The Straits Times, 25 March 1966

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150,000 The Straits Times ThH Niitiiiiiiil MKWS|Ii'!IBP Estd. 1845 FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1966 15 CENTS M.C.(P) 1629 KDN 2034
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  • 606 1 Govt secrets 'leak' PARLIAMENT TOLD THAT SEENI KNEW RESULT OF RAHMAN TALIB APPEAL BEFOREHAND KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday TENCKU Abdul Rahman today ordered a "purge" of "all parasites and enemies" in Government departments. He specifically mentioned the Department of the Lord President of the High Court. The Prime
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  • 35 1 NEW DELHI. Thurs— The In- I jini. Government hM approved a Sin let project to build a 7.700 million rupee £590 million sterl]f;i steol mill <v Bokaro. in Bihar Suite.— Reuter. I
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 157 1 First pictures of Gemini 8 docking after chasing Agena rpiIKSE photographs were taken by astronaut David I Scott just before (iemini 8 docket! with an Agcna rocket on March 16. The space craft Is shown abow- chasini Ita Agena target only 55 feet away at
    UPI  -  157 words
  • 78 1 GLASGOW. Thurs. -The emergency -xit of a Dakota aircraft in which opposition leader Mr. Edward Heath was making I a flying election tour of Scotland blew open in flight yesterday. Mr. Heath helped grab a journalist -sitting near the open hatch then
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 45 1 CANBERRA. Thur*. Australian Prtani Minister, Mi Harold Holt. tonight lei next month as the [or Mi visit to Australian roops in Vietnam and Maiav-M. He i..ld the House of Representailiai he would «o "In the course of tIM next month i Reiner
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  • 77 1 'Wear ties' order SEREMBAN, Thurs. Police civilian staff in Negri Sembilan have been ordered to wear neckties. The order came from the Deputy Chief Police Officer here. Supt. Ahmad bin Haji Ya'acob. Visits hy voluptuous Hollywood starlets to Vietnam have done more to undermine t Mi morale of the I.S.
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  • 54 1 VERONA Itaivi. Thun- Sixpeople wfic killed and 13 Injured WfaMi mx lorries and seven cars nllec u>) t:i heavy fog on a mo:orwa\ near liere early today. One lorry ivrrylng a cargo Of liquid pini believed to have exploded rtn to riie other vehicles, involved in
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 56 1 mid Iff: it cloMMl with tni voys buriiod mid wrecked astride the luKhwny which ionds to Ihe Ho C'ni Minh Mail, a U.S. Air Porce spokf.-ir. I.i i jxirted tociiiy The raid.s yesterduy mid early ihi.> niormnc accounted tor 14 trucks destroyed 25 damaged
    AP  -  56 words
  • 46 1 JAKARTA. Thurs. IndoneMa'.* former Foreign Minister now under arrest. Dr Subanririo. rms deposited rssiou mll:ion overseas, accortlinn to Urn Muslim newspaper Nusa Putra today The Government is iivum to jet it back as >oon Mble i'lifl to declaic it property the paper said
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  • 200 1 Philip swears -and it's on TV LONDON. Thurs. Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh was shown swearing at a film crew in the United States in a television programme screened here last night. Queen Elizabeth's husband, who had a microphone pushed under his nose by a a technician, snapped: "Here
    Reuter  -  200 words
  • 32 1 MACAO Thurs A cargo I junk from Communist China I (mashed into a b.-eakwaiei here l.i- ntghl mid exploded Thirteen crtw .-Members died in the Hash lire that followed AP.
    AP  -  32 words
  • 464 1 Sock: I'm still the boss IX CHEAT FORM AT REC'KITION JAKARTA, Thun. President Sockarno last night made his first public appearance since he delegated his powers to the array chief, Lieut. Gen. Suharto, and declared that he \v;is still Indonesia's leader. Wearing his dark blue Supreme Commanders uniform, the President
    Agencies  -  464 words
  • 42 1 JAKARTA Thars. Appointment of uew cabinet do replace interim one n:itneii last wt-ek) delayed tiv Sook.irno halkint; at names MCK< <l1 h v Mi harto and < .minet Presidium. Foreign Hlalstci Adam Malik said it would take "few niorc days. Asencies.
    Agencies  -  42 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 56 1 Rings of Quality Beauty W0 G. C.DE SUVA BROS. MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS. 3. RoHtc* Ptocc. Singapore. 1 TEI: *****. Elegant in Design... Superior in Quality... At a glance... the time, the day the date this is itS^^ the NEW ~35? T I TON I Cosmo King Day and Date Automatic Watch
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    • 162 2 Ghana and the Ivory Coast take joint measures \BIDJAN Thurv— The Ixorv (oa>t and (.nan* last night announced they had taken common strategy .md security measures because of threats by President Sekou Toure of (•uinea T h r .innouncement i.imr in ;i joint communique after talks be twrrn dh.ina and
      Reuter  -  162 words
    • 104 2 Thun tn luvr three ni"iv nation ll p<rk.-. lhi« Our Will nr vii thr ol Mi'imt Kenya, and nnothn will lie irc^tnl m the country eaal "i i ike Rudolf, including Mi* 1 M<r- > i which is i.ime<i for elephants With
      Reuter  -  104 words
    • 303 2 AND MADE-IN-CHINA TANKS RUMBLE PAST IN PARADE— WITH AMERICAN PATTONS RAWALPINDI, Thurs PAKISTAN, technically a U.S. military ally, disclosed for the first time yesterday that she is equipping her armed forces with tanks and jets made in Communist China. The Pakistani Army showed five Chinesemade
      Reuter; AP  -  303 words
    • 30 2 WASHINGTON. Thur.-. The International Monetary Fund haa agreed to India '.s drawing the equivalent of U*****.5 million to help mrrt balance of payments diffleulnr.s caused by drought.
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    • 158 2 'Kashmir still the main source of friction RAWALPINDI, Thun. President Ayub Khan yesterday reiterated that the problem of Kashmir was slill the main source of friction between India and Pakistan and a danger for world peace. Speaidng to thousands at the Pakistan day parade, he appealed for peace, but added
      Reuter  -  158 words
    • 60 2 I eopoldvii.i.e. Than Formrr Oo\rrnor Brriin Tj-lnlum-ba oi Luluaboui'B Province was > arrested by security polico. the Congolese Press Agency j reported yesterday. n ni<| no charges against 1 Tsliilumba huve been published, i !He was Go\rrnor of Luluabourg until last niiiiii li when President Joseph Mobutu
      AP  -  60 words
    • 375 2 BOYCOTT OF MOSCOW SUMMIT THE LAST STRAW Russia and China move to a showdown... MOSCOW, Thursday PEKING'S decision to boycott next weeks Soviet Communist Party congress may force the Russians into a showdown with China, diplomats said last night. The boycott decision was seen as possibly China's biggest snub to
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    • 88 2 Tashkent pact violated: India J^KW DELHI, Thurs.— Inclii has protested to Pakistan against a "deliberate and sustained violation of the letter and spirit of the Tashkent Declaration." the External Aff.irs .Minister, Mr. Sw .iran Singh, told Parliament here today. India was keeping the Soviet Union informed"lt will be very difficult
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    • 149 2 FREETOWN. (Sierra Leone. Thurs. The Sierra Leone Government has proposed the introduction of a one-party system of government in this west African state. The proposal was made In a Government Whito Paper tabled in Parliament by the- Prime Minister. Sir Albert Margai. The White Paper
      Reuter  -  149 words
    • 127 2 Rhodesia orders Polly to get out tiJALISBURY. Thurs. Miss Polly Toynbce, 19-year-old Amn c s t y International worker and granddaughter of British historian Prof essor Arnold Toynbee. said yesterday the Rhodeslan Government had ordered her to leave the country. She Hew to Johannesburg la^t night and Li expected to
      Reuter  -  127 words
    • 43 2 SYDNEY. Thurs. Sydney Airport was closed foe more than i all an Hour lasi niglu by a tiiunderstorm which blacked nut suburbs and flooded streets. Lightning brought down power 'ines. and all suburban train ser> rice* were delayed. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  43 words
    • 96 2 RIO DX ,I\NEIRO Thurs.— Judse Fleizer Kosa dismissed a charge of bicycle theft in a court here and presented the accused with a brart'l new bicycle. The problem of 20--year-old Adelino Da Silva Costa, he said in his judgment, was his frus- trated
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 100 2 >; '^^^^MM^r^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^fm^i^/^mmmtt^^^^^^^ Power-increased Supershell contains Methyl Benzine the dynamic, high octane, high r mw omr^^" l 9m performance fuel that gives better acceleration. V^r^F m± mm MMMm.mW mmmmmmm m m Gives the thrust the great racing cars depend *rUCI 1 MmMM mMMMMMM MMmmMM M M on And only Supershell contains
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    • 246 3 DANANG, Thurs.— Life ground to a standstill in this normally busy garrison city today as a paralysing general strike entered its second day. Shops and offices shut, public transport halted and the commercial po rt was closed. Bands of students wiar ins >ellow
      Reuter  -  246 words
    • 176 3 BONN, Thurs. President Johnson has warned President de Gaulle, in a letter disclosed last night, that he considers a loose Atlantic Alliance dangerous for all concerned. The United>.'>. he wrote on March 7. was determined to join other members to strengthen the deterreiu >ystem
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    • 60 3 ISTANBUL. Thur.s. A 74-year-old ;mam. Halil Ural, is attending school at Odemis in VVe^t Turkey to obtain a primary school certificate. He has become a primary school pupil because under a now law he must qualify if he wants to keep his job as imam of thp
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 140 3 Meet Yusuf, Britain's first coloured policeman JVfOHAMED 7UMII Daar. A 23. has become Britain's first coloured policeman. He has been .sworn in a* a member of the force at Coventry la iiM Midlands. Police Constable 429 Daar *pent the fir.-t day of his new career giving Press interviews, meeting colleaxues
