The Straits Times, 19 March 1966

Total Pages: 20
1 21 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150,000 Ik Nirtiiiiiiil HKWSIIi!|)KP The Straits Times Estd. 1845 SATURDAY. MARCH 19. 1966 15 CENTS M.C.(P) 1629 KDN 2034
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  • 164 1 The drama that began at 8 a.m. LJERE is the timetable of yesterday's events in Indonesia as recorded on Radio Jakarta: Q A.M.: Army Chief, Lt.-Gen. Suharto announces the military has token control of Indonesia's radio and television stations and newspopers. He names Brig.Gen. Ibnu Subroto, chief of the Army
    UPI  -  164 words
  • 26 1 Dr. S jailed— of ficial ARMY CHIEF GOES ON THE AIR TO ANNOUNCE ARRESTS OF 15 MINISTERS IN SECURITY SWOOP SOEKARNO and Suharto in happier ■noments.
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  • 94 1 FREIBURG 'WeM. Gerniai.y. K:i Retired police officer Her- inarm Her/.. was acquitted here today of charges of complicity In the wartime .shooting of 15 partisans engaged on removing traces of iiia.-.s unives. Herz. former B.S. \!ajor and dis--1 trict Gestapo chief In Eastern i Prussia, hod confessed
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 53 1 MELBOURNE. P n Two of t:.p quadruplets bcin to .'itj-yeai-old lira. Jean Cook here earlj today tii<?d later Doctors s.ud the lives of the othei lira were m the hnlance Tne qu".c'.-. all boys, were 13 n-eek Miematur* Mr-- Cook has I six nther children,
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 72 1 TOKYO. Fri BOAC announced today that the bodies <>i ai: 124 people aboard its iet that crashed Into Mi Fuji had been positively Identified The plane hit the mountain on March 5 Aboard the plane were 13 Japanese and 111 non-J«pan««. Including 90 Americans —AP.
    AP  -  72 words
  • 91 1 A Guinness Speciai in your paper today rDAY. the Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, will open the Sl6 million Guinne.v* brewery at Sungei Way. To commemorate this important event. Guinness Malaysia Ltd. has produced a supplement which Is issued with today's Stralus Times. i It Is the tii-M all-colour newspaper
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  • 41 1 GEORGETOWN ißrlllsh Guiana i. Fri.— Labm rer Mo'mined l.shack was jailed ior three months veMerday for .stringing his .-.K-year-t-ld daughter up by her wrl.stA to tl.e roof ol their home for 16 hours lor stealing one shilling Rcuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 32 1 MEKIDA ■M« \:n Kri Hone-.-moonltiu Prlnce.vs Beatrix ol Holland and her husband Prince Clau.s V»i- Anuberg arrived here last night on the remote tropiral island 1 of Consumel. -UPI
    UPI  -  32 words
  • 961 1 JAKARTA,, Friday LI EUT. GEN. Suharto seized control of Jakarta today and arrested the pro-Peking Foreign Minister, Dr. Subandrio, and Mother Ministers. The army strongman also sent tanks rumbling up to President Soekarno's Merdeka Palace here. Paratroopers also ringed the palace. The tanks' guns were
    Agencies  -  961 words
  • 114 1 New car safety device may save millions TOKYO. Fri— One of Japan's top distributors of cars and electronic appliances yesterday announced a car sulYly device which its inventor claims will wvc millions of lives in tralTic accidents. The invention, yet unnamed, activates a liquid misfilled nylon balloon in O.U'il of
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  • 45 1 ROTI EROAM. i rl Firemen i ;:hj i r Mir tiol n the 8,583-ton Panamanian siiip Jaguar In Rotterdam tonight after f«i(i t. at <>. uipioca flour exploded in ii bold. Ei-:r.- n tlremei: ovpkome by smoke received treatment, five of them m l,ospltal.—Rnue:-
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  • 69 1 JESSELTON. Fri. A 37-year-old petty officer of tho British n issile destroyer HMS D c v o n s h i r e was drowned just before the ship left Labuan j Mr relay. His name hn>- been withhold until his next -ui -kin la informed. Aa a
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  • 19 1 HUE. Fri A Sou M intantry company ambi of here nd clHimed to lia\e Killed 31. -Reiner
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  • 22 1 EXPORTS CLAMP WASHINGTON. Fri. Inited States today damped emharcn on virtually all exports to lan Smith's breakaway Rhodesia regime —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 85 1 OTA *V J 17 Jtwro-rNCAUOC j[ Vifl|( SWISS W»TCH UEN WAH WATCH nra v ""'CH DEALER J?' > SANYO'S LATEST ACHIEVEMENT IN TAPE RECORDERS He-e s -nodel MR-110 ideal for use in the Dome or outdoors 2speeds 2-tracks Gives up to 2 hours fecord-^^dMpjF^^Jw wig or playback on 5 t.ipe
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    • 47 1 the new 1966 Citroen comtortable 5... hrn THE EASTERN AUTO CO.. LTD.. SHOWROOM US. Clrmenccou Avt S>ore-9. Tel ***** 2723* Ripreimlcd throughout Malovti*. Shanks bathroom and sanitary ware Increase the value of your property r o r Always use quality materials in your home for building materi
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    • 27 2 1 1 »NDON. Pri i lio British Uo\rrnmcn! li cd it* I sanction", again*! Hhodosia with! 4 ban on the breakaway colony* I Miß«r ncpnru.
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    • 30 2 DAMASCUS, m Pnmitivr tomb* and duellings believed to date back to the third and second millennium BC have been found MM Yabroud. about 50 milei north of here.
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    • 84 2 Call for Good Friday ceasefire ■JVASUNGTON, Fri. A conference of religious leaders h;is urged President Johnson to consider an immediate halt to the bombing of North Vietnam and an indefinite ceasefire beginning on (>ood Friday April 8 Thr recommendations r.imr al thr end of a ihrrr-dav conference :it tended h\
      Reuter  -  84 words
    • 353 2 BID TO SAVE LIVES IN VIETNAM WAR PILOTS, GUNNERS TO BE IN ARMOUR LIKE THE KNIGHTS OF OLD gAIGON. Fri. The IS. Army is providing helicopter crewmen with a 15 11). bullet-proof vest that has already proved its worth by stopping Yietcong machinegun bullets and saving s
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    • 47 2 PERTH. Fri Mar. De Graaf. 35. headmaster of the elementary school at Binnu. 200 miles north of l-.ere. was sentenced to 18 month*' jail yesterday after pleading guilty to charges of indecent assault on two girl pupils aged 11 and nine— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  47 words
    • 246 2 20,000 OUT IN HUE TO CHEER SACKED STRONGMAN CAIGON, Fri. About 20,000 cheering people yesterday gathered under the walls of Hue's ancient cathedral to hear a brief address by Lieut-Gen. Nguyen Chan Thi, sacked military strongman of South Vietnam's northern provinces. Excited schoolchildren surged forward and tried to clutch the
      Reuter  -  246 words
    • 336 2 'Africa may turn to the Reds if Smith regime is not destroyed' NEW YORK. Friday. pRESIDENT Julius Nycrcre of Tanzania warn--1 cd today that Africa may turn to Communist nations for help unless the Western powers destroy Mr. Lan Smiths breakaway government in Rhodesia. In a 5.000-word article In the
      Reuter  -  336 words
    • 155 2 Big steel deal with Peking gets Bonn backing UONN, Fri. The lar B est Western commercial tie. ii ever negotiated with Communist hin.i has received hackiiiK from the Bonn Government, a Government spokesman .onlirmed yesterday. The West (lerniin C'ahlnrt has plrdßetl 3.~>U million mark guarantee (rsSB7..*> mil I ion i
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    • 120 2 Woomera: 'Pay as you fire' offer to the Japanese TANBERRA, Fri. Australia has oflered Japan the use of the Woomera range for rocket testing, a Government spokesman said ye.sterday. Two Japanese space technologists will visit Australia nexi month to Mudy facllltiea ava;l--able a: Woomera and Salisbury. The spokesman *.«:d acceptance
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    • 32 2 NEW YORK. rr,. ALV -r.,,. old member of the Hungarian National Ballet and Folk Ensemble has asked for asylum In the United States. the N' York Times reported yesterday.
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    • 157 2 Nine top officers sacked in 'sexy six' scandal IIfANILA. Fri Pre. tTI sident Marcos yesterday dismissed nine top officers ot thu police Criminal investigation Service and ordered tho dismissal Of six women agents. Tho President ordered a a top-to-bottom reshuffle of the agency following Senator Alejandro Almen.i:as' revelation In the
      Reuter  -  157 words
    • 68 2 Mr. Jaai) Both,<. 83 who helped caoture the late british Prim* Minister. .Sir Winston Churchill i during the Boer War. dim of a heart attack m m old folks re- treat here today. H. n.anuipe even months ago arou.-ed wide interest Churchill, then a
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • 64 2 WASHINGTON. Fri. l den: Johnson today named Mr. Bernard Zaforin, .i Treasury r><partment t.fficiai. to be the fni r -s. director of uic Asian Development B;i!.,;. Because the l\s>. h.,. s pledged USS2OO million i 0 the bank's auihorised capiUl L" million It ha.-, the
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    • 48 2 ACCRA. Fri. Seventy man Russians left Accra this after.oi the three oon-Aalui .-i request for Rus-sia to withdraw teel hiicl experts. oi them were teachers, engineers, trade ;<:<d economia experts ;u.d technicians, with mini ;it:ci .i fey children. There were no among them.
