The Straits Times, 26 May 1966

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 25 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150,000 The Straits Times The National Nnwsiinper Estd. 1845 THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1966 if 15 CENTS M.C.(P) 1629 KDN 2034
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  • 262 1 Malik off tomorrow ALMOST CERTAIN NOW HE WILL MEET RAZAK IN BANGKOK ON SATURDAY TANAH RATA, Wednesday ALL is set for the RazakMalik peace talks in Bangkok. It is almost certain the two leaders will meet on Saturday. The Indonesian Foreign Minister, Mr. Adam Malik,
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  • 306 1 -AND SYED SHEH STEPS UP AS LORD PRESIDENT KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday THE appointment of Justice Dato Azmi bin Haji Mohamed as Chief Justice of Malaya, was announced here today. He will tiikc the place of Justice T;m Sri Syed Shell bin Syed Hassan Barakbah. Justice
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  • 25 1 new YORK. WrM Sixty-rotir oi New York* P4 child health stations have rinsed ny a result o( the nurses' wnar strike. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 162 1 Now a 'resign' call to Bung IAKARTA. Wed. A conJ ference of "action fronts" of West Java, in Bandoeng city, has called on President Soekarno to resicn, according to reports reaching here today. The action fronts include Kami and Kappi, the university students and high school students groups Antara news
    AP  -  162 words
  • 33 1 LONDON. Wad. The West German Chancellor. Mr. Erhard. flew back to Bonn today with the question ol British troop costs m Germany .si ill unresolved. Ho made no comment brtorr departing.
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  • 947 1 goina to be the host. "We are now waiting for Indonesia to decide on .when we should go for the meeting." It wa.s quite possible that the meeting would be held this week-end, the Tengku said. Asked if Singapore would be invited, the Tengku replied
    Agencies  -  947 words
  • 97 1 PORTSMOUTH. Wed. Nine prisoners, on their way by coach to the top security jail of Parkhurst on the Isle of Wight. tocl.ty escaped after attacking their escort. First reports said »ome of the men were handcuffed A Home Office spokes- man said
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  • 43 1 LONDON. Wrri Girl stUdtnU at Somervillr College. Oxlord have been forbidden to wear the imrst f»«hion abo\e-knee skirts whrn they wt thnr examination* next week. Authoring rienri^ri th»v might take th> maie siurtfnt* mmdx off th* *x»m -Reuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 408 1 Monks, nuns lead Saigon parade CAIGON. Wp d. Buddhist monks and nuns marched Into the heart of Saigon today In a driving ram but driven back by car-gas hurling Vietnamese Marines. Thick, choking clouds of lickly enveloped the The Buddhists and their followers broke and ran. National police in green
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  • 31 1 CHARLOTTOWN'fI DKRRY LONDON, We.l I loltimn (S I>. an Bacllsta dili rid<len hi A. ■reaslej won F.psom Derby Ml photo-finish Second was I'retenilrr <<»-•;, and third Mack Prime f 111
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 50 1 For Cltar Comfortable Consult C. S. CHONG. O. D. EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 19. Chuha Street. Singapore. PUTATIGER IN YOUR TANK! New Power Formula Esso Extra gasoline boosts power three ways ...Cleaning Power! Firing Power! Performance Power! Also preserves the power of new engines... and restores lost power to older engines.
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    • 96 1 the perfect unit for tapaf t* protecting your record HI-FI Turntable. JEBSEN JESSEN fSJ LTD. 11-G. AmO Insuronco Bldg, S por»- 1 1 r Fbr^yoMr^amiltjs health you need a refrigerator! Electrolux You need only kcrosmc to run this Ekctrahu rein: So wherever you live, you can eniov a healthir pleasant
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    • 189 2 The heavy civilian casualties in Danang I)\\\M. Wrd. Dananc's ninr days of civil war killed and wounded far morr civilian tn^t.intlcrs than rebel and i;c>\ crnnienl troops, ii 111 to hospital reports 'I hi' <i(>'s two hospitals rrported Sit p.oplc killed, im ludine till civilians, and 112 injured, indudine 209
      AP  -  189 words
    • 109 2 MANILA, Wed. President Mwcot baa ousted Manilas police chief and named retired army general to the post in an apparent elTort to crack down on crime and .smuggling. The new chief is Brig. Rieardo Papa. Re reBrin Gen. Eugerio Torn.s. who held the Job for
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    • 368 2 FIGHT FOR DEMOCRACY SO LONGER RELEVANT...' Temptation of military victory might override a more prudent course of action, he says |J THANT, the U.N. Secretary-General, warned yesterday that the temptation to win a military victory in Vietnam might override a more prudent course of action.
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    • 93 2 THE Eritish Houses of Parliament built with 50.000 used match sticks and the patience of Its 60-year-old Japanese builder. Mr. Klyoshl Yamamoto, who has never been to London. Mr. Yamamuto. who lives In Tokyo and Is adviser to Japanese firms dealing with automobile parts,
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    • 115 2 NIGERIAN ARMY SETS A 3-YEAR COURSE LAGOS, Wed—Nigeria's military rulers have abolished all political parties and said the Army would remain in power for three years. The head of Nigeria's military government. Maj.Gen Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi. &aid in a nationwide broadcast last night that the measures were ?.imed at iorging national
      Reuter  -  115 words
    • 175 2 A DDIS ABABA. Wed.~ The services of an Ethiopian witchdoctor were successfully employed by the British Embassy here to ensure that there was fine weather at the emy garden party In honour of Quern Elizabeths birthday. Sir John Russell, the Br.M.>h Ambassador, who
      Reuter  -  175 words
    • 145 2 L. AK\( 111. Wed. A Pakistan businessman and Provincial Assembly member has filed a suit against the Soviet Inion claiming 4.519.333 rupees (about V: 338.000). In papers filed in the High Court here. Mr. A. M. Quresh! alleges that the Soviet Union has
      Reuter  -  145 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 306 2 '^r^B a^aV ifiF jrUrLf a^r ''flHS^^a^a^aW* .Vs '*i** t M i '*F?s&/ij(?t Pb' Hume on the job in the quest for development. 'jk^^^^^wtlKF <J^^a*rZ3^rJa^Ly9^ala^^X Jra m^r W 111 M EH^i aL aai Baa f^'^Haß ■aT^^^^k. Big Dam pipe, for one of Australia's l>i;j dams. The uiant Snowy Mountains scheme, one
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 201 3 JAKARTA, Wednesday. THE Indonesian Government has decided to close a number of its overseas embassies because of t h c present financial crisis at home, it was disclosed today A statement by the Foreign Minister, Mr. Adam Ma 1 i k to
      AP  -  201 words
    • 27 3 MOSCOW WF( d R Mil v.-rr, da? launchr:] he Il9tfa m Ml ■tries of OOMMM unmanned March MteßJtw. Tass news a«enrv revolted Rrutcr.
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    • 155 3 'CHINESE GO HOME' SLOGANS GO UP IN JAKARTA JAKARTA. Wed. Hostile slogans have begun appearing on the walls iml windows of Chinese-owned shops in Jakarta. They read "Chinese go home" and "Chinese are economic saboteurs." An anti-Chinese campaign flared up following last October's allegedly Peking-backed Communist coup attempt and has
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    • 84 3 LAGOS. Wed.— A pickpocket who swallowed six stolen pound notes when caught in the art was rushed to hospital, cut open, and the money recovered. Police reported that the pickpocket took the money from a man standing in a street in Benin City and was spotted by
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    • 232 3 SANTA BARBARA (California), Wed.— A Judge who ruled that a young mother be sterilised as a condition of probation said yesterday he did so because of what he called "her propensity to live an immoral life." Mrs. Nancy Hernandez. 21. a mother
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    • 38 3 HONG KONO. Wed— China Issued its 402 nd "serious warning" to the United States aftei It charged that a U.S. warship had Intruded Into its territorial waters yesterday in the area of Yunghslng and Tung Islands.
