The Straits Times, 16 March 1966

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 27 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 1 50 t OOO The Straits Times The Niitiiiiiiil NHWS|ii)|iHr Estd. 1845 WEDNESDAY. MARCH 16, 1966 15 CENTS M.C.(P) 1629 KDN '((34
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  • 779 1 Absent from talks AN ATTACK OF FLU— OR A RELUCTANCE TO HAGGLE WITH SOEK AT BOGOR OVER THE NEW CABINET? JAKARTA, Tuesday INDONESIA'S new strongman, Lieut. Cen. Suharto, is either showing President Soekarno the cold shoulder or he is down with the flu. The 45-year-old army chief
    Agencies  -  779 words
  • 165 1 Get out geisha girl' shouts at Dewi S\ l).\rv. I lies Ratna Sari DewL President Soekarno's Japanese wife, was escorted from her Jakarta home to Soekarno's palace after angry students paraded outside the house screaming: "det out. geisha &«rt." it was reported here today. The Svdncy Sun quoted its <-orr!-spondent
    165 words
  • 29 1 U VTPUH i ..-,_Tne Deputy F'li.iii Minister, Tun Abdul i rt M I Indonesian oonfront••la\e<i alont! the Tun R ipwHrinj to reMtrten ;i!tei thr Defence Council
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  • 232 1 Strike cripples war port DANANC. Tuesday. QANANC, the second largest city in South Vietnam, was paralysed today by a general strike organised by anti-Government students apparently backed by some milffary and Buddhist leaders. It was the fifth straight day of growing, popular unrest in the politics] hotbeds which spawned protest
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  • 126 1 WASHINGTON. Tues. Average-weight travellers may fly to Mars and Venus* for about USSI.6OO by the turn of the century, a U.S. Govern- ment space scientist predicted today. Dr. Eugene B. Konercl said fare> would be based on a person's weight about ISSIO a
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 56 1 PERTH. TUB*.— A weluer and an electrician working a gold claim near a former gold rush town have struck It rich to the tune of some AS 100.000. They hove decided to quit their Jobs and work full time on the rlal:ii at Wlclßiemooltha,
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 336 1 Luxury yacht for Sarawak Governor sails in By GUNN CHIT THYE DBNANO, Tues. A 1 150-ton luxury yacht, bought from an English millionaire by the Sarawak Government for the use of the Governor, Tun A bang Haji Opens, arrived here today after a 7.000--mile journey from Monte Carlo. The 114-tt.
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  • 12 1 Strait, Timea picture by NG WEIMG CHEE
    NG WEIMG CHEE  -  12 words
  • 105 1 A new stamp to mark the King's installation MA. rpHK sen l.i-ci-nt stamp A uitli the portrait of the Vaim tli I'ertuan AfMf, which v.ill he on sale on April II to mark His Majesty's installatioo in Kuala l.uinpur. The xlariip with y>Hmi background is onr of the t«o tiew
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  • 31 1 TOKYO. Tun.- Hanoi s ofltcial Vietnam new.s agencj yesterday warned Hngapore ni.t La allow American tttUketi in Vietrmm to make rest ai.d ion vMtl ro tile Island AP
    AP  -  31 words
  • 274 1 YEW DELHI. Tues. 11 The Indian Army was sailed in today to the Punjab city of Ludhiana as rioting between Sikhs ai cl Hindus Oared for the fifth day. The Hindus are pi Ing against .1 proposal to rive the Sikh community a ibi-speaklng
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  • 45 1 (iKMIM-8 SET FOR LAI'NCH TODAY CAPE KENNEDY. Tues.— Gemini S mission re scheduled for launching tomorrow morning, but danger of further delays. Launching 1500 GMT for Agrna target rocket, 1641 (or Gemini (Malayan time: 10 JO p.m. Wed. and 12.11 a.m. Ttaurs.). Reuter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 68 1 SEE THE LATEST 4^Ke' j XnahaAmK/ I I Ret 707 introducing... —s I sUnditrd oi quality and «nth a egance of me New bracaM to I C.i cr.- n,.!' »l Hua elegant Be it this >i Cosmo / always lh«l y*ara, the < give you enfrp s,it sta-lion m
      68 words
    • 159 1 OEI "HONG HAM PARK oft Holland Rood, Spore 2 Storey Modi t- Bunqolows Tenure of Land. FREEHOLD Loti 174-6 a 174 MX. IV Free f.or- encumbrance* on complc Plonn.nq Ap oroval Obtain. Ed P.D. DC I 56i/4/46 r J t Expected Date '.■•■■WT ot Completion gggr^ i «I|m f, Advertnemcnt
      159 words

    • 544 2 Subandrio's secret pact DISCOVERY OF DOCUMENTS LED TO SEIZURE OF POWER BY ARMY SINGAPORE, Tuesday. T3 EPORTS from Jakarta -tv yesterday said the discovery of secret documents in Dr. Subandrio's Foreign Ministry forced Indonesian military leaders to seize power last week. A source who cannot be identified told newsmen in
      Agencies  -  544 words
    • 183 2 rpOKYO, Tues The U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia. Mr. Marshall Green, said today that the situation in Jakarta was "relatively calm and certainly orderly at this point." Reached by telephone by the Associated Press here. Mr. Green said one of the 1 a r
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    • 445 2 CHALFONT EXPLAINS LABOUR POLICY I ONDON, Tues. BriAj tain's Disarmament Minister. Lord Chal- r font, warned last night that by 1980 China could threaten Europe and the United States j as well as Asia and Africa with nuclear weapons. He told an election
      Reuter  -  445 words
    • 30 2 I NEW DELHI. Tues.— External I Aflairs Minister Swaran Smell i .said yesterday China made allegations against India "to provide a smokescreen for her tggressiv* 1 activities." Reuter.
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 252 2 Threats to invade Ghana: A warning by Iron si AGOS, Tues. MaJ.- Gen. Aguiyi-Ironsi, head of Nigeria"s military government, expressed concern yesterday over reports that some African nations are planning an invasion of Ghana to restore ousted President Kwame Nkrumah to power. Though it mentioned no names, a .statement by
      Reuter  -  252 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 268 2 NATIONAL FULLY AUTOMATIC RICE COOKERS model EGH ="KEEP-WARM" SYSTEM ONE PUSH BUTTON ONLY So much has been said about fully automatic Rece Cookers, BUT only NATIONAL offers you absolute exclusivity LET US EXPLAIN!! Your Rice is cooked exactly to your own particular taste. You have to press the push button
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 126 3 CASTRO WARNS HIS DOLCE VITA OFFICIALS HAVANA. Tues. Prim Minister Fidel Castro yesterday declared war on the dolce vita of Cuban Government officials who tell counter-re-volutionary jokes and obscene stories at capitalist embassy parties. Those found guilty would oil to military servici- or agricultural labour. ne said. Some government officials.
      Reuter  -  126 words
    • 360 3 Gemini 8 to detect N-bombs in space' HOUSTON. Tu«s 'p HE United States will use Gemini Bin experiments to detect nuclear weapons aboard orbiting spacecraft, usually reliable sources said yesterday. The experiments are considered important because of the Russian boast that they can deliver nuclear weapons anywhere in the world
      Reuter  -  360 words
    • 76 3 KRANCISTOWN <Bechuanaland), Tues.—Rechuanas will twist and jive their way into independence in September if the Government has its way. Deputy Premier Quett J.K. Masire has urged the natives to learn the latest dances for four days of independence celebrations starting Sept. 30. The reason given was that
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    • 92 3 BRISBANE. Tues. Postal worker Donald Penman listed 30 i people he planned to murder. I bought a nfl.> by mail order, then shot the first victim on his list, a court was told here esterday. A psychiatrist. Dr. W H. Talt, said Penman.
      Reuter  -  92 words
    • 32 3 MANILA, rues.— lv.o brothers' wrn killed uiid thr»c other people tajund when 'w.i families battlpd with guns and knives in Iloilo city in centr.ii Philippines las: Saturday. C.P.I.
