The Straits Times, 21 June 1965

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 145,000 The Straits Times Estd. 1845. MONDAY, JUNE 21. 1965 15 CENJS KDN 1189 M.C.(P). 1005
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  • 924 1 Arab leaders meet to discuss coup as Syria recognises new Govt ALGIERS. Sunday THE new Algerian Revolutionary Council held the nation in a solid military grip today following a mass roundup of known supporters of former President Ahmed Ben Bella. Those arrested included Mr. Hocine Zahouane,
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  924 words
  • 599 1 THAT JUNE 29 DATE-BY THE NEW REGIME DELEGATES ARE NOT SO SURE... ALGIERS, Sunday JHE Algerian Revolutionary Council has decided that the second Afro-Asian conference, scheduled to open here on June 29, should take place as planned. Last nij^ht. the United Nations Secretary-' ieneral.
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  • 340 1 SHELVES PLANS FOR TRIP TO ALGIERS SINGAPORE. Sun. Dr. Lee Siew Choh, Barisan Sosialis chairman today shelved plans to go to Algiers tomorrow because of the coup d'etat which ousted the Algerian President. Mr. Ben Bella, yesterday. The change of plans was announced to a big party rally at the
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  • 245 1 ISMAIL LEADS TEAM to WAIT IN PARIS KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday. THE Minister of Home Affairs. Dato (Dr.) Ismail 1 bin Dato Haji Abdul Rahman, left here today for Paris to wait for a signal from Algiers Inviting him to present Malaysia's case for admission to the Afro-Asian summit conference. He
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  • 24 1 HIROSHIMA. Sun Bix peopli kere burled alne today when i and.Mide caused by yesterday'! »eavy rains crashed down or heir home.
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  • 81 1 SAIGON. Sun. American jets hammered away at bridges, highways and ferries over North Vietnam today. Yesterday the US. light cruiaer Oklahoma City, ilasrshtp of the Seventh Fleet, dispersed a Vietcong concentration wlUi a twohour gunfire barrage. The cruiser pumped a total of 56
    Reuter; UPI  -  81 words
  • 69 1 SEOUL. Tues— About. SO opposition Monjoong Party members including many leading National Assemblymen, today attempted In vain to stop the departure of the Foreign Minister. Mr. Tang Won Lee for Tokyo where he is Mlieduled to .Mk» tim treaty to normnilsr relation* wuh Japan on Tuesday. Opposition
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  • 107 1 RAZAK: I HOPE NEW GOVT WILL BACK US JOHOKE BAHKI'. Sun.— The Deputy Prime Minister. Tun Abdul Razak, said today that he hoped the new Government in Algeria would carry on with the AfroAsian conference as planned. He said that he was sorry to hear about the ouster of President
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  • 29 1 RED CLAIMS TOKYO, sun North Vietnam news ageac) iniote<l n-ports tonight v.ivin- three F-M3 American aircraft itown t<>elav o\«r Sun La Province. Many citln-r* (Limited. Rruter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 209 1  - After Ben Bella, the doubts LEE SIEW YEE From I ONDON. Sun. The overthrow of President Ben Bella has caused a flurry of speculation in London whether the Afro-Asian conference will be held as scheduled. The Observer's diplomatic 'Correspondent said this morning there seems lit tip doubt that the Algerian
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 66 1 Condiment Sett etc [S-^Zt. d* Sllv* £*d. SINGAPORE IPOH ASSO CQ SPM. DC SUVA ;H«J ITO. GRUnDIG t^ Large 25" Screen :;';y 1 25 -inch screen: Wooden screen frame; 2 speakers (tweeter at front) Cabinet medium dark choice wood. Fop the best -go for >UR SHOWROOMS; S ft Ti |ln
      66 words
    • 56 1 1 PATEK PHILIPPE 1 \i_s( World's finest siii tint H.Sena Ltd. Jewellers U. Hi|k Strut. Stiupret. Su|ipiri Pn»n s'/< l y- 4 9/ '■■■'fy. m^O the man's beer.. .Men know whatthey want. ..thegolden strength of Tiger beer...freshly brewed. ..served cold in a man-sized glass. When men get together there's always...
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    • 317 2 JAKARTA, Sunday. PRESIDENT Soekarno yesterday juggled with his huge Cabinet, adding five new ministers, dismissing one minister and changing the format of the finance and religion portfolios. In announcing the changes, he also appointed four deputy ministers who do not have Cabinet
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    • 75 2 JAKARTA, Sun— The Indonesian armed forces and citizens in the Second Theatre Command in West Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo) will hold nii; war manoeuvres for a fortnight from next Tuesday, Antara news agency reported. The manoeuvres will be the latest in a series of
      Reuter  -  75 words
    • 95 2 TAIPEH, Sun. Thirty-: seven people were killed. 14 missing and 192 Injured when typhoon Dinah, des- i crlbed by the authorities as the worst In the last 15 years, hit south-eastern-Formosa on Friday night. Latest police reports said 4.622 houses at Taitung on the
      Reuter  -  95 words
    • 89 2 AILING SYNGMAN RHEE RUSHED TO HOSPITAL HONOLULU, Sun. Mr. 11 Syngman Rhee 90-year-old former President of South Korea, was rushed to hospital yesterday with an internal haemorrhage. He was given a blood transfusion in Queen's Hospital here. His wife, Francesca, was at his side. The former "Tiger of Korea" was
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    • 35 2 ADEN. Sun. Two grenades exploded on the patio of a seamen's club here last nif?ht and Injured seven people. The casualties included a elx-year-old British girl and two women. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 174 2 LONDON, Sunday. PRESIDENT Ayub Khan of Pakistan said yester- day his country's foreign policy "is nothing but to seek peace with our neighbours and other countries." The President was replying to an address presented by the Federation of Pakistani Associations asking him
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    • 250 2 Americans satisfied with new S. Vietnam Govt WASHINGTON. Sun. —The State Department today expressed satisfaction that South Vietnamese leaders had agreed on a new government. In a brief statement on the formation of the new government under Air Vice Marshal Nguyen Cao Ky a* Prime Minister, the department spokesman said:
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 376 2 SAT? Y~R> rc^^Tr^TTTPSAAP A jar it V Vk '^B> WM .^m J 1* Jl FOR BREAKFAST-ALL-DAY ENERGY! Why is NESTUM such a rich source of energy why is it so —IS**^ good for Baby and all the family? Because NESTUM is 3-CEREALS-IN-ONE with health-giving vitamins of the B f!T,TT...» »»«»TT.^.!f
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 63 3 JUST FANCY THAT LONDON Sun Blonde. 19-yrar-old Barone** rir (ioldsmith-Rothvhild. daushtrr of thr banking family, is advertising in The Times for a bathing costume "period 1890I 92«" The advertisement mays she wants it urgently A friend. Cllve Williams, fellow student at Oxford. told reporters "She just wants it to suim
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 135 3 9 DIE AS PLANE CRASHES AT AIR SHOW DARIS. Sun. A small Italian aircraft plunged into a car park at the Paris air show yesterday, killing nine people and wrecking 50 cars as crowds were preparing to leave. The pilot. Italo Tonatl. used his ejector seat at the very last
      Reuter  -  135 words
    • 111 3 Guard for Walker after KKK threat I ONDON. Sun.»-A police guard was put on the home of Mr. Patrick Gordon Walker (above) last night at the former Bri ti*h Foreign Minister's request. He was said to have received an anonymous threatening telephone call from a member of a racialist movement,
      Reuter  -  111 words
    • 33 3 VIENNA. Sun A BORfirteP military tribunal ii M seiv.cnred two Hungariar.b to mil trrnvs of eight and five years on chaie«s of spying for West Germany. Budapest rad;o reported today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  33 words
    • 329 3 ELATED U.S. ADVANCES SCHEDULE FOR SPACE MEETING WASHINGTON, Sunday. gPURRED by the success of the first two Gemini manned flights, the United States has announced that it is advancing to some time this year a scheduled attempt to rendezvous a manned Gemini capsule with an orbiting Agena rocket. Space agency
      Reuter  -  329 words
    • 65 3 A MODEL of the TU I 44. the supersonic airliner, unveiled at the current Paris Aero Show by the Russians who claim that it will be faster and will fly sooner than the projected Anglo-French Concord. The plane is designed ro seat 121 passengers and
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    • 111 3 NEW YORK. Sun. A Purdue university engineering professor, who found life "exceedingly boring." and his wife were found shot to death yesterday The coroner said Richard C. Carpenter. 57. apparently shot his wife. Hildred. 59. in the head with a revolver and then shot
      UPI  -  111 words
    • 38 3 NEW YORK. Sun— Some 2.500 youths most of them returning from a motorcycle road race, staged a wild. rock-throwing and bullding-bumine riot in a plush beach resort area near Laconla, New Hampshire, last night. UPI.