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    • 132 3 Two in a boat losing race across Atlantic "V^EW YORK. Wed— Two z\ Britisn Journalists are fighting a losing battle tr their attempt to row across the Atlantic in record time Their Isft-boat Puffin, now lest than 15 mileb from the U.S. coast Is pointing towards England— but current* and
      Reuter  -  132 words
    • 51 3 ROME, Wed. The two Ita|. Lan news agencies. Ansa and Italia, closed down for 24 noun yesterday because of strike of printers and teleprinter operator! demanding better pay and work, ing conditions. Most newspaper offices were also paralysed and few new* papen are expected to apeai
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    • 111 3 THE little girl sacking her thumb in a hospital bed is lucky to be alive. For two-year-old Maria Tsangaris h id fallen 50ft. from her top floor home in London's Soho. Her only sign of injury is s bruise on her cheek Maria's "miracle" escape happened
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    • 38 3 LONDON. Wr-d People under 21 who understand what is involved should be allowed to give tlieir own consent for medical treatment, the British Medical Association recommends to the committee on the age of majority. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  38 words
    • 156 3 VIRGINITY OF YOUNG ITALIAN GIRL INSURED f I M A Wed. A Peruvian insurance c o m p a ny yesterday offered to insure a young Italian girl against the risk of losing her virginity while working in West Germany. A Sicilian worker In Bolzano. North Italy, had asked Lloyds
      Reuter  -  156 words
    • 95 3 Cash voted for man-on-moon programme WASHINGTON. Wed— The US. Senate took only minutes yesterday to give unanimous approval 10 a USSS billion plus authorisation for the nations space programme in the fiscal year which begins on July 1. It approved a total of U555.008.--000.000 which was U5521,135,850 more than voted
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    • 172 3 Australia may restrict Asian students, says Education Minister CANBERRA, Wednesday. AUSTRALIA might have to restrict the num**bers of Asian students privately enrolled in Australian schools and universities, the Education Minister, Senator John Gorton, said today. He declared that he was not outlining policy, but was forecasting a situation which might
      Reuter  -  172 words
    • 40 3 CHICAGO. Wed. Chicago, the crime city of America which becamp notorious under Hip domination of gangster Al Capone In the *****, has set a new rnmr record. Thrre were no reported murders during a 24-hour penoc last weekend.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 121 3 your passport to power+pached performance!^ *Ml f^m A r^bfP to 35 m.p.g. ■jHujiiH SMOOTHER, QUIETER, RUNNING VV^m] Im FAST PERFORMANCE-over 85 m.p.rfl^B Is^^M^^^B/ PROVIDING A HIGHER DEGREE OF I "ifISGHB M COMFORT FOR BOTH DRIVER AND M PASSENGERS M mm M ALL SYNCHROMESH GEARBOX WJth LID tO M Call in
      121 words
    • 336 3 MOWN MtUVSM 11 I WILKINSON Ij^S FINEST I Wilkinson Sword crafftmMJ I I have been putting 4 sharp bW I I e^g* on fire ste*l for ne«>» I ly 200 WA, Todiy, th# J^.BV"^?3 I Wilkinson bvvord Razor t S^M I Blade is the world's finest, I SOY There is
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  • 241 4 Policeman shoots thug after back-lane chase SINGAPORE. Wed A police sergeant. Idris bin Ibrahim, early today chased four armed robbers through a maze of back-lanes off Queen Street in semi-dark-ness, before opening fire and injuring one of them. I lie thug was admitted to thr General Hospital where his condition
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  • 112 4 SINGAPORE. Wed. Bustling Singapore traffic holds no fears for four Australian Army rlnver.s. The fleet of stafl cars and Land Rovers from Australian Army Force He.idquartcrs are still unden'ed. despite having covered thousands of miles on Singapore roads. This week, lour drivers Privates Albert Wright.
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  • 121 4 Film premiere to aid building fund SINGAPORE. Wed— A charity premiere of "The Silent Wife" will be held at the Metropole Theatre on June 6 at .9.30 p.m. to raise money for the Singapore Association's Deaf Workshop Building Fund. The Mandarin film, with English sub-titles, won three major awards at
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  • 41 4 SINOAPORE. Wed— Film shows and talks on family planning will be held at the Silat Road Community Centre from 6.30 p.m. to 8 pm tomorrow. The talks will be conducted by officials of the Singapore Family Planning Association.
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  • 166 4 SINGAPORE. Wed— Three group* will represent Singapore at the 50th session of the International Laoour Organisation openIng li Geneva on June 1. The Government group. comprising the Minister fur Laoour. Mr. Jek Yeun Thong, and Mr. Ding Sim Ming, the Ministry's Acting Conciliation Officer,
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  • 506 4 Toh: Higher study must be geared to our needs SINGAPORE, Wednesday. ■JHK Acting Prime Minister, Dr. Toh Chin Chye, last night moke ot the importance of a planned university education in the ReHe suggested that the numbers and the types of graduates coming out from the local institutions of higher
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  • 50 4 SINOAPORE. Wed. The Joo Chiat Community Centre's second chess championship will be opened at 7 p.m. tomorrow by the Minister of State for Education, Inche Rahim IshaJc. Eighteen players will compete for the Klong Chal Woon challenge cup. Matches will be played on Fridays and Sundays.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 305 4 CATHAY- OPENS TODAY! DAILY 5 SHOWS 11 om 1.30, 4.00, 6.30 t 9.30 p.m. YOU LL HAVE THE LAUGH-TIME OF YOUR LIFE-TIME! ALEC MWTi GUiNNESS SbLI tantalizing and triumphant bw2^»^ in one of the most remarkable jtk sl^^ roles of his most remarkable ftnjd W career as a jolly jailer
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    • 64 4 aUf /l Wf Sm [wJitMrnU 1440 a Today: 1 JO-J. 10-7.00 A 9 JO pm. TREASURf ISLAND" (Mandarin Cinemascope). Tomorrow: "King Rot". 1 bwww— gMcawE 11 Today Only 330-7 JO p.m. Gerard Borry Gianna Mono fc Conole in -SAMSON AND TMI MUSKETEERS" English. Tomorrow Only Italian Bngondi" Eng. |jH— II
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    • 328 4 THE I MOI I Restaurant 111 1 l l^ RUSSIAN SPECIALITIES ONLY «jW prepared by its Russian Born Owner 12.30 to 2.30 p.m. 7.34 to midnight Lounge suit from 7.30 p.m. Closed on MONDAY 377 Bukit Timah Rood (Between Robin Stevens Road, Spore 10.) Tel Spore ***** t3E" X-Hfr AWARD'
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    • 556 4 OPENS TODAY! 11 om, JO, 4 00, 6 JO 9 30 »m I "SIIUA.iCN HOPfcLESSBU) NOT SERIOUS" Al«c Guinntti Michael Comurt II IA PARAMOUNT PiCTURE.) SATURDAY MIDNIGHT 1 ,Por -PROMitE hEX ArYTHINQ' |i Worr.n BLATTV Leslie CARON I I I A<!T niVl 30 40 > LAOI UMT. 6 iofc9 Upm.