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    • 56 3 LONDON" Than. A memorial tablet to :he Colonial Servtea was unveiled by Queen Elizabeth In j the dotatera of xvv.vnunster Abbey yesterday. j Amons the cor.ereeaticn at a j service before the unveiling were! CommonweuUh High Commissioners and representatives of i colonial territories. The colonial Secretary, ihe
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 260 3 LABOUR'S BIG LEAD DROPS A LITTLE LONDON. Thursday. TWO opinion polls published here today said the luling Labour Party still held a commanding lead over the Conservatives, though the gap had been narrowed. The gallup poll—published in the Conservative Diilv Telegraph put Labour 8.3 per cent ahead. Thia >vas n
      Reuter  -  260 words
    • 24 3 TOKYO, Thurs Soviet and Japanese businessmen yesterday concluded a 10-day conference here with a pledge to work to gether to develop Siberia
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    • 69 3 Ana Maria, 4, the toast of Portugal T ISB O N Thurs. Portugal toasted a four-year-old heroine TCSteraay for rescuing her two infant sisters from their blazing home. Little Ana Maria carried Louisa, two, out of the house and returned for month-old Maria De Lourdes, whom she protected with a
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 60 3 NAPA ■C:il>. Thurs. Three eenußc boys were arrested y< lay for stealing diesd lucomoi\i and driving it 15 miles to the own of before it crashed nto car. The driver of the car suffered a voken arm. The boys aged 14. 15 and 17
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 51 3 CHICAGO. Thurs.— A modified i-ersion of the B-52 Stratofortress Somber with a 60.000-pound bomoload will soon be in action in Vietnam, deputy Defence Secreiary Cyrus Vance said yester- day. The new B-52's conventional bomb-carrying capacity will be 67 per cent greater than now used, lie s,:id
      Reuter  -  51 words
    • 112 3 PARIS. Thurv A French firm reported today that it had built and successfully tested a light plane made entirely of plastic. Wasmer Aviation said if the plane went into commercial production, it would be easier and cheaper to build than airframes made from traditional
      AP  -  112 words
    • 210 3 'Darling' Julie wins best actress award f ONDON. Thurs. j v Julie Christie proved herself the darling of the local film J industry last night whan she collected their Academy Award as best British actress of the year for her performance in "Darling." Imong those nominees shft beat for the
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    • 47 3 EDINBURGH. Thim-. liberal Party leader Jo Grimond'*. eldpsc son. Andrew Grimond. 26-yrar-old journalist, was tound (tad bit it partner/, here las' night Mr. Grimond worked on !h? financial desk of The Scotsman but had been absent from v.ork for two days, friends said.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 94 3 YASHICA £l'ctro 4j*H 1-7 0 Yoshico Electro-Half comes with a revolutionary transistorised electronic «xpoiure-m«trr shutter combination gives accurate exposures without fail all the time even under •übducd light. Yashica Electro-Halt comes with a supersp««d f 1.7 m-element lens ensures clear, sharp pictures even in dim light. Yashica Electro-Halt allows shutter
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    • 218 3 ffiffifß 'T 't 't 't It LOCKER WIRE MESH EX STOCK:A RANGE OF SIZES FOR QUARRYING-MINING-AND OTHER SCREENING APPLICATIONS. Agents:— J. WHYTE CO., (M) LTD. Kuala Lumpur Penang |esselton Singapore LAST DAY TO-MORROW OF OUR ANNUAL 50 SAVINGS SALE f^-MSfc MUST BE CLEARED > <^go t Koihmir hond cmt ikirt
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 38 3 TUE GAMBOLS < >fl«y -fr>/s>> /wo. maoam\ (I'm. afbaio T«Ar\ not TW4T J SJ T *e* El?v/ e£j V^wj^/ V^ /out tmat wks'N /well 1 still "*N WHAT MOO 6AIO J I HAVEN'T SAVED UPJ V^last tuee* \jenougu moieV/-^
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  • 393 4 Father tells how daughter became 'second wife 9 of insurance chief SINGAPORE, Thins. A father described in the High Court today how his daughter, Mad a m Goh .100 Hong, l)e--cauie allegedly "the second wile." of Lo Wei, managing director of the People's Insurance Co.,
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  • 359 4 SINGAPORE, Thurs.— I The Registrar of So- cieties, Mr. Goh Sin Tub has warned Singapore Umno that failure to submit the party's annual returns is an offence under the Societies Ordinance. Mr. (ioh informed the party of the relevant sections of the ordinance when he
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  • 102 4 CJINGAPORE. Thurs. »5 The show "International Concertheatre" by internationally-lamous American puppeteer Daniel Llords. scheduled to be held tonight and Saturday night at the Singapore Conference Hall, ha.s been cancelled. Impresario Mr. Goh Soon Tioe nas just received a cable from Mr. Llords saying that he was
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  • 410 4 mily. Three weeks later, the newly-wed couple held a wedding dinner at the Capitol Restaurant, which he attended. He acided though his father was a Christian, he himself war not. but "a free-thinker." His wife, who had slne~ died, was a Christian but his daughter,
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  • 92 4 'Tec is one of 10 cleared of gamble charge SINGAPORE. Thurs. A Singapore detective, Lim Yin Hoe, was one of 10 men acquitted today by the seventh magistrate. Mr. Tay Soo Tee, on a joint charge of gambling in the back portion of a restaurant in New World Park on
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  • 78 4 Exhibition on cancer being planned SINGAPORE. Thurs. Twelve prominent social workers have been elected to serve on the council of the Singapore Canter Soi.lety for the current year. They are: Messrs. R.K.M. Eu. Ec Peng Liang. C.S. Muir. VN. Akba.-. Cecil V.R. Wong. P.K. Wee. Andrew Lee. J.R Lowe. PR.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 60 4 SEASON SALE POLAR DISCOUNTS FROM 20% to 50%: ON ALL TOP FASHION WEAR I COME EARLY PICK YOURS 23-1 Colemon Sf Spore 6. Todoy 3.30 A 7.30 p.m. ■S^rtS^ OdA/ac* ft #al iRMjH tmilAo«m m «i»t"iitT» *J ff||ini«miiiii.i) !JlI,LimM ♦♦♦♦^♦■♦♦♦♦♦h» Todoy Only: 3 30-7-930 p.m. Alain DelO" Mcne Loforet in
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    • 334 4 Ji" ORCHARD THEATRE— J X S BENEF! I PREMIERE- WED.. 30th MARCH at 8.15pm JJ w\ Sponsored by SINGAPORE CHRISTIAN CHURCHES In Aid of SINGAPORE ASSOCIATION FOR THE BLIND N W AND TRAFALGAR HOME \jL TICKETS AT $2.00, $3.00, $5.00 $10.00 J at Orchard Theatre Singapore Christian Churches— An Entertainment
      334 words
    • 490 4 __GANISATION m fMSW?M7W?yT-iiLi Today: 11, 1.30, 4, 6.30 9. 1S B THC GREATEST BONO OF ALL! i AGENT 007 B Sf AN CONNERY in THUNDERBALt Advance Coih Bookings Only! m FRONT STALLS 2 TICKETS EACH No Military Concession for 6 30 t 9 15 Shows ■No FfM HJaH Pnce. Tome
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  • PARLIAMENT: Fourth day
    • 31 5 PARIT BUNTAR, Thurs. Seventeen .schools from District will take part in 'he Shell traffic games to br held <in the pubiic padang here at 2.30 o.m. on Saturday.
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    • 60 5 BUKJ I MSRI \'.\M Ihurs I li»> Penans State MIC pn mdrnt. Mr. N. T. 8. Arumusi.m Pillai. has donated 5.i.000 toward! UK international Tamil NHUCh conference to be held in Lumpur from Aprii 17 to 23. Mr. PiUai has ; aerecd to pay
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    • 154 5 17UALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The Malaysian Government's padi subsidy is the highest in the Far East, said the acting Minister of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Khaw Kai Boh. in the House of Representatives today. Replying to a point rn!sort by an Alliance backbencher. Haji
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    • 480 5 K. LUMPUR. Thurs THE Assistant Minister of Finance. Dr. Ng Kam Poh. denied in the House of Representatives today that an "improper" offer was made to him by a European. He also declined to reveal the name of the European who told him that in
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    • 58 5 KULIM. Thurs. The women s Institute of south Kedah will hold a lunch party In honour of Tei.gku Mukmlnah. organiser for Penang. Kedah and Perils, at the Kulim District Officer's residence on Saturday. Tengku Mukminah, who has been organiser for the thre# States during the past
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    • 174 5 Australian experts examine highway project JESSELTON. Thurs.— The Australian Government has sent two experts here to examine the possibility of building part of the highway between Jesselton and Sandakan. Mr. Thomas Lewis, a field construction engineer, and Mr. George Mackey, an aßricultural economist, will start, with a preliminary survey of
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    • 56 5 PENANG, Thurs.— The Penang National Union of Teachers has collected $793 to hfio buy school textbooks for needy pupiis in the East Coast whose parents were hit by the recent floods. Topping the list were teachers of the Northam Road Girls School who donated $60. followed by
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    • 127 5 By OUR PARLIAMENTARY REPORTERS J£UALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Tengku Abdul Rahman said today that Malaysia would not lose face or status by his meeting the Singapore Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. He was replying to Haji Mokhtar bin Haji Ismail (All.Perlis Selatan)
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    • 108 5 SINGAPORE. Thurs. A 24-year-old woman. Lav Sal Moey (above) Is missing from her Kampong Eunos home. Her worried mother. Madam Poh Hiok Neo. 48. walked into the Times House last night for help. Madam Poh said that her daughter left home at 8
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    • 34 5 KUANTAN. Thur.-.— Dr. A AH thr world-wide president of Jaycee operations, will arr ye liere by air on Monday for tvo-day visit during his tour of all Jaycee chapters in Malnys a.
