The Straits Times, 14 May 1966

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150,000 NATIONAL, LIBRARY. The Niitiiiiiiil HkWSP!I|II!P Estd. 1845 SAT URDAY, MAY 14, 1966 15 CENTS M.C.(P) 1629 KDN 2034
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  • 643 1 Heaviest blitz U.S. PLANES FLY 135 MISSIONS IN ONE DAY OVER NORTH VIETNAM PEKING CLAIMS MiG SHOT DOWN OVER YUNNAN— U.S. DENIES 1T. SAIGON. Friday PEKING today claimed that five U.S. jets shot down a Chinese MiG-17 over Chinese territory yesterday. "This brazen war provocation has enraged
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  643 words
  • 271 1 Indons: Now we have two foes... JAKARTA, Fri. Indonesia now luis two enemies Malaysia and People's China. The army spokesman, Gen. Ibno Subroto, said this today in the armed forces daily "Angkatan Bersenjata.' The paper said the general, in an Address to officials ol Radio Indonesia, denied thai confrontation of
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  • 146 1 Heiress leaves $30 mil estate to -cop pHICAGO. Fri. A spinster heiress has left her entire estate which may be worth US$lO million to a Chicago policeman. The Chicago Tribune said last night that Miss Alice B. Atwood, granddaughter of Capt. Richard King, founder of the famed King Ranch, left
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  • 87 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri.— A Malaysian Airways flight from Kota Bahru. Alor Star. Penang and Ipoh today overflew Subang airport and went on to Singapore because of a fault in one of its wheels. The plane, a Fokker Friendship, landed safely at Paya Lebar
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  • 52 1 SINGAPORE. Fri. A Philippines economic mission will leave for Jakarta to hold talks on trade with Indonesia, Radio Jakarta reported today. The mission will be led by State Secretary Marcello Balladad. the radio said. Other delegates will include member.- of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and
    UPI  -  52 words
  • 55 1 WIKOKI. Fri. .Margaret Kenyatta. 35-year-old eldest daughter of President Kenyatta, has applied to the ruling Kenya Vfrican National Inion (KANU) to become a candidate in the forthcoming by-elections. If she is selected and wins the election, she will become the first woman ever to fain a place
    AP  -  55 words
  • 271 1 SAIGON, Friday AVAST police crackdown has smashed four Vietcong terror groups blamed for three spectacular attacks in the heart of the Vietnamese capital. I'nder arresl are .'!«S men described ;is crack, dare-devil terroi' commandos. Police sources said the arrests, carried out in the past lew days,
    AP  -  271 words
  • 112 1 'Plague in West Irian' report DORT MORESBY. Fri. Teams of specially trained medical men are standing by in Port Moresby after reports of a bubonic plague outbreak on the northern border of Indonesian West Irian. The Acting Director of Public Health. Dr. C. Haszler. said today that the
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 47 1 miuin, rri. a myMcrious narcotic was being analysed here today after police seized it from a Swiss In an hotel The strange yellowish powder was believed to be some kind of r.uper-concentrated drug police hud never seen before Two doctors collapsed after smelling it
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  • 43 1 HONG KONO. Fri A scries of explosions wrecked railway tracks and demolished several builoinus In Canton, visitors relurninn Irom China reported today They said the explo.-lons occurj red on April 11. disnipMnc the Canton-Peking rail sen he lor two diy».-AP.
    AP  -  43 words
  • 114 1 LONDON, fti The opposition Conservative Party, which lost the .March general election to the Labour Party, made big come-back in local borough council elections throughout Britain. Labour lost control of local councils in 18 large tm\n> \t-stcrday. including Birmingham, Cardiff and Plymouth. .Mr. Fduard dv Cann,
    AP  -  114 words
  • 63 1 ALOR STAR. Kn Tenuku Abdul Rahman flew here by an RVIAF plane today to resume ln.s holidnv in Kedah. alter attending jn'li umlvei ai: celebrations in Kuala Lumpur. Extra senility measures were taken at the Ktpala But.i- an port when the Tengfal llew in with
    63 words
  • 27 1 PEKING. Fn China todiiv ]>mtcstetl at what il called Thailand rtwtaton to send i ii> naval and ab units to Ogbl in Southern Vietnam "—Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 164 1 150,000 Chinese troops on India border —SAYSCHAVA.V YEW DELHI. Prl China no w has 150.000 troops on India's northern borders, the Indian Defence Minister. Mr. Chavan, claimed today. lie told questtonei Parliament: "The I eminent cannot eliminate tl c possibility ol a |oint attack by China and Paki.stan." He said
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 33 1 MRFOKT Dlt.WI SINGATOM I airport poliic const, ih lutiuht IhiiikI wil gunshot uniind in seek the airport poUcc static in P.O. i >iT\i«r n valvei w.t^ i>\ his siilr
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 50 1 CITROEN s Safety Comfort Luxury Easy Payment! Can b« Arranged. Spar* Parti Available so., aim. THE EASTERN AUTO CO.. LTD.. 1 15. Cl«mt nc*ou Avenue. S po«-9 Tt. 272JS/4 w *QwB f ♦^^iix^^g^gfc*.-* ft^lAiVlgl B JgHHglEg^ 1^ water is King (long may it rain) "TEACHERS' fifty-fifty with W SCOTCH WHISKY
      50 words
    • 71 1 17 JEWdS-INCABLOC J Vl)l SWISS WATCH 9 *O»*OINT$: J/*T world famous for quality BROOMa/ade compressors and pneumatic tools Portable Comprtjsori 7.600 cfm Sl»tion»ry Comprtssors I It2sc»T> IR»mni« i i ME lit Br»jk.r, lU Pumpt to 190 galls mm up to 100 head Tt D'.n y^^Chipperi Concrate X St nd Sc
      71 words

    • 443 2 WASHINGTON, Frl. gENATOR Robert Kennedy yester- I day calle d on the United States to invite China for a conference aimed at the control of nuclear weapons. The younger brother of I the late president told the Benate that the third Chinese
      Reuter  -  443 words
    • 87 2 T\JEW YORK. Fri. Th<A* Raytheon Co. yesterday announced a L'SSU million contract with Saudi Arabia for Hawk air defence missile systems The contract calls for Raytheon to furnish equipment and necessary construction and to establish and manage an air defence school to train Saudi Arabians in
      AP  -  87 words
    • 36 2 BONN. Fn West Germany' signed an aid tßrcrmenl yesterday, nixkmK .ivaiUble to Israel 160 million murks In credits this year. to br used mainly to finance con- I .struct ion and telecommunications projects.
      36 words
    • 109 2 I L'SAKA. Fri. Military action is the only answer to the Rhodesian problem and blood must be spilled. Zambi.m President Kenneth K tunda (above) said yrsterday. "Military action —in block letters, he said at a Press i-onference. Ke«ardless which way the crisis worked
      AP  -  109 words
    • 29 2 KARACHI. Fi: The Pakistan Government hn-. k< up an Investmem Promotion Corporation with capital of £15.750.000 to encourage invest mrnts and develop the country* capital market.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 143 2 BONN. Friday. WEST Germany will look into the distribution of its medical aid to South Vietnam, following Press reports that it is being pedalled on the Saigon black market, a Ministry of the Interior spokesman said yesterday. He told a newsman that government experts
      AP  -  143 words
    • 77 2 ROME. Fri.— Franco Silva. onetime escort of Swedish actress Anita EkberK. was jailed for eight months and fined 80.000 lire (about Moo> yesterday for attempting to extort money from her. The Romr Appeal Court reversed a 1984 lower court decision acquitiing Silva for lack of
      Reuter  -  77 words
    • 237 2 Monsoon season push by Vietcong expected LIONOLULU, Fri. 11 Gen. William Westmoreland. U.S. commander in South Vietnam, said last ni^lil that he expected some major initiative by the Communists In the coming monsoon season. Gen. Westmoreland, who j rriv?d here from Saigon day for a week Of conferences was asked
      Reuter  -  237 words
    • 33 2 SEOUL. Frl.— A South Korean Army .sercemu who went berserk with a carbine shot dead four civilians and mtioumv injured three others lasi nlghl before turning the nun nn himself. AP.
