The Straits Times, 30 June 1965

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 23 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 145,000 NATIONAL lIBRARY. The Straits Times Estd. 1845. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1965 15 CENTS KDN 1189 M.C.(P). 1005
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  • 465 1 LONDON, Tues.—Australian Prime Minister Sir Robert Menzif\s said in London last night about the Vietnam situation: "We are at war, don't let's make any mistake about it." Up told the annual dinner of the Australia Club that uno must either defend trcociom In Vietnam
    Reuter; AP  -  465 words
  • Article, Illustration
    368 1 Razak and Lee discuss 'a number of fundamental issues' for nearly two hours Talks with Tengku when he returns Kuala LUMPUR, Tuesday TUN Abdul Razak and Singapore's Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, had "frank and straightforward" talks lasting nearly two hours today on "a number of
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  • 83 1 Grenade found near Kuching airport KICHIMi. Tues. A live hand-grenade was found placed on the road at the entrance to Kurhini; airport this evening. It is believed to be a sabotage attempt as the road leads to a large military base adjacent to the airport. .303 rifle bullet was found
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  • 102 1 JAKARTA. Tues. President Soekarno lias named a committee to work with Australian authorities m marking the boidering areas each controls on the island of New Guinea, it was iearned today. New Guinea, the second largest Island in the world, is divided into the territory of Papua
    UPI  -  102 words
  • 505 1  -  REINFORCEMENTS ESCAPE ROUTES SEALED WITH From GEOFFREY GELDARD: KUCHING, Tuesday LOCAL Communists were heavily involved in the terror raid on the Kuching-Serian road on Sunday night, it was reliably learnt today. A police spokesman told me that interrogations and investigations today had shown that many more
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  • 146 1 MTUC to Govt: Lift ban on strikes KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Malaysian Trades Union Congress today asked the Central Government to lift or "freeze" the recently-imposed ban on strikes and restrictions on other forms of industrial action. The request was made by MTUC officials, who met the Minister ot Labour.
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  • 42 1 COPENHAGEN. Tues. Danish police last night arrested two men who allegedly planned to explode a bomb at the US Embassy in Copenhagen, the paper Ekstrabladct reported today. A police .-.pokesman refused to confirm or deny the report. UPI.
    UPI  -  42 words
  • 73 1 Tengku— good news KI'ALA H/MPI'K. Tuev Tengku Abdul Rahman will be up from bed in the London Clinic in 10 days time, the Minister of Sabah Affairs and Civil Defence. Dato Stephens said today. Dato Stephens returned from the Common- wealth Primp Mirmtrrs conference today. In London, the Trngku s
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  • 68 1 SEOUL. Tues. More than 3.000 students took part in demonstrations some violent in Seoul today in protest against the signing of the treaty normalising South Korea's relations with Japan. A group of 300 high school students demonstrated outside the United States Embassy here chanting anti-treaty slogans, while
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 33 1 UNITED NATIONS i New York > Tues The United Nations This- leeship Council has approved a report callii.g on Australia to give Papuans more responsibility and authority (or their own administration. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 305 1 Wanted man shot and held '< SINGAPORE, Tues. Chew Kirn Lin. 25, wanted by the police for six months, with v $2,000 reward offered for his arrest, was shot in the right thi^h and captured by a detective in a Geylan-* backlane today. Chew's hr.-a brush with t lie law
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  • 35 1 VIETNAM RED AID' MOSCOW. Tu«s. So-, 'viet Prime Minister K«i-\ -in tonight ujrnrrt I'nited States it would ha\e to i reckon that Communist roantriM would step up their aid to Vieinam. I Renter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 119 1 SIGLAP PARK 4 c0'.,, Xv Upp JALAN SENANG"> 2-STOREV MODERN HOUSES. ■i( Floor Area Motaic I Parquet Floonnq $29,900/- Loans Avoiloble Monthly SIS 7 00 tar IS ycon. SIN CHEW REALTY LTD. '32. Rochor* Rood. S'por* 7 Tal: *****. INSIDE: Two pages of pictures of the terror slayings JJ TOPS...!
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    • 108 2 JAKARTA, Tuesday. A MUSLIM leader of more than a decade of rebellion in Indonesian Borneo was executed last week, according to a local newspaper report. The Nationalist Party newspaper Suluh Indonesia said Ibnu Hadjar. 45, was sentenced by a Jakarta military court for subversion and shot "somewhere
      UPI  -  108 words
    • 31 2 MADRAS Tues. Cholera has killed 114 people tn the Tr chut cl ■<: tel 'if Pwf an epidemic broke out In June 1 1. an official spokesman said today.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 150 2 THE POPE REJECTS APPEAL BY PRIEST IN LOVE r OLOMBO, Tues. Father Noel Crusz, 41. a Roman Catholic priest and popular broadcaster. said yesterday his request for a dispensation from his vows In order to marry a beauty queen has been refused. The priest told reporters a week ago he
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    • 58 2 India to set up third A-station TCEW DELHI. Tues. The Government has approved the establishment of India's third atomic power station, an official spokesman announced here today. The station, at Kalapakkam. in Madras state, is to have two units of 200 megawatts power each anil will cost RsGOO million (8385
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    • 54 2 VIETNAMESE girl, injured when two terrorist bombs ripped through a floating restaurant on Saigon River last Friday, searches for her escort among a heap of victims on the boat. Forty-two were killed and 80 wounded in the outrage. The dead were 27 Vietnamese, 12 Americans, one German, one
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    • 138 2 SAIGON, Tuesday fOMMUNIST guerillas broadened their monsoon offensive yesterday by attacking another district capital. American planes struck back and silenced the assault with a deadly shower of bombs, machine-gun fire and cannon shells. Communist casualties in the aerial counter-at- tack were heavy. Pilots I
      Reuter; UPI  -  138 words
    • 36 2 NAIROBI Tin. John Okrllo, the self-styled field marshal, who spearheaded the Zanzibar revolution last year, was sentenced to 18 months' Jail today for being present in Kenya nftpr ha\lii" boon declared a prohibited immigrant.
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    • 140 2 JAKARTA. Tuesday. rPHE first British embassy wife to return to A Indonesia since the British Government permitted dependants to rejoin their husbands here arrived last night. She is Mrs. Nancy Darlineton. wife of Col. Anthony Darlinßton, the embass./'s military attache. She came in with
      Reuter  -  140 words
    • 66 2 PEKING. Tups— The I I Bank of Ch;r.a has informed foreigners here that from Thursday, it would cease paying < ;uer?st on their accounts. This was the main change in new banking regulations The amount of interest hitherto paid varied according to the *ype
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 82 2 |||||gg&^^ NO DOWN PAYMENT $2 S™ TH The only TV 11 1 1 \QT n D space electronic tube Equipped With HUV 1 0 I U II For Clear Stabilised Pictures S H I A R P OBTAINABLE AT ALL DEALERS INSIST ON OUR 6UARANTEE CARP FOR ONE YEAR FULL
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 30 2 THE GAMBOLS by Barry Appleby C **IofiSG?V GIVING TUt CAP A SPECIAL V, PHONING?/^ WA6U AKiO POLISH TO GO^S fS0 1 DiO. /WSLLj-UefjNl s- \so il&Dj wmv -do /gecAuse it«)
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    • 207 3 J^ONDON. Turs.— Nuns turned models here yesterday for a fashion show aimed at proving their clothes equal to modern life. listen* from French. Norwegian and English orders paraded in traditional black habits dating as far back as the 14th century at the
      Reuter  -  207 words
    • 40 3 ditawa. i da »it»* earmarked C$ 500.000 to finance a Miidy of Thailand's transport*- .mi ncods witn a virw to buldtng highway which will brinz i country's rich. rice-growing i.lvtrlrtk rlovr to major markets, In South-Knst Asm Reutrr-
      Reuter  -  40 words
    • 64 3 LONDON. Tu.v,— The 2000-odd peoolr Km' <■■• <i'M 7r o f New Romnry have cot the itch berauM l ol :in mvnsion by rxter- i i v tiny i f| ■.•■■< n■r -i Uu.- been told o? legal tdvuMl it M dWtI'UH 'In en 1 1
      Reuter  -  64 words
    • 44 3 COPENHAGEN, luev Mrs Od;i P :«.iiii M. iatl n:elil Rave birth to quncl.s— thr first bom in Denmark ttntt 1936— but two «err stllborn Thr othfi t\\i.. onv weiafa mk I '-.(I .I'^ IV/ rioitiß 'veil in ho.vpit:il —Router.
      Reuter  -  44 words
    • 33 3 SYDNEY lu>» Officials have MtUMted tli it over 1.000.000 shorn ;mcl i-.»'tle arc moving nmuntl northern und northwrstrrn Nrw South Wales looking for food and \vnter because of the currrtu drought
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    • 108 3 SAN FRANCISCO. lues F:re broke ojt ;ii tne right xv:ng and ouicr enc;nt 01 a Pan American Atrwo v< Poojinj 707 ietlfner rlnrIne take-off here yesterday. Toreing the plane to make an emerwney landing at Travis Air Force Bum. 50 miles away. The pluni
      Reuter  -  108 words
    • 31 3 BERLIN. Tues A German juartet thumped out continuous aeat-musir for s x day* and iifjhts. clainr:m a new World re'ord with MS r- .urs of non-stop jerformance. Router
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 117 3 KADAR GIVES UP POST AS HUNGARY PREMIER OUDAPEST, Tues. Mr. Janos Kadar (above) retired yesterday as Hungarian Prime Minister but kept the post of First Secretary of the Communist Party, the Hungarian news agency announced. Mr Kadar was replaced as Prime Minister by Mr. Gyula Kallai. 55, a First Deputy
      Reuter  -  117 words
    • 21 3 BUENOS AIRES. Tues. Tw*nty-month*)ld twin sirls died here after a five-hour oppration Involving nine surgeons and 36 assistants.
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    • 136 3 NICOSIA (Cyprus) Tuesday rHUUSANDS or leu and right winy Greek Cyp- riots attended mass rallies in the islands nain towns yesterday to protest against an alleged S T ato plan for the partition of Cyprus and to »xpress their support for President Makario.s The rallies
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    • 471 3 $22,500 m chopped off U.S. shares values NEW YORK. Tu.s JHE New York Stock Exchange suffered its sharpest break of the year yesterday as selling chopped thousands of millions of dollars from share values in widespread losses, ranging mostly to about two points. The loss was estimated at more than
      Reuter; UPI  -  471 words
    • 175 3 BOSTON, Tues. A 34--year-old woman who had been kept alive for 18 days with the aid of a pis's liver died late yesterday of a gastro-in-testinal haemorrhage. l)r William V. M( Dernwtt, chief of the. Harvird Surgical Unit at Boston City Hospital
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    • 289 3 Early Bird Johnson calls for friendship in space IV'ASHINGTON. Tues. President Johnson made a new appeal for international co-opera-tion in space research when he inaugurated commercial service by tae Early Bird commu- nication satellite yes- tfrday. The Presiaent spoke from the White House Cabinet room on a "live" telephone 1
      Reuter  -  289 words
    • 203 3 Beatrix's fiance must prove himself to Dutch rrHE HACiUE. Tues.— Dutch newspapers today hailed the fact that Crown Princess Beatrix had found the man she loved but made it clear that her West German fiance would have to prove himself to the Dutch reople. Nleuwe Rotterdamse Courant said: "It would
      Reuter  -  203 words
    • 54 3 IXDNDON. lues— Tao nu-Mdred ;ind fifty while workers went on strike hore today after the.r company adveiiiaed lor coloured labour Thf MTiten protest! d that Nic manneemem .s&id coloured workers were befer t:nie-keepors. and claimed thni the advertising for coloured labour would only create a colour
      Reuter  -  54 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 174 3 >^ X Bell Howell 8 MM OPTRONIC MODEL 8418 fgnßH mm mm »i cartridge loading L-jjrjjQOe:-,' rHI ONLY ftU Mil HATI INSTANT ACTION Bmm CINE CAMERA An abundance of ontstanditui features, imludvur.AUTOMATIC ELECTRONIC EYE— measures only the lirlH passing through the lens. RLrLLX VIEWKINDER— You see exactly what the Mm
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  • 702 4 Tang: We must distinguish between the rich and poor landless we find land has been allotted to property-owning shopkeepers... JOHORE BAHRU. Tuesday JOHORE State Legislative Assemblyman, M r Tang Hon Loon? today said that in the distribution of land for the landless, it was important that a
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  • 321 4 SINGAPORE, Tuesday. THE police today announced that Mr. Koh Lian A Wah, Deputy Superintendent of Police, has been appointed offlcer-in-charge of Hong Lim by-election matters. Mr. Koh's office will be on the ground floor of Central Police Station. His telephone number is 7200 t.
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  • 40 4 SINGAPORE. Tues— lnche Hatiiff bin Hashim has been elected president of the Singapore Tour Operators" Association. Other officials are: Mr. R. Chltranftathan. vice-president; Mr. M. Khushi. secretary; Mr. Abdullah bin Mohamed. Assistant Secretary and Mr. Charlie Llm. treasurer.
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  • 113 4 Aussie Labour team for SNUJ luncheon SINGAPORE, Tues. The Australian Labour Party delegation, visiting Singapore early next month at the Invitation of the State Government, has accepted an invitation to a luncheon meeting organised by the Singapore National Union of Journalists. The luncheon will start at 12.30 p.m. on July
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  • 36 4 SINGAPORE. Tues. Mr. Tan Ah Pak has been elected president of the Parent-Teacher Association of Pearls Hill School I. Vicepresidents are Mr. S. Ratnagopal and Mr. Poh Kong Eng. Mr. Bernard Fernandez is secretary.
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  • 142 4 In a report In the Straits Time? of June 22, headed, "He wed a girl under 14: four years," It was stated that the Judge, Oa« Justice Auni, told the accused that al though he was married to the girl he had
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  • 96 4 SINGAPORE, Tues.— Eleven employees of the Naval Base Dockyard, who have together put in a total of 245 years' service, will be presented with good .service testimonials by the Commodore Superintendent. Mr. R.C. Paige, at a ceremony at the Naval Base on Friday. They are: Quah
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  • 29 4 SINGAPORE, Tues— The Kampong Kapor "B" Division Vigilante Corps will celebrate its first anniversary with a get-together dinner at the '.ampong Kapor community centre at 730 p.m. tomorrow.
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  • 256 4 SINGAPORE, Tues. Three Teochew organisations have offered to act as "peace -makers" between the 1,000 student body of the Nfee Ann College and the Ngee Ann Kongsi's management committee in their dispute over the million dollar extension plan for the college's department of technology. Officials
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 143 4 AA HIGH STREET "U SALE NOW ON FURTHER PRICES SLASHED U.S.A. Cotton Shift Dress**— $3.90 U.S.A. Style Bonlon SLACKS S5 90 U.S.A. Style Beby Doll Sets $3.90 THOUSANDS MORE ITEMS CLEARING BELOW COST. AVOID DELAY TeKHRAJ BROS. 90. High Street. Spore. Tel: *****. C"»-»5 T> m m m m r-
      143 words
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    • 473 4 GANISATION" B LAST BAY!!! 11 am. 1.45, 4, 6.30 9. J0 pm B Onucrsol-lntcr loiionol prcicnts HAYLEY JOHN JAMES MILLS MILLS WacARTHUR pj OPtNS TO.MORROW! w_mi»mi "WWsHWB wmimmiiemvmx xmmj m LAST HAY!!! ■II id, 144, 4, 6 JU ».lSpm Omversal-lnternotionol presents "Sock. Hudson Gma Lollobngida pj •'STRANuE BEDFELLOWSpj Gig Young
      473 words