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    • 225 5 I* I* ALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Tengku Abdul Rahman, told the Housi of Representatives today that he was prepared to consider any reasonable request from persons wishing to travel to Communist countries, including Russia and China. Such visits should aNo be for a
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    • 34 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. The Selangor State Government has approved in principle the development of 8,490 acres of land in Sabak Bernam for palm oil by the Federal Land DevelooI mem Authority.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 161 5 I Period Interest! I DEPOSIT B^fc INTEREST I b months 6". I O 'fR 11/ months 6 I A ANNUM 13.24 6J^. I I CONTINUING^^O/ O I^^Hl I y^^^^^^^y^^^^^^^ UNITED NATIONAL FINANCE LTD. (Incorporated in th.Sutet of Malaya. Malayiia Subsidiary of United Malayan Banking Corporation Ltd. Head Office 14 l*boh
      161 words
    • 297 5 Scottiesl .AJL t j rT^ti- x TAKE ONE... ANOTHER POPS UP. Soft, strongscotties hold up like a handkerchief. In six pretty colours: Pink, Turquoise, Yellow, Apricot, Lilac and Wh te. NEW LADY SCOTT PRINTS /^Qv Matched sets of softest 2-ply "(K^-^. vV facial and bathroom tissue in B gay prints.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 279 5 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 5. Bort of English bird-rolse? 1. for success: why not lue (6> a tractor? (5, 3. 6>. 6 Light-weight cat (5). 9. Man in Wagnerlan opera. 7. Advance toward being pennlformer part <9>. less i 2. 2. 3>. 10. It Isn't a century, Hutton's 8.
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  • 161 6 Tengku to be urged: Don't initiate summit AIALACCA. Thurs.— A resolution urging Tengku Abdul Rahman not to initiate a move for a "golf" summit meeting with Singapore's Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, will be moved at the annual meeting of Malacca Umno here on Saturday. The Tengku is to
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  • 53 6 IPOH. Thurs.— A IOTTjr pas- lengtr. A. Amaltitias. 18. s*\i:rd next to the driver, was thrown off the vehicle and killed v.hen it landed in a drain after s puncture in Its front tyre in Mnmlcmbu near here. The driver who was also thrown iff the
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  • 81 6 J^ANGAR Thurs— All Muslims in this country should live in peace and h irmony with their nonMuslim bretheren, thr Perlis Council of lU-H--gious and Malay Customs states in a directive to all mosques. The message to be read hy imams ;:t the weekly Friday congregational
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  • 242 6 Khir tells Malays: N-Language not your monopoly KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs THE Minister of Education, Inche Mohamed Khir Johari, today urged Malays not to give the impression to non-Malays that the national language was their monopoly. "On the other hand it is the duty of the Malays to make the non
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  • 158 6 Treatment accorded Park, Ky reciprocal: Mohsein KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs.— The YIP treatment accorded President Park Chung Hee of South Korea and Air Vice-Marshal Tun Nguyen Cao Ky, South Vietnam's Prime Minister during their recent visits here was reciprocal. This was stated by the Assistant Minister of Youth. Culture and Sports.
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  • 52 6 KUALA LUMPUR. 7 hurs— Preliminary steps have beon taken ?o Introduce double-cropping of padl In Sarawak, the Minister of Atriculturc and Co-opera livrs. Hail Ghazali bin Jawi. told the Hous-c of Representatives. He yaid this In a written reply to a question by Mr. Thomas Kana
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  • 136 6 Pangkor's 'Governor' found dead in the sea I UMIT, Thurs. A party of holiday makers MvLmminic off Pasir llogak Hi Pangkor Island on Tuesday afternoon, found a body hi the mm and brought it to sliore. The dead nun was falter identified Mr \>ap OhMg 'J'er. id, a I.iimul Town
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  • 51 6 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Thieve* broke into ihe home of a woman. Lee Fong Hwang, in Lorong 14. Geylang. yesterday and Heapwl with $668 aiid jewellery worth $1,245. Lee was out at the time of the robbery Entry Into the house WM made by forcing open ihe iron'
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  • 225 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. MALAYSIA'S external debt was only a quarter of its domestic debt and not as huge as the Opposition tried to make the public believe, the Assistant Minister of Finance, Dr. Ng Kam Poh, said in the House
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  • 245 6 UUAL A LUMPUR. Thurs. —An administrative officer of the Selangor Local Defence Corps and its imprest account holder, 2nd Lieut Ahmad Zulkifli bin Omar. 26, was today dismissed from the service by a court martial at the Sungei Besi Camp near here. The court
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  • 35 6 KANGAR. Thurs. The De panment of Lands and Mines wi-l *end a mobile team in April May to collect quit rrnt. as- <\s»mem and other rates in ka«Dungs. and other remote aie**.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 308 6 ™"t I Hlil 119 Hi BBEiH'liH^K ■i_ J _fcj^^^^^^^^^^^B^^^MMMi^^H^^^^^^Bßl^B^^^s^^^c fj^BeJ^^^^H JH H *T^%V W^ ■r i i ~b~^— ir^— it EXPERIENCED TRAVELLER... "^^W^M^ The Dodge Normal Control Series*include the best travelled trucks in the middleweight and tipper wheelbase lengths. G.V.W.'s are irom 2 1,5001 b (9,752 kg; to 27, 0001
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  • 361 7  -  Geoffrey Boland By SINGAPORE. Thur* Firms 932,600 shares account for 70 per cent of business on exchange MORE than 70 per cent of the busiress done on the Stock Exchange today consisted of transactions in Chemical Co. ot Malaysia Ltd. shares. This share was f£vei) .i ftrst listing
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  • 46 7 N T ew immigration post in Perlis <ANGAR. rbura. Another tirujch of tiio Immigration Dpl).i.tine!i* his been set up ai Kuai;i Porii< to Itaue bori?r prijip.s and othrr travel papan m I Thailand. Thta la In addition to thr immigrailon pn>: already In. extetanca Padana
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  • 140 7 L'UAL A LUMPUR. 1V Thurs. A call for an all-party conference to discus* how confrontation by Indonesia can be ended was made in the Selangor Legislative Assembly today. It came fr m MR. V. DAVID Labour PartyPantai) who urged the Ifentrl Besar.
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  • 239 7 APPEAL TO BOSSES: BRING DISPUTES TO OUR NOTICE KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs 'FHE Malayan Employers" Consultative Assocui- tion today called on members to bring to its notice any claim or dispute which they may have with either their employees or trade unions. Speaking at the seventh annual meeting of the association
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  • 61 7 PENANG. Tbim. oci Bun Btl. 19. '\ho rj.< .iirested m ConiorriA ollieris oil Kuula Juri) on Match M Bith a T—fTrHiT" A dv :.ibu' town,. w..j> lined s4 BJO ■v h<- picadf.; guilt; to in^ :o uefr.iud :he Governmin 1 of 5424 duty or. UM gOOda ui-.rt
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  • 57 7 F'ENANCi. Tliurs.— Units ot the ■OjraJ Maiiiy.-i.m N;i\y wii 1 carry out ii gunnery exprci.->e involving Bofor.s. small MM and NdM U'.ununnnts, in tnc Molucca Si rails between 3 and 9.30 p.m. this Sat urdav The Mannr Department today advised nwniirrj> to keep wc'.l e.c?r of the
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  • 74 7 PENANQ. Thura The State Government would give Opposition State assemblymen and alao the general public an opportunity to express their views to the Word Bank ream when i: arrives hero to conduct an economic miv. ey of Ponanc Tbi CUM MtnlaMf D:ito Worn; Pow Nee.
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  • 133 7 'Come home' pleads a mother to missing schoolgirl, 18 CINGAPORh. Thurs.— A *tyear old house wife. Madam Hum- Nuuk lag, today appealed to her (liiuuhler, DiiiK Grok Toons- 18 tabo\c). who has brrn mivsing since Monday, to r»'iiirn home. A pup. l of Uui ;,auy of l.ourdcs School, Ding Irfl
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  • 101 7 SINGAPORE. Thur>.— The editor of the BBC external services news. Mr Kenr.eth Fnlrtax. is now in Singapore. Mr. F.i.n..\. ho arrived two rhivs today callad on the 1 Prime M iii.-tor. Mr Kuan j Yew. An economics graduate and a barrlatcr. Mr.
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  • 156 7 MIDFL TO SEEK ANOTHER LOAN JESSELTON. Tliurs. The Malaysian Industrial Development Finance Ltd. will approach the Wond Bank in Washington for another loan by the end ol this year. Disclosing this today, the MIDFL genera] manager. Mr. L. M. Svuboda. said his organis| '.on was an import- am elonieni in
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  • 58 7 KUALA LCMPi/K. Tliurs.— The Deputy Punic Minister of New Zealand. Mr. J. R Marshall, will arrive here on Sunday for two-day informal visitMr. Mar.Mi;i:i who is niso the Minuter of Industries and Commerce u:id Iflolatar of Overseas Trade- is now in New Delhi t" chiir :\w
    58 words
  • 271 7 SINGAPORE. Thurs piGHT Straits Times readers have donated a total of $157 to Madam Tan Yoke Lan and her 10 children, whose father died recently after a short i Mines* Madam Tan and hn clu'.d- ran. vlmm aaaa ranaf trom one n.outh to 15
    271 words
  • 30 7 Top scholar in the Singapore Senior Cambridge School < ertilieate \.uninilion 1 f»t» Tan Boon Wall, has rreHvrd ST.'i more to inutile him to continue In, higher studies.
    30 words
  • 305 7 Sea rescue drama of pilot who ditched in Pacific SINGAPORE, Thurs. The 9.171 -ton President Arthur sailed in today after taking part in a sea rescue which saved the life of a pilot whose single-engined plane had ditched in the Pacific Ocean. The rescue operation look placo in heavy seas
    305 words
  • 57 7 KLAI A 1 IMPIR. Thurs. Thieve* broke into i *hop at Sun»;i v. ay. iibout nine miles from MR 0B Tuesday and stole 240 shirts, eight pairs of shoe.s. four baps and '.wo pairs of trousers worth 52.200. The U > mi. Mr ;'ui:a c he* Voon.
