The Straits Times, 12 May 1966

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 23 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150,000 The Straits Times The Natimiiii Estd. 1845 THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1966 15 CENTS M.C.(P) 1629 KDN 2034
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  • 835 1 Tengku: 'I wish to state here and now that they have no authority to speak on our behalf KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday TENGKU ABDUL RAHMAN declared today that issues affecting Malaysia were this country's sole responsibility "and no other power in the world can speak for
    Soong lion Sin  -  835 words
  • 94 1 PEKING, Wednesday. r FHE People's Daily today railed Indonesia's ForL eign Minister. Mr. Adam Malik, a liar, and described his logic as absurd. The official Peking news- i paper said Mr Malik was prevaricating on May 5 when he tried to parry charge* ol
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  • 23 1 PARIS W'<l Mrs, Manntp Botnon Ivcame crandmoihrr today at !hr njf ol 33. Her 17-yrar-old dxiiKhicr ea\<" birth to a boy.
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  • 69 1 NEW DELHI. Wed. India today served i»oticp on atomic powers that non-nm icar nations Kould have to ni.uuilHci urc their awn atomic bombs il ilov were not vuai'.tnti i (I Ironi "nuclear hreats ;ind biat kniail. Ihf Exlrrnal Allans Mimsier Mr in Snitch IoM Pnrliamenl
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  • 49 1 CANBERRA. Wed. The Indonesian Foreign Minister. Mr. Adam Malik, has given assurances that army units on the Rhio Islands would he ordered not to fire near civilian planes, the Sydney Daily Telegraph reported today. Mr Malik gave the asauranre* to Australia's AnbaMador to Indonesia, Mr. Loved*?. Renter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 137 1 Puzzling news? An old apology on the air SINGAPORE. Wed. Puzzled radio listeners this afternoon rang up the Straits Times to ask: "What is happening? Is Singapore part of Malaysia again?" The reason: They had heard an announcement at 1.15 p.m.: "This is Radio Malaysia, broad•;astinu from Singapore." Mistake A
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  • 79 1 Clash on border expected BANGKOK. Wed—Malaysian police and Thai border patrol police, who are jointly holding operations against the Communist terrorists along the Malaysia-Thai border. expect an armed clash with the Communists within the next two days. The Thai director of the operation. Police Lieutenant Colonel Sompot Vllalklt. told reporters
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 75 1 TOKYO Wnl Chin.* and Rumania to«sicd their tnendslup toiutfhl at I'cktin! iKinquct ni\cn l)v Pifliuci C'hiiu Kn-l.rti and Chen Vi H Vur I'li'inur .unl Kini'inn MinMer. LeaduiK the parly til rialttna Hwnlani Eimi u<>-i lust Vice-<'hairniaii ol the Council of Ministers mid a Central Committee member of
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  • 54 1 MOSCOW Wml Rus-sia s Party chid. Mr. Leonid Bre/hnrv. was understood to be continuing secret talks today with Rumanian leaders in Burh.iro' The two governments are Icerpmu strici silencr about the \iMt and Mr Brezhnev s Midden tlight vrMerdav hH.-i not yet tjeen reported to
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 39 1 PASADENA. Wed Dr. William H Pickering, director of America v unmanned lunar and planeiarv probes predined loday UUI hv 19«5 man mil have rr»\»lled to •he virmi'v of Mar* U not to it* I ■urtao*.— lUuttr.
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  • 192 1 Vietnam air missiles battle SAIGON, Wednesday COMMUNIST MiG-17 fighters fired missiles at American planes for the first time in the Vietnam war, U.S. spokesman said today. Tlu' LJ.S. spokesinei said ;i Hi^lil of Ihrce Russian-designed Mi(i-17s shot :i pair of Sidewinder-type, heat-seeking missiles yesterday ;il air force lighters protecting ;i
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  • 47 1 SAIGON. Weri Ih€ United State.- todaj formally expressed regreti for Vietnamese Kilit I wounded by An military police in yesterday alter a terrorist mine exploded. Acting U.S. Ambassador William Porter called on Prime Minister Nguyen Cao Xv to convey the American sympathy AP.
    AP  -  47 words
  • 24 1 (.1 N Xl NNKK STOPPED >\|t.<»\ \\V<l V w.irships :in 1 iris, blew up unidentified ninu freighter in Mekongdelta region today.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 52 1 for Cltar Comfortable Consult C. S. CHONG. O. D. EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 19. Chulia Street. Singapore. 4S PUTS TIGER IN YOUR TANK! New Power Formula Lsso Extra gdr»oline boosts power three wiyi ...Cleaning Po\*»er! Filing Power! Performance Power! Also preserves the power of new engines... and restores lost power to
      52 words
    • 109 1 ANNOUNCING the NE* THQRENS iurntabll TD 150 AB For further details write: JEBSEN C JESSEN (5) LTD. HHI >r- 2SSSSS Bj *"<-.- > **j JP mk Ss\ 2538 i W. T N i m *^^^P^ 5 6 cv. ft capacity Sh«ll ire*. 11 iq.ll M Four ic<- tl tro.'i lood
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  • 224 2 More Reds contacted in joint hunt on border L U A L A M'MPUR. Wed Joint bordrr operations by Malaysia and Thailand have in recent months resulted in more contacts with remnants of the vanquished Cogninnnist terrorists Thailand.* [nap General of Police, it -Ocn. Yuen Prabluiv. >v.d Una I.t -Gen
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  • 64 2 SIM. AI'OKK. \\«-d. The MCf«tarjr-gCaeffal *>l th«Singapore Uional Trades I nioti Cnngrrs*. Mr S I Najragaa, I*4*} denird "malicious rumours'" th;it the NTl'Ci \lrn Amhd labour bullrtin u;«s brin« lin.incrd hy YiisoMax ia. In >t;»lrmrnt. he >;»id: 1 lie MIT Hi'arly and itrgaricalljl Matcv that i| has
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  • 24 2 KA.IANCJ Wed A mobU» unii will br nt ih» di-trirt h">tjii*l here lor thir» <1»v!« irnm Monday to gi\» li»» X-ray*.
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  • 371 2 I'MNO'S 20TH ANNIVERSARY JOY KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday MAMMOTH rally at the Merdeka Stadium today joined the Minister of Kducation, Inche Mohamed Khir Johari, in pledging loyalty to Tengku Abdul Rahman. Tlir pledge was moved by Inche Khir in his capacity as >»•» re'tury-fcenerai of I
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  • 167 2 Civil Service: Why I am worried Lo JESSELTON. W«d SABAHS Chief Minister, Mr. Peter Lo, disclosed today that he was concerned with the development ot the State Civil Service and that as far as possible it should comprise people of all races. "We must think of nation building aiui there
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  • 57 2 .SKHKMBAN. Wrd— The Arts and Drama! u- Socirtv of Negri SemhiUn w:ll hold a dance in ;<id oi r.s development projert on Saturday Irom 9 p.m. to 3 a.m at the Dfwbji Bandaran. here. Amonc Ihoae who will attend the dance will be the Negrl
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  • 25 2 PENANG. Wed. The light beacon at Tan.iong Stana. on the approaches 10 Kuala Jnhore. has bf>rn temporarily extinguished, the Marine Department announced today
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  • 39 2 PENANG. Wed. The Met ho- i dist Boys' School will stage the comedy, "Ring Round the Moon in aid of as school building fund on Friday and Saturday nights' at thf St. Georges Girls' School hall.
