The Straits Times, 17 March 1966

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150,000 Tin: Niitiiiiiiil NHWS|IJIIIKP The Straits Times Estd. 1845 THURSDAY, MARCH 17. 1966 15 CENTS M.C.(P) 1629 KDN 2034
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  • 491 1 Suharto clarifies THERE IS NO QUESTION AT ALL ABOUT A TAKEOVER OF POWER' SINGAPORE, Wednesday INDONESIA'S army chief U. Gen. Suharto, denied today he had taken over full political powers from President Soekarno. Hiidio Jakarta, in a broadcast monitored in Singapore, quoted him ;is clarifying his
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  • 592 1 Army escort for Dr. S after meeting JAKARTA, Wed. Indonesian army troops today escorted tin' Fwdga Minister, Dr. Subandrio. to a gmui house in the grounds of President Soekarno's Merdeka Palace here after he attended a meeting with the President. Troops prevented reporters questioning l>r. Subandrio hut allowed them to
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  • 247 1 BANGKOK, Wednesday. THREE members of the Indonesian Embassy here have been dismissed and ordered back i<> Jakarta for allegedly operating a spy ring which reported to Foreign Minister Subandrio on the activities ol" Embassy officials and "other security matters." informed sources said today. The sources
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  • 29 1 BANGKOK. Weti— Thailand's air force and navy have been placed on ;.'ert r'ollotvliii; renewed border shootln,' incidents between Thailand .uid Cambodia, informed .■iource.s reported today. AP.
    AP  -  29 words
  • 805 1 CAPE KENNEDY. Wednesday THE two-man Gemini 8 spacecraft rocketed towards orbit today at the start of the most spectacular space flight ever undertaken by the United States The spacecrall set oil in pur suit oi :in unmanned > chicle, named Agena, which was already well
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  • 49 1 SAIGON. Wed Vletcone forces Mirrouiuiecl :md iinm-ked ;m American p«iiur<M)|, hi.ttalion in the ComtnuniM Zone I) stiomtholci ihis ■•rains, 1* I 1 s milliarv headquarters reported "The UiitiiMiiM lepnruMl raoMv< ma small uniiv ■lilnnnlli Maponi and mortar tire from all direction.s.' a NpokesniiiM said lIM
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  • 49 1 CANOOA PARK (Caiilornla Wed.— Mrs.. Ci-ysia! Auerl.ach, 66. ventured .rom 1-er home nere for the lirst ime after a five-year battle wIMi cancer, and died in a nearby iour-<ar collision, police reported. Her uunbanci m injured in the I accident, officers **id AP
    AP  -  49 words
  • 77 1 t^ING APORK. Wed. A golfer and his raddv were struck by lit; lit nine at the Thomson Road course of the Singapore Island Country Club today. Lieut. Commander N A Andrews. 40, of HMS Terror and Oh Hen* Tour. 16. the caddy. «er«both admitted to the
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  • 64 1 Space walk today £APE KENNEDY, Wed. Here are the facts and figures about the Gemini 8 man-in-space flight: ASTRONAUTS: Civilian Neil A. Armstrong, 35, and Air Force Maj. David R. Scott, 33. PURPOSE: To attempt first hook-up of two satellites in space; Scott to take record space walk of 2
    AP  -  64 words
  • 123 1 Countdown begins for frogs, too pAPE KENNEDY. Wed. Cape Kennedy's frogs had their own countdown tort a y as scientists worked to produce space tadpoles on the Gnmini-8 flight. Timing was critical at the Cftpe's frog farm. Experimenters wanted to obtain .-pawn all ijours and 42 minutes before Hit-oft, so
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 42 1 SINGAPORE. Wed— Heavy rain caused flooding in several lowlylriK areas In Singapore this evening. The areas affected were Tamplnes Road. Jalan Beßar. Buklt Timali Road. Dunearn Road, and Thomson Road By 7.30 p.m. 224 Inches of rain had fallen
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  • 56 1 PORTSMOUTH. Wed.- -The Rev Reginald Thompson. t>2. has given his bWiiiius to 8 women- wrestling match and said he would refere* i he match between Jennie Peel and Sugar Pie Harlem on March M He did xi in spite of Mrenuoun objections from omens organisation* which called
    UPI  -  56 words
  • 145 1 Three burned alive in riots VEVV DELHI. Wed. Militant Hindu Jan Bangh Part] members today burned alive three persons in their continuing violent demonstrations against the creation of a separate Punjabi-sneaking State. Tinw were members ol the rulins Congress Party and Hindus themselves, but wen- mpporters <>i t lie proposed
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  • 39 1 MAN OX MOON FORECAST BY r.S. PKESIDENT WASHINGTON. Wed. President Johnson said today I'nited States was de termined t<> be first nation tn land man on moon and intended to aeeomplKli this g«*l before I^*7o. i Kcuter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 63 1 For Clear Comfortable Consult c. S. CHONG, O. D. EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 19. Chulia Street. Singapore. ill Vt i *\W U ESSO EXTRA Ft I^HfliHfliiiiiiiMifliHMH PUTATIGER IN YOUR TANK! New Power -Formula Esso Extra gasoline boosts power three ways Cleaning Power! Firing Power! Performance Power! Also preserves the power of
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    • 24 1 ANNOUNCING the NEW THQRENS TURNTABLES TD-1 24 (serifs ii) For ji'thci dctaU* wrUt JEBSEN JESSEN (S) LTD. |%l 1/"%- JJE YfX. > X rtspdrtO/f-fie 60Qt>U&
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    • 190 2 MWII Keil Philippine President M.irens camelled a confrrrnrr with his (tuniil of Leaden scheduled for tod. iv on the situation in South I ist \sia fnllowinc thr VCWfll developments in Indonesia. The Presidential FaJaea announced that
      Reuter  -  190 words
    • 84 2 MEI BOI'KNF. Wed. 1 im exploration team has struck oil off the nf Victoria. The yesterday rri»>rr(i urrn 730 1 1> P3<> .pf high gnYity oil n fourth veil oft the Vie- "Tin ii i >aifl the ml \v.i> :i> t-ciii-p.uiied by a gus flow of
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    • Article, Illustration
      219 2 Where is Mao? WASHINGTON STUMPED BY A RED CHINESE MYSTERY. WASHINGTON. W«d. Y[AO Tse-tung, the Chinese Comrnun- j ist leader, has dropped from sight again, the House Foreign Affairs Committee j was told yesterday. Mao has not been seen in public for five months, his longest absence in 10 years,
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    • 125 2 The son with an outside line at exam pARIS. Wed. A man was given an eightmonth suspended prison sentence here yesterday for helping his son cheat in a school examination by using a transistor radio. The younsr man. \yho asked his father questions over a radio concealed in his pullover,
      Reuter  -  125 words
    • 135 2 Schlesinger's book on Kennedy wins award TWEW YORK, Wed.-Arthur 1 Schlesinger's best-selling book. "A Thousand days: John F. Kennedy in the White House," was yesterday named winner of the 1965 National Book Award ror history and biography. Mr. Schlesinger. a special assistant to the late President, was one nf four
      Reuter  -  135 words
    • 84 2 LONDON. Wed. Britain's I flr.s: coloured policeman was re- cruited yesterday. I He is Mohumed Yu-suf Daar. a native of Kenya, whose father Indian and mother Pakistani. H* .speaks mx languages. He was signed up for the police force In Coventry, an industrial city
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    • 218 2 JOMO PARTY REBELS LAUNCH LEFTWING OPPOSITION UNION V'AIROBI. Wed.— Rebel elements of the ruling Kenya African National Union announced today the launching of an Opposition party but said Kenya's pro-Commun-ist Vice-President. Mr. Oginga Odlnga, was not associated with it. The party's initial policy statement, however, left no doubt that it
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    • 108 2 UKA//..W11 I r Wed. The Congo (Brazzaville) Government has banned the sale of antimalaria pills without a doctor's prescription because too many people have been using them to poison themselves. Public health authorities said there had been "too many cases of
      Reuter  -  108 words
    • 65 2 There have been other period* when the took stock of their setbacks, as they are now doing, without easing their inflexible hostility towards th« West, it was said. Since meet ing Mr. Oronouskl in mid-December. Mr. Want has been to Pekint? for vacation and presumably policy talks.
