The Straits Times, 9 May 1966

Total Pages: 18
1 19 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 "AVTCRWGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150,000 The litiimal The Straits Times Kstd 1845 MONDAY. MAY 9. 19«6 ir 15 (EM'S .M.C.(P) lbi» KDN 2034
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  • 392 1 Meeting of friends' SINGAPORE AND MALA YSIAN OFFICIALS TO DISCUSS DEFENCE AND ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION TODAY Tun Ra:ak: We are going to meet as friends KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday TOP officials of the Singapore and Malaysian Governments will meet here tomorrow for a heart-to-heart talk on mutual defence interests and
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  • 360 1 Murder in car park: Motive a mystery SINGAPORE, Sun. A 1 bi)f mystery hangs over tin- murder last niuhtof a young University of Singapore laboratory technician, Khay (iuan. who m killed outside Jackie's Bowl, in Orchard Road. I. mi (above), was shot through the head in the prrsrnrc «>f
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  • 332 1 Smith's team in London for new bid at talks LONDON. Sun. Three officials from the rebel Rhodesian Government arrived here today for exploratory talks with the British Government. The secret talks are to probe whether a basis exists for negotiation on the Rhodesian problem between Salisbury and London. The three
    Reuter; AP  -  332 words
  • 142 1 Sun Ameri--1 can bombing has virtually isolated" the North Vietnamese eapital of Hanoi, a US military spokesman said today. Mounting pressure of American bombing had rut all the main transport routes into Hanoi, he added. Some minor routes were still open, but all the
    UPI  -  142 words
  • 790 1 Malik: No need for third party 'CONFRONTATION CAN END IF BOTH SIDES ARE HONEST' JAKARTA, Sunday. "|"HE Indonesian Foreign Minister. Mr. Adam Malik, has said that Indonesia's dispute with Malaysia can be solved without the help of a third party, according to a Radio Jakarta broadcast. The radio said Mr.
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  • 147 1 King names two new judges KUALA LUMP UR. Sun. Thr Yang di-Pertuan Agonp approved the appointment oi two new indues. Wan Suleiman jiii Pawan Teh. thp Solicitor-General, and Mr. Chang Mm i Penang lawyer. Wan Suleiman la a bar-rister-at-law ami was called to the bar. Lincoln in 1955 Before I
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  • 32 1 i g PLANES DOWNED < LAM Wt IBM BONG KO\<. sun. North Yirtn.un cl.umert tonight to h.ivr vhot >> In -roumltire in three provinr*--- I" New Chin.i \.cncv reported here urUtrl
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  • 40 1 MOSCOW Sun Hi:. earth tremors >h'x>k Tashkent overnight but they did no damftgc Moscow Radio repoi Four people died •nd 150 urrp injured In the earthquake which hit thr Soviet central Asian city on April 2ti. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 47 1 SINGLE STONE DIAMOND RINGS Ml 1\ I'LATINLM S.P.H. de SUVA LTD. 40 NIGH ST. SINGAPORE. yi^^Aru^ |ko:ui,im<j| TAPE RECORDER ig t.r->» m vert cfll fc M r CASSETTE MfS^SjH j c' tape v the NEW tape cartridge system B "lt~ OKIAN CWAN (M) LTO. k <> m V
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    • 33 1 PATEK PHILIPPE GENEVE I THOU WHO INSIST ON Jf "^^k PRECISION... f x THf ULTIMATE >^ C U Htqhi Cla«» JevMlters J^l 44 n*cm tMEffi MMMM cI w& T <^_ a man's taste starts with^o6*
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    • 465 2 THAT 'WE WILL STAY ON' STATEMENT SAIGOX, Sunday V H E South Vietnamese Prime Minister, Tun Nguyen Cao Ky. was warned of possible trouble if he remained in power for another year instead of handing over to civilian rule. The warning came from
      Reuter  -  465 words
    • 118 2 Vietnam black market: 24 punished WASHINGTON, Sun The Defence Department said today that about 2| IS servicemen and civilians working for contractors have been punished for black market activities in South Vietnam. I hi- punishments followed a (atnpaiun to stop illegal black market sales of Post Kxchunge goods. pilferage and
      Reuter  -  118 words
    • 46 2 LONDON. Sun Britain* newest prison recttttly opened at Market Havbon.uch has widevreen television 111 the lounges mid James Buikl bOOki the library. When the Inmates arrived they found banks of daffodils In the hall and deep-cushioned armchiiir.'- in the recreation rooms Reuier
      Reuter  -  46 words
    • 56 2 PARIS. Sun. Ten million francs is 6 million i worth rat paintings including Rembrandt, stolen in January have be*n rccinprod and i«n mm arrested. ■uUkoritiM dtactandL The paintings wen taken (KM thr unguiirdprt municipal museum of BesHiirnn in mmUmmb] Prance They were found in
      AP  -  56 words
    • 140 2 RUSSIA TO ALGERIA: 11 MiG-21 JET FIGHTERS ALGIERS, Sun.— The Soviet Union delivered 11 MiG-21 jet fighters to Algeria last week In a continuing Algerian military buildup following the war with Morocco in 1963. reliable sources reported here last night. A recent study carried out by the Institute of Strategic
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    • 341 2 PEKING. Sunday £HINA'S Communist Party has ruled out the possibility of a compromise with Soviet "revisionism"' and declared it will fight Moscow's leaders to the finish. The ideological challenge by the party's secretarygeneral, Mr. Teng Hsiaoping, took pride of place in yesterdays People's Daily
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    • 32 2 i i INDOM Sun. H m.ikrrs nueurri -,<t Brttlst) 1 ■Jr pom today :i>r riiiHtio-is demaiidco governm a mild form of the < industrial Midlands where 18 people arr ill. Rpuirr.
