The Straits Times, 26 June 1965

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 145,000 The Straits Times Estd. 1845. SATURDAY, JUNE 26. 1965 15 CENTS KDN 1189 M.C.(P). 10U5
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  • 541 1 Algiers ALGIERS. Fri. India has taken the lead in an effort to line up support for a proposal to postpone the opening of the Afro-Asian conference until August or even next March. Reliable sources s:tid delegates of Ceylon, Thailand, Japan, Ihe Philippines,
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  • 849 1 TWO BATTLES OFF SINGAPORE: 26-SABOTEUR SAMPAN RAID IS SMASHED KUALA LUMPUR, Friday MALAYSIAN naval patrols in Singapore waters today smashed two separate infiltration attempts within 22 hours the biggest yet by Indonesian saboteurs. In the liist attempt at 12.20 a.m.. 2(i saboteurs believed to be volunteers
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  • 48 1 SAIGON. Fri. At least U proplc. most of them were killed tonight when two Vtetevog bomb explosions ripped throimh a crowded uatcrfront n-st.iuranl on the Saigon ri\rr. A hundred or morewere injured. The death toll was petted to go hiuhrr at tlic final count. A.P
    AP  -  48 words
  • 823 1 Three Malayan students die in Sydney flat tragedy SYDNEY, Friday THREE Malaysian students, one of them a girl, were accidentally gassed to death in a flat at suburban Randwick here early today. They are Leslie Ang Yee Soon, 21, of Singapore; Loo Chee Kiat, 21, of Kkmg; and Marina Soh
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  • 63 1 BANOKOK. Fri— Thiee Hundred and twenty-six medical .students, of Hie Cliulalonuki verity today Marled their second strike to demand the dtaatm] Ol the dean of the medical college. Mi. Momluang Kaset Sanitvoiiy The .students first boycotted classes from June 7 to 14 when their professor. Dr.
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  • 99 1 KUALA I.IMPIR. Fri. Puan Sharifah Kodziah. wife of Tengku Abdul Rahman, will fly to London on Tuesday to join the Prime Minister, who is down with shingles She will be .mompanied by Teniiku Khatijah. their daughter. The Tengku entered the London c'inic today
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  • 268 1 CAIGON. Fri. The Vietcong today announced the reprisal execution of an American Army Sergeant captured in a bat 1 1^ last year. A United States spokesman denounced the act as a wanton act of murder. The guerilla movement's press agency in South Vie! nam
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  • 39 1 ONK MALAYSIAN MISSIM. siNfi.M'oiu:. a.m.) East Comnunil s.ii<l MM missing prrsumril killrcl in tonights crm.mrmi nt near St .Inlin v I hrcc badly hurt. four liken in bMffltal «'Ui slight injuries. <Srr this i
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 36 1 Hy/^lk ROTAMATIC j^L// "7\ y-Jp »Ol! AOtNTS >^^/^K^K LIEN WAH WATCH DEALER No Scotch improves the flavour o$ water like Teachers mcun imuiabui am nu pttHW urn i in ihhim iiun I *^SfP I t J
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    • 80 1 1965 MODEL NOW AVAILABLE CITROEN Safety Comfort Luxury ge n,, THE EASTERN AUTO CO.. LTD.. US. Clamtnccau Av«nu«, S pore-9. Tel J3lOO. Represented throughout Meloytio. KLEENEX TISSUES y v >< V In boxes of 400. 300, ?0<), 150 ond in the handy Pock available in your favourite colours, Yellow, Pink,
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    • 381 2 We must contact all Vietnam parties PEACE TEAM'S MESSAGE: LONDON, Friday. THE Commonwealth peace mission yesterday sent messages to Russia, China, the United States and North and South Vietnam stressing that the 21 -nation Commonwealth as a whole was not committed to either side of the Vietnam conflict. A joint
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    • 198 2 Fighting in S. Vietnam is civil war, says Nkrumah J ONDON, Fri. Pre- sident K wame Nkrumah of Ghana said yesterday the Commonwealth Vietnam Peace Mission must regard the pro Communist National Liberation Front and the Saigon authorities in South Vietnam as rival governments engaged in a civil war. He
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    • 119 2 NEW DELHI, Frl. India yesterday conveyed to Indonesia its "concern" over anti-Indian demonstrations in Jakarta on Wednesday. The special secretary in the Foreign Ministry, Mr. Arim Hussain, summoned the Indonesian Charge d'Affaires, Mr. Husni Pane, and told him the demonstrations and the stoning of the
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    • 108 2 i ITNITED NATIONS, Fri. The Trusteeship Council yesterday approved a report 1 urging the United States to draw up realistic plans and i programmes for the rapid political advancement of the trust territory of the Pacific i Islands. This should t>e done
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    • 35 2 PEKING. Fri Forty«even Chinese scientist* who have been working at the Joint nuclear research Institute st Dubna. near Mascow. have returned to Pi-king by train the New China Npws Agency reported. Reuter
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    • 200 2 U.S. SKYMEN THRUST DEEP INTO VIETCONG STRONGHOLD UIEN HOA, Fri. U.S. Army paratroopers penetrated deep into a Vie.tcong stronghold yesterday in what is believed to be their first offensive action since they landed here earlier this year. The paratroopers braved a Vietc-onR m« bombardment when they wr.-e landed by helicopters
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    • 244 2 NEW DELHI, Friday. TNDIA announced yesterday it was giving up two 1 Pakistani outposts, seized in fierce fighting along the ceasefire line in Kashmir. The Defence Ministry said Indian troops were ordered out of two mountain posts at 13,000 to
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    • 190 2 Pakistanis force down Intruding' Indian jet fighter IZARACHI, Fri. An Indian jet fighter intruded into Pakistani territory yesterday and was forced to j land by intercepting aircraft, the Pakistani I Air Force announced. In NEW DELHI. Indian j Air Force officials acknowI ledKed that one of their jet fighters was
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    • 29 2 BRISBANE. Fri. Farmers Ml one of Australia's must. Hit lie district*— Darling Down* are shootine some of their dairy herds to nva tbnn from starving from druueht.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 237 2 BOLD Elegant model f^^ a new concept in watch design of I P l^^ strong masculine feature to mT compliment your manly personality. I ***^F^^^ V titon^ V^r ROTOMATIC CALENDAR WATCH BENA PARK Jl isr H 'STREAMLINE' TWO-STOREY SEMI-DETACHED GARDEN BUNGALOWS Jalan Bena, (Near the Military Services Residential Area) Singapore.
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    • 55 2 v v J^t GUERLAIN perfume* fUPPI cosmetics Tj^N toiletrie* "■i*."'; from Paris UROOONAL will bring life ontfj gaiety to you too! URODONAL will protect y« against Rheumatism, pains the joints and Arthritis. Soon you will regain your health and vitality. TAKE uRODonm AND LIVE HAPPILY! Sole Agent: G. NICOLICH, P.O.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 26 2 THE GAMBOLS by Barry Appleby /we cui?Ni«3ueD ouc) /all our f-uQwruat) NEW LOUNGE IN J >> r I*s ANTIQUE V~ v v UOW 14 vouk joust /"rr>iwit-f->OTAB^7^
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    • 386 3 Western envoys told of need for tough response to East German challenges JJONN, Fri. The West German Chancellor, Dr. Ludwig Erhard, last night appealed to the United States, Britain and France for a tough response to new East German '"challenges" to Western authority in Berlin.
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    • 133 3 YORK. Fri. The I Wall Street stock m.'.rkct closed yesterday with an estimated paper loss of nearly million (SIS.OOO million). one of the uorsl losses of the year. I In- loss followed a late nun n iii. spate of selling which
      Reuter  -  133 words
    • 62 3 The Philip look— adopted by Queen Elizabeth lIANDS clasped behind her back. Queen Elizabeth strolls across a polo field during an interval. It's the relaxed pose, of course, made famous by her husband. Prince Philip, and it seems she has adopted it, too. She saw Prince Philip score three goals
      Mirrorpic  -  62 words
    • 112 3 WASHINGTON. Friday. rpHE Senate, spurning the pleas of western senators, voted yesterday for a historic change in the nations coinage that would remove all silver from dimes and quarters. It passed 74 to nine and sent to the a Bill requested by President Johnson
      UPI  -  112 words
    • 44 3 VANDERBEHCi AIK FORCE BASE < California i. Fn.— The Air Force yesirrdiiy launched a satellite employing a Thor-Able star combination from here. No details wore reieased regarding the object or goal* of the fliKht. in keeping with ;ur force policy.— UPl.
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    • 31 3 GENEVA. Fn The annual assembly of tn»- international labour Organisation has overwhelmingly approved a resolution coi.demnins Portuual for forced labour practices id Aneola and other overseas territories.— A P.
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    • 50 3 UNITED NATIONS Frl The United Nation* Children's Fund yesterday approved assistance to 200 projects in 82 countries and territories totalling U3 $26.5 million. Included for the first time was an allocation for Mongolia, where the Fund will provide US$lO4,OOO for maternal and child care services. Reuter.
