The Straits Times, 9 August 1965

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 23 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCT^B B^3| 50,000 The Straits Times National Estd. 1845 MONDAY. AUGUST 9, 1965 <£- 15 CENTS KDN 1189 M.C.(P). 1005
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  • 279 1 New look foreign policy Parliamentary group calls for 'widest diplomatic representation' KUALA LUMPUR, S u nd«y THE Alliance Parliamentary group on foreign affairs has urged that Malaysia establish the widest diplomatic representation possible with countries, irrespective of their ideologies." The call was made today after a three-hour meeting of the
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  • 32 1 KUWAIT. Sun The Kuwait Government Oil Affair?. Department today began an investigation into a mysterious explosion and fire which gutted the 20.949-ton Japanese tanker Kaizo Mam on < Thursday —UPl. I
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  • 393 1 Tengku a 'yes 'by all ALLIANCE COUNCIL HOLDS ELECTIONS KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday THE Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, has been elected leader of the Malaysian Alliance Party. The Tengku, who is the Malayan National Alliance Council chairman, was elected by acclamation the chairman of the newly-formed Malaysian National Alliance Council
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  • 37 1 SALISBURY. Sun. Salisbury today was gay with flags and coloured lights as the White residents celebrated the 75th anniversary of the hoisting of the British flag in what is now the capital of Rhodesia— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 113 1 BRITAIN SAYS NO' TO HOLLAND BRITAIN has told Holland it will not give permission for RollsRoyce engines to be suppjied for Dutch transport aircraft in a deal with Indonesia, British officials said yesterday. The British ban applied to export of RollsRoyce Dart engines with which the planes, Fokker Friendship transports,
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 55 1 HOERNUM (Island of Svl' Germany!, Sun. A giant north sea wave slapped Into a children's holiday beach, drowning three tots and a woman who tried to save them, police said today Lifeguards and camp counsellors managed to pull 11 other children out of the rnuing
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  • 163 1 fONSTABLE Daniel Hudson. 32, of the Reserve Unit, who braved a killer's bullets in an attempt to save Inspector Allan Lim Kirn Sai in last Thursday's gun battle in Siang Lim Park. His picture has been belatedly released by the police. First shot The battle
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  • 171 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. PAP Member of Parliament, Mr. C.V. Devafl Nair. today denied a newspaper report that Mr. Lee Kuan Yew would resign as Singapore's Prime Minister. He also dismissed the report that Singapore's Minister for Culture, Mr. S. Rajaratnam. would relinquish his
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  • 58 1 Wll.son, (North Carolina), Sun. Ku Klux Klansmen here have been asked to hand over their trading stamps so that the hooded organisation can buy an aeroplane to ferry its leaders around t Instate. The appeal was made to a meeting here by Mrs. J. Robert Jones, wife
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 66 1 LONDON, Sun. The Sunday Times said today that it understood the US Government had given Britain an assurance of further financial assistance if sterling came under even heavier pressure later this year. It« business editor wrote: "ThU promise of extra financial underpinning, on which no
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  • 138 1 JAKARTA. Sun. IndoJ nesia has launched her first outer space research rocket, the Antara news agency reported today. The rocket was launched yesterday by the Minister of National Research, Professor Sudjono Juned Pusponegoro, who pressed a button at the Lembaca Penerbangan Angk a s
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 31 1 BANGKOK, Sun— Miss Universe Apsara Hongsakula of Thailand is scheduled to arrive on Tuesday In Bangkok, where preparations were underway for the biggest welcome ball in her* honour. UPI
    UPI  -  31 words
  • 59 1 One dollar stars. NICE, Sun Terence Young, director of the James Bond films, is to shoot a star-studded United Nations film here on the problem of world famine. 1 Scan Connery, K«x Harrison, David Niven Gregory Peck. Elizabeth Taylor and other international stars have agreed to appear In the nun.
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  • 192 1 Socialist Front facing big split KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. The Congress of Party Rakyat will discuss to break from the Socialist Front in December. The decision was taken today by the party "s executive committee al a nine-hour closed door meeting. Todays meeting followed a resolution by the Belangor branch urging
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  • 33 1 1 S. PKOII >l WASHINGTON. Sun Republican National Committee today appealed to Department of State to prr.cnt sale of radio equipment which Indonesia wants to purchase in the United States— UPI.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 5 1 See phcto in Page 9
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    • 80 1 uWornJ) "Uf OEORO JENSEN DANISH CUTLERY .1 STERLING SILVER High Class J>.rtm £l TOPS...! for refreshment 3 V iFW I J^l Going places. Meeting] ppv^^/r^||ra le.Gettingupapartyorrush|M ing for a date. Lively people ps^^^^W^p>! share fun ami excitement T^"""^^7 and when th.-v stop they sL^kSER 6 N^!^f| share a taste tor
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    • 217 2 MKIIIB, Sun. China has nWNi a warning that shr Hill, if needed, send troops into Vietnam. "We warn the IS. a«rr<isors once more that »c Chinese prople mean what we say.' 1 'I he warning came in a Chinese Government statement yesterday,
      Reuter  -  217 words
    • 450 2 If the Reds win in Vietnam —Wheeler PRESSURE ON REST OF S-E ASIA WILL BE STEPPED UP' WASHINGTON, Sunday (JENERAL Earle G. Wheeler, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs oi Staff, said last night that a Communist victory in Vietnam would only force the United States "to draw a new line"'
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    • 170 2 SAIGON, Sun.— A fullyw equipped Vietcong hospital with beds for as many as 280 patients has been operating within 35 miles of Saigon, a U.S. spokesman disclosed today. The hospital, hidden so well that helicopter pilots only 20 feet above the trees could not spot
      UPI  -  170 words
    • 182 2 WHY I WENT TO CHINA, RUSSIA- BY Or. OBOTE KAMPALA. Sun— Uganda Premier. Dr. Milton Obote (above), flew here yesterday after a long trip overseas and hit back at criticism for rLsitinc Communist countries and laying a wTeath on Lenin's tomb. "Some Ugandan groups have been criticising our visiting Yugoslavia,
      AP  -  182 words
    • 199 2 Britain against Soviet subs for India YEW DELHI, Sun. British officials have indicated that the use of Soviet-built submarine in joint Indo-British Naval exercises would create security problems, informed sources i said yesterday. Furthermore, the source* said, if India goes ahead with reported plans to buy the Russian submarines. Britain
      UPI  -  199 words
    • 43 2 ACCRA, Sun. The airliner bringing Mr. Arthur Bottomley. the British Commonwealth Secretary, here from Freetown yesterday developed a fault in one engine and had to land at Bathurst, Gambia. He is on a three-week tour o! West Africa.— Reuter.
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    • 25 2 CANBERRA, Sun.— Almost haU o' 5.635 20-year-old Australian men examined for the newly introduced National Service scheme have been rejected as medically unfit.
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    • 293 2 No will, no way: British-Arabian talks collapse LONDON, Sunday. JJRITISH-SOUTH Arabian Federation talks to fix an agenda for a later independence conference broke down in disagreement in London last night. The talks between a minis- j terial oartv and a political j working party from South Arabia, presided over by
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    • 46 2 WASHINGTON. Sun. The United States i.s protesting v lndunr.sia about Ihe mob attack on the American Consulate in Bountaya, lm Java. Hip state Dcpartmrnt announced yesterday. A claim for damage will be made as soon as ii had been d.v-t^rd. Rcuier. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  46 words
    • 36 2 IXJNDON. Pun.-Indonennn Communist Chief, D. N. Adit, left Peking for home today after talk.* \utli tup Chinese Communist leaders, the New dun* news > •geney aaid In a broadcast moru- tored here.— un.
