The Straits Times, 15 May 1966

Total Pages: 26
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 SINGAPORE: 16 MAY 1966 THE SUNDAY TIMES Malay*** NO 1.574 SI'NDAY. MAY 15. 1966 20 CENTS. KDN 2036 Mf (P) 1930
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  • 634 1  -  GEOFFREY GELDARD NO BASIS FOR PEACE TALKS, SAYS RAZAK From J^UCHING. Sat. The Acting Prime 1 Minister, Tun Abdul Razak. said here that as far as he knew there was still no basis for talks with Indonesia to end confrontation. He was replying to questions about a statement
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  • 1108 1  -  SOH TIANG KENQ By SINGAPORE, Sat. —The Singapore and Malaysian Governments today put their seal to future co-operation in civil aviation when they signed an agreement under which Malaysian Airways will continue to operate as the joint national airline. In a simple ceremony at the
    FT  -  1,108 words
  • 255 1 I ONDON, Sat. The Malay.Man finance Minister. Mr. Tan Siew Sin. will be calling On three key British Ministers here prior to the 'Aid Malaysia Club' meeting scheduled lor next week, a Malaysian spokesman said yesterday. Mr. Tan. who arrives in London
    UPI  -  255 words
  • 39 1 JESSELTON. Sat. A new $1.3 million naval base K.D. Sri Labuan will be opened here on Monday. Constructed in loss than a year, the base is equipped with the latest type oi machinery for ship maintenance.
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  • 132 1 British seamen to strike tonight LONDON. Sat. Britain's merchant seamen last night made the irreversible decision to strike at midnight tomorrow despite a personal appeal by Prime Minister Harold Wilson. Mr. William Hogarth, general secretary of the 62,500-man National Union oi Seamen, .said nothing could stop the strike since the
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  • 88 1 Spirit man and the girl of 17 TWAPLES, Sat.— A spiritual- Ist medium who told a 17-year-old girl she had been chosen to give birth to the Holy Ghost ha.s been jailed for 10 years for rape and assault. A doctor who Joined in the ruse was given nine years
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 42 1 PENANO Srt' a pedestrian. Atiniad bin Abdul Rahman. 62. I diPd on thr spot when he was 'knocked flow n by a bu* in Jelulone Road this morning Hp \\h% ginned undpr thp rear h*H and already dead when extricated.
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  • 55 1 BANGKOK. Sat Thai Premier Field Marshal TbaiWOl j Klttikachorn will pay .i threer;iv Eoodwil! visa to Malaysia besniniii'^ M Ma) M He will be acromp.mied by the Foreign Minister. Tun Thanat Khoman. who has been j playing an active role in efiotts to end
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  • 27 1 SAIGON. Sal AsitaxMm shot dead Nguyen Chu. lormpi polln chief of central South Vietnam, on the doors'ep of his hMM in Saleon today.
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  • 211 1 gINGAPOKK. Sat Twelve bursts of Indonesian gunfire were directed at the ■British minesweeper Ickford while on patrol in Singapore rs yesterday. A Far Ea.-t Com spokesman .v.\:d the I 1 WM not hit. The minesweeper routine patrol John's Island :n -tv ing when
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  • 43 1 1 1 million people in Tokyo TOKYO. S;.t Iho ricm of Tokyo. thr biggest <:iy. \>. i million m.irk tumor ret Monday. according to Inc Mimcipal Statistics departm The norm la i ion ol the B.U»U 000 New York 8' ■uid M'imhw 6 330.000
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  • 27 1 SAIGON B toll iiom TUMdas «iM I n! ■.•in. Slip l)\ iipii:u arris in Cenli.i! Bail I risen to seven. p<<. day.
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  • 62 1 STOP PRESS BARONETS BODY FOUND LOMMIN v.t. The body of a .tX-year-old baronet found by Police .iloru the Bristol M.iiu in sler railway line. Police said he apparently fell from i train He iw Identified Mr \nthnn\ Mohun l.etkonhy (ope ulm has been ill for IMK time He was reported
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 84 1 CYMA y™ **•<•!• m Met. > JL. •♦••I rolled ••Id Mix no» a>oil«bl* Bangold Company. RhK-H t. IUHIeI Pt«c«, "lTjlri fp»n. Tel: 7710? t-f*. liH JMobilj Cares for your car with specially trained staff and the newest equipment At MOBIL stations specially trained staff use the most modern equipment and
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    • 68 1 THE WORLD'S MOST POPULAR MIXER MIXMASTER Your greatest economy and a joy to own Sunbeam Mixmaster. You save money on shop cakes, sponges, ice creams and other ready prepared foods. Juice Extractor is self-straining, and supplied free takes the time and effort out of preparing fruit juice. Also available exclusive
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  • News
    • 307 2 Red China's blast not hydrogen bomb, says U.S. WASHINGTON, B Itomk Energy Commission said yesterday the third Chinese atomic blast on Monday was not that Of a hydrogen weapon. i pi. limln.iry anal; the radio-active debris spewed Into the atmosphere by the b mote Btngklani Province, the Oommissioi: saM: probably
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    • 81 2 I/UALA LUMPUR, Sat A youth who had four previous convictions was today sentenced to one year's Jail by a Magistrate 's Court for retaining stolen motor-cycle. Yong Kah Heng, JL'. pleaded guilty to dishonestly retaining the I motor-cycle valued at $600 on March IB In Ipoh Road.
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    • 313 2 RAMANI PREDICTS AN END TO CONFRONTATION SOONER THAN EXPECTED' UNITED NATIONS, Sat. JNDONESIA'S policy of confrontation with Malaysia is ending and .restoration of normal relations between the two countries may come sooner than generally expected, Mr. Radhakrishna Ramani, Malaysia's chief delegate to the U.N. said yesterd?;,^ Since the coup of
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    • 70 2 by Peng HM-i-ninu. a Jobless Pormosan barber, in a note h*> left after commit tine suicide by Jumping into a pond: I HAVE failed to survive as a barber herausr of the fierce tomnrtition from girl barbers. Shop owners do not want to hire me although my skill is
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    • 190 2 KUALA LL'MPUR. Sat Malaysia's fOUTtb gOOdwill mission to African, led by the Minister of Labour. Mr. V Maniskava^agam, left today. The 10-day visit is Intended primarily to "renew contacts" made by the Deputy Prime Minister. Tun Abdul Razak. during his two recent visits to Kenya.
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    • 229 2 FROM WEE KIM WEE DRAGUE. Sat. Czechoslovakia Government has expressed the desire not only to expand trade relations but also a willingness to participate Jointly in the industrialisation of Singapore. The Czech Deputy Premier, Mr. Otakar Simunek. in a welcoming dinner speech for
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    • 119 2 The built-in killer strikes— l 7 years after I ONDON. Sat. An emergency operation that .saved a man's life killed him 17 years later, an inquest revealed yesterday. Stanley Seaman, 44. was operated on for tuberculosis In 1949. He continued to have regular checkups. Last month he i spitting blood
      UPI  -  119 words
    • 317 3 HOSTEL GIRLS PLAGUED BY MAN WHO SLASHES WASHING ON THE LINE IyIALA LUMPUR. Sat— TheYWCA hostel 10 Jalan Davidson here ii having "Peeping Tom" trouble. One of the rrsid- in the Second Husiel said today: "We have been plagued by prowlers. Peeping Toms and recently by
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    • 299 3 IPOH, Sat.— The High Court here today refused an application by a housewife. Leong Kirn Hoo, to enforce the China Insurance Company to pay 526.000 damages awarded to her a> a result of the death oi her hu*oand in a road accident. Madam Leong
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    • 109 3 That shot constable still crirical gINGAPORE, Sat. Airport police constable Baiwant Singh who was found shot in the neck last night is still "critically ill" at the General Hospital. Although Baiwant has rrgalned con>ciou.snes.s. he la ttm unable to talk. The 22-year-old constable was found with a gun>hot wound at
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    • 24 3 KUAI A 1.l MPt H n Ilir TUaJ di-Peruui. Agon* Will In meeting of {he Mtan of Parliament on June 14.