  • 828 5 SECOND DAY OF THE INQUIRY TWO BUSINESSMEN'S EVIDENCE RECORDED IN CAMERA— 'STEPS MAY BE TAKEN...' SEREMBAN. Tuesday rpHE COMMISSION inquir--L ing into alleged malpractices in the Seremban Town Council was told today that a councillor owed the council arrears of assessment of $5,000
    828 words
  • 114 5 Mulley goes back to London today SINGAPORE, Tues. Britain's Army Minister. Mr. Fred Mulley. who has been here since last Saturday studying conditions of the British armed forces in the Malaysian theatre, will return to London tomorrow. A British Army spokesman said today that Mr Mulley's visit here was "purely
    114 words
  • 25 5 PENANG. Tues. Fifty-three TJmno Kaum Ibu members will be enrolled as volunteers In the women's section of the Penang Territorial Army next week
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  • 177 5 l/UALA LUMPUR. Tues.— A stranger cheated a doctor on the pretext of retting him a contract to open a clinic in a chemical factory which would bring him an additional income of \i.MMi the Sessions Court MM told today. Samuel Joseph
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  • 37 5 SINGAPORE. Tues. Sixteer secondary schools In Slngapon will participate in the annua lr.ter-secondary school debate, organised by the Chinese YMCA beginning this Saturday at 2.3 C p.m. The prize giving will be or Sept. 18.
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  • 189 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues THE acting Chief Statist!--1 clan Mr. R. Chander. and two officials will leave here for London on Monday to attend the annual meeting of Commonwealth officials on the sterling area balance of payments. The meeting, from July 7 to July 17. will
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  • 197 5 Councillors want sitting on 'corruption attempt' AIALACCA. Tues.— Six members of the Malacca Municipal Council today called for a meeting to be convened on Thursday so they can ask the deputy t president. Mr. Koo Ene Kuang (I ndependent) to name the councilor who he said, had been involved in
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  • 96 5 SINGAPORE, Tues. A magistrate today ordered two men to be remanded in after they were charged separately on two counts each with unlawful possession of firearms. TAN TOO CHOON is alleged to have had in his pos-session two revolvers and total of 168 rounds
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    • 600 6 llllllll'illllllillllllllllllinTWßßi^Bßi^i^Bßi^ Ij I I II ■^k^k^l V 111 I B^B^^fflb^B^HkßffißwjßßßSF' Li SOI tW^y/^Vv ll |IbO 1 ll^^Wiiil Ks§^^ 1-5H 1 1 1 1 li«iSPBB™SJb-^^V^Sljl ll^iißiiii^^SWP WIN THIS BORG WARNER KITCHEN UNIT FREE! A LUXURY KITCHEN UNIT MUST BE WON 0^ o ©Teaser Here's your chance, to win $4,000 worth of
      600 words