      UPI  -  38 words
    • 300 3 Storm over Beatles award goes to Parliament lONDON. Sun. The I J storm over the Bea- j ties installation in the i Most Excellent Order of the British Empire is to be taken up in Parliament in both the Commons and the Lords it was announced yesterday. Questions about how
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    • 86 3 Burglar falls asleep on job in police chiefs villa DOME. Sun Rome Po- lice told yesterday of a burglar who fell asleep on the job the police chiefs home. Franco Monaldi was charged with theft. Police said he broke into the seaside villa of the police chief. Mr. Franco Mancuso,
      AP  -  86 words
    • 173 3 LONDON. Sun. A British physicist said yesterday that the first man to set foot on the moon may rind himself ankle-deep in diamonds Professor Samuel Tolansky. of London I'niversity's Royal Holloway College, theorised that a carpet of diamonds bas formed on the lunar
      AP  -  173 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 147 3 4@c' day yajflafck C^7 LOSS SWEETLETS A A Beautifying COMPLEXION <X W Each Sw««ti«t is •qwivatont to 10 oranga* (vtt. Ci. B Combott freckles, pimptes ond other skin blemishat, toftens ond lfc*»?>\ whiter* the skin. Made by thr largest pharmaceutical manufacturer In Asia t -A TAKF.DA CHKMICAL INDUSTRIES LTD. Avon
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    • 499 3 Your dog and this climate Your dog is out of his natural element. Few dogs were designed for a hot and humid climate. It gett them down, saps their energy, robs them of that well-cared-for look. That's why your dog needs help help to combat this climate. And you can
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  • 250 4 FIRST PUNT TO MAKE BUCKETS, TUBS BY MACHINE SINGAPORE, Sun. The first factory in Malaysia to use machinery to produce buckets and tubs was ceremonially opened by the acting Minister for Finance, Mr. Lim Kirn San, at Redhill industrial estate today. Maya Trading and Manufacturing Co. Ltd., which was started
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  • 233 4 Two hurt in dredge blast are better SINGAPORE. Sun. Two men who were seriously Injured last niijht when a dredging machine soil pipe burst in a new harbour in Jurong are recovering from their wounds at the General Hospital today. Ahmad bin Samad. 20 and Sulong bin Sidik, 40. were
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  • 40 4 SINGAPORE, Sun —The Singapore Catholic Benevolent Association will hold its general meeting on June 27 and not July 27 as published In an earlier report. It will be held at its headquarters in Queen Street at 11 a.m.
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  • 205 4 Sata: Toh Aishah's appeal SINGAPORE. Sun. As hundreds of volunteer workers were out in the streets selling; flags for the Singapore Anti-Tuberculosis As soclation yesterday. Ton i Puan Noor Aishah. wife ol the Yang di-Pertuan Ne- j gara. appealed to the public over the radio to sustain and I support
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  • 26 4 SINGAPORE. Sun.— The Rotary Club of Singapore will hold its Installation dinner and dance at the Cathay Restaurant at 8 p.m. on June 30.
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  • 147 4 SINGAPORE, Sun. Singapore's Minister for Health. Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin. yesterday paid tribute to the Nanyang Kliek Community Guild for organisIng a charity show at the National Theatre last night which raised $50,000. He said that the sum. specially raised for the Thong Chai
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 379 4 Yeah! Yeah! Yeaw'BACK bVVeMAND a" rIALr rKlvt jlG^-br mm REX SKY I liPA||nK SINGAPORE :fe REQIIcC pens B ti TOMORROW Starnn^mtfwV^r^^f|.|en^ hVarioos actfon.packfidf'lm! Wp ■P5 :-AH*tlD9ySli|iri; SEE THE FILM AND Rtitntd nim united artists m I WIN a LAMBRETTA CENTO SCOOTER in o Simpl* Contfit Free Entry forms ovoileble ot
      379 words
    • 96 4 R?C|(^J 'ooy Today 3 Shews: 3-6-9 p.m. Raiendro Kumar Sodhana Nimmi A Johnny Walker Tllerc fllchb**b tosrmcncolor Hindi English Molov Subtitles FREE GIFT from the Stors ol 'MERE MEHBOOB" I Of One Handkerchief. I Every Lady Attending the Show> today MMwWJmrm&itMimfaiwwm ***** Lett Day 1.30-3.30-7 9.30pm Dave Clark Five The
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    • 188 4 #,I,T-r»va NEXT CHANGE! 4 yj J Tel: 21-116 (SINGAPORE) ALAN STEEL SWASHBUCKLING THRILLS Rosalba NERI W% GALORE! CpflDC .^isssV >^ *^ssssssssssssss^9 OliUrt -9^M Jkn^B flsHl issV *Z -m~l9±. Mb(4ssssssss^^^ssssssHl ssssmskC HsV-" fz !^sssss^ESB LsssV Hercules f*MJ«m COMING! Tel 21-116 (SINGAPORE:) More Oaring More Exciting than SECRET AGENT ADVENTURE j| §z?~
      188 words
    • 496 4 I CATHAY^ .\ou miomim.: I 1 30, 400, 6 30 I 9. 1S pm. NOVAK HARVEYiIi orNunian S3 ecnoace ri I Plus' Fo« MOVIETONE NEWS "U.S. ASTRONAUT WALKS' IN SPACE" NEXT CHANGE! r-TOMCOURTENHY -«H fTEL!334OO*^Et^7S7BJ LAST FEW DAYS! Horn. 1.30, 4. 100, 3.30, 645 I 6.30 9.30pm. H 9.1 S
      496 words

  • Jayakan Bahasa Kebangsaan!