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    • 116 3 (")PERA singer Alan Mav.ll returned to England last week after an 18-month battle against Communist officials Alan, a 31 -year-old tenor from Timperley, Cheshire, fell in love with Edda Gutzmer. 24, fter joining the State Opera Company in East Berlin tor which
      Mirrorpic  -  116 words
    • 90 3 OTTAWA. Tues. A judge m Canada > supreme Court has been appointed to investigate the sex-and-security tcandal jillegedly in-, j volving Cabinet ministersThe Prime Minister. Mr. Lester Pearson, announced in the House of Commons yesterday that Mr. Justice W. P. Spence had been asked to
      Reuter  -  90 words
    • 41 3 WASHINGTON. Tucs. The State Department, Hid yesterday that India's Prime Minister- Mrs. Indira Gandhi, will spend two tl.iy-i m Washington and n similar period in Ne.v York on her fourday offlciitl visit hurting Mjrch 27. A P
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    • 196 3 VAIROBI, Tues.— I American Embassy wives and children have been evacuated from Kigale. the hilltop capital of Ruanda, following fears of imminent invasion of the country by thousands of wellarmed Watutsi warriors. A Canadian C-13 aircraft Is .standing by at Leopoldville. Congo, ready to fly
      AP  -  196 words
    • 127 3 lONDON, Tups. > "tastelc>>s" whitt powder which can halve the amount of alrohol in the bloodstream was vp<>terdav brine readied to co on eeneral sale \iithin five weeks. A sDokcsman for the CotMvold Chemical tomnanv Ltd.. viid the new drus. to sell
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    • 57 3 CALAIS rues. Six youths h:k. h nu'i floated into Calais yesterday aboard a brass bedstead after a trip from Kanisfj:ttp. Eng- land, that took almost eight i hours. Their bedstead wa» equipped with empty oil drums lor flotation. two small outboard motors for i propulsion,
      AP  -  57 words
    • 25 3 VATICAN CITY. Tues. The Vatican and Senegal have decided to elevate to ambassadorial level their diplomatic representations, i the Vatican announced yesterday. I
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    • 46 3 SYDNEY, T\ifs. Thre^ men were released alter being locked In a safe for 17 hours by thieves v.lio raided a businessmen's club here. They were found after police received an anonymous telephone i call apparently from one of the hold-up men. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  46 words
    • 31 3 DACCA. Tues. President L:u Rhao-chi of Communist China will visit West Pakistan at the end ot this month and East Pakistan in mid-April, it was announced yes- terday.— AP.
      AP  -  31 words
    • 125 3 Conscripts for Saigon: A challenge in court? SYDNEY, Tues. —An ant i-conscrlption movement may legally test the Australian Government's right to send the national servicemen to Vietnam. An official of the ''Save Our Sons" movement, said today it had received legal advice indicating there were grounds :or challenge to the
      Reuter  -  125 words
    • 130 3 I OS ANGELES. Tues. It was 3 a.m. The telephone rang and Rudy Milatovirh jumped. Rut he didn't answer it he ran out thr front door. Milatovirh knew that only a burglar in hi> tavern a blogic away oould cause thr telephone to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 283 3 tuk oil IHAI /^coU^srfS^^WSßH I^^^^ 0^ I ~-^-i I^| /V^^^tJ^^^ Oo you have that nasty 'chesty' feeling Are you coughing painfully, bringing up unpleasant phlegm? Have you an irritating, tickling cougti that keeps you awake at night? ASTREM ELIXIR contains seven special ingredients to deal with each of these symptoms
      283 words
    • 349 3 [roMocol j^ FoMoCo IS THE NAME FOR GENUINE FORD PARTS Fit only fully-guaranteed, genuine FoMoCo parts and accessories on your Ford vehicle. Ford style and quality are the best at lowest cost repair charges are low and established. That's Ford motoring! Only FoMoCo parts are fit for your Ford fORD
      349 words

  • 624 4 SINGAPORE. Tuoa. THE Public Trustee. Mr. Abdul Wahafa (ihows, today got approval from the High (Joint for a draft charity scheme which will enable poor bereaved Chinese families to apply for financial aid to bury or cremate their dead relatives. The scheme is
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  • 181 4 Singapore will soon have colour TV: Expert SINGAPORE, Tues. Colour television may be introduced in Singapore sooner than many people think. This is the view of Mr. J Butti. chief electronics engineer of MBLE International of Belgium, manufacturers of television sets, now on a "technical mission" here. Mr. Butti predicted
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  • 30 4 SINGAPORE. Tues— The Singapore Infantry Regiment band will play at the Chong Pang community centre at 13'- m.s.. Sembawang Road, tomorrow from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m.
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  • 159 4 SINGAPORE, Tues. A young Spanish singer who is now in Singapore for his wedding will give a free public performance at the Victoria Theatre at 6 p.m. tomorrow. He is Juan Sabate Auvi, 24. He arrived here two weeks ago with his bride-to-be Miss
    159 words
  • 59 4 TOOW Talentime. Cultural Centre. ti."o p.m. Exhibition o! reproduction of 20th Century German paintings, Exhibition Hall. Chines- Chamber of Commerce. Hill Stieet. 9 a.m. 6 p.m Police Hand conceit. Katong Park. 8 p.m Free film shows at 7.30 p.m. at K^mpong Em: Ann: Sin Mm School. Silas Road;
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  • 33 4 SINGAPORE. Tue.s The Minister for Social Aflalrs, Inche Othman Wok today visited the Lee Kuo Chuan Nursery Home in Buklt Timah and the Girls' Industrial and Children's Homes in Pasir Panjang.
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  • 25 4 SINGAPORE, Tues. The Women's Royal Auxiliary Corps here today presented a refrigerator to the Salvation Army children's home in Pasir Panjang.
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  • 203 4 FRENCH MP: S'PORE IS A KEY POINT IN SE-A SINGAPORE. Tues.—Singapore will play a more important role in South-east Asia as a new independent nation, the leader ol a visiting six-man French Parliamentary delegation. Mr. Michel M. De Grailly said here today. Mr. De Grailly. who is a member of
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  • 32 4 SINGAPORE. Tues. Among the list of banned books listed In last week's Government Gazette was The Sex Urge published by the American publishers Brandon House and not Randon House.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 229 4 I CATHAY OPENS TOMORROW PALACE Two nimble young men who juggle airline hostesses! They keep one in the air. one on the ground. fp and one pending! DMti SAM. CHf^WNESOWBTMf R SUZANNA LECH .-^THELMA RfTTER CATHAY: ON STAGE TOMORROW AT 9.30 p.m. i© Lufthansa FASHION FLIGHT Presented by THE JOAN
      229 words
    • 103 4 For Easy, Clean and fast cooking, Buy ARTHUR MARTIN and own the best m Easy Hire-l J unlni.\e. From all high class dealers. KEE HUAT RADIO CO.. LTD I 122-124. Orchard Road. Singapore. 9 Phone ***** 227. ialan Tuanku Abdul Rahman. K.L. 24. Beach Street, Penang. Today: 3.30 7.30 pm
      103 words
    • 50 4 rBjTMTTTTI OPENS No Frw Lilt r-» i«mm today jMk 3 Shows 3-6 9pm _.W |nl| S VYJAYANTIMALA that Lusciout ><? V^V \M > "SANGAM" C<rl is Back to thrill V-A_ 1H You anew with her Newlover Boy "~*~-I^bl D.UPKUMA. t M^l,^ iW) I An Hindi Spectacle in TECHNICOLOR/SCOPE English I
      50 words
    • 410 4 V— Y't Men s Club of Sin«apore I Beta Chapter) prcser.ts ■> A Charity Premiere TONIGHT AT 9.15 P m. DATO RUNME SHAW PMN LIDO SEASON FROM TO-MORROW. -No Free List Singapore Advance Cash Bookings Open Now-Children No price m NO ONE...BUT NO ONE...HAS EVER MATCHED... m JAMES BOND YET...AND
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    • 508 4 ECATHATirJ LAST DAY! 11 am, 1.30. 4, 6 30 9 10pm "NURSE ON WHEELS" Juliet Mills Ronald Lcwn A Peter Roger; Production. A Rank Orgomsofion Picture CATHAY PALACt OPEN*. TCa-orrow JERRY LfWIS lONY CURTIS "BOEING BGEIKG" CATHAY PLUS ON STAGE LUrTHANSA FASHION fLIGHT LAST DAY! 1.00, 3 45, 6 30
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  • Article, Illustration
    140 5 Chamber celebrates its diamond jubilee (HlMsi: legend has it v that there is nothing on earth more stirring and exciting than a confrontation between v lion and a dragon live ones that is. But a performance of that age-old legend manipulated by mere mortals —in Singapore yesterday
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  • 446 5 WHY CHEAPER TOILET PAPER IN STORE KUALA LUMPUR. Tues A TOILET paper maker, who admitted holding half the Malayan market, was today asked by the Tariff Advisory Board why his product was being sold cheaper in Singapore. Mr. Tun Eng Seng, ma- aging director of Paper Producta fll) Ltd. which
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  • 18 5 AI.OR STAR !';>\v -The Britiab M..h commlMl i Ma Michael WaUtn hen on an official
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  • 216 5 Debut for LDC men in high leather boots SINGAPORE. Tues. Four hundred men i of the Local Defence Corps today made their first public appearance in their new Singapore Army uniforms at a passingout parade at Tanah M<>rah camp. In.-pi'eMng the soldiers also for the first time since his appointment
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  • 39 5 SINGAPORE. lues. The commercial .•■ccre.iiry m 'he Britisii High Commission v.ill give a tal* on "My Jo!)" to members of the j Rotary Club of Singapore-West at I their WitUtf ur.i-liion aMttap on Thursday at 1 p.m.