      AP  -  33 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 342 2 The World Safest Equipped, It opens a new leaf in Worlds Bicycle Production. 4 front d.r»c.t.on«l inOic«tor< 3 Utttf Uf «p— d «nd mil«»g» rtoro 7 \i Of.»-c»«itrolfd i-tp»»d hub N. *•*•—< 2 Sw«n with warningtigWl t Com*— Up* —t cx»Hfo«d «wth l»«m tuMwi N^ J» --> 7? C»d» wwki
      342 words
    • 89 2 Relieve fSSS pain quickly You con depend Wjj^^^l onGeligoOilto S^Ps reiieve coughj, coW»,heodachej, *IAaI!7J j, ach«i and painj f; quickly. Geliga I 4] Oil i* o high quality ond ex- j^ fr tr«ro«ly •#•<»'*« E§jj2£l'« medicated oil. y with MY. P. COMPANY Johore Bahru Singapore. ZANUSSI Gas Cookers For Easy,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 3 3
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  • 153 3 Complete confusion on new bomber: McNamara ISHINGTON Iri TT The I V Drfrme Se-«r.-t. t ry Mr Robrrl McNiwnaH ycatavtej lie had refused to rrcommend the drvHopnit-nt of a nr» ni.innrd bomber (MOMMC of rompUli .onlu-.mii im«ns Ins «<l\ bl H. refuting new att ick on his dnision to
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 6 3 £1 ni;.1. r April
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  • 74 3 pARIS. Kr:.— Police raced to the KM alter children reported they had sern a man locked up in the collar of a house in Thlonville. Sure enough, he was there sitting on a mattre.vs didn't want to come out M% wile locked me in the cellar and
    UPI  -  74 words
  • 564 3 Suharto pledges to put Soek in 'proper position' INDON ARMY MAKES IT CLEAR THAT IT INTENDS TO REMAIN IN POLITICS ¥T. Gen. Suharto, Chief of the General Staff and holder of executive power in Indonesia, has made it clear that the Army intends to remain in politics and to relegate
    Agencies  -  564 words
  • 38 3 WASHINGTON r; Former President Tlirnhom T "ho entered Walter Hoed r'vmy Koßpi'.li here eieht d;u\s „s,n. \.> bem.: treated for arthritis: ii the v. r:;-t. An aide said Me ImU tuflemd wrM pam.s for v.mi time Reuter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 181 3 UEKING. Fri— The offi--1 cial New China News Agency today accused the Indonesian regime of planning to set fire to the Chinese Embassy in Jakarta and murder its diplomatic staff. The agency, in a report from Jaktrta quoting "reliable sources," said the
    181 words
  • 357 3 SENATORS DISCUSS VIETNAM 'Widest possible participation' in the polls, says Lodge WASHINGTON, Fri. Mr. Henry Cabot Lodge, U.S. Ambassador to South Vietnam, said yesterday the United States wanted to see the widest possible participation of candidates and voters in the Vietnamese elections later this year. He outlined the U.S. attitude
    Reuter  -  357 words
  • 136 3 WASHINGTON. Hi. Airlines xrving the I mted States on international fliehts notified thr State Department vsttrda.v that they »vould uiipl thf LSS7S.--■tOU liability limit sought I .Islington as a condition for adhering to a 1929 air agreement !n a telegram, thr International Air
    Reuter  -  136 words
  • 51 3 JAKAKIA m me Oov- i crnnit nt will recall all Indonesian?, mm .studying in Communist countries the Deputy Minister for Higher Education Dr Mashurihas said here, according to the Armed Forces daily Angkatan Brrsrndtata Strict action would be taken against those refusing to come home.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 167 3 Anger of Negroes about to explode: Report WASHINGTON. Fri. A study of racial problems in the U.S. South warns that anger and violence among Southern U.S. Negroes is nearer to exploding. "The miracle of nonretaliation from Negroes cannot be expected to continue." The only hope, the report said, was that
    AP  -  167 words
  • 79 3 DETROIT. Fri.— Two of America's Big Three motor manufacturers last night reported big drops in car sales for the first 10 days of May. threatening a further slump on Wall Street. The biggest, General Motors, reported car sales down to 96.640 compared with 127---194 for
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 267 3 Exciting! New! Exotic collection of quality carpels and rugs from PERSIA PAKISTAN AFGHANISTAN INDIA BELGIUM UNITED KINGDOM to enhance your home. Call iv today aud pick your choice. MODERN CARPETS STORE 183 Tanglin Road. Singapore. Tel: *****3. Study at Home and Pass Every day letters arrive at olsey Hall from
      267 words
    • 376 3 mM asla^V^a^ 91 if. Look at a Ronson and you'll see sophistication Light it and you'll see more J We spend seven weeks building every Ronson to stand out in the crowd. The deep gloss finish (we put on a thicker coating of chrome than is really necessary), the smooth.precision
      376 words

  • 554 4 Two men went TO save a friend and died JWO labourers died in an attempt to rescue an unconscious colleague from a nine-fool deep lank tilled with dangerous fumes in the Singapore Naval Base in March, a coroners inquiry was told today. The unconscious worker, Unnithan, liv- ed and today
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  • 160 4 KIALA LUMPI R. Fri.— Thr Minister of Transport. Tan Sri Sardon bin Haji Jubir. has instructed the Road Transport Licensing Board to issue special hire car licence!) for the transport of school-children between their homes and schools. This is the first step in
    160 words
  • 118 4 SINGAPORE Ft i— The president and general secretary of the Arm> Ciml Service Union, Mr. V.R Balakrishna and Mr. O.K. lw. mm will represent their union in the Singapore Federation of Service. Unions delegation's pay I talk- with the British Government tin: men ih.