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    • 70 2 PARIS. Sun. French students returning from a tour of Communist China said yesterday that Chinese children learn in kindergarten how to pull the pin from a grenade and fire a riflr. They said they saw schoolchildren copying a picture of a U.S soldier being pinned down by
      UPI  -  70 words
    • 295 2 Bombing of the North must go on, the U.S. decides WASHINGTON, Sun. —President Johnson and his adviser* flrmly believe that a combination of continued bombings of North Vietnam and Increased action against the Vietcong In th« South is still the key to success in Vietnam. U.S. officials said that only
      Reuter  -  295 words
    • 88 2 NEW DELHI. Bun.— A Defence Ministry spokesman s.iid today tliHt six Pakistani .md liirep Indian ioidiiis were killed m nn armed claab un Thursday along the cease-tire line in Kasl The spokrsm .:i a lid a puny of 60 Pakistanis iriiiiiwl tim truce line and
      UPI  -  88 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 225 2 THE ONLY DAILY JETS TO HONGKONG MALAYSIAN AIRWAYSmm MALAYSIA'S NATIONAL AIRLINE -SERVING SOUTH EAST ASIA liflHnAV BlPirt M MURUAI J f M««fkMf TlirCflAV Dciirt I M I tj_f' SiH|Miri Hull lwM«' HtufkMl wrnNP^nav BH*J*** ntuntaum sitmn K H |t*i mtllmmi THURSDAY Vsm?JZ**mm-m+m -v. t CATIIDnAV Dtpirt llt i.b. «""2"5b8 W
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 131 3 CANTO DOMINGO, Members of the armed forces of both sides in this divided city met yesterday for the first time since the Dominican revolution on April 24. The Organisation of American States mission here arranged, but did not attend the meeting of Junior officers
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    • 61 3 BLACKPOOL. Sun. Authori- 1 Mania* isolated five people; stricken with paratyphoid <B> and confirmed at least 50 other cases .suffering from the disease i believed to have been spread through holiday crowds by milk. Piiratyphoid (B), a mild form of typhoid O U not fatal
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    • 58 3 AUSTIN (Texas), Sun.— James Cross, 23. son of a department I •tore executive, today confessed to the murder of two pretty Unlver- 1 ally of Texas coeds, police said. The nearly nude, sun-blackened bodies of Shirley Ann Stark. 21, and Susan Rißsby, 21. were found on July 30
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    • 148 3 Migrant curb not racialist: Soskice OXFORD. Sun. Sir Frank Soskice (above). the Home Secretary, strongly denied here yesterday that the Government's new curb on Immigration is a racialist measure. "Allegations that there is a colour bar are quite untrue," he told an audlence which included many coloured people. "Much though
      Reuter  -  148 words
    • 424 3 Suit is filed to outlaw state poll tax JACKSON (Miss), Sun Justice Department, striking swiftly under the new voting rights law, yesterday filed a suit to outlaw Mississippi's poll tax. Just 24 hours after President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the law, Attorney-General Nicholas Katzenbach asked the Federal Court here to
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    • 244 3 Suspected Mafia chief takes trip— under guard POLICE TRAIL 'COSA NOSTRA' LINK-UP PALERMO (Sicily). Sun. The reputed head of the Mafia, arrested as a suspected leader of a super gang linking the Sicilian and American underwo rids, was brought here yesterday under an unprecedented police guard. 1 Reinforced units of
      AP  -  244 words
    • 210 3 Greek crisis: King ready to name a new Premier ATHENS, Sunday. I^ING CONSTANTINE yesterday wound up political consultations prior to making the expected appointment of Mr. Stephan StefanoDulous as the new Premier. It was expected that the King would Inform, the ousted Premier, Mr. George Papandreou. of his decision In
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    • 145 3 PRIS, Sun. French police are seeking a man who jumped from a light plane which landed on a a motorway north of Paris yesterday. One theory is that, the man could be escaped train robboer Ronald Biggs. At 11.30 p.m. Germain Auten was driving
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    • 129 3 HANOVER, Sun. —West German police intervened during a friendly match here last night between Britain's Manchester I'niteri and Hanover to quell disturbances in whicli about 200 British soldiers were involved. A stadium official was beaten with a beer bottle and police said he
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    • 191 3 Four die, 41 hurt in mystery blast T ONDON, Sun. Four men were killed and 41 were injured when an unexplained blast ripped through a giant, seven-storey flour mill and rocked London's East End yesterday. Firemen searched the debris for seven hours I after the explosion, which turned surrounding streets
      Reuter  -  191 words
    • 25 3 MADRID. Sun. The Spanish Foreign Ministry today denied that Britain had offered to enter I any discussions with Spain over Gibraltar. Reuter.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 115 3 I-Sii DANGER I=J S HER DIET El MAY II DESTROY afe HE R I Rice every day and not a enough variety of meat, M fish and vegetables can make you ill. VYKMIN HELPS KEEP YOU HEALTHY. It balances your diet gives you 8 essential ABCDE f||| vitamins and 4
      115 words
    • 323 3 01 ST jlfiS^ -^L E CHOICE Of ANVTHINO YOU W»NT ■^•A S«VINCS ON tNTTHINO YOU SUV WW^ LADIES DEPT. Usual Price NOW i^ l Swiss Embd. Blouses 10^ 3.90 each NEW ADDITIONS Plain Linens 55" 990 5.90 a yd. BBJB^B^B^BB Printed Jersy 45" 6 90 2.90 a yd. I Swiss
      323 words

  • 86 4 Drain dug for a kampong SINGAPORE, Sun. The Assemblyman for Sembawang, Mr. Teong Eng Siong, today led a group of some 50 people to dig a drain in the Malay settlement in Kampong Tengah, on* 15 milestone Sembawang. They included residents and members of the Sembawang Goodwill and Citizen Consultative
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  • 23 4 SINGAPORE. Sun. Military exercises will be held at the southwest coast of Pulau Tekong Besar tomorrow from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m.
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  • 363 4 SINGAPORE, Sun. THE general secretary of the Food, Drinks and Allied Workers' Union, Mr. M. Selvanayagam, today said that the membership of the union would soon be expanded. He said that the union, formed last year with 1,000 T aafi workers after they broke
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  • 181 4 SINGAPORE. Sunday. ]t|R. K.C. LEE, the new Parliamentary Secretary if to the Prime Minister, said yesterday that the People's Action Party not only looked after the political aspirations of the people, but also tried to raise their standard of art and culture. He was
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  • 99 4 5th annual parade of S JAB SINGAPORE, Sun.— The West area St. John Ambulance Brigade toaay held its fifth annual parade at the Brigade headquarters at Beach Road. The Are» Commissioner Mr. Chua Joon Nam. reviewing the years achievements of the brigade said much had been achieved by the officers
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  • Article, Illustration
    68 4 DR. AND MRS. (Dr.) Voon Gone Lin after their wedding at the Wesley Methodist Church in Fort Canning on Saturday. Dr. Voon, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Voon Kirn Shin of Ipoh, is attached to the Kandang Kerbau Hospital. Mrs. Voon, the former Dr. Patsy Lav Buong
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  • 232 4 SINGAPORE, Sun. Talented young violinist, Miss Vivien Goh, 17 (above) will give a farewell concert before leaving for the United States in September to take up a scholarship offered by the Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester. Miss Goh, daughter of the well-known violin
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  • 20 4 APLONE P. PEREIRA of St Andrews, Kerala, lather of Tboblas Ancil. Benedict and Mary NapoU-c passed a«ay on >5.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 250 4 8.........------------B LIDO (S"p°o COMING SOON! METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER's BATTLE ACTION i UU CC|# 7 ALL-TIME 1 WIICEIm WAR ACTION HITS ifefi*HSßK EACH DAY A DIFFERENT PICTURE! "BATAAN" Robert Toylor, George Murphy, Thomas Mitchell m "STAND BY FOR ACTION" B aj Robert Toylor, Charles Laughton, Brian Donlery "TORPEDO RUN" Cinemascope, color m aaj
      250 words
    • 69 4 Protect the pedigree TO? with EPIVAX-PLUS 1 the sure, safe vaccination against canine distemper. A WELLCOME PRODUCT Obtainable through your qualified veterinary surgeon. ■:-.:.^;-.:--.~fa r ~£ft QGflWfe^ D^, Today 3 Shows: J-♦ p.m DAtA SINGH mUMTAZ K AMR AM Next Chonge: H ."-lonofc Jgnok Poygl Booie" (H). HM7/7tfM P*">n« ««4o«
      69 words
    • 35 4 Lost Day: 3.30-7-9.30 p.m. THE BEATLES in "A HARD DAYS NIGHT" Eng. (with \ix Brand New hitj). Tomorrow Only: "West Of Montana" Eng. TODAY: 330 730 a.m. Ashokon, Vijayon Vasantha In II "KARTHIGAI DEEPAM" (Tomil).
      35 words
      152 words
    • 491 4 ■ORGANISATION >lIU SIfHW l\4. j Horn. 1 45. 4. 6 30 9 10 p m 9 a« Advoncc CASH foooktnqt only! m Peck Stalls 4 Circl* Bookable on. »cck m gFront sfoll. 2 hctott pc, P .,,.n No Free Li>t No Hol» Pnca ■beantonnery n James Bond B -GOLDFINGER"
      491 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 185 4 AID hSkDIiiAI 5 nlin Clj Ji PTTI I DCO •pHE following la today'! achedul* i of civil aircraft monmenu at Para Lcbar airport Blns*pon: ARRIVAL* T Inttrnatlanal iTrsan Jakarta (TO 404) 9 a.m. Pin-Amarlaan: From Baa r"rancl.sco. Lox AnKtln. Honolulu. Manila. Salmon (PA 841). 12.50 p.m.; from Jakarta (PA H42)
      185 words
    • 180 4 Kota Bahru. Penan*. Ipob. Kuala Lumpur (ML 037) 7.50 p.m.: from Jesaeltoo. Brun I Kuchlns (ML 49ft) 8 p.m.: from Kucnlng (ML 451) 8.55 p.m.; from Kuala Lumpur (ML 027) 0.05 p.m.; from Hongkong (ML 617) 10.45 p.m. Alitalia: From Rome., Teaaran. Bombay, Bangkok (AZ 764) 9.20 p.m. DIPARTURII Cattiay
      180 words
    • 55 4 Ron< Koos (ML. 618) 2.30 p.m.: to Malacca. Kuala Lumpur, Ipob, Prnang (ML. 052) 3.15 p.m.; to Kuchlnit (ML, 452) 6.30 p.m.; to Kuala Lumpur (ML 038) aSO p.m to Kuala Lumpur (ML 4M) 8.40 p.m. Alitalia i To Darwin. Bt<ld«t <AZ T64) 10.10 p.m. Lurttiamai Tj f>in«*lT*t. Karmtfil AUi«i«.
