The Straits Times, 27 June 1965

Total Pages: 22
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES f NO. 1.529 SUNDAY, JUNE 27, 1965 20 CENTS KDN 1191 MC (P) 1006
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  • 241 1 Mystery blast at the Afro-Asian conference site ALGIERS. Sat At liviist a. dozen workmen were Injured in an explosion late list niuht outride the conference hall built at Club rii-s Pins. IS miles from Alciers. for the Afro-Asi.m summit Mii-rimu Official sources in Algiers first said tin t% plosion might
    Reuter  -  241 words
  • 824 1 ALGIERS, Saturday THE fate of the second AfroAsian conference hung in the balance as some 30 odd Foreign Ministers meet here tonight for a showdown between "moderates' and "hard-liners" on whether the summit should be opened on Tuesday or not The Foreign Ministers conference will be held at
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  • 67 1 Indonesian confrontation flared up on two fronts in the past 27 hours. In the Balai Ringgin area of Sarawak, sc<i r ity forces beat back a 100-strong band of raiders, wounding 12. In Singapore, naval craft foiled three Indonesian attempts to iand saboteurs in various parts of the
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  • 712 1 FORCES TRAP 100 INDONS ON BORNEO BORDER KUCHING. Saturday. gECL'RITY forces, firing from ambush, wounded at least 12 Indonesian raiders, then beat back a counter-attack in renewed fighting deep in the jungles of Malaysian Borneo, a military spokesman reported yesterday. Security fones sprang their ambush on Thu to trap a
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  • 47 1 HONOl.l"! L Bat. A c.iv- .1.- born ycstrrJsv to a Chuif.-r woman aboard i I 1 1 Am- 1 .i WV: .ci %lm II about thrre hours out o: H>noluli: Mother and daughter were reported "doing nr j" .it Qutcn.- Hu-|).'.nl :n Ko iOiUl'l-
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  • 27 1 MANILA. Sat.— A girl nho filed a charee of attempted rape has changed her mind about :he case. She will marry the man instead AP.
    AP  -  27 words
  • 51 1 Xl ALA 1.1 MPI K. Sat. The Ontral Government Is to appoint nnr more assistant minister and four parliamentary secretaries soon, the official organ of I'm mi. •>l<rdeka." reported toriav It quoted source < lor- to tin- < .iliinci but did not mention the names of those involved
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  • 844 1  - Backed— the Defence Treaty LEE SIEW YEE From MALAYSIA'S CRITICS ANSWERED 'ONCE AND FOR ALL-ISMAIL lONDON. Sat. All criticism of J Malaysia's defence treaty with Britain has been answered "once and for all" by the Commonwealth. This is the point of "outstanding significance". Dato (Dr.) Ismail bin Dato Abdul Rahman,
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  • 354 1  - SHOWDOWN: Bid by the SUPP extremists to oust moderates GEOFFREY GELDARD: From Kuching, Saturday T»HE Sarawak United Peoples Party central comA mittee met in secret at party headquarters here today to thrash out differences between the moderates and extremists :n the party. The large compound of the headquarters was decorated
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  • 148 1 Ashes over Pahang— yes says Tengku LONDON Sat. Tengku Abdul Rahman ha* piomi.sed tc main ;he death-bed wish of Hii Englishwoman who supervised tiie Isiana Tetainu many vfhis a^o in Kuala Luinpui Mis. Lipke heaut of the Tengku'a preaanet in London and came {mm Gloucester where she lived with her
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  • 139 1 STOP PRESS NEW MOVE BY ALGERIA AK.IIKS, Sat. 11k-Alro-\Man Foreign Mini Irrs' <-onleri-n<<\ si hrduh-d to start at I6OU GMT lodav has l>wil "replaied" I" .1 meeting of the I.Vuation preparator> lommitlc*' on the Alro- Asian ronlrrenci-, It »a-s announced tonight. Aboul half of thr 36 delegation.* here lor the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 109 1 CYMA NAVYSTAR GIVES YOU THE J yj^ -THREE IN ONE f J^ Vd/^_,Jrj STYLING- 4;-^X ACCURACY, WATER \S PROOF. ELEGANCE. |g|e^ BENGOLD CO. 1 v 4 «o»»m Place. S>«r«. *!s&' MALAYAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED GRIP This is the shape the C.49 takes when you take a corner at speed. It bends
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    • 91 1 Saw dH ws£ BfA Wi M Wm M I §ln k IBflb Embodying every professional feature for successful studio or location work, the Technika 70 a»:c fulfils the requirements of a fast working rangefindrr camera for on-the-spot shots sports and news assignments. All this versatility and capability contained in a
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    • 1018 2 A GLAD, SAO DAY FOR WILSON HQQQDSQK333H RONALD BACHELOR REPORTS FROM LONDON THE Commonwealth Premiers who have been meeting here for the past nine days have called for an early meeting of Commonwealth trade ministers in a communique signed yesterday. The Commonwealth summit meeting
      Reuter  -  1,018 words
    • 178 2 No date fixed for Ang appeal SINGAPORE. Sat. When 0 will the Federal Court set a date for the hearing of Sunny Ann's appeal against conviction and sentence of death for the murder of a former bar girl? The Federal Court, which hears appeals against decisions of the Malaysian High
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    • 21 2 PENANG. Sat. About $1,000 worth of goods were stolen from a stall in Wembley Park early this morning
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    • 162 2 So cruel, says mother of US sergeant executed by Vietcong WASHINGTON, Saturday. MRS. PAULINE BENNETT, mother of ar. American soldier executed in Vietnam by the Vietcong, said in Perryville, Arkansas, yesterday that her son's death was "the most cruel thing I ever heard of." "It's the most horrible thing in
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    • 174 3 Elite of Hollywood say farewell to producer Selznick GLENDALE (California). Saturday. jyjORE than 100 of Hollywood's elite among them actors, directors and producers said farewell on a dark and gloomy day to "Gone With the Wind" producer David O. Selznick. eulogised as a "great" film maker. The eulogy by Joseph
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    • 446 3 PEOPLE Most popular policeman in Johore Bahru Officers and men "fc~& tne police force in Johore Bahru are planning to send a petition to retain Mr T.BM. Krishnan. the Deputy Chief Police Officer, who i.s being transferred to Pahang Mr. Krishnan is the man who broke the backbone of Secret
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    • 109 3 LONDON, Sat. Madame Ratna Sari Dewi, the third wife of President Soekarno, arrived in London yesterday and received a Foreign Office welcome. Japanese born Madame Soekarno. 24, is on a "purely private visit." She is here to attend the wedding reception f
      UPI  -  109 words
    • 364 3 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. A man who believes that TV will never replace newspapers is here to give Malaysian journalists and others an insight into mass media. He is hAr Albert G. Pickerell. Professor of Journalism at the University of California. TV, he says,
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    • 178 3 A KILTED WEDDING FOR BORNEO GIRL A BERDEEN. Sat Form- er postal official in I Kuching is on her honeymoon here with the kilted I Scottish doctor she met in 1 Sarawak more than a year ago The bride. Annette Foo. met Dr. Brian Grassick. 30. when he was workine
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    • 256 5 TWO Malaysian students have returned home from Australia with their degress and eight soft sultry-look-ing Persian kittens they bought there. The pedigree kittens. whose ages range from five to 13 months and cost, about $300 each, have won severil awards In shows In
      Soong Hon Sin  -  256 words
    • 47 5 TOKYO. Sat. A seven-year-oid r> v playing superman ai d boa^tine "bullets cannot pierce my body" was shot dead oy a playmate in a small village in northern Japan. Police said Tamoisu Sasaki* eigh--year-<ild friend shot him in the chest wr.h a bho'sun.