    • 317 5 KIALA LUMPUR. Sunday J'HE Ministry of Health is shortlisting to 49 more than 200 applications from Korean doctors to serve in Malaysia. The Minister of Health, Inche Bahaman bin Samsuddin, who will lead a four-man team to Seoul in August to recruit the doctors,
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    • 31 5 SINGAPORE. Sun.— The Minister for National Development. Mr Urn Kirn San will open the new factory r, the Sineapore Galvanising Industries Ltd.. a' Jalan Pabrik. .utong. on June 25.
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    • 146 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. The Technical Col- j lege Students' Union today appealed to resi-j der.ts living around thei college to rent out their! vacant rooms to fresh- j men who will be joining in August. The union has sei up a special bureau
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    • 60 5 BRUNEI. Sun. The Rotary I Club oi Brunei Town has been I admitted to membership of Rotary International. Tho number ol Rotary Clubs in j District 330 is now 39 with a membership of 1.600. Brunei has 29 C*iart«"r member!" The president
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    • 38 5 IPOH. Sun. A durian seller. Haniflah bin Haji Bahari. wac robbed of his night's earnings of 148 by four men. one of them masked, hi the railway crossing In Connolly Road here esrly this morn mat.
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    • 243 5 Why we can't have many official languages NOT POSSIBLE TO FOLLOW SWISS EXAMPLE— DON KOTA BHARU, Sun.— The head of the University of Malaya's Malay Studies Department, Prof. Sutan Takdir Alisajhbana. said last night that it was not possible for Malaysia to have four official languages as in Switzerland. "In
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    • 112 5 MALACCA. Sun The Malacca policr have ii'.il the people here not to make any preparations in relfbrate M.imli Safar because a turfiw has been imposed on areas which are frequented by them during the celebrations The curfew will be from 10 a.m. on Tuesday
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    • 223 5 Trengkas way to success by Mr. Speaker OENANG. Sun. The ■"Speaker of the Penang State Legislative Assembly, Haji Suleiman bin Haji Ahmad. said today the invention of Malay shorthand (Trengkas) provided ample proof that Malay i was not a *dead lan-. guajre.' Speaking at the presenta- tlon of certificates to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 281 5 f TYPE 330 MARINE 7} DIESEL ENGINE... WITH BORG WARNER '**-"fc» HYDRAULIC M^t KP GEARBOX ApT-; "^sP jfy+? THE MOST COMPETITIVELY PRICED ENGINE IN MALAYSIA AVAILABLE EX-STOCK SPORE, K.LUMPUR PENANG Another reason why Q more Carrier air j\ bought than any and other parts are <fj«'^K| -^tm^^^' lity is positive
      281 words
    • 172 5 ROLEX The Wonderful 'Dntejusf Officially Certified Chronometer with the Rolex Red Seal. Self-wound by the Rolex Perpetual rotor mechanism. Oyster case 100% waterproof. Instantaneous calendai. Date magnified by Cyclups iens. K. it b 7 ROLEX A landmark in the history of Time measurement See the full range of other wonderful
      172 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 39 5 Bugs Bunny By Ralph Heimdaht (OKAf^ K« ALL RIGWT, SWAKE -*\BUOSJ HANJPS ANJD COME REMEMBER, POtUC/,\~\r^ s/ OUT PIGHTIrJG! S KEEP VEB SUABD UP 1 > V AN 1 STAY AWAY FgOM/ \l /not until Arm) (Io£^i\ n ""LI-,- 1
      39 words

  • 348 6 SINGAPORE, Sun. 'pHE Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, last night urged the people to be prepared for Indonesian confrontation for many years to come. Hp was speaking at the official opening of the Baharuddin Vocational School at Queensway named
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  • 48 6 Kl/'CHING, Sun. The Iban community here > undertaking an ambitious project 5150.000 "Kimiali Da.yak" which will have classrooms for vocational subjects like cookery, a hostel for visiting Ibans and a larKC hall. A Sl.OOO donation for the project has been given by Sarawak Shell Oilfields Ltd.
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  • 227 6 Richter tip: Big money in your forests KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. Malaysia's forests, which virtually blanket the country from end to end, will in 20 years play an important part in the economy of the nation, Mr. H. P. Richter. Queensland's Minister of Local Goverr<ment and Conservation, predicted last night. Mr.
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  • 29 6 KLUANG. Sun. A National Language speech com<|.t for nonMa:. iy Government servants will be held at UN Diamond Jubilee Hall here on July 1 at 8 p.m.
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  • 144 6 SINGAPORE. Sun. The Economic Development Board today announced that its Light Industries Services Unit will run a series of short courses in book-keeping and cost accounting for the printing industry in Mandarin beginning on Tuesday A statement issued by the board said that the aim of
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  • 42 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun.— Mrs. Kazue Kirn of Singapore will demonstrate Japanese flower arrange- ments at the Chinese Assembly i Hall here at 10 am. on Wednes- day. a: the invitation of the Kuala Lumpur chapter of the Ikebana International Club.
    42 words
  • 62 6 IPOH. Sun. The I Council. building has had ItM first renovation, costing 512.000. since the buildmt? was constructed 60 years ago. Besides a new coat of paint and more space for the 73 otbc* staff in the building, the improvement to the council include* I
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  • 30 6 SINGAPORE. Sun. The Y«n« di-Pertuan Negara will Inspect the annual parade of the 3*. John Ambulance Brigade at Hit Jalan Be.sar Stadium at 5.10 p.m. on July 11.
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  • 104 6 THIS .Straits limes picture takrn by oamrr>»man Han Hai Kong: has brrn awarded a Certificate of Honour by the World Press Photo Foundation at The llaiue. Holland, for ItM. The picture entitled "Prayers for Rain" was taki-n durinc
    Mr  -  104 words
  • 281 6 Singapore PSC to vet UK-bound students from next year SINGAPORE, Sun. pRIVATE students In Sinßapore. who wish to Britain for further studies next year in th« universities and colleges there, should first apply to the Public Service Commission. Students going to Britain for whatever studies, whether grammar school, university
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 374 6 IfilSi^ i^W^^B Uom n l °lrds pan: i £^:TiJ?£zr* Ta **Ms£^t' If; for be^ im^iilding SSH?sS£S y/ m Mk- -T s and repair Service integrated fabrication yard with Lp. '--<- --»»«>- ---yj mI .ni,..,,.,! every service operating under a hSKw jMflßfeflf" fkWkWkWtkWkWKkWkWi. single-line system. •g|,- ]-J^;\ p-.-' ~-i "l'Y now
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  • 502 7 And Ong is a Federal judge now THREE NEW HIGH COURT JUDGES KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. THK Yang di-Pertuan Agong today announced the appointment of a High Court judge, Mr. Justice H.T. Ong, as a Federal judge. The King also announced the appointment of three new High Court judges^ They are:
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  • 188 7 KUCHING. Sun. The president of the Sarawak Government Asian I Officers' Union. Inche Dawi I Abdul Rahman, today assured the Government that it was interested only in thr welfare of its members and not politics. He was commenting on a statement by the Sarawak
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  • 298 7 Police officer's wife fights two armed robbers KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. A police officer's wife fought two armed robbers yesterday in her home in Weld Road here. The thugs fled with $750 worth of jewellery when Che Embon blnte Kechlk. 35, freed herself, ran out of the house and shouted for
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  • 135 7 'Don't meet Lee' call to the Tengku Sun. Tengku Abdul Rahman has been urged 1 not to meet Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. Singapore's Prime Minister, for talks on differences between the Central and Singapore Governments. The publicity officer of the Muar Town branch of Umno. Inche Mohamed Yas.sin bin Kassim.
