The Straits Times, 2 March 1966

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
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  • 309 1 Note to Spore: Let's talk on trade, defence KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Malaysian Government today proposed to the Singapore Government a meeting of officials to discuss |aaffecting mutual defence and economic co-operation. proposal was made In a note irum the Malaytry ol External Ufalrs to the Singapore Government I I
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  • 77 1 MOSCOW, Tues. An unmanned Russian spaceship crashed into the planet Venus early today, landing a pennant bearing the hammer and sickle on its scorching surface. It was launched on Nov. 1 6 from a secret launching pad. probably in Soviet Kazakhstan. Another spacecraft, launched four days earlier. sped
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  • 399 1 MANILA, Tuesday PRESIDENT Marcos announced today that he was sending an envoy to Kuala Lumpur with a special message for Tengku Abdul Rahman. Xo (Ichiils of the message to the Malaysian Prime Minister were given, but the move came amid speculation thai Philippine recognition of Malaysia was
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  • 63 1 LONDON. Tues. The pound sterling slid below its 52.80 parity rate today for the first time in five months, lollowinji the announcement yesterday that a British general election will be held on March 31. Dealers reported that the Bank oi England had been forced to step in
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  • 36 1 HONOLULU. Tur> A military r-47 plane carrying 1.1. Oen. Victor H. KrulHk. U. S. Marine Commander in the P;icitir was heavily damaged when ii ran oil a MmJ Island airstrip yesterday. No one Llumil
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  • 327 1 ACCRA, Tuesday. gELF-PROCLA.MED "brains" of the coup that ousted President Nkrumah. Mr. Khow Amihyia, is himself under arrest. lie was arrested shortly after Ins arrival here today by air from London on the orders .of Hie lit':id of Ghana's new military regime, (ifn. Ankrah. Gen.
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  • 47 1 jesselton Tue* Date Mohsmied Yasstn, MiniMer fi Welfare. s;iki today that Mm .s;ii>;iii Government lincl agreed in principle to the sale ot Malayan social and Welfare Lottery ticket! in the State. He said ha tboogbt first sales would be.: in m May.
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  • 28 1 PARIS. Tues. Parislai latest lad Fountain pen* mied with whisky Instead of ink. which are .-ellIng madly to the Left Bank I "In" people UPI.
    UPI  -  28 words
  • 370 1 NKRYMAH STILL IN MOSCOW AMIHYIA ('WANTED CRIMINAL IN GHANA') HELD ON HIS ARRIVAL MOSCOW. Tues (i ha n a's exPresident Kwame Nkrumah was still in Moscow this morning, but Soviet officials disclaimed knowledge of his activities and future plans. ThiTC were indication* that he might be conferring with Kremlin leaders
    Reuter  -  370 words
  • 559 1  - PAP wins three more seats By JACKIE SAM gINGAPORE, lues. Walk-over ictories gave Sinu;i--l> ore s ruling People's Act i 0 n Party three more sells in Parliament today. The now members are: MR. I A N (i SEE CUM, law ye r and honours graduate of the London School
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  • 37 1 VI Iff sPACM RAH CONTACT BROKEN MOSCOW fuos, Venus spacecraft main- taiaed radio contact with •■arili station throughout thifc and half month flisht until just before landing, when link IM hroken. lass mi agCBCJ
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 25 1 SPALDING >l» tm all your r Coll PfcjL/irements <„ tl:t (jt«*l rang* at NAHAR CO., 6- aqt Road. S<n<j*por«-(. BRIDGESTOHE SOFT-ainVpBLUXE-R (A tyre for the\ue motorist)
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    • 118 1 TOP-QUALITY FANCY WALL CLOCK Electric or Bolter v operated THK MOST I SUFI I. GIFT FOR I MODI i;\ lIOMI r* -s. Aceutof* te?>» |P CHUN CHCNG < > Watch Clock Specialist smcr RtF. WO 11/1 1899 M The NEW Blackcurrant Juice with extra Vitamin C added VITA The t
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  • 35 2 TEI.UK ANSON. Tues. A proposal thai Women's Day o» Aug. 25 ?!ioulrl be observed at al> lr\,i- ii tiir Women's Institute pti ri at the Perak Wiv nen'x Institute convention her* yesterday.
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  • 178 2 'Yankee go home' posters in Penang PENANG, Tucs.— A n t i American posters saying "Yankee ro home" sprouted all over the city and in the rural areas here today. A police radio patrol last night arrested two men puttins them up at Farquhar Street In the heart of George
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  • 106 2 Has Dewi found her Prince Charming RXTNA Sari Drwi. Soekarno's inn loving wife No. 3. has found her Prinr<Charming in lump. claims the anti-Com-munist. anli-Soekarno Voice of l-'ree Indonesia a clandestine radio station. I In- radio. which claims it broadcasts from "somewhere in Java." mM thr beautiful Japanese b or
    Agencies  -  106 words
  • 190 2 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. T<HE only trouble In the Sarawak Alliance was A between the two predominantly Malay political parties Barisan Ra'ayat Jati Sarawak (Barjasa) and Party Negara Sarawak (Panas) and the dissatisfaction of a State Minister over portfolio allocations. Sarawak's Chief Minister. Dato Stephen Kalong
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  • 21 2 TAIPING- Tucs. Jeweller worth $650 was siolen lrom :i!! labourers line on gfcgtebmt t^ ■..jtc. near here jrctterday.
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  • 42 2 SINOAPOHE. iuc>. President Yusuf inn Uhak and the Minister for Interior and Defrncf. Dr. Con Krr.c Swro. will attend thr 78' h anniversary dinner of Singaporrs I Ri Volunteer Artillery Regimmt the BoHrh Road Officer's Mpss tomorrow nlxbt
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  • 41 2 T'HERK are women who ire unlortimate enough to marry compulsive ?olfers or compulsive ptaven ><f otlipr sanii"-. but lor :i Ini-baM.I to nut hi> sam? before his vite is not nei-osarilv cruel. —Mr. Ju.sticc F.iu'.ks in the Divorce Court In
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  • 36 2 PENANO; Turs. Mr. S.nv "lioo TIT-ne lias ijprn rc-fleced )Tsiclr!.t of the Peiians: Rubber I'lade AsAociulion Tlip vicejvesidrnt is Mr. Lre Guat Cheow. tecretary Mr. Koh Pen Ting and Licusurrr Mr Lch Eng Shuan
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  • 44 2 Man accused of cheating penang. Tues. Isniail bi:i 3mar. 26. pleaded not guilt; In Llir Sessions Court toc!..y to i charge of cheating Patimah sinte Chile by mciucuit: her to ?ive him $100 in exchange of ;< "stune with magic potentialities 11 Bail was allowed.
