The Straits Times, 8 May 1966

Total Pages: 22
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES in NO. 1.573 SUNDAY, MAY 8. 1966 20 CENTS KDN 2036 M.C <P) 1930
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  • 659 1 Tun Razak: Jakarta should make up its mind The Tengku: First, how to save face? ALOR STAR, Sat TENGKU Abdul Rahman said today Malaysia and Indonesia could have talks if a formula could be found that would "ensure respect for our independence and sovereignty, and
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  • 228 1 JAKARTA. Sat— Dr. Subandrio, deposed and jailed former Fast Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister. Uicd to commit suicide and specially chosi offict rs were now keeping a close watch on him. the independent weekly, Fad jar (Dawn) said today. The pap timed that the t'irm<
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  • 123 1 LhINCM lkt< ba is 10 months 01d. .iikl. as \ol can <( si,,- s a prellv big cat to romp aiound .nth. Kut (hat's m h a t Gillian llouchton. the girl pictured with her. has to do play with the lioness lor half an
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  • 79 1 Search on for 20,000 'lost PoWs UI.VKPOOI.. Sat The F'..r Eastern Prisoners of War Association i> looking lor 20.000 former prisoners of war of the We know where 10.000 of the 30.000 survivor* of Japane.-e war prisoner! are." 1 said Major Alburt Brig«> ■"but the rest seem to have
    UPI  -  79 words
  • 51 1 RAWALPINDI. Sat. ItkUtan and France will not participate in the SEATO na\a! rxtrttaea to br hrld on May 19 Officials here believe 'he country should keep only .iiid minimum i with seato beeaiiM ihc oact did not help V India during the September light
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  • 30 1 PENANO I*l A thrreId Kirl. Y<^ i nl hoxpl'Hl attendart M usopal. di" l m hru-mmi iv alter Ullmg "fT Mble at her home in Western R<Md-
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  • 65 1 \\Y \K. Sit In- i\il Drfrm-r headquarters. on«e a cattle shed, has now lii 'iinir on<* of thr M*<t headquarter* in .Inhorr \iid thr i hi it of thr Chil Dcfcare Committee, hrrr, Ituhr Mohamed S.i id bin Mohanird Tahir. who is aNo thr DKtri. I
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  • 357 1 VC-10 wife: The day a flash' hit our plane J£UALA LUMPUR, Sat. The charming wife of a local architect. Mrs. Peggy Taylor, nas just returned from London after what she described as "my most hazardous experience of flying." It was certainly not "plain sailing" for Mrs. Taylor one of the
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  • 52 1 DACCA- Shl A wcMKkultPr put his hand in a Bengal tiger's mouth and twisted us tongue to \\pnken it »hfii it itt(O«l him. Two iomi>HMion.K beat thr animal with .stick.* and it fled Into thp ningle. The attacked man although badly minded, is recovering
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  • 47 1 MANILA. Sa A KOlden Oi a Mtune Buddha, BNVnI feet nigh. WM d"B vp vesieiday in a village in Nueva V:/(.iy.i Province. ihe Philippine Nev s SeiMre rrported tovi;iy The .>• ;iiue. Worth "bill.on* Of p buried b. 'h. Japinese during Work! War Two.
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  • 25 1 n^^\Vl^• Bal a 'ribe of AustiHlim. .iboM^lnes charteied foul plane- so they c-nuld come i.fir todaj .nid pertoim ancient \er a srave.
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  • 20 1 JOHANNESBURG. Sat. A \;ni«iu MUrtk tremor heie last night .MiooiC hnildmu.s. <iactce<l wtr.dowi and tUked plaster oil cetlinva
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  • 135 1 Jakarta paper actually praises Radio Malaysia JAKARTA. Sat. A columnist in the Indonesian llrrald had a complimentary reference for Radio Malaysia yesterday. "Cocky." on the front page o^ what is Renerally retarded as a Foreign Oflice organ, said: "When you listen to Radio .Malaysia in XI. (Kuala Lumpur) now
    Agencies  -  135 words
  • 43 1 SYDNEY. Sal -Polire imesled .i 20-year-old man at the R''-ut.-t i y Office jhm before his weddtnu ceremony u:i> -lue to bagin and chained him with raptne a 14-year-old yirl He whs l.tter remanded on bail until June 30.
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  • 32 1 Saigon Sal Prim M. 1 trr Neuyen Cao Xv saui c Th<> today hr |)lm:.v to i n mil. urj Bovernßteni in ?> :it leuM another yrar (Sre Pajr 51-
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  • 172 1 A full pager in full colour with king size impact (UKTAI.X IP today on a m w it hnique in advertising time, tlic Sunday Times print in rertater a full-D litho o advertisement, rhla major t >ehnl-i-.ti advance on the "w.ii. paper" type herto bi'Pu a'ol<> u> otfer Todays I
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  • 22 1 SIKGAtXMU gal i.mi iin i Üboralon was shot dead tnniKht b> a cunman at the Orchard Theatre car park
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 98 1 .7G&OLY wtWKS -»rt in v A GARMENTS ARE S« UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED I COLORS k "%Jf m OUALtTIZED I? W tKnnk oul O» U fjk W NO iQONING NEE DEO NATIONAL radio I NATIONAL CAR RADIO Self-tuning car radio with automatic tuning device scanning both sides along band spread at touch
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    • 69 1 In solid M sterling silver Jffflsf ffi THE PARKER 75 A pen of beauty and a joy forever! The Parker 75 is the latest and most superb of all Parker pens. A pen you will cherish with pride for a lifetime. A gift of unsurpassed elegance. A pen scientifically designed
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    • 17 1 Diamonds Gems set ENGAGEMENT RINGS U. S. de SILYA SONS, Jewellers 25. Raffle* Plnce. SiM4.i|x>rc-l. Tel: *****.
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  • News
    • 180 2 Sheila sells her jewels to make solo world flight ONDON. vu Miss 1 thrill s< i i (on rieht) a .18-year-■•lri former ait res v xold her ie»els to i iisr mnnr\ l>>r .in .iltitnpi )<• l>< thr nrsi Krilon tn ft) solo round tin world She lmp«-s tv
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    • 772 2 gTOCKHOLM, Sat. Speaking at the Socialist International Congress in Stockholm this morning. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew 1 warned both the developing and developed states. Singapore's Prime Minister said developing countries "must live with the world we now have and I not the one that
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    • 73 2 PENANG. B* K Velu. an unemployed youth. «»s granted J6OO bail after he pleaded guilt y on rhaij^ of Mealing two bicycles and pov-esMng a stolen machine. Velu admit'ed theft of the bicycles on April 26 and May 3 belonging to Wong Lai Yooiir and Lian
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    • 219 2 LIMA LI'MPI'K. Sat The Military Polit e arc >t i II in the dark as to the whereabouts of Captain Abdul Rahman bin Samsurr. 36. (above) who has been missing (or the Past 10 days from thr Federation Military College. Sungei Besi. eight miles
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    • 22 2 BLANTYRE. i ftl Convicts recently release from genera ti prison today bacau misfrti ri-nr good food .me ole beddinc.