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  • 88 5 Committee to manage Hindun fund I/UALA LUMPUR. Tue>. A committee to manage a trust fund for Hindun binte Ahmad, the 12-year-Butterworth schoolgirl who last her legs in an accident, will be appointed at a meettrtrr at the Public Trustee office here at 10 a.m ou Friday. All donations received to
    88 words
  • 55 5 KUALA IXMPL'R. Tues. An j $8,000 coll ciion of neuro.suriif>! textbooks and journals in German was presented by ■hr Firs: Secretary to the West German Embassy here. Dr. C. Mettcroh h, to the Parliamentary Secretary to Urn MhkMrjr '>{ BMMh. inciie Ibrahim bin Abdul Rahman, at the Nourosureiral
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  • 320 5 Strive to achieve world recognition for palm oil, says Dr. Lim MORIB. Tues. A call to raise Malaysia's palm oil to the same international standing to that of tin and rub- ber was made by the j Minister of Commerce aiid Industrj*. Dr. Lim Swee Aim. here today. He said
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  • 40 5 TELCK AN3ON Tues. Tlie town council hert hm> launched a caiimuipn -in tf fp th» lomj etan." To fac::;utf mMMHri wnftag service*, the cour., D divided into livr dl»---eluding one for the 14 no\!.;ir.B estates
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  • 36 5 RAl'B. lues Ihr Roman Latholii C'hurrh hrrr has received a grant of s 10.000 from tin- rum I development hoard to rebuild tor cbureh which was I gutted by a fire last \ujust
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 22 5 BUILDUP STRENGTH WITH a^.^ V M ft m J.ZJ JaJaJL I CO.'. ■■tSF.r.AL-VITAMIS I.ABLIIS -y&rAu^Sf Pf£^ ]f WA.'.mi. UUJ«.)ItM.IH OMIA.S-i 1.1\1111.1> '^*-~^r^'^JSHw
      22 words
    • 581 5 Hi g h Fidelity Equipment a wort^ foundation for any Hi-Fi system. '1^ MIKAC OKI) 40 MIRAPIION 20 Hi-Fi automatic record changer and fIU i automatic record player WIIH record player 12" non-magnetic metal TONE ARM LIFT 12 non-magnetic alloy turntable of approx. 6 lbs. weight metal alloy turntable of
      581 words

  • 635 6 SEEKING NEW OUTLETS OF TRADE AND NEW MARKETS FOR OUR PRODUCTS SINGAPORE. Tuesday Till-; Minister lor Finance, Mr. Lira Kirn San, s;iid lodav I li ;i I Singapore s major concern now \\;is to seek new outlets of trade and secure new markets
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  • 255 6 SINGAPORE. Tues. Mr. K. Suppiah. 50. president of the 15.000-member Public Daily Rated Employees' Unions Federation, has been awarded a scholarship under the United States educational and cultural exchange programme. Ho will make a 45-day study tour of the labour movement in America. He
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  • 45 6 SINGAPORE. Tues High fc'treet textile merchants will gtvi cocktail party tomorrow evenIng at Siudhu House, Mountbatten Road, in honour of Mr. B. J. Khrmlanl. director of K. Chellalani and Sons cF.E. Ltd.. who is leaving for India next week on a business trip.
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  • 207 6 SINGAPORE. Tues.— The University of Singapore today announced the results of the First and Second Year examinations for the Diploma In Social Studies Part I held in January. The following passed the First Year examination: Miaa Theivanayaki Appudurai. Miss Fauziah binte H..ji Muhd. Van. Foo Ming 1
    207 words
  • 83 6 MR. and Mrs. Kml Chang Yew Wai after their wedding at Wesley Church. Mi. (hang is tin- rldi-st son of Mrs. Alice Chans and the late Dr. Chant; Kuai of Honolulu, llr li the rhirf .ipprjisri' of the State Tran*portation Orpurtment of the
    83 words
  • 44 6 SINGAPORE. Tups V, Will be cut oir tomonou (ram a. in. tc 5 p.m. at Namly OrOTC iSaamroclc Park Estate i off N.uiily Avenue, :.nd iroin 030 an; :> p.m. at put of Neo Tiew Road from No U9A to cml ,-.t f
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 211 6 r^H J ggg*r ■*>.■>. VMH^H 733P 'S^gggggggg^^^gggggggggggggggggggggggi F, w |L gK gM, ggggßgK 4 JBf^ Rift* Time is money to Hassan bin Ahmat Click. .click. .tick! .another 20 cents on the meter. It's the world. In other words, your money is protected by a ama/inii. though, how these 20 cents
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 145 6 \lh >„ Ih>p Kti 1.7 lluntUn -*^~-^'r~\'^ I -I VT=H Bl IT U.PI I fiFT I/^ "^vGVTf", OOP.. t^jJßiK*.- BSH^S? y?"%-l J^%^?AJV-|gPQFAH 6ETTIN' eTARTEP ON YOUR I /GMITE, PLEfcSANT J&B^ YZZ\ IMPENDING I LWE.GUZ-. \WG FIRSTTVINfi I taUZi JoRtAMS. 1 -W T'' W V' i' IPirk Trnrtf f/ CaW*J*r (iould
      145 words

  • 2090 7  - Passport to Peril Under fire in the ravine of fear..,. JAMES LEASOR PART 3 OF JASON LOVE'S LATEST ADVENTURE by THE wealthy Nawab of Shoh nogor, ruler of a remote Stotc in the Himalayas, is being blackmailed for £2 million. His son, Iqbol, 12, has already been partially blinded by
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 555 7 Colds can be controlled now. J with the discovery of Contac 500 Conlac 500 is a trade mirk (The Capsule that Thinks) A new treatment for colds has been discovered. It is a sd CONTAC 500. Take one CONTAC 500 capsule and you wilt feel corrtortabie for twelve hours. CONTAC
      555 words

  • 44 8 N Sli Viffimum I lee kai to. urn Kai OMaac. Hrn I ruk Urn* Mn Cuanc. Tak j c ari Mt» i i Men !i>» ■r Mrs lee K.n I'riin/ (net Yinn fnoon i 'hank »ll (Ti^nda and ie:»ti\*-a who nm 1 ffvndft
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  • The Straits Times
    • 668 8 Minority Rights The constitutional oomuaim- ion which lias been examining in Singapore the safeguarding of minority rights has not lack- i cd the benefit of far reaching j proposals, from the creation of a second parliamentary cham- j o*>r to modification of the im- migration laws, and from a j
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    • 370 8 Thr Gn ak*n Maju campaign i launched this week aims. among other things, to bring j home to the people that the Government holds only some ■I the keys to progress. In j the rural areas, for example, it can supply the roads and bridges, the schools and
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    • 178 8 Malaya's first toll highway, between Tanjong Malim and Slim River, begins operations or should one say business? today, to the expressed disgust of transport operators. They have unanimously attacked the toll and have produced some tendentious figures to show how badly they will be hit. One bus company
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  • Letters
    • 655 8 The obstacles to party unity VIOST peoplr will admit the existence of a widespread public desire to see the emergence of a more united and effective opposition in Parliament. There did exist the possibility of a viable gettogether among the professedly non-communal opposition parties Indeed, with the exception of
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    • 128 8 Cancelling work permits 1 REFER to the letter by Inche Mohd. Yuni bin Awi iS.T. March 12). Under the provisions of the Regulation of Employment Act, 1965, the Commissioner for Employment may in his discretion at any time cancel or suspend a work permit issued to any employee. If a
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    • 143 8 rpHE government's deci--1 sion to order all MCS officers to wear uniforms Duzzling. At one time it urged the comolete eradication of "colonial vestiges" by the civil servants. Yet now it orders them to pick ud and don the discarded colonial uniforms minus only the feathered
      143 words
    • 338 8 I refer to your editorial on Britain and Malaysia's defence and the arrogant remarks directed at Mr. Deni£ Healey. Since the British Labour Government came to power, and the disturbing state of the economy was revealed. the govern ment has constantly stressed the need to reduce or at
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  • 860 8  - A new look for Britain's old unions DAVID HAWORTH by London, Tu«s TO LEAD THEM OUT OF THE WILDERNESS OF THEIR CONFUSION AND DISCONTENT BR I T A INS trades unions ar e the oldest in the world. They are also the most old fashioned. As Archie Rice put it
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 794 8 i StT»at« TIMM k M»U? M*l aaa j^|J J •4v#f#iaMMVaMa>ta a^WVV tot fcawJia- c«xo rro«A4M swritMARKET OnkM «»W tuiallnw Mat*) COIO STOAAGI ItAXCHU Ai H»aVa«^ toaal »ilii| X«v.l |<H. Anrliara»a< AajaiiHi CITY lOOK STOtl Iro W«limi« M.«m CaMyaf 9a>aai. THE NIWS FRONT MirttfKki SapiimaiaiM M. M. ISMAIL 1 A4»K«lrr »w~*
      794 words
    • 85 8 i All wise people know that gain is l commensurate S with risk. i Do you know tlm y S We do! i And we always S boar this in mind when investing your deposits with v S us. Ihfxiut with THE FINANCE CO.. LTD. 77-79, Orchord Rood, Spore. S
      85 words
    • 74 8 THE jj^qqo NECESSITIES /^S^^ THE 4th \^2P y NECESSITY A LIFE INSURANCE POLICY that GUARANTEES the other 3. You will be pleasantly surprised to discover how 'profitable it is to protect l»*m^ he Mure of those you love through I^U^al Yearly bonus now $32 with more at maturity ti^aV a7
      74 words

  • 195 9 VUCHING, Tues. Open days to enable the public to see i how Malaysian soldiers here live and work wore announced recently by Col. Ismail bin Ibrahim. commander of Malaysian tenet in Sarawak The measure ainvs to Improve relations between Servicemen and civlliana. Col.