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    • 211 2 Heavy rain brings relief to sweltering India TWEW DELHI. Sun. Widespread heavy rain brought some comfort to many of India's drought-stric-ken areas, but disrupted visits by Mrs. Indira Gandhi and her Food Minister to some Of the w o r 8 t-affected parts. The nlna have BOfi f ard-baked sol]
      Reuter  -  211 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 117 2 "A >^ BUY 6 Ib tin LAM SOON COOKING OIL 5 katies tin OR KNIFE BRAND COOKING OIL y °U get O^ OAKE O RCHID SOAP FREE!!! M *>M^ N^S^LE means quality r\ w^ f j *<^% Bw .jBH Nestomalt f w aMulMjiLy Modern Marvellous. Mailed. P.xira energy, extra strength
      117 words
    • 87 2 Enrol now at FEDERAL COLLEGE tk« national gateway to furtHti education by horn* ttudy m Hrn Malay medium ■MM your lurrtu ill nomi for HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE SCHOOL CERTIFICATE MALAYSIA CERTIFICATE QUALIFYING TEST LCI., Form* 1 and 2 Gc»t Srd 1, 2, 3. Malay t>imi Notionol Lonfuaaa (oil lovcla Corr«ipondence
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 26 2 TH£ GAMBOLS A^4^a^_ /^*«VB. A- rAMY^\ I fTV TIME J tSnXcV J A""* ««>Ot lt»eMT VWE LEFT/ V^T_lL— (CUT TUBCAKiy UiMSH?) I twc tun- wtoec J
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    • 109 3 NAIROBI. Sun. Rrtirfd Man Mau fighters have told President KenyatU today that his former deputy Ofginga Odinga had offered them £150.000 to overthrow him. A score of rx-Mau were called by Kenyatta to evidence it a Nairobi rally. The widow 'if -General" Dedan Kimathi executed by
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    • 121 3 Torture of war heroine true, she says CYONCT, Sun. A woman Mho trained at a >p% mlkkpl with British war heroine Violette Siat><> hi> criticised Oxford hi>t« Muh.iel Foot's kHui.i! history of the Spe<it| Operations KxecUtive, to whifh the school wax attached. In his account. Mr. foot (lim ounted reports
      Reuter  -  121 words
    • 366 3 AN OUT OF THIS WORLD TREATY Johnson's 'Moon belongs to everyone' proposal SAN ANTONIO. Sunday PRESIDENT Johnson yesterday called for a treaty banning military activity on the moon and preventing any country from claiming sovereignty over it. He said the proposed pact, to be signed by the United States, the
      Reuter  -  366 words
    • 307 3 Bomb injures Macao's unofficial go-between with Peking MACAO. Sunday 4 THROWN bomb or grenade today injured the Chinese millionaire who doubles as this Portuguese colony's unofficial go-botween with China. Mr. Ho Yin. 56, his wife, two companions and two bystanders were cut by bomb or grenade fragments as they were
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    • 156 3 She became engineer to avoid housework MRTI Bernice Mead 1 loved being a student engineer -if only because it got her nut of doing housework at home But in the process of rscapine from washing the dishes Bernice graduated into a lirstcla>s engineer. And now. at the age of 8C
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    • 56 3 NEW YORK. Sun. About 400 women marched through shopping crowds yesterday in a Mother* Day appeal for withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam. The march followed an hour long rally where women speakers said that North and South Vietnam would negotiate a settlement oi the conflict
      AP  -  56 words
    • 47 3 NEW YORK. Sun. A 1661 Bible printed for use by American Indians was sold here on Wednesday night for £15.357. From collections of the Newberry Library. Chicago, it was said to be thr first version ever prepared by Protestant missionaries for a pagan people. Renter.
      Reuter  -  47 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 233 3 This time enjoy your flight to Europe... share the enjoyment of ALITALIA travellers from 84 cities all over the world A BY h***^ JHnV^B^'sSi Alitalia fh direct to Europe twice a week from Singapore. There are extra flights from Bangkok with easy connections from Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. For bookings
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    • 381 3 Keep fit! Keep slim! WITH RYVITA CRISPBREAD SXo won Jer that R.witais Britain's favourite crispbread. It's not only delicious. With only 29 calories in each slii-p. it helps you to **"i4i^ -y'j? Bllm- Stia 'P nt from the SI packet, crisp and ready for j ryt> br< d breakiast or
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  • 557 4 Lee: The developing states ask only a chance to develop SISGAPORE PREMIER IN STOCKHOLM DEBATE STOCKHOLM (SWEDEN). Sunday MR. LEE KUAN YEW summed up ;i debate on Soci;ilJMii ;it the Sodnlist International yesterday afternoon. Later, Singapore's Prime Minister went to the rostrum to reserve his position on I resolution on
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  • 29 4 SINGAPORE. Sun. -The committee on Evangelism of the Methodist Church Singapore will meet at 8 p.m. on Wednesday at the Tamil Methodist Church hall vi Short Street.
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  • 130 4 LEFTWINGERS LOSE IN SECRET BALLOT BY UNION SINGAPORE, Sunday. I^HE Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers' Union has beaten the leftwing Singapore Commercial House and Factory Employees' Union in a secret ballot to represent some 140 employees of Guthrie and Company. Results of the ballot, conducted by the Labour Ministry yesterday,
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  • 126 4 SINGAPORE, bun. The Singapore Chess Federation ha* invited cntrirs trom it!> junior affiliated clubs for ihe 1966 mtcrschool chess championships, which will commence on Monday May 23. The championship will be divided into three becuoiis. lor separate trophies aa follows: Boys' section for the "Lim Hee Seng'
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  • 129 4 SINGAPORE. Sun— The Adult Education Board is organising special morning and afternoon teuton National Language duw at Standard I and II levels designed to prepare students to sit for the Ministry of Education Public National Language examinations in April next year. All classes will commence during the
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  • 82 4 HONOUR FOR A SINGAPORE STUDENT SINGAPORE. Sun. A Singapore fourth-year architectural student at the University College. Dublin. Chow Kwok Chuen. 23 i above), has won the first prize of £150 (about $1,275) in a competition for the design of a recreational centre. The competition was sponsored by a Dublin firm
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  • 131 4 SINGAPORE. Sun. An adverttfine company. LPE Singapore. Ltd.. which took over the interests of Young Advertising and Marketing Ltd. last month, has signed a collect lvr agreement with the Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers Union covering 40 of its employees. Highlight of Mir .turetnient la a
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  • 31 4 SINGAPORE Sun Inrhe Ha»him Ismail, of the Telok Kurau Malay Boys School, has been elected rhairmnn of the Oovfrnment School Employees branch of the Amalgamated I'mon of Public Employee*
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  • 206 4 SINGAPORE. Bun— The Minister of State for Education. Inche Rahim Ishak, today described Indonesia, India and Pakistan as examples of "some of the progressive and forward looking countries in Asia which believe in the dignity of man." Speaking at the opening of the Red Cross
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  • 176 4 REMINDER TO 7,800 SCHOOL STUDENTS SINGAPORE. Sun. 3 Some 7,800 more students in 19 schools are to be issued with new laminated plastic identity cards on Tuesday the second day of the national re registration for schools. Registration teams visiting these schools will also reregister teachers, school staff and canteen
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  • 93 4 SINGAPORE. Sun —A donation of £100 i about $850) has been received by the Singapore Children's Society irom tUe B.C.H. Trust of Edinburgh. Thi* was announced by Mr. i Francis Thomas, chairman of the society, at u.s recent annual gen- 1 eral meeting. Mr. Thumns said
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  • 81 4 SINGAPORE. Sun. The Bra.s Basah and Havelock Road Community Centres are organising special classes for children who have for .some reason dlscon.inued their primary or post-primary studies. Parents of these children are urged to make full use of this new type of community service by registering them
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 260 4 BY 1 BLTTERY^ The RESTAURANT with a VIEW A Excitingly different W|Wl in every respect. GRANGE ROAD, SINGAPORE 9.J CATHAY-OPENS TOMORROW! EXCITEMENT runt high when the P^. young sheriff learns 'THE TIN STAR" M\T~ *f IS i u>t a target for flying m B^l t lead! X 'JNffil FONDA -PERKINS
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    • 37 4 I lino (ampere) OPENS WEDNESDAY flflb^a^L^L^fii^LH L^Fv J**^j^U»™jGGM INGRID JIHULM XH£l% action! PIMPLES ACNE take action! J-. take action! take action! fntni i "7 J take action! Lj^jffy outlasts 5 tubes of cream! At leading drugstores everywhere
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    • 395 4 SHAW I ORGANISATION "OSS 117 IN BRAZIL" (MISSION FOR A Kl 1 LER) Frr Mvlana Dfmc C r a PJ HURRY! LAST 2 DAYS! 11-1. 30-4-6.30-9 IS Scan Connery as Agent 007 m I THINDERBULL" T*>.nnicolor '->n lUA.) ak Ol Mo»i'' ggor fj "RtTURN from the ASh, ■ti.iirM t
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 101 4 TOD AT 7th Youth re it 1 val Adtudicatlon Perform«nce« at Victoria Theatre. 6.30 p.m. Free Film Shows: 1. All About New York. 2. Cartoon Film 3. 10th Tokyo Motor-Show. 4. B.S. Nos. 63 62 at Marsillng English School. 7.30 p.m. 1. Stlendang Delima. 2 B.S. No. 63 at Kg.
