The Straits Times, 30 August 1965

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150,000 The Straits Times Hat*** 1 Estd. 1845 MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 1965 if 15 CENTS KDN 1189 M.C.(P). 1005
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  • 338 1 The King opens Subang Airport today MAKE sure you get the 36-page supplement on the opening of Subang Airport, which goes with today's Straits Times. ITT LUMPUR, Sun. Tengku Abdul Rahman today said that the opening of the new $52 million international airport at Subang by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong
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  • 532 1 Cooper and Conrad come down in Atlantic 80 miles short of target HOUSTON. Sunday SPACE champs Cordon Cooper and Charles Conrad splashed down in "good shape" about 80 miles off target in the Atlantic today at the end of their epic eight-day space flight equal to a round
    Reuter; UPI  -  532 words
  • 274 1 Grenade victim's wife hit by plane seat delay SEREMBAN, Sun. The wife of the Information Services Officer who was seriously injured in a grenade explosion in Kuching two days ago, flies to be with her husband tomorrow after frustrating delays spent in trying to obtain a plane seat. Mrs. Chin
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  • 37 1 BED ALIA (Missouri Sun A runaway racing car roared out of control and catapulted end-over-end into a crowd of spectators at the Missouri State Pair yesterday, killing four and Injuring 14 others. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 36 1 PLYKUTH i North Carolina Sun— Twentyseven civil rights pickets were slightly injured In a clash here with Ku Klux Klansmen last night. The pickets were demonstrating over facilities for voting rights. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 29 1 LONDON. Sun— An 88-year-old spinster. Miss Jean Alexander, is giving a collection of old masters said to be worth £2 million to Britain's Art Galleries- Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 83 1 MRS. PATRICIA Ringrose. 23, smiles happily as she receives a trophy from the Minister of Social Affairs, Inche Othman Wok, for winning the 14*-mile Malay Mail Big Walk (women's section) In Singapore yesterday. She beat 90 other contest- ants with a record time of
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  • 138 1 JAKARTA. Sunday PRESIDENT Soekarno has ordered intensification of Indonesia's confrontation of Malaysia following Singapore's secession. The Public Relations Mnister, Dr. Ruslan Abdulgani, announced this to the Official Antara news agency late last night. Dr. Ruslan's announcement came after a meeting led by President Soekarno of Indonesia's
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 39 1 RIO DE JANEIRO. Sun. A woman at Humaita. in the far west of Brazil, has riven birth to sextuplets, two Sao Paulo newspapers reported today. The mother and all six babies are doing well. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 39 1 ADEN. Sun- British Police Superintendent Harry F. Barrie. 54. was shot dead here today by unknown attackers as lie was going to his office at the British Intelligence Centre In Crater. Aden s oldest settlement. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 24 1 LONDON. Bun. The Cuban Embassy last night branded Its Ambassador. Dr. Luis Rlcardo Alonso. a* a "traitor' for his resignation earlier yesterday.
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  • 29 1 lONDOX. Sun. More women in Britain are going bald became they put their hair rollers and curlers in too tightly ;it night, according to doctors. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 62 1 Just fancy that. MANILA. Sun. Police have concluded that mysterious scars on the faces of scores of schoolchildren here are a fad caused by a local Mm. The film: "Pitong Mukha In Dr. Ivan" Seven Faces of Dr. Ivan. Most of the wounds had been self-inflicted with acid. Earlier It
    UPI  -  62 words
  • 35 1 TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE. i California i. Sun. Madame Chiang Kai-shek, currently visit Ing the United States, lilt here last night for New York aboard a Nationalist Chinese Air Force plane. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 239 1 Kuching alert for Reds on M-day From G. GELDARD KUCHING, Sun. Police and troops are alert for any further attempts by the Communists or Indonesian agents to create incidents here on the eve of the Malaysia Day celebrations. Diplomats. Ministers and other assassination targets are being guarded at night A
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  • 30 1 CHIN DEAD KUCHING Sun. Mr r hin Sai Kii. n. I ii-lil 01 ■ lifanutlon Icrrtoc wmded in h«mi» attack in Kiuhini; Market I riilay niul'.t. <l'r<i toimht.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 86 1 WITH JUSTIFIABLE PRIDE WE ANNOUNCE THAT OUR V CREATIONS ARE THE BEST IN SINGAPORE MALAYA $.f>3kl. cfcL, 111 SINGAPORE i. IPOH tSS CO S P h DE SILVA (H.K LTD. HONG KONG jMobilj MOTORING SERVICE Is friendly courteous service You are always welcome at the new MOBIL sign where you
      86 words
    • 73 1 \4 I PATEK PHILIPPE jP^% World's finest jf. X& Hand finished 't/-Jy till i|«i 3*. S*** £uL Jewcllen hwh mm whom mm ■Mfcv.v.v, 1 1 I 1 1 \vX**-*' *>X •*•*•*••••••;•;•;•;•*■*.•.*.•.•;•;•>*• '''•'•/•'fli v'v.'vX-;-': -"'•■''V'* *X-.-X t Xv''°'*v*«v!vT" T^jKßßfigg^^^^r j4B^£^^fc* t 4m V^^m k v^^^^t .•>!. mf^o the man's beer... Men
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    • 181 2 CAIGON, Sun. Government forces killed 50 Vietcong guerillas during heavy fighting that ended early yestrrday in the Mekong Drlta. A US military spokesman said the South Vietnamese forces suffered moderate casualties. Several battalions of Government forces entered the action against an unknown
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    • 51 2 rOKYO. Sun.— China .m<l Al- «< na issued a joint cumniunique in Peking yesterday declaring that the second Afro-Asian Conference •hould be hold la November. The communique in issued at tha conclusion of the official visit of an Algerian delegation led by Minister of State Mr. Rabnh
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    • 401 2 SAIGON, Sunday THE DAY U.S. PLANES TOOK 160 HOLIDAYING GUERILLAS TO SEE DANANG BRIGHT LIGHTS THE U.S. Air Force has tightened procedures for taking passengers on flights within South Vietnam following a report that 160 vacationing Vietcong were ferried on American planes from an isolated airstrip into
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    • 36 2 SEOUL. Sun Four prominent j etircci generals were arrested tolay on an alleged libel charge, rhey issued a statement on Friday j ppealing for political neutrality I the armed forces UPI.
      UPI  -  36 words
    • 30 2 MANILA. Sun Manuel Vil.areal. a 21-year-old labourer here, .van nabbed 26 times yesterday by iis friends for "cracking a dirty ioke." police reported. Villareal lied in hospital. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 120 2 JJANANG. Sun. Another 1,200 American Marines landed here this morning from the United States The fresh troops cam* ashore to replace the Ist Bn., 3rd Marines, which will soon be transferred back to the United States after serving in Vietnam since March 8 The
      UPI  -  120 words
    • 21 2 PEKING. Sun. Mao Tse-tun| today received a Nepalese dele Ration led by Mr. Kritmishi Bista the Foreign Minister. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  21 words
    • 124 2 New peace probe by Thant— via Algiers J^EW YORK. Sun— UN. Secretary -General U Thant. acting through intermediaries in Algiers, has been probing peace possibilities with leaders of China, North Vietnam and the Vietconr rebels, informed sources said today. Hr called In Mr. Taoufik Bouattoura. Algerian Ambassador to the IN
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    • 33 2 HONG KONG, bun.— All the 58 American service personnel killed In the air crash here last Tuesday were accounted for today with the recovery of the last missing body. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  33 words
    • 154 2 A treasure hunt by pyramids X-ray r»AIRO, Sun. A novel plan to X-ray the great pyramids of Gizeh is being worked out here. Experts believe that these huge monuments may still conceal some secret burial treasures, hidden craftily from the avaricious eyes of tomb robbers some 5,000 years ago. A
      Reuter  -  154 words
    • 201 2 'Cripple criminals plan condemned SYDNEY, Sunday DAKISTANS Chief Justice, 1 Mr. Justice Cornelius, has aroused angry criticism with his suggestion at the Commonwealth law conference that criminals be punished by physical crip- i pling. But he said yesterday. "I am not inhuman and I am not ruthless. It is a
      AP  -  201 words
    • 369 2 NEW DELHI. Sun JNDIAN forces have crossed a third sector of the Kashmir cease-fire line to mop up a large number of Pakistani's trying to infiltrate across the line, an Indian spokesman said here tonight. In statements earlier this week, India said
      Reuter  -  369 words
    • 30 2 JAKARTA. Sun. Thirty-six members of the Indonesian Nationalist. Party (PNI) have to far been ousted in a purge of «ntlCommunists. The purge was urged by President Soekarno. UPI.
      UPI  -  30 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 314 2 Honeywell ~frb C^d Bi v j I i t ,j^~-^ l j South East Asia j! 4 ~'i^^m^'~~^' What Honeywell did in this country. S*UeK»#«i»li D«f« W f~ iT B ft I i AutomaHc Control Systems and Ili I ft a cts**«- i 1 Instrumentation for C~*rm Instiled at the
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    • 152 3 T ONDON. Sun.- A basement club in Soho described as a haunt for homotexuals and lesbians was ordered closed yesterday by a city magistrate The Magistrate, Mr. Leo Gradwell. issued thr order after a policeman *aid he saw male and female couples embrace,
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    • 30 3 PARIS Sun— Thirteen people were killed and more than 20. Including children, injur#d when a Mllan-ParU holiday express crashed into stationary train near here early today.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 25 3 WASHINGTON. Sun. Dean Rusk, thr Secretary of State, said today that Stat* Department policy barred the employment of homosexuals to safeguard security. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  25 words
    • 29 3 MADRID, Sun. Bullfightei Luia Rlos (el-Piiitureroi dropped by parachute. He made the jump in for a bullfight here today Into the ring from a small aircraft. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 72 3 CATHY SWEEPS FOR AN EVENING SUIT WORKING barefoot as T a council road sweeper at Blacknell New Town. Berkshire, England, is a girl student Catherine Lee, 17. She is studying languages at Oxford but she took on the road sweeping Job for two weeks at 4s Bd. per hour during
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    • 217 3 Defeat in vote plunges Greece into a new political crisis ATHENS, Sunday. QREECE plunged back into fresh political chaos today as the newborn government of Mr. Elias Tsirimokos lost a vital vote of confidence by a margin of 24. A five-day debate on the future of the tottering Government ended
      Reuter  -  217 words
    • 15 3 MOSCOW. Sun.— President Novotny of Czechoslovakia will visit Moscow early in September. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  15 words
    • 269 3 Police use sabre, dog and horse on rioters VIOLENCE IN STOCKHOLM STOCKHOLM. Sun. A night riot by 2.000 screaming, bottlethrowing youths and girls was quelled by police early today, leaving Central Stockholm loking like a battlefield. At one point, a mob of teenagers moved to a bridge over a main
      Reuter  -  269 words
    • 65 3 PARIS. Sun Ttie French Goernment last night invited the people of Pnrls to a ceremony in the Louvre to honour the memory of architect Le Corbusier «ho died yesterday. The ceremony will be under rioodlißht.s 0:1 Wednesday evening. Prance's Culture Minister. Mr. Andre Malraux. who once
      Reuter  -  65 words
    • 22 3 MOSCOW Sun. -A North Vietnam delegation left here today for home after a fortnigtifs visit to the Soviet Union. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  22 words
    • 120 3 BUENOS AIRES. Sun.— A 57 -year-old countess who lives in seclusion here has overnight become one of the world's wealthiest women. Countess Anita de Zichy von Thyssen inherited almost the entire estate of her 87-year-old mother, \niHi" Thyssen, who died lit Wednesday at Schgbss Puchhof,
      Reuter  -  120 words
    • 122 3 LONDON. Sun.— Prime Minister. Mr. Harold Wilson, yesterday warned that unofficial strikes In British industry were seriously hampering the fight to cure the bal-ance-of-p a y m c n t a crisis. Commenting on unofficial walkouts at Fords and the British Motor Corporation that have
      Reuter  -  122 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 98 3 The smoothest, safest ballpoint in the world... SHEAFFER Imperial II V s Put a Sheaffer ballpoint to paper and you immediately feel the gliding ease... effortless writing without smudging. And, only a Sheaffer has the exclusive 'Safeguard' clip. Press it, and instantly the point is reidy for writing. Press it
      98 words
    • 438 3 f\#f f M I I LAMES MUHiIM. SI HI H I A draw tailored by Chondto G^ "r( occasions when I; is important V l\| ij^^EBSPTT x P ert cutting ond toiloring X 'JF^M^Hwf^amJ w n jr# voor complete aotii- iv a Chinas* Brocode, Indian Saraa, (r. m JtnißiiJHßm Italian,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 249 4 DIRECT FROM KUALA LUMPUR MMPHUNW Mf I UmiMlHl In keeping pace \v"th Malaysia's Progress and the opening of the New International Airport M^W Wi^W at Subang, BOAC will fly the new VC-10 direct from the Nations Capital to U.K. every BH I I II The VC-10 in Service At No
      249 words

