The Straits Times, 23 April 1966

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 25 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150,000 The Natiiiiiiii NKWS|iiI|IHP The Straits Times Estd. 1845 SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1966 if 15 CENTS M.C.(P) 1629 KDN 2034
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  • 553 1 320 Reds killed... 3,500 U.S. MARINES AND SOUTH VIETNAMESE TROOPS IN 10-HOUR ENGAGEMENT IN BATTLE-SCARRED CENTRAL LOWLANDS HOLT IN SAIGON: SEE PAGE 3 SAIGON, Friday UNITED States Marines and South Vietnamese Government troops today claimed they had routed a Vietcong regiment in a 10--hour engagement in South
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  • 325 1 LONDON, Friday. CINGAPORE Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, continued his round of discussions with British Ministers today and called on the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. James Calla?han. The meeting with Mr. Callaghan was being followed almost immediately with a call on the Defence
    UPI  -  325 words
  • 937 1 HE RESCUED 2 WOUNDED SOLDIERS UNDER FIRE FROM GUERU-T-Afi SINGAPORE, Friday AS ENEMY machine guns peppered an area in which two soldiers lay wounded, L/Cpl. Rambahadur Limbu left a trench in which he was comparatively safe and rescued his wounded comrades. The heroic story
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  • 106 1 Lorry man shot by back door thugs SbREMBAN. Fri. A lorry driver, Ng Say 1 am. 44, was >hut through the chest this morning. The bullet went through Mi chest and hit his 11-year-old daughter. ■V Moh Hee. en the shin. According to bis wife, Ng Yoke Sang, 31, mother
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  • 35 1 MANILA. Fri.-- -An earthquake rocked the Taal volcano Island today Chief Filipino volcanologlst Arturo Alcaraz. who heads a teart keeping a close watch on the volcano, said the situation remains critical."— UPl
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  • 144 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri— The Malaysian Government will issue a statement tomorrow on the announcement by Singapore's Acting Prime Minister. Dr. Toh Chin (hyp, that his Government would consult Malaysia before 'any Indonesian diplomatic mission was allowed in the Re public. Dr. loh told the Singapore
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  • 108 1 JACKIE: 'I JUST COULDN'T EVER' NEW YORK. Fri. Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy, widow of the late President Kennedy, decided some time ago that she would never remarry, according to Maud Shuw. the Kennedy family's governess and nursemaid, today. Miss Shaw's statement follows rumours, denied by Mrs. Kennedy, romantically linking her with
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  • 52 1 SYDNEY. Frt— Bouth African mining mUlionaire Harry Oppenheimer is leaving Sydney on Sunday for Malaysia after a three-week first vuit to Australia. He said that after his Malaysia visit he would go to the United States. He declined to discuss rurther his plans lor investment in
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  • 139 1 Students angry at Soek's speech JAKARTA, Fri. Student leaders reacted today against President Soekarno's Cabinet speech yesterday by preparing a resolution endorsing Lt. Gen. Suharto and pressing for more constitutional government. Informed political sources said the resolution would be presented at the National Front headquarters tomorrow by the militant^ antiCommunist
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  • 319 1 Negro boy wins highest award WASHINGTON, Fri. President Johnson's voice cracked with emotion yesterday as he conferred the Congressional Medal of Honour posthumously on an 18--year-old negro soldier killed in Vietnam. He presented the medal to the father ol Private First Class Milton L. Olive at a special White House
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  • 22 1 RFI> \IR CLAIM MOSCOW. Fri news agency Tass said today North Vietnamese plants shot down three I.S. aircraft. UPI.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 100 1 K\LL^\ PRICKLY HEAT GRAFTON LABORATORIES LTD. Flashing I W^fl Tuning Indicator PANASONIC/0 MODEL R-230 ever a compact portable sounded like a full-sized Tiodel. this is it. .."Panasonic 10" is remarkably sensitive with its advanced, precision circuitry which incorporates 10 transistors and 1 diode. This is the ultimate model of National
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    • 100 1 SINGAPORE. < 2JAPRI966 "I lik* my comfort, you know and that* V A 0 n M.t-.ubuh, torn r««lly ARC the 9000 V You Inn I CMjifMwt.bltlon.mlO 12 M and 1 UtAI I J 16 iix*> or o beaur ifond ton like th.s on*. "Dig the control pan*! ot th« front
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    • 324 2 INQUIRY TOLD OF CUTS FROM CONTRACTORS ACCRA, Frid.y i ■JHE former Ghanaian President. Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, is worth more than t45 million, most of which is in foreign banks, a Ghanaian businessman alleged yesterday at a public inquiry into the deposed President's properties.
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    • 111 2 WASHINGTON. Fri.— Pakistan would not divert its resources from economic development to military needs. the Finance Minister. Mr. Mohammad Shoaib, said here yesterday. He made the statement at a news conference following a meeting with U.S. Aid Administrator. Mr. David Bell, and World
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    • 72 2 STELLENBOSCH (Cape Province), Fri. This >t.«r's Hindrik Verwocrd award is to i;<> to llendrik Verw«»erd. This was announced hrr r yesterday by Hcnririk Verwoerd Trust Fund which was set up in l*'uo in give recognition to men and women who "have given exceptional service of national importance."
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    • 164 2 A PLED6E BY SUHARTO OH POLITICAL PRISONERS OF OLD REGIME JAKARTA, Fri— Lieut.Gen. Suharto, Army Chief of Staff and holder of executive power in Indonesia, has said the cases of political prisoners of the old regime v ould be investigated and settled immediately.- the official Antara news agency agitation for
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    • 70 2 SOEK: BURY ME UNDER A TREE lAKARTA. Fri. President Soekarno says he wants to be burled under a 'tree when he dies. He recalled In his speech at the first plenary session of his new Cabinet yesterday thai he had told American writer Cindy Adams: "When I die, bury me
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    • 41 2 TOKYO. Pri. President Tito of Yugoslavia has accepted an invitation to visit Japan, tlie Asahi Shimbun reported today. The paper- quoting Foreign Ministry circles, said the data of the visit was being worked out through diplomatic channels.
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    • 315 2 PEOPLE SEEK RETURN TO DEMOCRACY, SAYS HATTA Opposition to Sock's regime, not to his person THE HAGUE, Fri. I THE Indonesian people demand a restoration of democratic rights as proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence of 1945. according to former Indonesian Vice-President. Dr. Mohammed Hatta. i In a television Interview
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    • 309 2 19-0 vote on call to Britain to use force ITNITED NATIONS, Fri. The U.N. General Assembly's Special Committee on Colonialism, overriding British objections, called on Britain 1 tst night to take all effective measures, including the use of force. »o put down the Rhodesian rebellion. The 24-nation committee adopted an
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 34 2 TME (SAMeOLS -^^»«yj^g4^ /WELL. WHAT CO TUE f THAT I'M NOT TO X I CON VALE ftCENcL/ T^ L OOCTOff ftAV r-^ (OO BACK TD WORK AT ijoKeV s"^5 7W4TC _Vni *Ji*&AUm Qjt&4&- 4
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    • 168 3 in Vietnam WALPOLL, (Massachu- setts), Fri. The Inited States Defence Department yesterday turned down a suggestion by inmates of the Massachusetts State Prison that they be paroled to serve in Vietnam. In re>«ponse to a question, the department said paroled prisoners wore
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    • 287 3 PREMIER FLIES IN TO ROAR OF COMBAT PLANES SAIGON, Friday THE Australian Prime Minister, Mr. Harold HoJt, the first allied Government chief to visit embattled Vietnam, arrived in Saigon today amidst the thunder of ceremonial cannon and roar of planes flying to combat. Mr.