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  • 30 2 TAIPING Wrd The Taiping branch of the All-Malayan Muune Industry staff Union will hold us annual meeting at No 48 Main Road h*r» on Saturday at 4 pm.
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  • 139 2 30-MILE RUN TO WISH SULTAN A HAPPY BIRTHDAY I/UANTAN, Wed. A 30- I mile road relay, with special runners carrying I congratulatory messages, will be held here on May 29 t^ commemorate the 62nd birthday u[ the Sultan of Pahang. The runners will assemble at the .starting point in front
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  • 151 2 'Experts coming' report sets a puzzle I^UALA LUMPUR. Wed.— The Malaysian Government and the Formosan Consulate here are puzzled by an agency report announcing that Formosan exports would arrive here shortly to work on a $1,575,000 road construction project. The consulate, the Ministry of External Affairs, the Ministry of Works.
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  • 28 2 SUNGEI PATANI, Wed. Che Shanfah daughter of the District Ofßcer. Kuala Muda. Syed Osmui Idid- has. returned to Tokyo to continue her course in rlrMs-desißnine.
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  • 191 2 Big rise in Sarawak imports from Malaya I/UCHING. Wed. Imports from Malaya into Sarawak for the first quarter of the year totalled S8 million $5 million more than during th« corresponding period last year, according to latest trade figures. Imports from Singapore. however, fell by nearly $3 million. Total trade
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  • 46 2 SINGAPORE. Wed. Deteotives from Queenstnwn polic* Station yesterday arrested two "fighters" of tile "Sio Kun Tona" an "18" .«ecret society group, and the liradm;.n of the Long Hot S«n. of the -108. Thrv were detained unri^r th» I^aw 'Temporary i Provisions Ordinance.
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  • 31 2 NG. Wed. Work will star; soon <>n the construction af a new building for the Penang rural district rouncil in Batu L'b*n. about, st* miles Irom the CRY
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 87 2 JT JV «(NNV Mill 785 acres of housing land situated only j^ 2 miles from the G.PO. will be on sale soon. Development has already commenced. Large <fj II areas have been set aside for schools, play \lf grounds and other amenities. It has been \y J2 sf planned as
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 34 2 THE GAMBOLS by Barry Appieby (&O YOU UKfc f IT ilf. HAT I I MVSELP MTU /V6S. I PRO*U«P HOTA WORE *T TMf I V REAL L!V6 /maoTiJ N ITO QNt MOU A BIU
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    • 271 3 WASHINGTON. Wad PHINA'S latest nuclear blast may have been an unsuccessful attempt to explode a hydrogen bomb, according to U.S. Defence Departm* ni soun They said the Poking announcement tha' nuclear test included ••thermonuclear material" could have meant the Chinese failed to g>
      Reuter  -  271 words
    • 102 3 IAK.VKI U«d. Tlu Indonesian HrraM. rrffarded as tin- voice of the Foreign (Mated toct.iv took a bleak view of Gates'! explosion of another nuclear device. Before last (>< -loner's Communist coup attempt in which Peking is accused of complicity. Indonesia always trave an
      Reuter  -  102 words
    • 226 3 Elizabeth descended from Lady Godiva: Debrett's ONDON, Wed. Bri- tains top authority on blue-bloods reported today that Queen Elizabeth is descended Irom Lady Godiva. the j kind-hearted Saxon queen who rode naked through an English city on an anti-tax i campaign. l The link between the 40--ywr-oM sovereign and the
      Reuter  -  226 words
    • 117 3 Kosygin assures Nasser of Soviet aid pAIRO. Wed. The Soviet Premier. Mr. Alexei Kosygin (above), last night assured the United Arab Republic it can rely on Soviet aid and support for its economic and social procress. He was replying to a speech by President Nasser at a banquet in Cairo.
      Reuter  -  117 words
    • 334 3 Americans are testing Hovercraft for war in the delta First Air Cavalry's forward brigade headquarters ut Bong Son early today, shooting up 10 helicopters The Vietcong squad of about IS men fired small arms into parked helicopter* in the predawn hours for 30 minutes. American casualties were light. tMTED NATIONS:
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    • 278 3 Ky says it again: I'll remain in power for another year SAIGON, Wednesday. pREMIER Nguyen Cao Ky confirmed today that he intended to remain in power through the lengthy process of electing a civilian government. This, he said, might take another year. "We now have an organisation to take care
      AP  -  278 words
    • 72 3 Rayon from rubber experiments JAKARTA. Wea. The Indonesion Government Is now experimenting with the manufacture ot a rayon made from rubber, the Minuter for Textiles. Mr Hadl Thajeb. told reporters, according to the official Antara news agency Mr. Thajeb was speaking after talks with the Deputy Premier in charge of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 270 3 Pmhb MJlßiß^B^tM^T ttTwwtTTWL^MMbBII I w d J^^^^^^* Confidence is in knowing... WITH THE "ERA-OF-CHANGE" EDITION OF I Britannica's Concise jpy Pictured Encyclopaedia %l> This Is not ju*! a "look-it -up- I b^BbW^^^^^^K *,A X- for-homfwork-»na-then-for-get-i: Xv > "^M hmWw ;x encyclopedia It is "written tn mm jm CBPWm^' :!^S ■k^
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    • 240 3 UGLY RASHES GO FAST with D.D.D. mk fc^ Be the girl that men look at twice. You <.an have a lovely dear > H skin, fno Irom urlv spots and ihlmi by usme n.n.n. r Antiseptic, soothing DJ) I"). 4jr*s,. I hrinßs r.i-: relief from all skis troubles including ecvema,
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  • 337 4 SINGAPORE, Wed ANTHONY EE HOCK JOO, 28, a Port of Singapore Authority police constable, was today fined for l\\o yean for taking v $20 bribe. The policeman, ;i father of three, was iol<l by Ihe Second District Judge, Mr. Donald Yen Hock Chwee: "You have
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  • 248 4 SINGAPORE. Wed. A sophisticated set of modern anti-smuggling equipment was presented to the Singapore Govrrnmmt today by the Japanese Government. The equipment, worth sm .oho comprised a detector, a timrregistrr camera, an rlertronic photo-copy machine, a u.ilkii i.ilkir set, and a noctovision camera which
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  • 236 4 A PAT ON THE BACK FOR 1,200 POLICE VOLUNTEERS SINGAPORE. Wednesday. SINGAPORE'S 1,200 special constables today recelved an accolade from the Commissioner of Police. Mr. John Le Cain, at their first-ever annual inspection at the Police Training School. A icpresentatlve formation of 405 volunteers. Including 26 women, stood rigidly at
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  • 37 4 SINGAPORE. Wed —The Industrial Arbitration Court will resume hearing of a trade dispute between the Sulymanmarle Printing Press and the Singapore General Printing Workers' Union, relating to claims for salary scales, tomorrow at 10 am.