    57 words
  • 49 7 KUALA I UMPL'K- Thur.- Mr S. Kula Singam was elected president of the ttolangor Stamp Ciub ;it Ita Muma] meetins hen day. other* etaeted were Dr. a. r. Kandiah and Mr. T. E. Hat'O", Mr. C. Nacari |ah, secretary, arid Mr lull Chang Yoong, treasurer
    49 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 104 7 WAKE UP WITH [Ntl sin and be on time The IVst EagKah ELECTRIC ALARMS Full rantfe avaikibk from your dealer. i I V I I I f i X 11 I I ALARMS MADE IN GREAT BRITAIN. Bolt Mtm* JACKSON'S MALAYA LTD. SINGAPORE K. LUMPUR PENANG IPOH THE NORTH BORNEO
      104 words
    • 26 7 Jandm/nera/s? iff I fljfcial** ■"I i ill rl \lllllS I%®® High Potency Vitamin Capsules E3S3I Ge: tn»;n at any jood dealer pharmacy v Federal liSfNtlfi na-'ei
      26 words
    • 6 7 11,,,...,, H n Hmlph H. ,~..1..1,l
      6 words
    • 136 7 OFFICE-TYPE STAPLING MACHINES »O?TIICM Ml dot Vorw mm. wstiicm laamaaw *mM- g<HM wstiKH a4n St^"'* 'h. Hmtvpnx* <•< Slap ,^f^Sm\ W^^^ MlkM 4&m\- D Tt s < i:< 4^__ STAPLING PLIERS •OSIUCM M-t» Hn. t J \\V trnW* tmmmmm v.^.^ »os7itcHf»i» ,r,.:.-*,.v. Voo Hn. no,- hr w SELF-FEEDING HAMMERS
      136 words

    • 342 8 Another local cosmetic factory Cl\< i.M'OHL will soon have another cosmelu I;k lorv in operation to meet the demand From ilu v growing domestic and overseas markets lor this type of product. The company, Yardley Jardine Ltd. with an authorised capital of $15 million, will manufacture the internationally renowned Yardley
      342 words
    • 236 8 ESSO Group appoints two new executives 4 senior Esso marketing a\ executive (ruin bM, Mr. CketMC Kun Minn. M-nior sales representative, was appointed recently to the post of East Malaya district manager. Mi. iirong. .{'l. ha* hrld trvrral Minor riiKinrrring und marketing im.Mv in l.iini|iiii. |poh and liagaaan ahm
      236 words
    • 111 8 Olivetti (Mala. oia> Ltd. recently donated three electric office machines wonh about 56.000 to i two public organisations in I Singapore. The "ompany has donated two i electric typewriters to the Medical Progress Fund Board and a Olhetti MS 84 typewriter to the Institute o! Management. Mr.
      111 words
    • 58 8 Shell International have signed their hist synthetic r-ibber product contract with Dia Chemie. the Ea^t Germ n Imporl and Export I I Orgam.-aiion. CCOrdlng to I eipzig j i fair aourotl. Tli volume ami value ol the contract, whleta is understood to 1 co\er the carirlex ran^e ol
      58 words
    • 148 8 MR. Richard Marah. head of the Aiia Department of the Confederation of British Industries recently visited Singapore to establish a Singapore office of the organisation. Mr. Marsh said that the local office would have the twofold task of promoting British products and would also ensure that investment
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    • 223 8 GOLD MEDALS FOR BEST SECRETARY STUDENTS THE committee of the Singapore Society of I Incorporated Secretaries will present two gold medals annually as from next year, one to the outstanding final .student and the other to theoutstanding intermediate student of the year. The first, presentation will take place after the
      223 words
    • 73 8 MR. Guy Moser export manager of Radiol Chemicals Ltd.. of London, (above), is at present on an extension trip, visiting many of the company's overseas markets in order to meet both the firm's agents and i nni.ii t as many as possible retail pharmacies He arrived
      73 words
    • 184 8 CHISEIDO Co. Ltd. of Tokyo. Japan, who have established a name in the Malaysian and Singapore cosmetic markets through mass -media advertising, are to follow up with yet another massive campaign. To this end planning operi i<in> have already be«im Over the week -end three top executives in
      184 words
    • 144 8 FUJI BANK GROWTH PLAN ONE of Japans largest commercial banks. Fuji Bank Ltd.. is prepared to expand its financial activities in Singapore and Malaysia. The bank, through its correspondent banks here, will give its full co-operation in extending credit facilities and finance local industries, said Mr. Rikuro Takahashi. director and
      144 words
    • 62 8 From April l. two new marketinn companies will represent, the 1.C.1. Group in Malaysia and Singapore. They will be called 1.C.1. i Malaysia) Ltd. and 1.C.1. Agriculture < Malaysia) Ltd. I C.I. {Malaysia) Ltd. has been formed to take over the paints and Industrial (chemicals, plastics, etc.
      62 words
    • 266 8 |>EN.\.\(i will soon have a new multi- purpose en- tertainment centre with a modern cinema, hotel, shopping arcade, restaurant, nightclub and roof garden all housed in one eight storey building shown in the artist's impression above. Situated at the site of the former Chinese Club at the
      266 words
    • 118 8 \IK v.\. TAYLOR, repretentative from Broom and Wade Ltd.. is now visiting Malaysia. This visit of approximately two wreks will enable Mr. Taylor to give advice und assistance to tho company's customers throughMil Malaysia. The vi^it torms pal Broom and Wade's o\ sales programme for olTeriiiK
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 368 8 Retiring? Returning? Ilic hanod Islands offer ><m an equable climate, lon taxation. no death duties, excellent communications with England and Europe. National Provincial Baak Ltd. prenides a full bankand trustee scr\ice in all the Islands both lor residents and non-rcsidcuts. Full inlormation will irladlv be i;i\cn by its affiliated company
      368 words
    • 167 8 MAF Malaysian Australian Finance Company Limited a wholly owned subsidiary of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation whose group assets exceed $5,750,000,000 accept deposits for varying periods of time to suit the convenience of depositors. as examples HM^II +V 1 w P a Y 111 H I By Diy It
      167 words

  • 640 9 A CHARACTER ATTACK ON REGISTRY CHIEF SINGAPORE. Thursday i\ attack «»n the 4 character of Mr. Kian Seng. Ihe (Commissioner <»l the Registn of Persons, one of the main prosecution witnesses :it the trial «>! his demitv, Thomas Khor '< Teik l.non on
    640 words
  • 216 9 SiNUAHORF. Thur.s technician, Tan Tlan San. 20, who bought a forged Identity card from a friend tor uve dollar- was today in the Third DUne Court tailed for a day. and lined $800 or tnur months' jail Tan who claimed he came from
    216 words
  • 31 9 VPORE Thurs.—litiorm- \;i iten availm -in Marine Depart!in ni There nn certain resUlclCopies m tin- regulations are available for Inspection at. the Shippinc Department, Pullerton Building, SinualHirc.
    31 words
  • 230 9 ONE-MAN. SHOW BY SPORE ARTIST- A SINGAPORE artist, who claims to be the first graduate from the Nanyang Academy ol Fine Arts to go to Paris for further studies after the war. is back here to hold a one-man exhibition next month. Mr. Kam Zln Choon (above), who ha- been
    230 words
  • 309 9 Six(;.\pokk. Than. Amonu the i .v- tors fur aßaceaafal indasUimlikation in Siim.iporr. human >kills arc of paramount importance. The Minister of State of the Ministry of I dtuation. Inchc Kaliim Ishak. iaM this when he addressed the twenty-serond session nf I i.iii-
    309 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 500 9 i a\ a\ama\aaaia\-M\^»rJ M v^» «^a9t Faisal^^T^_ "^^v J IwWWv »i ay W^^ Bl M K saw 1 2fl< 'Is^Afi I \aV\J^a^^^a»?^^Ha?^^-^a^^^ M^«F^Sf^3v^^^M^ Z I^^ 9 A^^ai aw i i r^ JSdJ^rlZS&w^^wWi v^ a* f^^Bl^y^^^jß^^'.^^^^^^wJK^^r^B Ib^aw^^^^aw^awU "%^T j*^^^^«^^^^^^^s^^^^^^a^^awß Bjgß^^^^^aw^^gjjs ,W ■> w A^^r w w w A^^^sp^^p^^a^^av 3f 05 i
      500 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 284 9 i:.. i- i \hib:tion ot JanaimaT ship machinery. Victoria Mrmo- H.ii HI am Iv 7 p.m. Kr«-f him shows Evt* ul In typhoon. Clcanli- j Bring! Hcaitli. Drum> Ac- roa iiv Laaaan. Yoke Hanc Story, Kamiiori^ Wiik Hassiin. I 7.30 p.m. Selenduiie Dclim.i. liiimli I Mrrah Ktchil. 7.30 p.m. What
      284 words

  • 38 10 it HWW, Sli i V,n,m,,m MAOAM LEC SAW HUN (H M-3-M G H taavaßg h. hind 1 aatuittcn. 2 tor Bethesda (I i" 1 n. HIM !hen'>- to Btd»d»tl. .No wreaths, cltts to Church Buildln* Fund hv
    38 words
  • 44 10 IN EVER LOVINC MatJMfJ of th. st« Rev. Khoc. iho dfftrtat •■■> n the i^ini o? Alwayn rememh^red Hy hi* wite ani LOVINC MEMORY Of Chelliah v*ecramah aaaatd awaj or 2S-.1-61 '•one hi* t'. \.t forgotten. Inserted hy Idvnf haabaM anil ch'Mren
    44 words
  • 102 10 N »Wrf> til < Minimum, DON'T MISS th.- Ma«( (I.:!. 30tl, i M irch— aM Airll Kuok now at Coll storaue or Kolurnom HILDA'S CRANO EASTER Ma. at •ct Arcada on anmm, nhoen. I dre^ff-s- «\Min**uit». TOWN AND COUNTRY'S Faia No« On. Draaaaa. ■paatavMavr, Matemit) M ta itirt rhlldrtn
    102 words
  • 27 10 IS Wnrdn S.T I Minimum I CHRIST IS THE anawci rally. Pun I t^ dynamic ■onverslor; of s.iul of rsui 17 ■•i- fdll. 11. r.v.'ryoni
    27 words
  • The Straits Times Friday. March 25. 1966.