    118 words
  • 127 4 SINGAPORE. Frl. 8ln- gapore will be sending two representatives to the Unesco conference on I 'broadcasting In the ser- vice of education and development In Asia" in Bangkok from May 16 to 23. The conference will explore the use of radio and television for educational and
    127 words
  • 275 4 Grants for study at Oxford and Cambridge SINGAPORE, Friday. LX)R the third year, the Singapore Government is offering pre-university students scholarships for undergraduate studies In the humanities at Oxford and Cambridge. These students, who will be taking their Higher School Ce. .ilk-ate examinations this year, are asked to attempt simultaneously
    275 words
  • 78 4 SINGAPORE. Frl— A course of 10 lectures will begin on May 18 at 7.30 p.m. at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Hill Street, on the nature and terms of standard building contracts which are in use in Singapore and the Federation of Malaysia. The class will be
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 29 4 AHFI DHI hotel Al/CLrni PHONE: 2810 t»«r» Twftdo* Thurido* 4 Vatu'det p m mid-night MAUYAN NIGHT by THE LION CITY REVUE ••otunnt Malay Cultural Danctt 1 lo««» ORISi INFORMAL
      29 words
    • 116 4 j SE3OEES3"f.:/.ri"j a Today 3 Shows: 3.* 9 p.m. J I t3W j ■Tomorrow 4 Shows: 1 1 o-n J-6-9 pm J a Tonire at Mldnitt! I /aflLaal M EHMOOO JHa»aaaaf SHAKILA j; HH^V r*rrty m ct*o iß'^BaaW^ fjo'* csr asm rii*co ja carmen is coming J3r§- tO Town! \OimmmSmUmmiSmmm
      116 words
    • 228 4 A V.QT* miaii^BT '•B *t. _^«bbm 'Jf The RESTAURANT Ab with a VIEW jftCKfc Excitingly different S Att i) in every respect. Nyßr J3RANGE ROAD, SINGAPORE 9^ LIDO (Singapore) TONIGHT It MIDMGHT jT \f\ <Z^}rZ-- TECHNICOLOR JIM BACKUS.JANt GTO'WARREN BERHNGER/BfLLY DE WOLFE PD r BEAT I BLUES SESSION (Sundey) 2.30
      228 words
    • 530 4 ■aHTTTTiTiii'if^LjiJ I [TU' 3i'6l yj| Ut:47i>> 1 NOW SHOWINC 1.30, 400. 11 1 00. i 30, 030 A 9.lSpm 6.4S 4 9 30 pm ORCHARD THEATRE hIZT -hold on 'Ponovivcn Mctrocjlor PALACE IHtATRE lon novelty s. acrobatic acts by KIM ana NICOLE ORCHARD PALACE TONIGHT ai M.G.M AHUUNQ IHE WORLD
      530 words

  • 165 5 THE MILLIONAIRE BURGLAR 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Friday '»A/T ILLIONAIRE burglar" Chew ■L**- Kirn Lin, 25 he specialised in robbing millionaires' homes who is serving 14 years' imprisonment, had 10 strokes of the rotan added to his sen tence by the High Court here today for
    165 words
  • 67 5 £UAI A LUMPUR Kn Mr K V Baker, ol Ptt^ ling Jayn. left the In hla car and wpni a re>taurant for a dnnk (tnutet later hr -aw the a Mini C"'ioprr— b*>lr.c driven awaj ihnuting lie run alter his vhlcta w»s tlrwidy
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  • 20 5 KOALA KIBl" BAHRI Pr Rubu Bahru kntneb ■_> Dcton i» .•.ducn.g trp<: cvi ly pupitf- mb iv.d ih»-
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  • 272 5 Aid-Malaysia plan: Bonn interested but not too enthusiastic' BONN Friday WEST Germany is interested in Malaysia's problems and is willing to give what < conomic aid it can. Government sources said yesterday. They were ccmmei ilka held hen wee* by Malaysia Finance Minister. Mr !":i Siew Bin. during hi* Hall
    Reuter  -  272 words
  • 40 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Ftt. The four Canacl..!: Caribou aircrajt, Jor th« HMAI which ««rc vhodu.ed to arnve here l:vf day.v a*o will mm '>n on Sunday v flu" r V 1 v lit] I M i.mKi >
    40 words
  • 136 5 Honorary law degree for Khir J^l \I.A LL'.MPL'K. Fri Thf Minister of L(iu( a ion. Inche Mohamed Khir Johari. Mill he a warded an honorary dt'Kn-e of Dot tor of Law hv ih«- L'niversity of Ha- la>a ai its con vocation ln-ri' on June ?.V Announcing this today unnprsjty statrmr
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  • 19 5 X! ANTAN Pi The niiMm»n J.ipam\«> textile inouMrv tean: whirii << Malaya •«.-ill -trr 'p hrre tomnrrrw
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  • 113 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Fn —The Minister of Labour. Mr. V. Manickavasugam. will leave tomorrow for a good«rll] visit to nve East African countries. Accompanied by sun official of the Ministry oi External Aflur- ihf Minister tntendi to meet the leaders o' Kenya Uganda Somalia. EMiicp'.a and
    113 words
  • 30 5 KLCANO. Fr. I r f Knv la. Commbvion :nqu::r| (thr worlcin? ot loca lutbon OH «:;i m at thf D:air.ord ju Baa her» m 10 am. on Sun
    30 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 95 5 B X ■■•■v V I t n B B 1 1 "■Bk* 55 PENAnTrOAD. PENANG. TEL: ***** -jrpct^d wHt OMIIM uite<. ol ■ur\ D*nth nd O< M with O f K« The tinted on tr, f ground Hoor try ■rri •■.no tnd nam monoger ihe VwT Z. •<ord 1 I
      95 words
    • 370 5 Follow the thrifty crowd to METRDTEX W^~ NOW ON Don t doll, dowdl* or d«lo T G«t hrre FAST for the bi 99 c** »olu, for your mono*. Store-wide reductions for your »fiolr fomily Bnnq them clout TOOAY! CHILDREN S DEPT NOW TEXTILES f NOW Ot»ne% 11t.30 S8 00 Sw,,,
      370 words

  • 103 6 Forecast of more tourists to S'pore SINGAPORE. Fn A visiting executive from Trans World Airlines today prodieted a marked increase in tourists visiting Singapore once Indonesian confrontation is over. Ifr Stewart A Rudner. TWA's sales manager for South-east Asia, said that the abatement of political tension and uncertainty in this
    103 words
  • 182 6 I SINGAPORE. F n —Miss Kok Kwai Choo 19 wa.s the winner of •he Singapore Mu-ical Society s optr piano competition on Wedresday evenms; a; St. Andrews Cathedral hall A science .student at the L'niveisity of Singapoie. she took up music more than 10
    182 words
  • 51 6 SINGAPORE Fri The president of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Soon Penu Yam. will officiate at the opening o. the International Spectacles Exhibition at 11 a.m on 1 Sunday, organised by the World Optical Co.. to celebrate the opening of their retail department at South Bridge
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  • 358 6 Salaries probe team gets to work ML MEMBERS OF PUBLIC CAN SEND IN REPRESENTATIONS SINGAPORE, Friday. T OT only lisil servants, but ;ilso members of the public (inns and other organisations iu;iv submit representations i<> the Singapore Salaries Commission on matters within the commission's terms of reference. The commission's chairman.
    358 words
  • 88 6 Court grants order for $327,393 SINGAPORE. Fri. -In a bankruptcy hearing, the High Court was today told that nnal judgment for $327,392.23 had been obtained by Lian Seng Chan Ltd. of Sumbawa Road against Blan Guan and Co. <>1 Rochore Road last September. Mr. j Cbellmm, for Llan Seng Chan
    88 words
  • 82 6 SINGAPORE. Fri— The chairmar of the Urban and Rural Services Committee. Mr. Ho Cheng f'hoon. today announced that a sum of StiO.OOO which had been approved by the committee for road and stand-pipe projects in Hie Jurong Constituency. During a visit to a new road at Jalan
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  • 33 6 SINGAPORE. Fri— The officers and men of the Special Constabulary. 'E Division. Orchard Road, will hold their annual dinner and dance at their headquarters. Thomson Road, at 8 p.m. tomorrow
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  • 97 6 SINGAPORE. Fri. Some 40.000 school children, teachers, school staff and vendors had been registered up to this afternoon for new laminated plastic identity cards since registration began at schools on Monday. The Commissioner of National Registration. Mr. Wong Keng Sam. said: "Everything is gob smoothly as
    97 words
  • 217 6 'Asked to cheat but we lost $10,400' court told SINGAPORE. Fri. The trial of two men and a woman foi cheatinß a shopkeeper, Chua Ah Chu. and her uncle of $10,400 in a iame played with mahjong tiles was today adjourned to June L'l after a short hearing. Only formal
    217 words
  • 64 6 SINGAPORE. Fri. Dr. Shi? Nath Kapur hns been elected president of the Arya Samaj Singapore Other officials are: Vice-Presi-dent. Mr. Hariram P. Dayani. General Secretary. Mr. Bnrldhar Tnpathi: Assistant Secretary. Mr Rair Kawal Rai: Treasurer. Mr Punni Lai Gup'r*; Literary .Secretary, Mr. R. Harumal; librarian Mr Phrma
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  • 28 6 SINGAPORE. Frl. The Singapore Photographic Tra ciation will hold its annual phonographic trade dinner at the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce at 8 p.m. on Sunciav
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 238 6 Bnew 1966 EALMONT by General Meters UNMATCHED COMBINATION OF PERFORMANCE LUXURY VALUE The big luxurious family car that still retains the sensible compactness of the standard car: that's the perfect combination you will find in the Beaumont Sedans. Available with six cylinder or V 8 engine, fully synchronized 3 speed
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • 1639 7 Genius and madness >idi rttrad m Odeniuioi. Hunsfary, June 11)45. RmutiaM raMierx drink mi: round a rampfirc. Into heir nUU coaa kwbecile, rfiaffliag, aimk'». Ihi- »»ldiei- -iim. Sudden l\ the imherile, begins to dance 1 fantawtic ballet. THE LIFE AND TRAGEDY OF VASLAV NIJINSKY TWIRLING in tire h.^it. higl cheered
    1,639 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 68 7 I I I I I I Rhh^bl. I JSr .^■^■fl Bs^k. aTsTflii^Bh I p r\| *1 Bm BlJ>^s Si r mt< I j& IP^y COLOUR ff BB^^ jwEßbi 1 1 t f \Jf v> bring to your home with ©PAIXTS Its so easy to make your home more beautiful ...more
      68 words

  • 12 8 mum ALLAN ROIINIOK Mf AM TIAT JIM I 0 Mr. an.l
    12 words
  • 11 8 H M,,,4» Sli I Minimum i XT I. ALA LAN
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  • 27 8 w •rut ,*/j minimum I BRUNEI. FRANCIS KLVNE S prayrrs. Maw TMt FAMIl» OF MR KOH JIN SONG and famiiy ■.i»na'.t"i« or thru Ikt *tn Tan
    27 words
  • 6 8 vi Wmtmmml KHO HAI innirdialrlt.