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    • 94 2 IV'EW DELHI. Fri— lndia is producing its own guided missiles, a top defence official said here yesterday. Dr. S. Bhagavantam. scientific adviser to the Defence Minister, told a seminar here that the missiles were of a very limited type. He did not elaborate. Well
      Reuter  -  94 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 376 2 j/f im\ Proud owmr of a Ronson Varaflame about to make anothtr mipirtd purchat* at tht Grosvtnor Gallery, London W.l Only last week he paid $35 for his Ronson. Today it seems priceless. What happened It isn't what happened to the Ronson. It's Or maybe you'll like your Ronson for
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 52 2 THE GAMBOLS < -ff-.y [Utk'i GfVEM ME TME /S6OB©€ WILL VCXJ TAICS LITTLE OOntU APPLES I THE* **C* AND CUAHGG v. from, rue back r-^ I meM Poe me o*tes/ v Vat rue raouJy -tr^ (fIAHOT A6MM6VOUIO\ [THAT I WOUUDNT OO^ VOOAWYTMIN© 0eA8....^ I *<V«CLP IF I WEAE J i
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    • 252 3 MADRID. Friday THE U.S. midget submarine Alvin is believed to have located an American H-bomb missing since an air crash two months ago, American authorities said here today Experts who examined photographs of the object said it resembled the bomb in size and
      Reuter  -  252 words
    • 99 3 CHARLESTON. Fri. The U.S. Navy •'•aid last night it had under surveillance a Russian ship that lingered in !'<• I. iris submarine lanes <>n Mm coast of this submarine home port for several days. The "hip reportedly is not of the trawler
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    • 282 3 Uproar over 'strip' order in court SEXY MAGAZINE STARTED 1T... I>OME. Fri. A na- tional rumpus blew i up. last night over the case of two boys and a girl who said they were ordered to strip by a magistrate. The trio all aged 17— were brought before a Milan
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    • 143 3 YORK. Fri. A A 57-year-old man has been awarded US$ll5,OOO ($345,000) damages for being wrongly branded as a moron and locked away In a State lunatic asylum for 24 years. 1 The New York State Court of Claims made the award to
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    • 400 3 WARSAW PACT TO BREAK UP AFTER NATO: ZORIN PARIS. Friday ]MR. Valerian Zorin, Soviet Ambassador in Paris, ITI sftid yesterday that "liquidation" of Nato would lead to r disbanding of the Warsaw Pact organisation. He told a luncheon of the French Diplomatic Press Association: "Should Nato iose some of it*
      Reuter; AP  -  400 words
    • 123 3 First you bend your knees ever so gracefully... P I R ST you bend r your knees. Gracefully. Then you lower your body. Gently, rhat is the feminine art of curtsying demonstrated by film lovelies. But it's not quite so at it looks. A star-studded lineup of film actresses, including
      Mirrorpic  -  123 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 60 3 iHHI! c watc 1 IflH mone^ can mMbM^^H the automatic choice mil OF THE PRACTICAL MAN ll If/ *100 WATERPROOF II HI/ *FULLY AUTOMATIC Ifl mil *CAN BE HAND WOUND iBPJf^WI *WITH CALENDAR |Bp mil CHRONOBLOC MODEL:722O lm- SINGAPORE:S92 WITH STRAP. Imtj; mil FEDERATION: $101 WITH STRAP. BM Ell EVERY
      60 words
    • 377 3 will present THAI and SCANDINAVIAN FASHIONS FOR 1966 f ARUNDEL ROOM 111 March 21st 22nd at 9.45 p.m. P THAI AND SCANDINAVIAN MODELS WILL BE FLOWN IN EXCLUSIVELY FOR THESE SHOWS. For Reservations Tel 2414 THAI INTERNATIONAL offer DAILY SERVICES SINGAPORE— BANGKOK j r\N* > and from Bangkok via Hong
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  • 90 4 ACCIDENT AWARD OF $3,000 SINGAPORE. Fri.— Julian Radjam. a technician, was today awarded 53.000 in damages by the High Court in hi.s motor accident claim against Loo York Chye. a van driver. Mr Justice Ambrose made this order as result of an agreement reached earlier between the parAlao by consent
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  • 34 4 SINGAPORE. Frt -The Police Band Wfll play ?t the Botanu Gardens r.t 5 p.m. on Sundas Trr Slr.gapore Infantry Regiment Band will perform at the Paslr Panjang Park at the same time.
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  • 43 4 SINGAPORE. Fri.— Water will be cut ofl tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 5 pm in Lorong Tukang Tlga (Jurong i«r.t uiuustrlal area) and from 9 w 3 p.m. at nouses 54 o and 8 tid 43. 45 .-id i~ Orenge Road
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  • 233 4 Man is cleared of charge of 'soliciting instruction' SINGAPORE, Friday. A MEMBER of the Rochore Consultative Committee, Lew Ah Skmg, was today cleared oi a charge of ••directly soliciting instruction on behalf of an accident victim. The fifth magistrate, Mr. Armajit Singh, acquitted Lew before the prosecutor. Senior Inspector Choo
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  • 82 4 SINGAPORE. Fri— Mr. W.H. Jamieson (above) 58. director of sales in the Rank Overseas Film Distribution Division, will arrive in Singapore on Monday for a visit. This will be his first visit to the Far East. after visiting Japan and Hong Kong. After Singapore
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  • 54 4 SINGAPORE. Fri.— The Sinfca- I pore Paediatrics Society will make annual lecturship awards to local doctors in memory of the society's founder, tin late Dr. G. Haridas. The Society has decided to make these awards to doctors who have done work on paediatrics in order to promote
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  • 114 4 SINGAPORE. Friday. T<RADE talks between the Singapore Government and the Russian trade mission will be finalised next week. Negotiations, now in the final stages, began last week So far, the Singapore and Russian teams have met daily for full-day conference sessions to thrash out the areas
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  • 121 4 SINGAPORE. Fri. Mr. Justice Buttrose today assesses damages, totalling $3,400. in an accident claim brought by Wee Seng Hee. a salesman, against Loh Hock Seng. 34. a motorist. The judge did this after hearing a motion by Wee's counsel. Mr. H. E. Cashin. for
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  • 39 4 >;apore St.. t ..riiide- ..sciation ( Division) will hold its m cond annual competition on April J M the Singapor Chinese Girls School. Mrs. Wee Chong Jin, president of the Association, will give away the prizes.
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  • 162 4 Rajaratnam: In war or peace the Pacific affects us SINGAPORE. Fri. The Foreign Minister. Mr. S. i; iin iiii. mi said tonight that Singapore would feel the effects of whatever happens in the Pacific either in war or peace. He was speaking to members of the Singapore Institute of International
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  • 80 4 Ishak for Ecaf e meet in New Delhi SINGAPORE. Fri. The Minister of State for Education, Inche Rahim Ishak. will leave for New Delhi on Sunday to attend the 22nd plenary session of the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East. He will lead the Singapore delegation
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  • 144 4 SINGAPORE. Fri. Mr. k Tan Joo Kheng, Group Inspector of Schools and adviser to the Singapore Junior Safety First Council, today called for the expansion of Safety First activities in all schools in the four language streams. He made the call at the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 60 4 ■JlrjaaWaial^ Todoy: 1 .10-1.30-7.00 4 9.30 p.m. Lmdo "LOVE WITHOUT END" (Vondorin Scope). To-Night Mid-Nit*: "Son* Of K.ti. lld«r" (Colorscope). Tomorrow 'Gold Digger" (Mond. -Colorscope) II 15 am. Gun Smugglers" Mi'T'il'i "HiJlWl^™* Do. I, 3 Show.: J IS, *.1S I t.15 Prodeep Kiiroor, Bma Roi Helon Minu Mumtoi m "TAJ
      60 words
    • 534 4 REX TO-NIGHT MNITE IAN'S GREATEST WEAKNESS HAS REMAINED WOMAN! DEV ANANO NANDA KALPANA in "TEEN DEVIAN' (Hindi) with Eng. Malay Subs. MftlltH tilllti L i TOURISTS and PHOTOGRAPHERS fit m take pictures at jD A PLACE: THE BATIK INN 312. Orchard Road. I'^^^f^l V Singapore (Beh.rd C K. Tang) iX^^r'sfth
      534 words
    • 562 4 t" s "h aw GANISATION HHVf JK*J| aJ Today 6 Showt I 1 30. 4. 630 015 M NITt ADVANCt CASH BOOKINGS lONT STALLS 2 TICKETS PtR PERSON No Military concession for 6 30 9 IS Showt c f trr ir no Hall P'-rt HE GREATEST BOND OF ALL' g
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 416 4 THE following Is today schedule J.A.L.: Krom Tokyo. Hon« Ko««. I of civil aircraft movrmenta »t B»nulcok iJL 715 i 6.10 p.m. P.y. U-bar a.rpor, Singapore: Krojj, Noume.. Sydney ARRIVALS DEPARTURES D."r?un C \B^ Om T 2 3r C 6 l 3rp.n,.rrror n -OAC: To Darwin Sydney «BA SLSsru"** 1
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  • Article, Illustration
    72 5 Big line-up of 250 motor-cycles for the Malaysian Police COME of the 250 motorcycles presented by the Canadian Government to Malaysia on display at the Police Depot ground, Kuala Lumpur, yesterday. The machines were handed over by the Canadian High CommisMoner to Malaysia, Mr. B. C. Butler, to
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  • 300 5 Offer to train 30 more Malaysian army, air officers KUALA LUMPUR. Fri will train another 30 Malaysian army and air force otficers this year. This is in addition to 52 officers now being trained there, the Canadian High Commissioner in Malaysia. Mr. B. C. Butler, said today Some of the
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  • 319 5 ASA TALKS PUT OFF AT MALAYSIA'S REQUEST KUALA LUMPUR, Frt. T»HE Joint Working Party meeting of the Association of South-East Asia scheduled here for next week has been postponed for a month at Malaysia's request. Confirming this today, a spokesman of the Ministry of Fore'gn Affairs said: "Consequently, the ASA
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  • 119 5 \JANILA. Fri. Princess Tarhata Kiram has urged president Marcos to take immediate step.*, to ensure a quick settlement of the Philippine claim to Malaysian Sabah. Princess Tarhata is one of the surviving heirs of the late Sultan Jamalul Klram of Sulu who once exercised sovereignty over
    Reuter  -  119 words
  • 43 5 KLAIA I.LMPLR Fn Dr. Tan Chee Khoon. Labour Party M.P. for Bntu. is next president-elect of the -Maiuyan Medical Association This win be officially announced tiuring the three-day conference ,it the association in Johore I it*rtin« on AprU I.