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    • 141 3 I£UALA LUMPUR. Sat. More women are exptrted to compete In the "Competent Drivers 1 Trial" to bo held at the Stadium Merdoka car park next month The competition on June 13 will mark the end of the Road Safety Week In Kuala Lumpur
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    • 299 3  -  ABUL FAZIL By Singapore, Saturday Barend Kruysmulder had a delightfully heady task this week. His job to taste 15 50-gallon casks of the .noicest wines from the rich grape provinces of France. The wines had Just arrived at the Cantonment
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    • 272 3 The perfect civil servant, by Peter Lo ILSSELTON. «ai Sa- bahl Chief limltter. Mr. Peter Lv, today gave iiis "Ingredients'' tor making a good dvJ -crvant. It w.i.s not enough to have experience aiom\ What was needed was the ability to appreciate and analyse the problems that bc&et the people.
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    • 67 3 SAIGON. Sat A L.S. Air Force jet tighter .successfully doged a Russlan-bullt surface-to-air missile iS.imi over the North Vietnam panhandle today but another American warplane was downed in the same region. Capt. Armand J. Myers 36' commander of a two-man F4C Phantom Jet, said the
      UPI  -  67 words
    • 42 3 WASHINGTON B*l The fnitpd States yebMrday conducted lv fifth imd«rgroutid nuolrar te*: wittiin two ueeks M Mtr. the Atomic EJierßy Commission :.ued. I ru of 10-.v-interme- iSd equivalent to between 20.000 :.ici *****0 toiu> I RiHJtcr.
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    • 51 3 KJ I \M. iM. A; X-uy it.sM.suim. Mr. M. Nad 49- 01 I lu- District Hi bet* died In tin boaptl i:i- car t-r^usiied hi the <Btli .>i Hitiim-Ydii^ Peng The other passenger* were h:s tnur young children and (J.'.sw.,ri, 36. iiad minor
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    • 155 4 THE Minister of Commerce and Industry, Dr. Lim Swee Aun today oxpressed disappointment over the American disclosure of the GSAs intentions on the overall disposal limit of stockpile rubber. He described it as 'unfortunate' since consultations were still in progress between the United States Government
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    • 366 4 J£UALA LUMPUR, Sat. The Minister of Commerce and Industry, Dr. Lim Swee Aun today denied that the Government was "turning a deaf ear"" to the cries of traders in the country who opposed an import duty on flour. Dr. Lim v.a.s
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    • 54 4 IT was a bit of an eye-opener when Jennifer Davies sailed past on a Spro.l4. .1 vllni 1 c r demonstrating the Sprog at the International Mechanical Handling Exhibition which opened at Earls Court. London, on Tuesday. The Sprog is designed to speed up work
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    • 60 4 Girl raped by her abductor L\\MPAR. Sat. A jobless widower, P. Sinnappan, 44. reported to the police here yesterday that his six-year-old daughter had been raped by a man who took her away the previous night. Siii'.appan. who lives in the nve-foot-way of the market here with his children—three girls
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    • 103 4 PLNAXii. Sat— Mr. Ju-,-lice MM. On« today asked why criminal appeal c.iscs Hfre tahfaig "mi lonf" to comr up before the Iliah Court. 'This one m complrt- <•'! in tlie lower court in November and it has taken more than five months for it to
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    • 203 4 Photoman Yip wins Stone Lion SINGAPORE, I fttngap try won a prize ittonal Salon, organised by the Photo- j ot Singapore. The pi wj.i taken p ChoiiK Fun. vice-president of th« .-nriety. He one of 20 others v :io received th« Stone I lon Award at. th« fth salon opened
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    • 4 4 in UIII
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    • 71 5 SAMANTHA TRIES A SWIMSUIT SO who i.trcs if this bathing suit nrvrr grts wel? Certainl.T not disc girl Samanth.t Justr. of B.B( -TV's "Top ol the Pops" show Ihr suit's wild-flower p.<t trrns and wild -flower colours .muht h»-r i-tp So she tried it «>n \nil thi 1 miihin.ttion nl
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    • 194 5 RUM ROW BEFORE TRIBUNAL £UALA LUMPUR. Sal The "rights, privileges and advantages" dispute ul 9.000 tormer daily-rated railwaymen. now on monthlUrio, has been referred to the Industrial Arbitration Tribunal tor settlement. This \\a.v announced today by the Minister 01 -Labour. Mr. V. Manick;^ gam. before his departure tor Bangkok on
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    • 100 5 L .GAR. Sat. -The PerlLadministration is to be divided into three dlMrict> shortly, the Mentri Besar. Tan Sri Sheikh Ahmad, dis- 'day Tlii.- will oe nnnounced u> the Raja when be iddre>.-c.- the in B Lwembly un II." Tan Sri Sheikh thmad m
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    • 265 5 No dust in giant project to reclaim land CINCAi oi;t, S;r Btaga pure* ri.a.i; b-cii.K damaUaii bdiernc is now in fu.l N,vuig wi'.'i a purr a;;d no du>t. Dm S4o nflUon ppjwblcb u> a-med at cutting earib troni the hills ol Btdok and Chana: areas 10 dump Into the
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    • 215 5 Gemini-9 spacemen ready for blast-off (»APB KtNNLDY. Bat With the Hu.-ton control centre a.nd world-wiae tracking lystein Usteninß i:.. Ger.iiiU-9 astronauts Itumaa Stafford and Wovent Ceman yesterday rebearaed next week'? ren- 1 dCOTOtu and VMMWaIk spectacular. Tlu Federal Space Agency r.iporlcc! preparations were proceeding smoothly tor the lolh U.S. mannrd
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    • 35 5 Mentri advises bumiputras IKMtHIOH BBt I:I P Ua'o bill H.i: Mobami ci 8< h Mid hen ~\i:.uard mi Uiina ul rlu- bomlp'jtrua COOM ui:iv D rhemw beam t« H ;i 55.000 1 Kaupona Ku.ila Trkal
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    • 186 5 HONG KONG. Sat A YOUNO Cliinesc. vbOM one tv.;in protest agalnm erons-nArbour rerrj fare Increases was followed by rtota IB Kowioon [ad morttb claimed hi t|i CbrU>i reincarnated r wa« .»ta'ed her \eti Commit «ioner Norman Rolph isM !!ii- In
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    • 301 5 Indons want Singapore trade, but on new terms SINGAPORE. Saturday INDONESIA wants to resume trade with Singapore, but not on the old basis. They say in the past there was dtMttnlnatlan against Indonesian product' Li Singapore They will probably bring I his up in .my discussion* that are held. Dr
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    • 80 5 N£\\ YORK Sat abou' MO,OM American .>tucieni- mil >it 101 v rxHtninHtion toda.i 1 optos »o get high enough mark> tr, ronvmce draft bo«rdx 'h;<i rliev Miould not be .-^ni 10 fi X iv li Vie: nam At thej ponorr •:\r 130 bimn-ieh-11,1; tiue>tioiis nthei
      Reuter  -  80 words
    • Article, Illustration