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  • 342 5 Red paint fling E costs striker $300 fine SINGAPORE!. Wed THU lothes of several A m f r i tan tourists were smeared with red paint when a striker at the Hotel Si n ?apura threw a can of paint I tourist bus. a magistrate's court \us told today. Four
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  • 243 5 SCRAP CRISIS UNION LA WS AFTER PEACE' KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday. \\'i TH the end of Indonesian confrontation in sight, civil service unions want the Government to give up its right to intervene in industrial disputes under the Emergency Essential Services) Regulations. The first to urge the Government to 'lit all
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  • 75 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Wnl The Bank Bumiputra i will set up branch offices In I four Stale capitals within the next few months, it- i I secretary. Inche Ahmad j Roose. said today. It has already ootained premise* in Penang. Ipi'h and Serpmbar, and i> negotiating
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  • 58 5 SINOAPORL W«i port-' Amba.-.iador-<i^s;?".arf- io .i. Mr Tan S;ak Kew n ..s bwi. flt'i-vo cbmiraMii of 'he 1 UnlverrttJ Council rr- rhe late M: K I Kin former Hieh Comnn->ioner :o Ma;.tj>:a ct:eci la.-i mon'h. Mi Tai. h.<- i>ee!i a ropmber of tb* 1
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  • 29 5 SINGAPORE. Wra I •< o armed me:, brokf uvo bou% in Lorong l. Qeyiaog, vejterdiiy •nd robbed a numan Mot Vr*x Hor o! SI4O and '.pnrilfrv wor'.ll $310
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  • 93 5 LONDON Wed -A Br -oldier from a jungle P"-t m Borneo was being home today to the bedside of his mother who i» seriously 111 In hospital herr rv ol Detence ,-tateniem said that Lance Cpl Peter John Clark. 22, wa> inken yesterday from
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  • 68 5 MALACCA. Wed 1 he j Malacca Sute cr^vernment vm" -pend $507 000 Ulla fear 'o provide electricity In thp mral areas, the Chlel Minister. Inche Ab- dul Ohafar bin Baba an- j .red Fhr Oovemtnpr.t or.gmtlly p m ou: tin am ■"int f 1501 POO
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  • 314 5 Changes in NTUC leadership: White now president VJINGAPORE. Wed. Three changes in the leadership of the National Trades Union Congress were announced today following the resignation of Mr. Steve Nayagan from the post of secretarygeneral. The i.°w spcr^'arv eeneral If Mr !?n See Bena. who until ye.-terday was rh* president
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  • 255 5 Unionists in London to lobby support for 30,000 workers I on don. Wed. "Four Btnf a potp trade union leaders conferred here yesterday with officials of the Transport and General Workers Union and the Socialist International on problems of the 30.000 local workers in the British base at Singapore llr
    Reuter  -  255 words
  • 19 5 penang Wed Abou 1 i *«0 rlrctrii- po>.s :<• Julsn Martr«.-h<h. off Valley her* IM tuehr.
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  • 85 5 from Wee Kirn W«* |MO\PK>I Writ Ihr llun^ (mum mmi IHtpMi in in vit.dinn h\ Mr I" VcH to »rml i lr:id»mission I i Miiu.iporr ■•••car) llmw hn tm* Ihr lltirri rniintrx in (>ntral huropr to »n»pt tnr >in^.«|iiit»- PllMf Mm :<.trr
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 58 5 BY APPOINTMENT TO HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN SUPPLIERS OF SMOKERS' REQUIS.TES ALFRED DUNHILL LTD dunmll dunni riLTER C»(J*R«tTCS A Superb Virginia Filter King Size Cigarette created from tobaccos specially selected by d Until Dunhill Master Blenders. c o o s ci's Mw yOwl utic most distuiqinslica tobacconist in tlic ttuxtid
      58 words

  • 356 6 $lm port pay claim battle in court KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. THK Industrial Arbitration Tribunal began its hearings here today over the $I.] million wage increase sought by the Penang Port Commission Employees Union lor its 1.500 members. Counsel for the Penang Port Commission. Mr. Yonjj Pung How. told the tribunal
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  • 78 6 Sightseeing tour for the VIP wives "TANAH RATA. Wed. While the Thai premier Mas playing a round of golf here this morning, his wife. Toh Puan Kittikaihorn went on sightseeing tour of the highlands with a Miii i party including her daughter. Miss SonKMida They brought <u>me butterflies, then drovr
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  • 26 6 ML'AR. Wed A COOCCTI spon- sored by ttie Muar Rotary Club will ba held here on June 7 to raise (und* (or its project*.
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  • 167 6 Harun is elected president of cancer society LUALA LUMPUR. JV Wed. The Mentri Besar of belabor. Dato Harun bm H«ji ldns, will continue u> direct trie affairs of tne National Cancer Society of Malaysia as its president. Dato Harun. who has led the aocitty'a pro-iem committee .since January, was unanimously
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  • 41 6 KUALA i.t'MPl'R. Wed. TIM Tang di-Pertuan Anting h.^ KM <t congratulatory mp;>.saK' to the Ocnernor-Genrral of Guyana. >>n UM OOCMtOO '>[ :\\e nations indPrxTidence tomorrow. A MmiUr mp&iaijp was Tengku Abdul Rahman to the lUntatcr of Guyana.
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  • 32 6 SINGAPORE. Wed. Mr. Na Kah Ting MP for Pongzol. r»tuin^d last nipht a.'tcr attending a course on parliamentary pr.utice and procedure held* by the Commonwealth Parliamentary A* rociation at Westminster.
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  • 262 6 JPOH. Wed The mining industry in ■Malaya was free from serious disputes last year, due to the fact that many small disputes were settled at mine level. Mr. D. H. Davidson, proiaent of the Malayan Mining Employers' Association, told the association's annual meeting
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  • 221 6 SEREMBAN. Wed rpHE water rationing *In Port Dickson will continue until the first stage of the new $12 million Sungei Linggi water supply scheme is completed In August. The State Engineer. Inche Mohamed Tahir. >aid today that the
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 140 6 Mhtf Onp lift V.T. Wmmlim YEH 1 HEARD NOTT*3Oms V- I GOTTA FIND IM) ">. V. *p MEN "THROWEP OL' fiUZ TO YGONNA \IT S TH' ONLY WAY WELLi.-. >" S. TH' CROCS... BUT 30MEW0V*U TRY TO 1 T KNOW TSET /?/■> i SO UDMG,/ YEH.. OOP I DON'T THINK
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  • 357 7 Call girl case: Court defers verdict JESjELTON. Wad ASandakan court has reserved judgment until June 'J in the trial ol three Singaporeans charged with procuring girls from Singapore and bringing them to Sabah lor prostitution. The accused are Michael Kua Seong Sin. 26. and two women, Susie Ong, 19, and
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  • 74 7 ALOR STAR, Wed. The Government wa.s doIng everything possible for the benefit of the people, the assistant Minister of Rural Development, Inchc Sulaiman bin Bulon, said here last night. "To do more would need n magic formula." he lold ineot-the-people nssta) at Aver
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  • 62 7 TAIPINO, M m Broi I Iran tools, tin poiu and on Oel.oxed to h;i\> arlxinated lion Dong Son in Ninth Vietnam BOOM il.e uiilMiiSi before Christ and found m Mai.ty.i. are mi exhibittun the miiaeum iierr bom are \m\t of .< travelllnt "\hibition «o.i)K round
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  • 23 7 PENANO. Wl il O»e I transistor vm'.. nd tapt rocoidor \aluod at $<L'O iidiu thf Tanjong Bumab hi Sco» Kirn P"h
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  • 75 7 <I\(.APORKS Prime Mm H istcr. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew at holiday resort at I niNl.ult Austria. Ust week. I lie uirl is collecting an autograph. Mr Lit and his party were quests of tin- (iovernor of Km cni. md province. Mr. II ins Boul
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  • 77 7 17 Russian whalers in S'pore (JINUAPORE. Wed. A fleet of 17 Russian whalers is now in Singapore] after months' in the Antarctic. The fleet the largest to call here this year Is headed by the 20.000-ton lactory ship Sovietskaya Ros.*iya. and will be in port until Sunday when It sails
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  • 70 7 SINCAHORE. Wed The Slligapon Government today issued problMUoa of entry orders against iv o men tsliak bin Yub and Abdul A /.i/. bin Bahar. A police statement said that t!.<- two men were ar reft ted and «leliimed in 1864 under the Internal >'. (uiii-.