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  • 110 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— I The Royal Malay Regi- ment will celebrate its 33rd birthday on Saturday. A banquet to mark thp occasion will be held at Parliament House here. It will be attended by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. the Sultan of Selangor. the Sultan of
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  • 89 2 Customs barriers to go soon JESSELTON. Tues.— Almost ail Malaysian- lade gouds wiil soon be ab e to move lreelv within he whole of Malaysia without '>ny customs duty Mr. L. A. D Williamson. Irman of he Tariff Advisory Bu.ik said thla here today. He -aid he and his colleagues
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 495 2 MM and i irnishei for industries ship*, automo Whether >ou want Glass. Ceramics, Paper. Paints biles and homes, pigments ami resins for p.unt or Rubber products from India, we at CAPEXIL nunulacture. and printing and writing inks. A can offer all the help \ou need. We would put l.ujc number
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    • 130 2 HO VAN HOR MEDICINftL TEA r "> BRAND i ■>•>■•■■ ooK and rrfrrlirs thr v\xt,in Kspni;ill\ =im.(l l« 11m i.llou in; lilmonts:- hifliirny.i. fnn.l gUMtoCW, liracl ich-. vtniu.K'h iliMiiHri-. \nmi'i:i;. << i.i i rlwru. fluff of climalr. ThU l«a i^ hvsifnirallv prri'irccl l>\ .tti i-\- 1 peri. With I pa'krt
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 23 2 THE GAMBOLS <, G~»,*pf>Aji, /'"and mese ace we\ ee^enoui thoughtful I CUACACTfcC CePEP6NC6S; */a/0 AND CONSCIENTIOUS iVOU ACtfED POB^, V^TWIS IS V6RV GOOOf<6 II
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    • 413 3 LABOUR, TORIES IN HEAD-ON CLASH OVER MARCH 31 ELECTION ISSUE LONDON. Tuesday. BRITAIN'S gem ral election gets off to a spectacular start today with a head-on battle between the two chief parties over the central issue of the coming campaign the nations hard-pressed economy. The Conservative Opposition
      Reuter  -  413 words
    • 65 3 Labour 4 to 1 on favourites LONDON. Tues. The Labour Party yesterday remained firm four to one on favourites to win the general election on March 31. One of Britain's biggest bookmakers reported hertic betting on the outcome, taking 1 6.000 on a Labour victory. But most money wen* on
      Reuter  -  65 words
    • 40 3 NEW DELHI. Tuos.— Sikh leaJer Sant Fat oh Smeh y. threatened io kill himself fan four weeks if the Indian Government, rofused his demand for a separate Punjabi speakinc >v,ixc fn ~.Khs would (oral tin n... critv. Reutpr
      Reuter  -  40 words
    • 242 3 SAIGON. Tuesday UNITED STATES Marines and South Vietnamese troops battled Vietcong guerillas in three places near the northern coast of South Vietnam last night. Three companies of Marines sweeping a narrow peninsula about 55 miles south-tast of the frontier were engaged in heavy fighting with
      Reuter  -  242 words
    • 328 3 Margaret... and a mother's terrible dilemma T ONDON. Tues.—Mar- a r e t McKeown laugh,' gaily as shr plays tho opening bars of "In the Mood" on the piano. Four-year-old Margaret romps around and p!. ys a> any youngster might. Occasionally she pauses to help her two-year-old sister But little
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    • 298 3 OOUSTON, Tues. n Astronauts Elliott See and Charles Bassett. the crew for ttv Gemini 9 space flight this year, were killed yesterday in a plane crash at St. Louis. Bassett. 34. had been scheduled to "walk in space" more than twice around the world
      Reuter  -  298 words
    • 99 3 HOLLYWOOD. Tues. Actress Zsa Zsa Gabor sought a Mexican divorce today from her fourth husband. industrialist Herbert L. Hutner. a .sDoke^man here reported. "Wf tried for three years, but m Just couldn't work It out." *:iir! Miss Gabor in Hollywood. "Hp Is
      UPI  -  99 words
    • 32 3 NEW DELHI TSM. The' Primr Minister. Mrs. Indira Oandhl. will visit the United States from Mnrch 27 for CijV dwv.s for talks with President Johnson, it was announced today.
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    • 94 3 PORT SAID. Tues. Abie Nath..n. former Israeli \ir Forcr pilot who He a an antiquated light plane here yesterday on a one-m^n peace mission, has been ordered out of the ountrv by the Lcvptian authorities. Because f»f encine trouble he will remain overnight before
      Reuter  -  94 words
    • 55 3 UNITED NATIONS. Tues Tlie United States announced here yesterday it was taking steps to close the information office set ud in Washington by the white minority Government of Rhodesia. The U.S. Ambassador. Mr Arthur Goldberg, announced the move In a letter to the President of
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    • 172 3 LONDON. Tv«». I j CPAIN and Britain have J agreed to hold talks in London in April about Gibraltar, the rocky British bastion which command* the uateway to the Mediterranean md v claimed by Spain. Britain doet not accept th<' Spanish claim ro h r
      Reuter  -  172 words
    • 197 3 Negro: I took part in Malcolm X slaying NEW YORK. Tues. Talmadge Hayer, 24-year-old Negro, confessed in court yesterday that he participated in the assassination of Black Nationalist leader Malcolm X and sought to exonerate two other men on trial with him of the murder. Hayer. who last Wednesday .swore
      AP  -  197 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 96 3 STOCK-TAKING saveCc n^ up fe* Is 50% MUST lnd,.n 5.,«, U»» 30*. BE Silk Hondboqi 30*. CLEARED i^^S^R Malayan Ptwtcr Lets 10°. 3^»sKy Ncpalese icwcllcry 20*. ""JE^^'^C^SS>)v Chinese lacquer t wooden fcj^ t"^3 eorvins. JO*. Jfr^J? Popier mochie goods 20°, j^ y *t Rosewood elephants A carvings 20N ',J f
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    • 478 3 STOCK TAKING SALE Your once a year chance to save MUST BE CLEARED We're stock taking, so all existing stocks of casual wear, swimsuils, slacks, blouses, rcadymadc dresses, sarecs and dress materials must be sold now. Drop in and sec the wordcrful bargoins but hurry! LADIES BLOUSES Fancy Poplin blouse
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  • 464 4 SINGAPORE. Tues. A lU)YAL Air Force court martial today rejected a defence submission that RAF Seri^ciilll Albert Brian Kelly, had no case to answer for the murder of a lellow airman. Kelly, 28, is charged with the murder of Flight
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  • 294 4 SINGAPORE. Tues. The Public Daily-Rated Health Workers' Union has urged its members to contribute $1 to the Medical Progress Fund the third altillate of the Public Daily Rated Employees' Unions Federation to do so. The union in a circular to members said arrangements had
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  • 230 4 SINGAPORE, Tuesday. TWO men a taxi-driver and a farmer were murdered during the past 24 hours. Lee Wong Yaw, the taxidriver, was found dead in a track off Airport Road, about 150 yards from a Workers' Brigade camp. Lee, of Amoy Street, had four stab wounds
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  • 254 4 TCOR the second night F running. teams of hawker inspectors from the Health Ministry fanned out in different directions tonight to impress on pasar malam hawkers that "an effective organisation and discipline of hawkers means a better livelihood and an improved public health situation." The
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  • 201 4 Bursaries for good AEB students SINGAPORE, Tues. The Minister of State for Education, Inche Rahim Ishak. said tonight that bursaries would be offered to Adult Education Board students who did well in their Cambridge Overseas School Certificate examinations. The scheme to offer bursaries to these students continuing their studies in
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  • 523 4 THK follow in*; i* today's schedule 1 of civil alrcraliK movements at I'iiva Lertar Airport Singapore: ARRIVALS Air Vietnam: From Saigon. Kuala Lumpur (VN 64Si 11.45 a.m. Air Ctyltn: From London, Rome, Cairo. Karachi. Colombo, Kuala l.i:. I. pur IAK 116 201) 5.05 p.m. Air
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  • 297 4 I SINGAPORE. Tues rHE Industrial Arbitration Court today ordered the management of Bat a Shoe Co. Ltd. and the Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers' Union to reopen negotiations on the union's claim to represent the company's shop managers. The court ilso requested the parties to inform
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 320 4 REX Sng.poe OPENS TOMORROW DAILY 5 SHOWS ot Horn, 1 4S, 4, 6 30 9 30pm NB EXTRA SHOW ot torn on SATURDAY BY DEMAND' f| "...A REVERENT POWERWL PRESENTATION" m Catholic Archbishop of Mulaciu <£• Singapore m "...THIS FILM IS AN IMPRESSIVE ONE" B pof Singapore Malaya* "...A MOVING
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    • 98 4 THE GREATEST EXPLOSION OF THEM ALL: Oo we exist in an eternal, never-changing universe? Or was it born in a cataclysmic explosion some 1 O to 20 billion years ago? Read about the exciting new discoveries that are sparking fierce debate among astronomers and find out why the proponents of
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    • 143 4 KIAM SIN LADIES GENTS (AiLOfl 1338, CHANGI VILLAGE, SINGAPORE 17. TEL: *****2 EXPERT IN RAF. UNIFORMS RAF. HATS. A WIDE RANGE OF STOCKINGS, WINTER SUMMER SUITINGS Make Clothings For Your Oversea Students with Us at Moderate Prices. mm tmm^ amm^^i^^^^—^ fT? 197, Holland Road, Holland t*rag3t/\ (J-hp Village woi created
      143 words
    • 442 4 CATHAY f»m z>M M^j NOW MIUWI..C! I 11 am. 2 30. 6.00 1 00 p.m. AT NORMAL 7KICEI No I- rcc Liiti Ichorlron HESTCN As GARDNER Oavid NIVIN m "55 OATS A I r'EKING" V A __r-_^__ 21st FUNNIEST DAY! DAILY 4 .MOWS II am, 2.30. 600 9 00 pm
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  • 399 5  -  SAMAD MAHADI By PEKAN, Tuesday. THE Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, today travelled more than 50 miles visiting six villages on the Pahang River during which he opened six development projects cost- ing $120,000. They are a $12,500 mosque each at
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  • 58 5 MALACCA, Tues. The Chief iTI Minister. Inche Abdul Glvifar I MB Bat>a. will open a congress of Malay businessmen at the Dewan I >:,r:e Tuah hfre en March 1 1>. V <>u'. 350 have been invited to attend. 'Hi- con!TrPss v.ili d:.«cuss worfc- g papen di tUru)
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  • 55 5 IPOH. TUBfc— Haji Megat Mali- 1 mud bin H.iji Megat Ismail Fiaanetal Officer. Peru*, has left ui> transfer to Kual.i Lumpur tn lake up a new appointment h.s Deputy Beentary to the Mli'istr> >i Home Affairs. Vie Is succeeded by Inehe Murari mr. Mohumed. former Deputy Secretary
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  • 36 5 PENANO. Tues The Chief Minister. Da'.o Wong Pow Nee. will <pen the second Penang aquarists luarusts show at the Khek Association on April 7 His wife. D.i tin Wong, will give away tin prizes.