      AP  -  65 words
    • 56 2 WASHINGTON. Wed. HiesidI ent, Johnson bM named Mr. Joseph Palmer. 51. dnector-Ren- eral of tne foreign serwi-e ,md a specialist on African problems, to be Assistant Secretary oi fc:.<tc f'>r A! man Aftairs. He succeeds Mr O Mrnnrii Williams, who has resinned to stand for election
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 258 2 Malagasy base for RAF to hunt oil pirates J ONDON, Wed. The 1J Malagasy Republic yesterday agreed despite French opposition to give the Royal Air Force landing rights to aid Britain's search for tankers running oil to rebellious Rhodesia. The Foreign Office said landing and refuelling facilities were being made
      AP  -  258 words
    • 256 2 U.S.-Chinese talks in Warsaw open in new hopes of change WARSAW, Wednesday r pHE American and Chinese Communist ambassa- dors hold their first meeting of the year today amid speculation that winds of change are blowing from Peking. Ambassadors John A. Gronouski and Wang Kuochuang we c scheduled to come
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 65 2 test-proved 9,000,000 miles mmOmUGml MALACCA. SEMMJAN. PETALINC |AYA. PENANG. tUTTERWOKTH. lESSELTON Wnrm ret KUALA LUMPUR— F.d.r.,,« Pr«,r,,, M, l#r> IPOH Unxtrnl C»r«. KUANTAN Eatl Com Moiori SECAMAT. lATU PAH AT jOHOAE tAHKU S«(*mtt Stcr. ft Aftncr. KUCHINC Ch,n I Son (IHS) H*. IHUNEI-Hock la* H.«. SANOAKAN, |E«ELTON. TAWAU. LAS JAN
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 145 3 Ex-spy wanted: Apply to box number... I ON DON. \\e<l him n>\ kMtaj vi »ertised here for Mi outof unrk sp>. With .ipprnpi<- dis iretion. Ih. (ilm ni.ik' r> sought their man through the prrMinal roluiun of I'hr London limes. WHeWHoM item. DeMt" ins W. la, anil sjndHU-li ed
      Reuter  -  145 words
    • 45 3 BELGRADE. Wl I peoplr old child. vn< killed and 15 Others sen.iu.-~iy Injund whrn the roo! v! a Catholic church in northern Yugoslavia coiiapsed. iho TfcnjOg News aftency repoi It >aici n people were inside when th* roof caved in. UPI.
      UPI  -  45 words
    • 198 3 GENEVA, Wed. The chief U.S. delegate, Mr. Adrian Fisher, told the 17-nation arms conference yesterday that a bomber bonfire and a freeze on the production of nuclear weapons delivery vehicles would be a significant measure towards general and complete disarmament When the L'nUrd
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    • 37 3 BRUNSWICK. Wed Ens' Clerman bordfr au^rd.- havf ■tarted plantinc bramble bushc* v ith almost one-tnch lonz thorns nlons the border with Wet Germany, apparently to hnmoer \v<>iild-be escapers. Weat German border police said. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  37 words
    • 571 3 WILSON'S LETTER ON NATO THREAT LONDON. Wed Next step by de Gaulle: A nuclear guarantee to allies in Europe but not North America HAROLD Wilson yesterday sent a letter to President de Gaulle criticising France for deciding to pull her forces out of the Nato alliance.
      Reuter; AP  -  571 words
    • 82 3 EDWARD HUTU. Leader of the Opposition, during a tour of his constituency in Rexley. Kent, seems to have gone in for a "Junior campaign" The youna Conservative is Mark I.emmon. only 20 months old. Des- pile Mr. HeathS friendly manner. Mark does not
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    • 398 3 LOS ANGELES RIOT AFTER NEGRO BOY THROWS STONE i LOS ANGELES, Wed ABOUT 600 Negroes and Mexicans went on a four-hour rampage in the Watts slum area last night, stoning and overturning cars, stabbing and shooting before police subdued them. A white lorry driver and a Negro died from bullet
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    • 30 3 ACCRA. Wid- Thiny-two n«--j tions have so lar recognised Ghai na's new Government. They include seven Commonwealth coun- tries, but only two. Czechoslovakia 1 and Hungary, Communist States.
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    • 110 3 LONDON. Wed. Fuk Wins Chens It. a Chinese waiter. was sentenced to life imprisonment in I.ewes yesterday after he admitted murdering a 'l-vear-old Cirl The prosecution MM that the jirl. Marilyn Morgan, was v cashier in a fish shop at the seaside town
      Reuter  -  110 words
    • 64 3 SYDXEV, H>d. Parts of an engine Cell from a Boeing Til shortly after the aircraft took off from Sydney airport today. About !n pines of a turbo fan rained down en a garage near the airport, narrowly missing four attendants. The ainralt an
      Reuter  -  64 words
    • 37 3 LIMA. Wed. Siamese twina girls joined at the abdomen, have been born in the northern city of Ca.iamarca. Both are well and are being kept in an incubator in a local hospital. Reuter
      Reuter  -  37 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 214 3 beautiful^ radiogram^ models |H t to choose! m rT^ ISABELLA /STEREO from pc m i NOROMINDE M.rterpiect wttti the latest "De Lux. Rod.* m Choiii. (1 J vahrai k 13 diode? with a total o» JJ tgncfioiw BHP lpv ~ali LM bandi »ix. IC, FM, 2 SW, I sp.c.ol Loud%pcok.r,
      214 words
    • 341 3 INTRODUCING TO i 11 1 ■^V^!V"| FAVOURITE HOBBY PHILATELIC ORGANI-** iAT ION: ONE set Venus Rocket" Com- memorotive ond British CommonV^ wealth stomps (Catalogued 16/-), Perforation Gauge to measur« \^^^^^o stamp perforotion, etc, ere given r f" to stomp collector"; \*ho request our stomps on appr.v. 3 Please enclose 55
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  • 218 4 Top AEB students to get bursaries i SINGAPORE. Wed. CTUDENTS of the Adult Education Board who score lop marki in the Cambridge School Certificate Examination or equivalent examination, are to be awarded bursaries for higher studies. This is the first time the Board is offering ten bursaries, from this year,
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  • 286 4 SINGAPORE. Wad THE Singapore Health Minister, Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin. today congratulated a group of Malaysian, Australian and Singapore medical students for taking the initiative to form a regional body to promote closer ties among their counterparts in the various countries in this region.
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  • 198 4 DAR-ES-SALAAM. Wednesday. THE Singapore trade mission today began a round of talks with the Tanzanian Government, calling first on the Ministers of Commerce and Industries. The first meeting with the Commerce and Cooperatives Minister. Mr. Abdul Rahman Babu. was cordial and very friendly, the mission's
    Reuter  -  198 words
  • 99 4 SINGAPORE. Wed. The National Library plans to send more staff lor overseas training to cope with the tremendous need for professional librarians for Its expanding services. The llrector. Mis. Hedwlg Anna-, said thus today after four members jf ihe staff have just
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  • 98 4 AEB courses in Thai, Spanish languages SINGAPORE. Wed— The Adult Education Board is organising courses in the Thai and Spanish languages (or beginners next month. The 16- week Thai language course, starting on April 5, will be held at the Anglo-Chinese Primary School. Coleman Street, every Tuesday and Thursday from
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  • 47 4 SINGAPORE. Wed —The newlyelected Member of Parliament for Chua Chii Kan'.'. Mr. Tang bee Chim. will hold his meet-tlie-people ,-e^ioiis >t the Lam Soon (ommuiiitv centre on M»r. 23 ano »t the Kivi.ji community cenire on IfU 30. b^iniiniM at 8 p.m. en both days.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 406 4 I f jm^X'AJJfWHJ T.-.r*D.i,yJSKo-s :3-»-,pm. ■_fh Cathay film D.stnbufor, W Presents i Vyiayantimala thof Luscious "SANGAM" Girl is Bock to thrill you ano with BOf new Lover boy OILIP KUMAR 2 An Hindi spcctoclt in Technicolor Scope Ing. Moloy Subtitles. a j Saturday Midnite -MAIN HOON ALLADIN" j Castmoncolor Hindi
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    • 527 4 ORGANISATION m BJ g^Sa^JKj^Jßta^^SgMaßSSaßßßsAaVsMsi Opens Today 1 1 30-4-6 JO-9 30 s> •MARRiAIih on the ROCKS" Extra' Pathc news Princess Btolrr wedding in colour. sj SATURDAY at MIDNIGH' g| •DAWN WiLL COME" B (Manrta'.r- CohM Scope ■I ■j Ladies Sot 1.4S a.m. Klo free List Circle tt; Stolls SI
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 468 4 IgSHgSHHHattsaBMaHgHH < TODAY Sonata recital by Denes and Zsignondy. Victoria Theatre. 3.45 p.m. Exhibition of reproduction of 20th Cen«*jry German paintings. Exhibition Hall. Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Hill Street, 9 a.m. 6 a.m. Police Band concert, Katong Park. 3 p.m. Free nlin shows at 7.30 p.m. a(. Tuas Village
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  • 437 5 Boy, 10 tells murder court about a 'thief SINGAPORE. Wed. A IU-yt'ur -uld schoolboy today told v court ol his vain bid to help his grandmotner against a "thiei and bow be eventually found her dead witn hands and legs bound, and her face covered with a sarong. Mohamed Roslan
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  • 23 5 I UMUI Wed tnnen uom the bindings i:>:ii(: air now undergoing j »wo-week course at thp Manonk ■grlcultunJ centre near Kuala
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  • 249 5 M-plan briefs for 'Aid Malaysia members KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday £LABORATE project briefs on Malaysia's first development plan will be sent to member countries of the "Aid ti» Malaysia Club" p.irly next month in the Government's bid to obtain loans to finance some of th<» projects. Disclosing this to<l.i the Prime
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  • 98 5 Ordnance wants 100 recruits KUALA LUMPUR. Wed.— The Malaysian Territorial Army is looking for volunteers to fill 100 vacancies in the Malaysia^ Ordnance Corps. Candidates mast be Malaysian citizens residing in the Kuala Lumpur area between the ages of 18 and 35 years old. They must be in possession of
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  • 32 5 SINGAPORE. Wed. A Sincapore Traction Company 1 omnibus cauelu fire in Emprf» Place at lunch time yesterday- F'.roir.en put out tlie blaze within I minutes. No cue was Injured.
