The Straits Times, 10 June 1965

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 26 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED S A k ßnßgjfe^.CT s 1 4 5,000 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 THURSDAY. JUNE 10. 1965 15 CENTS KDN 1189 M.C.(P). 1005
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  • 194 1 'Whizzer' White sets space walk record ASTRONAUT Edward White moves towards his Gemini-4 spacecraft while manoeuvring in space as part of his successful four-day space flight with fe I low astronaut James McDivitt. The earth is over 100 miles below as White floats out in
    Reuter; UPI  -  194 words
  • 313 1 Privy Council appeals: Plan for 4-nation S-E Asia circuit KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. MALAYSIA is to propose a Commonwealth regional court of appeal in South-east Asia at the Prime Ministers' conference in London this month. Tengku Abdul Rahman said today he would ask for this proposal to be included on the
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  • 285 1 DOUBTS OVER SOLIDARITY RALLY.... From GEOFFREY GELDARD: KUCHING, Wed pLANS to hold a Malaysian Solidarity Convention rally in Sarawak may be thwarted. In the first place, the Sarawak United People's Party is not too keen to sponsor it despite the participation of its leaders in the convention meetings and rallies
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  • 131 1 BERLIN, Wed. Mr. Andreas Klaric, a Consul at the Yugoslav consulate general in Munich, was shot and seriously wounded at Meersburg last night While President Tito of I Yugoslavia was visiting East Berlin. Police said today he wa> shot In a street early in
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 29 1 VIENNA. Wed Austria* new President. Herr Franz Jon»< worn In today at a joint xenaion of both Houses of Parliament He wag elected on May 23. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 84 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed Another I n d onesian invader has been captured in South-east Johore. bringing the total captured to date to 16. The number killed remains at one. There has been no change In the operations in South-west Johore, with captures still at three.
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  • 59 1 NAPLES. Wed. Gunshots ended an argument between two motorists over the right of way in suburban Nola. The driver who had to brake to avoid the other cars as it came out of a side street pulled a pistol after an argument and fired twice. The other
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 51 1 BRISTOL. Wed. Senegalese girl dancers will not have to cover their breasts after all when their national dunce company performs here next week. Bristol's onteri tainments committee announced a "no topless ruling last night but today tbs committee chair- man. Alderman Charles Smith. I reversed the ban.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 87 1 COPENHAGEN Wed Copenhagen txil're inrlav hunted a practical joker Who stole emergency evacuation posters and pasted them up In several suburbs last night The posters said: "Evacuation has been ordered to take place as quickly as possible. Prepare your- .self and leave the city In an orderly
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 49 1 2 Whisky Four pilots die WOKNSDRECHT I Holland > Ved. Both pilots died when two ex fifthters of the Royal Dutch Atr r orce's crack Whisky Four stunt earn eolidrd clurme a dintaj o\er Voensdrwht Air Base today. Their wives were among the eslmditri 20.000 people watching the lemoiiMraiion.- Reiner.
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  • 108 1 Planes bomb targets south of Hanoi gAKiON. Wed. Some 48 American Navy fighter-bombers dew lour separate raids into Communist North Vietnam loday ;iikl attacked Army barracks and Inick convoys with varying success. Shortly alter midnight, two flights of two Skyhawks from the carrier Midway attacked a 15-vehicle truck convoy and
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  • 90 1 SYDNEY. Wed. Diplomatic sources in Canberra said today President Sorkarno u:is facinc one of biccrst diplomatic defrais of his career. Australian Bm.ulcastinK Com- reported today. It said defeat would come into open in Algiers in two weeks time when Foreign Ministers of the Afro Asian bloc meet there
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 141 1 ;w YIPOLY on ESSENCE O* CHICKEN FROM TMt f W0PU0MH0OS f 1 RHODE ISLANO PSH^^.^^^^^B y Unau.?p«a*ect Made in USA. i bugged by bugs? bug killer and they're gone^ New FLIT BUG KILLER v speoolly formuloted to combat M Cockroaches. Silverfish and all other crawling Insects. JU, One application leaves
      141 words
    • 40 1 THORETAS 'THE ROLLS-ROYCE' AMONGST TRANSCRIPTION TURNTABLES Sole Agents: HITACHI 1 LUXURIOUSLY COMPACT I REFRIGERATORS I I fmmg-T~f~i m i ¥"■> i Ma jLf Cv T^^jj* "*^^W a Wl< j e freezing comparti'c cheese compartments. Model R-145 for top quality buy jjjjjp
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    • 115 2 |\AR-ES-S A L A A M wed. Tanzanian Government employees will have to cut down on hard liquor and fast cars and set an example in frugality, President Nyerere announced yesterday. The Tanzanian President tola Parliament at. its opening session yesterday:
      Reuter  -  115 words
    • 37 2 NAIROBI, Wed.— Kenya faces a serious food .shortage following drought throughout the country In April and May. the Agriculture Minister. Mr. Bruce Mclcenzie. said In an interview published In the East Afric*n Standard. U.P.I.