    6 words
  • 175 8 y. |JJ Wmmmmui COCKPIT HOTEL'S RIJSTTArEL' DO YOU OWN hr 4 inn WHAT MlA•un hit on Juki an I |*jrr CCTTINC MARRIED (SSI iKL.. LIMITED STOCK or exn v t\." Him corn' In todar at thr Mibk Shm I po'r» MOLEX CINI «V. MEYER 1• nj Connuiunt.. 1... u.r
    175 words
  • 64 8 r« r* M *t,r,,m,,m 'DIST HUTU M 'lIBLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH n 9 v a:n ■> 8.1 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SINCA ''"T i Road. IVnang and n > HRISTiAN SCIENCE SERVICES C> I.' Jalan BOM XL IT. ANDREWS CATHEDRAL An<- in union; 1.00 a.m. t rnion, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY ARVA
    64 words
  • 637 8 The Straits Times Defending 70 Cents Saturday. Mm 14. 19«6 The i (n.Miltalioiis in London between commiti < presenting the International Rubber Study Group and ntativei d the American Government seem to have been both useful and promising. The Americans reaffirmed then- obligation to consult producer countries when changes are
    637 words
  • 352 8 The Commissioner of Town and Count iv Planning, Mr. F. Wilkinson, painted a pretty picture when he told the Malaysian Road Association this week how Kuala Lumpur's traffic problems could be solved. Highways reserved for moving vehicles, with all parking oIT the street; all loading and unloading to
    352 words
  • 233 8 Singapore*! licensing of more than 2,000 pasar malam hawkers, now bound on pain of losing their goods and vehicles to observe some simple but necessary regulations, paves the way for a still more ambitious operation It is hoped now to bring all other hawkors. numbering perhaps -NUMH), under
    233 words
  • 781 8  -  Robert C. Toth Reforming a tight labour market where too many are doing too little by London. Fn AUDACIOUS, i n g c nious. b c wildering but will it work? Inflationary but will it work? This applause, analysis and doubt was all for the Labour
    781 words
  • 861 8  -  JOE HAGGERTY by IN THE U.S. FIRMS SELL EVERYTHING NEEDEDEVEN THE SPEECHES i\SCE word gets out v that a young American couple pian to get married they are immediately hit with a barrage of commercial offers that does not end until alter the
    861 words
    • 169 8 VMNC'E the three alOCid of flats at Singapore's Arang Road became fully ri'Tupied some of th p tenants have made living conditions intolerable. The staircases, passages and balconies are stacked with rubbish like old cha:rs. tables, pieces ol wood and planks, milk boxe.s. tins,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 118 8 Straits Tines ft Malar Mail Cla-M«ird o4*trf<nm*«ti mai h«n«^ I. COLO STORAGE SUPf MARKCT Or<ha>a HMd t<c*»»m»<t O**k, COLD STORACI BRANCHES AI Holland Im< K«to»« Naval Sax. AutkoriMd A«a«H CITY BOOK STO«I LTD. Wmckaitar Ham*. C»<i»tr Qu« T THE NEWS FRONT Fitlpatrick I Sya«rm«rka> M M ISMAIL j mmmmmt «••<,
      118 words
    • 166 8 am YOU GET WHEN YOU BUY A SIERA SET You get a Super-de-luxe set There is luxur/ in the stylish cabm«t or precious wood with sliding door. There is iuxury in the accumulation o( features such as the many automatic (unctions for relaxed" viewing, the new direct-view picture tube tor
      166 words

  • 141 9 Railmen told: Stop baseless charges PORT SWETTENHAM. It! The Rallwaymen s Union of Malaya was told today: Stop making baseless, wild allegation tho Port Authority. The Authority's general Zani bin Ahmad, wa.s conimentlns t..n .1 itatement by :v Of LL'al Mi rlaamy, 'lie Port Authu: ig the vorken in the
    141 words
  • 124 9  - Offer by man who beat cancer TOBY CHUA HE VOLUNTEERS TO MAKE HIMSELF A LIVING ADVERTISEMENT By K. Lumpur, Fri. \N active 60-year-old boiler maker, indebted to medical science for his triumph over cancer, walked into the General Hospital this morning and volunteered to make himself a living advertisement for
    124 words
  • 352 9 DON'T BE AFRAID: ADVICE TO PATIENTS sect:on which will bring physical and economic relief to patients and their families. Mr. Tang, a father of .x praised the General Haspital doctors for making him "fit as a fiddle." "I hope by coming forward I can encourage all Malaysians who might be
    352 words
  • 57 9 M'ORh Fil A rerdfd 111 tlif Hisli Court today ;n her dnurre &uit agaiot hor Inu-b-nd Pe:w Lim Ch.n Boon n thr ground of cruelty. Mr. Jiutice Cliuh ailnwrd thr D'titumrr Mr.< VK)M 1-im G\u< Ne«. 1 u*todv of all 'nf childrfn Ihf liu>twnd rill
    57 words
  • 20 9 KLAI.A LUMi'LK hn Thr Yang di-Pertiinn Agong Friday pi.tyrr.s ;it Masjid Hidanh, Srntul Pas;ir. near here (odaf
    20 words
  • 126 9 Singapore lifts curbs on Russian seamen WINUAPORE, Fn. Some 570 crew members of a Rubiian factory ship and s even whalers which left for Vladivcstock yesterday after a five-day stay. were given completely free access info Singapore for the first time. After the whalers arrived last Saturday, the Russian sailors
    126 words
  • 31 9 SEREMBAN. Pii. The deputy to the Mentn Besar ol Negri Sembilan. Inche Abdul Samad bin Idns today opened a new mosquf Ht Kampong Ku-;? Serdang m Kuala Pilah.
    31 words
  • Article, Illustration
    109 9 Vl\< M'OKI Fri. Rr1 nit had to be railed to control trcnaced fans of thr BritMi pop uroup Hermans Hermits at thr National Theatre la*t nisht. For an hour, thr theatre vibratrd with thr «>arpicrcinu st-rram> of .'lion viiunK souls possessed by "Hrrmanra. The othrr I.iOO Hermit fans.
    109 words
  • 61 9 SINGAPORE. Fri. Nineteen girls will take part In the "Miss Singapore" semi finals tomorrow evening at the Victoria Memorial Hall. Twelve will be selected for the finals to be held at the Ocean Park Hotel on June 11. The contest Is to pick a representative to
    61 words
  • 207 9 pRACJL'E. Pri A 1 Singapore delegation headed by th« Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. received a ceremonial welcome when they arrived here yesterday for a six-day visit to Czechoslovakia, the Ceteka news agency reported. The delegation tlew into tif festively decorated Ruzyne airport
    Reuter  -  207 words
  • 40 9 SINGAPORE. Fri. I Yrv. 39. wai charm -uprr--0 S;m Kanu of $8,000 DM |)M\pd vutn niatch■Ucka. 'i 'h^ 1 1 mi. hln) known nl <xxi v ,i houw in Kandanai B pleaded not gu:l!v
    40 words
  • 46 9 PENANO in. Brunei's Mmliter of Welfare Services. H.«JI Yu*ofT bin Pengguren Lirnb.iu, today visited the St. Nicholas School for Blind. The Federation School for the Deaf, and the Home for the Aged. H»> ua.s accompanied by the State Welfare Officer. M. K. Ponnampalam.
