The Straits Times, 25 May 1966

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150,000 The Straits Times The Niitiiiiiiil NHwspiiiier Estd. 1845 WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1966. 15 CENTS M.C.(P) 1629 KDN 2034
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  • 356 1 To leave for Bangkok talks 'after Friday' JAKARTA, Tuesday INDONESIA'S Foreign Minister, Mr. Adam Malik, expects to reach settlement with Malaysia "this month of May," Antara, the official news agency, quoted him as saying today. Antara ;ilso said Mr. Malik would leave for talks with JAKARTA,
    Reuter  -  356 words
  • 194 1 Tengku: We're willing to settle for all time IPOH. Tups. The Primp Minister, Tcngku Abdul Rahman, today <\ pressed the hupr that goodwill and sincerity uoiild prc\ail when Tun Abdul Razak meets Indonesia's Foreign Minister. Mr Adam Malik. in Bangkok soon. Speaking to reporters at the airport here, on his
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  • 28 1 ininiN I HMS VHllant. the Royal Navy'a first all Britishbuilt nuclear .submarine, received its passed with honours" .sea certilicntr vrsterday after three weeks of trinls— UPl
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  • 40 1 MOSCOW. Tues A strnii;: eaitli uemor rocked Tashkent today, latest In a series oi quakes which have hit the Soviet Central Asian city in the last month There were ho immediate details about casualties or damage. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 33 1 CANBERRA. Tues —Australian and Indonesian officials reached agreement today on marking a roußhly defined border between West Irian and the Australian I Tru»t Territory of Papua-New i I Guinea —UPI.
    UPI  -  33 words
  • 34 1 MOSCOW. Tue<- Russian bombers have been in action in Siberia— to clear an ice lam on the river Lena mhirli threatened to i flood tl c city of Reuter. I
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  • 303 1 TAN HINTS AT 'HARSH' TAX MEASURES KUALA LUMPUB, Tuesday. THK Minister of Finance, Mr. Tan Sk-w Sin, today hinted thai "harsh* 1 lax measures may be taken to till the $(>.'{<) million gnp in the lii si Malaysia plan. He said "harsh taxation" was one of the means the Government
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  • 51 1 LONDON, Tuev The main sin in the office, the Countess of Darmouth, 35, told girl secretariat students here, is falling in love with the boss. "Nothing is more boring and irritating to his friends and colleagues than an adoring and possessix c secretary," she said.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 529 1  -  HENRY PAUL: By TANAH RATA, Tuesday All set for the I takeoff... Heavy rain in Highlands: Part of journey by car instead TIIK gathering of Thai and Malaysian YIPs in the Cameron Highlands today began with a drama of sorts after three hours of heavy mm. Halfway
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  • 57 1 JAKARTA. Tues. Indonesia prefers a union of South-East Asia to the Association of South East Asia, the Foreiun Mmistei. Mi Adam Malik, was quoted as sayinn today. According to the Jakarta newspaper Sinar Harapan. Mr. Malik said the union should be bettei than ASA. now connMing
    AP  -  57 words
  • 33 1 THE HAGUE. Tues Princess MaiKtiei. third daughter of Queen Juliana and Mm Bernhaid. will marry Dr. Pieter Van Vollenhoven here on Jan 10 neM year, il was i announced today —UPI.
    UPI  -  33 words
  • 52 1 SAIGON. Tues. Sloganshouting university students marched through the centre of Saiuon today in an anti-Govern-ment demonstration calling for an end to civil war in Vietnam. They shinned up lamp posts and ripped down Government banners across the streets as they moved through the city.— Reuter. See
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 58 1 AUCKLAND. Tues -All 29 crew of the 2.485-ton New Zealand collier Kaitawa were feaied lost today in New Zealand's worst sea disaster 1 for 59 years. The ship is believed to have sunk early today after striking the sand-rovered rock of 'he Pandora Bunks, off northern New
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 142 1 Navy waits for 'clear ports' order LONDON, Tues. The Royal Navy today awaited a tall from llu' Prime Minister, Mr. Wilson, to move into the nations jammed ports and low away strikeI ound ships. Mr. Wilson was expected to issue orders to the navy soon, under a state of nat
    AP  -  142 words
    • 23 1 MOSCOW I" So\iet I ni..n today launched a new unmanned satellite in the OMMMM ■cries, the news Bgncy I announced. I'PI.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 59 1 SPALOING V i for oil your Go// Requirements v 9 1 th» latttt ra*f at NAHAR CO., I' 3, North Brdgt Rold. S<ngtpor«-(. PAGOL WORLD FAMOUS SWISS WATCH ■.W Waterproof I The man of good taste always f I selects a "PAGOL" watch... the watch that gives him PRIDE I
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    • 48 1 TOP-QUALITY FANCY WALL CLOCK EUctric or Battery rpcroW* THE >H»ST USEFUL GIFT FOR MOI)»RN BOMI I V 0.0.10b1* at W tbS W CHUN CHONG Hf f I 01 South Br.4g. *s^V/ l Wotch A Clock i Spcciali>t> tinea rip. wo n/i im). i a man's taste starts with*f|VfelT
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  • 106 2 FREED AFTER NINE YEARS IN JAIL, HE PLANS TO REOPEN HIS BANNED PAPER 'MR. I.ubi-k j IndoneMa'.s crusading editor and novelist, poses for a photograph at his linine in Jakarta. soon after his release on May 17 after spending nine years in jail. During his long detention,
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  • 156 2 /COPENHAGEN, Tuev v. Marshal (lien Vi said here today that the U.S. and Russia might "jointly want to start a war against us." A serious trial of strength with the U.S. >'<-mcfl unavoidable and China did not expert Soviet aid in
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 28 2 TAIPEH. Tues. Rice experts •re conducting experiments to Brow lire on the rocky noil of Quemoy. thr Nationalist Chinese defended island Jum off the China const-
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  • 96 2 rIPEH, Tues.— The Mayor of Taipeh. Mr. Henry Kao, is not pleased with the false prosperity of l»i* city. 'On the face of it," he said in a r»port to the City Council, "Taipeh looks a Diosperous city with its tall building*, tourist
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 125 2 WOOMERA ROCKET HITS SNAG AFTER 2 MINUTES VLTOOMERA. Tues. The Europa rocket was launched here today but developed a fault shortly after take-off. Tru» projects research director. Dr. Don Woods said the rocket had .i malfunction 2mins. LOMC& after soaring into the Australian skies. As a result, the range safety
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 60 2 HONG KONG. Tues. The road literally opened 10 swallow up a packed bus in the centre of Hong Kong today. It« 40 passengers screamed as the road collapsed and the bus lurched and slid into a deep hole in front of a building -site where
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 224 2 UNITED NATIONS. Tuesday. THE Security Council yesterday turned aside African demands for British military intervention to oust the white minority government from power in Rhodesia. Only six countries voted In favour of the African resolution— three short of the nine needed to adopt a proposal
    Reuter  -  224 words
  • 217 2 A Korean's idea of paradise on earth in Vietnam ]\EW YORK. Tues. 1 A 45-year-old Korean living in Japan has paid U. 5.5 11.184 to expound "an idea for peace Ln Vietnam" In a two-p age advertisement in yesterday'! York Times. Mr. Monhiro Mat.suda, who runs a mail-order body building
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 174 2 MIRANDA O NEWEST PERFECT SYSTEM CAMERA DESIGNED FOR MAXIMUM VERSATILITY ADAPTABILITY ««i« ..iff r— __S Z2kl M I P. AN DA \r J -gS^T* _L _>l a d liqnt and odmirolion at di»-cro.n9 phutaqtaphcrs MIRANDA MIRANDA innoval.on inuKi matt tull from. vit»K| rvrn mttk an tOOmm ultra telcphoto Urn
      174 words
    • 138 2 the [A Necessities of life S FOOD H SHELTER U CLOTHING D LIFE INSURANCE which costs much less than the other 3 but GUARANTEES them for those you love. You make a good profit too! |^A& Yearly bonus now $33 with more at maturity •m«AFO»f 4 BALATSIAS OIOUT AND STRONMST
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 138 3 Londoners goggle at fashion's newest giggle... ONDON. Tues. Lon. don, the trend-set-ting city for fashion gimmicks, has pounced on the newest and sauciest of them all the see-through paper dress. The K2 cellophane ■hlfU In transparent shades ol yellow, blue and red banded In .sticky tape and zipped In
      Reuter  -  138 words
    • 92 3 CYDNEY. Tues. Seamen manning the freighter Item it. i riu i for its voyaue lo Vietnam will receive almost three times the pay of a front-line private fighting there. Back of the seamen will receive about AS9OO for the six -week voyage there and
      Reuter  -  92 words