      UPI  -  37 words
    • 361 2 For us 'At least 75 per cent' ALGIERS. Wed. AT least threequarters of the States due to attend the AfroAsian "summit" meeting in Algiers later this month favour the presence of Malaysia. This was stated last night by well-inform-ed conference sources. They said this despite the intense Indonesian campaign to
      Reuter; UPI  -  361 words
    • 157 2 Shastri plans talks with Nasser to foil Jakarta designs fAIRO. Wed. The Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Lai Bahadur Shastri, Is to discuss with President Nasser ways to prevent the Algiers AfroAsian conference being dominated by China, Pakistan and Indonesia. usually well-informed sources said here. Mr. Shastri arrived here on a
      Reuter  -  157 words
    • 136 2 RABAT, Wednesday. I/ING Hassan of Morocco yesterday appointed a new 20-man government, with himself as Prime Minister, to replace that led by Mr. Ahmed Bahnini, which resigned earlier yesterday. On Monday night King Hassan proclaimed a state (ergency and took over jislatlve and executive s
      Reuter  -  136 words
    • 59 2 JAKARTA. Wed. President Soekarno said last night there were indications that some people wanted to "idolise" him. "Idolising someone is not rood and wrong and I do not like it because I am Just a mouthpiece of the Indonesian people." he said. "For this
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 19 2 BEOUL, Wed.— Seventeen miners who had been trapped 600 ft underground since Monday were rescued yesterday.— UPl.
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    • 264 2 Pelaez now out of opposition party ticket MANILA, Wed.— Vice iTI President Emmanuel Pelaez, who refused to campaign for Senator Ferdirand E. Marcos in the latter's bid to unseat President Macapagal, was taken off the Nacionalista Party"s senatorial ticket yesterday. The executive committee of the party took the action because
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    • 97 2 CYDNEY. Wed. A national stoppage by dock workers will proceed as scheduled today although the employers have threatened to seek court penalties. More than 22.000 dock workers in 26 ports will take part in tht unauthorised stoppage. At least 135 ships will be
      Reuter  -  97 words
    • 76 2 Asylum: Dalai aide denies knowledge ]\NEW DELHI. Wed. The Dalai Lama's representative here said last night he knew nothing of a reported request by the Tibetan leader for political asylum In Thailand. A Bangkok report, quoting usually reliable sources, said the Thai Government wa.s considering a request from the Dalai
      Reuter  -  76 words
    • 56 2 BRAZZAVILLE Wed. Abbe Pulbert Youlou. former President of the Congo (Brazzaville) haa been condemned to deuh in hla absence by a peoples tribunal sitting here. The Abbe Youlou. who was forced to resign from the presidency in August 1963. recently escaped from house arrest here and
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    • 31 2 CAPE TOWN. Wed —A total of 494 people were executed in South Africa in the five year* ending December 31. 1964. Mr Balthazar Vorster; Justice Minister. Mid yesterday— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  31 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 563 2 SINGAPORE LIQUOR QUEEN CONTEST 1965 Jointly sponsored by 14 Singapore Restaurants VOTING COMMENCES ON 15.6.65 SUPER PRIZES TO BE WON MOST LUXURIOUS PRIZES -MOST BRILLIANT TITLE 1. Liquor <Ju».n: Who will t» awarded •fatally mada fold ntcklact with pendant medal (donated by Ment Heno. Coldtmitht), one full tat af madam
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 517 3 In glorious colour— the first salute in outer space WHITE BRINGS BACK FILM ON HIS 17,500 m.p.h. 'WALK' COLOUR films yesterday let the world vividly see Astronaut Edward White propel himself outside the Gemini capsule on his 20--minute space walk and demonstrate such control of his motions that he even
      Reuter; AP  -  517 words
    • 25 3 MEMPHIS (Tennessee". Wed. Angry bees .stung a valuable Mailion to death after the animal knocked over their beehive on a :arm. AP
      AP  -  25 words
    • 137 3 Permanent moon laboratory in next 20 years? i PARIS, Wed. A permanent international laboratory may be set up on the moon within the next 20 years, a space expert predicted here yesterday I Dr. Prank J. Malina. president of the International Astronautic Academy's committee for a moon laboratory, said in