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    • 259 5 LONDON. Saturday. wile Mrs. Margaret Bishop. 31, is "digging in" at the home the Army says she and her three children must leave. She said she was fighting i to establish a new principle for Service wives everywhere that families
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    • 82 5 II SSI I lON .vn I InKmpln> I'rnviili-nl I Mini in Malaya whirh ,ism'|v lolallinu UN million is (o be rxtemle«l to m\er workers in S.I li. til The Chief Minister of Salmh Mr Peter lA announced this last niuht. He >.<id the Ministrr of
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    • 370 5 l/LALA KANi.SMi. Sat. Malaysia does not want leaders who speak <>• partition and disintegration, the Acting Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, said here today. "We need honest leaders continuously desiring to strengthen unity among the various communities and finding realistic approaches to ihr country's
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    • 103 5 Rabies scare starts drive with gas and flame throwers MEXICO CITY. Sat— A rabies scare in Mexico has triggered a major drive by local health authorities not only arainst stray dogs which might t-.irrv infection but also against vampire bats. The bats, living in caves and old mineworkings.
      Reuter  -  103 words
    • 39 5 JAKARTA. Sa;. Shortage of ptudi w,i^ reported today in B.<:-.(l<;<-lig. The new* asency Ait..i;i "Lina qurues o'. can waited at ihe lical flll:'-« .siavin.s *mcc early tßta week. Ho«iv.t. no) Ul could i.biam p.ii'.ol."
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    • 162 5 Planes: An assurance by Sardon SINGAPORE. Sat The Kederal Minister or Transport, Dato Sardon bin llaji Jubir. today gave a tinn assurance that action was being taken to safeguard the operation of all civil aircraft in and out of Singapore. He stressed that Ml Mtnistrv IH "lully aware" of reports
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    • 240 5 Corrective training for youths guilty of rape SINGAPORE, Sat.— Two 17--year-old youths, arrested in connection with the rape and robbery at knifepoint of a 51-year-old British nanny. were ordered to undergo reformative training by Mr. Justice Ambrose at the Assize Court today. Mohamed Hashim bin Mohamed Ibrahim had been found
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 11 2 KODOKAN J^ji^ijLTljlli )1 f J PTII JEI 1 TT/i UT lififfM
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    • 149 2 Feel the cotmorung warmth pencil... *V^-" >-. right down to the gggg of the pain ai you Cjiy^'-'S. "^B rub on Radian-R! Rnjov the wonderful /y^^^'vlv |9^ relief that Radian-R givn you— relief S^ ffnjeßw B^l from tho«e ifring p«ini of rhcumatitm, I«WS/j)l I lumbago, sciatica, nbrn<itn, ipraint and I
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 207 3 LONGINES^ K\C- ■**&&'s'/ ON GINES .^^^<V our A^ at Union o have wen 10 > *>t^ Bulld 'n a Grand t-mc-. ond 28 Gold Madals IT" Z~ nd at International Exposition, a V^ !.^»T mrK of sole agents: MACLAINE WATSON (IMPORTS) LTD. Singapore Kuala Lumpur looh Panang SALES EXECUTIVE I
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    • 4 3 THIS 18 THEIR STORY...
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    • 381 3 HOW 53,791 TESTS PROVED YOU CAN GET RID OF PIMPLES QUICKEST. SIMPLEST WAY TO BANISH YOUR PIMPLES COMPLETELY O«n'f Ut a pimply toe* ruin your romance, social lift, tpoil your tun, your future. Rid yourself torevrr of this awful V complaint with the irmplest, easiest, quickest acting pimplr f remedy
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 312 4 MICHAEL'S TERRACE Ifitiffll 2 STOREY MODERN GARDEN TERRACE HOUSES ACCOMMODATION l|/^ GROUND FLOOR: Large Lounge, Dining, B Kitchen, Utility, Toilet, jjL^ v^g 0 I f 1o 2/ *22 2S 24*1 3 g^ hH IhH hHI HH J 5 If HHIHH Bm^ PRICE from i onn/. [7TT7777T71 wlj^FW/ upwards. j I
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 254 5 5,000 FREE BOOKS on DANCING! Now you can test this wonderful course on |^L dancing yourself try M this famous system in your own home and if, fl| Sk after 30 days, you have +J not become an expert dancer, popular and •ought-after it COSTS M YOU NOTHING, not one
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  • Leader Page
    • 59 6 It Word* ti (Minimum) FRESBVTBBIAN CHURCH, ib «iak »i«re, Ori&axd Road. Sunday aMr\ica 9 a-m. and c p.m. All wsicoma. j WBSLBY METHODIST CHURCH. Fort Canning Road. Bmgapor*. worship Bervicea at V.SU a.m.. 10.00 am. aad 6.3 J p.m. Sunday Scnool tor bU agaa at 41 am.; Junior
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      • 126 6 WILL the summit that takes place in Kuala Lumpur this week between Tun Abdul Razak and Mr. Lee Kuan Yew end the cold war between the Central and Singapore Governments? Not all at once. That Is not possible. The problems facing Malaysia can only be resolved by patient negotiation
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      • 112 6 rmake economic progress, this country needs large-scale infusions of capital. A goodly portion of this capital will, in the nature of things, be American in origin, like the $336 million that a group of U.S. businessmen will Invest In Malaysia. It augurs well for our future that Wall Street
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      • 109 6 THIRTY-THREE of the 50 nations that make up Afro-Asia have openly proclaimed their recognition of. and friendship for, Malaysia. What a pleasant change from the situation that prevailed two years ago when President Soekarno tried to isolate the newborn federation and portray It as q diabolic creation of the
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      • 45 6 BAN No swim suit for Miss Malaysia! Result nighties! Effect stimulating! Verdict exciting, surpassing even a bikini. "A woman is like a suspense thriller. the lr» revealed the more mysterious," said Alfred Hitchcock and how right he is we now know. B. T. PINANG
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      • 59 6 THINGS THEY SAY... k GENERATION that J\ experiments with *ex before marriage is not going to get faithfulness afterwards. Women can decide how pure a country can be. Men are as pure as the women want them to be by Moral Re-Armament leader Peter Howard speaking at the Westminster Theatre