    Reuter  -  195 words
  • 41 9 PARIT BUNTAR. Tues A police parry arrested a youth and recovered from him a 38 revolver with a builei in it- as well as two rounds of 9m. m. ammunition, outside the Cathay cinema here niuht..
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  • 283 9 £1,500 TIN SOON predicts Sir Douglas I^l ALA LUMPUR. Tues.— The price of tin will reach the £1.500-a-ton mark soon, the chairman of the London Tin Corporation. Sir Douglas Waring predicted here today. "The present price is about Mllifl a ton and there is every likelihood that it is going
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  • 74 9 PENANG. Tues —About 130 I Chine.-* guilds and associations In i Tenang are expected to take part hi the dinner to be held at the Penan* Chinese Girls' High School on Saturday In honour of I the Deputy Prime Minister. Tun < 1 Abdul Razak.
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  • 140 9 Out: New NTUC Labour Bulletin CINGAPORE. Tues. The National Trades Union Congress today released the first edition of a new publication, the Afro-Asian Labour Bulletin, aimed at highlighting major labour problems and successes achieved in Afro- Asian countries. The suggestion to publish such a bulletin was first made last October
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  • 119 9 pSNANO. Tuet.. Malay--1 ita't progress since independence was today described as "astonishing" by Mr Jang Bahadur Singh, chief editor of the Bher-i-Puniab. an influential weekly paper. Mr. Jang Bah.dur Singh who is on a study tour of South-East Asian countries said that such progress was
    119 words
  • 33 9 SINGAPOKE. Tues. A torI mrr chief veterinary officer in i Singapore. Mr. Ronald A. Wrijht. Who retired in 1959. died at his' I home in Fenstantoti. Huntingdonshire. England- last work.
    33 words
  • 424 9  - Indon infiltrators trapped— by Indon tip-off JEFFREY FRANCIS ALL OVER WITHIN TWO HOURS From TAWAU, Tuesday. T)ROMPT information given by Indonesians working on •AT an estate here has resulted in the capture of three well-armed Indonesian infiltrators who landed in this south-east corner of Sabah recently. This was disclosed today
    424 words
  • 65 9 CANBERRA. Tues—Australian national servicemen are to serve in Borneo from next June. Army headquarter* announced today that 80 national servicemen would serve with the 22nd Construction Squadron. Royal Australian Engineers- which would go to Sabah to work for six months on the KeningauSepulot road.
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 41 9 IPOH. Tues. The Chief of the Oeneral Staff. Major General Dato Abdul Hamid bin Bidln. will take the salute at the passingout, parade of the second intake to the 3rd Bn- Malaysia Rangers, hero on Saturday morning. J- 21
    41 words
  • 57 9 BUKIT MERTAJAM Tue.<. L'm Chee Beng. 24. accidentally .shot his sister-in-law. Ang Kuw Nye. 32. while huntinp a rat r thPir Jalan Kulim home last night. told police he usrei his 22 I riflr to kill rats. Onr bullet hit Ane accidentally. She sustaired InJuriM
    57 words
  • 57 9 CINGAPORE. Tues. Detectives from Queenstown police station have recovered a quantity of jewellery believed stolen in recent snatch thefts in the Tionc Bahru area. The police today appealed to victims of snatch thefts in Tione Bahru area to contact Detective Inspector Piara Singh of Queenstown police
    57 words
  • 158 9 Recovered: Articles stolen from crashed car BATU PAHAT. Tues. The police raided a house at dawn today and recovered all the articles which had been stolen from a car involved in a road accident, four miles from here, yesterday. The articles Included a spare tyre, a battery, cushion and luggage
    158 words
  • 74 9 Umno political course KANGAR. Tues. The MinUrrr of Transport. Dato Sardon bin Ha 1 Jublr. win Be among eich 1 naMonnl Umno leaders w.w are coming here on Friday to adrtrr>s local Umno officials attending the first political course grfttittd by the parly. The course, which will ne held for
    74 words
  • 30 9 TAN'JONG MALIM- Tups. Mr. Lee Srrk Fun MP Tor T\irijon? Mnlim. left for Formo?:. yesterday to attend an agricultural wmilnai He will b for three v.eeks.