      Reuter  -  137 words
    • 228 3 CAPE KENNEDY, Wed. As astronauts James McDivitt and Edward White neared the end of debriefing at sea, preparations were under way here for the next seven -day Gemini flight. Aug. 9 is the tentative launch date but. because several advances :.imed .it
      Reuter  -  228 words
    • 232 3 OUT: The Mods and Rockers— lN: Trogs and Greasers LONDON. Wednesday. 'THE "Mods' and "Rockers" are out and A "Greasers," "Thunderbirds" and "Trogs" are in. But whatever the name they go by. they're still the same teenagers who stir up trouble at British seaside resorts during holiday weekends and give
      UPI  -  232 words
    • 123 3 HOLLYWOOD. Wed. Peter Lawford yesterday denied reports that *a and his wile. Pat (above) were separated. The English-born actor said he and Mrs. Lawford. sister of the late President John F. Kennedy, had no Dlans lor separation or divorce "Ours is a geographical problem. Mr Lawford
      UPI  -  123 words
    • 62 3 MOSCOW. Wed— Six Ru-s-smius were sentenced to death by a court in Krasnodar. Northern Cauciisus. yesteidiiy for taking part in Nazi war crimes in Polund and the Ukraine. The Soviet Mti IgHMy Tass said they were responsible for killing more than million Polish and
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 42 3 LONDON. Wed.— The editorial staff of the Daily Mirror. Britain's biggest selling daily newspaper, yesterday gave notice of strike action. The journalists told the management they would strike in 38 days over the dismissal of a photographer.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  42 words
    • 42 3 LONDON. Wed Queen Eliz.ibrth has decided hs of yestenhiy that newly-created knights can use the prefix "sir" as soon a.> the honour is officially announced. Previously. newly created knight* have had to wait until a Royal investiture
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    • 31 3 MURCIA (Spalni, Wed.— Eight paratroopers and six airmen were killed yesterday when two Spanish Air Force transport Dlanes crashed and burned after colliding during a parachute-Jumping exercise here. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 56 3 EDINBURGH, Wed. A Labour M.P.. Mr. Malcolm Richards. 60, was admitted to hospital with a heart attack yesterday and his agent said he will be out for about three months. This could cut the Labour Government's House of Commons majority to two votes if the Conservatives
      AP  -  56 words
    • 251 3 Fiery cross at Indian leader's home in Britain T EAMINGTON, Wed. Police kept watch last night on the home of a local Indian leader after a fiery cross left at his fror.t door caused £175 damage. The cross, six feet high and lour feet wide, covered with oily rags, was
      Reuter; AP  -  251 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 127 3 Prevail for yeori, Malaysia's top-selling medium-priced Rangefindcr "35" camera, tha YASHICA LYNX, now comes equipped with a super-sensitive C4S meter. With itt super-fast 1/1 000 th tec, MX -flash- jynchronited shutter, critically thorp tix-element Yashinon fi.S lent and eaty-to-utc match-needle exposure, the new LYNX-5000 lets you focus, compote, tet the
      127 words
    • 329 3 SCIENCE ADDS YEARS 41 W TO LIFE Ai^M? DOYOUWANTA^yfIrM 1 HAPPY RETIREMENTj^ptg? I Every day we read of how science is adding years to our lives but only you can add life to your years those wonderful years of retirement ahead of you and you can"t do it without income
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  • 191 4 A farmer is caught growing ndian hemp SINGAPORE. Wednesday. A VEGETABLE farmer, Ng Wing Hong, 55, who planted Indian hemp in his garden from seedlings given him by an Indian \yas today lined $250 or in default six months' jail. Ng was charged in the second criminal district court for
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  • 82 4 SINGAPORE, Wed. Kirn Vocational School will be officially opened by Mr. Ong Pang Boon, the Minister for Education, on Saturday, at 7.30 p.m. The school is the fifty-third school to be officially opened by the PAP Government. Costing $800,000 this vocational
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  • 25 4 SINGAPORE, Wed— Television Malaysia Slngapura will telecast -The Lawyers," a BBC documentary about the legal profession, on Channel Five at 9.10 p.m tomorrow.