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  • 21 5 BENTONG. Pri. A Peace Corps volunteer. Miss Elaine Sipr. has been elected president of the Methodist Adult Fellowship here.
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  • 20 5 KLUANO. Fri. The Indian Association here will hold Us annual meeting on March 26 at 5 p.m.
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  • 64 5 GM for bomb heroes SINGAPORE. Fri. Two British soldiers have been awarded the George Medal for dismantling an Indonesian bomb in Malacca last October. The award said that Capt. Mike Hall and Warrant Officer Brian Reid, both of the Royal Army Ordnance Corps, acted calmly, fully realising all the time
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  • 90 5 JKSSELTON. Pri. The L; k hacl Datu district council has declared "war" on middlemen who raised pne, a of Bah and vi .'.r tables in the an ■> It has decided to cancel lor a year meir licences to sell Bab and allow fishfrmen to sell
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 256 5 ♦v/.^^VJ i /^rtvvw^rVA^^•J^^^vv.^v.^v.^^vw^^v^wJV i MMHtm 41^^ Pmmm OftJwihMl^ I TOP i I TALENTS I •i I PtITUDINQ |taHl|L_^| NAOMI KEITH LOCKE ITTX^P*^ i j-THE BOYS^THE QUESTS mTKL < direction m.m wkW I ROBERT CHUA. pPl^i fj i .»)U I •ff|» 2nd Tope Recorder! (E.P. Records' 'V^kl^Mi I- 3rd Record Player
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    • 219 5 CORRECTION Our attention has been drawn to a statement appearing in the advertisement published by us in the issue of the Straits Times of the 4th February, 1966, concerning our offices housed in the new extension to the Merlin Hotel. The design of the building in which our offices are
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 316 5 Straits Times Crossword b^^S I^b^l bßm I ACROSS 5. Treasured po&^esMon 1 Inside Jobs done by the wife? woolly juniper i3-4i. <o. 6. Tlie fashionable crowd? <5> 8. Spare days work 0 .s>. 7. Score with an X If you hap9. Hu °lc consumes hogshead In pen to meet <3,
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  • 146 6 THIRD BIGGEST UNION QUITS MTUC KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. —The 12.000-stronK National Union of Commercial Workers, thr third biggest union in the country, has quit the MTUC. The withdrawal. accordMr. A.B Gomez, the general secretary of the NUCW. became effective when the congress "failed :>ond to our ultimatum last month." Mr.
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  • 29 6 PENANG. Fn. Bursars stole or orchids worth SlBO. a :> el.ihsrs and a radio from the Cantonment Avenue home of a teacher. Mr Cliee Yong Hoon. 30.
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  • 25 6 SINGAPORE. Fri Mr Kenneth Fairfax, editor of HM BBC's external services news, wfll rrivp here on Tuesday for a >r-dav visit.
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  • 57 6 DENANG, Fri About 50 boatmrn in Kuala Pr;ii h.tvc asked the Bagaa Dalam L'nino branch to make representations to the State Government against the opening of the new bridge near Prai This. they claimed, had affected their livelihood. Since the opening of the bridge last year fewer
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  • 349 6 Conditions harsh, says freed PMIP leader BATU GAJAH, Fri P)R. Burhanuddin Al-Helmy, a national leader of the PMIP, has sent a letter to the Ministry of Home Affairs protesting that his conditional release from detention was a violation of human rights. A copy of the letter has also been sent
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  • 103 6 Gift of eyes not a sin, says imam KANGAR. Fri. The donation of eyes by the dead is not contrary to Islamic teaching, Sheikh Abu Bakar Al-Shaari. Imam of Kangar mosque, said today. "On the contrary, it is welcomed as a humanitarian service," he said commenting on recent views expressed
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  • 62 6 KANGAR. Fli. The Bute 00 I venunent bM .ipproved a Mte for j j a new youth centre to be built by I i he Ministry of Culture Youth I I and Sports this war. j The centre, to cost $200,000. will I have provision for
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  • 43 6 SINGAPORE- Fn. P. Addaip pan. 55. of Jurong Road, died General Hospital. last nigh soon afler ne was knocked down by a motor-cycle at '.lie 15th mile Jurong Road. The motor-cyclist. Pang Kong Nin. 28. was slightly injured
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  • 190 6 We can't be spoonfed forever warns Dr. M KULIM. Friday. MALAYS should use their special rights to strengthen their economy and progress, the Kedah State Umno youth leader. Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamed, M.P. said today. "There will come a day when there will be no more special rights and Malays
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  • 25 6 SINGAPORE Frl. Neo St<Huat 34. difd yesterday of injune.'--6ustain!-d when riis motor-cycl» collided with a oicwle at. Lam Cnu Rang Road last Friday
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 199 6 Ml PON Ul|lHs"CaroftheYear"Award^ ■■111 11 1 ■■lIVII for outstanding achievement in automotive design Ik i^^jj I E IIiWII Illlff PRESENTED BY "WHEELS" AUSTRALIA'S lOP MOTORING MAGAZINE j ,^gj T jm Elegant, dignified. Falcon is the biggest luxury value for 1966. From upholstery to instrument panel, it's refinement m mm^^^ mm^^^
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 42 6 UuffH Bunny I*V tialph HvimdaM I I SYLVESTER: |(ON VER W/tf, BUfAI) BELIEVE I WAVE A y^ -s. V READ TH' SIBN7 J V v I COMPLIED WITH THE J 4 r— V~A I 6ABCOJ..J *^C HMMI f ONE g PLEASE BRING
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  • 164 7 Sardon: Cultivate spirit of Hang Tuah L'ANGAR. Fri. The 1Y Minister of Transport. Dato Sardon bin Haii Jubir. today urgrd Umno members to cultivate the "Hang Timh" spirit and de-If-nd the country from internal and external threats ng a: thr o;>--of a two- flay p roune organised by PerUmno, the
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  • 60 7 HANGAR Fr: Sh<; I i-opcrn:;-, nnii in FVrh.s v:u be offend for >ale to farmer* .md members oi UM public nfx' The Men'n Besar. Datn Sheikh Ahmad, in i. statement toci.u. sa;;i 'he shares would oe mllablc -v 110 ra.-h for Individuals and $100
    Lim Ghee Haw  -  60 words
  • 164 7 Look, no hands P.C /.i ma I bin ii din. :;.">. balances on top of a ladder fixed to Ins motor -cycle at a demonstration of trirk riding at the Police Depot ground in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. He received tremenil ous applause from the two YIP guests the Minister of
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  • 347 7 Kuehing TUC is banned DOCUMENTS SEIZED /A 1 BIG POLICE RAID KUCHING. Friday. IN another major step to cripple the Communist organisation, the Sarawak Government yesterday banned the Kuching-based First Division Trade Union Congress. The police raided the congress offices In the main bazaar hero and took away piles of
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  • 166 7 CHANGE IN SECURITY ACT WORRIES STUDENTS KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. Concern over a proposed amendment to the Internal Security Act requiring a student to take out another certificate of suitability if his studies had been interrupted for a year was expressed by the National Union of Malaysian Students here today. The
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  • 67 7 SINGAPORE. n.— Roliani bint* Abdullah. 28. who was convicted and sentenced to *ix mon'hs' iai! yesterday on a tee char -c. m allowed bail tudav when she apoeaipd Uiroiißli cur Uwver Bfataai sentence. Rohan: mother 'l two rliklrrn. had pleadod r to procuring another
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  • 121 7 VI' ALA KANGSAR. Kri A pedestrian, a -(..otrrist and his pillion rider were killed in two separate road accidents in K 11.1 1 1^ today I !n- pedestrian. Wong Then Sou. .'ST. a carpenter. »as killed on the spot at the 3?nd mile
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  • 248 7 RAZAK AN IDEAL FUTURE PREMIER' SAYS MCA LEADER pEXANG. Fri. Abdul Razak would make "an ideal future Prime Minister." the Penang State MCA President, Mr. Saw Seng Kew. said today "Like the Tengku. he is a born leader." Mr. Sawtold the MCA working commit ice at a meeting today i
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  • 95 7 IfANOAR. Fri The I Chlel 'Jcout of Malay- -sia. Dato Gardi^n bin Haji Jubir. has ort'sen ed me- dais of merit and letters of commendation and appreciation to FCren oflflcers of the Perils Scouts Association. Khc ut tliein Inche Ahmad bin Sultan. Inche AbduMn;i
    95 words
  • 37 7 SERLMBAN Kn Nryn i Scniblla-is Cbiel Education Offlnr. Mr C!i ..!i Hunt. •rtll talk to parent* n King Geor«o V School h^re on March 24 on ;he choice of careers lor tlieir child- ren.