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  • 217 5 Govt to pay families of two dead MPs KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Cabinet today decided to make a $15,000 ex-gra-tia payment to the dependants of the late Inche Zulkifli bin Mohamed. M.P.. who was killed in a road accident in May 1964 near Kuantan. inche Zulkifli. then the vir.--preside»ii of
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  • 997 5 'Include Singapore in protective area for bigger market' plea TARIFF HEARING ON PRINTING INDUSTRY KUALA LU M PUR. Wed. A recommendation that Singapore should be included in a "protected area" for the printing industry was made to the Tariff Advisory Board at its public bearing here today. Singapore should be
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  • 47 5 L'IAI.A 1.1 .MPI'R. \\vt\ Ihr Cabinet lodaj rejact«cl .1 demand b\ Ihr Railwaynien* I nion <»f Mal.i.\.i its H.OOO former daily-rated member-, who uerc ciinxertrd !<• monthly-paid staff should be enlitlcd t<» mmc privileges of the inonthlj -paid Di\i->i<>n IV Go\ eminent employees.
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  • 236 5 Court's decision on traffic fines SINGAPORE. Wed. Who should be liable to pay the flues and other penalties relating to traffic offences the bus driver or his company? The Industrial Arbitration Court r,ays "The company should be responsible lor such penalties if In the particular context the ollence was brought
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  • 88 5 JES3ELTON, Wed. Th« Sabah State Government Is to spend mor» than SI million on a new re.-ervolr at KaramunMn?. near here, and on in- creasing the capacity of the Jesselton ?-ater treat- i mem plant. A Ministry of Comznurnca- i tions and Works spokesman
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 102 5 AIR NEW ZEALAND ty and COTY xiA of New York, London and Par v r^fjfßk present \J CHRYSILDA'S/ SPRING FASHION '66 t-dihions for Tiny Tots. Teenagers Grownups I at the Four Lions Restaurant Thursday. 17th March, at 3.00 p.m. Tickets at 53/ each, including Tea and C.ikes are available at
      102 words
    • 203 5 DUI Ictll The RESTAURANT A1 with a VIEW jACKfc Excitingly different in every respect. ROAD, SINGAPORE 9j DYMO Model MM JF *J^F One Tool Jl^^^' y I Wai I'rice 5 Rolls of 2" x 6- SPECIAL PRICK in 5 attractive colour,. M 534.00 bole Ajjentb. Mechanical Combustion Engineering Co., Ltd.
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  • 249 6 Good response to call for blood donors SINGAPORE. Wed pi ISLN. response to the Singajxire Blood Transfusion Service's publicity campaign for more blood donors Ikis so l;ir exceeded expectations. The three-month campaign \\;is launched from Mar. 1. From the Deginning of this month up to yesterday. 1.150 people had donated
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  • 151 6 Missing girl: Plea from parents m.VGAPORE. Wed. The six-week disappearance of Miss Teo Kirn Nui (above), 15, has caused her parents great anxiety. They are offering a cash reward to anybody with information on her whereabouts. Teenager Kirn Nui walked out of her Thomson Road home on Jan. 20 after
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  • 124 6 SINGAPORE. Wed. Some 300 representatives from Chambers of Commerce In Hong Kong, Macao, the Philippines and Malaysia today toured the Queenstown housing estate and Singapore Harbour area. They also visjted the flour factory of Prima Ltd. in Keppel Road and were
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  • 36 6 SINGAPORE. Wed— The military will carry oul training exercises at the RAF Seletm ground from 6 p.m. tomorrow till 2 a in on Friday. Blanks and thunderf lashes will I be used. I
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  • 29 6 SINGAPORE \\>d— Water will be rut off tomorrow from B ■■< m to 8 p.m. in Lorong Jurai. LoroiW Rantai an I Lutnne Keiabu. ofl Knmpong Cliai Chee.
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  • 35 6 SINGAPOKE Wen The Fecieri atlon of Boys' CluKs will hold s 'graduation cciemony of the cliib wadersblp (.raining course lSi»4 > ■I i: boadcuartsra in old Kaiii.n^. Airport at |JD p.m on M.ucii Jti.
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  • 30 6 SINGAPORE. Wed— The Sinsa- pore Junior Safety First. Coui.cil will hold .is IMC general DMStI Ing at the St. Joseph's In.s'.iiution Hall al 2.30 p.m. on Friday.
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  • 71 6 MRS. Koso Minie. sales rrprcsentath e of BO AC. is seen presentin; a box of shamrock lo two Kirls. K.i thy Irvin and I inn. i MacLeod. of the St. Patrick's Society in Singapore. The shamrock uas specially flown out by BO
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  • 159 6 Damages claim against motorist dismissed (SINGAPORE. Wed. Mr. Justice Chu;i today dismissed a motor accident c 1 a i m brought by Chong Mv n Suo nu. 45. against a 52-year-old motorist. Choo Fook Choon. after a threeiiour hearing In the Hii^h Court. In ordering Cheng to pay coats, tne
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  • 149 6 Hurt boy awarded $3,676 SINGAPORE. Wr.l Khoo Kirn Hock. 12, a schoolboy, injured in a collision with a van. wu ;ud:i\ awarded 53.6T6 in damage* under a consent order made by Mr. Justice Buttrose. His father, Khoo Ah 1 hospital attendant, was awarded special damages of $324 as the second
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  • 95 6 SINGAPORE. Wrci. -Work on new bndne at the BJ milestone Jurong Road is expected 10 be completed by the onu 01 July, .u i cording 10 a PWU states dav The bndgr us one of i.c 1 bndRr.s to be built
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 149 6 \ll< t, Oop I*'/ V.T. Itainlin SNOW I^H|PP|^Zt I ice age doc was lasttckof /^aki 1 naryy^/ oh,mv ji«^*5 < TCU IKl us ABOLrr I jnßEwoooiN /a rag to Vs»\ gosh/ J >^." r -^y(''- t> Ififh Trurij II tf 0 lu-si <>r o.*mltl BBBB^'^- Z ~-^^^sB WE'VE REALLY COT
      149 words

  • 1962 7  - Passport to Peril JAMES LEASOR PART IV OF THE THRILLING JASON LOVE ADVENTURE by 'Mr. Chin retired to a small upper room. A native girl, Savitra, was sitting on a cushion The fat man tries a new threat f B^IIKKK Mom* no \\a\ out tor Dr. Ja>on Lo\r. Hi* went
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 78 7 «asg*ft X It:--——i r^ I >■ V > J N— >—* -J J N '.VO9LD S FIRST _^aßf^^^^| V AND BRITAIN S H^^^b^V LARGEST SELLING Consulate pure white filter gives you iiri^llj menthol cigarette. H laP^T^ W "I.b^b^bSl ANOTHER WORLD FIRST the flavour of fine tobaccos enhanced f o°f m
      78 words

  • 26 8 M..r4. $l\ I Minimum THI FAMILY OF I. it- CM« Tlaß f Ihr Maff <>' K<w)»k iHI I. t't. frirnrti" r.'lat:Vf« lor 1 ***** <r<-.ltba *nd
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  • 4 8 itcbm arotaan
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  • The Straits Times Thursday. March 17, 1966.
    • 627 8 Events m Indonesia have lons cii'lied logical analysis and they do so again this morn- uig. There has been no taki.- over oi power by General Suharto and the army, and no weakening of President Soe- kamo'a authority. The oracle this time is the head of the! Kogam
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    • 351 8 A year ago it seemed that Singapore had hit upon a permanent solution to its longstanding .shortage of blood donors. Under a Government scheme all donors who could be relied upon for at least two pints a year were given priority and free medical treatment at outpatient dispensaries,
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    • 231 8 Thr decision of the Malaysian Government to subsidise Khp education of the childrrn of its civil servants and soldiers stationed in Singapore, will relieve these groups of hardships resulting from the Singapore Government's steep increase of school fees for non-citizens. Ther» will be no relief, however, for Malaysians
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  • 1108 8  - Sanctions with rubber teeth JOHN de St JORRE oy SALISBURY, Wed A BIG SHOW IN THE SHOPWINDOWS AND PLENTY IN THE PIPELINE THE CRUCIAL MONTHS ARE STILL TO COME FOR SMITH AND RHODESIA SANCTIONS against the white rebel regime of Mr. Lan Smith in Rhodesia are biting with rubber teeth.
