The Straits Times, 1 March 1966

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 22 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150,000 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 TUESDAY. MARCH 1, 1966 if 15 CENTS M.C.(P) 1629 KDN 2034
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  • 518 1 'Of f to Ghana' claim CHINA'S TOP LEADERS SEE OUSTED PRESIDENT LEAVE SECRETLY IN A SOVIET AIRLINER PEKING, Monday DR. NKRUMAH left here today in a Soviet airliner for an unknown destination, declaring that he was on his way back to Ghana. Bui a statement he
    Reuter  -  518 words
  • 49 1 'Nasution hiding' MANILA, Monday. PRESIDENT Marcos Ikis been informed thai Gen. Abdul Hans Xa.»utiort, ousted from Indonesian Presidenl Soekarno's Cabinet, has into hiding. The Presidential Press Office spokesman s;u'd Philippine Ambassador Modesto Faroian, now in Indonesia on ;i special mission, had reported to President Marcos on developments there. Reuter.
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  • 326 1 Firing again as students defy Sock JAKARTA, Monday. ARMED hoops and police today lired warning shots into Hie ;iii to break up groups of ;inli (oMimunisl ;m<f extreme leflwing students about l<> come to l)l<»\vs in front of Hie University <>l Indonesia. Groups of :inti-Commun-ist students of <h<- powerful Indonesian
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  • 205 1 MAO MEN FLEE TO CAIRO p A I R O, Mo n. Thirteen Communist Chinese and eight East Germans flew into Cairo from Accra yesterday aboard the first Ghana Airlines plane to depart after the anti-Nkrumah coup d'etat. Twn of the Chinese reportrriiv were diplomats, while the others were peelaUsi
    AP  -  205 words
  • 238 1 SACKEY TO SEEK OA U HELP? ADDIS ABABA, Monday. Alex Quaison-Sackey, Foreign Minister in the deposed Ghana Government was due to arrive here tomorrow amid speculation thai be may delegates to a l)i^ African conference to sulnd by overthrown President Nkrumah. His flight from Peking coincides with the meeting of
    Reuter  -  238 words
  • 44 1 SINGAPORE. Mon. Ministry of Defence officials here will leave for Kuala Lumpui tomorrow morning to discuss outstanding issues with the Malaysian Government. A Government statement announcing this today, slid thai the talks would pave the way for a ministerial level meeting later
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  • 33 1 1 K)W Man Otrli wan trampled underfoot md youth* lumped l.i feet from windows when turned i it rraan blazing d.inco hall here las) night. Twentythree were injured. Renter
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  • 31 1 SEOUI M The South ciibinr; resolved Uxtay 10 .send one riMj.- army dlrMoa mut H<.uth Viet- j 1-'"' to reinforce Its 20,000-man force already there.— AP.
    AP  -  31 words
  • 44 1 MANII 1 1 v. Borneo Voluntaen ovi r lin bor- force the PhilipplnM n laysi m^ Mangunu dent 01 1 lip I 1. ..-in > "W, h..\i anna „mc; re vill recover North Borneo by lore- if necrssary." Reut*r.
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  • 187 1  -  PHILIP KHOO By OINGAPOBE, Mo n. Four masked f mini staged a 523.000 payroll grab in busy Telok Blangah Road at noon today. After forcins a van of the Far hast Oxygen and Acetylene Co. to stop. IIM gunmen drew out revolvers and held up
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  • 61 1 LONDON. Mon. Vicky, one of Britain's noct trenchant political cartoonists who died last week, killed himself, an iniiuest hen- decided today Ttv cartoonist. 53 iron. VVeUK WeJn 01 Hungarian parent* in Berlin look an ot barHe i<:: ;i note, v im-ii. ihi Coroner Mid. clearij
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  • 43 1 HONG KONG. Mon.— lndonesian naval units recently captured a Malaysian vessel wl'tli six people abonrd. Radio Jakarta reported yesterday. The radio, monitored hero, did not .say when die vessel was captured. Neither did it identify the six crew members Reuter.
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  • 60 1 MANILA, Mon. *"i rormal dipluiii;iii( recogni lion of Malaysia iiKiv Ik- announced tomorrow, Philippine cliploIliutir sources said (Tml;i\. T li i 1 believe lhat Presidenl Marcos would like lo have Hit- recognition quest ion out o| llu- way l»\ the lime the I li a i Premier, Marshal
    AP  -  60 words
  • 162 1 Israeli peace plane drama Lands in Egypt after jet chase OORT SAID. Mon. A former Israeli Air Force pilot landed his 39-year-old tight plane here today on a lone peace mission to Egypt. [smell let-fighters trying tn Intercept the plan LI cross into Egyptian air .-pace. The pilot. Able Nathan.
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  • 21 1 NEW DELHI Mon. wide television 1101 work foi cities tma Ix'cii reconminuircl by] an official rxiion commitirr Ap.
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  • 21 1 LONDON. Men mociar Savr J;r.t advccatis 01 >.. ism in India, L Bombay, it wn.s rejicrted i i terriay.— UPl
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  • 22 1 IK POM. DATE LONDON. Mon Britain H to have general election n March 31. it was oftuiallv announced toniebt. Reuler
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 66 1 MITSUBISHI A REFRIGERATORS FANS RADIO TELEVISION riitii» t. CO.. LTD. I L" <^-~ Jsiiiiti^/ model EH -60 W^^jT NATIONAL HAIR DRYER A coveted possession for the woman with an eye to hair beauty-an attractively styled NATIONAL hairdryer which pays for itself in hair dressing SAVING. ulr tmoSe who know Buy
      66 words
    • 90 1 PUT A TIGER IN YOUR TANK! HP m If it's a problem of finding the right machine for the job... jacks vwll be happ\ lohdp on. Our I ngineering [kpartmenl is stalled b) men wuh experience ol engmecrmj: problems m \lala\sia. Singapore and Brunei: ue have oHiofe m 22 towns;
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  • 448 2  -  TOBY CHUA By A seven-star score for cripple Song How in exam KUALA LUMPUR, Mon.A brilliant boy crippled with polio who had to be carried to classes by his schoolmates has scored seven distinctions in the Senior Cambridge examination. But his feat came as no surprise, for
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  • 41 2 KCAI.A LUMPUR. Mon.— D.tlo One Yoke Lin. Malaysian Ambt—dor to 'he United States, will for the chief Rtteat ;i! the N;itioiul Pre.v, club of Mal.-v.Mn dinner to br held ;ir the Fedeml Hotel here ■:i Saturday.