    • 370 3 SAIGON. Tu«s. TIIK military leaders of South Vietnam today proclaimed that "The Danang Affair" was settled and promised firm action against any further rebelliousness. The Chief of State. Lt.Gen. Nguyen Van Thieu, declared that general elections for a constituent assembly would be held
      Reuter  -  370 words
    • 391 3 WASHINGTON, Tuesday. T»HE American public's rating of the way PreA sident Johnson does his job has fallen to the lowest point of his 2£ years in the White House, a public opinion survey reported today. The survey showed that
      AP; UPI  -  391 words
    • 171 3 JAKARTA, lues.— Sultan Hamengku Buwono (above). Deputy Premier in charge of finance, left here today for Japan to seek more aid for Indonesia and a relaxation of terms on outstanding loans The new Indonesian Government plans to send similar missions all
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    • 63 3 HOLLYWOOD. Tues. Dick Van Dyke and Mary Tyler Moore, whose television series "The Dick Van Dyke Show" leaves th« air this year, were voted best comedian and comedienne in the 1965-66 Emmy Awards. •The Dick Van Dyke Show" also won the award as the outstanding cotnerly series
      UPI  -  63 words
    • 129 3 MIAMI (Florida). Tups ITI The former Vlre Proident. Mr. Richard M Nixon declared yesterday that President JohnMin and Senator Robert K Kennedy are locked in a struggle for control of the Democratic Party The rift between them Is so bitter and corrosive. Mr. Nixon said
      AP  -  129 words
    • 107 3 State of crisis declared in Buganda NAIROBI. Tues. A state of emergency was declared last night in Bugar.da, Uganda's biggest kingdom, according to Kampala Radio monitored here. It was disclosed in Kampala earlier yesterday that the Bugandan parliament ha* asked the Uganda Central Government of President Milton Obote to vacate
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 192 3 Xq&e i3oCket bool(S K^t i q |)g given cotton suede which is very v^flKi. light and breathable. The BL soles are of moulded sf*£*h~i *jis*^^3A ft. rubber which is strong and P^ Jong lasting. The insoles -^itfl breathe and absorb JkJI WJf^^^ perspiration to allow j&Sm&&l22^S^^P^vl^^ for greater comfort. 4M
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    • 280 3 Brightest Idea wl in Shirts r^^Vv get M' 1.0 SeaMastervL^ri Vv^ ->m^ >9L- extra jL\-%-ynL\ durability V-/ r EXTRA i \;^V snow 1 A whiteness il EXTRA V ly crease retention EXTRA freshness K EXTRA W i smart cuffs and collar AVAILABLE AT ALL LEADING STORES. £!+%im MOTOR VEHICLE y^^
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    • 83 4 ■BNANO, luea A ii ha.- reported to the police that In was travelling along Perak Road yesterday noon when a youth on a bk\\. el into hi> van "My (in 1 r immediately stopped to see if we could render a:d." Mr Cheah Chock
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    • 27 4 KOI A BHAKL QCh nl thr urn Armed f staff i innual bm youth Council Hall in J.. .1:1 Milimood here on June 5
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    • 40 4 'pjH Puan Kittikachorn. wife of the visiting Thai Prime Minister, and Toh Puan Raha, wife of Malaysia's Deputy Prime Ministei Tun Abdul Razak. exchanging gifts at a State Dinner in Parliament House on Monday night
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    • 46 4 IPOH lues Mr Urn Chin hairnun ot the Alliance nrty In Sungei Kfrstng near Tnipine reported to the police mat .anks from the p.irtv r wooden building were burnt on Sunday night Police Ijr'ieve that the damage »a* caused by "some mischievous people
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    • 200 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Malaysian and Thai experts will begin a joint survey of fishery resources around the waters of Southern Thai land and Malaysia before the end of the year. The survey will be In three stages. The first phase, lasting six weeks. •vill
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    • 44 4 SINGAPORE. Turn. —A yount man. Sa'al bin J&sman. *as (named in a .■nagi&traie's court here with havng carnal connection with a girl under 16 at Katong Park on Jan. 24. He pleaded not ttuilty Hearing »a.- fixed lor May 28
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    • 408 4 Thanom's homage to our war dead KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday HTHE Thai Prime Minister, Field Marshal Tun Thanom Kittikachorn, today placed a wreath at the Cenotaph in honour of Malaysia's dead and visited an oil palm factory in Klang before leaving by helicopter with Tun Abdul Razak for the Cameron Highlands
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 111 4 aBMWs best showroom lIM^ATfIRK Rliwlfi t BATtPI IV WKITIHC BMtff To WP^d*** the remarkable new mwmmrt^uvanumA\mxim 5 Beater mw saloonBf you have to drive one! Only at the wheel can you judge their fantastic roadholding. .the sports car performance (0-50 in 7.1 seconds) of the BMW Tl...the sheer quality of
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 337 5 i^n^aaß.. <^B ii^^^^r a^aiiiiv b^^^bL. b»b»^^^ Lb^T Ing. C. Olivetti a C^ S.p.A., Ivrea (Italy) Fourteen separate Austro Olivetti BQromeschinen AG.. W.en OU^ each day turn British Olivetti, Ltd., London cut thousands of machines, Deutsche Olivetti AG.. Frankfurt a/M each in turn made up of I--_ Hispano- Olivetti S.A.. Barcelona
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  • 168 6 Robbery, theft appeals dismissed I SINOAPORE. Tue»— Mr. Justice Tan Ah Tah today affirmed on appeal a lower court sentence of I four years' Jail and six strokes of the rotan on Slnan bin 81m In, 22, it: an armed robbery case. He dismissed Stnan's complaint that the sentence was
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  • 191 6 Shot in the air as thugs grab payroll SINGAPORE, Tue*. Two armed men today grabbed ;i $3,000 payroll from a contractor 10 minutes before Ikwas about to pay 10 contract workers their weekly wages. The robbers one brandish ing a revolver and the other a dagger held up the contractor.
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  • 254 6 COURT TOLD OF A CAR WITH NINE TINS OF TNT SINGAPORE. Tuesday. -TAN' OH SANG. 26. was today committed to stand 1 trial at the High Court on a charge of unlawful possession of nine tins of TNT. At a preliminary inquiry, held before the Ninth Magistrate. Mr. Tan Hoay
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  • 67 6 SINOAPORE. Tues.— A $2 mil- lion re-construction project Is now I In full swing along a five-mile stretch of Jurong Road, from the Buklt Tlmah and Buklt Batok junction to Boon Lay Road. The road Is being re-aligned and widened to meet the rapid growth
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  • 193 6 Mason gets $8,830 award for accident SINGAPORE. lues. A Public Utilities Board mason, whose left leg was shortened by an Inch after a traffic accident two years ago. was awarded total damages of $8,830 by Mr. Justice Choor Singh yesterday. P. K. Vellankannu 25. was the plaintiff In a negligence
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  • 38 6 SINGAPORE. Tues.— Professor Klang Al Kirn of the Chemistry Department of the University of Singapore will speak on "Insect Attractants" at the Rotary Club of 81ngapore-We«t's luncheon meeting at Prince* Restaurant at 1 p.m. on Thursday.
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  • 34 6 SINGAPORE. Tues. A wellknown evangelist. Rev. Charles E. Blair, nil! arrive in Singapore en May 25 to address a fellowship rally at 8 p.m. the same day at the Trade Union House
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  • 87 6 SINGAPORE. Tues,. The Member for Aljunied. Mr. S. V. Lingam. has submitted a question for the next sitting of Parliament, asking whether the Deputy Prime Minister. Dr. Ton Chin Chye. will give early consideration to permitting the extension of bus ser- vices Into thp Macpher&on Houbing Estate He
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  • 509 6 AIRPORT— IN and OUT 'I'HK io!io»lo£ i; today »ehedu> 1 or en: aircraft mo\emei,ti at Paya Lebar Airport Singapore. ARRIVALS Air India: Krom Nandt B>dney. Perth |A1 IO7AI «.S0 p.m. KLM: From Amsterdam. Athrna. Beirut. Bangkok. Kuala Lumpur, iKL v.'l i 13.40 i>tn.: from Jakarta (XL >>32> 6.30 p.m. BOAC
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 451 6 ONLY-LI DII-BY DEMaVd" SMaavora i ihow. at 1 1 am. 1 10. 4.00, a. 10 f. 15 a.m. DON'T MISS IT THIS TIME!!: 1: S YHR! j i ftiMEior A %C v i 4mm I c AS' W jfr^a^BaaaaaaaaaMaaaaaaaJ ;in COLOR %^i^jJ3^n^ BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR!" 'BEST ACTOR!' "BEST
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    • 586 6 ORGANISATION f «F.T J y IJ] WE* m *WTTTn LAST 4 SHOWS ,it 11am, 1.45, 400 46 30 only! j Shew Productions A«c I Bast Sound Recording oi I J'i B Avon r Festive -.-.ul a "lhe GOLDEN BUDOHA" Mondorm b'ir.*»ccie i. L'omnj Jp.incllc L'n Tlui. Chong Chung 4 f.-,.