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  • 183 4 SINGAPORE. Wed. The President of the pprsuatuan Sri Kemboja Rla < a Malay cultural organisation i. Khamls bin Johari. 35. was today acquitted in the High Court on charges of unlawful possession of firearms. The prosecution had alleged that Khamls. a mechanic, was the "owner" of
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  • 50 4 SINOAPORE Wed— The Director of the People's Association Mr Sim Boon Peng, will leave fot a three-month round the world tour tomorrow to study community services In various countries During his absence. Mr. Au Yee Pun. a Deputy Director, will act as Director of the Association.
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  • 44 4 SINGAPORE We<i Wiiter will be cut off In Cheviot Hill (from Slßlap Road to Bow mem Garden > and Drybuißh Avenue tomorrow from 9 am to 6 pm. tn extend thr existing pipe tn a new pipe for Slglap Secondary School.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 272 4 I f ATHAY OPENS TODAY! Vsf^ I Wf\ I llom. 1.30. 4.00. 630 9.30pm WE ARE NOT JOKING when we s.y-YOU'LL LAUGH YOURSELF A SILLY! n r(Mt! ~~""^l. O^ W^B^^^^^sl'r^'^B^kV i- v, I '1 MICHAEL JAMES ROBERTSON M LESLIE TERRYI CALLAN w JUSTICE PHILLIPS THOMAS ORCHARD opens tomorrowTl>ALACE~ I HOLD
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    • 116 4 this ring looks like $450 don't believe it it is E£3B at CHIONG SHING MFG. JEWELLERS DIAMONDS IMPORTER EXPORTER (ESTD. 1934). 656. North Bridge Rood, Vport. Corner Bsli Lena). Tel: ***** A *****. carmen is coming Town! ll sflnsf^WslLEklESLfj I Todoy Only: i 30 -7 9.30 p.m. Glenn Ford Nancy
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    • 285 4 GALA BALL At Victoria Memorial Hall on Saturday, 14th May, 1966. 8.30 p.m. to 2a.m. In conjunction with MISS SINGAPORE/ MISS UNIVERSE CONTEST Sponsored by: $&^0& Make up by: ORGANON LABORATORIES LTD. LONDON ENDOCIL COSMETICS. Tickets available from:' Li Seng M m Co., Ltd., 6, North Bridge Rd. C. K.
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    • 466 4 BJ[ TIL- 311*1 JJ 111 «7i;i| LAST SAY! 110. 4, I 00, 3 "0, 6.J0 t9IS pm 645 9J. pm I Alain Otlon C k Ihirh I Ann-Mar,. .r Ulttt A I Hltr I PALACE THEATRE ON SIA I NOVELTY L ACROBAT'C ACTS I by KIM ana NICOLE ORCHARD 4.
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  • 292 5 Two robbery suspects caught: Polio open fire when they flee from coffeeshop KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. POLICE opened fire in congested Sultan Street here at noon today before capturing two men suspected of being involved in a recent robbery. One of the men was injured in the
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  • 91 5 SINGAPORE. Wed— About 15 Singapore and Malaysian students will be on two American President Line liners, which will be conducting -shipboard student orientation" programmes for Asian students travelling to the United States this summer. The programmes are to acquaint the students, who will
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  • 162 5 CYDNEY, Wed. -A Singapore woman yesterday became the first graduate of Sydney University to sain a master's degrre in one ><-:ir. She is Mi>s CM (ivan Kian (above), daughter of Mr. H.K. Chew. Change Alley shop owner. The university cnangrd its by-laws List >car lo
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  • 340 5 SINGAPORE. Wed.— A suggestion over a few drinks during the Chinese Moon festival five years ago led a Nanyang University professor to abandon his mortar-board for palette and paint brushes. Professor Lee Ching Chih, scholar-turned-artist, today spoke of the occasion which brought about the
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  • 306 5 Kuala Lumpur, Wed. AIORE than 75.000 Slower paid Government employees will share about $15 million in backpay within a fortnight. The windfall is the result of an interim wage offer made by the Government to 56.000 Industrial and lianual Group or Employees and about 19,000 Division
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  • 48 5 SINGAPORE- Wed. Mr. R. C. Bennett has been elected j OtatnMUl of the council of the Singapore Anti-Tubcrculosi.s ASMciation with Mr. G. Uttaninm and Mr. Richard Lim Kec Mini; as vicc-thiiirnifn. Mr. J. Grinilxrg is the .secrrtary ;uicl Mr. Goh Kee Sons, the i treasurer.
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  • 56 5 4 LOR STAR. Wed. Police last night detained 3tt 1 trawler fishermen and seized about 50 piculs of fish from four trawler boats suspected of illegal trawling off the Kuala Kedah coast. The trawlers wers surprised by two police boats about four miles off the coast.
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  • 188 5 Former soccer, rugger star dies DENANG, Wed. A former municipal councillor. Mr. A. C. Reutens, 61. died of a heart attack in his Burmah Road home here early this mornins:. Mr Reutens was elected to the municipal council in the first George Town city polls in 1951 on a Radical
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  • 130 5 No-upkeep father jailed DENANG, Wed. The Btate Islamic Religious Court today sent a father to two weeks' jail for falling to maintain his son for 2J years you have defied the court order to pay this malnten inri» and we cannot take a lenient view," the president. Us; u» Snnkli
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  • 156 5 Brunei proMalaysia party dissolved DRUNEI TOWN. Wed. D —The president of the pro-Malaysia Brunei National Organisation has announced the dissolution of the party. Chegu Manan bin Mohamad, in his announcement said "At one time there wa.s .some .support here lor Brunei Joining Malaysia. but now the position lia.s changed." "At
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 12 5 A Hoover means more time for your family r~jT] and home (-=-H
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    • 146 5 AAA Presented by DONALD MOORE CONCERT L D and sponsored by SOS SINGAPORE TOBACCO COMPANY LIMITED mmmm ll||l^|||j!'MmUi||lllll||lll|lll||llllll|ll' l|| #j| tonightT nSUt NATIONAL THEATRE EJF$f at 7.00 9.15 P.M. fffcjji with all star supporting show i] Jr THE DOWN BEATS. QUESTS. CRESCENDOS. THE COACHMEN. UllW THE MISFITS PRICES: TICKETS AVAILABLE
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 215 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed— The Assistant OCPD Jelebu. Senior Inspector Ronnie Rozario. was today fined $120, or one month's Jail, on an amended charge of careless driving which resulted in the death of a municipal labourer. The Sessions Court was earlier told that a car
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  • 103 6 SINGAPORE, Wed.-Two foreign service cadets— one from Singapore and the other Irom Malaysia —are among 12 trainees from African and Asian countries now taking part in a basic course for diplomats in Australia. They are Mr. See Chak Mun csingaporn and Haji Lembang Za.nal i
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  • 54 6 TELUK ANSON. Wed. An as sisUnt on Cicely Estate here. Mr V. Rengtnathan. has been re-elect- ed president of the Lower Perak In- dlan Association with Mr. N. Bala- subramariiam ay vice-president, Mr U C. Marwndran as secretary. Mr A. A Prabhakaran as assistant serretary and Mr. PR.