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    • 75 3 LONDON. Fn. A Conservative Meir.ber uf Parliament, who suffered :t heart attack last March, has resigned his seat, it was announced ! nißh:. This increases the Labour Government's narrow Hou.-e of Commons majority to four. The parliamentarian. 60-year-old Arthony Marlowe, had .ieid tho safe ConsiTvaiivP
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    • 86 3 ROME. Fri.— At the age of 66. Victor Giancolini thought he could ro into well-earned retirement, so he sold his forfrer's equipment to a newfound friend who an pcared anxious to take up his career. Included in the three million lira (51.724) deal I was equipment for
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    • 175 3 SALVATION ARMY CELEBRATES 100 TH BIRTHDAY 1 T ONDON. Fri. The Salvation Army, born among the brothels and gin palaces of London's East End, celebrated its 100 th birthday today in the vast Royal Albert Hall with Queen Elizabeth, Church prelates and a Cabinet Minister as guests. The evangelist movement
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    • 96 3 Time bomb destroys Kennedy library (GEORGETOWN (British Guiana i. Frl. A time bomb tonight completely destroyed the John F. Ken- nedy Memorial Library on the ground floor of the U.S. Consulate here. Three people were injured in the blast, which destroyed about 6.000 books. It Ls believed the oomb mm
      Reuter  -  96 words
    • 53 3 LONDON. Pri. A old official of tne BrittMl roremn Offire hi i)iu:i-'d to from an e'gh'.h floor window of a luxury apartment buildinc He u-;is Mr. Ashley Willianvs Mgtotai i nead of l up i Office Conference Department, a 'section which deals with arran«pments lor
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 181 3 f bugged by bugs? bug killer and they're gone! New FLIT BUG KILLER is specially formulated to combat ff|l Cockroaches. Silverfish and all other crawling insects. Jli-uL One application leaves a dead!/ invisible film IS ||l ■■HIisHHH which goes on killing. Simple and economical to use, get a can today!
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    • 440 3 m Mon than JO% of tstemallj examined members of Australian Accountancy and Secretarial lnstituut trained through Hemingway Robertson..." Ift fast as easy for you to become highly-paid QU ALIFIED ACCOUNTANT The rapid growth of Malaysia has crated o«t--standtng career opportunities for qualified *rcow>ttnts. Th« Hemingway Robertson method of peiional.tndWidual tuitioa
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  • 484 4 Gangster escapes after gun duel with a detective SINGAPORE. Frl. A LONG-WANTED gangster escaped a police dragnet last night after shooting it out with a detective sergeant in Sennett Estate. The shooting duel in a backlane off Pheng Geek Avenue occurred minutes after a police party had raided an Upper
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  • 255 4 SINGAPORE, Frl. rpHE new Deputy President of the Industrial A Arbitration Court, Mr. S. Natarajan, today gave an assurance that problems before the court would be examined with regard to the interests of both trade unions and employers. But. he added, the court would also take
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  • 60 4 SINGAPORE, Frl —The Yang dl-Pertuan Negara, Tun Yusof bin Ishak and his wife, Toll Puan Nooi Alshah, will attend a charity Cantonese opera at the National Theatre tomorrow. It is being staged by the Singapore Sal Chiew Village Mutual Help Association in aid of the Red
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  • 249 4 34 employees with 540 years service to get awards SINGAPORE, Friday. Thirty-four employees of the Malayan Breweries (Singapore) Ltd. who have together put in a total of 540 years with the company, are to be awarded gold and silver medals tomorrow in recognition of their long service. Eleven .of them
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  • 35 4 SINGAPORE, Frl. A dinner will be given by Asia Motors Co., Ltd. in honour of the visiting BMW factory engineer, Mr. Horst Zimmerling. and his wife at 156 MacPherson Road tomorrow evening.
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  • 38 4 SINGAPORE, Fri. The Pek Kio community centre's Vigilante Corps will celebrate its first annual "courtesy month" at the centre on June 29. It will be attended by the Assemblyman for Farrer Park, Mr. S. Raj 00.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 289 4 TONIGHT MIDNIGHT -simultaneously I Singapore ODEON PALACE Singapore I < Lumpur CATHAY CATHAY A fc?* E^ B^^ vPflf HIGH-TENSION STORY OF UNCONQUERABLE COURAGE AND PRIDE! FRANK SINATRA <3 TREVOR HOWARD «£B n 20th Century-Fox's i Mfr&fc >j^^^k Tei: 334 I 1 1 L\ B SINGAPORE m^A TONIGHT MIDNIGHT! 1 i«
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    • 579 4 ORGANISATION" \o\v siio\vi>4.!" 11 am. 145, 4 6.30 9lSpm| (Jniscrsol Intcrrotonol presents 'Cfj'J i I \ow miouim.:) I 11 am, 1.45, 4, 6.30 9.30 pm. NO FREE LIST "LIN DAI "The Lotus Lamp" a Mandarin in Scope Color g superimposed English subtitles_ TONIGHT MIDNIGHT! I Sophia Loren George Peppord Trrvor
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  • 639 5 JJICIIAKI) Liow Chow (.'hum. 20. r wiis today convicted in the Assize Court on ;i charge of armed robbery of $1. .">,">() worth of jewellery Iro mi ;i divorcee, known (o him. Mr. Justice Choor Singh ordered Liow, a salesman, to be remanded
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  • 40 5 SINGAPORE. Fri— The Duxton Plain community centre will hold a party at 7 p.m. on Sunday in honour of Its management committee secretary. Mr. Khong Ah Cheong. who wa.s recently awarded the Bintang Bakti Masharakat (Public Service Medal i
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  • 26 5 SINGAPORE. Fri. The Malabar Benevolent Association u:l! hold its annual general meeting at the Chong Pang Village community centre on Sunday at 10 am
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  • 806 5 SINGAPORE. Fri. AIR. JUSTICE Winslow in the High Court today set aside as technically irregular a motion in which he was asked for an injunction to restrain 22 members of the Singapore Harbour Staff Association from exercising any function of the union's
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  • 163 5 KOALA TRENGGANU. Fri. The Assistant Minister of Youth. Sports and Culture. Engku Muhseln bin Engku Pengiran Anom, is one of eight new Datos to be created by the Sultan of Trengganu on his 58th birthday tomorrow. The award of Darjah Serl Paduka Mahkota
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  • 276 5 I SINGAPORE. Tri. I 1 I I 1 SINGAPORE'S Health Minister. Mr. Yong Xyuk Lin. today called for "much closer cooperation and coordination" between the University of Singapore Medical Staff and Government doctors. He pointed out that thr Mrdiral School had hern using thr clinical
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  • 180 5 TRAFFIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE SINGAPORE. Fri. A pro-tern committee comprising representati v c s of various bodies was formed today to seek Government approval for the setting up of a traffic advisory board with statutory powers. A meeting of representatives of public transport. Chambers of Commerce, car dealers. insurance and petroleum
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 379 5 \Mf ADELPHI HOTEL Spend a delightful evening at the ADELPHI GRILL if Quiet Cheerful Surroundings. Superb food Wines if Pleasant Company. Dancing mahtly 100 p.m. —1 2 00 p.m. eicepr Sunday o a r»ii4ant Orchattra PHILIP HIS BAND MALAYSIAN NIGHT IN THE ROOF GARDEN EVERY SAT. 8 to 12 p.m.
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    • 315 5 IN TAIFKI the (PI PRESIDENT HOTEL 1- I MWA\ > M \\|> M(hT 1.1 \l Klol S \\|i I \H(,h I HQTBU W Ft m m«• w :< I rjl 1> <>r 1 1- 1 il 1 liovpii^litv md impitt^ vrvue »»atl \ou at 'I lie- l*rr*nlfnt. I I Nii;lii-»
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  • 469 6 COURT HOLDS THAT UNION CHAPEL HAS NO LEGAL STATUS THE Sessions Court president, Inche Hamid Azmi, today ruled that the Malayan Times was not bound to pay on employee's arrears of salary because there was no legal contract. He agreed that there was a contract regarding
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  • 35 6 j kangar. Fri. a resolution I urging the Stale Government to open .1 lourld office at Padani; I Besar will be tabled at the. Padans Besar I'rano branch's an. j nieeun* MXt month.
