The Straits Times, 15 June 1965

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 22 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 TUESDAY, JUNE 15. 1965 Ha**** 15 CENTS KDN 1189 HX.<F). 1005 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 145,000
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  • 326 1 Three envoys may get new jobs in reshuffle ITUALA LUMPUR, Mon. A reshuffling of Malaysian ambassadors abroad and the appointment of new ones is expected soon. The reshuffling will involve ;M least three ambassadors. They are Data Abdul 1 1 in i< 1 bin Jumat, the Ambassador in Bonn; Inche
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  • 522 1  -  Geoffrey Geldard The Sarawak Alliance crisis is over as Taib returns to Cabinet Front KUCHINC. Mon. Inche Abdul Taib bin Mahmud, the Minister for Communications and Works, and Inche Awang Hipni, the Minister of State, are back in the Sarawak Cabinet following readmission today of the
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  • 58 1 JIIK Prime Mm: isier. Tengku Alxltil Rahntfti, returning Ihe salute of tlu> Officer Commanding Hie Guard of Honour on his arrival in Cairo on Saturday. The Tengku a s making ;i brief stopover lo me c t President Nasser en route lo Hie oinin o n wealth
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  • 123 1 Pat must wear a swimsuit in Miami ■MIAMI BEACH. Mon. iTI —If Miss Malaysia has ambitions to win the Miss Universe crown next month, she will have to do it wearing a swimsuit and not dressed in pyjamas, pageant officials ruled today. Patricia Augustus, a Penang dental student, won the
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 43 1 JAKARTA Mon.— The Indonesian deputy army commander for Sumatra. MaJ.-Oen. Mokoßinta, claims "enemy warships" have fired on the Sumatra mainland, the AnUra news agency reported today. The commander said the firing had caused casualties. He did not elaborate Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 20 1 LONDON. Mon— Tengku Abdul Rahmur. spent today relaxing before attending the Commonwealth Prime Ministers" meeting later this MMVL
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  • 288 1 $500 m pledge by Tan to Borneo KUCHING. Mon. Sarawak and Sabah would be allocated at least $300 million and $200 million respectively in the first Malaysia development plan, the Federal Minister of Finance. Mr. Tan Siew Sin. said on his arrival .here tonight. He said that in the London
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  • 207 1 Barisan chief: We'll speak against Malaysia DR. LEE FLYING TO ALGIERS SUMMIT WITH V. DAVID SINGAPORE. Mon. Dr. Lee Siew Choh, Barisan Sosialis chairman, making arrangements to fly to Algiers to present the case against Malaysia to the Afro-Asian conference delegates. With Mr. V. David of the (Malayan) Socialist Front.
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  • 38 1 OUR GREATEST SAFEGUARD I N I I K D NATIONS. Mon.\si.i slid t<>«lav foreign military base* .»n<l foreign troops on itl soil "far from t>. in threat to freedom ni.w its creates! MfefMrd. —Rent, r
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  • 103 1 JAKARTA, Mon. The Indonesian First Deputy Prime Minister. Dr. Subandrio, today flew to Cairo en route to the Algiers AfroAsian conference. Before boarding the Indonesian Garuda airliner which will stop at Karachi, he expressed confidence that Malaysia would not be admitted to the
    AP  -  103 words
  • 45 1 JEBBELTON, Mon.— Onr Indonesian was wounded during an exchancr of tire when security forces drove back a small band of Indonesian terrorists who made another incursion into Malaysian territory on western Sebatik Island during the week-end. Security forces suffered no casualties.
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  • 43 1 Ceylon supports .Malaysia's admission to the Mgiers conference, and if the subject is raised at the Prime Ministers' conference, we shall certainly speak up. Ceylon's representative to Commonwealth Prime Ministers' conference. Justice Minister Alexander F. Vijemanne speaking in London yesterday.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 67 1 A_"Qukfc Shim" in Quick Timw with RE-POg AUTO POLISH and CLEANER ROSKOPF A flick of your wrist and it's wound! Thanks to its high precision Rotor movement it's fully automatic. A slight movement of your wrist and its brilliant Sunbeam dial flashes it's the watch to make your friends crowd
      67 words
    • 122 1 dißllrn SHHKh/£i LML T rr .^awJsritrAVMM i> W »al UHb 1 ■s^aA^S^gl fflt XQ I f* t '^^^^^***'***SMP*>* > a> Hl 5J I l(Cj Mlir "(t) N(l s H is.k.a) Ltd I Increase /Hi the value m* of your |1 property vUF Use the best and most economical materials for
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    • 213 2 A QUIET NIGHT IN DONG XOAI AFTER THE BIG BATTLE SAIGON, Mon. I.S. paratroopers dug in last night around an airstrip 20 miles south of Dong Xoai, scene of the biggest battle of the Vietnamese war. The battalion was flown yesterday to I'huoc Vinh airstrip, 40 miles
      Reuter; UPI  -  213 words
    • 70 2 Mon. Major*J General Nguyen Van Thieu above i Defence Minister in the outgoing government. has been named chairman of a new three-man National Leadership Council which will rule South Vietnam. Informed sources here said today. They said General Thieu appeared to hate emerged as 1 the leading
      Reuter  -  70 words
    • 137 2 PEKING REJECTS MOSCOW UNITY APPEALS PEKING, Mon. The Chinese Communist Party last night flatly rejected Soviet appeals for Communist unity in the face of American action in Vietnam. It accused Soviet leaders of divulging to the United States in advance Russian plans to aid the Vietnamese Com munists and making
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    • 73 2 MELBOURNE, Mon. A two-year-old boy has been awarded £14.000 damages in the Supreme Court here for injuries received in a hospital fire when he was two days old. The boy. Michael James Ball, was one of several 'babies injured when fire broke out in the
      Reuter  -  73 words
    • 258 2 MANILA, Monday. THE Indonesian Deputy Foreign Minister, Mr. Suwito Kusumowidagdo, conferred at length with Philippine officials today regarding the Afro-Asian conference in Algiers. An official source said the diplomat asked the Philippines to soft-pedal its support for Malaysia's admission to the conference. The
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    • 56 2 KATMANDU. Mon. .Nepal will support Malaysia's admission to the Afro-Asian conference in Algiers later this month, the leader of a Malaysian goodwill mission said here last night. The leader. Inche Abdul Rahman bin Ya'acob. Minister of Lands and Mines, was speaking to reporters. The mission
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    • 45 2 KARACHI. Mon. Mr. Zulflcar Ali Bhutto, the Foreign Minister, yesterday pledged that Pakistan would do everything in her power to bring about a peaceful solution of the dispute between Malaysia and Indonesia. He was addressing the Pakistan Islamic Council of International Affairs. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  45 words
    • 108 2 JAKARTA, Monday. PRESIDENT Soekarno today led a special meeting of the Supreme Operational /Command (Koti) at the palace here. The meeting was believed to have discussed Indonesia's confrontation against Malaysia and President Soekarno's deDarture to attend the AfroAsian conference in Algiers later this
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    • 41 2 TEHERAN. Mon.— Twelve people were drowned on Saturday in flash floods caused by heavy rains which destroyed 12 village*, reliable reports said yesterday. The floods occurred In the Darehgaz area in the north-east of Khosan province— UPl.
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    • 29 2 BRAZZAVILLE, Mon. Dominique Nsalakyida. lormer ConKO (Brazzaville) Interior Minister. lMt night sentenced to 15 yemrs' hard labour for complicity In treason and misappropriation of public funds. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 235 2 Bomb China threat? 'But nobody talks that way' WASHINGTON Mon. TT Authoritative sources last night discounted a London Times report that the United States has warned China that any diversionary attack on South Korea will b# repulsed by nuclear bombardment. The report, under a Washington dateline, said the warnln<* was
      Reuter; UPI  -  235 words
    • 27 2 CALCUTTA. Mon— lndia's Communist Party, already split between pro-Moscow and pro-Pekini factions, has divided attain: West Bengal State Reds have formed 'centrist group.'— AP.