      586 words

  • 246 7 II ss| I U>\ }Mr* \l.inj rich men in Sineapore were married to prusti lutes. oil«- ol the three •smyarjorrans i h a with prm-urins trom Singapore and hrincin; them t» s,tb.ih for pros 1 1 tut inn told a
    Reuter  -  246 words
  • 44 7 !K \N I m ttm TWCA ol Seremban morp tban s^OOO through a rmxietv Bbpw and fashion parade hpld al i dunrujt :hf waakmd :-,i>n. under the patrcna^t o: thr Tenpku Ampuan o: New; i~ -.><■ monej la VWCA rm:.dinp fund
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  • 1374 7 MAN FOR TRIAL ON MURDER CHARGE SINGAPORE. Tuesday Magistrate tells of midnight phone call to record a 'confession' 4 PRELIMINARY inquiry was told today how police went to a house in Jalan Novena Timor No l!l —and after digging for thror
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  • 45 7 KVALA LUMPUR lues rt»ncf 'Mil be ixeUi at ;ht snoxnc lii r ernittior!i»l Aivpo: re>inur»nt in conjunct lur. 'I'h Roaa.S«.teM Weok on June 10 Hum 8.30 pm under the p«tron*Ke "f th# M et Transport. V»r. Sn S^rdori b.n Hk 1; Jubii
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  • 224 7 JESSELTON. Tues 4 TELESEISMIC >ta- tion may be set up inn to record earth tremors and earthquakes in Sabah Mr. P. J. Milne, observer :n-charge of the Apia Ob srrvatory in Western Samoa will recommend the setting up of the
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  • 100 7 \IOR SIAK. lues I he Central do\rrn mmlv in) in I.MincliitK Opcr.itiiin Prosress" i» in "iiuntrr die lid.i ip.i .illitiiric .imiin: the rut il ii ■•iiplr the ImMMI Mm i^trr of Rural Develop mml Inrhe sulaimnn nin Union MM here In da> \(iiin>sint
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  • 215 7 FAIR POLLS WILL ENHANCE KY GOVT PRESTIGE PEN ANO TIU THE \>n Tarn ('hau. president of thi High Council for the Dissemination of tlif Dhamma in the Vietnam Unified Buddhisi Order. >aicl here last night the South Vietnamese Government would greatly enhance Its prestige if it kept it.s promises to
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  • 38 7 yy h must mil dream of a return to thr old Malay empire of ■iOO years ucn. We must lire in the present and rontrihute what we can fo the procress of our >"iinL nation I r
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  • 42 7 KlAl. I IMPL'R riM ?ei.:ui ofßcer* ot in* M Army baw bean .selected for a md inntaUat Ited Strttes boginmng no I d m h.iin. fi mad A!>a«o;f L.-Coi Anna Jiii M -col N r Luue/
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  • 30 7 PARIT BIN I \R I DCf ir.o-qui co^.ir.e $20 UOO I be bu:.'. tin Sir c-' E ii v near i rag Piaodani 12 mlle^ from here
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  • 267 7 Lee lays wreath at Unknown Soldier's grave DCDAh'r.SI 1,. Mr Let Kuan Yew j>ia( po a \vn;u n on im u-uknowu boidier > i v t in ribquun oere y< i.'ic i-eremoni layea hour becauiw th< Ui l md Hungarian Pnm« Ulnixter, M (r\ u..< K.ilii*.. went >>n lor three
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  • 6 7 FES \N<- /•n;pt:nc
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  • 12 7 Ktri im i Heal ■iffiter In -hr dininri honpitaJ
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 36 7 MODEL. BP 101 l*^^^^^^^g^a^ 6-TRANSISTOR V^ MW 530-1650 XC \V K Obtainable At All Deole'i •ol* agent* t tarvic* ctations: ROXY A CO.,LTD. V» SINGAPORE IKUALA LUMPUR IPOHIPE NANG J > !Lsr W sturdy '^nC^ WO: g^MA^.T-fcTTWFOHYOU
      36 words
    • 54 7 SEIRDM the precision TV receiver with the sharpest, clearest pictures dSTA-SCopt Vista -Scope screen for clarity and depth of vision Fully automatic Highly polished teak cabinets Special anti-glare filter Prices competitive AVAILABE AT ALL LEADING DEALERS, mi ."«5S TRADE INQUIRES ARE INVITED. r»o° X& l.'o/o Buy SETRON buy distinction
      54 words

  • 312 8  -  Rudy Beltrar: OVERTURNED OIL LAMP STARTS BLAZE By i: Kuala Lumpur. Tues. TWO playful cats are believed to have sparked off a fire in an attap house near Sungei Buloh, about 18 miles from here trapping three children under a burning mosquito net. I^ast
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  • 122 8 SINGAPORE. Tue.s. The aircraft carrier. HMS Victorious, is arriving here soon to join the Far East fleet. The Victorious will tak«> the place of the Ark Royal, which i.s at present doing, oil watch duties in th* Mozambique Channel to enforce th<* British o:;
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  • 59 8 nHAMO, Turs Two Umno branche.s here will hold food and tun fain m August to boost their grtifiH', fund.s. Thr Ens; Jetatoag branch Vttl hold a fAo-d.u- lair in the village on Aug. 6 ;uid :<nd the Patuni Road arancn will hold a one-da y
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  • 50 8 KAJANG. Tues— A $120,000 ex-trn.-;iui to '.he out-patient depart- mem of ihc District Hospital heie is l>einK underiaken by ihe Mm;- latn of Health. 1 1:-- r-.trn.sion includes the biu'dins of an X-ray room. It is I expected to br compleied by ihe end of this year.
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  • 24 8 SKREMBAN. Tup.s— The Scrrmb».n Thratrkal Club will present 'Trap (or Liinclr Man" •it thi* Ras.ih C.imp here on June ■> and 3.
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  • 169 8 PARIT BUNTAR. Tuesday. THE Mentri Bcsar of Perak. Dato Ahmad bin Said, said Malay unity had been split In some rural areas because Umno and PMIP member* ru'.d engaged in 'social boycotts." "If one party held a function, members of the other would boycott It." he
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  • 27 8 KULIM. Tues.— The Kulim District Ofllcer. syed Alwi Shah.ibud(iin utll open the new niosqur a; Keladi. about one mile from here on May 29.
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  • 139 8 I/OTA BHARU. Tues. IV Destruction caused by flooding in Kelantan and Trenßganu last year is estimated at |8.1 million S3 million more than the original estimate. This was disclosed here today ov a >ocial welfare officer. Inche Muhammad bin Mohamed Noor. wlkj la in
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  • 132 8 DENANG. Tues. Five fOUM women from Korea". India and Ceylon today joined the ranks of the Little Sisters ol the Poor at the Order's Batu Lanchang LaiM chapel here. They were Si.-ier Chaiual (.iii.nia IOMM Pai 1 ol AngM,ngiiivu:i Chongip. SiNtr: Chan'iil Joseph (Juliana
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  • 172 8 Xl \I,V LI MP| K. Tuet. —i he fuial round U» the double taxation talks, on which the <.iov<innienU oi Malavsi.i ;md Sincaywt iiavr bJbmM n-.ulitd .mrrenirnl, will lii 1 In'ld in the tew An ~i>ur«r >.tid litre: \\> hare not
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  • 64 8 BAGAN SERAI. Tupv A thn '•-milf rural road c-ostinn $30,000 hM brrn conipleied in a *els-hc!r> pfi by the pcjole of Pant here Mrntri mk. D^ to Ahmad bin Said. In hp■jon of the good work nf Hi kumponc pponlo. K«ve *•■> on-ihe-tpot grant of $1,800 *>■?■
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  • 31 8 81 VCEf PATANI. TUM Th« Chief Police Officer. Mi. J. O. Ritchie, will open a road safety exhibition at the police contingent workshop here on Saturday and Sunday.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 247 8 Safeguard their future with a policy from ASIA LIFE A \i^ J v^ aM < lt ii *'>'^W^R The responsibilities, the resources of no two men are IF' alike But they do share the common desire to safeguard j^ fm the future of their family and to save for their
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    • 163 8 SwWUette- BERMUDA the new Wjtk cotton bra w"' -r^. *^J* with j Cat> *l U _^t No U7 cups |P^ I njoy your Summer in Bermuda, the light, cool bra by Silhouette, r-ashioned in prc-shrunk cotton that wavhei gleaming uhnc oery time. •keep-Shape" cupt lined *ith valcr-ihin loam pi\c >i>u
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  • 218 9 Singapore's aviation plans get a pat on the back SINGAPORE, Tues. The Singapore Government today received ;t pat on the buck from for m c r presidential cretary, Mr. Pierre Salinger, for its "far sighted" civil aviation policy and planning. Mr Salinucr. now a vie*nt hi Continental Airlintw said ho
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  • 53 9 New Sata officials MNUAPURE. Tues -Mr R.G. ernieu has been elected new umman of the Singapore Anliuberculosis Association. He sut■edl Mi Richard K NT. Eu. who .<* rrtned after holding the (xmt >i five years. Mi >; UttMWMI »ru; Mr. RichImi Kre Mcng were elected Kt-i Imnnien. Mi J Grimberg
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  • 110 9 He's back with architect's degree SIM.APOKL. lues. A Sinnapurr studrnt. Mr. (lire S/v Wah (above i rKurneu after Rraduatbag from a part-time architectural course at the Perth Technical Collect in Western Australia. Mr. (her. Iti. who did threr years' basic study in arihitecturr at the Sin ..iimir Polytechnic, left for
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  • 116 9 SINGAPOKK, Tues.. ReKiatrauun teams will call at the following lti school!) tomorrow to NdrM students, teachers, and staff for i lie new laminated plastic identity cards— the l'3th day In the national registration campaign tor schools. Kirn Song West Integrated Pn•m*:\ ■cbool; Kirn Seng East
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  • 23 9 SINGAPORE Tues -The police Band will per lorrn at the Jalan riu Selrtar Voluntary Conslabulaiv Outre at 8 pm tomorrow.