      239 6  -  ARTHUR RICHARDS From London. Saturday lor of the town feeling for Miss Ursula Wee. of Kota Bharu (on right), when she visited one of London's restaurants. It was a special i laurant. the which revolves slowly near the topol the Hi'O it high Post Office Tower near t
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    • 83 6 ov wir i.niri Minisirr or Prnang. Tun Sn Wong Pi.« Her. .-leaking iit the balloting for luw-ii..-! IaOUMt in Uir .-ccond plia.-t- of ihe Ayfr Itam: If is ihe aim of Ihr On- tral (iuvernment to i if. ill- a huiiif iiumn- illnioiracy. and to this end. the Prnang
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    • 18 6 SINGAPORE B*l Tlw Band w;!i perform .< thr p.u-ir Panjang n.uic :<. mr)rrott from 5 p.m. :<- 6 pjn
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    • 429 6 Mr- Soumokii. wile of the lead<r of the JwT s<'lf-stylfd '•Republic of South Moluccas who wa.s executed in Indonesia recently, has l*'en given permission to settle In Holland, the Dutch Minister of Justice. Dr. lvo Samkalden. announced. Mr.-. Soumokll would be accompanied by her son and
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    • 277 6 Baby saves man from spell in approved school PENANG, Saturday. Justice 11. S. (Jng in the High Court here today ordered the release on bond of a married man with a seven-month-old baby whom a lower court had sent to an approved school lor juveniles ■Tills man has a wife
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    • 91 6 JJALACCA. Sat. Malacca Municipal Councillor. Too Yeang Yong 35, was today acquitted and discharged by the Sessions Court here on a charge of cheating. Deputy Public Prosecutor, Inche Abu Tallb bin Othnian. told the Court that he had considered the matter and had withdrawn the ra^-e
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    • 36 6 PENANO. Sal I entered anoUur motor Bra i e&caped with a rmul of $4352 They broke open h glass window and ata i ivpcMilt addil '.tf n..i. tin DUIBIPd tvy, Molts.
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    • 28 6 KM vNCi Si 1 1 PHaM Awx-aition will h nife: int in thr Parrnt.- tion School H«U at 4 pi" vii 1 M .y 34
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    • 187 6 Probe team told: Drug turns people into Messiahs and would-be murderers U'ASIf 1 N GTON, Sal A U.a Senate submittee heard that the hallucinatory drug LSI), called •"instant ecstasy" by users, often produced mstant insanity. Special consultant Bernard Tannengaum luid ihe ilib-commiUet on juvenile di Imqiiencv that numy
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    • Article, Illustration
      46 7 WHEN Marilyn Nusdman and Bruce F eedman decided to wed. they wanted style. So they got marrted in the pool of the Fontaineblcau Hotel on Miami Beach, Flui ida. Marilyn is shown leading her brideggroom from the ceremony for v reception on dry land.
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    • 298 7 Wilson may visit Malaysia and Singapore I UNDON. Sa;.— T:il Hnme Mr. Harold 1, is .-hapiiii; plan^ lor Lt to tour Common B tall— lndia, Pakistan. Malaysia, and Singapore. But British ullii-iu. terdaj d that Mr. langemen; Mr from complete and still <:ould be ariecicd by taclor> currently unforeseeable. 1
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    • 370 7 TREAD OF HOPE FOR RUBBER LONDON. Saturday. Lew Sip Hon. deputy controller of research for the Malayan Rubber Fund Buard, said here that scientists had developed a new tread which may bring natural rubber back into the passenger car tyre field. Iv. a board statement. Mr. Lew said the board's
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    • 96 7 IyA.NOAK. Sjal.— Visitors to and from Thailand will not be allowed to MM tbr border at Pa«iaiu IJI-.11 at night I nli> i> barred from I I) in. to 0 a.m. "But this h not ao cm tirrlv new regulation." an immigration official at
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    • 50 7 BINGATORE S..T A•ld nun. r.iy HiKli Song. died but night after tbc matoocycle in- uj- rldlnf >ni;t>iie<; into tin '"■'(l il:-. junction t»f Pen.mi; K.juJ ami CIMB Hi mril in horn > niniiiu.- after the accider today elu=cNw>eO thai .ibuui 1 1 0 vii Bingupura
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    • 37 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat— The J MalavMun Red Cross Society bm will hold Its annual first aid (impetitioii at the La Salle 1 at Brickfields tomorrow Seven junior and four junior IMH are taking part
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    • 23 7 Customs s witch TAJPING. Sut Mr. R. Rajasuig^m. A^lstau 1 Superintendent 01 Curtomt. Taiptng. M M tianMer to the Department In Jolio"? B»)mi
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    • 72 7 'I'AIHr.H Sat A lilial I son nas fasted one day i.nh vcar for the past decade m remembrance of his old mother, nelirx ><l still alivr on the Chinese mainland. M«, Cbta jui. »o. of \ll Inn. eaine to Formosa in iy.%o. but he was unable to bring
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    • 308 7 Prai dam plan to keep out the sea PBfANG, Sat. The Stale Government plans to construct a dam to block sea water Irom Mowing into the Prai River so that its untreated water can be used by factories. Disclosing this today, the Chief Minister. Tan Sri Wong Pow Nee. >aid
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 309 2 Only Qantas flies to Mexico via Australia and the South Pacific OLE! lA^^?^B^gii^^^^^^gg^"^ls»y A. c^bt gflgggggggV.- A^HBsvs^Bfc I^BL r t M w j <m iS§ A HBsSs^BiglßtfV^gggsVKg)RßW «»,>-- .^sf^m •SSs^s^B^g^P^^^^^^^HHSS^nSft.-Sfi 0 V A^ggv^" ggggggW^^w ggg9*jfl stf tggggggggbgHLgggD^j^ JKtS^. sw^f 4 am ggfesS^S^r'^ Wi •JIBBsWI 3 SBB H^rT* \u mT^w *^gggggggf^
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 247 3 Lunoord Houit, Lur.m "urrtl. WJ HK Your money will earn a safe Your rronc\ c^rns the maximum safe md sure rate of 6". »he« tou ri.^c ii in a Deposit Account with LOMBARD BANKING. Vn IK. Income Tat will be deducted; your money and your .■•ipital are completely unaffected by
      247 words
    • 1122 3 Would YOU write a letter like one of these? They only a few 9f tha many tant ta AL KORAN avary rt<iy. abaut hia baak "Irmi Out The Manic In Vaur Minn A re/narkable man and hia raadara one pealod tha coupon far baak Wauid it prenipt yau ta write
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 135 4 s r~~ i V jig,, t Why travel alone A ft" aHk Bk wtmtKKKo^ •***-< v- ■^^ajl^piPMWPßgssc^r.. y* v vB? JBj Bk b^B^^h when you can take your wife at a saving of 25 on Malaysian Family Fare Plan i i Yes, you can use the Malaysian Airways Family Fare
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 510 5 Let the Famous Stamford College help you PLAN FOR SUCCESS! Are you ttrl/ in school and need help > Have ,ou *U school and J *v^ 11l seek further education f Are you working and need the tiammg \jw'*-^S J) J *rP? c and qualifications to increase your income y.VjS^