  • 433 7 'Help unite, build new Malaysian nation SINGAPORE. Tu«i CALL TO VARSITY STUDENTS by THIO HK. Thio Chan Bee. a senior official of Alliance Party Singapwa, tonight urged university students here to dedicate tlieir energies and talents to help unite, strengthen and build a new Malaysian nation. He told University of
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  • 96 7 SI\(.\PORK. raw. Hous ing drvrloprrs in the Statr havr been warned to hi- cautious in their build ing projects because of the sharp decline in the for houses particularly flats. The warning came from Mr ll.inson Kuauk, in his presidential address to the Land
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  • 25 7 SINGAPORE. Tues.— The Ani Uthiram festival celebration will be held at the Sempagavlnayagar Temple in Cryion Road at 4.30 p.m. on July 7.
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  • 700 7 SINGAPORE. Tv««. rpHE High Court today heard an account of what had allegedly taken place in the executive council meeting of the Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers' Union on Oct. 26 last year at which Thomas Vincent Gomez, the secretarygeneral, and three other officials
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  • 245 7 1 From ARTHUR RICHARDS LONDON. Tuesday. IN A SLTTE at the London Clink which is literally overflowing with flowers 'some hundreds of blooms have beei distributed to doctors and nurses* Tengku Abdul Rahman Is looking forward to s»elng his wife and daughter this evening. Alt'.ioußh cheerful,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 310 7 New KODAK INSTAMATIC Cameras load instantly... Now the pictures you want most are easier than ever to take E» ty to load. Loading KODAK INSTAMATIC Cameras is Quick and Eaty to M*. Nothing to it Just aim and shoot' It s that easy, tooiproof. You never have to touch the
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 116 7 Mh't/ Onp Htf V. T. Unwttlin VA DQZEP OFF/ LJ.y/ JUST DOZEP.' TVOSE LOUSY r^OFUv Tn 1 JH|^B B S I \tty n^scS^BVVVaBI Bam NO QOCX>S SMEAXED INTTO I \^to>vtT-MT, BBBW^^BBbV^P^bI I WHAT'S GOINC] PsOMETHIN^S^^^^-^ W THAT'S IT— I'M /yj y T I'M ON MY WAY OUT YOUR I ON
      116 words

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  • 370 8  -  GEOFFREY GELDARO I By Kuching, Tuesday —i f\l IICIAI.S and radio I listeners in Sarawak ucrc amuM-d. bewildered MM not a little annoyed at the determination of Radio Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur to remove the police station at the 18th mile Kuihinff-Serianroad in
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 405 8 DATSUN PICKUP jdfr I I tm TMwtiJf 1 i II JVvB P'K. 1 I f I H^IZ~ 1 r t p— -t—l Th e DATSUN pickup Is a compact pickup right powrred jw^~ j»> """"I MM S" for small and medium size needs. With the largest loadlni f Mr, s
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  • 58 9 THEY KILLED 2 POLICEMEN AND LEFT WITH ALL THE AMMO THIS is the 18th mile Kuching-to-Serian road police station which 30 Indonesian raiders "captured"' on Sunday before killing two policemen including Sergeant Simon Peter Ningkan and seriously wounding two others. The marauders then took all the
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  • 233 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Tue.s— The Philippines claim to Sabah and her recognition of Malaysia are two separ?te things which cannot be compromised. Mr. Leon O. Ty, editor and publisher of the Philippine weekly magazine "Examiner" said here today. Mr. Ty believed his country
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  • 39 9 than 20 motor-cyclists and scooter i carrying more than one passenger hup. 4w.ii... I I}.. .vluii..ii.i. ■•> on their mainlne? The traffic police chief Drputy said toda\ that they would be tli.wgfd In court soon
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  • 21 9 SINGAPORE Tues Amerl- I ran pianist Walter Hautzls will; perform at th«- Victoria Theatre at 845 ptn. tomorrow. J
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  • 52 9 rpHE bridge at the 25th mile Kuching-to-Serian road which the J- Indonesians had hoped to blow up with the use of a plasticexplosive on Sunday. Although partially damaged the bridge is unsafe for traffic. Essential military transport is using it as there is no alternative way across
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  • 371 9 'Singapore's museum second to none in Malaysia' SINGAPORE, Tues. Singapore's National Museum is "second to none in Malaysia," the Permanent Secretary zo the Ministry of Culture, Mr. Woon Wah Siang, said today. In fact, the natural history library of the museum was now the best in Southeast Asia, he added.
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  • 101 9 I'UALA LUMPUR. Tue.v The Department of Statistics has DUblished for the first time a bulletin of sta-tb-Ucs covering the whole u» Malaysia i The statistics are for !«*t year. The acting Chief Statistician Mr R Chander. said today that ;he honed the bu'.letm 'hough not
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 99 9 why not run Oft %l. r< :> -V t fib iJ i away to see! Take the Italiano way to Europa ...see Bombay, Karachi*, Naplet and Genoa too! Lloyd Triestino makes a majestic difference as you wend your way. True Continental Courtesy (your every wish Is our command) fine Italian
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 40 9 H-<t* Bunmff By ttaiph U+i—dmhl Wf/£>s\ BETTER PULL OVER) Il^V\ N "\1 KvOU DION'T SAY A NALj g f I THINK THAT rVCI) STREET! S llfZj^^ v v r-~^ (\h\Y\ VVA J P«TUNll^^^ a 2«>' *>V OH, DEAR PN, '«!l
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  • 171 10 Boy went to school but did not attend class SINGAPORE, Tues. Schoolboy K. Gurusamy. 14, left for school as usual iri a car on the morning of June 8. and has not returned home since. Today his grandfather, Mr. V. Bupplah. a clerk, appealed to the Straits Times to help
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  • 55 10 Goods train derailed Goods train derailed the first four wagons of a good* train went oil hil v icks oeai vjunong Cheroh in the Tasck industrial area yesterday evening. The goods train was on Its way north from Iv>oh when the accident occurred. There was no damage to property and
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  • 31 10 SINGAPORE. Tues. Sinna- pore's Prime Minister. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. will nvet representatives nf thr Tiong Bahru prewar tennnt.« < ♦mmlttep at the City Hall af 113. im tomorrow
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  • 78 10 Crane plunges into sea and driver drowns A Singapore crane driver was drowned on Monday night when his crane plunged sideways into the sea off Telok Ayer basin. Tan Khoon Khim, 33. was loading timber into a boat at Godown No. 4, Telok Ayer basin, at 7 p.m. wher. the
    Mak Kian Seng  -  78 words
  • 202 10 KUALA TRENGGANU, Tuesday. [HE Minister of Works, Posts and Telecommunications, Dato V. T. Sambanthan, last ight criticised Malaysians who "tended to foret the existence of a state of Emergency in the ountry in the course of pursuing their selfish nds." I He was speaking at
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  • 22 10 SUNGAI PATANI. Tues. —Inche Shaameii bin Mohamed Taib. of Kuala Trengganu. has been appointed superintendent of the Bedong Welfare Home-
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  • 60 10 ALOR STAR. Tues. A lorry 1 attendant. Teon at Fung, 33, was killed when h.» lorry overturned I Into a roadsi<lt drain after hitting a lamp-post ot the 3] mile, Jalan Ounong Keriang, near here, yesterday afterr.ron. Teoh. who was sealed beside the driver, Saw
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  • 32 10 i DUNGUN. Tues—The District I Forest Oftlci* here, Inche Abdul Aziz bin Mohamed Saad. has been transferred to Machang. He is succeeded by Inche Mr>h-"npd bin Hajl Abdullah, from Kulim.
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  • 136 10 ALOR STAR, Tues pOLICE here have launched an all-out hunt for a six-man gang which shot a landowner. Mustaffa bin Hajl Hanan, on Sunday night and robbed his wife. Alshah. of more than $2,000 in cash and Jewellery. Mustaffa and Alshah. who were married last
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  • 30 10 DUNOUN. Tues. The Umno Kaum Ibu here will pntor'a i their national leader Datin Fattmah binte Hail Hashim to a lunch at the Rest House on Sunday.
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  • 36 10 SEREMBAN. Tues— The Mentri Besar of Nejrri Sembilan. Dato Dr. Mohamed Said bin Mohamed. today received eight cheques totalling 53 .545 from the people of Rembau dis- trict for the National Defence Fund.
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  • 236 10 I^UALA LUMPUR. Tues. The acting Prime Minister. Tun Abdul Razak. today opened a six-day exhibition of Malaysian art destined for the Commonwealth Arts Festival in Britain which is scheduled to be held in September. On show at the National Art Gallery here
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  • 84 10 WASHINGTON. Tues Informed sources said today that the prospects were bright for a World Bank loan of US$45 million to Malaysia for the Muda River Irrigation scheme in Kedah and Perils states. Final negotiation for the loan opened here yesterday between bank officials and
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 27 10 SINGAPORE. Tues— Tb* Bm- gapore Government Pensioner* Association will hold Its Annual meeting at the Civil Senrie* Cmv I teen at 2 p.m- on Saturday.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 61 10 /£T~2\ I r GARDEN LLJi rfnn ris^ESt/^ JM tnfirlß^L SEMi-DFTArHm hom^fc TIOKC BAHRU KIM TIAM K6AD 7 ERRACE OUSE T pr.cs r ROM $17,850/- su.ROUHDiHes pm tCM RMD PRACTICAL DESIGN ideally situated amidst pleasant SURROUNDINGS WITH ALL MODERN FIRST CLASS MATERIALS amenities and transport facilities mmm mmm. PRICES T0 SUIT
      61 words

  • 1898 11 7 ANGRY WIVES' ARTICLE 'NOT DEFAMATORY' 'ALMOST ANY SENSIBLE READER COULD BE FORGIVEN...' SINGAPORE. Tuesday A CLAIM for damages for alleged libel against the Straits Times Press (Malaya) Ltd. by the proprietor of a Singapore boarding house was dismissed by Mr. Justice Winslow in
    1,898 words
  • 135 11 Trengganu Sultan: Our only country I\UNGUN. Tues. The Sultan of Trengganu today called on the people in his State to give all-out support to the Government to meot internal threat and outside aggression. The Sultan was speaking at the opening of the $175,000 Intan Zahrah Mosque named after the TYngku
    135 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 31 11 1 M T D 1 J V NOW ON 25 72/74, HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE. 1 ANACIN STOPS COLDS FEVER FASTEST-LONGEST i^ -^nHT^ ii i"iTFn 1 doctor's prescriptioi against pail i%2 1
      31 words
    • 368 11 the outstanding international rally winner is redly a family cat ,-»M-^ r^ ksSSsR I} 588 a -I Ik li "fesils? i|f;:: Bkn Jj^g^a^^^^^^ J m^^^m^mW l t*'***X mm SA^ From Monte Carlo to Malaysia, the wonderful SAAB has triumphed in every major international rally under some of the most adverse
      368 words