      UPI  -  287 words
    • 116 3 Medusa look goes to head for spring fashion in Paris npHINK hard, now. What X do the curls on this ull-metal wig remind you of? Broken bedsprings, perhaps? Or that lady named Medusa who, back in ancient Greece, had snakes here most other girls had hair-do's" Actually, these curls are
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    • 126 3 BANGKOK, Fn.— King Bhumibol Adulyadej on Wednesday night completed an adventurous 16-hour solitary crossing of the Gulf of Thailand in a 13ft. dinghy be built himself. His successful trip touched off a five-hour Hawaiianstyle celeoration, during which his 15 year old daughter
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    • 51 3 new York. m. Warm Miller, author ;ind literary editor of the 'Thr Nation' uniil recently, clutl of lunn cnuer a: his home here on Wednesday, aged 44. Mr. Miller, a versatile writer. published six novels and a book about Cuba "90 Miles Prom Here."
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    • 64 3 MILWAUKEE iWii»cons.n), Frt —Two boys, found yesterday after being locked in a sealed railway carriage for two weeks, had kept themselves alive by draining hundreds of empty beer bottles left in the carriage, railway officials said. The boys, aged 12 and 13. were taken to
      Reuter  -  64 words
    • 87 3 WASHINGTON. Fri— A former cleric with the Federal Bureau of. Investigation is suing the head of the organisation. Mr. J Edgar Hoover, for prying into his private life. The clerk. Thomas Carter. 25. was dismissed from his job in the fingerprint department after he was
      Reuter  -  87 words
    • 148 3 LONDON, Fri. Britain's fugitive offenders laws jire to be amended to give the Government in returning political offenders to other Commonwealth countries, it was announced yesterday. The Government made the announcement in its programme presented to Parliament by Queen Elizabeth. Under a law passed
      Reuter  -  148 words
    • 130 3 F^EW YORK. Fri. A punter, who got to the race track here yesterday too late to bet on the daily double, followed a hunch based on the licence number of the car which held him up in traffic and won more than
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    • 314 3 The moral courage of a father-by coroner MONMOUTH (England), Fri. A coroner said yesterday that a father was "morally perfectly correct" in taking the life of his incurably ill 12-year-old son. Arthur Gray. 45. killed the boy in July last year with an overdose of tablets and Kas. Gray took
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    • 163 3 WASHINGTON, Friday. PRESIDENT Johnson yesterday headed off for 1 at least 60 days a strike by the International Association of Machinists against five major U.S. airlines. He did so by signing an executive order setting up an emergency board to look (nto the dispute
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 59 3 I ffiJ2\ finest chocolates I j I n their price range anywhere.... l\ i ace /K. P er y I chocolate l V "MUSICAL NOTE" 240 lubes (4 for 10*)^/ NEAPOLITANS J c per packet of 20 tubes S MANUFACTURED BY SHENG HUO ENTERPRISE LTD. VAN HOUTEN (MALAYSIA) LTD. HAZEMEYER
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    • 245 3 At the very heart of this beautiful city. The Manohra Hotel enjoys not only a key position, but combines many features that will ensure the success of your stay no matter whether it be for business or pleasure. We can claim to be the most modern luxury hotel in the
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  • 86 4 Yong to open Home to the public SINOAPORE. Frl— The Minister for Health, Mr, Yong Nyuk Lin, will declare the Trafalgar Home, in Jalan Woodbrlige, open to the public for the first »lme at 10 a.m. on Sunday. Visitors to the Home will be provided with free bus service »o
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  • 216 4 - SINGAPORE, Fri. The luxury liner, the Angelina Lauro, sailed into Singapore this morning with 1.337 passengers. This Italian liner, owned by the Flotta Lauro Line is on her maiden voyage. During her less than 24 hours in port. 52 passengers disembarked, while the
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  • 162 4 $368,000 marked for rural amenities SINGAPORE. Fri. The Urban and Rural Services Committee has approved a sum nl $368,165 for the provision of added facilities for 24 suburban and rural constituencies. This .as announced today by Mr. Ho Cheng Choon, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of National Development. He said
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  • 141 4 SINGAPORE, Frl— The President, Inche Yusof bin Ishak, today described the young nation of Singapore as one of "forward-looking creative people, always on the go" striving to make Singapore a better and more progressive place. Speaking at the opening of the Singapore Art
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  • 445 4 SINGAPORE. Frl. DOUBTS on the jurisdiction of the criminal district court to try cases other than those punishable with death or life imprisonment have been dissolved by the Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Bill, which was passed in Parliament yesterday. The acting Minister
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  • 328 4 SINOAPORE. Frl.— A married woman may now be made bankrupt under the Bankruptcy (Amendment) Bill, which Parliament passed yesterday. Under the original law. a married woman could be made bankrupt only. If it was shown that she had separate, property. In the states of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 376 4 Mr- mm^^^ The RESTAURANT Au with a VIEW jACKfc Excitingly different in «very respect. GRANGE ROAD, SINGAPORE 9.) ~m^ The Hotel Singapura Intercontinental thank all its patrons for the valued business and support during this initial period of reorganisation. We are pleased to announce that the PEBBLE BAR AND RAYA
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    • 53 4 Repel Mosquitoes with M YLOL INSECT REPELLENT MADE BY BRITAINS LARGEST CHEMISTS. AMlaMa trom at Chomists 4 Storos :;r;v pz;sai;c ;:a\ iXT. 2 A.M .~^m». ill 419*: tsssssssssn VO COVER /fj HARGE MM |y bands |B fßtl GIFTS rOR STAR T"T V MISS MARY LIM 1^ W M.Kt THE I
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    • 618 4 I 24th GREATEST DAY! Daily 3 Shews: 12.45 4.30 4 IIS TOMORROW Extra Show 9 o.m Admission $1.53, S2 bO $4.00 Caih Booking* Only— No Fre« Liit SUPtH CiNERAMA GEORGE STEVLNS' THE GREATEST SIORY EVER 1OLD Technicolor (United Artist*' Se Special Students Concession: T $1 50 To Any Seot a
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  • 146 5 USNO and UPKO 'on the best of terms now... Xl \l A I.IMPI'R. Fri.— The United Sabah National Organisation d'SNO) and the United Pisnkmomogun Kadazan Oi-canNation (UPKO) are "on the best of terms now." leaders of the parUrn said in a joint .statement today. It < amp from the president
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  • 126 5 PENANO. Fri— Two Pen-, ang students have been awarded Ong Keng Seng memorial scholarships for i higher studies Koh Chong Kliim. 20. of the Chung Ling and Penang Free School who passed the Higher School Certificate with four distinctions last year won a scholarship
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  • 49 5 PENANG. Fn. The Aus'ra!:.tti Prime Minister. Mr. Harold Holt, will visit the RAAF base «t Buttwworth next week. Mr. Holt, who 15 .scheduled to 1 ■.rive at. Butterworth next Thurs- stay overnight at the Iha guest of the Officer Commanding. Air Commodor* W E Townsend.
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  • 664 5 BILL INTRODUCED ON A CERTIFICATE OF URGENCY BOARD HAS POWERS TO IMPOSE FEES OR CESSES SINGAPORE, Friday BILL to control and improve the timber export industry was introduced in Parliament yesterday on a certificate of urgency, and taken through all stages and
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  • 95 5 .INGAPORE. Frl. We>t Indian radio and TV inger. Senior Aircraftman •Ceith Locko. Was arrested >y Royal Air Force policenen at a house in Katong oday 13 days after he reported missing. The arrest followed a tlp)ff that the calypso singer, known to his fans
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  • 66 5 KANOAR. Pri. Forty member.-, of the Seri M:iwar Youth Club wll perform a Muharam good deed tomorrow. Led by their chairman. Inche Din Suleiman, the youths wii! take part in self-heip project to build a house for Che Merlam blnte Mat S.iimn. an
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  • 53 5 KOALA LIPIB. Pri. Inche Mohamed Khairuddln bin Mohamed Kawi. a Btate councillor here. h«s been elected president of Vajlls Angkatan Senlbudaya, Kmla Llpis. Others elected are Inche 8u!a1--nwn bin Ismail. vice-nresirient: Fnche Mohamed Daud ii'n Jirrv. wrTMtr? Inche H<*shim bin Z;ibidi. atijstnn* secretary: Puan Raima n binte
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  • 28 5 TE IK ANSON. Frt About V<o dr!es^te» from 14 branch«s *n the country will attend a fouriua! conx'ention of the 4 Malay Student* Union oars tomorrow.