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  • 422 5 SINGAPORE Sunday l." Borneo Co. Ltd.. tlectncal Kquipmt'nt Ltd.. Duncan Roberts Ltd.. and Borneo Malaya Representatives Ltd here are pi cent i)t their basic pay tor i us retirement benefits Th^ deiMsion was announced by the deputj dent of tiif Industrial Arbitration
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  • 262 5 Lumut puts up new facilities to attract tourists I 171IUT, Bun A able buoM to tourlon li expected when .>»'vcral projects, inrludlng a six-hole uolf course, an air cunditioncd Rest House and a town hall are completed in this seaside holiday resort and jumping-off point to Pangkor Island. Tola it
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  • 204 5 IPOH. 6UH Group Capt. Leonard Cheshire. V C. and toundri of homes named alter him for the chronically ill. is •x--tremely pleased with tbe response to a move to build three more such homes in Malay >\a and Singapore With the building ol the>e
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  • 89 5 SINGAPORE Sun R<>trictions on the paof vessels over 100 ton.s betwetn Jardine Step» and the western entrance To the Keppei Harbour, mi ptised sini-e the middle (<I t month alter the tug bKilful sank near the mouth of King's dock have been luted. 11. shipping
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  • 185 5 SINGAPORE. Sunday INYANO I!en MOO I rrom Singapore ai d M ,i :<ir the -cvi nth con jn which will bf htlo at the National Theatre at .i p.m. on May 23 Ammig .vr Cabinei minister.- ai.d ofTi dais. MP\ member* of Th^ dip'nma'ic co"ps.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 152 5 Point__ rvalue! Compare CORTINA! 6°ADULTS R J Jf CONVENIENCE M II BIG 21CU.FT. I H V I BQOT L I Loads of power too, from Cortina's world-famous, I rally-proved 1200 or 1500 cc engine. Rugged all- ANOTHER BIG VICTORY steel body. Except.onal balance and road-holdmg Cortjnas won the manufacturers' around
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  • 292 6 'Terrier' women off to a new life I/lALX LUMPUE, Sun— Seventytwo women volunteers of the Malaysian Territorial Army stood smartly at attention before their offlrer-commandins at tin- railway station here this morning for the final check. The procedure over, they hastily gathered their suitcases and boarded the waiting train They
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  • 54 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. The body of an 80-year-old toman, Lim Bah was found ;i. a hut today by her vhri. he went to vWt her. The nephew. Lie* Lim Hour. 50. went to pay his tnrmvilv v-u to his aunt, who stayed In the hut
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  • 334 6 That batek outcry: We're here to help, say Japanese V U ALA LUMPUR, Sun. The Japantoxtile manufacturera now lino on a survey have no intention of setting up a batek factory to compete with local manufacturers. if such a factory <!i<r,:d hf >Pt up. the proper authority to do ll
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  • 58 6 SEREMBAN. Sun. The duel Eduta-ion Otlleer- Ncg'i Serr.b.Cheah TM Huat. bu extended the periud of children born in 1960. 1961 ar.d 1962 from April 8. to June 11. Parents or guardians vho have not yr. rrs;;sterecl ed to bring their Identity card* as well a& original birth
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 87 6 -^dfl B J^2?Niß?\ J^^^^^^^^^^^w k tiSm^^ .^B^BH B^B^L. .^B^BI B^B^BV i *^l^^^ A' *S BBBBkc w w^*^^^^^^^ BBF r^*^ V B bVM. •"> s SaW vi *i* ,^P^bVX' a _^^b^bV^sb^bi b^^^^ This was not an ordinary oil change This is new Esso Extra. More than a motor oil, it's actually
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 269 6 Straits Times Crossword bH Bin m i 3 1 1 4 1 w is i ACROSS 11. Man not fitted to tak* In 7. Sussex tradesmen are more money in troops' quarters contented (5). n I. Conlound the directors In tht IS. Pretty Rlil looks down on cart (4-5). some
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  • 250 7 Three drownings at pool without lifeguard T»AIPING. Sun. The A Coronation swimming pool, where three drownings were reported recently, does not have a lifeguard. ThTe are no proper changing rooms or taps althuu.'h an admission fee of 10 cents a person Is charged These .-nticisms against the management ot th»
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  • 71 7 Registrar's yes to the old boys SINGAPORE Sun The Registrar of Societies has approved the registration of the Chung Ling Old Boys tSingaporo Association. Chung [ing High School i> in PMU| :tnd its old bo/> li.ue tsaociatioot throughout and .n many overseaa counlriM A >|K>ke.snmn of the association said today
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  • 50 7 PENANO. Sun. The ch;i rman Services Union, Mr AC. David, today api>culed to fence sitters to join thr union. "Only thus can we make our uiv.on a luinndable force to protect uur interests and promote our v.cllure.' he tuld the union's annual meet me.