  • 131 12 t* W»r4t SIS i Minimum) CORRECTION lo I)»alh Annnunr* mrnt or Mra Htjk Mvi Krai puh liahi-i i.: |aj nntr Coitcge Ml |i m Inatrad of 4 30. MRS. MINI. MUI KENC. M| M.,,1,,,. Taa Khmi .\<o aur U yrun. paaard I 01 Wh June. I'niS IraMtiK hWnnrt l>r
    131 words
  • 114 12 MVortfa tli iMinimum) MRS D'ORISE BAIN Thank* vrr» tan aad *n thoar uho •fnl ■saran :md Kill* ManrfeH her i... rnt iini.l.-tii Omm lionk thanka trlattvrn. church und ininda lor their coniaavaaaa, arlMflM. doimtion.v aaalat»nrr lind uttrnrl^ricr nl the funrral THE FAMILY OF UM late Mra. Teo llnan
    114 words
  • 57 12 Hi.rrf- Ui I Minimum) IN EVER LOVING Memory of Mr. Mntm .ipuri I'admnnahham. dr|.artrd <m M I <iii.lly riinrmbrrcd. aadly imi-rt and ihildrrn OANICL ELIJAH SUNORAM, called to thr l^>rrt HM ilivirlv rrmrmbrred aa m DUmMa, IwpllHal and practical i"hrm' »orkr: fhr fni.t of nla (ood doinKH
    57 words
  • 184 12 ?n U.,r,l- ,«/J I Minimum) EXOUISITE FLORENTINE HatidbaKt fui .in im. lunt arrived at Oaariat, Nan Ann BldK. Orchard Ko nl. I c WALTER HAUTZIC Internationally Knoun l'i:iiiint arlll give a Recital tomiiht at 1.4 a pin. at the Victoria Ih. itt,. rpon Tickets available. HILDA'S COLD STORAGE Clearance
    184 words
  • 32 12 14 H'orrfi 5.1 I Minimum) SINGAPORE YOUTH Kor Cbrlat «tn lvh., 7 M p.m. Vi'tona Memorial Hill. Kp.akrr Dr. B. Chew. Featuring a variety of mutual numbert. All wel, ome.
    32 words
  • 578 12 The Straits Times Wednesday, June 30, 1965. Backing For Malaysia The leaders of the Com- monwealth, representing a j quarter of the world's popi ulation, have re-affirmed support for Malaysia in her conflict with Indonesia. The Lon- don communique stops short 'of openly condemning Indonesian aggression, but it does so
    578 words
  • 341 12 The Department of Statis- tics' "Annual Bulletin of Statistics. Malaysia, 1964 just published, is an admirable pioneer effort. The officers concerned have overcome considerable problems in col- lating its 70-odd pages, and at the same time have cleared the way for an attack on many more. The bulletin
    341 words
  • 267 12 A public appeal to the Central Government by a spokesman lof the Singapore Government j for financial aid for Singa- I pore fishermen affected by the I coastal curfew reads somewhat strangely. Tt is true that the 1 fisheries are a Federal sub|ject, and that the Central
    267 words
  • Letters
    • 107 12 f WOULD like to correct a possible wrong Impression that might arise from your report that the Singapore Public Service Commission will vet UKbound students. In fact, the sponsorship arrangement was adopted many years ago by the then Malayan and Singapore Governments as a Joint system to MsM
      107 words
  • 528 12  - Learning Malay- 101 YUNUS MARfS M.A by INTERROGATION. By this Is meant: expression used in askim? auestionf. There art four wa>.s ir. asking questions: (1) By the use of the particle KAH. known as -interrogative particle" accompanied by appropriate Intonation (2 1 By he use of special words (or pblMM*,
    528 words
  • 851 12  - Art comes of age in Malaysia Chermin A CONTRIBUTION TO THE COMMONWEALTH ARTS FESTIVAL, 123 MALAYSIAN ART WORKS WHICH WILL THEN GO ON TOUR TO EUROPE AND AMERICA BY MALAYSIAN art has come of age. The exhibition of contemporary painfings and sculptures now on display at the National Art Gallery
    851 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 423 12 Straits Time* k Malay Mail M KanCaC MAMKET Orchard ajoae (Hecaptiemai Dean) COLD ITORAOI DajANCMaTS Naval Baaa Authorial A»«»it CITY BOOK STONS LTB winensaiar Hrn». c»ny*r Qvey THK NCWS FRONT Fitipatrlck'a •uperaMTfta* M. M. ISMAIL > Admiralty *«ad. Naval •aaa HAMIKM iTOKI 141* Upper CNartfl Ha at. •Inceaare 17 art.
      423 words
    • 65 12 Electric Guitars Outstanding Value in Solid Body Guitars, N'« vnort double cutaway Guitoi with modern contoured cut bock body, a* illustrated. All metal ports Chrome aJotFd, highly pohfhed locquered body I*ol With one Pickup and built in Tremolo Unit. $105*0 I*o2 With two Pickupt and built -in Tremolo Unit. 5120.M
      65 words
    • 145 12 AUSTRALIA'S FINEST TV Consolette No. 8 For Clearer, Sharper Picture Definition AWA has incorporated the very latest engineering advances to give you a picture with a I hreedimenslonal effect. AWA's hand-wired (hassls gives unmatched lasting performance in all locations. It is a 100. safe set beiim litted with a double
      145 words

  • 504 13 Also appointed: Four new parliamentary secretaries KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. A NOTHER assistant minister and four parliamentary secretaries were appointed today "to strengthen and consolidate the Government to meet mounting responsibilities during the Emergency." The Assistant Minister is Dr. Ng Kam Poh, M.P. for Teluk Anson,
    504 words
  • 65 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Two Royal Malay Regiment oiticers 2nd Lt. /ainuclm bin Taib. of Bagan Serai, and L,t. Ohazali bin Taib of Kota Bharu. have passed an airborne course til the United Stn:<-< .wm.» infantry School at Port Benninjf, Georgia. They were the first officers selected
    65 words
  • 52 13 dINGAPORfc.. Tues. The Minister for Social Affairs. ln<he Othmun Wolc, will visit lour more voluntary organisations early next month They are the School for tn« Peat (July I), School for tut Blind Hiid spastic Children's c Society Uuly 7> and Boy's Town t i July
    52 words
  • 77 13 Man had 4 ,0 72 obscene pictures SINGAPORE, Tues— A poJ lice party which raided a house at Margaret Drive yesterday at 3.50 p.m. recovered 4.072 copies of obscene pictures and 488 banned books, a magistrate court was told today. n the dock charged with possession of the prohibited pictures
    77 words
  • 19 13 IPOH. Tuf.s.— A Malay Chamber I'ummerce has been set up here > help Malay businesnnen »;th ieir problems.
    19 words
  • 59 13 SINOAPORE. Tues. A driver of Tan Tock Seng Hospital. Krlihnhsamy Annamalal, 42, was today remanded In custody aft«r being charged in a magistrate's court on three counts of raping a 14-year-old girl. He was alleged to have committed the offences in an unused bathroom of the
    59 words
  • 49 13 KUALA TRENOOANU. Tues The Assistant Minister of Youth. Culture and SporU. Dato Engku Mohseln bin Engku Pengtran Anom, will open the Kuala Trengkbii'j district youth clubs' annual conference at the Nam Tau Hotel here on Friday. Representatives from 24 youth clubs are expected to attend
    49 words
  • 114 13 'PAP using religion to spread its views' lOHORE BAIIRI Tues. Jobore State Assrmblyman, Inche Mohammed Salleh bin Haji Tahir (All. -Broleh), today accused the People's Action Party of using religion to spread its political propaganda in Johore. Just before Mamli Safer, he alleged, the PAP had used young girls to
    114 words
  • 119 13 JOHORE BAHRU. Tuesday. »pHE Johore Legislative Assembly today heard an Alliance member, Inche Mohammed Salleh bin Haji Tahir (Broleh), say that "apartheid" was practised in certain Government rest houses in the State. He said that in the Mers-i ing rest house, for instance. UM
    119 words
  • 75 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The Minister of Education. Inche Mo- hamed Khir Johnrl. has praised 'he mariHgemen 1 r'W'tL'ee I Methodist Afternoon School Ola Boy.s" Associa .ion lur its i_..^ius j in raisini? money for scholarships for the needy. He said this In a message to the
    75 words
  • 29 13 TANGKAK. Tues The IM'jber Research Institute wili co. c'.r.ct a (jreen-budding campalßn here early next month to enable smallholders to adopt the new method of rubber replanting.
    29 words
  • 35 13 SINGAPORE. lue& Inche Ibrahim bir Burhan has been appointed a Deputy Public Prosecutor, and not to act as deputy to the State Advocate-General. Singapore, from June 1, as reported in yesterday's Strait* Times.
    35 words
  • 219 13 Father of nine found guilty of bigamy is fined $1,500 gINGAPORE, Tues. After having nine children by his first marriage in 1942, Ho Keh Yik, 48, illegally married a 45--year-old woman before the Registrar of Marriages last year. Today, before the First Criminal District Judge, Mr. Eu Cheow Chye, Ho,
    219 words
  • 57 13 KLUANG Tues. The national president of the MCA. women's section. Madam Lim 9m Sim 61. died at her home here today She leaves three MM three daughters. The tuner*, will take place on Thursday. The Minister of Finance Mr Tan Slew Sin, has >pih a
    57 words
  • 225 13 Increase in Johore water rate comes under fire lOHORE BAHRU, Tuea. The increase in uater rates in Johore was mentioned several times by speakers in the State Legislative .Assembly today. The water rates were increased from 60 cents to $1 per 1.000 eailons for domestic use and from $1 to
    225 words
  • 31 13 SINGAPORE. Tues Mr. AmbTOM Pereira bat bei id piiMcient of the Singapore Catholic Benevolent Association, with Mr X.a Eber as 'icepresident and Mr. W.H. MnsberKen as secretary and treasurer.
    31 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 160 13 OVERSEA-CHINESE BANKING CORPORATION LIMITED has pleasure in announcing the opening of another new Sub-Branch Office in KUALA LUMPUR at 57 JALAN SUNGEI BESI on Friday, 2nd Jury, 1965 Telephone: ***** illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllll Illillllllllllllllillllllll MnTtAIPEI the j PRESIDENT HOTEL I is TAIWAN'S WKWMT. MOOT U mkioi s wi> I Akf.i-T noil I
      160 words
    • 117 13 /clean oi&-i\ m because it stays 1 SEALED B j^ till you use! mwm and Esso Motor Oils cut engine wear— ispf actually prolongs engine life! fl^ aKigi^ sso otor Os ore sealed for your protection. You know it's sB refinery fresh! You know it's pure! You know the container
      117 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 838 13 TV MALAYSIA (Malaya) Channel S Kuala Lumpur and The Mist Man"; 7 News In Penan*;; Channrl t> Ipoh and English; 7.10 Sports him Malacca; Channrl 4 Taipinir; "Shark Hunters 8 News in Channrl 7 Batu r.ihit. than- I Mandarin; 8.10 Marl Berbual; nel 9 Kluang; Channel 3 Jo- 8.15 Dances
      838 words