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  • 25 7 hi PATANI. Weil. The mukia fltmis 01 thr Kaals Mud« ip.uu.iji- iiinnih competition will bo hold Ueif Irom Juno 3 to -Jim. tl
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  • 25 7 JESSEITON Wed Sntwhi I Inchr Harrta eh. reatarda.i p imi "i .«..!u m Dtrr In Bempur ii. i lor improvement.* Ui the pudAtig
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  • 209 7  -  Geoffrey Geldard: From Kuching. Wed. SETTLERS, in the three new villages In the "Operation Hammer along the Kuchlng-to-Berian road, "are all quite happy with their new way <>! life and the amenities they are being provided with" Sarawak > Clncl M: Dalo Stephen
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  • 103 7 School bus crash kills conductor Wed. A bus carrying schoolchildren skidded and crashed at G o m a 1 i estate, about 15 miles north of here, yesterday killing its conductor and seriously injuring a 10-year-old girl. The conductor, Llm Kok Cheng, 51. was pinned under one of the rear
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  • 42 7 PEN AND. Wrd. Ihe M»!.<y Chamber of Commerce line h.i* wriiirn to thr Chiof Minister seeking the of a Butterworth sits lor building its he» The ch.'iuiM-r hu a v ked for as acre o( Si.itr I-mU
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  • 152 7 $20,700 SMUGGLE BID: MAN IS FINED $5,000 lOHOHF. BAHRU, Wed A PWD driver, Ahmad bin Abdul Karim. 35. who tried to smuggle $20,700 worth of textiles and records into Johore from Singapore in a seweragp tanker, was today fined $5,000. or two years' jail, by the Sessions Court. Ahmad, lather
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  • 22 7 RAL'B. Wed. A mul>il* ;^m ftec chest X-rays io ihe public the ilimiu-: ho*piial here Irnni June 6 to I.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 245 7 Advertisement: 3 WAY RELIEF FROM COLDS AND CHILIS Attack yonrooM or thill in :i ways at once with one remedy. Colds in the neaU. culdn in the till-out »nd i olds in the chest, nil yield to this three-pronged treatment. tip Apply Mentholatum the breathable balm— mtu the uostrils so
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    • 283 7 K I JFoMoCol FoMoCo IS THE NAME FOR GENUINE FORD PARTS Fit only fully-guaranteed, genuine FoMoCo parts and accessories on your Ford vehicle. Ford style and quality are the best at lowest cost repair charges arc low and established. That's Ford motoring! Only FoMoCo parts are fit for your Ford
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  • 26 8 Wmmi Sli <*,m,mmm) IM LOVINI. MEMORY of wr be »t>"~1 l M n Ye« Wei who left ill .rs today. <;on« hut nevei stacoltrn.
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  • 133 8 H,,rW< Hi (Mimimmm) MRS FLORRIE SINCLAIR libra leinnooirr »i«: dunni; her ahMM on leav* brr Uanciog i'luki will t» romDiirtMl lv» Mm fnnwi I'oh Telephone «»por»» MM or MM Kit. tftw. TRY CAITMU "MM MMUlrt WITH A CIOAR INStOB. ■ME CMTIRELV FROM CICAR TOMACCO. MLVMO SI 20 FOR M
    133 words
  • 26 8 IS Hard! S3 (Minimum* OUR SAVIOURS CHURCH Alrxtndnt, B'pore :< Kvangrlintic Talks by TVacoti...., Kudd M.A. 26th. 27th May 7.30 p ru. followed by supper.
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  • The Straits Times
    • 668 8 Some hard learned lessons for the rubber industry have been reinforced at the receni meeting of the Internationa] Rubber Study Group and by the European tour of a small team of rubber industrialists and traders. Quality is as important as a competitive price. In the search
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    • 424 8 In the past couple of years i there has been a gradual re- solution of the main questions in Sarawak politics. That the decision to join the Malaysian Federation was wise, far and away the must constructive of j the paths which were open to the State in
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    • 165 8 Historians derive their insight from sources which to the uninitiated may often seem remarkable; the diaries of humble people, account books, letters never meant to do more than pass the time of day, inscriptions on the backs of faded photographs almost any document can turn out to bear
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  • 463 8 Letters Enforcing the laws for safer driving I REFER to your leader In the Straits Times 'May 24) and Tan Sri Sardon's statement about safety belts. This Is a welcome move and will undoubtedly save lives but It will not prevent accidents. There were, you state, 729 deaths on Malaysia's
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  • 416 8  - Learning Malay— 235 YUNUS MARIS By M.A. University of Malaya VOCABULARY: Tuk«n (a) cruftsman PEKiakancAN ml craflsmanshlp; PERtuk^itfAN kayu <N) woodcrmlt. carpemn 1 P*UH*i... MKmrlilura (v) to bring up childrfn: also: to rear, to raise animals. REDUPLICATION (contd in some cases, reduplication of nouns may not Indicate plural numbers at
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  • 1055 8 Hong Kong faces a year of uncertainty and some anxiety THE PAINS OF GROWING UP IN A STRAIT-JACKET WHEN over a year ago the Hong Kong economy went into what in local terms was regarded as a recession few people expected it would last. But even now, with the banks
    1,055 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 721 8 Slraiis Times 4 Mala) Mail" Claitllted advertisements may acd to. j Ist floor COLO STORAGE ARCADE Orchard Road COLO STORAGE BRANCHES AT HOLLAND ROADKATONG KEPPCL ROAD-NAVAL BASK Aothocln d Aj, n|i CITY BOOK STORE LTO rievee. Csaajw Quay I THE NEWS FRONT -luprrmarhn M. M. ISMAIL 3 Admiralty Road. Naval
      721 words
    • 42 8 $eeghou) The Renowned CUSTOM TAILORS Styles Cut to the Latest Fashions Hand Tailored Best Workmanship AUo Importers m Exporters of High Cless Worsteds Woollens. SINGAPORE: 21, Chulio Street. Tel: ***** HONGKONG: Mirodor Mansion, Ist Floor, Room No. 8. S4-64, Nothan Rood, Kowloon.