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  • 259 5  - 'Girl in cowboy shirt' may help Ibrahim climb higher, higher ARTHUR RICHARDS From London, Friday TOR 18 hours Vivien Wee of Sarawak sat patiently on a bench in Malaysia Hall as Ibrahim Hussein, the well-known Malaysian artist, painted her portrait. It will be the principal painting among the 10 he
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  • 240 5 SINGAPORE, Fri. Actions for personal injuries arising, for example, from road accidents, must be brought within three years of the accident, according to the Limitation (Amendment) Bill Dassed in Parliament yesterday. Moving the second reading of the Bill, 'he acting Minister for Law. Mr.
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  • 43 5 SINGAPORE. Fri.— A total Of 21,000 Malaysian citizens in Singapore rwrLstered themselves at the Malaysian High Commission Regis' rat'.ori beaan in December last year and is stilt' going on. said a High Commission spokesman. liiche Ismail bin Ahmad today.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 105 5 j THE TOP TALENT" '66'sffoW^TO nlgHt] P&V 7.JU p.m. I^^^H B|^PK3&m tickets available at t^^T *fl the entr3nc HJHmBkS talents Noomi I The Boys, Th« Checkmate*, The Silver Strings, j Cyclone,, Shirley Noir, Mike ft Herb, Henry Sunyo, Lucky Jim, Ray Johnson t The Diamond Four, Downbeats Ltd. (Liverpool), The
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    • 401 5 "WHERE SHOULD I STUDY ACCOUNTANCY?" I "The answer is simple for those who compare* says Robert W Robertson. B.Com. (Melb). F.A.S A. Kt.l.S. "Now is the time for car*»hil thoneht on the p*rt of any career-minded person For accountancy students the choice of training method la particularly Important If you
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 35 5 Bugs Bunny By Ralph Heimdahl BF .i 1 1 j yi 1 1 I/cmonTdroptu^ t" CON, PETUNIA! T -g-l WFi6ur -.1 OONTT KEEP US /C^ak^Xi Ht' W k &O7IH IN j fr^Vd^f\L yf\ Vl J
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  • 475 6 Non-alignment is S'pore's trade policy, says Lim SINGAPORE. Fri. «JHK Minister for Finance. Mi. Lim Kirn S:ui. tockiy reiterated Singapore's non-alignment policy on the question of international trade. Speaking at the inI augural session of 1 trade talks with the visiting flve-man Bulgarian trade delegation and Singapore at the Economic
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  • 112 6 SINGAPORE. Fri— ANZAC Day will be observed in Singapore on Monday by the traditional dawn commemorative service at the Kranjl Commonwealth War Cemetery. A fly-past of aircraft of the RAP will take place Wreaths will be laid by the Australian and New 2ealand
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  • 37 6 SINGAPORE. Pm The of State for Education. Inche Rahim bin Ishi k. will declare open the Red Cros. Holiday and TrainI ing Camp at Tanah Merah Besar I Cnangl. at wcjon on May a.
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  • 391 6 SINGAPORE. Fri INDUSTRIALISE or cease to survive! Double efforts to boost productivity! These ilogans will be the theme of the mammoth May Day rally, organised by the National Trades Union Congress at the National Theatre on May Top labour leaders will
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  • 179 6 JENNY IS BACK FROM APPLE QUEEN FESTIVAL SINGAPORE I rl. Mln ,l«Miny Woe (ahove), Singapore's representative i<> the Apple (jueeii Festival in Western Australia, flew home by I. >t night. She said: It is still hard lo believe I am homr. It «.is a thoroughly rnjoyable anil r~w.irdlng trip.
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  • 131 6 SINGAPORE. Fii— The visiting five-man trade and selling mission from the Canadian province of Ontario today called on top officials of the Finance Ministry and the Economic Development Board. They had discussions with EDB chairman. Mr. Hon Sui Sen. and the director of trade
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  • 251 6 SINGAPORE. Fri People who stand bail for accused persons should know their duties and responsibilities and the consequences of falling in their duties, a district judge, declared today. Mr. Donald Yeo Hock Chwee. second criminal iiistnct judge. made this remark when he passed
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 142 6 t'AlslsMLNNt General Meters Trwe (Ufir nrxn n |]|M][][W "T^li SINGAPORE MOTORS LTa^ mJ— 315-319, Orchord Rood Singopore. Tel: ***** (5 lined a**** CAPITAL MOTORS (M) LTD. SHARIKAT HENG GUAN BERHAOT 335. JALAN IPOH KUALA LUMPUR. 1 71> BURMAH ROAD. PENANG. TEL: *****. TEL: *****. j^^i m w^k t j!j wmommam
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 54 6 Allot, O*p Bg jr r jr«w.,n* JWr* Trmrff Bj9 C9m*t*r GomlH ISBSSi iljssgg£gl j^sajsg^ag.! \^^sg^^^ [hC: HALFWAY BETWEEN EAfTru EMFffGE^CV WTU JNSTNg7VE9<IU. J JANO MOON. A CHILD IS BOPS. "^3^ .->>. ~v./^ > <^* H-L CRASH THE SHIP' J Lrt \hnor Bn Ai Capp KU^^-JOW^. I V ™»*Z MUCH V
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  • 336 7 Singapore's new I-card exercise starts on May 5 SINGAPORE, Fri National registration for new laminated plastic identity cards by a 500-man force will begin on May 3. Announcing the date in Parliament yesterday, the Labour Minister. Mr. Jek Yeun Thong said: "Consideration has been taken of the multi-racial, and multi-lingual
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  • 42 7 POBI SWETTENHAM. Fri The Kunla t.umfiur and the Anstnm will call lure on Sunday •d emtwrk piienm.s for Mecca. They v ill iw-rth at No. 9 wharf. Only relatives and friends with .11 be allowed on board.
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  • 166 7 A new batch of Japanese Peace Corps men due on Monday KUALA LUMPUR. Fri FMGHT Japanese Peace Corps volunteers the J second batch to be sent to Malaysia will arrive here by air on Monday. Iht y Will be here for two vear.s to ftttlti Mala rum' development program:: The
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  • 187 7 Top secret talks with Tun Razak NINGKAN, JUGAH, ENDAWIE FLY IN FOR 'URGENT...' KUALA LUMPUR, Friday Q ARAWAK'S Chief Minister, Dato Stephen Xc long Ningkan, arrived here today for "urgen and important" discussions with the actim Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak. He was accompanied by Tan Sri Temenggon Jußah Federal
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  • 130 7 EXTERNAL MINISTRY WOMAN TO VISIT SABAH lESSELTON. Fri. The Assistant Secretary (Political Division) in the Ministry of External Affairs in Kuala Lumpur. Che Norminshah binte Sabirin, will arrive here next week for talks with State officials and leaders of various political parties in Sabah. On her arrival on April 29.