  • 269 5 SENU: CO-OPERATION, GENEROSITY, CONCERN OF ALL MALAYSIANS ACCOMPLISHED TASK KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday rpHE completion of the National Mosque was accomplished by the co-operation, generosity and concern of Malaysians of all races and religions, not merely those who were Malay by birth or Muslim by religion. The Minister
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  • 331 5 Release women from this feudalism: Lim UENANG, Sun. If women in this country wanted to obtain greater usefulness in society, they must be released from burdens imposed upon them by a feudalists conservative organisation to be found especially in the rural areas. Mr. Lim Kean Siew, chairman of the Labour
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  • 79 5 KUCHINO. Sun. Sarawak* M-.insur vi social Welfare, Youth i ami Culture. Abanj? Othman blr Abanc Hajt MnaMli. last week prewntfd :i plaque bearing the ■tale* crest to the 68th Gurkha Independent Field Squadron as a "trmnk you" gesture from the R"v. rnment. It was received on
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  • 25 5 KLUaNO. bun -A garden fete In aid of the Gurkha Welfare Fund will be held at the garr son here on Tuesday afternoon.
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  • 29 5 SINGAPORE. Sun The North Indian Hindu Association will hold a variety show at the V.ctoria Theaire tonorrow evening in commemoration of Shrlkrishna Jansmashtumi (birthdy of Lord Krishna).
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  • 65 5 JAKARTA, Sun. The official news agency Antara reported today tens of thousand tons of Indonesian ruDber bound for Bangkok had been illegally unloaded in Singapore. The agency estl- mated the cost ot rubber smuggled to Singapore was USSI4O million It said the smilffcline
    AP  -  65 words
  • 26 5 IKILK \Nsw\ 4WI Ihe II men.Dt'r- >t r li* TeliiK Alison Pi>Wee V i iii:-eer Reserve hare domtad -***** to the Nu'.umal Defence Fund
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  • 225 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun The Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, last night called on Muslims to follow the teachings of Prophet Mohammed. Speaking at the closing ceremony of the two-day "Berzanjl" (religious competition) which ended after midnight at the National Mosque here, he said that
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  • 94 5 SYDNEY. Sun— The Singapore Minister for Law and National Development, Mr. E-W. Barker, tonight will discuss Singapore. >eparatlon from Malaysia with the Deputy Leader of the opposition Australian Labour Fsrty. Mr. Gough Whitlam. Mi. Barker is attending the current Commonwealth and Empire Law
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 57 5 MUA'R. Sun— Chew Ah Lek. 18. unemployed, was sentenced to six months' jail by the Magistrate's Court here for stealing a pai. of trousers with $20 50 in a pocket. The trousers belonging to a school teacher. Maharum bin Salleh, 43, was stolen on July 4 in
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  • 222 5 SINGAPORE. Sunday riATO A.M. Alsagoll. 69. a leading figure in the Boy Scouts and St. John Ambulance movements, died of a heart attack at his Palm Road home last night. He was buried at the Alsagoff cemetery at Java Road this afternoon. He is survived
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  • 164 5 SINGAPORE. Sun. Singapore's Minister of Finance. Mr. Lim Kirn San, who left here today for Manila to receive the Ramon Magsaysay "Ward for community 1 c a d ership, spoke of his intention to donate most of the $30,000 Prize money to charity. "We
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  • 93 5 SINGAPORE. Sun— Dozens of cases of potatoes were burned to a crisn here this afternoon in a blaze in a store in Fraser Street off Beach Road. The cause of the fire or the extent of the damage is not m known. The
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 268 5 WHY YOUR DOG NEEDS Bob Mai tin's MORE THAN MOST Most dogs weren't designed for a hot and humid climate. Most dogs don't live in one your dog does. He needs Bob Martin's. Need* Bob Martin's tor all the reasons other dogs do and more. Bob Martin's Condition Tablets give
      268 words