      AP  -  27 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 259 2 ATJTALTA ON"R OF L* rPnnn^i^rTTMT l en route to romb... i^!^-jdx mg m n n r see rangk k b mmy THE WORLDS it h U l U h Karachi... teheran... LAEOEST AIRLINES W L[v!UUIMJu Hi foruutauextraoeut; you're taken care of by experts. It starts atmosphere which can't be imitated,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 400 3 LONDON, Monday PRIME Minister Harold Wilson yesterday conferred with nine of his Ministers on severely pruning the nations defence bill, now running at more than £2,100 million a year. The future shape, size and strategy of Britain's armed forces was discussed in a weekend
      Reuter  -  400 words
    • 139 3 BURTON'S EX-WIFE WEDS 'THE WILD ONE' NEW YORK. Mon Sybil Burton. 36, I o r m c r ww e of Richard Burton, yesti -relay married 24--vt .v old musician Jordan Christopher. The ceremony was DOTform.d in her apartment overlook!!". Central Park Christopher is the leader of a musical group
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    • 27 3 LONDON. Mon. Benjamin Britten h.-is bren mimed '"Comtxiser of the Year" by the Compomaf Guild of Great Britain, the guild announced today. UPI.
      UPI  -  27 words
    • 64 3 MOSCOW. Mon. The ITt retiring British ambassador here told Soviet television viewers last night that the English and the Russians get on well together and understand each other. Sir Humphrey Trevelyan. wno leaves Moscow next month after two-and-a-half years here, said there
      Reuter  -  64 words
    • 61 3 LIVERPOOL. Mon.— Four thousand demonstrators carried "Ban thr Pope" banners through the streets of this city yesterday. watched by 800 mounted and foot i police. The marchers, supporters of the Protestunt Reform Movement, were protesting at reports that Pope Paul may come here for the consecration
      Reuter  -  61 words
    • 109 3 I>OSTON, Mon. A pig's liver is keeping alive a 34-year-old woman at the City Hospital. "If thr patient continues to live it will mark a major breakthrough In medical and surgical research." Dr. William V. McDermott. Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School.
      AP  -  109 words
    • 54 3 T ONDON. Mon. The sale MJ of shaving lotions con- i taining alcohol has been banned in British jail canteen.-, to prevent secret drinking after prisoners have been locked in their celLs. it wa. disclosed today. The action follows the finding of several prisoners unaccountably intoxicated at
      Reuter  -  54 words
    • 50 3 I UNITED NATIONS. Mon. World food production roae by 10 i per cent between 1958 and IW3 —while the population rose by about nine per cent, the UN statistical year book 'revealed today. Industrial production went up 44 per rent in the same five yean —Reuter.
      Reuter  -  50 words
    • 202 3 A CHURCH minist.r was carried on*, feet first, by the police recently during a protest "lie-down" on the Scottish island of Skye. Thirteen follower^ were arrested with him. The Rev. Anuu> Smith. 34. Moderator of the Free Church Presbytery on Skye was leading a
      Mirrorpic  -  202 words
    • 233 3 A new revolution in Russia around 1970— forecast WASHINGTON. Mon A LEADING French authority on Kussian affairs today predicted a revolution in the Soviet Union around 1970. The reason. said Mr. Michael Garder. of the French Institute of Strate- glc Studies, was growing tensions between the Communist politicians who ruled
      UPI  -  233 words
    • 93 3 MIDLANDS TAVERNS BAN KKK-STYLE MEETINGS DIRMINGHA.M. Mon. Ku Klux Klan-style meetings are to be banned from taverns in this Midlands industrial city, scene of several recent cross-burn-ing incidents. The big Ansells brewery, which controls several hundreds taverns, has told landlords not to take bookings from Klan-type groups. One group of
      Reuter  -  93 words
    • 35 3 BELGRADE. Mon. Ploodwaters from the Danube have swept through 70 buildings in Vukovur. northern Yugoslavia. including the post office and museum, and about 3.500 people had been evacuated by last night. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  35 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 204 3 Another reason why I ffi\ more Carrier air conditioning is I life is spent in bed, I 1 coo! Carrier com- II mosquitoes I tft^?^& ...yes, you can have that with U '^T. V~ a Carrier Air Conditioner. f 1 Air conditioning Here, as in many other parts of
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    • 317 3 Jh m A YOU TT' CAN'T Y'to #T~-- 'ffe^ AFFORD The MCIS Officer has heard this over and over again. The first reaction of any one is "I can't afford life assurance." The MCIS Officer, however, has convinced thousands who thought they could not afford. The MCIS Career Policy is
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 112 4 In view of the encouragement and overwhelming support of the public for our previous developments at Bedokville and Mount Sinai, Malaysia Land Investment Co., Ltd., with Hup Thye Co., take great pleasure in announcing yet another ideal investment opportunity in Siew Lim Park J V SEMI-DETACHED y^ 1 BUNGALOWS \l
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  • 338 5 Change our foreign policy, says Lim OENANG. Mon. The secretary-general of the Socialist Front. Mr. Lim Kean Siew. today urged the Alliance Government to change the country's foreign policy "so as to move in step with the other Afro-Asian countries." "A* long as our country is out of step with
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  • 101 5 Top security meeting in Kuching tomorrow I/UCHING. Mon. Sa- bah\s Chief Minister. Mr Peter Lo. arrives here tomorrow for the Joint Sa-bah-Sarawak State Security Committee meeting on Wednesday He will oe accompanied by the Deputy Chief Minister. Ditto G.S. Sundang, and the State Secretary, Mr. John Duslng The meeting will
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  • 297 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. *pHE Railwaymen's Union of Malaya will decide by Thursday, after a meeting of top union leaders, whether to accept or reject the Government's modified "package deal" to 14.000 railwaymen. A working committee will hear reports from branch executive committee
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  • 98 5 Mystery box halts traffic VIM.ArOKI Mon. Police today sealed off a stretch of Penan* Lane, off Orchard Road, after a man had reported seeing a mysterious box under the staircase of a three- storey block of flats facing the road. An army bomb expert was also called to the scene.
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  • 48 5 PENAN G, Mon.— The missing north-eastern wreck buoy in Penang harbour has been temporarily replaced by a small conical wreck buoy about half a cable from the chartered position, the Marine Department announced today The temporary buoy Is flashing i ereen lieht every two seconds
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  • 19 5 MACHANG. Mon —A district tveatock show will be held at 'he :own padang here on June 24
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  • 187 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon INCHE Shariff Ahmad, Political Secretary to the Minister of Education, Inche Mohamed Khir Johari, today offered to produce evidence that certain leaders of the National Union of Teachers were spreading "malicious propaganda" against the Central Government, i
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  • 258 5 GENERAL TELLS HIS MEN: KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. I J^EW pay proposals for all members of the Malaysian Armed Forces have been submitted to the Government. This was announed by the Chief of the Armed Forces Staff, Lt.-Gen. Tengku Osman Jiwa, when he addressed the rank and
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  • 56 5 SINGAPORE, Mon. Marine police yesterday found the body of a 62-year-old man In the sea off Nlcoll Highway. A Singapore identity card found on the body Identified him as i Leong Kwan, of Tan Kwee Lan S'reet The man was clad in a pair
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  • 156 5 Move to help restore Jymy's eyesight SINGAPORE, Mon. A move is now on here to help restore the eyesight of a wellknown Malay literary tigure, Irche Jymy Asmara, 44. Jymy, or Inche Mohammed bin Jaffar. which is his real name, lost his eyesight on May 13. Doctors have told him
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  • 71 5 IPOH. Mon.— A variety concert held in aid of the audio-visual section of the Ipoh Public Library made a profit of $3,000. Miss Chong Yin Kai vice-pre-sident of the HUHY (representing the motto of the library "Help i Us Help You") handed the cheque tar the
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  • 27 5 SEREMBAN, Mon. The Tengku Ampuan of Negrl Sembllan .will address the fourth annual meeting of the Olrl Guides Association her* 4 nm nn Wednesday
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  • 28 5 SINGAPORE. Mon. The Olr! j fiu ldes Association will hold a "bring and buy" sale at Eu Villa, Adis Road, at 10.30 a.m. on Wednesday.