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  • Letters
    • 437 8 IN 1959 I was elected Chairman, Board of Governors, Anderson School. Ipoh. a post I have continued to hold since, despite ilie demands on my time and several frustrating experiences in dealing with the local Education Office and the Ministry of Education. An
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    • 36 8 AS the result of the onforcement of the new National Land Code in Kclantan. difficulties have been experienced by the public due to nonavailability of the various forms required. TOLOMiLAH Kota Bh.iru
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    • 67 8 IN today's < March IS) Straits Times, page 14 under the heading -Household Hints" "Empty outdoor electric liulit socket.- ran be kept ciean and dry by insert ing a burned out tu>t- 1 think it should be "a burned out lamp bulb. With empty Hghl sockets whether indoor or outdoor—
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    • 40 8 I NOTICE that gas consumers are being charged at different rates Some are paying three cents per unit and others 4) cenK Why shf '.ild residents in one block pay morr than residents In 'he neighbouring block.' PI ZZI.KO Sins.iporr
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  • 472 8  - Learning Malay 206 Yunus Mans MA by University of Malaya AFFIXATION of "PER". We have seen lou the combination "PER. AN" is pftixed to base worth for instance boat (V) —to do. to mike; I'ERbuatAN in) deed, action. PER o.i iv own. l.c -PER" without "AX", is attixed id tne
    472 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 597 8 Straits Times Malay Mail Ix »»■<«< COLD JTORA6C SUPft- MARKtT O'llMrt RO^ ••<^«»»"* C 04.0 STOKACi IRAMCHES Al ttoMmm^ *—4 Kat^f Nonl A»fl»i»m< Aai'M. crrr book sto«i ltbj.. Wmilwtt. H.m«. C»lty«» Qm*. THI HtWS FRONT FinaxXrKk < i.M'W** M. M ISMAIL 1 AAairtltT ItW, N.»^ B.M. HAMIfM STORE, 141* Upprr
      597 words
    • 42 8 '^eeghoio' The Renowned CUSTOM TAILORS Styles Cut to the Latest Fashions Hand Tailored Best Workmanship Also lmp«r»»ri I Eipoftora or H,qh Clatt W«l^t A WooUtM. SINGAPORE: 21, Chulia $*m,»*, Tel: ***** HONGKONG: Mirodor Montion. lit Floor, Room No. 54-64, Nathan Ro»«\ Kowloon.
      42 words
    • 108 8 BBa^BaVdke^BBBIBSBvV 1 aa^H RlBS^ S pV^II H^^^bb^bb^bßßF Hi v^^b 1 Sore throat? I Dequadin Lozenges kill germs that cause the f^H soreness. They give you comfort and relief from the pain of a sore throat. They also stop germs B^B from breeding and spreading and causing more inflammation and soreness.
      108 words

  • 264 9  - Indons still active on the border: Lo J. FRANCIS From IESSKITON Wed. Sa bah\ Chief Minister Mr Prter 1.0. said today that there were indications that Indonesia has reinforced her position along: the border areas Hi- warned that the dancer povd by confrontation -till existed despite the rerent developments in
    264 words
  • 27 9 KUALA LIPIS Wed Chr Habibali btate Abdul Gh.,t.. t«wn councillor herr. ha.s wen re-elected chairman of the Kuala Upis branch of the Women s Institute
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  • 98 9 TEMKRLOH Wed. The Pahunp Mentri Besar, Dato Yahya hin Mohamcd Sell, said today that tb State Government had earmarked 40.000 acres ol virgin junglr neat Brlimbing. in the Kuantan district, for the exploitation of timber resource.- by Malay co-operative societies. He added that a logging .'■chuol
    98 words
  • Article, Illustration
    38 9 350 VEHICLES PASS THROUGH IN FIRST FOUR HOURS CARS stopping at the Slim River toll gate to pay toll charges yesterday. Charges for using the Tanjong Malim-Slim River highway were effective from yesterday. Straits Times picture.
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  • 174 9 TANJONG MALIM, Wednesday.. THK collection of road tolls for the new 15--mile Tanjong Malim-Slim River highway began at six o'clock this morning. In the first four hours, more than 350 vehicles passed through the two toll booths at the Slim River end. However,
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  • 83 9 Assemblymen to tour the Middle East SUNGEI PATANI, Wed i Headed by Syed Ahmad I bin Sycd Mahmud Shaha- buddin. six Kedah State Assemblymen will leave Penang next Monday on a study tour of the M-.cld'.n Bast Othrr members ol th>- pavv ■rill be HhJI s.ilieh bin H.. i l.hnK
    83 words
  • 32 9 NIBONG XEBAL. Wed. nuerei .v.oie $9,210 m cash and jewellery :rom the hous»- oi h widow. Khor S:ew Im. 60. wml* shp tv at CbtaMai wayaiig hrrr last night.
    32 words
  • 48 9 SINGAPORE. Wed. A police supervisee. Un Glok Leng. who failed to report to Beach Road I police station on May 1 last year was jailed for a year today. i Un pleaded guilty to the charge under the Criminal Law <Tern: porary Provisions) Ordinance.
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  • 44 9 PENANG. Wed. Delega'e* from 12 Umr.o youth branches in Central Province Welles'.ey Umno division will meet at Sungei Pertama on March 26 for their annual assembly. The division's Kaum Ibu (women's section) will hold it* an- meeting the same afternoco.
    44 words
  • 198 9 Look out for any subversives CD men told KOTA BHARU. Wed.— Civil Defence members were today urged to be on the look out for subversive elements who were out to discredit the organisation and to discourage them from Joining it. The Minister of Local Government and Housing. Mr. Khaw Kai
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  • 27 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed The Assistant District Officer of Kampar. Tengku Zubir. left for Sabah yesterday to assume duties v the District Officer of Tawau.
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  • 156 9 Tengku: Taipeh not in S-E Asia KUALA LUMPUR, i Wed. Tenpku Abdul Rahman said today that he knew nothing: about Na- tionalist China's to- '< tention to apply for Association of South- East Asia (ASA) mem- I bership. "All I know is from what I have seen in the mess
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  • 22 9 IPOH. Wod. Mr. A. Knshnan TO admitted to the Bar by Dato Justice Mclntyre in the High Court here today.
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  • 23 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Goods worth 515.000 wprr damas- ed by fire in wooden riMß* house in Jalan Klßnc here yesterday
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  • 131 9 Sudden death of airport fire chief KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Superintendent of the Department of Civil Aviation Fire Services, Mr. J. F. O. Nicholas, collapsed and died yes- terday after receiving news of his aunt's death. His aunt. Mrs. J Read. 84. died In Ipoh at 1 p.m. On receiving
    131 words
  • 93 9 lESSELTON. Wed. T»" Worid Bank power advisers. Mr C White and Mr. A. R. Whyte. arrived here today t o study Sabah s electricity plans and to see in what way the World Bank consultative group could assist. Mr. White told nev&men on arrival that
    AP  -  93 words
  • 269 9 j j Kuala Lumpur. Wed r FHE Minister of Fin- ance. Mr. Tan Siew Sin, said today that there appeared to be some misunderstanding over the double taxation agreement between Malaysia and Singapore. The agreement would be In respect of taxpayers with
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 55 9 iffa S mow What's yours? Right-and this time, try it with Vodka Samovar. Same drink -but even more rewarding bame taste but fresher, more pure. For Vodka Samovar releases a clear unclouded summer sky taste that leaves no taint on your tongue or breath Just the voluptuous glow of 'hidden^g|^jLPxcitement',
      55 words
    • 39 9 JMk MITSUBISHI lassfir better living j £.132 THE SIGN OF QUALITY A V. VMTSWNI t, t rt^'(-''M I illlili! t> «—<»»» >■»» Ami i-tmintnx -r, if^9H •M>' *nr*« o> •>» lev Q'JiMy «nrt tr*tr b»'lfr in o< —f^ rM tIMMMMaUTTBRf *OO,LTB. iM.mi.m»u>a»«M«>
      39 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 727 9 TV MALAYSIA CHANNEL .V— Kuala I.ur- Gldget: 8 News In Manpur and PrnanK: *> Ipoh darln; 8.10 The Tom Ewell and Malacca; 3 Johoro Show: 8.35 "Pour Vou.s K.ihru: 4 Taipine; 7 Madame"; 8.50 Koran Ritu Pahat; 9 Kluanf. Reading; 9 News in the P.M.: 5.45 Opening and National Language;
      727 words

    • 669 10 TODAY'S parents arc becoming more interested in giving their children, during the first years, toys which play a constructive part in their upbringing. This is the opinion of Mr. David Day. munaginu director of a British toy manufacturing firm, who was
      669 words
    • 185 10 AIISS Orasa Apaiwong (below) will be one of the five A lovely visiting models taking part in a glittering FASHION tasllion Parade to be staged in Singapore next week. Orasa and threr otiiers txom Thailand and one from Scandinavia have
      185 words
    • 123 10 TRY this delicious dna\.< I Uhip You will need I tablespoon in. f cup wiitf-r. cup siisar. 1 cup fresh or canned guava pulp 1 eec whites, l teaspoon mM, I tablespoon lemon juice. 1 cup fresh shredded coconut (if desired) Soak gelatin in cup of
      123 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 405 10 T^Boat- V b^bV S V^*\ *T^^£jfyl\%i^^^JßVv& wU ER L At N 'dl^. perfumes cosmetics /a a m from Paris H^fflS 1 >n VALUABLE PRIZES TO BE WON \.\C/j\ IN A SIMPLE COMPETITION L— l_P>^^/ FOR NEW OWNERS OF ERRES TV Buy ERRES TV Mow! COM T;»ff,Sf SES FOOT ITCH Lemons
      405 words
    • 624 10 DON'T BE SKINNY B^bV [to M J < «W w IMm get the figure that others admire WATE-ON MEN Be Big— -Be Strong Be Powah Htwi 1 f u w ith WATE-ON S«_ ~''"°"'f 1 GIRLS Get the figure thot men admire FTTftn"! anc otner 9 ir s env V
      624 words

  • 272 11 Pangkor Island no more thriving now j tUT, Wrd. Fishlj Ing villages on Pangkor Island are no more the thriving communities they once were as the youth are leaving for the mainland to seek work. nlctura of life ir. the five viliaues on the island holiday resort was eiven
    272 words
  • 60 11 KUALA I.LMPUR. Wed.— Thrre ton sw now In Lumpur to explore the possibility o. ser.ijifi up an Institute ol re--11 medicine. lluy arc Dr. Charles C. Sprn- Bus. Detn of Modlclne. Tiilaie Dnl- verstty. New Orleans, Louisiana; i Dr. Alice P.i'.nirr. Wayne Dnlver- Igan: and Dr. j
    60 words
  • 56 11 MALACCA. Wed. An exhibitlon of secondary school pain;- Ings will be held at the Malacca Chinese School Teachers' Ass.ocla- Uon here on May 7 and 8. The exhibition, .sponsored by j the Student Weekly Fan Club, Is! ■>l>en to secondary school .students m Che stale. Entries
    56 words
  • 36 11 \IK)RE, Wed. Talks botween Singapore and the flatting Soviet trade and economic mission, winch beu.ui la>t Friday. ar« still come on and are expected to md towiinls the end of the WWk I
    36 words
  • 161 11 More Aussie troops for Malaysia if need arises, says Envoy KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. •IMIE number of Australian troops in Malaysia will be increased if the need arises, the Australian High Commissioner. Mr. A.J.Eastman. .-;nd here today. He added that Australia v.. providing Malaysia with v aid amounting to Stji million.
