The Straits Times, 6 September 1966

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 27 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150.000 11)H Natiiinal The Straits times E»t IMS Tl ESDAY. SEPTEMBER A. I96t> 15 CENTS MC (P) Ifi.'i KDN 2HS4 :SI 14
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  • 185 1 CINCAPOKK Mon. Tht- strike by Ht reporters, subeditors, artists and phntojjr <phrrs at Times House here Has settled today. Thr following joint xUtemrnt was issued: "The management of th r Straits Times Press (Malm) Ltd .«ml thr Silica pore I'nion of Journalists met today in
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  • 54 1 Mon.— Ihf Prime M.nj-'cr Mr.-. Indir* Gandhi, told Parliamfrr 'brain drain" had .Tfiectcri India 'i highlv-regard«i Rnrrgv CntruniMion. r mr senior ABC .■c:fn;iAt* hud BonP abroad but none wrip at the lop level. Many n( India's better educated ■a shroud where they can fan
    AP  -  54 words
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    29 1 BCHiOIA. Mon A strong prfrMiqinke nvkwi Bogota last meht. killing at iMst eight people. inmniiß at least 40. and widespread panir in d churches, stadiums and -A.P.
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  • 787 1 The Caribbean system— or interchangeability of the two currencies possible, says Tan Kuala Lumpur, Monday MALAYSIA and Singapore could "arrange for the interchangeability of our two currencies after June 12 next year if the desire is there," the Minister of Finance, Mr. Tan Siew Sin, said today.
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  • 399 1 CHAMBER STARTS A CAMPAIGN TO SA VE THE DOLLAR SINGAPORE. Monday. A campaign to urge the Singapore and Malaysian Governments to reconsider their decision to have separate currencies from next June has been started by the Chinese Chamber of Com!ce here. rill mlist the support other chambers In the >lie.
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  • 29 1 Jakarta. Mon— Sixteen men drowned and three others were missing about three-quarters of a mile offshore In Jakarta Bay today following the sinking of a motor launch
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  • 198 1 JAKARTA. Mon. TPHE Indonesian Government has decided on the export procedure to Singapore "through payment based on definite guarantee," Radio Jakarta reported today. The decision was taken by the Ministers for Trade. Maritime Affairs, and Finance toseihor with the Governor of Bank Negara Indonesia
    UPI  -  198 words
  • 71 1 CEREMBAN. Mon. A lone {unman this afternoon robbed the assistant manager of Kuban* Estate at Nilai. 19 miles from here, of the rotate payroll. An estate source said the robber removed several planks from a wooden bridge forcing the assistant managers car to stop
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  • 38 1 JAKARTA. Mon. A special military tribunal In Medan, north j Sumatra, has passed the death sentence on former Col. Mallki. i who was charged with complicity in last October's abortive Com- munlst-backed coup— UPl. I
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  • 72 1 LONDON. Mon. An 80--year-old husband married only 18 months demanded today that the Southwark Borough Council put a double bed in his new furnished flat. The council owns the flat. "How can we enjoy our married life in separate beds?" asked Leonard Jones, "its lust not right."
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  • 46 1 RABAT. Mon— Kin* Faisal of Saudi Arabia arrived here venterday for a week-lone State visit. The Arabian Monarch, honoured with a 21-Kun salute was met. at the airpow by his host. King Hasnan 11. A State dinner «v held laat night.
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  • 154 1 ALL SMILKS AS THE ROYAL TRAIN PULLS OUT Xl ALA 1.1 !MP( K. Mon. The Yang di-Per-tuan AconK and thr K n i PirmaiNun Aeonu I- It Kuala Lumpur >"> train today for a >r\i-n d.i> official vi>it to Kriantan and Trencganu ycstrr<l.i\ Their .Maie>ti<> m«t»: received at the station
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  • 33 1 BANGKOK Mon. The Chief of New Zealand's General Staff Mai. -Gen. Walter McKinnonarrived here vest rid. iv by ;i:i I from Kuhl.i Lumpur for a iliree- 1 day fact-findin« visit Kru;
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  • 149 1 'Killer of 100' shot dead in Pattani DANOKOK, Mum a ith Th iila nd's most i bandit leaden shot rirad in <;un hn(tlr with police in a village in Pat tain Province yesterday, pnhre reported. Saw Ma-Den;:. better known as 'Kilirr Hundred.*' on wHom hrad the Governmrt: ed a bis
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  • 37 1 HIM ffiM Of DKPRKSSION BI.ACRPOOI.. Mon Mr Wilson warnrd TIC ionferencc today "one faNe careless step' in international trading and I situation bmM phni: world into a depression had as th.«t of thr 1'» AP.
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    • 26 1 A. bW M/VO POUSM m*4 CIMMbI VaJ*^ b^Bjßt 2^iiiiiij J^^b^b^bsbl tß^^bl f^fmf MH water is King (long may it rain) "TEACHERS" fifty-fifty with tjfgft, SCOTCH WHISKY
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    • 35 1 Mr ■< i fl r Bl2l* lu|ijL1 u|ijL Ik I W 9 Rtsm r WL H&VT" *fl ft y > t Nd 9 |Hto w BI- ■■■■1 D( t" r» I ~**4*stafitfi f r starts with^oC*
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    • 302 2 WASHINGTON, Moniay. A BOUT 25,000 American troops mostly in Air Fcrce units, are now in Thailand, a senior U.S. official said yesterday. In listing this total, the Assistant Secretary of State. Mr. William P. Bundy, said there really was no secret about U.S. activities
      AP  -  302 words
    • 176 2 DHNO.M PENH, Mon r Cambodian Head of State Prince Norodom Sihanouk said here >«•- tcrday that the proposed visit by United State* rnvmr Ambassador Avrrell Hirriman would be possible when America formally recognised Cambodia's frontier*. Prince Sihanouk said on Aut n that
      Reuter  -  176 words
    • 33 2 .JOHANNESBURG. Mon Th* Btatleti have bern banned from South Africa because the Government feel* their presence «ould not be in the interest* of :h* country the Sunday Time* >»id yesterday.— AP.