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  • 224 5 Astronauts arrive tomorrow for 2-day visit KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. U.S. astronauts Walter M. Schirra Jr. and Frank Borman arrive here in a special aircraft on Thursday afternoon for a two-day visit. They will be welcomed on their arrival at Subang airport, by the Minister of Transport, Dato Saidon bin Haji
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  • 45 5 KUANTAN. Tups.— The Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Raaak, mm lav '.he fouodatton stone of the $350 000 Umno bulldini? in Jalan Haji Abdul Aziz here tomorrow. Ti-.f f.-i'ir--rtorey builrlmt; will have 21 snonpins? arcades :ind a natecn on the eround floor.
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  • 48 5 TAIPING. lues. The T<wn Councils monthly meeting held -iit was one of the short- i record. It was over In 20 mmutcs. Tlie chairman. Mr. O. Fernandez, told the moetini; t'n;i: be had accepted the rcsiunauon of Mr. Lop Ah Pale (Alliance) an elected member.
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  • 155 5 Kiam Will anyone care? IJAUB, Tucs. The Year of the Horse has started tragically for 10-year-old Chong Kiam Moy (above) and her parents of Bukit Koman new village here. Doctors In Singapore have confirmed that the little Standard II girl has a hole in the heart, and there is no
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  • 42 5 Kt'ALA LUMI'UR. Tues. The Ministrr n( Labour. Mr v. m .r--karaaagua. will o»en the Vivrkananda Secondary School's food and fun fair at Jalan Brickfields hero on Saturday. Th- far l.s in aid of thfi school I builriinc fund.
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  • 97 5 IPOH, Tucs— The police have virtually smashed two gangs of copper wire thieves with the arrest of six men in two districts in Perak. Assistant Commisp'oner of Police Santokh Singh, announcing the arrests today, said: "I think V/e hay? cliDDed the wings of the coooer wire
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  • 28 5 KLUANO. Tues. A science stu- dent of the Secondary English School here. Nr Poo Seng. 17. his scored eight distinctions in the Senior Cambridge examinations, i
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  • 95 5 KIALA UMPtR, Tucs. A spokesman of the Chinese CKamhrrs «if Cmmmccc tndav denied Tok>o -eports that the Chambers had ''-.iJ-ii to drop ihc "blood debt" tlaim mr.inst Japan. "There is no fourdation Hh.itsoevc in tbr rrports." the spokesman said. AH that >-ad hapnened. he
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  • 23 5 IPOH. Trits— Thievos lut niant stole a brass statue value ai fi:io from a Hindu temple in Ashlw Road here.
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  • 89 5 Nanyang: A big rush to join SINGAPORE, Tw Nanjrang Unu.rsitv has been swamp* od with applications for admission to the Den academic year duo to begin nrxt month when tho three colleges will take on a n. w look The recommendati. the curriculum review committee headed by Pm: < Gung
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 288 5 ■TOP BUSINESSMEN" EXECUTIVES AND PROFESSIONALS SHOULD SUBSCRIBE TO THE KEE CHEONG ANSWERING SERVICE. Here's why:— 1. WHAT HAPPENS WHEN of'c office hours ana ouring holidays and you' secretary away. 2. WHAT HAPPENS WHEN the telephone rings ar.a nobody answer*. J WHAT HAPPENS WHEN.. ycu are our »Of Ihc evening ood
      288 words
    • 97 5 Igl was blue Gillette EXTRA, the blade you knew «^3L^HkHHHW9V Jt^ and looked for, but... rl HHbM foi is now called SUPER 81ue PP it still gives the cleanest, *&B^^EEM&^ftffY^t^ I. most luxurious shave of all. st/ 7/ the ultra-smooth edge, ■^^ttUtvl ■ra^nai for the clean, smooth shaves^^^^^ j&' that
      97 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 241 5 Straits Times Crossword h^H E3fiS^Mi^iHH ay^9 kia i lA(KOSSI A(KOSS 8. Float 6? (5, 5). j: a-^3 0.0^4! 6 «> 6) 13 Sr. ,%fi r B r lcted 11' See 1 across 13 3 27> 18 whlch sequence thatu 17. ..I'.order to note the ebb- S*<T?* 16 6> 25 'Sh'.
      241 words

  • 1021 6 Minority groups seek safeguards Constitutional Commission opens hearings 'THE Commission in session yes tcrday Members of the Commission are: The Chief |ustice, Mr. Justice Wee Chong J m (chairman), the Speaker of Parliament. Mr. A. P. Rajah (deputy chairman), Mr. A. Manaf Chows. Mr. C. Abisheganadan. Mr. S. H. D.
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  • 88 6 TAPING. Tues— A padi planter, Mahamud bin Haji Idrls. 45, was fined S5O or two weeks' jail by the sessions court here yesterday when he pleaded guilty to offering a SlO bribe to a police inspector. Mahamud sent a registered li tter contiiiiinc
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  • 48 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Tue> The Chief Minister of Madras. Mr. M. a delegation to the first International Seminar on TMUI to be bar* from April 17 to 23. ties from Malaysia Ceylon. Burma. Africa and som« European courvr.'S will also atr tend the seminar.
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  • 48 6 SERLMUAN TUM. ihe Department of Inland Revenue her« took over from today responsibilities for stamp duty collection from the State T: Stamp duty In the dstrlcts of Port Dickaon. Rcn-ba-i. Tampm. Kuala Ptlnh and JVb'i v.-I'l b* collected us usual by the Treasury
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  • 42 6 KL'CHINO. Tups Barawak exported 672 712 tons of round timMl List year, an Increase of ,-i---00.000 ton* over the ISM 4 exports. Sawn timber exports were nt.-o I up— 191.452 tons against 184,178 1 tons in 1964.— AP.