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  • 25 7 KUALA LIPIS. Sun. A buby hflth will be held at the I infant welfare clinic here at f! on Wednesday. I
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  • 142 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Bun. Police inspectors attached to police headquarters here and the feclangor Police Contingent are to hold a special meeting to discuss the question of living in flat*. According to one inspector, most of married inspectors are not eager to vacate their present homes
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  • 337 7 Thai delegation in Singapore on a study tour SINGAPORE, Sunday A thai delegation comprising high-ranking officers of armed forces and security police are now in Singapore in the course of a tour of Burma. Australia. New Zealand, and Malaysia to study the various military, political, economic, and social aspects in
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  • 329 7 AFTER GRADUATING HE WANTED TO SEE WORLD KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday. Lam Heng Beng wrote his way from Malaysia to Hong Kong. Japan, Korea, the United States and six South American countries. For Lam can only do this write when he wants
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  • 40 7 PENANCi. Sun Dr. M. Kumar.tdf\.i of the PemtiiK General H win .speak on congenital heart disc ixs .ii the nioii:, nor m< ting i I ng Junior Chanber it the Metro. Hott I Intcrnatlonal, at 7.45 p.m. nesda>.
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  • 33 7 TEI.L'K ANSON. Sun. World Health D;.y will be celebrated here *ttb I poster competition for school children, it baby show and tbitton followed by a film sh"« lioni May 17.
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  • 54 7 PfrMANG. Sun The Governor. Ram Tun U<lm Al-Ha.i. today prated the Peimng branch ol the M ■ Rid Cross Society [or their smart tuin-oir. at their aiimu parade on the Esplanade.. The present Male of emergency makes voluntary organisations mum a> tfec R<<i Cros.s nil thr
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  • 40 7 IPOH. Sun. The Pernic branch of the Red Cruss will celebrate World Red Cross Day l>\ oiBani&inn talks and film rtWWi >l Dovenljv fc>t.itr m SuncPi Siput on May 16 and Sungf! Buloh m\\ viln May 21
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  • 37 7 PBNANQ. Sun. ThP Pvkru M< tlvxliM School will hold IU ; Mxiii.s on thr school ground 4 i-iii on .fline 3. Mrs D. S. R* iiwnathan. wife of iho headnia^icr will i}.ve away the prizes.
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  • 139 7 Xl AI.A Ll'.MPl'K. Sun Police today denied that the Mercedes Benz si-i/ed by Kentoni: police on Friday night was the u« t-a«ay vehicle used liv the six highway robbers who hijacked a lorry loaded with 5>5.000 worlh of ko<mls last nii; lit Asst
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 88 7 One jetOne airline all the way to England! I: m BOAC BOAC's the obvious choice for people who like to fly to Europe without the fuss and bother of changing planes en route. If you want a smooth flight choose BOAC. For more details of BOAC's services, consult your local
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    • 116 7 D i/M One person matters most all the way to England ■fiaji^^ Imv. W iL "AX T^a^amP^ Vha^^ f p. •> jlLwbmb^ 'i^^l Ai# m%£* *4^ U| Wt' ■^B& a^r -f YOU You! BOAC makes you feel like the most important person in the world. Because you are. You're flying
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
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  • 30 8 m»rit Hi (Mimimumi AT CLENEACLES HOSPITAL Saturday. 7th May Charlen Booth neioved huatwnd of Jean and father of Martin and liavlna Funeral 430 m Monday. »ta at Preahytenaa rtiurch
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  • 90 8 Vi Wtrdm til (Mmimum) MR. A MRS. Henry Wong with to thank all frienda, relativea for their valuable preteata eye. tbe orcaaton at •n» r marriaie. THI FAMILY of late Mr C >• tbank a. I frienda and their condolencea. wreathf. airolla, aaaMaace and kind attendance dunng the funeral.
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  • 154 8 >« Wore 1 J/l r Mini mum) U lamaneae lampaha at «M M>o( BHHaI < Chard Pnad KiUpa'nrkl 8 port. TICKETS FOR MERMAN'S HERMITS at Donald Moore Galienet. Old Bta a«e. CJT. Tanit. Rohinaona. are li(htmn(. Hurry, or you ROLANO'S. Mot! 1-ovely Permanent- Roland Ap-l-oin-ment. TT4H. 22UT 24T. Orchard
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  • The Straits Times
    • 648 8 Singapore's decision to expand the scope of the Economic Development Board, approved hy Parliament at its last meeting, quite evidently was made with a number of projects in view. Mr. Lim Kirn San did not say what they are, but he spoke of enquiries regarding the Board's
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    • 362 8 Mrs. Indira Gandhi in Maharashtra and her Food Minister, Mr. Subramaniam, in Orissa could not have had their visits to India's famine areas more agreeably interrupted. Heavy rains, whether unseasonable or the monsoon romp four weeks early does not much matter, have broken the eight-month drought and brought
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    • 213 8 The answer to Zambia's isolation if Rhodesia should cut its rail access to the sea, it was said, was another railway north-east to Dar-es- i Salaam. This would permit j Zambian copper to reach the world market and bring Zambia into a desirable closer relationship with the