    46 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
      152 words
    • 205 9 L^aHL^: -^atfaaaHE %J aS^9 > BiA- 1 (unorder Wfkjt^^ J 14 haute cuisine meals W& |^|H|-' i *> and z regiment of personal staff ■f£f jf I (tll( i new f ms OSL P§| iPIC »5 I (///</ night clubs, cabaret, dancing p£« &t^ j» 1 an< 2 a a
      205 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 888 9 TV MALAYSIA il» \NNIX 5 KuaU l.ur- Guest Shot. Robert Stack; pur. I'cnanf. 6 Ipoh, Malacca: 7— Nf»s in English: 7.10— I Joliore Bahru; 4 laiprng; Focus. 7.3s— Get Smart k.iiii Pahat; 9 E -Diplomats Daughter'; a— I'M. 3— Openuiu and Pri>- News in Mandarin; «.lO— Ui-ammr Mimmarv; 3.01—
      888 words

  • 43 10 Girl 'fond of movies' missing for 44 days CINUAPI :-uld vi! Kirn Ut ok. described fond of men;. See a Yen: Cub 1 Two iriends a m honied i whh I She fit ■oon fed to KIM (.KOK lei' home a tier a
    43 words
  • 4 10
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  • 50 10 SINGAPORE. Fn A Johore woman. Tan Ah Moi. 23. plunged to her doath from the top floo. of a 12--storey block of flats in Everton Park. Neil Road, early today. She died of head In play is mispecti d were for her lan.: the body.
    50 words
  • 14 10 KUALA LUMPUR Prt. Bm:; 4 45 !oi tue Nnion«l De md.
    14 words
  • 212 10 Mercy dash-by copter, ship and plane CIM.APORI.. Kn An KM helicopter toda> whiskid a -oldicr oIT t ship in nml m l fixe sailing hours off .Singapore, lo enable him to fl> ti» the bedside of hi> >eriousl> ill seven-month-old son wh« is now in a London hospital. L Cpi
    212 words
  • 627 10 TEACHERS' PANEL ROW KUALA LUMPUR, Friday THE Minister of Education, Inche Mohamed Khir Johari, hopes his "rather drastic action' of sacking the Teachers' Panel would produce a "change of heart" or possibily the appearance of new blood with a moderating influence on the new
    627 words
  • 207 10 How to guarantee nation's unity by Nasir T»AIPING, Fri. "Bn- perflcia] prosperity and a system ol democracy" alone were not enough to guarantee the security and unity of the Malaysia 0 peoples. The Director Ol the Dewan (I. in Pu S\ed Nasir Mn [small, wii said this today, added
    207 words
  • 25 10 sinoapoßL Pri t .1 m.fii nu < va .i> it.a in the mat of the railv i rvi try I \r
    25 words
  • 7 10 ll'nH H, nf tin tat
    7 words
  • 321 10 J'UAI.A I.UMPUR. Frl. Details ol behind-the-scenes talks between the Teachers' Panel ut the r National Joint Council for Teachners and the Minister of Education. Inche Mona--1 mcd Khir Johan. to resolve the crisis which climaxed In the panels dismissal
    321 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 245 10 LUXURY LaC W m m Is! iJ M Mm U A A*" JL9 sJL aJLw JkmLm sJL <**mmwmmmmmmu &fc? -Jfsg |sjsjys|pliVlffllJUllLLT Ifl A I M lA I TIC II «*^t«h^^ fIHI f\ C hv JE9 1 li, NaY r Jfifift Wr isfm fa^H Lm\ ¥*^*r*^^^^^M fm3 r v 'uHI i
      245 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 40 10 Bugs Bunny By Ralph Heimdahl ''...NOW A QL C< PUSCK S T TME BBEACS BASKET... J A.. LEAD V, T-i YES 7 < LEPT... CROSS Wl'W I I tOOPl) VVA TAUQWT "THAT I {VEGETABLES V BUULV A LK»»OfJ y KIOI f
      40 words

    • 263 11 When lightning strikes a plane Ithuik it eniir to BO :in it Mr r irt of i flight London to p without comment from i followon the :it and aone■jitb I orporation. It is not an unusual occurrence lor an airlu b»- -struck by lightning and this alts in or
      263 words
    • 97 11 MOST liie Dxsi and persons a:. ng in or depu: Singapore would meet are ofllcer.s ot the tpore Custom- !>• partmen: whose khak: and poorly designed ur.:cxtremcly unimpresi Tvn friends r <> ir. id me they •ok these officer Jiey added th.n our officer^
      97 words
    • 24 11 I Hoad i!ous:ng Estate small but it still needs, a public-telephone. Thi.- Is .1:1 appeal to the Slnga;>ore Telephone Board. S.P.L. Singapore
      24 words
    • 21 11 I want to lay a word ol praise for two Sin.'apolicemen who r .idiiy came to my as-
      21 words
    • 70 11 THE Ministry ot EducaM tion is one of tlie most, unsystematic Government departments In Singapore. Letters sent to thU department are not acknowledged and action may be delayed for months. I know of teachers sending In their applications for conversion of their salary scale at the same timp.
      70 words
    • 165 11 PAYING FOR A 'FREE' DISPOSAL laiilSl challenge the statement by the Secretaiy of S.P.C.A. in her letter (ST. May T). She speak.; of services u:un "wiliingh and at no cost to the disposer or b'sposers." Perhaps she is not aware what the drivers oi the S.P.C.A. vans are up *.c.