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  • 205 5 Ex-Labour party official sentenced to death lOHORE BAHRU, Sun. J Yong San Siong, 23. was sentenced to death by Justice Dato Azmi In the High Court here yesterday for being in control of firearms and ammunitions in Pontian during the first Indonesian landing there in August last year. Yong, a
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  • 76 5 PENANG, Sun.— The youth section of Glugor Umno is organising a meeting of Muslim residents to discuss ways and means of Improving their social .status and living condition >. "It is our aim to develop »mong the people the spirit of Sotonu-royont; >Mif-heip>." In--he I.smail
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  • 352 5 Managers must NOT join unions, says expert SINGAPORE, Sunday THE director oi the British Institute of Management, Mr. John Marsh, is aghast at the idea of managers joining trade unions. Speaking at a Press conference yesterday, Mr. Marsh criticised as "a retrogressive step" a move by Singapore managers, initiated by
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  • 254 5 'Biggest in East' flour mill for Perak TPOH, Sun. A Hong Kong syndicate is changing the sxyline at Damar Laut, in the west coast of Perak near Lumut, with one of the nations biggest industrial enterprises. The $30-mil!ion-plus project, sprawling over a 23--acre site and rapidly nearing completion, is a
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  • 106 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun.— Two-hundred and seven more people have been deprived of their citizenship under Article 26 of the Malaysian Constitution. Under the Article, the Government may deprive the citizenship of anyone who becomes a citizen by registration or by naturalisation if it Is found
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  • 42 5 MACHANG, Sun. Inche Moliamed Nordin bin Ahmad has been re-elected president of the Parent Teachers" Association here. Other officials are: vicepresidents. Mr. M. Rank Khan and Inche Yusof Abdullah; secretary. Inche Mohamed bin Ismail: treasurer. InrhP Ya'akub bin Ismail
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  • 36 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun— The Government has paid out $161.3 million In assistance under th« nibber Industry 'replanting > scheme up to the end of 1963. according to report of the board of administrators published toda*
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  • 41 5 PENANG. Sun. The Marine Dppiirtment today warned that a sailing vessel is stranded on Lady i Well rock on the approaches to Malacca. Part of the hull and two masts are visible at all state* I of the tide.
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  • 27 5 TELUK ANSON. Sun. Ibrahim bin Haji Dris. 29. was flned $120 or three months' jail fur damaging seats of a bus with knife.
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  • 148 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. —Japanese fruit importers are keen to buy more canned pineapple from Malaysia, the leader of a 55-memt»er visiting delegation said on arrival here today. "And we are now seeking a bigger Import quota for the fruit." Mr. Haruo Takeuchi added. He
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  • 88 5 |>ERTH. Sun. An inaugural convention of State Malaysian students' associations will take place In Sydney from Aug. 18 to Aug. 22. Two delegates from each State MSA have been ln- vlted to attend the convention in Sydney's Malaysia House. l Chief aim of the
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  • 141 5 Man-eating tiger shot dead while resting KUANTAN, Sun. A man eating tiger which had terrorised the Sunjjei Lembing area for the past three year? has been killed. It was shot dead by a local hunter, Ah Seng, two days ago. The full grown male tiger, 7. ft long and weighing
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  • 292 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. ffHE Assistant Minister of Education, Mr. Lee Siok Yew, today reminded teachers of their great responsibility of implementing the national education policy to ensure the unity and solidarity of the country's future generations. "The teachers who are entrusted with the execution
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 176 5 OF /ft GREAT CAR sgSßKmmm^^^mMm^Eke^&£a&&£mm TAKE IT AWAY TEST-PROVE ITYOURSELF! Now! Prove Imp for yourself as thoroughly asyou ||||/P want. You take the wheel and put Imp through its nil Alf L II paces. Enjoy the smoothness of the all-synchromesh |f|M|l[ M gearbox, the sure, smooth road-holding that comes from
      176 words
    • 146 5 you get j~% FIRE^IMG Ilk mi SPARK PLUGS l^M the exdu»i« Klf-demiig "Hoi Tip* 1 ihit jives AC Spark Plup »Jch powerful •dnnofr*. It hcatt up fut to bum my fluc-fouL&b prwer-robbing dcpmiti as tbey form. That'i why AC Hoi Tip Spuk Plup (In job ana i:iin% filter gcriway, livelier
      146 words

  • 56 6 KOTA BHARU. Sun. A Brinnford Lodge trained teacher. Nik Mat bin Yusof. 25. died at the General Hospital here after a rood accident yesterday afternoon. A t*acher of Kamnong Laut Lower Secondary School. Nik Mat waa riding a motorcycle when he crashed into a coconut tree
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  • 328 6 The man who is hoping for a good flood... I POH, Sunday. WHILE most people dread floods, Mr. P. Banks, leader of the Canadian survey team that is probing the hydro-electric potential of the Upper Perak River, is anxiously waiting for one. He has a good reason for it, too.
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  • 78 6 PENANG, Sun.— A $2,000 model plane crashed and was destroyed when it went out of control at the competition organised by the Penang Model Aircraft Club at Minden Barracks, Glugor, yesterday. The plane, belonging to John Parton, an R.A.F. technician, was coming in to
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  • 238 6 Tun Yusof: Tourists see us as a land of orchids SINGAPORE, Sun. The Yang di-Pertu-an Negara of Singapore, Tun Yusof bin Ishak, said last night that foreign tourists were now looking at Malaysia as a country of orchids and not merely as a producer of rubber and tin. Tun Yusof.
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  • 65 6 ALOR STAR, Sun. A housewife. Aishali binte Salleh. has reported to Jenlang police that a man tried to molest her lasr. night. Aisliah. 26. told police she and her husband were sleeping in their Kampong Jenlnan* house when she was awakened by someone trying to
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  • 200 6 SINGAPORE, Sun. A British publishing firm, Cassell and Co. Ltd.. is offering £5,000 for an original, previously unpublished work devoted to any aspect of the history of the English speaking peoples, written and designed expressly for general publication in book form. This award to
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  • 83 6 SINGAPORE, Sun. The Institute of Business Administration In Australia ha* decided to hold examinations In Singapore for members of the institute. The institute, which was formed two yma aao, n ntly decided 10 extend its KCttviUea to Singapore to afford aspiring young executive trainees hero
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  • 180 6 6INGAPORE, Sun rVHE staff of the Ma--1 1 a c c a Municipal Council have contributed $235 towards the fund of Hindun binte Ahmad, the 11-year-old Butterworth girl, who lost her legs In an accident eight months ago. The Straits Times office In
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 535 6 New KODAK INSTAMATIC Cameras load instantly... Now the pictures you want most are easier than ever to take 4^^A^^ttilMMlK_'_ a 4^E _9H! p? V »«jiii^^»» _> IHb> IMF -**«^H Eny lo load. Loading KODAK INSTAMATIC Cameras is quick and Ea»y to us*. Nothing to it. Just aim and shootl It's
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 124 6 l»o V n ap »n V.T. llamlin y TfsALO**' I MAW AGAINSr/SNO DOUBT IN MY I 'VMOULr^TT )Na..BUrOFCOtJ_] >~ B "~"~^^B V" i *O*- MACHINE... I MIND, O&CAR...THE I HAVE'? /I'M NOT GONG TO X...JUST ROUGH r_?l \_Ol- 7T__TH HOW WILL V WOULOJT LET OUR ROBOT HIM A BrT...TAXE t
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  • 373 7 BRUNEI HAS THE CASH, BUT LACKS EXPERTS TO SPEND IT BRUNEI TOWN, Sunday. OIL-rich Brunei is suffering from its wealth. It has money but not enough people to help spend the millions of dollars which it makes as one of the biggest petroleum producers in the Commonwealth.