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  • 29 5 SINGAPORE. Mon— The Singapore Co-operative Union will observe International Co-operative Day, which falls on July 3 this year, with a meeting of cooperators and a buffet dinner
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 289 5 These quality features make the finest air-conditioners Compare them and you will find thai GENERAL ELECTRIC is the best value for your money Mr^ Made in U.S.A. I. EXCLUSIVE 6.E. ROTARY COMPRESSOR engineered and built by G E to give you quiet, velvet-smooth cooling power. Proven by 8 years experience.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 44 5 Hufft* Ulit nn if tiff ttniph il*>intdnhl ijT HERE COME V VavßE PORWTV r *£T_LO,PORKyi a I POT Pa**"^ r THE BOYS! I'UJ WILL PAY J SMELL ANYTHING y A 1 V ISNTIT?y 1J <K TBV OUT wv nE^m aTTENjTiOni to 1 By 1
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  • 145 6 Jail-break man got help from friends SINGAPORE. Mon. Police today continued a big hunt for 22--year-old Danny Brian Mathew, alias Shaun Mathew, who escaped from the medium security prison in Changi yesterday. He was reported missing at about four in the afternoon an hour alter visiting the prison barber whose
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  • Article, Illustration
    123 6 HELICOPTER PILOT, CO-PILOT UNHURT KUALA LUMPUR, Mon t N RMAF Alouette heli- copter crashed beaviIv on the grass verge beside the International Airport runway here today escaping extensive damage. Two officers the Pilot and the co-pilot were unhurt. A large crowd at the airport restaurant saw the aircraft
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  • 45 6 MAbACCA. Mon. The Municipal Traffic Advisory Committee at its meeting here today ap- proved 14 sites fur bus shelters. I They will be at Mata Kuchlng Road, Pengkalan Rama. Bona Vista Road, Oajah Berang Road. Lorong Pandan. and Banda Hillr Road
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  • 112 6 Refugees hold a Sunday fair in Sarawak KUCHING. Mon. Indonesian refugees, who tied into Sarawak's berian District last year, yesterday held a "Sunday trade fair" to collect funds for themselves. This was the nrst of a momnly scries of 'Market Days." 'me fair was jointly organised by the District. Officer.
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  • 455 6 Crown cork surprise by Tan: Tax is cut to two cents Kuala Lumpur, Monday IN a surprise announcement today, the Minister of Finance, Mr. Tan Siew Sin, slashed the five-cent duty on crown corks to two cents. Caught completely unawares, local manufacturers of soft drinks and beer said that they
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  • 174 6 I£UALA LUMPUR, Mon. 1V The German Government has stepped up its scholarship programme to enable more Malaysians to study at universities and technical schools In that country. Today it called for applications from Malaysians lor five scholarships in engineering and mining schooLs in Germany.
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  • 84 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon A family pewter concern here today was highly praised by the Minister of Commerce and Industry. Dr. Lim Swee Aun, for being able t'* t>r luce typically Mala;, pewterwar* for tourit o take home as souvenir*. The company, he said.
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  • 22 6 PENANG, Men A car belonging to a. goldsmith. Mr. Tan Ah Poh. was stolen from Xlmberley i Street yesterday.
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  • 129 6 SINGAPORE, Mon. A 20-member group from the Indian National Defence College flew into Singapore today to make an on-the-spot study of the Indonesian confrontation, and Malaysia's social and industrial situation. The mission, led by ViceAdmlral A. K. Chatterjl arrived by Pan American from
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  • 64 6 SINGAPORE, Mon. An application to sign final judgment for $11,960 against Chew Swee Kee. Minister for Education in Singapore's Labour Front (Government, was made today before the Registrar of the High Court here. The plaintiffs were the Diners' Club, represented by Mr. R. Murugason. Chew
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 473 6 The most outstanding car ol the Year! THE NEW AUSTIH IBDD «^9 Hli^i^^Sl^Hßll^Mfl 9 OT9PMP9M All the tried and tested revolutionary features of the Austin Seven m&% and 1100 with more power, more space and Austin elegance. It's the great AUSTIN idea! a revolution that converts space parcels,andal7cubic-footboot-all Hydrolastic Suspension
      473 words

  • 245 7 Building begins on 5-acre site SINGAPORE, Mon—Construction work on the first phase of the proposed 51.4 million Maris Stella high school on a fiveacre site at Mount Vernon Road, will begin soon although the building fund committee has raised only 5270.000 so far.
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  • 324 7 MAN JAILED 6 YEARS ON STOLEN GOODS COUNTS SINGAPORE. Mon. 1 RUBBER tapper, who was charged with Ihc murder of a young school teacher on a rubber plantation in Kola Tinggi last year, was acquitted by Da to Justice Azini in Ihe High
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  • 44 7 SINGAPORE, Mon. Hundreds of Indonesian propa- ganda pamphlets were found along streets and lanes in Gcylang. Bedok, Frankel Estate and hangi during the past 24 hours. The public are asked to dial 999 if they see anyone scattering such pamphlets.
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  • 237 7 SINGAPORE. Mon. /CONSTRUCTION of various projects and other public amenities costing $1,415,000 are now in progress in the Mountbatten constituency which the Singapore Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, visited yesterday. During his tour. Mr. Lee viewed some of the major projects. Including the
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  • 144 7 $800,000 TUGBOAT TO BE LAUNCHED CINGAPORE, Mon. Jurong Shipyard Ltd. will launch another new vessel, a 1.000 h.p. motor tugboat, Anggerek, tomorrow. The tugboat built for the Malaysia Marine Transport Ltd. will be launched at 11.30 a.m. by Mrs. S. P. Tao. wife of the company's (Marine transport) managing director.
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  • 40 7 SINGAPORE. Mon. Mr. P. Marvin Plaice, executive director of the Pacific Area Travel Association, and his wife will be guests of honour at the Singapore Tourist Association dinner tomorrow evenIng at the Rosee dOr Restaurant.
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  • 23 7 SINGAPORE. Mon. A middle-aged man. Sycd Mohamed. was knocked down ard Instantly killed by a bus In Jalan Übi this evening.
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  • 36 7 SINGAPORE. Mon— A total of 243 Singapore candidates qualified for the full certificate In the special examinations in English. Chinese, and Tamil languages conducted by the Ministry' of Education in April this year.