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    • 110 2 'TOKYO. Mon— About 80 militant Japanese students staged a snake-danc-ing demonstration in front of the United States Naval Air Base in Yokosuka. near Tokyo, shortly before the U.S. nuclear submarine Sea Dragon docked there this mornins. Two students were arrested This is the 12th
      Reuter  -  110 words
    • Article, Illustration
      30 2 SAIGON Mnn-T»n trrnrtMS on a mn'nr-ryr.e tamed at a vou'h re-educHtmn ti nearby Gia Dmh ywtei wounded s policeman oi thert. Th* terronsis t%aAP .a rml n insurgent
      AP  -  30 words
    • 26 2 TOKYO. Mon. Pt. China has issued n.s 41 l'rt Wlou* warning" w: that VM plane* rtoiated nene-rlaimed sir snare three time* on Saturday. AP
      AP  -  26 words
    • 123 2 tXH-ON Mon Mort thin >.so« South K«re m troop* arrl a c ri aboard three I S «hip« loday a« part of the ron •■mine build up of allied forces in Vietnam Their .«m\.il swelled lo about NUN (he force* from oiv nations aiding
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 247 2 Honay a*ut Mfu&& a^awl*^^ j# ijT^ mvilamin MBP^__"_ j WMw W— ißPDliilPi^B^Bli. WONDER TONIC with CANDY TASTE uQ\ Each HICEE is equivalent to 10 oranges (vit. C V I 7&&av you, #tat Beatify Queen- tmfiteum' f?^ Hicee will keep your complexion smooth and clear, free from blemishes. i\^\ It also
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    • 103 2 i BJ b -^^aßfj Hi b^^^t P^^^^b^b^bl •B iiamV md 79 Batteries/Main* operand J SOLID STATE PORTABLE STEREO M RADIO PHONOGRAPH Powerful but incredibly compact Equipped with Garrard turntable. b^b^b^^ TR-840^^^^»^^ 3-BAND, GORGEOUS PORTABLE Extra powerful sound volume, highly 1 sensitive reception, beautifully finished >i W^aL^! M 4 TRACK STEREO/MONO
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  • 756 3  - Kremlin lining up support for open war with Peking SIDNEY WILAND Controlled Press mounts outright attacks on Mao's hardline policy By MOSCOW. Monday J^REMLiN leaders are lining up international Communist support against Peking's hardline "cultural revolution" with signs that the Soviet Communist Party may be ready for a new bout
    Reuter  -  756 words
  • 98 3 PEKING. Mon. Peking's teenace Red Guards have closed down the capital's cemetery for foreigner* and rt named it "anti-im-perialist anti revisionist orchard." Red Guards yesterday turned back foreign diplomats and correspondents who tried to drive to the cemetery. A notice said foreigners were banned from visiting
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 215 3 China closes exhibition at Leipzig after row over Mao's pictures WEST BERLIN, Mon pHINA shut its exhibition at the Leipzig Fair yesterday following a dispute with the East German organisers over the display, the West German News Agency DPA reported. The agency said the Chinese had refused an East German
    Reuter  -  215 words
  • 93 3 Prayers offered for the in parish church I ONDON. Mon— Prayers for the pound sterling were said in a parish church in Bentley yesterday The Rev. Raymond Wilcox. the Vicar, said: •Dunns the war we had national days of prayer. 1 ice no reason why we should not have pr
    AP  -  93 words
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  • 266 4 MALACCA. Monday. if HK veUiin.irv centra Kluang, which was opened by the Minister of Agriculture and (Cooperatives on AIM. 2!). has been temporarily closed bCCTUf 28 <>1 the *JS trainees at the mi tie boycotted a social on the night of the opening. The
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  • 132 4 50 food shops combine SINOAPORE. Mon. Fifty local food supplying companies and shops have formed the new Singapore Food Supplier Association with the main aims of promoting business activities, and to create a co-operative atmosphere among themselves The association, registered in April and with office in Allenby Road, held their
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  • 318 4 LONDON. Mon The Londo stock market was firm with sma but steady Investment buyin pushing prices up Business, hoy. ever, was not large on TUC ai^ Commonwealth Prime Ministerconferences considerations am. rises were generally out of proportion to actual business done Stoics pained on comment that they should
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  • 60 4 LONDON. Mon. Spot 18Hd.. Oct. 18% d.. Nov. 18<,d. Dec. 18 15 16d. Oct Dec 18Hd Jan' March 19 5 lfid April June 19 11 16 d. July Sept. 19\d., Oct.Dec. 19 13 16d.. Jan Mar 19 7 vd April June 19 T »d.. elf. S*pt. 18 1 16d..
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  • 29 4 LONDON. Mon —Buyers £1235 «-£s>. sellers £1237 (+£6>. Forward buyers £1216 i-"-£3i. sellers £1217 (+C», Settlement £1240 (+£l1 1 Turnover a.m. 12S tons, p.m. 20 tons. Tone: Inactive.
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  • 35 4 SINGAPORE. Mon —The AngloCninese School Bo>s Brigade (12th Singapore Company i will be holding i heir annual Inspection and display at the school grounds in Barker Road at 4 pm on Sept 10
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  • 28 4 SINGAPOHE. Mon The University of Singapore's Democratic Socialist Club will celebrate Its second anniversary with a dinner and dance at the Dragon Room on Sept 10
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  • 30 4 SINOAPORE. Mon —Boys' Town Singapore, has organised a "Sep. u-mber Nlt«" Dance at the Ocean Park Hotel on Saturday In aid of the Boys" Town Maintenance Fund
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  • 120 4 Singapore recital by Polish prodigy SINGAPORE. Mon. International concert pianML Miss Ruth Slcncxynska (above), noted for her interpretations of Polish composer Chopin's works, is to give a recital in Singapore on Sept. 28. Miss Sltncxynska has won many awards and honours, including the Polish Cross of Merit "for bringing Chopin's
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 519 4 Ga a Fiia Prtawn TbvrUay Bth Stpt at 930 pa la atf tf A^tt CMmm ScfeMl MMMf fw* Celebrating its 90th Anniversary Mw tfc* Int i«f ushtd Pttrtaaft tf If Stt TbMf Et^iirf J i AT SHAWS I AI^ITOL SINGAPORE SEASON STAKTS f HID AY 9th HPT. '^T3 I i
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    • 170 4 BIRELEY'S PRESENTS WRESTLING 9.00 p.m. GAY WORLD STADIUM Sunday September 11th, 1966. jOt THE GREATEST FIGHT rV^ OF THE YEAR SEE! The Samson of Indian films in action! S '*J OARA SINGH Officiol Heavyweight Chompion of All Indio 1952-1966, chompion of the Commonversus jjlto' I THE MAORI THUNDERBOLT »W JOHN
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    • 66 4 I ■BHB^BBBBBBBBBBB^BBBB^BaaBBaaV _UWM[_ Refreshes! Cleanses Deodorizes Wherever you go, go froth I Stay fresh I Just wipe your hands and face! No soap! No water! No towel I Just carry a few packets of Lavex the convenient "freshness-sealed-in" packs. Get Lavex from any good dealer or The Federal Dispensary
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    • 289 4 ODEON THEATRE GALA PREMIERE -TOMORROW AT 900 p.m. SEASON FROM THURSDAY BTH SEPT OAIIT 4 SHOWS. <I«a*. 2 JO. 1 ADMISSION »l SO. WlO I M NO Mil LIST I From the age of magnificence EBtP|HH R^EBBS comesane^ pr j^^MHH magnificence in f W mooon pictures «iw QiMtUON REX m
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    • 487 4 •ORGANISATION* I BJ Olß^H[^aaT*^B^Ls??9 IJMI DAY 111 10 4410 II I Ihe RUSSIANS we tONlftl" I 1 be RUSSIANS are COMINC I -i»>on A Cc» MM k NIXT CMAMCI k MAn louiO uti KILLtU B ft-iJe<j»iß|] 3^23 No. Bkeveaf II *****08 t WJ I THt MATIMU SEAoON .TMUBIOAT *Jopm PRtMIIBI
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  • 2067 5 It's a purely political decision— counsel PENANG CITY COUNCIL INQUIRY: 30th DAY Dato Ismail bin Mohamed Jamil, told the Abdul Aziz minion ioday that the Ptnang utl v c Council a decision to hold the present inqun a.leged City Council malis 'not ly' contrary to advice ot its officials. Dato
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  • 375 5 of inquiry? They are not very serious allegations. Referring to the alienation relating to the appointment to oil ices without obtaining confirmation, under Section It <A> of the Municipal Ordinance, Mr. Meek said that thib section dealt with the office and not with individual
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  • 263 5 l; i L i.i mpi k. >lon —A 17-yi old bo> told M year old wireman .titrr he liad roM>«il him of tils watch, that he rould have it hack if Ik- rould beat him in a fight. The robber
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  • 49 5 PENANU Mou. Ihe prlnof the M.iiir.d.i! an: Sunday School Yen P Premaratuna. will give a talk on ihas Contribution to I •he monthly dinner gathering of the Penang centre of the World Fellow. -hip of Buddhists at the Rubber Trade A n here on Wednesday nmht.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 348 5 NOISELESS INSTANTANEOUS SHARP ELECTRONIC DESK CALCULATOR ALL TRANSISTORISED MODEL: CS-2OA INSTANTANIOOS CONVfNIfNT )O KCY OPERATION THt lafeit vlican trmm%nt»r% **»4. «nk« Simple «n« tealproe* kcrkaara camkixatia* »t caltMtatiant in mmma s»..a A *j' t automatic indication of dkimal luattractian 4 m »ac. POINT Otc.mal »«int it aMMMfe ada«. 4 •»<<
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    • 225 5 tPmaaSfl^aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai WBl Ttl L' fc**£J^aK 1 i aaW Jm\ I alw y the right way to healthy hair i—^W £>xene Medicated Shampcx) f JB^Bl ou make a lasting impression on people v ith your soft hIIUJmuIMi shining hair. Regular use ot LOXLM Medicated ffaOTlfflg»i Shampoo is the right way to
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 40 5 Bugs Bonny By Ralph Heimdahl dwat: xmN K see va lateO i i PVV £EZ M<3: SYLVESTER! USKi (GO OUTSIDE IP "-r-I- SORCV, I VOUWANTTO JF7 ELMES: SvwATCttyOUPLANi V THAT'LL HELP TILL VA C'm\ K_i(sj HEBE? j \\//4 I Mi
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 215 6 THE CASE OF .1 MAGISTRATE WHO WAS MISDIRECTED 0N... Judge: Bench expectcorrect guidance and submission on law from counsel IPOH, Mod \J j held in High Cuun hcic today that wid ju<:_ should U able to tped lioni the i gun: d submission on law, i
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  • 245 6 LEARNED COUNSEL'S DEFENCE SUBMISSION WRONG IN LAW: JUDGE the car were called to smvp evidence without being examined by the prosecution. It was no wonder, he added, that the public prosecutor had urged as his mam ground of appeal that the magistrate had erred in law and in procedure when
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  • 20 6 MACHANG. MM. Thf Ma- < hang Town Council will mff »t the district nfflce here on Sept. 13. I
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    48 6 RAl'B Mum- Dt Ba.shambar Natli Ctakn Of Kuantan. n<t* .sMinifd duty as me Mmliol Officrr in nurse m thP Distnri Hofpunl ben. He micteod.s Dr Andrew Fuig vho ha*, been transferred ti> the Gener.i! HtvsDUnl in Kuala Lumpur. XIA Born In Peking but success In London
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  • 94 6 XIA WILL TEACH CHINESE ON THE BBC lON DON. Mon. The BBC Is to start radio lessons on how to IpMk Chinese. And broadcaMiin; chiefs h.n-r chose i pretty PekuiKborn Xia Liv t.i be the teacher Xia her name ■mv "rainbow' works in the Chinese .section f the BECs oreraeaa
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  • 16 6 IjWCLrsiON of the rirht of cross-exam-ination of defence witnesses has occasioned a miscarriage of justice.