    37 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 166 7 SUZUKI— THE LIGHTWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD hi'- o*^ B^H i|l]m m i TF JBtmf AIV m .1(1 fi *%W% r^H w^^ The youth of to-day can tour the more distant places, picnic in less frequented spots or just whiz through heavy traffic to work or to their fovounte haunts
      166 words
    • 564 7 ■M the \cr\ hurl r>t Ihiv bciutilul k tt\ Ihf \li.iohrn Hotel cn.o^^ not onl\ .i ke\ poMtion.but i.'iinir«.neN num will enMire the —"ft— ol wmr m.i> no nutter whether it he for hu*ine\s or plejsure We iljim to he the most modern luxur\ hotel in the linctlonv .iir-vnn<litioned
      564 words

  • 372 8 STORE CURBS DISCOURAGE INVESTORS' Lam: Allow technicians longer stay SINGAPORE, Friday. THK director of the Hong Kong Chinese Manufacturers' Association. Mr. K. Lain, tonight urged the Singapore Government to relax immigration control on overseas technicians and skilled workers. He said the present immigration regulations which allowed such personnel a stay
    372 words
  • 113 8 SINGAPORE. Fri— A saxolO phone quartet comprising students of an American university will visit Singapore next month to present an interesting form of Chamber musif. This group from the North- Western I niversity will perform at the Culture Centre at p.m. on April
    113 words
  • 114 8 LANCS. CHIEF CONSTABLE IN SPORE SINGAPORE. Fri. The Chief Constable of Lancashire. Colonel T. E. St. Johns--1 ton and a former member of f General Eisenhower's staff. arrived in Singapore today to see how the local police force ticks. Duiin^ his three-week stay in Siiifiapore and Malaysia, he' will speak
    114 words
  • 131 8 Three or four motorcycles are stolen each day SINGAPORE. Fri— A youth. Tan Ai. Kow alias "Khek Kia" was jai'ed today after he pleaded guilty to two counts of armed robbery and another count of theft. 1 Tan admitted using -a sharp instrument" to rob two unknown persons of their
    131 words
  • 147 8 SINGAPORE. Fri.—Mannequins who appealed before Princess Margaret in Hong Kong's recent British Week will be among those participating in a travellia| fashion show. "Have Clothe* Will Travel." at tile Hotel Siimapur.i on March M and SI. The show, in aid of the Singapore Anti Tuberculusis Association,
    147 words
  • 63 8 SINGAPORE. Fri— Tho Base Police Club will play ho^i to some 1.500 children tomorrow auernoon from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.. at the clubs annual Children's Party at their premise.-; in Bermuda Road. Children from the SpasiJr Children's Association, the Ramnkhshnu Mission Boys' Home and
    63 words
  • 90 8 SINGAPORE. Fri. The election ot an Easter Queen will highlight an Easter dance being organised by the Singapore National Trades Union Congress. It will be held at the Victoria Memorial Hall on April 10. A number of Singapore's top singers and bands will be in attendance.
    90 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 298 8 LOGGING IN BORNEO (MALAYSIA'S THIRD MOST IMPORTANT INDUSTRY) MMMHHK 4MMIMbW MMMMMMk rm^ v 2^*t£i^E3BtlßQ s Jmi'< .^^stav m w ww IZZ1«Z1 TT""**^ I mL. JM B^B^aWji^ft iirf V "ftsS^lSSS^Sii^Sa^B^B^B^M -.1.. *^f%5^ >] J> j "INTERNATIONAL" Model 250 Powershift 160 H. P. Logloader, with 'BIG-ED' Log Grapple, loading giant meranti logs
      298 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 155 8 SINGAPORE DIARY TODAY Drama Festival. Cultural Ceniic 8.30 p.m. Stage play, "As You Like It." Victoria Theatre. 8.45 p.m. E<liibltion of reproduction of 20th Century German paintIngs Exhibition Hall. Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Hill Street. 9 a.m. 6 p.m. Ml*' if Onp lit/ V.T. Miami in f\iA\t\A\W.*V? *tJPJ AW, SO
      155 words

  • 1386 9  - Passport to Peril James Leasor by The secret in a mountain cave DAY 6 of MM thrilling JASON LOVE adventure JASON LOVE and hisl men search a mountain hideout for an international gang of blackmailers who have demanded £2 million from the Nawab of Shahnagar and have threatened to blind
    1,386 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 112 9 TaW- -Haw M Sn^av^a^^BalV'fliawiavl This one Schick Stainless Steel blade just shaved these 15 barbers! -C-V*^ Special Schick Stainless Steel takes an edge twice < g& as sharp as a barber's straight razor and holds its citffi^ sharpness through as many as 15 shaves or more. tjj^ l6^ (iet Schick
      112 words
    • 130 9 I w till l>i I wr 111 SP^B I II I I f s.«i^lJaSS9 I j I sil a^BM^^^aWrc&Rlai av^^ I■MI M a*"«»«"* ai av# |«^^^^^w a^a^^^^^ f"wa^B 1 I v I t A^ I i #1 m M^^. it| 1 -y^vß «g 1.// I I J: j Wk s
      130 words

  • 29 11 I» Worit Hi Minimum i CHEE SOW YINQ »iwi in than* •r», at -n. piaaßal »:«h' •.i«i« and att-iMan. <■ a! 'h» t.inna. ot IBM i lh» Coronut
    29 words
  • 180 11 M H «rrf. tit i Minimum i optAlasta |M Show n\ Neaaam, THE COCKPIT S RIJSTTAFIL. I por» l« %*T\en -\rry ■anardav and I •aCVM bin than M un.y uni rnnmro- I •Wan Bt*aji ii ROLAND'S Sava < filnnoui F>»nd: RaJiMjrli for ;hr v ,r K»nd VtM itiil-aid f
    180 words
  • 7 11 The Straits Times Saturday, March 19, 1966.