    • 374 14 LEOPOLDVILLE. Tv««. j £ONGO rebels last month beat and hacked a group of Belgian and Dutch missionaries to death and then made other European survivors hold a leg of one of the priests, a British nurse told a Press conference today. She was
      Reuter  -  374 words
    • 124 14 MOSCOW. Tues— Russia claimed today it is sending arms to national liberation movements in A.-ia and Africa. I In- statement, in the Communist Party newspaper Pr.ivd.i. did not specify which rebel organisations were getting the weapons. The Kremlin has marie many public statements about
      UPI  -  124 words
    • 164 14 Indians parade outside Indon Consulate BOMBAY Tues. About 200 members of the right- wine opposition Swantantra Party today staged a demonstration outside the Indonesian Consulate here in protest against last week's demonstration at the Indian Embassy in Jakarta. Police stopped the demonstrators about KM) yards from the consulate office. A
      Reuter  -  164 words
    • 76 14 QUITO (Ecu-don, Tues Reports from Machala, capital of El Ord Province, said thai an uprising by a small group of non-comni-s.vonr! officers and soldiers was smashed 'tsterday. A communique issued by the Government here said that "two sergeunt.s attached to the garrison of 12 Oro, prompted
      AP  -  76 words
    • 191 14 Stowaway lan is punished: No TV for a month CYDNEY. Tues The parents of lan McGloin. 11. the schoolboy who .stowed away in the cargo hold of a jet to the Philippines at the weekend, have banned him from watching televisior and from playlnK footoall for a month. Lan was
      Reuter  -  191 words
    • 34 14 MOSCOW. Tues The Cambodian Government has banned the distribution :n the country of publications printed in Thailand j and South Vietnam, the Soviet i nfws agency Tass reported from Phnom Penh —Reuter.
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 33 14 MANILA. Tues.—Two Italian- I buiit hydrofoil boats were cummisioned into the Philippine Navy I yesterday by President Maca papal. Tliey will be used in anti-smuggl- 1 ing patrols.—A.P. i
      AP  -  33 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 408 14 easiest brushing high gloss paint ever ..and you wont repaint for years I" J I HOUSE PAINT k KzJßih THESE EXCLUSIVE SUPA- ■T^l^l HHHi^ttß iKLL. LUSTA FEATURES K X^WT.,." "!!!S|^^K /THE MOST BEAU- NEW, AMAZING BRUSHING Bk.^^^immm^mmtSS^^f^ TIFIII CYTFRinR EASE... the easiest of ALL PklH ■VW/TI TIFUL EXItKIOR high gloss
      408 words
    • 264 14 Upset Stomach? Get relief in 3 minutes FROM UPSET STOMACH, INDIGESTION, HEARTBURN ■VChen you're suftcring rhc pain of Upset Stomach, Indigestion, or Heartburn after a meal, take BISMAG. T!ir active ingredients work irimcdiatcly. They ease the r^n- soothe your stomach, and make you feel well again in just 3 minutes.
      264 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 264 14 Straits Times Crossword ~HH BHj HH bBTi I I ACROSS You and I on th# w»y to 1 ."ZnTthe n m offlc S?i« *>£&■ «~y •rouDO tne city is mi. t«k» t h. .h.., .in. 1. A quarter returned l together >g» g tg'^Ui of to the resort for ih«
      264 words

    • 53 15 TIEAVYWEICHT boxing cha n pion Cassius Clay and his wife Sonji relax in the grounds of Miami's seaquarium but this was the calm before the storm. For a few days later Clay filed suit in a Miami Court for th« annulment of his
      UPI  -  53 words
    • 241 15 FIST FIGHTS AS SPIRITUALISTS 'VISIT MARS' BUENOS AIRES, Tuesday. piGHTING among sceptics and believers broke out here when several mediums at a spiritualists' meeting went into a trance during which they said they visited another planet "it might be Mars. Fist nghts took place among some of the 40,000 people
      Reuter  -  241 words
    • 113 15 Guard for woman threatened by KKK I OiNDON, Tues Police today mounted a round-the-clock guard or he home of a London woman magistrate threatened with crucifixion by the Ku Klux Klan. Mrs Anne Evans. 37. told reporters that telephone callers claiming to be Klansmen had objected to her belief, stated
      Reuter  -  113 words
    • 88 15 MANILA. Tue.s. The Central Bank here said today it was prepared to redeem at par value all genuine Philippine "Victory" notes, including those reportedly being kept in Hong Kong b.inks. The notes were issued between 1944 and 1945 by the then Philippine Commonwealth
      UP  -  88 words
    • 22 15 JAKARTA Tues. The Minister for Basic Education and Culture. Mrs. Artati Suderdjo. left here by air yesterday for Tanzania. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  22 words
    • 53 15 SEOUL. Tues An international conference on the Modernisation iti Asia opened here yesterday- About, 200 South Korean and fon .tm scholars are attending The conference, sponsored by the Astatic Hesearch Centre of Seoul's Korea University, will last throufth July 3. to be followed by four days of
      53 words
    • 25 15 MANILA. Tues. Pour men. suspected to be cattle rustlers. were slain in a gunftght with a police patrol in suburban La* Pinas yesterday.
      25 words
    • 127 15 LISBON, Tues. A man bit a lion on the nose to stop it killing his brother, the Portuguese news agency Lusitam.i reported today The brothers, l-ucio and Joaquim Chanra. wore hunting in Angola when th» lion .iumped on Lucio and pinned him
      Reuter  -  127 words
    • 266 15 Don't leave your daily loaf on the doorstep... DARIS, Tues. After the cleaning of the exteriors of most of their public buildings during the past two years, Parisians themselves are now to be subjected to a clean-up. A new health code forbids them to keep goats in their flats, spit
      Reuter  -  266 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 380 15 OEI TIONG HAM PARK oft Holland Road. Singoporc Singapore's Mod Popular Residential Ar«« t TWO-STOREY MODERN BUNGALOWS illbl 4 Bedrooms with Beth rooms ottochtd **c HOLLAND GARDEN 6 m.s Holland Road, Singapore TWO-STOREY SEMI-DETACHED <S~P<*i~/l^S BUNGALOWS 4 Bedrooms wrtli Bathrooms *K. SfGLAP PARK 6V* m.s. Eost Ojost Kooa, and JALAN
      380 words
    • 175 15 Drink! JpK so wholesome Hfr^Sßgg*^' Nothing does it like Seven-Up! IB fc^as]^! FOR THE PEOPLE OF MALAYSIA National Language if Hie formal language for Malaysia. It is important for all Malaysia Citizens to study the National Language from now. Our College gives you course and tuitions by post. Guaranteed Succets
      175 words