    Reuter  -  373 words
  • 106 7 Australian trade fair opens in Capital 1/TALA LUMPCR. Sun The Australian Trade Exhibition will open at the Chinese Assembly Hall tomorrow. Seventy Australian companies are displaying their products in the exhibition, sponsored and organised by Australian Export Promotions in conjunction with the Australian Government Department of Trade and Industry. The
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  • 27 7 KANGAR. Sun. The Perils branch of the Malaysia Red Cross Association will hold a dance on Sept. 8 In the Derma English School hall
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  • 92 7 Certificate and medal for orchid grower SINGAPORE'S First Lady. Ton Puan Noor Aishah, presenting prize orchid grower Syed Yusof AlsagofT with a certificate and a medal during the dinner and dance of the Malaysian Orchid Society at the Cathay Restaurant on Saturday night. Syed ALsagoff won his prize in the
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  • 94 7 'JAKARTA-KL DISPUTE WILL END SOON' KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The former Indian representative to the United Nations. Mr. Arthur Lall. said here today he was confident that the differences between Malaysia and Indonesia would be settled in "t h c foreseeable future." "It will be settled at a proper time and
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  • 244 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. The National Union of Teachers today endorsed a resolution by the Malaysian Trades Union Congress to take political action in retaliation against the Government's ban on strikes. This was one of the resolutions adopted at the annual delegates conference of
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  • 158 7 'Start school health scheme' suggestion to Government PENANG. Sunday. A PRIVATE medical practitioner today suggested that the Malaysian Government should start a school health service instead of engaging doctors to do part-time work in hospitals. "There will be sufficient private practitioners to join such a scheme." he told the Straits
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  • 21 7 PONTIAN. Sun. A mobile unit provided free X-rays to the public at thp General Hospital here yesterday and today.
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  • 19 7 DUNOUN. Sun. An Army reerultlng team will conduct Interviews at the Dungun English School on Aug. 14.
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  • 45 7 PENANO. Sun. Hie lamic Religious. Council have clwrn Inch* Jamaluciclin bin Khamis of Krpi'.;i Ban* and Clie Salniaii bint. I Nlbor.u IVbal to represent Perwne at 'he 'rcliiiou^ nook rendina' demonstration at the opening of in Kual» Lumpur on Aug. 37 and 2*.
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  • 127 7 IfOTA BHARU, Sun. The Speaker of the Prnang State Legislative Assembly, Haji bin Haji Ahmad, said that there was a possibility that the British were behind Singapore's Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. In his attacks on the Central Government. He warned that
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  • 85 7 Prisoner escapes from Changi SINGAPORE, Sun. A prisoner escaped 1 while working at the Changl jail field yester- day. Police said that the prisoner, who escaped at 3 pra» was hist seen wearing white >hnrt.s and a white sport* shirt The man Is sft 4Un tall. weighs 1191 b. is
    85 words
  • 32 7 KAJANO, Sim. Th« Tout> Board here will convert land near i Kumpong Jambu her* into public park as part of a campaign to give the town a new look
    32 words
  • 24 7 PENANO. Sun The Pmar.g State Welfare Committee will hold Its monthly meeting at the Penang Youth Centre. Acheen Street, on Auk IB
    24 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 136 7 golden ffl V the modern sewing machine pvprntp* for every home, the portable, executes —^*^*i automatic sewing machine, automatically ECCH I with flat-bed nn m convertible into free-arm, basting g^" M M with jam-proof darning M M slant buttonholes Wf IMI Ml rotary hook; blind-stitch n If I stretch-stitch ■■■■■Hi
      136 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 52 7 Bugs Bunny By Ralph Hcimdahl r l'A\ Yl NEED TM^ »HEY SYLVESTER! I HICEO SICE, vVA BUMI j ■P4 il VA T CAOPY TW AT BUT Y —^Z■P|LJ)\ SigM-NOTtf'A^OOry > FATISUE V>^v/ 'VA DON'T WAVE tA I HUH "Rn&^WS V SOME PLACE > TTjV AJJa^ v v PEOR-E'U- SEE/ j
      52 words

  • 156 8 M Wmrdm t/5 I minimum FAMILY OF THE late Mr Soo Hoy \\*t> tfc .nk frlenda and r»lativ»« tor 'Ma '(indolence*. donations »-Mil» «»»i»tan-» and kln<l »'vnd •he fun-mi (1 -vIT, THE FAMILY OF In. !r.i.-. Will a n 100 .Hent tbaoka l*Ha**J, relativM tt eodji aticj staff of
    156 words
  • 25 8 Horrf. V/J Mm, mum IN LOVINC MEMORY of Mr \l P'lIT Hua who l»ft il« B-V Forever -fne-nhered bT h\r lovn» if« at
    25 words
  • The Straits Times Monday, August 9, 1965.
    • 688 8 When Tun Razak toured re- j settlement arevis at the week- end he saw the shiny side of Kuala Lumpur's housing coin.' The darker side needs no such j tour as slums and squatter areas are everywhere to be seen- -and indications are they will be there
      688 words
    • 393 8 The prospects held out to the Chinese squatters who hay« been moved from f arras scat- tered along the Kuching-Senan road should reconcile them to the inconveniencea they are now experiencing. The first phase of resettlement had to be carried out as an emergency operation, the over-riding consideration
      393 words
    • 178 8 Tlu- second Made-in-Malay- <ia Fair in Kuala Lumpur has been a notable success. Many thousands have viewed the I exhibits and been made aware jof the growing range ot Malaysian manufactures. They have been turned, thereby, into potrntial customers. There are many millions outside the j capital, however,
      178 words
    • 278 8 AFRICA MISSION: D.S.C. STILL WANTS AN INQUIRY A CONTROVERSY Is not settled If one side starts flinging abuse at the other. What the public demands are facts and arguments based on these facte. A reply such a> the one Issued by the University Socialist Club provides vivid testimony to the
      278 words
    • 148 8 T^HE lay-out and the new •i. Singapore International Airport terminal building are comparable with the best In the world that this modern Jet age has to offer. What amazes me mast Is that after spending so much of the taxpayers' money c;n this building the Department of Civil
      148 words
  • 555 8  -  YUNUS MARIS By M.A. University of Malaya VOCABULARY: Oleh (prep* by. area (t» to touch exactly, to hit off (In passive construction, followed by another VERB and OLEH: "to be afflicted by something", or "to cause something to take place or to happen E.g. kena marah to
    555 words
  • 1359 8 Malaysian appeals to the Privy Council by a SPECIAL LEGAL CORRESPONDENT AS a practitioner of law closely associated with the legal profession in Malaysia for some decades. I have read with a certain amount of disappointment, if not dismay, the different disparate reasons urged in support of and agajnst a
    1,359 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 782 8 Strsiis ThN Mslay Mail C»iil'M ■WllHi'nM ■>•» a* t» COLD ejTOPIAttC lUFia> M»"KfT Ofi's "oe« (»eei»(%sa>si a>ee«) a »o.« ««<»■»« ■aaa aaai A«[Ho'>i*d Ageetef CITY »OOK STOSI LTV ».'t«ni« Houee. r.eKyw <>■■• THE NfWI ratONT aajajsjasrlal s M'fvtM at. M. ISMAIL HAMIIM STORf 141* re- xantf 17 V ItrTNASAMT CO
      782 words
      50 words
    • 128 8 TOMORROW: 3 questions *Xl* 5^» -prit-' M ATM a saa^iaBBsaBBBBaaBBBK K- BWrU saaV I as ftSC5Sff» "Npr K. S bbWc«bH bbbV YaW Er V VsbbbbH JsbVfJ Kaßal aH Sri Si S BBBT JBBB^^Bfe*. ■^■sßßßßß^afeax^Bßto^Lr bbT iaPJ BBBBar I! ,1 P 4 VIIAMUf Z°S COUNT DUKE Of OIIVAMZ. SaBBM •T COUITUY
      128 words

  • 235 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. The Minister of Labour. Mr. V. Manickavasagam, was today urged to interin the 19-day strike by 100 employees ol UM K and O. Hotel m Penang, which resulted In its closure last month. The Reneral secretary of tiie
    235 words
  • 70 9 Explosions at sea are still a mystery CINGAPORE. Sun.—-Po-lice today were still unable to trace the location of two sea explosions last night. The first explosion, heard at 11.48 p.m.. came from the direction of Sisters Island. At 12.20 a.m. another explosion was heard from the sea off Bedok. A
    70 words
  • 155 9 MALACCA, Sun. There will be no lavish celebrations, as In previous years, on the occasion of the 66th birthday of the Governor of Malacca. Tun Haji Abdul Malek bin Yu■of, tomorrow. This is because of confrontation and the Government's austerity drive, according to Government circles.
    155 words
  • 202 9 JJUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The Central Government was today urged not to proceed with the BUI which gives the Registrar of Trade Unions powers to crack down on splinter unions. The Bill, which goes before the House of Representatives tomorrow, will empower the
    202 words
  • 41 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun An eyt >pec.allst. Dr. Ket.hirmhir.or S*ngh. left here today to attend the Australian Med;eal A&socution conference In Perth. Western Au.'tralla He wil. be representing the Malayan Medical Association a* an observer at the conference.