    • 683 10 The political crisis in South V ietnam continues to deepen, with odds on the survival of Air Marshal Nguyen Cao Kv's government shortening i rapidly. In the cities of Hue and Danang indeed, through- out the five northern provinces j controlled by the First Army j I
      683 words
    • 393 10 India's protest to Pakistan over what it calls "deliberate find sustained violation of the Utter and spirit of the Tashj kent Declaration" gives rise to frars that January's accord is going to be shortlived. New Delhi's complaint is that Pa- kistan is continuing to publish propaganda against India,
      393 words
    • 132 10 After months of complications the Philippines has decided to do away entirely with its fingerprinting of visitors of Chinese origin. They will not be fingerprinted on arrival, as the previoui Government insisted: nor will they have to submit photo-p-aphs with thumbprints on the back, as the new Government
      132 words
  • letters
    • 533 10 Mapas: No sectional interests refer to the letter from the Assistant General Manager of Malaysian Airways (S.T. March Since the Milaysian Airways Pilot Association has not yet released official statements. Mr. Lim's whole letter is based on assumptions, and it is therefore necessary to refute these false assumptions. Mapas has
      533 words
    • 129 10 \|R. David Marshall's outburst CST. Msrrh 18 against Mr. Devan Nalr is unnecessary, and uncalled for. It betrays an underlying bitterness towards the PAP government in Singapore which he now projects onto th*» DAP in Malaysia. As Mr. Marshall wa* formerly Chief Minister of preindependont Singapore he
      129 words
  • 920 10  -  Cyril Dunn by THE PASSIONS THEIR HISTORY IS 400 YEARS OLD NEW DELHI. Thur*. WE were in a chowk an accidental and shapeless open space formed by the confluence of several streets in Amritsar, an Indian frontier city sacred to fhe Sikhs. The place was jammed with
    920 words
  • 464 10  - Learning Malay— 2 YUNUS MARIS By M.A. University of Malaya COMBINATION of "PER...." and "TEE". Such a combination Is uncommon. The few examples which may studied offer no clear Indication as to which of the prefixes "PER" and "PE" is being used. e.g. TERPKRdaya (The normal spelling has It "TERPEdaya")
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 644 10 Straits Times k Malay Mail ClaaaUied adrertl*aii>ee>t* may ba kanded tat COLO STOftASf SUPIKMARKET Orcfcavd Reeid (BacaoltMaat Oaak) COLD STORAGE BRANCHES At Kellond Rood Kateag M«»ol »o»e. crrr book store ltd.. 1 Wiawnetter house. Cali,ai Qway. THI NEWS FNONT Fitiaatnck's Suaxrmejraa* M. M. ISMAIL I Admlrorty Road. Neval Baaa. NAMIEM
      644 words
    • 32 10 A BUILT-IN PRESS FOR YOUR I CLOTHES: A report to Consumers on the newest process to treat garments to keep their shape without ironing. Read in MARCH Readers Digest Now On Sale!
      32 words
    • 290 10 W AINEW MODELS OF 1966 f^.. i That osaa'c at' Siera«ets.'nc;jBins tha .v? !™i"^ portabla* You want ar e««T>- LOO k I ■•».^aaiM^__^_^^^_, I I at tr».a wo^dartul S.e'j ponabia the f t t^ fcr SA 6260 T it mm tVae wavarjnge(. 9 r^" u*nt<*tor> anrj a oo«» an «rf'cent
      290 words

  • 199 11 'Lifer' found hanging in cell 1/1 \l.\ I IMPIR. Thurs A man .serving a life s*ntrnrr in Podu Prison for the murder of a l-.ind-afMst and sundry shop proprietor, five years .ico. was today found hanging in his crll. Hi was 4riprn bin .leniadin. '20. from Johorr. > lie. wM
    199 words
  • 61 11 SINGAPORE. Thur.v A thifm.m delegation, led by Mr. W. H. B. Johnson, the British Comr of Inland R^-enuc. ill arrive here tomorrow f r illts with the Singapore Government on the question of Jou'ole taxation. Tattl between the delegal.or. and the Singapore Qorernmeni v ill
    61 words
  • 53 11 MNOA?ORK Thurs. A 22--year old BWebanle, Tan Beng Thong, turned up today With a e-cenr coin. The coin. m;:itcd In 1962. has two I lan. of Lorong Sr.gku Am. in. said 'hat fhe coin was aaMOf Mime rh.mge he received from ;i post office after buying
    53 words
  • 609 11 DUTY OF 'HAVES' IX BOOSTING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday THE Deputy Prime Minister. Tun Abdul Razak. declared this evening that Malaysia could not remain strong and prosperous without hard work, sweat and some sacrifice. The "haves", he said in a talk to the
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  • 237 11 SINGAPORE. Thurs. The death toll in Monday's gas explosion on board the Norwegian tanker. Sem Tonsberg. has risen to five with two more deaths of injured victims at the General Hospital last night. Long .Mi Yong. 31. ot Kirn Keat Road, and Chan Ah Chal.
    237 words
  • 127 11 I/UALA LUMPUR. Thurs The delay ol an i American firm. Warner- Lambert iMlg.i Ltd.. Pt'taiing Jaya. in recog- nising the Chemical Workers' Union of Malaya was raised in the House or Representatives today. Mr. C V. lie van Xair 'DAP- i a>kcd
    127 words
  • 32 11 PENANQ rhun Four robbera, tiiree carrying fcal v\\ plgtoL ambusbed cyclist, r -mm bin a; ,m 44 last night Bu all they ?o: from h.m vnt^ a 50-t-ent penknlft
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  • 66 11 \J AI..UT.V 1 hurv— 1 "h« 1 Rovil Malaysian N;ivy will carry out a mil H- counter- measure exercise off Puiau I'ndan here froni tomorrow t«> April 2. During the practice, the mines will mil smokr and flames na the surface of the water when they
    66 words
  • 52 11 JESSEI.TON. Thurs. Two Sa bah welfare officer*. Mi.%* Katberln* Chui and ICss Sylvia Obok Kirn Tse. will take a two-year dip!om» course m social studies at the L'n<vers ty ol Sintsapore. The Bourse uUI Ijeein in M?y and all expenses wi'l be paid by the
    52 words
  • 228 11 DAY THE SULTAN'S DRIVER COULDN'T ATTEND COURT 4 LOR STAR. Thurs. When a witness the Sultan of Kedahs driver could not attend court for a traffic case, the prosecution applied for a postponement but the magistrate would not man 1 it. the Kedah Hi»h Court was told today. ■The Sultan's
    228 words
  • 86 11 I/UALA I.I'MPUR. Thurs. Tin DC-6 aircraft, which flew pilgrim- to Mecca on Tuesday, was "absolutely airworthy", the Minister of Transport. Dato Sardon bin Hajl Jubir. told the of Represent atlves today. An Alliance backbencher. Inche Abdul Karim Ayub (Malacca Belatan yesterday described the piaiu
    86 words
  • 117 11 JyI'ALA LUMPIR. Thun Malaysians o( Chinese origin do not have to b<; finger-printed on arrival in the Philippines, according to an nick memoir? from the Philippines Consulate here to the Ministry ol Foreign Allans In a statement Issued hero today, the Ministry said that
    117 words
  • 54 11 SINGAPORE. Thurs. i ndfi Na Ah 16. '\;,.s killrd early this morning, when the mo tor-cycle ridden hv i friend, Tan s- r.. su. jt skidded while negotiating ■> corner .a the Stamford Andrew's Road |uncUon, 1 ol T' !.iK Aye: S- i ndmi:ti>d Into ;he
    54 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
      113 words
    • 175 11 ANNUALSME STARTS TOMORROW] IB Oar Usual Sale Policy E It has always been Robinson"? policy to II hold a Genuine Sale once a year. We have ■I a sale because both ourselves and our B suppliers like to clear merchandise to make yjk room for new products. B JEa Where
      175 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 816 11 TV MALAYSIA (H.WM.I. ."> Kuala l.ur- D;M:i\vl;ind Shun. A Ir.p pur and Pruanj Ipuh Thru Acivn::urt l.ttid Water and Malacca: 3 Johorr Bird>". 7 Ntem In ■ngDah Bahru: 4 Taipins; 1 710 .So .rs Arrn:i: 735 Batu I'ahat; a Kluan K R.ngcr; "Cannonb;tll Mclcav". 8 Hmn in Mnncia- i 1.M.:
      816 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 69 12 55;SS:5sS!J&i§§5fefe^ PROGRESS S s ss:s:sspS^^^fe with E nation ''••■2ss**4i i^^mljT"'^^ in view of the rapiu i:x ,^jg| mSS^^WH i|H^T^ r^ 1 -TTrrT 481ti?7 pansion of its undertakings Mflfett s**&Slli "l^^t-ti i^"T7444^wt THE N A Tl NA L i:lectri JBJHJBJJSyjp g lifffr 4^l All t 3^iili|Ti)li) lvstorey head office building WLBWr^H
      69 words
  • National Electricity Board
    • 3 12 National Electricity Board
      3 words
    • 252 12 Message from Malaysian Premier I\M looking furw.uil with pleasure to thr opening of the nru 1 1 Mil offii'r of the National Kit- Iricilv Board tomorrow biM'.tiiM- this huilriini: ■•> the "brain In" controlling all tin electrical rnergy we mu>t havr for national rlrvilupmrnt in Malaysia. Thr vital ripMWM
      252 words
    • 960 12  -  BOB NG Tengku opens Board's $5m head office building in capital TIIK Malaysian Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, will officially open the $5 million, 13-storey head office of the National Electricity Hoard in Bungsar Road. Kuala Lumpur tomorrow at 1 1 a.m. Opening of the modern building
      960 words
    • 820 13 POWER SUPPLY TO COPE WITH RAPID INDUSTRIAL EXPANSION Board plays a big role THE National Electricity Board is playing a vital role in the Government's programme of rapid industrialisation by ensuring enough power i<> turn the wheels <»l industry to bring more prosperity and more employmenl to the coun* try.