    AP  -  42 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • 1750 7 Deadliest lawman in the Wild West THE SHERIFF HIRED TO TAME LAWLESS HOLBROOK WORE LONG BLOND HAIR FASTER DRAW WHEN Commod o r c Perry Owens rode into Hoibrook, Arizona, on the afternoon of September 2, 1887, to become the new county sheriff, he caused as hi? a sensation as
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 355 7 Colds can be controlled now. with the discovery of Contac 500 Contac 500 is a trade mar* (The Capsule that Thinks) A new treatment for colds has been discovered. It is a capsule called CONTAC 500. Take one CONTAC 500 capsule and you will feel comfortable for twelve hours. CONTAC
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  • 53 8 FAMILY Or LATE Hr (h:a Ah I Itlvaa for at>.na MAI.AM SCM TANC LAI nh ".oac anil Bad. fri»nd» •-ndan.f Ii a durinc thnr i HEN SENC and vtt and rondo Ronl Irl* I ncrraM'. .4:>prwia'»d ttV.S i. 0 VERCIt n rxpri-»« thru n< and Tnr P.a;i R guff
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  • 11 8 nil Ifl Minimum I IN LOVINC MEMORY d#| Hfr
    11 words
  • 116 8 Tit <;.; Minimum, HANDMADE PURE WOOL, r»rrr..<- i iraau mad* la hv Tai Ping. 41 5 i ore. 1>i: 393.VJ OONALO MOORE CONCERTS b >»at» rf- .^v-r.phoiv (Ji and nol ONLY i-s SEATS r'main for Ibt ni"iu:iy Orcbtctr* ConiTt oo iT,nr«dit« booklnc it adi '.:uo.*c i;< IcrMa, RoCo i
    116 words
  • The Straits Times
    • 668 8 A nine per cent Labour lead in the latest Gallup poll and six to one on for Labour at Ladbrokes make the March 31 general election look a pretty good thing for Mr. Harold Wilson. Britain's Prime Minister had made up ins mind, or had it
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    • 383 8 The enormous Jengka Triangle land scheme in Pahang, designed to turn 200,000 acres of jungle into homes for tens of thousands ol people at present landless, looks like becoming one of those projects which move Quietly from conception to maturity without many people knowing about them. Investigation began
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    • 216 8 Today the Malaysian Cabinet is due to decide whether the facilities of Malaya Hall and similar hostels in Australia should be withdrawn from Singapore students. It is not difficult to make a plausible case for doing so. It can be argued, for instance, that llii'io \m n<> reason
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  • Letters
    • 187 8 Getting more doctors quickly I READ your Hading article on doctors with great interest. However. I feel that the formal recognition of foreign medical degrees is not going to alleviate the present shortage of doctors in this part of the world. There are only two solutions to this problem of
      187 words
    • 148 8 I REFER to the letter by James Teng on work permit <S.T. Feo. 16>. This Ministry does, not require Singapore citizens to apply foi work permit. But in cases of those possessing unnamed Singapore Birth Certnicates. this Ministry, as a precautionary measure, has requested such persons to iill
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    • 60 8 I refer to the letter by 1 "Action" tS.T.. F«-b--ruary 16 > enquiring about the i.ssue of a 15 cent postage stamp by the Singapore Po-st Office. Arrangements lor the production of ihe stamp are well under way. Dei ails of this issue will be announced in due
      60 words
  • 375 8  - LEARNING MALAY— 2OO YUNUS MARIS By M.A. University of Malaya 200 AFFIXATION of. FE AN could, i We will have today examples of ba-« words tyßiiuiiiiK with "it", "kh" and "k". and vowels. tuna mi use. function; I'fcMJgunaAN mi the act or process of using; PKMiiun< in > user.
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  • 1159 8  - How Obote beat crisis with a coup COLIN LEG Li M A TACTICIANS SOLUTION TO A POWER STRUGGLE J >> THE coup against his own Government by Uganda's 40-year-o!d Prime Minister, Dr. Wilton Apollo Obote, is the culmination of a prolonged power struggle within the country's ruling party, the Uganda
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 239 8 Straits Timci Malay Mail aMBMM "»ar b« hand** la: CCIO STOBAGt JUPI«MA«« Orchard Road ««e*a»>oiiiir O«k COLO STOKAGI BRANCMIS At Holland Road Kataaa. Naval tat*. Au'hortwd Aaanti: CITY BOOK STORI LTD, Wmchrttvr Ho»«, CollT.r Qaaf. THE N'WS fRONT f F-tjpatrick l Su»-cr»»ar*a» M M ISMAIL I J Adm.rt.lfy R»a< Naval
      239 words
    • 97 8 i All wise people i know that gain is V S commensurate S with risk. i Do you know this i We do! S And we always S bear this in mind y when investing v your deposits with y us. S t Deposit "it h THE FINANCE CO., LTD.
      97 words
    • 71 8 pMoCo U FoMoCo IS THE NAME FOR GENUINE FORD PARTS Fit only fully-guaranteed, genuine FoMoCo parts and accessories on your Ford vehicle. Ford style and quality are the best at lowest cost repair charges are low and established. That's Ford motoring! Only FoMoCo parts are fit for your Ford FORD
      71 words

  • 326 9 Headmistress: I saw struggle on <jrass verge SINGAPORE. Tues. ONE morning in October last year, Mrs. L. N. Vanderbeek, principal of the Kirn Seng East School, was driving along Cluny Road on her way to school when she saw a couple "struggling" on the grass verge.
    326 words
  • 59 9 KUALA LUMPUR Tuea, Seven University ol Malaya students left here •oriuv for a onemonth visit to Britain to eb:-erve activities there. Mr. Anthony Mr. Teo Ouan Teik. Inchc Mo-| h.imed Ismail bin Yahya Mr. Huch Prstana. Mr. S:r- pb«l Kraucis Chant: Wen K..i. Miss
    59 words
  • 54 9 lIAJI Mubin Sheppard (third from left) and In. In- Yaakub bin Othman, youngest son of the late Dato Naning Dato Othman bin Kering (sei-ond from lei'l) with former members of the Malacca Volunteer Corps saying prayers before they begin the memorial feast to the late Dato
    54 words
  • 284 9 'PAMPIN. Tues.— A feast was 1 held here last night to revere the memory of a man who was killed by the Japanese in Singapore 23 years ago. After the feast, the 30 invited men. former members oi the Malacca 1
    284 words
  • 66 9 SINGAPORE. Tuts The Singapore Government today named Mr. Le<> Keng Tuan, acting deputy secretary ibudget branch* of the Ministry of Finance. n« the deputy chairman of th«" Tourist Promotion Board. Other members of the board i announced today are: Mfssr« Lian Yin* Chow. J.G.C. Thoro-
    66 words
  • 18 9 MAI AOC ir community lino will crtebnw tin two-day Mi» ..t C!ipii« Temple, beginning on Saturday.
    18 words
  • 46 9 PENANG- Tues— Tiic K \*xn Lama Umno Kmm Ibu blanch last night adopted a resolution to j appeal to Sinsapire"s PriOl M 1 1 ter. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. to rescind the Government's decision toratoe Ui" educational fees for non-Singa-pore citizens.