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 359 6 t" WF 9^a^B^^BßV^BV9a^^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^^^B^B^^B^B^B^B^BHaiß^B^B^H^aßHa^B^B^B^B^B^a^&^Ba^Haß fl^M^B^alaV^^a^B^B^B^^af taVVtl^' ill -B i f.\ I W^^Wt RBfc f '"^B| I avi^afe^a^aHaiauaTlHHa^ai^ a^i^^^^^Hl H a^JHapHß^-^*^ h *^^^B iflHava^a^a^B ~/^Ba»^^^ r f^«l 1 aY FdaWVl HBHa^'^*^ a^ai a^a^A^^ar t Piak H.r studies on tht lawns at Sydney Uniyersity during a meal break. Milk, butter and che»st art
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 345 7 blaze new tJTV >. f»• fail ■mm! mmm^VLW. I v V The tough often isolated life of the vast, untamed North Americar Continent bred a very special type of man the mountainman, the frontiersman, the pioneer men as tough as their environment, men who were the forerunners of the wagon-trains,
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  • OPINION Sunday. May 15. 19KK
    • 157 8 THE nun whu have led UMNO all these years deserve an immense testimonial from the nation. They are a hardworking lot who have done their job well. They stepped into hi.story at a time when there was a supreme need for enlightened leadership and used reason to
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    • 124 8 ALL the Teiigku wants from the new rulers of Indonesia is a clear enunciation of policy on a very vital question. Do they want peace? If so, when are they going to make the contacts necessary for the parties concerned to get round the conference table. It is so
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  • Article, Illustration
    120 8 OFFENDED AS the photograph or me will show. I just cannot listen to any more of this nonsense about SACK SACK being the only Basse tt Hound m Singapore (Sun. Times. April 24 >. Me and my nephew. Kred. are deeply offended Furthermore, if SACK SACK thinks he is
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  • 1050 8  - 20 years of success —in partnership PREM KUMAR <m SINCE INDEPENDENCE WE HAVE ACHIEVED IN NINE YEARS WHAT TOOK OUR FORMER COLONIAL MASTERS 50 YEARS TO IMPLEMENT^ By 9 THE laic Dato Onn bin Jaator, the Johora l«cdar. who founded UMNO M 1946 and loit laodcriKip ot »h« party in
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  • 596 8 ,(JEXE CERNAN and 1 think the Ilighl of Gemini-9 will turn out ;is .1 test pilot's dream. We know how w*-ll the Gemini spacecraft will fly, and what Gene and I will br douiK Is to fly it through the needle's eye. so to speak We
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  • 318 8 Success in China failure in Geneva BY an unhappy coini iiicin r at least one presumes it was a coincidence (he third Communist Chinese nuclear explosion came just as the Geneva Disarmament Conference Has recessing for five weeks. •> t i I I without agreement. Coming so i lox touelher,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 539 8 LASSIFIED ADS. RELIGIOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS I w< Wi*imuaiJ PRISBTTf RIAN CHURCN, In *IB MITHODIIT CHURCH Rarkfr Road. •VIMS V MtTMOUIST CHURCH. por« Junior Kmt>om w*IOVERSEAS LEAVE 1 h..x It iaa, mm rOMING TO BRITAIN I SITUATIONS VACANT l. 1».,,rf, \i, n H:x if rlt. rxlrm RCAD Bf Ai'iwinlmrnta In* tSuoday Mail
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    • 159 8 Xk Wa W a m 188 I -^ySCipt^t 4iF -3 --^I^bßSml b ■bbi a jbw> Ba^BaßaaM~ (SSi t MBa^a^H m Catalogue HV No X1 ■Waafc." m flf^H HrnvJaM —THE NATURAL WAY TO KEEP YOUR FIGURE You foal to beautifully rttaiad and confidant II+*I*» in imia X.Tha umqua X panalt ara
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 18 8 ...melitetoci°+hi*ci< Daylight this way open amei abnve robbery' board SO I^^^"^! •^BBBaaaßatW^*! aaaaaaaaaaaaa»aa.aaaa— a^C Bill WtUin§%«~fßoy Dawor mMa9MMm
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  • News
    • 304 9 PILOT DESCRIBES BATTLE WITH MYSTERY PLANE ])ANANG,Sat. An American lighter pilot described here yesterday how he shot down a Communist AiiG-17 over North Yirtnam just eight minutes alter the time the Chinese allege one of their planes was destroyed OVWf Chinese territory. Major Wilbur Dudley tnld a Pica i-onlcrence the
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    • 376 9  -  GUNN CHIT THYE by pi RANG, v,i stot-ti-h woman stood before an old grmvc in Mm North mi Road ceinelerv here this we ek and lv.v led the romantic history of one Hi
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    • 284 9 Plan to teach them pig breeding, gardening SINGAPORE, Sat. —The Singapore Association for the Blind hopes t0 implement a gardening scheme for blind school children and Us industrial centre trainees. The ultimate aim is to help the blind to be commercial farmers. In Singapore this week to discuss
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    • 108 9 TODAY: Sedili Kechil 5.27 a.m. (4.5 ft.. 6.22 p.m. (6.4 ft' Singapore 650 am. <6J ft.» 8.33 p.m. i 6.8 ft.i port Dtckson 3.07 a.m. (6 ft) 3.14 p.m. (67 ft.) < Port SwetKnham 1.18 a.m. (93 ft.) 200 p-m. (11.2 ft.) Penang 10.28 a.m. (6 6 ft.)
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    • 42 9 SKREMBAN Sii' TIM THafkU Ampuan of Nc^ri .s<miiilun t<xl*v opened a $30 000 Girls Guide Headquarters off I Jalnn Daio Hhu Abdul Malek ham Slip .iinx-alrd lo parent* and I members of the publlr to help 'he organisation.
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    • 83 9 J^BH YORK Sat. A \> i il o w Mrs Jr.ui Slienly. m awarded I s.i >j> oiio >rvt. r «l;ty in a suit eharfftau that iirfnUvfl brake fluid was rr sportsililr for her hM band i death in a motor accident. Mrs Shortly NUP thr Warwick
      83 words
    • 411 9  - The 'misfits' and why we need that school ARUN SENKUTTUVArN By I: Kuala Lumpur, Sat •JHE Federation of Malaya Society of Architects is making a determined effort to get a school of architecture started at the University of Malaya. When I spoke to the president of the society. Mr. William
      411 words
    • 571 10 On the Stock Exchange Singapore. s«; Umtum in and reported to the bingaporr and Kuala Lumpur 1 1 aciniK rooms ol the Slot-k Exchange today with the numbei ol .shaies naded in biacketv Industrial;,: Bouslead 1 1.000) $1.59. (5.000) $1.60. (1.000) »1.61: C.C.M. (7.000) 51.55. (1.000) $154. (24.000' $153, B.OOOi
      571 words
    • 30 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat.— Sir Charles Mose&. &*creiary-gen-eral of the A&ian Broadcasting Union, called on the Minister of Information and Broadcasting- Inche Senu bin Abdul Rahman, here today.
      30 words
    • 126 10 IPOH. Sat. The Meond group of Perak State A.ise-iiblymen. including three People's pro«ie>-i\i Party memuers. left here today lor a three- we* -k stucly tour of S'luth Korea. For :m j-.i and Japan The Clerk -In -Council, inch« Baharuddin bin Abdul Muluk. i-
      126 words
    • 41 10 FRONT ROW IMPACT pHONT tow at the 13th Asian Film Festival which concluded in Seoul last week. About 200 actors and actresses from six Asian nations and Hong Kong participated. Seen here are actresses from Hong Kong and Taipeh. UPI photo.