    • 550 16 More trade handled by Sarawak last year THh Sarawak economy rode me waves oi indonesian confrontation strongly last year. BDd both its home and foreign trade showed a satisfactory expansion, says the annual report of the Sarawak Chamber of Commerce. Quoting statistics, the report says imports ut $448.6 million registered
      550 words
    • 118 16 Engineer off on study tour THE installation and service engineer of Mechanical and Combustion Engineering Co. Ltd. of Singapore and Petaling Jaya. Mr. Koh Teck Ghee, leaves tor California this week to take a special course in spectrophotometry, ohromatography and analytical uUra-centrifuglng. The classes will be condt'eted at Beckman Instruments
      118 words
    • 132 16 ADVERTISERS ASSOCIATION COMMITTEE MR. R.D. CHANDLER (above). of Lever Brothers (M) Ltd. who has been appointed president of the Malaysian Advertisers Association. Vice-presidents are Mr. J.P. Chin of Dunlop Malayan Industries Ltd. and Mr. J.J. Cromn of Fr&ser and Neave Ltd. Committee members are: Mr. R.M. Aitken of Malayan Tobacco
      132 words
    • 31 16 Singapore produced 1.106 tons of soap in the first two months of this year, against 845 tons Id the I corresponding period of last year, 1 according to statistics.
      31 words
    • 216 16 Large order for local cloth by Woolworths WOOLWORTHS Ltd. or Australia has placed an order for 20.000 yards of material with "the Malayan Weaving Mills Ltd. of Johore Bahru. The order has been contracted following the visit to Malaysia recently of Mr. j Theo Kelly, chairman of Woolworth.s Australia and
      216 words
    • 50 16 An executive of a British mechanical handling equipment company who is on a six-week world business tour covering 30.000 miles is expected in Singapore on July 12. He is Mr. C.W. Sharp, managing director of Electro-Hydraulics Ltd. of Warruvrton and itR subsidiary. Convr.yancer Pork Trucks Ltd.
      50 words
    • 38 16 MR. HORST Zimmerllng (above* field engineer for BMW local owner service who is visiting the local agents. Asia Motor Co. Ltd. and their branches in Malaysia. Bangkok and Hong Kong, to conduct training courses.
      38 words
    • 121 16 'T'HS managing director ot Nippon Paint Co. Ltd.. Mr. Shigeru Tada. visKpei tsiiiKapore In.-t week on his .vay r.ack from Helsinki -here he attended the annual international ccnlerence ot the Tranisocean Marine Paints of which hi> tompany recently becamr a member. Mr. Tada met Mr. A.J. Trienen,
      121 words
    • 144 16 »V T IIEX the Lloyd IMmMbm ff liner. Victoria (above i. sailed from Singapore last week, it inaugurated the company's new service linking the Far East with ports in the Adriatic Sea. Thr company has re-routed the itinerary of two of its liners, Asia and Victoria, to
      144 words
    • 57 16 An mternat'onal merchant banker has oeon visiting Singapore discussing with local banking a- 1 commercial circles on the development ot uidustral joint ventures between European and British comoanies and local groups. He is Dr. B. J. BMg, executive vice-president of Development Finance Corporation Ltd. of Australia, sponsors
      57 words
    • 208 16 BANK RAISE CAPITAL TO $20 MIL. fHE Chuiiß Khlaw Bank Ltd. of Singapore liave increased their authorised capital from %b million to Si'O million. Issued and paid-up capital waj accordingly Increased froqj 53.589,--850 to $3 million. This follows (he directors' decision to consolidate and strengthen the capital base as a
      208 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 395 16 mw M t&MMwJac SflF>V JS -f Can you see two machines in this picture? You can't? That's because the new, full-automatic Facit CA2-16 calculator is actually two machines In one. It is a machine for simple figure-work and also a machine that can easily cope with advanced calculations. Facit CA2-16
      395 words
    • 373 16 Another reason why Q) more Carrier air conditioning is bought than any other make: Carriers outdoor NC H s »iAT c <A cabinet is made of five z Nc co Ari layers to stand up to s z the tropical sun and B"**^^-^ rain. This "weather ""•"Jjj Wr armourcabinet" resists
      373 words

  • 249 17 I/UALA LUMPUR. Tues. Three men armed with daggers raided a beauty salon in Jalan Treacher here early yesterday and robbed the woman partner of *i>.300 and jewellery worth $650. Miss Tan Ah Lan. 19. was asleep when the robbers entered her flat beside
    249 words
  • 66 17 Notorious gang chief arrested DENANG, Tues. The anti-secret societies branch arrested a notorious gang leader at Malacca Court today, i Acting on a tip-off, a police party raided a house and arrested the thug at 11.45 a.m. The man. according to police, had broken a "restricted residence* ord- I er
    66 words
  • 27 17 SINGAPORE, Tues. The Prime Minister of Singapore, Mr. Lea Kuan Yew. has accepted nomination as patron of the Victoria University of Wellington Asian Studies Society.
    27 words
  • 98 17 1/ UALA LUMPUR. Tues. The Minister of Education. Inche Monamed Khir Joharl. toc'ay expressed the hope that many other commercial firms would emulate the example set by Esso Standard (Malaya) Ltd by offering scholarships to Form Six students. He said this when accepting from
    98 words
  • 212 17 gINGAPORE. Tues. Singapore's Minister for Culture, Mr. S. Rajaratnam, told a group of visiting journalists from Sabah and Sarawak today that every state in Malaysia belonged to Malaysia and had a right to suggest what kind of Malaysia it wanted. "We
    212 words
  • 108 17 Big search fails to locate explosion SINGAPORE, Tues. Marine Police boats and a large police party searched the Woodlands area and the Straits of Johore last night, but failed to pin-point the location of an explosion heard there at about midnight Police explained today that the blast was probably caused
    108 words
  • 93 17 Police at war with slow drivers SINGAPORE, Tues. Traffic police are mounting "a steady campaign" against slow motorists who hug the middle of the road causing lons traffic jams. A total of 99 motorists were pulled ud between November last year and last June 15. and each paid a $20
    93 words
  • 24 17 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The Pudu English Secondary School here will hold a food and fun fair at the acbool grounds lon Saturday.
    24 words
  • 154 17 Anzus 'concerned for Malaysia WASHINGTON Tues. THE Anzus Council of Ministers yesterday voiced "serious concern over the continuing Indonesian confrontation of Malaysia ar<d said this has "contributed a major threat to peace." In a communique following Its annual meeting In Washington, the council reaffirmed Its support for the territorial Integrity
    AP  -  154 words
  • 31 17 SINGAPORE. Tues. Three hooded robbers tied up a sleeping family in Keng Cheow Street at dawn yesterday and stole cash and jewellery worth $1,960 from their rooms.
    31 words
  • 408 17 PENANG, Tuesday DENANG S retiring r High Court judge, Mr. Justice Hepworth, said today it was a pity more leaders of the Bar in Malaysia did not become judges. "I imagine more do not do so because of three of
    408 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 219 17 THE F.E.M. PARADE OF 'QUALITY-MANUFACTURED' REPLACEMENT PARTS mmm motor vehicle 1 consumption and «KjA!Jj BgL H P^WEll STOP iHS** u5p(A m}\ 1 1 A i i 1 1 1 Tr^y Another safety device for TRfcijr I K&i^Hn The POWER of your vehicle depends >^r B *.-..<- A n .-.n^ .»<:*u
      219 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 997 18 l( nntinord from Pa«*e 13) ANNOUNCEMENT tt Ward* SIS (Minimum) ADELPHI ROOF CARDEN. Every Saturday Malaysian Nurhi. Joget and .ilroom dancing Chinexe and Malay >li-h«t. Drr«r> Inform:. l. Reservation 1 linston (S'porei 2SIO. SITUATIONS VACANT IS Word* U (Ml*.)— Box St rts. extrn TEACHER NORMAL TRAINED In Btitterworth aeeka mutual
      997 words
    • 835 18 I ACCOMMODATION VACANT HoreT. <« (Min.)— Box it rt.. extm 9, OXLEY RISE: Kumishrd Klatlet. »iitable couple. S2SO'-: Kurnisbed Kiiom. $H* iiotli saaSSBtM water, ele- iririty. ROOMS Dutnct lo Telephone all Preiei bachelors, working girls. Reasonable rent Contact S'pote jo<''.<i <;oh. TWO BID ROOMEO FURNISHEO House, near Chancery Lane. Kent
      835 words
    • 832 18 HOUSES LAND FOR SAL li Word' St (Mi*.)— Box it rts. exfi UNCALOWS BUILOINC LOTS it near Kuala Lumpur. Hncea compel I iv, Termii easy, r'ree list fro Hot \2l.i'J SI K L DISTRICT IS Modern J Bedroom ne Terrace House freehold vaiant poase alon sanitation near completion Ml aq
      832 words
    • 792 18 E EDUCATION "< li Word' St < Mm. I— Box it rtt. extra 1/ REGISTER EARLY! Raja a College I- I (955.V) s purr offers Rapid Courae* n I Secretarial. Strnoicraphy. Bookkeeping. Aciountuncy. Shorthand. Typewriting. iw Ennltah. Krmrh Malnv. Corresponda- enci-. 10 JULY BEGINNERS CLASSES: I Shortharid. Tyrx-u ritini:. Bookkeeping.
      792 words
    • 710 18 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS If Ward* >• (Mi*.)— Box it et*. extra POR SALE: Boycr Upright Piano. Good condition S6OO Telephone B'pore i I 302.M Ext. Hi Day ***** Night. PEST CONTROL Tbe latest thing in rat killing THOMAS COWANS 1 non -poisonous) ALL WEATHER RAT CAKES proved «ucceM on I OH
      710 words
    • 1103 18 VEHICLES FOR SALE IS Word* St (Mi*.)— Box St rt*. extr* I SPECIAL for HM. Korcea S3M) demn-payraent for a 18.V* Kapitan. a Heautlful Condition View 2.58, Orchard I Road. 320 til Spore. c SEPTEMBER 1964 OPEL Rekord 4 I doom. View at 135 Upper Serangoon I Road or Tel:
      1,103 words
    • 998 18 FOR SALE IS Wore 1 U Win. I Rnr l« ef«. ,rr>. JO»T ARRIVED 19»f> Pfrlux R.frltrrator from limy (imnany t lit > < ea n s3««> a cu.ft m« i ni ft s eu ft $',:w 10 eu fi i ia n ma Kre* InmallHiion. :> Yearn Qtiaranr** M
      998 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1312 19 TO uvtHPOOI t WEST COAST UK.: Due Sport Sails P. Sham Penanf ATRIUS livrrpool, Dublin, A'moutti... le Pt July 2 July 3 ANTENOR l iverpool, Dublin See. 1} Jilt 2 ULYSSES liverpool July 5 July 7 lely I'll July 11 ASPHALION Liverpool, Glasgow July 7 luly 11 July 12/11 July
      1,312 words
    • 1170 19 r//fLHbz//vfs l-n-i Trtb LAST A&IATIC COMPVUIY LMI r^o-r.-'*M nOanmwk tAPRESS SAILINGS 10 NEAR EA^I, CONIINENI AND SCAWetWAIIAi ii«nt Am Genua ia«re H'Ourg a*m uta Cooa KORE* a) Sailed Sailed le Pt 1 i» 11 wt 11 m 1 c 11 BUSUANCA 1 C. 3-4 3 July 4' 7 1/ I
      1,170 words
    • 1200 19 \BENS&LINE UPRES* >tR»ICt 10 LONOON. LIKERPOBL t CONTINENTAL PMU benavon fm rr 1 as Singapore i>eaaet Hull Jet II mmmv iff J5» BENRINNES m n.erpoo. <*»» kiMipore S-»ea "i»« H^mburi Auf ll Port July 2 Jll| 3/ 1 Rutterdara Aif 12 G'iroutt Aef II Sinnoor* t. S'tiaa tmmt lENARH London.
      1,200 words
    • 1254 19 feELLERMAH BUCKNALL S.S. CO., LTD. IMC/Continent Singapore P. S'haa Pteaei CITY BF COLOMBO L'don, H'burf, Bramertirrn. R'aam. Havre, Hull, In him. E. 33-34,1 July 3 Jlly CITY OF WINNIPES iwidoe. Hamourf. Rrttemia. Hull m H jatj OH OF WELUNETON J dOO, H burg. Rd.m, Havre. Hull. M'bro. lei'hais 23.27 IU)
      1,254 words