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  • 115 2 I/l AI.A 1.1 MPLK, Mon Three neoplr urro today lined total of IliS for posM-sMrii; play iiiK cards which printed with nudr photo graph*. CASE NO. ONI: S. 11. Mohained Abdul Radrr was fined Sto for keeping 12 packets of the cards in a shop
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  • 79 2 $50,000 gift to nurses' hospital gift to nurses' hospital KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The Lee Foundation has promised a donation of $50,000 to the Tun Tan Cheng Lock School of Nursing. This Wll announced by the chairman of the Appeal Fund Committee. Dato Nik Ahmad Kamil. at a dinner on Saturday
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  • 187 2 Mon. The Sydney Morning Herald in an editorial today said the prospect of early talks between Malaysia and Singapore would be welcomed by Australia. "It was commenting on a statement to this effect by Tun Abdul Razak. Malaysian DeDUty ?rime Minister. The paper said that Australians,
    Reuter  -  187 words
  • 131 2 Thai King honours forces chief KU A I, A LUMPUR. Mo The Chief of the Armed Forces S t a f Lieut. -Gen. Tengku Oman bin Trngku Mohained Jowa. w. received In audience by Uu> Kins nf Thailand during his one- i>ck goodwill visit to Thailand. Cien. i i who
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 337 2 Theatre-in-the-Air is a movie to the US. A. and much much more t f 1 'I jgj| Bbß i Here's our new switch on flying to the U.S.A. It's on the :umre-.t of your scat. Turn it and tune in a whole new world of hij:h-fl\ ing entertainment. No other
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    • 478 2 <^^^«^^^% 4g? ll ll^^^%^^^% ■i^iiiliMl FULLY AUTOMATIC RICE COOKERS MUST RE WON in this easy Vaseline Hair Cream "unfinished advertisement" contest! g^O MB|||||^M^j|f MOISTURISED^ ||j J pTj |J[ J^j 4s^yi s»V 4 4 gfl ggy ™< I K^gggVlggggggßagggggggggggnSb^. '~j&2^ -vwsgms. '■■^^Bfl Xr I I ggmm vSBKr I I i K
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 59 2 TUB CSAMOOLS < *•<> '$¥>'*£> Zip vouee goi*4& our^ TD VWO«?t<: WHAT" ABOUT TU6N IF i GET UOME V COOKING WE <iuPPi.B 7 I 86 PORE YOU OO I'LL I 7- J >v_ V IT IN THE OVEN y ifsS I'LL PIPAGE IT V______ U (Kfoee i go to wock
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    • 181 3 C\\ IHM.O Mon Liquidation of funH* hrld in tru-t !«>r lu<> cats nvrans (;rorge Washington I'nixersitj ran expect to receive more than I -J'MUMMI. l>r William drier, an investor who died in June I 1*.:;, left his »->iat»- to his secretary and four
      AP  -  181 words
    • 57 3 ZURICH, Mon. East Germany'.s 1963 figure-skating champion. Ralph Borghard yesterday defected to West Germany, the tvderal Republic's Consul said i.rrr Mr. Bnrghard arrived here yesterday from Davo.-. where lie had been taking part in the world usurp- skiifiiiis championships. He whs given a West German passport. He
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 68 3 TOKYO. Mon Japan's population totalled 98 *****5 in October 1965. according to the results of the national census conducted by the Statistics Bureau of the Prime Minister's Office It is the .seventh most oensely I populated country after China. I India, the Soviet Union the
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • 42 3 ANOKUES. Moo F:lm stai C«ry Grant. 62 bei-aim a rather last night for the lirst tune. His lourth wife. ac:rf-s Dvin Cannon. 28 «honi ttr niirneci las;! July, save birth to a oremature 4;lb cni Reutor
      Reuter  -  42 words
    • 38 3 CAHACAti Mn; cv« nuOada farmhouse described )>• peasants as "a centre ol spiritualism" in western Venezuela and found eight minor* being rr:uned in witch- craft They said the minors had tietn kldn.ipDf>d from various areas A.P
      AP  -  38 words
    • 22 3 TOKYO. Mon. Japan will i adopt the metric system for all measurements in daily life from April 1 A.P.
      AP  -  22 words
    • 384 3 SAIGON, Monday \IASSED Yietcong guerillas early today attacked a major South Vietnamese position 70 miles north-east of Saigon and heavy fighting was reported. Military sources said the Vietcong estimated at two or more battalions strong, had scythed through the government force, cutting it in
      Reuter  -  384 words
    • 172 3 NOW IT'S POP SONGS IN CHURCH... ONDON. Mon. Thp three .blonde* pictured here are usually seen behind the footlights cm .stage— not in church. But last week the Honeys left the bright lights behind to sing in a cathedral The pop girls, who are ■tarring in a Birmingham paiitomlm c.
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    • 52 3 NEW YORK. Muu Teargas was used to drive back criminal lunatics v.lio attacked and iniurer) twu atlencmnts ul Missouri Slat* Hospital ul Fulton last nlclu The attendants. overpowered, *ere held as hostages for a while by inmates of the insane criminals' ward, bui upre not seriously
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    • 43 3 NEW DELHI. Moll. The Defence Minister. Mr Y. B Chavan. told Parliument today that India had strengthened its anti- submarine defences because China had a submarine carrying ballistic missiles. He said it was not in public interest tn stive details. A.P
      AP  -  43 words
    • 131 3 JVIJ.MKGLN (Holland) .Mon. man brandishing a ,)istol burst into i Imr. h lurini> morn ing s»T\u-e veslerdav and threatrned to >hoot the preacher's daughter He tired a -h»t at ran doni and then moved with pistol oointed touirii- a pew where *at
      Reuter  -  131 words
    • 70 3 SYDNEY. Mon. A shark which mauled a 13--year-old boy at Coledate. 40 miles south of Sydney ye.-ttrday, was dragged from the water with its teeth still clamped in the boy's leg. LJfesavers battered the shark t 0 death with surfboards as it lay on the beach with
      Reuter  -  70 words
    • 260 3 f OLORADO SPRINGS. Mon. An underground city deep inside Cheyenne mountain, at the eastern edge of the Rockies, is the new home of the North American Air Defence Command's (Norad) space defence centre. Assigned the responsibility of cataloguing and keeping precise
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 273 3 Advertisement WHAT IS A MEDICATED SHAMPOO? A medicated shampoo is Resorcinol to clean and one which has been stimulate the scalp, made not just to wash Only V OSENE MEDlthe hair but to con- CATED SHAMPOO has dition U as well. Ordin- tnis unique formula ary soapy 1 shampoos p
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    • 127 3 f W^ Jill I Dragon Brand I il; I i i! i in ill 'J:JH ONODA CEMENT ONODA CEMENT CO., LTD. SdU' Agents: Mi«| Leit Ci.. LII Itapam Ht«i Ici Nartwari I Cl.. It*. PM| DON'T DO THIS TO YOUR POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS I f 33 I ANTIUSE |Vi? SMOKE BY
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  • 610 4 WIFE'S ADMISSION IN BIGAMY CASE— SINGAPORE, Mon Till-, wife of a former trade union lender today admitted, at her husband's trial on a bigamy charge. Unit she allowed her husband and another woman to commit "adultery" in her house. Mrs. Norman Kow,
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  • 27 4 SINGAPORE, Mon The Mitsubishi Electric Corp. and Sandi-lands-Buttery Co Ltd. will hold their third social convention at the Conference Hall at 6.30 p.m. on Saturday.
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  • 145 4 Bust and painting gifts Cor President SINGAPORE. Mon. The President of Singapore. Inche Yusof bin Ishak. expressed pleasure when he was presented with a bust and a painting of himself by two Singapore artists at the Istana Necara today. The artists Mr. Yew Kuan, the sculptor, and Mr. Chan
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  • 152 4 'Walk-over' likely for the PAP riINO.XPORK. Mon. OppoJ5 silion parties in Singapore are likely to concede a "walkover" to the People's Action Party in the three parliamentary byelections when nomination", are filed tomorrow. With the Barisan Sosialis once again boycotting the byelections, and the Alliance l'.iity Singapura and Singapore" Imno
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  • 340 4 BRILLIANT SON and DEVOTED MOTHER HAVE A BIG WORRY SINGAPORE. Mon A WASHERWOMAN'S son. 17-year-old lan Boon Wan, has scored eight Als in the 1965 Senior Cambridge examinations. Tan. who sat for the examination M a Naval Base secondary school candidate, is now a preunlTerslty student at the Queenstown Technical
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  • 217 4 SINGAPORE, Monday. OINGAPORE'S trade mission to Africa on Friday should help to further forge the political ties set by the visit of the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister. The Finance Minister, Mr. Lim Kirn San. made the point at a luncheon he gave to members
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  • 118 4 SIM.APOKK. Mon The Customs Department told the Second Criminal District Court today that it had information that Tso Sau Kan. .V.\ chief baker of the pilgrim vessel. M.S. Lumpur, was involved in an international gold smuggling ring. "But because of the brevity of time,
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  • 25 4 SINGAPORE. Mon. The St. Patrick's Society will celebrate St. Patricks Day with a dinner and ball at Goodwood Hotel on March 17.