    41 words
  • 222 9 SEREMBAN, Sundoy. rp OWN councillors were paid allow--L ances totalling $41,000 between 1 959 and 1 960, although payment was to be effective only from March, 1 961 a commission of inquiry was told today. This evidence was given by the State Auditor, Haji
    222 words
  • 103 9 TENGKU Abdul Rahman, who was elected chairman of the newlyformed Malaysian Nationsi Alliance Council, presiding at the first meeting of the council at the Drwan Tengku Abdul Rahman in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. The Tengku was elected by acclamation. The meeting also elected six vice-chairmen
    103 words
  • 28 9 $4.50— 50 jail TELDK ANSON. Sun. Abdul Ghani bin Anang, 18, a paal planter, was sentenced to four months' jail here yesterday for stealing 45 coconuts worth $4.50.
    28 words
  • 86 9 Rolling logs kill man RAUB, Sun.— A lorry attendant. Yap Fatt alias Yit Chiew, 26. was killed i when the lorry loaded with i timber lors in which he was travelling overturned at the 43rd mile, Raub-Jerantut road, yesterday. The steel wire rope used to tie the logs snapped while
    86 words
  • 353 9 Action is urged against these rubber packers KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. THE Malayan Rubber Export Registration Board has urged for more vigorous action against rubber packers and shippers to discourage the practice of excessive bale coating. The 1964 annual report today discloses that the board received a spate of complaints towards
    353 words
  • 80 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. The general secretary of the Malaysian Indian Congress, Mr. 8. Murugesu. today criticised the Indian community for giving a "rousing welcome" to the Indian MPs who visited Malaysia recently. Speaking at the seventh annual meeting of the Batu branch of the
    80 words
  • 55 9 IPOH. Sun. The !!rst Pthlc Umno youth work nnip held at Kampong Bendang Keriim in Sayong, Kuala Kung.tar. sprcnd over three days from Aug. 18 Inche Kamaruddin bin Mohamed Isa, secretary of Perak Umno. said that more than 300 Umno youths from various place* In Perak
    55 words
  • 148 9 CABLE NO. 2 FAILS TO CLEAR MYSTERY OF TSUI SINGAPORE. Sun. The mystery which surrounds the Identity of Mr. Tsui Ping, named as the new manager of the Bank of China in Singapore, remains despite a second telegram from the bank's head office in Peking. A telegram received by the
    148 words
  • 249 9 Bahaman's 'work hard' call to the nurses MALACCA. Sun. Nurses were today urged to "mitigate" the shortcomings of inadequate stall and hospital facilities In the country by working conscientiously, cheerfully and efficiently. This call was made by Wit Minister of Health. Incht Bahaman bin Shamsuddin. when he opened the second
    249 words
  • 48 9 SINGAPORE, Sun. A Chlne» couple was robbed of $116 worth of jewellery and $35 while walking at Aroozoo Road yesterday. Madam Knh Song Eng. tl. told police she and her husband were on their way home when two youths armed with dagger! confronted them.
    48 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 32 9 INSTANT PURE VEGETABLE GOODNESS RICH IN ESSENTIAL B VITAMINS BERITA HARIAN Spot The Ball Contest "G" Another $1,000/- Prize is offered! Send your entry now. 1 Entries Close Wed. 11.8.65, 11 a.m.
      32 words
    • 271 9 DON'T S3 GAMBLE WITH YOUR HARD-EARNED MONEY INVEST WISELY PAN MALAYAN FINANCE offers security with good returns on DEPOSITS. Invert in a DEPOSIT ACCOUNT with PAN MALAYAN FINANCE to-day and be sure of a safe and steady return. 6% on six month's notice of withdrawal. 4}% on Family Deposit Accounts.
      271 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 828 9 TV MALAYSIA (Malaya) Channel: 5 KuaU Lumpur and 7 News in English; 7.10 We PenanK; 6 Ipoh and MaUrra; Like To Know; 7.34 Mr. Magoo 3 Joimrr Bahru: 4 Taiping; 7 —"Robin Hood"; 8 News in Batu Pahat 9 Kluang. Mandarin; 8.10 Marl Berbual; 8.15 Popular songs; 8.34 Candid P.M.:
      828 words

    • 190 10 TKDKYO. Sun. Japan- ese police yesterday were holding three foreign nationals in connection with the smuggling of 23.76 million yen (about $197,000) worth of gold into Japan. Police expressed the hope they may eventually help in cracking an International smuggling organisation. Police
      AP  -  190 words
    • 51 10 CAIRO. Sun. A UAR military tribunal began the trial yesterday of an Egyptian Army officer on several charges including desertion and an attempt to topple the present regime in the UAR. The offlcer, Zaghloul Abdel Rahman, former military attactv In Beirut, pleaded guilty to all -harces.
      AP  -  51 words
    • 420 10 SYDNEY, Sunday little Indian girl who was "kidnapped" twice in 24 hours in protests against the 'White Australia" policy, left for her native Fiji last ni,ght following a deportation order. Six-year old Nancy was in tears when she stopped aboard the plane
      420 words
    • 101 10 f ONDON, Sun British scientists are turning undersize weaklings into "superboys" in 100 days with hormone Injections, the Sunday Mirror claimed today. The harmone, chorionic gonadostrophln, was given to 53 physically immature boys in daily jabs, and Made them "taller. he virr. tougher and more
      Reuter  -  101 words
    • 70 10 DAR-ES-SALAAM, Sun. President Kaunda of Zambia left for home by air today after two days of talks here with President Nyerere on the proposed 1,030--mile rail link between Zambia and Tanzania. Both China and Britain ara reported to have offered help in building the rail
      Reuter  -  70 words
    • 301 10 TREE RHODESIA WILL NOT BE IN C'WEALTH' SALISBURY (Rhodesia), Sunday. jy|R. LAN SMITH, the Rhodesian Prime Minister, said yesterday that even if Rhodesia negotiated her independence it would probably be outside the Commonwealth. Addressing the annual congress of his ruling Rhodesian Front party, he declared Rhodesia was now in a
      Reuter  -  301 words
    • 64 10 VTSILANTI (Michigan). X Sun. Embarrassed de- 1 mocrats today hastily cor- rected the wording of a notice for their annual State party picnic. A Press statement from St.i'p Democratic headquarters had said that there would op '"sinnine. dancing and barbecued beef the picnic. A
      64 words
    • 35 10 BHOPAL. Sun. Tajvardhan Singh. 11-year-old son of the Maharaja of Narsinghgarh. killed a 9ft. tipress near here to become probably the youngest person ever to have shot a tiger in India. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 78 10 \'O matter how you 11 say it, it still means "Save Water." International beauties (from left) Miss Sweden, Agneta Hoist; Miss France, MarieFrance Perron; Miss Cermany, Ingrid Finger; Miss Spain, Rafaela Sanchez; and Miss England, Carol Crompton, are reminded by a par rially submerged
      UPI  -  78 words
    • 62 10 BUDAPEST. Sun.— Palponth«w logists have discovered the remains of 80 ice-age species in tha Tarkoei cave of northeast Hungary, the Huncnriim news agency MTI reported last night. The find, dating to the scrond and fourth Ice-agea is considered of major imoortunce to European experts. Of the
      UPI  -  62 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 57 10 ajb §j %M l| ji r- > w ?r?tCClll^^«^. w ■■•^m< ■■£■s& fWIIIJBWffiS^^K X .^s^s^s^s^s^k^^sfl Falcon is dignified. Glamorous, yet strong. Specially processed chrome fittings give extra brightness. Falcon's glass-like paintwork resists chipping and fading. Its elegance never wears out. Falcon is elegant. J^^^^^ m M ■M^s^s^s^s^sV^^s^s^s^s^H M!^^BME^^^^^p^^p^p^i^^^^^ fQlcon BY
      57 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 234 10 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 6- Happened to De savage? »6). i 8 Becomes excitable, having to till* plant IWi. nnvHhlv (9) 10. Mulrhead get* nlc cooked E?S W ZJ phenomenon" (Dtechop (o>. 1..,, fi v srssr °o f f as? s•• r 8 ■ss *E' 't, 1 hlUed 1 PV
      234 words

  • Straits Times Book Review
    • 909 11 Sorge: Russian master spy FEW spies have helped make history as successfully as Dr. Richard Sorge, the Russian army intelligence agent who became confidante of General Eugen Ott, the Nazi Ambassador in Tokyo before the war. Sorge's information convinced Moscow that the Japanese, who were preparing in the closing months
      909 words
    • 245 11 ONE MORE RIVER. By Gordon Hunt. (Collins 255.) (By Walter Warwick) rIS chronicle of escape from the extreme north of Burma into China across the great barrier of mountains which separate the Irrawaddy from the upper reaches of the Mekong earr <
      245 words
    • 306 11  - Verdict on the grand old fraud Stuart Robe GVRDJIEFP REMEMBERED. By Fritz Peters. (Gollancz 22a. Hi By rtiHE sequel to Mr. Peters' 1 book of "Boyhood with Ourdjieff" brings in the verdict on the grand old fraud. He was, says Mr. Peters, "a real genuine phoney." But perhaps an honest
      306 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 434 11 rmtzZ^^j Imc MtMK I UT v^SS your swimming e§|§ K\, A major point of importance in Wm swimming pool water nitration is Mk that diatomite filtration removes the cercariae of Schistosoma j*\ I mansoni, which causes a dermar~'* titis commonly known as swim- mer's itch". This organism, which \p Je&~"
      434 words
    • 463 11 P^ COLCHESTER [ELLIOTT in NAMES m§ WILL INCREASE THE m I EFFICIENCY OF YOUR mm ENGINEERING WORKSHOP Consult your nearest JARDINE WAUGH office for expert advice on the rrost suitable machine to meet your requirements. /^anfc^ Sole Agents M The JARDINE WAUGH Organisation. ■AnfM LO9KIN YOUR B^^hßh^^^^^^^H "hat kind of
      463 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 247 12 S^hhbll^HbVib < untinurd from Pare R) SITUATIONS VACANT It Words tt Mlm i— Box S* tat fIBBPS REQUIRE M CYCLE FOREMAN with i .il experrnre, state salary apply 341 Jalan Be.iur Spore 6. WANTED EXPERIENCED MALE or female Chinme Accountu Clerk for Immediate interview. Call personally 1112 Belangor Mansion, Jin.