      42 words
    • 256 8 Dentures look more natural when they're Steradent-cleaned Give your artificial teeth that V >. wonderful natural sparkle. y\ I Clean them with Sieradent, the S \j_ I *ay they should be cleaned. JT J J Just drop the dentures Into a 7/ glaas of Steradent and leave I ~CJ them
      256 words

  • 113 9 THEY SHARE A JOKE AT HIGHLANDS DINNER THE Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, and the Thai Premier, Field Marshal Tun Thanom Kittikachorn, sharing a joke over drinks after the dinner held by the Tengku for Tun Thanom at the Cameron Highlands Hotel on Tuesday night. During the
    113 words
  • 103 9 SINGAPORE, Wed. The chairman of the Malay Educational Council tf Singapore. Inche H.irun Aminnurraslnci. today regretted that the University of Singapore was "rather *iow" in using the national langii medium of in.strui On the other band, tM said, tho use ot the national language
    103 words
  • 60 9 BUN rOI Ihe Deputy Pnmr llinMtr. lun Abdul Razak. will 1 to dinner by here at Uw Town Hall on June 10They will al.-o pledge their support to Tun Razulc as the succe*nor to Tencku Abdul Rahman. Tun Ra?;ik will be pr*M-nted with a, 1800 cold-coated
    60 words
  • 275 9 WOMAN TELLS OF 'LOVE TALK' WITH 'MR. X' OINGAPORt, Wed. j A woman today told a court that an anti-vice squad burst into a Geylang flat while she was having a "love talk" with a man. "An inspector knocked at the door as I was about to undress, and later
    275 words
  • 23 9 IPOH. Wed. The Minister of Commerce and Industry. Dr. Llm Swee Aun. arrives here tomorrow to begin a three-day Perak
    23 words
  • 23 9 IPOH. Wed The Minister of Lands and Mines,. Inche Abdul Rahman Ya'acob. cancelled h:» various departments under his ministry here today
    23 words
  • 25 9 MUAR. Wed Mr G Pasama- nlckam was elected president of the Muar branch of the MIC at Its annual meet in* here yesterday.
    25 words
  • 45 9 IPOH. Wed.— A tin mintr. Hg I'iaiiu ili;i^ N« Pine Mum. «:i> linrd SMI Imtc t«<l IJI whi-n he ■leaded guilty t<> faiUaf to regi«tef lor National Service. Uom.iii Inspector SUmy >lir.«nrta. pro*< cutlnc told the tourt that Nc applied to the
    45 words
  • 49 9 (Oinplrollcr ot Manpower on M.i> .">. !!••>:>. for rr^istr.Uion on his return from >tu(lie«. in Australia P«llcc ime-tiuatinns. hnwrvrr. rrw.tlnl thai .ilthoueh he Irft tin- country in INC hp returned to Malaya for .1 month's holiday in IWrmhrr. IW3. and did not register him I sHf
    49 words
  • 91 9 C \GAPORE. Wed. Sin- gapore Umna is to ask ac Registrar of Societies lor permission to use a flan and a badge similar to those of Umno Malaya. I Thi» «as decided, at a recent meeting of ihe'Umno liaison committee. The secretary-general.
    91 words
  • 227 9 Husband drops claim against 'other man' SINGAPORE, Wed. A husband, having lost his wife to another man. decided to drop a claim for damages because he did not wish to stand in the way of her future happiness. R. A. Jacobsohn, a company managing director, was granted a decree nisi
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  • 29 9 SINGAPORE Wed. Mr- O. Balan Nalr. a barrister-at-law nf the Inner Temple, was called to thr Bar here today by Mr. Justice Tan Ah Tah
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  • 23 9 MUAR. Wed. A reeruiunß team from the British Army will interview candidates at the Territorial Army centre here on June 8.
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  • 81 9 IESSELTON, Wed.— The peoples' right to vote was "a triumph tor freedom as huge as any victory has ever been won on any battlefield." The State Minister of Social Welfare. Dato Mohamed Yassin. said this in a radio broadcast on the importance of registerini; as a
    81 words
  • 100 9 SINGAPORE. Wed.— A father. R.G. Deenathayalu Naidu. was today ordered by the High Court to pay costs in a divorce petition in which his daughter. Rajalaksm:, was cited as respondent. The petitioner, Venkatesan Narayanasamy. 32. said that when he married Rajalaksml In February 1964 her parents
    100 words
  • 51 9 BEOAMAT. Wed. Two assistant rubber Instructors here have been awarded scholarships to do a three-ye<»r diploma course at the Agricultural College at Serdang. Inch* Allasalc bin Hajl Ambi? has been awarded a Federa scholarship, while Mr. Ooh Cha; Lai has been awarded a Rubber Research Institute
    51 words
  • 232 9 1/UALA LUMPUR. Wed. The dissemination of information which does NOT coincide with the national interest was described today as the "key problem" for the Press throughout the world. The description camt from Mr. Pierre Salinger. Press secretary to the lat# President
    232 words
  • 56 9 KUAJ «m appeal to thr public to contribute old documents to help W > vouiik hi li today U. head of the Historj Department, rjniversl The documents like i paper cuttings, photograph he told meniivrs of (he Rotary Club here would help in the writing of
    56 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 304 9 Newest Kodak Instamatic Cameras take 4 flash pictures without changing bulbs DROP IN THE FILM... POP ON A FLASHCUBE... FLASH! FLASH! FLASH! FLASH! You could never do this before! Pop a flashcube on any of the newest KODAK INSTAMATIC Cameras and take four flash pictures, quick as you like, without
      304 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 751 9 TV MALAYSIA Channrl 5 Kuala Lumpur, i gongs; 7.35 Karen HollyPrnani; 6 Ipoh, Malacca; 3, mood Hound; 8 News in 10 Johorr Bahru: 4 Taiping; Mandarin; 8.10 Telatah Mak 7 Batu Pahat; 9 Kluang. Mah Tergoda: 8.35 Talk on Radio and Television LiP.M.: 5.45 Opening and Pro- j eences; 9
      751 words

  • 3 10 PAGE
    3 words
  • 585 10 Boy-watchers take to snazzier eye-catching sun goggles By OLIVIA YEOH SUN SHIELDERS are fashioning a new look altogether to make the girl wearers appeal snazzier and more mysterious than they ever did in yester-years. This is because the eye-catching
    585 words
  • 189 10 rrHERE are four things a woman should know. They are: how to look like a girl; how to act like a lady; how to think like a man and how to work like a do; 4. With this in mind the Young Women's Christian
    189 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 279 10 advertisement: POST HAG answering some of your beauty problems Facial hair iJvr if i.w mm-.. with a i:crr!e riltaamlT I rnrr J. Simpjf I to ouaute*, then tinse u:i nil »<iin vitet. Top Story Itmicr -i-mtitr* nmaut an t... I'.ie.t kt>p! in pioportioa to the tot ot' tiie boJv is
      279 words
    • 444 10 \2 perfumes cosmetics &^^^m. from Paris B^l Attention Ladies! Free Revlon Manicure at C.K. Tang (Spore) from May 16-31 Make your reservations early to avoid disappointment Revlon World Leaders in Cosmetic Fashion Advertisement Why you should pay 25Z more fora Slumberland Mattress (and why so many wise people have) Slumberland
      444 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 204 10 Diary Notes... WHEN morning breaks flowers for the garden and children arc path. Costs S7. up. an easy way to teach youngsters to keep tidy is by introducing the /'LOVES have a roman"p.vjama game." It in- language, dating volves an Italian made Dack to the days of chipyjama case fully
      204 words

  • 1896 11  - 'Well... nobody's perfect JOHN BRADSHAW by DAY t of the story of America's most sensational trial The prosecution, driving homeits case against Candy Mossier and her nrphw Mclvin Powers, chargwith the murder of Candy's millionaire husband, promised a nbshelT when tendering a love allegedly written by Powell andy which he
    1,896 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 304 11 M M mm MM MM II 11 f ami IF lf "t J Jwi m <^^iHHI WlBmm JBe titii--EXPERIENCED TRAVELLER... wTHW^B^ The Dodge Normal Control Series" include the best travelled trucks in the middleweight and tipper wheelbase lengths. G.V.W/s are irom 21,5001 b (9,752 kg; to 27,0001 b 12.247 range.