      165 words
    • 79 11 WHY can't the Singapore Ministry of Education be more specific regarding Saturday schools and not leave the teachers at the mercy of the principals?. In some .schools, the teachers are not required to come on Saturdays, In other schools they are required to come four times a term. In my
      79 words
    • 84 11 Allotting houses for Govt servants T H E Selangor State Development Corporation is building houses for sale with the financial h.lp of the State Government. Yet Government officers applying for these houses have been turned down in favour of nonGovernment servants. I gather the Corporation allots more than 10 per
      84 words
    • 69 11 I refer to the letter by "Ayer Panas" published In the Straits Times May 7. Without full particulars of the case, it would be very difficult to "nvestigate the complaint. If "Ayer Panas" would ktndly contact me. giving me his name, address and Consolidated Account Number, the Board
      69 words
    • 47 11 QUR attention has been drawn to a new item iS.T May 5' regarding the proposed construction In Malacca of a bowling alley. The construction will be undertaken by Ong Construction Ltd.. and not by Ong Enterprise Ltd. LVATT <fr CO. Secretaries, OtiK Construction, Ltd. Malacca
      47 words
    • 43 11 1 WAS born in Singapore, 1 in 1942 during the Japanese occupation. I do not have a Birth Certificate, but I possess a Statutory Declaration stating my place of birth, which is Singapore. Can Ibe considered a Singapore citizen or not? X.Y.Z Singapore
      43 words
    • 182 11 MEMBERS of th.Kuala Lumpur Book Club have learnt with reicrrt of the recent rrtircment of Mrs. Dorothy Nixon, for nearly thirty year* .is secretary and librarian. Her advice and help have been constantly available to members. whether in Kuala Lumpur and other parts of
      182 words
    • 216 11 r PHE Government, in Its desire to promote a property owning democracy in the words of the Ministry of Finance, should consider amending the E.P.F. Ordinance to enable those contributors who are too poor to buy a house, to at least make the down payment
      216 words
    • 61 11 THE Singapore Government should make Kallang Pudding Road suitable for motor traffic. It is a short cut from A'.Junied Road to MacPherson Road and has a number of workshops In it s locality. As a result, the road is being used all day long by pedestrians. cars. motor-cycit s. bicycles
      61 words
    • 57 11 I REFER to report <ST. May 12 > headed 'SIS rr.lllion backpay 75.00^ Cuepacs not only represents all Division IV workers but also 19.000 bl I i stria] Manual Ol workers of whom 9.000 ar>- from HUM who we consider are Division IV workers by virtue of th«
      57 words
    • 36 11 j i tieorue V FarSingapore h:is little to oj ninend it but one puint rol box. There •me aesthet or ut of or. at lea.-; un-v-'otrusive. have Ixen architecturally, medianor aestheticalk le? IAIXn ABDULLAH > ii^.cporr
      36 words
    • 19 11 TPHE donation of $132.50 for Hua-^ein bin Mat IS.T. M from 30 uoii wisher* from KelanQ ■he
      19 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 713 11 NEW P. J. HOUSING ESTATE KELPS TO PROMOTE HOME OWNERSHIP ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL ESTATE 86 low- cost houses already sold at petaling barat WPM|PPOTPV^b^HHHbK9 many features at |j^■ > J^l^[^P^^liißWiHllßW^l LITTLE COST S^mJ^m^^ggjt^^^^^g^mm^^g^Umg^^^^g^H^k^^t^L^L^^^J^g^Lg^^L^mmmmmA^^^St^fg^g^ Houses in Petaling Barat contain an unjual number u ff i T ff Tl iMfr ea^ urei or
      713 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 898 12 «n»^ *B SITUATIONS VACANT ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ■> >. rt H,.r«« II WANTEO d 'en.»e 1 Kuiau. Jobore rwtore :m MR ANO MRS 8 MBkjOMMMBI IMM IWM SALES REPRESENTATIVE -'V i^.i.aa tinr. n> >ho;.!.»ii Baal Ha!. a? ir.iTlitr. lor < lo n:n MR AND MRB. Raynwoa BMMBI firmly details and rvq-ilred to
      898 words
    • 992 12 SITUATIONS VACANT U More 1 >• ■Hll.. 1 -ftll .i# <•«*. «Xf»O DO YOU WANI .of SI mj- Hs C I rj oeed apcA 'O- 1 88H 3DO*u«rk|ib (808 1 Of L:m»e!t Prrt.'t Kec!> kg Bos K I BRUNEI SHELL PETROLEUM I M pan> L.-ntted require* j 1 I
      992 words
    • 958 12 ACCOMMODATION VACANT ore's SC Hid. I Box it 888, txtrm FULLY FURNISHED TERRACE Ho'jih ae.T.i>n«i.ri< Basaaa, senuIVjcbed Hou- 1 H.irk -man Kcxd. KiasoopJksMa immed.ately. HOLLAND ROAD Utst re.«:J>-ofV>i K sMa alrcondltioaed d. b'm^a--10 s >r> tt,u,.ual'l. P ta. $6.V(/- pin lei FURNISHED AIRCONUITIQNEU ROOM ib bungalo-A 41 U.<i Coa<t Koad.
      958 words
    • 778 12 EDUCATION S »,.rrf. V/».| Box M rts. oxtrm noot-.i Lourae tOY a.m., U 30 .I >o. nartt Moodaf H-o-ltft* tvenio k -last** ».li ft 615 pm Kor snort iHtid lrpina results City Scrtool leads ny srbool. 21 S Queen Sire*'.. iJ'rore :>313. AOIO TV iERVICINC COURSE: DbmmXED ».\u c«j:-u;;crtu KY
      778 words
    • 945 12 FURNITURE 14 R»»etf- SB I 6/m. >—B»x f r*». MBPa i I. FOR OUALITV CANE FumiTur*.. I Visit Adrlaa'a. Kb River Vil.ty I R Road. Bin<apore. ***** 1 01 LATEST DBSICN COLOUR Furniture I B H:r» Purrbase. Cbor.f Fait Com- ..67 BalehMrr Koad. B pore p SPECIAL TREATMENTS It VMM
      945 words
    • 794 12 VEHICLES FOR SALE Vertta *o t Htm.y Box So rfs. atsrra t»»S TRIUMPH TR-4A Wtr« waeels: IM, tow mileage; UtKine. tenor t-xcelleat cona t.oa. ?o 400 lepoone (Sport SMALL ECONOMICAL SO MP C in.- Car. ooi> SO.uuu rs:les 8 Apr'l 6i. o»" r> .i.o o UNION USED CAR l"0\ 1963
      794 words
      323 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1110 13 10 UYiIPOOL k WESI COAST UH OuaS'pcti sail S'M*> PManf <'> liskM L'peoi Catftw.... May w May il May 20 21 May 24 May 71 May *2 May 21 CYCien May 21 Miy 71 May 27/ 1 Mi» 21 Jim I IMt I lute S UM I JMI 112 Jim
      1,110 words
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      1,226 words

  • 448 14 THERE was little fresh m- Quence apparent during most of the week's local rubber market say H.C.B. Co. Ltd. In their current market report. With the accent on May slackening, conditions were generally eaMer each day ■Ml levels slipped about one cent adds the
    448 words
  • 241 14 \f AY Ant irrade rubber f.o.b iTI buvrm closed at p.m. la Singapore and KnaJ. I.umpur yesterday at 68 rents per lb. unchanged on Thursday's closing level for the position. The Une waa Hull. RAN and F.M.R.K. rioting priced In centa per lb. yesterday: Buyers Sellers Int. 1
    241 words
  • 22 14 May IS. RUBBER PRICE: 68 i cents (unchanged). TIN: $673.50 (down $1.50). Unofficial estimated offering: 220 tons (down 15 tons).
    22 words
  • 78 14 /-HINEtE Produc. ficttanga. linn 0«r» n*«l prICM Mr picul y»l»r--day: Ckwiul til: rtulk S«Si Mllero, drum f 47 x-llcn C»Pfi. May'Juo*. UK/Cootln«nt: L'oquo'Ml. P«P(Mr: Muntok wlilt* fl9O Mll«rt, MrawaK white tisTj aellvrs, apecial Ba.ra.wak black »13A aeltora, garbled LitmponK hiack Jl3Ti i.M aallera (all M« NI.WI. AST A
    78 words
  • 35 14 \N thr frw ai*hani« market in Hona Konc yextcrday the U.S. dollar «a« iiimcd at rt| for T.T. as<l I TTI for •aih Mm inn «ra* i'io'r»j at 16.08 and tatl |*M M
    35 words
  • 713 14 From Our Market Correspondent BISIXESS was largely of a routine nature on tbe Stock Exchange yesterday with turnover about unchanged at 737.020 units valued at 51.505.507. Industrials were quietly steady with some improvements here and there and particularly in Shell and Gammon which were
    713 words
  • 23 14 Malayan Mwk Indiri-v •Industrials: M.74 »".S8 Tins 11T..M rubbers: In M In'i j l»r, .1. |M| I ><)> Ore. 29. lOii