  • 129 20 MELBOURNE, Tue*. tNDDSTRIAL leaders declined with few exceptions. Second rank issues were less affected. Base metals lost ground recovered yesterday and oils also rased C.R.A. were down Is. 3d. to 31s. 3d. while Mi. Isa tell 7d. to 35s 4d. Today'n rloninK prices with Monday price* In brackrts:
    129 words
  • 234 20 Jim* ?S Three months. INDUSTRIALS Bo>i*tea<i IS McAllaterveta City Oev. 6 rta. M Inn. 8 cla O.S. Bokllßg, 1 eta. N. Iron U eta. Ounktpa 10 eta. OCBC. 14 eta. U HmelUng Rotbmaoa 9 eta. '21 eta. San 6 eta. Baao 11 ou. BeL Prop. 11 eta. fed.
    234 words
  • 102 20 THE Malayan Eichani. Bankr A..*- elatlan made these change, in Ha rate, to mercbanta yesterday (all rmtee to (100): Now Verk: buying TT 32 11/16. airmail OD 32 13/16, 90 d/su 33 3/16 credit bllU. 33 5/16 trade bllla. Canada: buying TT 35 7/16, airmail OD 35 9/16,
    102 words
  • 67 20 CHINESE Prortuc. Einunm, tlniaport noon prie.S otr pnul y.lterday: Coconut oil: bulk (64 a«ltcr«. drum S6ti Fellers. Copra: June/July UK/Continent: Unquoted. Poppor: Muntok white $153 aellen, Sarauak wbite J1024 .eilen. apeclal Sarawak black $127t >rllen. garbltd Lampong black (M7| (N) wllera. ASTA (160(N) ttllrra. Slnnaporo Coconut Oil Mllt.rl*
    67 words
  • 954 20 From Our Market Correspondent A substantial drop in prices in industrials and tins characterised the Stock Exchange of Malaysia yesterday when fairly heavy selling took many issues down to new lows. The market was more active than for some time. The turnover in
    954 words
  • 25 20 Malu\an Stock Indirr* June '.IS Jim. ■Induolrials: (ill tl|.s3 Tius: ILM 59.46 rubbers: 1u1.87 101.83 •Dec 30, 1963 inn. l>ec. 29. 196'! mo.
    25 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1149 20 ia^ia^a^a^L^ KAWASAKI KISEN.ILMSHA LTD«^ BsbM Canada and U.S.A. Great Lakes Service) H'»o"t YcV'-i >■' "ii vr-o Oetroit Chicago: "fisnl* Mars" 2124 lilf I Alf 4 Silt I Sept 13 Sept 17 Sept "MaIMtMM Man" 22 UAn I Salt 4 let I Oct 11 Oct 17 Oci Weart Coamst ot Central
      1,149 words
    • 960 20 lEZIORIENTI T m E sl Sailings to the United Kingdom, Deo. Dep. Pt. Deo. Arrive S'oore S'hom Penong U.K. "ORSOVA" 23 Jul 13 A«g "CATHAY" 28 Aug 29 Aug 30 Aug 21 Sap "IBERIA" 22 Sep 15 Oct "CHITRAL" 28 Sep 29 Sap 30 Sep 22 Oct "ORIANA" 6 Nov
      960 words
    • 390 20 ORIENT OVERSEAS LINE EXPRESS SERVICE For N. York, Boltimore, Charleston, N. Orleans, Hou&ton, Galveston. Spore P. S'hom Penong N. York Malaysia Fortune 29/30 July 31 July/ 1 Aug 2/3 Aug 13S«pt Colling Hong Kong Bulk Oil Latex space. Agents:- C.F. SHARP COMPANY (M| LTD. Spore Tel: *****/7 (7 line*) Penang
      390 words
    • 488 20 SHIPS IN MALAYAN PORTS S M 'Pg yln „„on, tn Ou Temorrew: Oa*W wharves er sxpected teday ara: Biembe, Aeneaa. Anto T.iiamon RokSS2**S25 li Tlbcr 3/i ««>»*«" K'veen. star Bet. v.-,.,., UeliVua i* f* 1 1 27 23. Betelsutse Uaru. N«) e r Rljtn tern 16. Eurma 42/43. Thorsonent 6/7.
      488 words

  • 964 21 BUSINESS in and reported to the S;ii«apore and Kuala Lumpur tradlni' rooms of the Stock Kxr nance of Malaysia yesterday, with the number of the shares traded in brackets: INDUSTRIALS: Cald (tar* (10.00(11 $1.90 (2.IKNJ) (I Ml. (3.000) lUV -7. (l.(XHI) 11. 55, («.UOU) II -ft. Dunlapa
    964 words
  • 27 21 June 29. MALAYAN RUBBER PRICE: 711 cents (down a quarter of a cent). TIN: $698.75 (down $7). Unofficial estimated offering 240 tons (down 5 tons).
    27 words
  • 235 21 1 JULY first rrade rubber f.o.b. buyers closed at 5 p.m. in Singapore and Koala Lumpur yesterday at 711 cent* per Ih.. down a quarter of a cent on Monday's 1 closing level for the position. The tone was quiet after silently easier. R.A.S. and F.M.R.K. closing prices
    235 words
  • 54 21 j-HK present rate of the Malayan dollar against the pound sterlinc Hied on November 24 last year Is Selling TT OD 2s. S 15/16 d. Bovine TT 2s. 4 l/16d. Buying OD 2s. 4 ld. The dollar Is at Its statutory I middle position In relation to its
    54 words
  • 494 21 THE Straits un price broke the S7OO barrier yesterday falling by $7 to $698.75 per picul. It was the first time since April 2 the price has stood below $700. The fall was unexpected as the London Monday afternoon 3 months' buyers' price
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 64 21 SHIPPING NOTICE ii "STEEL RECORDER" Vot. No. 33 from U.S.A. GENERAL SIRVEV The above vessel arrived on 26th June. 196 b and cargo Is discharged In the Port of Singapore Authority's Oodown No 44. The General Survey will be held on 2nd July. 1965. No other survey will be conducted.
      64 words
    • 1439 21 ConUn^ froo. P M e 18) HA RDRESSING SHOPPING GUIDE (Spore) ts hw» m s» „,r. IS Worrff tt (Ml*.) Bnx St rt». exfrn MAISUN MOUCHNt. >lrM oUu. L«di«« Halrdiwer* IM. UroDaxi JIWILLERY makei the molt ap- npor». Phone 17«S«. prcrlatrd gift. Latest range at Tin paRIOA MAISON MARCELLt Sinn
      1,439 words
    • 491 21 FRESH FLOWERS IS Word* (MiH.)-Bnx SO rt«. mxtrn PRINCESS SAYS Cor you »:tb flower* thoughtfully selected tod beautifully arranged that "•parkle' your good wiahe*. ?M. Orchard Rd a por*. Tel' *****/*****. ORCHIDS IS Wort* t$ imtm.t—Hnx Sn rl, txlrm A kit! ur .««,<r*i, MM n>u, ,v. dowa ivtMj compiled o>
      491 words
    • 333 21 I^^^ s^zr m zr~ m ,^^ml KM) CKOSS < Kill 1 t 11 CHILDREN'S HOME DRAW On 20th June. 1965. Permit No. 52/65. Winning numbers: 0519 3899 0604 0550 0349 3466 3579 0144 1885 3344 0184 1900 2910 1962 0827 4196 3076 2609 2982 0527 0661 3705 PESUROH JAVA IBU
      333 words
    • 234 21 VACANCIES FOR SUPERVISORS SHELL REFINING COMPANY has vacancies tor men to be trainad for responsible superv-sory positions on Pulou Bukom. Starting salary will be not lets than $750 par month grots. Applicants should be aged 28 35 ond have had a minimum or viiory capacity in ont of the following
      234 words