      304 words

  • 31 12 HorW. lfj H,mim,.mi THE FAMILY OF Mr I and friend* istaner ii. d prt arokiasamV MICHAEL, aged 3& <t\te R.- pess«d '•rother. Mcd f'n. IBM ;tnd brined is many «ays
    31 words
  • 8 12 r# Unrj, 111 Hmimumi >TEP INTO FASHION
    8 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 3154 12 I aaw j ACCOMMODATION VACANT OISTRICT 19 rsMslll l-ir» ."t*ven« Road lnr w -ed-rouuiea rials' to wt «up*r uualit» Pnoc. -w> tiioaai SERANCOON GARDEN ESTATE rrrr*..» Bou*e Jaian Parbr r. Mi. Tun b per*, -b:r>:, or O^Sio after j p m DISTRICT ?0 UNFURNISHED er r». nous. 00. Jaian Plata
      3,154 words
    • 533 12 HIRE PURCHASE I I *r«U U Mm.)— Box i» rf mto, EASY MIRE-PURCHASE RMIO* P.»l.o«rarr.« Televisions. BMNJB Record On»ngers Refrigerators Ua» Ili Cooker*. Gas Uater Bratcrs «<• MaMMM t r»f. r r». r ifctrtc »n» I* Battery Clock!. Motor ti. I rt'tioner* Keenua'. s 134, Orrtaro Rosrt > por*. Poor*
      533 words
    • 977 12 VEHICLES FOR SALE i 4.,,«. BJ fMal I Box S rf oxirm <4t3 VOLKSWAGEN ISOO M r Anglla 000 Both a-ured «nd d\ea Hnoar MTM S por* I*o FIAT 1100 DMtM Oom InsurGoon c'ond:r:oo >>» tOr "i. I ->o"e 1»»1 VOLVO mS :«o o»n«-» •T> :o:. ,f.ori>t.op mtto radio BanBSI
      977 words
    • 482 12 AT YOUR SERVICK fi Heri*. %Un.,— Box rf KWOK'S PHOTOCOPY iCKVIII I BRINC YOUR PLA>. t m<\> a •cc.l PHOTO COPVINC PLAN- PRINT INC U 40 MM' Bullr1'S(. k i r« COPIED WHILE YOU I t\ tt*s rti s P.oa* "SHOPPING GUIDE (S pore) ii w»r«-» <« Mb.)— mm it
      482 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1201 13 to iivmpoot i otst CQASi v k ..■e i» s •.TO tin ll Pt Tatay May 27 CVUO'S Miy 21 May 21 3 ACHHUS May 71 Juaa I EIPEHO* IMa I AUTOMIOO' I Jo"' 1 June Jaae I 12 IMe II PYRRHUS Juaa l7 Jane 11 CITT.-tIUS June II Jane
      1,201 words
    • 1260 13 CAP r/ZfL Hb 1//VJFS I -ti iii r-i UPRESS SAILINGS 10 ;ENOA-HAyRt-HAMIU»(,-g»tMtHMAVEN-ROHERDAM.AMiU»P»Ni ANTWERPAARHUS-COPENHAGEN. S pea S'rim Penang A.-r; (>• .■.< met m.i km a-;w Coat kOREA i) Jut II 11 JMII2'I4 IS/1I laly 4 laly 11 II Illy II 24 71 KINA i, July 14 IS Jtly II II 1121
      1,260 words
    • 1369 13 1 benwline] tXPRESS SERVICE ID LQNOQN, LIVtRPOOL CONTINENIAL PSRTS BENMACDHUI v-, p, s-4 Ntjajtj *n" laly I tie 27 Tally Miy 77 31 May 31 1 MSSSJ laly 17 for lull 21 BENATTOW !.!J I Smgipo'* p *aang 't.:n Jaly 2S May 27 21 May II 1 Jaaa 2 1
      1,369 words
    • 1305 13 teELLERMAH BUCKHALL S.S. CO., LTO. SEE OVERLEAF FOR OUTWARD SERVICE FROM U k., CONTINENT. Sport S Mai PttMg CUT OF WELLINGTON I lt«, hi. t. Ml i. MM kirn. V pro 27 21 May II 31 May CITY OF POSNA Roitpnan. Hull I II IMI CITY SF RIPON Hamburg. Rof»-
      1,305 words

  • 127 14 MF.LBOCRNE Wed INDUSTRIAI.ti continueo e*.\v in quiet tradmK today, but prices moved more into balance. Base metals were firm with I Carriers shim in* jo reaction to t.\t miners 'co blow decision Oils '.vere sieaa; lo<liiv> riumns prMta Auntraliar dollar* and cent* with Tuesday t price* in hractteta:
    127 words
  • 254 14 JIM first grxAr rubber n.h. I buyers closed at i p.m. in >int;apore and Kuala I umpur j ?e«terday at «7-\ cents per lb. down a quarter of a r*nt on Tuesday's closing level for the position. The tone wm* inactive. R..VS. and r ..M.R.1., cloainf nric«s in
    254 words
  • 87 14 w MIPS i»mK aien««idt tn* ain^apor* «iiar«tt or aipcctad today are: M-'i.iurs Bardia I 2. bomaata a/4. .'norsonent 6,7. Cvvlup* 10/11. tn'iui.iDo I- Inctilear.a l'j. Uajrwel] Kmndri t] IS, K.-nintau M/Sa, HillaMaaasasi '-'7 :■<•. Nader u.iai aVM Ma»umi Manj 3S/38 i" il Sbwahennetn 44. <». ,i"<l Rsir!;;i
    87 words
  • 77 14 /'HINEIE Product lianansa, SmxaX* port noon priots par picul y**t*raari Coctnut oil: nulk <4« tcllera, dram |47» tf.lrr. Copra: Mny/Jun* l"K /Continent: Unquot«l. Pepper i Mnntok Kite SUM Mller*. Sara'. ik «nMM $\"0 neller*. special Sarawak black 1125 *eller*, sarblml Ijimpon^ black 1130 IN) tellera (all !>«'> M.wi.