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    • 19 2 SINGAPORE Kampong Tengah community centre will hold picnic at the Tanah Mrrah holiday from 8 ;i.m tomurrow.
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    • 110 2 SINGAPORE Sat. The No. 14 Royal New Zealand Air Forte Canberra Jei-Bomber Squadron at RAF Tengah is organising a 180 rr.ilc relay run from Changi to the Tcrendrk Army Camp in Malacca ntxt FT'day Twenty runners, includin? three from the No 41 RNZAF Bristol
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    • 208 3 PROBE ON COUNCILS IMPARTIAL SAYS NAHAPPAN x LUMPUR. Sat. The chairman of the >n lnqu;r:hr In' rking of local authorities. Senator Da!) At hi Nahappan. ■aid !od:»y that the comwas not set up to do away with local author.' 1 •There Ls frar among I some p^ople that the Gov-
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    • 383 3 THAT'S WHAT THE U.S. STOCKPILE RELEASES MEAN RUKIT MERTA- JAM. Sat. Although Malaysia is selling more rubber she is earning less foreign exchange because of the falling price of rubber. The recent drop of four cents a pound in the price of rubber as a result
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    • 288 3 Man from Disney Land who packs fun in a pen gINGAPORE, Sat. Globe-trotter cartoonist, Mr. David Fuhn, believes in travelling light just a brush, an easel and some paints. And he pays his way by painting caricatures of world leaders, colour portraits for people and Walt Disney cartoons. Rumanian-born Jewish
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    • 180 3 Operation I-cards: Schools come first SINGAPORE. Sat. The flr^t pha»e ot national re-registration of the public for new laminated plastic Identity cards will begin on Monday for students, teachers, school staff and canteen vendors. Forty-two registration teams will visit seven schools in the city area to re-reglster some 8.718 students.
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    • 63 3 PENANO. Sat.— The Governor Raja Tun Uda Al-Haj. and his wife, Tengku Puan Hajjah Nor Sa'adah. were among the BBMfa who attended the charity premiere of the United Arab Republic festival at the Capitol Theatre. The show, sponsored by the Ministry of Information .<nd Broadcasting through
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    • 82 3 Master Plan for Singapore is approved SINGAPORE. Sat. The Minister for Law and National Development. Mr. E.W. Barker has approved with modifications, alterations and additions the Master Plan lor Sin|apore. A certilied copy of the changes to the master plan are now op*n for inspection at Mir Planning Department. 2nd
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    • 60 3 TANJONO MALJM- Sat. Thieves broke into the home of Inche Jail bin Hitam. 50. a cake baker, in Kampong Beirop near here early yesterday and stole his entire savings of $400 and his family's clothings worth about $100. Inche Jali discovered the thrft when he
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    • 181 3 Govt. will continue to assist all religions: Muhsein \f ALACCA, Sat. The I*l Government will continue to assist all religions to "strengthen the ethical foundations of our multiracial society." This was stated by the Assistant Minister of Cultuie. Youth and Sports, Ensku Muhsein bin Abdul Kadir. at a Wesak Day
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    • 110 3 URUAS, Sat. Police have arrested three men, believed responsible for several telephone wire thefts in the district, after a short chase along the I-arit-Bruas road early yesterday. On a report by the Telecommunications Department that the wires between Parit and Bruas had been cut. a
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      • 374 4 Perry Mason's appeal to juror upsets real-lite court trial I)ENVER 'Coloradot. Sat. —A drunken driving case was declared a mistrial on Thursday on the ground that Perry Mason and Cilery Queen swayed the jury. Judge John Sanchez declared the mistrial when he learned two of the jurors had been reading
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      • 278 4 Corinne sued $2.6 mil. MILLIONAIRE TO COURT: I WANT LOVE GIFTS BACK LOS ANGELES, Sat. French-born actress Corinne Calvet. 41, was sued for US$B7B,OOO ($2 634.000) by wealthy Donald Scott, 35. who claimed he gave her more than US$5OO,OOO ($1.5 million) worth of "love gifts" before he divorced his wife.
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      • 297 4 Blind Peter, B.A., achieves his ambition in Australia pENANG, Sat. A blind pianist, Peter Chin Peng Kong, who in 1961, at the age of 18, vowed he would graduate from a university, has achieved his ambition. Peter, now 23. recently pas, ed his Bachelor of Arti finals at the University
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    • 471 5 SAIGON. Saturday I [NITS o! the IS Army's Ist Air Cavalry Ui vision today smashed an entire enemy battalion in what was described as one of the greatest military victories of the Vietnam war The American force». manoeuvring by helicop ters. >esterda> trapped the Vietcong
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    • 348 5 IPOH S.t: Hop*.-. Of a:. early cure lor Mohamed Yjim.n bin Sidin. 18 a hoie-in-heart boy her*. appear dim a- >etback alter setback dog.s him. The $2,600 collected lor him from the puolic through an appeai :n the ilta Tiine.s .:<•* idle
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    • 261 5 Siew Sin confident of aid from Germany DUNN Sa; Mr Tan Slew Sin. Malaysia* Finance Minister, said yesterday he vat confident Germany would help bridge the Sl.luu million gap in the country's Hve-ye..r plan Mr Tan and hii party have been in Germany tor three days negotiating with German ban
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    • 37 5 ftrMi Dm a id 50 licit-gates and ohwervtn to Dnao'a 20th rermrjr eetohrattoM In Koala I umpur on May 11. The M> '.r. Besar lan Sri She:,. mad will lead the delegation
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    • 74 5 Mr Klloo Tciig Ko*. .:i til the Pciiang branch one National Union of GomWarkcs, on how emp.overs could achieve maximum o-oprr.itioi tK>m then ws»a EMPLOYERS must acknowledge the right of the workers to a fair *harr the fruits of their labour. The Government mu>t ensure that the workers' rights
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    • 93 5 DENAKG Sv Booial Wei rare otteen are uurioua m ul .1 MBall oo\ a inderini n. ihr fd Kelt Temple In Ayei veck> a^o B>- :< \rd lo b( RM retard* I i 111 re«pon.*e to q'j«.>ii<.it.-. i-'iuld not pvf any information about himsell.