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  • 147 6 I ESSELTON, Wed. The «l Sabali Minister of Finance, lnche Harris bin Mohamed Salleh, has urged the Muruts to upi hold the traditional reputation of being warriors who learcd ncne and spared nobody. Addressing a large group of the once-dyins race at Meligan
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  • 234 6 Floating fair will visit far corners of Malaysia |£UALA LUMPUR. Wed. Made-in- Malaysia goods will be I on display to the peo- pies in East and West I Malaysia when the first-ever floating trade I fair organised by the National Chamber of Malaysian Manufacturers takes shape. The floating fair will
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  • 229 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday r^O MEET the demand for what has been described as "one of the most competitive and demanding careers I in the commercial field in Malaysia", a local tobacco company has organised a 25-day physical fitness test for its future sales representatives.
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  • 480 6 SINGAPORE. Wednesday BARISAN Sosialis political detainee, Dr. Lim Hock Siew. 35, was today awarded $7,000 by the High Court in a libel action, connected with a news report in the Sin Chew Jit Poh. a Chinese daily news- paper, last
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  • 77 6 MALACCA. Wrri. A shop-k**. per heir. V,.. Ah Goiir. 37 wu fined $300 or four months' lail today l report to a rile, r told Senior Insp Y.ihya n n Alinuri ..n m.ik ii 18 Ihnl rear -hat id threatened to destroy nil
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  • 49 6 I BINOAPORE. Wed. Fiv« f thug*. thre« with daggers yes- terday afternoon held up three provision shop assistants who were delivering goods in Jalan Hong Keng and relieved them of $500. The robbers -scaped In their victims' drl:v»Tv van which w<U later abandoned short stance away
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  • 56 6 PENANO W<rl A model uf the 37-acre campsite at Telolc Bdhaiig for the first Malaysian jamboree is on display in the State Archiuct s office at the Bangunan Byed Putra. The site has been divided into four camps to house about 2-000 scouts Wl th« tambtrea
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 440 6 V* A A Express your bold self in these new N^^H r I Australian-made shirta with the lEx^R* s*^'5 ruSii^ look. See them now in jac A^Rk^B^. rt or conventional styling. Feel //AvS^vß^^ the finest fabrics of pureand blended A vlw CT^^- V I cottons easy-care cottons at that. \J&
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • 1887 7  - BILLION DOLLAR BRAIN LEN DEIGHTON CHAPTER 10 OF THE SPACE AGE SPY SERIAL by I'm a leopard, said Signe HARRY PALMER hj* *vcccisfull r infiltrjUd the extraordinary pr.vatc etpiorwgc network run by fanatical Texan multi-millionjire. Cencral Midwinter. Palmer (working tor British Intelligence under the name of Dempscyi is now trying
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 95 7 What's Happening Back Home? I.ettiTs in irieiuls and relative", now uvrrsras are only win- link txlwtcn them and borne A regular link with the home scene is to send The Straits Budget, the weekly edition ol The Straits* e\-Mala>>>i. 4 n> Iririuls .ihrit.ul i an not ill) better than
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    • 395 7 O> A REVOLUTIONARY NEW SYSTEM O OF BMM MOVIE-MAKING f> WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF THE C^TTCTT^ SYSTEM Myflp^TjßMr tASIcK LOADING 4) y ou g ef jq j fiet Q j con noout shooting from one cartridge. No more stopping holt-way to reverse -just drop-in your film. No more togging!
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    • 4 7 NEXT The final chapter
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  • 38 8 BM WbssssssiJ MR AND MRS CkW fin Pmg and itml a Ihrir rrrml Mil A MRS Kuh Ora* Hrnc Mr i on( Km. M> Kn i>on anal Mr. Mra. Than M thank all ratal at rh» f
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  • 106 8 >• Horrfi tit mtmimmm) KING lilt CALYPSO th. SJSSM i Mt I ajfjejf innidr. mad* f pßf tuhaico. SI 20 far al a» m modrrn o> ;a!nck a ilnharil Road. 9 poriMORCFAIR lor tatoalablM karaaHM M print*, and in ama/--i n»-«r carpet- at |.r.rr« Ratnttlr, Sat Rimcl. H port
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  • The Straits Times
    • 573 8 As long as Indonesia cannot make up its mind whether it wants to end confrontation or meiclv disguise it, Jakarta is in no position to accuse Mala> >ia of "blocking the path to peace." Bringing this accusation, the Indonesian Herald, •he voice of the Indonesian Foreign Office,
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    • 306 8 Dr. Tan Ch«« Khoon, the Labour Party of Malaya's "man of personal integrity", appears to have a point when he complain* that the party was expelled from the Socialist International without be- ing heard in its own defence. But aa Dr. Ton has explained, he is only the party's
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    • 292 8 It has not taken the National Chamber of Malaysia Manufacturers long to sell the idea of a Made-in-Malaysia floating fair to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. When the Chamber president, Dato Mohamed Yusoff Haji Ahmad, referred to the pro- ject publicly for the first time last week,
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  • 1416 8 War games endanger US foreign policy A THEORY THAT DOES NOT ADMIT DEFEAT, BUT PROMOTES ESCALATION by A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT WASHINGTON, Wee PRESIDENT Johnson is having a hard time these days because of his foreign policy. First it was said that a crisis of credibility existed, that is, very few
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    • 115 8 MAY I congratulate the IT Minister of Education for his impartiality In dismissing all the members of the teachers' panel in the National Joint Council of Teachers. But even with a new set of representatives there is bound to be a division within the Teachers
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    • 52 8 J refer to the letter from "Anxious' (ST. May I). A majority of the ushers now employed in the National Theatre do not have other full time empioyment. These ushers are casual staff paid $3 per performance function. They are recruited for their experience. YAP VAN HONCi Acting Superintendent. National
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  • 361 8  - Learning Malay— 22B YUNUS MARIS By M.A. University of Malaya VOCABULARY: Sakalian tadjl all. whole tnroughout. Ai FIXATION or "SK" and "SA-" iconld > (31 TEK: Whlie In theory "TEH" may be afllxed. to "8L" prefixed words, in practice such combination l. rarely used. You rray have (or Instance: TERSEkutu
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 608 8 rSMBSS^BBMMsWSS*S^^Bk Str..t. T,-m Malar Mail CSISSfIM a«>Htn«anali k. »•»<♦• COLD STOftAtI SUMI •«IT J Or«».r* «o.« ».<»»Ml.t »Wh) COLD STOKAfit BKAMCMCS At M»U—>4 a««4 K»»«M Mm! A«tH«rtM4 Afa»ll. CITT tOOK JTO«I LT». WiKlmNf N«M, C** V*< Omv TMI NIWS MONT Msjpasstsft M M ISMAIL J A*m«.ttv «.W. H^rt tM sToat.