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  • 77 6 $9,725 for D-Fund PENANG, Fri. Chinese residents in 1 Bukit Mertajam dis- trict yesterday handed to the Chief Minister, Dato Wong Pow Nee, a total of $9,725 for j the National Defence Fund. Mr. Voon Hean Kooi, chairman of the District National Fund sub-commit-tea (Chlnesei. handed the: cheques to Dato
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  • 64 6 TAIPING. Fri The Taiping St. Georges Institution golden uibilee celebration which startrd on June 19 will end on Sun- clay with a churrn thanksgiving ■errtee parade and a bßsketball match between old boys and present boys- The school which has been, 1 celebrating the occasion with sport.i
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  • 53 6 SINGAPORE, Fri. A motorist, (i. T. Ryder, died in the General shortly after he crashed into a lamp-post while driving his car at the 9 1/2 milestone, Bukit Timah Road, at about 1 a.m. today. Eye-witnesses are a*ked to contact Inspector K. Chandran of Sepoy
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  • 186 6 The anti-national language civil servants— by a Mentri Besar j£OTA BHARU, Fri. The Mentri Besar of Kelantan. Inche Mohamed Asri bin Haji Muda, today criticised government officers who oppose the aims of the national language. Speakin z at the opening of a two-day book exhibition at the St. John Ambu-
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  • 187 6 KANGAR. Fri.— The Perlis State Government would "definitely" use the national language as the sole official language in IW7. the Mentri Besar. Dato Sheikh Ahmad, said today. He was commenting on a resolution adopted by the Perlis National Language Action Committee
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  • 54 6 TAIPING. Fri. The King Edward VII School here w:ll crit1 b-.rtie VIM diamond jub.lee from i Monday to July 4 wiih sports. concerns and exhibition*,. i Highlights of the celebrations will be me speech day. a camp j fire and the diamond jubilee exihibitlon on July 2
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  • 106 6 Woman police officer accused of abetment of bigamy PENANG. Fri. A Woman Police Inspector, T. Bimblavanty. today pleaded not gui'ty to a charge of abetting a married man, Christopher Bertram Campos, in committing bigamy by going through a marriage with him in Penang in September, 1963. Campos h i mse
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  • 72 6 KUANTAN. Fri, The Pahang State Engineer. Mr. R S. Kenrick. left by air today for Australia on a three- month holiday before retirement under Malayanisa- tion. Mr. Kenriclc. who has been the s late Engineer for the last three and a half years, m awarded lne
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  • 128 6 NORWAY 'S DRIVE INTO OUt EXPORT MARKET Oslo. Fri. a Norwegian export trading company has been established in Kuala Lumpur to boost Nor- wegian exports to Malaysia. Mr. Arene Berge, manager of the Norse Crown Malaysia Ltd. a subsidiary of the Oslo firm Over.sjlek Trading will arrive In Kuala Lumpur
    AP  -  128 words
  • 74 6 PENANG. Kn. TIM Pcn.uif 'State divi. s :o!i t: the Women"! Institute will hold a luncheon party at Dawood on .Tuesday to bid far<".\r.l to I :ce-pre.s:d. Mr- O. W. Porter. who is lcavu-.g P i-ext I mon'.h. Che Wan C c »cr»> tavy of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 164 6 16 DAY ROUND TRIPS SINGAPORE TO WESTERN AUSTRALIA vrt^\ng, sunning d anr ne( Centaur offers every facility fnr Yhe relaxing, mo piain stay and see T em l**# y fa Retime! Live aboard in F^ eStem Austrafo ROUND TRIP FARES MsB23 to M 51,406 S^sX^tiS^J^ B "«a T M -iK'ffu
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 380 7  - Peace in the air on the labour front PADMANA KRISHNAN: STRIKES BAN MOVES BEGIN By Kuala Lumpur, Friday BEHIND the scenes moves have started here to settle differences between the Ministry of Labour and the Malaysian Trades Union Congress resulting from the Government's ban on strikes. I understand that a
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  • 66 7 Ex-Umno leader arrested BANTING M J*mali b.n Othnwn. 29. M-rre-tarv of the Kuahi Lari?;i: dl»tohMl of tlir RBttewl Convention Party. has bei-n arrested under thr Security Ac;. I Jain. ill. an Unino youth«r untii hr crossed over 10 the NCP Iri 1963. was nrrested a a taxi
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  • 23 7 KL'ANTAN. Fn. The Sultan of Pahang will attend Red Cross dance at the Town Hall here at 8 D.m. tomorrow.
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  • 168 7 IPOH. Fri. A warning to foreign correNponrienis not to paint a "wrong picture of Malaysia abroad" was sounded here today by the actinc Prime Minister. Tun Abdul Kazik "Such reports are harmful to the nation, and the Government will have to take action against
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  • 60 7 PENANG. Pri Chan Chiew Wah. 24. unemployed, was jailed for a year for snatching a necklace from a girl. Soon Seek Hool. in Leith Street on April 28. "I must take a serious view of this case, because offences of thU nature are becoming too
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  • 227 7 Machines bring port a cargo handling record OORT SWETTENHAM. Fri. Mechanisation of the port here has enabled it to establish a new handling record, although working at half capacity. The port also handled 800 ships during the first five months of this year, against 681 for the same period last
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  • 71 7 SEREMBAN. Fn. Mr A. O. Wells, production manager of the Esso refinery at Port Dickson. has been elected the new Dresident of the Rotary Club. Port Dickson. Other.s plectecl were. vicepresidrnt—Mr John Murdoch. < plan:*r; secretary— Mr. Aiaib small, treasurer Mr. Uec Tee; tnd buKe'tn
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  • 24 7 PENANO. Thurs. The Controller of Pilgrimage. Dato Hail Ali Roase. and Datin Haji All. will 20 or. a world 'our next mnnth.
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  • 131 7 i IPOH, Friday i 1 1 rpwo .sauce manufacturers X with previous convictions were today fined $100 each by 1 l.c luoh Magistrate. Mr. Yonu Yunu. Sui. for i separate offences under the Foorl and Drues Regulations. Both pleaded suiltv and paid the fines. Tan Ban
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 492 7 New KODAK INSTAMATIC Cameras load instantly... Now the pictures you want most are easier than ever to take! J^^^^M^mLW if M^ Easy tO load. Loading KODAK INSTAMATIC Camera* It quick and foolproof. You never have to touch the film. Just drop ft a KODAPAK Cartridge and you are ready to
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  • 235 8 KUCHING, Fri YHE Sarawak Government attaches great importance to the maintenance of an independent and impartial civil service "which is capable of serving with equal willingness, competence and impartiality the government of the day," the Chief Minister, Dato Stephen Kalong Ningkan, said today. Dato Nlngkan said that
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  • 138 8 Admiration for Malaysia's multi-racial society ITL'ALA LUMPUR, Frt Malaysia has won the respect and admiration of several countries for her successful multi-racial society. Asst. Commissioner of Police, Mr. J. J. Raj. said this today when he returned from the United Nations Seminar on Human Rights in Belgrade. "Most of the
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  • 23 8 MXJAR. Fri 31x teachers and 114 pupils of St. Andrews Continuation School here will go a day's excursion to Malacca tomorrow,
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  • 26 8 MACHANG. Frt— A national language quiz and poetry and debating contests will be held at the Town Hall here on Sunday at 8 p.m.
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  • 504 8 Double inquest told: Pupil was abducted and murdered TWO KIDNAPS FROM SCHOOL WITHIN THREE MONTHS KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. THE coroner's court here was today told that two schoolboys were kidnapped from the same school within three months-and one of them was murdered. The murdered boy's father, Mr. Lee. Kok Chee,
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  • 295 8 KUCHING, Friday. fHE order of the assignment of responsiblx lities of the Chief Minister in his absence from Sarawak was gazetted today. The Cabinet Minister to act as Chief Minister in his absence will be according to the following order of precedence: The
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  • 200 8 Tarzan': All police stations put on alert ITUALA LUMPUR. Pri. 1 All police stations in Selangor have been alerted to keep a lookout for Klang's "Tarzan" who escaped from custody at the magistrate's court in Klang by Jumping over a 10ft wall last. Tuesday. The escapee Is Ismail bin Bab
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  • 24 8 PORT SWETTENHAM. Fri. The Port Swettenham Port Authority will hold a social and dance at the Port Recreation Club here tomorrow.
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  • 153 8 Fri.-The rleiw of Sarawak manufacturer on the proposed Malaysian Common Market will be heard here tomorrow at a special sitting of the Tariff Advisory Board. This was announced today tw the chairman of the board. Mr L. A. D. Williamson, when he opened the board's
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  • 67 8 SEREMBAN. Prl. More than 700 people are expected to ar.rr.d the first anniversary dinner of :he Serrcnban branch of the People's Action Party at the Towu Hall here on Sunday night. The Singapore Prime Minister Mr. hec Kuan Yew. the Minister of Culture. Mr. s. Rajai the
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  • 21 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Fr: T:ie Regent of Srlangor today opened I a mosqi: ;r Kunpong R«:» Musa. Kuala Bd&l
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  • 180 8 SINGAPORE. Frt. ~J nrwo houses here wen* broken Into yesterday and a total of $11,000 In cash and Jewellery was stolen. From the 81ms Avenue home of Madam Lee Mul Cheng the burglars got away with $2,500 In cash and $500 worth of Jewellery. Madam
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 155 8 (the worlds toughest test of drivers and cars) another great ROVER SUCCESS The ROVER B.R.M. GAS TURBINE CAR AWARDED MOTOR TROPHY FOR THE BEST PLACED ALL-BRITISH CAR 3rd in 1600 2000 cc CLASS covering 2,370 miles at an average speed of 98.8 m.p.h. over 24 hrs. Only 14 finished out
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  • 171 9 OOPS! A SKYGOAT LANDS ON A ROOF KUCHING, Fn. A goat parachuted by the British Army into the jungles of Sarawak accidentally landed on the attap roof of a hut and calmly began eating the roof. I'he ftoat was meant fnr Gurkha units who prefer their mcmi Uv«- v that
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • 103 9 Manila: Our support doesn't imply recognition MANILA. Kri.— The moment Malaysia agrees to submit the Sabah disnute to the World Court, the Philippines will extend diplomatic recognition to the Federation, a Foreign Office spokesman said to- dar. He reiterated the Philippine stand in commenting on a report from Kuala Lumpur
    AP  -  103 words
  • 40 9 His 'catch' a $500 fine. PBNANQ. Fri A lishermaiiKli' r Boon Cliuan. 37. today piPHdrd cmlty to a i-hs>rB<> of using a traWMC nel wThout a licpiicp and was fined $500. The pri wai ordered to k>e returned a li.m.
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  • 32 9 PARIT BUNTAR Pn. The of Education, Inche Mf>liaiued Khir Johari. will visit Krian district next Monday to (.pen ihe newly-compirtrd MiiUy primuy school ai P;tnt H»ji i Wuhab. near hTe.