    7 words
  • 658 11 The Jakrirtoldgists have had another field day. Jakartology j is the science ot making sense out of Indonesian broadcasts, a highly paid yet otherwise otten ill -rewarded profession, j Yesterday this expertise was i at a premium during the i many hours when all cable and telephone
    658 words
  • 407 11 The American rmdßet tub- j marine which is believed to have found a hydrogen bomb missing for two months could ha\> brought to an end the most sophisticated and ex- pensive search the world has pver seen. The bomb, if the bomb-like shape registered on underwater photographs h
    407 words
  • 163 11 The two British soldiers awarded the George Medal foi dismantling an Indonesian bomb in Malacca last October have been fairly rewarded for i-old-blooded courage, because It is clear the bomb was designed precisely to kill them. According to a British Army statement yesterday, one of the men, Captain
    163 words
    • 260 11 I REFER to a letter by Mr. H. D. G. Jansz (S.T. March 17^ and wish to state that when I was contacted by Mr. Jansz on March 10 I offered Immediately to bee him. but It was he who told me that he was too busy
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  • 1842 11 The day the generals showed their hand HOW GEN. SUHARTO PREVENTED CIVIL WAR This despatch from Jakarta was sent on Sunday March 13 by a special correspondent of the London Times. It gives the first on-the-spot account of the generals' coup. IN their virtually bloodless and legal putsch the Indonesian
    1,842 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 595 11 Strait* Tib»m A Malay Ma 3 OaiaiWid «d»»»»»»»»iiH Ml coto rro«ACC supfftMA*K[T Orckard »—4 fßaiaaWaatpt »aakt COLO STOKAS* aBANCMEt Al Hoitand U—4 »HM| H«»»i Baa*. Amt tw < ,«.ta»»i CITY lOOK STOBI LTB WiKlwiHr H««aa. CaMyar Omt THE NfWS FRONT Ftfia«nek S»mi»ai*iat M M ISMAIL J Aimitatir Waul laaa. MAMIIM
      595 words
    • 100 11 •ji«*>B^**sftVa^Bff ß *^afk"J**a^ a^B9>^a**^B*J ß| aJ v All wise people y S know that gain is i commensurate S with risk. Do you know this i We do! S S And we always S bear this in mind when investing your deposits with N us. y DtpaHt uith S THE
      100 words
    • 159 11 CAMERA-SIZE CASSETTE «MhE RECORDER r This Si*ra recorder it really portable It s a« SMeM as a camera It functions on ordmar/ low-cost batteries You get it with a strong shoulder strap and a pencil-shaped microphone with remote control ready for recording in a split-second This Siera recorder is eaay
      159 words

  • 245 12 Former detainee wants his title back OEREMBAN. Fri. A former detainee, 1 n c h e Mohammed Hanifah bin Haii Abdul Ghani, 40. may atk the Undang of Sungpi UJong to restore his title of Dato Maharajah di-Ra.ja. He said "The stripp: t-he title is not legal as v the
    245 words
  • 51 12 SINGAPORE Fn Uom Club the Uom ('iub oi Malacca I"ms open tornied. Mr. Joseph Yap lias been olert«"<l p:-<ident.. Vice-presidents are Dr Choonn L*-e San. Mr. Yeo* Woon Seng and Mr. Sort H«K-k Tin Thr secret.nry hi Mr Y.p Yronu Yih and the tKa~ur«-r. Mr. William
    51 words
  • 31 12 KAJANG. Fr:. Members of The Buh;ii fa:th in E alii celebrate thnr Ni w Yrar on Sunday at thf B:i!ui Spiritual Assembly ai Setapak with ■■< varir:v and tilni .--how
    31 words
  • 31 12 BUKIT MERTAJAM Fr; The Rotary Ciub of Bilk;; Mi itftjam and South Kedah will hold a dance at the Town Hall here at 8 p.m. on March 26
    31 words
  • 111 12 VCINGAPORE, Frt Bm- p-iDoreans who wish to serve their nation as diplomats overseas will first have to eet into the State's administrative service. A Government spokesman. who was commencing on an official advertisement inviting applicants for service In foreign missions. explained that this step
    111 words
  • 33 12 PARIT BUNTAR. FrL— Rokiah I binte Sal.oh. aged seven, was seriously injured .she was knocked down oy a motor eyel-st while on her wav to school tn Bandar Bahru v&terday
    33 words
  • 38 12 I POM. Fri Police have detained three men in connection v.ith the robbery oi jewellery and r.i.sli rorth $600 belonging to a fiO-ye»r-<ld woman. Wong TM. from her house in Puame hero on Wednesday
    38 words
  • 30 12 XL.MA LLMPLR K. TIM Saudi Arabian Ambassador here. Mr Hussain Fat*n> WtH lft'irn home next rveek 'o a'ter.fl mivtini nf Saudi Arabian he«u* of miMiocu in Uuillm oountrta*.
    30 words
  • 498 12 Utter rubbish Tan to Lim Top Secret' letter made public to answer Singapore's 'half-truths' in double-tax row KUALA LUMPUR. Fri fHE Minister of Finance. Mr. Tan Sievv Sin. today criticised his Singapore counterpart. Mr. Lim Kirn San. for statements containing ''utter, unadulterated rubbish" regard- j ing the proposed j double-
    498 words
  • 268 12 Tax pact delay will deter investment, bank chief warns SINGAPORE. Fn. Existing and new undertakings wishing to operate in Malaysia and Singapore will be severely discouraged unless a double taxation agreement is reached soon, the chairman oi the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. Mr. J. A. H. Saunders. told the
    268 words
  • 202 12 Fri. The Juvenile Court was told today why a jobless Malacca boy, aged 15, took a flvemile Joy ride in a taxi here by night and ended up by stabbing the driver. "To the police, the boy had in a cautioned statement
    202 words
  • 37 12 i PENANC. Fri. The Penana Khcr.e C lew MMctetton start a sc lolarship fund to com- memorate ts 'ent^riary on April 13. The c lebrations will be fol- lowed by i dinner the same nigh:.'
    37 words
  • 37 12 SL'NGEI PATANI Fri. The i central Kedah Hindu Youth Orga- j nisation has appointed tun sub- committees to set up a death benefit furui and =in education f»no for poor Indians <n central Kedah.
    37 words
  • 87 12 SINGAPORE, Fri. All Air India flights to and from Singapore have been cancelled as a result of a lightning strike by the airline's navigators this morning at its headquarters in Bombay. A spokesman of Air India here said this after- noon: "All our
    87 words
  • 309 12 THIUS is the text of 1 Mr. Tan's letter of Nov. 13. 1965. tt> Mr. Lim: A. though it is true that w tl.r M epbOM conIW ■Iki reiwred lo .n your letter. 1 did meimon th» •ibhuy oi concluding Mirt of double i ment
    309 words
  • 51 12 IPOH. Fn. The preliminary rounds of the inter-youth organisations declamation contest in the National hiiißuige und English will be held at the YMCA here tomorrow. The tinals will also be held ftt YMCA on Aprl 5 Winners w-.1l be presented prizes donated by the Ipoh Rotary
    51 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 61 12 THE NEW (robuk) RECORDER 2&4 TRACK ,^^^^fW One Year Guarantee .sM h^^^^J^ MOTORS in ln,lo^ )>■<( TROUBLE FREE foV~ V %^SPEEDS___ >— <BIMPHFIED>IANQKEY OPERATION (TmcH spool tJIAMPIQM fLECTRONICS LTD. «stvicton« •.•sjKOAroi tn irx < KIAW AIK HANG CO., LTD. 157. SOUTH BRIDGE ROAD. SINGAPORE 1. TELEPHONE 7301*. *****. 7250* FIXED
      61 words
    • 92 12 RfJEj §1 Cunardor S| m^^^£r&° r 1 t i an d rest an^ relaxation unlimited *S /j I arl d all the time in the world to -Ml Wm WKFw^T^%eg^f SI arid world-famous Cunard service J^^T yjK\ m/iF Ac a i Wfit^-tjiSilKL- 9J^|^Hb R e 9 u ar sailings throughout
      92 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 842 12 TV MALAYSIA riIANNF.I. s—Kuala5 Kuala Lumpur and Yogi B«ar: 6.33 The Big and Penan;: 6 lpoh and Mac Show— "Good Old Corn/ Malacca; 3 Johorr Bahru; 4 Nature's Mimico": 7 News in TaJping; 7— Batu Pahat; 9 English: 7.10 Focus; 7.31 KluaiiK. Jack Benny Show "Jack Goes to Auction B—News8
      842 words

    • 655 13 'WE'RE TUMBLING END OVER END AND WE CAN'T TURN ANYTHING OFF' ON TAPE GIVES CLEARER PICTURE OF GEMINI 8 PERIL CAPE KENNEDY I Friday THE Gemini 8 astronauts were riding a violently tumbling space craft for 30 hair-raising minutes in space on Wednesday. A tape-recorded cony c
      AP; UPI  -  655 words
    • 170 13 JACKASS FLATS (Nevada). F'ri. Anierica'<i first nuclear rocket engine, Nerva. began a scries of enduranc. tests yesterday to prove it could curry astronauts to .Mars in 20 years ■\AboiK the lime the (iemini astronauts were ci mpleling one orhit. we were paving
      170 words
    • 295 13 Agena is propelled into a higher orbit HOUSTON. Fn The Agena satellite which played a mysterious role in the perilous flight of Gemini 8 was propel l<xi yesterday into a higher orbit to await possible inspection by anotln r astronaut later this year. The 26 ft rocket, left nj itself