  • 514 6 j SINGAPORE, Sun. A $20 million housing scheme of the Housing and Development Board in Redhili, designed to clear one of the unhealthiest slums in Singapore, is now well on the way to completion. By the middle of next year, when workmen will
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  • 222 6 SINGAPORE, Sunday. A SEVEN-DAY careers, art, crafts and hobbies A exhibition the first one organised by the Vocational Guidance Steering Committee of the Public Service Committee will be held at two places from Sept. 1. The exhibition Is divided into two departments the careers exhibition at the
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  • 81 6 School English speech contest winners SINGAPORE. Sun.— The Marls Stella High School held an English Speech Contest yesterday. Winners of the contest were: Section I (Primary): Plrst-Chla Sla Hoe. Second-Chla Chee Seng, Thlrd-Ng Alk. Section II (Secondary Junior): First-Tan Teng Kee, Second-Tan Boon Leong. Thlrd-Llm Bak Wee. Section HI Secondarj-
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  • 63 6 SINGAPORE. Sun— The field section of the Ministry of Culture will give free film shows at the following places tomorrow: Pel Chai School. Trafalgar Estate; Canberra Padang, Naval Base; Kampong SommervtUe Estate, Farcer Road; Foo Hwa School, off Jurong Road. All shows will begin at 7.30 pjn.
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  • 28 6 SINGAPORE. Sun— Water will be cut off from Kallang Park junction up to Guillemard Circus no bouses affected) on Tuesday, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
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  • 134 6 WATER DEPT. DONATION TO MEDICAL FUND SINGAPORE, Sun. Members of the Water Department staff of the public I tili ties Board have contributed $129.55 to the Medical Progress Fund. In accepting the contribution, the chairman of the fund, Dato Runme Shaw, said he was pleased to see the wide breadth
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  • 48 6 SINGAPORE. Sun. Nationalist China, co- holders of the Rahman Gold trophy with Korea, suffered a shock defeat tonight when Singapore beat them 2-0 In a friendly match at Jalan Besar stadium- The goals were scored by Quah Kirn Swee (7th mm.) and Majld Ariff (9th mln.).
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  • 220 6 SINGAPORE, Sun.— The Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Labour, Mr. Pang Tee Pow, said yesterday that through mutual co-operation the Government, trade unions and employers could Jointly help solve the social and economic problems In the State One of the major social
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 357 6 fTTTTTTO OPENS TOMORROW! mZ7» lllf-iP Tel: ***** (SINGAPORE) -^^fc^^^'**v' TWO men and a WUmAH fgjl MARSHALL THOMPSON -GMY ANDRE WSTO TOZZI CATHAY- COMING! -PALACEI CINEMA- (SINGAPORE) KATONG 1 THE GREATEST SPY ADVENTURE OF ALL TIME set in the intriguing cities of the middle cost... where spies and secret «r>> JUpS^
      357 words
    • 123 6 Today J Shews: J-6 9 p.m. NEW ACTIONS NEW THRILLS! $outh-Eos+ Asia film. f| KAN JAN 6- NASXEEN M ,1) 'I. ijij I K A^B SOUTH-CAST ASIA FILM CO. prMeoU PURJOMA la Hindi wltii i.nglish subtitles ANANDA CAFE A modern Indian restouront will be opened on 31.8.65 ot 136,
      123 words
    • 236 6 BREATH REFRESHER 11 Jinton Delicious Flavour Test and relax JINTAN sweetens breath after drinking smoking. Carry JINTAN with you always in pocket purse. Sole Agents: TONG ENG MEDICAL TRADING CO. The" YE ARs" MOST"E^TASnNG"M*s"c"cOMEDY!i NOW SHOWING SIMULTANEOUSLY it J% fj Kuala Lumpur TT^ If NEW H mm W l^i^^aW 'V^^m^F'
      236 words
    • 516 6 2nd MONTH! ***** HAPPY II \V DAILY AT 1.18. 4.30 S 30 pm. I Extra Show 10 em. Sun A Holidays I Stalls: 51. 30 1%2 50-C.rcl. MOO I 1 Advance CASH BOOKINGS Only I fRFE LljT, mjmm-uummnn -s*^ ■*zm& JULIE -A, CHRISTOPHER ANDREWS Pt.UMMtR Produced in TODD -AO COLOR
      516 words

  • 313 7 Ex-Labour Party man to hang CONSORTED WITH INDONS MUAR. Sunday TAN See Boon alias Tan Guan Khin, 29, of Bagan Serai, was sentenced to death by Justice Da to Asmi bin Mohammed in the High Court here today for being in control of firearms, and for consorting with Indonesian armed
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  • 302 7 Big Walk: Newcomer breaks the record in women's section OINGAPORE, Sun. A secretary and a labourer today smashed two records in, the main sections of the 14£-mile Malay Mail Big Walk. Mrs. Patricia Ringrose. a newcomer to the race, won the women's event from 90 others in the record time
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  • 338 7 k'UALA LUMPUR. Sun.— A Federal Capital Commission bere has been arced to bring all forms of petty -trading under supervision and control rather than "labelling* tome of them illegal." This suggestion was made in a report compiled after 10 months of studyinr
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 400 7 PEOPLE COME X NATIONAL \t t. CITY BANK i That's Why More and More Malaysians Deal with Malaysia's First Bank People are what banks are for and at First plan, tailored to your needs, your hopes, National City Bank we never forget it. Service your budget? You'll find our staff
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
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  • 300 8  -  CHAN BENS SOON POLICE KEPT CLOSE WATCH FOR TWO YEARS... From Alor Star. Sunday KEDAH police have captured three leaders of the notorious "Kain Merah" (Red Cloth) gang which police described as the "most active" outlaw gang operating in Kedah and Perlis. Disclosing this
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  • 131 8 SINGAPORE, Sun. I.'ORMOSAN artist Madam x Che Cheng Lin. will hold en exhibition of Chinese brush paintings here Miis week. The exhibition will open at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce In Hill Street at 5.30 p.m. on Thursday. The collection i on display
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  • 30 8 SINGAPORE. Sun. —The BoysTown O!d Boys' Association will hold a ■'September Nite 1965" dance at th; Praser and Neave Hail next Saturday m ad of its fund
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  • 103 8 QINGAPORE, Sun.— An of- j flee boy has reported to I the police that he was robbed ot $2,000 by two armed men yesterday while on his way to de- j posit the money at a Prince Street bank. Ambu Nathan, employed by iGurucharan
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  • 143 8 A LOR STAR. Sun.— A businessman, Keong Ah Fook, and a lorry driver, James Ong, were today acquitted of a Joint charge of cheating a money lendrr of 56.720 by allegedly using two forged Social Welfare lottery tickets as genuine. Keong. 44. defended by Inche
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  • 4 8 Buy National Defence bonds!
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  • 43 8 SINGAPORE Sun. A;r New Zealand will start a weekly ser- 1 vice to Singapore on April 6 next year. The flifflV-s. operater* by DC-" 1 fan-jets. will run on Wednesdays from Auckland throuun a returning by the .same rou'.»
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  • 30 8 SINGAPORE, Sun The Sißlsp branch of the PAP will celebrate its s xth anniversary with a dinner at fhe Ocean Ark Hotel on Sept 2 at 7.30 p.m.
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  • 162 8 A grave mistake says London paper 1 ONUON. Sun. —The Sunday newspaper. Observer, said today that the Malaysian Prime Minister Ten.ku Abdul Rahman "is gravely mistaken in bis attempts to deny to the Borneo states. Sabah and Sarawak, the richt to secede from the truncated Federation should they wish to
    Reuter  -  162 words
  • 35 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun— The I Police Administrative and Clerical Services Union will hold its annual meeting at the St. John Ambu- 1 lance Hall at Shelley Road here I on Sept. 5-
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  • 52 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun. The secretry-general of the United Democratic Party, Dr. Llm Chong Eu. last night visited the party's newly acquired Johore State headquarters in Jalan Lumba Kuda. Johore Bahru. He held discussions and briefed the party's Johore State committee on the latest political situation
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  • 115 8 AIBHAH Dolmat. 22. Is the latest entry for the "Press Queen, 1965" contest to be held at the Federal Hotel here on Sept. 4. The contest Is being organised by the National Union of Journalists, Malaya. In conjunction with the 'Tress Ball, 1965."
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  • 245 8  - Varsity fees in Perth to be increased GARY YEANG From PERTH, Sun. Fe«s at the University of Western Australia, which have been increased by about 25 per cent for 1966, will go up slightly again in 1967 for students In second and later years. First-year student* will pay "standard fees"
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  • 44 8 SINGAPORE. Sun. The M«lay Affairs Bureau of the PAP will hold two forums to mark tho closing of the political course for Malay members of the party tomorrow. The forum will be held at th« partvs headquarters Orchard Road.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 185 8 )^?Optfflnßaß^_Bß_____________— fiß'Z'j'l* m l^-- I M^d|B B %^B«««£Jtte|Bi— ftJH—^ j.i.iyy».»-XKio»(»i I— 1 1 II II Hi ill nIIMI .iu.wprnrfr|#i UUIIUIIHI ULHI lUlill ___Pt *'^^'LT-J^i!^' JON THE OPENING OF THE NEW Jy^ffllljHMmlm^ World-famous PIRELLi Rubber Flooring pavts MJMfJfljili PIRELLI gathers no dust and is easily cleaned. ///jTff /llJw PIRELLI is tlastic
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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  • 153 9 Airline's 'no' to football VIPs KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The vice-president of the Asian Football Confederation, MajorGeiv Y. Torsak, and another delegate from Thailand, Prof. L. Hasdin, were today refused seats on the 10.10 a.m. flight to Singapore. An official of the Football Association of Malaysia said that the two officials
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  • 28 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Tengku Abdul Rahman wQ) open the Ajinrenoto (Malaysia* Ltd factory at the 6\ mile. Simpang Salak South Bahru at 5 p.m. on Friday
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  • 94 9 OENIOR police officers inspecting the site of the two grenade explosions at the open air market in Kuching on Friday night. The blasts injured an Information Services Officer, Mr. Chin Sai Khen, from Jelebu. Negri Sembilan; a civilian, Mr. Yong Sik Man.
    Lee On Wing  -  94 words
  • 75 9 PENANO. Sun. The Penang Malay Association's request for the construction of a wall along the perimeter of the Perak Road Muslim cemetery will be eon- sldored at the next meeting of the Muslim Endowment Board. The Board's earlier proposal to I widen the road adjacent to the
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  • 27 9 PONTIAN. Sun. The Mentrl Besar of Johore. Dato Hajl Hassen bin Haji Yunos. will open a new $250,000 Government Rest House here on Wednesday.
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  • 243 9 'Let arbitration tribunal hear our claims' plea KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. THE Government Employees National Trade Union Federation today appealed to the Government to allow civil service unions to refer their claims to the Industrial Arbitra- tion Tribunal. The civil service wage claims are not permitted to be taken to the
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  • 152 9 CYDNEY. Sun. Lord Gardiner, Britain's Lord Chancellor, said tonight the. British legal system was out of date. "In the United Kingdom we are not satisfied, and I don't think we ought to be satisfied, with the form of our law," he said.
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • 99 9 PENANG. Sunday MALAYSIA'S vast natural > resources potential has not been fully exploited, Mr. O. R. Srinivasan, general manager of the Indian Bank Ltd., said here last night Mr. Srinivasan, who is on his first visit to Malaysia, said that industries should be set up
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  • 221 9 CINGAPOEE, Sun. Mr. John Jacob, president of the Singapore Indian Congress, has appealed to the Government to do everything in its power to allay the fears of the minority communities like the Indians and redress their grievances. Speaking at an extraordinary delegates' conference
    221 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 241 9 From take-off to touchdown Among'tHe'many types of aviation Direction- Rnders, Secondary CADRfand DDF.-1 radio equipment designed and Surveillance Radar, and Precision Direct ion-Finders. manufactured by STC, the London Approach Radar Radio Altimeters^ SGR.H Secondary affiliate of International Telephone and ILS for All- Weather Landing: Surveillance Radar.and" Telegraph Corporation (ITT), created
      241 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 48 9 /luffs Bunny Hmipk U*im*4mhi i .-i^ tia r THEReu atN" r~ hju it x L' J Gt-AD YOU SO PICK A PLACE I I f DROPPED IN, 80/S: YOU o*^ WHECE >OU'LL. BE y «W x \t \LISTEN TO SOME SO^GS. COMFQgTABLE. I w< ■im f JM f
      48 words