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  • 133 7 SINGAPORE. Mon "THE first phase of registration for children for admission into primary one classes next year began at all primary schools today. Phase 1. which was only for today, was for children registered In 1964 for admission in 1965. but who prefer to wait
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 496 7 CATHAYd f" ""I I I'M SIMULTANtOU's ONE -DAY PREMIERE TOMORROW! ODEON CATHAY OKCHARD* PALACE PLAN NOW tiro* nm. m. 4«. t}*i»»»« C»TM»r Ilin. 13« *****5 1 5 10pm ««:h»»0 IN. 4M. (II t lIS pauct: i.m. m. 1 45 tin I nuyv m SINATRA TREVOR •SviJ HOWARD jfftk i bK*JE±]EI[K3bCjH
      496 words
    • 145 7 OPENS THURSDAY -SIMULTANEOUSLY at Singapore REX SKY REX Kuala Lumpur MFABTASTIC §&&*<"* I SONG HITS yCIIjANDTHE i Fflr U Pacemakers _A»ruiti «^U^5-\ with CILLA BLACK M^St I Plus ON STAGE at SKY Thursday at 6.30 9.15 pm By very special arrangement. .Mcrdek j Organisation presents J Singapore's Own Top Recording
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    • 60 7 CHONG GAY FILM CO. LTD. Droudly presents m LFS BAiILTs firRICWWS The most spectaculai and the tirst African cultural show to perform in Malaysia At NATIONAL THEATRE SINGAPORE Gala Opening at NATIONAL THEATRE on 16th 17th June, 1965 Daily one show only at 8 p.m. Book your tickets now on
      60 words
    • 54 7 KUbfcfc UUK RESTAURANT LIDO CINEMA BLDG.. SPORE 9 Exclusively Reserved Tonight For STORE TOURIST ASSOCIATION DINNER PARTY. wKUmlUltilMlUiiA *o«ot Today: 1 30-3 30-7 00 ft 9.30 p.m. "THE MAIN ATTRACTION (Colorscope). Tomorrow: "Shell Shock". Todor Only: 3JO-7 30 >m. j John Gregson Pier Angelia in "SOS PACiriC" Eng Tomorrow Only
      54 words
    • 279 7 A PICTURE SO TREMENDOUS IT NEEDS 4 THEATRES TO ACCOMMODATE IT! ODEON I 11 CATHAY Mom, 1.30, 4. 630 > %M JW 111 S Horn. 130 4 15. 645 9 30 p.m. 1 9 30 pm orchard: jyu palace 9ispm k rnXHiitnx >,J0 4 645 t,JO pm BOX PLAN
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  • 107 8 No 'more aid* request to New Zealand WELLINGTON Mon— New Zealand has not received any further request for aid from Malaysia, the Deputy j Prime Minister. Mr. John Marshall, said at a Press I conference today. He had been asked about the announcement by the Malaysian I Minister of Finance.
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 293 8 MPs from Sabah criticised for their silence JESSELTON, Monday. SABAH MPs have been criticised for not standing up to the Singapore Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew s when he spoke on the possibility of the State coming to an arrangement with Sarawak, Singapore, Malacca and Penang if his concept
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  • 113 8 SINGAPORE, Mon. The caretakers of the Krarvji War Memorial have written to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission headquarters in New Delhi about holiday makers turning the cemetery grounds into a "picnic site" on Sundays. A spokesman for the caretakers declined to give
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  • 29 8 SINGAPORE. Mon.— The Sinuapore Buddhist Federation this morning presented a cheque for 51. 400 to the Ministry of Social Affairs to be distributed to social welfare homes.
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  • 151 8 Court is told of vow by girl of 14 BUKIT MERTAJAM, Mon. A youth and a 14-year-old girl vowed not to marry anyone eKe as long as they lived, the Sessions Court here was I told today. "We are very much n love, and have sworn we will only marry
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  • 74 8 SINGAPORE. Mon— The American aircraft carrier U.S.S Independence and her three support Rhips left here today to join the U.S. Seventh Fleet in the South I China Sea, after a four-day May. The Independence, with two destroyers, the USS Henry W.I Tucker and the George
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  • 43 8 SINGAPORE. Mon. Singapore's First Lady and praMnt of the Singapore Rod Crass S<v ciety. Toh Puan Noor Atslvili. will declare open the Junior Hed Cross council's handicraft exhibition and competition .v Red Cross House in Penang Lane on June 19.
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  • 292 8  - Marriage next year for new Miss Malaysia JESSIE LEEMBRUGEN By f>ENANG. Mon. Miss r Malaysia 1965. Patricia Augustus, plans to marry next year when she completes her probationary training as a dental nurse. ler fiance. Mr. Raymond Teoh. a teacher at the Stowell School. Bukit Mertajam. disclosed this today. "I
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  • 123 8 Gang fight and youth is killed Kuala Lumpur, Mon 19-YEARrOLD youth was stabbed to death last night when two rival secret society gangs, brandishing parangs, daggers and bicycle-chains, clashed in Setapak here. The body of the dead youth. Identified as San Soh. of Hot Sprint; new village, was recovered by
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 193 8 ML i j'^Kmk KJy JB Thinking of buying something BIG Big as an elephant? Or as small as a scooter? or perhaps you want some of the more important things in life such as a house, higher education or a secure future. Whatever it is, you'll find saving easier, more
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 148 8 Mh'ir Onp tit/ V, T. Uawnlin WHO WERE THOSE NTT FA.TWER, MV I I YEAH? WHJ./ 1 DONP I f^ -itXl ta^J f^^^^^^^^B^^ CH/VRACTERS T 7GRAN 1 FATWEK WHERE HAVE A I OOW't- M^^ _^M 'SJT«rr>lßlF E^l^B^H THREWpUTA y*** UK4O.E ANP V\AS >OUR, I HUSBANP'J F>"^^^^B^^^^fl -\T\ **k' «?^M iPivk
      148 words

  • 1698 9  - Straits Times SPECIAL FEATURE Dollars and sense of the moon race ROBERT C. TOTH lw of the Los Angeles Times I believe this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out. of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to earth the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 237 9 TO-DAY'S DESIGN is the LYNX This modern rlstprn Is handsome, hvfrlcnlc. and oftu lont In opera 'ion. It (lushes at a tourh. with a quiet yet powerful action. The shell is made of black Duranlte and the KlnnfU her siphon merhan Ism of pol y thene- non-corrodln«r, rustles*, non-airlnu and
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  • 28 10 Wt4m lIS iWlmtmnm) ARMSTRONG: MABEL ROtt. 11l kivinc mrmnnr of our beloved mother who died one year today Gone hut bjol forgotten ln«ert*d by her ahrnaii
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  • The Straits Times
    • 716 10 Mr. Lee Kuan Yews acceptance of the Tengku's invit- ation "to talk matters over" j means n truce, we trust, in the I Malaysian Malaysia controversy which has unnecessarily shaken *he nation. No-one will dispute tlie importance of the issues raised by this internal confrontation. But as
      716 words
    • 324 10 With the re-admission ■>[ Berjasa and Panas, the Sarawak Alliance Party is once again representative of all the major communities in the State, able to govern from the broadest basis of popular support. In Sarawak conditions, this is more than an advantage it is essential. There is room
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    • 184 10 In reducing the duty on crown corks from five cents to three. Mr. Tan Siew Sin has bowed to an impressive array of arguments. The original duty naturally enough passed on to the consumer priced bottled drinks beyond the purse of many former customers. The fall in sales