    30 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 99 9 THE DEPARTMENTAL STORE WITH A DIFFERENCE! MPH now offers you spacious shopping convenience in their growing departmental store: A comprehensive selection of the latest paper back and hard cover books. A whole floor of children's books and educational toys. An art gallery featuring paintings by local artists. A sports equipment
      99 words
    • 121 9 I£F I r S^L. F m WMt i m If It* «JL vJfIHK m I BRILLIANCE ak v to t I light up a most A pM% glamorous season Jjljl Bring up the lights, let the play-of-colour begin— this is the hour of /TCnR |S^, BRILLIANCE! Elizabeth Arden's new colour
      121 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 709 9 TV MALAYSIA CHANNEL s Kuala Urn- in Tamil: B.IC Women* pur and Prnang: C po h World; 633 Canoon: 7 News and Malacca: Johorr Hi English: 710 6herlff of Bahru: A Talpinj; 7 Cochisc "Lynching P^irtv Batu r 9 7.35 Comment <iry: 8 New* in Mandnrin: 8.10 Black
      709 words

    • 114 10 Senior bank men get promotion in Singapore rVO senior employees at the Singapore branch of the i Bank of America have recent!ly been promoted. They are Mr. Lew Yeow Hlng and Mr. Chew Chong Teen. Mr Lew now heads the letter of credit is&uing depart- ment He joined the bank
      114 words
    • 88 10 bales In mid January slipped a per cent from a year earlier despite record deliveries at Chrysler Corp and Ford Motor Company, but auto sales for the first 20 days of January still ran ahead of last years record pace. U.S. auto dealers retailed 242.253
      88 words
    • 63 10 Agreement in principle on the sale of rubber belting worth about U S 54.280.000 to the Soviet Union has been reached, the Rubber Belting Manufacturers Association ol Japan announced. The contract calls lor the export of 44.000 metres of nylon-cord conveyor belts a-id 35.000 metres ot
      63 words
    • 251 10 FAR Eastern countries, including Singapore and Malaysia, are a good criterion for the Swiss watch industry. The people In these regions have very sophisticated tastes and most manufacturers strive to meet the demand of these markets, said Mr. Anthony E. Dreyfuss. director of Fabrlque de Montres
      251 words
    • 575 10  -  CHAN BONG SOO By A NUMBER of Indian export houses in Sin gapore have expressed their dissatisfaction with the attitude of manufacturers in certain local industries. One exporter claims that for some time now some manufacturers of rubber slippers and sanda' shoes, travelling bags,
      575 words
    • 105 10 R. YAP SEOW HUL (abore) technician of Champion MoUi.n iMI Ltd.. Singapore, lit; now in Hong Kong attending an I intensive Volkswagen technical course. The connte, known an the Volkswagen Far Eaat technical training coarse. U a one -month full-time »tudy of VW engines and mechanics
      105 words
    • 89 10 MR Guv MMT. export manager of Raaiol Chemicals. Ltd of London. England, is at present on an extension trip, visiting many ni the company's oversea* markets in order to meet both the firm agents and contact as many a* possible retail pharmacies. He will be arriving in
      89 words
    • 140 10 THE Matstwhlta Elfvtnc Industrial Co m pa n v plan> to start production n;,d Mtea oi dry batteries in Malaysia. Bern and Costa Rk-a f rom late thi> year, the Japanese company has announced In Tokyo Matsushita plan.- to produce one million units ol
      140 words
    • 74 10 A radar expert attacneo to Britain s Marconi International Marine Company Mr. DC Oreenlapli. will be arriviiiß in Singapore soon to train local technicians em- ployed by company's Singapore i branch in the latest radar and j radio transmitting equipment the company has introduced. The intensive
      74 words
    • 173 10 THE third Mitsubishi Sandilands Battery Convention held at Trade Tnion House. Singapore, was attended by 200 oealers and famta from Malaysia and Singapore. The hosts at the party wen- Messrs. T. Shirado. chief of the consumer and standard products export section of the Mitsubishi Electric Corporation of Japan
      173 words
    • 67 10 New directors appointed Guinness Malaysia lUI »n nounce that Ditto Mulianwrt Ytmfl bin Ha;i AbOMkd .<nd Mr i Yone Puni: How have brrn I appointed directors. Ditto Mohamed TtMOti BsVjl Ahmad ma an offteei thr Malayan Civil Benrto »nd hi> lust post before retiree «M BUrte Secretary, Pmk. H« is
      67 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 415 10 (or how to relax and unwind) Sail to or from HONG KONG or JAPAN on your next business trip 1 ake a \s ell-earned rest! Sail P&O-Oricnt on your next business tour to I long Kong or Japan. If you cant .pare the time to uo all the way thereand
      415 words
    • 234 10 Increase efficiency in your business P^P^Pj^Pjjj^sßßf^ißijjjjjjj Office wckprs need fresh and cool air every minute of the day to work efficiently and happily. Unless you can build your offices up j M in the clouds or on a mountain top your answer to the problem J f of ensuring efficiency
      234 words

  • 326 11 Smashed a help-the-PKI rubber trade plot KUALA LUMPUR, Tues THK Indonesian Army was reported last night to have smashed an illegal rubber trade scheme which was used to finance secret Communist activities in Indonesia. Intelligence reports reaching here said Indonesia s First Deputy Prime Minister. Dr. Subandrio. and Mr Od
    Agencies  -  326 words
  • 232 11 Malaysian defence team has 'fruitful' talks with Chavan From M. SIVARAM: New Delhi, Tuesday A FIVE-MEMBER Malaysian defence mission yesterday called on India's Defence Minister, Mr Y. B. Chavan, and discussed with him the possibility of Indian assistance in training ami equipping Malaysia's Armed Forces. The Malaysian delegation, headed by
    232 words
  • 79 11 I MANILA. Tues.—Nationalj ist China was reported yesterday to be applying lor membership in the Association of South-East, A.<ia— an economic and cultural alliance among Thailand. Malaysia and the Philippines. A brief item in a Philippines Herald editorial column said Malaysia and Thailand were
    79 words
  • 67 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. A gi-uup of 38 civilian and military members of the United States' I National War College will arrive j here o» Thursday for a three-day I The party, which comprises members ot the college's faculty U9d staff and led by us Deputy
    67 words
  • 43 11 PENANG. Tue.s. Mr. Klioo Leon;; Hun has been elected Chairman of tlir Malaysian Red CroM Society. North-East district, Pena:.g. The vice-chairmen are Mrs. I#e Kee Pin and Mrs. James N«. secretary Miss Yew Bnaa Sim «nd treasurer Mr. Klioo Khal Hoiik
    43 words
  • 186 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday. /CANADA'S military gift of 250 motor cycles will v be officially handed over to the Royal Malaysian Police in a ceremony at the Police Depot here on Friday morning. T\w Triumph 250 c.c. motorcycles, which arrived here in January, have al- ready
    186 words
  • 261 11 Tanzania to give preference to S'pore goods ZANZIBAR, Tues. j Tanzania is to give preference to made-in-Singapore goods. This assurance was jiiven yesterday by First VlcePresldent Karume to a I Singapore trade mission now visiting Tanzania. Mr. Karume, who received the mission, headed by Mr. Alan c.V. Yeo. at the
    Reuter  -  261 words
  • 54 11 PENANG. Tues KiptesentaI lives from 30 branches of Wo- men's Institute in Penana will meet at St- Georges Girls' School lon March 26 for their annual get-tonpther. Prizes will be presented to brunches whirh have been most active during the past year as i utII as those
    54 words
  • 41 11 IPOH Tues— Mr. Lee H>»i 1 Swee, a businessman, has been 1 re-elected president of the Yee Van Club with Mr. Chin Voon IPiew as vice-president. Mr. Cheah Teik Leer., as secretary and Mr. Leone Tonß Form as treasurer.
    41 words
  • 18 11 KLUANG. Tues. Mr. P. S. Moorthy has been eiected prc&ident of the Kilat Club here.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 64 11 take the strain out of driving buy a Cortina with/ You can now drive a Cortina, the No. 1 Family Car, with automatic transmission for only a small additional cost of $585.00. Enjoy the pleasure of driving without gearchanging. Just relax and watch the road ahead. Phone your Ford dealer
      64 words
    • 350 11 that's making hovering history *taF^ Powers five types of helicopter Ordered in quantity for hovercraft Ordered for service in thirteen countries THE BEST THING that ever happened to the installation of a Bristol Siddeley Gnomej Now they are in hovercraft, powering t a 1 helicopters was the introduction of the
      350 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 29 11 Bugs Bunny By Ralph Heimdahl \'/a /"FINISH UUf THEM S. jffij J PEAS BEPOCuA JfW I "^^s^Pi-Ay, cceßO.'/ Cr^ P'ZAK J I /^ALLPIMiSMEOJ^ \V V CAM I OO^OUT J
      29 words

  • 28 12 Ward, US < Minimum > THE FAMILY of the .at. Mr Chri't-ot'h.-r Pnoon V:n Khan md friends for wreaths, cars nt. MR. AND MRS I*l Khay Thlm. or 11.3.66.
    28 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 788 12 .mlinuid Irom I'age 81 SITUATIONS VACANI U »■•'<- PJ Yin i Box .ii il,. txtra COOKBOV AND AMAH to vurk al 1 irk. S lore Tei: WANTEO CRADUATE TEACHER tor i re. Apt .y actor. ENGLISH PASS M Biißßßn Graduate li,. WANTEO IMMEDIATELY TEACH ERS ot li;.-. ipa.. St. in.
      788 words
    • 1087 12 SITUATIONS WANTED li »urf it (Mm.)-Bax rlt tatra READ me. -e-ior Afpointmeota I 881 iiv Man eacD MEOICAL LOCUM AVAILABLE tor 1 '!|l k fOIIOW 1! >■ ;'ii tern,- Baa \IIJT ST. Spore. ACCOUNTANT VOUNC but .xpe- ami ment. Available .h. Please write 1117 SI I I-ore. URESSER GRADE THREE
      1,087 words
    • 871 12 OFFICE SPACE VACANT is m rMaa >— «vaa >' rfs ur.,. S5O SO FT. Second Kloo- Office <«:th :if; BSfVSM Central location Mac 8 oore 7r.'4« OFFICE SPACE VACANT at 60. Sou 'li Krifl«» Road .corner of Car- penter Street i Central. lift provided. 1.400 sq ft. Alrcondltioned Also availNhle
      871 words
    • 896 12 EDUCATION lj Word* <* <>tm.)~Box S* rtt. txtrm START FROM WHIR! You Mop I ■»hor>hard I >!>*•» ritin*. rapid, courwrs Baasaaara din.'rent staves. Sp<-ed So -130 Morning Aftsrnooo MpM Baak-feaaptaa i.e«lnn-rs, different staxt-s: Morniurf A Nitcht. Ma, ay •horthand" vpln r EaaHBB Maths Kie,' j Addnl. 7.-. Mldrtie Hoaii.