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  • 36 4 SINGAPORE. Mon. Artist Sunyee will hold an exhibition at "tlie Chinese Chamber of Commerce, opening at 5.30 p.m. on Thursday. The paintings will be of her "impressions' of a recent world trip.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 345 4 "season" ending VoonV Hurry! Hurry! H If* If-V Oil a -AT SHAWS CAPITOL SINGAPORE- If you've seen it TWICE you haven't seen it at all! B wr \(j H J Ha v loiada^ V- S^sla^O*-^ a HORS' BUCHHOLI fc<* I'l "f mIU ,v.v» koscina TT wf4 y^i ifflwW' llll TlllVl
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    • 69 4 Stop Asthma Sleep Like a Baby If you cough, wheeie, can t breathe or Bleep well due to Asthma, Catarrh or Bronchitis attacks, set MENDACO from your chemlit or store today. MENDACO work* through the blood and bronchial tubes to dissolve and remove offending phlegm congestion. Then your rough Is
      69 words
    • 129 4 2|j^2^ J^^B Spectacular m jk American I ailce teai NGHTLYATTHE fCW^ OW^ SHOWTIME 930 pm and 10.30 pm FOR RESERVATIONS: TEL: 2404 SPECIAL: ONLY S1 bO COVER CHARGE SUNDAY NIGHTS. SPECIAL COVER CHARGE POR Mo-ti- GROUPS -SUNDAY THRU THURS. sinpapura I^ mm^ mmm »♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■»♦■♦•■»■♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■> BERITA HARIAN Spot the Ball Contest
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    • 455 4 fOHHAW 2 ORGANISATION 4th WIEK' 11-1 30-4-6 .j SEASON ENDING SOON' Hurry' Sec it AGAI' Now' "THAT MAN (miuiilltrt than BOND) in ISTANBUL" HB 3 No» Shoving i 9IS Recommended for ADULTS only' ■-A RAtE TO LIVE 1 (ua)« N«xl Cl a ."I'LLTAKtSWcU.w (ua)B HH3E!3BC?SSESSI TODAY TOMO 4 Showt daily
      455 words

  • 170 5 Borneo to get industrial training school L'UAL A LUMPUR. **-Mon. The Central Government is to set up an industrial training institute in the Borneo States. Mr. V. M igam. the Minister ol Labour, disclosed this after a 70--minute tour of the S3 a million institute here *h* morning. The Government.
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  • 29 5 MACHANG. MOO. Thlrtv trainees today bejjan a 26-day cour.s<> in planting and processing at the Rubber Training School In i Buklt Siren, n miles from h«re. I
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  • 48 5 j SLAMIC teachings do not approve of Muslims raising money ♦or a pilgrimage by mortgaging their properties. The Education M:r.:ster Inche Kiur Joh;m. ir. a Beech ii. Alor star yesterday urging Muslim parents to spend their nionry on their children's education first before going on a pilgrimage.
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  • 40 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon Syed Nasir Alwi, eldest son of the director of Dp wan Bahasa dan Pustaka. Syed Nasir bin Ismail left here today for Australia to take up a five-year course in commerre at Hobart University. Tasmania.
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  • 223 5 MINISTER LEAVES AFTER A VAIN PLEA FOR ORDER KUALA LUMPUR. Monday. JJNRULY behaviour by a section of a 2,000 strong crowd marred the balloting for low cost housing at the Chinese Assembly Hall here today. The situation got so bad that the Minister of Local Government and Housing, Mr. Khaw
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  • 15 5 MACHANG, Mon. The Umr.o branch here will hold it* annual meeting on Saturday.
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  • 52 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon —The Minister of Finance. Mr. Tan Slew Sin. will give away prizes to the winners of thp schools essay competition on "Why I save m the Post Offlcp Bank." at Post Office Savings Rink headquarters j >, in Petaliiiß Java at 11 a.m.
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  • 153 5 IJUALA LUMPUR. Mon.— Kelantan businessmen have rejected charges that, they had exploited flood victims by raising food price.s during the recenr Hoods, and claimed that prices during that period had been "very stable However, on very "rar«>" occasions in remote places, where communication was interrupted
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  • 18 5 SINGAPORE. Mon. Mnlaysian Airways today announced the appointment of Mr. W.L. Bennett as it* technical manacer.
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  • 112 5 JAWAU. Mon. -a team of Japanese geological experts is to visit Tawau. f>n Sa ball's .east coast, to conduct extensive explorations for oil on nearby j Sebatik island. Announcing this. Mr. Eigo Bhlbano. an official of the Sabah Teisekl Oil Co. of Japan, said
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 252 5 Tengku: I might've been an easy-going Thai... ITUALA LUMPUR. iV Mon. lengKu I Abdui Kahman louay told how the deam or his brother, captain Tengku Yusoi. in Thailand, changed the course of his life. In a message to the Dhebsrindra Alumni Association on the occasion of the opening of a
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  • 31 5 TANJONG MALIM. Man Members of the Tnnjong Malim Club have been waned thai If they do not sp-tlr their a in 10 days' time legal action will be taueii.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 157 5 > l 'P''''WWP»»:m, Ifliy iMiiiiMß IMF r isTT EXEMPLARY UNDER ALL ROAD CONDITIONS. Ie BMW isoo -a scene-stealer In city traffic. Anyone who has had a ihance ot driving it will whole-heartedly agree: superb road-holding is bly the most prominent feature of this superb automobile. Nothing i make this ear
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    • 450 5 Advertisement How to Cherish a Lovely Complexion Mrs. M. Reynolds f Beauty Skin Care *T Consultant -^fl A beautiful complexion retains Its exquisite texture and youthful smoothness when it is cherished with basic beauty-care. Here is some advice to help you preserve a soft, dewy complexion and to eain greater
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 36 5 Bugs Bunny By Ralph Heimdahl S 70 ~3£ ;\.SC_VeCt s i\ CT>\s A\E A DOLLA3I WELL, V,oV=\T' J V AS' A HA_? rca 7H« I MV Qsrp SC.v= SV.A.. SIDEWALK C I CAS P£2Po3s\-*0 R/'S&r^^l C^^E-
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  • 389 6 Court told of scalding experiment on a volunteer SINGAPORE, Monday. A ROYAL. Air Force court martial today heard about several mystery burn marks found on the body of R.A.F. F/Sgt. Thomas William Barnett. A medical witness for the prosecution said he used a volunteer who allowed himself to be scalded
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  • 59 6 SINGAPORE Mon. Public sittings of the Constitutional Commission begin tomorrow at 10.30 a.m. in Court No. 4 in the High Court. The Commission will look into tli'- question of safeguarding minority rights in th»* Republic. Hearings are expected to last at least a foiti.'Klit. So far
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  • 31 6 PENANG. Mon. The 16-mem-bej Japanese youth goodwill mu>6k>n. arriving here on Wednesday, will be entertained to a dinner and cultural show by the Jelutong youth centre the same night.