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  • 389 9 PERMATANG SINTOK, Friday. r pHE Minister of Education, Inche Mohamed Khir Johari, said here today that the figures given by his predecessor, Inche Abdul Rahman Talib, on the number of children admitted into schools in Malaya in 1964 and 1965 were
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  • 65 9 BtNTONG FTI. I ::oiui rice-VtMltftni ol the M;<l.iVMmi Chinese AMOclatlon. D.ito Ng.ui Ken Lock, rill -ipen the fnuy'h .mnu.i. detegßtW' conferenoc <>f 'hf J J .«!i<i!a MCA Yoirh brnnebet i 1 'he ChniMe <nip.f hnr 8 a.m on Sunday A to'iil ot 104 reprm rn>m
    65 words
  • 159 9 SINGAPORE. Fri.— The chairman of the Econ o m i c Development Board, Mr. Hon Sui Sen, today called on the people to buy more locally-made products. Speaking at the opening of the Singapore Galvanising Industries Ltd. factory at Jurong industrial estate Mr.
    159 words
  • 133 9 i I/UAL.A I.UMPLR r-i. I■* Malaysia n Armed PmiM re- i cruiting teams will vimi the iuii luv ins Ptaen on these datf--. Junr 28: Territorial Army Centre. MWMBMUi; June ;fl: Thd Yen Chines:* Srhonl. Btihsiu. iind In- ders K.ivai s.h, C!ub. K;ui?ar; June 30: EliKlish School.
    133 words
  • 63 9 KI MA LUMPUR. Fn 1n« Australian High ConinusMonrr bore. Mr. r yMMrday pre.Mimd ii medteml lilms to th« I University of Malaya Making the piest'iuatioii on be.Hall of thr Medic j I Association of Australia. Mr Cmchley --am that AuMmlia vas very proud to be
    63 words
  • 57 9 KUALA KANGSAR. H Da Mrsat OmVM Mn Mrgai All, 78. n.-. fi mm appointed awbw at ihp Pi*rak Stair LegWa'tw CouneU. (lircl .<! hit ll BM ll Ktm)soi.B K'Um L^m.. Krl hW< vr> rrriav aliT a «bon iUI v H.- mi 4i -a' Ii Dai Dr H»n
    57 words
  • 89 9 I OM>ON. Fri. Mr» L Penelope Dean Kerl.indsav of Wellington. New Zealand won her dixorce action auainst her male model husband. Mr \iUtair James Kfr-Lind-v,n. of FarU ourt. London here vr«.terdav on ill. ground* of his adullery. Mr. Krr Lindsay. 'M, who marrieri
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 192 9 Defending and educating frontline Sabah JESSELTON, Fri. Malaysian soldiers fighting Indonesian guerillas In the jungles of Sabah have assumed a new role as teachers for children in remote areas. They have offered their assistance voluntarily to help run existing schools or to open new elementary j classes for those children
    Reuter  -  192 words
  • 45 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Pi;. Mr. J A. Johi..Nt<-ii. ol ihe Ur ivpr.iiiy of MAlriya- will give a public talk on "Thp Malaysian Adolescent P;.tter;\s of benavlrur and psyrholosni pnMeaw" 4: the Kuoia Lumpur P>vcholi,sy c.ub. 29 Ip< h Rnad ar 4 p.m on Sunday.
    45 words
  • 29 9 SINGAPORE tr: Ml T..-1 Chin Tuan. maiK'.an p director at Owiih Clilneat Bankinf Corporation. ha.> bfrn Hppi-'.ntcd a BMa- ber of the Board of Commis*ionert Of Curvnrv.
    29 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 164 9 ©HITACHI ELECTRIC TOOLS MOST POWER! HIGHEST PRECISION 1 BEST PERFORMANCE! Sole Agents: YEW AIK CO., LTD. 454, Victoria Street, Singapore, 7. Tel: *****-9 Cable Telegram Address "Ongmotor" Another reason why Q more Carrier air conditioning is bought than any other make! Carner Air Condi- MmNL^ NmH air and let in
      164 words
      258 words

  • 670 10 The Straits Times Saturday. June 26, 1965. The Woes Of Vietnam While members of the Com- monwealth mission for peace j were reading that Peking re- j jrcti>d them, the Vietcong were announcing, through Hanoi, i the execution of an American prisoner. Sergeant Bennett, an "adviser" to a Ranger battalion
    670 words
  • 324 10 One week Kuala Lumpur i? liberal and African dancing girls bare their breasts; the j next week reaction sets in and a swimsuit parade is banned. Throughout at least one strip show carries on in the centre i of town and a proliferation of ■"massage parlours" continues j
    324 words
  • 278 10 The Port Swettenham Authority has at last offered some of the traffic and cargo figures which the public might expect at much more frequent intervals and encouraging figures they are. The efficiency of the port is said to have increased this year by 46 per i cent (whatever
    278 words
  • 494 10 A guide to Singapore's wild life By ALLINGTON KCNNARD rpHERE is a surpris--1 ing amount of wild life in Singapore (in the natural history not night club sense) for an island relatively small and highly urbanised. The iigers. leopards and wild pig have gone, of course, leaving Dr D. S.
    494 words
    • 119 10 I REFER to an article "Flats Vacant and For Sale" by Mr. Francis Rozario. May I correct some slight mistakes regarding the terms and conditions af sale of Housing Board flats? In the sale of flats in or MacPherson. the individual in:ome of the applicant
      119 words
  • 527 10 LEARNING MALAY -99 By YUNUS MARIS M.A. University Of Malaya 99. \LKBt AND VERBAL PHRASES (contd.) Study liic following simple sentences: KiU PERGI we go. Klta PERUI MENENGOK wayanf K ambar We go to the cinema. Kita MENARI We dance. We had it: Les. 98 the construction MARI KITA, for
    527 words
  • 902 10  -  PATRICK O'DONOVAN Caught in a terrible dilemma to which the only present answer is to press higher towards war by WASHINGTON. Fri THERE is a dreadful simplicity about the US predicament in Vietnam. Washington authorities see three possible courses of action open to the President
    902 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 976 10 Straits i iitim it Malay Mail C« Trd'd to cold iroa*«i supaia. MAKKaTT OrcM'4 Hot* (»«r.»tl.-l«i O»*k) COLD STORAOB I»«NCHII At HiH|n< ttoae Kel«ng ••<• »•!»•«>••« A|»nle CITY BOOK STORI LTD wi-ci...i.. h..h. c«Hr*> 9mm THI NIWS MONT NajajaMl S»«*fi»er«M M. M. ISMAIL 1 A«»lralty <••« —»al Itet I hamiiu
      976 words
    • 25 10 QUALITY West "Bend, OUTBOARDS by CHRYSLER OUTBOARD CORP. SOLE AGENTS THORNYCROFT MALAYSIA LTD. THORNYCROFT HOUSE Clemenceau Avenue P O. Box 95 Singapore 9. Telephone: *****/3
      25 words
    • 207 10 \/KDK 14' Jscai 35FU _Z Switch.^-J I '^T Time Switch. Study at Home and Pass Fvery day letters arrive ai WoKcs Hall irom students in Malaya and countries all over the world. Ihese young men and women realise thai a good education is the only sound basis lor a
      207 words

  • 256 11 lESSELTON, Fri.— J MaJ.-Gen. George Lea. Director of Military Operations in Malaysian Borneo, said here today that Indonesia did not have the skill and determination to defeat Malaysia^ and Commonwealth forces in Borneo. "Thrv will have a long wav to
    Reuter  -  256 words
  • 37 11 MALACCA. Fri. Mr. M. K. Manlcknm ha-s been elected president of the Malacca town branch of the Malaysian Indian Congress. Often elected were: Vlce-pres.-dent. Mr. Pltchay: secretary. Mr. V. Muthiah: and treasurer. Mr. N. Thlruvenftadam.
    37 words
  • 63 11 SINGAPORE, r'l! llir J..--panrse Consul-General in sw.cipore. Mr. T. Ueda. last nieht joined about 100 loading members of the Japaoeaa lommunrv here at h reception :i> m.irk the opening of tn, renovated seamen's information ai New Bruise Road The centrr i.v aimed nt helpIng Japanese
    63 words
  • 178 11  - Grief— and two women JOSEPH MIRANDA ONE LOST AN ONLY SON, FOR THE OTHER IT WAS A DOUBLE TRAGEDY By A MOTHER and a girl mourn the loss of two loved ones the mother lost her only son, Loo Chee Kiat, 21, and the girl is stricken with grief over
    Lim Yaw Chong  -  178 words
  • 206 11 SINGAPORE, Fri.— The Singapore Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, said last night that he would be meeting the Acting Prime Minister. Tun Abdul Razak. on Tuesday to eas^ the tension between the Central Government and Singapore. "I think I am
    206 words
  • 299 11 'Malaysia takes an active part in the U.N. KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The acting Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak. today said that Malaysia was actively participating in all United Nations efforts to bring about early independence to the world's remaining colonies. As a newly Independent country Malaysia was most sympathetic to
    299 words
  • 35 11 PBNANQ, Fri. Burglars broke into the Government Ro%. House in Jr.sselton Ro:id yesterday .tad stole $500* in cash and cigarettes. A caretaker. Ooi Boon Lay. told police he found a window broken.
