Industrial Arbitration Court will hear a trade dispute between Handlooms. an Indian government-run textile corporation, and the Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers' Union at 10.30 a.m. on Nov. 16. The hearing relates to an application to extend by another three
    88 words
  • 395 20 - PENANG, Tues. A motion to fully support the view expressed by the Prime Minister last month that "the use of the English language in Malaysia must continue" will be moved at the State Assembly's budget meeting on Nov. 16. The IDP opposition leader. Dr.
    395 words
  • 165 20 Party death: Sgt. wins appeal ONDON, Tues.— An RAF sergeant found guilty of manslaughter at a courtmartial in Singapore was freed today by the courts-martial court of appeal here. Sgt. Albert Kelly of Darlington. Northern England, was found not guilty in Singapore on March 4 of murdering Flight Sgt. Thomas
    165 words
  • 108 20 Clairvoyant to solve lost children mystery SYDNEY. Tues.— A Dutch clairvoyant has arrived in Australia to try to solv« the mystery disappearance of three children. Mr Gerard Croiset told reporters on his arrival here last night that a series of vision! led him to t>elieve the children were buried under
    108 words
  • 62 20 SINGAPORE, Tue*.— The T» Men's Club's luncheon meeting on Saturday at the Troika Restaurant, will be devoted to the "tourism" theme, with Mr. S.T. Ratnam. director of the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board, as guest speaker. Mlss Mollie Aug. "Miss Tourism. and runners-up Miss Ang Chin Geok and
    62 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 91 20 1 Late CLASSIFIEDS I 20 Word* $1$ Minlmuwj SIVANATHAN: To unit Siva daughter IVrvm Nowmhrr 7 (Vncral Hoapltal T«ipinn. Thank* to IHxtors and Staff. IOW To Svlvla and Fan Yam ion on 7-11-66 at Mi Alvrrnla. Thank* to God, also Doctor, 'SIMm and Nurara. PONNUDURAI: To Norlinr and Jty«m
      91 words
    • 70 20 just click viflr and write... inL^ _< W^^m W i■! m m mßH^my rTVH VMS WJM IMF Tb. m»m and shvttcr epmi/»lurt ■ntfcanlw. It 111 ccropiUuhr jT»ri>r»iib«< tv pr% v*M t ink *rf If, II I H 1 4K O#M Ptat P.ns#lnf I 1 •n* 14K foM »tiy»hrt b ititgmti
      70 words