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  • 58 6 RMAF men off on course KIWI A 1 IMI'IR. Mon. Three offlrm and 18 ani premiers from th<" Royal Malaysian Air Force v ill leave for Br:--t.iiii onioi ti rv. Id uiidergf) tur:lier training. 'Hip offiCCn will ar-rnd a one^ yrar siznal> course v. hiie 'he appretvue.s will attend a
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  • 125 6 Medical insurance success: Premiums waived I. I \l.\ 1.1.MPl K. Mon. l.sMi s medical insurance plan for rm-ploM-ts the first of its kind in Wrst MaUjsia— has scored another first with a dividend distribution in the form of a waiver on premium pa> ments This is due to the fa\ourahlr
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  • 186 6  -  Alan Khoo From UONG KONG. Mon Three Singaporeans were today given iail terms from two to eight year.s for smuggling 404 lb of raw opium Into Hong Kong. They are Foo Kwok Po. second Engineer. Wong Ah 800 and Ong Jee Sic. both greasers o
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  • 243 6 REFUTES RUMOURS ABOUT PULL-OUT JESSELTON Mon. The Minister of bah Attain and Civil cc. Tun llustapha bin Oat 11 Hanm, today related rumours whii h ted the border areas In Babah would be wicfe open and that the states security would be romproniisod due to tho withdrawal ot Commonwealth forces.
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  • 111 6  - U.N. expert to study Sabah transport projects J Francis From j Mon A I lons F,inthn\. line make prethe study of transportation proih imdrr the Ri Plan On 1 > by Ad to ib" Mr h > >cr.i:nmr. Ever project would be thor backand econom /'crspecticc pal proper pei pectivc
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  • 51 6 KUAI i t Mli n Ibrahim HllMtein "Im IoM I ihrr»-and-a-hai' <:e paining I h.« worfcl today nfTcred a "special re. w.»rd for ;he return of the painting I *m no' potng to fjty »hat it I la, bu' .t miii Of a »urpriae g.ftt* 'he
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    • 287 6 Men who depend on split-second timing wear Rolex irth^'V^rmL^nhrl Ws^^K^^A I Mul()| 1 I;u lv a/laMßcrons occupalion and the men who lake part in il know thai their life ran depend or me formula Libre M^^^M J^B^BS^m "^W s P litsc t c P ll(l limin g/ (l accurate judgment.
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  • 202 7 AAS hits at car permits law to cross Causeway S\PORE. Automobile Assmgapore rxpressed en;ring \fh\< I circulation Drrrn. 't' 1 J'Jhor new in oeen m but both Malay* .pore have I g free t raffle between wo countries. A shadow We fall 'o see. however. that thirt ;■>. at
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  • 329 7 \SE OF THE GEORGE TOWN TAKE-OVER KUALA LUMPUR, Monday THE Prnang State Government and us Chief Minister, lan Sn Wong Pow Nee. today tailed in then second attempt to prevent the -ututional legality of the George Town take-over coming before the courLs. An appeal by
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  • 210 7 JUDGES HERE HA VE THE POWER...' tent with that of the Federal Government which has in the last session of Parliament Mi. Mooney referred to the Lord President's order granting them leave to stan legal proceeding* as "an order which merely Is a matter of opinion that >ometh.n2 la arguable."
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  • 311 7 There must be no rivalry among depts in dealing with public— Razak ALOR STAR. Mon. 'PHE Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, 1 today stressed the need for fullest co-ordina-t: m of all departmental heads and elected representatives in implementing the Governments national development projects. "There should not be any
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  • 62 7 IPOH. Moo. Lee Kheong. Kok, 22. was latally Injured when hLs motor cycle bur>t into flames after a collision with a car at the 49i mile. Ipoh-Kuala Lumpur road yesterday. His pillion r'.der. Low Kn; Peng. 19. wa.s admitted to the Tanjong Malim hospital in a serious condition
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  • 18 7 TANJONG MUIM Mofl Ihf Taninna Malta Cinb .i ivuA u.s annual neetim i tell ten lomoriM
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  • 153 7 Hong Kong investors show interest in Penang UENANG. Mon. Many foreign industrialists have shown an interest la Penang as a result of the recent tour of several Asian countries by the State Governments industrial study and promotion group, the Chief Minister. Tan Sri Wong Pow Nee, said today. He si.d
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  • 164 7 UATU GAJAH. Mon Two labourers. Voon Ah Kiew. 29. and Lee Ah Yong. 27. were today given a discharge not amounting to an acquittal by the magistrate's court hrrr when charge of armed robbery uf 111 bags ii." tin ore worth S:'.7..V>o against
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 49 7 FLY wins VJETS TO ROME S FLIGHTS EVIKY WSMU [very week lantas offers m ttrac V-Jil (lißHts (run Sir,|aHrt It nnmtic tune mi th«n lirtct ft Lm4h. Altiftttier Qutas I'fers yu su lifttts a *cc» to [u-o»e ail In4ii. OANTAS. wWI AIR INDIA. AIR HiW ZEALAND 4 8.0.A.C I
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    • 172 7 c I" r m ADVANTAGES: LABOUR economical vl^^^^\ RED. GREEN. GREY. YELLOW J 'r^y ATLAS INTERLOCKING TILLS are cmrtcd with permanent colour* anil are made to British y^^P^t^ Standard Specification 55<> IfSi to ensure wn absolute ami unvarying COWWttWCy in quality I iim s ATLAS INTERLOCKING TILES ore guaranteed ~^^T
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  • 300 8 Engineer accused of passing $8,000 dud cheque IPOH. Monday. 'J'HK managing director of Pcrak Mini rais Ltd. i-nd mining consultant engineer, A. Potter. 4f>, presented a dud cheque for SB.OOO to the Mercantile Bank here, the Sessions Court was told today. Potter, who is being defended by Mr. Mahinder Singh,
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  • 99 8 Woman's tin din scares off robbers I^l I. A Lt.MPIR. Mon A housewife at Suni;ri .langut. Jeram. foiled an armed robbery attempt by four men last nicht by banging kerosene tins to attract her neighbours. .Mrs. Tan hin was at the back of her husband* shop when the men gained
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  • 86 8 IPOH. Men -A tapper. S. Mun:<<!idY. 55 who claimed tv have been a resident in Malaya for thr 40 years had his appeal against a buni.siimen' order served on him dismissed by the High Court here today. Murnandy told Mr Justa-e Chans that he
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  • 78 8 The OCPD K.mipHr As>t. Supt. Felix Siindra Raj. said that at Mr. Pillais request hr took specimen si^nuture.s from Potter on May 3 and on June 13 hr .senrd it warrant ol arrest aß.<i:is: Pottrr. The Deputy Regiairar ■>( Com- pantef Mr S SambaMvam, said thai tli'- Perak Minerals
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  • 35 8 TAIUONO mai 1M Man Thirve. 1 l)i«ikr Into tl\r hOUM of a hospital watchman hrrr Mi B. Suypiah. 54 and U')t .<". v with lewellery and oiher belongingi .worth about $2,500 dunni: the weekend
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  • 270 8 launch a Christian Brothers trust fund' call OENANG. Mon. The 1 first Asian Assistant Superior of the Christian Brothers, the Very Rev. Brother T. Michael. today sukKested the launching of a Christian Brothers trust fund to provide a technical development I 1 programme for the training of yoiinu Brothers both
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  • 51 8 KUAI.A lUMPUR. Mon. A night '."watchman at the Lever Brothers office in Bungsar Road nere. Bantu S.ngli. 35. was today fined $400 or four months' laii for causing hurt with a penknife to BM colleague. Kehar Singh. 42 at the compound of the company on Jan 28 last