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    • 939 6 UN 20 years ago... IT WAS early 1945. The dark international skies were clearing. The war in Europe was virtually over, a triumph for the Allies against Nazi aggression. Victory over Japan in the Pacific was in sight. Convened in San Francisco. California, on April 25. 1945. were representatives from
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 715 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. OVERSEAS LEAVE IJ Wm4t tt (Mm.)— Box >« rfs. BBfefl COMING TO BRITAIN-* Sclfdnv* lars at rMi.Ktlc lone term rale*. a'»s» saloon* and estates compr*ii'naiva Insurance— unlimited milsaas Ixliverr anywner* Martins ftelfdnve. Mih fttreei. Winchester, England Hrorkurea BMBMM>, SITUATIONS VACANT I Wordt tt (Mlm.)-Box tt tit. oxtro ■lIAO
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    • 175 6 Experts recommend P 1 STAMFORD I?* because its i|| £v*t W Home Study Iti^L courses are T^k Easy Competent ly^vf,-' wh by educationists J lj|^i^B*^~^ of world repute. Join the STAMFORD COLLEGE Whether: You seek further education. You are still in school. You want a better job:ENSURE YOUR SUCCESS in
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  • The News
    • 505 7 HOW STUDENTS DIED IN SYDNEY FLAT SYDNEY. Sat. Investigations here have revealed that the heavy rain and wind lashing Sydney since Tuesday were a contributory cause in the pas leak which killed the three Malaysian students early yesterday morning. The three Malaysians j I-oo Chee Kiat.
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    • 623 7 By Sunday Time* staff writer Singapore,. Sat. PRIVATE housing developers and real estate agents are waiting for more details on the additional provisions which the Singapore Government intends to make in the land acquisition law. "If the details are not forthcoming soon, we shall certainly
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    • 278 7 TAWAU, Saturday. PRIORITY will be giver in the first Malaysian five-year plan to projects which will increase revenue, the Minister of Finance. Mr. Tan Siew < Sin, said today. He listed some of these projects as roads, railways, harbours, Irrigation and
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    • 155 7 Deaf, but they know the Board PENANG. Sat. Pupils of tho Federation School for tho Deaf last night doliuhted the Minister of Education. Inche Khir Johari. by correctly namimr the members of the school's Board of Governors. The 13 members of the Board, including Inche Johari. who is chairman, were
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    • 30 7 PETAI.ING JAVA. Bat, Tin- annual foun and fun nl the AMUnU will be held on Saturday and July 3 and 4 at the A.v.<uniu Primary School around*.
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    • 103 7 TURF CLUB TO DISCUSS GRANDSTAND I£UALA LUMPUR. Sat. I Certain amendments to the objects of the Singapore Turf Club ana Its proposed programme for the Improvement of the Bukit Timah grandstand are among items for discussion at the general meeting of the club in Singapore on July 2. The propo.-od
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    • 159 7 Jailed-2 men who stole a plane LEOPOLDVILLE. Sat.— Two former white mercenaries were jailed for four -and-a-half years for taking a Congolese air force DC-3 without permission. Joseph Edward Larkin. 23. an Australian, and Nicholas van Staten, 24, of South Africa, admitted that on April 11 they went to Ndolo
      AP  -  159 words
    • 60 7 PENANG. Sat. Seventeen-year-old Singapore pianist, Jenny Wong, gave a recital last night to help raise funds tor her musical studies overseas. Can-ton-born Jenny who s.arted her career in Hone Kong at the age of fcur and has won seveml prizes since she arrived in Singapore
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    • 301 7 New unit trust to promote savings SINGAPORE. S.\t. Malaysians will soon have an opportunity to Join a new unito trust which will do their saving for them. The new system, an Improvement on one which Is being extensively used and highly successful in Australia, allows for the reinvestment of dividends
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    • 25 7 BANGKOK. Sat— Royal Thai Marines repulsed a 60-man Cambodian force which entered Thai territory at roon yesterday. Ttie shooting lasted about one hour
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    • 52 7 IZIALA I I MII If Sat. The Government Is to IV establish the Bank Bumiputra Malaysia in two months' time and will staff it initially with nonindigenous people This was disclosed by the Actin* Prime Minister. Tun Abdul Razak. in an Interview with Merdeka, the official organ
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    • 104 7 WITH the tiara of victory as "Miss Greece of 1965" is Aspa Theologitou, 21. She has black eyes and black hair, is sft. 9 in. tall, with 36in. bust and 23in. waist. She hopes to repeat the success of "Miss Greece of 1964" by
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    • 265 8 Xl AI.A LI MPL'R, Sat. Mrv Samuel F. Hart. :f>. wife of a I nited Slates Kmbassy official, who was killed in a motor accident at Sesamat ycsterda>. was ireinaled here this afternoon. Only very close friends were present at the crematorium at Airport
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    • 692 8 By Sunday Times Staff Writer: Singapore. Saturday IF THE BUBBLE BURSTS IT'S GOING TO HIT MIDDLE-CLASS OWNERS HARD THE honeymoon is over lor the mid-dle-class landlord and the equally prolific middle-class landlady. For it looks as if Singapore's private housing bubble is going to
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    • 243 8 Wall Street: A shaky recovery from that drastic plunge NEW YORK. Saturday. THE New York stock market firmed yesterday amid heavy trading after a shaky start following Thursday's sharp decline which resulted in a paper loss of US$6,OOO million (SlB.OOO million). The shaky .-tart caused considerable bargain hunting and most
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    • 129 8 SAN FRANCISCO. Sat. President Johnson has sent Mr. Eugene Black to i South-East Asia to follow up on hLs proposal for massive economic development of the region, the White House spokesman disclosed yes- terday. Mr. Johnson gave this information to U Thant, United Nations
      Reuter  -  129 words
    • 31 8 IPOH. Sal. A vrgetuble fardener. Lum Kum Scons 2b. told police that a water pump valued at $400 was stolen from his farm in Gunong R.ipat here ■Ml meht.