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  • 188 7 l/UALA LUMPUR. Fri. The Chief Minister of Madras. Mr. M. i Bh a k tavatsalam. is "very much struck'by the sense of amity and oneness among the people of Malaysia. "Tn spite of the people speaking different languages there is a
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  • 105 7 PENANG. Fr. Three niem--4 die Ji leong Hor society and another from the Eight InitnortiiS «an? h.ut been detained by Penang police under the Prevention of Crime Ordi- They are be! eyed to be con- nec.ed "i'-h thP recem >pair of i
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  • 181 7 SINGAPORE. Fri.— The Alllance Party Singapura today ureed the Malaysian Government to suspend the implementation of the proposed imminraMoii control measuret at the Causeway. Thk i.- because ul the assurance uiven bv 8 pore'.s actlm Prime M tor. Dr Ton Chin Chve. in Parliament
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  • 122 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. The chairman of the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce. Tan Sri T. H. Tan, will lead a threeman Malaysian delegation to a five-day meeting of the Asian Chambers of Commerce in Taipeh beginning on May 2. The other members of the
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  • 222 7 Malaysia scores a first at world orchid show in California SINGAPORE. Fri The Malaysian Orchid Society shared the first prize (a silver salver) with the Hawaiian Orchid Society in "the best orchid society mas> display" class against all-comers at the fifth world orchid show, which opened at Long Beach. alifornia
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  • 29 7 K ANSON. Pn K n fcrtshnan. 32. a utppn ed far nine month! here ■■< <« for .stealir.a 18 mi.- >li.>n m Kinc Btreet. He liad flw previous convictions
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 393 7 IRonsonl A i' L jfl Ronson Electric Toothbrush I "Pqtyiiltt i I HP p^ 1 07 ml I dlldll l_^ Give him, give her, give all the family something special give Ronson. The Ronson range of >*!tvt appliances is designed to make life easier, yC^^r^^' N^s^s. happier for all the
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  • Article, Illustration
    2242 8  -  Theodore C. Sorensen SI Air strike or blockade? The question: How much t( warn, how far to push Khrushchev 75 cts. WITH the proof of aerial pictures showing Russian-built missile bases in Cuba, Kennedy called together what later came to be known as the 'National Emergency Council' a gathering
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 169 8 YOUR WORLD IN MAY wL^Vr 1 1 1 1 itjjQ tm!§ijL I Bin iktei J^bm m aa^^Mal H -P$ **y JM li Mill la^aßV^^aW JKt afl bbV^^^^^^H i I rm THIS MONTH'S TALKING POINT: lYlixocl marriages tiFaiey ivork?' P| g g THE BARE TRUTH; BLACK AND WHITE; WILD, WAY 0UT.
      169 words
    • 36 8 dreamy! ice creamy! Seven-Up 'Float:' fl Put on« scoop of lc« Lj fcrf cream or sherbet in a J ■BbTI tail glass. Fill with /V sparkling, chilled 7-Upl W I IWtT aW^^^ I aa^A '.aT J
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  • 315 9 i>K\ i ii. The Minister of C'ommrrce and Industry, l>r Lim Swee Aun. said today that the country must develop its local industries. In protect thrsr local industries, he said, the (•(■vernment has to implement tarilT meaMirrs which may bring hardship to
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  • 366 9 Ramani: It will be of value to have Indonesia in the UN JJUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Malaysia's permanent representative to the United Nations, Mr. R. Ramani, said here today that it would be of value to have Indonesia in the Jnited Nations. Mr. Ramani who returned to Malaysia two months pro
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  • 372 9 Bajau Rubber appeal likely in London or The Hague SINGAPORE, Fri ITNLEBB agreement is reached on payment of "adequate compensation" by the Singapore Government to the British-owned Bajau Rubber and Produce Estate Ltd. for 1.024 acres of land in Jurong an appeal will be made. •'In any case, we »hall
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  • 93 9 CINGAPORE. Fn.— Military police are searching for a commando of the Royal Marines, who escaped from custody at the naval air station In Sembawang on April 18 A royal marine.- spokesman sa:d details of the man. David, 24. had been sent tc
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  • 60 9 JESSELTON. PTL The i Sabah Government "ill spend $348,800 this year on 90 inboard and 290 outboard engines for fishermen m jl bid to .mprove ttt'a fishing industry. -iitiona; 53 1200 will be spent on tijliina equipment. The Finance Ir.che ■anil mn Mohamed Salieh will *epk
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  • 33 9 KLUANO 1 s Fon*. 26 of Jalan Yap Tau San here ni fined 5250 by the magistrates murt today for allowing hi» hou*e :o be >i-ed a* a gambling place
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  • 112 9 Crackdown on lorries in Capital: 21 booked VVALM I.IMPIR. Fri. Twenty one lorry <lri\rrs were today taught in a combined operation by the Traffic Police and Ibe Road Transport Department against public service vehicle* contravening; trat lie regulations, They included live for not renewing haulaee permits, four for overloading and
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  • 173 9 Our aim to help youth, says Razak I/O ALA LUMPUR. Fri. The Acting Prime Minister. Tun Abdul Razak. said today the Government aims to provide the nations youths with all the facilities they need to help them become self-reliant and productive members of the community Tun Razak. who wa.* presenting
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  • 163 9 Aircraft gift from Canada to arrive soon l/I'ALA LUMPUR. Kri. Four Caribou aircraft, promised to Malaysia as military assistance by the Canadian Government, will leave Canada on Monday. The y wi:i be ferried through Iceland. Britain. Italy. Greecr. Lebanon, ir.ii). India and Thailand to Malaysia In 13 days by Royal
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  • 159 9 Student pilot acquitted of crash charges 4 LOR STAR. Fri A student pili f the RMAF flying training school Pilot Officer. Robert Lam Mam Hoong. whost pi me crashed during a training exercise at Kuala Nerang on Jan. 6. was acquitted by i peneral court martial of three charges arising
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 207 9 Straits Times Crossword i ACBOM Bible <s>. 4 Small at Ml 9 7. Where 24 li~*rid not people at vice? ••)>. IT). 9 Finish supplies batnnan 14 Richard mi?rit be on her tail turi.ed too soon (3. ft). < 4-5 > 10. Theres too much French and 15. A
      207 words

  • 29 10 Wt4» tU fWimimiM) THE FAMILY OF 'he M*. Mr* We* Bn I'lmiii (hark ali fti»nd« and re. M thrir 'ondri*nie# wreath* kind kaatataaa* and attendaar« funera or M
    29 words
  • 390 10 Har4m Sit ittimnmum) COCKPIT HOTEL'S RIJSTTAFEL' la aerved Saturda\ and yunda) l.nnra. Rea<-rvallona 3 WICS A WICLETS Br-tacMsa "f 1^ •oarl'-« or oialthed pfrl^'f.\ »n ?our aalaat Flair Haioi •>, a langlia Rd lei ,F porei n> ***** TRAVELLING UPSET you' Take Mar.-:ne. f« ir rarelrre lourney n.» e<Tr>
    390 words
  • 213 10 It M»rrf. $.1 iMiniwutm, WHAT IS THIS Kell(inn~ 9m Ml h«r>kiei write to \i3. Jalaa Beiha a. I Ma. Kuala Lumpur. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES field a: ft JO a.m no Kundaya at 12. Jalaa I>w.:<i«oa. K L All art nr'najly invited. BIBLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH i.ion Kerangoon Garden »li
    213 words
  • The Straits Times
    • 646 10 I disputed. Dr. Malik himvlf underlined it. There is less lively appreciation that simply by suggesting recognition. Dr Malik has already revitalised confrontation. Whether the new Indonesian Government is as ready to riiMiiss genuine agreement with Malaysia as it is to in- tensity confrontation (it has
      646 words
    • 372 10 Victoria Cross** have b^rn won in many ways m many places, but never more courageously than on a Borneo hilltop in November last year. Lance Corporal Rambahadur could without in any way compromising his gallantry have sought other ways to help his two wounded comrades he had a
      372 words
    • 201 10 The States of Malaya last year earned $16 million from tourism, against $14 million the previous year. But this picture is not bright as it should be because the number of visitors last year was smaller than in 1954—17.193 j against 21,250 in spite of a world travel
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  • 415 10  - Art in a healthy and lively transition FRANK SULLIVAN by THE Singapore Art A Societys 17th annual exhibition of works by local artists, opened by the President of the Republic. Inche Yusof bin Ishak. at the Victoria Memorial Hall yester day, demonstrates that painting in the islandstable is in a
    415 words
  • 1291 10  -  Alistair Cooke WITH A THOUGHT OF OLD MEN AND NEW AGGRESSION by WASHINGTON. Fri WE mutt keep firmly in our minds that there it nothing eternal about the policies and attitudes of Communist China. We must avoid assuming the existence of an unending and inevitable
    1,291 words
  • 490 10  - Learning Malay— 22o YUNUS MARIS By M.A. University of Malaya AFFIXATION 0/ "SA-" and "8E" rcontd.t The lOllowmg two categories of "SE" (spelt "SA-") are where the element 4i BE" Is not replaceable by any word (or free from*, although in the first one below, (only as an alternate expression
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 424 10 Straits TaMM Malay Ha.l O»»a1f1i< »«.a.l>aaaiaiiN aaar k« kmmiui tm COtD JTO«A« MH» MA«KtT Orea«>« *—4 l« wW twa* COLD ITO«A4M BKAMCHM At Niliwl ba< Ka*«aa N«itl Baa*. Aa44>vta>a4 Aa*aai CITY BOOK 1TO«M LT», Wiatliimr Hmm. CaaVar «arf. THI H€WS fMOMT rrtat^tttf+Cfc f MP^aJ^Hßtla^aaTaW M. M. ISMAIL 1 xM'iilli Baatf.