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  • 191 7 SHIPS CALLING AT INDON PORTS ARE WARNED SINGAPORE. Sun.— 13 The Singapore Government said today that severe action would be taken against any Malaysian ship calling at Indonesian ports. An official statement, however, said that the Government was so far unaware of any local ships calling at Indonesian ports, as
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 276 7 SPEED TELEPHONE COMMUNICATIONS One of the modern miracles of Fgfes. cable carrier equipment. Shown telephone communications is PKW i here is part of a FUJITSU the coaxial cable carrier system -I j 960-channe! system that that permits hundreds of tele- pt~"|; I provides high quality.dependa phone conversations to be sent
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
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  • 60 8 H»rtf> Hi r Htmlmum i THI FAMILY OF the late Mrt. Tee Ko •hmkn ill for their roodol ■MM, oreath* and m«i»t»nc« duna'c their bereavement THI FAMILY OF UM late Madame Han Nruk Hionr thank Doctor*. Nura'ng staff of Ward 43 Oetiera! Hoep'ta! Mr -hr r kindnean an<!
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  • The Straits Times
    • 579 8 The only safe comment on the Algerian coup and the deposition of Ben Bella is that it is complete and irreversible. What it means, for Algeria, North Africa and world alignments we shall not know until the new Council of Revolution has shown by its
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    • 398 8 The week-end discussions at Chequers (enlivened) by the drama in Algiers) brought progress to the Commonwealth Prime Ministers' talks, but there remains a long way to i go before the major problems yield. Whatever the final achievement on Vietnam. some of the moral force of > the proposed
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    • 245 8 Work on Malaysia's most I important development project, the Muda River irrigation scheme, is about to move from the drawing boards to i the fields and mountains of I North Malaya. The Kedah and j Perlis State Governments have j firmly incorporated the scheme into their development plans,
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    • 138 8 African lesson in frugality PRESIDENT Nyerere of Tanzania should be cheered for telling the Tanzanian Parliament: "Our watchword must be frugality in all public expenditure." Do not people in high places in our own country think that the Tanzanian decision to cut down on hard liquor and big cars is
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    • 96 8 IVITHIN a period of four months. I have been X-rayed three times in the looh General Hospital. First for the national service call-up, and then for admission to the government service. I was told that no record of my X-ray was kept when I asked for a duplicate
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    • 78 8 "THE Tengku ha.-, offered to talk things over with Mr. Lee Kuan Yew and the latter has agreed. The senseless dialogue between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore should stop. Unfortunately. the radio and television services have now intensified their confrontation. Fresh political propaganda is being pumped out at every
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    • 131 8 pOR years we have been paying exhorbitant fees for limited electric power In our village. Undoubtedly the Board has made much profit, but the service never seems to improve. Perhaps we are too humble and timid. The generators go on at 6.30 at night and off again at
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  • 1089 8  - Little thanks for the memory Cyril Dunn AN AMERICAN LEARNS WHY THERE IS NO GRATITUDE FOR GIFT BEARERS BY NEW DELHI, Sun MARY Me m ory. an Am c rican woman journalist from Los Angeles, has set about the ungrateful Indian people with a baseball bat of expert invective. Many
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1011 8 S*ruu IWt A Malay Mail tamv MaMkaaaaaaaal •>•» COLD «TOI«A«« IMKCHII ai >••••<• a..« Naval •artlM'las. CITT BOOK ItOKI LTD WlncKMtw H.u.« onvo Q»aa> TNI NCWS FRONT Fif/P«TMCh I«— riwaraa* M M. ISMAIL MMaMtj »«a« Him MAMIIM ITOftl 1«1* op.r Chaaft »i»t.»«-. 17 V «IM<««T fj CO 171. MM «a«u
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    • 462 8 Learning Malay 97 By YUNUS MARIS M.A. University of Malaya VOCABULARY: Lahir <v)— to be born; TIBA: "to arrive", also "to come". raclabirkan tv> to give birth to; bari e.g. Dia TIBA di-sini pagi tadi He lahir (N) birthday; also: hari jadi. arrived here this morning. hari keputeraan birthday (hari
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    • 123 8 ftIIQTDAMA is a Big dB Country v^^KbT To do more and sec more, sec it by air with TAA. TAA (Air Australia) flies to 140 cities and centres throughout Australia and Papua/New Guinea. Tours lasting from a week-end to a month or more can be completely arranged by TAA. Travel
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  • 838 9 Chinese guilds send a cable to Tengku STORMY MEETING PASSES TWO RESOLUTIONS PLEDGING SUPPORT TO FIGHT TWO ENEMIES... REPORTER: CHEW LOY KHOON KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. 1 I AFTKR a stormy two-and-a-half-hour debate, a meeting of representatives of Chinese guilds and associations today passed two resolutions supporting Tengku Abdul Rahman in
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  • 83 9 MUAR. Sup.— The Muar town J branch of Umno has appealed io the Jchore State Governmrn: to ban immediately all massage parlours In the Bute because Lhpy ■•derr.cralise uur youths" This appeal was made at a meeting of the branch here last night, the publicity
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  • 44 9 SBGAMAT. Sun Dr P Newsam of the Rubber Research Institute In Kuala Lumpur, will be the guest speaker at the meeting of the North Johore branch of the Incorporated Society of Planters at the Club International at 630 D.m on Tuesday
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  • 39 9 SIBL' Sun. Anti-cholera precautions are being stepped up in rhe Third Dlvlaton following a minor outbreak at Negara Bangku. Two victims were flown to Sibu hospital last week by helicopter* of MS Naval Air Squadron. A P.