      184 words
    • 109 10 Beaches, pools and the swim suit ban I HAVE been astounded by the final ban by the Mentri Besar of Selangor on swim suits for the Miss Malaysia contest. Beauty contests are a healthy sign of the culture of the world one of gaiety and glamour. The ban suggests a
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    • 136 10 IAM surprised at the Selangor Mentri Besar's "No" to swimsuits for the "Miss Malaysia" contest. Is it because Malaysia is an Islamic country and we should follow Islamic customs? Or is it because Malay girls were taking part and they should not show off their thighs? If so, the Mentri
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    • 57 10 THE decision by the Mentrl Besar of Selangor to ban swimsuits at the Miss Malaysia contest was unjust. If he is so particular about morals and principles, then why is a striptease show allowed in an amusement park? Isn't this show more damaging morally than a beauty contest with the
      57 words
    • 93 10 A S a Malaysian, I cannot help feeling dismayed by events in Parliament during the debate on the King's Address. The public has a right to hear the views of both the Government and the Opposition on every issue so that it can weigh the merits or demerits
      93 words
    • 63 10 ris shocking to hear a doctor denying the fact that X-ray exposure can cause sterility. Exposure to X-rays can produce a wide range of unhappy effects, sterility among them. The effects take time to show and may become manifest only in the following generations. This is why the
      63 words
    • 86 10 pOLJjOWINO my repre- sentations to the Chief Accountant of the Central Electricity Board, Kuala Lumpur, regarding repeated reminders requesting for additional deposit. I received a reply saying: "In view of this, the request for that $15 i additional deposit* is cancelled." The very same
      86 words
  • 922 10 At unknown cost and amazing speed, the vast new buildings are ready, and Algiers tidies up for the Afro-Asia summit, By A Special Correspondent THE preparation for the Afro-Asian Summit Conference which is to be held outside Algiers at the end of this month, have
    922 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 944 10 Stra* Tbms Malay Mail sojiiWii «<.ntmsn«<« ao? Colo srrotMeM su»BV MAKKCT Otakiia (lusjll "111 Daat) COLD STOMAeM BP»AI»C*B»« M wium oja«4 swasow ««H»irloosl Aas»os CITY BOOK ItOII L.TB) S"t«HW lli—i, Callyvr Oasv T»«« NBWB FWOMT M. M. ISMAIL NIHIIM iTOSI 141* upev Cl iat siii*. •< »f •!>•'• IT. V
      944 words
    • 54 10 MALAYSIA'S LEADING BANK I ff The Bark with the biggest network of branches in Malaysia with overseas branches in London, Hong Kong, Kowloon and Brunei. HEAO OPrKf: MAIAYAM lANK lUILDIN6 92. Jtlan Bandar, Kuala Lumpur. BANKING LIMITED f |i I IbOil— O^O^l Authors Csp.isl t 50.000.000 tnueeaxa-pudUpCoßiul I 15.*****0 Croup
      54 words
    • 115 10 i UnSURPUSSED! y J PB the World's Greatest K A I S E R TV from Germany fiSSssSsSiSSSriSSM Equipped with UHF. "^1 for future Colour Transmission and Satellite (without UHF) (KFS 761 VUI FREE! Wp' iyi uw HIGHLY POLISHED /"Is/" l24hrs SERVICE ikfs /63i iockabie Sliding ooots (including Sundays Public
      115 words

  • 314 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Monday THK chairman of the Nat io nal Language Month I cntral executive committee, Sved Nasir bin Ismail, said today hr mi« no reason why the national laneuae;<- oulil not be madet thr soli- medium
    314 words
  • 772 11  - 'More are aware of common responsibility' NASIR NATIONAL LANGUAGE POSTER SHOW OPENS IN THE CAPITAL: TOTAL OF 53 EXHIBITS SAYS MORE NONMALAYS ARE TAKING AN ACTIVE PART KUALA LUMPUR, Monday MORE and more people are becoming aware that the national language is a common responsibility, the Director of the Dewan
    772 words
  • 121 11 Man-eater lives up to its name j£CALA TRENGGAND, Mon. The man-eater of Chalok which has terrorised 1.000 people in the land settlement scheme. 3g miles from here, prefers human flesh to animal meat. For two c«nsttuti\c nißhlv a was lied to a tree where the tim-r was <'Ucn
    121 words
  • 232 11 Lim: Locally assembled cars will cost more L r U A L A LUMPUR. Mon. The Minister of Commerce and Industry, Dr. Lim Swee Aun, disclosed today that locally assembled cars would be "slightly more expensive." Speaking to reporter* after a tour of the selangor Pewter Co. In Setapak. four
    232 words
  • 46 11 SINGAPORE. Mom.— Thr Singapore Tourist Promotion Board tonight entertained the vMtfcM Pacific Area Travel Association fc executive director. Mr. Marvin Plcike. to dinner at the Hotel Singapura. Mr- Plake i.s herr to meet local 'nmism officials and to biudy local tourist facilities.
    46 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 179 11 Iff '^^^i^fttW^Jf i V I n Vital for your Vitality BLEO ROSETTE VITAMINS from DENMARK Energy. Keep yourself healthy with Leo Vitamin Capsi-tabs. Leo Capsi-tab lets you work hard and play hard all through the day. For new vim and vigour in your life, take a Leo Capsi-tab a day.
      179 words
    • 217 11 Will the refrigerator you buy keep ice cream frozen? I -7?! 'MHii==E=-" II I i I 1 I Mill ■^R^R^R^R^R^B JHfiatv am JaHRF>*>'' w >*W4HHHHUP'V* f ..^i JTI il j jBHrSk Mm '^h rM. lt lt ;jtf jßp > JM M 6r m m i> rB JMB»V*JBt!SI^^^~^R^^RW I Ii i
      217 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 843 11 TV MALAYSIA (Malaya) CHANNELS- 5 Ku«U Lum- schools for Form lln English; par «nd Penan c: 6 Tpoh »nd 3.42 Close; 5.13 Test patMaiacca- 3 johorr Rahra; 4 tern and music: 0.45 Opening Taipinr;' 7 Batu Pahat; 9 and programme summary; 5.50 Ki.ianr i News In Natlonai Language: i 5.53
      843 words

    • 409 12  - S'pore girl makes singing grade in London RICHARDS 'I KNOW I'VE AN ACCENT, BUT WHEN I SING IT DISAPPEARS LIKE MAGIC SOH ~~"From~ ARTHUR London MISS Soh Yen Chin, a former student of the Nanyang University in Singapore, who used to sing in Chinese at local concerts, is now making
      409 words
    • 307 12 You may like to Know DATIN Fatimah binte Haii Hashim. 40. one of the three women Members of Parliament, is the wife of Attorney General. Inche Abdul Kadir bin Yusof. On an Alliance ticket she was returned from the Jitra-Padang Terap. Kedah. constituency. In spite of being a mother of
      307 words
    • 288 12  - Open air fashion show a big draw Jessie Leembrugen by 4 FASHION show swim suits parade in the open air attracted a bumper crowd in Penang recently. The show, organised by the City Council Recrea timi Club, was the first of its kind ever staged up North. Seven pretty models
      288 words
    • 128 12 Shape of girls' legs is changing I^HE shape of girls' legs is changing. John Taylor, editor of Britain's men's-wear magazine Tailor and Cutter wrote over the weekend. The new female leg is a little girls leg delicately round with no calf, a leg as much like a forearm as anything
      128 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 315 12 ,^m\ bh^h tern. WMm llffl ■•>::*■ I Wonder Tonic with l^| Candy Taste 3-w***%M> (OrTICEE sw^K Eoch Swcctlct is equivalent to 10 oranges (Vitamin C). HICEE SXVEETLETS will keep your complexion smooth and clear, tree from blemishes and rough skin. It |s will also relieve fatigue, banish colds, V -i
      315 words
      272 words