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    • 48 5 KUALA t.LMHLK 6t Six high-rar.kmg [hal poiite crticevs ;co by Litut. Gen Yuen Prab.i..v,it. iHapector-Oeneral ol tin- Royal ThaJ Polict. SfftVS bast by air tomorrow ior a onc-wt-ek guodwill fisft. Th> rh<- t: lining t Xi; .:.i I.nn.iKi: Ku .<. Ktibu B^hru an.-i li)oii
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    • 243 5 MALAYA'S EFFECTIVE RADAR COVER— BY HEALEY LONDON. Sat. The Defence Secretary. Mr Denis Healey. said yesterday that the effectiveness of arrangements for radar surveillance of the approaches to Ma 'ay a did not depend on the presence of aircraft carriers in the vicinity of Singapore. He was answering question* In
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    • 43 5 OR IK B«t.— The Pfras Uovfnimem t\a* «ppro\'«<i morr than $500 000 tor minor rur.<: development projects vi Upper P> r..t and the MansaHUM nurocrou* !;ir.d sclwrnp* in Uif Btate. tlip Meirn Bevar Dato A' b;n Said announced i here iod«y
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    • 385 7 FOR months a time bom 1 has been ticking away in world of publishing. now about to explode. i ne "f 'he ino.«t .'ury. Thrfi SOMERSET MAUGHAM. It i ige. ai.d his a-.<uaation with Uw gurr who many behpvra wts poii>;b!e for wrecking
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    • 634 7  -  SOH TIANG KENG By Singapore. Saturday AN i aiiy end to Indonesian confrontation and a new boom in trade activity in mis region was predicted today by a veteran in Indonesian affairs, Air. C. H. Campbell, an Australian now living in Singapore
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    • 80 7 KAJANG Sal Th«" Ulu I r.nj.ii District Rural Development Committee has recoriitiieiified the distribution ol IJO lieaci.-- ol cattle to seven k .m--poncs In the district this year under the "paw ah" system. The kampongs are: Kampong Belut. KBinrKiriß Enen K;ikl. Kampong Seinaranz. KumpoiiK Pulau Merantl.
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    • 30 7 AINOAPORB Bal i: Ran; 36 I 1 Road had i- her ncik by ■ilkiiig i hx '•cvrir theti riKiC «>n to the d:n>cuun ot Dc.skfr Road.
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    • 461 7  - Mr. Bond thunders to record heights Geoffrey Boland B> SINGAPORE. Sat. When you read your Sunday Times this morning, the James Bond feature Thunderball will be playIng its 53rd day at the Lido Cinema. This. Is a record for the duration of a film shown a i normal prices In
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    • 86 7 —by the Mer.trl Besar of Perils. Tnn Sri Sheikh Ahmad, who led the people In repairing a kampona road in Uian Aii. near Kangar: ()l K great crand fathers practised gotong-royong (self-help) in the good old days and we should strive to emulate them. We can achieve a great
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    • 89 7 TAIPING, Sat.— Surprise raids carried out by the police durliik the past two days following a spate of armed robberies in this town, have resulted Ui the arrest of two men. In raid No. 1. police detained a man at Trong near here on whom
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    • 344 7 AND THE DATES BLONDE RUTH KEPT WITH HER PRISON LOVER ]\'E\V YORK. Sat. One 11 of the playglrls who frolicked about New Jersey's jolllest of jails said yesterday that after an evenings dalliance with a male prisoner, she dropped by the office of warden Henry McFarland to "say
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    • 72 8 Three shots of 'lobster' moon outfit THREL views of the -lobster shell" restrain suit, loped for po.N>ibl«' us L'.S Apollo arcta proyran.. Thr mi it li d tv provide proU'i'tion au blgh "O" or vity forces in all directions during h y p c r velocity launching* ■n d i-arth
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    • 335 8  -  Ahmed Ramli By KOTA BHARU. Sat. 'THE president ol the K c 1 a n t a n Malay Chamber ol Commerce. Senator Nik Hassan bin Nik Yahya. has protested against the proposal by Japanese textile manulacturers to set up a
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    • 114 8 We will ban Singapore's kissing Bond, says Mentri. I/ANGAR. Sat— Perils will ban the Singapore James Bond iJelrl Zutni turn. Gerak KJlat." If Malay actors and actresses take part in any kissing scents. The Mentri Be a ar. Tan Sri Sheikh Ahmad, made this clear today when asked to comment
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    • 164 8 Subversive elements spreading them to create ill-will, warns Hingkan I/UCHINO. Sat. Subversive element> In Sa rawak were spreading rumours that DOthlllg wa^ being done to help the natives in the fields of commerce and industry. Sarawak's Chief Minister. Da to Stephen Knlong Ningkan. said tnday. Speaking at the opening
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    • 138 8 SINGAPORE Si! BOAC today announced the Introduction oi a new excursion fare from here to Ceylon 30 per (tut less than the normal tare The company".") *ale> manager for South -East Asia. Mr Peter Wetherajl. >a!d th;U from Monday passengers from Singapore
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    • 20 8 Xl ALa LUMPUR :..ii. Ntu CM Urn Di monov it rbc Bnv SrOilLF Win .a. or. n» .Q--quart«ra
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    • 282 8 gUXGEI SIPUT. Sat The Minister of Education. Inc h c Moha m c d Khir Johari. said today that he felt he had done the right thing in sacking earlier this week the 13 members, on the Teachers Panel of the Nations
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    • 24 8 BIKII MERTAJAM 8 Hunt; Kung Association in .la. Kulim here will celebrati i:.n 38th anniversary with a din ncr next Batimhu
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    • 19 8 PENANO. 5..: -ll'.it vn'r.< manhole wwn of a septir tank at the Bx^lst Seminart on Thursday niffii
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    • 91 9 DOGGED mountains are a challenge to logging, with hilKide roaclbuilding i i»t> high and erosion of scarred land a destructive ion>pqu«-nie. Now balloon in use in tin- I'nittd States ha> eliminated these problem^ fl lifts. uts limber a ton .it .i time (luun a
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    • 10 9 SINGAPORE I. held M the 145 DJB 10-
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    • 39 9 by the Raja Muda of Perak. speaking at the. opening masque in Sungel Oulang. 1 1 ink Anam: 1 II«>1 (.11 prospects of endiii- Indonesian confrontation are now bright, do not relax your viuilance m s.ilc^uardini; the nation.