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  • 282 8 SINGAPORE. Ifon. The Commander-m-Chief of all British fOICM In the Far last, Air Chief Marshal Sir John O randy, is to become Chief of the Air Staff in April next year. An official statement i>mi ed early this morning that Sir John, who
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  • 170 8 Pow Nee hits at PMIP 'dilly-dallying DENANG. Mon. The Chief Minister. Tan Sri Wong Pow Nee. today criticised Mie PMIP for the lack of progress In Kelantan. Tan Sri Wong, in brtefinf a group of Frenchmen in Penang on a study tour, .said Kelantan remained the most backward Slate in
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 391 8 New Sanyo Sound's Exciting (fromany Sanyo tape recorder) i hi Model MR-929 Dehne Stereo! The unlimited vemtility of Aiitophisticated 4-track. ?-tp«e<i.«ereotap« recorder will delight you. Betides lhe marvelous Sanyo •ound«wiih-tound syttem. tbit modelboattsa solid-state (like all Sanyo recorders), two powerful free-edge speakers, a VU meter for each of th« two
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    • 199 8 Put down M 5297. Well put you down in xv l t4 I a* taW Rome, Paris, w^^^ESi I) 1} ij T I tm I S^IJ^Be^VBLi k IB }4 1 I tk London... And up to 20 other great cities all around Europe. Cities like Berlin, Nice, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Vienna,
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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  • 630 9 Straits Times SPECIAL FEATURE ONE day in 1940 Central Walter Kr. vitsky. a former chief of the Russian military intelligence who had fled to the United States after a bitter feud with his Soviet masters, was called to give evidence before the House Committee on un-American Activities. A man who
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  • 1198 9 tow and Burtan left the apartment and took a taxi i another apartment building in the city Th# agenr never let them out of his sight. This time the pair visited a Mr Kick Doaenberg. a man known to the agent as an underground
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 75 9 FOR KING SIZE SATISFACTION... f I I -vl Sail I t^ ■tyt §j» *3i^|B|^^^^^|^^^^^VßßHH^^^^^^^^H TftAOITIOMALLY THE NAME ■*> '..4 fy SSt^^E^^^^^^^^^^^H^BSk^^^^^^HUH associated with perfection 1.-'V.-.. '■~\siM d&9^lß9^^^^^^^|^^^^^^H^H^^^H^^^H BENSON HCUQES I' »lf^alHHK^Sßi Benson au Hedges r King Size Benson and Hedges give you a smoke that's smoother and full of King
      75 words

  • 63 10 N.rrf. I/i ra_ saa—u f»«ii' OavaM BuraMß M»ia«* tnaafe an r»,.' >k ant r <"««I»T— 4DU'mu, kla f.mem THE fAMILY Or 'He Mr Taa Kmm No. I|»M> Ikar. lit toe all t»»e aaaiaiai ■as help ren^avaal dartaß Ifeatr rtceil milt of ate Mr Oax iVx PWiK Nea«q«ar'er«. kMm Perlia,
    63 words
  • 22 10 Vbb_ M ffl— M in LOvinc »"<i fondrat memory of M Ml tr*4 *-»-l*W mm but ■at tara<. iimiWrH by
    22 words
  • 80 10 > N«ra*« Sli i *imim*m) ARE YOU CONTEMPLATING BBc e yello* i-» I > i rr •UNNYWAV KINOERCARTEN I 'hird tarm iomi Beptemh»r at SPIriAL ITALIAN LUNIHII |4%0 p«»re i Tel «4.MT.%i chaac* of enua daily BtRNINA SIWINC PORTABLES v v automatic I UN A I'traila tlawmetr t«
    80 words
  • The Straits Times
    • 344 10 Whether or not there is to be a new bout of ideological war between Peking and Moscow, the Kremlin unquestionably is pleased with the reaction of East European and other communist parties to what is happening in China. For two years Moscow has shown great restraint, rarely answering
      344 words
    • 692 10 Critical dispute has descended on the Commonwealth Prime Ministers' conference even before it has begun. The British organisers want the meeting to begin with the customary two-day review of the international situation but some African delegates would put what they see as first things first; and
      692 words
    • 188 10 A pilot survey of smallholdings in Johore and Pmang, to begin later this month, will ibe the forerunner of country-wide survey to pro- vide the Ministry of Agriculture with facts and figures for the better planning of agricultural production. There are all too few agricultural statistics, although the
      188 words
  • 1130 10  -  M.S. WILDE, by GENEVA. Mon WHATEVER has happened to UNCTAD. the (continuing) United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, which first met in 1964 to discuss the problem of the widening trade gap between the industrially advanced, developed countries, mainly in the Northern Hemisphere, and
    1,130 words
    • 561 10 IT was surely unfortunate that the Prime Minister chose to give undue prominence to ihe fact that 3 of the 5-man USSU delegation that met him recently over the Academic Freedom Lssue, were "fore.gners. According to the reports of the delegates to tne Student Council,
      561 words
  • 467 10  - Learning Malay— 276 YUNUS MARIS M.A. By University of Malaya VOCABULARY: geleui. MEny*r»_JKAN v v) lo settle is debt, psyment. etci; to aolve SA-p»roh a hall; sfttu par ttf> (Nj one over three, a. third. RIDUPUCATION (contd A large number of the reduplicated version* of the "aE" affixed words may
    467 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 654 10 Stratf. r._ta I Mtkj «a.l S^ <r W lo'ffU Mil '~*4 •O«« M—t ITO C *> %d »O«T SBM i »«~r,i., waul Hiuim troai op»«. C*«»» I M»i'« V lITNIIIHI 4 CO. 111. jai«« Itl W«a*«* i s _u»»»u« caen ira. ».tmmr. W'«H|HI ftt—n. tta^a#a*« I* A T bMAMAPBABAVAM t
      654 words
    • 36 10 T__-T Th« Bank You Can Trust Bank with MALAYAN BANKING ■IRHAD and you bank wisely V MtfC Ntiua iabi luutiai •2. Jilin Bandar. K_la j—yr. B/MIN6JJERHAD A.i». Cttm* I4BOW kMMhoJiCwuK SMMM I g— ammi y
      36 words
    • 94 10 GRUfIDIG 7^ Large 25" Screen -in-i mini m ____b\^ J—t^Jl tfp^ I mSv Jf J J 1 __r -_LJ___C— I H lll'lllll 111 11 11 1 25 -inch screen; Wooden screen frame; 2 speakers (tweeter at front); Cabinet: medium dark choice wood. wvb, Buy perfection -buy ____^B >~>*aa__— _^^^M ixr_'u'
      94 words

  • 261 11 SINGAPORE. Mon. The cause ol the explosion which ripped through a ground floor flat in Dakota Crescent. Kallang Estate, last week was due to a leak in the bend of a gas service pipf. a spokesman of the Housing and Development
    261 words
  • 31 11 BITTERWORTH Mon Thr Chief Minister. Tun Sri Wong Pom N*e will open the Butter•wrth Hith Bchool s new science labnra'orv and fun fair at 330 pm this Saturday
    31 words
  • 408 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon TUN ABDUL RAZAK TO OPEN FOUR-POINT TALKS TODAY Indonesians here with an 'open mind' to discuss defence, trade, culture and communications He .said: "The main thing will be border co-operation as there are still Communists along the Indone-sian-Malaysian border." Earlier, they spent an hour
    408 words
  • 244 11 KUCHING. Mon DESPITE the progress made in developing Sarawak since it Joined Malaysia there was no room for complacency, Penghulu Tawi Sli declared in a radio broadcast tonight. He said that Sarawak had been able to spend only 66.7 per cent of
    244 words
  • 243 11 I^UALA LUMPUR. Mon. The Singapore Premier. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. was today criticised in the Senate here by Senator Aishah blnte Hajl Ghanl over his mission to India. Senator AMttll Ohanl was speaking on a motion by Tan Sri T H Tan welcoming
    243 words
  • 30 11 RACB Mom ID* Methodi* Church herr will hnlrt variety show at thr Town Hull on S«tuT(lav to raiw funds to build a church for It* T«mi! memo*!*
    30 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 56 11 Save your eyes wear Equality rioivi SPECTACLE LENSES for clearer, sharper vision Trade Enquires THE WORLD OPTICAL CO. 58. South Bridge Rood, Singapore, l Tel- ***** Repreienrotivej fif *r y (tmi**jO cornm** V SINGAPORE I J MALAY MAIL Want Puoste »HC" JACKPOT $11,500 COULD BE YOURS! Send your entry now.