      820 words
    • 621 15 BRAIN 9 USHERS IN ELECTRONIC AGE Bu Staff Writer fUK opening of the head office of the National Klectricity Board has ushered in the electronic ape with the installation of a $770,000 "brain". This is an electronic data processing system which the NEB is
      621 words
    • 490 16 TO achieve its aim of bringing the amenities ol life to the rural people, the Government has since independence and through two fiveyear development plans been conducting an intensive programme of rural electrification. Following this pol- I icy. the National Electncity Board has accorded
      490 words
    • 773 17 PUBLIC GETS EXCESS POWER THE story of electricity in Malaysia began .sonic 70 years ago in the mining districts where power was first introduced to activate machinery, and to a limited at, supply local domestic needs This first. faint flicker of electricity, which today is
      773 words
    • 554 17 ryHE National Elec- tricity Board has long been recognised as one of the most progressive quasigovernment bodies in it s Malayanisation programme. Its declared policy is the complete Malayanisation of its staff by December 31 next year. If past performance Is anything
      554 words
    • Page 24 Advertisements
      • 29 24 Lite CLASSIFIEDS j HI Word. lIJ Vmimi.mi DANKER. TO Vi-. tat r.,r; i;, i. mi nn LM :(.«<>. Brothat tor Adrian QnUtfu naß Mount Alveriu.i Hu-l aal I><o i Gratia*.
        29 words
      • 84 24 a*iHavgjßMgjßgJgBtkgCggHgg|ggMggßgggfc^. mK^^shlw^lw^lw^lw^^ rot* JiH (4H When people drink beer... it's usually UpPP ANCHOR! Why Anchor Beer? Because Anchor is a pilsener beer... lighter, more refreshing. Brewed with special hops to give it a lively, less bitter taste, Anchor Beer adds zest to food... good cheer to any gathering. Good, golden
        84 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 115 13 Congratulations to NATIONAL ELECTRICITY BOARD on the occasion of the official opening of their New Head Office Ml Bfts JB flj «i 9 fc fcT^ t** *"4*iL_ k m} 1H MM m 4• lk.l v,, i *■> JK jb Ka 2 *l BJI m -LJ ""'•'•<• "T" **■< i j
      115 words
      185 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 77 14 Congratulations to the NATIONAL ELECTRICITY BOARD on the opening of their NEW HEADQUARTERS BUILDING We are proud to have been entrusted with the supply and installation of f FOUR JF^L MITSUBISHI PASSENGER LIFTS 600 FT. PER MINUTE WITH ROTOTROL CONTROL AND ONE AC SERVICE LIFT Bii i-- ii- ■■J" Mm*
      77 words
    • 218 14 !i Congratulations THE NATIONAL ELECTRICITY BOARD on the occasion of the official opening of their New Head Office Building at Bungsar. with Compliments from SUN KONG ELECTRIC CO., 135/1 Jolan Sungei Beti, K.L. Tel: ***** *****. Branch Office: 169 Kampor Road, Ipoh. Tel: *****. WE ARE PROUD TO BE ENTRUSTED
      218 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 496 15 CYCLE CARRIAGE CO., (MALAYA) LTD. SIEMENS DIVISION EXTENDS CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES TO THE NATIONAL ELECTRICITY BOARD ON THE OFFICIAL OPENING OF THEIR NEW OFFICES DcT/-hqht-type large-area illumination I Modern and efficient street lighting f m H~lPr~ir~ I B^£fl[flS Oval specular relieclor lumind.reAlHil^^^^ I/\ 1 J k«^^^^^^ Xenon-Hood' gM.ALXS I
      496 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
      112 words
    • 249 16 We congratulate THE NATIONAL ELECTRICITY BOARD on the opening of their MULTI-STOREY HEADQUARTERS BUILDING We are pleased to have supplied all the WELDED MESH used in this project. m SELANGOR STEEL WELDED MESH CO. 23, Jalon Tondong, Pctolinq Joyo, Malaysia. Tel: ***** SINGAPORE STEEL WELDED MESH CO. 179-A, Paya Lebar
      249 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
      23 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1458 18 ilontint'rd from P_gr IWi SITUATIONS VACANT IS Word* ft i Mm.)— Box it rt*. txtrm BOX A43SS SPORE. Position tilled. Applicants thanked. WANTEO A I_.dy Typist from dls- r«re at t* Cambridge Rd. WANTED A MALI Typist resident In JB. who can type 60— M) words per minute. Box A
      1,458 words
    • 1166 18 ACCOMMODATION VACANT Hnr*. Mint Box Hi rU nl". AVAILABLE BEAUTIFULLY FUR NISHEO i .■> No I 3 Jalan Buloh Sir.^syore U Tel ***** for appointment. HILL TOP SEASIDE BUNGALOW 1 Poo Sgol complete privacy .«ecluded I neacb large garden furn:«ned Sloo p.m. Box A4ASS B.T. S pore »> SERANCOON
      1,166 words
    • 877 18 HOUSES LAND FOR SALE I H..x <•■ I. THRCI. ROOMED two ilolllTti irr^c. MM B'BBM t'ark l.o«> 1 «i win jm it v-. io« -wi, I I HOUSES LAND WANTED it Ct* txlm WE WANT TO Pareh-se Old Shop i within town area without vacant pos- m^ion in Singapore, Kuaia
      877 words
    • 1051 18 MACHINERY PLANT FORSALF I M ..^rf^ -t tl,* -«,,i ,M nl',, A COMPLETE SET ol 111.'.!., di.,' ,i :>in» —HM— MH lvi 'i.-Mil-CiuriUi. i mm Lmamftmt. vomjuuv. end ;>>:r. MBB— M aai Apy:> IU Ri\rr V •a, tel b i<,re MH i IORB 19RB a »RB EXCAVATORS lIU TO IS
      1,051 words
    • 928 18 FOR SALE li l»o<«\> <• Win..— Hun M <■'' SAFES, inn- u*txl loo* M« itMIWBBIIII uflils lliMttd roi tu.lnri ...uticul^r- t«l«p-Q-l Vj»f'2 uthtf Hours ■:l> lv rO ti\ Iv*. Wit VENETIAN BLIND CLEANING M »o «s> «itn T»in rwin. <-.««u> I ur> null) ft.deli 10 OOC tuovtr-,n«-i only atV- "itiKS
      928 words
    • 704 18 NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that by a Dccc Poll dated the 12th day of March 196« i HUPAAT BIN I.ANIERAHo: No. 13-C Lorong Ptispa off Paslr Panjang Road. Singapore re- nounced and abandoned the name of SURATI BIN SALAM. Dated this 23rd day of March I 1966 DREW <fc NAPIER. Solicitors
      704 words
    • 632 18 NOTICE 7AKK \OTICK tliat b> a I>^_ Poll datM iiie L'.ith day ol IPS 6 CHOW PO LING of i Lorong Ltaaa, Singapore-]? thr legal jttiardian of CHEW KIM HONG, femnlr. r minor, a Singapore citizen by birth, dirt on her i t>ei};ill add Iht lurtli-iuimc CHAN KAH TIANG to
      632 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1275 19 TO LIVERPOOL H WEST COAST U H Due Score S? is P. S ham Penani AtREuS .:•■> In Part Taday Mar 21 ULYSSES i Cda 33 Mar 27 POLYPNfMUS Gdn 13 Mar 27 Mar 29/ 1 Mar 21 ACAPENOR v >bg:'r Ape I MENESTMEUS Apr 5 Apr I Apr 912
      1,275 words
    • 2443 19 '■a^mJ ml* rmFwt^l' if* ml J #4. aY nWk&L IL V f I J m^^ m^^ m^ m^ m^ m^ m^ m^ mmmmm^ mmmmmm I i^aaj^j^g^aaßßfciiiiaTßmßWMaaTßßiJ^aßdaßiaaaWii^BßßMaißßawi^BißßßßaßßßWßSt r//£LHhi//V£S (iiiiiii EXPRESS SAILINGS IP tENOA-HAVRt-MAMBURC-aREMERNAVEN-WOTTERBAMWIMSTEROAIa ANTWERP-AARNUS-COPENHAtEN. j Spun f 4 n«ra Pen<i| »n benu* rtmr rl'Ourg Roam Aim viiai PATAEONIA a) Apr 1410
      2,443 words
    • 1228 19 feELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO., LTD. SEE OVERLEAF FOR OUTWARD SERVICE FROM U.K., CONTINENT, taadiag ftri I'pora P. S'haa Ptnng -it. OF RIPON L'non. H'burg, Rdani. Httra, Hull, imm ntra. G'noutk 20 21 Mar M Mat :iTY OF GLOUCESTER. knlwtrp, Biemta 29 Mir ;iTY OF LANCASTER rtavtd, Rotterdan, Antwerp 13 15
      1,228 words

  • 581 20 Straits tin price rally after heavy decline Tl I r price of Straits tin after its drop of 811.3*} on Wednesday rallied >«*ster- da> by Sl.tii'. to MUa* per; picul. The orTering esimated at 245 tons «as down 10 tons. 1.c., 1 1 1 > better support was reported and
    581 words
  • 802 20 From Our Market Correspondent rl Stock Exchange yesterday was dominated by the heavy dealings in Chemical Co. of Malaysia Ltd. which established a 20 per cent premium on first listing. Including odd lots 932.600 shares changed hands from $1.19 t<> ILBS to 51.21 to 51.23.
    802 words
  • 28 20 Stork lndni-t Mar. 23 Mar. 21 •Industrials: X.1.73 8545 Tins: liii.l., S rubber*: 109.15 109.15 Dm 30. 1963 as 100. Hit. V.l. 1J162 100.
    28 words
  • 868 20 BUSINESS in md reported top the *mc.i|Mirr and Kuala I l.umpur trading rooms of Hie Stork I\i li.m-r >est(*rda>. with the number of the shares traded in bracket*.: INDUSTRIALS: Boi/»t«Jd (o.OOUi M.4«; Chemical* Jl 1>• It* SI. IT. H U $l.? 0 fl.. SI i-2 WL,
    868 words
  • 29 20 Mar. .'4. K( RBF.R PKICF: 69} rents (up quarter of a icnt). TIN: Mil..". .'ii» (up $1.1,' I millit ill estimated offering 245 tons (down 20 tons).