      UPI  -  41 words
    • 342 10 Slow down signs in booming U.S. economy NEW YORK. Saturday. J^LL signs today are that the flat-out, booming, bursting American economy is slowing down good news to some experts. Tiie evidence: Two week* of jtuidy losses on the stoci niarkei: a downward plunge In car production, the traditional barometer; continued
      Reuter  -  342 words
    • 118 10 -i>y Senator Rober: Kenupdy Mttnaai at thr 'One Amerii-a" award dinner in New York: REVOLUTION is coming in Latin .America; peaceful if we are wise enough; compassionate if we care enough; successful if we are fortunate enough. But. it is coming whether we •rill it or not. We can
      118 words
    • 59 10 SEREMBAN b;»t l\>-i o*' n■n vi Ncgri scnibiiiiii h.<\. l»ci n urged to obtn;i lictiiLfs lor linn' dues beioic June 15. The Stale veterinary Officir. Mr. S. Annrihahngani day that there were still about I 5 a, 00 unliccnced dogs in tin State. Any dog without
      59 words
    • 322 10 IPOH, Saturday. ACCIDENTS involving school bu* ■"disturbing." the Minister of Education, Inche Moh a mod Khir Johari. said In i Suggesting that schools appoint committees to soo that their buses were maintained, he said: "This is a /< I matter and school buses
      322 words
    • 104 10 Problem of lonely students gYDNEY, Sal an stu I eic suffer twi much as Australian students from mental ill-health. The reason: Result of Ii sickness, loneliness and change ol cusThis observat] idiiit Health Service, Dr D Dr VVilkin.-. a Press conferei :ter returnln cjiifereiice on health in Thailand 1 one
      104 words
    • 47 10 Eight receive awards for higher studies I VNG j IX H I I (UI I ical C> Colleee I ej I MM RSI I > ol M \l U i tloll'. (aajlcuit rerhmul »ll«.> I mipi. I>ljiiii< t i.llege: AJiniaci Ijii; Osi bin Senawi and Mat A- Salleh.
      47 words
    • 41 10 PENANG. Bat. A labourer. NY Arumu^iitn. 64. araa gran:c.i $300 bail loduy when iuplaaaM ">oi guilty to a ebargc of voluntarily causing nun to a housewife Suv.Uui Animal, v.itu ;i screw-Oriver. Heanuc was Axed for June 4.
      41 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
      45 words
    • 210 9 f OF LONDON GIVE A BEAUTY SERVICE UNMATCHED IN SINGAPORE MALAYSIA In Singapore alone, Cyclax have these seven trained consultants. Miss Cecilia Khong (Cyclax Singapore supervisor permanently at C.K. Tang) i-. London. and Paris trained and has a wealth of knowledge and experience ready to benefit you. The other Cyclax
      210 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 272 10 TAKE NATURAL VITAMINS -FOR NATURAL HEALTH c quite like natural food vitamins lor fc -j2a 1"^ A^j' building up natural tccnacc vitality! So give your .^^R /ij children Soott*s Emulsion. It's made from pure cod nr| l: 1 iivcr oil which is full ol' Vitamins A&. D. It's the I
      272 words
    • 127 10 I OFFICE FURNITURE Something Special. Nut just a good-looking cbaii t>ut a i tiair designed lor a purpose. It's so comtortablc <i rurH-v<.: exccutise gets lc*s tued vkhcn lie mN in he has more energy for his work. !i i I jdßlMHHHiflfl^^^. MTiarl and businesslike long alter interior chairs iJfjjMil^^'j^fwjii;.^^
      127 words

  • 970 11  -  Special Writer By PRESIDENT OPENS EXHIBITION OF WORKS BY TOP LENSMEN Till, latest in photo j; ra i> hi c equipment, which opens up a new, exciting world in picture taking .Hid offers a new dimension in photography, is attracting thousands to the Fifth Singa pore
    970 words
  • 998 11  -  CHIA CHIN TIONG By VLTE are fortunate to live In a colourful region of the world, with a whole series of subjects, ranging from superb sunsets to the grace and beauty of peoples of many races. As one wno began to use colour in his
    998 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 391 12 GO RAPID WITH AGFA ■ft Mw bbw iiMjo rapid the Photo-Sensation! rwi ,1 AGFA 100-RAPID IF nvUiI ULMIM LtU A handy pocket-size camera with bmltH^ "^^W^^§ in flashgun. For brilliant black ana gfeVVf^y /^sSss\ nVA^'^mSl white or colour photos in an. lici'it I (((ilijlj)) (M^Swl viewttnclpr RciP'd film transport >^^^^/
      391 words
    • 97 12 Bawlv BE^^fl BbT^"' 4^ Ski TJie best of l>otli world-, 'I be ability JO blind the .v ol Ikrbana with S in \l<»iK-rn .in mh b expert This ls the jrr pcttiii;; tlu- lu-st ol both vorUk I ik<Caaew, \^h(» eoeahine Westi lechaologieal kaow-how and |.i|Miusf CBBBBBi Hi the
      97 words

  • 27 13 JOY' by Dr. K. H. Wu, FRPS (H.K CCLD Wet Night' by H. M. Luk (Chino) 'ARCHE Noah" by Dr. Raimo Gareis (Germany)
    27 words
  • 919 13  -  Ong Seng Chew r-BV THE opening of the 17th Singapore International Salon of Photography at the Victoria Memorial Hall gives the public an opportunity to study the works ol top pictorialists. To gain an acceptance in the Singapore Salon is a great honour and a
    919 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 51 13 *^*^H i *y Hw v mr my The Borneo Company Limited distributors of fine m photographic equipment invite you to their Special Display Stif^* of KOWA Cameras and accessories j&f^ lit the Singapore International Salon j of Photography Exhibition i~~ 14th -22nd May 1966 at the gy^' Victoria Memorial Hall,
      51 words
    • 487 13 O A REVOLUTIONARY NEW SYSTEM jf Q OF 8-MM MOVIE-MAKING y ..-■>■■■■.■ WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF THE SYSTEM tortridqe. No more ttopping halt >oy to reveri* aVX^a«^ 1 1 tASUR LOAD- t.l-n. No mor* to9«in>]' No more loit thot>! What -'^^H ING more you can fitch tilmt in mid
      487 words

  • 497 14 When is a man dead? PACKING IT IN ALL THE REST OF THE NEWS F'.VRIS: Frances lushcM 11 dical authority hah di>cided that a man whose li^art is itilJ beatins: may be rulod dead If it can be provi d that hi.^ brain will never ■Skin be abie to resume
    497 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 364 14 ■rf »1 t jfl Li LwsVTi "1 M*^LTsm^ si I ■■■WsmHvaW^T^l piling wit m sc«">Tw«irt« uurt wco fc* f-ill I W-l Is 4 if\M«lf J I IP■ KW I e> nokmankttti* '■"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^■^■^■^■^■^■^■■^ilSS^Sl^i^i^B^SW The Drive ~*4*ir~3c"^7l s 9*vt SC*-> wah9« A r^ft^F-* >i)ll 6-C-? **<• S*=« --t C_S j*M f%iXl -^Zotjrr
      364 words
    • 301 14 Newest Kodak Instamatic Cameras take 4 flash pictures without chan^ng bulbs •^L Z^^. BJ .ill' h i'rLl "^^^bJßMH^b^i^. Bl^^ 0* ik 'y DROP IN THE FILM POP ON A FLASHCUBE FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH You could never do ibis before! Pop a flashcube on any of the newest KODAK INSTAMATIC
      301 words

  • Show page
    • Article, Illustration
      886 15  -  DAVID KRAAL -SAYS THE cast of "YOU MUST BE JOKING" reads like a -Who's Who" of the goon world. Everybody who is anybody m the comic business is on hand. The result rollicking; laughter. Heading this honours list is Terry-Thomas, as an army psychological officer seemlngl) more
      886 words
    • 245 15 'THE Singapore Musical So- ciety us prewiring the young violinist. Kam Kee Yong. at the Singapore Conference Hall on May 31 Since starting violin lesions ilu age of 12 under Louis L,im. Kee Yong has made rapid Ii 1957 he was associ.ttp .trust with the celebrated pianist Irene Kohler.