      424 words
    • 18 10 i ooc ;-q\ I .AW^ Dacw and cotton PEKING •0 I 61. iri4a« Re« 4, Swmhh Tel: *****
      18 words
    • 170 10 CAMERA-SIZE CASSETTE *M jk fIERA a i^HHR Thu Si«ra recorder it really portable Its as mi.l as a camara It functions on ordinary low-coat bananas You gat it with a strong shoulder strap and a pencil-ahapad microphone with remote control, ready for recording m a split-aecond This Siera recorder is
      170 words

  • 790 11 HIGH COURT JAILS TEACHER IX CAR LOVE-AND-STRANGLE CASE FOR 18 MONTHS Reporter T. F. HWANG gINGAPORE, Fn. Toh Kwee Cboo, also known as Toh Lian Kwee 28. a former Chinese school teacher, was today jailed lor 18 months by the High Court
    790 words
  • 173 11 TAIPIXG. tr. m. pm. sident of the United Democratic Party. Dr. Llm Chong Eu. today charged the Alliance Government with tailing to better the economic condition* of the Malay masses :n spite of Ita "special rights to Malays" policy Hr claimed that all
    173 words
  • 355 11 MAYC GETS $50,000 ANNUALLY FROM GOVT 'By far the biggest grant among youth bodies. KUALA LUMPUR. Friday. 'pHE Government is giving an annual grant of $50,000 to the Malaysian Association of Youth Clubs —by far the biggest grant among youth organisations to help finance its projects, the Assistant Minister of
    355 words
  • 64 11 IPOH. Pri. Madam Ooh Seok Wan. 64. widow of the i former Peralc tennis star, the lat« Mr. Lam Say Kee- died in her home here, this morning after a short illness. She leaves a son and a i daughter. The funeral will take place on
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  • 28 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Pri. The secretary general of the Australian Red Cross Society, Mr. L. C. Stubbings. will visit Kuala Lumpur from Tuesday to May 1.
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  • 180 11 'Mr. Brains' prepares for role as adviser to Govt KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. M% Mr. Clement Hon Yew Meng former Principal Assistant Secretary to the Ministry of Health, who will become the chief organisation and methods adviser to the Government in November, is now in Britain studying electronic computers and automatic
    180 words
  • 157 11 TOKYO. Fri. Two 1 Japanese firms are to ask the Japanese Government to approve a plan to build a steel wire manufacturing plant in Singapore jointly with a local concern, Mitsui and Company, a leading trading firm said here today. The Singapore Government
    Reuter  -  157 words
  • 216 11 SINGAPORE. Fn. One ol japan t industrial giants. Tujin Ltd.. has become a, partner of the Jurongbased Malaysia Texti'e Industries Ltd.. tr c biggest textile manufacturer in Singpore and Malaysia. The partnership was announced today by Mr. Shi i-zo-Ohya. president of T«i Jin. at
    216 words
  • 21 11 kangar Pri rnche v.izid Ja'afar. PMIP Odd ofl visit Perils nrxr wprlc to help reorganise party branches here.
    21 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 117 11 NG HEONG YUEN OLD MAN TRADE MARK .m...».. 1 -m,mmu MENGLEMBU /^^kiißß^r. GROUNDNUTS «*A I U "ZJm&USf* Vk> THE J kafi and llb packages are >eal- M "il"'" *«#V A*3 t\ k v» V- W <d by TWO PROTECTION UNES 1 i^V?~£^^* 1 red Ch' n (*°P) an^ English (bottom)
      117 words
    • 103 11 You may be travelling near or far, on business or pleasure, cheaply or expensively, by air or by sea whichever it may be we have the knowhow to plan and carry out your travel requirements. Naturally we will assist with such matters as passports visas and delivery of tickets. If
      103 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 909 11 TV MALAYSIA CHANNEL S Kuala Lumpur Songs: 6 News In Tamil; 6.10 and Prnanc; 6 Ipoh and Cartoon Package: 6.26 Quest Malacca; 3 Johore Bahni; 4 Shot— "Clint Walker" and Talplng; 7 Batu Pahat; •'Terry Moore": 7 News in Klaaor. English: 7.11 Focus: 7.33 Jack Benny Show— "Jack goes back
      909 words

  • 435 12 (12-STOREY) HOTEL J-JOTKL Ambassador, Malaysia's newest and most modern hotel, will be officially opened in Penang today by the Malaysian Minister of Commerce and Industry, Dr. Lim Swee Aun. Th- twelve-storey Hotel Ambassador in PenariK Road with its eighty modern, ultracomfortable rooms and suites and its many luxurious
    435 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • 113 12 Congratulations to HOTEL AMBASSADOR Penang Road. Penang. on the occasion of their official opening We arc proud to have been associated with the supply of furniture to: 1 he Ground Floor, Chopstick Restaurant, Steak Room j V. I. P. Suite of the Hotel Jlee r*rt C/untlshlng Penang Heartiest Congratulations To
      113 words

    • 84 13 TENANTS in the low 1 cost Nats in Kalian^ Estate havr taken <.o poultry lanateg in thrir Bate. They arc rearing thickens and dinks in boxes hidden under flower pots Very enterprising perhaps but a health hazard and with tlic dirt and (lies that come with
      84 words
    • 64 13 IS thrrc any explanation the Postal authorities can give lor the complete disappearance or late arrival of a number of my letters posted recently at Pontlan, Johore. to a friend in Jltra. Kedah. Ten day.s is tlm<; enough for a letter even to travel north. Must 1 assume th«y are
      64 words
    • 732 13 Police: Two patrol ears went out THAT 999 CALL AT DAWN I REFER to a letter 1 by "First Timer" (S.T. April 20) headed '•The 999 Call That Brought No Aid" In v, h i c h the writer alleged that the police took no action following a "999" call
      732 words
    • 199 13 yHE annual Grand Prix Meeting on the Thomson Road circuit is over once more, and what a wonderful weekend of motor sport il was for competitors and spectators. This was my second meeting here as a competitor, and in my own experience. Singapore's three day
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    • 195 13 IT is most disheartening to note that the Education Ministry does not practise what it preaches. On the one hand teachers are encouraged to better their academic qualifications, to undergo specialist training or aspire to be graduates. But on the other hand, no incentives are
      195 words
    • 131 13 INCHE Khlr Johart says many thousands of primary school children ire missing from the Lower Secondary Schools specially built for them In the state of Kelantan. Inche Khir should bear In mind that building schools by itself Is not enough. He should build hastels as well. He should realise that
      131 words
    • 116 13 jy \l KAI. years ago I wrote to you about Americans who wished to send their used magazine*, on a regular basis, free to persons in your t-oun try to t-reatr friendships and understanding between our rountries Hundred responded tn are now encaged In i
      116 words
    • 170 13 TURNOVER TAX IN FAMILY BUDGETS DLEASE print mis as a protest from a housewife who has no other means of making herself heard. As working cu.zerus we pay UOKM from the moment we iece:ve our salaries (no e&cape) right through our daily expenditure which mean3 including the turnover tax kindly
      170 words
    • 37 13 MAY I appeal to the auiT1 thoritles and to our two elected representatives In the Parliament and the State Assembly, to do something about extending electricity supply from 4th mile to 10th mile Klang/Kapax road. WAITING Kapar
      37 words