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  • 566 6 SINGAPORE, Mon T^HE University of Singa- pore has announced the results for the final examinations for the degree of Bachelor of Arts held last month. Results for Mudrms reading Dlulasophy are bdnu withheld. The following candidates have passed the final exummation for the degree of
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  • 20 6 TELUK ANSON. Mon. Senior Inspector M. Kuppu.samy has left here on transfer to the Police Contingent workshop in Penang
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  • 224 6 Ipoh court strikes out Irish wife up keep order IPOH. Mon. a prori--1 sional order of maintenance ined in a Belfast c o v r t against an engineer. Mr. George Chia Ngit Yin, 39. was struck oiT by a magistrate's court here today. The order, instituted by Mr. Chla's
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  • 179 6 Council broke? Nonsense says councillor OUKIT MKKTAJAM, Mon. A district councillor, Mr. T. Subbiah. today denied that the Province Central district council was -on the verge Of bankruptcy." us alleged by the Penang State Treasurer. -His virws liven to th* Royal Commission at Penang la>t we. k Avre very uncharitable."
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  • 28 6 KUALA LL.MPUR. Moll— Th« first hellcop;> service tor commercial purpowi within Miilar 1 i wlB L> launched by M>lnv;i Air charter Co. Ltd. in mi< -May.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 427 6 t LEMCOL CONVEYORS Mg move almost anything jwf <mmmW H* mmmT^/ imWr mm M Wtjww'mlf'm <- >>*%r I M^WlCHMlMfttlMV''^^^^^^ffl %m» NOW AVAILABLE a range of ready -to use equipment that needs no expensive installation. Equally useful in factories, plantations or godowns as versa- I I tile single units or in
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 59 7 For those who like the really good things in life l^ilfk *v I^mCJ^v is9 I BM k ?3^| if H'fl I RVB 'i^B^B^fc^^^^ B^K^ gBBBI 888 B^Bw^Hß] I- "^wßfiSal bW H^^pa L '""^H wm^wa >>^v^i^B^Bk\ -^V -5— i. ii. l\ i i Fi «H u»f^-'-'-'-'-'-''-''' /s^H^LVk^' -T X" XL t
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  • The Straits Times
    • 752 8 In its plans for the motoi vehicle assembly industry the Malaysian Government seems t" h.ive just the right mixture of encouragement and coercion. There will be no ban on the importation of cars ready to be driven oil iho docks, and only a reasonable protective tariff
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    • 259 8 The first thing to be said about the contusion which attended Kuala Lumpur's Bret ballot lor low-cost houses yesterday is that it bean no reflection on the principle of balloting. As long as wellscreened applicants outnumber the homes available this method of allocation must be employed, though with
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    • 291 8 t All work and no play, as f everyone knows, makes Jack a dull boy. This is rather dilt fercnt from suggesting there is any any correlation between r Jacks prowess on the lootball field or the running track, and bis brilliance, or lack of it. in the
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    • 430 8 I REFER to your report 1 i ST. Feb. 16 1 headed -2.800 Homes in Selangor This Year". The Selangor State Development Corporation hopes to be able to prepare 700—800 house-lots tor squatters on ex-mining lands mtside the Municipality areas. These sites will be prepared in
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    • 26 8 QUEEN Elizabeth Walk Is in a dilapidated condition with concrete slabs jutting out Of the paths and posing danger especially to children at play. VISITOR Singapore
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    • 163 8 IiEFEHKING to Ben n Dauds letter <S.T Jan 13 1 it is obvious that the reply as to the status 01 a D.T.C teacher should have been obtained direct from his employer. Instead of obtaining it through the newspapers and Implicating also the Pahang Government
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    • 55 8 THE Government's move to establish a National Library <S.T. Feb. 17 1 will be welcomed by all th< se with a concern for the cultural atlair- <t the nation The lack ot a national library has oem strlkmission from our nine fot educational development. D.X.X WI.IASI KIY\ lion lecretarj Library
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  • 1250 8  -  Colin Lcgum TOO WEAK AS YET TO DEAL WITH VERWOERD, SALAZAR AND SMITH by ALL Africa's newly independent governments have been faced with two crucial tasks. 1 First, to establish '< their own authority (and, secondly t o achieve a rate of economic growth capa-
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 574 8 Straits Times it Malay Mail Clatiiti'il «d»»»tnei»e»H mmy ke handed COIO STOKAGI SUPERMARKET Orchard »oad Ixtstmiei D«ek, COLO STORAGI ■tAWCHIS < At Helland *—4 Keteea Ho»ol late. f CITY i.OO#: STOtf LTB I WMKkntt* H»«s«. CaNrar Qewy. TMC NEWS FRONT I <«*»e*nck's Sypsiiaitiat I aa. M. ISMAIL J Admiralty R«««.
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    • 4 8 Harrisons Lister Engineering Ltd.
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    • 49 8 /vXacSSs^*^asSJk *3i( .S' \i |n|. 1 rTv BY .J !j [j I ar— f» ij 1A ;Jp jR.^. M JrRODANIA '^Wer&t 'Sttw See the new RODANIA range of watchet to-day, in Steel Rolled Gold at your favourite dealer. SOLE AGENTS: MACLAINE WATSON (IMPORTS) LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR IPOH PENANG
      49 words

  • 568 9  -  Sam ad Mahadi By RAZAK PRESIDES AT MEETING OX THE BIGGEST PROSPERITY PROJECT TEMERLOH, Monday THE Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, today presided over a "council of war" for the biggest and most ambitious single operation for prosperity the development of the 300,000-acre Jengka triangle
    568 words
  • 50 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. A bank clerk Tan Hoot Geok. wile I i 11 businessman. Mr. Teh Kirn Hni. today petitioned for divorce or. the ground of cruelty. Mr. Juvrce Gill granted Tan. married In May. 19C1 decree n:«i to be niacir nbsolute in xhrr* montlu
    50 words
  • 25 9 PENANO, M n»lOI AUhah Qhani o: Kuala Lunmut •.rill declare open thr K.jst Jcluwif Dmno Kaun Ibu pnnual BBMI mc on S^
    25 words
  • 198 9 SINGAPORE. Mon. The University of Singapore Democratic Socialist Club said today that the hierarchy of the Barisan Sosialis should be -revamped It .said in a statement: "New attitudes which recognise the baMc functions of an Opposition and new leaden who aiv propareJ to negotiate the
    198 words
  • 275 9 DATO FENNER LEAVES AFTER 30 YEARS WITH POLICE rpiHRTY-THREE ROYAL J- Malaysian policewomen in smart uniform march past for the last time for their retiring Inspector<.■• Dato Sir Claude Fenner. at the Police Depot parade ground here today. It was a touching occasion for an officer who
    275 words
  • 60 9 SINGAPORE. Mon —Formosa has not been invited io attend the International seminar on disaster idle! to be held in Singapore In May tl she l.- no! a member o! the league of Red cletie--. an Official hpokesn.,.n explained today. China i-s amom the 20 Soutlilan anrl Pacific
    60 words
  • 41 9 SEREMBAN. Mon. Thr Y:m« d!-Pertiian Besar of Nejiri Sembi- lun will wttIMM the Beating of Retreat by the Royal Artillery Bund with the coinoiiifil pi|jes ■ltd drums of the Gurkha Signals UMI Eiißiticcrs at 5.30 p.m. on Wrdnesday. I
    41 words
  • 76 9 VINGAPORE, Mon. Every year about 150 people from commercial offices and government, departments in Singapore and Malaysia are .sent to the Oversea Service College in Britain to learn about the British way of life. They attend a series of courses entitled "Introduction to Britain" dealing
    76 words
  • 67 9 The nnn responsible for th»-. cony ••<;. y hr reel it t\\o college, la now in Btngi pore on > 'i im tion" visit ltii 'urn now to cf>m<hfre and get to know Qm people anrl devrlopmetit s hcrr ix tter." be He also hopes to l(x>k up
    67 words
  • 79 9 T 'UAL A LUMPUR. Mon. 1 The Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Inchs Senu bin Abdul Rahman, today toured a pictorial exhibition of thp United Btateb space programme. "Adventure In Space." The exhibition, a tribute to astronaata Frank b rman and Walter Schirra. boor to visit Malaysia, la
    79 words
  • 242 9 By JEFFREY FRANCIS JESSELTON. Mon. The British High Commissioner In Malaysia, Si r Michael Iker, today warned against concentrating only on the military aspect of Indonesian confrontation. Afer spenamg two days In Kuching. lie «v Quito certain that subversion was a aerkMU threat to
    242 words
  • 39 9 PENANG. Mon.— 1 lie r Raja 1 'iij- hai it!>poin'pd the following trusted ior the Penajis and Provinte Well ley Jubih'e Fund: Sir Huscm H. i Abdoo'.cadcv. Dr. N. K. Mencn an« i Mr. Cheah Phin Kre.