      56 words
    • 34 11 I W List the features 1 I II you like best 1 I in an 1100 I -the FIAT 1100 R. IK on its way now, I IK has all of them I I
      34 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 779 11 RADIO MALAYSIA NATIONAL ftHOKIHAVfc i Pro« Summary; 603 Retail SERVICE: 41 and M.Z metro j Fi*n Prices at Ppnaiifj. Ipoh, MtDIL'M WAVt SLRVICE: Kuala Lumpur and Malacca; Jl» metres 605 Exclusively lor Women; A.M.: 6*o Pro« Sumui«».'. 630 The News: 6.40 Regional 6.02 Morning MedoUes; 7.00 News. Interlude; 6.45 ExThe
      779 words

  • 353 12 COUNCILTO CALL 30 WITNESSES PENANG Mon— Mr. I. K. Meek indicated today that he would be calling 30 witnesses for the council when its defence opens tomorrow at 9.30 a.m. He said the total should have been around 50 or 60 because of the large number of allegations that had
    353 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 472 12 the l€ I lHaf I shine W m Jfcj£T+ Am Kiwi Kwik Wax put* the jj^fl H Kiwi shine on floors, tiles and furniture. Available f Tj in red tile, green tile. m mahogany, dark teak and a^pflflßßH neutral. |^^T Available: im 1 Ib, 2 Ib, S Ih 8 Ib
      472 words
    • 276 12 Dentures look more natural when they're Steradent-cleaned <; Gtre rour artificial letlh (hit won- J -A d*rful natural iparklf. ("Ifan them /^\J I with Stera .lent, the way they thould y Jt I be cleaned. Ju»t drop the denture* \4al /f^ intnaglaMoi Memdrnt and le«\e y* them fnr 20 minuter
      276 words

    • 113 13 The feminine art of being different LONDON. Mm. I I •n.Mith in m^k< C i» HHMfa| ith (*n Mm Nhirlr* B. ißd PetnU t'l-irk flew in I ondnn Airport from And thrir tlolhro muldn I hiir pro«tded a kii(rr (»nlrj«l •ir» ira\«4lrd lifht in a Inn finr floral «uit aith
      113 words
    • 112 13 I/ARAUII. Ifon I tan hai warned India H> >n !fl moves to erode UK il >u»iu. enjoyed by Janm. :inui Stale a* a deputed territory, an nftieial announcement said In I-lamabad yesterday. In -<n .udr nicmoiir PakiM^n iir introduction et a Bill in the
      112 words
    • 54 13 SYDNEY. Mon— Thieve* today took nemly worth of prf- rioi^ meial.s irom aii agency of j the Australian Reserve Bank in the S.vdney suburb of Surrey Hills They broke into a factory and <'ole urmmlHtnl sold strips of platinum Mini palladium, an alloy of bodi
      Reuter  -  54 words
    • 118 13 OELGRADE. Mon. President Tito of Yugoslavia has forecast a new wave of purges in the country"? ruling Communist Party in a speech made public yesterday. The speech, in which President Tito called for a complete division of party and state administration, was
      Reuter  -  118 words
    • 29 13 N A PIES Mou A hvcii.itoil boat Jut and killed .1 D S N^vy who wax swimming In the Bay of Naples on Saturday UPI.
      UPI  -  29 words
    • 168 13 Long-lost Rubens turns up at Christie's LONDON. Mon. A long-lost painting, said by many art experts here to be a work by the Flemish master Rubens, has turned up amid a mixed batch of pictures si nt for auction in London. The picture, thought to be worth at least £80.000.
      Reuter  -  168 words
    • 23 13 JOHANNESBURG. Mon. T»o African* were burned to death when fire swept through the Royal Natal National Park in the Drakrnsberg Mountain*
      23 words
    • 173 13 BB storms out of hotel after row over a meal I ONDON. Mon. -Top French film star Bngitte Bardot Stormed out of an hotel in Carlisle, shortly after midnight and drovo further north to spend the night in Scotland after an angry exchange with the management. The a.ssi.stant manager 21
      173 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 76 13 Pretly lips To ketp your lips soft and pretty and to provide a foundation for the smooth lasting application of your lipstick, give them a generous quota of oil of Ulan when makiiKtup. Massaging the lips and surrounding areas with the Ulan oil will help to soften away those tiny
      76 words
    • 244 13 *DSSt 9 IT PAYS TO BUY STARLITE ■PjSteA. ii, 1 Starlit* I nMct MJr?PBIJh»L W. jjh.) jmanufacturtd F^V if Astoria Ltd., mp^/^* JPENANG [IKuality Storr ■Ar LI jTionflHtng '>w"" gr^ Trading Co I*22^ J f Harnton HBP^^^^^^ --^T* I f*^^^^^jl v ■^i^BPW' 1 Crosfield*, wtSC^^S^^^^i^^^^^ I^^^^^^^ \^^^^rs!^r I SARAWAK t^^i^^B^B^^^^^
      244 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 293 13 Straits Times Crossword i I H HI H wM IH ißß^^i At koss me lines <»■ I. A new offer lo M Aiimihluii 7 Public exhibition In Dover Urm regarding planting <13 town hall •=>< 10 Brown include* entire transla- A connection in Waterford? tlon of Roman poet. (Si. <*-si.