      245 words
    • 70 15 REFERENCE to Mr. Boland's review of our film "ONCE A THIEF' in the Sunday Times last week. I would like to make it clear that the Censor had nothing to do with the holdup of the screening of the film in Singapore. This was due to our own releav
      70 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 602 15 :©siiam a ORGANISATION 3 a HURRY! LAST 3 DAYS! Saa it Now. 11-1 45-4-a 30-» 30 1 'OSS 117 111 drt/U.l (VISSION (OR A KILLER) B Stottord Wvlana D»mongact Sco©« Color (SB g Tim CaMin Frem Mofitha««^ aj tail 2 Dart M-l 45M )0-» IJ_ tggor 1 "RETUKN iron the
      602 words
      111 words
    • 298 15 (All tlmas Shawn ara far Malaysia and Sin««por« rh.i waak's pmnm-M mcluO MUSIC Far th« Music TaTSr [«t 1010 an 11 and I* matras) MON Symafcaay Na. 2tn D Mojor (Brahms). TUIS. Saranada Na. 7 in D Malar k.UO (Maiart). TMUKS luaana Onafm Hi«hli»riti (Tchaika*sky). FBI. Symahaar Na. I In
      298 words
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 741 15 TV SINGAPURA CHANNEL 5 Chinese Provincial Drama— P.M.: 1.00 Programme Sum- "Llew Chen Mcl" iHakkat: 9.00 mary In All Languages; 106 News And Newsreel In rnglish: Belajar-laf. B ii-sa Kebangsa^n; 9.20 Passing Parade "Pace 110 Twentieth Century "War Behind The Mask": 9.30 The i In Spain 1.35 My Mother. The
      741 words

  • 154 16 r.faO..i MBT (ALL BO* I'IHMIK IAM SEPTRE I m:\iiii: EARLY MARK Racr 1 l.arator Jade Seplra Verocette Zoorama Early .Mark Gay Parii H\N SOON MI.ADOW MAID BAN SOOX Race 2 I"k Sabha Kan Soon Topca Mon I her i Lok Sabha Lok Sabha LOVELY DAY LOVELY DAY B. MAIDEN'
    154 words
  • 1160 16  -  EPSOM JEEP By |\ENNIS THE MENACE looks the days best bet in the Class 2 Div l 7f handicap (Race 6) at Penang today. He is in top form. At Ipoh last month he raced over lOf for the first time and
    1,160 words
  • 1126 16 PENANG -1st day Race 1—2.00 CI 5 Div 2 (54.300) 6f X ***** Vrrocclte a (.BP) Noordm 7 9.0 Moxham 2 2 ***** Gay raris a (is,cn Lee) Paul 7 8.10 Khamis 7 3 ***** .Ude Soptir a ..AL Ng> RS Breuk. 8 8,9 (SF) Asuwadi 11 4 ***** Larator
    1,126 words
  • 171 16 LONDON. Sat. An England soccer team maclr up wholly of players from the World Cup squad was held lo a 1-1 draw by 'Young England' at Chelsea s ground here night. George Eastham i England > I and Alan Ball (Young England', rivals
    171 words
  • 257 16 PARIS. Bat —Basil Reay. British secretary of the International Lawn Tennis Federation, has been overruled In his hid to ban Frances Pierre Darmon from the Davis Cup, it was learned here yesterday. Mr. Reay cabled the French Federation informing them j that Darmon could
    257 words
  • 525 16 HE IS SELECTED AS A REPLACEMENT IN MCC SIDE vs W. INDIANS LONDON. Saturday. pRIC RUSSELL, the Middlesex opening bats- man, celebrated his selection as a replacement in the MCC side to meet the r e c Indian* today by scoring 146 not out against lamorgan
    525 words
  • 275 16 NOTTINGHAM. Sat J^ After the brilliance of Gary Sobers' 153 Thursday, the West Indies match agalrust Nottinghamshire ended In a very tame draw here yesterday. Final scores were: West Indies 335 for set en declared and 81 for three. Nottinghamshire 259 for ix declared.
    275 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
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    • 112 16 BP MALAYSIA LIMITED CONFIDENTIAL SECRETARY (female) for work in its Crosby Houm Office. Applicants should b« Singapore Citizens and be u»» married. AGED: 20 28. QUALIFICATIONS ItMfitial 1) Good SCC. (wth credit to English) or equivalent. 2) Shorthond 120 w.p.m. (approx.' 3) Typing 45 w p.m. (opproxj *i Pleatant personality.
      112 words

  • 2991 17 Athletics SINGAPORE: Mlsnah Nawl. who won four events waa the outstanding athlete at the Monk's Hill Secondary championships. She won the sprint events In 149 and 317 respectively. th« 400 m In 00 3. the long Jump In 13ft 6. Jacos Daing was the Individual champion in
    2,991 words
  • 395 17 SYDNEY. Sat. Results of Australian Association football matcne.s played today were: .NSW NORTH DIV. 1 L. Macquarle 5 Hamilton 1, Mayfleld 1 Cardiff 7. NSW FED DIV. 1 Prague 1 Corinthians 0, Sth Sydney 1 Yugal 7. NSW FED. DIV. 2 Bankstown 2 Wollongong 3, Canterbury 1
    395 words
  • 27 17 LONDON. Sat. Tli Indian cricketers were 88 r three at lunch on the opening day of their match against MCC at Lord's here today.
    27 words
  • 18 17 IPOH Sa* Federal DID beat Selangor DID 4-2 in an interstate department toccer match here today.
    18 words
  • 18 17 DUNEDIN. Sat —England beat Canada 4-1 in the lnter-zon* scml-nnaU of the Über Cup ben today.
    18 words
  • 128 17 Everton's cup with 3-2 victory f ONDON. Sat.-- Everton came back after trailing 0-2 to defeat Sheffield Wednesday 3-2 in the FA Cup final at Wembley Stadium here today i -out crowd of 100.000 watched the see-saw thriller Wednesday lrd l-o at time and made it 2-0 In the riTth
    AP  -  128 words
  • 25 17 LONDON, Sat, The Wee* Indian cricketers were 244 for four wickets at tea in their match against MCC at Lord's today.