    46 words
  • 67 9 TJUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The newly appointed Inspcctor-G encral of Police, Dato Mohamed Sullen bin Ismail, will inIpeci a passing-out parade for 574 police inspectors and constables at tho Police Dejv.'t here on Saturday at 3 am. Am >n| ;h se taking part ■vill be 81 police
    67 words
  • 254 9 Court told of share firm's $580,000 overdraft IPOH, Tues.- The now defunct sba r e brokers' Unn of Macphall and Co. Upoli) Ltd. had an overdraft of $586,109.73 in the Mercantile Bank when its overdraft facilities were withdrawn last April. The bank manager. Mr. J.W.S. Braine, said this in the
    254 words
  • 31 9 PENANG. Tups. The Chi»l Dato Wong Pow Nee. has appoUHed Dr. N. K. Menon chairman of the Board of Visitors for the Mental Hospital (psvcblatrle unit>. Ppnane this year
    31 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 110 9 MOTHERS AKTA-YITE ENSURES GOOD HEALTH PROPER DEVELOPMENT AND RESERVES OF ENERGY FOR EVERY MEMBER *^*^W OF YOUR FAMILY So •nsu'e good health, proper development and reserves ol energy for every member of your family give them hot 01 cold AKTA VITE— every day. CSZII»]PISI PAC KS OF S. 10. 40
      110 words
    • 106 9 BK I L LI ANCE UgU up a most A flj|k V»^r (fla morons season «ii« Bring up the lights, let the play-of-colour begin this is the hour of d^&i 'M*» BRILLIANCE! Elizabeth Arden's new colour h" Z I :J discovery is a scintillating soft red, that focuses the excitement
      106 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 647 9 TV MALAYSIA CHANNEL 5 Kuala Urn- I Tamil: 610 World Round- pur, Penang; 6 Ipoh. Ma- up. 6.35 Cartoon Parad t 7 lacca; 3 Johore Bahru; Kewi in BrtfUsb: 7.10 I 4 Taipins: 7 Batu Pa- Sheriff of Cochlse "I am hat; 9 Kluang. An American"; 7.35 Com- P.M.: 5.15
      647 words

    • 294 10 BANK INSTALLS DATA SYSTEM MR R.N.T. GARLICK. general manager of IBM I World Trade Corpoiation in Hong Kong, has announced that tho Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corpora- j tion haa signed an agreement] with IBM World Trade 00fporution for the oi electronic data processing equipment to be used in
      294 words
    • 319 10 TMADKHS and industrialists in Singapore should look more lo the Middle Kust and Persian (inll countries for trade expansion possibilities. "Ample trade opportunities exist in those countries many of which are oil rii-h and maintain open door' trade policies", says the managing director
      319 words
    • 340 10 FINANCE COMPANY EXPANDS SCOPE AN old established Singapore tinanee company. Overseas Una n Finance Ltd. is expanding its activities in the State and in Malaysia Ann optntafl two Dti offices ;i. Oeylang and South lilHfll Koho. S'lliiapoiT la me cr.mpuny is on the embaiknu on Xi Bxpaaatoo pro* gramma n
      340 words
    • 65 10 A VERY-LAI'RKXI E (Singapore) Ltd. i« sending Mr. Panx Ec \n;. (above) electrunics engineer to the Foxboro t Fuxboru, MasiiachuNettH. I'.S.A. (or 6 werks training in pneumatic and electronic process instrumentation. Mr. fang will also visit Foxboro s manufacturing plants in Japan. Kngland and Holland before
      65 words
    • Article, Illustration
      161 10 T^HE First National City Bank x has awarded Mr. Kong Keng Hee a branch training Award which will take him and hU wife to the United States for one year. The study iiward Is one of a number granted each year by the bank as part oi their
      161 words
    • 163 10 ciQUIBB Incorporated. New York, and it? regional office i 3 for the Pacilic area. Olln MathiPson Far East Ltd.. Hong Kong, are consolidating their marketing activities in Singapore and Malaysia. The rninpanv ims sent to SlnKapore Mr. Donaln J Lou>;he«i, i'.ri-a manager. Squibb (UvWoo, to urict their
      163 words
    • 100 10 A BN variety store in Singapore Hlph Street shopping centre. Sardbr.s i'cunst Haraiilse. WM "f--iici;i :'■>• opened for baatoMa MB> tertUi.v. Accommodated on the first floor ot Malaysia Arcade, the State's new shopping arcade in tru.t area, the company is ;i subsidiary ot the new Sardar
      100 words
    • 192 10 Tlie chairmnn of Ihe Ruhoer Trade A«M:ctatlon of Lnndi.n mkRested In his annual address for the next three to four years, supply and demand of natural rubber would stay reasonably In balance He said: "Stocks on the whole are small In consuming areas which
      192 words
    • 295 10 IKiln speeds delivery f I.X Sang Loong Sawmill who 1 have been trading at l.aliat Road, Ipoh as saw millers since 1948 recently installed a modern woodworking shop, Tanalith Umber impregnation plant and a Moore dry kiln to complement this sawmill. In order to meet increasing demands for high quality
      295 words
    • 236 10 TIIF highly automated. IS. 00(1 yross tons aruo linei of the dlen Line, (ilcnalniond was launched on Kehruar> T: by Prim-ess (liv liibu at the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries' Yard in Nagasaki, Japan The vessel will call at Stagapare «>n s regmlai Kurope-lar Kastcrn run. Relieved to
      Agencies  -  236 words
    • 34 10 Recently. group ol wi ofllcera of the Rubber Replanting Board. Thailand, toured the Uri: is*-t plan" o! the Chemical Co ni Ja and familiarised tliem-. t:if plans and th<- productloti ;>ro-
      34 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 492 10 (or how to relax and unwind) Sail to or from HONG KONG or lAPAN on your next business trip Take a well-earned rest! Sail P&0-Orientonyournc\t business tour to Hone Kong or Japan. If you can't spare the time to co ail the way there and back by sea, takes Few
      492 words
    • 394 10 /A Necessities of life H FOOD I] SHELTER H CLOTHING D LIFE INSURANCE which costs much less than the other 3 but GUARANTEES them for those you love. You make a good profit too! l^&w> Yearly bonus now $32 with more at matur ty ■L___J^2^H SINCAPOME A UALAVSIA S OLDEST
      394 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1244 11 10 LIVERPOOL I *ESI COASI U.K.! Out S pore u»* P. JiTam Pesaep BIOMEO iweoxxH. Ontii.n. A'moutK UPtMarJ AUTOMCDON -t. Belfast. Glasgow. 8#». 13 Ttlaj CLVTONCUS Mm I «NIENOR 1 Mar 4 Mar 7 Mar 112 Mm 13 »fIEUS -3-rtl Mar 13 Mar 14 Mar 15 ATREJS pcol, Glasgow.... Mai
      1,244 words
    • 1261 11 r/¥FLn\U/Af£S to THt EACT ASIATIC COMPANY ltd IncoTM-Md «l Of rnt-k EXPRESS SAILINGS TO GEWOA-HAVRE-HAMBURG-BREMERHAViH-ROTTERDAMAMSItRDAM AHTWERP-AARHUS-COPEHHA6EH. Spore f S nam Ptaang 1 4il:GMoa Havre H'burg Hcam Ansa Copa PAHAMA Mai 12/14 MM 15 16 17/11 Apr S Apr 12 1} Apr 21 24 28 -ATAGONIA aj MM 31/ 3 Apt
      1,261 words
    • 1270 11 B^smwj a w> l^pju«pß>^a))))aMraaaiaaVaaiaaalaßVaVC3al*BTßW*B I BEN %LIHE\ EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONOON, LIVERPOOL li CONTINENTAL PORTS DruuUAD f livetcol Mar 21 ot. rt JTI rl \J t\ Hamburg Apt P I Singaoorp P. Sitam Penang M'brougti Api II In Port Tod jy G mouth Apr 21 BENVRACKIE f or i sn
      1,270 words
    • 1255 11 feELLERMAN BUCKHALL S.S. CO., LTO. SEE OViRLEAF FOR OUTWARB SERVICE FROM OK/CONTININI CITY Of BROOKLYN L'cofl, H'burg, R'rJan. Havrp S'dci P. S'"in Pma«l Hull, Middlesbrough 13 Mm CITY OF RIPON lintori, Hamburg, Rotterda*. Havre. Hull 2t 21 Mm 38 MM CITY OF COLOMBO lundcn, Hamburg, Rotterdam. Havre. Hull 21/21 Apr
      1,255 words

  • 852 12 From Our Market Correspondent rIE Stock Exchange was still marking time yesterday and the familiar pattern which has developed over the past two weeks continued. The total turnover (valued at tIW.IM) onlyamounted to 203.800 stock and share units dealt in through the trading
    852 words
  • 28 12 Malayan Slock Indices III). .'X .Mar. I ■Industrials: s?..H\ H2.CI Tins: HIMiK IDS I,] S rubbers: 10H.57 Hi!» •Deo. 30. MM tno. Km v>, i9«-j ioo.