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  • 16 11 iNa mm i mcd Noor b:n Awi nl<Ki yrverday for 12 months.
    16 words
  • 354 11  - Stop this 'sweet talk officers warned A. SRIPATHY: By Malacca, Wednesday OENICR officers of the Malacca Council were today warned to stop canvassing councillors for better salaries, allowances and other frnge benefits. 'This clandestine practice should cease forthwith as it contravenes municipal regulations/ the council president, Mr Lim Cheng Hoon
    354 words
  • 76 11 Smuggler fined $10,000 IOHORE BAHRI'. Wed —A J salesman. Lini Hai Seng. was today lined SIO.OUU. or three years' jail, in the Sessions Court for attempting to smusßlr raw opium, valued at 5i4.0«0. in a tar at thr Customs export gate here. The opium was found in a secret compartment
    76 words
  • 67 11 TAIPING, Wed. The family of Mr. Boh Cheng SicT. 83, whose funeral take.s place here tomorrow, have donated $10,000 to various charities in the district. Mr Bcli. one of the oldest pioneers here, came to Malaya al the turn of the century and worked his v.ay up
    67 words
  • 59 11 PENANG. Wed. The Pei;an« Omno YouUi division will hold UM annual aseemolj at Omno Hail. MacAJlster Road, '•n March 27 lhr youth leader. Inr'.ie Jaldin bin Sanu.-i. will "Ot seek re-elec-tion. Three candidates will De contesting for Hie post: Inchc Aixlui Shookoor bin Pnwanteh Inche
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  • 31 11 SINGAPORE. Wed. About BO members of the Royal Automobile Club of Victoria. Australia, will arrive here at the end of the month for a three-day tour of the State.
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  • 23 11 BINUAt^JKEi. wra. mi. George Sandosham. a local law graduate, was today admitted by Mr. Jufctlce Ambrose as an advocate and solicitor.
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  • 63 11 JOHORE BAHRU. Wrd. Thr Sultanah of Johore "ill open a World Health Day Daby ■bOW at the Diamond Jubilee hall on April 1 Registration of babies entering t lie show will take place every I uesday and Saturday at the Na- tional Child and Health
    63 words
  • 121 11 A RUBBER STUDY AWARD WORTH $20,000 I/UALA LUMPUR. 1V Wed. The Natural Rubber Producers' Research Association is offering a scholarship worth $20,000 to a Malaysian to study rubber technology at London's National College of Rubber Technology. The successful candidate will find supervisory and quality control posts in the industry and
    121 words
  • 74 11 KANGAR. Wed. The Perils Blood Donors' Association has expressed its thanks to members of the public who responded to it* appeal for blood for 13 Injured victims of the recent train-bus collision at the Padang Besar railway crossinK. 'More than 30 donors tutrwd up that day when
    74 words
  • 196 11 JOY came In a plane for 30-year-old Mrs. Inger Stroman recently joy in the shape of a bundle of bewilderment called Moon Hae Soon, a Korean orphan girl. Mrs. Stroman had flown to London airport from Gothenburg. Sweden. to meet her newly
    196 words
  • 180 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. T a s c k Cement Ltd. of Ipoh. the first wholly local-ly-owned cement mill in Malaysia, has been granted a $1.67 million loan by the Malayan Industrial D c v c lopment Finance Ltd. The MIDFL, announcing this here
    180 words
  • 37 11 SEGAMAT. Wed. The i Rubber Research Institute here j has organised a six-month prurtical course on rubber planting disease control and rubber pro cessing for 36 smallholders in Tenang Station. IS miles from here.
    37 words
  • 126 11 Murder bid appeal by 4 soldiers refused I ONDON, Wed.— Four v British soldiers convicted at a Singapore court martial last September of conspiring to murder a Sarawak headman, were refused leave to appeal by the CourtsMartial Aupeal Court here today. Part of the proceedings WM hoard In closed court
    126 words
  • 44 11 LONDON. Wed. Di.>tineui.-!i-ed Service Crosses wen presented by Quot:i BUsabetb ben day to two Royal Navy Officers for their part In operation* am ir..->i Indonesians white on Far ci patrols. Thry are Lieut. Commanders Holder and Herbert Tv lckly. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 24 11 SINGAPORE. Wed. Three motor-cycles and a scooter with a total value of $1,810 were reported stolen from various parts of Singapore yesterday.
    24 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 224 11 How do you hold a board meeting 41,000 feet above New York City? fr' v I BBvH MuSSni BSSS^BIi Bill I a^^stfaiiifl rfifeV 1 BsiiiiH High over New York City an HS 125 cruises at 500 m.p.h. Owned by The American Management Association, built by Hawker Siddeley Aviation, this is
      224 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 31 11 Bugs Bunny By Ralph Heimdahl mi^m JBHOUTHEXngEJ jl f\ 1 V apseer* ~"Wfe 4rW# 55BTP5IBSt /giamae aglass/M E&\ Tionus 'C^U-W^) quick, an' ser 1 Jjv? 1 Sg«f T w»is. ""y m.