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  • 711 8  - Britain's new law for fugitives from the Commonwealth COLIN LEGUM by 'PHI. Ministers of Justice of the British Commonwealth, meeting; in London, are putting final touches to an agreed new Fugitive Offenders Act which will equate the Commonwealth position with foreign countries. It will specifically exclude offences of a political
    OFNS  -  711 words
  • 342 8  - Learning Malay— 227 YUNUS MARIS By M.A. University of Malaya VOCABULARY: Sesat <vi to go astray, to lose one's wav; to err: MfcnyesatKAN (vi to lead aaiH"; kclahi, BERkelahi (vi to quarrel; PKRkrUhi.W tin a quarrel: Penfhulu (n> ullage official or chelftain; u'aha, BERusaha, (v) to strive, to endeavour; pu»k
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  • 799 8  - Delicacy baulks India's family planning CYRIL DUNN The Government's campaign to popularise a family planning device in India, whose population is increasing at the rate of three babies every second, has been threatened on two fronts women's groups and religion. by NEW DELHI, Sun WITH a monumental irrelevance to the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 623 8 Strailt Tiairs Malay Mail Ctotutod «dv.rtit«meiiH mmf »•«<.«• »o. COLO STORACI SUPfRMARKIT 0.<t...« Itat R.c»»..»«« O«tfc COLO STORACI BRANCHES Holland R**>d KatMMJ NO>.' Aattwrit^ a|«h: CITT BOOK STORI LTO Winchett.r H.ut*. Coll»«r Qy.« THE NEWI FRONT i iupttmmfkt M M ISMAIL 1 Adauralrr «o«d, N...1 Itu MAMIEM STORE. 141*
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    • 81 8 TURNERS COMPRESSED' ASBESTOS FIBRE JOINTINGS AND OTHER JOINTING MATERIALS /^X O^p p Jciiiwa^ shape anA aitl PERMANITE JOINTING The Supreme Compressed Fibre Jointing. For sealing against steam, gases. alkalis, weak acids, oils, solvents and most chemicals. PERMANITE METALLIC Steel wire gauze reinforced. For sealing high pressure steam. Also excellent for
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  • 594 9 TOH: UNDERSTAND COUNTRY'S PROBLEMS 'INDUSTRIAL COURT HAS HELPED TO REDUCE NUMBER OF STRIKES' SINGAPORE. Sunday THE acting Prime Minister. Dr. Toh Chin Chye. said today that workers could make their biggest contribution to maintain the economic stability of Singapore by doing a full
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  • 187 9 8,000 people from Singapore register Xl ALA LUMPIR. Sun. At least 8.000 Sinsi.ipore citizens and holders of Singapore identity cards have reeistered themselves during the past week in Malaya. Many more will still have to register as required under the Essential (Citizens of Singapore and Holders of Singapore Identity Cards)
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  • 222 9 ROMANCE BEGAN IN MANILA... K U A L A LUMPUR. Sun. Curvaceous beauty queen Angela Filmer has had her share of dreams of walking down the aisle with the man she loves. For 20-year-oid Angela, who won the "Miss Asia" title last year, the dream
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  • 264 9 Union hits at 'snails's pace to court' I/UALA LUMPUR, Sun. The Ministry of Labour here has been requested to hasten the present "snail's pace" a procedure in referring disputes to the Industrial Court. The call for a "vitalising" programme was made by tne General Secretary of the All Maiavan Estates
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 74 9 Now— for the flake smoker who believes Coolness matters most I ''JBraHr? m Tj^A Ufa 1-ni ii i i in' *^t -7*"*^".* N^B^^B^B^B^B^B^^B^B^L^B^B^B^^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^L^BK t^m.t-m- i^L^b mi '£^W vm r \l V» mH^B^L^HLM d^L^ V Barneys Special Navy Cut— a great new flake tobacco by the makers of the world famous
      74 words
    • 147 9 Ao/ INTEREST OA PER ANNUM paid on your deposit account with Pan Malayan Finance gives you a steady and safe income. Writ* today for our booklet "A SAFE AND SOUND DEPOSIT" giving full dataila of how «a»y it it to optn a Deposit Account A. PAN MALAYAN |jj3j| FINANCE LTD.
      147 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 719 9 TV MALAYSIA CHANNEL: 5 Kuala l.umpur I 6.50 Junior science: 7 News in and I'enjng; r, Ip >h and English: 7.10 Forum: 7.35 True; Malarra: 3 and 10 .luliorr i 8 News in Mandarin: 8.10 Bahru; 4 Taiping: 7 Balu Lenrn Our National Language: r.« and 9 Kluanj;. 8.25
      719 words

  • Straits Times Book Page
    • 1093 10  -  ALLINGTON KENNARD THE BETTER HALF. The Emancipation of the American Woman. By Andrew Sinclair. (Jonathan Cape. 425.) Reviewed by IT is a curious thing that the right to vote has deprived women of the political power they had as unfranchised feminists. Where women are the
      1,093 words
    • 256 10 YOUTH IN ACTION. By David Wainwriglit. (Hutchinson, 155.) By STUART KOBK 'PEN years ago Prime 1 Phillip launched a scheme "to help young people find out about the interesting and satisfying things in adult life." Almost half a million British youths have taken up the
      256 words
    • 153 10 Ml MCIPAL ENTERTAINMENT. By S. K. Ruck. (Allen and I nwin 42v) By MARGARET SZE LOCAL authorities in 1 are authorised to charge a sixpenny rate lor tlie provision of entertainment and the support of the arts. For Greater London this represents £30 million. Bui Greater
      153 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
      330 words