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    • 50 9 KANOAk. ba: I lie Mentn Br.-..r. I.ii: fer. Mktlkt) Aiitnad. .<.-■ yesterday re-c!octed prt^ .«:dent o! the Perli* St. Johr. Air.oula: re Association v:'h bin Musa, ar. ■< cuuncillor. m vice- r:i^ Mu.-'.iHa bir. baad was elected chairmai.. Mi V K Emmanuel secretary i c! Syrii
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    • 145 9 VJUNGEI SIPUT, Sat. The Government has approved So million for building 16 lower secondary schools and 27 primary schools in Perak this year. The Minister of Education, Inche Mohamed Khir Johari. said this when he opeaed the Methodist < Primary English School here
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    • 398 9 NEW WORK SHOP PLANNED FOR THE BLIND giNGAPORL. Sat. The president of the Singapore Association for the Blind. Mr. Yeo Tiam Siew. today appealed to industrial firms and business houses to offer employment to trained blind men and women from the association. He made this call at the opening of
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    • 530 9 QINOAPOME. Sat. Bu=ihe.-.-, in and reported tv ihe Singapore and Kuaia Lumpur trading room> ot ttM Stock Exchange today u-^th the number of shares traded in brackets: Industrials: C CM. <t>.uOO> $1 «0. D. Ia.OOOi SI 00. (12.0U0> i 1.59, (15.000) $158: C.C.M. Deb. '4.000. $1.02: C.S. Holdmes
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    • 43 9 SINGAPORE. Sat. The Btraits Tin price today fell by 82 to $674.25 a picul on an offering estimated down 15 tons I to 210 tons. Singapore Coconut Oil Millers' Association prices' Bulk $46i sellers. Drum S49i sellers. The tone was quiet.
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    • 338 10 Varsity medical faculty results CINGAPORE. Sat The University of Singapore. Faculty of Medicine, todayannounced the' results of the second professional (^supplementary) examination for the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery. The following candidates have passed the supplementary examination In the subject <st in brackets shown against their
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    • 78 10 SINGAPORE. Sat. The Minister (or Labour- Mr. Jek Yuen Tliong. has appointed Uio following 11 ppT.soiii to be referees under the Industrial Relations Ordinance (or two years with effect from April 19: Mr. Tann Wee Tlong. Mr. Low Ouan Onn, Mr. Tan 800 Teok. Mr. Sect Leong
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    • 41 10 SINOAPORE, Sat. Police today appealed to eye-witnesM* of a road mishap in BalrMier Road on Wednesday in which a man. Hui Wai. 81. was killed, to contact Inspector Hashim bin Mohamrd Noor of Sepoy Lines, Tel. 7200.
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    • 562 10 MacCarthyism in Socialist International, charge by Tan KUALA LUMPUR. Saturday. THE Labour Party which has been expelled from the Socialist International for being too Communist influenced today accused the socialist movement of conducting a MacCarthy-style Communist-witch-hunt under the influence of the Peoples Action Party. This accusation here i came from
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    • 68 10 PEN.VNG. S:it— Tin Penans Umno division is to be a&kod to urge both the Federal and S'ste Oovernmenti to unv nd the in-service period of scholarship winnrr.s graduating Irom universitit.s. "We feel the present stipulation of five years' sen ice iTii the Govern men 1 graduation
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    • 41 10 prai &.it— in. ing Di V.; X..11. Poll now on i lou: i tociaj Ed tlie Pr <i Outtons >:.iuon. Dr. N meet Pmuum MCA ..:n moirow mid visit the But'eiwortli Customs .station on Mcr>
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    • 226 10 SWITCH TO BRIGHTER FUTURE FOR MALAYSIA v ALA LUMPUR. Sat. Malaysians may now look to a brighter future as a result ol new U lation aimed at regulating and improving the supply of electricity throughout the nation. A draft of the Ir tlon will be prepared and submitted to the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 107 2 TIMES A V V LbLbiiVi MM n>#NCSCO MANILA SINGAPORE SVONLV Now, Philippine Air Lines offers four flights a week Wednesday reach Manila in three hours. Then direct the fastest to the United States. With convenient to Honolulu and San Francisco. Or from Manila, PAL departures from Manila every Monday, Wednesday,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 415 3 ©EARN What you're really worth! Let ICS training develop >our «baity »nd hdp you to a better )ob With ICS you learn at home, at your own pace Your progress it Mire, as instruction is thorough and eas>-io-lollow Send us tht coupon below today' Moderate fees, no books to buy.
      415 words
    • 1149 3 'thoughts havewin^ %<w &a*t Influence Others With Your Thinking! n"*RY it some time. Concentrate vately taught this nearlv-lo^t art of I A intently upon another person the practical use of mind power, seated in a room with you. without his noticing it. Observe him grad- This Free Book Points ually
      1,149 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 133 4 I V £gjfl V^aMßflaVeffflMgßH^hMaVßafl^lkMlk 'VhKbbb! Bb^LCobblll^l^&^Lbl 5' »^R^sl Jfttaf *«W«^- Why travel alone \SXa iff* al^ *f \^Bv^^^^^^^P^^^'^^^^^^^^ 1 Wi mm 1 l ml when you can ti^e your wife at a saving of 25% on Malaysian Family Fare Plan Yes, you can use the Malaysian Airways Family Fare Plan
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    • 287 4 Advertisement Lemons for Beauty To keep your skin dear and fair you need the natural cleansing and bleaching tonic of lemons. Ask your chemist for a bottle of lemon Delph, the latest type skin freshener used by beautiful women throughout the world. Lemon Delph makes the complexion, neck and shoulders
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 126 5 So you want to protect floors, cherish furniture produce a brilliant lasting shine RONUK have exactly what you want Ron ik products shine at lOOKing after floors and furniture. They clean, polish, seal and protect. Look for Ronuk home-care products at your favourite store. RONUK WAX POLISH Puts deep shine
      126 words
    • 294 5 Bring the cool, clean fragrance wn >»*- < of pine lo >our home with Z**>**^~~' Zal Disinfectant /al makes every rmm smell fresher anj sweeter /al contains 4 powerful germ-killers lo protect youf family from infection Sprinkle a lute /al into lrain< and dustbins daiK /al is BOfl-poisofli>ui sdte lo
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 52 5 Swim times TODAY: Sedlli Keclul 12.44 11. '7 Tf! i ,0.59 pm i:. i Singapore 1.44 pm. '7.9ft i Por< n;r*M>n 8.26 a.m. < 8.1ft. i 10.53 n m. '8 8ft.' Port Sfeuenbair. 7 .S4 a.m. rUJfLl 7 M p.m 1 2 Ttt > PenanR 2.18 am. '7 91 ?0
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  • Leader Page
    • OPINION Sunday, May 8, 1966.