      608 words
    • 38 8 "^ee ghom" The Renowned CUSTOM TAILORS Styles Cut to the Latest Fashions Hand Tailored Best Workmanship Alto laaaortsri 4> Exa«rtan H*«K Claw W«M»aah t Wh«i»i. StHCAPORf: 21, Cs>«l«a Vr«H Tflh ***** HONGKONG: Is* Flaaw. lUaaa Ma! < •X OWMMMI
      38 words
    • 87 8 DON'T BE SKINNY get the figure that others admire WATE-ON MEN Be Big Be Strong— Be PowerFTH^SiH ful— with WATE-ON %l_ GIRLS Get the figure that men odmir* and other girls envy with WATE-ON ILmIIi! CHILDREN will also gain weight and jss* j reel better— with WATE-ON jv'jl "IH2" WATE-ON
      87 words

  • 476 9 and forge a new generation of loyal citizens KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday THE Deputy Prime mister, Tun Abdul Razak. today appealed to the people "i various to consolidate their unity to forge a new generation of Malaysians completely loyal to the nation. Kcncration, Id, would be the vehicle to carry the
    476 words
  • 65 9 'THE Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, looks nostalf ically at a picture of the historic signing of the Malaysia Agreement in London on July 8. 1963. Also in the picture, Mr. Duncan Sandys, who was Commonwealth Relations Secretary then. The Tengku was visiting the
    65 words
  • 311 9 Sullivan speaks of life with Tengku KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. After working closely with Tengku Abdul Rahman for the last eight years, his Press Secretary, Mr. Frank Sullivan, today spoke of "life with the Teneku". "Hardly a day passes without my learning something new about the Tengku or about life." said
    311 words
  • 37 9 PENANO. Wed. Thu Chief' Mlniater. T*n Sri Wong Pow Nee. win hold a meet-the-people aeMion with Aver Itam constituents «t the Chool Lim Koo Restaurant. Balik Pulau Road. Ayer Itam. at 4 p.m (in Saturday.
    37 words
  • 61 9 SINGAPORE. Wed. A policeman, Santa Singh, was charged in a magistrate's court toda\ with corruptly receiving $20 lroni B. S. Mohamed Ismail, at a cigarette .s> all in Lorong 1. Gevlann. on Feb. 19. in return for not taking action aflaaMl Ismail for causing
    61 words
  • 62 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The I AasUtant Director of Social Welfare Services, Malaysia, Mr. Cheong Weng Choong. will leave for Warsaw on Friday to attend an Inter-Regional Seminar on Voca- > tlonal Rehabilitation of Handicap- ped Persons. The three-week seminar, start- ing from May 16. Is organised
    62 words
  • 67 9 kf UALA LUMPUR. Wed A local Umno leader was TV killed In a road accident here last night> Inche Junid bin Ahmad. 39. was thrown out of his car when It crashed against a timber lorn- at the function of Circular Road and Jalan Raja Muda lust
    67 words
  • 291 9 Tengku's tribute to Dato Onn— a great leader KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. TENGKU Abdul Rahman today paid a tribute to the late Dato Onn bin Ja'afar and described him as having been a "great leader" of the country. The Prime Minister paid this tribute to the former founder leader of Umno
    291 words
  • 41 9 raub. Wed. Chan Kan Four, 16. a tapper, was drowned in SuMgri Dome, 18 mile* lroni here, yesterday. Chan had gone for a swim with lour frinids when ttv mi&hap occurveci. Her body was recovered ih:s morning.
    41 words
  • 100 9 DAP call to publicise ban on Petir I/lALA LI.MPIR. Wed.— The Democratic Action Party today called on the Government to publicise widely the ban on Petir. a publication of the Singapore People's Action Party. Comment'ng on yesterday'! police seizure of 40 copies of the Petir. the act n« srcrMaT-eeneral of
    100 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 116 9 mem m wia* I WILKINSON Xl II THE NAME ON THE '^'Sl WORLD'S '^ZM F| NEST If] BLADE I Wilkinson Sword craftsmen I hive been putting 4 sharp 9." 'I I edge on fine steel for nearI rv 200 years. Today, the B IBV^| I Wilkinson bword Razor Bw I
      116 words
    • 217 9 FOMOCO IS THE NAME FOR GENUINE FORD PARTS Fit only fully-guaranteed, genuine FOMOCO parts and accessories on your Ford vehicle. Ford style and quality are the best at lowest cost repair charges are low and established. That's Ford motoring! Only FOMOCO parts are fit for your Ford FORD MOTOR COMPANY
      217 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 744 9 TV MALAYSIA CUUnm X Kuala l.umpur 7 10 Teratal: 7 35 Gldget. and r.iun;. 1. Ipuh and A Haid Night s Night": 8 Malacca; 1. In Johorr Rah- News i n Mandarin: 810 ru: I Taipln;; 1 Batu Telatah Male Man: 8.35 r.iii 't 9 Kin -i iv Talk on
      744 words

    • 332 10 Tllh slimming craze is i;oiiij4 strong al Inist STRONG in will. Judging from conversations thai hike place during cocktail parties and women-only coilee sessions the subject inevitably turns lo ■Mm* in^! If one is either not dieting or going on a
      332 words
    • 295 10 Looking around the shops I OOKIM. around the shops there are these interesting buying: ideas which you may find useful. BANGUI Cor those gouri -looking arm* in a new kind of material are available herr. From London sfMM ni <■ ta I bangles i-omr in colour of white, black. chatreUM-,
      295 words
    • 560 10 YOU don't need to be a chef to make perfect puff pastry but it is good idea to follow his tips. When making pull pastry at home do it when the kitchen is at Its coolest, either early
      560 words
    • 201 10 MIX a pinch ul sail with flour before adding water as a way to help keep gravy from becoming lumpy. Cheese and cheese dishes should be cooked very slowly. Fast or high temperatures makes cheese tough and rubbery. To preserve flufflness, wash blankets quickly with as little agitation
      201 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 384 10 Sore throat? I Dequadin Lozenges kill germs that cause the ■ss. Tliey give you comfort and relief from i of a sore it. They also stop germs from breeding and spreading and causing more nation and soreness. Dequadin Lozenges nied. (.ally approved, anti-bacterial treatment ig germs m the throat
      384 words
    • 588 10 GUERLAIN perfumes cosmetics toilet, it's fW^Vb from Paris i^SJS Attention Ladies! Free Revlon Manicure at C.K. Tang (Spore) from May 16 31 Make your reservations early to avoid disappointment Revlon World Leaders in Cosmetic Fashion Advertisement Why you should pay 251 more fora Slumberland Mattress (and why so many wise
      588 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1251 11 i"»:u r. wi" cotsi v > Om S'pwa $"a» fnaoa BOLIUS ..c Ofitaat. 6ia»«oa.. la Ptrt/Ttaay May 11 PERSIuS Litaraool J "W H AiA» "l-atoi. V**V JJat'J 20/21 Mayta ASUANAI "I. (latiaa Ma, 21 Mi, 21 livarpool. ;;M». A'aauth... May 71 May 2» Mai 27/1 ACHILLES imrpaol. Claaaaa... May 2*
      1,251 words
    • 1247 11 T//£m\Hhl/A/£S IMiil r i J IXPt'SS SAILINGS 10 fcLNOA HAVRt-NAMBURfc-OREMtRHAVLN-kOIIERDAM-AMSIEROAa AHIWERPAARHU3-bOPENHACEN. 3 puii r 3 him ■••naai I *n. uenua na«rt H'buig aaa Aura uiaa BUSUANGA May II 20 May 21 22 21,24 JMI II JMI 17 21 Jull 23 21 4 kOREA I) JMI 12 11 JMI 14 II
      1,247 words
    • 1322 11 1 B£NBLINf] EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONDON. LIVERPOOL A CONTINENTAL PORI3 DtuUIAklT f luniun IMI 12 Singapore f Sham -enanj Roltimaa JMC 27 G. 13 May 11 May 14/1! May 11/11 Hamburg Mly I Aataerp Mly 14 Dryinunkin For London Jmi 12 BLNLONONU Roturoin jmi ii inngiuuri P 3'him PaTMB Hamburg
      1,322 words
    • 1247 11 teELLERMAH BUCKNALL S.S. CO., LTD. SEE OVERLEAF FOR OUTWARD SERVICE FROM CONTINENT. (an S'pora P. S haa Pimm CITY OF W.NNIPES tondon. Himbuig. Rottirtaa. Ha»r. 21 21 latl MJ Mil CITY OF BROOKLYN Lunioa. Hamburg. Rottariaa. Havri. Hull 28/20 Alt 20 Aal McALISTER CO., LTD. HARRISONS CROSFIILD mJSrTtm*
      1,247 words

  • 792 12 From Our Market Correspondent TURNOVER on the Stock Exchange yesterday continued to decline steadil> and prices were easier. The number of units reported done through the trading room uas UU7.USU units. The sagging movement followed the third day of profit-taking and other small selling
    792 words
  • 29 12 Mala>n Stock Indicts May 10. May 11. 'Industrials: 97.85 96.44 Tins: 117.77 117.12 S rubber*: 109.52 109.60 *Dec. 30. 1963 sa 100. Dec. 29. 1962 BR 100
    29 words
  • 1099 12 gL'SIN'LSS in and reported to tin Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Stork I \< -li.huc >t>terdav with the number ol BRtafßß traded in brackets: INDUSTRIALS: Bsuttead 11.000) Sl.j^: C.C.M <1.0(i SL. ULBBBI RUB, I), i'.i.oiiui KM, v O.oou) |LH L>. I'.i.cimu Slot 1).