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  • 133 9 t^ police continued to b<* stationed outride Hotel Singapura today, the Singapore Catering Ber Siall and Worker.-.' Trade Union were Informed by the police that their application to picket the hotel was receiving attention. A »pok6MOMU) for the union said the letter did not indicate when
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  • 301 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Turn Till! nation is beginning to accept tlie national langntgr as ;i ma tiff ol course, the secretary of the National Language Month central executive committee, Inche Hassan hin Ahmad, s;iid iii ;i statement here yeslerday. He said a "prevailing
    301 words
  • 138 9 SINGAPORE. TUB* The University of Singapore's Department of Extramural Studies has organised a course of 12 lectures covering the geographical, economic and political aspects of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, with emphasis on the commerce and foreign trade system of the Soviet bloc. The course
    138 words
  • 221 9 SINGAPORE. Tuesday. ■yOLUNTARY agencies in family planning, whose role has changed with the establishment of government programmes, should channel their resources into such new fields of activity as marriage guidance and infertility clinics. This wa.s stated tunight by Dr. V. M. S.
    221 words
  • 96 9 Minister Lim to speak at business meet SINGAPORE. Tues The Minister of Finance. Mr. Lim Kirn San. will be the ttuest .speaker at ihe inauKural meeting of the Singapore Institute of Management at the Cultural Centre Theatre in Canning Rise on Friday afternoon The MMfef, w lnch will be attended
    96 words
  • 32 9 SINGAPORE. Tues— The Member of Parliament for Kampong Kembangan, Inche Mohd. Ariff bin Suradi. will open ti.e Kaki Bukii Secondary School. Jalan Suchi, at 7.30 p.m. on May 27
    32 words
  • 124 9 SINGAPORE. Tuev A meeting of 34 Buddhist organisations and temples will be held at the Victoria Memorial Hall on June 3 to commemorate \f, a k Day The MinLster of State for Defence, Mr Wee Toon Boon, will be uuest of honour at
    124 words
  • 78 9 SINGAPORE. Tues. Thirty teams have entered (or the Singapore truer-school chess championships which began yeiterday at the YMCA In Orchard Roud Eighteen of them are doing battle for the Llm Hee Seng challenge shield to be awarded to the winning team in the
    78 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 287 9 r |w|iKg^B.«JEri'' jF^i ffSBL gfll^ra^Brafl g^gHg^g^g^Bpi m MjgJ Si, I win Kr I No conventional watch can ever achieve the guaranteed accuracy (guaranteed not to gam or lose more than one minute a month) ol the "l^Bfl Bulova Accutron time-piece. It took a miracle "^-s.. of electronics to make the
      287 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 78 9 SUMPIVS GOTTA BE \>^ UMF*/ J I PUNNO... MAYBE V I COME, THA'S ALL... ASUMPIN S V. "_7 YBB, WHERTS VBETTER GO ASK >*i JUST GOTTA J S >^°O p 'y CJJZ^ l^* 4 COCODILES// NhH ##«>* Irnri/ Chvsivr i.ould |C7(B«?>4 <X IT its ON.~iT^OFRTH| FONLV JUST DONT) h ey?
      78 words

  • 1 10
    1 words
  • 24 10 >« Words 111 i«l« Xl NATHAN of Kuala 1-umpur and r.lliabeth Woodwark ot at. Albana. Kngland were married at X.L.. Reglatry efflea on S-B-IM4
    24 words
  • 52 10 W;t. SIS Mimtmum, BENSON JOHN (SONNY) Aged M. beloved eon of Jobn uommtchM, Pamol ■state, K!uai*ic paaaed away peacefully on IH-VISH* Badly mourned hy hrothera Stetara uncle auntie and oaatf famine* Qttttatel tttanka to all relat:vee and fri<-nda who attended t»!» funeral aarrtoa, tent wrratht and helped In many
    52 words
  • 42 10 70 HorWi til (Minimum) DOES TRAVELLING UPSET yem TTito »f(Mii\o travel alckneae remed) la safe *vm for rhildrer HANOMADE. PURS WOOL, permanently moth -proofed rarpeta made to r-nier for a > setae by Tal Pin.. U1 River VaJley Road. Spore. Tel: HMi
    42 words
  • 72 10 It Wurdt it ,Min.>- «M i* r««. txlrm LEAVE HOUSE SURREY Avail- and for any prriod up to l< montha. well equipped l'.i.nj;.i low in L*a:h< rhead. Surrry. Thrt-e hedMM and baain en av.iir, pra*Mha| fue di\an t>rdii. all el'ctric hratins. Um^n. ctltlerv ÜbrMM, Hoomlnutrt l>v frrquent electric
    72 words
  • 605 10 The Straits Times Wednesday, June 25, 1966. Ky Still On Top The cullause of the revolt in Danang, unhappily not a painless surrender, has changed the situation in Vietnam dramatically, much to the Saigon Government's advantage and to the immense relief of the Americans. Whether Air ViceMarshal Kys position has
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  • 379 10 An official statement yesterday clarifies last week's announcement that the Malaysian Government has decided to recognise the degrees of American universities which are approved by accrediting agencies in the U.S. itself. Degrees obtained from such universities in science and in professions other than medicine (engineering or architecture, for
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  • 176 10 The Thai -Malaysian joint fisheries survey to begin this year could produce important results. Despite the greater use of inboard and outboard motors and more efficient catching methods, the grounds which fishermen favour have changed little over the decades. Indeed, there is some evidence that improved techniques are
    176 words
  • Letters
    • 203 10 Open season on the 'freshies' 'ITIE Straits Times of May 21 carried a report of the welcome given by the University of Singapore to freshies. It also mentioned the five -week orientation period. From personal experience, these five weeks will hardly be enjoyable or helpful in any way. Ragging, officially
      203 words
    • 60 10 1 support the suggestion that all graduate headmasters from Form Five schools should be withdrawn and put back into the classroom. After all whenever their advice is required It can be made available. As it is, lr at present we have one hundred graduate headmasters, It means we are wasting
      60 words
    • 51 10 I REFER to Mr. CJC Lim's letter tS.T. May 21) on the loss of his fathers Citizenship Certificate. Mr. Lim's father should make a report of .'us loss to a Police Station and then call at this flesi^try with a :opy of the report. IHi KIAK SENG Registrar of Citisens,
      51 words
  • 569 10  -  Stanley Karnow by Hong Kong, Turn* fOMMUNIST China is now estimated to have about 20.000 uniformed members of engineer battalions working in North Vietnam. These labourers, organised in military type units, are primarily engaged in assisting in the repair of roads, bridges and other lines
    569 words
  • 983 10  - A boom that moved too fast begins to slow down ALFRED MALABRE Jr FACING FACTS OF ECONOMIC LIFE American factories are operating at 93 per cent capacity and costs have increased with expensive overtime and as inefficient facilities are pressed into use to meet the demandthere is no room to
    983 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 650 10 Straits Tiaei Mala- Mai Cleasirlid eeVeetteaaaeert* aaay cc heMaeaef tax COLD STORACC SUPttMAtKIT Orchard Read (Rmpllialar Beak) I COLD STOKAU IRAMCMIS At Hellene' R*«e) Helena N*»el Bate. Auihorned Ae*aN CITY BOOK STOtI LTD Winchester Hovee, Ceilyer Q»«y. THI NIWS FRONT Swpernwefcat M M ISMAIL J Mnafcaßl deed. Neval Bee*.
      650 words
      48 words
    • 174 10 SAVE TIME AND EXPENSE SEND YOUR GOODS BY AIR-Consult: SINGAPORE BAGGAGE TRANSPORT AGENCY LIMITED APPROVED lAT A CARGO AGENTS AlfO fh« Pioneer Firm in pocking, removing and storing goods in Singapore and Malaysia. Equipped with the latest machinery, modern warehouses and experienced staff. Enquire for details from >E Asia Insurance
      174 words

  • 355 11 SINGAPORE. Tues. A new list ot awards to members of the security forces of Far East Command was announced in the London Gazette today. Brigadier W. W. Cheyne. Commander ol Wed Brigade, responsible for the di fence of the First Division of Sarawak. awarded
    355 words
  • 157 11 MORE TALKS WITH BRITAIN? KUALA LUMPUR. Turn. JTURTHER private talks with Britain on the aid issue will only be worthwhile it there is some indication of a British change of heart, an official source said here today. The source said: ''There will be
    157 words
  • 276 11 'Family planning needed to beat abortions' SINGAPORE. T AfORE family planning facilities should be ITi made available to Malaya's rural folk in order to stamp out abortions. Dr. L. S. Sodhy, vicepresident of the world body of the International Planned Parenthood Federaation. said this in an interview today. He Is
    276 words
  • 125 11 VLNCAPORE, Tues. Dc- spite a nation-wide strike by its ground crews and office workers in Italy. Air Alitalia is operating normal servicrs to Singapore and the Far East. A qpoksmuui said Alitalia's services between Europe and 1 Australia via Singapore would I
    125 words
  • 56 11 JESSELTON, Tuea.— Malaysian •ecuruy forces will carry out n night flare-dropping exercise between 7 p.m. and 10 am tomorrow within fives miles radius of Kalabakun. and between two and five miles radius of Ulu Membalua. Aircraft will drop flares while ground forces will move in'o various
    56 words
  • 50 11 SINGAPORE Tues— A group hi offi er cadets of ihe Peoples D»'tence Force nr( now undergoing rigorous training in nharp khootinc at the Mandai range. The cadets, who come from \anouji profession*, will eventualIv he potted to various People's Force centre* to iaJu chart* of recruit*
    50 words
  • 28 11 IPOH. Tues. Mohamed Manan bin Osman. aged six. was killed by a car while crossing a road at Senanggol, 59 miles north of here, yesterday.