      UPI  -  295 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 93 13 The co-distributors of the e^r^r^^r '^^^l!^r- >^ >>^ famous GUINNESS STOUT ggg^.^- -,-lT: SIME DARBY MALAYSIA LTD. iiiliilll§ I SIME DARBY SINGAPORE LTD. I] GUTHRIE CO! (S) LTD. wHI^H 1 1 McALISTER CO. LTD. BK^V^^fiil I GUINNESS mSItdT HBH 1 1 ■Bit V J L W l l Q I)
      93 words

    • 378 14 THIS is in response to Mr. William Cheng's reply to my letter. Mr. Cheng now seeks to justify the recent increases in the school fees for children of non-citi-zens on the ground that we have always discriminated against such children. It seems to me that
      378 words
    • 120 14 pLACLS in Sixth roan I classes are nul bOuir to Urn n»u.-a deserving students. Some who obtained good results in the Senior Cambridge Overseas Scnooi Certificate examination have been turned away, while others who did less well have been accepted including some wno failed the English paper
      120 words
    • 95 14 FOUR LETTERS 34 TIMES I WAS amused to x read "Member's" letter in last Saturday's Straits Times, complaining against the books by Henry Miller and 1). H. Lawrence, that "Member" found in the National Library. It reminds me of the story where a Victorian lady wrote to a famous lexicographer,
      95 words
    • 198 14 BOOKS AND THEIR READERS MIIESE comments are on 1 a letter written by ••Member" in "Saturday Forum" March 12 "Member" apparently accepts the court's judsement that Henry Millers" •Tropic of Capricon". "Plexus" and "Lady Cs Lover" by D. H. Lawrenc* are pornographic. If he hau conceded that there are individuals
      198 words
    • 328 14 TUY child in Primary I iT is using a science work-book which Is a picture-book rather than a work-book. It is double the price of the ordinary work book. Some of the ideas depicted come not from Nature but from the realms of fantasy. On
      328 words
    • 165 14 MY family of five have a total income of under $300. We live In shed with six other families. My family occupies a 5Vv x 15' space, marked out by tarpaulins, like an army tent. There is no electricity, the water supply is
      165 words
    • 109 14 THE BUSY POSTER STICKERS INDICATIONS in the Sulaiman Building are that bill stickers in Kuala Lumpur have been very busy. They have been so active there is hardly a vacant spot on all the walls, including the garage, where someone hasn't pasted something: advertisements from the local cinemas, sports associations,
      109 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 250 14 i it naru i n la i ion to GUINNESS (M) LTD. on the official opening of its factory in Kuala Lumpur from: I IPOH: BIDOR: Chu.m Seng Liquor Merchants. Cheong fatr. Hong Soon Chan Hup Kee Ltd. Kok Mun Agency. SLNCiKAI; Nam Thin Liquor Merchants. Hin g n g
      250 words
    • 206 14 congratulates GUINNESS MALAYSIA LTD on the opening of their new brewery at Petaling Jaya A.E.I, is responsible for the complete electrical installation in this brewery .AEI DCMTISDa/^iTDQJKQ/AAfL (LUD (A subsidiary of Associated Electrical Industries Ltd.) Represented by thr bornko < omp \ny limited CONGRATULATIONS to GUINNESS MALAYSIA LTD. on the
      206 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1518 15 Monl.nurd from Page lU. SITUATIONS VACANT ACKNOWLEDGMENT *m+ t* m en. extrm Wordt »75 'Winimum) TOPTALBNTS LTD. requires heipen TAM.LY OF tt,. ,a,e P-— [*f* on he 3n ApM 9M ncere thiuiks to nla.- REOUIREO PRIVATE TUTOR must ,nrl memtM.-r* of the tav€ acnlnK experience, able to teach iVesier
      1,518 words
    • 1220 15 SITUATIONS VACANT II H „,</, sc Win.,— Bux M IB*, extrm I ACOUIRE A BOOK KCLPINU |MB> I j bc-i i'betai btudy course fhoJAatida vi •tud'nts nave a.rvadv <i ia:iti«a ay toi» I unique guaranteeo meroixi. e.easooa r>i« fees M'rtte lor detail* liordOD Anro 1 UaUaaa, U..'t BUS, W oh
      1,220 words
    • 979 15 ACCOMMODAriON VACANT M More* M 'Win.,— Bux it, rl. rU,,, I ROOMEO FURNISHED Beau House S atlkcncd til Carp mael Koad room off On-hard Koaa i' 'attaciird t-ntranvf Spore ***** 2uoj; SCMBAWANG HILL ESTATE tuily fumiaiied 3 rooms semi-detached bungalow at Jalan Tarum. Apply Ma, 88, Thomson Road S
      979 words
    • 914 15 TUITION li i«..r<. JC Mint—Box S» ett. extrm ENGLISH. >■ I. .rv MM I'm^ersity cla>-,- 1- MM spore ll LAMBERT'S ORIVINC SCHOOL I dual-controlled Minor 1000. Triumph Heralds Hourly >6.00 lv Balmoral Kou4. S pure IMM. MALAY LANGUAGE: Intensive course every Saturday prepanog Au^uit exHiu CVMCA student* report kouraeit. Phone
      914 words
    • 988 15 PETS FOR SALE fj ords I Win.,— Box it cU. extra J ALSATIAN PUPPIES H.K A OfaM "v< ;j 1 SI3U Kemale Sso >.m t ?6<-AA Lorong Buang Kok bingaior* I IV FEMALE OOBERMANN PUPPIES 1 M.X.A. Class Out ei,;bl weeks o.d rea- < sonahle pme Hhone Cameron High- 1
      988 words
    • 1083 15 VEHICLES FOR SALE M Hnr<> <» HaYJ Box i« ctt. extr,, FIAT MO MBaVOaav Mut»ed. usurance Sl.^uo'- ou <■ 1 I'linnc Spur* MHM 'K»ok>. MUST SILL! Mom. uxtord Batoon j IM mmttM BBMOMH .onaitior S2 «ji' j.n.o Comp. insurance, w ivr«-» md «ti- »'lu>r.e o&:i. spore AUGUST IM3 CHIVROLET ißpaia
      1,083 words
    • 804 15 FOR SALE ■<■'<<, tl l*tin Bui IB r(* txtrm TEAK UtSK Utt 'i:r«. '•time speaker*, airooadltlooer, pnotu earpat. paintings br<i i I.. FABULOUS BARGAINS: rtaa I r.very Ladle*- L>anish. Australian. Jantzea su'imsuits. ofier M ;>.iv« Morel Lv 'a I". Orchard Koad. I MNt LAST OAV TO-DAY of Mri
      804 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1295 16 10 (IVIkPOQi, k VHSI COAST U k Oue S*cora Suit <• Sham frrtnt ATIEUS Lisbon, L'pool. G 3Sg u w.... C. 1-2 Mar 21 Mar 21 21 Mar 24 UIVSSES 1, b«sgo* Mar 2S Mar 2t polypmimuS I .-cod, Dublin. A'mouth. Mar 24 Mar 27 Mar 21/ I Mat a
      1,295 words
    • 1187 16 thex-vAml/nes m i lO> HtmHtMluPO-BREMERHAVEN-ROnEROAM-AMSTEROAM ANTViERPAARHUS-COPENHACEN. S'pure r iti« Ppnjnn i»u in nua navrt H'bi-rg R'dan Afltw Cop* I PANAMA Sailei Sailei 11/20 1 Apr i Apr 12 IS Apt 20 24 IS PAIAGUNIA a) Apr .2,13 Apr 14/11 17/ it May I May 14 17 May 22 27 11
      1,187 words
    • 1341 16 I ben^line\ EXPRESS SERVICE 10 LONOON, LIVERPOOL A CONTINENTAL PORTS. BENHOPE for Liverpool Apr II Singapore Pt. S'narn Penani Rutteraaa Apr 31 Mn 3 Mar 21 Mar 22.24 Mar 25 21 Haakarf May I artJVAY v a fw Lonacn Apr 12 ttJEiNV/%I«JbA Rotterdam Apr 22 Singapore Pt. S'tiam Penang Hamburg
      1,341 words
    • 1289 16 feELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO., LTD. SEE OVERLEAF FOR OUTWARI SERVICE FROM U.K. CONTINENT. laadiag lari Spore P. S'haa Penang Cm OF RIPON icon. HBurg, R'dam. Havrp. Hull, Imm nam. G'mouth 26 2S Mar II Mar I CITY'OF GLOUCESTER ru 0.. g. Bremen. Antwerp. Mar/ 1 Apt V 1 Apr CITY
      1,289 words

  • 385 17 POLITICAL doubts and 1 lack of sufficient stimulus trom over&eas markets continued to bumper the week's trading and restricted' turnover, state H.C.B. Co. Ltd. in their review of the week's local rubber market. President Soekarno'.s week-end antics subdued trading at the outset while operators pondered
    385 words
  • 135 17 MELBOURNE. Prl. THE sliarp rises in BHP and 1 WoodMde because of the oil strike slarkened today BHP closed at $512 aft*r peak sale of S.VIB and Woodside at 44. cents nfter 47 cents liult: strlal shares were firm with move* small. Base met Is and oils were
    135 words
  • 426 17 rpHE Straits tin price was, 1 um-lianged in Penan? yes- terday at HBJN on an I oiTerinjj t-stimated down 10 tons to 235 tons Fairly good local support j was reported. LONDON: Tin on Thursday was: steadily held throuuhout until trading. Some Continental
    426 words
  • 816 17 From Our Market Correspondent THE conditions ruling on the Stock Exchange yesterday were merely an extension of those experienced on Thursday. The market showed some improvement in turnover at 270.200 shares, but the factors restraining trading remained unchanged. These were the now almost
    816 words
  • 27 17 Malayan Stork Indices. Mar. IT. Mar. IS 'Industrials: X.'..">K STi.tiT Tins: no.:.:: iin.ic? S rubbers: lli'isi KIH.III 'Dec. 30. i!»<;:; urn. I»or. ML ltd lull.
    27 words
  • 954 17 |>I siMss in and rr-ported to the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of tin Stook Firhange yr-sterdar with the number of shares traded in brackets: INDUSTRIALS: Bouttead (MM $1 W: E»so ardt. 51' M si.. (4.0001 <:• 16. (1.0001 BS.IT, (l.iKKi) .«2.15: Fed Oitp. iI.Oi-i.