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  • 30 4 SINGAPORE, Wed.— Water will be cut off in Jalan Labu Manls, from house 1 to 21 and from 2 to 24 tomorrow, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
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  • 81 4 Govt to study requests of a kampong SINGAPORE, Wed.— After leadIng the Urban and Rural Services Committee today on a tour of Kampong Kembangan constituency, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Deputy Prime Minister Inche Buang bin Omar Junid. assured the people of the area that the committee would look Into
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  • 442 4 AIRPORT— IN and OUT THh, following in today's schedule of civ'i aircraft movements at Paya Lebar airport, Singapore. ARRIVALS BOAC: From London, Damascus. Karacbi. Bombay (BA 702) S.l'o p.m.; from London, Zurich, Tel Aviv, Teheran. New Delhi (BA 716) 6.45 p.m.; from London, Cairo, Karacbi. Bangkok (BA 702) 5.55 p.m.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 508 4 ■REX "jomore"bahru"openVtoday" Non j.B. Residents aic advised to Phone JB 3S3S ft BOOK NOW* Doily 4 shows No Free List If Jt *ttl H k i 45, 400, 7.00 9is jL^T ■rWl M .1 k »«ssllsssßai»ass» m r W\^M^f^ WF I fop Night Sonfif] v 1 1 r«c^\^ 1-w^sU^r m
      508 words
    • 89 4 •RK&skrig^^'l (SINGAPORE) Jf? aflßft i Jm AM TUC /^^i I ssa^ssi^^ FERNANDO LAMAS H ■^^-^H l -I in ALEXANDRE niiMflQ. l^gi^jfJHJ'^' B ~^fi33s I m mfsl lasm^\^ -al B I wNm s^assssV mSSjf^^^^ I *~i OPIA MILLAND* in FgfJTMONr.QLOR SCOPE* n SATURDAY MIDNIGHT SIMULTANEOUSLY AT Singapore REX SKY REX Kuala
      89 words
    • 442 4 fJMIJVA OPENS TODAY! mZ7» 1 I I F-l asW Tel: ***** (SINGAPORE) DAILY 5 SHOWS: 1 1 a.m. 1.30, 4.00, 6.30 9.30 p.m. FROM THE BLISTERING BEST-SELLER! FROM THE TEAM THAT BROUGHT YOU "THE CARPETBAGGERS" %gf ssnsgmis BsssssssssssW ssDoi^issf* V^^ '>"^ 10 *^l l^skJOsfl SS[^^^^^P^^Lsssssssssssllsssssssssssssss^^ssß^ssy ssssssssssF r I CONNORS HgoMt
      442 words
    • 476 4 |shaw: ■ORGANISATION! ■oim:.\s today! ■11 am, 1.30. 4. 6 4S 1 9.30 pm. iNO FRU LIST BURTLANCASTER m^OMSSf i —Paul Scot'cld Manna V.orcousfJ am SATURDAY MIDNIGHT! I ""RAMBLING IN I Hb MIND" Mandorm in Scope Color bj af si 'Per imposed English suhtillcs. IOPEK^ TODAY 11am, 1.30, 4, 6.30, 9.15pm
      476 words

  • 418 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Wed A GRASS-CUTTER charged iI h Ikmii^ in control of ;i tamo-grenade in the security area of Parit sikon in the Poatian district last year, was alleged to have said in a cautioned statement that the hand grenade was forced
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  • 154 5 SINGAPORE, Wed. Cars have been stolen and used in Singapore to enable criminals to commit other crimes hoping to get away with them, the Chief Justice Dato Wee Chong Jin said today. He said this during an appeal by Goh Chin Siang. 21.
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  • 207 5 Big firms will exhibit furniture at Ideal Home show SINGAPORE, Wed. The YWCA will hold an "Ideal Home" exhibition at the Victoria Memorial Hall from Aug. 3 to 9 as one of their many projects to raise $350,000 for a new hostel for young working girls. Many of Singapore's big
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  • 101 5 SINGAPORE. W c d. The Alliance Party Mnc.ipura today accused the PAP of using radio and television to "undermine the unity" of the Malaysian people. and (ailed upon the Central Government to "implement without delay" a unified service of in lormation throughout .Malaysia. The
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  • 52 5 SINGAPORE. Wed.— The Singapore Deputy Prime Minister, Dr. Toh Chin Chye will open the new establishment of the Tung Chiang Chun clansmen's Association at Lorong Bachok at noon on Sunday. A tea party and a dinner party will be held later in the day to mark
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  • 34 5 SINOAPORE. Wed.— The Education Minister. Mr. Ong Pang Boon will attend a reception at 7.30 p.m. on Friday, to mark the fifth anniversary of the Hong Lim community centre in Peking Street.
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  • 165 5 BINOAPORE. Wed.— The German Publishers and Book sellers Association. Frankfurt Main, intends to hold a German book exhibition at the Singapore National Library towards the end oi this year. The book exhibition is drMKiied to show to the public of Singapore the wide
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  • 432 5 'OH, I'M MARRIED' SAY THESE 2 TOURIST GUIDES Formula for squelching 'wolves' SO MUCH BETTER THAN BEING IN OFFICE' CINGAPORE. Wed. Working as tourist guides has offered Miss Nancy Yeow, 22, and Mrs. Margaret Toh an escape from the monotony of office routine. The only two women In the third
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  • 290 5 SINGAPORE, Wednesday. OOLICE today issued a new order on the re- striction on fishing and on small craft movement in Singapore territorial waters, to replace a similar order dated June 4. The order cited as the Restriction on Fishing and on Small Craft Movement
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  • 33 5 SINOAPORE. Wed.— Mr. P. V. Vasudevan has been elected president of the Malaysian Indian Congress, Sembawang branch. Mr. M.P. Oanesan and Mr. V.J. Pilla., are vice-presidents, and Mr. V. Sukumaran, secretary.