    35 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 139 11 P"qrr-qp"qpxip-qp"HP-'HP"qP'-q(r'q("»p--qP'-qP'-qP'-qp--qp--qP"qp--qp-->3P''qr-q b>*fc*b**tL*tu«itMtuMi*it*tuJkdtL*KtftLiitL*tL.diLj]tLjm*ti3 RADIO MALAYSIA KUALA LUMP U R £jj fcj ir* L_— (Tt| *mam wmmwm^mi^m mam m mi "iiui uifii m p q 1 II 9n ill n I a I p-q b..d I J|_l^ Mm. .JL h d n n r-n it* J$ PRESENTS £3 RONALD WILD AND HIS
      139 words
    • 42 11 ATMOS fh'T^'l The clock that "lives on air" No winding, No batteries, No firing R^^^l 7 SES^SESfiX9BS3BS39^a^ f 2 WORLD'S ONLY AUTOMATIC WATCH TOCOMBINE WRIST ALARM AND CALENDAR official vcr»ict and rcpoir ifofwii:— tfS, ORCHARD ROAD, SINGAPORI JmW agents: JACKSON'S MALAYA LTD.
      42 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 962 11 I Today's Radio, TV I TV MALAYSIA (Malaya) iiivwhs- 5 Kuala Malay; 5.53 NRivriaJ songs: (H.WNKLS. 5 RUIU gOQ NpWs j() Tai ll): gIQ Lumpur md renang; 6 Ipoh Popeye "Ghos; ls a Bunk: and M a .a,ca; 3 Johore Ba- f. 17 R^,K hru; I Taipiiiß; 7 Batu b
      962 words

    • 351 12 From LEE SIEW YEE: London. Friday I rpiTE battle of the com m v nique be^an in earnest today as the Commonwealth Prime Ministers assembled for the final session of the Mailborough House conference. It is an open secret that the Prime
      351 words
    • 403 12 LONDON, Friday T ONDON. Frl. A top-level legal group yesterday recommended thoroughgoing changes in the laws which restrict reporting ajxl comment in the British Press. The recom mendations came in a GO-page joint report by the British committee of
      Reuter  -  403 words
    • 51 12 4 FIERY CROSS, symbol of terror in the Uni ted States, burns on a wooded hillside near Rugby in Warwickshire, surrounded by sinister hooded figures at what was claimed to be the first meeting in full uniform of the Ku Klux Klan in Britain
      51 words
    • 191 12 VIOLENCE IMMINENI IN RHODESIA, SAYS ZAMBIA LEADER EXPRESSPIC LONDON, Frid.iy PRESIDENT Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia warn- ed yesterday that violence was imminent in neighbouring white-ruled Rhodesia. "The day of decision for Rhodesia is at hand and the future of Britain and the Commonwealth is In the balance,"" he said at
      Reuter  -  191 words
    • 251 12 US $275 m free food plan for next 3 years I JNITED NATIONS. Fn. The World Food programme, which provides free food for development projects throughout the world, appears to be a success after its first three years. U Thaht. U S S*vretarr General arri Dr B R sin Director-General
      Reuter  -  251 words
    • 33 12 MANILA. Fn. Nine puKBMI I \wtp kihea yp.sterday when a btM •hey were ndint; collided with a j truck on McCavthur Highway In Bulacan Province. 30 miles north I of Maml.i
      33 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 448 12 mm sH Par! X 8 I I I B V I rTT7t7iWi 3 fli I S IB I r SQB^ f .i^^^^HMSMHHHHVHHHMBtoP^xV what difference? Tin- difference between the Kg fiflH&K SP^^^B jmjigg run-of-the-mill o-pussenger compart whore i Wf^Sflr K*rt*tftt^El' i: Vj^jgJl vo never seem to c< IIlt(1 enough power *^w
      448 words

    • 510 13 The Pope makes his strongest plea for peace VATICAN CITY, Friday. pOPE Paul VI, in the stron,gest plea for peace he has ever made, warned yesterday that if the "fresh flames of discord" erupted into a world war it would mean "the end of civilisation." He called on world leaders
      510 words
    • 123 13 News boycott of Army paper in Medan by Antara JAKARTA. Frt. Indonesia's one and only MWI ifeney, Antara. has refused to serve the army i newspaper In Medan. the capital of northern Sumatra. In it fruri with the Communist Party, tba Army started publishing its own newspaper there last month.
      UPI  -  123 words
    • 96 13 Clashes in Central Java JAKARTA. Fri. An- 1 other clash was to- day reported between" the Indonesian Army and "certain groups" In Central Java. The Antara news agency reported that two army officers and six civilians wer« injured in the incident at Kalasan. Antara gave no details of the incident
      Reuter  -  96 words
    • 117 13 WASHINGTON. Fri. The State Depart, ment yesterday expressed "regret" over South Vietnam's action in breaking off diplomatic relation^ with France Thr department spokesman told a Press conference that the l"n--ited States was informed in advance by the Saigon Government of thr action and he intimated
      Reuter  -  117 words
    • 61 13 MANILA. Prl.— Three children were reported missing and three million pesos U*****,000 > worth of property was lost today in a fire believed caused by firecrackers in Naga city. A police report reaching Manila said the blaze roared through the city's trade centre destroying at
      61 words
    • 47 13 TOKYO. Prl— A 20-member Indonesian presidential cultural mission arrived in Peking by train yesterday and «v given a rousing welcome, the New China New» Agency reported today. The Indonesian mission was led by Dr. Priione. Minister Coordinator of Education and Culture UPI.
      UPI  -  47 words
    • 193 13 SON TO STAY WITH FATHER OO ME, Fri. A Rome civil court yesterday handed down a decision in the r separation case of Bri- tish actress Dawn Addams and Italian Prince Vittoria Massi- mo, blaming them both for the break-up
      193 words
    • 85 13 TWO PLANES CRASH HEAD-ON IN FLIGHT MIAMI, Fri. Two U.S. Air Force planes collided In flight yesterday over the remote woodlands of Florida, silling four men. Almost simultaneously, but apparently unconnected, another U.S. Air Force plane crashed 30 miles to the south, killing one man. An eyewitness to the collision
      AP  -  85 words
    • 170 13 Improper advances she cannot resist T OS ANGELES. Fri. A 24-year-old Swissborn music teacher coupled a divorce suit yesterday with a request that the court restrain a doctor from forcing his attentions upon her because she can't resist themIn one of the most unusual cases In local court annals, Mrs.
      UP  -  170 words
    • 366 13 Refugees are not sent back to China if lives in danger: Britain LONDON, Friday. rpHE British Colonial Secretary, Mr. Anthony Greenwood, yesterday gave an assurance that no Chinese refugees were sent back to the Chinese mainland by the Hong Kong authorities if this would make them liable to the death
      Reuter  -  366 words
    • 37 13 ARICA. Fn. This northernmo»l Chilean povl wa.s shake:, by two tremors within five minute* on Wednesday night. Many penple fled into the streets in terror but there was little damage und no casualties. A.P.
      AP  -  37 words
    • 206 13 Labour Govt loses in the House of Lords LONDON. Fri. The Labour Government was tonight defeated by 24 votes in the House of Lords on a Bill dealing with trade disputes. But political quarters said the Government was taking the defeat calmly, pointing out that the upper chamber is now
      Reuter  -  206 words
    • 71 13 JAKARTA. Fn. The lMta» Deputy Governor of W>m Irian. Naval Commodore Amis Subekii, ha* accused Au&iralia ot threatening his area by building up air ba-e. 1 according to Am'hi*. He sa.d that ;hr Necolim In I East Irian (Papua-New Guinea* wen- buildins up air
      Reuter  -  71 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 245 13 KONICA AUTO S2 USUAL LIST PRICE S'PORE-$275 SPECIAL NETT PRICE SINGAPORE $160 I FED. 184 SPICIAI NITT miCIS All VAUO UNTIL 30th June'6s ONir KONICA AUTO S2 FEATURES 1. Completely MltOfMtiC and c»ref-ee s^oonnj without any adiustment necessa'y 2. Super sensitive CdS crois-coupled exposure meter, with extremely wide range from
      245 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 302 13 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 6. Don't be too eager about lovt 1 Beat destructive type with J^i,, nof many nea ter. swltcli i 7-7). 6 Chap giving himsell airs I ttnd so hypocritical! (9). 8. With great noise and violence 10 Work for a time in the»tre In the smithy
      302 words

    • 214 14 H-HI letter by •'T.K.S. 1 of Seremban reflects perhaps the general ignorance regarding the new comprehensive system of education. Ha seems to have confused the comprehensive school with the vocational school, t misconception. I think, which is the fault of the Education Ministry in
      214 words
    • 82 14 I have bought a piece of land in an area of Kuantp i zoned as a first class residential district. The title, however, describes the plot as agricultural land. I suppose I shall have to pay the new 20 per cent conversion fee if I
      82 words
    • 168 14 Kuantan Car parking in Ipoh ("ARS should not be parked on both sides of Brewster Road <Ipohi in front of the Convent School between the hour> of noon and two. The policewomen on duty are doing a fine joo getting the children across the road, but parked cars hinder the
      168 words
    • 466 14 Balance sheet for a blood bank IN reply to B. Clarice. 1 "Making it easier for Blood Donors" a number of suggestions have been put forward by the writer, some of which are already in practice. Others have been tried and found to be not a success. However we always
      466 words
    • 58 14 WE wish to reply to the letter you published from 'Sympathy. Singapore' about 'National Language Lessons on both Radio and T.V.\ We regret that some mistakes were overlooked in the presentation of the lessons and we assure Sympathy" that efforts are being made to Improve the teaching. C. V
      58 words
    • 32 14 WHY does Television Malaysia Singapura not screen the English feature films which are available? We have had too raanv Chinese films for the whole week. Feature films should be fairly distributed.