    954 words
  • 21 17 Mar. 18 RI'RBFR PKKK; ;n» rents < unchanui'tl t. TIN: S«8-i.t>21 (unchanged). I'noiTlrial estimated nlTi-rinu 235 tons (down 10 tons).
    21 words
  • 178 17 March is. Thrre months. INDUBTRIALS Uouatrad ID eta). U Invest 8 eta. ktcAliater V eta C B.Hokllngn 16 eta Uunlopa 13 eu N Iran s eta H. Hmeltcra 23 eta. O.C B.C 14 eta Kmo 14 cv Koblcaona 11 eta. Ked Dlip. It eta. 'kit Well Kottimana 13
    178 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 972 17 Y^ """"^ICAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. U.S.A. Pacific dk Atlantic Service Bangkok H'Ronf v An«>i«a York tern* r«"aa "Uaiikawi Mart" It 21 Afr ttut aji It May I laaa k iaai 12 laoa Japan Direct Service Ptning $mg»Dora .-t r "flu Ma#f 7S Mar I A|r 1 Afi "RafiaaßW" k A|i
      972 words
    • 912 17 kUSflUlU'Nift /Hl»nd St«VIC(S INDIA PJUISTaN. »N0 p. SUU ÜBVICU. I CHINDPaRA la Part S'oora f>. S*Mai Nonb bIMOKA II I A|i 4< t. M< k,, J1 I '33!S.r.r a )uu is m Hf* 7EDUMD «UUU SVII Mi 14 Ml IS j&arvjssr^s* ll^ m uu vimm m Bmußk 'Ttim wvZ, n
      912 words
    • 144 17 y^jm American Export \JIXu ISBRANDTSEN LINES Efjßtn* Froai Na« rark Baoaa. •aitav Baracat. aaskay la. NJL. Milan Piuj* laaaa USA. •■aria R«a. iHifapw* Prn^np iHU ••riYIMS ENTERPRISE II" Mar 24/28 Mar 2J Afr »'IB FtllNS NA*K" •*>• B/1B AJt f May 18/18 fiyinb ÜBii- tai am tm n Mat u/n
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 816 18 CLASSIFIED ADS. K'ontinurd from Page 14) WHERE TO STAY (Spore) ■i Rf< Wm.i Box 5» <■(•■ txtrm TIONC HOA NOTfL Bar ft Restaurant. danciriK muhily. Alr-condlttonwl. i j room. moderate ...lors Trl: *****. HOTEL AMBASSADOR Seaside 46 M. wr Koad. Spore. Dancing oiKhtly. accommodation and yet coeap- comparison. Tel: 4T301.
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    • 758 18 MMss^Msii^p—Mi^MiMl^Ml^^^^jl PUBLIC APPOINTMENT PLBLIC UTILITIES BOARD, SINGAPORE W\IIK lIHIIMHI Requires ASSISTANT MECHANICAL KI'PERINTENDENT UOI HORE WORKS i in salary scale $670xA30-880-920 965 Ett. Bar 1010xA45-1145 th<> commenc- ing basic salary ottered will be dependent upon applicant's quahlications and experience plus variable allowance as payable from time tv time. Appointment will
      758 words
    • 781 18 TO ALL CONSUMERS IN THE TAIPING DISTRICT OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRICITY BOARD The complete shutdown ol Taiping Power Station is necessary for additional swltchgear to be erected at the Station Switchboard from 830 a.m. to 930 a.m. on the 20th Maich 1966 and again at 430 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.
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    • 734 18 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS .VAJLIS AMANAH RA'AYAT (MARA) APPOINTMENT AS STATISTICIAN Applications are invited from Malaysian Citizens to nil the post of "Statistician" (Division I). Salary Scale: $592. 628x34—934/ EfT. Bar 982 x .'4 1.234 plus Goat of Living Allowance at approved rate. The point ot entry to the i scale will
      734 words
    • 816 18 I TENDERS I UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA I MVERSITY HOSPITAL NATIONAL ELECTRICITY Applications are invited for the post of Chief Laboratory Assistant 1 HOAKU 1 Laboratory Assistant. Superscale) TENDER NO t'MD 11 66 r tne Clinical Laboratories in the University Hospital. Tenders are invited from Regis- 1 Candidates should have contered
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    • 695 18 MINISTRY OF DEFENCE TENDER NOTICE Tenders closing at 2.30 p.m. on the dates shown uu^lnst i each of the tender below have been distributed to th»I Contractors registered with this Ministry for the Supply o' items and services as follows: C.T. No. Group Closing Date Item/Servuts 90 66 Open 8
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    • 435 19 KUALA LUMPUR. Friday Olympic Council of Malaysia selection committee today recommended 20 competitors initially from six sports bodies to compete in the Commonwealth Games at Kingston, Jamaica, in August. After a two-hour meeting at which they interviewed officials of six national associations separately, the
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    • 132 19 Cheng Hoe ousts Khanna in Ist round CII.AS-GOW. I ri.— Vp-ii < heng 1 Hoe of M.l:ivm;, i.ihcvei £.<ined a not:iblr v in mer \si:in champion DJnrli Khann.i. of India in the fir-.t roimrt of the men's >.in:;|rs in the Hnrld Iniit.'iinii h»thn>iiton tournumrnt hrr< hMI night CtßMg Hi^- >»..n
      Reuter  -  132 words
    • 102 19 SINGAPORE. Fll BU)gapore Indians, who meet Befa 1 f 1 liidian* in the tinal 01 ttM Bardhan Cup lootbnll f'nal tomorrow, are hopeiul of upaetting the favourites. SIFA secretary D. T Rajan. who will lead the lout, said that the Singapore team 1; I been in
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    • 438 19  - Top international stars in S'pore GP ERNEST FRIDA SEVEN COUNTRIES REPRESENTED By SINGAPORE. Friday. A STRONG international field will compete in the Singapore Grand Prix at the Upper Thomson Road Circuit here on Apr. 9-1 1. The countries to be represented at the meet are Australia, the United States. Japan.
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    • 179 19  -  FRANCIS EMMANUEL Xv KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. D:ck 'kard wiic.-f ciark-b'.'.ie J 3.8 lias bCCP .1 FOXUIaT entry la lluoyolu tad 6uis«nore motor-raoliiK BWOtt. h.i~ abandoned his "old Faithful" 111 favour ol .1 Lotus Ford Cortina. He will race his new car for the
      179 words
    • 105 19 SINGAPORE. Fri. F;v» Grand Prix drivers Mike OMB*, Han «»<»HB. Dickie Arbiaster. Dick Clinkard aiui Tony Ooodwiti iire arnon^ the competitors in the MQOnd South Malayan Rally which start* from Pasir Panjang her* tomorrow The rally will begin at 1 pm. and the first car to
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    • 302 19 BANGKOK. Pri— A three-und*r-par' second round of 69 sjcd! Japanese golf Tadashi Kitu into the lend m th* h.ill-iiy "tH(?e of the Thai ODen championship here tocuv Ki'ta's round, which tuin total oi 138 lor the tirsi :<b holfs enabled
      Reuter  -  302 words
    • 156 19 Malays will field Spore 'discards' CINGAPORE Fri. Fuur J former Singapore Malaga Cup player.s. vbo were dropped after die Seap Game.-, will represent Singapore Malajra In their Sultans' Gold Cup soccer match against Maiarca *i Jaian Be^.,r Btadhtin on Sunday. Kickofl ■■<: o.ij p.m. For the lour piai Mabat Ambu
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    • 51 19 A LOR GAJAH. M. Johore Malays trounced Malacca Uakqra 5-1 in their Bulten'i Gold Cup soccer match here today KOTA BHARI. In the Eim'one tie. Kelantan Itakqri iv> H Faharc >t«lav> i-2 'iere lik!,.\ AI.OR STAR: Kedali tnd Penang drew 111 their North match played at Stadium Dar.ilaman
      51 words
    • 212 19 (SINGAPORE. Prl. A 46th minute goal by centre-forward Lenny Nonis gave Singapore a l-o win over Selangor in the Malaysian Hockey Federation quadrangular tournament which began today at Farrer Park. Selangor launched an all-out blitz In a uallant bid to save the game but Fooni? Kons;
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    • 153 19 SINGAPORE, Fri. Singapore Combined Schools under JO and under 12 soccer teams will meet Malacca at Kubu Stadium tomorrnw in Hie Inter-state <sou»h zone finals. Singapore under 20. current holders of the Rahman Trophy are expected to retain the cup again thi.- year with their strong
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 866 19 PASOKAN KEDUA ASKAR LEMBAGA PELABOHAN MELAYU DIRAJA SG BESI SWETTENHAM KEM KUALA LUMPUR KENYA TAAN TAWARAN PI KMOIION I TOK <*Mll\ PABOKAM Tawaran^ nda-lali d!-pelawa i I'lKMiiiinvts IVIOK uniol; membekalkan 3 batang besi t IMII -HOI 1 I'tsokAN B iHSJ i 24 x 7H" 40' 0 panfv ok menjaUn- f^
      866 words
    • 750 19 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS SARAWAK ELECTRian SUPPLY CORPORATION ELECTRICAL ENGINEER VACANCIES Application?, are invited to fill the tollowing vacancies on con(ract term.s. with the Corporation A KxecuUre Enf ineer The post entails administrative duties in charge of all sectors of I the Corporation s activities In one of the areas into which