    28 words
  • 72 12 MINESE Produce Eichanx*. Smca- porn nairn price* ptr picul yt^lrr* day: Coconut ail: bulk fMJ sellers, drirn |63| iI.TM. Copra: Ten /Mar I'K/Continmt L'nu io'f<l Ptprwr: Muntok ftttM $-"'< Iti palkin, nwcial ■WamtPJ "I.K'k |192t PaltPta, Kirnim Lanuiua^ urk |ia3lM ••■Hers. >hH M% NUVI, AST.* IM7| firiixra Singapore
    72 words
  • 405 12 THE Straits tin price rallied yesterday by U to 5G87.25 per piiul on an offerinß estimated at £40 tons, an increase of 15 tons. Stronger local support MM reported. LONDON: Tin oc Monday d!<-,\tii p steady tone m moderate rlpjiiitini despite the
    405 words
  • 55 12 Till. prcM-nt rate of the Malayan dollar acainst thr pound sti-r--linc fixed on November 24, I'M,! is selling T.T. or O.D. 2%. 3 1.1, Hid. Buying if >s. 4 1, 16d. Buying O.H. 2s. 4 id. The dull.- 1 Is at its statutory middle position in relation to
    55 words
  • 197 12 THE following dividends are I'Xln-eti'cl tliis month, in i April and m M:iy. Tin- date of the announcement la&t year la In brackets: INDUSTRIALS: Kodrrul Uispi-n s.u> (one payment 85J.65) fnm Ni.n. .M.i. Qreil Kaatara lite (ftnal KJ I i.n.ui Brawariaa (tntertm IB.aooi. KobniMuis i intarta I i
    197 words
  • 92 12 AUSTRALIAN STOCKS MELBOIV tight buying support for Ing Industrial bJo drift in prices with movea n irroxi bus,- inf.i liar. Associated Minerals .n.ii Marj leen moved huihrr 10 51U cents respectively. 0.1- Today's rlwm.; priroi In •■•■:ii« iv .ih Moadv'i pn t* Usual i N. H.ok.-a Hill 833 I .-'.>
    92 words
  • 230 12 J^.JAHC II fir-t nr.idc nililxr t.o.h. ■dJJrdjn closrd al ."> p.m. in Sin:;;) pure and I iiiiijiur \r»t»'id.iN at IS] i <nls |ht lb. rlou n era' ri-hlli <>l .i civil on Mniidut tltMtaf l< >i I loi tile |m sitinn. The tone very quirt i:\.s.
    230 words
  • 48 12 A 11a BMMta UM United St»tf»: ti.. r r I O.D. 32 l-i Cinjrtj DUytl ■MdM hiil.v Sellint TT or OO re»fly: Unlit > tlatis 41 v l«; Canada IS; W'M i.'< nany M":. Iwitterland 141. BtUmni I '>'.'■ Pranci Norway b»«len II Arabia I I R'ijk
    48 words
  • 23 12 3u«t rtr.hanitr market m Hi.-.i kiii.. r.s dol'.ir «rai i.,,,i,,i i tat 5 Tai ioi Sterling mtd quotri It 16.03 AIM
    23 words
  • 26 12 Mar. 1. BOBBER KICK: 70J tmtM (flown oiu -eighth of a trnt). TIN: 5t;87.25 (tip S?). «'*.tiinaterl oflerinsj 210 Urns (up 15 tons)
    26 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 995 12 Y^"** KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. U.S.A. Pacific (fc Atlantic Service •Nftot N'kont L Angr'et N. roll Bet .n r*ii»a •mm War U7I Mm il;* Mar Ik Apr t May P Mat U Mai ■Kaidikaaa Man" 11/21 Apr K/21 Apr II Ma| 2 tJnai UMM Japan Direct Service P*na*,g atagppori To'
      995 words
    • 859 12 AIR SEA TO JAPAN AND HONGKONG Go by air and return by s.s. "ORIANA" (42.000 tons fully oirconditioned-ptabiliscdl Dep. Yokohama 6 Apr 1966 Kobe 7 Apr 1966 Calls Hongkong 10-12 Apr 1966 Arr. Singapore 15 Apr 1966 FIRST AND TOURIST CLASS ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE Apply to your Travel Agent, to ony
      859 words
    • 387 12 WILHELMSEN LINES fROM: Scandinavian and Conuntnlai roru Isr Bangkok iao Hodg King. Pen^nj P Shim Smtjoor* IRIANON Cans Pusan) 6. 11/Sls pa TARN nails Manila) 11/14 mm ***** Mai 17/19 May lONSBERG (Calls Pusan) »'M Mat BARBER LINE FROM U.S.A. EASI ANO WESI C6ASI fORTS. TAI PIUS Mar lASAYIAY 17
      387 words
    • 149 12 WESTBOUNI: EUROPE SERVICE: Singapore P. S'rtdii >■ »OPINAUSICAA 13 15 Mar It'll Mai 19 Mil Wa'seilles, Havre. YAMA n2l Mar 2t,1l Mai 1 a»i Mprtdilln, Burdipua, Havrd. OunkifL NARA ?i U Apt 25 11 Apr 21 Apt Marseilles. H«i«, Dunkirk T.YtA 25/2) May 21, 1t Mai 11 Mat Marseilles. Boraeiui.
      149 words

  • 566 13 t>l s|M SS in and i«-port*d to the lajarc ukl Kual.i I iliiipni li.iiliiik rooms of llio Mm k l\ rlhMaja «iili Mm num--1,11 i>t ataaiM ludrrl in burkrls: INUUiTRIALS I 14 Ounltpi 1 2.000 1 Sl.»l, Ext trrl» D. v Cam- Motrl Smitapuri M Ctmtnt M.
    566 words
  • 118 13 v;HIP» lying *lonn»ido th* »lng«p*r* wharves or (xptcted today ar*t Una Hens N.W. 3. Neder Elbe 3.4. Nikkei Mam 6/7. Glenartney 8/9. Kosarlo Maru 10 11. Aiitorrfedon 13 It. Trtanon li. Bahadur 25/26. THemarhu IOf» Hay U 2*. rak 29 30. OlMtgyMl 31 32. Benvrackl* 33 :i4.
    118 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1223 13 i( iintinurd from Page 8) SITUATIONS VACANT rj Mr.rrfs M 'Win.)— Box i» rtt. rxlrm BOX A4046 Slants Times Singapore. Applicant!! thanked. BOX «S«* ST. IPOM. Applicants for probai.oner conductor thank,.]. BABY AMAH REQUIRED. Cantonese. :..■>! Joinson, 3 St. MarU Singapore a BACHELOR REQUIRE* Immrdialelv furl Mi speaking do nomr.