    28 words
  • 154 11 Tin plate still Nol for packing food NEW YORK. Tues. Despite new inventions, substitutes and high prices, tin plate Is still the favoured I material for packaging foods in the United States. Financial World, a weekly magazine, said today: "For many years to come, and probably permanently, there will be
    154 words
  • 59 11 SINGAPORE. Tues. A team of 15 American planners will arrive In Singapore tomorrow tor threeday visit to observe housing and industrial planning. They are offlcials of the American Institute of Planners and the American Society of Planning, who have Just attended the 28th world congress of
    59 words
  • 145 11 MADE IN S'PORE NAILS FOR EXPORT CINGAPORE, Tues. Singapore is producing sufficient mosquito coils and wire nails not only to meet local needs but also for export. Spokesmen for three firms said it was for this reason that the Singapore Government had imposed low quarterly quotas for the import of
    145 words
  • 39 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The Malayan Association for the Blind hopes to make a record collection of 145.000 from its annual flower day on June 4. In Selangor. J6O people have volunteered to sell flowers.
    39 words
  • 427 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. —The Automobile Association of Malaya today hailed the Transport Minister's de c i sion to make the fitting of seat belts in new cars compulsory. The AAM chairman. Mr. F. A Fielding, said he hoped it was the
    427 words
  • 101 11 JAKARTA, Tues. The Singapore Government has refused to issue a visa 'o a prominent Indonesian correspo ndent. It was learned here today. Correspondent Mohamad Said, of the newspaper Waspada. in the north Sumatra city of Medan. had applied for Singapore visa in Bangkok earlier
    AP  -  101 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 243 11 MOTHERS AKTA-YITE ENSURES GOOD HEALTH PROPER DEVELOPMENT AND RESERVES OF ENERGY FOR EVERY MEMBER 0F YOUR FAMILY f f 1^ J|oi^^^AKT*.VlT»- It a 4tllll«n ck*t*l*l* I I''^^^ I fan' ••Mitid »iu- 1/7 m j |f aKTavirr mmwM i« I tfM •••< (tulllt. prop., ' an 4 WK* t«p«cU»l t*4 Mwftinf
      243 words
    • 187 11 Designed with you in mind Robinson's new, enlarged China and Glassware Department F f— "~*MKB t 7^l I m I mil I *^^HB Bt m- IB With you in >^ «iA J Matchin 9 Dirv mind, Robin- \ft lm^k^ ncr, Coffe« son's have en- and Tea Sets orged this depart-
      187 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 713 11 TV MALAYSIA (HAXNtL 5 KuaU l.ur- 609 Women s World; 633 pur Penani; C Ipoh. Malar- --Cartoon; 7 New* In Engr»; 3. 10 Johore Bahru; 4 lush; 713 The Samurai la'pin»; 7 Batu Pahal; The Imitation Princf; 737 Xl M Commfmary: 8 News in 545 PM-: Opening and Mandarin: 811
      713 words

    • 386 12 ITOK Singapore manufacturers who wish to establish markets in foreign countries, the coming trade fair in Bangkok will present a golden opportunity. The lair, to be held under the auspices of E.C.A.F.E. from November 17 to December 10. is designed to increase trade among
      386 words
    • 171 12 QANTAS SEND TWO EMPLOYEES TO SYDNEY MESSRS. Tan Kirn Swee i above left and 1 M Siang Chye i right i have left for Sydney to attend a procurement and supply familiarisation course being conducted by the Qantas stafl training division in Sydney. Australia. They will be away for approximately
      171 words
    • 94 12 New district traffic chief appointed ■\f R DA Newman (above) has arrived m Singapore to became the new 8.0.A.C. district traffic manager lor South-east Asia. His last appointment was in London where he was traffic superintendent, Southern Region, at 8.0.A.C. headquarters at London Airport for six years. Mr. Newman, who
      94 words
    • 29 12 The BriiL-h Automobile Association has au.mled a silver medal to Ford of Britain for its aeroflovv ventilation system desrribing it as a significant, contribution to safer motoring.
      29 words
    • 130 12 VfH. (>eoree Y. I- lalwi *a »el-known mmint runMMajajt, will rrpresent Mal.i>«ia as I In- emplow'i V deli'gale at the iiilli sesslun of the International Labour Conference at (icnru starling on June I. He will br accompanied lit Mr. K. C'hrw. personnrl manatrr of Shell i.Mi
      130 words
    • 80 12 The American Can Company announced In New York the introduction of a new seamless tinplate container (or tuna and other food products. The compaiiv said the container can be pre-pnmed before punching offering panoramic, unbroken lithography on the sides and top. This seamles* container is lighter in
      80 words
    • 170 12 FIVE MONTHS' COURSE IN N.Z. rrO establish stronger trade links following the recent visit of the New Zealand Trade Mission to Singapore. W. Graham Hitchina Ltd. of Blenheim. New Zealand have chosen a Singapore University graduate, Mr. Kong Hoe Leong. to travel to New Zealand for an instructional course. Mr.
      170 words
    • 196 12 ITT plans big merger with ABC rE International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation <ITT> has announced plans lor a merger with American Broadcasting Companies Inc. <ABC>. This merger will put ITT-ABC within the 20 largest industrial companies in America. In Kuala Lumpur, the regional manager of ITT. Mr. R. N. Burton,
      196 words
    • 288 12 A two-week free roaod trip to Hong Kong with aH expenses paid *v awarded to Mr. I.idi Kng luan of Halacea, and Mr. St -phrn Fung from Jeaeelton who were adjodged the top Esss dealer and salesman of the year respectively. The free ticket ilw coven their
      288 words
    • 314 12 rpHKKF unit> of the Aitttin Ucsitrn modrl .'Hi Mil X propelled h\<lr«iuli< t r.iiitvs li.i\r brrn rrrenllt brought to Malaysia from the I'nitrd Stairs ol America lh« local aerntv William lackl anil Co. (.Mi Ltd anil plird to thr Ministry of Drfr-inc foi Hie use by
      314 words
    • 145 12 'VHV OtiM-r<, Moun* C'orpor»- tlon (hairmmi Mr Precierta G. Donnrr loreta.M« .\rt*rp lncr««ws In motor vr>riirl«s sslas around the world during rho nr\ >cadf. "WpU o\<t 13 mllll< Yeliirte nil! I Kkkt" in IM7.1) in Ilie United Stairs. Mr. DoniMT lold <!li annual mw ti
      145 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 658 12 sea (or how to relax and unwind) Soil to or from HONG KON6 or |AMM w. ye text fcsmess Hip Take a well-earned rest! Sail P&O-Orienton>ournc\t business tour to long Kong or Japan. If you can't spare the time to co all the way there and back by sea, take
      658 words
    • 215 12 TO-DAY'S DESIGN is the LYNX IThls modprn < Istern Is handsome, hyirlenle. and efficient In opera- flushesatatouch.wltlißtiuletyet. powerful action. The shell Is made of blade Duranita and tha> Ki nit tl^her siphon mechanism of polytiiene- non-corroding;. rustles*, non-atrtntr and unbreakable. Conforming to BSS 1125, and Water Works s)>d itKatinns.