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    • 318 8 UI'sINESS in and reported v tj.r.eapovp mid Ku.dd Lumpur iri!di::? roans ul the St< ck Excra-ist 1 of Malays a ye.-terday. w.-h tIM i- umber of the shares :radcd m brackets: INDL'STRIALS: Bousteud (1.000. $1.08- Cold Store 2,000 1 $1.94 CD. (6.000) $1.96 CD. (6.000) $1.92 CD. d.OOOi
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    • 263 9 Malays must learn a second language' J£UALA KANGSAR, Sat.— The importance of studying a second language In addition to the national language was emphasised today at the 60th anniversary speech day celebrations of the Malay College hero. Dato Dr. Hail Mcgat Khas bin Megat Omar, chairman of the Board of
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    • 42 9 SINGAPORE. Sat. The M c ihodi.-t Girls' School Aimnnae Association will hold :N annual reunion bun>i d. 1 not In U Shaw audiiunum of the .school ai 7.30 pin. on Juiv 24 lhrrp will Bin be IllliMr ;il d Mings.
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    • 300 9 SKIN GRAFT HAS REMOVED ALL THE SCARS ON FACE OF GIRL BADLY BURNT IN EXPLOSION SINGAPORE, Saturday. TgLANCHE Wilfred returned from Australia last night with a new face and new hopes. The 15-year-old Perak schoolgirl, whose face was badly burnt in a lamp explosion, had
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    • 161 9 SINGAPORE, Sat. Dr. Arthur Chiu. Singaporeborn scientist yesterday called for more local applicants, for the East -West Centre scholarships in Hawaii. Dr. Chiu, who is now a United States citizen, is Professor of Structural Engineering and Chairman of the Department of Civil Engineering
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    • 21 9 KUALA TRENGGANU. Sat.— The Sultan ol Trengganu who 0 the Timbalan Yang diPmuan Agong today celebrated hit 58th birthday.
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    • 316 9 Malaysian Malaysia: PAP challenge to Senu SINGAPORE, Sat. The Peoples Action Party today asked the Minister of Information and Broadcasting. Inche Senu bin Abdul Rahman, whether he would state categorically over radio and television that he rejects the concept of a Malay Malaysia in favour of a Malaysian Malaysia. Also,
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    • 171 9 Umno Youth: Lee must first apologise KUALA LUMPUR, Sat.— The Umno Youth central committee last night urged the Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, and the Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul' Razak. not to hold any talks with Mr. Lee Kuan Yew until he apologises in public for what he has
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    • 63 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. A curfew has bern imposed in the Muar trmn aie.v frojn ft p.m. today to 6 a.m. tomorrow. Th« area is bounded by the Muar River bank (Nan Kuala Sungai Abon? to Kuala SungtU Bentayan, .Talan Bentayan. Jalan Bekri. .lalan Sakeh. Jalan Sungai Abon:
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    • 373 9 Razak calls on state govts to cut spending, end red tape IPOH, Saturday THE acting Pr:me Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, today urged state governments to streamline their administrations, cut down on expenditure, eliminate red tape and gear the nation for the big tasks ahead. He was speaking to heads of
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    • 53 10 PENANG. Sat. Another b;iii!i til 5:i Kauni ibu Dtnnbm \\ii. be ror Bed m volui t* In th«- vvonnir.- sfctu r. ol lie P, i >ng I :ri < r :il Anny nc\l week. 01 the new voluiit«eri :r; tit tram itoe B;.uk I'ui.ui
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    • 48 10 SEOUL, Sat— The Foreign Min.ster, Mr. Tong Won Lee. told a Press conference today the South-East Asian Foreign Ministers conference would be held without fail ln Seoul this autumn. South Korea has invited Australia, Japan. Malaysia, New Zealand. Philippines. South Vietnam, Taiwan and Thailand.
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    • 65 10 SINGAPORE. Sat.- a youth ;i^ chmged today with attempting o rob a!u bin Liiri friend lasi n Un Thian n iku lim Tbiam Huai vbm .illegcd to bavt I (it lectlve Xi!: Thian Si i f) liiv -hi I.iew Kin I i Farm Park wh.U
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    • 42 10 PENANG, Sat. Police looking for a sang which raided a Japanese merchant ship anchored off the Peiung Harbour last night and stole O.Mfl worth of tarpaulins and ropes. The ship Taca Mnru arrved ln Penanc on Thursday night.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 258 7 PUT A GLEAM IN YOUR DOG'S EYE! The gleam that comes from being in top condition. But in a hot and humid climate like this one it is far too easy for your dog to become listlesj and lifeless. He needs special care. Fortunately such care is easy, with Bob
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 317 8 .jt-JS? «&IsSS» y TO^f^jfe^BßW'' ff^SSSSSSWftv^Haßfe &',-T- !$T' pNssl sssskflssT ißpP^liii^sssss^sPlisssi^^l lsR*W sK J fl sKstrliHw '^mfmr' 'w&K&&M*m^ jfl B^H Br SKi^BEEL iirJilsstssssssi JffSMfflßffW^HnrsttL 4s^s^ls^[^[^hs?^ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssslv -Wfr^lBssEi T J i^i^s^^^i^l ssssssW V^PF 9^l >»jflt 7v |B^^H '^^fel>-: wK& ssssssssT <J vrtft^^l^^fc^^^^'^WK^ Csssssssssss^sssK' H »»*TdstJi n'Wifi'flft t^^^Ah^^^^^^^^|tttt]jjMMB(^M^^^^^^MM^^^^^^Jl|Bß^Efe^^''^B^^^Kß^^^^r bssßK sfls^P^ssß^sssssS^^SS 'iS^ MsssssMH^^ V^ssssssV X'ljH
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    • 355 8 Advertisement GOOD ENGLISH gives you Confidence An Interesting Booklet for Readers of "Sunday Times" Hundreds of ambitious men and women have discovered ii fascinating, simplified way to improve their Enßlish. twin self-confidence and develop their personality. Readers of the Sunday Times who Wslta to become Rood conversationalist.";. to write Interesting
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 402 9 K '-mm -^fc <9B I>* w 9 I BW^fc, Mm i Mm Mm MM i mmMf m m 4 m "*fil J Ukuaa*^: i fSJaxC mmW t fM M m\*t' Sl *^^^^^^ta k J^^*^^B mmJ^^^^~~~~"^ I J m M'f9 3 Hvv^^' flr F i f mm^^m^mw^^^Mm^m^^Mmm wmumr M r' y
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 28 9 rM*+all Some of fhese ftne'rael *^just uou lea/c \Tw In Jm e?d S*£ Ce!cv:at,o*Q cc* get vry rt wrthim m B^BBSi^ —^^S^j S^^^^^ tf^-mmmmu BB^BBBB^JKawtUaMa^HaMMiMaH^iiit wninci ..nor mviimbJ
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 390 10 ftOOTES FINE CRAFTSMANSHIP IN GARS. ..GIVE YOU Hillman Imp de luxe... the world's most advanced' light car. Here's comfortable family motoring with real performance, reliability and superb economy. 875 cc aluminium rear-mounted engine. 80 m.p.h, Tourinci consumption 40-45 m.p.g. No greasing points. 5,000 miles routine servicing. 4-wheel independent suspension. Backlight
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    • 123 10 Ever thought of Bermuda as an investment base? Bermuda has no income tax or death duty and is almost completely free from monetary restrictions. First class banking and investment services are provided by The Bank of N. T. Butterfield Son Limited, Bermuda's oldest Bank with world-wide connections. These services include:
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 423 10 MAI AYA Ton Sampah (repeat broadPenan* 6 Ipoh .and Ma acca. hnexaa. Golden Tree 1 °52Ei Si,.?' K Janr (Part U) 339 R"" 0 Dr P^'/tl; 'paUeT'and ft-^J^gS, tone 2.30 Test patten, and t^^V^JoTs^. mUSIC: 3 K ,,££a^ B *n2 v£ri «-30 Hazel Dorothy's obses- mm f. f™ ll^- J™uJ?