  • 289 10 MCA chief: The trouble with youths today TPOH, Sun. The trouble with youths today is their tendency to act rashly without thinking, according to Mr. Lee San Choon, the national chairman of the youth section of the Malaysian Chinese Association. Addressing the 500 delegates and observers attending the annual delegates
    289 words
  • 47 10 SINGAPORE, 6un. A Singapore schools inspector. Mr. Han Shan Yuen, returned here after making a survey of educational systems In Australia under ttie Colombo Plan. Mr. Han. who spent three months In Australia, taught schoolchildren in primary schools In Perth, Western Australia.
    47 words
  • 194 10 The fingerprint war 'childish and must be stopped Paper AIAMI.A Sun. The 1A "fingerprint war" between Malaysia and the Philippines is childish and must be stopped, a Manila newspaper said today. In an editorial, the Manila Bulletin referred to the fingerprinting now required by immigration officials of both countries as
    194 words
  • 185 10 MANILA, Sunday. THE Immigration Commissioner, Mr. Martiniano Vivo, said yesterday the new Malaysian regulation requiring the fingerprinting of Filipino visitors was "without rhyme or reason." 1 "It's plain retaliatory action," Mr. Vivo said. "There is no reasonable basis for it" Mr. Vivo was the author
    185 words
  • 231 10 Man whose 'first love' is the sea scores a 'first' CINGAPORE, Sun.— To 0 Mr. Goh Choo Keng, amas t c r mariner leaving for London on Tuesday on a Colombo Plan scholarship to take up an extra master's course, the sea has always been his "first love." Married with
    231 words
  • 41 10 TELUK ANSON. Sun.— Police have launched a campaign against illegal operators of pin-tables and fruit machines In the lower Perak district. Several pin-tables were seized In the past few days from the Teluk Anson and Hutan Mellntang area*
    41 words
  • 44 10 UUAR. Sun. The Minister of Education. Inctie Mohamed Khir Johari. will present grants to three Chinese schools In Batu Pahat ut the Education Office here on Thursday. He will later attend the Parents' Day celebration at the Muar High School.
    44 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 239 10 J^ ssssssP^ X A» S PERMA-SHARP STAINLESS STEEL f riction FREE ft -^BBBBBBBBBBBBB? V Stis^ "^^S^hBvMrHsBBBHBBBbI *SBB^°° "< **^x3Bu% SBBBBBBBBsV Ht. *SFi i^, 9 H B i^Bfei, *S guaranteed Dispenser of five $1.2 i. P^^^^^^^^^Sfc*^ Packet of two $0.50 i i I^^^^^?^^^s!^Bssßßsm have a HAPPY shave m m m m
      239 words
    • 18 10 TOPS FOR TASTE iiBBBBBBBBBBBBBI X/ ''^^^^^Hbbbbbbl S"PmflKr SIGN OF GOOD CHEER made in Germany the taste is international
      18 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 348 10 Straits Times Crossword bbß bbBTTBi ACROSS about one unusual thing (8) 1. King makes sun and moon 8. Apparently I am given nothtrtps (7). Ing— that's liberal! (8). 8. It's a victory to put him IS. Mountain might be under right, anyway! (7). minded about now many or Some such
      348 words

  • 235 11 National Language students 'pioneers of unity' DENANG. Sun. Stu--1 dents learning the National Language today "are the pioneers" of the unity of the people of Malaysia, the State Deputy Chief Education Officer, Inche Abdul Rahman bin Haji Arshad, said last night. "We are going to achieve unity through the National
    235 words
  • 145 11 All urged to help betterment of society CINGAPORE. Sun. The Political Secretary to the Ministry of Culture and Social Affairs, Mr. Ong Soo Chuan, last night spoke of tbe necessity for all citißtns, especially tbe younger generation, to make some contribution towards the betterment of society. Speaking at tbe "donation
    145 words
  • 37 11 SINGAPORE, bun Thieves broke into the premises of S. 8. Mubaruk and Bros.. Ltd.. in Maju Avenue early yesterday morning and removed a safe containing $1,500 and fountain pens worth $750 from a showcase
    37 words
  • 548 11  -  HALL ROMNEY From London, Sunday JJALAYSIAN shareholders who sought to replace the present fourman board of Bekoh Consolidated Rubber Estates with their own representatives have been defeated. At an extraordinary meeting here last Friday, they were also outvoted on a resolution that the
    548 words
  • 352 11 Govt now formulating uniform pay scale for municipal workers TPOH, Sun.— The Central Government Is now formulating a uniform salary scale for workers employed by all local authorities, the president of the Kuala Lumpur branch or the Amalgamated National Union of Local Authority Employees, Mr. A. J. Morris, disclosed here
    352 words
  • 78 11 SINGAPORE. Sun.—Slngaa pore tailors are planning to send a delegation abroad for the first time to attend an International conference The conference for Asian tailors under the sponsorship of the All Japan Bespok* Tailors Association is scheduled, to be held In Tokyo on Oct. 13
    78 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 306 11 Compact pocket size MBk|#%~ ALL TRANSISTOR L Al -I BATTERY— OPERATED sUll \J I TAPE RECORDER J^ltf pallTl ••Uctronic nrnno pad' jj tap* recorder widely a•••d by Doctors, Law- •are, Boblwms Exeetjhmm. SscretsriM etc. mmml^^^ o uy pwrißciion duj p| [y*TTTTTTTTT?fc| MfMM > KUALA LUMPUR Chtaa luwmj ■«»«.>. Ban K0.4.
      306 words
    • 195 11 NOW THE BEST COST LESS Pleasant news. Dunlop cycle fyr^f will now sell at cheaper prices! !i Immense popularity and enormous demand have made these changes possible* Dunlop are now making so many tyres, the cost of each con be reduced by sheer efficiency. Nothing else will be reduced, though.
      195 words