      • 166 6 JHERE is much lo be done in the field oi overseas trade and Singapore's Finance Minister, Mr. Lira Kirn San, is lo be congratulated Oil his plan lo form an Export Promotion Centre. The Singapore industrialist is lo be given every encouragement Foreign market data is
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      • 91 6 UIS political and economic stability gravely weakened by sanctionx, rebel SHIi I h fit Hhodeski now seeks talks. l>i ilain has agreed but Mr. Wilson should remember the grave responsibility he hems when he takes his place at the canIcrence table. This is time for firm,
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    • 1006 6  -  CHAN TIN WENG fa i How a Christmas raffle snowballed into the massive money-spinning digit-lottery CHRISTMAS in 1931 looked bleak for a 16-year-old schoolboy in Kul i m, Kedah. He was broke and he wanted so much to spend the Christmas and New Year holidays
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    • 524 6 But who is really behind the Vietnam escalation? NEW reports uf imrc.oed iiuinl)rr> uf troops brine sent into South Vietnam lead inevitably lo contemplation of tin matter of escalation uf (In- conflict. Recently, the Lniled Stales announced that the number of troops in South Vietnam had risen lo 235.000. While
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    • 291 6 n3niißn%Ljt w v- m BORROWING THINGS trom neighbours can be very useful. But what la the liability if the borrowed object is defective.' Ottice manager Jim Harrta was not a •'du-lt-yuurself type, and when hi- had to climb into the loft one day he
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    • 679 6  - 'WAIT UNTIL I'm DEAD RONALD RANSOM by Till! whole o! tin May Da> holida> was overshadowed I»rme by t ho news of the sudden tragic death <>t Malaysia's Chief (i;imc Warden When I was writi:.^ series ot articles fur the Sunday Times on wellknown i<r;il personalitle 1 was very keen
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 488 6 LASSIFIBD ADS. RLLIGIOLS ANNOUNCEMENTS m aaJl H ■MaMaM PHIIK lIDIiH bHUMLH MB> WtlLl* MITMODIIT CHURCH ad a-ncapoi* -1 auiioy »<noo. 4i 1 v. Lv»r)»li. OVERSEAS LEAVE II aTeaaii »c MaYI *tr <"" Mtva OMINO TO BRITAIN' a> >« o» r me --1 prtI acMaaar. BacaaM v mi. SITUATIONS VACAM t.
      488 words
      11 words
    • 204 6 1-— —^l^B B^hk^a^aßa^l Ittliw af camaantati m i^H^^C^aaaaia^H You can start your awn Radia-Ttltvitian autincsa without capital. Th« A.R.T.C. Practical Rad'O and Talavc»ion Cours* g'ves you inning ana your tool* of trada at the simt time. A R.T.C will tra.r» you. in your awn home, tor a (oodpaymg radio-TV po»itioo
      204 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • Page 7 Advertisements
      177 words
    • 662 7 The Necessities of Life Necessity A LIFE INSURANCE POLICY that GUARANTEES the other 3. You wilt be pleasantly surprised to discover how P~ 1 profitable it is to protect the future of |^9k those you love through I jbU Yearly bonus no.-. $V, with more at mdtur>tw 1 ~^K I
      662 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 172 8 Give her natural vitamins ga f(WW for natural health 3ft lm- t Natural vitamins are best. Scott's Emulsion is made from pure cod liver oil which is full of i natural vitamins A and D. Babies thrive on Scott's j^T7^i 1 "T^Q i Emulsion. It's wonderful to see them grow
      172 words
    • 252 8 Why does Because sb# she feel uses Tampai at ease internal in any sanitary company protection, anytime It's the of the modern way, month 7 the nicer way, the "♦eel-fresh" way, the inwisioie way. the comtortaDie way. the better way I After all. shouldn't it be the only wayt TAMPAXEL
      252 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 141 9 F Hollow-around 1 Cuflciy «k There is a mife for every (iP^M cutting and cjrvmg need. Wonderfully sharp Each blade honed by hand. j ECNDED WOOD HANDLES and VANADIUM I*M STAINLESS STEEL BLADES YOU CAN SEE THE FULL RANGE AND SETS AT> BAN SHENG STORE, 376. Chang. Village. CHONG TRADING
      141 words
    • 333 9 prize winning babies II I J V£jS£ .2R 1 H^ Mmm\ I SyPL^fl HI Wk LaU I thrive on Klim Milk First, and first again! Babies fed with Klim Milk are healthy, happy babies. That's why, in a recent contest, the winners were Klim babies! It's only natural, for Klim
      333 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 196 10 WARDENS T \fr TWO STOREY MODERN iA$$K TERRACE HOUSES AT /W^5im.s. UPPER THOMSON Wg: ROAD, SINGAPORE. F rE^^^ .^^Bl.3^^^^^^^ \cfrr txrzw.'r »tt4 *vv /lY *fStS FOR SALE if/jk^^ PRICE: $28,900 and upwards SPECIAL CASH DISCOUNT 1^1 v^ LOANS AVAILABLE >^ Date of Completion: June, 1969. jtcL^^^^ Tenure of Land: Freehold
      196 words
    • 428 10 s*^^^"^^ia*^a^BV B^ar^*™*^BW^B B^aw*^l SAVE TIME AND EXPENSE SEND YOUR GOODS BY AIR-Consu/f: SINGAPORE BAGGAGE TRANSPORT AGENCY LTD. APPROVED I.A.T.A. CARGO AGENTS Also the Pioneer Firm in pocking, removing and storing goods in Singapore and Malaysia. Equipped with the latest machinery, modern warehouses and experienced staff. Enquire for details from: 8E
      428 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 45 10 i i i > i r—r /io vt mAOt vt»" io* /»mo rut *«v\ **>* <'* **X*i f, t AiD 'd>O <Oo O»«f(VfP nsJT^X) o"*» m c "o oo« uMtfott i < cimpiv -iooir men* *"r- I ma/uamo m muv it r x v \UOHOtKfUiy ->!""« ~'J*r J V^L^^J^j^-^ N
      45 words

  • For Your Pleasure
    • showpage
      • 776 11 •QNCt: A THIEF," MGM's 145 -minute offering, is unrelieved drama larded with sex and violence. The publicity accompanyinj; the film says that Singapore is seeing it "at last." KiMjuii v elicits the fad thai the film was shown in the
        776 words
      • 233 11 TPHE trend to Übel v new p]»y with a Utle as long as my arm seem* to i>c abating If that iho.sen by the University of Singapore Drama Society for pre.senutlon nexi mouth is to be taken as a criterion. Could any inie b«- shorter than that Kiven by
        233 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 408 11 [CATHAY [7*l T 'H.*T»7aW»l?BSaa—a M NOW SHOWING! 11 am. 1 30. 4 t 00. 3 30. »30 *r 91S am ♦4J 930 »m •y'fi'. U«.uE A lnltr NOVILTY ft ACROBATIC ACTS b. KIM on* NICOLE PAL AC I BSJ^^MJoNIIVTT^^jBMSaI NOW SHOWING! II l 30 «00 30 i. 9 1J pm