      32 words
    • 238 14 I AM indeed flattered by 1 the attention given to my resignation from the Singapore Legislative Assembly. After last Fridays story by Mr. Jackie Sam. another story appeared in the Sunday Times. Unfortunately this series has given rise to certain misunderstandings of my action, and 1 think
      238 words
    • 91 14 PLANTERS WHO STAYED TO FIGHT MR. T. P D. NAIR. Secretary of the All-Mr.layan Estates 1 Staff Union, says that planters fled the country in 1941 "to save their precious lives." This is slanderous. Almost all the planter community were members of the volunteer forces and were embodied and fought
      91 words
    • 294 14 Giving the tourist a happy impression of Singapore MAY I reter to what iTI "Taxi Driver' ha.^ said in complaining of the shuttle bus service from the port to the Touri-: Information Reception Centre in Rallies Place. Thl> MTV ICC is operated only when lurse Mueni er and cruise ship.^
      294 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 274 14 We tie up the loose ends of your travel _y- 4BM m. i? gH2 Jf flHgfc With a finesse that we attribute to experience! Our service doesn't stop at just fixing the date and passage. We give helpful hints on the kind of information that our clients will appreciate how
      274 words
    • 251 14 ■nfifij&v I Q i. lrj| p» „0-* to»i<v <^^Bg«B MHBH^^n^^^C^ Bv^^HHrilll frost convenient departure time yXjßJP»yyr& most convenient arrival time ■K^^wilQgfjKl Travel the friendly Canadian way NON STOP to TOKYO with Canadian Pacific. Fre cuent tast "'B nts leave Hong Kong in the early afternoon arrive m Tokyo in le*
      251 words

  • 163 15 Found— a stowaway British soldier on liner HONG KONG. Fri. A; passenger lin e rl bound for Singapore has reported to authorities! here that a British soldier stationed in Hong Kong was discovered aboard as a stowaway. A British Army spokesman confirmed that a soldier, identified a* Gunner David Weekly
    UPI  -  163 words
  • 57 15 I-EI.UK ANSON. Fri. The Chief Scout Commissioner ot Malaysia, Dato Sved Exa bin Alwr, attended a combined Mllv of about 1.000 Scouts and Oukles on the town council padang here yesterday. He urged the public to support the Scout and Guide movement by ■erring
    57 words
  • 40 15 SINGAPORE. Fn. Exporters *h<> intend to export made-tn-Sinitapore textile made-up goods •nd piece good.-* to Britain have tirtn asked to apply for licence* for such exports. Export of these good* to Britain were brought under quota VMturday.
    40 words
  • 89 15 TAN: WE'LL GET RID OF C'WEALTH TROOPS IF... TAWAI. Fri. Malaysia would ask British and other Commonwealth troops to leave the country if Afro-Asian nations were willing to send in their men. the Finance Minister. Mr. Tan Slew Sin, said yesterday. "Just pledges of support won't do. They must send
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 159 15 OINGAPORE, Fri. The 1.000 students of the Ngee Ann College today again decided to defer "action" Iq their dispute with the Ngee Ann Kongsi over the development of the college into a university. A protest meeting by the student*, this morning resolved to give the
    159 words
  • 630 15  -  CHEW LOY KHOON: THE BAN ON SWIMSUITS AT BEAUTY CONTESTS WAS ONLY THE START: HARUN By Kuala Lumpur, Fri. SEXY shows and dances are next on the list the Selangor State Government's "clean-up" campaign, following the ban on swimsuits at beauty contests.
    630 words
  • 136 15 IPOH. Fri— The Perak Hauliers Ltd. of Ipoh has offered a $2,500 reward for information leading to the arrest of four robbers who got away with one of thi-jr lorries and its 540.000 load of tin ore earlier this month. The company is also offering
    136 words
  • 90 15 'We have our own moral standards' IJUALA LUMPUR. Fri. Dato Harun tin Hajl Idris today hit out against Malaysians who slavishly follow Western cultural forms which, he said, tend to demoralise our youth. As an example, he pointed to youths sporting Beatle hair cuts, wearing shoes with elevated heels, and
    90 words
  • 64 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. Mr. G. L. Ham. 80. lortner British Resident in Nesri Sembilan. hu died in England. He was in Malaya from 1908 to 1940 with the Malayan Civil Service. He was deputy president of the Singapore Municipal Commission in the early thirties, and later
    64 words
  • 32 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Th« f of Labour, Mr. V. Manickavasa(?am. will open c.vki course fur about 200 youths from the Kiang dibtric at the Letchumanan Hall in Klang on Wednesday.
    32 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
      110 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 287 16 Frr^nni¥TTTTTP^^ I i.iiliiuii il iinni Page 111 SITUATIONS VACANT i, WmdM I Him.)— Box it rt*. extrm READ me Senior v» I hi. Btin<l:iv Mali each week. AMAH REOUIREO. Chinese Cook:i Tel is pore i Ifll v m Hv^ Parents and students prefer STAMFORD COLLEGE because its home study courses
      287 words
    • 738 16 SITUATIONS VACANT li Word* 5< (Mim.)— Box in rf. VOUNC ENGLISH SPEAKING Waitresses wanted. Good salary him prospects Coiner Bar. Chaotfi lload I I"".- Tel: 4t«l3L'^ WANTfcO 40 ENGLISH Speakm* v Good salary. Apply per tonally at Merry Land Bar. tt, Bencooien street. Slnxauore. Tel i'.Wi SALESCIRL. KnKllsh speaking. a«e
      738 words
    • 1088 16 SITUATIONS WANTED li Word* SC I Mim. I— Box in et* exit,, EXPERIENCED COOKBOV Seok* I mtrnt Uoorl NBsMBBM Plea**' i h«..ln BRITISH CHARTERED SECRETARY t'ompleling lon >i»jnis»lior. India not rirsiroun itnrm! >e«Mii .■hange. Accountancy /Taxation quulih...ions Hrogre»sive aim «iin Hr«i cla.s^ executive recurd Interview Cali-utta (preferred Mingauori Hox
      1,088 words
    • 836 16 ACCOMMODATION WANTED li Word* (Miii.>— Box it et: extra LARGE WORLD WIDE Krtailing Or ■(anmatiori require* accommodaiioo suitahu lor use as prestiKr executive orac* in <ood lucntion Orchard Koad langlls Road iri-as Mioimin. leoure required J months from j-7-t>;> of area of approx 500 square tet-l Kigot of extension to
      836 words
    • 827 16 TUITION li Wmed* St tmm.l—Hmx it ctt rt"« MATHEMATICS CLASSES: Murom* Aflemoon. Evroing. Senior, eiecondarHm\ Primary Six Tuition Individually Groups SIC. 14 Middle Road. S por» .'l l '1 EXPERIENCED TEACHER OFFSRk Tuititin lo School Certilicate Student Katn-li Matbciiiatus. Literature High <redits guaranteed Write immediately Uoa A 4397 .-I 8
      827 words
    • 765 16 PHIUTELY li H ore's M (Min.>— Box it ct* extrm GIBBONS SPECIAL ALBUMS in stock IT U and (Jburcblll. SIO eacb. Postage $1 HUM*. Price Lift ol alburns and accessories available. Ken < rish Mi-A. Hicli street. Sir.«aPO-» n DOGS, PETS. ETC. Ii )VorW\ >k Writ.; Box it) et*. txt'o
      765 words
    • 1855 16 VEHICLES FOR SALE li Word* «C (MIH.I Box JO et*. rxtr, COOO SECONDHAND SCOOTER! :ui >„., I" Picas* noi I|**Ml 1i34l Kxt IS MERCEDES 190 K*f<V May lt>«4 RxecUcal Condition Ptioor Sob Bin«n purr 47T60 attei v p.m. FORD CAPRI off «ra*i IMI mixlr iakl lunilltion regular i> maintain.
      1,855 words
    • 54 16 VEHICLES FOR SALE li Hnrifx i%tin.i—Bi.x M rl« *B#r*j HILLMAN SUPER MINX 0 i» ont- Kacsjsjoaa u«nt-t >.;..><"> i I. 1»«4 AUSTIN ikh U ptHMM MinßMor* oi.i .1 I' SIN CHEW I: l.m.i.i IV*] <j ,;.k,,!,i x Hoi. l. IMeai ,i. I-...'.; M A-. I. :ili,l I m,r<. r f.