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  • 77 9 SINGAPORE. Sun. The Federal Education Minister. Inche Mohammed Khir Joharl. said here today that it was still undecided whether the Alliance Par' Singapura would coni. ,t the coming j Hong Llm by-election. Inche Khir. who is the chairman of Singapore Umno liaison committee, said
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  • 564 9 'YOUR SILENCE IS GIVING THE WRONG IMPRESSION' Siew Sin exhorts Chinese in Sarawak to speak up LIMBANG (Sarawak), Sunday. THE majority of Chinese in Sarawak supported Malaysia, but because their voices were mute they gave the wrong impression to the outside world and even to the rest of Malaysia that
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  • 74 9 SINGAPORE. Sun. The Law Alumni of the universities in Malaysia w.ll hold a forum on "NaI tional t~nguace as the Language of Uv. Courts" st the new lecture theatre No. 4. Untverfltr of Singapore. Bukir Tmiah Road on Pridav at S p.m. Speaker* Will or
    74 words
  • 53 9 PENANG. Sun.— The Min.MT of Local Oorenupent and Housing. Mr. Khaw Kai Boh. will cpen the sec<;r.d phiisp of the state gcvernmpnt's low-cost, housing schema «t Berapit. Buki; Mer.aJMm. next Saturday. He wtl] «l{-o hand over the ken to 48 applicants who successfully cirr triliots frr licuses
    53 words
  • 217 9 SINGAPORE. Sun. 0 Fire early this morning destroyed a plastics factory and eight shophouses in Tanjorg Rhu. Damage is estrmated at more than $500,000. The two-hour fire also made 55 people homeless. No one was injured. Police say that the flr« started from
    217 words
  • 49 9 PENANG. Bun.- rhe Of Education. Inche Mi named Khir Joliari has re-appointed Inch* Aziz lorahim. SU e Executive Cou'iniior. a> his nominee on the boiirr! Ol I.' the Trchi a-al I ing. Inehe Aziz, who has tven chairman IMb 1962. wttl servs for ar.Uher three years.
    49 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 131 9 BLAGKCURRANTJtJICE In Vitamin C ULTRA-LOW M price for this |RPS double-size O3@U Your body m-rds rich supply of l3|R^£J&« ||i VITAMIN Cto combat tiredneM, j^St-^jßli^^l baUd body tiwue and fight infsctioa. CASCADE J Ensure radiant health and vigoram I: f]/ •CMrgy by drinking Cascade Ultn-C II XlfkaMpPp M duly. A
      131 words
    • 212 9 fr~^~^ .On i //interest 1 I J L PER ANNUM from your deposit account with Pan Malayan Finance gives you a steady and safe income. Write today for our booklet "A SAFE AND SOUND DEPOSIT" giving full details of how easy it is to open a Deposit Account. J%PAN MALAYAN
      212 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 861 9 TV MALAYSIA (Malaya) Channels 5 Kuala l.umpur and lL«h. 7 10- -We Like lo Know. Penang: 6 Ipoh and Malacca; 7 34— Mr. Magoo "Moby Dick": 3 .lohorr Bahru: 4 Taiplng: B.oo— News in Mandarin: 8.10 Batu I'aliat; Kluam Mari Bcrbual;— Popular songs. B.34— Candid Camera P.M. 2.oo— Ten
      861 words

  • 50 10 KUALA LUMPUR, bun Thr British Army Bourne School herr l■ln^ presented a cheque for S3 000 to thr Montort Boys' Home M B.uu Tic.i. The money came lrom proceeds of a fi'ie organised by the school on the Yang di-Pertuan Agong'.s birthdaj* on June 2.
    50 words
  • 340 10 J KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. THE Minister of Local Government and Housing, Mr. Khaw Kai Boh, today called on workers in local authorities to build up an efficient service so that the local government administration would be second to none. He
    340 words
    • 350 10 'Restraint' call in bid for ceasefire SPLIT HEALED ON VIETNAM PEACE MISSION LONDON, Sunday 'J'HE Commonwealth Peace Mission last night appealed to the warring factions in Vietnam for "the utmost restraint in military operations" as a step towards an early ceasefire. The appeal came in a statement from the British
      Reuter  -  350 words
    • 239 10 LONDON. Sun. Robert Menzies. the Australian Prime Minister, yesterday reiterated his rejection of Ghana's call to withdraw his country's 1,000 troops from South Vietnam made on Friday by President Kwame Nkrumah. He told a Press conference he was not prepared to accept
      Reuter  -  239 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 346 10 SORE THROAT Kill the germs that cause it Get soothing relief Ncarw al! sort throats are caused by germs. DEOUADIN c —^ST"^ LOZENGES ar* an antibacterial treatment which fights LjillfTH'l the germs that cause the soreness. As the germt are eIT^^ 9 destroyed you get the comfort of soothing relief.
      346 words
    • 169 10 DEATH CHOO KIA PENG AGE 85 DIED PEACEFULLY ON SATURDAY 19th June. 1965 Leaving behind 2 sons, 2 daughters-in-law, 2 daughters, 2 sons-in-law, 19 grandchildren and 15 greatgrandchildren to mourn his loss. FUNERAL from 146 Jalan Ampang. on Wednesday June 23rd, 1965 at 10.00 a.m. BETTER LIVING He mdy not
      169 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 312 10 Straits Times Crossword ig I jBJg ~HHf eBT bBJK ACROSS nlng of the plm <S> 1. Bark one of the lone* after 8. Enterprising way to rouse me a fault 1 6, 7). on arrival (13>. 10. Try on a rthg. during Ham- 9. Rapacity among Journalist* let. for a
      312 words

  • 465 11  - Cameos from the Olympic Village, Tokyo Walter Warwick OLYMPIC DIARY: TOKYO 1964. By Neil Allen (Nicholas Kaye 165.) H. Olympic 1 Village had hundreds of small, tired looking little houses, like chalets in a rundown holiday spa. The grass was dusty and faded. But there was peace and relaxation for
    465 words
  • 91 11 15, 000 STORIES AND 70 BOOKS AFTER... \JK. Thornton Waldo Burgess, who has died at Hampden. Mass, aged 91. wrote 15.000 stories tor children and about 70 books which sold seven and r half million copies. His first, collection of children's stories. "Old Mother West Wind." was published more than
    91 words
    • 1154 11  - An entrancing (fishing) voyage across seven seas ALLINGTON KENNARD by THERE are just as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it. But are there as many? Some of the best fishing; grounds are not yielding the catches they did, and it is unlikely there are new
      1,154 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 340 11 AN AUSTRALIAN BOMB! A symposium on the nuclear power of China and Indonesia; the lost cause of a nuclear-free zone in South-Ecst Asia; the case for and the case ogainst Australia building its own nuclear deterrent. These important features open up public discussion on a subject vital to Malaysia. Also