    • 184 10 SETROM the precision TV receiver with the sharpest, clearest pictures dSTA-SCopt screed; Vista -Scope, screen for clarity and depth of vision Fully automatic Highly polished teak cabinets Special anti-glare filter Prices competitive irtwOuifMiw USTftICE SPORE FEDERATION STRAITS RADIO. LIMRTT HMITf O, CITY NCON ELECTRIC CO. LTD.. ***** $968/- $1180/SENS HENfi
      184 words

  • 2245 11  - BILLION DOLLAR BRAIN LEN DEIGHTON DAY 6 OF THE THRILLING SPY SERIAL by Dead man at the dentist's CENERAL MIDWINTER hat tjken Mag to Hjrey Pilmcr The general, a multi-millionjirr own private ctpionjgt network which plots tub Mvaiaa and tabotage behind the Iron Curtain. Now he hat decided to tend
    2,245 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 164 11 Follow tho thrifty crowd to METRDTEX f(m^ j now on Don t dolly, dawdle er delay Get h«rc FAST for th« b<9«*tt valu* tor your money. Store-wide reduction! your whole family. Brine, them along TODAY! CHILDREN S DEPi P NOW TEXTILES UP NOW Drci>«> |lt.M S 1.00 Switt fure Silki
      164 words
    • 4 11 NEXT: The Phantom Agents
      4 words
    • 368 11 BE FASHIONABLY SUM and enjoy vigorous health with I iV/l IV/1 I 1 Xv weight live longer and healthier will enjoy slimming lIVIIVII I O llvM than thos who d 0 liOr r: I-immits or Trlmetti be- cause U.ey are so Uaty «n4 BISCUITS/CRACKERS Now LlmmlU Biiralts. Lim- iher* are
      368 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 569 12 i nntinued froo* Pa(r «i ACKNOWLEDGMENT »»»rW. »(> Vimimum) the FAMILY OF Hi SITUATIONS VAC AN I It •**4* *t Htm.)—Bmx REAO to* BSBSSI inrißenU <*> .c» doctor Mag good HOSPITAL ASSISTANT MANDARIN OR CANTONESE •1 releLAS>* TCACHER REQUIRED K L WANTED EXPERIENCED AC>OUNT> suting v *>M f.T. WANTED ONE
      569 words
    • 957 12 SITUATION VACANT It »..r*» M Htm.i—Bxx it rt*. Mfrt REQUIRED URGENTLY Lady Office s*—»lann lumor Stenographer*) ri.f.onist am i. in.' ttelangor ilanaton Jalar. Mo;id lodia X.L AN ESTABLISHED ORGANISATION na* rb* folio" :nt va<aacie* l Senior CM- Applicant must ha- r i Higo- r Kchool Certihcatc or it* equivalent and
      957 words
    • 901 12 1 ACCOMMODATION VACANT It Hartfj tt Htm.,— Box Mt et*. mxtrm I TO LET IMMEDIATELY j Fii-ni.neo Luxury FluU Tom rooms -v b n:tacned wui<- locality i I Rrnt MM P.m. lo le- coauet < .ill) kimxia court Jaian > ntar off un-nard Rond denreer 9 am to IV or
      901 words
    • 916 12 EDUCATION i »«-•)> t# Him. I— Box tt rt, *Mtra i SHORTHAND BEGINNERS MAY nontrw Mar** > (xi an. I? 3V I.M >.m startr Monday y-. l -lft66 Kvenins Naasas ill A »li urn For Mhon Hcnooi leadMt BCOOO. lIS Wueer Mreet HMn r*t*otto*M MORNINC AFTERNOON BVEN MM s*M Hook
      916 words
    • 839 12 LOST M »w*i I Vmj-lu rt* rxrrm LOST 000 Wmm*M and KaV A'.saiian p**aM coota.-t ■mt*] PLST CONIROL tOllt (OIL TRSATMEMT PROTr.c r AGAINST TEJUIIIS. i r \ik YOUR NEW BUILDING BUAIb. tACHIi FOR bALt It »of, M cl, mxlrm TOP CAT Mil -.n 'Bis aimiMB e\t-n iDgx »rtrl •>
      839 words
    • 850 12 FOR SALE li Word* U Him. I—Box it rts. txtrm I LAOIIS. CANMBNTS ARC rev modermtdy priced a: Lilxram s tB, High <str«*t. S'porr. Bsacka, Blouw*. Svira Bulu. Blurts and D*as*> •a. Hurry aad an your money «ortn to-dajr. ONS INDIAN CARPET I Onr »tr Mack rattar. rurnitur* <•«' oar
      850 words
    • 871 12 (jsso) ESSO STANDARD MALAYA LIMITED i lncorporated in thf Male* of >UllT»). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Interim Dividend of ten tents per -tuck unit oi S2 earl.. tree of income tav on the Orc;nar\ Ptock ol the Coßßnßl been declared for the nnancial year ending 31st December, will
      871 words
    • 383 12 KENYATAAN TAWARAN J.K.R. PERAK Tawaran danpada Pe:' yang berdal'.a: ni-J Kl. daaUß EBaU r dun ka-atas ber Kepaln U akan dt-teiuna o'. Pejabjt Jurut«ra Net;eri. Jabfi'a: Kerja Raw. Perak, ipo'.? jam 1 peung paaa .nit ok BINAAN SABfAH MASJID BAHARU DI-T.VN IO BIIJAHA. PI'UC rtOA PEKAK M boleh nt-dapatt pada
      383 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1201 14 TO LIVERPOOL t WES' COAST U OmSc. t Sa I %-i-> Pedin* DOLtUS j;«.. It Pt Miy 12 May 1] IS(US May 17 Ma) 11 May II Mi) 11 Mt) 71 2) May 74 IStvANli May 71 May 21 CYCLOPS I'd; ..May?] May 2t May 27 ACHILLES May 2* Jm
      1,201 words
    • 2595 14 WE3EI3BBMSBBM 1 r//£Ln\Mi//v£S Li x r EXPR r SS SAILINCS TO tENOA-HAVRt-HAMOURt-OREMHIMIVEN.ROnEROAM-«WSItID»M ANTWIRP-AARHUS-COPENHACLN. I P. S*Aaa taajaa a »ir. Fjajaa NMN H o.rg N ajtj Coco BUSUANtA May IS 17 May 11 II 2121; Imi 1 Imi 14 II JMC 21 2t I kOREA June 17 13 JaMtl'li tl/ll J*l)
      2,595 words
    • 1229 14 feELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO.. LTD. lEE OVERLEAF FOR OUTWARD SERVICE FROM U K./CONTINENI. Ual.H ten t'para P. S nia P.naag CITY OF WELLINCTON itm. Ha.:;, V 0 2. :J Miy M May CITY OF NEWCASTU i Rotteriaa. fa. -I. M 2171JM1 MJM* CITY BF WiNNIPES I. »». Havfß. Ml 71
      1,229 words

    • 29 15 (IRRrR I IV per Ib 1. ipe-i pirul). Mm? 1. t.s'v rU. tttl 69 CU. $678.37', CU. S6TT.S* ft. 70U ct«. S h O',ct*. SbTri.'.';. 7. 5G74.25
      29 words
    • 2135 15 From Our Market Correspondent DOOM conditions prevailed on the Stock Exchange last week, there was no let up in hectic trading throughout the period and in four full trading days from Tuesday to Friday 5,164,345 units valued at 88,698,837 were reported done through the Singapore
      2,135 words
    • 36 15 Indutlnalv Tin« I rubber* 54.38 1 1.". 8 1 In', 'n Max t n n in-) :u M.i< I M..» n:.s» iix.:: ii».n i if ro lid 'ii Drr. M, ItCSsIM. 1(111 IM3I
      36 words