    • 80 13 Ping Pong across the Causeway MAY I agree whole--1 heartedly with the Hon: the Acting Prime Minister of Singapore that the Important matters to which he referred in the statement published in yesterday's issue of your paper are too serious to be treated as a game of ping-pong and that
      80 words
    • 43 13 THE growing mlsunderstanding between the Malaysian and Singapore governments are indeed the foundation stones of the "Berlin Wall of th« Orient." I hope both governments will discuss and come to a understanding Instead of shouting at each other. OBSERVER Malacca
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    • 38 13 TO Inche Raffael Anchetta of Lahad Data who suggested cutting off the water supply to Singapore, I have only this to say I have relatives in Singapore and so have Malaysians throughout the country. DUKACHITA Penang
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    • 58 13 SINGAPORE Traction Company has tried to provide passengers with shelters from rain and sun at most of their bos stops, but some bus stops have been neglected too long. One such is that at Moulmein Road where bus service No. 10. 14 and 14A operate, the passenger traffic and long,
      58 words
    • 85 13 I LIVE In a Housing Board flat in the Tanglln Halt estate. Block 31 and 32 'here are at least 7 floors without staircase lights. The corridors are in perpetual darkness. One can sand at one end of the corridor and actually not know what Is happening at the other
      85 words
    • 209 13 REFER to Mr. T. Ananda Krishna's comment on my letter cS.T. April 5). first, Mr. Krishna should appreciate that administrative techniques and development administration, though interrelated, are two d.iierent thin**. The former tout he* on the day to day practice of public adnU:a- ration whereas
      209 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 255 13 bd an beauty Come and meet Miss Arden's consultant and learn from her new ways to cultivate beauty. Learn how to enhance the natural radiance of your skin, how to highlight e es and lips, and how to harmonise your clothes with your make-up. Th s advice is, of course,
      255 words
    • 270 13 Moine Comte Co., Ltd. extend wannest congratulations to Hotel Ambassador, penang on the occasion of the official opening by Dr. Lim Swee Aun J.P, L.M.S. MINISTER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY Wines and Spirits for this, as for other Ist Class Deluxe hotels and restaurants, are supplied by us. MOINE COMTE
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 333 14 CHOOSE YOUR IDEAL HOUSE/FLAT from AIRVIEW TOWERS River Volley Ro. St Thomos Wolk 13 itore>eJ luxury Flats $36 000 upwards Loon: $27,000--9999 vcori Leosc Lot 117-2 T.S XXI E<DecteO to be completed ov 1.10 66 P D. (DC.) 293 6? ProMjional Licence No. 4 Advertisement Permit No. 26 Cor ova
      333 words
    • 895 14 (Continued from Page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS n Wordt til 'Minimum, MR. A MRS. Eddy Fernandez than all relatives and (fiends for their al tendance, congratulatory' mesaagaa an preaenta on tbe occasion of U<* we<! ding. I MR. CHIN KIM TECK, Mr. Chi Kh.-e Shin and families thank relative) 1 friend* and (faff
      895 words
    • 1135 14 SITUATIONS VACANT IS Wordt St '.Via.' Box St ett. txtrm j WANTBO: Reporters. inter-tvi* I lino operators, block-maker, stooc- bAnd*. prool readers tor leading Kn»- Mali language daily 13 Mabah Apolv stating qualification-, experience, when available, salary expected and other details to PO Box No in ••>. Jesseln ton. Mabah.
      1,135 words
    • 1666 14 ACCOMMODATION VACANT I EDUCATION /i «..rrf. Mini— Box 50 ctt. extra >i 'Mm >-Bt>t U rf. »»»r, OPERA ESTATE INTERNATIONAL LANUUAUt P»U m JI6I terrace hou»e. 3- cOHHt»POND£NCE Co 'e,,e. lu'.tioo iert rooms fully furnished. Vinyl Ooor- foi U'.BA. Hoi.v Mire HSt, >C in» ir.rougnout. Rent $35u tiuitable 11.Cb., U.L:
      1,666 words
    • 1000 14 FURNITURE '1 w nrd, «c iMm I— Box efs »r>r< FOR DISTINCTIVE CANE Kurm ture. Call Adrian s 42& K Koad. Singapore IMT4. LATEST DESIGN COLOUR Can' furniture Hire/Hire Purcnitse Cho.ii Katt Company. 067 Balertier Ku^.i Spore ISOM PETS FOR SALE IS Wordt it i Mm. I— Box i* clt.
      1,000 words
    • 1361 14 VEHICLES FOR SALE FOR S\LE c 1} Word* i Mln.)— Box 5» r««. extra It Wnrdn U I Win.)— Box S» rfi. »»(r. 1 AUSTIN A 4O 1963. Ore Kuropena PMILCO AIRCONO TIONCH6 s.vs.ll--ry o«r^r 11.706. «i:«n 8 pore 6«K*> able ai Hititcu Entarprtsw, J7o. Kast •fter .> ao p.ra
      1,361 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1340 15 TO LIVER* OM S'pori Saiii P. r»am Paaaaa AENEAS Lisbon, L'POOt, GiatfM) l« Pt/Ta*a| Aar 24 MEMNON Liverpool. Ciatfow Ida. 31 Taday April MELAMPUS Liverpaol! Dublin. A'moirtk... IM. 15 Apr 25 Apr 27/1 Apr 21 CALchas Liverpool, Giasgrw Ap r II May 2 ANTILOCHUS Liverpool. Glasgow May I DOLIUS Liverpool.
      1,340 words
    • 1287 15 aH b^* r//£L.H Xmunes 1 A It EAal ASIATIC CUUPANT Lia »n n |im.»o I Qyirri^ EXPRESS SAILIN6S TO 6ENOA-HAVRE-HAMtURBBREMERHAVEN-ROMEROAM-AMSIEROAM ANTWERP-AARIUS-COPENHA6EN. Sport fn Ptnjrg iAn lj Mjvn H'Puig K aim Antw Com lUSUANCA May 15/1S May U/11 2S/2I June I IMI 14 II JMI 21 21 I KOREA JMt 12/11
      1,287 words
    • 1303 15 I BEN® LINE I EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONOON. LIVERPOOL CONTINENTAL PtRTS nrtjy nvAr ful Lonoon May ll BENLOYAL Rutteidam May II Singapcrt Sham Penang HamOurg May H la PI. Apr 24 BTPfttMTE'Vtas fot Liverpool May 21 UtMnLVla Nkvajara Jmi 7 Smgaoo'e P. S'Mm Pining M'brcugk J«n| 1] Air 25/21 Apr
      1,303 words
    • 1278 15 teELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO., LTD. SEE OVERLEAF FBI OUTwARD SEIVICE FIOM U.K./CONTINENT. tm •'para P. S'hpa PMMg cmircoiiMßß hS^mmm amm wtm 1 2.2, Mt, CTT IF NEWCASTLE L4^Jy«^S-*^ H:|J||| CITY OF WINNIPEB London. Hamburg, Rottirdin, Havri, Hull 21 21 Jill M Illy McALISTER CO., LTO. Harrisons crosfield Central AgMU:
      1,278 words

  • 387 16 Rubber Market drifts lower LACK of Interest from overseas market*, together with political Influences which were given bearish Interpretations— mainly Indonesia's continued overtures towards Singapore caused the local Rubber Market to drift lower durin? the week, says H.C.B. Co. Ltd. in their current review. The previous week had closed softer,
    387 words
  • 142 16 MELBOURNE. Prt. INDUSTRIALS edsed higher In quiet trading today Moves were narrow Base metals were Irregular. Western Mining was up 15 cent* to S3 SO and Aberfoyle up 10 cents to $2.20. In oils. WoodMcle Contrlbutlngs e..sec! od the announcement* of a call of a few cent*, payable
    142 words
  • 27 16 April 22. RUBBER PRICE: 67} cents (up five-eighths of a cent). TIN: 5681.37 A (down 56.37!) I estimated offering 225 tons (down 15 tons)
    27 words
  • 205 16 »T1HE price of tin in Penan* 1 yesterday fell S6.37& to $681,374 on an offering estimated down 15 tons to 225 j tons. Support at the lower levels was reported locally and the drop in the Straits price <\ <<1 (1 the drop of X.Z in
    205 words
  • 1000 16 Fron IT was a very much more active day on the Stock Exchange yesterday witb Friday profit-taking in evidence after the run uj in some prices earlier in the week. In the morning the industrial section was mixed with certain counter: slightly better
    1,000 words
  • 29 16 Malayan Stork Indices April II April •Industrials: 90.84 NJi I Tim: 112.81 1 12.78 1 rubber*: 109.51 109.64 t 'Dec. 30, 1963 10U. Dec. 29. 1962 100.