    1,099 words
  • 399 12 TMIi: siraiU tin price ruse IS| cents yesterday to 5G73.37J per piiul on an offering estimated up 5 tons to '225 tons. Good local support was reported. LONDON: Tin ub Tuesday ruled steady In moderate dealings a good part of which
    399 words
  • 27 12 May 11. RUBBER PRICE; t>9« cents (up live -eighths of a cent). TIN: $073,371. (up 121 cents). Inofficial estimated offering: 225 tons (up 5 tons)
    27 words
  • 53 12 T*HJ picornt ralr ol thr Malayan dollar afainst the pound alerting fixed on November *4. IK4 K «ellin« T.T. or O.D. t%. 3 15 16d. Buying T.T. 3s. 4 1 I6d. Buying O.U. 2s. Id The dollar i» at Us »Ulutor> middle position in relation to its range
    53 words
  • 31 12 The follow ilia further April rubber crops tin lb*> > are reported: P-nU 107.000. Jeram KumnUn 9 ".000. K undone Tanjonf Pau 170.000. MenUkab 81.000. and S»ngci Bagan lj 1.000.
    31 words
  • 145 12 M&LBOUKNL' Wed |NDU6IR.ALS eonttnucu to decline o\er a wMa range of i.ock.s. but tradlns «w quieter and moves li>s sharp. Humes dropped 15 cents to $2 'JO. Cottees. rood producers, featured wltli a fall of 53 cents to 50 cents follox. iii. inconclusive ii: with the Ge.ieral Poods
    145 words
  • 251 12 "\/1 AY first cr;»d> rubber f.t>.b. bujers closed at 5 p.m. in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trsterday at 892 rents per Ib. up five-eighths of a cent on Turndax's closing level tor thr position. The tone was very quieL K.A.S. and r.M.K.K. closing prices in cents per Ib.
    251 words
  • 124 12 CHIPS lying alongiide ths Maaß> •J pere wharves or eipected today are: Huluu 1 p, i, Vtatnra Hraiap *B, traat Coloiuoo 10 11. Malaysia lj/l«i. Sea t\i reaa N.U j. Ltr«.nt is. rrrd.ri. 21/23, IJlthytiiua 2S/S4, tnipi:o Ganoct S6/SB, ttakatu Mai Java Mail 33 34. Ucmodo. JicPiH-ML
    124 words
  • 85 12 T"HK .Mala>.ii MmiMtr <>( Finance aaa lajai lhaaa prires .or i :ilriil.iln u luvlnm. dutitb fur tile iininii (ram Mi) n to M.i 18. Rubber t>9', rU a Ib. Copra MM a tun. Coconut Oil ITM j ton. Pa n Oil i ton. Palm Kernel' S 137.75 a
    85 words
  • 77 12 /"HINESE Produce Eicninge. Slnia- *-> pere neen prices per picul yesterday: Cecenut oil: t>u.k Mji llsra, drum $47 aellera. Copra: May/Juna. UK/ConimeaU UaejaaSML Pepper: Muntok white «U<o svlltra, Sarauak unite IISTt Paflaia. special Sarawak bluck »i iv paßara, t.aro.'-d LamponK I. lack 5140 1.1 -.Hera (all W. NHVi.
    77 words
  • 37 12 'THE Auociatien at Banki in Malayjia>' these chaocea Id tta rutea to m.nhann ynterduy (nil mtca to 1100): S.llmi TT ar OO rtady: Watt Carmany Htii, UTli Btli'am 1.611 and Italy 20. 2«».