  • 36 12 U w.tdM tit (Mimlmmm) CASLI REOBIVID PROM Ccylan. V Kaadlah retired Rtaticm Maater. Uih«M Railway. Parit Rtmtar Father •f I Nitdarajrt Ot)*rd. Malavaa RallwaT. Utacapnre and TMaavraJak. Malayan Railway Krai, paaoed away saaaaaMaf an zT-v-ItMl^i
    36 words
  • 93 12 J» Wm4* Sll (Mtmimmm) i.R AND MRS. Rill Ng Thin Slang t>»nk rrlktlvm and frteßda (or their i»t»e aad gifta at their wvdding BaVtViaV FAMILY nt late A Arelaaamv. Railwayn Uh» wiab to tbaak relattvea. frtrndj !ot their kind aaaiatanee in tic it rerent bereavameßt. MR. AND MRS. IATHIASINCAM
    93 words
  • 26 12 1« PTereU tit (Mtmimmm) IN EVER LOVINO Heraorv of Ollhart Oaaiela who parted from na on •o «i. Rvar renwimbered by aia Iwrt Orei
    26 words
  • The Straits Times Monday, August 30,1965.
    • 743 12 Though relations between Malaysia and Singapore «re settling down in important 1 respects, much remains to be idone to reinforce goodwill and co-operation. Near the top of the list of questions requiring j early and wise settlement is ithat of movement across the causeway. Corrunonsense dictates
      743 words
    • 230 12 Building costs must be a prime target in any government economy drive. Too often do they break the bounds which private purchasers would impose and insist upon. Why this is so is less important than that it happens, at great expense both to the Treasury and to the
      230 words
    • 165 12 On Saturday morning Mrs. Chin Sai Khen learned in Seremban that her husband, a I field officer in the Malaysian i Information Services, had I been seriously wounded in j the previous night's grenade explosion in Kuching. And then? It would be pleasant to report that red tape
      165 words
    • 269 12 If AYE you tnea to pay your water bill at Jalan Tangsi, Kuala Lumpur? It Is an infuriating experience. On any collection day, one is bound to see a long and Impatient queue and hear bad tempered remarks from the people waiting to pay their bills.
      269 words
    • 84 12 rpRAFFIC along Pitt X Street h seriously obstructed by hawkers' stalls along both sides of the roac The vendors also leave a lot of rubbish around to provide breeding grounds for rats, cockroaches and mascraitoes. The stalls are the source of another danger. They give a leg-up to
      84 words
    • 106 12 T BEE that the police are doing great work raiding brothels I wish they would be as equally enthusiastic and constant In tackling other evils, especially the traffic and hawker problems in Balestler Road. The street Is choked with hawkers' pitches, roadside stalls and heavy traffic. The Government
      106 words
    • 84 12 CINCE tbe completion of the new extension to Dun man Road, Crescent Road, which connects Mountbatten Road with Dunman Road, has become a busy major road. Many accidents have occurred along this road and It Is hlßh time the Traffic Police put up "Halt" signs at the Junctions of side
      84 words
    • 23 12 THE Blngapore Adult Education Board has still not paid night class teachers their allowance for July. The administration needs bucking up. WAITING Singapore
      23 words
  • 364 12  - 78 grim pages pin-point the anguish of the Negro Jean White B> WASHINGTON. Sun.— A much-disfii.v«ed oft cited "confidential" Labour Department report, based on regular census figures and Government statistics, provides the trim facts of a breakdown of Negro family life. The TR-pace study supplied raw material for President Johnson's
    364 words
  • 1053 12  - Behind the false glitter of life in Los Angeles RALPH WHITLOCK THIS IS THE CITY WHERE THE PURSUIT OF THE DOLLAR APPROACHES SOMETHING CLOSE TO REVERENCE by LOS ANGELES Sunday BELOW US and it was only a few weeks ago cars trailed their endless ribbons of light along Sunset Boulevard,
    1,053 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 838 12 Struts r«ss Mslor Hrf COLD STOMAM »UP»*»MAMKCT c-' itf« <m< *e**r) COLO STOKASI IKANCHtf »i ><„.. *.a* «a**«s AMhhhH «ee««* crnr book oT^auc LT» wi -*n*«<*r Weaea. C— *v THE MBW*) r*tOMT iiiHVM, tuparaaMM M. M. ISMAIL MA M< KM ITOHI 141* upew Caamt* faaaaV Smqaaira IT V RJKTNASAsfV A
      838 words
      33 words
    • 155 12 When your child is In pain... Doctors know that aspirin is best for relieving pain and treating fever in children, but only in small, exact, safe doses. That is why they recommend Angiers Junior Aspirin; it's specially made— to be safe for children, because it contains exactly the right dose
      155 words

  • 549 13 RAZAK (OPENING RICE MILL) TELLS MALAYS: DISCARD LEISURELY WAYS TANJONG KARANG. Sunday r FHE Deputy Prime 1 Minister. Tun Abdul Razak, today urged the Malay ra'ayat to shake off their leisurely ways and develop a dynamic spirit of goaheadness for their economic advancement. Thi> advice was
    549 words
  • 187 13 Three Sabah girls fly to London to take up course SINGAPORE, Sun Three girls from Sabah, who have been saving for years, have left for London to take up a one-year secretarial course at the Pitman College. They are Kong Cheng Han. Thong Hul Ching and Won* Shui Yun. Mass
    187 words
  • 24 13 KLANO. Sun. The Malay Club here will hold a variety night on Sept 2 to celebrate ihe second anniversary of Malays. a.
    24 words
  • 339 13 Parents pine for their missing daughter, aged 19 SINGAPORE, Sun. 0 Every morning a sick old man, Teo Hock Kirn, 62, sits on a chair outside his house In Woodlands Road and waits. His wife. Madam Ooh Kirn Van, 40, goes to a nearby English school, where she runs the
    339 words
  • 134 13 Polytechnic students score in British exams SINGAPORE, Sun.—Singapore Polytechnic students have scored notable successes In the recent examlnations of two professional British engineering bodies. Two student* sat for the examinations of the Institution of Electrical Engineers Part II and both passed. In the examinations of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers
    134 words
  • 50 13 LONDON. Sun. The Royal Navy's largest aircraft carrier. HMB. Eagle, la due back in Singapore waters In November The 44.100-ton ship left Devonport on Tuesday Tor rears duty in the Par But. She was last in Singapore waters during the bin naval buildup 'here In January
    50 words
  • 40 13 SINGAPORE. Bun The Singapore Film Society hold extra shows at the Cultural Centre tomorrow of the Russian film an the BoUhoi Ballet's "Romeo and Juliet" performance The shows wtU oe at 640 pm 7JO and so
    40 words
  • 149 13 SINGAPORE, Sun. Mr. 0 Urn Kirn San, Singapore's Minister of Finance, said today that Malaysia had suggested the normalisation of trade relations with Singapore by going back to the position before the separation. Mr. Lim, who was replyIng to a question on the normalisation of
    149 words
  • 219 13 KHIR ON SUREST WAY TO MAKE A NATION KUALA LUMPUR, Sun.— The Minister of Education, Inche Mohamed Khir Johari, today said that the surest way of achieving nationhood was by encouraging "the formation of organisations which cut across the barriers of language, religion and race". "The more we encourage the
    219 words
  • 95 13 CUZANA Urn. 18. one of the latest entrants for the Miss Tourism Bingapura contest to be held at the Cathay Restaurant on Sept. 25. A hotel employee, she has won three beauty titles this year— "Miss Fashion Hairdo". "Miss Everbrlght" and "Miss Festival
    95 words
  • 47 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Bun. Six women and 37 men are scheduled to leave here In October for advanced training courses :n Britain under the Colombo Plan. The courses, wtilch vary from three months to two years, rang* from economic planning to veterinary science.
    47 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 206 13 v§3cw^vi^\^^ v vsv&vvscSsssvssvvSß^B^Bw is ■Bll^^^ ffffi' '^^BKaKsfcwSvfiiw* Thtiru. mtosi frmmme of mil the Horn— Vmfitmn. ike mew Milady Model VMISO uedf/imnhtJ rkramf. diamond nt drtit* rolled-gold crown). Give her the new Ronson Milady gas lighter (You can give her the ring later!) So slim So feminine (and to easy to
      206 words
    • 219 13 f*\ \/7 INTEREST V y/m reR ANNUM from your deposit account with Pan Malayan Finance gives you a stead/ and safe income. Write today for our booklet "A SAFE AND SOUND DEPOSIT" giving full detiil. of how auy it is to open m Deposit Account. >AvPAN MALAYAN g|g]§FINANCE LTD. VcsJW~syfcy
      219 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 749 13 TV MALAYSIA CHANNEL S Kual» Lumpur Prime Minister's Malaysia Day «nd Penanc Ipoh and Ma- Address; 7.34 We Wish to laeca; 3 Johore Bahru; 4 Tal- Know; 8.00 News In Mandaptaf 7 Batu Pahat; 9 Kluanr rin; 8.10 Opening of the New P.M.: 2.00 Test Pattern ana Airport; 8.34 Candid
      749 words