    • 12 15 General Motors ar.tjour.ced on Pr.ei.i> clucuo:i Indica- Worki
      12 words
    • 20 15 •|HI •iiiiiilun .t Itntl m Miunn rat** a UMI tilling IT *r 0O rlafly Canarta i Hnlltnn ftiMM
      20 words
    • 55 15 THt p.rvnl ratr n( ttar Milaian dollar against Ihr pit. nd \\et lint tUrd on Vnumbfr -4. 1964 I Mine TT. or O.D. !v I I > 1->d -One T.T. tat 4 I lbJ. BuTinc iKd. Ihf dollar i% at its statutory middle positioi in rrUlion to tLa
      55 words
    • 31 15 Otrm aiananita market !n Boi« Kon| uq Saturday tha U.S. no 1 aw ar :..77| for T.T. and 5 7M tor tj>» <• I* 06 tad i» ta*l *l «*ii
      31 words
    • 33 15 < arrrnl p*> mrnt Km* «r*s Hopr I U Asiatic K. SeUncor I Chens Kub. t toff. Junlunr I IUK' Jom22 Total for 13. 11% 100, f« prpVKM '«•> I M. 11%
      33 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 935 15 YY""' tCAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. DXA. PatttH ah AUantio taataaa^PaMaa 1 *W^na*| (V- ■MflaaM R *If% l*a»flBBa»aa( a***»aaai ril mmr r> m» nm mm mm »m Ml** v *m Hmm ail— il 'initial MN J Mil AS* Him MAaaaj -liaai M*w I/Imi it aw mm n*«**m»i laaa** P. lavcaatt ueat
      935 words
    • 883 15 To Europe and the United Kingdom s.s. "CHUSAN" 14.000 loa>« Kill, oirconditroocd **oßili«a>d Dcportmq SINGAPORE 2 July 1966 PENANG 3 July 1966 Arriving ROTTERDAM 24 July 1966 LONDON 25 Jury 1966 VIA BOMBAY. ADCN, POST SAID. NAPLES A BARCELONA LIMITED FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE Apply to your Trovel Agont, or
      883 words
    • 554 15 W, KLAVENESS LINE l™"^aw Saami lo* sao i>« Vtncrjuvei l«coma L«i*a r^aino Anieiai »ctncneo I SK.ii MNNIVIIU Mt| U Mil II atllll Mn II Mt| tl Mil 2i I im* MUCAINVIUI mac 12 l.i( I) MM II MM II IMI 2J /aaf 25 I lul* *1 SUNNTVIIK lal| U kt|
      554 words

  • 1106 16 T^HE price of Btraita tin on I Saturday Ml by $2 to on an offering estimated down 15 ions to 210 That the drop was nothing heavy as the drop of i: 16 J por ton in London on Friday afternoon was attributed
    1,106 words
  • 136 16 IK Uaplatea are mvi doing i reasonably weil in the export i market, despite continued foreign competition. There pirnty of this about, one informan l remarked adding that the quoted export price of Horn 76 lo 78 shillings per basin box ."a B. for
    136 words
  • 492 16 r pHK follow mr is a complete X list of revised quotation!, for the uerk ended on Saturday M.i\ m. ;cki is .V| ■I l.ou riistM 1 bl i. t 8 ora» 4, .s.' 6 3 '<* 2H 'I.M I n P.ip 1.30 (i Park 27u
    492 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 878 16 ■^rYdPfFiPB _HPin^¥_nf^i^^^i^«l DISTRICT COURT SALE NOTICE r of Dirtrr*. N«. MS of ItM. n th Matter of In the C«ui« ot KAJttPONG JANJIT TIN Poh Chin (Widow).. Plaintiff or EDGING LIMITED And Irene Hair Dreudng.. Defendant* \iatu* nf (Sued *> a nrir.) (Tenant) ln the Matt r of AUCTION SALE
      878 words
    • 885 16 NOTICES PUBLIC APPOINTMENT THE WILKINSON PROCESS STATE OF SABAH RUBBER COMPANY LIMITED applications _-c invite for appointment to the post of Per- lncorporated in the SUtes Awtftant (Male or Female) of Malaya; tn the R at Jlo Department «Batar> wn-Tr-p i«s hirfrv oivpn Sc 430 B2O ln Dlvulon 111. H
      885 words
    • 629 16 [HI GEORGE COHEN Fm( FAR EAST) LTD sole selling- agents for the plant and machinery of the Temanyrm Iron Ore Mine, Kelantan, OFFER FOR SALE CRUSHERS HYDROCONE GYRATORY CRUSHER by Koh« Steel Works Ltd. i under licence from A Chalmers. U.S. A .i. Model No 1260. Mantle 60 in. dia.
      629 words

    • 295 17 Preston's 9-0 record v Cardiff I ONDON, Sun. Second Divisioi North End will remembe yesterdays match their fina fixture of the season against re legation-doomed Cardiff City for long; time They beat Cardiff 9-0 for theii biggest win of the century and tht biggest margin recorded in the English League
      UPI  -  295 words
    • 175 17 2 world records fall to Smith 'CAN JOSE (California). Sun. Tommy Smith ran Ihe HI yards and thr '.'oom in world record time for a straight course <if 19.5 aM for both distances here yesterday. The wind was 4.2 m.p.b within the limits required for world records. II if stop
      175 words
    • 1157 17 Arsenal 1 Leicester I Kl.irkhi.rn 1 Man. Ltd. Burnley I rrd* I hrlsra 2 Shrfr ltd. U HMMHIIi 1 Fulham Nolls lorntt I Shelf. Wed. t Stoke 1 Wnl Ham a MBA 2 Tottenham 1 r h- v i. v pt» Liverpool 41 26 8
      1,157 words
    • 408 17 CHINA ROUT DANES AGAIN BADMINTON Pekine. Sun: The Danish tram ended their China lour hrrr yebicrday with another big defeat. A S.OOO crowd a' Peking's indoor stadium saw them beaen by 4-0 Results: Hou Chi-Chang and Fu HanHsun bea: Svcn Ander.-en and Per Walsoe 15-6. 15-4. Chen Yu-Niang and Li-Chuan
      408 words
    • 161 17 LOUISVILLE 1 Kentucky 1. Sun Michael Fords Kiuai Kins, ridden by David Biumheld. won the 92nd Kentucky Derby here yesterday. The Maryland-bred son <>i Native Dancer and Sweep In held the lead almost from the Had to win the lOf classic for three-vear-uldh in 2
      Reuter  -  161 words
    • 428 17 OXFORD. Sun. Charlie Griffith, the West Indian fast bowier. took four wickets lor 35 in helping to dismiss Oxford University one of the weakest teams the touring team will probably play on their English tour for 160 here yesterday. At the close the tourists had scored
      428 words
    • 42 17 MALACCA. Sun. -Nevcome: Joo Guan of Selangor ben 1 a lii Id of 22 rirtPr- to I.n 'h» I •"derations 50-ni. hrlri here this JOo Guai. n >'!ier of tern »onK. rrurnrd 2iir 100 Stephen Lim third.