    39 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 71 9 M^/jL y. DONALD MOORE CONCERTS LTD. 3J in association with THE BRITISH COUNCIL presents \\X "'NOTTINGHAM 1 1 A PLAYHOUSE j v COMPANY J VICTORIA THEATRE V 8.45 P.M. NIGHTLY *_A^r Fnclav M;in-h 18th AS YOL' I.IKE IT *l~- Satii.ii.iy Varch l«>t lt AS YOU LIKE IT AWm Munclay Ni.::rli
      71 words
    • 284 9 ACCOMMODATION VACANT ACCOMMODATION WANTED SITUATIONS VAC 1$ Wortt U (Htm.t—Box tl: txtrm li Word, $C (Mitt.)— Box cli. *zira li H\,rd. Him.*— B»x ORAVCOTT ORIVSi 3 Bedroom Kur- THRU BIOROOMEO HOUIt wjt^^^M "fjWV Srnlor Aa olarird Houie. on i-lev«i<rd ■nc Wuirl itudy fSOO SSij. Uia^^xtMßW^Hl^Krl' >«SSi Bunday Mall < loealuy.
      284 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 769 9 TV MALAYSIA CIIANXKI.S s— Kuala Lum- English; 7.10 Today's pur, reliant; 6 Ipoh, Ma- Affairs: 7.33 Candid Camelarca; 3 Johor* Kaluu: 4 ra; 8 News in Mandarin: Taipinc; 7 Batu Pahat; 9 8.10 Take Studio; 8.32 Kluang. Zane Grey Theatre "Badge of Honour"; 9 News in NaI.M.: 5.15 Test Pattern
      769 words

    • 373 10 CATERING FOR KNEE EFFECT' OF EVERY AGE AND SHAPE THK House ot foilmain, fashion mecca for some of the world's richest women, "-Queen Sirikil of Siam, and glamour queens like Murlene Dietrich and Carrol Baker, might be described as the couturier who caters for women
      UPI  -  373 words
    • 94 10 JHE House of Balmain has also come up with a new make -up look. It's PINK EYELIDS. To look different lots of pretty young Mods will be making pink eyelids into a thing of beauty. The pink complexion, achieved by a pink and si Iv e
      94 words
    • 91 10 COOKERY CORNER 7 minutes at 15 lb pressure. Beans 4 minutes at 15 lb pressure. Carrots, sliced. 4 minutes at 15 lb. pressure. Carrots, whole. 5-8 minutes at 15 lb. pressure. Green vegetables 4 minutes at 15 lb. pressure. Whole onions 5-10 minutes at 15 lb. pressure. Hoot vegetables 4
      91 words
    • 469 10 SAVING ON TIME WITH A PRESSURE COOKER TIME is the great factor in many kitchens and very often the tastiest, most inexpensive meals are given a miss because of the long cooking required to tenderise the meat and bring out the flavour. You can halve the time with a pressure
      469 words
    • 189 10 HERE'S a recipe for Beef Fritters. You need: 2oz for 2 rounded tablespoons) plain flour; 1 level teaspoon salt; pinch pepper; 1 egg; approximately 4 tablespoons milk see recipe: 4-6 oz. cooked meat sliced- 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce; 1 tablespoon finely chopped r»arsley: 2-4 tablespoons oil for frying
      189 words
    • 240 10 Working women like their jobs II.WY wi\cs co to work to supplement the family income. Hut oiur mi the iob. they find liiey lik(« it. life insurance company in New York h;iv drawn this ((inclusion after makinc a study from various sources and also reasons there arc tt million women
      240 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 189 10 I A^m IS y&th 1 (MB IS 2P(fciis»^H .^c^bubsVHHßb^Hblb^buMGbcb^b _^*s**''* ■i K Bttiuff"Ss^B^B^H B^B^B^B&l JSSM'.flStgjr 3 tnMom« he NEW Blackcurrant Juice VITA with extra Vitamin C added r|.|/ Tne extra Vitamin C in new Vitaplus keeps your family radiVitAmin C Enriched antly healthy— helps build strong bones, good teeth, clear
      189 words
    • 73 10 9. j\ Why does Because she she feel uses Tampax at ease internal in any sanitary company protection, any time It's the of the modern way, month? the nicer way, the "feel-fresh" way, the invisible way, the comfortable way. the better way After all, shouldn't it be the only way?
      73 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1193 11 10 HVtBPOOI A WtST COASI U.P-i UueS'pui* San* P. Sttaet P*nae« OiOMiD i '••dim.. M A- It).. laPtMarl tuTOMiDON lit. i,i%g:*. Gin 11 Mar 2 CITTONIUS i MO*. Oasfoa Mar J ANTENOP Mar 4 Mat t Mar 81? Mar 11 »fIfUS Mar 12 Mai 13 Mar 14 ITPEUS Mar It
      1,193 words
    • 1257 11 r//£Ll\\jl/A£S THt [ACT ASATIC CC^'f'A'.Y L'l I'U'priMin p,-|.< IS 10 6ENOAHAVRL-HAMIURG-BREMERNAVENRQTTERDAM-AMSTERBAM ANTWERPAARHUS-COPENNA6EN. Spoft b Penanj I »it u eno» Ha«r» H tju'g K'oam *ni« Copti PANAMA Mar 12, 14 Mar 15 II 17 11 Apr 5 Apr 12 IS Apr 21 24 21 'ATAtONiA a) Mai 31/ 3 Apt 4/
      1,257 words
    • 1285 11 1 benuline\ EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONDON, LIVERPOOL 1 CONTINENTAL POUTS BENMHOR g ft 2 S.ngdCorp P. S^aii "cning M'Drougt) Apr II lit Part Talay Mar 1, 2 G motth Apr 21 BENVRACKIE f W iiveroooi m* 21 Singaocre P. S'*am Penang Hamkbrg Apr I {C. I/Mar 3 Mar S Singapore
      1,285 words
    • 1275 11 feELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO.. LTO. SEE OVERLtAf fll OUTWARD SERVICE FROM U« CONTINENT lialiag lan CITT Of BROOKLTN L'con, H'kurg, ft'tani, Havri Ipora p. S'haaj P»na«g Hull, MiCJiestjrOLgti fj M tf CITY OF PI PON I cn -'on, Hamburg, Rottcrtam. i. Hull 2t 21 Mar 3t Mar CITT OF COLOMIO
      1,275 words

  • 107 12 MELBOURNE. Mon. jNDt'STRI.ALH closed steady but movements were narrow in quiet :rmlr. Key ftocks were variable. Ba.«e metals were barely steady wluic oils closed quiet, but steady. Today's ciowlng pnom lo Australian rents w'th Krtday^s price* in bracket* Mount Ina 4.'<» N. Broken Hill 33rl (337) Aunt.