      408 words
    • 220 11 LADIES ONLY PREVIEW!--: SUNDAY. 15th MAY 1966 j OIU lIAIID 0 PALACE at Ot ,t ItJtam Admission: Circle: $2. 00 Stall*: $1 .00 (NoFreeListb) p% W^ "ONE OF THE YEARS 10 BEST! -NY. Pott k> KsbP^ -y MaY WLf POiTIER WINTERS oSjHJmt ffl •^-..HARIMAN Ot V C II FREE
      220 words
    • 103 11 LAST 7 DAYS Todoy: I.JO-S -«.J0 pm. AWUM V |pP'* NAGESH MANOR AMAK Today at id a.m.: Tom, l Gelling Up Nights Makes Men Feel Old Before Their Time Nothlnr can m«k# you ferl ao eld. Acidity. Anrl If your bark »ch»i an 1 Rhrumatlam Paina In Jolnta and inuaclen
      103 words
    • 475 11 1 aft \W' ■B £peciaiije<( Care I clearVkin PROBLEM SKIN! New formula:fOlea* C/&+1 j£o4c* (£>4ea* v^X*/* *-/c*yi Night-rime care (or blcmContains Actomer. on ant.- ishes Conto|n hcxochloroseptic. Has a mild abrasive phene, an antiseptic to action, helpful to problem- "unte.oct the .preod of blemnres and help clear skin core. fhem
      475 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 724 11 TV SINGAPURA CHANNEL 5 In Chinese: 8.05 Mandarin PM; 100 Programme Sum- Opera: 9.00 News And Newsreel man In All Languages: 105 In English; 920 Comparisons Twentieth Century; 1 30 Belajar- Three Grandmothers; 950 The lah Bahasa Kebanusaan; 1.35 Defenders; 10.40 International My Mother The Car. 200 Pale Hour— St
      724 words

  • Sport
    • 1292 12  -  Epsom Jeep This brilliant all-rounder has regained his form and should be safe in below-strength 'Hunter' By 1 BEST BETS: New Liberty. Pizarro 11. Balkan Challenger BEST FORK(AST: New Liberty and All Smiles in Kate 1. THE GOING k good. |>K \K of Perfection, a
      1,292 words
    • 1379 12 Race 1-2.0 Cl 3 Div 2 ($8,000) 6t 1 ***** Storylriler a (Chattls Hill; Bagby Jr 4 9.0 (Ft Nrlson 8 > ***** Arc Kn OH h iGiory) Sullivan 6 8.13 *Anf 11 J ***** Pleasant Girl a (Pleasant) Ahmad 4 8.10 Lee 10 4 512 -\>w Liberty
      1,379 words
    • 140 12 EPSOM JEEP CALL BOY POINTER Mm LIBERTY NSW LIBERTY MONA( Hl( A X..< i All Smilei All Smile* KUr>Mlrr Monachica Monachira G if alette PALING BAIK PALING BAIK RAYTONE Race 2 Pembroke Lad rhe Pracock Beau Maim The Pracock Civ Cm Th* Prarock PONDEROSA PAHLAH'AN PONDEROSA Sa«e 3 Mirthful
      140 words
    • 1780 13 TOTAL POOL $97,960 Ist *****5 $50,022 2nd *****6 $14,292 3rd *****9 S 7,146 Starters (SlOOO each) \»v 17U606 *****2 IMtU *****7 *****0 *****1 22JJ101 *****3 *****3. Consolation ($750 each) Nos. *****2 *****8 *****2 *****6 *****2 *****6 *****3 *****8 2U8368 *****1. rvtr* consolation I
      1,780 words
    • 63 13 LONDON. Sot. Mr. Vivien Bath, former chairman oj the Singapore Turf Club, had a ninner in England when Above Water won the Spring Stakes for two-year-olds at Kempion Park ysterday. Jimmy Lindley rode Aiio«e Water, a 6 to 4 chance, to victory In the 5f race,
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 96 13 LONLKJN. Sat. Hull City gained promotion from the Third Division of the English Football League I with thpir 2-1 win against Bristol Rovers laM night. Hull recorded their 29th victory In 43 league games. They now have 64 points, three more than M.llwall. the
      96 words
    • 27 13 PERTH. Sat. The Brtti'tl Lions crushed Westprn Australia 60-3 tndi'v In the op«hing Kamp of their ruabv uiwin tour of Australia and New Zealand
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    • 308 13 T ONDON. Sat.—High- light of today's soccer in Britain was Celtic's 1-0 win at Motherwell. This victory gave Celtic the Scottish championship. They finished two points ahead of old rivals. Rangers. At Plymouth. Southampton won 3-2 and now appear certain to join Manchester City in the First
      308 words
    • 249 13 T ONDON, Sat. Tea .scores i.i J today* cricket matches: At OXFORD: Oxford U. 160 (C. Ortfluh 4-35k West Indians ::-o. At LORD'S: Kent 121-4 (54 overs) v Middlesex. At HOVE: Sussex 216-4 iK. Cuttle 45, L. Lenham 84 1 v Northants MANCHESTER: Notts 111
      249 words
    • 217 14 IIANILA. Sat. MaiTl laysia and Thailand ttnished their qualifying round assignments in the Eighth Asian youth football tournament by battling to a 1-1 draw in an-out-of-town match at th<mountain resort city of Baguio. It wa.s an evrnly-maU-h--«el dm. ;is ixith teams scored
      217 words
    • 27 14 India beat Singapore 4-1 i Group 1 in the laM match tor. ;ht The roult ensures India of a place in the .semi-fuuls.— UPI. AP.
      AP; UPI  -  27 words
    • 1209 14  - Ho, Mizra take top honours as 19 ACS records fall ERNEST FRIDA By CINGAPORE. Sat. Ho Mum Chcong, Singapore's tup schoolboy quarter-miler, and pint-sizfd long-dis-tance runner Manazic Mizra. were the nutstanding preformers when 19 records fell at the Anglo-Chinese School athletic meet at Farrer Park today. Ho won the individual
      1,209 words
    • 263 14 Selangor's 4-0 win puts them in north zone lead DENANG. Sat. Selangor beat Penang 4-0 here tonight to lead the Malaya Cup football tournament north zone on goal average irom Kedah at the half-way stage. It was definitely Selangor's night as they cleverly outthought the hard-work-ing Penang delence who gallantly
      263 words
    • 126 14 I'UALA LUMPUR, Sat. IV Top seeds M.F. Vilvaratnam and Lionel Jayathilaka entered the quarterfinals of the TPCA open tennis championships at Princes Road here today. Vilvaratnam beat Senathirajan 6-2. 6-1. Lionel Jayathilaka beat Charles Gregory 6-3. retired. Men 1 singles Ist round: Cyril Gomez
      126 words
    • 159 14 S'pore to contest Chua Cup with Selangor I/UALA LUMPUR. Sat. Singapore beat Penang 3-2 yesterday to qualify to meet Selangor tomorrow in the final of the Chua Choon Leong Cup interstate tennis competition. After taking a winning 3-0 lead Singapore substituted reserves for their two remaining singles. Henry Pang and
      159 words
    • 65 14 Kuala Langat even score KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. Kuala Langat and Kuala Selaneor won a title each In the final of thr Scluiißnr Drainage mid Intention Department inter-, district same* which ended here tod.iy. Kuala Srlancor won the Khuo Soo Hock trophy for Btpak raga when they boat Ku.i .t Lansat
      65 words
    • 29 14 PENANG. Sat- Colours I br.r Whites 2-1 in a stale I hockey trial today. Titus Havelock and Koe Chong Jin scored for Colour, Derek David for white.