      215 words

  • 171 13  -  MARGARET WEE: By E. Kuala Lumpur, Tues. Later, asked about royal visitor, he says: 'A very nice man' SPASTIC boy Ng Cuy Fong caught the attention of a Very Important Visitor today. A Class Two pupil of the Spi.itic Children's Centre in Petaling |aya, Cuy Fong, eight,
    171 words
  • 204 13 I/UALA LUMPUR. Tues. Housing in Malaysia is of a fairly high standard, the Minister of Local Government and Housing. Mr. Khaw Kai Boh. said here last niiiht. Mr. Kliaw was speaking 10 MWtfMtl at Sub a n K airport on nls return
    204 words
  • 58 13 MALACCA. Tuc-j-.— The Governor oi Malacca. Tun H«JI Abdul Malelc bin Yusof. will attend the banquet and dance of the newly formed Lions Club of Malacca at tii* Town Hall here on Saturday nl«h' At the banquet the Lion International District Governor. Dr. C. W Chen of
    58 words
  • 47 13 \PORE TUM. Waut stuoin tune l*ci: ..««;d«i Kbolknblpi by the SlnOovernm^nt under il» Colombo Plan (o s'udy at ih« Singapore. rhev urt Mis.- Jean le« K< t Jin wrK pliarmacj. «r.d Michael H:i Yu Lieng Abeng Urn and Chan Kok San. dentiatry
    47 words
  • 201 13 Sun shines at last for the man who lost all \JUAR, Tu«s. Th« sun Is shining at last lor legless, luckless Ahmad Shanat. 37, a patient al the hospital here for the last nine years. Until yesterday. <inmad. who was rejected by his wife and child, relatives and friends, was
    201 words
  • 71 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Tue«. Sh.ihman bin Manap. 32. unemployed, yesterday pleaded guilty in the Session* court to oflcrir.g a bribe of $5 to the secrrarv o! the Public Services Commi&sior.. Inche Ismail bin Latifl. Deputy Supt. Moklitar bm Ha l Marahalcim. prosecuting. s.r.d that Inche Ismail
    71 words
  • 245 13 I/UALA LUMPUR, Tues. Saturday will be a common holiday for all school children in Malaya soon. Tlip Minister of Education. Inche Mohamed Khir Joharl. has> decided on new weekly holidays for schoola on the mainland For schools in the former Unfederated Malay Statea
    245 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 258 13 ANGUS ROBERTSON LTD. 221, George Street, Sydne>, N.S.W., AUSTRALIA. have pleasure in introducing THE COMPANY OF ANIMALS by Ronald McKie A 53.75 This fascinating book describes in rich and absorbing detail the jungle world of Jim Hislop, the last white man to be Molayo's Chief Game Warden. Jim Hislop s
      258 words
    • 135 13 Apjjftif lip- i SiJm wt 1 ih# t "Psst! Goto Japan the Taipei way!" Stop over in Taipei at no extra fare. Whether for business or pleasure you will welcome the relaxing break, and there ia no better place to spend it than at the President Hotel. You will be
      135 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 251 13 Straits Times Crossword A< ROSS T. 3 holds Uxe right to one \ttal >. Tup arre«. and dr».. back principle <6>. 14.41. 13. Poet with merit in contention I. Treads on iht chemUt follow- dO>. ing a \arlation in pitcn (61 16. Forced to undrew on the set 10. Frleo
      251 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 568 14 'lontinurd rrom Pagr It' ACKNOWLEDGMENT W Kerala 17a > Kmtauim MR. AMD MRS O>B thank NMn and trtmdt for rb* .laalatauoe, tliwurrt, ,ood w;*Be». <lfta at tbelr vnlititc. RELIGIOUS ANNOUNCEMENT Wmtl H Viriimill FELLOWSHIP RALLY" ar. oppnrtunlt\ to mi» MM "»•>• «f 1 ,-■>.■ 'cm OVERSEA!) LEAVfc SPAIN ■Uyvr SITUATIONS
      568 words
    • 923 14 SITUATIONS VACANT „>.«• Win i— to, >• cfa <i"a (A) SEN MIR SOCIAL ui-. IB) hoc:a. Caae-n orker. L»«4mg Voiuntarv tn rt c I f a organiwtioe Witti app. c«-'.e«a for tae above posta. Applieaau raua*. oold Uarremty Diploma .a .iiies v eouivaieat r»toic:aeo profeaaioaa. eo>.a' «.ork go*..f:ra--on rot post
      923 words
    • 957 14 ACCOMMODATION WANTED W, n _«<.» >«■ 'tl>m DISTRICTS OR IU ."-bedroom till aisced t rrort. -Lfl of June 5330/- 'o -IS pore PROM 1-7 kk i-u-opean rsmny mi;..-, detained uniurnisned Bungalo*/ House »ith Dane, ►vr.jc-i oar uorra ra 2.j01j <rtercoon THREE OR FOUR "roioom novae MM «.i to* orriee.-. Ren:
      957 words
    • 836 14 TUITION *—*U %t tmm.y-Mm f ttt. asrtra PON SAN DANCE studio. Outran Kuan .e.<v:ijes oaUrooa. Latin dancea ■feril vr air o> apcoiatnceDt "07t4. LAMBERTS ORIVINC SCHOOL Dua.-Coo'ro'itd alico- 1000 TViumpo Ueralda B u any V» uO 10 bs.morej I Road B'oort ??>M WANTED LADY TEACHER Reeidaat hln»«por« MtvSM tu:ties Primary
      836 words
    • 979 14 VEHICLES FOR SALE It Worts v, I Hii.)—Uoi SOJ «xf'a 19S0 SIMCA L'QREV. Ooe carrful lady o»dt. BJ m.p.g Si 000 0.n.0 B. P. Axrangeao.e lelepnooe b pore BMM good condition tsss fcuaua kM taxed Insured nn» BJHI I Borne Ro^d 8 ;ort CORTINA DE-LUXE <Oct. l»«4> Kour ooor :o«
      979 words
    • 776 14 VEHICLES FOR SALE j «n> <• Via I Hoi .<. .I. »r'r, l*SO VANGUARD 195S Victor in Koud MsasMßß W on». In. Spore -'46.i4 aaytiuie lor I i.i-:ner eQQUines MARK TEN JAOUAR La's l»<3. I Owiiei tlr-ooadiuoaad. r»perecoide. »utoma.tio-drne ■SSStBal Taxed, Js. Ornxat Koad. S po-> 1». •;on»ii:* i-toc:
      776 words
    • 322 14 SHOPPING GUIDE (Spore) JC '-VC LLLR> ir&kp« me mot! appre«e»" range **aare POR BEAUTIFUL GEMS Ud FOR SOUVENIRS CURIOS. Orieotxt LADIES HAIRDRESSING ens io. i i si FARIOA MAISON MAR'ILII h Ma ae.iii MAISON MOOCRMI f11.,i VICKY S FK.URAMA \ALON Half H »1 WHERE TO STAY (Sporr) YORK HOTEL. 1t..;
      322 words
    • 72 14 WHERE TO STAY (Malaysia) m esajs Hrn i— H JOHORE MOTtL I r-cond Kou NSW STRAITS VHW HOTtL i WHERE TO EAT (S'porrl BUTTtBY JACKIC BOWL tow roo soup >pi.i i»i r Kic it m. i S AMHAL BAR RESTAURANTS (Sporr) FOR CNJOVABLC CVCNINOS Ball i:.. i a pon LAI
      72 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1221 15 T CBASI UK mm^^— m^ mm^~^^^ m Out S'psri Si a P. I nim Ptnmi ■ii Lirton I'NM. Olatt**) I* Pt'Mat 20 May 27 CICLOPS llsSiol. 158i.5.TC0u11... Ma, 20 Ma, 3/ 1 kCHULES L.verpMl, 6las|o« M*| 28 JMt 1 ELPENOR L'»tr*ool, 6la*go*j IMt I AUTSMEOOr i ji. Btit*»t. 6i«|o«.. JaM
      1,221 words
    • 1252 15 I r//£L, Rul//V£S tXPRESS lAIIINCS TO CENOA-HAVRE-HAMBURB-BREMERHAYEN-ROnEROAM-AMSTERBAM AWTWERP-AARHUS-CBPEHHAfEN. Spurt P.ttaa Pei."i „tn L i man IM «urn Attw Com BUSUANCA Sailel Sailil It Pi 25 Juni II June I 21 luni ZJ 21 4 OREA i) Juni l| 11 Imi 12/14 IS/10 July 4 luly 17 II Jail I* 24
      1,252 words
    • 1323 15 I BENmLINE] UPRESS SERVICE TO LONOON. LIVERPOOL [QNHNtNU t KQRI> nrvutrnuin *<* riin-pu'i »ti tt BLNMACDHUI r 0 t,z t iaiy i i Sm|ao..'» Pt. S'»«rn "♦njnj Hi>n laly I Sta 27 May 21 May 27 30 May 11/ 1 An:«iro lu.y 17 For Ml JMI 21 BtNATTOW M Drculi
      1,323 words
    • 1274 15 teELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO., LTD. lEE OVERLEAF FOR OUTWARB SERVICE fROM U.I.., CONTINENT. Lllli| Itr S'pori P. S tilß Piim| CITY OF WELLINGTON London H, hull, urmhtm. M k'o 27 21 Miy II li May CITY Bf PSSNA Kxvjoo, Himaof|. RotUrJia. Huil I II IMt LITY IF lIPSN ic-oon.
      1,274 words

  • 858 16 From Our .Market lor respondent rpill. main feature of trad--1 <>n the Stock L°\changc >fsterday (turnover 1 I'l.VU.'iO units valued .it gS.4SS.ItI) was in the tin section in which more interest was shown However the support was alongside that for equities and
    858 words
  • 27 16 MaUvan Stork Indk-es May 23 May 1* ■Industrials: 101.69 102.07 Tlnv m.XI ***** S rubber*: 110.49 110 49 •Dec. 30 irii,°. 100 Deo If, IMI I Oil
    27 words
  • 96 16 SHIPS lynji alajeaaMdj tri* ain^^pare wKaivaa ■>• imianl ladav I MdMdoa in n 15 '1« t-sauil'.n is r,rrn::i W. U.i jib BrooK* .'l Ji 1 Keamgau ?3 34.1 Ban^.iitdnu ti M IJOIJaW s-prin^ 33D .-.'•dej Uik) M/M Vac NMt N/M\ BaJiadui 40 41 Utm Mannrr *o Hamnicr.u
    96 words
  • 25 16 May 24. RUBBER PRICE: 68 cents (down threeeighths of a cent). TIN $4>64.20 down $5.75) Unofficial estimated offering 240 tons (up 5 tons).