    37 words
  • 38 12 ON tin trs« uiMnu mirmi in Hons Konf yesterday the US dollar was quoted at Y77| for T.T. and 5 7«l for tash Bterltnc waa quotri at 18 05 and uam tati »f ikM at 2«4|
    38 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 973 12 IB^^^^^aßaaßß^Bßß^a^a^aMßßaa^a^p^a^Bß^Baßaal ■^Bbbbßbbbbbbbbbbb P^^^MRJ VI KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. U.S.A. Pacific Atlantis) Servic. Han|iut m.o| l- »ni»ie» n »url Puniaa* miM. -laaitfiM Mara la 21 laaa tilt ttm Mien tkm Huj UMs Japan Direct Sarvle* r liajgtuin toßnAaaa w lH«iai«a M.ia" IBvll la*a < I iaat -BaIUM Man" i/IMH II MMI
      973 words
    • 864 12 «UblK«ll» Nt* /t»UKI ->t*«ltt> I INOI* KtklSUft INC >m t*>l itRVICti 'rtaaallt. ttdaitt Meitawat Sttatt It Ma«ras Njt»iJU.ij« -njni f ''•>•• »em» i rikc i nam 'rm«i Bulimb* Suit* Sailtt it fan R*<uu n/]l Ma> Imm I Ma« •*«rti* j. i«ae 1/ s iaat If l« iaat **IUI* H )u«r
      864 words
    • 1 12 !^(AsslFieOsj
      1 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 699 13 [L^gg^l^A^ißMMiiMLJ ntiDurt) from P»l* ACKNOWLEDGMENT •a Wmrdk SIS aWaaaaaaaal CHONC «ONi. i.*tl nuaag V*m c>.^r ar- PtaM "<-.» their btloied mother. HmaSITUATIONS VACANT ft Norafa M Wiit i— Box St elt, txtr, REQUIRED EXPERIENCE!' ".nmieaioE I pore. TOYS SALCSMAN WANTIO hy we (Jvod prospecu Aipiv v .:ience. I »«pore WANTED
      699 words
    • 1091 13 SITUATIONS WANTED v..,4, tg fJMjB.>~#M S» rlt txlrm «l» Auiauimmeou I -jnflo Mm eara assjaj STATE RICISTIREO NURSE Serks BfJ8»lo\ n,. m prf<rring pi Blirlraal XL. ACCOMMODATION VACANI a II Harata <t 'Wm.)— Box it ell. txlrm PARTLY rURNISHED ROOM To Let N 81 -4h Macpheraon Kuad. I pore Contact
      1,091 words
    • 3196 13 FURNITURE I IS Wmrdt M < Mim. h— Box tt rlt, txtrm POR CANS FURNITURE Con. "t Adrian a 418 Rlvtr Valley Road !>m«a- pore. as.\74. LATEST DESIGN COLOUR Kurolturt i Hire Hire Purcbaae Cbong ran Com- i pany. M 7 Baltatitr Road. a port »23»4 OFFICE EQUIPMENT IS Marati
      3,196 words
    • 517 13 J.K.R. SELANGOR NOTICE The plpr-laying of 3fi dia St»*l Water Main will b* rarn»<i mil along Foe h Avenue and across Jalan Mountbatien commeni 15.5.6« This CMMtitutM part of lha plan to Improve »a'er Mjpply tot Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Java. Ipconvemenre caused to traffic, etr mill only be temporary
      517 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 2233 14 NOTICES I THE FEDERAL DISPENSARY LIMITED Notice Is hereby siven Extraordinary General Meeting o! the Company will be held at 3 p.m. on Friday the 27th May. 196« at the Srcrrtanes' Ollice 2 Bentrng. Kuala Lumpur when > the lollowinc resolutions will be proposed of which the resolutions i numbered
      2,233 words
    • 683 14 NOTICES HOUSING DEVELOPMENT BOARD TO LET Tenders are Invited for a newly completed spacious Restaurant sited at: 455 A PeMaran Kelt ins Vacant sh >p premises are also available at:— Eas' Coast Roaa: Lorong Tlga Estate. Owen Rcm Strathmore Avenue: Stirling Road. Commonwealth Drive; Pesiaran Kellluiu: Jalan Geylang Serai: TaiiKlin
      683 words
    • 648 14 NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE v hereby given that as from 9th May. 1966. Mr. Henry Ang Yeow Sai Is no longer employed by C Melchers Co. B.E.A. Agency. Singapore and U therefore not authorised U. transact any business on oui behalf. C. MELCHERS CO.. SEA AGENCY H6, Hongkong Bank Chambers SINGAPORE
      648 words
    • 381 14 TENDER I TENDER TENDER KE\ni\w i\\v\ra?i TENDERS will be received r- I J.K.R. PAHANG the Ministry of Health up to noon 26th" May 1966 lor ri daripada P*m«uppiv or Food K.IIIOMN to ihe borong- Bekelun yang berOpium Treatment < entrr .it St, <Mftar di-J.K.R. dl-dalam John's Inland for the period
      381 words

  • 357 15 MANILA. Wednesday. MALAYSIAN coadl P. Velappan failed last night in a bid to have the Malaysia v Burma quar-ter-final In the Asian Youth soccer tournament postponed because of the heavy rain. He told the Pra» s aft*r Burma had won 1-0:
    357 words
  • 189 15 COUNTY CRICKET Rhodes has Surrey reeling Ls H«r'. ri to heip run :ry. !Mwrd »tvr, Nuncjimi c**'er r>\ 3(i 1&5-5 < 4-49' ai d ISI Indian 40. R. J. Allan *-6n,. Oxford v Irawri <)\fo r rl i 211-8 P. GiMw 40 G Gibta 5-45. W«*< Indiana 381-7 dec I
    189 words
  • 337 15  -  MANSOOR RAHMAN TOP POSTS IN FOUNDATION TO BE ADVERTISED SOON By MINISTRY TO EQUIP AND STAFF STATE CENTRES J^IALA LI'MPIR, Wed. The proposed National Spori Foundation of Malaysia will start operating from next month Inche Zainal Abidin bin Endot secretary to the Ministry of Culture,
    337 words
  • 47 15 Big -4 tour KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Milnysias badminton worldbeaters Tan Aik Huans, Ng Boon Bee. Tan Yce Khan and Yew Cheng Hoe will leave Subang Airport at 8.45 a.m. tomorrow for an exhibition tour of Sabah and Sarawak. They will be accompanied by Charlie Scow as manager.
    47 words
  • 143 15 Singapore selectors ignore Reggie again CINGAPORE. Wed. Singapore Cricket A&sociat.on selectors have ignored former Singapore and Malaysia explain Reggie da Silva again in naming the side to meet Pahang in the MCA league match at Pekan this weekend. He got the "coid Miouider" after he declined selection la Urn annual
    143 words
  • 123 15  -  EPSOM JEEP RACING with I^LEVEN year-old Bestcrete. a brilliant sprinter at his peak, will make a come-back after being out of the active list for nearly four seasons. Imported as a three-year-old Bestcrete. by Chamolssalre out of Saucy Say. rose from Class Three to Class One.
    123 words
  • 219 15 JONAL TOPS JEEP'S BEST 10 JONAL beads my 10 horae* to follow at the Penang buinmrr meeting. Jonal came out after a spell to run a good third to Lord Jim over 5Uf straight at Ipoh last month. That is good recommendation. The others are: Doinls the Menace: Impressive all-the-way
    219 words
  • 118 15 LONDON. Weu Jolin Atyeo. (ormer England inside forward, made v -,-gojl farewell to serior football when he Marred In Bristol Cl-y> 4-t wtr, over Ipswich In the Second Division Making ins S4Mh a-.d final appearance for City, he scored In the 75th and 85th thihi'i- ir. bring his
    118 words
  • 311 15 DENANO, Wed. T h Penang Turf Club have decided to raffle among Its members the three Eng-lish-bred yearlings allotted to the club under the Singapore Turf Clubs yearling scheme. The yearlings are a black- brown gelding by Pampered King out of Little Bell, a brown gelding
    311 words
  • 96 15 BASKETBALL P«rak e'xhips dpoh>: Men Seong Yee 78 Ngai Meng 35Fah Yin 'B 62 Slew Pang 45 UMBC 67 Sam Choy 42. Women MCA Youth. Luinut 44 Meng Ngan -Yellow 43; Choong Wah OOA. Bldor 51 Kuan Lek. P Rengas 40 HOCKEY P'nanir ililr trial: Colours 3 Whne« 2.
    96 words
  • 235 15 Top form Daii hits five past SIA |(UALA LUMPUR. 1V Wed. Garrisons centre forward Dali Omar was in top RoalKettinß form today, scoring flvo goals to give his side an 8-2 win over SIA in the FAS open league at Taylor Road. From the 15th minute when he scored his
    235 words
  • 58 15 ROME Wed. Italy's Nicola Pieirangeli shocked Australia* Roy Emerson 3-6. 6-1. 3-6. 8-fi 6-1 in 2hrs 43mm to qualify to meet Tony Roche- who beat Martin Mulligan 6-3. 3-6. 6-1. 8-6- in the Italian hardcourt tennis championship final. Emerson and Stolle beal Pietrangeli and C. Drysdale 6-4.