      293 words

  • 49 14 M S»e»aa> Bi»<"» ARML Lsask* Na SSM •a niaaal ssaa» aawy Atm MMtT T*MJ law AR IMrtMas saaßjsaxa Sasw raesaer*. Haw xsav eeta««»as asai friaaas^tae J> lIS, WfMatß* aad aii«aaaaae» at a» faaeeal "aas, «.a <«» La».«eie B— S ""n *1 B —4 *SB«S*t. Ml i a* (•awi Mara
    49 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 344 14 I II lat Ireas* f. t I SITIAHUfI.N VA«;4J»T I a IMOOOR aALSSCIML* asaaaM i«e»e. aILLMIKI IKSOPAX'I II" •••I*o A l.t«IL«'«l«T taatC HaftJaal* *>t«aj"t > r\'l* Kftfll naHaaK*taMaaaf*afjafH lass 1 tie— aad Rrs*tti»*a«al I a.■ tag of aaeaaaaaaeata. kaa- 2 aad 4 ill af 1 nrasiaa aayaaeal* ta aallasls and
      344 words
    • 728 14 SITtAriONS VACANT 4. w.« ates M res. mmtrm I'LII «*s>ac*ISITATIVI* <■»! I* »a»ansan aat aatse- sate* atat* aaasaaa* *asa>rt*d latisat i Aasaa a 7. a par* LAMB* «|TN NIMMIIT* y O Bast ISM I a»r* •U TIaMIUT TIACMIR BaMaVBaW aaat *•>* 9T 'OCTIM IS l"**ifj) > JjlT a a at
      728 words
    • 1149 14 ACCOMMODATION VACANT M a***j t Ma >a ■CLAP MM terra**) asuN avarter* aatfaa* Bar daa ruraaaa or aplaaraiaa 1 1 4. AVAILABLE IMM**)IATILV (.OS) 1 -aarr. Bat tuliy '«rmiaJ»»« aaaaasat**. te.ipaiae BaHa. Jaiaa \«\aaa Hairs' raaaaaatii* reat T* >B parr MTUMID BWMCALOW 7| It I tat* Tisaah. Mou, .i*t. aiaa
      1,149 words
    • 942 14 EOtCATION •a •>•«« w«, >• saj TN* IMNN ICNHi Of Atewul aa«-> aaVra caaewe Airsaail Pa»iai I i»i .*»e t I tart.k aasaSßa] a f*<l fc i. n anal rar R a A ril AB etc \.oy lastaiaajaai Maki If ta* lasat I saa aasasl *.A caa wad vau rar
      942 words
    • 1115 14 VLHICLL^ FOR bALt i. BJasasSj \4 ,—Bmx M r«s txtrm t«M VAUIMALL VICTCR *u»er m asrc a*; 1 1 bl «33» t*»i NUMna aaaapa i ■'> MaHl ofHl.'.on saLtM Tfl SOTS) ***** a*** oawN a>ATMENT r«i drive a» t na4 ua»d car (rasa U. *»oL'ssita ntrsei. a pare VOLV* CAR
      1,115 words
    • 809 14 SFtAMBAI Hy MASSACL fcK aWaaaJa ta I Via ••> >a ,t, sajftsj Maosdai MatlACI IKIDIIH <»u|r lai »i.«m>>j'h. 1011 a Btrasi Hmn Sraa Ba.aß Rwa mnassn t-i MBtaV, tINTLIMIM x,i s)mr«iaK at. *traJß»atn facial Trraim*ata. Msai I n' n« BatrcuttiM. <S.' uui If ana A ir-CaaMrtMSMai Us law. 2»B i
      809 words
    • 632 14 KERETAN TANAH MELAYI ate-Dtl RING of (.lILLEMAKU BKIIK.t U M\l,H KIBIAL SIKLANTAN noer decklnc of the abo\f bridge ill be renewed al najht tune between the hours of 730 p.m and 600 a m every day commencing from 1 1 > M until 25.» as No road traffic will be
      632 words
    • 601 14 KENYATAAN TAWARAN PUABAT PELAJARAN. PERLIS Tamaran un;<* P>t PeTkakaaS Sekolah bsaft 3 BHialah KftMngaaan Prrlis akan dHtra* danpada ufßibororsgS yang htm .altar sa-hirsfsja ja\m I.W BStang I pada HHMI Butr2 mpncpnai perkaka»a vartc d*-a*hf nd^lti bolrh U-anma dan di-De-roifhi di-r>jah«t f>la)ar»n pada Riana\ bcker'a I'iap2 lawaran »n drng-.- «anc .1
      601 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1235 15 >' cir Oat raar* tan* pi r*m *an«aa tjiman. Cant* Taatf it Pt tapt 7 tapt I tat l> wi l tajji 112 tapt it tapt'l taptw lagii ttpt il tapt7t Oapt alO tapt 20 tapt 21 i.i- -4 ■it 7 ttptn ttpt it. i ttptTt Otl I t teaw
      1,235 words
    • 1355 15 THE E A \3UNES *jkmm\imiiL UPttSS >4UHH> IQ tmt>.l»»tt-HAMIURHRtMtIHA»HI nBIIERIJAM-AMSURRAII tntWERP AARHUS-COPEHHAtEN I'Puet **4* 'mil unil Ma, it H Oufg IM Ann v. nafta PANAM* Stpt 11/1» It. II W let I 17 II 21 Oct 21 tIMOA tapt 11,22 tl 14 It 27 Ocl VI 27 21 NOT 1
      1,355 words
    • 1433 15 I benuljne] UPRtSS SERVICE TR UNMN, nvtRPQIL t CRNI'NtNI.i HJIU HLNVLNUL c O c ji i BJJPJ m i«l» P»«»p j KOI 1 I Stpl 12 IS Stpt II It Stpt 21 21 BENDORAN Por Mnpaii.r* Pt Slant PMBTt] let 71 Sept ll 21 Stpt 71 22 Id 77 S.ngapura
      1,433 words
    • 1339 15 feELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO., LTD. til IVflllAF IN OUT»ARt SItVICE FNM I I CONTINENT li.i fan t'poro P. S^ta Paaaatj CITY 0* COLOMOO l»> on. «-.-c- Irmtrdai. 27 2tttn CITT Of UPON looota. HtaiaN'i Ramrnao, 17 21 Oat 21 21 HI H Ht CITY Of VtIIINCTIN lonaaa. Naaktari. Rtttorttta, Sloet
      1,339 words

  • 117 16 MELBOURNE Von INDUSTRIALS trading mas quiet 1 today, but. price* were again firmer Bayview continued in demand at Morgan lectured a firm base met. .l.x ■*< ti<<n with ji use ol It Uowin* incrcaaed dmdend and pi on Oils weie him A'flrahaa and teata «ita r ri4a> anm
    117 words
  • 253 16 CtPTK.HBKR ln«l rr<idr rubber f.o.b. buyer* (lord a t j p.m in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore 1 >e»lerday at rent* per lb. down one rent on Friday's rioting level for the position. R.A.S. and UR.I:. rliusing price* in cents per lb. yesterday Buyers Sellers Int. 1 R SS
    253 words
  • 108 16 V. MIPS lyin« alcnxsida tha S<n x aporo wharvas ar tipcctotf today mm: Calihaa 1314. Van Neck Itt M>, Cardiganshire A 2 43. West Sea NW I 2, Aryelina ljuro 44 45 Sratiull Senior 3S/3». Bradeverelt 40 41. Kasßi Uaru 3/4. Leverbaak IS Sabanv 33 14 i
    108 words
  • 61 16 MM filers. Ctara: Aug. Sept. LX Continent: I'ninioted: P>o»oor: MuntoK white SISL't seller*. Sarawak vhiie (IM) aellera, special Sarawak black Sl4O sellers garbled Lampong black '$140 N aellera, (98% NLW), AST A (165 N aellera <10U<r. NL.W). •(nfapart Coconut Oil Millari' Association prlaaa: bulk (43 sellers. drum 145
    61 words
  • 17 16 'THE Aistciatitn of Bankt in Malaysia maile no rhancea in lla r»t«a to ni«rchani» ytaterday.
    17 words
  • 16 16 August rubber crops included: j Suntei Tukanc 89.0U0 lb. ana Temerloh 117 561 lb.
    16 words
  • 11 16 Pungah produced 369 piculs of tin ore in August.
    11 words
  • 21 16 Sept. 5. RUBBER PRICE. 60} cents (down one cent). TIN: StiOU.B7l (unchanged). Estimated unofficial offering 195 tons (down tons).
    21 words
  • 311 16 rpHE Straits tin price yesL terday was quoted unchanged in Penang at SbO«.B"i on an offering; estimated down 5 tons to 195 tons. Good local support was reported. LOCAL RUBBER MARKET: j Opening quotations were marked down fractionally on London advices and late.