      1,223 words
    • 1073 13 SITUATIONS VACANT II Wordt .SC Olin.t—Box SO tit. extra SCIENCE AND ARTS Graduates and temporary teachers with full HSC qua- lunations in Science subjects at St. Xavter Institution, Penang from May IH>iO Ap|.:y Secretary, Board of Governors for necessary form enclosing -c.i iddresseo envelope. Closing date: Kith March 1."66. ASSISTANT
      1,073 words
    • 1142 13 ACCOMMODATION VACANT li Wordt SC i Vi'n.i— «m 59 rf>. ex(m 3 BEOROOMS FULLY Kurmshed Bemi-Detached Bungalow. Nice Oarden. $3*o 15 Pimce of Waie* Road, off Buklt Timah 4» mile. Tel: *****. S pore. KIMSIA COURT. Orchard Ko«a Kully Furnished Three Bedrooms, sittingdning room. Rent S3OU/-. telephone Madam Wong (Spore)
      1,142 words
    • 937 13 I HOUSES LAND FOR SALE li Words SS <Vin.)—Box SO ttt. extr,, 3 BEDROOM uith attached bathroom mosaic 1 parquet f]f> ions luxury auartmen' for sale district 10. Apply Box A 4233 ST., Spore. FOR SALE LEASE furnished Bunga. lo\. at Hongkong Park. t,BOt It. High Klevation MS.MB Reul »!00
      937 words
    • 957 13 EDUCATION IS Wmm S» (Yin.)— «f»x 5* tit extra NOT A JOKE:: Senior Cambridge Results' Rajah College secuied 10»c-Pa.-n: Akain this year we offer Afternoon Evening Session*: Highly >liralifie<l te:urum: Join today Raj* OoBaa*! RatTles Place s pat) BE AN EXPERT TYPIST in Two Month?::: RaaM (Guaranteed! Courses ii. T»a*
      957 words
    • 671 13 PETS WANTED IS Wordt SS i Mm.) Box ill rlt. extra WANTED POMERANIANS PUPPIES and Stud-dog I'honi: Win PETS FOR SALE I /.I Words M fWrn.l X". rf«. exlr* I 1 TWO YEAR old araMa bull terrier, (nialci ..*>. PtaiiX Drlvi oachshuno dm rear old very aethra, nom^ tor uniy
      671 words
    • 394 13 VEHICIT-S TCP SALE ri R?a**J* M f»Ha.l ■<• <i. rtlrm FOR SALE i '.'...1. I In I n v R i i. ah, IB i Office >■■: AUSTIN SPRITt MARK 111 I n v Mi pan -.1. Karl 1 1 REC. IKS 6 AUSTIN MB*J, Klal -.'."> IMI 1
      394 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 408 14 I ..Ml i mini In. in I'agi- Hi. VEHICLES FOR SALE u,,rrf- I aatra LLMAN MINX JV FORD uoa. VOLKSWAGEN ISUOS S W, t 'Hi. VIHICLES WANTED I itr., WANTED FOR SALE 1*..,./. Kin.)— M«x rl«. txtrm THAIRRON Baal woallty nandl« Cbmia PHILCU AIRCONDITIONERS ivail- Co. IM. SCHALLER ECHO CHAMBER
      408 words
    • 697 14 AT YOUR SERVICE I, Wmfi N Win.; Box it rtt. ri'n KWOK S PHOTOCOPY SERVICE 12, hiiK.- BRINC YOUR DOCUMENTS M nak.- good HW CERTIFICATES PHOTOGRAPHS. evrn hou! BRINC YOUR PLAN Tracing i v WoUoo t 'trrjr [toad lot iriDt* iji'ij^fitunoua work COPIEO WHILE YOU Malt Cent- ocati-i tb uraUi..
      697 words
    • 733 14 THE PENANG TURF CLUB NOTICE is; HEREBY GIVEN* ttal the Annual General Meeting! ol the Members ol n» Penane Turl Club will br li»:c: ,it the Turl Clubs Office Chartered Bank Chambers. Union Street Penan«. oi, Friday 18th March 1966. at 505 P.M BLSINKSS 1 lo i uiihrm ihe Minutes
      733 words
    • 771 14 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS PENANG PORT COMMISSION SI ROHANJAYA I'KI.ABOHAN PII.AI Pl\\\«. Applications are invited trom Federal Citizens for the post ol Hospital Assistant to serve on the Penann Port Commission's medical unit. Candidates should have passed the examination ot the Government First Grade Hospital Assistants and should have had not less
      771 words
    • 1126 14 NOTICES I TAWARAN NQTICE TAWARAN ada-lah dl-teilma untok membeknlkan perkakas: sa- BOON SIEW UMITKD perti Kaiil. Almnit Pakaian. Banlial rihim. \leja Tuli.> dan MMtB (KfALA Ll'MPl'R BKAM'II I Ja^,W.^ k Tawaran dan MM JR rO Mr NO I I V r ,T"^ •a-lunJUt-aH bololi ai-dauati di- PUBLIC that Mr Loh
      1,126 words
    • 900 14 NOTICE Get model question papers week- i BAILING HEARTS: tTw»«rwrS^s:t |a Publii-atUuis 80 Cherrj- Park. Ma\- < ust beginning. Heart-suf-MU Koau Ipoh ferers who would have been hopeless cases a few years age can now be restored to COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS health. Read how doctors .are taking films actually cen. CTSeSUTST^S;
      900 words

  • 9 15 Off to Europe and America in search of a...
    9 words
  • 652 15 By NORMAN SIEBEL ALA LUMPUR, Tues. A Malaysian was the thought deeply entrenched in the minds of badminton's globe-girdlers, lew Cheag Hoe, Ng Boon Bee and Tan Yee Khan when they left by BOAC from Subang Airport this m>orning to lay strong claim to European and American titles and
    652 words
  • 162 15 Veteran Cash Inn can upset I with Epsom Jeep piNAM;. Tues— Trainer Teh Say Leong's veteran stayer, Cash Inn, did ;i useful workout here this morning. The nine-year-old strode <.ut boldly in a 3f run in 43 4/5 when hard held all the way by his rider, Johnny Nelson. .Mfl-nush
    162 words
  • 84 15 Il'OH Tues. The Amateur Swimmin ion of Prndc will organise the second in ace-croup championships id be held ii t the Kinta Swimming Club here on Apr 9-10. The championships arc open to all swimmers in thr ace croups of uiider-16. uiicier-14 and under--12 and entries should be
    84 words
  • 23 15 LONDON, i I terday: English Ui\ 4--Colches-tor 6 Rochdal dee 0; Kilmarnock t Morton ii. > "Jiu! row 3 Res., Dunfero*
    23 words
  • 178 15 IV 108 DORM I Sl\(. XI'IIKK Tup's Thrr«•V.r I L h •ere tWO ShockS at thr Siiii;a»o. > (,o\t rnment Services I annual mwtta* la*t nlcbt whrn— Tff-AfffSJtfr AND li(l\. 8I: P. V.udii. who his hern scnil.uv Inr tin- past
    178 words
  • 564 15 You find money and we'll arrange, says MCC chief ENGLISH TEAMS, COACHES FOR MALAYSIA KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday. 4SK and you will receive within the limits of money available. That, substantially, was the message the MCC president. Lt.-Gen. Sir Oliver Leese, had for Malaysian and Singapore cricket when he arrived here
    564 words
  • 405 15 rHRISTCHURCH. Tues. England captain Mike Smith said after the First Test against New Zealand had ended in a draw here today: "We were In trouble In b«t h innings and although wp we: c on top in the final .stages until then it was
    Reuter  -  405 words
  • 42 15 PENANG. Tues. The Pcnang AAA's programme for the yearApr 3. Round-the-houses relay; May 28-29. pentathlon: June 11--12, decathlon; July 8-9. state championships: Sept 18, big walk; Occ. 2, cross-country: Nov. 19. marathon. The annual meeting will be on March 20.
    42 words
  • 247 15 Dow Chemical International. Inc. Monday opened a new office in Kuala Lumpur, the first such Dow Chemical operation In both Malaysia and Singapore. At the official opening ceremony, held in the Company's new Quarters in the Chartered Bar.k Building, Mr. Macauley Whiting, President of Dew Chemical
    247 words
  • 21 15 BENTONG. Tues.— Pahane Mi 1 lays Cricket Association have de cided to enter for this ysar*i Rulers Shield competition
    21 words
  • 22 15 KUALA KLBL B\HK( 1 urs L'lu Selangor District oeul Kltn| 5-2 in a Coronation Cup aoccci i match hers yasisMsj.