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  • Show page
    • Article, Illustration
      686 11  -  ROBIN STAFFORD By AND THIS LOVE THAT MAKES AGE MEANINGLESS 441 DONT care a damn what anybody I outside thinks about my marriage," Jordan Christopher said! "As far as I am concerned it was love at first sight from the moment I saw Sybil." For an hour
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    • 32 11 I. K. tCtISHNAN. Naduvantazhlcom. IMravur attached to M.P.8.W., H.Q., TantElm. passed away peacefully on 28-6-1965. Cremation at Hindu Cemetery Bidadarl 3 p.m. 27-6-65. Cortene leaves 78-B Race Course Road '.'.30 p.m.
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    • 440 11 fILD soldiers never die, they J say; they only fade away. There certainly seems to be something In It. and there Is no need to name any names as anyone can think of a number of the great leaders of the last major bout of International unpleasantness who
      440 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 553 11 ORGANISATION. *m ObT. \O\V SHOW II am. I 4S, 4. 6 30 t 9 15 pm" Univcrsol Internotionql presents Bj rstiiiiotoj- D^ m NEXT CHANGE I Connie Stevens Dean Jones "TWO ON A GUILLOTINE" i i JON (WB) M»\V SIIOWIXs! Bit am, 1.45, 4, 6 30 9.30 pm. H NO
      553 words
    • 333 11 1 J From METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER's British" Studios 8 come two of the Greatest British Films of this i or any other year! I CAPITOL FEDERAL! LIDO Coming I' Singapore K.Lumpur SJngap{)re SOOli! J j packed drama jSEAN CONNERY OF ESPIONAGE in fh^ mnttf I;! AND INTRIGUE! I%ZZ the Eftik most outstanding
      333 words
    • 521 11 TODAY 3 SHOWS: 3-6-9 P.M.' HOW MUCH SUSPENSE CAN YOUo STAND... AND FOR HOW UONSr" ■k ""•mtimuvno (Not Recommended For Parsons a With Weok Hearts). Today 11 a.m.: 'THE BLACK SWAN in Color. M£L— 'i I'llilßlTtllliniTTJ NOW SHOWING! Today: 1.30-1 8 30 p.m. Sivoji Ganejan, S.S. Raiendron, Devika, Vijoyo Kumari
      521 words
      269 words

  • Sport
    • 140 12 r.PSOU JF.EP I \»l TKY Bar* 1 \nun« I A«lr Lara (or POWF.I.I.A Ka«* t (hirf InformfT Lord Ltiran Ml SKF.TF.F.R lUm I Kimsh A loiisli (ah ados HI. I I 111 (.11 Km* 4 KungM Kaya i'hanlucktrr R\SIIH I. KumUnr SATJXLITC Fort Kno« Scorpio RAMBOMNA Ram 7 Trojan
      140 words
    • 952 12  - BAMBOLINA IS GOOD VALUE WITH 7.10 EPSOM JEEP RACING with Epsom Jeep's best bets are Powella (Race 2). Musketeer (Race 3) nnd Blue Rego (Race 4). The going is good. DAMBOLINA. with only 7.10. looks good value in Cl. 3. Div. 1. lOf (Race 7) at Kuala Lumpur today. A
      952 words
    • 993 12 Race 1—2.0 Cl 6 Div 2 ($4300) 6f 1 81M02 Wal'r H*llf g <K i' Llrn^ Bagby 690 1 I MM larator a <.!<>i.,.!i Sli E Breuk. S 813 (SF> Mitchell 7 3 009UO Wee Wonder a i W ee St> Allan 10 8.12 '(hong 6 4 *****
      993 words
    • 206 12 UONG KONG. Sat. Albert Poon. winner of the Singapore and Macao Grand Prix motor races, handed in h;> resignation to the Ilmitr Kong police yesterday. H e la n Inspector wit I: nearly 10 years' .-ervice There have been widespread
      Reuter  -  206 words
      • 1359 13 SINGAPORE POLICE MBIT —Mb: 1 Osman Merican 2 M. Gunasena 3 A. Kadlr 115; IKb: 1 Osman Merican a M. Gunasena 3 R. Sa Maria 23.1 (record'; 400 m: 1 Kenneth Perera 3 A. Rajah 3 Kang Gin Boon 54.0; 800 m: 1 Abdul- Hamid 2 K. Perera 3
        1,359 words
      • 508 13 u»y oi uic k«u-u«y nuiut lUU*/. OCUICA. rr..<AAu bM lnn>: Uiuail iblamiii c oilaiua... o n^aUia iauiMU O*Xu* v xtabina it. Zailiuuuui luu oui U, nayati Mean v o^ii.iiaauiu 17, 'lengicu Amir 0 «,a»inu Ahiiidi n«mul low lialiaiuadm li, Julia D tincn.ruaaiii v, Kanial All not out 4, Ismail
        508 words
      • 180 13 IPOH Choong Pak Fah, riding an "Alan Bussens Special" won the FTD award for motor-cycles at the half-mile Sprint held on the Batu GajahSlputeh Road. He returned the time of 24.55ec. Mo tor -eye eg: lp to Zsocc: 1 A. Boudevllle (Lambretta) 37.0; 350ce: 1 A. Boudevllle (Lambretta) 36.4;
        180 words
      • 98 13 SINGAPORE Women's league Div. 1: Hurricanes bt Hornets 23-16; I/ynamos bt Chipmunks 26-16; TTC I bt Whirlwinds 28-19; Toppers I bt WRAFS Changl 21-4; Satellties bt Hornets 24-16. Div. Z: Satellites bt Chitchats 23-11; Rebels bt Crickets 21-15; Toppers bt Crickets 29-13; University bt Income Tax 18-11: Satellites bt
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      • 94 13 SINGAPORE Seranfoon District Secondary Schools competition: Monday senior St. Andrew's bt Sang Nila Utama 66-0. St. Andrew's "White*" bt Sang Nila Utama "B" 46-0; Junior St. Andrew's "Red" bt Serangoon Gardens 64-0; St. Andrews "Blacks" bt St Thomas 36-0. Tuesday senior St Andrew's "Bluet" bt Victoria "B" 36-0; Victoria
        94 words
      • 40 13 SKGAMAT League: Nam Kiew 2 Indians 0: Teachers. 3 Pogoh E«t. 3: Indians 4; JKR 2: Nam Kiew 2 Pogoh Est. 1; Segamat Est. 3 Teachers 3. MI'AR inter-school: St. Andrew SES Staff 1 Segamat SES SKS Staff 1.