      42 words
    • 39 17 KL'ALA LUMPfR. Sun.— 'Jmno Malaysia sports carnival of badminton, football ami >epak r.iea for the Tengku Abdul Rahman Cup inter-state competition \uli bitin here tomorrow. The carnuM Is part of the 20th anniversary- celebrations of Lmno Malaysia.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 911 17 \mmmmm^amma^mmmmmmwmmmm fil notices the new serendah I^^^^^^^^BBl^^m™| rubber company limited j In' <w|Mir.ilrd in the Mjirx •< Malatai LEMBAGA LETRIK NEGARA TANAH MELAYL "rJSS? KATVOSAI lIH IKllin Kil\l!ll Ol IHI STUK Ol MMWA n "d Rp«:-"red Office of POKI I)I(KM)\ nil 1. M\l rOfJUJt M\im\ the Compai.v No 1 BentenK
      911 words
    • 211 17 MALAY MAIL Word Puzzle "GL" JACKPOT $5,000 COULD BE YOURS! Send your entry now. Closing date: Wed. 11-5-66, 11 a. m. i liv I I ivoi NOW hM/IWsL TRAVEL -PROOF A PLASTIC TUMBLERS "«W*iaal It n rich in vitamin* which year N Ib body n««di to kc«p tit, and b«iid«»
      211 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 201 17 DIARY >O< lIX S'tor i.UKII Ui\. I: Senlul Works v Harpm iSentul Pasart; Govt Print nig v Blue Circle idlan Sow Lin Rdi. Div. 2: Wearne.v v RRI (Taylor Rdi; Oil Palm v Railways Srntul iPudu Rd>; Chartered Bank v Sri Jaya 'Buiißsaii; Div. 3\: Railways XL v Inland Revenue
      201 words

    • 2043 18  -  Epsom Jeep ALL-THE-WAY VICTORY IN 'HUNTER' HARD LOVE, WITH HARBRIDGE UP, SPRINGS SURPRISE IN RACE FOUR TO PAY $89 with SINGAPORE. Sunday. ong Su-yin'f My Carlo made it four-off-the-reel when he won it Hunter Memorial Stak-s at Bukit Timah today. Riddt-n by IX)un Weir, this rive-year-old led
      2,043 words
    • 103 18 mi ti I'liiii.: >»D.i.i.i Irt No. *****1 ($48.96*1 2nd No. 2*1541 .$13,991' 3rd No. 304 158 If 6.995 SUrKrs (SUM carhl: Nm. *****8 *****3 *****S *****7 *****4 *****7 *****0 *****6 2*6791 (onM>Ution« iS7SO each i No* *****6 *****2 *****3 283.M? *****4 *****5 *****1 *****6 *****8 *****2 Mn <
      103 words
    • 604 18 StNGAPORI The ard s report kl Buk:l KU I l ..g the inlurfcter Kingston i shif'.ed a«ay from Sprinctield 'Coifm and accidentally struck the running nil This caused < hanlurkler to i;'h> Apprentice Chiang iKon Tiki i (ied for shifting out at the entrance
      604 words
    • 296 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday. today retained the Chua Choon Leong Cup for inter-state tennis by beating their perennial rivals, Singapore, 4-1 in the final on tht Royal Seiangor Golf Club courts here. Seiangor have thus won the championship three times to
      296 words
    • 95 18 T^rjALA LUMPUR. Sun. I Dato H»iun bin Hail IdrK Mentri Besar of Seiangor. is the sole nominee for the post of president of Royal Seiangor Golf Club which will hold Its annual meeting tomorrow. Dato Ha run's name hns been proposed by the present president. Leong
      95 words
    • 241 18 Shepherdson brothers dominate I^UALA LUMPUR. Sun.—The Shepherdson brothers Mike. Christie, Denis and Vivian —were match winners for Kilat Club teams In the atonor Shield cricket matches today. Mike 189) and Christie <82i nelped rCilat 'A 1 declare at 256-3 Hgainst PWD at Pantai. Then Denis w.ecked PWD in their second
      241 words
    • 46 18 MALACCA. Sun. Indians trounced Teachers by an ninnies and 52 runs in a Shepherd Trophy cricket match on the Malacca Club padang today. Scores: Teachers 38 >A. de Costa 5-14) and 52 (A. de Costa 8-20>; Indians 142 M C. Sethupathy 50. Gopi 35)•
      46 words
    • 109 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. The Malaysian Hockey Federation today fixed July 10 for its biennial conference to be held in Kuala Lumpur. This date was agreed to tentatively in the absence of MHF president. Tun Abdul Razak bin Hu>sein. by the national executive committee at its last
      109 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 148 18 WATER FILTM STERILIZER BaMMaaHMM Delicious, safe drinking water purified at the actual point of use. Guaranteed to produce instantaneously potable water as per British or American Standerds f. J L/- mmm mm "l ONLY unit carrying this Seal -—will be backed by Manufacturer's Warranty, Service After-Sale and Genuine Spares So(«
      148 words

  • Article, Illustration
    178 19 300 in Nurses Week highlight Vl\ \I 1 i RE. mi ii More than 300 nurses today took part in a big walk from Thomson Road General Hospital to Woodbridge Hospital in Yio Chu Kang Road. The walk was one of the highlights in Nurses' Week, which
    178 words
  • 329 19 Rousing welcome for President Yusof and wife SINGAPORE, Sun. The President of Singapore. Inehe Yusof bin Ishak, and Puan Noor Aishah, received a tumultuous reception when they visited the Telok Blannah constituency this morning. In his first -every constituency tour. Inche Yusdf and hi.s w:fe received an enthusiastic welcome from
    329 words
  • 223 19 JESSELTON. Sunday THE whistle and twang of the "Bung Kau Kung Kuvak" (native instruments) and the thump of gongs heralded the arrival of the Yang diPertua Negara of Sabah. Dato Pengiran Haji Ahmad RatTae. at a new school in Tamparull. 23 miKs
    223 words
    • 292 19  -  ERNEST FRIDA By J. Bahru, Sunday lOHORE. twice conquerors this season of Malaya Cup champions Singapore, kept up their challenge in the south zone of the Malaya Cup competition when they beat Malacca 5-1 today to maintain their 100 per
      292 words
    • 86 19 IPOH. sun.— Perak beat Perl is 4-1 in their last North rak round tic of the Malaya Cup competition ai Stadium Perak here today. Skipper Taj Bang Choy playing .is centre forward, c.i\r Perak the lead in the tiurd nnnutr. But Perils equalled 12 lati
      86 words
    • 102 19 Pahang edge Kelantan KUANTAN. Sun. Pahang edged Kelantan 3-2 in their Cup east zone match here this evening alter the two te.tms were level 1-1 at halltimo. KelaiK.m made a pi M.m iPßTing Brat through back Hassan Abdullah, who had ■(lined the attack, in the 15th minute. Pahang broke away
      102 words
    • 152 19 MANILA. Sun Burma fielding their second team, were still too good for Japan winning by 5-0 to complete their first round programme in the eighth Asian Youth Football tournament today with a 100 per cent record. China beat India 2-1 in the other
      152 words
    • 210 19 Kim Swee sparks 8-1 rout VJIXGAPORE. Sun. Singapore, the Malaya Cup holders, leapt back into the running today in the south zone with a 8-1 hammering ot Negri BembUan at Jalan tsesar stadium. Tonight, at mil sip they tore Nt'gM apart iroia vctv (.my Ui the 'liny ted 4-0 at
      210 words
  • 91 19 CABLE RECEIVED Cr\ lon 1 1 MaaUr of Bt. Patrick! Coll«»t, Jaffna, on Mny Ttk. D'ALMEIDA RUTH MARIE i It 4 p.n of Immacula'l Hrart of Mary. Drive »ni ihtner to BMMVt SESMAORI ni a».v. 1 m J5« ■alafe South for Lok* Yew crtmatonua 0 p.m. today. LIM
    91 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 145 19 (people who love children >4 > FNCB. Every parent gives his children food, clothing and shelter. But. education is just as vital, and a First National City Bank People First' School Savings Plan can help you prepare your children to compete in adult life. Alternately, many parents are opening
      145 words
    • 359 19 Late CLASSIFIEDS in Tot* Sli la*—) CELRAERTS To n < I on Stl KUAN: ■laii^htn I 10 Hoctoi !>*l»lmi NOWAK John -h M»] Xt Re nank« ti Doctor and B< Let the Famous Stamford College help you I PLAN FOR SUCCESS! Are you still in school and need help Hive
      359 words