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 46 19 I SUMMARY I •occn Ipoh Di\. 3: PBS Bntu Gajah 3 Ipoh Police 1. lnUr-vhool (K. Kiim's.v: Clifford Secondary t> Victoria iMt. KL 1. Victory Cup (Malacca): 16 Field Ambulance RAMC 3 No. 3 Sqdn RCT 2. HOCKEY Malacca Lfe: High School 'A' 4 Kilat I
      46 words
    • 115 19 I DIARY I ATlll.l. Hi s FenaiiK Chung Hwa Schools meet (City Stadium, 2 p.m.). CRICKFT Sara Shield: Johore Ceylor.ese v Malacca Ce\i' se (Segamn!. 10 30 ■m > HOCKEY Quartr r Negri v Sgor (3 45 pja s v Johore (5.15, F.irrer Pk Spore). Thompson tup: Mnlaystan Police v
      115 words

    • 977 20  - Shockalingam looks set for revenge Epsom Jeep SPEEDY BOY EMPEROR IS WORTH A GAMBLE IN A MODERATE CLASS TWO SPRINT FIELD with THE four-day Singapore Derby meeting opens today with one Class One event in the eightrace programme. This is for third division runners (Race Six) over the Bukit Timah
      Reuter  -  977 words
    • 328 20 ON THE TRACK SINGAPORE Pri Int .tn Tcrprlrll (SubnUDJUliaai Up) did a fine g.tilup m yielciim; going at Bukit Timah tlu.s inormng. After trotting OOCC round- the marc quickened I smartly :o run 4f in 50 2 5 i3f in 38). Top Honour (Les Colesi
      328 words
    • 177 20 EPSOM JEEP's best bets are Lord Francis (Race Three), Rainy Day (Race Seven) and First Love (Race Eight). BEST FORECAST: Soochow and Chief Informer in Race Two. THE COINC is good. EPSOM JEEP CALL BOY POINTER Sac* 1 ENTERTAINER BLCE MISS SANDMAN Sandman Transportation Entertainer Transportation Realm of
      177 words
    • 1321 20 Race 1—2.0 Cl 5 Div 3 ($5,500) 6f 1 ***** /ooiama a (Bright) West 6 9.0 Harbridfe 12 2 ***** Realm of Gold g (May) RS Breuk. 8 8.13 (F) Pretty 5 3 ***** Panchor a i Sultan of Pahang) Lee 5 8.12 Coles 3 4 085
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 241 20 SINGAPORE TURF CLUB I MARCH (DERBY) MEETING LUCKY Ml AM What You have to do:- j Attend the Meeting at the Racecourse, Bukit Timah on a Sunday, 27th March, 1966 and You will hart a chance of winning:- m j A NEW CAR. j FREE j Admission to the Public-
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    • 719 20 This is clear evidence of how photographers from rank beginners to advanced professionals feel about YASHICA. There are over 30 cameras and scores of accessories in the line to-day, In nearly every category: SLR, Twinlens, 35mm Rangefinder, Half-frame, Instant Loading, Sub* miniature, Ultra-miniature and Movie. HERE'S A REPRESENTATIVE SELECT! OS:
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  • Article, Illustration
    50 21 For 'horribly seasick' astronauts in the Pacific NEIL ARMSTRONG and David Scott adrift in the Pacific shortly after splash-down in their .cniini g spacecraft. With them are I.S. Air Force para rescuemen Lieut. Barry Huyett and G.M. Moore of the 33rd Aerospace and Recovery Squadron at Naha. Okinawa.
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  • 190 21 RADIO Jakarta iMighi .inniiuiiccd cabinet consisting (if I»r Malik, the Minister of Public Relations. Or. Kuslan Abdul (i.mi. Second Deputy Premier Dr. Johannes I. cm. n.t. Fourth Deputy Premier. Dr. Ki.ja.ji llaji l.dhani h.ilicl. and the suit. in oi Jogjakarta, Sultan Hameßgka Buwnno. Hri-,'.-(ien. Sharif Tha.iob. a
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  • 182 21 HONOLULU. Fri.—Gemini 8 astronauts Nell Armstrong and David Scott arrived here today from Okinawa on their way home to report on the space crbls that cut their planned three-day flight to less than 11 hours. A curtain of .silence has been
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  • 417 21 LONDON. Fri. The Mock mar- 1 ket closed BbSWtOf fractional eitlier-WH.v movements. Business, ma at a very low level with weekI end influences adding to general i I— llillllm factor.-. There were few movements of consequence in i Industrials. Gold shares steadied at slightly 1 lower levels after
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  • 220 21 'Divide the Punjab into three states' move YEW DELHI. Fri. A committee of Parliament today recommended that the state Of Punjab be split into three including a Punjabi-speaking area in which the Sikhs are dominant. A similar proposal by the ruling Congress Party last week sparked oft a storm of
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  • 350 21 MALACCA POLLS CHANCES GOOD SAY PARTIES MALACCA, Friday. fllK Alliance, the PMIP and Party Kaayat all expressed their confidence today it) winning tomorrow's by-election lor the Sungei Barn constituency. The by-election was caused by the death of the Alliance State Assemblyman. Dato Tamby Chik bin Abdul Karim. Malacca's Chief Minister.
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  • 80 21 TOKYO Fri— Japan Air Lines; and All Nippon Atrwajn today' announced reduction In their nights between Tokyo .tiui CK.::a following three ;iii cnataM lute, in he list .six weeks. Fo.- two months tiom April 1,1 tbn will cut iheir .loiuil;. -run flights ix i ween tie two
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 52 21 ACCRA. 1 Ghana 1. Fri The anti-Communist regime which ou.sieci President KwHme Nkmnmh in a lightning coup Feb 24 has ordered 20 Soviet diplomats mid three Red Chinese diplomats to le;^r the country. The expulsion came after it was reported thai Russia had extended it* diplomatic
    UPI  -  52 words
  • 139 21 Rabid dogs start search by Peace Corps WASHINGTON. Fr i The Peace Corps said yesterday that it was trying to locate eight of its volunteers in the Far East to determine whether they had been bitten by rabid does. A spokesman said two puppies kept at a lioslrl in Bangkok
    AP  -  139 words
  • 57 21 AUPE to present gifts for charity bodies SINGAPORE. ThUTS. The Ainulsramuted Union of Public Employees m conjunction trttn rtUHOj' WCtk, i:>i)j. v ill hold another pi nt at ion of gifts to charitable institutions at Urn pavilion in Kampoog Bahrn Ro.«ri on llaren Mat 4 pjr The AUPE have presented
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  • 35 21 BRUSSELS. Fii— The monkey ol the wocd. a tree-pruning machine whton climbs as it prunes, won its, Swiss inventor the 1966 inventors' Grand Prix last, night, at the International Inventors' Exhibition here. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 189 21 Boy of 5 leaves for vital heart operation SINGAPORE. Fri. Five-year-old Tan Yotlg Hui flew to Australia last nlghi on a journey that may well be the turning point in his life. who i.s Buffering from .i congenital heart ailment which may prove tauu unless he proper treatment, will
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  • 59 21 SINGAPORE, I croft. Theatre Club by Patrick Hamilton ulll be perlornied at the Rmwrolt at Ayer Rajah Roi.d Irom March 23 to 26 at 8.30 p.m. Proceeds from the first night* show will go to the Sb Children's Sorietv Ticket.- hi 12 and S3 are obtainable at
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  • 58 21 MRS BEATRICE THEAN. 65. r» I l.i y. 1- i ik Rm tIM A"- 'iiii|itii>n anu thtrßC* MADAM VIRGINIA leh Mont, one Ooh Ah ljuh. t'.vo prudi MldrMi 10 mourn Mt tega v ill leave :!98. l^or-ony Lot Katm Sin»;apor»' 19 at 11.30 I'.nt. on Sunder. •nr i"h ireb
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 26 21 When nature forgets remember.. CHOCOLATE LAXATIVE so gentle, so nice to take, an exact dose always JACK CHI A Yea (Malaysia) LTD K.IUMPO* rtNANG iPOH-jessenoN- Singapore.
      26 words
    • 255 21 Late CLASSIFIEDS Word% Hi Wl«"»««l LET 4 CAMBRIDGE i CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL A3 SOLVE {5V (-yl YOUR EDUCATIONAL PROBLEMS V V AND j BRIGHTEN YOUR FUTURE V THROUGH i\ S POSTAL TUITION 4 Private or School Condidotei desiring to prepare for the following examinations will be offered Comprehensive Home-Study Courses in
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  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 49 21 :?t* I«t TfCMInLn Hlphe.'-t and lowest tcm] in M.iiayM.i atici ttngapora I i>eriixl 8 p.m. Thursday to 8 pm. 1 yesterday: HiKllrst l.o«»->«t Kuala Lumpur PI 73 Kota Bharu Th Penant 75 j Ipoh Malacca M) 73 I Singapore no 73 C Highlands T.i JessPlton 88 [Kuchtog M n
      49 words