      340 words
    • 380 11 ©EARN What you're really worth! T et ICS (raining develop your ability and help you to a better iob. With ICS you learn at home, at your own pace. Your progress it sure, a* instruction is thorough and easy-to-follow. Send. us ih« coupon below today! Moderate fees; no books to
      380 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2675 12 [■MBMMfiaiJppMPPMpiiMII HOUSES ft LAND FOR SALE ]iW I 1 l^a-TTI I"_ _L*W """<» v I Ml*. >— Box it rfi »xfr. _JB«^^^^^^^K^^^^^llrJ roR RILIKOUUM BOOKINC semi 2imS)BHBH-HHHB__HH [detach unniulo- at Mount Seoat Holland Road. Apply Mr Cbua 166.ß. ACCOMMODATION VACANT "_J ft ri/ii/MiM rrxriiriiT MALACCA Mu<ifrn Oetin h*<i ACKNOWLEDGMENT
      2,675 words
    • 978 12 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES j »..rrf» SJ <Mi*.)—Bmx Sa cl: txlrm SHOP AVAILASL- AnaoD Ko»<1 O*-lio« C-roera*. ftadioa. Cunoa Cnmp Rent Kunnlnt «.ooc«rn unrn ivavinK conotrv Apply Boe A 447* s f i WANTED TO PURCHASE M Wot4m S§ (Mi*.)— Box Sa eU. txlrm INTERESTED iN PURCHASING te M l^t*» I<w •l-nufmturio*
      978 words
    • 1415 12 VEHICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE IS Word* rMin. >—••-_» cl*. txtrm i "Wrf, U lWtm.l S» cl» txlrm ALFA HOM-u .ur->i«ra >r .i. .t» BUY WOVEN AMERICAN Duster Npreo K***** mpn Hock ITew Com "-out* No* »H). Boys'. Girls'. I mot ll:l Jalaa Campncli Kuala i.una Pyjamaiuit" $J.s«i Only. Uidiev'
      1,415 words
    • 852 12 tailoring f_____rT^_TT«3rX__Bl NEWLY OPENED SPECIAL offer rv2»__SrS J? SJK: SS. multi-storey car park s-r, „0..,, „,H.: snore A MARKE DRESSES DRESSMAKING Atun_eu*_ sbops wtttaln a fully M Wm*t» mtmmm 1 « 1. ilir tond "i p "eci flioppiuic Arcade mm i-/for se r i. txtrm are available al the Ma
      852 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1289 13 II LIVtRPOOI i "tST MAST U.K.. Ou« S'pori Sails P. Sham "tnani OIOMfD Lirersool. Glasgow CM. 3) JIM 22 JMI 21,25 IMI 21 ATICUS L .erpool, DjDlm, A'mouth... JMe 24 June 21 Mil 27/ 2 Mf 1 ANTENOR I .'Tool, Outin JMI2I My 2 UITSSES L.-erpool luly Jaly 7 JMy
      1,289 words
    • 2091 13 T//£Z.Hh£/A/£S I^l j BEN^LINE I EXPRE»^UN« TO 'nU.' EASt. SCANO.NAV.A, EXPRESS SERV.CE TO LONDON, UVERPOOL I CONTINENTAL PORIS S pore P. Snan Penang Arr. Genoa HtNir| M'aam Aat* Copi BENALDER H™'*"" «OREA a) June 23/21 June 27/21 31/ I JMy 22 My II An 1 I II S.njapori P.
      2,091 words
    • 1237 13 fep^ tLLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO., LTD. k MuM U.K./Confincnt kingapuit f S'haa) Plant CITY OF COLOMBO I' 0"". H Bremortiavta. RoLietdam, Hivra, Hull 29 Juae, 1 July I JMy vllr 01 WINNIPEG *vi**. n.muui*. Hu.Kiaafa. Hun 14 JMI xltY OF WELIINCIOs ....Jin. n.niDu'f. ■atiataaajb Ha.rt, Hull, M.d::ts»rougn.. Hill My .11
      1,237 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1106 14 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBVBBBTaaaftsVB^afIHB I Vr^""^"^KAWASAKI mSEN.KAISHA LTD^^, y Bast Canada and U.S.A. Great Lakes Service H'hont Yotcsne MontreM loronto Detroit Cnicagu Fienda Mm" H/24 My lAn 4Sept (Sept 13 Sept II Sept ej.naner" 12/13 An 21 An 27 Sept 1 Oct i Oct II let Wdjst Coast of Central/South America Service Yokohama
      1,106 words
    • 1061 14 (E°loßlENTfcn^l t Soilings to the United Kingdom. Oep. Dep. Pt. Dep. Arrive Spore S'hom Penong U.K. "CHITRAL" 28 Jun 29 Jun 30 Jun 24 July "ORSOVA" 23 Jul 13 Aug "CATHAY" 28 Aug 29 Aug 30 Aug 21 Sep "IBERIA" 22 Sep Oet "CHITRAL" 28 Sep 29 Sep 30 Sep
      1,061 words
    • 741 14 LLOYD TRIESTINO TRAVEL TO THE CONTINENT OF EUROPE jl AND TO THE UNITED KINGDOM VIA ITALY m.v. "ASIA" Soiling from Singapore 27th July, 1965 m.v. "VICTORIA" Sailing from Singapore 24th August, 1965 LIMITED ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE FOR BRINDISI. VENICE TRIESTE via Bombay, Karachi, Aden Port Said Special Concessional Roil Sleeper Tickets
      741 words
    • 1588 14 Malaysian list THE table of shares on the I 1/2 HIM Anglo-Oriental 1/10 V* m Malayan Stm-k Kxchame T snows last business to June IS. IAI ",'j^ ,JJ ,T. and last business since that dat»- <j 51 4 Bungawan 6'j4 (B> with II and L ..landing for 7/3 b
      1,588 words

    • 1817 15  - Easier conditions on Stock Exchange Our Market Correspondent From THOSE who sought some bright spot on the Stock Exchange of Malaysia last week sought in vain and conditions continued much as they have done for many weeks past. Depressing as it is to have to report such unpromising conditions week
      1,817 words
    • 900 15 Tin down $41.25 on week COMMODITY REVIEW rwas a week of very wide movements on the Straits Tin market last week, but the price on Saturday remained unchanged at $730.25 per plrul in Penang. The net loss on balance over the week was $41.25. The price began the week with
      900 words
    • 40 15 \.N the irss tichangi mark*! id Hong w lion* on Saturday lb« U.S. dsllsr nn« quoted at .V7«| for T.T. and 5 !ji !'H taMl. Stirling wan quoted at it.Ul aad ont tail or (aid at 29»|. I
      40 words
    • 30 15 (per Ib.) (per picul) line 14. 72<»cts. $780.00 15. 71*6 cU. $769.04 16. 72 cts. $750.87 H 17. Tl ,<ts. $747.87 H 18. 72 cts. $720.25 19. $730.25
      30 words
    • 631 15 FE following Is a complete list of revised quotations for the week ended on Saturday June 19. 8. s. Ale* Brlcka 18.50 Uouatead 1.12 C.S. Holding* i.s<7 C.T.B. orda 37/3 Dunlopa 1.20 Bsso 1 46 E.iao deb 1.01 Bast Smelt 3.72 K. N 2.22 Ked. Dl«p
      631 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 76 15 PEMBERITAHU TAWARAN J.K.R. Tawaran daripada Pemborong2 yang berdaftar dlJ.K.R. kelas 'BX' dan kaatas akan dl-tertma dlPejabat Jurutera Negeri. Belangor hlngga jam 3.00 petang pada 29 Jun 1965 UNTOK: MEMBENA DAN M E N V I A P KAN SAMBONOAN SEKOLAH LANJUTAN MENENOAH DI-KAJANQ. SELANGOR. segala butlr2 boleh dl-dapatl dl-masa kerja
      76 words
    • 686 15 B^SiliMiiiiKiS^^ll^LiMJl AUCTION SALE OF Household Furniture, tic. Comprising:— Teakwood ana Cane Sitting Room Suites. Sideboard. Dining Table. Chest-oi-Drawers. Wardrobe, Dressing Table. Bed. jads. Upholstered Wingbacked Chair, Canvas Chairs, Upright Chairs, etc. AND ALSO "A VERY TAIRBANK" Weighing Scales, Textiles. Plastic Sun Goggles, Guitars. To be held at our Saleroom No*.