    25 words
  • 66 16 'MINCSE P>ofli«.t lunj'vi *">./< day Cacanut ail: ovu S4i> Mtaara, <iiirn ett. Caara Hay June K <joctiorst UaVlootod. Peoatr- MuaioK «ou. ?i» 3 MUei-a, Utn'Mji want- $tut mill i hpccih B«rawaJi ntack !i:;« «r:itr» t LamponK o.ack Sl3O IU) nailcra <ai] M*l MA I ASIA lll.i i,M »«llpr#
    66 words
  • 100 16 THf Allocution .it Bank) in MaaaaI I 114 i.l. tin 1. i. to nierctmnt* vniprrtav (all '«•(•> *v PW: Unltid Statm: ouv.ti* TT 32 11/ to. aln.mll OU 32 13.' 10. 90 d/st. 33J credit nilla, 'M 7/ its trmdt Dilin. Canada: Buying TT 3jJ. alnnatl Or 35*
    100 words
  • 61 16 MELBOURNE. T>\t* IVDC'srRIALto eased today Lift- which Mowed tone m- ground bhi» '.v.ts dam i, Funlifi loj-.-c.v in icadu.K minuu down li> M.40. < tun, BrokfL il: Amp©.. Aust. >■*)»■• MfcBUf. V. II I Colonial sugar O.J. Coles Herald Humes Z !*.epco Kutnmam Wool- OMB OU K*areh Peko
    61 words
  • 224 16 Jl Ml rir^t trade ruhlwr f.»l» hinrrs rlosrd at j p.m. in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur rrvtrrdj) at 68 rents prr Irt down thrre-eiKhths of a rent on MnndavV cloninj le»rl for th» position. The tone OHM slight!' steadier. i: \M. and t. M.R.I, rlo^inr pri, r> in
    224 words
  • 306 16 THL price or Straits tin tell yesterday in Penang by to .Siib4 J.) mi an offering estimated up 5 ton- to MO tons It w.ts the lowest price since late .March IM6V The drop was not so beavy M the fall
    306 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 811 16 Vr KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD» U.S.A. Pacific Atlantic Scrvict '"tt*4*>*a Wim" It 21 Jmi ll.nim It jut •Ml* M Am II ««t Japan Direct Scrvic* P"»4#| T-1-ini kPM ••i Mh»" II II IHI »im I. w%, 1/ I Ml 11 ».!> II n,| Japan w«»i Alrlaa SerVice HoflflWH laßMt P".
      811 words
    • 969 16 To Europe and the United Kingdom s.s. "CHUSAIST 24 000 tons fully aircohditisnrd ttabilned) Departing SINGAPORE 2 July 1966 PENANG 3 July 1966 Arriving ROTTERDAM 24 July 1966 LONDON 25 July 1966 VIA BOMBAY. ADEN, PORT SAID. NAPLES BARCELONA LIMITED FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE Apply to your Travel Agent, or
      969 words
    • 387 16 ay ay aa^ T^y _^BJ t^pj *^BJ B Sx- J aaaaaaaaaaaaaa»aaaaaaaa»aaaaaaaaaa»aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa»aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa»aaa»»MMaw j otSTBMUNt tUHfli't «OuMI rBA NAtA la Part H 71 May 11 Vi» V. TAVSA 22 74 mat ?S ?»limt 71 luat v. I! I UuM-l .»u;, CAA ti MM .1 11 iut, II mi| V. it. Mi.'t •AMA
      387 words
    • 203 16 FROM BOMBAY A IMAVNAGAI M V STATE Of MAHARASHTRA" 'cr r-o-9«O'C, and Japan Ju«» I PROM CALCUTTA »A.V "VISHVA VIR- tor low^jv'ia Bl Newcoitla. bvarey vt'boom* Polled laas i/4 May 2» j»» l (ROM CALCUTTA MV 'STATE O» KUTCM Itt ■•SB Jwly rROM CALCUTTA .TQ "RATNA MANJUSHREI' »c- »0'«">oq 'ODOr
      203 words

  • 1017 17 |>I^lNfv in and reported to tli. and Kuala l.umpur tradinc rooms o( the BChB I\< hanse Mstrrda^ with thr number of .shares traded in brackets: WNITtMUI ■•utttad |7.0U0) I«.OM) $1.71; ti.c.M. (7.U00) 'HUM b« D, (IU.UOUI ■"i, fl 64. i .'1.0)10 > $1.62. I I. Htldmil (4.U001 Bunlin
    1,017 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 800 17 IN THE HIGH COURT IN SINGAPORE «-i_i ai aa^aai v M „<• OrifinaUng Petition No. 3J of 1S«« In the matter of Hong Soon Owe Choo Limited and In the matter of lhe Companies Ordinance (Chapter IMI Notice Is hereby given that a Petition was on the 12th day of
      800 words
    • 640 17 SHERIFFS SALE IN IHi HIGH COl RT IN THE M I'l mli OF SINGAPORE IN THE CAUSE OF Suit No. 539 of ISS6 Eucation No. 74 of U)6S Ho Tong Woh Plaintiff MM Wai Mi-iib Electric Comany (sued as a linn) Delendanu AUCTION SALE OF Writing tables, lloor showcase*, steel
      640 words
    • 755 17 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS EASTERN OIL PALMS LIMITED Applications are invited for the following posts ln the Company's new OU Palm Factory on Ulu J Tiram Estate ln South Johore. 1. ONI FACTORY CHIEF CLERK. Experience with oil palm factory production, process control. preventive maintenance of machinery and labour control. 2. ONE
      755 words
    • 1221 17 TENDERS KENYATAAN TAWARAN PUABAT PtXAJARAN. MELAKA Tawaran danpada Prmborong2 van* berdaftar di-Jabatan Keria I Raya akan di-lenma di-Pejabat Pelajaran. Melaka. hingga pukol 12 tengah-han pada 4hb. Jun. i 1966. untok: Pembrkalan dan menghantarkan perabot ka-Sekolari2 Menengah di-Negeri Melaka. 2. Bunr2 mensenai perabot yang di-kehendaki boleh-lah d.-dapaiii di-Pejabat Pelajaran. Melaka. pada
      1,221 words
    • 438 17 URGENT IMPORTANT SALE AT SHORT NOTICE by PUBLIC AUCTION of A valuable part diverted shipment very rare highest grades of handmade PERSIAN CARPETS RUGS The contents of 7 bales Nos. 485 1-7, 94 pieces ln such valuable onplns as TEHERAN. KURDISTAN. KIRMAN. MIR. SAROUK. TABRIZ. MOBAREKEH. DJIVAN. KASHAN. HERIZ. ABADEH.
      438 words

  • 2073 18  - 'We11... nobody's perfect' JOHN BRADSHAW by Defence counsel Percy Foreman faced a formidable task His clients Candy Mossier and her nephew Melvin Powers, charged with the brutal killing of Candy's multi-millionaire husband saw tbt prosecution line up witnesses, one after the other, linking them as lovers and partners in the
    2,073 words
  • 387 18 DAY 3 of the story of America's most sensational murder trial Foreman repeated. "At this time, sir. I couldn't rightly tell you" "He's the biggest liar In all antiquity. Does that help you." dr." "How many crimes have •■en convicted of?" Approximately eight." "You have been in 202 times, have
    387 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 708 18 ■■■■■MMMP^MMMMpaipjßaaaaaaa||aai|a|^] KENYATAAN TAW \K\\ IKt KENYATAAN TAWXKW 181 PrJAHAT JKR. PEJABAT JK K. Tmwana danpada Pern- T.iwaran danpada Pemborong- van* berdaltar di- bomnK pang b.-rdaftar di- JKR dalam Kelai B 'Head jk H di-daiam Kelaa "C 111 Sub-head 3 dan 7' dan Head IV Sub-head 2> bn dan ka-atas akan
      708 words
    • 404 18 I TENDERS TENDER NOTICE UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA I.NUKK KM. WATER SIPPLY BtTICI I.ATION Tendfrs »re himikl from speclaU Ist contractor! registered i.nder .-WU CUasUtcaUon D anil aboxe Hrau 1 SuO-llead 1 and Head IV Sub-He -tl t <a for the ConstrueMas u| I", 4' aiid 6" AC Water Mains Prevsed
      404 words
    • 97 18 NEXT The defenders state their case the BREITLING chronomat Rui«» of th'M. p*rc*ntag««. multiplications, divisions, currency conversions with its circular slide-rule, the Chronomat calculates them all This amazing chronograph is vary much more than simply a nighprecision timepiece. It is a working tool indispensable to your profMsJon. to your technical
      97 words

  • 289 19  -  with Epsom Jeep EXCELLENT entries are expecteu for the Perak Turf Club Derby Meeting which begins on June I and there is a possibility that it will be extended to four days There are near to 350 horses in Class 1. 2 and
    289 words
  • 500 19 ONDON, Tues. English-trained horses are given a solid chance of repelling Ireland's challenge and posting the first Home victory in five years when the Epsom Derby is run for the 187 th time tomorrow. Bereft of challengers from France and Italy, because of
    Reuter  -  500 words
  • 107 19 The 26 acceptors with probable Jockeys are: Allenheads (E Hide>. Bermondsey iR Maddock i. Black Prince iJ. Lindleyi. Borodino (8. Clayton), Permit I— t. One For You <O. Lewis i. Grey Moss (L. Ward). Right Noble iL. Piggott'. Amber.--•H 'J. Mercer). Splice The Mr. mbrai t iR.