        40 words
      • 61 13 PENANG Sports Club Sonny Soon and Mrs. P. Mazlln each won two titles at the Penang Sports Club's handicap tennis championships. Sonny Soon, with a handicap of -30. won the men's singles title, and partnering R. D. Raleigh overcame the stiff handicap of -50 to win the doubles final.
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      • 13 13 MI'AR friendly Segamat SES Staff bt St. Andrew SES Staff 3-2.
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    • 23 13 IN EVER LOVING memory of our darling girl Premlla Bhavanl who departed on 27.6 62. Always remembered by Dada and Mummy
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    • 106 13 SAMANASU FERNANDEZ passed away peacefully on 26.6.65. Cortege leaving 176. Norfolk Road on 27.6.65 at 300 p.m. for Ophir Road Church. S. P. NATHAN on 26.665 in car accident. Funeral 27.6.65 at 10.30 a.m. from 1258 Rasah Road. Sorrmban. to Church of Visitation and thence to Sikamat Cemetery. MR.
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    • 360 13 SYDNEY. Sat. Results ot Australian Association football matches played today were. NSW NORTH Mayflelcl 6 Awaba 3. NSW FED DIV. 1 Polonia 2 Budapest 2, Pracue vs Metro (postponed ground waterlogged). NSW FED DIV. 2 Bankstown vs Thistle (postponed ground waterlogged i. Western 2 Wollongong 4. VICTORIA
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    • 447 13 America's 2nd shock as Bungert goes T ONDON, Sat. On a day when players were again plagued by almost wintry conditions, a lowly-ranked American knocked out s. seeded man for the second successive day on the fifth day of the Wimbledon tennis championships here yesterday. Marty Rlesspn. 23-year, old student
      447 words
    • 381 14 Extra-time triumph for Johore PENANCL-.fifltd PENANG. Saturday. AN 82nd minute extra-time goal by centre-for- ward Latiff Ibrahim gave Johore the Sultans' Gold Cup when they beat Penang 2-1 in the final of the inter-state Malays football competition at the City Stadium here tonight. It was a fitting reward for the
      381 words
    • 95 14 pENANG. S.ii. Fmta Gon- Mica. <v the Polu-c. broke ap.otlier Penane record when she ran UK 100 m in 12.9 at the public aanrteea sports here today. Tlie Mate mark is 13.1 set by A. Sarojini in 1961. Five other records were broken. They were:
      95 words
    • 28 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. The Malaysian Armed Forces football team completed their Sabith tour with a 5-0 victory over Kurhlng. Scorers: Bakar. Balan. Aljunid. Noordin. Ghazall.
      28 words
    • 330 14 CRACKERS FIRED AS 15.000 THRILL TO GREAT 4-2 WIN IPOH. Saturday. Malaysian Chinese, playing penetrative iTI soccer at a pace which the Hong Kont; Chinese could not match, regained the Ho Ho Cup trophy by a comfortable 4-2 margin in the 20th match In the series played
      330 words
    • 383 14 SINGAPORE. Sat. Eknath Mane beat his own Malaysian native record for the hammer throw for the second time in a week with a 143 ft 3in effort in the Singapore Police annual athletic championships held at Thomson Road today. Last
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    • 29 14 SINGAPORE. Sat. The Festival of Sport fund has passed $50,000 with Dato Aw Cheng Chye donating $3,000 and Shaw Foundation $2,000. The target figure is $100,000.
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    • 63 14 TELUK ANSON. Sat. Constable llumHi bin Abdul ot Slim River scored a double at the Tapah-Teluk Anson Combined Police athletic meet here today. He took the best performance award lor winning the pole vault with 2.86 metres and tied with Maan bin Sudin aIMD of Slim
      63 words
    • 37 14 IPOH. S;<\ Dublin Estate. Kccnth held K..:nt),u Estate. Selangor to a 2-2 draw in .spite of extra time in a .semi-final tte 1 uf tho inter-estates soccer com- petition (or the MacGillivra? Cup here today.
      37 words
    • 172 14 KEDAH-PERLIS HIT BACK AFTER 1-2 TO EDGE KELANTAN KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. K c d a h-Perlis made a magnificent :ally In the closirg stages to edge Kelantan 3-2 in the final round of the Police Kannigan Shield hockey tournament at the Gurney Road ground today. Kedah-Perlis. who knock■i out holders
      172 words
    • 55 14 PENANG. Sat. O&manu of Spt. Xavicrs Institution scored 2.687 points to take the lead after theu day's events in the Penang decathlon championships today. De Sone MM second with 2.429 and Verkunlen third. 2.349. Others: Ho Boon Thiam 2.245; Stuart 2.122: W. Haugh 2.121; K. Gunabalan 1.973; Harrix
      55 words
    • 299 14 Sethupathy props up Malacca with 63 against Pahang MALACCA, Saturday A PATIENT 63 by Malaccas M. C. Sethupathy highlighted the first days play in the MCA South Zone league match against Pahang here today. Pahanfj began cautiously when they batted first, j Two face-saving knocks by Barbftß Singh (30) and
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 629 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. AT TOUR SERVICT fl Wmrdt M «m rU »**n FOR ALL TY»ft of Ptioloc«»T n« T«n« > »M«a ilw LIM ca Kupi l»r of l*t«>tir Tran» .rho.d K.irtiilur*. OWit» r/quipmrn' U»o»raJ ror»«r<llnt l»l riMi k TNI HAIR CLINIC 10. IIIWB an— K i-.rf Pboo. t4»T« For Dan Irnff
      629 words
    • 97 12 CABINETS Designed for the comfort and convenience of my lady in the KITCHEN 4^ PLECO LIMITED V^7 EXPERTS IN HOME DECOR PLECO LIMITED 601 Chinese chamber of commerce bloc HILL STREET, SINGAPORE. TEL: ***** ON SALE NOW s^ f \'V Mm W^ s sing3porc s MSSm mm\ o a. Wf
      97 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 33 13 Lite CLASSIFIEDS 20 Word* ill (Minimum) TEOH— ENO. Between Thiam Hock s o Mr. Mrs. Teoh Kah Tal to Yuen Kua do Mr. Se Mrs. Eng Kool Cheng of P. Swettenham on 26-C-65.