      896 words
    • 1039 12 LOST M Mor*. Mi /i.)— Box SO rtt. txtrm BLACK CAT anrnxriGg "Kirn" Uls Mcl in. Telephone iS< porei I i^. LOST or. U 3 M Haithred Coiker-Spamel. Light Brown Colour. Shorrtail. Named Mirhee lleward Ulven. Contact Mr Peter Chan .'»j>6 ***** LOST on 12-3-66 in locality ol Institution Hill,
      1,039 words
    • 1004 12 VEHICLES FOR SALE fi Hard, ft (Mln.)-Box St rtt. txtrn HILLMAN COKVIRTIBLS el! u«d«1 neverthemt ID run ■aaaMBN t-nicd ,v.ii. x•. «ix>i iucQom«tcr an ooro» Recent I r», iniy a Dood. 52.4U0 v n o. Cuotaci Ki-ynold* Ottiee «s oor« rju3l ooro* LOW COST LUXURY. IN offer a
      1,004 words
    • 609 12 WHERE TO STAY (Spore) IS Wurdt it iMm.i—Sni SO rtt. rxtrn SOUTH CAST ASIA Ho'fl. Har/ rtettaurant lf*> Mairriuo St.. >»n I r«i 9pm LLOVO MOUSE MOTtL" A Coadl tiotiMl. a »m<i>- room» m eoa\*b<taert i. i.v.l i'.oi.i tnva HOTEL AMBASSADOR eaaaßM V Hlper Koad Spore. Unncing nigotlv Kxcrllcni ac(ornmo<l»tion
      609 words
    • 586 12 THE COMPANIES ORDINANCE (CAP. 174) In the Ilich ourl of Sin oni|i.inirs iiiilm. I p N.i :> of 111... Rr: MNKI U \ll CO III) By Oiuer ol t lnflated the 1801 day of February LM Ml: JOHN MICHAEI i-Ai:-KKR and Mi JACKSON I I F.I. Maritime Building Bli I.
      586 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1266 13 TO LIVERPOOL iTCOAST One S'ccra Saiie "'■'•am Penang PELEUS In Port I .'co GlatgCK.... G 1-2 Mar II Mar 21 23 Mar 24 ULVSJiS Mir 21 Nn 2S r-OLrPMEMUS :i. Mai 74 Mai 21 Mar 21/ 1 Mai 21 TANTALUS Mai 31 Apr 1 ASAPENOR Apr I MENESTHEUS Api i
      1,266 words
    • 1218 13 BEE2Z3-llik^El^S33[^Bi2-EZZ3B r//£-\lHh£//vfs .r EXPRESS SAILINGS TO tEHOA-HAVRE-HAMIUR6-»REMERHAVtN-ROTTtROAM-AMSTEP.DAM ANTWERP-AARHUS-COPENHAGEN. nTMI P. Sham Penang i Ari:b-.-,a Havre H'Cg R'aam Ant* Coon j Gdn. 45 PANAMA In Pt/IS Mar 16 17 18 ii Apr i Apr 17 IS Apr ?4 Ii PATAGONIA a) Apr 12/1) Apr 14/18 17 If May I May 14
      1,218 words
    • 1298 13 \BrN9LINF] EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONDON, LIVERPOOL CONTINENTAL PORTS. BENHOPE Apr is UaaapjpM Pt H Paoaaj Ro;teroam Apr 31 Mar I*9 21 Mar 22,24 Mar 25.21 Hamkurg May I BLNVALLA Rotterdam Apr 22 Singapore Pt. S -a ■> Penang Hjir.Curg Apr 28 Mar 21 22 Mar 23 24 Singapore P. Sham
      1,298 words
    • 1295 13 feELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO., LTD. SEE OVERLEAF FOR OUTWARD SERVICE FROM U K. CONTINENT. Loading far: CITT OF RIPON k HP), h burg. R"o»m, Ma»ro. Spore P. S tiara Pensng Ha ir.Jt.T-, fi'PMMk 26 29 Mar 31 Mai CITY OF GLOUCESTER rio mprfj, Bremen, Antwerp 30 Mar I Apr 2/
      1,295 words

  • 138 14 Ml I Itm i:m Tues. INDUSTRIALS were firm it. quiet trading und (.mull movement. ICI gained 10 rent* to S3.SO and new BH were up 7 i em.s to $4.75. Base me:als were firm with New BH. up 12 cents to $5.02 but K.I Shellite dropped 27 c«nt*
    138 words
  • 214 14 March IS. Three months. INDUSTRIALS BouMead 10 ML M. I r, vent 9 cts. MrAlloter 9 ctn. C.K.tlnldlOKx IK cts. Dunloin i:i eta. It. Iron S cte. K. Smvltpra 23 eta. 0.C.8.C. 14 eta. Lsao 14 eta. i- 11 eta. li; 1 ctl. K. A N.
    214 words
  • 72 14 /HINESE Produce Exchange. Slnga- pare noon pricea per picul yeaterday: Coconut all: bulk 153 sellera. drum 155 M-llera. Copra: Mar/Apr. t'K /Continent Unquoted Pepper: Muntok white Slfl2| seller*. Baruwak white *190 wllera. ipectal Sarawak hlnc-k $145 seller* Karbled Lutr.poni; black 5145 (If) bt-llers lull NUV) ASTA $160 (N)
    72 words
  • 53 14 ■pHI- presvnt rate ot the Maluvan against the pound sterling lixed on November :M, 1M64 is selling T.T. or O.I). 2s. 3 15 I fid. Ru>injr. T.T. th 4 l/16d. Buying nl) Zs. Kd. The dollar is at is statutory middle position in relation to its range
    53 words
  • 27 14 Mar. 15. IMKItIK PRICE; 70} cents ill iw n threeeighths of a cent). TIN: 5fJ85.75 (up $1). Unofficial estimated offering 240 tons (up 20 tons).