      54 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1292 17 ij i »ttf|)tfL 1 »tSI COASI U Ik., Uue S'pwa Mila P. S**a* ••••aoi jiOMti ivfrponi. Gipstow la Part/Tain Jaaa27 tutus l. vctpool. Dublin, A'mouth... Baa 31 Jiaf 27 laaa 21/ 2 My I 4«ItNOR i.. .pool, Dublin Juae24 Jlly 2 umSES Liverpool July 3 Mf My 1/11 My II
      1,292 words
    • 1218 17 THE E A hl/A/£S tk i I m" INI EAST AiIAIIC CO.PA ,y Lid tmoffian-.ta n Or-i-% UPRtSS SAILINGS TO NEAR EASI. CONIINI.NI AND tCAIHMNAfIA, S'pora p S ham Panaa| Am Genoa lawrp H'twrg n'oaa uit C«at ■ORE A a) 1. 13-14/21 line 27/21 M< laly a t* laly il
      1,218 words
    • 1230 17 Ben^line] EJIPBESS SERIIICE 10 LONOON. UVERPOOL CONTINENIAL PBRIS nruAvnu f Hia»ur| imt ti BLNAVON LoMaa JMy II s pVZe f 2. iOm rm s g-p gil testa mRTi arii fzt Smgapora P. S ban s BENARTY LOnaon, Hambur| Juii 11/ i M| VI BENREOCH H'Gur|. M'brough... JMy l/tt Jlly 12/14
      1,230 words
    • 1292 17 Ug^ tLLERMAH BUCKNALL S.S. CO., LTD. \<^AJ U.lOContinent Sinpoori P. S'kaai Paaaaa CITY OF COLOMBO L'don, H'burg. Bramertiarfu, Roam. Havre, Hull. Imnaa. 2lJm*/IJM| IMy CITY OF WINNIPE6 London, Hamburi. Rotteroam. Hull *aj 14 Jaly CITY OF WEaiNSTON cjn, H'buri, R'dam, Havre. Hull, M'bro, la'tua 23/21 JMy a MX CITY OF
      1,292 words

  • 383 18 TJHE complete lack of any A definite Information regarding Russian purchases for July shipment together with the unchanged Far Eastern political situation has led to very slow trading conditions during the past week report H.C.B. Co. Ltd. in their current review of the Malayan
    383 words
  • 94 18 SHIPS lying alongside th* Slngapor* wharves or expect. d today ar*i rrtltral 1-2, Pr»«ld»nt Monroa 3/4. Tapah N.W. 4. Benvenue 23/24. Manaiira Mam 2.V26. Thomorient 29/30. Sindh 3* 39. tnd Bteel Recorder 44. Port Swettenham: New Wharf Berths: Tldra. Fortune Wind. Mlkolajrrv. Stream Berths: Straat Magelbaen, Diomt-d.
    94 words
  • 36 18 ON the tree exchange market In Hong Kong yesterday the U.S. dollar «aa quoted at 5.78J for T.T. and 5.75* for cash. Sterhnu was quotrd at 16.01 and on* taal of gold at 2581.
    36 words
  • 28 18 Junr 25. MALAYAN RIBBER PKIi I 72 cents (up half a 1 1 mi TIN: S7o:{ (down 520.75). I'nofficlal estimated offering 245 tons (up 5 tons).
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  • 843 18 From Our Market CorresDondent SIM LIM Investments Ltd. and its subsidiary and associated companies in 1964 enjoyed a fairly successful year despite Indonesian confrontation and the Singapore riots last year, reports the chairman, Mr. Soon Peng Yam. The accounts show that the consolidated profit
    843 words
  • 864 18 BUSINESS In and reported to the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia yesterday, with the number of the shares traded In brackets: INDUSTRIALS: Beuitead (1.000) JI.IU: Cold Stara U5.U00) -i Ounlopt <3.000 *1.21; Eas* <..■■■■■ $1.4U, iH.Oiki. $1.45; F. and
    864 words
  • 59 18 £HINESE Produce Eichani*. Slnitipora noon prices per picul yvtterrtjy: Coconut oil: hulk V I »»li*rt drum Copra: June. July UK/Contlaaat: Pepper: Muntok oUtta *133 arlltra. garniri LamiKjMK black SM?i N) sellera. AST A wOara. Singapore Coconut Oil Millers- Ass* cution prices: bulk $<53 .50 nellen drum <"rs. The
    59 words
  • 348 18 THERE was a heavy drop of 520.75 in the Straits tin i price yesterday which brought j it down to $703 per picul. This was the lowest price since April 2 when the prulast stood below $700. Yesterday's drop followed a fall
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1126 18 BaßWHa^aaHattaasaßVaalHMiaßaflHalaaaaaaßl )X RISEN jKAISHA LTIV Bast Canada and U.S.A. Creat Lakes Service H'kor- Tokutuma Montreal loronto Detroit CMCifo i •Fieriti Mara" J1.74 July I Atf 4 Sett Sett 13 Seal II Stpt I "*mMP|tr" 12/1] Aai ?k Aai 27 Sr-al I Oct Oct U Oct I West Coast of Central
      1,126 words
    • 805 18 JtUSTP.AU< SERVICE/NEW HaUM INUU PUISUK Ml J> CUlf SERVICI trtauatta. ftattaita, Meiasaraa. Sraaei T» atatrat apt Namattipaß. Paaane P S'aaa) Soots S'oura c Vtam Peaant V»M*STm?l^£j?sli!irt »»MOM Siilet Sides la fart MM r um,, mxhi r s nsn »en«u BANKUM 21 M Jaat 1/ 2 jal) 1 Jail BAMORA Sailed
      805 words
    • 183 18 P'SHAM iPORfc CkNANIj ETA/ETO ETA/ETO ETA/ETO FROM AUSTRALIA AA.V. 'STATE OF ORISSA" tor JModroa and Colcutto Jyn. 27/29 jmlt I/J CHIEF AGENT* PENANG SUB-AGENTS: K.|_ SUB-AGENTS: R. Jumobhoy ft Sana Us* Übaiaull* ft Co, K. JvmoMtoy ft So«t lAA) Lf« SINGAPORE. Tal: 7007*/ K.L. Tal: Will PENANfr T.I MS42. American
      183 words

  • 141 19 MELBOURNE. Prl. |MH »ntl\l.s decline covered practically the whole list. I < tdrrs wrre the more aflrcicd and there>^ some sharp losses. Base metals again reacted sharply to lower overseas metals prices. C."..A. was down 3s. 9d. to 31s. Reni-son down 3s. to 565. Todays closing; prless
    141 words
  • 233 19 II I. V first grade rubber f.o.b. buyers closed at 5 p.m. in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur yesterday at II cents per Ih.. tp half a rent on Thursday's closing level for the position. The tone was quietly steady. R.A.S. and FM.KL closing prices in cents per Ib.
    233 words
  • 227 19 June 25. Three months. INDUSTRIALS Boustead is eta. McAllater 9 eta City Dev. Seta. M. Invt. Sets CM Holding 14 CU. N. Iron 9 eta Ounlops 10 CU. 0.C.8.C. 14 cts. .Smelting Rothmans V CU. H cts. sin Beta. Warn ii cv. Mi Prop, n eta red. Disp.
    227 words
  • 54 19 111 ptiM-ni t.iir of the Malayan dollar against the pound strrline Hxed on November 24 last >ear i* Selling TT or OD 2s. 3 I.". Kid. Buying TT 2s. 4 1 Kid. ISuving OD 2s. 4 ld. The dollar i« at Its Btatutor>middle position In relation to its
    54 words
  • 59 19 I'HE Malayan Exchange Banks' Asse* ciation made thesi- change* In Its n < I nn Canada: buying TT M 7 16. airmail OD 3:. It, :>0 d St. 36 1/16 credit lulls. M I trade hills. $slling TT or OD ready: Canadian dollars 38 l Oeutsche MarKi UM;
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 3482 19 VEHICLES FOR SALE IS Word* $1 (Min.)— Box St et: extra CHUNG SHAN MOTORS Ltd offers 1964 Datsun Fairlady Sports: Dataun Bluebird: Datsun Pickup: 1963 Datsun Bluebird: Datsun Lorry: 1962 Austin S5O Pickup: 1961 Datsun Pickup: I»6U Datsun Bluebird: 1956 Fordson Truck: 1951 Austin Truck: Morris Oxford Truck. 240. Lavender
      3,482 words
    • 551 19 THE COMPANIES ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 174) IN' THE UK. II COL'RT IN SINGAPORE COMPANIES WIMMNG-CP No: 2 OF 1965. In re Industrial Si Engineering Structural Corporation Ltd. By Order of the Court dated the 4th day of June. 1965 the Official Receiver of the High Court Build- J Ing, Singapore, has
      551 words
    • 400 19 PEMBERITAHU TAWARAN JKR.. PAHANG TAWARAN darlpada Pemborong2 yang berdaltar dt-J.K H. dalam Kelas E dan ka-atas akan di-teruna di-Pejabat Jurutere Neperl, Pahang. Sa-hlngga pukul 3.00 petane pada !hb Julai 1965 untok "Mrngeluar-kan locam dari I'rrhah Batu BrnU, Batu 18 Jalan Lipis' Raub. ba»i janfks waktu 1-7-65 sampai 30-6-66". Keterangan lebeh
      400 words

    • 1084 20 Race 1—2.0 Cl 6 Div 2 ($4300) 6E 1 82 »0? Water Bellr k <X* Umi Bagby 69 0 *Yeo 1 2 H9fi63 Larator a (Joi.ah St> E Breuk. 5 813 (SFi Mitchell 7 009P0 We<- Wonder (Wee St> Allan 10 8.12 Thont fe i MOOT* Rupee a
      1,084 words
    • 182 20  -  Racing with Epsom Jeep J( L AL A LUMPUR, Fri. Choreographer did the outI standing workout here this morning. Ridden by apprentic* Doug Dragon. Choreographer wound up her work with a :if dash in 37 3/5. The going was good. On this performance. Ui# mare
      182 words
    • 420 20 m RACE ONb. Watrr Bell* tried to lead nil fhr wav 1 over 5Jf on Wednesday but was beaten in the run In by Chengai Batu. larator rur»ning on when third to Chengnl Batu: won over K.L. 6f last season. Last Try disappointed on Wednesday, finishing fifth