      33 words
    • 608 13 MALAYAN UNIT TRUSTS LTD. INTRODUCE TO MALAYSIA A NEW, SAFER, FASTER WAY TO SAVE THROUGH DIVIDEND RE-INVESTMENT WITH INSURANCE The Malaysian Savings Fund offers you the same expert guidance in saving through investment, as is enjoyed by really big investors like Insurance Companies. FASTER SAVING through re investment of dividends!
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 194 13 SPORTS DIARY SOCCER Tour match: Malaysian Chinese Invitation XI v Hong Kong Chinese i Stadium Perak. 8 p.m.) Malaya Cup: Johore v Jt Services (Sri Gelnm. 5.15. Spore im. 2B: Khalsa v Seletar VI; Div. D: Snnvista v Arsenal (both a: P:irrer Pk>: Tampen:s Roy. v Junior AA (Gey!ang> L.
      194 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 160 14 THE m All HLL j U Elll MEMO 91 Ell TUNER TF-90LE 19"TV NATIONAL ■MMKMKMW gagJgJHK Ihe screen comes right out to you with freth, more realistic "IPii Dm*. I images on the soft grey, projection icreen of this IS ,f > NATIONAL. M t MW Switch from channel to
      160 words
    • 622 14 MALAYSIAN INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT FINANCE LTD. MIDFL invites applications from Malaysian citizen* for petition of Industrial Promotion Officer. Applicants should preferably be Industrial Enginoor* bat those having a recognised engineering degree and having completed studies in industrial economic and industrial administration, either as part of the degree course or poaN graduotion
      622 words

  • Magazine Section
    • 2 1 Magazine Section
      2 words
    • 2787 1 When a top spy takes a vacation Secret rendezvous, "Dead Letter Boxes," huge cash payment* for information, special photographic gear all these sinister items of cold-war espionage were used by Lonsdale. It serves as a stern reminder of the warning that is emerging from the story that ex-Russian spy Gordon
      2,787 words
    • 671 1  - LONSDALE IS NOT LONSDALE KEN GARDNER By 111 AD been sent to Moscow to Ret (iordon Arnold l.onsd.ile twn story of his spying activities and. after a series of extraordinary encounters I had at last succeeded. Kxcept for one thin;;, everything he told me was pretty near the truth. Yet
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 98 1 Fi^9 g^g^g^g^i^HgrVMi Mriflfl i^gl^B^^ I n I W™ Jgi^g^gi^^^^Mgi, gam^gafl ar a^Ba^a^a^a^a^L^a^a^ga^gaar^H^Baß .gaagßM ga^gaW^ a ■P^gß^g^^gaHgß^gß^g^gß^gß^H2ga9fSnß^gf£H!E^Bßß^B .^g^Lßl Mr^^^^^JH gA, £M gas. ~^^Bal X HHl^gßm vMgaaMWgJM Wr* ,1 g^g^L^gßß^ga^Ln. %S^g^gß^ga^&n^ganga^9 gi^gP^gaw gm^^"Bßß gaß^^ I w v--i U| gWP^iF W VI 11* Vfl #1 Hak 1 f/' W BgaVgaß I bV^rp^^ LpESbI
        98 words
    • 1869 2 TWO NEW MEN ENTER THE DOMINICI RIDDLE... GERALD KEMMET THROWS NEW LIGHT ON A MURDER-AND A DEAD MAN MAY BE TRIED THIS is Gaston Do minici, the dead man who may be put on trial for murder the same murder he was sent to prison for when he was alive.
      1,869 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 304 2 TK 200 U O K \^£S^ Latest 2 tracks tape recorder-2 vt^^^^^P^Zi^T^H^^^^ speeds. 7* spool. V^^fl^#T^ V^^^ i^=^=« "••■••■•■•"■'a c c j^J *2 speakers "Push button controls 'Receptacles Hi I i ■Jiii fli'li' vlP 1 mliSSU'jilituiil^fißs for-Phonograph, Taoe Recorder Extern.. on |Jl :j' '■■■■rffifiQr W&E^EtU IBp if i! I U
        304 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 317 2 (^POPULAR CROSSWORD^) ACROSS: 1. Give Usngue (5), Beverage (4>, 42. Crowds '5). vi»irt i4i in v»hirl» i4> DOWN: I. Bursl in (6). 2. 5. Yield (4», 10. Vehicle i4>. Courtyard (5) 3 P Petes, etes adde d 11. Dockyards (8), 12. Assigned iioi, 4 Melodies i4>. S. Mer(10), 13. Contends
        317 words
    • 794 3  - WHEN THE GOLF BUG BITES JACK NEWBY by JUST A LONG WALK PUNCTUATED BY MANY DISAPPOINTMENTS BUT THIS GAME HAS EVEN MADE ITS WAY INTO OUR SCHOOLS NEITHER James II of Scotland who decreed in 1457 thai "lute-ball and golfe be utterly eryed down." nor Hie old Dutch burghers at
      794 words
    • 420 3 I HAVE known this boy for about three years but I always refused his dates because I wanted to play hajd-to-Ket. Now he is getting cool and I am afraid lie will drop me completely I actually care for him How do I u<> about showing my affection
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    • 332 3 ARE all members of sta'e legislative assemblies in Mai iysia fully-elected members? I. THOMAS Yet, except 'or three gotemmeni officktf$ the state Secretary, the Stute Legmi Adviser am! the Stale Financial Officer who, though theu hare the rio'<i Of audit ice and may a' tend all met Hug.-
      332 words
    • 898 3 G.\Y shotlls of elementary school children running outdoors mingled with the late aitern o 0 n breezes. Soon the corridors of this school in America were empty except for ;> husky teenage boy carefully sweeping the shin y lloors. and a newsPaj) c r reporter ending a
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 283 3 l^Wl^aL^a^rou nd in p to JHono l\oncj *^?SP* IBT MSsaßsi^Bry&fw?: !ja^aWa^as^slfffj^^^il^ggW>^ffw^BwWag3w »v— v»»- >*i*&M nKfctaHP^Hfl byP«O ORIENT LINES s.s.CATHAYs.s.CHITRAL HONG KONG... spend 4 bustling exciting days. for Kamakura... see the glorious shops in one of the major ports wonderful tax-free goods. ..see Victoria Peak and the of the world.