      686 words
    • 718 15 TOWN AND CITY PROPERTIES LIMITED I Incorporated in the State of Singapore' ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Third Annual General Meeting of the Stockholders of Town and City Properties Limited will be held In the Conference Room of the Goodwood Hotel. Scot' Road, Singapore, on Wednesday.
      718 words
    • 738 15 TENDERS PEMBERITAHU TAWARAN J.K.R. Tawaran d ripada Pemboronfc,2 yang berdaftar dlJ.K.R. kelas 'E' dan kaatas akan dl-terlma diPejabat Jurutera Negeri, Selangor hlngga Jam 3.00 petang pada 28 Jun 1965 UNTOK: PEMBENAAN DAN MENYIAPKAN BATU (1) RUMAH DUA TENGKAT KELAS 'C TERMASUK JALAN PREMIX DAN KERJA2 TAMBAHAN DI-KAJANO DALAM JAJAHAN ULU
      738 words
    • 347 15 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS PENANG PORT COMMISSION Applications are invited from pers-ons under 30 years of age, who are Federal citizens holding a Degree of the University ot Maiaya or ius equivalent, (or appointment as Assistant Traffic Supervisor trainees in the Commission's Traffic Department. The appointment, winch provides an opening lor persons
      347 words

    • 550 16 KIWIS FIGHT BACK— THEN FADE AGAIN LONDON. Sun. QRAHAM Dowling and Barry Sinclair set New Zealand on the path to recovery in the Second Test against England at Lord's yesterday but later batsmen failed to carry through the effort. Dowling (66) and Sinclair (72) put on 90 in a second
      Reuter  -  550 words
    • 213 16 TENNIS Annette wins London title LONDON. Sun— Sou to African No. I. Annette van Zyl. won: the women's singles title ;u linLondon grass courts lawn tennis crumple i. ships ttore yesterdaj w!ier, gin ij, ;lt England s Cllr .s--tmn Truman 6-3. 4-6. 6-4 The 19-year-old Annette thus avenged her defeat
      213 words
    • 182 16 E MANS. Sun. The Le Mans 24-hour sports car race last night seemed to be developing into a Ferrari triumph lor the sixth year in succession. With three hours gonp tlie bright red Italian cars held the first five places and the American Ford challenge to Perrrr*
      182 words
    • 406 16 GOLF OT. LOUIS, Sun. Gary Player of South Africa shot a one-over-par 71 here yesterday to maintain the lead in the United States Open golf tour- 1 nament. Player, who is playing very consistent golf, now has a 70-70-71 for a total
      Reuter  -  406 words
    • 27 16 SEOUL Sun Orient middleweight boxing chimpion Xi K<>o Kirn of South Korea last night successfully defended his title by outpointing Japanese challenger Fumio Kami. Reuter
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 22 16 AUCKLAND. Sun. Indonesia >eat New Zealand 7-0 in the Über Tup women's badminton Australian zone elimination match lere yesterday. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  22 words
    • 71 16 WEST BERLIN. Sun. Frank Wiegand of East Germany beat the two- minute terrier for the 220-yard freestyle swim with a world record time of Imin 59.» sec yesterday. He clipped (Msec off the world record of 2:1.1 Ml by Rob Windle (\ustralia) in Sydney, in January. 1963
      Reuter  -  71 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1282 16 ■BMp^MHHMHMH|| PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS GOVERNMENT OF THE PESUROH JAVA IBU KOTA I.] J COLONY OF SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR t% i»4« Rrh.MKuu.. TENDER NOTICE l«an 1»62 1970 Tenders ln sealed envelope* Notice ii> herrbv given that the endorsed 'Manhole Covers and RP MAI AYQIA I IUITCn rrmiufer Register of the above frames
      1,282 words
    • 1136 16 ÜBLIC APPOIN I Mtix TENDERS BANK NEGARA MALAYSIA TENDER NOTICE (Ontral Bank of Malarriai Tmdrr for Lighting Fittinr* Applicanu are invited from f f r 'J?* n w TeleeommMleacitl>*n« of Malaysia for appoint- I T «"""r t>ntre. Phai* 11, m«nt to tbe folldwltiK positions in J tan Kumla Luß| I»"
      1,136 words
    • 148 16 Sweet news Whether you're dieting or not, Hermescus la good ncwsl It's cite pure Swiss twectcner. far tweeter than ordinary saccharin. Haa no additives, to no altertaste or upsetting effect on the ttomacn. Forget about sugar, forget about your weight! Use Hermesetat (pronounced Henne-SEF-tas), the economical tuecicner. One snuill inexpensive
      148 words

    • 2059 17  -  Epsom Jeep RACING by KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. I I THEN TRADWOOD FOLLOWS UP WITH $118 UPSET fHE SELANGOR Turf Club's June meeting opened today with two shock results. Powella, local trainer O. M. Noordin's only entry for the meeting, won the first race and paid a dividend
      2,059 words
    • 46 17 TOTAL POOL $88,838 1— No. *****8 ($21,981). 2— No. *****S ($10,993). 3— No. *****7 ($5,496). STARTERS ($549 each): Nos: 1 78(18. *****5. *****7, *****8, '*****, *****5, *****0. *****0. *****4. *****6. CONSOLATION ($4BB each): Nos: *****7. *****5. *****0, *****7. *****7, *****1. *****9. *****7, *****6. *****3
      46 words
    • 43 17 ONDON, Sun Goupi, ridden by Geoff Lewis, won the Churchill Stakes run over 12f at Ascot yesterday. Starting at 4-1 Goupi beat the 6-4 on favourite, Mahbub Aly, by threequarters of a length. Canisbay (100-8) was third four lengths away.— Renter
      Reuter  -  43 words
    • 199 17 TPOH, Sun. Mohamed Yunus 4 Mohamed Noh. 23. of Tatping won the Mr. Perak. 1965 contest held in conjunction with the Perak open weightllfting championships here last night. Michael Yong, 22, was runnerup and Koh Tat Khoon. 19. third. Results of weightllfting championships: Flyweight:
      199 words
    • 38 17 JOHANNESBURG. Sun. The touring Argentine Rugby Union team beat the Jun:qr Springboks 11-6 in an international match here yesierday. The Argentinians, who led 6-0 at halftime. won by a goal and two tries to two tries
      38 words
    • 32 17 IPOH, Sun. The 1965 edition of the Malaysian AAU Track and Field Recprds is now sale at $1 a copy. It is available from the secretaries of all state AAAs
      32 words
    • 21 17 OSLO, Sun. Scotland beat Norway by 102 points to 84 when their two-day swimming international ended here yesterday. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  21 words
    • 19 17 BEREMBAN. Sun. The AAA of Negrt Sembllan will hold their cross-country run on July 4 at 3.50 pm.
      19 words
      • 15 17 Perak Inter-district (Ipoh): Lower Perak bt Batang Padang 65-91: Batu Oajah bt Kampar 97-76.