    25 words
  • 60 17 LOS aN'UELES. Sat --Kinchnge Kelno. Kenyan holder of the world 3.0C0 ni:d 5.000 metres records, ads beaten into a third place by Americans Jim Ryun and Jim Grelle in a two-mile race here l;ist night. Ryu mid Grelle both clocked 8 mln ith Keino on 8:29.8 Frenchman Michael
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 52 17 LOd ANGELES, Sat Runners from the University ot Southern California broke the world ictord [or the 4xBoo yard* relaj teal night at the Coliseum '•<-tin« ben i locked 7 mm 17 4 set to improve the previous record held by an Oklahoma State Unl■Piirn of 7.18.4 set last
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 31 17 MANILA. Singapore beat the Philippine- 2-1, and Malaysia defeati-d Honp Kor.g 8-6 in exhibition matches played here tonight eve of the final of the Asian Youth Soccer Tournament.
    31 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 318 17 CLASSIFIKD ADS. AT YOUR SERVICE If W.r4i i Urn. >- 9mU <■!< **tr» momi inntLilT M.i. w Tiling F Floor. r. <*»f1 i SHOPPING GUIDE (S'part) If afar* M -Hot i« <■<• aa*B r>OR rim wokkmanihip and Mgti ■j«vaiit» irni a- r»»»cna' tkd aoatb HrM«* R4 8 por* awULIDT makaa
      318 words
    • 289 17 Late CLASSIFIEDS Jt W,t4m tit (Minimum) DEATHS CABLE RECEIVED from Cey- lor— mother-in-law of Vljayan of Rinl Estate pasaed away peacefully at Perrtavlllan Ellavalal. MRS KHOO Heng Pho. age 69. (DM Madam Wee Slew Ngohi, passed away peacefully on Friday 13ih May. IW6 at 11.51 p.m.. leaving behind 3 sons,
      289 words
    • 146 17 aV^ja^alßjEai l^^^^l VIT r 1 1— ■> n/^fel i«p«y^^saj"" v MMHaBttBBVaBPBBMSMa^SaW^a^^i' <*l* ■si^^ Take oft to Honj Kong with Cathay Pacific. Every day of the week, you can jet to Hong Kong convenient morning departures offer you a choice of direct flights I^| LVkl J^^» laflT' WkM a#*^ or via
      146 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 226 17 -on IK-Mauv., (up: Perak v Kedah i Stadium Perak. p.m. i: Armed Foreea v Spore iMfrdcka Stadium. 8 p.m.); Necn v Johoif i Station padang. Slmii. 5 p.m. i. Malacca v Jt Benricea 'Kubu Stadium. 5.15 p.m. i. Friendly: Waterworks HC. Ulu Choli v Perkhtdmatan Krr.i.iHHii iPontian, 5». CKHKri— M(
      226 words

  • 549 18 JAYAMANI'S TREBLE— WITH A RECORD MAKES HIM THE CHAMPION- K"UALA LUMPUR, Sat. l —K. Jayamani was top athlete in St. Johns Institution annual athletic meet held at the Merdeka Stadium here Joday. Jayamani. who won three Class 1 events and was third in another to .score 10 points, crowned his
    549 words
  • 542 18 Martens and Gatha take S'pore past Pahang's 76 PEKAN, Saturday. SINGAPORE, the Malaysian Cricket Associa- tion league defending champions, were leading Pahang by 29 runs on the first innings with rive wickets in hand when rain stopped play at tea on the first day of their m^tch here Singapore won
    542 words
  • 80 18 Scoring details were. rekan: Pahang 76 iE. Pachymuthu 13. Ramanathan 21. D. Samuel 20. J Martens 5-23. Nightingale 2-9 >: Singapore 105-5 iP. Gatha 21. S. Houghton 20. J. Jeremiah 19. J. Martens 19. Bala Subramamam 3-33). Ipoh: Selancor 59-5 (M. Shepherdson 19 n.0.. C. Shepherdson 15 Gurucharan 11,
    80 words
  • 86 18 PENANG. Sal. Althoutjn fielding a depleted aiae which included four schoolboys, Penang beat Perils 5-0 in their Malaya Cup match at the City Stadium here tonight. Peranj. swarmed into the attack from the kick-off and Leather scored In the sth and 6th minutes to put
    86 words
  • 218 18 Lions get tough fight from Victoria MELBOURNE, Sal. The British Rugby Union Lions seldom looked as commanding as had been expected today when they beat Victoria by 24 points to 14 points here. The Lions, who led 13-11 at halfI tune, won by three goals, two I tries and a
    Reuter  -  218 words
  • 44 18 IPOH. Sat.— The United Malaysian Banking Corporation, Ipoh the defending champions, are favourites to win the men's title in the Perak basketball championships which began last. week. UMBC have won two matches against Chcong Kong and Sam Choy Old Boys Association-
    44 words
  • 56 18 SINGAPORE Sat. A West Indian cricket team from RAF Ch.iiißi brat fc>:iiKa|)oie Rn nation Club by four wickets in a friendly match on the padani; today. SRC 124 for 9 dec I 1 KasMm 22 Douglas Nonis 22. Anthony 21. Bovte 4-28 Oay 3-45> West Indians 125
    56 words
  • 32 18 PENANO. Sat.— Rain caused all the four Grade "B" cricket league matches to be postponed. All the first day ties in the Penang closed tennis championships were also postponed.
    32 words
  • 75 18 S|\<;\l'OK| >. \.n•••n-ycar-"Lim Kwang Loong was awarded the best performance trophy for his record-breaking feai in the discus event at the Beatty Secondary School 13th annual athletic championships at I Park A protege of the national coach Tan' Eiir Yoon. Tom Litn. «s he is known v,
    75 words
  • 65 18 record with a hefty thri»w- 155 ft sin and equalled the inorr record with a time of 12 2sec against a strong headwind. Raffles Institution, who wer< unlucky to have been < fled at the Anglo-Chine* School meet Invitation rela: :ie into thei own this time ■bowing bet'pirn
    65 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 111 18 Nivicow SIGN OF QUAUTY AND TECHNICAL ADVANCEMENT H NIVICO TVZS'model C23CQDU Deluxe console model with door,lstubes,sdiodes.lsxlocm oval speaker x 2 pcs and scm condenser speaker. Automatic brightness control.Tone control knob.2.owatts audio output. II I I 8008 TV Model 4T-40CK "^^^^~^^^^^Zm!m i PORTABLE TV WITH CONVEN- ftfl f l l l^rll
      111 words
    • 25 18 BERITA HARIAN SPOT THE BALL CONTEST "W" $5,500! That's the Prize for the outright winner. Send your entry now Closing date: Wed. 18-5-66, U a.m.