      31 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 595 12 onlinurd Irum Pace 8) SITUATIONS VACANT Brews* 5* iHm.i— Box M 'ft rifr. WANTEO CENERAL AMAH able 10 rupean Kood. Tel i'i<43l <SlnPASS OR HONOURS Graduates to h Phjri -irx a School, s por.; Ij. WANTEO IMMEDIATELY general anu». Kiiropei'i two younx 11. Tel; (Spore) SMART APPEARANCE osßfM I
      595 words
    • 1073 12 SITUATIONS VACANT li Words Him.) Box it et*. txln LEADING MOTOR FIRM in CSBUi Luropur ha« oosssosaaai tor I. At- A.A.S.A 2. H..:.ior Book-ke>pcr Wualiucatlons: amondge and 1. C.C. Higbei Ai'uuntln^. tumunera'.lun »ill tie ;l j i.rjancf with experience. I'leaji ■fßoj in own handwriting, k'lvtng lul details -with 1 pliutographs
      1,073 words
    • 1067 12 ACCOMMODATION WANTED 1., M i. M> Vn I Box tU rtt »lfr« FURNISHED 3 BEOROOMEO He twnga.ow PL lo It,. 1. Keni ~< aTpava «S4u). EUROPEAN BACHELOR Requires »e.r-cor.ta:ne<l Klat I or 3 bedrooms < district v tor minimum s months. Box 1 AM4S H.T Spore. WANTED a Compound House
      1,067 words
    • 928 12 TOURS ft EXCURSIONS li M f Hli .-»..t H rt, •rt'.. CHINA TOURS *\j days SI. WO inrlu- I W-SOMOSM) 101 Crdts DOtel. tood I laMSoli PSMMS ilmperu.j Han«.« Peking. Great (Van bub Sec roiii> \4'ik:ui Sbacghai V. ci: oum UMosM* cutmiKi Ol ComoasVM lei «»-< Jlw'j-t 64JUVS Uujm litParlun
      928 words
    • 1031 12 VEHICLES FOR SALE IS Words St i Hin. i Box St et*. extrit RKCO. IS<S9 A SPRITE altrr trom Body 30 rnph No dtatrr. Tel (S pore> 4H>iT:> Johnnie .i.aii pm. MAGNIFICENT MC MACNETTE Original cushion carpet Bob Lire *\f*Jl< for rtuther particular* Hire purchase arran»'«ab.e. VOLKSWAGEN VAN MODEL IW/
      1,031 words
    • 830 12 SHOPPING GUIDE (Spore) .5 w»,tt M i Him. t— Box tt rtt txtrm JEWELLERY niahrs tGc most ntl rr ciutf.l <lit Largest range at Ting sins UoKtunitc* Ltd. aA-ni fcujto tirmtt Kimil s tort. TAKE YOU* PICK m fanulous tin*.- act ir a:amon<is. j.a«. Dean and utrur SWMSMS SSSaw PH%%
      830 words
    • 547 12 ITFTIM :MBl KENYATAAN TAWARAN JKR. KELANTAN Tawaran daripada Pemtx>rong2 I yang berdafiar cii-JKR di-dalam KrlM.s D dan ka-atas akuu uitermia di-Pejabat Jurutera Negeri. Kelantan. Kot.» Bharu hingga jam 3.0U petang patia 23hb. Mach. 196 C untok: MENGGANTI-KAN BUAH JAN3ATAN lai JAMBATAN SUNGEI LUBOK ACHING (JAMBATAN No. I). (b) JAMBATAN SUNOEI
      547 words
    • 476 12 KKNY \1 \W I WYAR.W J.KK. PAHAMi TAWARAN daripac!. i boroug- yang berdaftar didalam JKR Kelas XX <!:- bawah kopaU IV. pechahan kepala 10 dan ke-atas akan di-ierima di-Pfjabat Jurutera Negeri. JKR Paining. Kuantan puda 24hb March, l!>;>6 pukol 3.00 petanß. UNTOK MEMASANG PAR IT YANO SEDIA BERACHi: 24 DlISTANA
      476 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1284 13 L^BmLi^tA^a^a^ai TO LIVERPOOL t WEST COAST U Due S'cora Ja 't p S'"am »»nan| ATREUS l.sbon. L'pool, CIaMOW.... G. 1? Mar 19 Mar 21 23 Mar 24 ULTSSCS row Mar 74 Mar 7i POLVPHtMUS Mar 24 Mar 27 Mar 29/ I Mar ACtPENOR aamMH Aar 8 MMtsTMlus All 3 Apr
      1,284 words
    • 1207 13 r//£LHbI//V£S iM\\ EXPRESS SAILINGS TO CENOAHtVRE-HAHIBURG<REMERHAVEN-RonERDAM-AMSTE>O»M ANTWERPAARHUS COPENHAGEN. S'tv'e $<iam Pen<nt I »r- BIMI "jvre H t.g K Ojm Ant» C-:DI PANAMA Sailed Mar It 17 II 1} An s Apr 12 IS Atr 71 24 29 PATAGONIA a) Apr 12,13 Apr 14 11 17 1( May t May 14
      1,207 words
    • 1377 13 \B£NBLINe\ EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONDON, LIVERPOOL 1 CONTINENTAL PORTS BENHOPE For nvccoci Apr 19 g.- Pt. I*l »pr 31 Mar 19 21 Mar 22,24 Mar 25 21 Hamaarg May I DL.«IVAII A '<* Lonaon Apr 12 ,BJC/NVAIjLiA Rott'-lara Apr 22 lingn." Pt. fLiu-g Mamburi Apr 21 Mar 21 22 Mar
      1,377 words
    • 1329 13 feELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO., LTD. SEE OVERLEAF FOR OUTWARD SERVICE FROM U.K., CONTINENT. Liating lari CITY Of RIPON 1 1. H'burg. R'djrn. Havra. S'rora P. S'haa* ffnang My. l. Imnnan, t rr.suth 2( 29 Mar II Mat CITY OF GLOUCESTER >' i. Brei.itn, Antwerp. 30 Mar; 1 Apr 2/ 3
      1,329 words

  • 142 14 MELBOURNE. Wed. INDUSTRIALS were firm and rises outnumbered falls. Boral rose eight cents and Elders and Minster gained five cents. Toppa Holdings fell another five cente to 95 cents. BHP shares opened 25 cents higher than yesterday's closing level, rising to $5.08 and then falllug to $4.96. A
    142 words
  • 212 14 UarrD 16. Tbrre months. INDUSTRIALS Boustrad !U eta. M. Invest b cts. McAlister U eta C.S.Holdings 16 eta. Uunlops 13 cts. N.l'on 8 ctt. IS. Smelters 33 eta. 0.C.8.C. 14 cts Ksso 14 cts. Hoblnsoas 11 eta. Ked. Disp. It* eta. K. N. 20 cts Rotnmans 13 cts.
    212 words
  • 122 14 IJHIPI lyinn alongsida the lingapert i wharvss er tiptcted today ara: Vlenne 3/4 Larut N.W. 4, Hnias (east wharf Jetty). Melhonsan Maru 6/T. Ikushlma Maru 10/11, straat Kusblmi 13/14 Halldls 18. Wakamauu Maru 19. Frederick Clover 21/22. Kunak 23/24. Slherot 23/26. Varnabana Maru 27 /2S. Maron 31/32.
    122 words
  • 78 14 MINESE Producs Euiun.e, Sm«a- pore noon pness ,oor picul yesterday: Coconut oil: r>ulk 503 eellera. drum $5.i sellera. Copra: Mar/ Apr. I K, Continent L°oquoted Pepper 1 MuntoH «-nite eelirrs. sanmak anUaa *IU<J sellers, special Sarawak tilm-k $145 sellers, (,-arbleU Ijimpong iilack CM! <N) sellers (all We NIAV).
    78 words
  • 82 14 'Pill Malayan Minister of Finance has fixed these prices for calculating customs duties for the period from Mar. 17 to Mar. 23. Robber 70% cts a Ib. Copra $544 a ton. i.< iinut Oil $858 a ton. Palm Oil 1718.23 a ton. Palm ..ernels 5i.M1.75 a ton. The
    82 words
  • 750 14 From Our Market Correspondent rr Stock Exchange was quiet yesterday and turnover was down compared with Tuesday to 321.329 stock and shares (value $b'16.137>. The main restraining factor is Indonesia and again with buyers and sell. ers awaiting the outcome or events in
    750 words
  • 25 14 Malayan Stork Indices. Mar. 15. Mar. IK. •Industrials: 85.66 X.~>.7t Tins: 110.41 lln:;s rubbers: 109.81 O!IH1 30, 1963 100. Dec. 29. 19H"! Ulu.
    25 words
  • 986 14 [>l MM.SS in and reported to the Singar-ore and Koala I ii m pur trading rooms of the Stock M;i m vi, m.,\ with the number of shares traded in brackets: INDUSTRIALS: BouMtad |MM 51 4T (1.1)00. <M«: Uunlops (I.UUOI •VMI E. Smtltors H.UUU) J3.36:
    986 words
  • 27 14 Mar. 16. RUBBEK Hull r ?0 cents (down quarter of a rent). TIN $682.37* (doun 53.37 A). Unofficial estimated offering 250 tons tup lv tons
    27 words
  • 236 14 lirst ifradr- ruhln-r lon I>iimt> i lomtl H j in Magadan md l^umpui »i->tiT(i.n .it TO ecvta |.ii 111 il.iun .i quarter ut a <civ mi lupml.iv'^ ilu^ins li'vtl lvi (lit- |io-ition. lli< tour m uiKcrl.un .illit ii^ici K. L& and r.M.K.I laxtaj] l>ric- in nuts
    236 words
  • 31 14 Ma urn UniLfl Sine D( T1 m ,1 OL Canada: i. Mlln (tiling TT or OD rt»d»: United St.itt<> Canute .1 II SwitM' land Kit: BoUium 1.614 and MJka\
    31 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 994 14 Y^ KAWASAKI KJSEN KAISHA LTD. U.S.A. Pacific Atlantic Service Bti(l> t H'koni L. *ng«le« N. Tort Bosto* f»Kaa "■aajMaaaj fjjaa" aajaj 41l ten Aat II Mai if** aiaaa U law Japan Direct Service ■enani Sinfaecra Totc^xna Ho** -|'.«N*»t" 23 MM I Mi "RoaMttr" V A»l 14 Aai It Mi South
      994 words
    • 790 14 AUSTRALIA NtM a*UNO StRVICU INDIA. 'AIIISTAN. *ND P. SUU iERVICtI m t xr."\r^r s cs I CHANDPARA »/22 Mil S'tma V. S'tliaj Paiaaa BAMOBA 2 3 An 4 t Aai 7 Afl TO J-JTttiSSar 1 mm »m. NEW ZEALAND RAIUI* 1/13 Aai 14 An IS Aai \tmS m %S3SS' SB?-*"*
      790 words
    • 317 14 WILHfcLMSEN LINES FROM. Scjslisi.iss ant Cidtinestil Pirti Ist Baogkah Mint Msf.. JIMS 3 tNMaaan TARN 'Cans Manila, Sian(tai) Sailei la *t II M» ?q Mm Iu.<SBER6 Cj"i Pusan il Jl Mm TOURCOINb iCall; M«niU. Sian|>>aO 13 U »n ISIS *tf w il tar BARBEH LINE MOM U.S.* MM ANO MtSI
      317 words

  • 413 15 rpilK price of Straits (in yes--1 terdav foil by $3.37} to KBJ7I on an offering estimated up 10 tons to JEM tons. Better local support prevented the drop from bring ;is hea\v as the Bl] per ton decline in the London I
    413 words
  • 57 15 THE present ratf of the Malayan (I. ill. (i against thr pound sterling lived <>" November '!4. 1 vi. 1 is vlling T.T. or Oil. 2v 3 I (id. Bu\ing T.T. fa. 4 1 16 d. llummk O.I) ?s. lUil TIK dollar i* at i>. *l:itutorv im.iillr position
    57 words
  • 35 15 ON the Irtt f«chjn«c market in Honu >. i I dollnr :i. lor T.T. and i 73.' j lot calh Strrhnii «rai iiuoirri at 1« 00 and I ont tatl ol «old at 2621.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 531 15 NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that by a Deed Poll dated 14th March 1966 Mr. Cheah Soo Sang of No 136, Cambridge Road, Singapore had assumed the .'urname of "Cheah" in addition to his name Soo Sang and shall from the date thereof and at all times thereafter u.^e his full name
      531 words
    • 513 15 PASOKAN KEDUA ASKAR MELAYU DIRAJA SG BESI KEM KUALA LUMPUR !'l KMOIIONAX 1 NTOK unpnr pasokan *a' PERMOHONAN I NTOK KAMII.V SHOP" PASOKAN B 1. Permohonan untok men jalan- j kan neriu ii/aan dalam bab yang ierseb;it di-atas ada lah ter-buka. a. Canteen Pasokan. Perniagaan mulai daripada 21 April 1966.