    311 words
  • 615 16 EXTREMELY QUIET DAY ON STOCK EXCHANGE From Our Market Correspondent J;\lKrMfcl.Y quiet tondij tions were the order of Hi* da> on the Stock Kxchaagc of Malaysia and Singapore yesterday with most investors and operaliiin sittine back waiting to find out the behaviour of Ihr London and New York K\< hanges
    615 words
  • 713 16 DI'SINESS in and reported to l* the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Stork Exchange yesterday, with the number of shares traded in brackets: INDUSTRIALS: I.ulltld SI.S3 i ■-• CCM Crd. JIH (12.000). II U <>. SI .44 (U'.UIMJ), 1J.43 i4.uoo>: Cold Itarage ttM
    713 words
  • 51 16 I\\ tbc official Malayan Oiorl Term Monrv Markrt for the «<*rk ended Saturday iSrpl. i\ the ranee of call rates was as foJiows. BANK f I NDS: 2', per cent U 4' per rent. GENERAL FUND, 3 per rent U> 4 per cent. MOVEMENT of fund* tnUII*4 '91.4
    51 words
  • 31 16 0 km wtterda*"** ""'J? 1 ln 1 atjMad at It for i r aa< m, i,,, cash. I Stirling a^. q,toir<i at |«.SI arm •n* tatl *l (*ld M
    31 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 967 16 KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. W.S.A. r»4tifi« tk AtlapMe* S4Prvt«« **tm "i"l>il U aaaitai Tar* pmh pan. •iMtpiaa. l%tm nmum am mm vmm mm ■leMMi lei 1 U2l kt 1) M M II mm lea* upas MM t tuini t tumi urn •loaawtM v.. nhoi I let J •< '■I—l T
      967 words
    • 921 16 lIHIIKiI at! ftIUM MMMCU 1 INHA PARISIAN AM FAP UJT SttVtCU •■aattt a«Ma«li mum 11 l.awi v Haam aM ~a|aiitiif *">« t 1* 3 Ha* S iiKt J'Pt.'a P ttaai Poaaaa HMfM t'tapt IMISW 14/t||«pi 1. Net m •jg.'. l {> l«l I»J«U Slllttpt I Sept 11 t w MMM4.A
      921 words
    • 98 16 STRAITS TIMES PREPAID FORM Semi-Display Advertisements Rata S3O per eoluma lacb (approx. 40 words) (A', alia bio ln cuiUM columna undor GENERAL bcadlofa). Typa fasot aTtllsbio Wrt ta your advertliamaot mmmmmmmmmmmmmm u 11,, by Uat (ap to 5 worti 1. ROHAN CAPITAU. par Una) pad atitt o 2. Roma* lower
      98 words

  • Article, Illustration
    79 17 Mr. UMf Kae* "J-»»--pa it < prarefalr* on 4.t.1M( ln>int behind belawed wiwfc Lye %inn Kuen. lai »wee «e»en m>im. Krnc Wai. K«* Wye. Tmmk Wai. Pent W»i. Vint Wai. P»»n Wai. T*rh W»i tw« daachlerv Lan (hrn. Vln Chan, fran^rhiMrrn. I hrn» Vre. «>n« Keat. dmihtrr in-li*. Knonf
    79 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 603 17 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE RtPIBLIC OF SINGAfORL 1 1 > .-it No 7J 1 Mo Tut Swan PMittawr 88l Kok »*fw Bn« <■» > Knt sr« Enc <aiw forawly of No SA-B Clmumji Haaa\ Bkajav ,or» far Dtrorre ha« hem filed acair" RaauM tr «f liiiaapari a v
      603 words
    • 831 17 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS SINGAPORE POLYTECHNIC BCMOOL OF BaW TH it ■TIDIER Appltcat'ons are invited from suitably qualified persons for Urn I past of Cantor Lecturer tn Navi«a- tion Viu-.linr.lK.rn. Applicant* should hold an Extra Masters Certificate or a Maator Fnrenn-Oolng Certificate and preferably a good degree In Science or Mathematics They
      831 words
    • 648 17 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS r STATE OF BRUNEI At AVI It FOR DENTAL OFFICERS Application* aie '.mlted for; appointment to the posts of Dental Officers Medical and Health Department. Brunei i 3 vacani \rs qi aura atiov* Applicant* must po*a»m any of the following qualifications li L.D.B. BDS i Singapore i in
      648 words
    • 327 17 NOTICES AUCTION SALE OF Wimble Kingapore Pr«f»rOe« T» be heM at ««r «ale«-rM*B IM Market Street. Slngaawrr Oa TueMla?. Uth ftea*«*>ber I»M at MS ».P>. 1 No 25 Flfih Avenue (opposite Singapore Turf Club> Bukit TinMh Road area 11 811 square teel treehold VACANT POSSESSION l Messrs Drew Napier Solicitors'
      327 words
    • 215 17 BBhk «aT 4P^ a^^a**^2aMßJ% Bam. V BbV X«*>fgg*^^y. ri M tC. 'Si JH 1 b^Bl mm W mVV Ay V /^IT s sv. w jt jgUif Ll«j*# J-*ss2!Siiß»ißi2 atx jft < aLfl B^aaaflW ffMH^9Mß_«_w I BEWARE! Here comes 'Ratna' -the girl who knows no fear. Whether it's karate, judo, penchak
      215 words

    • 190 18  -  Epsom Jeep RACING with v Al'<>l kin SOLO uid Golden Oriole, t wool the brightest sprinting of thr srason. will be amoriK the probable line-up of 16 for ■on Sultan s Gold Vase over ojf straight at Ipoh on Sunday. These two fought out the
      190 words
    • 52 18 \v S for the Sui n < OoW Vw rare Sunday for CU«* 1. s over *il .nt «rr: i lUlanr* 111 H-kru row* II nnur > I I NapatoN Iv.rrf Jim M» < «tlo KM Hurs« ii i? (...Men Ormlr 12 1. .1K v>..iit Rtmiiiir I* Mirthful
      52 words
    • 395 18 Velayutham suspended for dangerous riding IPOH. Mon The MRA Stipendiary Stewards report on yesterdays races: K W I I SuiMan i H inmnf Number) «as reprimanded fur croaaing Teknah < apprentice Chiang i t<Mi .sharply near the M causing the mare to be checked. Dalkeith (apprentice Kangi. who wa* following
      395 words
    • 248 18 Star Pindi smart on the track IPOH. Mon. Newcomer Star Pindi showed galloping ability on the training track this morning. Ridden by Merv Posner, this four-year-old went nicely on the bit over 3f in 40 3/5 The track; was firm and most of the horses worked on the sand. Most
      248 words
    • 90 18 EWMARICET. Mon. Char- lottown. Epbom Derby winner and favourite to *in the St. Leger classic at Donca«ter on Wednesday, will now be ridden in the race by English jockey Jimmy Lindley. Lindley replaces Australian Scobie Breasley. who it wax announced yesterday- would not be fit enough
      Reuter  -  90 words
    • 477 18 rH. Mon. WeighU for all nine races of the Perak Turf Club's Sultan* Gold Vaae meeting on Wednesday: CL. 1. DIV 2— s',F STR. Brave Bambino 9.A0 JaliM-o 8.1.1 Quick Wink 8.12 Depth Charge X.Ofi Pot of Gold 8.01 Olympic Torch 8.00 Royal Heritage Ml Boy Emperor 7.10
      477 words
    • 80 18 ATHLETICS W«mrn'i 3-mite walk (Bandar Bahru): 1 R. Nasamah 2 S. Gunavalll 3 Khatljah Awang HOCKEY L. Perak Div. Z (T. Anann): 6AS 5 PWD 2: AMumptton Sch. 1 NIT Teachers 0. Friendly (Malacca) High Sch. 4 TPCA, XL 1 SOCCER Kluang Div. 1 ko final: Education 2
      Bernama  -  80 words
    • 314 18 l/RANKFURT. Mon Karl Mildenberger say.v he will be the opponent Caaslus Clay ever has met when he tries to win the champions world heavyweight crown here on Saturday. The fight will .<t art tt 2.30 p.m. 2 a.m. Malayan time Sunday". But
      314 words
    • 75 18 MONZA. Mon. Jack m B. abham. 40-yrar-nld Australian. yesterday clinched his third world drivers chamji.onship de.spitp falling to In trip Ita'ian Grand Prix herr Thr race was won by Ludovico Svarflotti of Italy in a Ferrari Brabham made sure of the title when the two other
      75 words
    • 360 18 Marathon winner confounds critics ATHLETICS BrDAPFIST. Mot). East C'rrrmany th# Soviet Uninii, Franct and Poland rarh won two gold mrdals on th» concluding day of th* eighth European trark and field championships h« In the 12 finals. watchM rri'ord> wei times and pquailed i Italy totnllert thr«* roM BhlmX Britain
      360 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 280 18 SW/SW/LW/FM Portable =4 Radio of $upe-ior per- =W% formance:3 separate j V J Ir\l built-in antenna (Rod, T~^'^ >■■:. |lP Frame and Bar). Tuning ~r indicator, tuning light. FM-AFC switch. IMMMHrM A I (J I TtCHWCAL AOVMCEMEm- [5^ :> y I A 1 lOA-146 BH-407^ i a *s a if
      280 words
    • 62 18 fast accurate CRANKSHAFT REBUILDING f| gHI HQ A great new develoiußnl M I II 1 1 WP in automotive serviciof, UUI WIUU saves you time and monet at Far East Motors Ltd. 54 ORCHARD ROAD, SINGAPORE. Complete details and service costs are obtainable on request. I r^y^ CAPACITY: SHAFTS UP
      62 words

    • 369 19  -  MANSOOR RAHMAN By Kuala Lumpur. Mon CHEE KEONG OFF TO ENGLAND FOR HIS STUDIES \l IYSIA'S outstanding young goalKPoprr. (how hee Keong will have much loss football and more of his books from Wednest|j\ when he leaves for England to continue his studies there.