    77 words
  • 85 14 'I" ME Allocation at Bank* Hi Malay tia nmd« ihent change* tn It* ratea to m.rrhanta yrstriday I all ratea to $100): Unitwf Slatta: huytnf TT 32 11 /IS. airmail OD :)2 13 K. 00 d St. 331 crr<l!t mils. 33 7/ Iti rrndr bills Canada: bu>tt>£ TT
    85 words
  • 26 14 Rl BBFR rtUCB: «^J imls (down a gu.irter of a cent). TIN S«j7 (down I r*timal*d ofTerint; .':."> tons (down 15 tons) 1 1
    26 words
  • 132 14 I 'PHI prrsent rate of thr Malayan l dollar against thr pound ttterl injj flvrd on Xmrmbrr '21. 1964 Is ncllins; T.T. or O.U. 3 13 16d. Hummk T.T. 2*. 4 1 l«d. Buvinx (Ii 2a. I'ad. Ihr dollar is at its statutory middle position In relation to
    132 words
  • 37 14 ON the rra* .iinan«a market tn Horn Konß yratfrday th* I'.S >io »r quoted at S7S for TT. ir.rt I 7*4 for cath I Itrrlmg >iuotr<l at 14.08 and ant latl *f told al MN
    37 words
  • 742 14 From Our Market Correspondent EASIER conditions prevailed on the Stock Exchange yesterday which experienced quieter trading. Profit-takers were out in some force, but selling was well absorbed in industrials and most prices recovered one or two cents of their earlier losses. A contributory factor
    742 words
  • 30 14 Malayan Stock Indices Mai -M. Ha] M •Industrials: 101.07 lul H Tins: 123.m 11" I ni.ibers: 1U.49 110.57 't>rr. ?.O. If»»;s I mi. Dec. JH. 196 i inn
    30 words
  • 847 14 OlSINtSS in and reported to I thr Singapore- and KuaU I umimr trading rooms of the Stork I xrhanjfc vr^terday with j thr number of shares tradrd in hr... Kits. INDUSTRIALS' Bauttrad 13 010) $170: CC M. i?S00O $1.62 D. I 1 000) SI *1 D
    847 words
  • 519 14 A FURTHER (all of 57.25 took the Straits tin price down yesterday to 5657 a picol. its lowest level for 17 months. The drop followed a decline of £17* in the three months forward afternoon I buyers price in London on l
    519 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 967 14 Y^ KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTIX U.S.A. Pacific «s Atlantic Sarviea R*n(«nl H'toKf L N. *srl PortiaM PkiiM -i**M»ia* is n Ma* n/n mm iimi i a*» ii taj tl ta, Japan Olrttt «arv.aa P*»sri| SmatTor* Kitw l ■'iiMl'li II II MM MO* 14 MO* "»-<— Mtra" 1/ I Mil II
      967 words
    • 1008 14 allsiatua Nlft ItlltHl <>t»VICtS INBU PaSlStatt «ND fa| tail SftVICU I*. Wrantl* ***<i'M Mritnraa It in It Ma*rM all MafavMtiasa »t«*m V s'kaai J Bo<t »'*a*i Vsaaai ««fii»i i mat l/il mm iwillm I* Part IOMIILa i i ni, 1/ I latl II II M| RajUtJ SU 11 Mi| I
      1,008 words
    • 33 14 S. I. P. LINES I aVaaaallßa^ A a> <^.—— Sirtgopore "SLNAiTLI" 1/2 Jtiiw ITA. "SHINTAI" o/7 June ITA. Agents. Singapore Industrial Product* Trading Co.. •J •A, Ttlofc Ay« Srravt, il»n*|)af 1. Tai: I«MS •••J*.
      33 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 630 15 THE BASSETT RUBBER COMPANY LIMITED (Incorporated In the States of Malaya) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 43rd Annual General Meeting of Stockholders will be held at the Registered Office of I the Company. No. 1. Benteng, Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday June 28th 1966 at 11 a.m. for the purpose
      630 words
    • 772 15 SOUTH JOHORE OMNIBUS COMPANY BERHAD (Incorporated in the States oi Malaya) PRELIMINARY ANNOI'NCEMKNT The Directors announce that the trading results for the year ended 31st March 1966 have been satisfactory The net profit before lax amounts to $288,189 i subject to audit as compared with $79,728 for the previous year.
      772 words
    • 721 15 NOTICES BY ORDER OF THE DIRECTOR OF ORDNAM F. SERVK I I HQ Far Eaat Land Forces NASSIM k CO. (SINGAPORE) LIMITED will *rll by public auction in their sale-rooms 4 A 4-1 tollyer Quay, Singapore, on THI'RSDAY. 2nd June 196 c at ID a.m. STORKS SIRPLIS TO THE WAR
      721 words
    • 1016 15 PUBLIC Af roiNTMfcN SINGAPORE POLYTECHNIC ESSO SCHOLARSHIP IN ENGINKtKIM. Application* are Invited from Professional Civil or Mechanical Engineering graduates of the Singapore Polytechnic for a postgraduate scholarship tn Engineering, awarded by Esso Standard Ltd. This scholarship ls tenable at the Singapore Polytechnic for a period of one year In the
      1,016 words
    • 431 15 TENDERS BRUNEI GOVERNMENT ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT TENDER NOTICE Tenders will be received by the Tenders Board. Brunei, at the Office of the State Financial Officer. Ground Floor of the Government Offices. Brunei, up to 4.00 p.m. on Monday. 18th July. 1966 for: "Supply and Installation of Actuated Controller Traffic Signal Lights
      431 words
    • 290 15 URGENT IMPORTANT SALE AT SHORT NOTICE by PUBLIC AUCTION of A valuable part diverted shipment very rare highest grades of handmade PERSIAN CARPETS RUGS The contents of 7 bales Nos. 485 1-7, 94 pieces in such valuable origins as TEHERAN. KURDISTAN. KIRMAN. MIR. SAROUK. TABRIZ. MOBAREKEH. DJIVAN. KASHAN. HERIZ. ABADEH.
      290 words

  • 2 16
    2 words
  • 406 16  -  MANSOOR RAHMAN By KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. MALAYSIAN Armed Forces' young dashing centre forward, Dali Omar, has been included in the Malaysian team announced today for the football match against Asian All Stars at Merdeka Stadium on June 2 (kick-off 8 p.m.). For Dali.
    406 words
  • 151 16 /'AMBRIDGE Wed. A re- markable eight -for-46 spell j of legbreak bowling by 26-year- old David Holford < above i brought tiie West Indians a I rapid win agaiiut Cambridge University here yesterday. Final scutes were: West In- dians 345 and 169-6 dec: Cami
    151 words
  • 475 16  -  ERNEST FRIDA: By Singapore, Wed. AT a three-and-a-half-hour meeting last night Singapore Olympic and Sports Council unexpectedly decided to give in to demands by a section of the Council for a relaxation of the high qualifying standards for the Commonwealth Games. The call was
    475 words
  • 228 16 Clay gets a wild welcome in Cairo pAIRO. Wed. World heavyV/ weight champion Ca.vnus Clay was greeted by thousands of wildly, cheering Muslims chanting Long live the Muslim champion" when he arrived here today. Explaining his last-minute decision to visit Cairo instead of flying back to the United States Clay
    228 words
  • 50 16 IPOH. Wed. The Perak junior badminton championships will be held here from June 21 to 26. Entries should be sent to Mr. Ooh Chong Hong. PBA secretary, c/o PWD Workshop. Ipoh. or Mr. Toh Goay Tat. c/o Pormlka and Co.. Leong Sin Nam Street, Ipoh. before June 9.