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 349 19 SINOAPORE- Tues. The stipendiary steward's report j on last Sunday's races at Penana: RACK 1 Ban Lee Stable, owners of Armistice. were ordered pay a forfeit of SlOO foi scratching the gelding twice at the meeting without a veterinary certificate. Posner i Congratulations) was questioned ft*
    349 words
  • 576 19  -  MANSOOR RAHMAN NO CHANGE IN THIS YEAR'S MALAYA CUP RUGGER By BAN PROPOSAL CAN ONLY BE CONSIDERED FOR 1967—68 SERIES J£UALA LUMPUR, Tues. Singapore Rugby Union, who surprised rugger fans when they unilaterally seceded from th< Malaysian Rugby Union last yea: following the political separation of the
    TAN HONG KUAN  -  576 words
  • 42 19 KUALA LUMPUR Tues. Methodist Boys School Sentul easily beat La Ualle School. Petaiing Jaya. by nine wickets in the Lall Singh cricket tournament final at Brickfields today. Scores: La Salle 13 (Nanda Kumar 5-5 Bhuplnder 4-1). MBS Sentul 15-1.
    42 words
  • 264 19 COSH AND BARNWELL THRASH WEST INDIANS CAMBRIDGE. Tues. Nick Cosh. 19-year-old engineering student, hit 98 against the West Indians yesterday and saved Cambridge University from following on. Even with the help of his Jlne innings, the University were dismissed for 320. 125 runs behind the West Indians's first innings of
    264 words
  • 102 19 SOCCER S'gor Lge Dlv. 3 (XL): VOC 3 Hong Chin 0. Ipoh Lge Dlt. 3: Malays "A" 3 Tamil Youngsters "A" 1: PBS. TR. 7 Ramblers "B" 1. Penant Lge Dto. 1: Prisons w.o. Baharol Alam FC. Negrl Jr. Lge (Seremban): STS 4 NS Club 1. HOCKEY Negrl
    102 words
  • 265 19 LATE BAKAR GOAL BEATS SCRC KUALA LUMPUR. Tues A trnal almost nn the flnul whistle by outslderleht Bakar Yusoff of I h short pass from Abdul Ghanl duriTr-: a goalmouth scramble gave Umno Youth a 4-f win over SCRC in their f\p [>eflßue Div. One match at G irney Road
    265 words
  • 305 19 SINGAPORE, Tues. The Football Association of Singapore league first division championship 'is in Krave danger of being cancelled this year for the first time in the 70-year history of or- ganised football in Singapore. 1 The league's opening day I has already been postpon- ed
    305 words
  • 44 19 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. More than 100 men from the Malaysian Service Corps will compete in a cross-country run at Sungei Besi Garrison tomorrow A team will then be formed to compete In the Armed Forces cross-country race in July.
    44 words
  • 47 19 PENANG. Tues. Rambler? held City Council to a 2-2 draw in a First Division league match at the City Stadium here tonight. City Council led 2-0 at halftime with goals by Kuppusumv I find Sharif f Ibrahim M\dln (penalty* and Hock Seng scored for Ramblers
    47 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
      130 words
    • 11 19 PIIQ.T MODEL 57G2 MODEL SPORTY 12 MODEL AVGV 33 H^^. ft
      11 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 170 19 ama is-i. I Blew boot Meng. SPORTS DIARY SOCCER— Sfor Dlv 1: TPCA SMTD. BO (Coronation Ord): vKL Oarrlson (Princes Rd>: Ipoh Youngsters "A" v KED "A" Dlv. 3B: HK Bank v University (Lower Coronation Ordi P*t»(Cherah Rdi; Malayan Banking ant Lte Dlv. SA: Customs v v Llnatex (Ipoh Rdt.
      170 words

  • 99 20 Banquet for Tun Thanom Six die in a heat-wave NEW DELHI. Tues—The capital's first two heatstroke deaths of the summer were recorded yesit icliiy as temperatures rose Into the hundred.v Pour other deaths were reported In other parts of the" north.—UPI. I Till* glittering scene :it the Slate dinner for
    UPI  -  99 words
  • 25 20 SOUTHAMPTON. Tues Dr. Billy Graham, 47-year-old American evangelist, arrived here today nboard the liner Queen Mary to begin a month-long crusade in London.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 161 20 Obote's troops attack the palace to crush King Fred's revolt KXMPAIA. lues. The I cand.i army today it tacked the palace of the King of Bue.inda. and unconfirmed reports said thr\ had overpowered its defenders. The Kabaka (king). Sir Edward Frederick Mutesa. was reported to have been arrested by the
    Reuter  -  161 words
  • 27 20 KMOR TEH: TrrrM Khor ?!<•« tfMCMaf of Mr md Ml. Khor X.'ii >. ifc '.i \t,<li. I Th Mhi R*o. yoiint:"' Nil oi Mr .mil MiI II K.HJII
    27 words
  • 22 20 IN LOVING MCMOIIV Ol Antony Dcjwrtrd on 230* May !!>«■. Hrrn.-il.v V. ehiMirn m nd frlcndu for R*qulrin Huh Maw.
    22 words
  • 69 20 MR. CAL WELL'S statement is a typical piece of Calwell fiction utterly without foundation, recklessly made, mischievous in its effects and offensive in its implications. The Australian Prime Minister. Mr. Harold Holt, replying to the allegation by the opposition Labour leader, Mr. Arthur Calwell. that the Australian Government had
    69 words
  • 50 20 LEOPOLDVILLE. Tues. The Congolese Government Is to open an Inquiry Into the activities of ex-premler Moise Tshombe, leading to possible charges for high treason. President Joseph Mobutu told foreign correspondents here last night t: it he had Instructed the Justice Ministry to carry out the probe. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 42 20 COLUMBIA. (Ohio), Tues Police and the FBI today probed the murder ol a prominent U.S. rocket expert The bullet-riddled body of Professor Loren E. Bollinger was found here yesterday sprawled in the storage room of a recording studio. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 32 20 LONDON, Tues. A man was gunned to death today with a bullet through his head in what appeared to be the latest in a series of London gangland shootIngs— UPl.
    32 words
  • 32 20 LONDON. Tues. The West Indians beat Cambridge University by 174 runs here today. Final scores: West Indians 345 and 169-6 dec. Cambridge University 220 and 120 i David Holforld 8-52)
    32 words
  • 24 20 SACRAMENTO (California). Tues. An earthquake shook a large part of the Sacramento valley last night. No Injury or damage was reported. AP
    AP  -  24 words
  • 344 20 LONDON. Tues. The London stock market remained quiet and steady today. Dealers said a continued reluctance to sell was maintaining current levels despite yesterday's declaration of emergency and the possible effects of the continued UK seamens strike. Business was at a low level, and price movements generally narrow,
    344 words
  • 56 20 LONDON. Tues— Bpot SI "Sid., July 21 \d.. Aug. 21d. Sept. 20 13 16d July Sept. 21 ',d.. Oct. Dec 20,.d.. Jan March 20', d. April June 20 l *d., July Sept. 20 7 16d Oct. Dec. 20 7 16d., Jan March 20 7 16d elf. June 20', d.
    56 words
  • 33 20 LONDON. Tues— Buyers £1309 1 9 1 sellers £1311 (—£18). Forward buyers El3O2 1 4l7fe), sellers £1303'j c— £l7',), Settlement £1314 i £2l). Turnover am 220 tons, p.m. 100 tons. Tone: Easier
    33 words
  • 434 20 Evacuated US planes return to Danang DANANG, Tuesday. ITXITIiD States Air Force and Marine planes began returning to Danang air base today as life in this strife-torn city started to return to normal* The planes were evacuated to other airfields last Saturday after rebel troops had mortared the base. There
    434 words
  • 62 20 Solo pilot Sheila lands in Delhi NEW DELHI. Tues—British pilot Miss Sheila Scott landed here today after the sixth lap of her solo world-girdling flight In a single-engined plane. She had stomjed overnleht at Jaipur, north-west India, on the flight from Karachi. Miss Scott, 39. an ex-actress. Is two days
    62 words
  • 101 20 By KEN LANGBELL BANGKOK. Tues— Mrs. Hong Suthisong. IS, who entered the Nakorn Si I h.mim.ii, it provincial hospital in Southern Thailand for treatment of acute diarrhoea, died recently of fright. According to tuo relatives who were allowed to sleep in the room
    101 words
  • 28 20 DORTMUND. Tues —Police yesterday caught tne kidnapper of an 11 -months-old baby. The culprit was a vix-year-old girl, who explained: "I want to have a baby.' —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 267 20 Rhodesia: Mrs. Hart flies to Lusaka for talks LUSAKA. Turs. -British Minister of State for Commonwealth Relations, Mrs. Judith Hart, arrived here today for talks with the Zambian Gove m ment. Mrs. Hart toh an airport press conference she would have discussions on a number of matters of common concern
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 6 20 Uite CLASSIFIEDS ;o Wmrdt 111 MMMMMiJ
      6 words
    • 121 20 HERE'S GENUINE VALUE TOUGH, ECONOMICAL FAMILY CAR ANGLIA SALOON BY FORD Compare these outstanding features of the Anglia and you will discover that at its price, the Anglia is genuine value for money. Seats four in perfect comfort. Ample leg room in front and rear. Generous headroom. Big boot takes
      121 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 53 20 The weather Highest and lowest temperatures In Malaysia and Singapore for the I period 8 p.m. Monday to 8 p.m. yesterday: Highest Lowest I Kuala Lumpur 91 73 i Kota Bharu 90 77 Penang 88 77 Ipoh 91 73 Malacca 73 Singapore 90 75 C. Highlands 72 59 Jesselton 88
      53 words