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    • 832 15 NOTICES I SELANGOR TURF CLUB Three DitfU Forecast Pool. The Public are advised that commencing with the Singapore March 1966 race meeting on 19th March 1966. Three Digits Fore- cast Pool Tickets based on the usual $i Unlimited Sweep will; be on sale to the Public at: Temerloh Branch, No.
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    • 809 15 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS i JAWATAN KOSONG KERAJAAN JOHOR Permohunan2 ada-lah di-pelawa dari ra'ayat Negeri Johor atau warga negara Persekutuan Tanah Malayu yang telah mendudokki Negeri Johor tidak kurang darl 3 tahun pada 1.3.66 untok memenohi jawata..2 berikut: (a) PENOLONG PEGAWAI HAIWAN (Bahamian ID. Tingkatan gaji: $506 x 24--626 -874 x 24-770,
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    • 657 15 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS I TEMPORARY APPOINTMENTS MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE i AND CO-OPERATIVES i Application* are invited from Malaysian Citizens for the t following temporary appointments r m a month to month basis in the Division of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture Co-operatives, Kuala Lumpur. 1. NURSERY SUPERVISORS i (COCONUT) 2. REPLANTING INSPECTORS
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    • 474 15 >ÜBLIC APPOINTMENTS i s IPOH MUNICIPAL COUNCIL \PPOINTMENT OF PLANNING I \Nt> DEVELOPMENT OFFICER APPLICATIONS are Invited for he post ot Planning and Developnent Officer in the Municipality of ;poh. The commencing basic salary for < federal Citizens and or State Na- ionals will be within one of the ollowlng
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    • 806 15 SINGAPORE GOVERNMENT VACANCIES Applications are invited from SINGAPORE MALAYSIAN CITIZENS for the following appointments: A) llli.lin; ■mm under the provision!, of h»pUr I »f th« Schemes of Service, Higher Services, 1953: tviz. Administrative. Po;-tal. Social Welfare and Accounting Services). For OVBBM MISSIONS sec In box below. Bl I Mini; iKntlish
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    • 273 16  - 'We'll set high standards for selection' ERNEST FRIDA RAJAH'S WARNING TO SINGAPORE ATHLETES: By gINGAPORE, Wed. A. T. Rajah, who was re-elected for the 14th year as president of the all Singapore AAA, today warned all Singapore athletes that they would have to reach "very high standards" before they could
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    • 182 16 MALAYSIAN SELECTORS MEET TOMORROW I7UALA LUMPUR. Wed The Olympic Council of Malaysia selectors will hold. Mieir lirst meeting on Friday' to decide on the size of the contiiigents for the Commonwealth Game* in Kindlon m August and the A&ian Games in Bangkok in December. The selectors, are Khau Kai Boh
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    • 212 16  - Beat Perth 'silver marks' to qualify JOE DORAI: ...AND SOH TELLS WEIGHTLIFTERS: By Singapore. Wednesday. SINGAPORE weightlifters will have to beat the silver medal-winning performances at the last Commonwealth Games (Perth. 1964) to qualify for the next Games at Kingston in August. Announcing the qualifying standards. Son Ghee Soon, president
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    • 96 16 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Hong Kong F. A. haw written to the PA. of Malaysia seeking permission for Johnny Wong Kong Leong of Perak tn play for Tung Shin, a First Division club in Hong Kong. Peter Velappan. the FAM a»sistant secretary, said the
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    • 31 16 SINGAPORE- Wed. Tan Beng Kiat. senior PWD architect, who visited Tokyo last month on a fact-finding mi»io!i in connection with the building of Singapore's national sports .stadium, has returned.
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    • 25 16 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The National Shooting As.soci.ition i>f Malaysia wfl] hold their tirst Commonwealth Games triuls al the Su'oane Ranac on Apr 8--11.
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    • 22 16 SINGAPORE Wed All eight matches in the Singapore Bu-slness House.s FA league were postponed because ol heavy rain thU evening.
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    • 24 16 TAIPING. Wed. Taiping Chinese RC will hold their open badminton championships on Apr. 9. 10 and 11. Entries close on Mar 26.
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    • 21 16 MUAR. Wed. Kilat Clubs of Batu Prnhat. Kluang and Muar will hold a triangular athletic meet here on Mar 26.
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    • 66 16 KUAN lAN WM Hit AAA will hold their rMie championships here on July 9-10. Other events are a cross-country here on Apr. II and a cross-country relay from here to Pekan on May 2fl Officials: President Ismail Ibral.lin: vice-president Hajl Osman Diam: secretary Gurbachan Singh:
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    • 27 16 MALACCA. Wed. The post- poned Sultans' Gold Cup soc- cer match between Malacca Malays and Johore Malays will be played on Friday at Alor Gajah.
      27 words
    • 355 16 BANGKOK, Wednesday. ()NE HUNDRED and 2:\ golfers will compete In v/ the Thai Open, fourth-leg ol the Par Eaat Circuit, beginning here tomorrow. Fourteen countries au-> tmlia. Britain. Formosa. Hong Kong. Holland. Indonesia. Japan. South Korea. New Zealand, the Philippines. Singapore.
      Reuter  -  355 words
    • 86 16 Bardhan Cup final on Saturday KUALA LL'MPUK. Wed Sflancur Indians, the h<'>ld> er.s. will meet Singapore in the Bardhan Cup socrer final m Kluang on Saturday. ThLs is the first time tn» I ;his annual competition is being played In Johore. SehuiKor will have 14 players travelling to Kluang on
      86 words
    • 93 16 I/UALA LUMPUR Wed i ii< Malaysian Government will sponsor tne visit o i o soccer official* to Manila to ><<> went the orßaniaatlon ol the ii.ith Asian youth tournament lrom Apr. 30 to Mar 14. i in' f.a. ol Malaysia today recommended tne i>uU'i;Us lor approval by
      93 words
    • 38 16 PENANG. Wed. The Pcnang Junior swimming chnmpion.siup.s win be held a: tne Ctaineac Swimming Club, Tanjong Bungah fht 1 weekend. Winners «iii rapnaeM Pcnang I in the Malaysian funior chanpion- fchips at Ipoh on Apr. 9-10.
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    • 30 16 SINGAPORE. Wed Singapore Amateur Swimming will hold tneir annual diving competition on Apr. 2 at Amber Road, Bntriea should t>< •he hoii. secretary, p.o. Box i2Pi baton M
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    • 28 16 MALACCA. Wed .V and the Am I Forces haTC witlitir.i .vti lrmi the Malaysian Hockey Federation'.s quadrangular .scheduled to bo held i: pom this weekir.d.
      28 words
    • 25 16 IKoia BHARU Wed. 1 PresioV nr Ahc.ul A I'ice-presidenti D« i Hat ID ijt HU M Nil Hi I! in: treasurer N Vu.s.>l
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    • 22 16 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Th- Selangor Amateur A'hletle Association will .iold their annual cross-country run for men and women on April 20.