    107 words
  • 228 12 \j \i:< tl first grade, rubber f.o.b. buyers closed at 5 p.m. in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur yesterday at 70J cent* per Ib. i down one-eighth of a rent on In day's closing level for the position. The tone was idle R..VS. and P.M.R.I:. riming prices in rent*
    228 words
  • 264 12 THE tollowing list or selected Malayan Industrial yields is !):'m r] on lasr sales to Feb 26 •P f^iees -U V 4 leid (gru*« HI Oatti *K Y. Earnings Yield (gru»s if cent): "I C isasH X net Oenmtion (reviled) Tlmot Co*«r*O Tlt>- number of 'itnra last
    264 words
  • 211 12 Feb. 28. Three months. INDUSTRIALS Boustead 10 eta. U. Invest 0 eta. McAlister 8 cis. TIM Holding!) 16 eta L>uuioi>« i:i eta. N. Iron 8 cto Kj smelter* 23 cta.O.C.B.C. 14 eta Bom v RobinKom 11 ea» trd. niiip IS ctl. r.«> -0 MM Komin:i!i- 13 eto Uan:moD
    211 words
  • 74 12 i MiMESt Pfn(iuc« fiehang*. Sm;i- port noon pricta par pitui ytttorday: C«o*nut Hit bulk IM neDrra. drum 562 nellera Copra K«b./Mar. UK/Contment: Un^iuotp<l •epotr: Muntok nrhlte 3305 acll«n, Sarawak white *2u?i «rllen, epaclal Sarawa* Duirk 31S2i mllers, garblad Larnpong black $132|1N) ««llon. (all fcti'V. NUVI, ABTA JIO7KN) i«ll«n
    74 words
  • 25 12 Feb. 28. RIBBKR PRICE: 70} rrnts (down one-eighth of a cent). TIN: $685.25 (down •Lit) estimated offering 225 tons (down 5 ton-.
    25 words
  • 702 12 From Our Market Correspondent rE Stock Exchange which had been quietening throughout the whole of last week was ill and truly beset by the doldrums yesterday. The turnover contracted to 253.395 shares valued at 5323.064 and by 3.30 p.m. only three tin counters Ayer
    702 words
  • 24 12 Malayan Stock Indices •Industrials: 84.49 83 64 Tin-.: 107.45 107!fi8 S rubbers: 109.57 109.57 •DM 30. 1963 100. Dec. 29, lf>62 100.
    24 words
  • 822 12 gfSINKSS in and rrporlrd to the Sineaporp and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Stork K\ohanKP yr»UTda> with the num-Ix-r of (he BBaaWH traded in bracket*: INDUSTRIALS: Bouttead (1.000) 3144: I unlop <2.00ut si 94. i::.i««i. $1 88); Eno (•.•Ml HJI D, (4.1W0) 13.W8, (.■..(»;0) fS.OV:
    822 words
  • 220 12 rIE Straits tin price lost the 51. 75 it gained on Saturday yesterday falling back to 8685.25 on an offering estimated down 5 tons to 225 tons Weaker support was reported locally. TIN OUTPIT: Malaysia's tin production boom continues, offlctai figures show.
    220 words
  • 57 12 r pHK prrwnl rate of the Malayan dollar against the pound «terling fixed on November 24 ru, i K selHni T.T. or O.D. S*. s' Ift Itid Buying T.T. 2s. 4 1 16 d ISuwns Oil. 4> M d. The dollar is at Us statutory mulellc position in
    57 words
  • 20 12 THI Aai»ciali»n Banks in MHay sla m»d* no c(nn«.s m iU »iv 1 !u :ii»nn.u.l» t mtcril iv
    20 words
  • 114 12 lying J I on i tic the Si'n.'iniri Mi rh.ur wharves .xpret.d today aro: iv.*eil»-ris 1/2. Neder Elßr 4 BasmaaWi 6 7.; M:iru «<> 11. Klverbank U 16. Trianon is. ThorsKaard 19. Kinalialu 23/24 Telemuchus 27/2S, Am 40/41. Kuala Uimpar 42/43. Meganm 44. aJdenak N^T Matar!
    114 words
  • 50 12 QN Ihe ofticial Malaysian Bkooi Tfirn Monry Maifiat for the wrrk ended Saturday (Keb 26) the ranee of call rates was as follows BANK KINDS: 4 per rent t.. per cent. GEXEBAL Fl XDS: |U p tr mi lo 4! per cent. MOVEMENT of fond* toUUed 585.2 million.
    50 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 998 12 Y^ KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. U.S.A. Pacific <fc Atlantic Service Ba-j«o« hh-| L. «-;eiei N. ro'» Bcvoi cinaa "Malt Niir It 22 Mat 27 H Mar II An f Mai I May 12 Ma ■mini Mm" it 21 Alt 21 2S »|r II Mi, j j u aa t lyst
      998 words
    • 797 12 3STKPSSRU P ISI ND sulf MWIC ICN*KOIN« n/1) Mat S'Dora f. Sham Ptnans ;CH«NOP«M 24 7b MM 2t 27 Mar ?l Mar „I I CUI» Bmkjse Sraner MtlMaraa IUU M ttm FROM aUSTIMII* ««JUl* l/t] A,, \i a,, 1» as< suuMM'vrji' tin p »;s" it 1 i miuu >"*» B»iPfT»
      797 words
    • 28 12 POTI THAI NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Singorxx-a QUINHON TOURANE (DANANG^ MS POTI NO. 1 Ird Mar 10 Mar. 10 M4W. Aginti: FORWIM dc CO.. Stanley Street, S'aara. Tal: «771«
      28 words
    • 44 12 H.K. RATES 1 1-741 !or T.T. iird 5.731 for caih Sterling n-j> yunt. <i ii 16.03 ana •ne tatl «f x oin AVERAGE PRICES l>b. Jin. Rubber: 7(l.S4«rt». 70. Id I rta. Tin*. IMLM s:oj.U-' Always a Wonderful World for Women in her WORLD
      44 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 688 13 mhhjm BappSMnptt^ ..ntinuril from Page 8i ACKNOWLEDGMENT -ij MaaasssßJ MRS (MtLLAPPAM 888 u r th.-.r attrnd- RELIGIOUS ANNODNCF.MENT IS M -'<i- H Minimum) YOUTH FOR CHRIST p m. v all i-iy siogSITUATIONS VACANT H..rrfs v« (Win.)— Box SO rtt. extra CIRLS WANTED to assist lv office ..iv-rtuer, iiiA Depl.> J3l,
      688 words
    • 812 13 SITUATIONS WANTED »„,,/< >» W nj— Box Sn ett. exlra READ th. Heritor Appointments :o The Mail eacb week. EURASIAN CIRL 5* single, seeks I Iren Live 1 out II Box A«MI B.T. a l»re. I MALAY II -sli»h book- tor Kditor. or ;ookin« lor a Joi. lore i. VOUNC
      812 words
    • 1066 13 ACCOMMODATION VACANT WELL FURNISHED FLAT in IM UM IMBMMIaI D.-trici 10. conidininc lounce alalac, bedrooms, satbraasa, Kiunen. sactaaasj terrace, port Investmenl Co. Ltd. MM! «'t TO LEI i eompta. Fully Furnished l lilm Ih.m Singapore 11 tot Mr I Miv Low Rent plvm elec- in' .t amah. < I'hone
      1,066 words
    • 903 13 TUITION I M 'Win. l Box m rlt 'Xlri HSC CENERAL PAPER School l'.-rl. licali KaclisJk. Tel is rore, jjuM. PRIVATE MALAY CONVERSATION. Write Ahmad. «u-l, Jalan Tetm. Singapurn 14 LEARN TO PASS Drum*. Guarann-. ,i |TU unsucceasrul learner gels I free tuition. Ring Spore ftii-HJ. NATIONAL LANCUACE TUTOR Ki.