      29 words
    • 294 14 Make Asian Games your big aim, Wok urges SOSC SINGAPORE, Sat. The newly-elected presldent of the Singapore Olympic and Sports Council, Inche Othman Wok, the .Minister for Social Affairs, in a special interview with Timesport today before his departure for Europe said he would like to see Singapore ollieials and
      294 words
    • 209 14 I/UALA LUMPUR, Sat. K. Kendo ilo> and D. S. Brewer (M) with net! 69 led 16 qualifiers in the Guillemard Ctip competition at the RSGC course today. The other qualifiers air K. W. Thornton < 10 > "0. Loom; Bow clime iis i "l
      209 words
    • 48 14 Frees trounce Westlands 6-1 PENANG. Sat Free School mid Methodist Boys School scored the most impressive wins mi the under- 15 hockey tourney which begad here today. Free School trounced lands 6-1. Georce Town and St. Marks drew 1-1 MPS boa' Bt Mark., 3-0. We*t!..rds wo St. Xaviers
      48 words
    • 36 14 TELUK ANSON, Sat. Dew Recreation Club, the district hockey league champions, scored a double when they beat Day Training Centre 2-0 in the final of the Lower Perak hockey knockout competition here yesterday.
      36 words
    • 27 14 OXFORD- Sat Oxford University were 114 for mx a: lunch on the first day of their three-day match against the West Indian cricketers here today.
      27 words
    • 80 14 LAST WICKET STAND SAVES S'GOR POLICE Kr.u \i i MPUR a MUO 1 Yoiir 1 25 and N I i Police from dr thru- cricket match aii^nr C'lui) at tin Padang today. The m.i'ch m drawn. Ber 142-8 dec, iJininu 41- J. I.tmb 37. Tliurairaj 4-40) I;x 1 1 1
      80 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 321 12 A Hoover means more time for your family bb and home SHARIKAT LEVER BROTHERS (MALAYA) BERHAD HAS A VACANCY FOR SHARIKAT Assistant M l*l*l Accountant APPLICANTS, who should be Qualified Accountants, must be male Malaysian Citizens aged 25 to 30 Prepared to be based in Kuala Lumpur. FXPERIENCE: 2-3 years
      321 words
    • 868 12 Advertisement: Science Shrinks Piles New Way Without Surgery Stops Itch Relieves Pain London. (Special! For the All this, without the use of first time science has found narcotics, anesthetics or asta new healing substance with ringents of any kind. The the astonishing ability to secret is a new healing shrink
      868 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    32 13 1\ l.(»\IN(i Mr MdXV of mv drmr n n \mal»«e»l»n MbM Jtmn o l)«--ralraj df pirlrl K 144. In our heart* m»ii mil alwa>< «la» I- MM on «.5«6 KUng.
    32 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 434 13 CLASSIFIED ADS. SHOPPING GUIDE (SW) It »«<■ <« On l-lu M rfi .ilr. >lw[LL(P> MM lp'•n»» at T:» aautk '0 IHOOII Hr»c*l»U. >'..n(p. »'c 4ia- --o»room. 3M. t t- t* It—<. 8m»«por». PATMKNTa PON ADVMTIIB.MBNTS ■»»uld o« to tb« form o* MONET ORDER POCTAX ORDEJt or tt CABH v «ocioa«d
      434 words
    • 124 13 with maw LiiiiibV .^B aaap^^^ i^BßßßßaftaW^^^Bai BBBB^^ ■kV -^•^■HBBa^Bßti BB^^^ .am w L .*.~£2mWr M^aiß^Bßßßai bbbbbb^^^ 4% J -^arfBOBBBT^BBr'BBt-iWi"^^^ 1 ■_^^aaaaraßßßal bbbbbl^^^ -at >V •^^aVl&^aW^L^mJaW'^^^ ,^T j-^a^a^aWta^a^aA w9f^^ m -^#^rM m*^^^ K^bbbVbbbbbbbbbl tMn 4^' "•MBflBTl Mv^ E bVP^^^l a^Bßk. UNBEATABLE THROUGH DAII.Y JET FLIGHTS services between between SINGAPORE and SINGAPORE
      124 words
    • 111 13 SO YOU WANT TO BE TALLER ADMIRATION J«L c N ft I/ft of b« g'aceM but c-lv th# laM on*\ truly baauMul aid The petion taller p" t"e mao'ity of ca»«s hti g-e*ter success What a* the f«r« about GROWTH and HEIGHT INCREASE' What has done in this f.elrP Why
      111 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 73 13 SPORTS DIARY SOCCER MaUya Cup: Perak v Perils (Stadium Perak. 8 p.m.): Pahang v Ke'antan (Kuantan. 5); Johore v Malacca (Sri Oelam. 5.15); Spore v Negri (Jn Besar. 7 pn.j. CRICKET Spore »enlor tourney: SRC v Police I (padang): RAF Tengah v SCC (Tengah): RAP Seletar v SCRC Army v
      73 words

  • 56 14 NUNIS DARUNO left v.v at 6.55 pni 7th Mhv IM6. I--Bth May 4.00 p.m. Church Kani|xuis I: MADAM Tan Si tag K beloved wife of Koh Jl I 509 A Chua a ■ad. 1 00 p m 8-0-66. AT OUMBMHJ on Saturda> Booth. beloxei! end father ol I Presbyttii
    56 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
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    • 27 14 Lite CLASSIFIEDS 2* Worii US (Minimum) TFOH IOT Bi son o! I '„te Mi Leu Ai Kiok 2 Lou Knn Chi Kirn Clw May. 1906 at P.