        283 words
    • 652 4 lt's all in the hands ALL you need for beautiful hands (right). A complete momcure set which includes emery board, basin and nail brush, cuticle creom, special banana milk (for soft hands), orange stick, base coat, polish and a sealing coat. ££T HKA(.'IIKI) oul to shake her hand and found
      652 words
    • 210 4 WHAT IS WITH IT' TODAY. 111 HI s a roundel up of what's •with-it" in the fashion circles. STRIKE IT BOLD. Side by side with pastels, the bold prints are telling another gay story. Big swirly patterns in all the colours you'd never dare to have mixed yourself emerald green
      210 words
    • 126 4 JACK BENNY has made a reputation by playing the violin badly. The fact 1 is however, that he fancies himself as something of a i violinist, and likes to be i taken seriously when he plays, occasionally, for his friend.-, At a big party In Hollywood
      126 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 272 4 Be happy... jQ/CS like the '^SHkzfr. family that Vf frM) uses [vp 7^ STOPS Prickly Hear, Skin Itch '"nT^'^l' Dermic Eruptions. t&L.' tJW> M-SO for Toilet and Nursery use. J Soothing and healing properties un- I lurpassed by any other dusting powder. J^^^^^^ ,J Used as on after bath dusting
        272 words
      • 321 4 Keep your eye on matdenform almost weightless. v wear-nothing look Confection' V_A I maiden/orm {Made in U.S.A.) i\ Confection Brief is almost w*^" Ji weightless! Shapes you M\ naturally... like a second m stretch lace inserts I Hr trim the tummy. I H^T Spandex for the HV > A I
        321 words
    • 281 5 WHAT IS YOUR VERDICT? WINDSCREEN shattering is a common motoring hazard. All it needs is a small stone to hit your windscreen and bingo! it shatters into a thousand pieces. AH cars registered after 1958 in Britain have to have safety glass which dues not fly off in splinters. But
      281 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 75 5 wouldn't you rather have a Hoover? ■a jb JF Kk mILKY nespra* Mmmm! I love NESPRAY. It's so creamy tastes delicious too. tou.-my says it's extra good for me enriched with Vitamins A A D. I'm allowed NESTLE s fl to mix it myself— it's $0 quick and easy. Sometimes
        75 words
    • Page 5 Miscellaneous
      • 423 5 Radio MalaysiaKUALA LUMPUR Bent;l Dalam Bahasa Kebang- I Listen With Love; 9.45 Lumen uwmrwn saan; 5.40 Emphasis On Percus- Cabanes; 10.00 Jet Speed ReA M 6.00 Tanda Wakiu, sion: 6.00 Summary of Pro- cords: 10.30 Pillar Of Progress-Negara-ku; (> 02 Morning Melo- grammes For The Evening; 603 11.00 National Lan;uage
        423 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 398 6 inn 1 I WHAT I I Encyclopaedia f Britannica I WILL DO FOR YOU... I siiiiiimiiii!iiiiiiiHiiin iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit That is, after all, the practical question you ask yourself when you consider purchasing Britannica. The best answer is what it has done for others. Countless letters show that Encyclopaedia Britannica will: 1.
        398 words
    • Page 6 Miscellaneous
      • 666 6 «C^ TV UNPER THE WATCHFUL EVES OF I TW^ I TAR2/AN EVIL MEN T»b MARAUP6RS ■I KV\4 '/(J MIG FRIENOS, TAR2AN REGAINS lvwilfr^"- $»V* j J^V^- CO/VAE TAKE STRON6 JWrbJ^*^ THIS WEEK FOR YOU < AI'KIUOKN (DM. 21— Jan. tMMOt (April 21 M..y It): This week should bring You be«in
        666 words
      • 567 6 want to share it with you. Half The wrrk may open with a disway through tin- ueek you have pute about money but you soon ,ood news about a personal mat- recow your good humour. By ter and can take heart tor the Saturday, you reali.-r that rondilutuie It alone,
        567 words
      • 382 6 STAR of the %R*k 1 yOU m.iN ha\r hrrn < -onrernnl alxiut roint haiiKt-s m >our alT.ui>. Since tin- .lie-in- a nine of MM, life has prohabit licf-n a little tinliiilrnl Ht lor \ou mu\ toil have olten wondered lo do tor the CIOM \nu von 1 .ill cil.iv
        382 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 98 7 UJi n i i fi f Umm T" |O WRONG >AAI C WITH HER!")-^>^} Sock Khcnq. Ihc C :iptaiil of the School's K:iskclliall I cam, l»islcd her ankle mliilc she was abuul tv put un MM) shot. She li.kl to be helped utf p.iinfullj from (he match. S^IADVffE YO^\ GIRLS
        98 words
    • Page 7 Miscellaneous
      • 356 7 THZ CISCO KVD, tpMTWUd West faveurtte (but. SEnorita j I Please pontask quest\ohs! Xplease. joahm I well Cisco the truth 6 C A/n^r y 7 I I PONT AANT TO TALK ABOUT fT/J/OU CAN TRUST PAPPy MET f HCSE OJTlAwsI^ COME inS;P£ ill >rf&^. P" =V" TT" '<'^) > THE
        356 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 122 8 S STEIFF TOYS k |d FOR YOUR B PRECIOUS LITTLE ONES [jj They arc the gentlest playmates, educational and hygienic. A wide range of other STEIFF toys arc available at THE HOUSE OF TANG Chimpanzee "Jocko" King Lion "Leo" Tiger Police Dog "Arco" Zotty Bear Original Ted<)y Oold Fibh Penguin
        122 words
    • Page 8 Miscellaneous
      • 252 8 sf f*. T L^/^tw;v i> /trREv-cr to you, hk. pwnp. j X 11 tl/ GREAT SCOT T I f A HOTE Dt-M^^IDS *100,000 FOC THE CETUCM Or I JL^Jtl THI4 ft A COfJvPIRACY NOBOCX EL4E WOP PLIHT. ~^H MACTIM WAND'S PAU^HTEPANPnVE-CNOI A >^^ "S. COOKBP OP PV -SOMEOWe gl KWOV*;
        252 words