    23 words
  • 581 14 OISINESS In and reported to i Stock Exchange yesUrda* «ith tht- numtxr of shares tradrd i.i brackets. INDUSTRIAL*: BituMaad IL«M 1 d^Vooo" A cl:^.M^, 44 Vi.0S i .°^i«O? M«2. (I .KW) M.S4. C»» o«f». 3.000^ *2.«4: C»«o (Kb. ««fl.000» B.«D. (7.000. »2.3 a D. *A%T. c
    581 words
  • 461 14 THE price of Straits tin fell bj 51. 30 to $673.50 in Prnang yesterday on an vfferinf estimated down 15 tons to tons. The drop (orally was stated to be less severe than thr Thursday afternoon fall in London due to good
    461 words
  • 51 14 T"!!! prrsrnl uf thr Malayan dollar agjinut thr pound <>t<-rl In* fixed on November !t. t is selling T.T. or O.D. 2v 1 IMI Bovine T.T. 2s. 4 I lUd Buvins »',d. Thr dollar h at it* statutory middle poftitian in relalloD to Its ranee against the
    51 words
  • 29 14 w"i>-» aianitio* me notion,, Ml at MM Pott |*ellem>>m s Out Ton ij MM Karon lakfurt »hip< in PMjnj Mlrktur At (Hi Whirl tUtU Of Nt«<-.itj«,
    29 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 877 14 Y\ KAWASAKI tOSEN KAISHA LTD. VAJk. Pacific AUJUttaa iarvl— MVM aTawaj c anfiaa H tart twnsaa **«al 'laaataai HafsT M Z< Maa li a MM M iwi t Im M Ma) U sal Japan Oirmm larviea MMJ Mafaaan lotiir.««a ta*s -iMMMi iW m n M/lltaaa MMM Umm IWIMI Him" l/IMI
      877 words
    • 948 14 «usi»»n» mm uauni tcnicii imiia pmisian «mb »«r i»ji umicii ("mmtit Asda>««. Mtikaaraa, SrMa*. fa. UMra aM ttr-^-r' >-Mn» t %-Hmt r**t rport r>. Sliaa >taas| IVliMii tnlc< SailM la Pan Rajiu aiun IMm imi .•(Kit* a riHM MM 11l MM lAIUU Il l* ram Ma. Mraat IOMIaU li J
      948 words
    • 58 14 y^^^ ORIENTAL LINE "•™f^Ba*™Ja» fMI INI BIMNMtIt SERVICI T» VOUTMHSI ISM ll I Smfjoo'* 0 S-*tai #m^a>VßT>am m\ KICMItI MllrO II 71 M*| Jl 71 Ma| VMb^LmMH bm. OKY«Ma MAIU I 7)aet I llai •^^^•■aaMsMal jenc.«' ttCI HWI SMlffiNh c» 110 .11 tot UtJ tiasaiin. Itl MMf^. ft J»»bj Hall
      58 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1389 15 MM I fro. P-«r 111 WH£RE T() STAy Slpcre FOR SAI F l r- w M Hnrrf. v* ,-Baz SI rM. „fr. CITY CUCST HOUSI Of*** roomi M/Coovemeocea tconumical HRANO NEW USA. Battery- MM Spore ***** »lth nuarao- MOTIL AMBASSAOOR > a.ldf. 46 l*r art. Limned M vrr Roa(J g
      1,389 words
    • 678 15 m,; ||H4Xii NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I. Madam Low boon Hoe of No:- 1668. Upper East Coast Road. Singapore, have applied (or a Beer House. 2nd Class licence in respect of premises No:--166B. Upper Coast Road, Singapore, and that this application will br heard in the Court
      678 words
    • 1381 15 TENDER TENDER KERETAPI TANAH MELAYU JKR PULAU PINANG Tenders are invited for the ivi iv TAWARAN ,upply of 500 lengths Pip- GI. IM-AN lAWAKAH Steam Quality Inside diameter. Tawaran darlpada Pemborong2 y ..iu berJafUr di-J.K R.. dl-dalam Tenders close at 10 on k E (Kerja2 dan ka-atas akan 25.5.06
      1,381 words
    • 654 15 UPJOHN ARE YOU OUR FUTURE MANAGER? We require youn? but mature salesmen for our rapidly expanding marketing team. Our organisation is dynamic and progressive, thus offering the successful outstanding opportunities to advance swiftly and reach the top. Applicants must possess a selling personality and a will to succeed in a
      654 words

    • 433 16  -  with Epsom Jeep PENANG, Friday. J^EBIR, a five-year-old by Sabaen, looms as a formidable rival to Dennis the Menace in the Class 2, Div. 1, 7f event (Race Six here on Sunday. This morning he galloped fluently on a yielding track,
      433 words
    • 3 16 PENANG— Ist day
      3 words
    • 339 16 TAKAYAMA BEATS KOREAN IN THRILLING BOUT BOXING: Tokyo. Fri. Haidiighting Korean Uel Soo Park lost a 10-round actionfilled bout to world-ranked flyweight Katsuyoshi Takayama. of Japan, here last night. Thrre was hardly a dull moment in the fight as both men attacked .savagely to keep the crowd of 2.000 on
      339 words
    • 240 16 We will give S'gor a fight— Perak IPOH, Itl Perak are expectrd to give the star-stucld«rl Srlangor XI a good flglit in their opening MCA lnter-rt*te match on the Municip.. here tomorrow ami Sunday. With Dip except on ol .wo newcomers K B ma Moorthy. former Johore player, and Ranvir
      240 words
    • 129 16 GOYA LOTION Grrasrltu. colourless, utainlMa yet rrntores srey hair to 'U ORIGINAL. colour In 10-U dayi NOT a dye. Recommended for mKMIe-ac** »a1 older people. COTAB DIVINAS Vegetable Oil restores mr»y oalr to It* ORIGINAL colour la 4-7 days' NOT a dye. So It* easy to
      129 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 308 16 jiiiiiiiliiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiillllillilliiiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini! RAFFLES PLACE SHOWROOM i and I OFFICE SPACE niiHiiiiiiiiin V I L «r\ D L C iiiiiiiiiiiinii LOTS OF APPROX. 1,000 SQ. FT. 2ND FLOOR WITH LIFT SERVICE ALSO A FEW GROUND FLOOR SHOPS SiiiniMimii FOR DETAILS APPLY TO HiiiiiimmiJ iThe Manager, c Administration Office, John Little's Building, Raffles
      308 words
    • 394 16 NOTICES BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 11) IN i ill HIGH CO! i: 1 <>* THi: KliTßiu 01 MNOAPQM IN BANKRUPTCY No. 99 ot 1956 Re Chew Suee Kee also known as S. K. Chew Ex parte Diners Club (Malaya) Limited Creditors. In the Matter of a Bankruptcy Notice issued on the
      394 words
    • 368 16 TENDERS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD TENDER NOTICE Tender;- will be received by the ("lvi:rman Economic Development Bo.irci 2nd Floor Fullerton Buiulmc. Singapore lor--CONSTRUCTION OF 54" DIAMETER XC. PIPE CULVERT ACROSS JALAN GUDANO FOR SEA WATER DISCHARGE FROM SUGAR INDUSTRIES (Si LTD Show Kound: 18th May. 1986 at 10.00 a.m Meet jI
      368 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 267 16 Straits Times Crossword 'ijHHLiiflß* H- V- B| ACROSS dance (7t. 7. Entirely Hie cmla s friend? 9 Novel with small feminine ln- {.!>. terest? (6. 5). 8. Identified by one mark used 15. South African pest got up In In Jewellery (7). muslin (8). 10- Learned man makes a Joke
      267 words

      926 words
    • 168 17 KOTA BHARU. M. Trenngsnu cmerped today as the ktnupin in the East zone of the Mhla.vr Cup competition when they beat Kelantan 2-1 to take the lead at the end of the first round. Trengganu have also beii'en Pahanft by 3-1. Kelantan. who
      168 words
    • 182 17 BURMA vs ISRAEL FINAL AGAIN AM LA, Fri. Israel and Burma, last year's champions and runners-up, will meet again in this year's Asian Youth soccer tournament final here on Sunday. In tonight's semi-final* before an estimated 15.0U0 crowd at Rizal Memorial Madium. Burma beat Thailand 3-0 after leading 1-0 at
      182 words
    • 199 17 LONDON, Friday. TTENxtY COOPER, brltish heavyweight champion, J1 has a new weapon in his world title flght with Cassius Clay at Highbury on May 21 a box of special vitamin pills which a skin specialist has told him could help to avoid cut
      199 words
    • 113 17 LONDON. Fri. Mike Trebilcock and Tommy Wright. two 31-year-old players, are preferred to Internationals Fred Pickering and Sandy Brown by Everton for the PA. Cup Final against Sheffield Wednesday at Wembley tomorrow. Everton will field the atiacfc which beat Manchester United in the semi-final. The only
      Reuter  -  113 words
    • 98 17 Reggie not available SPORTSLETTER IREFI.K to the Straits Times of May 12 under the heading "Slngaporr Selectors Ignore Reggie again." Rpggie da Silva was selected to play in the Civilians v. Service* gamp but was unable to do so as be was injured on the Sunday previous to the match.