  • 2856 14 A MR-STOP FLOW OF OIL MINGS All EMBARRASSMENT OF RICHES ITS PER CAPITA INCOME IS HIGHEST IN THE WORLD LIKE a lot of people before them, the robed citizens of this Persian Gulf sheikdom are discovering that money cannot buy happiness. The Kuwaitis are
    2,856 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
      103 words
    • 331 14 a^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B ■aaaaaa^^T^^Hß'^^ i*a> JP^^bd P«M<>»4«» n*-><<,-o( ICV*»Cx c« <*» A. AJil i I H t *r jdam r 9k£ -^2? I 'f'/Mf® SB&r^Sr 1 fkiflfcl^Wlßß^l ■HbbbbHbbbVb^blrbsbbbl M i ll^il.'i bT>U 3 'i^ftj l aTXtHi A K ItW yT/P^i V *!nPfc^^^ II BBBa bbh |TT/lflL^7^^ turn AUSTRIA MUNCARY. CHINA. FRANCI. CCRMANY.
      331 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 31 15 j cWkij i j to quench j j flthfrsfr i THE SWAH BEER way I. ........J Lm\ 'Efe^aW dkia^'N B^a^A Dr SWAN LACER FANS I "MR. SWAN" IS HERE WATCH OUT!
      31 words
    • 359 15 ■Byft V maul fl a^^ •^ißSESvrffll Xv»K v» SSMMafi^H ala^^^av^ waH -'^awli^ Vu L^^_ FERROSPEED RADIAN A lew priced general purpose A high quality, ganeral pwrpes* electrode, giving maximum economy electrode available in sizes suitable in welded mild steel constructional for all types of work, including work. cheat metal work.
      359 words

    • 523 16 LONDON. Sun Leeds, West Brom and Sheffield United crash to first defeats UARLY SEASON form was upset in the English Football Leagues First Division yesterday when Leeds, West Bromwich Albion and Sheffield United crashed to defeat after winning their opening two matches. Albion looked well on the way to
      Reuter  -  523 words
    • 901 16 Atton Villa 2 Leicester Burnley 2 Arsenal 3 Kulham 0 Chelae* 3 Northampton 1 Man. lld 1 Notts Forest 3 HBA 2 Sheff. Wed. 1 Newcastle 0 Btoke 1 Everton 1 Snnderland 4 Sheff. Ltd. 1 West Ham 1 Leeds 1 (Liverpool t Blackburn postponed PWDL F
      901 words
    • 332 16 ENGLAND LOSE GRIP ON TEST T ONDON, Sun.— The decisive Third Test with South Africa at The Oval is slipping away from England. When bad light brought play to an end 70 mlns early, the Springboks had increased their first innings lead of six by 163 for the loss ot
      Reuter  -  332 words
    • IN BRIEF
      • 179 16 LONDON. Sun. Results of I Rugby League matches: Tour match Halifax 12 New I Zealanders 24. League Barrow 1 30 Peatherstone 2: Blackpool 18 Batley Bradford North 17 Leigh 8; Bramley 21 York 12: Castleford 15 St Helens 19: Dew*--1 bury 7 Wakefleld 22; Doncastrr 9
        179 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 186 16 W% fl GREATCAR TAKE IT AWAY! TEST-PROVE ITYOURSELF! Now! Prove Imp for yourself as thoroughly as you k want. You take the wheel and put Imp through its P/lfi If L fl paces. Enjoy the smoothness of the all-synchromesh lf|fl|lL M gearbox, the sure, smooth road-holding that comes from all-round
      186 words
    • 47 16 by In a simple modern face, or in one of three exquisite settings of jewelled brilliants, it can be worn with any ensemble as a fob 111 brooch or on one of four stylish coloured fl wriststraps. FAVRE LEUBA— THE HIGH (WALITT SWISS WATCH W'THIN YOUR REACH
      47 words

    • Article, Illustration
      499 17 MALAYSIA. By Victor Purcell. (Thames and Hudson. 305.) SOUTH AND EAST ASIA SINCE 1800. By Victor Purcell. (Cambridge University Press. 155.) by a friendly interpreter 1)R. Victor Purcell's last two contributions to the written history of Malaya and South-East Asia are a reminder of the loss which his death
      499 words
    • 511 17  - THE CRUELLY BEAUTIFUL MOTOR RACING Michael Frewin INTERNATIONAL GRAND PRIX BOOK OF MOTOR RACING Edited by (Leslie Frewln 355.) By Walter Warwick MOTOR racing can be cruelly beautiful the sweep of powerful cars and suddenly the grotesque mishap, twisted metal and burning rubber. Mr. Frewln is sure It Is neither
      511 words
    • 327 17  - Background to Communist North Vietnam DAVID SZE COMMUNISM IN NORTH VIETNAM. By P. J. Honey (Ampersand Books. 7s. 6d.). BY MR. Honey is among the small number of Western authorities on Vietnam who can be read with real profit. Here he reports on the Hanoi regime and its leaders, the
      327 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 39 17 i 1 ELLIOTT 3 NAMES WILL INCREASE THE EFFICIENCY OF YOUR ENGINEERING WORKSHOP Consult your nearest JARDINE WAUGH office for expert advice on the most suitable machine to meet your requirements. /^^KK Sola Agents tp) The JARDINE WAUGH Organisation.
      39 words
    • 405 17 PEAKVILLE fi IDEAL HOME, INVESTORS' BEST OPPORTUNITY The PEAKVILLE is situated near the junction of Bedok Rood and Upper Changi Road, amidst the serene and scenic surroundings and facing the Anglican High School with Bedok Town, Market, Post -Office, Churches, Police Station and Bank in the vicinity. Beside*, the competent
      405 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1084 18 Kontinoed from t^re It) SITUATIONS VACANT ACKNOWLEDGMENT H Wm v > r 2t Words Hi (Minimum) VOONG- HAROWORKING tngllah Educated Small Chinese Boy for If Ilk MR. MRS. CEORGE Rajoo thank Bar Apply personally. o.' TIM Arcade, rime, and relative* for assistance. B'pore. ■rreatbs Klvea at funeral of late Mr
      1,084 words
    • 880 18 ACCOMMODATION VACANT It Werefe M < Htm.) H»x i» eU. »rfr» CORNER HOUSE Haruuel Maaau Ooorlne*. turnisned 'unlurmsaea J«o Chiat Place Moderate real, itim SPOre tt7l«4 LUXURIOUS Fully Furnished Flats •t Ist claM locality. No 6. Lower Ampanic Otive, K.L. For details Telephone K.L. 8732*. AVAILABLE WILL FURNIIHEU Flats. Bungalow*.
      880 words
    • 775 18 OFFICE SPACE VACANT it Wtrma M (Him.,— Box ta eta. axtr. OFMCIJ AVAILABLE .".anvat.. Preas BulMiog. Kooinson Road. Kir*> Clan Tenant* only tnauire Secretary leiepboaM 7600. HOUSES A LAND FOR SAL It Wordm tt (Min.r—Box ta eta «*tr. FOR SALB Bungalow .vim Lano vi approximately iv 27.9 polea. at lun*>
      775 words
    • 859 18 EDUCATION li Words St (all*.)— Box St cts. tit' SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING Uuvrantoed Rapid Couise* SimriiDrti nrtbod. experienced Teacner*: blartin* September. 1 leg late/ early: Kaja> Ouimi (Spore) t«ss^. HOW IS YOUR llmr prosre**logTliopruve your knowledge of tn* Mr tlonal Language by reading Bent.. Hariao dany. ibe only romanised Na (tonal
      859 words
    • 1038 18 VEHICLES FOR SALE li $t r*tim>—Box M ata. txtrm AUSTIN CAMBRIDCt TM3 one wmr with radio good condition S4.MO I j.n o. Oflirc K 1.. TU42. hou** *****. 19SU FIAT 1100 Delux*. excellent condition. Road tv till 1966. Tel*.>ncn<- SlOKnpore ***** after 1.00 p.m. 1»M METROPOLITAN Hard lop. Kxcellro! condition.
      1,038 words
    • 749 18 SHOPPING GUIDE (Spore) It Ward* tt (Min.)-Box it eU. txlm FOR SOUVCNIRt. CURIOS, aoo Oriental Handicraft*, visit lull? Airconditions Asia Crafts. 40. Ur>p«i Oroiißd Kloor, John L-t'l* Buildms. Ru" r'lai-v. S po-» ARI YOU HAVINO. Wmrh troutilcs? Take your watcb to tne r;<*ciali»t* Watoha o-. Switzerland Ltd.. John Uttlr a
      749 words
    • 477 18 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD Vacancies for I\n utur tinner* in the lmrstmt'iil PTdmoUon Division The InveiUiieiu Promoilon Division of Uie Economic Development Board has vac»iules for Two male Executive Officers lor Industrial relations llai&on work amongst new industries. QuaJitirations: Candidates must possess either a Degree of a rsoognlsed university,
      477 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1104 19 TO LIVEtPOBL A trtn CBAP UJU One Sport Una t. rkatl Piaakg lIPENBI Liftrfaal, Dak'ir.. A'aotfß.^ If •t/ltft I taat I UA« LKtrpool, DaMia Sit 31 Stpt 1 no ji L .erpool, eiasaeii M Sept Sept 11 taat 12/11 Seft 17 pTmODOCN Li»trpool eias|o« Sift II ttft 21 left 22/21
      1,104 words
    • 2470 19 S. x E M M 1 M n H z/vrLHhz//v£S i THE. EAST ASIATIC COMPANY Hi Inco-po-Md D«--lk EXPRESS >AUINtS IB NEAR EASI. CONTININI ANO SCANBINAfIAi S h'narn Penang Aii, Ueiua nanre kurg tutm Alt* CeM BBMA I In Pt Sep 2 Sept 3 i 7/tl Itfl2t Oct 2 Ocl
      2,470 words
    • 1281 19 BUCKNALL S.S. CO., LTD. U.K./Continent •■gap an P.S*tM PMatal tin BF NEWCASTLE L'«on, H'burg, R'dira, Havrt, Hu:i. Micolejbrough It PI Tele* CITY BF CIICACB Havrt, Lonaon, Hamburg, Biemen, R dam, Antwerp.... 1/ I Sept Eipreis S pere'Hant. CITY IF UCNFIELI Lonosn, Hamfiurg, R aara Hull 13 lift CITT BF ILASIOW
      1,281 words