      247 words
    • 1032 12 SITUATIONS VACANT li Word* $t (Ml*.)— Box St ets. txtrm REOUIREO MASTER, Chief Engineer A Chief Officer with MOT Certificates for forelgn-EOtng ship. Apply Kle Hork Shipping Co. Ltd. 48, Cecil Street. ;<ire. WANTED OUT-DOOR SALESGIRLS Commission Basla. Apply personally 8< aland. United Commercial Bank Chambers, 1-B. D Almeida Street,
      1,032 words
    • 937 12 ACCOMMODATION VACANT li Words SI (Ml*.)— Box St ett. extra PETAUNG JAVA four bedroomed detached house, two bathrooms, water beater, sitting, dining rooms. Section II near University of Malaya. Contact Mr. Lee Tel: XL *****. AVAILABLE Office and souwroom Space ground floor at Petaling Jay* New Town Centre tor Immediate
      937 words
    • 828 12 TUITION i li Words St (Mln.)— Box SO eta. txtrm LEARN DRIVING success Guaranteed $70/-. Unsuccessful learner sets free tuition. Ring (Spore* 50*62. ENCLISH: Long experienced graduate I offers tuition at your home In English i Language all levels. Box A5lOB. B.T. (Spore). BALLROOM PRIVATE LSSSONS. Dally by appointment. Consult
      828 words
    • 1014 12 r.V./RADIO SALES SERVICE I IS Words SI (Ml*.)— Box St eta, txtrm SHERWOOD SOLID STATE mere* Amplifiers. Speaker system* etc.. Call tor demonstration at Hwee Sens Co. .;each Rd. Spore. CONVERT YOUR PRESENT r.V. Anteona to cover all cnaanel reception Hne* reaaooable. Ring snore ***** CAR OWNERS! Equip your venicir
      1,014 words
    • 648 12 FOR SALE IS Word* St (Min.)-Box St rts. txtrm HORNBY-DUBLO and Marklln Trains and layout. Best offer Keoures. Phone Spore 6»0*3 for viewing. CCC RADIOGRAM la specially made ink cabinet with 263 classical 78" records phone Spore 303Z6. STEAMBATHS. MASSAGE. ETC li Words ft (Mi*.)— Box S9 rtm nlr,, GENTLE
      648 words
    • 454 12 BARS 6 RESTAURANTS (Spore) II Words SI (Mlh.)-Box SD ets. txtro LAI WAM RESTAURANT. Special Cantonese dluhr* HeMTCeI V famous rooks at 377C/3A3C Jalan S'vort. Tel: 2MS4. FRESH FLOWERS li Hurdn SI (Mln.)— Box i« rts. sxlrm PRINCESS SAYS tor you with flowera thought itilly *eksete4 ■in'l fully arranged
      454 words
    • 293 12 THE BANKRUPTCT ORDINANCE (CHAPTER II) SOTKK OF FIRST MEETIM.s NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVKN Ti^tniK ol creditn ihe undci mentioned will be held on Tuesday. lh« day of Aukum. 13t">5 at the Oftic vi :iee's Chambers, Top Floor, Hißh Court Building, Singapore Bankruptcy No. 1. Po Guan Chwre 2 Po Guan
      293 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1206 13 tt LlfEIPOtl. 1 WtSI CUST UK.! Due V: HPH P »"«air Ptittftg MENTtR C«n 77 Atg 11 Aut 11 11 Atf 17 AENEAS Atg II AH Aut II MtNtITNtUS 1 C isfoo Atf 11 Aeg 21 Atg 22 73 Atf 21 [LP(Mt Aitg ii At< ik Alt 27/ 2 ttpt
      1,206 words
    • 2530 13 IBBSEBSSMSKBBEMk TH£ E A XmUNES THE EAST A3:*t;C C-V'ASr LJ I- rrpo-ttd n Ot~.-i-k qPtESSJAItnrtS Tl MAR EAST, CONTINENT ANO SCANBINATIAi S port P. &fn Paaant Am fiaaaa Mifta H'Bart oetj tarn liata. MORtUA a) Alt 11/21 Atf 22 24 25 71 leptU IS tapttt Ort 1 4 N ■DMA
      2,530 words
    • 1333 13 W. ELLERMAH BUCKNALL S.S. CO., LTO. \T™^^ U.K. /Continent Smgapora P. Slim Ptmat Cm OF NEWCASTLE I don, Hturg, ft Own, Havre, MiddleibroLjh (1/21 Am 2t At| Cm »f CIIICAM Htvrt, London. Hamburg. Bremta. R'aam. Antatrp.... 11 Aag/2 tap 1/ 4«Ppt CITI tf ILASCtf Loodon, Hamburg. Hoiterdaa. Havre, Hull,
      1,333 words

  • 672 14 THK followinr is a complete list nf revised quotatinnv for thr week ended on Saturday Auk. 7. a Vex Rr'rfc. Boujteart 1 17 IK R.M. Truata* >" a Holdtnfa 1 !*> 2"2 C T S. orda 3* t 41 n Hunlopa 1.31 1.33 K»ao l.Mi LM
    672 words
  • 1114 14 •T«Hr table »f «har* on thr 1 Malayan Stock hRtaM Nhn«v last business U> l«lv 31. (A) and last busine-M sipre that date ißi wtlh H and I. land me for t Hicheot and Lowest hatiiieMi for 1964 and thin year u> data. U ft. I. 15 30
    1,114 words
  • 58 14 T'HK prr>cnt r ;i tp of the Malayan dollar against the pound strrlinc lived on November 24 last >«\<r is selling T.T. or O.D. is. 3 J5 16d. BuyiiiK T.T. U. 4 1, 164. Buyinr I) tV I .il The dollar is at Ito KUtntorT middle position in
    58 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1169 14 KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Cast Canada and U.S.A. Graat Laka« Stwvtaa) H'koni Yotc^amt Mont'etl Toronto Detroit Citietfn Mmttiat Mart" IStft 7t Sett 72 Oct 21 Oct 1 Ntt I Ntt w-iietwa Mare 17 Stpt N Sept 23 Oct Jl Set I Nit Wait Coast of Central South America Swvi— YokoKtmi
      1,169 words
    • 894 14 Hi°lorientJ LINE s] TO EUROPE AND THE UNITED KINGDOM s.s. "CATHAY" (14,000 tons fully airconditionad) Departing SINGAPORE 28th Aua. 1965 PORT SWETTENHAM 29th Aug 1965 PENANG 30th Aug 1965 Arriving LONDON 2 1 it Sapt 1965 via Colombo, Aden, Port Said Gibraltar. FIRST CLASS accommodation available. Apply to your Troval
      894 words
    • 408 14 LLOYD TRIESTINO >- TRAVEL TO THE CONTINENT OF EUROPE AND TO THE UNITED KINGDOM VIA ITALY m.v. "VICTORIA" Sailing from Singapore 24th August. 1965 m.v. "ASIA" Sailing from Singapore 28th September, 1965 LIMITED ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE FOR BRINDISI, VENICE TRIESTE via Bombay, Karachi, Aden Port Said Special Concessional Rail Sleeper Tickets
      408 words
    • 440 14 PP5itfJP5Q^P^3tP! UttVUUad 3aX WESTBOUNOi EUROPE SERVICeT" Singapore P. S'btm Penang FOfi NARA 11/11 Aif 14/11 Atf) 17 Auf Marseilles, Hsvrt, Oontlrk. TAYGA 11/11 Seat 14 II Seat 17 Sept Marwillei. Bordeaui, Havrt. 0-U.L nausicaa 12/14 Od is/17 Oct II Oct Marseilles. Havre. Ounkirt YAMA 11/11 Ntt 14/11 Ntf 17 Ntf
      440 words

    • 1965 15 Tin share interest continues on market From Our Market Correspondent pEARS of devaluation of the British pound which had such a wide currency of rumours had a side effect on the local Stock Exchange last week. With the continued speculative buying of the metal and London interest in tin shares
      1,965 words
    • 803 15 rE Btralts tin price followed another erratic course last week and finished on Saturday with a fall of $3 50 to $730.50 per plcuL Thla represented a net loss on balance on the week of Saturday's fall w«a only j half the equivalent of
      803 words
    • 88 15 -rHr Malayan fiehangt Banks' Atteciatlon mafic those changes In Itt 1 ratts ts merchants on Ssturday (sll rsttt to $100): 1 Ntw York: buying TT 32 11 ,'1«. 32 13 16. tK) A'r< 33 3/16 rrr.t!t I trnrle hills Csnada: btqrtag TT 3:» .vie, airmail OD 7 1«.