    27 words
  • 957 14 From Our iMarket Correspondent AFTER the outburst of activity on Monday in the wake of Indonesian events the Stock Exchange was quieter yesterday with a turnover reduced by nearly half to tfeVGM shares valued at $986,405. Industrial prices were easier with Fraser and
    957 words
  • 31 14 an Stm-k 1 rwli. I I Mir Industrials- MJ2I K5.81 Tins: l«Mf I In II S rubbers: ln'i.xi 109.81 Der. mi. \<m;:. nm Dec. :9. lfiii! inn
    31 words
  • 438 14 rpHE Strait.-* tin price yes- 1 JL terday rose by one dollar to 5K83.75 on an oflerinic cs- limatfd up 10 tons to 240 tons. Fairly strong support was reported, but the local price advance was not in propor- tion to the
    438 words
  • 198 14 y^IMJII. lir>t urartr riihtx-r Io h luucrs los. (I .>t n.m. m and Rnalj Lamajejr vrste>rdu\ .it T»', .intv act Ih dnuii (hroo-iiclilhs <,| „,,t „n Miind:n> altatei level tor lac \w*\ {lion. The tone ».iv rr guioi. K \.s. „nil 1.M.i;.|.. I prir.> m ci-nt* |mt ll>
    198 words
  • 97 14 eHIPt l>m K alon^tid* tha kingapcr ohjiot or tip^ctol today n» I <*• n'-iiji m,. I noh'iin M m I 7 Man I/I 13/14 BUxJb WaJtamai Kimak B/M 1 atbcrael :>'. M h .Ma<r»k :i'.i :t4. Ho.T^ko' !X, .Hi. 7 r.r r i li M PORT gWETTENHAM:
    97 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1031 14 VI KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. U.S.A. Pacific Atlantic Service |paa;lnl H'lonf L Angles R. Tort Bostou •»na» •■kamkat/a Man 1121 Apt 21-21 Apr IS Mai 2Jm I laai 12 MM Japan Direct Servie* Pfnsni Sinfapm Tokonima KoM "Eh! mta" 21 Mat 1 apt .in -Rmaattt" J t Apr 14 Apt
      1,031 words
    • 855 14 AIR SEA TO JAPAN AND HONGKONG Go by oir and return by It 4t ORIANA" (42,000 tons fully airconditioned ktabilited) Dep. Yokohama 6 Apr 1966 Kobe 7 Apr 1966 Calls Hongkong 10-12 Apr 1966 Arr. Singapore 15 Apr 1966 FIRST AND TOURIST CLASS ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE Apply to your Travel Agent,
      855 words
    • 448 14 WILHLLrtsrN LINES FROM. Scaadiaavian ask Cutiieital Ports In Baifkik Hani konj, lapaa. 1»»M (Calls Shanghai) $l| 17/11 Mai II 20 Mm IONSBIRS (Calls Pusan) M Mai TOURCOINC Xalls Manila. Shanghai) 11/14 *»t IS/1C »»r 11/11 Aar BAHBLi. wiNE fIOM U.S.* MSI Mb «JtSl COASI POIIS. TAGATUT M« TRAVIATA t
      448 words
    • 103 14 KYOSEI LINE iiiuaarf>a« irata laaaa eia Meat Mat. vniw s»w MM "SEIMI MU1I" mm Mat »/M Mar SMeiai tteiu Harper Gilflllan tjt Co.. Lt«a. Spore rel: ***** ftfl SMtlemaa »SI»«CO iMaUla 110 ■> i t i ,v» •waufi MUfll CIIMIUM I CO 110 let l«9?2 GOLDEN LINE Yf-^s^^ 0*0 IN(
      103 words

  • 1015 15 OUBINEBB i.i and n-portrd to the Singaporr and Kuala I iirnpui" Ir-diiiK rooms of the st<K-k Baakaan vtataviajr with the minilir of shales traded in buckets: INDUSTRIALS: Bouslead ,).000>i II iO: Dunops ci.uui'i >j. cjuuii): t -so ords. I.eOOJ i::.imK)> 12.H D. i.i.uinn 13.21 D, lo.OOO) 12.22,
    1,015 words
  • 96 15 THE Attociatlon or Banks in Malaysia made IbfM' changes in its ratea to mv n haots yesterday tall ratea to SlfHii Umttd f talcs buying TT 321. airmail 00 3.'.. '.'0 .1 .-t. 33 5/18 credit bills. (SI tnidf bills. Canada: iiuylng TT 33i. airmail OD IN, 90
    96 words
  • 31 15 ON The trtt cictunge mirhtl tn I Hung Kop* yt-lcrday the US. i do'lar fu <iuot<-d at lbf_| for T.T. U lor cjttv SUrling was quoted at Io.UO and
    31 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 616 15 I IN TIIK MtTI'l.K OF KIP LIMITED iln Voluntarily Liquidation) and IN 111 l MtTTKR OF TIIE COMTXNIIS OKIHNAMK 1940. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thm the creditors ot the abovenamed Company which is being v.ourd-up voluntarily are required :orc the 30th day of April send their names and and
      616 words
    • 1216 15 NOTICES EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, PENANG ADMISSION TO STANDARD I IN 1907. 1968. 1969 FOR CHILDREN BORN IN 1960, 1961. 196?. Registration of children born in 1960. 1961. 19G2 will be conducted in all Assisted Primary Schools in the Slate on the following days and lime: IVriod of registration: Mcnday 14th March
      1,216 words
    • 385 15 TENDERS KERETAPI TANAH MELAYU Tenders are Invited for the supply of underground cables. Tenders close at 10.00 a.m. on 30.3.66 at the Jemaah Pembuka I Tender Ibu Pejabat. d a Ketua Akauntan. Keretapi Tanah Melayu (Tender Opening Board, c o Chief 1 Accountant, Malayan Railway), Kuala Lumpur. For tender forms,
      385 words
    • 197 15 CIVIL ENGINEERS Applications are invited from graduate engineers for appointment to the staff of this Malayan Australian Joint venture engineering and construction company. One vacancy exists for a Field Engineer with a minimum of 3 years post graduate experience to undertake -field supervision of civil engineering construction initially in Selangor,
      197 words
    • 1162 15 THE PATALING RUBBER ESTATES LIMITED CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 3IST OCTOBER. 1965 ESTATES The rubber crop exceeded that for the previous year by 2,J30,i00 :b. an incrca-.e of over 8 per cent. As a i-efult of tno In. reduction of a fixed weekly d_y of rest as from
      1,162 words

  • 2 16
    2 words
  • 917 16 9 Malaysians bid for Kops' title By NORMAN SIEBEL; Kuala Lumpur. Tuesday TAN YEE KHAN, the world's top-ranking badminton doubles player with Ng Boon Bee, has a record of fitful brilliance as a singles player; usually, like the man in the proverb, he
    917 words
  • 123 16 VIANILA. Tues. Malaysia and Singapore have been drawn into different groups in the 14-national Asian Youth soccer competition for the Rahman Cup here from Apr. 30 to May 14. Singapore arr placed in Group One with Japan, Formosa. India and Burma. Malaysia arr in
    123 words
  • 506 16 MEN'S HKOUn Top section Tan Alk Huanp i Mil i v P. Walsoe <Den>; M Hartgrove (US> v Y. Pare (Can); Qualifier 1 v T. Miyanaga iJpni. R. Sharp (Eniii W. Andrew lEngt; Lee Kin Tat i Spore > v Wong Pek Shen clndoni; R Rijiners (Hoi) v
    506 words
  • 216 16 1/ UA L A LUMPUR, IV Tues. Bill Miller. the American athletics coach, left here today for Jesselton to continue his survey ol sport in Malaysia. Beiore leaving, Mr Miller told Tlmesport that his mi.»i<m in S;ibali .>.;. wak would be ti> lind out D
    216 words
    • 31 16 Kluang Lraguc: 6 Rm R«gt. 4 Education 2; Kk tate 4 Slonf? Giap 0: Fripndh Klirane Garrison 3 Civilians 1. Victory Cup k.o. (NTalacca): i Scots Guards 4 Medicals 0.
      31 words
    • 17 16 Malacro L«-;»irur: Medicals 1 Poltre 0. Taiping hragur: Kinc Edward School 3 No. 2 Workshop I.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 716 16 (Kneemu-jume) RHEEM HUME MALAYSIA LIMITED mutes applicant! »or j tk* fallowing vacanoet WORKS ENGINEER: The succe^»ul oppticont will bf r#>s pomible for instollotion o* toctory rnochinery and equipment, maintenance equipment, the development ot run- maintenance programmes ond methods improvement ond generally rhe odminiitrotive technical function associated with operations. Minimum
      716 words
    • 1107 16 TENDERS TENDERS •EMBAGA LETRIK NEGARA LEMBAGA LETRIK NEGARA TANAH MELAYU TANAH MELAYU ljmai. rgy *r\Tio\ TENDER NOTICE prrrlOW experience in the HI II.DIM. EXTfASIOV >truction of reinforced -oncreie TENDERS are Invited Irom suitfoundations in Power .Stations, are ably experienced Contnu-iors toi invited to tender tor the construe- an extenMcn ol
      1,107 words
    • 196 16 fey* Malaysia's colourful monthly women's magazine written by Malaysians for Malaysians designed to provide Up Malaysia s younger generation with up to the minute W$ information on subjects ranging from fashions to p:^ beauty tips. Nova honey the new monthly excitino and exclusive magazine that dares to be Honey series
      196 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 102 16 1 SPORTS DIARY SOtdK: S'pvrr llusin »i Oilflian F <S: N 'River ihm i>iv I Chartered R'i> Virtorv (up k.o. Hakka Barit OoW Monfi ip*dMHt< Aa« v Police .Banda Hiiir Naar v Borneo So F.-.rer Malacca t. Ipoh Ua«ur Div. 3 I Park; Div 2 Shell Sim* Rubber Industry Board
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    • 535 17  -  Epsom Jeep RACING b y SINGAPORE, Tues. Castano and Misty Breeze (Ismail Asban up) did a sparkling trial on good going here this morning. They raced stride for stride over 3f in 36 1 15. Both appeared to be in top form and should be among
      535 words
    • 266 17 JEEP's JOTTINGS OINGAPOME, Tues. Glen Pretty, a 21- South Australian jockey, makes his -debut" at Bukit Timah on Saturday when the four-day Singapore Derby meeting bepins. Pretty (7.7 1 has been rncaeed as stable jockey to Penally trainer Rudy \an Breukelen. Although In- lias Only recentU
      266 words
    • 127 17 LONDON. Tues Mill llou^-. i joint topweipnr with Japa- MM bens Fujino-O for thr Giiind National, will not run I in the big steeplechase over foui miles and 85Cyd at Aintree on Mar M Trainer Pi!k«> Wahryn said yesterday that Mill House would be scratched from
      127 words
    • 88 17 BARRANQUILLA (Colombia). Tues. :\fartin Mulligan (Australia' and Francois Jauffret (Francei battled out the longest I major tennis tournament singles match on record In tlm I final of the men's singles in an International tournament here. The match had lasted over five hours when Mulligan finally won by 9-11.