  • 1154 20 r THF UMe of shmrea an the Malayan Stock Eschsnaje show last bosiiieaa to Aut;. 31 (A) ami laxt business since th»t date (B) with H «nd I. ftUndlnc for Hlehr^t anal Lttwest bn«inr« for 19«4 artel this rear to date N. L A. D. 13.50
    1,154 words
  • 650 20 THE following is a complete list of revised quotations for the week ended on Saturday Auk. *2ft. m. Alex. Bridea 15.30 BouatMd 1.20 H.M. Tr.i«te« C.T.S. ord» 38/6 C.B. Holdings 2.00 Dunlopa ISO Emw 1.56 K*K> deb 1.01 East Smelt 3.72 P. A N 3.35 Feb.
    650 words
  • 46 20 I" *"C tm iMeriinite market Id Roqbj KonK on Saturday Uic U.S. D.llir *M quoted at 0.75| for T.T. and 5 7S» for ci«h tuning was quoted at 16 03 and ene tael »t (old at 2finj. All Hong Kong markets are closed today.
    46 words
  • 12 20 The British bank rate Is unchanged at 6 per cent.
    12 words
  • 51 20 Current payment Austral Amal 25% Austral Malay Malayan Banking 10% Malay Rubber S*%l Anglo Asian Motor Imestments 5% Date of payment Oct. 8 Oct, 22 Sent !4 Sent. 24 Scut. ia Oc: 4 Interim Total for Total for year previous year 60. 6d 60% 10% 10<» 10', 8<".
    51 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1199 20 KISEN KAISHA LTD. I Eaat Canada and U.S.A. Great Lakes Scrvlca Honrtu>f<i VoKonara Halrfas Monrraal Toronto Outttef "Teiee Mart" 1 4 Ott IS Ott 12 -Nt* IS Na* 21 Na* 2 0k Wmi Coast of Central South America Service Yo»o*a<nj Guayaquil Ca 'ao Mataram Anca va pant a "Mile Man"
      1,199 words
    • 906 20 TO EUROP€ AND THE UNITED KINGDOM S.S. "IBERIA" (30,000 tons fully airconditioned stabilised) Deport, no. SINGAPORE 23 Sept 196S Arriviitfl LONDON 14 Oct 196S vio Bomboy, Aden, Port Seid, Noples, Marseille*, Gibraltar A Rotterdam. Limited FIRST CLASS accommodation eveileble. S.S. "CHITRAL" (14,000 tons fully airconditioned) Depertinaj SINGAPORE 28 Sept 196S
      906 words
    • 473 20 I^^ Southern Shipping Lines liKj^ FROM URiSBANb, SYONEY, MELBOURNE yjf ADELAIOt VIA BANGKOK. S'pora i'hom Pe^o'y} M.S. Broholrr. 6/ 8 Sap 9/10 Sep 11/14 Sep M.S. Kentrikon 7/10 Oct 11/13 Oct U/17 Oct M.s! Broholm 24/27 No* 28/29 Nov 30 N o */J O« KW BRISBANE, SYONEY. MELBOUKNfc ADfcLAlOfc. VIA
      473 words
      349 words

    • 2068 21 Dull, routine trading on Stock Exchange From Our Market Correspondent QULL, routine business was the order of the day on the Stock Exchange last week with the market back in the groove which existed before the somewhat artificial boom in the first week of the month. The abolition of the
      2,068 words
    • 974 21 AFTER f ailing seven dollars In the previous three days the price of Straits tin on Saturday rose by $3 to $751 per plcul In Penang. Demand was reported as still good with less tin on offer on Saturday. The net gain on balance!
      974 words
    • 30 21 RI'BBER TIN (perlb.) (per plcul). Aus- 23. 67 cts. $746.25 24. 662 cts. $733.00 25. 67 ets. $757.87} 26. 67 Cts. $750.37} 27. 66} eta. $748.00 28. $751.00
      30 words
    • 39 21 'PHI Assssntlon of Sink! In Ma* 1 liyiia made these chances in Ita rates to merchants oo Saturday (all rat* to $100)' Belling TT or O"> ready: Otuttchs Mirkt 130: twits Frioet 140 1/8: Belgian Francs 1806.
      39 words
    • 46 21 Industrials: Tins: S rubbers: Aug. 23. 71.34 92.60 ***** Aug. 24. Aug 25. Aug. 26. 71 43 71.03 71.44 61.92 91.99 92.85 102.00 102.64 102.69 •Dec. 30. 1963 100. Dec 29. 1962 100 Aug. 27. 71.94 92.99 102.85 Aug. 28 71.91 73.7! 102.81
      46 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 1469 21 LEMBAGA KEM A JUAN TAN AH PERSEKUTU AN KENYATAAN TAWARAN DOCUMENT NO. 1 Tenders will be received at the office of the Federal Land D«velopmrnt Authority. 7th Floor. Government Offices Buildinn. Jalan Ourney. Kuala Lumpur up to 4.00 p.m. 14th September 1965 i from experienced Felling Contractors for the Works
      1,469 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 542 22 SHERIFF'S SALE IN THE HIGH 'MRT IN MNC.APORE. «M I NO. 8(14 OF ISM EXECUTION NO. 27t/Ct AND IXECTTIOX NO. M/«S IN THE CAUBE OF British A Malayan' Trustees Limited Plaintiffs versus Wong Shi Ylng im w.) 2. Loke Yu Sum I Loke Yu Vim 4. Poong Sin Hoe alias
      542 words
    • 370 22 SUNGEI TUKANG RUBBER CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in the States of Malaya). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Forty First Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at the Registered Office of the Company, Hongkong Bank Chambers. Penang on Wednesday, 15th September 1965, at 12 o'clock noon. At the
      370 words
    • 300 22 TENDERS JABATAN KERJA RAYA. PERAK KENYATAAN TAWARAN < Tawaran daripada Pemborong2 yang berdaftar dl-J.KJI. di-dalam Kelas A-C. Bahagian IV 8 (b) dan Kelas D Si E. Bahagian VII akan dl-terlma dl-Pejabat Jurutera Negeri, Perak, Ipoh hingga j jam pukol 3.00 petang pada 3hb. I September, 1965. MELETAKKAN 12" 0 KELAS
      300 words
    • 1489 22 NOTICES I 1 CHAPTER 195 (Pawnbrokers) I Unredeemed Fledged Goods A Jewellery from the fallowing PawMbrokeW Shops. No. 135 New Bridge Road Lam 1 Joon Siong i Chop Sem Fob). No. 255 South Bridge Road Ho Van Kee (Chop Heng Fatti Yong Kee. No. 287 South Bridge Road Scow Klan
      1,489 words
    • 871 22 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS PUBUC APPOINTMENT PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD. SINGAPORE TRANSPORT CENTRE: Requires TRANSPORT OFFICER in salary scale $670xA30-880-920-965 EC. Bar" 1010xA45-1280— the commencing basic salary offered will I be dependent upon applicant's qualifications and experience plus i variable allowance as payable from time to time Appointment will be on a 3
      871 words