      88 words
    • 40 15 ON the frts tiehance market In Hong Kong on Baturrt.iv. the U.S. dollar was quoted at 5 .774 for T.T. and S.7SJ for sash. Sterling sjaa quoted at 18 03 and 1 ens Utl ef geld at JM|.
      40 words
    • 30 15 RIBBER TIN: (perlb.) (pcrpicul) Auf. 2. 68-% cts. $738.87', 3. 68^ eta, $733.62", 4. 68 eta. 5720.37 !i 5. 6?>;cta, $730.00 6. 67 Hi eta. $734.00 7. J7J0.50
      30 words
    • 46 15 Industrials: Tins: S rubbers: Aug. 2 68.95 »3.65 102.11 Aug. 3 Aug. 4 Au?. 5 68.97 68.44 68.49 93.50 92.32 92.47 102.11 102.11 102.16 Dec. 30. 1963 100 Dec. 29. 1962 100 Aui?- 6 69.00 94- 11 102.15 AUR. 7 69.36 94.01 102.15
      46 words
    • 56 15 'elating Tin lew Scudai tukit Sembawang ■jrniber Kubli. r fount Austin Current payment 16% t 174% 124 10% Date of payment Sept. 20 Ai«. 20 Aur. 2? Sept. 28 Sept. 1 t Interim Total for vear 17J% 12)% 10% Total for previous year 35% 171% 10% (plus 3d-
      56 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 249 15 EVERETT STEAMSHIP CORPORATION S/A. General Survey on damaged cargo discharged ex the following vessels will be held on 9.8 65 from 8.30 am. as follows: i.i. "DOLPHEVERETT" Voy. ISA Arrd: 30.7.65 <&> PSA Gdn. 40/41. m.i. "JHELUM" Arrd: 3U.7.65 PSA Gdn: 1/2. i.i. "REBEVERETT" Voy. 11 A Arrd: 31.7.65 PSA
      249 words
    • 269 15 PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD. SINGAPORE ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT NOTICE TO CONSUMERS Interruption of Electricity Supply I.mi Chu Kang/Chua Chu Rung Road Areas. In order that work In connection with the extension of aerial cable at Chua Chu Kang/Llm Chu Kang Road may be carried out. It Is necessary to interrupt the electricity
      269 words
    • 606 15 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA APPLICATIONS are Invited for two posts of Assistant Librarian In the Library. Candidates should have (a) ai degree from a recognized university: plus ib) an Assoclateship of the Library Association. London, or equivalent professional qualifications; plus (O experience in a university Library. Salary Scale: 1
      606 words
    • 471 15 TENDERS KENYATAAN TAWARAN J.K.R. JOHOR. Tawaran daripada Pemborong2 yang berdaftar dengan J.K.R. di-dalam Kelas 'E' dan ka-atas akan di- j terlma dl-Pejabat Jurutera Negerl, J.K.R. Johor Johor Bahru hingga Jam pukol 12 tengah harl pada 23 hb Ogos, 1965. untok: PEMBENAAN SATU GABONOAN BILEK PERTUKANGAN AYAN DAN SAINS RUMAH TANGGA
      471 words
    • 1294 15 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT VACANCIES Applications are invited from Federal Citizens for the following appointments: 1. TRADE INSTRUCTOR in Tailoring in the Prisons Department. Salary scale: $268 xl 4 352 420 xl 4 618 plus Cost of Living Allow ance at current rates. AGE: Candidates must have attained their 25th but not
      1,294 words

    • 141 16 LONDON, Sun.— Results of football matches played yesterday: Friendues: Aldershot 3 Brentford 1; Bath 1 Torquay 2; Bradford 5 York 3; Bury 4; Carlisle 1; Barrow 4 Morton 1; Celchester 1 Luton 2; Colwyn Bay 1 Chester 2; Gllllngham 3 Charlton 2; Grlmsby 4 Bishop Auckland 1:
      Reuter  -  141 words
    • 384 16 THE 2ND TEST Latter and Snow bowl well to check Springboks T ONDON, Sun.— The exciting Seo- ond Test between England and South Africa continued to run a thrilling course before another near*. 20,000 crowd at Trent Bridge, Nottingham, yesterday. At the close, the Springboks had had been put out
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    • 107 16 MIKE'S WIFE IS SIDECAR PASSENGER ...AND MECHANIC OANGLNO over a fast corner in 11 expert international style is Mike Fiddaman's sidecar passenger his wife Elayne, going round Brands Hatch circuit with him. She helped him to build the 650 cc Triumph Special in the front room of their home at
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    • 350 16 S. Korea choose a strong team MERDEKA SOCCER SEOUL, Sunday. THE SOUTH KOREAN F.A. will send a 21--man contingent 17 players and four officials to the Merdeka soccer tournament at Kuala Lumpur from Aug. 14 to 28. Leading the team will be Kirn Yong-Shik, vice-president of the South Korean F.A.
      350 words
    • 229 16 WIGHTMAN CUP /CLEVELAND. Sun. v Britain and the United States each won one singles here, on the| opening day of their three-day women's ten-i nis match for the Wightman Cup. Britain's top player Mrs. i Ann Jones beat Blllle Jean Moffltt 6-2. 6-4 to
      Reuter  -  229 words
    • 120 16 Kitta leads in the Woodlawn DONN, Sun Tadashi Kitta.' of Japan (above) took the lead In the second round ot the annual 72-hole Woodlawn golf tournament at the American air base at Ramsteln yesterday. Kitta, runner-up In the Singapore Open this year, followed his six-under-par 64 In the first round,
      120 words
    • 182 16 GILCHRIST'S THROW CAUSES A WALKOUT LONDON, sun. An incident involving Roy GUchrist, the West Indian fast bowler, resulted in play being abandoned in a Central Lancashire League cricket match at (romp ton yesterday. GUchrist, bowline for Crompton against RadcHffe, appeared to b*4 provoked into throwing the ball at the Radoliffe
      Reuter  -  182 words
    • 361 16 COUNTY CRICKET r LONDON, Sun. /BOUNTY leaders Northamptonshire kept up their challenge yesterday when they dismissed Nottinghamshire for 204 and put on 49-1 by the close. Yet they looked like doing even better earlier in the dav when they sent back the first lour Notts batsmen
      361 words
    • 151 16 N'thants ;;iHmnri;.in Somerset WONM Vorks r>or >v [^irs ri'iOUCS Ken: Sussex Surrey Warwick Notts Hants Lanes 23 10 3 8 2 0 4 108 20 8 4 6 1 1 4 90 22 8 6 7 1 1 3 88 21 7 410 0 0 6 82 21 fi
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 858 16 ANGLO-ORIENTAL (MALAYA) LIMITED KUALA LUMPUR Outputs of tin concentrates for the undermentioned Companies under the Management of AngloOriental .Malaya. Limited for the month of Julj 196 b are as follow*:— PICCLS AMPAT TTN DREDGING LIMITED 733 BERJUNTAI TIN DREDGING LIMITED 5835 KAM.^ONO LANJUT TTN DREDGING LIMITED 2.648 KAMUNTING TIN DREDGING
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    • 667 16 NOTICES PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD, SINGAPORE KLSCTRICITY DEPARTMENT NOTICE TO CONSUMERS INTERRUPTION OF ELECTRICITY SUPPLIES IN CHANCERY LANE AREAS To enable extension work to be carried out at Chancery Lane substation it will be necessary to Interrupt electricity supplies on Tuesaay. 10th August. 1965 between 8.30 ajn. and 6 30 p.m.