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  • 44 5 SINGAPORE. Wed Mr. Peter Lam Poo Cheong has been elected president of the Hillview Estate House Owners and residents Association. Other officials: Mr. J.R. Denis, secretary. Mr. Albert Soh Chee Sam. assistant secretary; Mr. Sumadi bin Melan. auditor; Miss Amina binte Sukarman. treasurer.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 144 5 DON'T BE SKINNY get the figure that others admire wate-on MEN Be Biq Be Strong Be Powerful 4/*1ZAj i with WATE-ON /fffTMyBH CIRLS Get the figure that men admire iLullljlil and Other g rls envy Wlth WATE 0N y^pill CHILDREN will also gain weight and feel I *r— better— with
      144 words
    • 215 5 CITY DEVELOPMENTS FINANCE AND INVESTMENT LIMITED M "I and I people are opening I O/o KS^Bh VhSk I a"d OArt income -jit |J "TEL ***** I i 15 B< AMBER MANSIONS 91 (Second Floor) ORCHARD ROAD H ft SINGAPORE 9 A wholly owned T^k Subsidiary of M CITY DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED
      215 words

  • 221 6 No cash, but college will keep honours SINGAPORE. Wed. *-> The president of the Ngee Ann Kongsi, Mr. Tan Siak Kew, today said that the kongsi mi^ht eventually be forced to sell its lands to pay for a milliondollar college building project at Clementi Road. A meeting of the kongsl's
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  • 206 6 'BOWLEGS? SCARS? SWIMSUIT PARADE TO PICK TRUE REPRESENTATIVE BEAUTY' DEAUTY queens from all over Malaysia who began flying in here today to take part in the Miss Malaysia contest on Saturday are disappointed over the ban on swimsuits. Miss
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  • 56 6 PENANG. Wed. An interschool quiz for fifth form pupils, sponsored by the Penang Discussion Group, will be held at the Khelc- Association at 8 p.m. on June 11. Nine schools will be talcing part in the quiz in which questions on national language. Malaysian affairs
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  • 268 6 That ban may disqualify Miss Malaysia THE Selcngor Mentri Besar's "no" to swimsuits in the Miss Malaysia contest here on Saturday may disqualify the winner from entering the Miss Universe contest in Miami r~> i .1 beach next month. Miss Universe Inc., New York, which organises the worldwide contest, may
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  • 115 6 SINGAPORE, Wed. The president of the Singapore Chess Federa- tion, Professor Lim Kok i Ann, today announced that the Chess Federa- tion would be sending Singapore's young champion. Tan Lian Ann, to the world junior chess championship in Barcelona, Spain, in August. Lian Ann's
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  • 34 6 SEGAMAT. Wed— The Indian High Commissioner to Malaysia, Mr. M.K. Kidwai. will attend a dinner in his honour by the Segamat Indian community at the Teochew Association building here on Saturday.
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  • 38 6 TANGKAK. Wed.— lnche Maji<i bin Jempot has been elected chairman of the Tangkak Youth Club. Others elected are Inche Aziz h:n Hajl Abdullah, vice-chairman: Inche Bahar bin Jusoh. secretary and Jnche Karim bin Mohamrd, treasurer.
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  • 311 6 Seaman's death in brawl: Two are acquitted SINGAPORE, Wed. Two men, orlginaHy charged with the murder of a seaman from HMS Centaur outside a night club, were today acquitted by the First Criminal District Court of a lesser charge of causing grievous hurt to him. Musa bin Dahlan. a taxi
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  • 341 6 Union will give its reply next week I t KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. I 1 rr H E Railwaymens Union of Malaya today disclosed the Government's modified "package deal" offered to them. It released a letter from Inche Mohamed Noordln bin Hassan of the Principal
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  • 57 6 PENANG. Wed. Pcnar.f Buddhists will hold a week-lung i celebration in connection with the plastering of gold leaf on the Reclining Buddha at Wat Chaiym Mangalaram. Bur mail Lane, starting tomorrow. The Yen. Vinyapandito Bhlkku, Professor and Rector of the Bud- dhust University of Cambodia, will deliver
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  • 29 6 SINGAPORE. Wed The Federal Minister for Commer Industry. Dr. Lim Swee Aun. wil arrive here tomorrow at 2 p.m for a three-day tour of Industrie) and Arms.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 136 6 Make every image K *^(**ujx\^% perfect with the MKK^—^jta^ 38mm/F2.8 lens $585/The Canon Pellix is an exciting new camera that contains such revolutionary features as a fixed pellicle mirror and through-the-lens- 50fTim/F1 4 IGnS 5660/ -and-mirror exposure reading. The fixed, mirror allows you to see your subject at all times
      136 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 35 6 Bugs Bunny By Ralph HeimdaM PM /HEY SYLVESTER! TH W\Ns^r\\K J ULM I IS BLOWIN 1 A GALE TH&OUGHN S\N>Z^^** V^HEREi GO CLOSE TH' WINDOW!^ But its tepbiblyA BBT~>r i I POOBLEMM y Wjfe^^F7 yj
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  • 312 7 'Stop use of English officially' move by Nasir JOHORE BAHRU, Wednesday. gYED Nasir bin Ismail, director of the Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, today said he had urged the Central Government to table a motion in Parliament to stop the use of English as an official language in Malaya from Sept.