      Reuter  -  88 words
    • 44 17 1 I F -I < I 111 llljlilf LONDON. Tues. Resuts of soccer matches played last niplu: KnsliMi Div 2— Plymouth 0 Carlisle 0. Div 3— Southend 2 < Shrewsbury 0: Mansfield 0 1 Gillingham 0. Div 4 Darling--1 ton 4 Bradford I— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  44 words
    • 37 17 LONDON. Tues. Result.-, nf i Rugby matches played last i night: Rugby Union Glasgow Academicals 3 Oxford U. IP. i League Swinton 18 Barrow I 2: Wakefield 0 Hull IS: Work- lneton 3 Huddersfield 10.
      37 words
    • 410 17 England end tour of NZ without success AUCKLAND, Tues. The third and final Test between England and New Zealand ended, like its two predecessors, in a draw here today. England, set to make 204 in 273m1n and without batsman John Edrich. who is recovering from an appendix operatic n. struggled
      Reuter  -  410 words
    • 140 17 WORLD BODY to DISCUSS KIWIS 'NO' TO TOUR ONDON. Tues. The Inter- J national Rugby Boards annual meeting n Edinburgh on Friday will discuss New Zea- land's rejection a tour to South Africa next year. i New Zealand had told the South African Rugby Board that the terms laid down
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
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    • 85 17 HO VAN HOR MEDICINAL TEA Pgs BRAND "«»••-< M H tlii'i h ie tKt •i «r< m ■r>\Miif.-' »-v -Ji■ i« •»■•i-t« -m r I .1 «<■••>■•'« I'• a I I m »««t noU anil refre hrv the s\Ntcni I -\n i ialh Kond for thr lulliiu in. ailment 1
      85 words
    • 464 17 All-new classic body design All -new power-packed 1251 cc GR 100 engine All-new spacious interior I All-new unique front and rear bumpers I All -new panoramic wide wind shield IAII-new jet age instrument panel iAII-new suspension and steering! All-new super synchromeshed gear change FEDERAL AUTO CO., LTD. SINGAPORE: 4IO. Orchard
      464 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 276 17 Straits Times Crossword ■p WM~' id* 1 9H 4 H b H^ Hf^niß ACROSS 6. Corrective training to cure a 8 Melt al o and guslnng lorlli Conservative <10i. <Bi. 1. Separate stickers <6>. 9. Fur belongs to me and the 13. Produce Wagner's noted work Queen (6>. by the
      276 words

  • 32 18 JOSEPHINE BCAD A-1 KluhlyFour. "Hi- of Andrew K< H'.v.iy nt 1 pin on U Wlo Yin Rim<l. Cimnlr. ii«h Pnarral Cfcun Kola R' WONC HUM CHUAN, a p.m. an I ln-lnv.
    32 words
  • 19 18 IirOUIEM HIGH MASS ll r ,r-.A toil Mr- C I m Thl I>f hr B BHekaiMi Kaid. K.L.
    19 words
  • Article, Illustration
    65 18 Students ride on Army tanks to celebrate their victory JOYOUS Indonesian students riding on Army tanks soon after President Soekorno delegated full powers to Army Commander Lieut. -Gen. Suharto. The troops were parading through Jakarta streets amidst rejoicing. The students were among some of the thousands of
    Kyodo  -  65 words
  • 78 18 SINGAPORE, lues— The general secretary of the Amalgamated Union of Public Employees. Mr G. Kandasamy. today charged the j Government with creating a ludicrous situation" in the Health Ministry by employing a radiographer who was not a Singapore citizen. He said this was done despite the
    78 words
  • 47 18 LONDON Tuei l"< v: British .i Singapore courtraarttal last Srntfmber ol ionto niurdi r a Sarawak hrndman. -\erf re. used lea'e to appeal by the Courtmartial Appeal Court hero tooay 'Part of the v he<i:d in 10->ed court bevn'iM- matter-, of national were involved Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 49 18 SAIGON. Tues— A lti-year-old Vic';uinie>* girl lauiUit kjaang her American boytriend late at night in a Saigon street has been arrested and charged with indecency. The Saißon Daily News today said the girl would appear in court accused of Indecent behaviour in public. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 59 18 Fireworks show today at Fort Canning SINGAPORE. Tues— An hourI long display of fireworks will be 1 staged at Fort Canning from 8 p.m. tomorrow to mark the second 1 night celebrations of the diamond lubtlea of :he Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce. The fireworks include all the latest ileM
    59 words
  • 405 18 LONDON. Tues. The Mock market today declined over a broad j front on lack of support and small selling pressures. General economic and election i uncertainties continued to dampen sentiment, but todays more marked ri«-i line was attributed to fears of thr possible effects in the U.K. of
    405 words
  • 293 18 CALWELL DARES HOLT OVER WAR CANBERRA, Tues. The Australian Prime Minister. Mr. Harold Holt, was today challenged to put Australia on a war footing. In a clash with Mr. Holt In the House of Representatives, the leader <>t the Federal (Labour) Opposition. Mr. Arthur Calwill. dcM-ribed the Vietnam eonllict as
    293 words
  • 73 18 HONG KONG. Tues— An eight-hour fire early today destroyed one of Hong Kong s biggest Chinese j Communist depart ment j stores killing tour of lt.> I women employees and Injuring 14 others. Including eight firemen The fire broke out in the five- storey
    AP  -  73 words
  • 252 18 Sarawak's situation dangerous, committee says KUCHING. Tues T^HE situation in Sara- wak remained dansjorous. There must be no complacency despite events in Indonesia. This was the conclusion of the joint Sarawak and Sabah security executive committees, which met here today. The Chief Ministers of Sarawak and Sabah. Dato Stephen Kalong
    252 words
  • 141 18 Former convent pupil is missing SINGAMMUt, Tan. A former foment m-!io»»I- ir I 17 -year-old In enw (above) has hern nnssinn from her home in .lalait Pipit, nil \liiiiii el since lust week. Her unemployed mother. .Madam Loh Ah Sin. said today thai her (laughter left their flat
    141 words
  • 59 18 VIENTIANE (Laos). Tues. j I Phou Kout Hill, a Communist strongpolnl on the Plain oi Jars. has fallen to Gen. Kong Le's neutralist forces, military sources said today The neutralists, who had been attempting to take the position since 1964. moved in without op-
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 266 18 DA VID: DAP CANNOT JOIN FRONT KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The protein secretary of the United Front". Mr. V David, said today that the Front could not join forces with the still un-reglstered Democratic Action Party. Mr David >akl policies ot the UAl 1 and of the Malaysian Solidarity Convention are
    266 words
  • 33 18 MANILA. Tutv Foreign Office spoke^m:i: :cnied a Manila Times report t *i 1 in? ths- vi iureed to take the Philippines chum :i> Sibah to the World Court t lenient. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 48 18 aj Wi.t.;- Ml Wtmhmmml CROMBY: T.. Bd Knr I a dau^hi. r Tr;ic v UMm i>orn Hth March 7 p m. BUtM Tor Petat Karim Thank you, Doetir and at LIE SENG: Richard a/o Mr. A tin Lor to Jessie d o Beci Mm Knu on 16-3-66
      48 words
    • 300 18 B I fTHISI I B f CAN BET Bb k I till I YOU WILL RECEIVE I I A -DIVIDEND CHEQUE I I IF YOU INVEST NOW! I H MINIMUM GROSS DIVIDEND WILL BE 54.50 FOR HALF YEAR P&J On 15th May. thousands of local companies in many g*H Dividend
      300 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 44 18 Highest and lowest temperatures in Malaysia and Singapore for the peri<»i 8 p.m. Monday to 8 p.m. yesterday: Highest Lowest Kuala Lumpur 91 "3 Kota Bharu Penang 91 73 Ipoh Malacca Singapore 88 73 C. Highlands '.i 08 Jesselton B<> "3 Kuching 90 "•o
      44 words