    22 words
  • 20 15 ION!'. Rugby matches played but nigh) *M>rc: itusii> Union Uanelly 9 i 0. Rnfby League Hui-hcUle Horr
    20 words
  • 263 15  - RSGC to sponsor 3 caddies in the Malayan By M. RAHMAN KUALA LUMPUR. v Tues. The Royal Selangor Golf Club will sponsor three caddies in the Malayan Open golf championship here on Mar. 10-13. The caddies are Satnam Ritwan. Abdullah Talip and Hassan All. Satnam i.s the assistant caddymaster of
    263 words
  • 29 15 ALOR STAR. Tues. Teams led by the Sultan of Kedah and Tenisku Abdul Rahman. the Prime Minister, will meet in a i golf match here on Friday.
    29 words
  • 28 15 MALACCA, Tues. Eugene I Campos won th" Jasin Golf Club's annual stableford competition with a score of 32 and also the monthly stroke tournament with 68.
    28 words
  • 578 15  -  LIM KEE CHAN and E. FRIDA By J EADING foreign pro golfers entered for th«> Singal" pore Open which begins on Thursday said after practice rounds this morning thai they found the par-71 Bukit Course to b h: excellent condition. Australian Prank Phillips,
    578 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 351 15 ADVERTISER'S ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. Macauley (left), President of Dow Chemical International, pic'.ured here with Mr. R. W. Forsythe (center), Regional Manager, Hong Kong, r.nd Mr. F. M. Hunt (right), Resident Manager, Kuala Lumpur. service operations in PrnriurtQ Wiriplv whiting stated before over 30 nations, includ- rrOQUCIb nJQeiy his departurP t0 vi.,it
      351 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 66 15 SHIRTS OIARY JIO< XI.V— S B or (lovt. Scrvicfi Div. 2: Pus!;, is VS Pnnting dmbi Rd.. Neifri Lge: RaiiKer.s vs PWD; NSC vs Dunlops (NSC grd. S'ban). Tjipiliff I.eacue: CRC VS DTO (Esplanade), tricndlies: NS Ceylonese Youths vs Malaysian Police <NSC. S'ban): C'wealth Forces vs Malacca HA XI (Terendak
      66 words

  • 445 16 The OAU gives implied 'yes' ADDIS ABABA. Tuesday. IJELEGATION heads at a meeting of the Organisation of African Unity here today gave implied recognition to a group representing the new regime in Ghana. An ().\l spokesman announced thai delegation Ih:kls reached agreement not lo question the credentials <>f the Ghana
    Reuter; AP  -  445 words
  • 309 16 Now two women detainees renounce the Reds SINGAPORE, Toes. Two wonu'ii iir(ainrcs have publicly renounced ('oiniminism. Thcv IN MN» Tsenp Mci Yung and Mm M;ih Ker Laa, who were arrested in February 1963 for Communist I'nited Front activities. They are to be released soon. Miss Tseng, in a signed statement
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  • 19 16 MR. SI KIM 1 8.1 School WEE SCOK IMOU Lorauti > i'm ih't-n V- in- wr«a»tn ivnl<-.o«l MctrtudlK UfeH
    19 words
  • 91 16 SALISBURY. Tues. A tormer member of the ruling Rhodesian Front Party executive was remanded in court yesterday lor having allegedly offered to the Governor. Sir Humphrey Gibbs. in the formation of an alternative government to the present one George Brmd ni released
    UPI  -  91 words
  • 219 16 Sliver of tooth bone helps restore sight A BLIND womiin has had her sight partly restored after an operation in which surgeons put a sliver of bone from one ot her teeth into her eye. She is Agnes Arthur (above), who lives In Dennistown. Glasgow. Scotland The operation, carried out
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  • 213 16 MALAYSIAN TEAM LEAVES FOR ASA TALKS KUALA LUMPUR. Tuev A four-man Malaysian delegation left here today for Bangkok to attend a prelimary meeting to revive the Association of South-east Asian States (ASA) which has been inactive since September, 1963. The meeting which begins tomorrow is expected to end by Friday.
    213 words
  • 31 16 HONG KONG. Tues.— Princes* Marcaiet and her husband. Lord Suowdon. arrived by air today for a sevn-day visit durine which she will officially open British Week. A.P.
    AP  -  31 words
  • 69 16 Germany's gift of books to the NTUC SINGAPORE. Tues.— The GetI man Ambassador to Singapore. I Mr. Detlev Scheel has. on behalf o! his Government, donated a set of books to the National Trades Union Congress library. The books are on the trade union movement in Germany, co-operative societies and
    69 words
  • 333 16 LONDON. Tues The nwrkel closed barely steady. Most operators held oft pending the UK Chancellors Budget speech and activity was very light. A small select lve demand developed In late trading but had little effect on I prices. Steels tell back sharply in paces on heavy proflttaking British
    333 words
  • 52 16 PARIS. Tues. Thousands of Parisians walked to work this morning and others queued up at bus stops at first light as the French capital began to feel the first effects of a Metro (underground strike. The strike, for more pay and shorter hours. Is due to
    52 words
  • 41 16 SINGAPORE. Tues —Electricity supplies will lie interrupted tomorrow between 9 a.m. and 630 pm at Marsillng Road (Kg MarslllnK t Xc Mandal Kechll. Lorong Fatl- mah and 15', to 16 m.s, Woodlands Road i Customs Quarters and Shell Co.).
    41 words
  • 55 16 LONDON. Tues. Spot 21 Hd.. April 21"« d., May 21\d.. June 2P,d. April June 21\d.. July/ Sept. 213 16d. Oct. Dec 21'4d.. Jan March 211 16d. Aprll'Junei 1 21 d. July Sept 20 15'16d.. Oct./ 1 Dec 20 15 lfid., elf March 2(115 16d.. April 20 13 16d May
    55 words
  • 35 16 LONDON. Tues.— Buyers £1366 _£fii..i, sellers £13H« £9> s i. Forward buyers £1358 <— 1 0 > sellers £1357 <— £lu>. Settlement £1377 i £12) Turnover a.m. 345 tons. p.m. 215 tons Tone: Steady at lower level
    35 words
  • 211 16 Army chief's call to Indons: Keep calm JAKARTA, Tuesday. 'JMIK Jakarta military garrison commander luis urged Indonesians not lo say or do anything that could lead to clashes among them. Brig. Gen. Amir Macnmua issuca nis warning yesterday after troops and police fired shots in the air to break up
    Agencies  -  211 words
  • 82 16 Prosecutor demands death for Untung SINGAPORE. Tues. The prosecutor at the special military tribunal in Jakarta trying former Palace Guard I.t. Col. I'ntung today demanded the death sentence for his leading role in last October's abortive coup, Radio Jakarta reported. The broadcast said the "so-called 30th September movement led by
    Agencies  -  82 words
  • 225 16 Student tells of 'ungodly' campaign of hate MANILA. Tues A Filipino student had quit his studies in Melbourne because "even the supposed ministers of God in Australia are engaged in the ungodly campaign of hate against Asians." The student. Jorge Lnctaotao. 25. of Paniqul. Tarlac. arrived here yesterday. Explain The
    225 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 69 16 Late CLASSIFIEDS 20 words $15 (minimum) mo Imn i "id siok hooi -pital. PtllltH -on. lloth wail. Thanks to Doctor ai'H MafT. KONC I" Angella* and Kansford J.nnil.i on 1-3-66. Thanks Maternity K.L. AMBROSE: Tc May and Anselm a ■icii ou 1 I Kand:uu Kei ptttL Both »vll Thanks
      69 words
    • 415 16 I Part owner of I I over 20 companies I Inche Diron Bin Haji Mahmood (above) of Opera Estate, j r J Singapore is the grandfather oi 22 children. He's a retired I storekeeper and lives in a comfortable home. W Although Inche Diron Bin Haji Mahmood is no financial
      415 words