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      • 34 16 Vtatarj Cup iMa H..Kk.> 7 Police 0 Ipuii Uiv. 3: Malayi 'A' 10 RRA 2: KED A 7 HQ 2 MIB 1 Kriendh .P. Bunt;ir>: MSS Stafl 2 B Bahru RDC 0.
        34 words
      • 14 16 Malacca Kilat 9 Reme Workshop 0. Taiping Lge: Kilat 3 OMP 0.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1144 16 I TENDERS NOTIS TAWARAN JABATAN PARIT DAN TALIAYER NEGERI KELANTAN TAWARAN2 darlpada pemborong2 yang berdaftar dengan Jabatan Tallayer kela<s "EX" dan ka-aias akan dl-terima diJabatan Parlt Tallaver Nejterl. Kelantan. Kota Bharu, hingga pukol 12.00 tengah liari pada 21hb. March. 19H6. ut.tok memindahkan pasir nnnt;ii d;i!i m<mbum outas bic_-i menutopi
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 115 16 I SPORTS DIARY \Tiu.i.rits B'porc Nan iMC H. v, OHB nir. i Adi* Mi MHtut MalMca Vlrtar? BADMINTON spore <up HGtiSC v PWD-Surv. v »< inter-dislricl chain- I nder-lM ko sliiul: H;.K;i piunshlps. Boy.s City v P A.»*i. H:?li Ml Pan Jang Seranguon \B. Tlmuh Batches at B Hilir
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    • 622 17  -  Epsom Jeep RACING by BRILLIANT PILOT AND ENTERTAINMENT V ALSO SHINE IN TRIALS CINGAPOBE, Wed. Pahlawan did a splendid training gallop here this morning when he clocked 36 4/5 for 3f with jockey Ricky Kingston up. The going was good. On this form, the five-year-old rato.s a
      622 words
    • 151 17 SWIMMING ASSOCIATION CHANGE THEIR RULES I ONDON, Wed. —A Mv swimming pool row over a one-legged schoolgirl champion has ended with a swimming association changin e their rules. Monica Vaughan. 13. was ruled out of the butterfly event at the British Amateur Swimming Association's Hampshire County championships
      Reuter  -  151 words
    • 189 17 lmmim ii i P*S lea baraM la lolluw at the linn (ia\ Singapore Dcrln mil -tun which lic^iiix mi Satiird.M are:^ 0 ItKII.I.IAN I riLOl: Karlv faraariu far the Derbj third to (i edit lialance 111 oxer !'t at Kl. y\W.W>\\\ (.I.OKY: Smart winner «\ir I'enanj; X;.f
      189 words
    • 230 17 JjUVE-year-old Boy Emperor, late Weleica (by Leica out of Trentess), one of the newcomers entered for trie Singapore Derby meeting, has won seven races in Australia. As a three-year-old. Boy Emperor won three times In four outings In "country meetings" In New Souh Wales. Two of
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    • 24 17 NICE. Wed. Jacques Anqurri I the top French racing cyclist, won the cignt-day Par.s to Nice evele race which ended jreater. day
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    • 100 17 Moscow, wed. VaJeri Brunei, the Russian v.urld high mp record-bolder is back ;n hospital after again Injuring nla rigl Hi fractured the i^i; in a motor-cycle accident five month* d the bones wen Hted when he tried to k<> up a boul crutches. The
      100 words
    • 27 17 TOKYO Wed Sun Choi 18-year-uld I B K<Hl mid in|und street by ffruuij of Japanese jrouthi yes-■-iiid the re Uv attack n Park uaa unknown.— Reu'.er.
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    • 211 17 US CINEMAS WILL NOT SHOW CLAY'S BOUT ON TV ]\EW YORK. Wed. All 1 major cinema chains In the United States have dropped plans to show world Heavyweight champion Cassius Clay's forthcoming fight in Toronto via closed-circuit television. This was disclosed today by Michael Malitz. executive vicepresident of Main Bout
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    • 139 17 Surtees is back with track record ROME. Wed. John Surleev Britain's former world motor-racing champion, marked his return to the wheel >esterday after his Canada crash last September by unofficially breaking the Modena Iravk record. Driving a 2.Sooec Italian Ferrari. he covered the lap of '.\::m. kilometres (about lj miles)
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    • 197 17 Tambling scores twice for Chelsea I ONDON. Wed. Chelsea, the new-look London club, took a nrm step towards a semi-final berth In the Inter-Cities Fairs Cup soccer tournament last night when they drew 2-2 with TSV Munich of Germany at Munich. Munich look the lead in the 18ih minuto through
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 146 17 JaWfMLmUW/JaIKJMwjML [SB) aaaaafl LaaaW L^naaV iV bY IbV^-^bV B^H B^H BIG PERFORMANCE ENGINE with HYDROLASTIC SUSPENSION NEW DEVELOPMENTS Improved Features And Refinements. Here it is, Fashionable, Brilliant! Colourful! The improved new MORRIS 1100 now offers better and bigger value than ever before. The latest Morris 1100 is the result of
      146 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 303 17 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 7. Where we might live by ere1. The affair's on a mincer, in a dit? 13 9 S£a& nole 8 52B£*ra%r lerrlble 10. Some grounds lor noing up 10. To check current production river without scholars >i-A' o! meal Mr East, possibly. 1 11. No use
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  • 51 18 Weightlessness Scott undergoes space walk training QEMINI 8 astronaut David Scott undergoing weightlessness training in preparation for his walk in space. A hand-held manoeuvring unit (HHMU) helps control his movement inside a US Air Force C 135 jet aircraft flying a parabolic arc to simulate the weightlessness of space. Official
    51 words
  • 164 18 CANBERRA. Wed. A ij court martial sentence on an Australian gunner in Vietnam has been reduced from six months to 90 days 1 detention. But the remainder of Ihe sentence directing (iunner Peter (lerrard O'Neill's discharge stood, the Arm> Minister. >lr. Malcolm Traser. told
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 125 18 Malaysia's radio dates with Gemini 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed.— Listeners in Malaysia can hear a running commentary from the Voice of America on the programmed flight of the manned Gemini 8 rocket. The following frequencies have been scheduled for Malaysian listeners < Malaysian times given t: Space walk Rendezvous: From
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  • 101 18 SINGAPORE. Wed. The Information and Reception Centre of the Tourist Promotion Board at John Littles Building i> now open from a.m. to 6 p.m. daily I from Mondays to Fridays, and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays. The extension ol the closing time trom 4.30 p.m.
    101 words
  • 488 18 LONDON. Wed— The stock market closed showing a majority of small pains. Public and Institutional buying was reported lor I selecthe counters and sentiment I was helped by the absence of re- ami selling influences. Insurances were well supported. British lunds remained depress- ed under 'he influence of
    488 words
  • 41 18 MR. DOMINIC SOOtAV I. I Of Int. Mr V.I K. ti I »nd Hn Mary Kiruando imort I m tht O H Kl. l«-3-6< I CfcM All Thorn: st K 1.. ior I Jh'-rrif lYmetery 4.30 |i m to-day. II
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  • 258 18 Tengku will attend Manila soccer meet May At ANILA. Wed. Ma--ITI laysia's Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, is definitely coming to Manila in mid-May to preside over the Asian Footb a 1 1 Confederation Congress, an official of the Philippine Football Association said today. Antonio Diaz. treasurer of the association,
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  • 33 18 SINGAPORK Ued Mr BeiiL'. MP tor Bias BaM.ii will not be :u)le to hold his meer-the-people session at Tan Quee Lan Street on Friday niyht due to an official encacement.
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  • 324 18  -  GEOFFREY GELDARD From KUCHING, Wed ANOTIIKR Indonesian attempt to gel its guerilla troops into Sarawak was thwarted today, and the enemy was sent fleeing back over the border with heavy casualties. The security forces lost one killed, and two were wounded. The fighting
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 54 18 29 Wordm Hi I Himlmmm) MABBITT To Klkl and Hugh, a daughter, at Aitunta Honpttal. Kuala Lumpur, on March 16. Slater (or Charles. COH LOW: Dr. Got) Poon Kh .n^ rliitM «on of Mr. ft Mrs. (ioh Mi-n< Oli^h to Mi^ Low Saw Kan voun«;-r dauKhtrr at Mr t Mr<
      54 words
    • 266 18 JH success in examinations is never a matter of change rZ^TI for SUCCESS THE RAPID WAY ENROL TODAY "O^ v MX* with malayan correspondence college /sSl\>^ >kJr .mP*S» SECURE YOUR CREDITS IN ENGLISH JE& ttiP*%, through our famous cnur*r <nmpiU4 gm X X -^T .s^alßaW>^ PROF. DAVIES M I a^gS
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 54 18 THE WEATHER J Hi'.hMt nnd lowest temperatures m MalnvMa an.. Sir.sjupoie !or ihe perioci 8 ;).m Tut>day io 8 p.m. xesiei'Jav Hit In -I Lohisl Kuala Lumpur ftl 73 Xota Bharu !Kl 7:1 Penang !t| 7;, Ipoh 73 Malacca 90 72 Singapore :.u 73 C. Hlgnlands 73 59 Jesselton 88
      54 words