    58 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 314 15 1 EARN EXTRA MONEY! 1 A LARCE INDUSTRIAL ORGANISATION REQUIRES SALESWOMEN IN ALL TOWNS IN MALAYA Appointments are on a temporary basis, and the wcrk will commence in June for three months. Payment is by commission. The work entails outside Selling. Successful sales can mean re appointment at a later
      314 words
    • 260 15 GOOD HEALTH/ vi V A glass of Guava Juice— sweet and delicious will rep'ennh your system witK Che Vitamin C that is essential 'or good health. It Is this vitamin that helps fight fatigue and gives the power to ward off the common cold and resist other infections. It also
      260 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 136 15 DIARY ATHLETK S Spore schools: Queensvay Secondary Thomson ISV; Serangoon Garden IST: Opera Est Boys (all at 2.30 pnu. SOtCfcß Spore Div. S: Alaitappa v Airport: Arsenal A' v Tampenls Roy. A' (both at F.T-rer Pk i B Timah v RTC i Geylang i. Penan j Div. 2: Ch Wa.
      136 words
    • 254 15 Straits Times Crossword At ROSS ru- l||>. 1. Advocacy of competition (12). 10 Number half enclosed In adult 8 The centre clues unchanged terminology (12). <"' 15. Trade word for snakm-Md 9. A place on the water In har- iS-4>. boux tonight it). n. True air from old Italr i
      254 words

  • 82 16 TEN thousand people cheered as the Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Inche Senu bin Abdul Rahman, the Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, the Kaum Ibu leader. Tan Sri Fatimali binte Haji Hashim. the Minister of Education, Inche Mohamed Khir Johari, and the Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul
    Lim Ghee Haw  -  82 words
  • 76 16 SINGAPORE Wed— The Boys Brigade today warned the public that a boy wearing the Brigade's badge and posing as a Brigade officer has been going round offices soliciting donations. A Brigade spokesman today said: "The Boys Brigade Week Is over, and anybody soliciting donations
    76 words
  • 46 16 MANILA. Wed Nationalist China hit :hi'oush to tin M-nu-finals of the Asian Youth Soccer Tournament. Chinas vuiory in the quarterfinals tomithi was gamed through the toss of a com as they were held by Hong Kong to l-l after extra time.
    46 words
  • 24 16 ADELAIDE. Wed— The British Lions rugby union team beat Australia by 38 points to 11 here today. Half-time score was 8-3— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 139 16 Tengku told: You're blocking the path to peace JAKARTA. Wed. -The Indonesian Herald, regarded here a.s a foreign Oilice organ. today accused Tengku Abdul Rahman of blocking the path to peace. The paper said Indonesia had made it clear through statements by the Foreign Minister, Mr. Adam Malik, that It
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 59 16 HOLLYWOOD KM. Actress Kirn No\ak is treking divorce from her husband ul one year. British jicior Richard John.son the Los Angeles Tunes reported today. They married on March lft. las: year, at Beaver Dam. near Asoen. Colorado. The marriage was her first, his second.
    AP  -  59 words
  • 30 16 SINGAPORE. Wed —The Singapore Anti-Tuberculosis Association mobile X-ray unit will be stationed at No. 37 Housing Board flat. Geylang Serai on Friday between 530 p.m. and 9 p.m.
    30 words
  • 412 16 LONDON. Wed. The Stock I Market was very firm today on a I renewal of Investment Interest, although business was modest. Sentiment was Influenced by yesterday's Wall Street recovery, and further consideration of the implications on Industry of the North Sea gas news. Stocks shortage and bear covering
    412 words
  • 228 16 Kuan Yew meets Polish VicePremier WARSAW. Wed. Singapore's Prime Minister. Mr. Leo Kuan Yew, who arrived yesterday on a mission to open contacts with Eastern European nations, conferred today with Polish V i c p Premier Mr. Franciszek Waniolka. Mr. Waniolka is acting as Mr. Lee's host in the absence
    AP  -  228 words
  • 153 16 NEW YORK, Wed. A Long Island railroad executive luncheon at which liquor was served triggered a "whisky rebellion" strike by the line's diesel trainmen protesting earlier punishment of three crewmen for drinking beer with their lunch. Staggered by it all were about 15.000 commuters trying
    AP  -  153 words
  • 253 16 The curious case of Karkam, Aslam and Markam JAKARTA. Wed. Unilormed men shot and killed the assistant book-keeper of a multimillion dollar importexport firm on the eve of his scheduled interrogation by government Investigators, an army colonel told newsmen here yesterday. OoL Suhardimati. heading a special team investigating two firms.
    UPI  -  253 words
  • 36 16 SINGAPORE. Wed— The President of Singapore. In. he Yusof bin Ishak. will open the nth International Salon of Photography and the 1966 Foto Fair on Saturday at the Victoria Memorial Hall at 3 p.m.
    36 words
  • 192 16 |.\K\KI'V U.d Ten tj I Imii-. tiul students ri>-nionstr.tti-ri in the stn-rta nf R.inilnrnu in VVesH .I.i v.i this iiiorninu to (Inn. mil the clci t kiii nf a president v t online l<» ttpmrtn n\u him; lim Indonc i.i been without ,i
    192 words
  • 45 16 CABLE RECEIVED ON Mar im» durai. It.- laratnam PMaHng r i.i \\n«on AVAMMA Re\ v r. Thorn**! IMUM. i p*»«t MISS 001 TIN HIANC ml? <i4Kh- v at th« Funeral a' 1 1 a m on Friday, tar rr. on at Mount Vernon.
    45 words
  • 29 16 IN LOVING MEMORY Of Our <i-*T parfnts Mr. and Mr* S. Tba-mtMih. Ipoh who were called to real oa 5-:.-iit» ami IZ-&-IMI r*»p«eUTely Aluavi In our hearts.
    29 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 15 16 BRIDGESTONE THE FASTEST GROWING NAME IN RUBBER SOFT-aiR DELUXE-R A tyre for the true motorist)
      15 words
    • 167 16 Ute CLASSIFIEDS ZH Horrf. \li tfiKlnuml SON. l ha v o»« .'.iid Think* COODWIN son. Phi tv r.ii*it'll on 7th H CHONC MILLER: Of Mr Mr c'hr.i^ S. Jorir. daughter Thomu Eduin Miller on 2V4-K6 at Malacca. QPIEIIPE raa(t l/nWI I m\ Er3p^ If .I I CHEMISTKY. with f* well
      167 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 51 16 The weather Hizhest and lowest temperatures in Malaysia and Singapore for the period 8 pm Tuesday to 8 p.m. ycMeraay: Hichrst l*«e>t Kuala lumpur 91 72 Kota haru B 90 Penang 84 75 Ipoh 91 75 Malacca 90 Singapore 90 75 C. Highlands 73 60 Jesselton 91 77 Kuching 91
      51 words