    29 words
  • 1080 16 i I > SIXK6B in and reported to the Singapore and Koala "...mpui trading rooms of tiie Stock Exchange ymleMa? wtth the mnnlirr of lham traded in brackets: INDUSTRIAL*: Baultaad M.'RHM (I. ix») $1 Mi CC.M. (1»7,0UO» SI.M. ff.oool 51.0.". I). (10.000> $1.67 O. (5.000)
    1,080 words
  • 233 16 much the same pattern that of Thursday. In the absence of any tresb tnI fluence.s. sellers were reserved awaiting a lead from overseas. Covering and hedge buying took i levels up by half a cent from late Thursday levels, but turnover was small. Demand was mainly
    233 words
  • 74 16 /-HINISE PraOtica liUtmm, SNua- a*ra mw »r> M par »4mil >•»•- tarday: CuwMit all: bulk |40 atllrre. drum ISOJ x-llcn. Caara: Apr. May. i;K Continent: L'nquoted. Ptppar: Muntok white (103 sellara, Kara-Auk white $192« nellera. apeclal Sarawak black 514.1 ««ller* Lorcpong black U4A Ma| N'LW AST A $160
    74 words
  • 36 16 ON ttir frit liikanii mark«l in Ron* Koof yestrnUy tn<- U.R. dollar wu quoted >t 5 7*i for T.T. and a 7j» for eiih. tttrlinf *M qu*(«t at 18.01 aa_ •wUHK a«M at 2*4*.
    36 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1842 16 AUSTRAIIt/NEft MAIAHB MttlCU <MBi*. fAHIiIAN ANO FAR USI UIVICU It: Freaaatlt, Attlaalt. Mtltaana. Syaaty Iti Mttras aat Naptattiaat) PMHjng P S'ltan S'pvt Spore P. S'h»" Paaaaa «>-^ M a_aa---_-a--t]«Sa___-_--_--__-_St_--_-kK___M_knga9jl^B_BHt: BULIMBA V i May 8/ May 8/ I May RAIUI* ll 1 May I May a May Sm{^ (<x x IOMIAU
      1,842 words
    • 31 16 Pautnat' C«r«« Sarvica, STRAITS/NACaPATTINAM/MaORaS linmaOfi P S'hiin f^____K___i TSS. "STATI 0* MADRAS" VIM 2J/M A^rll 27 Aaril 21 1 ApA Chtaf At«"'»: R. i-we-lwy aY Sont UtV. P*«w ***** ft *****.
      31 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 2538 17 (Conttnurd from Page 14) mmsasssas 1 1 FOR SALE *HERE TO STAY (MaUy.ia) MUNICIPALITY OF IPOH CHAPTER 9S (P WBbroktrf) It Word, U (Ml*.)-B»m UrU .xtro U '""■>-"•* i 0 TOWN BOARDS ENACTMENT causiwav inn .irconditWDtd ou (F.M.S. CAP. IS7) Unredeemed Pledfed Goods A two COOKIRS 'or pnc. f m{ft
      2,538 words
    • 3897 17 MALAYSIAN GOVERNMENT VACANCIES quired to take a Dcpa tmental test as prescribed by the Director. c Selected candidates will be apt; pointed on probation DUTIES: s; To carry out reporting under the D direction of the Senior News EdlII tor of the Department of Televii- sion. REFERENCE: SPA PG, 98/
      3,897 words

    • 278 18 S'GOR HELD IN MALAYA CUP THRILLER KEDAH 2 SELANGOR 2 I Alor Star, Friday J^EDAH, the conquerors of Penang and Perak in a triumphant kickoff to their 1966 Malaya Cup season, today kept iheir challenge in the lorth zone by holding powerful
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    • 192 18 PERAK TO HONOUR BOON BEE AND YEE KHAN TPOH, Fri. Perak badminton stars Ng Boon Bee and Tan Yee Khan, who won six doubles titles Including the All-England during their recent world-con-quering tour, will be honoured by the State Government on Monday afternoon when they will attend a reception at
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    • 107 18 CEREMBAN, Pri. The Negrt Sembilan Cricket Association, will hold a trial tomorrow and Sunday to select their team for the MCA match against Pahang here next weekend. The teams for the trial, which will be played at the NS Club padang: Yutors XI— L. de Vrles. C.
      107 words
    • 193 18 Four lifters qualify for Kingston Games CINGAPORE, Pri.— Four weight- lifters yesterday became the first qualifiers for the Singapore contingent to the Commonwealth Games in Kingston in August. They are Tan Howe Liang t middle-heavyweight). 800 Kirn Siang (lightweight). Tan Chye Hong featherweight and Chua Phung Kirn (bantamweight >. They
      193 words
    • 55 18 MKNTAKAB, Fri. Johore won both the boys' and girls' championships In the Malaysian Amateur Basketball Association youth tournament which ended here last night. In the boys final. Johore beat Perak 78-76 after extra tune. In the girls' section, played on a one round league, Johore beat Perak
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    • 57 18 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Malaysia Youth XI, preparing for the Asian Youth soccer tournament at Manila from Apr. 30-May 14, went down by 5-2 to Malaysian Armed Forces In a friendly match at Rifle Range Road this evening. Dali Omar (4) and Nordin scored for the Forces. Chew
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    • 53 18 Cooper hits out at 'opponent' AIMING a playful A punch at a blownup picture of world heavyweight champion Cassius Clay is British heavyweight champion Henry Cooper, shortly after sfgning a contract to fight Clay in London on May 21. The title bout will take place at the Arsenal Football Club
      53 words
    • 376 18 ■^iJW YORK. Pri. Three x^ ring immortals, who fought, each other in the "Golden Age of boxing, held a sentimental reunion yesterday on top of a New York skyscraper. Georges Carpentier flew in from Paris and came to the heliport on the roof of the
      AP  -  376 words
    • 499 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri T<HE RECALL of eight internationals, who were x dropped after the Seap Games in Kuala Lumpur, has brought fresh hopes to Singapore in their bid to retain the Malaya Cup this year writes JOE DORAI. i Since dropping the eight star players
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    • 62 18 CRICKET Friendly < Penang): Crusaders bt CRC by 2 run*. Crusaders 155 iW. Doss 70 no T?ngku Amir 30. Chee Eiig 3-19. Kcw San 2-15' CRC 153 Kew San 46 n.o. Gooi I.pong 27. Weng Kee 26. Doss 4-38 >. IKHKCY Malacca League: Medicals S SOCCER S'ror GDBH Di».