        15 words
      • 51 17 Malacca L(e: Schools bt 3 RAR by 72 runs. Schools 133 (L. Daes 33 Humphrey 3-33 1 RAR 61 (Pram Singh 7-49). Bt. Francis Aasn bt Indian Aaan by 4 runs. SPA 113 (Tham Kong Onn 32 M C. Sethupathy 7-14) I A 1M (Wah Boon 29 De Costa
        51 words
      • 14 17 Rabbit trophy final (8 ban): J. Reid (34) bt J. Munre (21) br
        14 words
    • 110 17 Australian soccer results SYDNEY Sun.— Results of Australian football matches play. odav NSW North Div Awao- 1 Cessnock 0; Cardiff 5 Newcastle 1; L. Macquarie 0 Adamstown 1; Wailsend 8 W. Wallsend 3. NSW Federation Div I— Apia 1 Hellenic 2; Polonla 0 Prague 1; 8. Coast 5 Cumberland 2
      110 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 312 17 SINGAPORE TURF CLUB JULY MEETING 1965 lit Day Saturday, 3rd July 2nd Day Sunday. 4th July 3rd Day Saturday, 10th July v 4th Day Sunday, 11th July I'M IMIH 1) SHKKP TICKETS for all four days— 11/- each Available to Members only by post and to m the PUBLIC in
      312 words
    • 283 17 i CHEW LOY j CONSTRUCTION CO., LTD. ENG ANN ESTATE, KLANG. TWO STOREY SHOP HOUSE ON FREEHOLD LAND FOR SALE Cash or Loan terms all welcome Spacious shop front, 4 bedrooms, 2 kitchens, I bathrooms, and 2 lavatories. Price: $34,000/- Down payment: $14,000/Balance by monthly repayment at $189/Booking Office: En*
      283 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 146 17 1 DIARY I SOCCER S'for GUBH Dir. 1: PWD v Agricola (Cheras Rd); Div. 2: WD Civilians v Sri Jaya (XL padang); Harrisons v Railways Sentul (Ipoh Rd): Div. 3A: Chartered Bank v Jacks (Taylor Rd): Div. SB: Slmit v Wearnes (Imbi Rd). Negri Div. 2: Lena's v Police (NSC
      146 words

    • 496 18  - S'pore survive late Services shocks JOE DORAI M-CUP SOUTH ZONE DECIDED By Singapore. Sunday CINGAPORE. the reigning Malaya Cup football champions, won the south zone of the competition when they beat Singapore Joint Services 3-2 at Jalan Besar Stadium tonight. Singapore will now meet east zone winners Kelantan. at Kota
      496 words
    • 280 18 SELANGOR NEED TWO MORE POINTS IN NORTH S'GOR 3 KEDAH 1 ITUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Seiangor moved within two points, with two more matches to go. of winning the north zone of the Ma-j laya Cup competition when they beat Kedah 3-1 at Merdeka Stadium tonight, reports Alansoor Rahman. Seiangor opened
      280 words
    • 136 18 Only 300 see Perak hit seven goals off Perlis I POH Sun. Pcrak beat Perlw j 7-6 in a second round tic ol the Malaya Cup soccer competition It Stadium Perak here today but! there was no glory in their victory With Perak out of the running in the competition,
      136 words
    • 87 18 PENANG, Sun. The visiting, Kwong Wah football team of Hong Kong beat a Penang selec- tion 4-1 in a triendly match at the i City Stadium here tonight. Penang scored first through in-side-left Abu Hassan in the seventh minute. Kwong Wah. however, went on to lead
      87 words
    • 131 18 I *OHORE BAHRU. Sun.— Johore spn ng a big surprise In the southern one of the Malaya Cup competitie when they beat Negri Sembilan 5-1 at Sri Gelam today. Johore. who were beaten 6^2 i by Negri in the first round, thus registered their first win
      131 words
    • 123 18 NORTH ZONl: P W D I, F A Pis Spir 8 7 1 0 28 4 15 Pphjiii? 7 5 0 225 710 pprak 7 3 2 2 22 7 8 Forcrs 7 a 1 3 15 13 7 Kedah 7 2 0 5 9 20 4 Parlta 8
      123 words
    • 224 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday. CELANGOR, who had been almost sure of winning the title after yesterday's matches in the Mai- ayan Police inter-contingent south zone hockey competition, today left no doubts to their superiority i by thrashing Malacca 10-1 at Gurney Road. Seiangor inus quannea
      224 words
    • 80 18 KA.MPAR, Sun. Seven ivcortis were set up at the athlo'ic meet of the Anglo-Chinese School here yesterday. M. Rumasamy broke the 1.500 metres record wi'.h a new time of 4mm 55Asec. while C. Karr.un ran the 100 m in the record lime of 11.5. Let- Yam
      80 words
    • 214 18 IPOH. Sun. Wong Kai Patl won f the boys' singles event in the I <?rak M-liooi.-. baomuiton chain- plonships tonight when he beat Chan Cheong Hing 15-9. 15-3 mi the final. Kai Fatt completed n double when he and Ng Kam Thong won the
      214 words
    • 705 18 CRICKET ROUND-UP oINGAPORE. Sun. 1« Singapore Recreation Club improved their position as leaders of the {j Singapore Cricket Asso- i ciation senior tourna- ment today with a nine- j b wicket victory over|«i third placed Police;* which was given added j value by Indian
      705 words
    • 329 18 INTER-CLUB 'QUAD' MEET ON JULY 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. An inter-club quadrangular athletics meet between Combined Colleges Jets. Malaysian Armed Forces and Police Depot will be held lure on July 4. the chairman of the Selangor AAA competitions committee. C. Ra.ialingam. disclosed today. In todays allcomers meet, contested by about
      329 words
    • 667 18  -  ERNEST FRIDA ATHLETICS By Singapore, Sunday. UAMMER-throwcr E. Mane today bettered his own Malaysian native record with a distance of 143 ft lin at the Achilles Club championships at Farrer Park. He beat the record he set in 1962 by Ift sin
      667 words
    • 411 18 Zone 'best' awards to Baadin, Sook Len I I .it' Jlld Hill t up on the lin.ii Uay of aaa south m wampioi..-h.|is hue today, one tone record wa.s equ Ail three runners in the ***** merre.s broke Hie state and mm record.*. The winner. A. Krishnan clocked 34min lO.Tsec
      411 words
    • 31 18 TOKYO. Sun J;ipa:i\ TU» shi Nakamum tonieht retained his Orient flyweight title by winning a unanimous 12-rouncl dec)'. I over Philippine challenger T< c Mairramo at the Konkuen GymnHslum.
      31 words
  • 133 18 MRS. OON SIM KONO, axx! 70 yean paaacd away peacefully lait night at Ml Hals Road, tearing behind 3 mi. BenK Klat. Beng Choo and Bnu Re*. 4 dausntrr*. 1 aona-ln-law. 2 daughttniI in-law. IS xrandrhildrrn and 1 rreat xrandaon Cortege will leave renldence for cremation at Mount Vernon
    133 words
  • 31 18 THE family or the late Mm. Aw Boon .*oo thank rclativm. DMtl and nil tIKM* who rrndrrrd valuablr amia- i Line, s one uiy or another in their m-ent bereavement
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
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