      25 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous

    • 1599 1 m HOW FAR HAVE WE GONE? HOW FAR SHOULD WE GO? HOW FAR CAN WE GO? WE ARE now on the threshold of a new phase in the science ot spare-part surjjery. It will greatly extend life. It will also pose serious new ethical problems for doctors. Within
      1,599 words
    • 90 1 ON l)n II l.i-i lllf sjnu ip»ri- P.irli.inu-nt pUNM-fl t ll r Mrdu .il (Ther;i|>>. Kilut-alion .inri Research I Hill uiithorislIU tile scttillU UP Of .1 sp.iic-part ■argen bank it Makes it po»»it>i<- t" mm- parti ii iii' iiuilk t clixcavd persons lor tnuliuiul. *s in
      90 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 61 1 er APPOINTMENT TO HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN SUPPLIERS OF SMOKERS' REQUISITES ALFRED DUNHILL LTD dunnill I -fc V- I BHf I dunni I FIUTtR CIGARETTES A Superb Virginia Filter King Size Cigarette created from tobaccos specially selected by dlinhl Dunhill Master Blenders. LONDON PARIS NfcW TOOK < he most disUHouisJied
      61 words

  • 1071 2  - How to hide your age behind hope and money SOWAMB kji bBB^ tf J T^TTiB iTt j T'^»av 1 L*HL* r "1 1 L*^l H 441 f SAY," said my friend Angela over a coffee. "What do you think about these youth injections?" "Well, I said (never having thought much
    1,071 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 429 2 Keep your eye on matdenfbrm 0/ U.S.A.) Cliausonette* C_ J W^^^ It's feminine: It's z^^^V. functional: The If special circle stitched It cups round and ac- It Jl centuate your curves Jh to the very prettiest JSP y^L, /^"^w profile. It's famous! Jf^feg|^. S^ Chansonette's styling £W%kJ^^t^^f Jii^ is the
      429 words
    • 465 2 PINE Bring the cool, clean fragrance T of pine to your home with JjmP' Zal Disinfectant. Zal makes y^£^m& every mom smell fresher and BP^!!!-?^^^5 sweeter. Zal contains 4 powerful germ-killers to protect >o ir family from infection. Sprinkle a little Zal into drains and dustbins daily. Zal is nun
      465 words

  • 957 3  -  JANE LEE 7ir« a ht> f/ititlt'tl their tttttifihifrs if* tHtrlfi sttt'vt'sf* TIIK belief that a wasted life has never been due to lack of natural aptitudes hut to want of guidance ranu true for two Kuala Lumpur mothers and helped them direct their daughters to
    957 words
  • 307 3 Only as a friend Dear Jane Lee): I an In love with a girl who is engaged to a not her boy I do not know her leelingjtowarda me. bui I know that .she docs not love her fiance. We are botli 17. What do you think would be the
    307 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 90 3 wmtmt I in- your ino-l luaiililiil M-ar« The woman in her midtinrties Btarta on the most important age of beauty the time ol her greataceompHshmenta. Now the complexion needs the added benelit of a rich tropical liioist. oil to beautify the skin tissue and banian tiny lines and wrinkles. After
      90 words
    • 127 3 So you want to protect floors, cherish furniture and produce a brilliant lasting RONUK have exactly what you want Ronuk products shine at looking after floors and furniture. They clean, polish, seal and protect. Look for Ronuk home-care products at your favourite store. RONUK WAX POLISH Puts deep shine on
      127 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 1487 4  -  BEVERLEY NICHOLS by- THE BARE K TRUTH THAI; WILL SHOCK YOU... rpHIS book is not an X attack upon a dead man; rather it is the refutation of a libel upon a dead woman. Before the publication of "Looking Back." the final work of Somerset Maugham the ■Master
    1,487 words
  • 125 4 The year's most explosive document 0 lor millions, Somerset Maugham is the outstanding author of the century. But what sort of a person was .Maujjham himM'lf How did he appear to those who knew not only his works, but the man? 0 Another author «ho shared Maugham's gay.. sophisticated world
    125 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 123 4 550 UNIVERSITIES AT YOUR FINGERTIPS a j'V I Jl I I <^L. 4 1 a saaWV JM Kv&MsbM B I 3SB '^B ■^tsl"a^BBBBBB*V 4t!9 m ■kj^flK t;^r w I 1 I ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA FOR A BETTER LIFE THROUGH KNOWLEDGE 39,000,000 words 500,000 references 25,000 illustrations 24 VOLUMES PLUS A BOOK
      123 words
    • 469 4 ASTHMA? GET QUICK. LONG-LASTING RELIEF WITH BROVON INHALANT Stop worrying about your next asthmatic attack. Get BROVON inhalant keep it in yourpt or handbag. As soon as an .ittdck threatens take a few puffs. You'll notice the relief within minutes really effective relief which lasts for several hours. For best
      469 words

  • 2546 5 was a weekend of almost intolerable tension NEXT WEEK: Maugham's rage unleashed preferred to .slay at tht Hotel de Pan.v WE have Mid that, for Gerald. Mr Jiam would have been prepared to MCtifli the jilitteriiiK prizes of this world One of these prizes
    2,546 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 108 5 FOUR TIMES A WEEK: SAN FRANCISCO TAIPEI a HONG KONG W 0 SYDNEY N^' Philippin Air Lines <>**•'« four flights a week Wednesday reach Manila in three hours. Then direct the fastest to the United States. With convenient to Honolulu and San Francisco. Or from Manila, PAL departures from Manila
      108 words

  • 340 6 TH£ KNOW ALLS DAK Know Alls li i had won £75,000 stiaT.jOO' froi the English loot ball pools, would I have to declare it In my income tax returns and would 1 have to pay Income tax on the winnings? l am a
    340 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 176 6 So. l didn't burp. Didn't your" m Tku -he way my mother'used to make tt— be to*e niy father left home." POPULAR CROSSWORD j "^^^^^TBBJBT^^^ bBBM j" CO I 9 ivsr I 13c j vi riKs DOWN: 1 Kefased to work <6 1 N< sooner U»n (I); 3. Pkh <*<;
      176 words
      573 words
    • 280 6 within the family. If you are tWYtng celebration parties, tine thtni l"! Munii.n \s tin- WMk •^oe.v by you MOM Hint there Is iiisiuiimonv anumtl yuu and ihut lieuple ure about to (all one do not net imolvrd whatever voin tmwtfa miiy dictate. will: iJune 21 July 30) A happier
      280 words
    • 185 6 to ki -i jrour '.vmi way. kt-i tenacity u ill enable you iu wti In the next month or two BAGITTAKIt'8 No\ 23 \>i> M Muuy lemplutioii.i to WUtl your time in (lie early THIS WEEK FOR ALL today: Better u>r home liitilmn lor travelling. You could be very iuti)|)\
      185 words
    • 190 6 pan n: i,» »tvk Ht minded: you cannot allord to neulect your opportunity Some proposed change nl plnn late In the could put yo'i light in •.lit- liinelmhi \w!hm a lew ■MBtbS. a i;uod clay tor M^nir. 1 contracts and planning al.e.icl K»l! I.I K TODAY Wl.AK OK LSt:
      190 words
    • 293 6 STAR of the WEEK' r rms mil i..- mi the 1 mn-l impiii lant tlial mui luif ivn hill I'linulrd miii handle miui opportunity* rarelulh. it i mild In in- |ml ■MM ii Mm .in mttr ■■■>? <« .lIlllH IMllHl Ill ttt lilt" bettei "I i»ti miii i ouUI
      293 words
    • 170 6 Zaliha Aid < Si pore student* born Man I',. It it's YOUR butlidav today Oil Mill III' ifiv K'lliplr«l lo nuke 1. 11 ii'. k Inns change* taring Ihe earning M.n. Mm»r .iiiiiiihI Mill »ill In uiiM'llIrd .uul win will lir in I In- iiiimiiI (■> uprool vour -.ill Ino.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 86 8 ip fIH !rif I? Fill r il rf R! III! I! fr i tHf I fHRIB ill g^P^l^ft^ i *il rf |!rrlpl IP 3 s I s s Mil/iiHb Io |al f W oo i.o->i<»|C:^23 *oui^oo|Crao!>o 3 K>ro If 8"• n I^^ m| A 2 |WHT» f oo oooo|o.o^ aiooojo^ooo
      86 words