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous

  • Magazine Section
    • 53 2 How To Cherish A Lovely Complexion A beautiful complexion retains its exquisite texture and youthful smoothness when it is cherished with basic beauty care. Here Is some advice to help you preserve a soft, dewy complexion and to gain greater loveliness than you ever thought possible. ■ha, V. H.,m<Jl. Btm»t,
      53 words
    • 86 2 Probably the most popular of all Inexpensive face-packs for a dry and delicate skin is the one made with an egg. All that is needed is to beat the egg well until it is flufly and looks like lightly whipped cream Then add a dessertspjon ol tropical
      86 words
    • 88 2 ri keep your skin clear and fair and to tone and condition your complexion to a new clarity and fine grained texture, saturate a cotton wool pad in lemon Oelph skin freshener and gently press to the face and neck. The beautifying properties of lemons in the Delph
      88 words
    • 72 2 r wards maturity, cherish your skin with special nourishment and moisture to smooth away wnnkle-dryness and keep facial lines at bay Each evening work a layer of rich Ulan vitalizing night cream into the face and neck massaging it with the fingertips in small, circular
      72 words
    • 596 2  - Tiny-tot teasers judith yong Who is the -little girls in grown-up clothes v mothers juntaL a PICTURES BY KOK AH CHONG AND HAN HAI FONG IT'S the age old problem of which came first, the chicken or the egg? Are little girls dressing like their mothers, or is Mummy dressing
      596 words
    • 265 2 OUR teacher Is in love with one of his pupils and he apparently believes every word she utters. She has told him that we are all lazy. As a result he has taken a dislike to us and Is always finding fault with our work. How can
      265 words
    • 1282 3  - Through cool green turnels RONALD RANSOM By who, with three other adults and 20 bey* from the RAF Sacandary School at Selctor, want on a memorable trip lo»t month to the isolated country round Tattk Bero Malaya's largest lake. FRIDAY. APRIL 1. rpWENTY boys from the I RAF. Secondary School
      1,282 words
    • 1503 4  -  LORD BEAVERBROOK by ON Thursday, Dec. 10, 1936 the British Throne was passing to another and the King was preparing for exile. It was then that Baldwin rose in the Commons to tell his version of the Crisis. It was a perfect
      1,503 words
    • Article, Illustration
      2886 5 BRITAIN'S PRIME MINISTER GAVE PARLIAMENT A 'PERFECT EXAMPLE OF UNSCRUPULOUS ADVOCACY' public, but who exercises a great effect on the course of events. This was certainly true of the Abdication Crisis The man behind the scenes was Geoffrey Dawson, editor of The Times. He was Baldwin's Intimate adviser
      2,886 words
    • 185 6 THE KNOW ALLS Change of sex DEAR Know Alls: I wish to go to Germany for a sex-change operation. Kindly give me the name and address of a hospital. I would also like to know the cost of such an operation K.T.S. It is best to consult a doctor. A
      185 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 133 2 y6n and^/lax Factor can make beautiful eyes together wonderful products that Max Factor has created especially to enhance your eyes and make YOU lovelier' .^^^Ba^Bmaa^BaW Today's eyes should be a^Tm an< J beautiful and PyA^ the y' re s0 eas y to BV^^^Ll BB^aW. create in four simple EYE SHADOW
      133 words
    • 184 2 Sore throat? I Dequadin Lozenges kill germs that cause the soreness. They give you comfort and relief from the pain of a sore throat. They also stop germs from breeding and spreading and causing more inflammation and soreness Dequadin Lozenges are a medically approved, anti-bactenal treatment for killing germs in
      184 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 232 3 BBBBBJBBBBBBJBBBB^^fc*^^J^jM*jM*jpßplpM*jijJ|f^^^^^^^^^^^i 1 1 A*£^pM^ ui^flßßf You'll get lasting satisfaction out of living with DIETHELM famous Group 300 furniture Yotfve chosen wisefy...because beneath that elegant appearance thereto true comfort, value and quality You, with your heads m the air because you Group 300 range is made to live with in 4—
      232 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 212 3 if ■QHfIHDHi INSTRUCTION BY GARY PLAYER W^W*W^ViHm?TRfTPFT-i-Tr7^J^J^T^k^^m*^^MAW+jo3 playing with scriptwriter iain reid I Mil A/ Am *J ViVi 1 MtT^V fMI a ZS. *F l^irVl photographed by norman potter .££^^^3^3 l^U^^^^&2lsflMsssH l^^^f^tAp^^B^^H DRAWINGS BY PAUL TREVILLION The wedge to the green \> 5 V K (JC-VAS9 wESfff SO" TO TW«
      212 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 187 4 Very Special Offer... two books for half the price of one one for Dad and one for Mum UMfM pktert CMk tofc with cMtnbutions ED frM chefs ill im the wtrM. 660 practical PICTURE recipes ptas precise instrirti»ns 11 kii ti v prepare, serve a*. Mjiy the ft* ■Kmh^b^-m K
      187 words
    • 131 4 I The loveliest girls I choose the soothing touch of I r"HAZE LINE' SNOW" I W >ffi No wonder thin famous ■w^yVl W^biMif' tfkj toilet cream is so popular WS mm* *Hm\ with lovely women. BL2UbK4jl!bk^^^B^Lt M Snow" protects against ■OTJBTM^BHtFMt^^^ M I LJmL^LS sun and wind. You'll ME I
      131 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 309 5 B^fit^Bl*^r^B^^ B^B^B^B^B^^BHB^B^B^bV^ 1 LV BHB^I «9af afl fek *^V I I'll JMUr "^T '^■■k. 1 II I r b9b9b9b9b9H bH^^ Lfl »—^B»^_^^^*' Jjx b^b^b^b^blb^P^^K^_^*W^^^^^r Vacationland! AUSTRALIA STHE SOUTH PACIFIC Just a mere 7i flying hours away by Qantas V-Jet South Pacific: world's most colourful playground! More and FREQUENT FLIGHTS: The
      309 words

  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 83 6 3fTt ■■3^ 1~l i 1 -%^C (7>. 25 Walk arched over (6). ing ("> 10 Grows pale (5). 21. 26. Unlnsphing'.y (61. 27. Hard look (6). 29. Belse (3). Arouses Into acUvlty (7). 29 24. Printer s measures (S), 3*. Conjunction (J>. 31 Weight Browns (6). 29 Tremulous (5). 32
      83 words
    • 1059 6 I Kt^v Fnr'AD RirF RrrannTrnH^* IF r shoulp not return -it "UrilT Hr l^^^^A^^^ s«,^l ~^t sljT_J JL^ _^jt_ —sTsMs^t—^^—^^JDia^L^aM^M^M -^^J -l^Jsfcsts^s^sH s^s^s^bkk. B^B^bLJM ■T^B^bW B^BMB^B^MB^bH "l t^ v '^^K. IbT L^bW XI |C*A OF .J ■-^-^-^k_ —^^KMWZ^i M^^^^W^M^^T!^^^^^HBpr^^^^^^^^^^^^^^pWp^ M^^^^^^W" «^B^B^B^B^B«B»^B«^BimWB^Bm^Bm«BS»Bm^»»^Bm^Bm^Bm^Bm^Bn^Bm^Ba««n««B«»iB»siPB»»^B«B»a^B»«i«»m» a^—^— n^——^—— lAM A FR|£MD OP THE PEOPLE I
      1,059 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
      252 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 369 8 I HATC TO ADMIT WILL BE Ji 1 THUNDER'S FACE WAS V^^-^^» f SKETCHED AAE ONCE /lT BUT JOE :WUNOOte HAPPY FOR j^^ JL^, 1 9O FAMILIAR! IT'S A V £>£' J WHEN I VI9ITED HIS Might thereisa' I I|IDUR HELP 7>v"~-^rf^PX pop art portrait I \&ot .^-W^l aj^ <5
      369 words