    29 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 992 20 r— ij^ ll YY KISEN KAISHA LTD. U.S.A. Pacific Atlantic Service Ban|tok H'kong L. r g» ss h. Yort Boitoft Pt>lat. "Kwmm Man" II 21 Apr Mai Apr II May 2 lan lint 12 jmi Japan Direct Service Pen t Sint»9cn Yo»<yam Ko6l ■MB Hue" 11 Mar 5 Apr fl
      992 words
    • 976 20 W IBC^^laWliv[C|%M AUSTRALIA 'NE* ZEALAND SERVICES i INIIA. PAKISTAN ANO P. SULf SERVICES. I Tit freaastle. Alelaile. MelMiini. Sytact I Penar* C Stum S aors Ts MHfu mi Nagaiattraia. lAMORA Apr 1/ S Apr 11/11 Aft (CARPENTARIA II IS Apr 71 74 Apt U/27 Aai a lULIMBA 2 May 4
      976 words
    • 458 20 P^N^ Orient mid— east lines Great Lakes Service FAST DIRECT SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE AND MALATA TO CANADIAN AND U.S. CREAI LAKES PORT!, Mngapuie S'ri«m >*enang ETA IrjcoaM ORIENT MARINER Mar 28 21 Mar 71 Mar 31 31 Api M A. VESSEL M*« i,i< v.i v h May la/ Is imi
      458 words
    • 111 20 S'POIE P iHA'JI tTA ETO ETA ETu> I FROM BOMBAY t BMAVNAGAR S.S. "MOLOA" tor Honflkor.g, Oiaka, ir<d Vokorwrro Mar 26 21 FROM CALCUTTA, KAKINADA. MASULIPATNAM MV "STATI Of GUJARAT" for Ho) K'.jro, Von. n>>3k3 Knbo v-^.ohor-o Mar 26/21 Mor 25 ?S FROM BOMBAY A CALICUT M V "STATE OF
      111 words

  • 110 21 MELBOURNE. Thurs. INDUSTRIALS eased further with falls covering three quarters ol the list. New Broken Hill featured in the easy base metals section with a drop or 45 cents to 455 cents. OiLs were easy. Today's rloKinc prior* in Australian dollars and tmt* v ith Wednesdays :n brackets:
    110 words
  • 244 21 Ai'Kll, aWI Rradr rubbrr f.o.b. bu>ers closed at 5 p.m. in Singapore and KuaU Lumpur, vesUrdav at 691 cents per Ib. up quarter of a cent on Wednesday* rloMiic level for the position. The tone waa very quiet but steady. K.A.S. and F.M.R.E. cloßlnK prices in cents per
    244 words
  • 214 21 March 24. Three months. INDUSTRIAL* Botistead 10 eta. M. Invest. V eta. McAllster U eta. C s.lluldloga 18 eta. Dunlops 13 eta. N. Iron 8 es B. -«meltera 23 eta. 0.C.8.C. 14 eta. K»»o 14 eta Kobinsona 11 eta. Ked. Dlsp. IS Cta. I K. N. aOcU Kotnmana
    214 words
  • 127 21 SHIPS lying alongside the Singapore wharves or expected today are: President Arthur 1/2, Musi N.W. 3 I Hum L.I N.W. TjincKara 5, MezhKOrle B '9. Polyphemus 13/14. RempanK Jj/16. Talhoku Maru 21 '22. Lars Ma.rsk l'J. Star Betelßiiese 23/24, Nuuxicaa 35/36, Staberit 3S/39, Mencatbeva 4J Krrnbank 44.
    127 words
  • 70 21 -HINESE Produce Eichanae, flnxa ""coconut oil: tmlk $02 aellera. drum ITS. Copra: Mar/Apr. IK Continent: Untiuntrd. Pepper: MuntoK white $190 afllera. Sarawak white SfTi sellers, special I KBrswak (k *14S» Milan, Kurbled s li-ir-g MMk U43KN) »ell<;ra tall MAM. ASTA SIS7J(N) sellers t ILW). 1 SinKapore Coconut Oil
    70 words
  • 52 21 THE pr.Nont rate of the Malayan dollar against the pound sterling fixed on November 24. 1964 is selling T.T. or O.D. U.J I 15 16d. Buying T.T. 2». 4 l/16d. BuWne O.I). 2s. 4'sd. The dollar is at its statutory middle position in relation to its range ajainst
    52 words
  • 97 21 THE Attocution ot Bankt in Malay 0 1 ia r incr* in tv rat*a I in imrcßinta >.--UT<l.iy (all ratea to I *"unit««l »talt«: DajrMkJ TT 32J. mm,"l Ol> 821. 90 .1 1 H I l« credit r ii irtr M!l« I ftaillni TT or OO ready: United
    97 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 865 21 CHAPTER 195 (Pawnbrokers) Unredeemed rirdgcd Goods Jewelkry from the following Pawnbrokers' Shops. No. 135 New Bridge Road Lam Joon Siong (Chop Sem Foh). No. 255 South Bridge Road Ho Van Kee (Chop Heng Fatt) Yong Kee. No. 287 South Bridge Road Scow Kian (Chop Nam Cheong). No. 103 Tanjone Paciar
      865 words
    • 725 21 SHELL REFINING COMPANY (FEDERATION OF MALAYA) LIMITED NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: that the ORDINARY STOCK REGISTER will be closed lrom the Bth to the 21st April. 1966. both dates inclusive, to determine who shall be entitled to attend the Seventh Ordinary General Meeting to be held on Saturday. 3Ui
      725 words
    • 977 21 TENDERS TENDERS If KENYATAAN TAWARAN NOTICE I Tawararrt" daripada pern- ROYAL AUSTRALIAN borong2 pembekal barang2 AIR FORCE yang berdaftar dl-dalam IK R Kpli< 'A' alrnn rii-tprl- Tenders are Invited for the pur- si Sf-di-Sabat Jsste« Ke r r- ch«^(he following used RAAF D ja Kanan. Pahang Tengah. equt ™„t J
      977 words
    • 1279 21 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS LEMBAGA LETRIK NEGARA TECHNICAL APPRENTICE f Applications are Invited from Federal Citizens only lor sponso--shlp to a three-year Engineering Diploma Course at the Technical i Coilene. Kualu Lumpur. <U ALIFK ATIONS Candidates should be over 1G years imd below 21 years ot union Ist August. 196 b and
      1,279 words

    • 365 22  -  Epsom Jeep I^^Jjrvith gINGAPORE. rhUR. Johnny Nelson renews partnership with Wine Man in the Singapore Derby on Sunday. Last June. Nelson rode Wine Man to a surprise victory in UM Perak Derby and the same combination now poses a big threat to the fancied runners in
      365 words
    • 120 22 WBA win cup at first attempt I OWDOW I: We#l Brotnv ich Albion i K bea- Wen Han 4 in the «e--cond-les ai Birri niaht to win oi :>-3 rtccreca'* Dnles. the Euri Mm into :hr Inters Cup. West Bn.nv in the Europe:,. competition next season. Result* of otter
      Reuter  -  120 words
    • 27 22 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Entries for the Malaysian Indo- Ceylonese tennis tournamrnt 'n be held at the TPCA eowti D Kuala Lumpur from 9-11. close on Monday.
      27 words
    • 22 22 acncMßAiN. inur.s. Tht Annual meeting of the Nesrl Sembilan FA wiD be Wednesday at the NS Clio at 7 p.m.