    • 1927 23  - CHAMPION— by a short head in 'Hunter' Epsom Jeep Peninjau beats Manar Tahu by neck in Race 5 to pay $111 RACING with SINGAPORE, Sun.— Veni Vici Stable's Champion, with Alan Trevena up, scored a thrilling short head win from Jalisco (Moses Lee) in the 9f Hunter Memorial Stakes at
      Chew Boon Chin  -  1,927 words
    • 169 23 Central zone sweep in M-Day golf I7UALA LUMPUR. Sun.— Central zone teams took the first three places in the Inter-zone championship at the Malaysia Day golf tournaments at the Royal Selangor Golf Club today Central zone (3) emerged winners with a total of 484 strokes, while Central zone (1) were
      169 words
    • 20 23 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun Selangor Government Services badminton championships scheduled on Sept. 6 o have been postponed till Sept- 23—25.
      20 words
    • 364 23 CINGAPORE, Sun. Senwan •^Ekhsan, a 26-year-old Singapore labourer, won the Malay Mail Big 1 Walk here this morning. Senwan covered the 14 miles i from Woodlands to Farrer Park in i lhr 57min 2.4 sec to clip 4:17.6 off j the previous
      364 words
      • 21 23 Taiping Div. 1: Sukan Melayu 4 Kllat 0 Friendb Pont tan > Pont lan Youths 5 SES Staff 0. Pt Bw«4-
        21 words
    • 235 23 Apprentice riders suspended SINGAPORE. Sun— The MRA Stipendiary Steward's report on yesterdays Bukit Timah race* RACE 1: In the straight Empire Rose II (Lee) was difficult to ride through hanging In badly. 1 and approaching the winning post, she was checked to the Inside across the heels of Dane» Han
      235 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 116 23 Take a su?ing round Australia! There's still a few places left on the tour 0 Harpers/Qantas 23-day Australian Coif Tour a is filling rapidly If you haven't already done so, get your name down on a score card right A away. Call !isiHi! *MGAPC»»e.Tei.'*4T*i/tO KVML* IUMPUM. Ttl. «»«3J »"C!M. TEL;
      116 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 145 23 I SPORTS DIARY SOCCER T«ir natch: Spore p.m 1. Invitation v India (7.30 p.m.):; Rt'GGER S'gor Lge: UniverSpore Dlt. SD: Pathul Karlb v slty 'B 1 v Services 'A" (Pantal Hamilton (6.0. both matches &t Valley): Agricultural College Jn Beaari. Ipoh Dir. 2: DID v I VIOBA (Serdang>. Tamil Yu
      145 words

    • 506 24  - 16 named for All- Stars FRANCIS EMMANUEL By J£UALA LUMPUR, Sun. The Asian All Stars football team took shape last night when at a meeting lasting more than two hours at the Federal Hotel here after the Merdeka tournament final, 16 players were named. The meeting, presided by Malaysia's Lim
      Soong Hoii Sin  -  506 words
    • 47 24 IPOH. Sun. Tommy Ltm was elected president of the Perak Lawn Tenn.s Association, at Its annual meeting here. Other officials: vice-orestdents Chung Tuck Ipp and Toby Lnm. treasurer Sio Ciioon Tan, secretary Yalwya Mustnph:i. ;is<t serretarv Saw Chwee Guan and auditor Teh Khron Leone
      47 words
    • 43 24 SINGEI PATANI. Sun. The Sultan of Kedah will cive away the trophies at the Maiay-i.i D;iv golf competition here on Sept. 3. On the same dny, at Harvard Estate, the women's golf competition for the Dato glinflT Cup. will be played.
      43 words
    • 24 24 KLUANG Sun Niyor Estate will hold their athletic* men on Aug. 31 in conjunction with the Malaysia celebrations on the estate padang.
      24 words
    • 18 24 KLUANO. Sun The Hong -niew Association here vii Mold an open badminton champion hio on Sept 3
      18 words
    • 344 24 'Organisation of the Merdeka tourney was magnificent' By MANSOOR RAHMAN; Kuala Lumpur, Sunday SIR STANLEY ROUS, president of Fifa, praised the organisers of the Merdeka soccer tournament which ended here last night. "The competition Is getting better and better from every point and the whole thing was magnificently
      344 words
    • 114 24 MALACCA IN UPSET WIN OVER S'PORE JLfALACCA. Sun. Malacca won the south zone Razak Cup triangular hockey compete tion when they beat defending champions. Singapore 1-0 in the final match on the Padang here today. The winning goal was scored by schoolboy Yang Slow Meng off a penalty flick in
      114 words
    • 79 24 Singapore were not without scor- Ing chances. In fact they had five penalty corners but were unable to convert any. In the 56th minute, inside-left Robin Ooh's hard shot was stopped on the goal-line by left-back Gomes with his feet. Umpire John K&nagaratnam awarded a penalty flick and
      79 words
    • 868 24  -  NORMAN SIEBEL -THE NINTH MERDEKA TOURNEY FINAL By KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. After the forced, limping labours of extra time, Nationalist China and South Korea drew with a goal each in the final of the Ninth Merdeka football tournament in the presence of an excitement-torn 37,000 record
      868 words
    • 192 24 Fina gives pay up warning to Malaysia VUALA LUMPUR. Sun. Wna. the world swimming federa- tion have Issued a final warning to the Amateur Swimming Association of Malaysia to pay up their dues Asum must pay £35 (about 1300) owing to Fina or lose their affiliation to the world controlling
      192 words
    • 256 24 iINGAPORE. Sun. Singapore »5 Recreation Club, current leaders in the Singapore Cricket Association senior tournament, beat University by six wickets at Sepoy Lines today. SRC skittled out University for 59 runs in 120 mlns and replied with 65-4. Scores University 59 <D. de Silva
      256 words
    • 319 24 Pledge of support for tennis juniors PENANO, Sun. Dato Abdul j Jamil bin Abdul Rais, president of the Lawn Tennis Association of Malaysia, today pledged "to make every effort to raise funds lor Malaysia's representatives to the second Asian Junior championships to be held later in the year 1 In
      319 words
    • 1009 24  - WIMBLEDON CHAMPS BEATEN IN THE FINAL OH KEE TIANG and JESSI E LEEMBRU GGEN Bj Penang. Sunday. 1OHN NEWCOMBE and Tony Roche, the AiisJ tralian holders of the Wimbledon double* title, were beaten by compatriots Owen Davidson aC0 Bill Bowery In the final of the Malaysian Open lawn tennis championships
      1,009 words
  • 28 24 MADAM A L. CABMIIL a«*d «2 panod away peacefully 2*.8.6S Corteca leaving H mil* Klaus Road b p.m. on 30.3.85 for FatunaH Church HnCiheldi throe* to Cneru
    28 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 56 24 1* Ward, tit i Minimum, PARKIN: To JiJj and Dob at Glenra^lM on 30th Auguit a n Stephen Donald SEAN CHAN: Between Allan and Vivien on 30.8 to LIU— TAW I Anthony Kirn Cbye o Mr. and Hn. Llm Teck Khim and Laljr Lai Hn do Mr. and Un Tan
      56 words
    • 157 24 CONSULT CAMBRIDGE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL, 86-B, ROBINSON ROAD, P.O. BOX 1935, SINGAPORE. Tel: ***** or *****. Malayan BRANCHES:— 5 Hock Yee Hin Building, 15 United Commercial Jalan Ah Fook, Bank Building, P.O. BOX 104, Johore Bohru OR P.0.80X 1110 Tel: 3958. Penang. Tel: *****. (1) Revision Courses and Self -Tuition Courses
      157 words