      903 words
    • 944 13 VEHICLE FOH SALE IS *»n. M (Win.,— Box SH rlt exlrm BORCWARO ISABELLA Tt imm.-i- iin.i-.- londitioo tux ana insured till Nowmlwr Trltphunr 4348 b S'portr. lu.uu v m ll'.mi s in LOTUS SUPCR SEVCN, nnncl nm in kit lorm or »««cmt>lc<l Phone Lid- ■'<»•. UsjhrsssjSll i it* Limit i-d.
      944 words
    • 951 13 aM -MM-MMjMJpSapMMMMa-M^pW» l >lP*» M SiHHssw^M^™fMr^^^^MV Mr^ I ~«mT <Mh I IN THE HIGH COURT IN SINGAPORE Original inc Petition No. 1 of 196 b In the Matter af Chin Seng Company Limited. And In the Matter of the Companies Ordinance. (Chapter 174 1. Section 7. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN
      951 words
    • 443 13 HOUSING DEVELOPMENT BOARD TO LET MsOPa an BOW available in good Ofalllkl at:--Bm. Creacent; Jalan Qejrtans. Bent; Geylnnn Serai: Paataran KeliluiK Jalan Bahama. Quetn Crescent; Jalan Mailinllia li.i:-' Seleßie House: Tanclin Hall Road: Common* en It 1 1 Drive. Redhill Road. Stiilln- Hoatl Shop premises nt 111 <iryl»ns <crai is
      443 words
    • 463 13 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS BANK NEGARA MALAYSIA Mil l;iYM;i 8 thf [Ollc ::i 111 11 ■tTVtCf lor iluv ,iikl Singapore. IDMsNISTRATIVI \--i-i I Uuiio Adnun: bankli Qualiflcatkxi: An i.onouri <i»>•:tir irom Itj with I qu.>lincuiiona ma; ajao uppiv Siil.uv Sn!,-. S6(M) 4(1 !i6O. .it ill prospecta i"r Mibsc(|\irii; promo; inn to tM
      463 words

  • 1833 14 DUAL ROLE OF LONDON MARKET OPTIMISTIC OUTLOOK FOR NATURAL RUBBER MR. H. D. CARRITT'S ADDRESS The Annual General Meeting of The Rubber Trade Association of London was held on February 24 at Plantation House. Mincing Lane. London. E.C. Mr. H. D. Carritt, the Chairman,
    1,833 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 675 14 In Ihr Matter Of III! OMPWII I OICIIIN UN EVERSTRONG (SINGAPORE LIMITED In oh/ril ii* I iguid^linn Ml MBI K» \OI I M AKV WIM>IN"«i-l 1* ICE 18 HKHKHY GIVE tors ol the aboi Coeapany 1- of. wound-up, are required on 1 1966 -«nd b M arid rhfir debts
      675 words
    • 834 14 BERJUNTAi TIN DREDGING LIMITED (laeerpemed m Malaysia' vim 01 mi 1 n\(. WOTICB HEREBY OIVKM Medina <>i tha Msßßken tantai Tin Dredging Limited "iii jj be held at the Registered < 1 16 Jalan .1 Lumpur, in Uv BI Ulgor. Miiiay-1.1 go Wedl ;o I the 1 6th day of
      834 words
    • 1320 14 NOTICES REMINDER PROPERTY SALE TO-DAY. 1 No 29 Cavenagh Road 2 Ground floor Flat No 33 Shrewsbury Road. \l 1 TIONEKRS. Kionjt (hai Woon Co., Ltd., Alt TIOVKKKS A Al.l IKS. SIM.AI'ORI. A. l< 1:1 TM.M'IIOM S: :ft??6 X *****. TENDER NOTICE Abandoned hulk nf M.V. Krrandji G.R.I Mg Mil.
      1,320 words
    • 158 14 LEMBAGA KEMAJUAN TANAH PERSEKUTUAN KENYATAAN TAWARAN Tenders will be received at the office of the Chairman, FLDA. th Floor Government Offices Building, Jalan Gurney, Kuala Lumpur ip to 18th March 1966 at 4.00 p m from experience Contractors for he works ol Budgraftlng (Green— Brawn Budding) at the undernention^d F.L
      158 words
    • 756 14 TENDER NOTICE LEMBAGA PERUMAHAN HOUSING TRUST NEOFRI? TANAH MELAVt. On Behalf of Thr STATI. <iOVFKNMKNT Of KFIMII IM LOW (OST TIMBKR 1101 si v Xl (II KKDAH. KIH\H CONTRACTORS who rtsb to tendei :<>r 'he construction of *1O Low Cost. Timi>er ■ouses vi: .1 Septic Tanks including ronatnir tlon ol
      756 words

  • 458 15  - Year of Asians Tugot KEE CHAN E. FRIDA By BUT PHILLIPS HOPES TO KEEP SPORE TITLE SINGAPORE; Mon. The top prize money in the Singapore Open championship, second leg on the current Far Bast golf circuit, is likely to be won by an Asian this time, veteran Filipino proieslestino Tugot
    458 words
  • 570 15 Draw for pro-am tournament SINGAPORE. Mon. The draw for the Singapore pro-am golf limameot at the SIGC Buku rouise on Wednesday is i names at prtM first i IST TEE: 8 a.m. T. Murakami 1 and Ho Kok Hoe Lee Li Ann and < C. T. Bray: 8.10 T. Ishii
    570 words
  • 281 15 Triumph for Halse at Perak meet KUALA KANGSAR. Mon. Roaer Halse, of the Malaysian ior Sports Club from Kuala Lumpur, won the invitatior. scratch i e\ent for motor-cars over 15 lap.- a: the grass track meet, organised by the Royal Perak Motor Club, oii the polo ground here yesterday. He
    281 words
  • 237 15 ATHLETICS Singapore AA A 3.3 mile cross 1 rr.unttv 1 P Pil'ai '26:20.4 1 2 mtine. tennis Pn»k Sultans (up final ilpohi' Bitlawan RC (holders, bt Taiplnn I C'RC 4-0 i Moses Tay and Charlie j KlKin b Khoo Kee Tee ai.d goo k Po 6-3. 6-3; bt Ng
    237 words
  • 340 15  - AFC may waive levy for All Stars' games F. EMMANUEL By KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The Asian Football Confederation is likely to reduce or waive the ten per cent levy imposed on national associations organising matches between the Asian All Stars and touring English League First Division teams. Chelsea and Sheffield
    340 words
  • 40 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The pre;ident of the Marylebone CricIket Club. Lieut-Gen. Sir Oliver Leese, who is on his way to Brli tain from Australia and New Zea- j lend, will arrive here by air to- morrow morning.