      667 words
    • 754 16 1 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS SINGAPORE POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTANCY Applications are invited for ti» post of Senior Lecturer in Accountancy. The School prepares students to > Accountancy tor a degree to be awarded by tne Oniverstty of Singapore and also conducts professional courses leading to iU own diploma. The person appointed
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    • 1003 17  - THE SAD EXIT OF PETER SNELL CHRIS BRASHER By LONDON, Sun. ONE shies away from saying that Peter Snell, who has announced his retirement, was a failure. Indeed, it is a ridiculous thing to say when you consider that he won three Olympic gold medals, broke Herb Elliott's seemingly unbeatable
      1,003 words
    • 37 17 LONDON. Sun. Mandamus won the William Hill Gold Cun Handicap run over 8f at Redcar yesterday. Northern Demon was second. Hasty (loud third of 16. Mandamus <8-l) won by half a itngth. Reuter.
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    • 42 17 BRUSSELS. Sun. Gaston Roelants. Belgium s 3.000 metres steeplechase Olympic champion, beat his own world record for the event here yesterday with Bmin. 26.45ec. He took 3.2 sec off his previous world mark, set at Louvain In September, 1963.— Reuter.
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    • 415 17 Irena pips Wyomia in clash over JOO metres UNITED STATES v POLAND INTERNATIONAL i WARSAW, Sun. The! United States led by 60 points to 45 after; the first day of their: two-day athletics match against Poland here yesterday. Poland led 33-28 in the! women's match. A dramatic spurt over the
      Reuter  -  415 words
    • 123 17 STOCKHOLM. Sun. Sweden bent Britain by 125 points to 98 in the two-day swimming inter- 1 national which ended at Derebro yesterday. Sweden, with their youngest side in post war years, would have I won by an even bigger margin had tin y
      Reuter  -  123 words
    • 188 17 MOTOR-CYCLING DUNDROD (Ulster), Sun. A' spill in which Rhodesian Jim Redniiu: broke his collar bone •itlectcd two world motor-cycling I championships ;it the Ulster Gian.l Prix here ycstrrchiv. Redman came of! his Honda machine while leading on the. i.isi l;ip of the 350i'C FM6.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 277 17 SINGAPORE TURF CLUB AUGUST MEETING 1965 I M Day Saturday, 21st August 2nd UaV Sunday, 22nd August 3rd Day Saturday, 28th August nil Day Sunday, 29th August UNLIMITED SWEEP TICKETS lor all four clays $1 earh Available to Members only by post and to the PUBLIC In i>m?ai)ore from Authorised
      277 words
    • 109 17 Thenfgpiift you have been waiting fir is here! 1 W /-c-^ *mw i TTVII A 'El w (¥\i*A 1 ik-M/iN ISIJ V^IAJ D lfl/mlm a ThiH^ fitting, cool CLUB-HAN Quality No. 306 shirt .(value $6) will be given free with every purchase of two CLUB-MAN 504 L/S shirt (value $7.90
      109 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 83 17 j| DIARY BASKETBALL National chami pion ships (Stadium Negara. 11.30 1 a.m.). BOXING Penang open championships (New World Parki. TENNIS Inter-sUte combin- ~i «-hool»: Malacca v Spore (Ma- lacca). Mnilß Spore Dlv. 2C: Alri port v Stable Boys (Farrer Pk). Malacca Div. 2: Hakka Assn v Kubu Utd (B. Hlllr).
      83 words

    • 179 18 PERAK 1 PENANG 2 IPOH, Sun. —Two goals by centre forward Derrick David today took Penang to the Razak Cup inter-state hockey finals. Davids goals enabled Penang to beat Perak and finish on top in the threeteam north zone competition which ended here
      179 words
    • 165 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. St Xuvier's Institution of Peniing won the King's Cup for Inter- ttt&t» schools' badminton when they defeated King Oeorga V: School of Seremban 3-2 In the final at the SBA hall here today Th« Penang school won the first
      165 words
    • 75 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. —C. H. Teoh gained nls second trophy In the Seiner Golfers annual festival competitions at the RSGC course here today when he won the Bniley Cup with 38 points in the st.ibleford bouey competition. Runner-up a point behind was K. L. San. On
      75 words
    • 34 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. In a keen women's match on the opening night of the Malaysian national basketball championships Bt Stadium Neuara, Johore beat Perak 57-56. The F»>rak cagers led 27-26 at half-time.
      34 words
    • 2085 18  -  EPSOM JEEP PURE JET EQUALS Wzf COURSE RECORD RACING with IPOH, Sunday TOTAL POOL $135,400 1 No. *****1 ($33,511) 2 No. 2S8049 ($16,755) 3 No. *****8 ($8,377) Starters ($930 each i Noa *****8 1608U4 *****8 *****5 *****5 *****1 *****5 ****** *****4 *****4. onso'ation ($652 rychi
      2,085 words
    • 131 18 pENANG. Sun Three fights i ended in technical knockouts in the Penttng open amateur boxlr.g finals at the New World Park here last night. Bakar bin Ismail of the (Armed Forces' won the light-flyweight title when the referee. W. R. Heagur. disqualified Terenas 'Malayan Thai
      131 words
      • 385 18 THE QUARTER MILE SPRINT GOODWIN CLOCKS FASTEST TIME IN LOTUS CINGAPORE, Sun. -> Tony Goodwin, driving a Lotus Ford in the sports and racing cars event, returned the fastest time of 13.725 ec at the Singapore Motor Clubs Festival Quarter -mil© Sprint at Boon Lay Road today. Driving the same
        385 words
      • 173 18 Jumahat stops Ceylon's Vincent SINGAPORE, Sun. JnnuUuU Ibrahim was the only Mj larsUn boxer to stand up to the Ceylonese challenge In the Singapore open amateur boxing championships at the Gay World last night. Jnmahat. holder of the Malaysian flyweight title, beat Ceylon's W. Vincent in two rounds in the,
        173 words
      • 91 18 SINGAPORE. Sun. DC. Perreau of Singapore scored 581 out of a possible 600 to win the 50 metres smallbore free rifle prone event In the Festival shootIng competition at Gimson School Ranee today. Perreau's score equalled the Seap Games record set up by the late Fred de Souza
        91 words
      • 111 18 SINGAPORE, Sun Singapore; cyclists eominated the Fes-i uval cycling championships today, winning all five events at the Esplanade. 1,000 -kilometre massed start sprint: 1 Hamid Supa'at (S> 2 Kamsari Salam (S) 3 Raffle Ahmad (S'gori lmin. 47sec. 1. 600-kilometre masse-start: 1 Kamsari Salam (S) 2 Sulaiman Awang
        111 words
      • 267 18  -  ERNEST FRIDA By Singapore, Sun<t*p. T>Y DRAWING 1-1 with Negri Sembilan In their 0 last match today, Singapore maintained an unbeaten record to win the Festival of Sport six- team hockey championship which ended on the Padang here today. Singapore had won their four
        267 words
      • 33 18 SINGAPORE. Sun. In tttt Malaysian Malays lnter-stat« huekey tournament Armed Forces and Singapore became joint champions today when they drew I—l1 1 here. Selangor, who beat Negri Sembilan 1-0, finished third.
        33 words
  • 97 18 CABLE RECEIVED by Mr 1 Priramuamy F.K O Hn, Supplnßl paxHed away at Karalnagar. BHter-ia-l.i\v of Mm. Paramaaamy. I. T. POORE, pasKf.l away 'A. leavmi; behind wife, four aon«, two on* fon-m-la 1 iv.i a B 7.1 n Tiimil Church. Jalan Abdul Bamad. tben.-e to Clwraa Cemetery. MADAM SONQ
    97 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 70 18 thenewPrecjsa adding machine H IHHH PH DIRECT ||f|l SUBTRACTION UUaLiWvn'vHPniiiH automatic TITI rnTnJTiTTHH recall y^i^myii repetition j^^^^^/ /^->v AUTOMATIC .^K 1 CORRECTION FOR HALF THE PRICE OF THE KEY CONVENTIONAL CALCULATORS f 74.552.2 3= ■I'VJ'. l^:.! HAGEMEYER TRADING CO.(M) LTD. 990.724. 584.47T IF OFFICE EQUIPMENT You get this result L
      70 words
    • 157 18 *"'Lat* CLASSIFfEM 10 Word! Sli f.Wmiim»m> mm j It is not too late to prepare for EXAM SUCCESS... S.C./M.C.E./ Let STAMFORD COLLEGE G.C.E. Q.T. COURSES supplement your I.C.E. KfudieS Form VI Entrance and other exams. WHY LET YOUR TEXTBOOKS© gfk WEIGH YOU DOWN Ir^f CONSULT T^^ STAMFORD 'I^l COLLEGE... Jftiitik
      157 words