  • 1700 13 DAY TWO OF WILLIAM BRADFORD HUIE'S PROBE INTO MURDER 'Incredible/ he said, 'Let me implore you to return...' ANY student at Harris High School who attempted to Drgue with the principal, Prof. Reed, about joining the civil rights movement got the same argument. He
    1,700 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 175 13 OPEN A NEW WORLD OF MUSIC WITH A HAMMOND ORGAN IN YOUR HOME CHURCH HAMMOND ORGANS: Music's Most Glorious Voice Easy To Ploy You're o doer no longer bystander. The only organ that does not require tuning. The world's most popular organ to-day! Sole Agents For Malaysia: KELLER PIANO CO.,
      175 words
    • 272 13 j HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS j DATO' RUNME SHAW j On the conferment of PANGLIMA MANGKL NEGARA i di-dalam Darjah Mulia Pangkuan Negara by Duli Yang Maha 1 Mulia Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong on June 2nd 1965 i AND Mr. CHIN KIM FOOK J.P.! i On the conferment of Ahli
      272 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 303 14 i( nntinu.d from Pace Iti SITUATIONS VACANT I Watm >« (Mtm.t— Box 5" rim saSsa BOYS ABOVE It for K.-lrr'hmrnt ntrr. Salary plus tips Call Chin 134. l',->Mjn Rd. Spore *****5. WANTEO AGENTS M nrv produrts in Malaya and Sabah. •>i full particulars to Box AI4I-. ST. Spore. EXECUTIVE. Kuropran
      303 words
    • 870 14 SITUATIONS WANTED *urmm M I Mim. Box St rlt 'ilrm READ tne MDwr Appointments Vacua in Ttar Sunday Mall each week. ACCOMMODATION VACANT H Hard* it (Mim.h-Box SU ell. txlrm TO LET 2 Bungalow* Jalan Parry. Kull particulars Phone ***** »XL). 3 ROOMS FLAT Tanjong Katoog 3 rooms terrace house
      870 words
    • 951 14 HOUSES ft LAND FOR SALE S4(Mlm.>—Box St eta, txtro OFF EAST COAST ROAD: Bea Iron! irlightful modern 2 storey bulldlog Louukv dining room. 3 bedrooms with ill amenities. Area: 6.000 sq. ft. Kreenold Price $Vi.Ooo/- David Pnoa a Sons. Valuers Kstate Agents Tel. Spore 1 i4:iL 1 j'743?6 STORIEU TERRACE
      951 words
    • 1014 14 BEAUTY CULTURE IS Won* U (Mim.}—Bma tt Ha. txtrm REDUCE SAFELY witn Reducing Blonelles. A new German discovery, from all chemists. FOR mi VERY Beat id Bair styling and Beauty Culture at no eatr* cost, visit Amy Wee ot sllctwl* Beauty salon. 138. Battery Road, am l^tpore-1 Students enrolment now
      1,014 words
    • 746 14 FOR SALE IS »ihti U imim.y—B»m St eta, txltm 2ND-MANO RtFRICBIIATaM; Hint H H acrci'ird. Vartoua mtxtt Centra Rrfngcration. 346. Joo Cbimi Koan S port *****. 4WU&; 24. Jalaa Teßrau J.B 2b47 MiM, si-mapun Koud Malacca MISCELLANEOUS li (Win. I Hmt in el: txtrm iPRAT PAINTING, REPAIRS fUfrigeniutn witnin !>
      746 words
    • 1341 14 1.^ I "^^^HHb^b^^^^^BT^^Tb^^^^^bß^Hßb^Hßb^bl UNITED OVERSEAS BANK LIMITED (formerly called The I'nitrd Chinese Bank. Limited) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN i that the TWENTY THIHD ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Shareholders of the abovenamed Company will be held •t (Jnltedoverseasbank Building. Chulia Street. Singapore. on SATURDAY, the 26th day ol JUNE. 19U5
      1,341 words
    • 297 14 NOTICES PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION KSTATI Of MTONC PHING BWA d«-ora>c4. lLati rmplo>rr of Vanvant IMMM Mnulrmbui ALL PERSONS iMVIHf CMMI against the E^'.ite oi Urn numed d«oea*>ii who died al the General Hospital, ipoh. on J4th Juiif. IBM tn reg ifred to submit their clß.m m untln;; to the undersigned
      297 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1125 15 to LIVERPOOL A VfESI CBASI lILi IMt S'oora Saw P. Itatai Peatat CLTTONIUV I <emool, C'asfow II Pt 'Imt II lint 1! PTRtHUI li.rroooi, Glas|ow Sin. 33 Telaj DiOMil i.y-rpnoi. Clune Jene 1» lane v lane 23/79 Jane 21 Att.fS l.>erpool. Dablm. A'aouth... Jaae 24 mac 21 laaa 27/ 2
      1,125 words
    • 2494 15 -__B_---J__-_-__B__BBBBl^nMaa-i-_^l^^^fflß^^Bßßßßß^lßOß-E-i THfW fl h£/JV£S Int. tAj! MMhTIO COMPAIaY Lid I .^-panaadm Dan Mar% EXPRESS SAILINtS 10 WEAR EASI, COWTIWENI AWO SCAWOIWAIIA. i a«r* aviaai >^aan| Arti Maaa ntxe n ta>i t jj» «ai« k<i*a i AORU wae23.2t June 27,21 ml 1 Jaly 22 21 Jaly 31 AM J I II
      2,494 words
    • 1272 15 |j-w .LLERMAN BUCKMALL S.S. CO., LTD. y3Bm\ lUUCmmmmmt Singapore P. s nan Penant CITY OF CBLBMM London, Hamburg, Rotteroaia. Havre. Hull, Imaiiagnam 21/21 jaaa 21 Jaat CITY IF WINNIPES Ljoouj, MarabLtg. Ronarnaa, A ««rp, Hull 14 July CITY OF WELLINGTON London, Hamburg, Rortcntaa), Havre. Hmi. lamnmfriaa) 2S/2) Jan U lair
      1,272 words

  • 28 16 Malayan Stock Indirrs June 12. Juni- 11. 'Indtixtrials: 71.93 71 63 Tins; 89.58 W.OB ruhbrrs: 104.04 104 ."I *l>c. 30, 1!»63 100. Dec. 29. 19G2 100.
    28 words
  • 716 16 From Our Market Correspondent DILL and featureless conditions characterised the opening of the week's business on the Stock Exchange of Malaysia yesterday. It »as quiet even for a Monday and barely sufficient counters changed hands to test prices, but according to the official
    716 words
  • 786 16 BUSINESS In and reported to the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia yesterday with the number of shares traded in brackets: INDUSTRIALS: C. S. Holdings (6,--000) $2.02. Dunlops 51. 21 SL, (6.000) $1 20- Esso ords. (1,000) 51. 49; F."
    786 words
  • 25 16 June 14. MALAYAN RUBBER PRICE: 1H cents (down half a cent). TIN: 8780 (up 58.50). Unofficial estimated offering 185 tons (down 20 tons).
    25 words
  • 38 16 (\N the free exchange market In Bong w Kooe. yesterday the U.S. dollar was quoted at 5.751 for T.T. and a.74 a for sash. •terlln* was quoted at 16.04 and mm tasl of sold at 260t.
    38 words
  • 17 16 'TNI Malayan Ixehanie Banks' Asso--1 elation made no changes In It* rates to merchants yesterday.
    17 words
  • 18 16 The following further May rubber crops are notified: Kluan/r 118,000 lb. and Uln Brnut 56,000 lb.
    18 words
  • 422 16 Straits tin back to $780 on rise of over $8 rIERE w is a rise of $8..">0 in the tin price in FMMI yesterday uhirh took it luck to S7BO. for the first lime in three werkv Market sources said the rise was i-aust-il by more buying pressure in the
    422 words
  • 262 16 "J"HE tollowlng lu-t rl selected Malayan industrial yields Is based on last .sales to June 12. N on grossed up dividend of 20 per cent. X net. •P. Prices: D.Y. Dividend sTie,U! (Erona per cent): •K.T. Earnings Yield Kress per cent): *T.C Times Covered. Definition (revised): Times severed
    262 words
  • 127 16 SHIPS lying alongside the Singapore wharves or •■xt"-cted todiy :ire: Varluse 3/4. BenaMcr 8/9, Iraouaddy 10/11. Selanßnr (K;..-t sTasSlf Jetty;. State of Madras 2.V26, Pyrrnua 33/34. Anchises 42/43. Arita Maru 43, Yoshlnoiian Maru IS. Alindljk 6/7. Nckarsteln IS'lB. Koehano\v«ki 1/2. Golden Wonder 27/2S, Bradeverett 40/41, Ivan Pavlov
    127 words
  • 71 16 /-HINESE Produce Exchanm. Slnta- para noon pricts par picul yesterday: Coconut oil: bulk J64J selkrs. drum $67 i tilers. Copra: June/July UK/Coot Inrat: Unquoted. Pappor: Muntok whit. $15-. nell»r». Sarawak white JIS2J i-ellers, special Sarawak black 1130 11. rv. garbled Lumponi; biark $1SO(N) scll.ra. ABTA JIR2«(N> Kellers. Singapore
    71 words
  • 50 16 ON the official Malaysian Short Term Money Market lor the week ended Saturday (June 5) the range of call rates was x* follows:— BANK FUNDS: 4 per cent to i; per cent. GENERAL FINDS: 3 P" cent to 3' 4 per cent. MOVEMENT of funds totalled $46.4 million.