      369 words
    • 161 19 A word to FAM: Don't change managers Dlaved aaa'.n-t Swedish i hamiK>. Diumaarden Foot ball Club. Malaysia won 2-1 and Chee Keoru at 18 berame the youngest International goalkeeper In th* country. The reason Jum ended has been the first Che* Keong has played as re- i KUlar goalkeeper for
      161 words
    • 209 19 7-0 TENNIS SWEEP BY INDONESIANS PENANO, Mon. Indonesia lead Penang 7-0 at the end of the first day's play In their friendly tennis match. The Indonesians were too good for the Pensng players and won all their games eaaily. Five more matches will be played tomorrow commencing ai 430 p.m.
      209 words
    • 385 19 SHOOTING KUALA LUMPUR. Man. Wong Foo Wan of Negrl t^.nbilan won the air rifle individual event with a score of st>2 points out of a possible 400 m the Mrst National Shooting Association of Malaysia championships at the national shootuir range at Subang yesterday. Foo Wall
      385 words
    • 433 19 ASIAN GAMES REPORT CAK.ON South Vietnam plan.- to >md a 92--mfmber team to the Filth Asian (ianv> ;it Bangkok In Dfcpmb. r riespite the fact that the In .hi> country haa deprived the nations athietets ol mast of their training facilities
      AP  -  433 words
    • 218 19 IT U ALA LUMPUR. Mon. Competitors from Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia In the Malaysian Open tennis championships, which ended at Ipoh yesterday, will play In exhibitions at the Selangor Club courts tomorrow and on Wednesday. The matches tomorrow will be between
      218 words
    • 290 19  - Japan 's Thomas Cup squad for Perak tourney LEE FOO SAN By i Ipoh. Monday DLAYERS from four nations Japan, India In- donesla and Malaysia— will compete In th« Perak Open badminton championships here from Sept. 20 to 22. The six Japanese stars who will take part are Masao Akiyama.
      290 words
    • 78 19 KUALA LUMPUH Mon Selanjfor Eurasian Association and Singapore RrrreaMon Club drew in their annual game* series with four games each played over the weekend at K'lxla Inmnur. The game* er drd yesterday. .M-A won at badminton, cricket, hotkey imen/. and soccer. Singapore Recreation Club won the billiard' darts,
      78 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 257 19 B [mm B^^jMf^^S^ BB^I^SwIKj iMaT'^ny liss^^^^^l^^ar^P'^^ s^s^a^s^aßißsss^Jlrtißaf^sißlftrlatf IT^ BaJMf BSMs^Lßr^^^^^^^^^^*^ -HT'"*"' 8H sssP^HsWV. sBU *^fch. V *\/i s«3av' 'djJ^B^^MsSSsE^P il a^J Bj|l hJ^ "l^t jfe if When tve dock our ship in Luzvrn... Frankly, wt can't quite sail through the Alps. We can take your family across the sea to
      257 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 47 19 SPORTS DIARY M»Mn In«rr Pprak rhampioivships iT. An.'-on MBS conr I*'.1 *<" f IR F«lllot Cup: Poll-* HQ v NS Butchers (NS pananei. Ipoh DW. 1: KIA v Rimbler* (Stadium Peralt>. TFVMS fnrndlh*: Phitippinr. v .iip^n 'Srot Club courts, 430 pmi; Penanq v Indoneataxu iPSC couv"s. 4.30 p.m.).
      47 words

  • 121 20 CASLI "tCIIVIO M R ■Unkaran of i«*-i. r-vmoe-wtT P'B#»po'» th»> hi f«'h»r A K i«tiir pu—*4 »■««> 4KM at 101 A IIMON rITIB of A 6aau*i Tampm p*»ml H—ifully S* M at 13 45 p m a* Laiv T»mr>4»r Ho»pi>a,' K L <~ m L invn Tunpin mi4«nr* for
    121 words
  • Article, Illustration
    172 20 Mrs. GANDHI, LEE EXPRESS CONCERN OVER VIETNAM "VEvV DELHI. Mon— The x^ Prime Ministers of Singapore and India, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew and Mrs. Indira Gandhi have expressed "great concern over the danger to the world in general and Snuth-East Asia In particular arising from prolongation of the
    172 words
  • 402 20 PENANG, Monday TH E Railwaymen's Union of Malaya yesterday resolved to ask the Government to Institute a public Inquiry into the day-to-day management of the Railway Administration and the causes for the financial loss incurred by the railway over the past, few
    402 words
  • 88 20 UARIS. Mon— At least five neople were killed and I~> injured in Tournon. today when a mail train hit carriages of an express which had bern derailed moments before in a collision with a truck. The accident occurred at a level crossing just after 3 a.m.
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 607 20 DETECTIVE ON TRIAL ON CHARGE OF KILLING THREE PEOPLE —A clear case of cold blooded murder— DPP leaving the country without obtaining a release. Mr. Marshal] further submitu ed that whoever a person might be. Irrespective of his position, he had no authority to ignore any court, process. He Mid
    607 words
  • 50 20 BUENOS AIRES. Mon. An advertisement In the La Razon said: "I sell my eyes to the best bidder to pay for an appropriate home and ensure the welfare of my orphan children Please reply to Box 51. Branch 3. of the Argentine Post Office."— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 253 20 The death penalty demanded for six-wife Dalam lAKARTA. M o n. The prosecutor, at a special court here, today demanded the death sentence on 1 former Cabinet Minister charged with corruption, subversion, illegally importing arms, and polygamy. The accused, the former Minister for Central Bank Affairs. Jusuf Muda Dalam, showed
    253 words
  • 28 20 LIMA. Mon. An I explorer has found a lost city tn the jungles of north-wert Peru which expert* date from bffnr* the Inra civilisation. Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 86 20 If I CHI N G, Mo n. Penghulu Tawi Sli has called on al) members of the Sarawak Council Nrgri to assemble in Km nine not later than tomorrow. This argent message was broadcast several times by Radio Sarawak tonight in all
    86 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 168 20 Liv CLASSIFIEDS PIIICB To Mas and navM d« .«b"r Bronwaa Clara mt Aaauata Hcapi'ai 3 6t MVALIMCAM To Siva and BaH.iajil •r an 4»«S at Jehor* Bahru ■liittai. Thanka to Doctors mad Staff wont. Tn .-.ok and TKHa Dm a Mun on at Mr aasA Iron Tfeaaks to Doctor and
      168 words
    • 113 20 NON-STOP TO MANILA FASTEST TO U.S.A. choose from sr«reo or monaural. Philippine Air Lines fly the fastest First-run, wide-screen, full colour direct service between Singapore and movies from Manila to the U.S.A. Manila. Non-stop from Manila to the Cuisine and wines second to none. U.S.A. (via Honolulu). Aboard luxury Elegant,
      113 words