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  • 35 7 I BATU PAHAT. Wed —The Information Department here will conduct a civics course (or 100 people at Parit Rajah on June 19. The District Officer. Inche, Tallb bin Abu. will open the
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  • 112 7 SINGAPORE. Wed. The next session of the Legislative Assembly here will begin next Wednesday at 2.30 p.m. The previous meeting was In November last year. One or the first acts of the new sitting will be to regularise the salary of the Speaker. Mr. A.
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  • 43 7 BRUNEI TOWN. Wed— Lieut. Mohamad bin Hall Daud of thr Brunn Malay Resimriu lih.s returned to Brunn aftrr attending a short tr;iiniiiK course in Bn- tain. He is one of several local officers in the regiment to train overseas —Rfuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 215 7 It's jail for vigilantes who robbed a vigilante wife OATU PAHAT, Wed. Four men on Tlfllante duty held up a housewife at 3 a.m. and robbed her of jewellery worth $968. In the Sessions Court here yesterday. Kazto bin Wareihun. 41. Samuri bin Warkam. 33. Srlamat bin Sirman 29. and
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  • 80 7 pENANG. Wed. Th« biggest single group ol foreign tourists to vLsil Penang arrived here toda> In three planes Thpy comprised 37 men «nc 54 women, all American*. \vh< arr members of thr Pacific Srr vice Employees Association anc employees of the Pacific Gas anc
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  • 286 7 UDP chief: Govt is trying to stifle opposition WENANG, Wed.— The 1 secretary-general of the United Demociatic Party, Dr. Lim Chong Eu, today accused the Central Government of trying to "stifle the healthy growth of a strong, loyal and democratic opposition." "I appeal to the people not to allow themselves
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  • 172 7 Y"EOH King Hoe. 50. proprietor of Ec Sin Cann- ing Factory in Pasir Pinii I new village here, was fined $800 or two months' jail by j the magistrate's court today for sellinsr three bottles of chrysenthemum flower water containins saccharine. The addition
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 64 7 BOAC with the most experienced pilots the most advanced aircraft with Rolls-Royce power and superb service For more details of BOAC'S services, consult your local BOAC Appointed Travel Agent or Malaysian Airways (General Sales Agents) Telephone Singapore ***** Kuala Lumpur ***** ALL OVER THE WORLD BOAC TAKES GOOD CARE
      64 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 188 7 Vhtf <h>p Htl V. T. ir,,rr,/,r, I I ABOUT THAT? IVE JUSXA..BUT t POTT I w lit I BEEN TVROWEP OLTT THINK THAT WAS A r. 3 ,w~rvV lUftfi r ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I V OF MYOVNCAVL7 rf VERY SMART THINIo-W,"/ C/n'TCI .>.\Hi X^ FOR WHOEVER #fe &O^- oA Wk VPV IHr k
      188 words

  • 81 8 in Wor<t> lit I Minimum) MADAM SEAH SOO WAN, »lfe Of Pirector of Poh Kent: Goldsmith Ltd Mr Lim Ton. Kuan, passed away Leaving hehlnd I son* Kng Scab (Robert). Kng rung. :n« H«,e. Kng Kbee and Kng Kuan: daughters Cher Joo. Cher Slang, i her Kro» whee Klaag
    81 words
  • 76 8 W*r4m tIS f Minimum MR. AND MRS. Allan Foe express ■heir gratitude to relative*, friends «hn attended tbeir oeddlng and for their wonderful gifts THE FAMILY OF late Mr. V S'.ndar*. Ra) thank relatives and friend* for their condolences, wreaths. aaasMaaMi and attendance at the funeral MRS ANANDAN and
    76 words
  • The Straits Times Thursday, June 10, 1965.