    50 words
  • 55 16 T'UE prrsrnt rat* of the .VJtUyan A dollar against the pound sterling fixed on November 24 U*t year Is Selling TT or OD 2v 3 15/16 d. Buying TT 2s. 4 1. M* Buying OD 2s. 4',d. The dollar is at Its statutory middle position in relation to
    55 words
  • 16 16 Melbourne Stock Exchange »h» closed yesterday for the Queen blrihday celebrations. It re-opena today.
    16 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1128 16 JLpVWASAKI IUSJ^.tCAISHALTDU^ Jj East raw^*" and O.S-A. Cfasi Lak*a S«rvte« H'eoni fokuiiama Muntriw Iwonte Uelioil ijiicatv •fleftts Mart** 2114 My S Aa| Sea I S Seal 13 Seal 17 Seat Ra»ean«r" 12/11 Am 29 Ast 27 Seal I Oel Ocl It Bel W«M Ceaut of Central South America S«pviea> rolotiaffla
      1,128 words
    • 921 16 AUSTRALIA SERVICE/NEW OALUB INDIA. PAKISTAN ANO P. tULF SERVICE lei Freaaatle. idililßa. sMkaarae. Syeaej. Ta. Madias aad Nagaaattiaaa. f tfaa raon spwe »a«a >"ts«n, 30MBAU Mill f/1| Mf 11/13M1 •»'»IA {3/71 loaa HMM Him •CARPENTUIt 23 Jul' 24/27 My WM St, "J^J BAMORA iAw 1/ lAm 9/11 Am UJULA IS,
      921 words
    • 316 16 BtiioUOHU -uxUrt lUIIU 3.nv<i...i. sisat 'enant rlMi HAUSICAA la Part 18/29 Jast 21 June sUrMiiies, navra. UunUrK. n i- vi« •«<!> istt '«n Maraanlu. Bordeaux, Havra. Oustirt NUA 7 9 Aug 18/12 Adf *«1 Ma'mlles. Havra. Oaekirk. iAtt.» U/U j- ivitkaai w Seat Marseilles. Bsrdtaax. Havra. Otialin tASIBOUNDi Del, en.
      316 words

  • 252 17 II M lust trade rubber f.e.b. huyrr« Hoard at 5 p.m. In SinK^porr and Kuala Lumpur jresIrrdajr at It% cents prr Ib. down half a rmt on Friday's cloning Irvrl for thr position. The tone ■H %rry quirt. K AS. and F.M.R.E. closing prirro in cents per Ib.
    252 words
  • 238 17 Juoa I ThrM tnonlhj. INDUSTRIAL* Howitrad 13 eta. McAlnier w cv. City Dev. S CU M. lnvt. 8 cts. C.B. Holding 14 CU. N. Iron 0 oU. imnlopa 10cu 0.C.8.C. 14 eu B, Smelting liol hrnaoi 9 eta. II CU. Mn 8 cv. ■bm v cts. sei. Prop.
    238 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 831 17 NOTICE ESTATE OF K. KARI'PPIAH ALIAS K AIM I'IMAH 8 O Xl ITI SAMY. deceased. If Madam Kamalam d o Kuppusamy whose last known address was Alor Star, Kedah, will communicate with the undersigned, she may hear of something to her benefit. (LAI NAI SING) ASST OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATOR, PERAK. IPOH.
      831 words
    • 873 17 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS GOVERNMENT OF MALAYSIA 1966 SCHOLARSHIP. BLKSAKV AWAKDS FEDERAL AND COLOMBO PLAN Applications are Invited from Federal Cllizens or those eligible lor Citizenship, (or Federal Scholarships Bursaries and Colombo Plan Awards tenable at the Universities of Malaya and Singapore as well as overseas for the academic year beginning 1966.
      873 words
    • 624 17 TENDERS J.K.R. NEGRI SEMBILAN TENDER NOTICE TENDERS will be received from Registered P.VV.D. Contractors in class 'EX' and above up to 12.00 NOON on I 216.1965 at the office of the Pembantu Kejuruteraan, Jabatan Kerja Raya. Jelebu for the ERECTION AND COMPLETION OF TWO UNITS TEACHER'S QUARTERS—ONE AT KAMPONG SEPRI
      624 words
    • 110 17 Mrl|ll| big car room Ririlll rocketing power with nrifUl Ha I d.c n*s fiery 140 h.p. V^'^l"" *X2' engine option. J Progress Motors Limited 46 Orchard Road, Singapore, 9. V J BERITA HARIAN SPOT THE BALL CONTEST T j JACKPOT NOW $3,500/- ENTRIES CLOSE WED. 16. 6. 65, 11.00 a.m.
      110 words

  • 149 18 TWINS DO EXERCISES TO STRENGTHEN THEIR LEGS piUSEPPINA and Sanll tina Foclia. the six-year-old Siamese twins who were separated in Turin three weeks ago, are patiently continuing the exercises designed to strengthen their legs ready for their first attempt to walk alone. With doctors supporting them,
    149 words
  • 169 18 I AUOS, Mon.— Dr Oiallo Telli. secretary general of the Organisation of African Unity, said here last night that he hoped the Rhodesian Government would not oblige Africa to use force against Rhodesia. Speaking In trench at a Press conference. Mr. Telli said:
    Reuter  -  169 words
  • 428 18 LONDON. Mond THE Australian Prime Minister, Sir Robert Menzies, said last night that a strongman with executive powers at the head of a Commonwealth secretariat could split the Commonwealth. He said he would probably oppose an "U Thanttype" secretariat like the U.N. Secretary Generals office
    Reuter; UPI  -  428 words
  • 22 18 JERUSALEM. Mon— Martin Bu- ber, the world-famed theologian and philosopher, died here jester- j day. He was 87.— UPI.
    UPI  -  22 words
  • 214 18 ETHIOPIAN ENVOY QUITS TO CHALLENGE SELASSIE WASHINGTON, Mon.— The Ethiopian Ambassador in Washington. Mr. Berhanou Dinke. yesterday announced his resignation to lead a "struggle for freedom" from Emperor Haile Selassie's rule. Mr. Dlnke said he submitted his resignation last Wednesday. "I have resigned while In the United States because it
    UPI  -  214 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 119 18 Writes beautifully BBT MBF Ay '*^^^^bt ~^H '^B^RflV up [n HO iHH) aor(/s B^Uf/ on .i single refill tf B^B^^^^^ Rv^B^B^bl "P»^l^ B^B^B^BK Zl^ iS^B^I Parker T-Ball ball pen Outwrites ordinary Ui ballpoints almost I sto 1. And it writes I a clean, clear line m\ because its textured T-Ball
      119 words
    • 107 18 Now Bulova splits the second into 360 parts to give you the world's most accurate watch Bulova accutron AlMavtilaMon gottf Smck.ik" modtl net ii^'Jtf )H" tm It is here— the revolutionary Swiss watch that splits each second into 360 parts, instead of the usual five! The secret of the amazingly
      107 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 275 18 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS b First Httempl to raise trant7. li »ooa were mjuiiO. a paadle g^ l J?y a Pf 11 5) -migut ue made irom U is>. ll f^?*™ fl c -8 bonier ha* hesitation in join- ttn en t fft Into trouble with it shiD i9> union
      275 words

  • 335 19  -  FRANCIS EMMANUEL CHIEF SELECTOR LIM BACKS HAMZAH'S PLEA SQUAD OF 22 FOR M-TOURNAMENT WILL BE PICKED ON MALAYA CUP FORM By UALA LUMPUR, Mon. Football Association of Malaysia chief selector Lim Kee Siong said today there was every likelihood Malaysia's team for this year's Merdeka anniversary
    335 words
  • 40 19 SINGAPORE Mon. RAF Seletar emerged champions In the Feaf cricket competition which concluded yesterday. Seletar's record of victories: Beat Changi by 6 wicket*, beat Kuching by 103 runs, beat Butterworth by 8 wicket*, beat Tengah by 4 wickets.