    40 words
  • 663 15 By NORMAN SIEBEL Kuala Lumpur, Monday KICKOFF day in this year s Malaya Cup footbaii tournament will be April 8 with a north zonematch at Alor Star between Kedah and Perak and the Cup Final at the Merdeka
    663 words
  • 371 15 with Epsom Jeep PENANG. Mon. George West, the trainer with the best winning average last season, was all smiles at the P«?nang Spring meeting yesterday when Kaytone won first tir^e out. There was an insp.rcd last -minute plunge on this handsome
    371 words
  • 300 15 Penang weights for Sunday PtNAMi. Mon. MTeiffati tar all ,i Bht .aces km on Sunday: SI»KI\T (IT i i liiv i m l IJokoru tSt 1 IT,. SSCtf iM.ot S:U" Trm-lr.i xmi I os^lnale 8UWhir In -11 pVi r K"n :l» xi>» cinntlaiwiKi- -10 rlhi™ -0* M^avUa^ cforv -07 tL
    300 words
  • 226 15 PENANG. Mon. The Stiixncluny Stewards report on ycstrrcUiy'.s races: RACE I— ln thr itralKht hrn;.ii Batu i Nelson > had to ix- checked oft the heels of Sistn- Cavil iColcsi when uiiiiole (o obtain ii run. BACK s.K. Tioa. trainer of Our Hern. vv;is lined
    226 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 128 15 HMB ONLY BOAC OFFERS 9 FLIGHTS WEEKLY TO MONDAY I BA. 73 'eavss at 8.15 p.m. TUESDAY J^^^^6=3 BA. 789 leaves at 7.00 a.m. > i^i^kg 2» BA. 715 leaves at 7.15 p.m. WEDNESDAY BA. 717 leaves at 8.30 p.m. THURSDAY BA. 797 leaves at 7.00 a.m. FRIDAY I BA.
      128 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 221 15 Straits Times Crossword \t BOSH b 1> iiiicri'ii|)tniit uiic qwrstioii 1" with a second aboui as IrcbK puueni ol (Uryden) <»» (55( CarelUl tt«n W""* ,•_> s a plant ol COMM-Ux by someone Uke me? (6-8) H l 0 Ko ttron? 01l ll1al! 5 ii [lire! Mil! tt'.r g, ••>■
      221 words

  • 308 16 Farewell brings tears to YIP wife THE thought ot Laving Malaysia which hat become a second home to Dorm Lady Fenner was too much for her. Overcome with emotion, she wept at a tarewell review parade of members of the Royal Malaysian Police, who were bidding farewell to their Inspector-General,
    Soong Hon Sin  -  308 words
  • 34 16 YIN (formerly Coh) FAITH SWEE TIN 1:. i.- rw.-y dauKtat»r of it Mn Ooh Kiik K..O. II L 1 ht;. .ml:..! L 1 rch i m Ihcncc lo Uaunl Vernon. I'lmse «'hurrh I
    34 words
  • 101 16 LONDON. Mon. Six British secret servicemen have been sent home and put on non-secret work because they married Chinese girls in Hong Kong. The Daily Sketch. reporting this today. .>ald similar action was taken in the cvm 1 of a seventh man who
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 39 16 SINGAPORE. Mon. Thornton Wllders Pulitzer Prize winning pkty our Town directed by top Broadway producer and playwright Mr. Ronwey Brent, will be Staged at the Cultural Centra from Wednesday <> Fnci;iy. Admission chargei an $4. S3. and $2.
    39 words
  • 106 16 Miners defy Kaunda KITWE. Mon. Several hundred white miners at Zambia's biggest mine today defied a warning by President Kenneth Kaunda and staged an unofficial strike. Th° President warned at the weekend that stern action would be taken if the recent series of wildcat strikes in Zambia's mines did not
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  • 350 16 LONDON. Mon.— The market I was uncertatn on British election considerations and industrials generally drifted lower. Steels moved sharply higher. Issues at a law nationalisation discount were especially wanted,] tbougn buying was curbed to a; Uwue extent by the view that com- im n. sat ion prtOM inisht
    350 words
  • 85 16 lOXDON. Mon. The J betting firm of Ladbrokes reported that on Saturday alone it took v: '0.000 in bets on a Labour victory in an early election. l.adbrokes was offering prires of 6 to 1 on the Labour Party and 7-2 against
    85 words
  • 429 16 A LAWYER. Mr. Lqu Licit Meng. was ordered in the High Court here today to be struck off the roll of advocates and solicitors for "grossly improper conduct" in his professional duties. The court comprising the Chief Justice of Singapore, Mr. Justice Wee
    429 words
  • 58 16 LONDON. Mon. Spot 21 \d..\ April 21 \d.. May 21 ",d.. June; 215 16d.. April June 21 -d.. July Sept. 21 i d.. Oct Dec 213 16d Jan March 21 1 16 d.. April June 21d.. July Sept 21d Oct Dee 21d.. c.1.l Muck 2\ 1 16 d.. April
    58 words
  • 33 16 LONDON. Mon.— Buyers £13TC i-£8' L p, .seller* £1377' t- £11'.. i. Forward buyers £1366 i £10 sellers £1367 <~£loi. Settlement UM £3> Turnover am :>oj tons, p.m 70 tons,. Tone Firmer
    33 words
  • 173 16 HTNGB PATAXI. Mon. A motor van crashed into a group of helpers attending to Hire, accident victims on thr Alor Star-Suneei Pit. mi road near Sungri l.allang last night. Three men K. Ramasamy. >.">. Teh He Srng. .{">. and lim Ah I.ek. :5.">
    173 words
  • 86 16 SINGAPORE, lion. women both represented by the Legal Aid Bureau— today mccci ded in their divorce petitions bo rci before Mr. Justice Choor Singh. Divorce No. 1: Madam Hea Ah Yoke. mother of two. cited adultery hy her husband. Taj Lai. as her ground lor the
    86 words
  • 45 16 BLANTYRE. Mon. Singapore s Education Minister. Mr. Oiik Pans; Boo^. arrived yesterday on a ConinionufHlth Parliamentary Association visit. He is to f-co the Malawi Prime Minister. Dr. Hastim?.* Banda. and the Hprnker ns Parliament brfore dying on to Tanzania and Kenya
    45 words
  • 255 16 Petrie-Motz stand gains lead for New Zealand pHRISTCHITRCH. M>n V An eighth-wick. stand of 104 minutes by Eric Petrip and Dick Moi i g.r New Zealand a lead of the runs over England j M the first erlekd T*il her. New Zealand were all >«v; for 347 In reply to
    Reuter  -  255 words
  • 122 16 HYDERABAD. Mon. Japan won tile Asian /.one final of Hie Übei Cup— the Badminton women's team champion* ship with an easy .i-0 win o\er Thailand bare last nlgnt. Thailand conceded ih<- lan two doubles matches :i!;cr Japan had won nil three singles mulches and the
    122 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 59 16 Late CLASSIFIEDS 20 words SI S (minimum) Full-Course Classes for FORM SIX (Lower) SCIENCE ARTS STREAMS Commencing on 7th March, 1966. Enrol today at Johore Tutorial College iFOUNDED: 1961. Main School: Extension: 2S-A, Jolon Ah Fook 8 2 A. Jalan Ah Fook, Johore Bohtu Johore Bahru. Tel 3141 Tel: 2572
      59 words
    • 113 16 NON-STOP v .r:-*v;r w TO MANILA FASTEST TO U.S.A. Nine entertainment programmes to Philippine Air Lines fly the fastest and choose from stereo or monaural, only direct service between Singapore First-run, wide-screen, full colour movand Manila. Non-stop from Manila to ies from Manila to the U.S.A. Cuisine the U.S.A. (via
      113 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 49 16 Hiehest and lowest temperatures in Malaysia aod Sinwaiwre tor the period 8 p.m. Sunday to 8 p.m. i ■:;l\ lliclitv.l luuisl Kuala 1 umpui' 91 Rota Btaarn 88 72 Prliiillv! 90 75 Ipoh M 73 i Malacca »o 73 Bincapon 88 Cameron Highlands tl 1 36 -r!to:i 88 72
      49 words