    50 words
  • 167 16 THAILAND BID TO FOIL JAPAN BANGKOK, Wed— News of Japan* determination to win all the gold medals at the Asian Gamea herr in December have made Thailand to increase their efforts to set a few cold medali as the h<M country, report* Xl \\l I n LANGBtXL. Not only have
    167 words
  • 164 16 ATHLETICS Hong Kong, Wed— A lanky Chinese with a springy stride came near to equalling the high jump world record of Tit s", in < 2.28 m i set by Valery Brumel of th« Soviet Union. The New China News Agency ■aid 24-year-old Nl Chin-chin, who
    164 words
  • 299 16  -  JOE DORAI By CINGAPORE. W«d. A first-class row is brewing between National badmin ton coach Lav Teng Chuan and the Singapore Badminton Association as the States probables for Kingston get ready for their test against a Malaysian side here on
    299 words
  • 490 16 SINGAPORE. Wed. Sirl»p Secondary School and TnuJong Katong Girls School finished as overall champi" thf- boys and eirl.s sections rrspeclivp'y "l thr thifp-d.iy Kdtong District athletic rhampumshipK held at F-trrrr Park 'fhiriy-one new records 1 1 4 by boys and 17 by girls
    490 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 199 16 ipßr BBa Look before you buy! Don't buy unless the name SANFORIZED is right there on the label. It means you will never wash away the fit no matter how often you launder the garment. SANFORIZED is your assurance the garment will never shrink out of fit. Stays neat, smart
      199 words
    • 171 16 ANGUS ROBERTSON LTD. 221, George Street, Sydney, N.S.W., AUSTRALIA. have pleasure in introducing THE COMPANY OF ANIMALS by Ronald McKie A 53.75 This fascinating book describes in rich and absorbing detail the jungle world of Jim Hislop, tht last white man to be Malaya's Chief Game Warden. Jim Hislop's strongely
      171 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 280 16 SUMMARY BASKKTBAI.I. Pfrak r'*hips (Ipohc Men— P. Pinji Youths 97 Meng Ngan ft 7: Sam Choy OBA 71 Ngai Menu 56. Inter-tx-hool: Methodwt 8S Pant Buntar. 57 King Edward VII Sch., Taiping 47. BADMINTON Frirndly cSpremban): Education 6 Wearneg 1. CRICKET Slrahan tup (Sban): Garrison bt NSC B on Ist
      280 words
    • 240 16 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS Ush paradise without a haiard t. Pat. Brlc. Lan out East with (10). a nobleman (9). IS. Having himpe and a notion of 10. A matter of great In tana* auld acquaintance (10k (S). 17. After the 16 and by no mi ana 11. Look Ul
      240 words

  • 2 17
    2 words
  • 610 17  -  NORMAN SIEBEL SPORTSFRONT TURNS THE SPOTLIGHT ON SHEFFIELD WEDNESDAY, FULHAM By ALL UP OR ALL DOWN IS ORDER OF DAY VUALA LUMPUR, Wed—Sheffield Wednesday and Fulham. the English Football League First Division clubs, who will play in Malaysia and Singapore next month,
    610 words
  • 196 17 SINGAPORE. Wed. Singapore footballers have set themselves two alma for the rest of this season win all their remaining five Malaya Cup matches, and train themselves to give strong opposition to English First Division club Fulham on June 4. Since their defeat
    196 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 128 17 VOLVO PENTA AQUAMATIC 110.200 WW 200 outboard > "*~T mely attractive unit Bk I of exclusive design HL" V*^*-*-— I incorporating WZ^%-J£-jmA smooth surfaces •■MWr'^v**?^*^' I without any exter- k «*-r" yM^ nal controls, water outlets, exhaust, cooling water and cables being locat- ed inside the drive. 3f THE MOST
      128 words
    • 192 17 S.emens PABX's are the product of decades of engineering W£ HillmißP of attendant telephone with its illuminated buttons, Ujjl B^l call buttons giving instant access to certain extension*, jj||| J^^^HlrP™^^'' are individually displayed by rate indicators embodied Si*-n«niPAIX i i»:ihlh»lollow.ngctp»ciii»t«r«»v«iUbl»: iyH IbtL Outtide trunk* t«t»n»ion« Intatnal link* j^B^H^* uli,m«lt ccpecity:
      192 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 149 17 ATHLFTH S St. The it- -i s School sports (Sg PaUni). HOCKEY Ipob Div. 1: Le, Salllans 'A' v KIA B; Anderyofflans 'A' v KIA 'A' (both nt padang). Malacca Lfe: High Sch. OBA v St. David's HS (MC grd). SOCCER Penan* DW. 3A: Bella Sg Ara v MTC: DW.
      149 words

  • 404 18 Stockpile sales: 'A new policy by GSA emerging' From HALL ROMNEY LONDON. Wed. A somewhat more agsrrsMve stockpile tin veiling polity mi the part of the GSA is bruinning to emerce- says thp Financial Times, discussing factors in the decline of the market price. It points out that in the
    404 words
  • 112 18 FIRST ROUND IN 25 DAYS WITH BANDAGED ELBOW rNGKU ABDUL RAHMAN, whose "golfing elbow" complaint kept him off the golf courses for 25 days, played a round yesterday in the Cameron Highlands with the elbow heavily bandaged. He went round with the visiting Thai Foreign Minister. Tun
    Lee Foo San  -  112 words
  • 141 18 LONDON, Wednesday. piVE armed and masked raiders attacked an r armoured security van. outside a West London bank today and made off with its £98,000 load. It Is believed to be the biggest haul of cash In transit In Britain, except for the 1963 great
    Reuter  -  141 words
  • 74 18 f AKARTA, Wed. The •I Jakarta garrison commander. Gen. Amir Machmud, has called for the capture, dead or alive, of fugitive Brig. Supardjo. Supardjo is charged with complicity in last October's Communist coup attempt, and the armed forces daily, Angkutan Bersenjuta. has begun running
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 31 18 SINGAPORE, Wed— A ten-man Pakistan trade mission flew into Singapore tonight for a three-day visit to explore prospects of stepping up the two-way trade between the two countries.
    31 words
  • 318 18 LONDON. Wed Ftson featured on a fiitn stock market today, following an announcement of a revolutionary fertiliser technique. I The share was active throughout Take-over talk lifted Dennis Motors. Bristol Aero and MX. Electric. Closing middle prices of selected nocks not including stamp duty were:
    318 words
  • 64 18 LONDON. Wed— Bpot 21 Hd. I July 21 5 16d.. Aug ao T -cl.. Sept. 20 11 16 d.. July Sept Jld, Oct Dec. 20 7 Itkl.. Jan. March M -d April June 20 ,d. July Sept 20\d Oct. Dec. 20 sd.. Jan. March 23*, d.. c.l.f June 20
    64 words
  • 31 18 LONDON. Wed— Buyers £1300 £9>. sellers £1302 £9i, Forward buyers £1294 t— £B'.. i. tellers £1295 < £B>,t. Settlement £1310 £4 l. Turnover a.m. 130 tons. pm. 320 tons. Tone: Easier.
    31 words
  • 309 18 Civil war looms in Uganda after palace attack NAIROBI. Wort. The threat of civil war hunß today over neighbouring Uganda. The possibility of further bloodshed loomed after the seizure yesterday of the palace of the Kabaka (King) of Buganda. one (if Uganda's four kingdoms, which attempted to secede last week
    309 words
  • 81 18 MR K NACALINCAM t MaMor I .tsurd flu ay it I K.K. Ho-ps: .1 I I uni-ra! at 111 40 p.m l.i':in Aipidin Gr<-.-nto»n. Ipoh on m. 1 h»nkx in doctors aad K K. Hoapital for Hriiha > MADAM MARY CECILY CHAN 1 iiKPd 44 baton -i <>■ r.,
    81 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
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    • 247 18 Ute CLASSIFIEDS 29 Word, Hi I tflnfmuM) TO JOYCE and Krancli daughter Delphtne stuili on I 5 H. Thanka to doctor" and Matt of General HoepltaJ Malacca. BHBf^SF' /^sb3B HHLXfIbSLi^LkZiiJBRSA^iW'uSI ■LUSH £Lectzo3s ANOTHER YASHICA "FIRST" COMPLETELY FOOLPROOF OPERATION THIS TIME WITH A FULL FRAME 3SMM, YASHrCA, who poinccrcd electronic exposure
      247 words