    40 words
  • 507 19 KUALA LLMPL'R. Mon.— Weights for all eight races here on Sunday, first day of the Se- langor Turf Club June Meeting: Cl. 3 Div. I—s lf Pembroke Lad 9.00 Budgerigar II 8.13 C'.igolette II 8.13 King's Choice 8.11 j Comancht Lash 8.1 1 Smiling Thn 8.10
    507 words
  • 254 19 By ERNEST FRIDA Singapore, Monday T»HE FARRER Park athletic centre's new all- weather bitumen track has been laid down and according to Malaysian national coach Tan Eng Yoon "it will be a fast strip on which records are bound to be set
    254 words
  • 113 19 SINGAPORE, Mon. Singapore Joint Services, who caused a major upset in the southern sectlon of the Malaya Cup competition yesterday by beating Malacca i 1 4-1 at Kubu Stadium, received a reward this morning a .'ive-day i tour of Ceylon. Services, left for Ceylon this
    113 words
  • 589 19 CZECHS SPRING ANOTHER D-CUP UPSET WORLD ROUNDUP LONDON, Mon. 'TENNIS Czechoslovakia yesterday Joined A France, Spain and South Africa in the semifinals of the European zone Davis Cup tennis competition by eliminating favoured Italy 3-2 in a quarter-final tie In the semi-finals France meet South Africa, while Spain take on
    589 words
    • 92 19 Spore junior and veterans'! championships finals: Veterans' singles: M. Sadali (holder) bt Salleh Kurshi 15-9. 15-2. Women's! doubles: Evelyn Llm and Jenny it Sllva bt Linda Chin and Lucy I Chow 15-10 2-15. 18-16. SOCCER Railways Cup (S'ban): Negrl 4 Selangor 0. Spore Div. 2D: Junior AA 4 Police
      92 words
    • 29 19 Malacca Lgc: Hiph School S HSOBA 0. SHOOTING F. B. de Souia Memorial meet (S'porei: 1 Alfred Chee (576) 2 D. C Perreau (575) 3 Michael Yeo (568).
      29 words
  • 199 19 Record entry for KL circuit races KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Two saloon cars will make their first appearance on a Malayan racing track when the fourth Tengku Abdul Rahman Circuit Road races are held at Petaling Jaya on July 2 and 3. They are the Alfa Romeo Oulia and the Prince
    199 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 296 19 NEW FOR SUMMERS! It's the tastiest way to slim! New cheese-flavour Limmits Crackers are the tastiest ever way to slim. Slimming never tasted so good before I Limmits Crackers are so crisp, so savoury, you'd love them even if you weren't slimming I And they really work. I Try them
      296 words
    • 237 19 We/come to TANCHO NITE at the HEW WORLD CABARET Tonight. Valuable Prizes to be given away to Lucky Winners. B^ Apply Tancho Hair Tonic to the hair and rub it into the scalp with your Hk finders. Dandruff and itchy feeling im|h mediately vanish, and you feel refreshed. Hr Then
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 86 19 r~oiABY SOCCER Tour match: Malacca v K. ong Wah. HK (Alor Gajah padang. 5.15 1. Spore Div. IB: SRC v RAF Seletar (padangi; Div. tC: Windsor Roy. v B. Kesenlan (Oeylang) Marines v Sanvlsta; Div. 3A: TBA v Serangoon; Div. 3D: Oentle v FKC (all three matches at Farrer Plci;
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  • 83 20 fill-; Prime Minister. Tengku .Mmliil Rahman. ;iikl UAR President Nasser, ;icco in pa n i c cl by t hei r respective delegations, holdin g discussions soon after lh c TengktTs arrival in Cairo on Saturday. The Tvntf k v wa s nuiking a brief stopover to
    83 words
  • 151 20 SINGAPORE, Mon. A rice merchant narrowly escaped death when three men tried to ambush and shoot him in Thomson Road this afternoon. Two shots were lired but both missed. The shootini; occurred at the 51 milestone. Thomson Koad. at about Ml p.m. when Mr. N| Trek
    151 words
  • 63 20 BANGKOK. Mon— A new airlield built at Loeng Nok. north-east 1 Thailand, by British forces with some assistance from Australian j and New Zealand units will be opened on Thursday by the Prime Minister. Field Marshal Thanom I Kittikachorn. Britain undertook the «*>nstruc- tlon of
    63 words
  • 117 20 SINGAPORE. Mon— The SingaI pore Traction Company Employees' Union last night urged the Central Government and State Governments of Malaysia to secure better working conditions for all workers in the Malaysian transport Industry conditions at least equivalent to those enjoyed by
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  • 382 20 Bank ban: Tan 'need not ask Singapore' SINGAPORE, Mon. 0 The Federal .Minister of Finance, Mr. Tan Siew Sin, said today it was nol neeessarx* lor him to consult the Singapore Government about the closure of the Bank of China here. He was replying to questions at a press conference
    382 words
  • 64 20 K. KANDIAH Financial \»l»tant PWD Kuala Llph <I''M m, „,»«.,1 away on 14-6-63 at Vaddukoddai Jaffna Oylon. Fnther-ln-law of a. Binnathamby Radio Malaysia Kuala Lumpur. Mil D. JAOANATMAN P-noioner (Oovt. Printlnt; Office. Singapore) paxm-d away aftrr a iihort illncus at O.i.iral Hoapltal. Singapore. Cortege leaves 5. Rochore Canal Road
    64 words
  • 375 20 LONDON, Mon. —Quiet and uninteresting conditions persisted in the stock markets today. Activity remained at a low level and apart from occasional minor features, prices moved within narrow limits. No decided trend was established but the undertone was fairly satisfactory The latest finance bill concessions
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  • 85 20 MALACCA, Mon. Muslims were advised today not to observe the Mandi Safar festival on June 23 because of the present emergency. A statement by the State Security Working Committee .said that the enemy would use every opportunity especially one like this where a large
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  • 268 20 Tenders go out for phase one of radio-TV centre Xl \I.A LUMPUR. Mon. Vhe Government today called for tenders to build the first phase of the 534 million Malaysian Broadcasting Centre near Petaling This includes the buildinc of a television house, an administrative block and a building to store
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  • 29 20 MANILA, Mon— The Party for Philippine Progress yesterday nominated Senator Raul Manglapus and Senator Manuel Mananan as Its Presidential candidates for the elections in November Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 95 20 Jamaica to raise immigration question London. Mon. Jamaica'! acting Prime Minister, Mr. Donald Bangster, s.iid here today he would raise the question of immigration at this week's Commonwealth Prime Ministers' conference. Mr. Sangster said on his arrival here today his Government was not happy that immigrants to Britain were being
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 189 20 t.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.SV.V.-.VV.V^^tViVJ'.V.'J The Greatest Name in < German Electronics \^^> RADIO TELEVISION 7 beautiful Radiogram Models J to choose from! 5 j j J» A handsome ft moderately priced Radiogram with the lateit DUAL Record Changer end genuine Stereo Reproduction. l I A Nordmcndc Masterpiece with the latest "Oe Luxe Chassis"
      189 words
    • 5 20 Late CLASSIFIEDS Ward, tIS (Minimum)
      5 words
    • 273 20 SlfiJHl^B^BHßL^Nir o fN x 1 tw >1 MM YOUR INTEREST BUILDS UP FASTER WITH A $32 A BONUS FOR EVERY THOUSAND INSURED For every thousand dollars you insure at Asia Life, you will get a bonus of $32 a .rs^-^ll 'f x 1 year at the current rate. This amount
      273 words