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1054 18 HflpHaHMßpinpHp|Bfiappsjjsßjß| NOTICES NOTICES ■kUiiMß^^^^UkQu9 ANGLO-JOHORE RUBBER GANGGUAN BEKALAN J PLANTATIONS LIMITED LETRIK 1 (Incorporated In Gr. Britain). Untok tujuan meng^ruskan kerja ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASIA SALVAGING COMPANY, anglo-johore rubber BOARD 69. ANG SIANG RD. renderI A for o^.r LI MeS SSTdSn 'kESE B^rn. TENDER NOTICE gF STS HS K ffi-gSJ. Tender
      1,054 words

    • 1279 19  -  Epsom Jeep with IPOH -3rd day ACCEPTORS and probable riders for tomorrow's races at Ipoh: Race 1—2.0 Cl 5 Div 2 ($4,300) 6f 1 ***** Larator a ijonam E Breuk. 6 9.0 (F) Trevena 6 I ***** Bright M<iodv g (Chen's) Tulloh
      1,279 words
    • 175 19 SINGAPORE. Frl. Twentysix of the 50 English and Irish griffins, which the Singapore Turf Club are importing under a yearling scheme, are due to arrive on Monday afternoon. In charge of the shipment, the first via Suez Canal in many years (the rout*
      175 words
    • 73 19 HONO KONO. Prl. The Asian Hockey Federation announced that they had nominated 18 umpires for the Asian Qames In Bangkok in December. The announcement was made after a closed meeting of the AHF's executive committee which began a two-day congress here yesterday. India, Pakistan, Malaysia. Japan. South
      73 words
    • 83 19 BUENOS AIRES. Fri. Argentina, hit by a series of soccer crises, last night appointed new chief coach to take charge of their World Cup squad. He is Juan Carlos Lorento. who was in charge of the team in the 1962 finals and has recently been working
      Reuter  -  83 words
    • 32 19 LONDON. Pri Results ot «>tcer matches played last night «er*I nglish Division Three— Wirkiiistton 1 Peterborough 1 Irish League City Cap— Coleraine 5 CUftonvllle 0 Crusaders 6 Derry 3.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 261 19 IPOH. Frl. Tlic Stipen- diary Steward's report un Wednesday's races: RACE I: Apprentice Velayutham, rider of The Little King, was reprimanded ior not riding his mount along in the early stages, after missing the start RACE I. Trevena, rider of Larator, hit his left, leg
      261 words
    • 525 19 CYCLING by Larry Carroll THIS MCF 'RECORD' IS HARD TO BEAT KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. A NATIONAL open championship meet with only six contestants will go down in Malaysian history as a record hard to beat. Any national organisation achieving that sort of distinction would find it hard to Justify stewardship.
      525 words
    • 81 19 LONDON. Prl. MCC are considering sending a team of young cricketers for a short tour of Pakistan durirg 1966-67 when England have no official suggested 'he Idea but everything depe.ida on whether satisfactory financial arrangements can be made. So far the plan Is only in the
      Reuter  -  81 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 118 19 J ROSS NEWDICK y LU LIANG -HU AN 1966 Singapore Open Champion 1966 Formosan Open Champion 1966 New Zealand RG.A. Champion 1965 Philippines Open Champion RESULTS OF MATCHES TO DATE: 1 CONTINUOUS HATCH PLAY Holes Won Holes Halved Cumulative NEWDICK LU Score SEREMBAN 3 6 9 LU 3 MALACCA 5
      118 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 55 19 DIARY BAKMI.s lt..\ i, (ion matches by Tun Aik Huang and company (Penan? COHS hall. 7.30 p.m i (RKKI.T trimdl.%: Sgor v Malacca <KL padangi W/OaUn Spore senior ku Hnal: 6RC v CSC <Farre; Pk > SOCCER Ipoh Div. 3: PCRC A' v Ipoh Ygstors A Slate DID v Oovl
      55 words

  • 71 20 LIMA (Ohio). Pri.— A 14-inch tall mongrel loomed as a giant hero today after winning a bloody battle with a burglar on the back porch of his master's home here. Police said the seven-year-old Jog suffered three stab wounds but stilt managed to bite
    AP  -  71 words
  • 48 20 MRS. LAM SAY KEE. Dee Ooti ieok Wan. pasm-d away on 22.' 66. Funeral on 24.4.66 at JO a.m. from Road Ipoh MR V. DANIEL iM»yyan»d) Ex-trarru-i Vlrtorla. Bi-atty sr.nndary Schools passed a«:iy peacefully at G.H. ■■■ill leave for Bldadan from i, 11 .n 4 :u>
    48 words
  • 26 20 IN LOVINC MEMORY of Kdwxrd •Mm. Ipoh. Cullrd to eternal r. »t 23 1.61 A hed *yth lovinc thoiiKh'i l>> w if«- and children
    26 words
  • 142 20 TWO SONS OF A HERO. A WHISPERED order to behave himself, and five-year old Bhaktabahadur seems to understand at last that the occasion is something big. It is dad, Lance Corporal Rambahadur Limbu, the 13th Gurkha ever to win the Victoria Cross, was being interviewed by the
    Harold Teo  -  142 words
  • 250 20 MALACCA. Fri. IIOHAMED Adil bin Chepak, 45, a headmaster iTI of a Malay secondary school with 22 years' service, was today found guilty in the sessions court here of committing breach of trust of $1,457. Sentencing him to three months' jail, the court
    250 words
  • 53 20 LONDON. Pri.— The discovery of a new oilfield in Libya was announced here today by British Petroleum. The litid l>- just nonh of the Sirir oilfieid and early testi indicate that production capacity will be at the rate of 10 200 barrels a day, the
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 53 20 Highest and lowest temperatures in Malaysia and Singapore for the period 8 p.m. Thursday to 8 p.m. yesterday Highest Lowest Kuala Lun pur 91 75 Kota Brian. 86 73 Penang 86 73 Ipoh 90 73 Malacca 88 73 Singapore 90 75 C Highlands 70 59 Jeww-lton #8 77
    53 words
  • 87 20 Red anthem from way out in space MOSCOW, Fri. Russia's moon satellite Luna-10 today bleeped back to earth the Communist Party anthem, the Internationale, to mark the 96th anniversary of Lenin's birth. Luna-10, blasted into space on April 3, completed its 150 th orbit round the moon today, the Soviet
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 77 20 PARIS. Pri. President De Oiiulle has decided to cut down the number of his personal bodyguards, his office announced this week. Until now. the French President has been protected whenever he appeared in a crowd by four "gorllles" (gorillas), as the French call strong-arm men. The
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 48 20 BANGKOK, Fri. The former British High Commissioner in Malaya and Chief of the Imperial General Stan*. Field Marshal Tun Sir Gerald Templer. on a private visit here, today addressed Thai military officers at the National Defence College. His subject was anti-guerilla warfare. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 26 20 SINGAPORE. Fri— There will be a public holiday on May 2 in substitution for May 1 (Labour Day), which falls on a Sunday.
    26 words
  • 367 20 LONDON, Fri—BP and Burmah Jumped sharply on news of BP's oil find in Libya. After being 2 higher. BP closed 1,3 up at 76/1 Burmah also 1/3 up at 62/10*. In Industrials. EMI and International Distillers were featured by U.S. buying. Closing middle prices of selected stocks not
    367 words
  • 232 20 Board to look into difficulties of vegetable growers lESSELTON, Fri. J The Central Marketing Board in Kuala Lumpur has agreed to look into the difficulties of the vegetable growers in Kundasan, a village which is about 4,000 feet above sealevel off Mount Kinabalu here. The services of the board have
    232 words
  • 59 20 'Confrontation goes on unabated' JAKARTA. Pri. Confrontation of Malaysia coes on unabated, a senior Indonesian Navy officer has yaid here. The official Antara news agency said Marine Brig. Mohammad Junus told a battalion of Nava: volunteers bound lor the I ion tier: There is no truth in imperialist and neo-colonialist
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 247 20 CINGAPORE. Fri. Police until late today were trying to stablish the identities )f two teenage Chinese ,urls who fell to their death from a 10-sU-rey block of flats In Jalan Bal?m, MacPherson estate, last night. Police said the girls, both about 17.
    247 words
  • 50 20 TAIPEH, Fri— Formosa is to export 350.000 tons of gravel to South Vietnam under an open tenEjm American military authorities. According to the Central Trust of China, a Government trading organisation, the gravel will be shipped from Kaohsing, Formosa* southern port, as soon as possible. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 63 20 Late CLASSIFIEDS Word. US Minimum) MALAYAPILLAV I i Wedn**rd K.L. MRS. r:,£LVATHURAI Mr. Katlni .-I]. it i| on 466 in t'eylon Couple -ill be at horn- lo ivlatlveii A friend* M 27.4.66 at 61. J. Yahyu Awal. When nature forgets remember... the gentle CHOCOLATE LAXATIVE so gentle, so nice to
      63 words
    • 194 20 A Revolutionary NEW Concept in Stereo Sound ACHOIC S2n An amazing new development now a adds to real live stereo a dimension it never had before DEPTH. This stereo in depth is embodied in the revolutionary Pye Achoic. The Pye Achoie is a brilliant NEW instrument which, though no larger
      194 words