    • 530 22 LONDON, Tues. Form ran true in the Wimbledon tennis championships here yesterday when the top three seeded players won through to the men's singles semi-finals. The "odd man out" is Cliff Drysdalc, the South African champion, who deservedly won a place among the
      Reuter  -  530 words
    • 47 22 IPOH Tues.— Lnu Sen* Fook. 89. won 'hr Mannr Qrand Prix in a boat powered by a 40-hn i outboard mn'nr at the Sea Carnivnl at 1 utnut. 66 miles rrnm hrrr 1. .ill !'"fr donstpfl hi' S5OO pn/p fo 'ti<- Dindin»= Dit-trict Wrlfare Fund
      47 words
    • 41 22 r.ABL'AN 1 s Members 'f the RAF Labu;-'; and -he Labuan AsMK'Ht on of Youths hit ornan;sing motors ta be IjHd h.r« or H r SOcc. 150cr 25Orr 35Oer and unlimited, will be run over a anai mile courae
      41 words
    • 573 22 WIMBLEDON: All the results Men's singles iquarter hnalv E. C. Drysdale 'S Africa) bt A. E. Fox (US) 4-6. 6-2. 7-5. 7-5. R. D. Ralston iUSi bt M. C Riessen <US) 3-6. 2-6. 6-4. 6-2. 6-2; F. Stolle iAust> bt R. H. Osuna (Mexico) 11-13. 6-3. 6-1. 6-2: R. Emerson
      573 words
    • 86 22 PARIS. Tues—Jim Clark. ol Scotland, scored bii third npfcrntJUp Mciorv oi the Muon tii<- Fi-encj r.' md Pi race at Clermont Fcn.ind v reu^ihe 0.. .c lead in the world championship. The 29-year-old Clark led from start to finish in hi.s Lotu^ in add to hi.s
      Reuter  -  86 words
    • 85 22 WHEN BILLIE JEAN MISSES... WHAT dors a B irl do when she's missed a very important point and lost same? Ilillie .Iran Moffitt throws up her r:irkrt .n ilismisi and. no douht like other mortals would, mutters a few centeel epithets through clenched lips After all this is the Centre
      85 words
    • 366 22 CRICKET Rhodes twice called for throwing OND O N Tues. Apart from th« dramatic "calling" for throwing of Derbyshire's fast bowler Harold ,Rhodes by Test umpire Syd Buller. the second day of the South Africans' match at Chesterfield was full of interesting cricket In an exciting tussle for nrst innings,
      Reuter  -  366 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 830 22 NOTICE KENYATAAN TAWARAN ".rWKPRINT BTBITPINGS J.K.R. KEDAH AND KEEL ENDS Tawaran2 daripada Pemboron TtM SlrmlU Tlm«a Prcak van* berdaftar dl-J.K.R. Kep* ■Malaya) Limited 111 Jalan Pudu. II Cherlau dli dan Kepala I Kuala Lumpur offers for aaj« a Cherlan i m > (V), Kelas quantity of newsprint stripping* dan ka-atas
      830 words
    • 758 22 NOTICES THE COMPANIES ORDINANCE (CAP. 174) NOTICE OF FINAL MEETING In the matter of MALAYAN MINERS COMPANY LIMTTED (In Voluntary Liquidation) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1 that, pursuant to Section 229 of the Companies Ordinance 'Chapter IT*), a General Meeting of the Members of the abovenamed Com--1 pany «ill be
      758 words
    • 713 22 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA Faculty of Africnltorr APPLICATIONS are Invited for one post of Laboratory Assistant In the Agricultural Engineering Workshop. Salary scale: 5152 idx 7.50-167 50 220x15-325 340x15--475. Qualifications: School Certificate Examination with 'Credit' !n a Science subject: or obtain a recognised certificate ot a Trade School; or
      713 words
    • 42 22 CM/(jj/b/ce masculine freshness makes it great to be a man! Old Spice Stick Deodorant gives you underarm freshness even in the hottest weather. Keep fresh all day by using Old Spice Stick Deodorant with its brisk masculine fragrance. HULTON NEW YORK LONDON
      42 words

    • 321 23 FIFA IN FAVOUR OF CHANGE BUT CALL FOR MORE TRIALS TO BE STAGED By FRANCIS EMMANUEL RUALA LUMPUR, Tues. FIFA, the world soccer federation, are in favour of substituting the present offside rule with an offside zone, marked by a line across the field 18 yards from
      321 words
    • 239 23 rpAIPING. Tues— Results In ■L the Perak AAA north zone championships: MEN 100 m: 1 M. Zahari Mohamed. 2 Zainal Abidln 3 K. Dass 11.35: 200 m: 1 Zahari Jafrar. 2 Zainal Abidin 3 Sangaran Kutty 23.45-; 400 m: 1 Shamsuddln Jaffar, 2 M. Sundarajoo 3
      239 words
    • 548 23  - TOP HONOUR IS FASTEST IMPORT A TION Epsom Jeep RACING by SINGAPORE. Tues. AMONG the new- comers who will be making their debut at the Bukit Timah meeting which opens on Sunday, chief interest will be on Top Honour, late Recorder, a five-year-old chestnut gelding by Wilkes out of Questing,
      548 words
    • 284 23 STIPE'S REPORT ON KL RACES Jockey Coleman fined KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The MRA Stipendiary Steward's report on last Sunday's races here: RACE I— Nothing to report. RACE 2— Lord lv. .in .(apprentice Jamil) .tumped inwards At the start and forced Chief Informer (Coleman) across Gay Buccaneer (Trevena) and ChenKal Batu
      284 words
    • 421 23 OINGAPORE. Tues. Wong Tew Ghee the defending champion, entered the third round with a 15-3, 15-3 win over, Lim Teow Lin in the Singapore badminton championships at SBA Hall here last night. Wee Choon Sen?, the 1963 Singapore champion,
      421 words
    • 224 23 SOCCER Malays win after one down A LOR STAR, Tues.— Malaysian Malays, down 1-0 at half-time, improved after resumption to beat the visiting Hong Kong Chinese soccer team 2-1 in a friervdly match at the Darulaman Stadium here tonight. The game, which was played at a cracking pace throughout, was
      224 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 79 23 ON SALE NOW I l r i /for your reading! I K BlSi I M£sMk ::t: PriCC 35c MF y m M /^—W^^^^^^* •••••••••mi-.i^ ■MK^|HS^?**"""*ll!|P >^y^ J^ jfaaiiLf m.ijjii] ROBOT RRCHtE s^Wf? ml mM Mm Pr.ce: 35c f~~Z^ Pfice: 35c 1 Pfict: 35c Pr 35 V I m\ Get them
      79 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 89 23 I DIARY SOCCLR Tour match: PcOtUi >t itiium 8 p.m); Spore Uusin«sa Wearnes (padang); Junior Cup: Hotel Spur.i v Bata (Farrer Park); Sime Darby v PECT (Ge.vlang). Ipoh Div 1: Kilat t PCRC (Padang); Div 3: DID y PTCSC (Coronation grd). Taiping Dib 1: Prisons v Sukan Melayu. Sitiawan Harvey
      89 words

  • 474 24 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday rll MINISTER Ol Finance. Mr. Tan Siew Sin, tod a \v am c d Sarawak ChfaMSC leaders against "neutrality' in the present conflict between the Government on the one side and the Sarawak Communist clandestine organisation with its ally the
    474 words
  • 45 24 SINGAPORE. Tues.— Tho Held .section of the Ministry of Culture will give free fllm shows at Mm Chong School. Mata Ikan; Kampong Race Course; Pak Kong Kang Resettlement. Lim Chu Kang Road: and Sin Keau School in Thomson Road at 7.30 p.m. tomorrow.
    45 words
  • 236 24 KUALA LUMPLR, Tues. Some Commonwealth countries want to give diplomatic support to Malaysia, but are not ready to offer military aid, the Minister of Sabah Affairs and Civil Defence, Dato Donald Stephens (above greeting his wife), said on his return from London today.
    236 words
  • 414 24 LONDON. Tues. Generally unsettled condltion.s continued in the stock markets today and the downward drift In equities continued. Once again selling has not been large but buyers were still showing a general reluctance to commit themselves. There was however some recovery at the close. A major restraining influence
    414 words
  • 175 24 4 LEADERS HOLD A SMALL SUMMIT IN CAIRO CAIRO, Tues. Leaders of Communist China. Indonesia. Pakistan, and the i United Arab Republic I met here briefly yesterday to discuss the postponement of the AfroAsian summit in Algiers. Premier Chou En-Lai and Presidents Soekarno. Ayub I Khan and Na>scr also discussed
    UPI  -  175 words
  • 310 24 PAP or Barisan choice for Hong Lim SINGAPORE. Tues. A straight fight between the PAP and the Barisan Sosialis in a snap by-election is almost certain in the Hour Lim constituency. The Alliance Party Singapura is out of the iipht for the Legislative Assembly sea! rmcated by Mr. One Bng
    310 words
  • 45 24 VIENNA, Tues—More than 17.--j 000 people were evacuated in I northern Yucoslavia when the Danube and Its tributary, the Drava. broke through dykp.s. reports in Vienna said today. About acres of arable land were flo.jrifd as the result of rampaging flood waters —UPI.
    UPI  -  45 words
  • 91 24 MR. S. P. UNNITHAN <Y>liive<dU> father of I. B. Nate IS-B. Mafkrn.-l» Kftad, Singapore, i peacefully at Paravur y.nlon M CABLE RECEIVED YESTERDAY of the drnth of Mr K. V.rKiMthamby of M.ithat.'il, (Vylon, formerly of, K!ij;.nc, fMth. r of ThavarnjarinKam, Food Dfpartitunt. Colombo, and the brother of K.
    91 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 186 24 CAPTURE this iffr DT A f ITV gjggggwk^t. DC f\ m B^k wiin -S Bw» V n. ▼V gm gng#V I t- A liggt A* gggft«W. m Hg\ fm r*~~~ gggm V •^gwWggvßgwß ISgV AW ml l gggggggTJgt Jt vggggl s ggg*m wflgwr sggggwLW Aiwi^^ggwl #*~****^r nLwV r^^ is. r
      186 words
    • 151 24 1 Late CLASSIFIEDS Word* Hi i Minimum J 1 I POLLOCK <)i, Hospital, Staling Juyo to *;a.l!n» and William siott Pollork a daughter (Camilla Anne Lou JACKY 5 0 Mr. and Mrr. Ong Yap Bee to Phyllln d/o Mr. and Mra. Cbl> Yont; LnrK. This ong Schick Stainless Steel blade
      151 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 48 24 the weather Hiulies and lowest temperatures In Malay la for the period 8 pm. Monday to 8 p.m. yesterday: Highest Lowest Kuala Lumpur 01 73 Kot:t Bha.u 88 "2 PeiKuir 38 75 Ipr.i 91 7S M-lncra 86 7:) Singapore 84 C HlKhlands S4 Jesselion r.B Kikrhiiiß M 3
      48 words