    • 654 8 Still more fat has been thrown into a very hot fire by the State Department's dis- closure that American forces have been authorised to fight alongside South Vietnamese troops. It is an enlargement of their role, restricted until now to the defence of key installations and
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    • 411 8 The Central Electricity Board is rare among public bodies. It issues annual re- j ports regularly and always j has progress to tell of. The Board's report for the year ended Aug. 31. 1964, carries on this fine tradition. The year under review was less eventful than the
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    • 174 8 Languid Lumut appears at last in line for change. Stimulated by the success of the Tasek industrial site, the Perak State Government is looking around for new land to open for factories; not unnaturally. Lumut tops the list It already has one enterprise, a $30 million flour mill,
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    • 112 8 THIS la an appeal to the leaders of all political parties to Impose a moratorium on their orivate and public speeches on such subjects as the question of Malaysian Malaya and the like until about a year before the next general elections when there
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    • 79 8 Unparliamentary IT is deplorable to observe the unmannerly and unparliamentary behaviour of certain politicians during the heated discussions that took place in the Parliament till last Thursday. The people did not elect these backbenchers to shout as If they are In a fish market and bring confusion to the whole
      79 words
    • 121 8 Jobless grad UEING a parent I am most concerned at the attitude the Government has taken towards government scholars who have just graduated from the Technical College. My son holds a P.W.D. scholarship and for a month he has been loitering around the town doing nothing. I think it Ls
      121 words
  • 877 8  -  JOHN RUTHERFORD 7\ DANGER THAT SECURITY WILL BE OVERTAKEN BY EVENTS IN S-E. ASIA BY IN three East European capitals in the last few weeks I have asked Communist spokesmen: "How are you getting along with the new men in the Kremlin?" Each answer was the
    877 words
  • 471 8  - De Gaulle names his heir WAVERLEY ROOT by PARIS, Wed PR E S I DENT Charles de Gaulle has made his political testament, in which he recommends his choice of a successor to the French people. This Is the report published last week in the weekly Match by Raymond Tournoux,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 720 8 Straits TiaKS 4> Malay Hal Ctetel<l*« **vertleem*««e am*/ »•-«•< le COLD fJTOSIAaa lUHS, MARKET Other* ace* (a W Oeea) 4MM.O ITORsai MtNCHII M rMMaiMI «*»e«a Navel Atsierle— *!•«>» crrr book store «.ts> 1 •n«e»e*t*f hmm. Ceakmr Bamy THf NIWI "BOUT SRJMIrHII S»»SIIS*I*SII M. M. I*MAIL MAMHIM a TO*) g l«l»
      720 words
    • 41 8 The Renowned CUSTOM TAILORS Styles Cat to the Latest Fashions Hand Tailored Best Workmanship Aho Importerj It Exporter* of High Clou Wonted! Woollern. SINGAPORE: 21, Chulio Street, Tel ***** HONGKONG: Mirador Mansion 1* Floor. Room No 8. 54-64. Nathan Road Kowloon.
      41 words
    • 104 8 %SAVESUPTO2S% 0N TOBACCO FAicoir^r The pipe that smokes r r Made in England BONE DRY -cooler, sweeter, too! Cough Drops FOR RELIEF OF COUGH SORE THROAT „/s jL and J^<# jj SMOKER'S THROAT Jsza >—H»a« Product By OivgKwMi O» Aartfrotai. lid. AwßaiW V I Mok*r* O» HUDSOrrS*EUMENTHOt*»U>UefS MfJjtLWr-^ PEN SERVICE
      104 words

  • 222 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. TfiXPERTS from the Ford Foundation "^are coming here to help streamline Government administration, as part of its austerity drive. The Cabinet today accepted the Foundation's offer of assistance, which was made at the request of the Government. The
    222 words
  • 168 9 Chinese guilds to hold anti-split meeting l/UALA LLMPIR. Wed— A "unity" meeting of registered hin.-M- guilds and a>soclations in Malaya will be held at the Chines* Assembly Hall here on Juno 20. At an informal discussion between leaders of a number of guilds and associations here last night, a 12--man
    168 words
  • 21 9 BATU PAHAT. Wed— Mr. Tay Kirn Peow. J.P.. has been elected chairman of the Malaysian Chinese Association branch here.
    21 words
  • 45 9 I SINGAPORE, Wed Six Singapore lawyers will attend the Third Commonwealth and Empire Law Conference in Sydney from Aug. 25 to Sept. 1. They are Dato David Marshall. Mr. R. Ramason, Mr. John Pillal, Mr. P- Coomaraswamy and Mr K.E. Hilbome.
    45 words
  • 31 9 BRUNEI TOWN. Wsd.— Chegu Jamail bin Umar, Director of the Brunei Language and Literature Bureau, has complained to the police that national language posters here have been defaced. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 33 9 SINGAPORE. Wed.— The Chief Justice. Data We e Chong Jin. today admit t< i Mr. Richard Ung Hun Ho and Mr. Lul Boon Poh as members of the local Bar.