      98 words
    • 33 17 KUALA LUMPUR. PrI— PWD beat Harrisons 5-1 in their SGDBH League Div. I match here today. Selangor South Circle beat Kuala Lumpur "B'° 5-0 In a Belonzor Police Inter-contingent, nvitch.
      33 words
    • 376 17 TOKYO. Friday rlKht lifters, two offlcla Bomiis 11 boxen, four official* Us>. Wrestling: eight wrestlers. tlvc officials (13' Hockey: 18 pia er>. two of f lci.iis '<20>. K.ivkrilisll: 12 players. thre» ofiuinN (15. VuIIcMmM. 11' men. 12 women. elgh official* (32
      376 words
    • 152 17 j-tixAwu Fri. Penanf schoolboy chnmpi<>;i. Tan Aik Counter brother of MamcJ All-England champion Aik Huaiiß. scored an easy 15-5. 15-5 win over Fr.«mis Oan in tlv spcond round of the men's i-hen the Peimnu junior ton rh.iinpion.ships Hurled lv rr tonight. Ail. Mong i opponent
      152 words
    • 354 17 Sobers gives 4,000 a rare treat LONDON. Frl. Oarfleld Sobers, the West Indian captain, generally recognised as the best all-rounder In the world, •truck superb batting form against Nottinghamshire at Nottingham yesterday. In his opening first-class Innings of the tour, Sobers hit a magnificent 153 in 2 hrs 40 mlns..
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 16 17 S-*s. RADIAL ARM SAWSI the machine with the r WIDEST FLEXIBILITY OF USES EVER BUILT |^O«»aa»Mßa»aMaa>aWaa—
      16 words
    • 316 17 This is clear evidence of how photographers from rank beginners to advanced professionals feel about YASHICA. There are over 30 cameras and scores of accessories in the line to-day, in nearly every category: SLR, Twinlens, 35mm Rangefinder, Half-frame, Instant Loading, Subminiature and Ultra-miniature and Movie. HERE'S k REPRESENTATIVE SELECTION: C?\a^atfL_laaaaaa»Vaa^y
      316 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 213 17 SUMMARY BASKETBALL Prrak (■'•hips ilpohi: Men Slew Pang 68 Meng Ngan 60; UMBC Ipoh SI Cheong Kon« 41 HOCKEY Malacca stale (rial: Whiles 3 Colours 2. Kuala Muda Lfe: Malays 1 Sekolah Menengah 0. 8OC(fcR Pmang Div. 3C: TYBC 2 Air Despatch 1. Taiping Lp 'A': 2 Mai. Artlllerv 5
      213 words

  • 281 18 Importance of advertising to sell new goods TOKYO. Fri. AusA tralian and Filipino advertising cxprrt.s today told deleto the second Asian and Pacific nvqional marketing conference the importance of advertising in promoting new products. Mr Bernard Holt. Federal Director of the Australian m of AdvrrtiMiig A In a I lecture
    281 words
  • 153 18 CABLE RECEIVED I N-lovm| fathrr of K.R A Jn.-rph fmumt in Kond.-ivil c'rylon. AT DISTRICT HOSPITAL Knl.i :ni, M.iv I'lrm ii o> N«ir (.r10v..! ■:mth. r t4 K Armvtad BsprMi profound Mwaki ■rii-ndv rrlatiw* and hospital do<-tor« nd ».r:ifT.» for thfir mtuacn of con.lolrivo. urralh." and MADAM MEENAKSHI
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  • 9 18 IN CHERISHED MEMORY rl l.n and rtilMrta
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  • 834 18  - Dispute in court over validity of fiat JESSELTON, Friday. $120,000 breach of trust case... JEFFREY FRANCIS Public Prosecutor can come back any time to take over from him But not vice-versa." Mr. Leo added. Asked by Mr. Kishan whether he was saying the flat was in* valid. Mr. Loo replied
    834 words
  • 70 18 Girl who won't stay in her seat... A near-hysterical victim of "Hermania" is prevented by a policeman from climbing the stage of Singapore's National Theatre during the performance of the British pop group, Herman's Hermits. Scores of shrieking ccnogers like her, among the 3,500 Hermits fans, gave Reserve Unit policemen
    Han Hai Fong  -  70 words
  • 61 18 JAKARTA Frt— Bookings at Jakarta's plush 16 atflfWj Hotel IndoneMa. the Republic's principal tourist km, l);i\r uune down since the Communist coup attempt of last October, the hotel's public relations chirf. Mr. Jalija. told reporters today He said that since October there had been only three
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 27 18 NEW DELHI. Fri.— The United States and India today signed an agreement for a US$lOO million loan to help India import vital industrial poods.
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  • 324 18 LONDON, Fri The London Stock Market closed firm despite the threat of the U.K. stamens strike. Dealers reported a fair demand for good-class stock but the upward trend was thought exaggerated by technical factors. Electrical*, tobaccos, steels, aircrafts, and engineerings were firm sections. British funds were quiet and
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  • 1 18
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  • 1 18
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  • 34 18 SYDNEY. Fri The Seamen's Union of Australia has refused to man an Australian ship taking supplies to Australian troops in Vietnam, the union's federal secretary. Mr E V Elliott, said today. Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 177 18 CALL TO EMULATE AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND KAJANG, Friday. MALAYSIA and Singapore should try add emulate the type of relationship existing between Australia and New Zealand, the Minister of Education* Indie Khir Johari, said today. He was commenting on the recent statement by Singapore's Premier, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, that
    177 words
  • 274 18 Wilson cancels date with Cassius f ONDON. Fri. Mr. Harold Wilson cancelled a meeting today with boxers Cassius Clay and Henry Cooper. instead, the Prime Minister mot union leaden threatening a British shipping strike and ur^ed them to call it off. warning them of the graTe consequenc es It would
    AP  -  274 words
  • 83 18 TROY (New Yurki. Fri. A 15-year-old girl, who lives in nearby Green Island, advertised for a pen-pal from Britain and wound up with an obscene letter from six Scottish schoolboys. The boys, aged 15 and 16. admitted in the juvenile court in Wigton, Scotland. yesterday
    83 words
  • 79 18 NEW YORK. Fri. Seven people were wounded by a mysterious sniper or snipers in -separate incidents lust night throughout Manhattan Some thought the shots came from a moving car. Two of the victims were I struck ii. the eye by pelind Hire reported in
    AP  -  79 words
  • 337 18 YORK. Iri I .liltrrv Will Strrrt ooeratiirs htL.m tr.nlinc Friday the 13th with had news from three qiiarlcrv All MAIN motor in. nun. ictmci m c\< rpt K.irci. rep«nl«cl sharply reduced islet in the first 10 <la>s of M«J IN Nr.W rOBI
    Reuter  -  337 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 55 18 WOODWORTH v :>■ .1 i ih Ai>nl Thank* to 1'. R.M.B. MARRIACC BETWEEN Mr. Chj.n M"f L.i TOP Lllv .11 Mt||>ourn. II Miv IMS. When nature forgets remember... >\ VifiTfr^Blß l Tk T !^^gTO4aKH^7^^^ggß the gentle CHOCOLATE LAXATIVE so gentle, so nice to take, an exact dose always Uyt^^ j
      55 words
    • 284 18 j| success in examinations is never a matter o! change '^i lor SUCCESS THE RAPID WAY I <*■ i ENROL TODAY Jjv,' 1 with maiajan correspondence college /iB\N- y'kM tv Xv SECURE YOUR CREDITS 111 ENGLISH ■■■B^B^B^^B^B^gggSf Bi -ff^flKg^^ /^9v through our famous course compiled M.C.C. GETS YOU AHEAD FASTER
      284 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 52 18 The weather and lowest temperature!. In MalayMa and Singapore for the period 8 p.m. Thursday to 8 p.m. yesterday Highest I -t Kuala Lumpur 91 73 Kota Bharu 91 75 Penang 84 77 Ipoh 93 73 Malacra 88 75 Singapore 91 73 C Highlands 72 63 Jesselton 91 Kuchlng
      52 words