      22 words
    • 1238 22 Race 1—2.30 Class 5 ($6,000) 9f 1 ***** Pan. i.v Indra iC'urica) Lee 9 v.2 Bahwi 9 ***** I ni>r|ie\able .Tl.lo. Allan 8 9.0 iFI NelsMi 7 3 ***** Fir«t I.ove a (Prol!" Maw I 7 811 (FI Posner 4 4 ***** Lark a .AP Limi West
      1,238 words
    • 1472 22 BT TOW 4th day Race 1—2.0 Cl 2 Div 2 ($9,500) 7f 1 817,M1 I.' Orafon II a s>.. team Li.c o 90 -Rahwi 12 2 ***** I'anljjsila v fPak Lok> Lee 6 813 Moxham 3 527R4 Roprrthortw a (A Kaden Tulluh 11 8.11 (F) I oleman 3 4 *****
      1,472 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 429 22 AUCTION SALE OF Valoable Singapore Properties To be held at our Salesroom No 1.-t Market Street. Sinr»por« •n Turvd.v BMa March. l<»6« al .MM p.m. •nerville Road, aret :reehold .Tc :->e -Ai'.d «iii Vacant Pommrs J Tan Chor Yong Solicitors.. :;-A BaMMMI Road ofl I a.i jong Ka'.ong Road, ant
      429 words
    • 440 22 MUNICIPAL ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 133) i SECTION 102 NOTBCI :.s hereo> «nen unorr I Section 10J of the Municipal > I Ordinance 'Cliaptei 133. 'hat a i draft amended layout plan No 2359 to tiie approved layout plan embodying parts of T A XIX mid r A XXIV Hamper. Jawa and
      440 words
    • 402 22 NOTICES I NOTICE OF RESTRICTION OF MENTAKAB WATER SUPPLY The public is hereby Informed that the Menukab Water Supply will be closed from 12 midnight to 5 a.m. daily »c I 26 366 due tt> breakdown of two ol the submersible pumpsets. JURUTERA KERJA KANAN. JKR PA.IANO TENOAH. TEMERLOH TENDER
      402 words
    • 384 22 1 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT STATE OF BRUNEI Applications are invited to fill the following vacancies In the Broadcasting and Information Department. Brunei (1) PROUKAMMF ASSIBTAVT GRADE II (3 vacancies. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXpoubicbi Fw l.nclish -rrti.iii Applicants, must pos-sef the Overseas School Certificate or its equivalent with credit in English, and have
      384 words

    • 598 23 FIERCELY FOUGHT HK OPEN PREDICTED HONG KONG, Thursday JHE HONG KONG Open golf championship, fifth leg in this year's Far East circuit, starts tomorrow on a fiercely competitive note. At stake for the topflight interna tional Held of 100 professionals and amateurs from 13 countries and
      Reuter  -  598 words
    • 493 23  -  LARRY CARROLL CYCLING by KDALA LUMPUR. Thurs. This is an appeal to the Malaysian Cyclists Federation to withdraw their nominations for the Kingston Commonwealth Games as a gesture of sincerity. If they insist on sending another no-hnpc team over-M-as they lay themselves open
      493 words
    • 41 23 ipoh. Thura. Beventy-flve competitors from live school* will take part In the M annual Anderson-Victoria iiiterachooU Invitation croaa-country championship here on Saturday. l)g at 830 ;i m The not for the Lewia Cup is over i 2;-mil< courae
      41 words
      • 33 23; I.eacue: MQOkttOO 3 L. N>«ri LtaffW: NBCBC 2 Port DirkM>n He I: Teachers 2 Dun- I lops 1 1.. I'rrak si\-a-sidi- (Teluk Anton)' Indiana l St. Anthonys o
        33 words
      • 16 23 runiun irirnaiy: I' ni Dato Jaffat School by 50 runs. Pontian 139 Drfto Jaffar School
        16 words
      • 46 23 Victory (up k.o. tuurney (Malacca i: War Dcpt. Civilians 3 Kubu Utd. 1. Kluang Icajuc: Revertex 4 Education 0; Gurkhas 7 Fed. Engineers 0. Friendly (Tcluk Anson): St. Anthony's Staff 6 Hurley Secondary School 2 Ipuh I i-.ti.m- Ui\. 3: Kilat 3 PCRC A 1
        46 words
    • 530 23 PENANG, Thursday. ONG LAY SINN (SXI 1 who won three events for Class Two boys, was the star performer on the opening day of the Penang Schools Sports Council (secondary) swimming championships at the I CSC pool today. Among the girls, Ong Jin Imm (MGS>
      530 words
    • 193 23 I MAAU will plan Games' training on Sunday l/LALA LUMPUR. Thurs. 1 —The Malaysian Ama- teur Athletic Union, at Its I executive committee meet- ing on Sunday, will give priority to setting out the national team's preparations for the Commonwealth Games at Kingston. Jamaica in August and the Asian Games
      193 words
    • 179 23 LAUREL TO RACE IN WONG'S TEAM CINGAPORE. Thurs. Arsenio I aurel. the Philippine champion driver, will compete IS the Singa pore Grand Prix here on Apr. 9-11 as a member of the Richard Wong Wai Hong; Racing Organisation team. This was disclosed today by Richard Wong, chairman of the organisation,
      179 words
    • 44 23 SEREMBAN. Thurs. The closing date for entries for the Malaysian Hockey Federation six-a-side competition, to be held here on April 9, has been extended to Sunday. The draw will be held on the following day at the NS Club at 7.30 p.m.
      44 words
    • 65 23 SINGAPORE. Thurs. RAP Tengah, trailing 0-3 in th# first 15 minutes, recovered brilliantly in the second half to liola the defending champions. Ceylon Sports Club to 3-3. and earn a replay in the SHA senior knockout competition at Farrer Park today. KAF Teneah. second division champions, got
      65 words
    • 432 23  - NAVY THREAT TO BEST IN SCA LEAGUE ERNEST FRIDA: By Singapore, Thurs. rpHIS weekends Singapore Cricket Association A senior league matches will give a good indication of the Services team who are likely to offer a serious threat to the Civilian-dominated tournament. Four of the Services teams will be engaged
      432 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 335 23 FLY BOAC TO A MEDITERRANEAN CRUISE S^^l^iHHHHHHH^^^^^^L ««BPt^^^Nl j i juj H^B*^*^w^ y «av^ PjPhP j^mLvi V j iHfl MA^jajMMMMaM^^^^^^^^ajEflQHHHfiMMHSi H V^V i p^ iyP<P hhSr HHHHHMMHK^^^^a^^M^^a*A^^u '>**■* ii&^^Sz 1 H^a^a^aw^ >^g^^HMh^^l.^M^.*^Bt N& ■■^a^Hki^Ba^ ~^>- 1^ jfl K\ <^M ML 'iff k' I hhV aY '^Haia asTlB B©''^'^B b^PuHHti JSO^&f
      335 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 89 23 SPORTS DIARY aiiii.i ins Sun in Yu.v istui: Youth Pona pwd sec. Bcbpol'a rroaa-coumrjr >B IMa hLi uurkh..s i MaOajah. mo >. SOCCER— IVn.ins l.rasurdix. N S Pul.uii." S <„.w s( M Da Service! Wv. I: Police x RailKramati Dl». SO Ounwy R.i.uli Taipin* PS Sunn i Dato Kramati Ipnh
      89 words

  • 250 24 SP: Why my brother raised the issue of judges' promotion KUALA LUMPUR, rhurs. Dato S. P. Seenivasagam, MP I for Menglembu, tonight explained why his younger brother Mr. D.R. Seenivasa- gam (PPP-Ipoh) had j raised the issue of the J promotion of High Court judges In the House of Represent-
    250 words
  • 198 24 'Serious dialogue' in bid for church unity ROME. Thurs. Pope Paul and Dr. Michael Ramsey, the Archbishop of Canterbury, today announced they intend to inaiiKiir.ite "a serious dialogue" between the Roman Catholic Church and Anglican Communion with the aim of leading to unity. They announced this in a common declaration
    Reuter  -  198 words
  • 44 24 SINGAPORE. Thurs. The Trade Centre in Singapore and the Japan Ship Machinery Association ol Tokyo will Jointly Kive a dinner at the Imperial Room on Saturday, in connection with the current exhibition of JapanCM ship machinery at the Viunna Hail.
    44 words
  • 39 24 SIN \PORE Thurs. -Mr. Eri< Oarator o: Zoology of Museum, v. ill sp«>;ik 00 "Wlii 1 is a Curator'" at the week!; luncheon meeting of the Club oi Singapore 'B<;;i Chapter) ;it Princes Restaurant irdav.
    39 words
  • 25 24 SINGAPORE. Thurs. The Inner Wheel Club of Singapore will hold a donation draw at the Adolphi Hotel Grill on Wednesday at 3.30 p.m.
    25 words
  • 106 24 Ot CRUZ MINNIE j.a.-.«.<1 away Peacefully 24.3.66. Cortetce Iravta 37. Woo Mon Chiw Road at 4.20 p.m. today for Church of Perpetual Succour and thence In Ridndarl. MR. VASTIAN LAZAR if or) passed away f<-.i. iiully li-Hvinc behind his »ik and four chnir.n tv mourn his loss. Cortege >•
    106 words
  • 165 24 MANILA. Thurs. The caretaker Indonesian 1 (>rei<n Ministry has asked the Philippines to withhold recognition of Malaysia "for a while.'' u< online to Manila T i in s s correspondent Amando Doronila. who is now in Indonesia. The Manila Times storysaid the Philippine Amnassadoi
    Reuter  -  165 words
  • 174 24 CAR THIEF SENTENCED TO 5 YEARS PRISON SINGAPORE. Thurs. Ismail bin Bakri was today given the maximum sentence of !Ive years jail for a car theft, after the court was told of the difficulty of recovering stolen car-, in Singapore Mr S. Rajendran. the Third District Judge, also ordered Ismail
    174 words
  • 300 24 LONDON. Thurs -Prices were i drifting lower at the close. A i small buying interest in the niorn- ing failed to follow through and after midday there was almost complete lack of support. Cloning middle prices ol .selected :-t.)ckr; not ini-iudlnu stamp duty were: < .11. I I
    300 words
  • 62 24 LONDON, Thurs. Spot 20 15 16d.. April 20 15 16U. May 211 16d.. June 21 1 16 d April/ June 21 1 I6d July Sept. 2\ 1 16 d.. Oct Dec 21d.. Jan.' March 21d.. April June 21d.. July Sept. 20 15 16d.. Oct Dec. 2iM.i I6d. Jan. March
    62 words
  • 35 24 LONDON. Thur-.— Buyers ***** i— £2i. Milan £1350 I £5' Forward buyers £1322 i-EP. i. wDm £1323 c— £3 p. Settlement £1353 i £l2> Turnover nm. 95 tons. pm. 45 tons. Tone: Quiet. I
    35 words
  • 305 24 SINGAPORE, Thursday. T*HE head of the Singapore organisation ol an advertising agency of international renown charged today that many advertisements appearing here daily in the press, radio and television made claims that could never be proved. "They would have been banned in Western
    305 words
  • 163 24 PILOTS: TALKS AT LABOUR OFFICE SINGAPORE. Thurs. The Industrial Relations Section of the Labour Ministry this afternoon convened a meeting between the Malaysian Airways and the Malaysian Airways Pilots' Association of Singapore in a bid to avert tho association's threatened strike scheduled for Monday. During the three-hour meeting, the association's
    163 words
  • 48 24 JAKARTA. Thurs— The Central Java military commander. Brlg.Oen. Surjo Sumpeno, has derlared the flood-stricken city of Solo a closed city, Antara news agency reported today. People will require a special permit to enter the city. So far 71 people have died In the Hood. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 51 24 SOUTHPORT. Thurs. John KjdriK. who sailed single-handed t.e Atlantic tost year, was marooned yesterday after (ailing In 18 inches of beith waier R*aln;i who braved 40 ft. Atlan- tic waves in his 12-foot yaclit Sea KftA. broke his arm ir. a bathroom tumble at his home here—
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 956 24 Ai k Huang crushes Indonesian Wong BACK PAGE SPORT LONDON. Thurs ALL THE RESULTS i ondon. Than. lj Malaysian champion Tan Aik Huang reached the semi-finals of the all-England badminton tournament at Wembley here today with ar. easy 15-9. 15-5 victory over Wong Pek Shen ip 26 minutes. At one
    956 words