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1178 20 GOVERNMENT ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT BRUNEI TENDER NOTICE 1 TBKDBta will be recel-.od br the Chairman. Tenders Board at th* Office of the State Financial Officer. Bninet up to 400 p.m Monciav. L"th July 1965 for: •SUPPLY OF 11.000 VOLTS 1.000 VOLTS SUBMARINE CABI K I'NUKROROUND CABLE AND STRAIGHT THROUGH JOINT BON:
      1,178 words
    • 566 20 NOTICES TENDERS THE BANKRUPTCY j. K .R., H.Q. TENDER NOTICE ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 11) Tenders from approved JK R NOTier OF RECEIVING registered contractors Class A ORDF.RS Heads I >1 3> and IV 1 8a wil T»irr vn-rmtr ,v. r> received by the Director o Order^«e^eln ,L ri U?." Wf)rks >»■«■?•
      566 words
    • 536 20 NOTICES NOTICE re the Motor Vessel "SEXG KONG NO. 1" formerly known as "m.v. CHARON" NOTICE is hereby given that li.c abovenamed vessel will be sold by her owners Lien Tung Steamship Company Limited of No. 78 Jervois Road. 2nd floor. Hongkong, to Lian Bee Shipbreakers Cornpan; of No 106
      536 words
    • 103 20 ACHES? It could be M over-stra.n. It could signal the attack of more serious muscular complaints. Pro tect yourself NOW with I Embrocation safe, positive relH for all muscular complaints. Rheu matism, Sciatica and Luirbaßi. BANISH pain m WITH 11 ELUMAN'S EMBROCATION Your savings 1 9 "grow o faster.., 0/2
      103 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 158 20 I DIARY I MM OB Ho Ho (up: M ;l l;iy.-;..ii Chinese v Hour King Chinese (Stadium Prmk. 8 DJB.). Sultans' Gold Cup final: Pen. tug Maluy.s v Johore Malaya '(V.y Stadium. 8 p.m.i. MacGUHvnj Cup: Sg. Rambfli Em.. S'Ror v 'Dublin E.V., Kecl.ih 1 I|>oh M'pal pdg. 5). S'porr
      158 words

    • 301 21  - Poon will miss KL meeting JOE DORAI -By gINGAPORE, Fri.— Hong Kong racing driver Albert Poon will definitely miss the Tengku Abdul Rahman circuit races in Kuala Lumpur from July 3-4. He confirmed this In a cable to Richard Wong Wai Hong, captain of the Singapore racing team who are
      301 words
    • 108 21 Gabuh, Selva in weekend big meets CINOAPORE. Prl. Two top Malaysian athletes, Sabahs long jump and triple lump chainDion. Gabuh bin Piuinu, and 400--metre hurdles champion Karu Selvaratnam. will make their flr»t focal appearances of the «eason this weekend. Gabuh will have a busy weekend. Tomorrow he competes in 'he
      108 words
    • 173 21 Dexter in crash, breaks a leg I ONDON, Pri— Ted Dexter. England Test cricketer, broke a leg yesterday when his car pinned him against it factory gate in London suburb. Dexter, who is 30. was dm ing on a busy main road with his wife. Sue, when his car broke
      173 words
    • 118 21 SINGAPORE. Prl. Kwong Wah, U»e Hong Kong soccer club suffered the worst defeat of tnelr •jurrent Malaysian tour when they went down 5-1 to Singapore Malays here tonight. The visitors led 1-0 at halftime with a seventh minute goal by Yeung Wai Yip but Malays were In complete
      118 words
    • 402 21 Lundqvist falls to Fox WIMBLEDON LONDON. Prl. The first full days play of the week In the rain-marred Wimbledon lawn tennis championships produced the biggest upset so far with the elimination of third-seeded JanErik Lundqvlst of Sweden The tall, blond Swede Europe"s leading player, was cut down In the men's
      402 words
    • 143 21 SOCCER Tun Razak Cup (K. Kangsar> Malay College 1 Fed. Military College. Sg Besl 1. Ipoh Div. 2: KED wo Shaw Bros A'; Div. 3: New Life YC wo DID Police wo La Salllans. Intrr-state DID (Ipoh): Perak I Kedah I. c Taip| nf Div. 2: Kamuntlng 3 L.
      143 words
    • 282 21 JOHORE BID FOR FIRST VICTORY 60LD CUP FINAL PENANG, Fri. DICHER in experience and playing on their home ground, Penang Malays should beat Johore Malays and win the Sultans' Gold Cup final at the City Stadium here tomorrow night (8 pm.), writes OH KEE TIANG. For Penang, this will be
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    • 274 21 Tonight's clash should be one of the best ¥POH, Fri.— Malayan Chinese and 1 Hong Kong Chinese are expected to flght one of their hardest matches ever for the Ho Ho Cup when they meet in the 19th annual game in the series at Stadium Perak tomorrow (8 ip.m.). The
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 159 21 On Sale Now! An Invaluable Reference Book fliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiii The Straits Times Directory of Malaysia 1965 (Buku Merah) ■lIIIIIIIIIIIU lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIiIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIII^ This Latest Edition contains over 1200 pages of fully indexed information. An indispensable aid to all Offices, Consulates, Libraries, Schools, Clubs, Individuals, etc. Save time! Have the information at
      159 words
    • 313 21 f MERCEDES-BENZ^ I 190 DIESEL I I COSTS ONLY B\ I 5133F0R FUEL ty ■Q Facts and figures prove the remarkable economy SI of the Mercedes-Benz 190 Diesel. ll^P W Fact 1: One gallon of diesel fuel costs approxi- B^Px mm mately $1.50 lest than one gallon of y B
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  • 216 22 SINGAPORE. Fri. The Direc lor of the Singapore Institute of Manauenii'iit. Mr. Chew Shcp. said here today that Malaysia's main problem In turning out business administrators was the lack of resources for teaching prospective candidates. Mr. who has just returned from two months
    216 words
  • 356 22 LONDON. Fri. The stock 1 markets ended depressing week on a dull note today although 1 losses In most cases were quite small. The fresh setback on Wall Street overnight brought In some selling In early dealings, but once a this had been absorbed prices on the whole
    356 words
  • 50 22 LONDON, Frt Spot 21« id.. Aug. 21 •\d.. Sept. 21i»d.. Oct. 21'\d., Oct. Dec 21\d. Jan. March 21 4 d.. April June 21 7 l«d July Sept. 21 \d. Oct Dec. 215'16<f. Jan March 21' 4 d.. c.i.f. July 21 \d.. Aug. 213 16d.. Sept. 21 Nd. Tone: Quiet
    50 words
  • 25 22 LONDON. Fri -Buyers £1381. sPllfrs El3BT 1 Forward buyers £!3"8 sellers £1380. Settlement £1380. Turnover am 180 tons. p.m. 110 tons Tone: Very steady.
    25 words
  • 96 22 Distribution o£ rice to aid Siglap fishermen SINGAPORE. Fri. The Assemblyman for Siglap. Inche Rahim Ishak and members of tho Siglap Citizens Consultative Committee will distribute rice to 209 fishermen living in the Siglap constituency who had registered their name.- at the Siglap community centre. The distribution is being made
    96 words
  • 45 22 SINGAPORE. Fri.— The Yang cli-Pertuan Neeara. Tun Yusof bin Ishnlc. and lm wile. Toh Puan Noor Alshah. will give a ten-party to 350 helper* of the recetr International Bazaar for the Blind at Hie Istana Negara at 5 p m on June 30.
    45 words
  • 205 22 Embassy official's wife dies in crash Xl ALA LOIPI'K. Fri The wile of an American Embassy ofticiul \\.»s killed and her husband and a friend seriously injured in an accident along the Segamat road tod.i\. A doctor ;it the \ssunta Hospital toniuht described .Mr. SamuH i Hart's condition ;ts "qaitfl
    205 words
  • 53 22 SINGAPORE. Frt. The Peace Committee of Kembangan 111 will hold a, gettogether tea party at No. 12 Lorong Marzuki on Sunday from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. A committee spokesman said today that several topranking police officers h;'rt been invited to the o< aimed at promoting goodwill among
    53 words
  • 27 22 RECCIE LIM TEONC HUAI Depntj A- Annum i»;i> icHc.iiiliy en I Oininil Hn-].it:il Mortuary 0 at 3:10 i> m lor Linn <'i off Airport R».u\
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 282 22 jgf^HH rffi n 3 n n frii ntpn im twit a n B [L. i\ [v, 1 1 1 1 SSEnS I -i f\ i r-» r^- 1-» ■BlllL?llliw i' I^^^ I" Transistorised MMiMLi brings to you new enjoyment ;j in TV viewing... in the car, j: outdoors or at
      282 words
    • 155 22 I Late CLASSIFIEDS Wurdt tli (Minimum) m DILIGENT kyj^yti £Hf Students (r^f J^MMh at work 1 \ft V/^^nWil4l >• CONCENTRATE ON CCS. COURSES Make prudent use of the Limited Time available before your examination. Ensure better grades, credits and distinctions by following our Home-study courses in any subject for the
      155 words