    33 words
  • 99 9 THE Les Ballets Africains perform a tribal dance before a distinguished audience at the Stadium Nrgara in Kuala Lumpur at the premiere on Tuesday night. The Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, and other Cabinet Ministers were among the YIPs present at the two and
    99 words
  • 54 9 CINGAPORE. Wed. Road accidents in Singapore last month totalled 2,835 an increase of 147 compared with the corresponding month of last year. Fatal cases, however, dropped to only eight, compared with 26 In May. In the first five months of this year. 92 people have been
    54 words
  • 163 9 Cashier loses $3,554 in daring j robbery IT UA L A LUMPUR. 1V Wed.— The cashier of the Great Eastern Life Assurance Co. Ltd., Mr. Lim Hock Seng. 52. was robbed of $3,554 in busy Malacca Street here. He was surprised by a youth while on his way to deposit
    163 words
  • 121 9 CINOAP ORE. Wed. A youth, under a lower v.~art sentence of three i years' Jail, six strokes of the rotan and two years' j police supervision, today failed In his appeal against sentence before the Chief Justice. Dato Wee Chong Jin. The appellant.
    121 words
  • 39 9 PENANO, Wed.— The Malayan Inshore Fishermen* Association will hold a delegates conference at the Butterworth Town Hall on Sunday. The main item on the agenda is the prevalence of illegal tmwlw fishing in Inshore fishing areas.
    39 words
  • 36 9 KUALA LUMPUR Wed.— Dr. A. T Outtmacher. president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, will Ulk on "Recent Advances in OontracepUre Technique" at the General Hospital her* at P m on Saturday.
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  • 41 9 PENANG. Wed. Mr. E. B. athusarru nas been elected lairmua of the Penang branch the Police Administrative and ercnl Sendees Union. Other officials are: secretary, r. Chee Way Kwan: treasurer, r. Yap Eng Sens, and eight immlttee members.
    41 words
  • 23 9 KUALA I.UMPUR. Wed Mr. I H. Mat-hack) DOS been elected •resident of the Stluneor EuraUn Association fur the third uccesslve year.
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  • 208 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. v The Minister ol Education, Inche Monamed Khir Johari, has been told by his doctors to take it easy and not go on long flights. His political secretary Inche Sharlff Ahmad, said today: I He is overworked and feeling tired. He
    208 words
  • 57 9 PENANG. Wed- The Penang Junior Chamber will present two incubators and brooders to the Sta'.p Government for use by farmersThp donations, made through the courtesy of Canberra and the Sydney Jaycees will be handed to me Chief Minister. Dato Wong Pow Nee. by the Penaiif Jaycee president
    57 words
  • 29 9 SINGAPOHE. Wed— The preslden 1 of the Planned Parenthood of America. Dr. Alan P. Guttmacher. will .irrtve here tomorrow to survey the family planning movement in Singapore.
    29 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 177 9 I fr riLTf AND WATtPI Sf »ARATO* CSS.\ V§ M V V^^BB&i FOR DIISEL FUEL. ij i m /$l Z/^S%fc J^le *k.wd iniir¥y v^ i Mul Mo1 u m H Mfefc. Ifc I Mult'-Cylmdtr FI«p B Filling Pump* W^LLL, 1^ 1 t. }*4. Cylmdtf A 4 ••lit* LjHnß* in the
      177 words
    • 252 9 PRO-PLUS the tablets that give you GO YOUR DOCTOR HAS TOLD YOU: yon're in A 1 physical shape. Bat Hk» «Q n—Uhy people, there are moments when you need a pepup to bring' oat the best in you. Today, thanks to research. Ash* Laboratories nave perfected Pro-Plus, a pep-up tablet
      252 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 859 9 TV MALAYSIA (Malaya) OUMMU; I Kuala Lumpur Ml Test pattern and music: and Penatif; 6 Ipoli and Ma- 5.45 OpenL.g and prolarra: I Johorr Bahru: t Bivm»ie summary: 5.50 TaipinK: 7 K.itu i.ihjt. 9 Ne^s tn Malay: 153 NaKluang. ttonal songi>: 6.00 News in Tamil: 6.10 Documentary A.M. 10.00 Te.,t
      859 words

  • 74 10 YOU MAY LIKE TO KNOW PVE women from Sarawak have arrived in Kuala Lumpur for a threemonth domestic science course with RIDA. The course is sponsored by the Ministry of External Affairs. The five Sarawaklans are: Miss Charlfah Fatimah binte Tuanku Drahman. from
    74 words
  • 559 10 Mainly women Mainly women Mainly ufor women Campaigning against the crumpled look f ARE a look at the dress in the picture on the right. It's a sweet little dress. It is. It was designed for a special collection and everyone liked it
    559 words
  • 169 10 Catching the mood of discreet swimwear PVER since that revo- lutionary designer Rudy Gernreich brought in the topless swimsuit the trend has been to reveal more of the female form but in more discreet and alluring ways. By the use of a thin layer of lace or net what could
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 418 10 sWaBBBBBBBBBi W■HHi f W> mW I lE^Hjlbbbb^JP Introducing. RevloiTs D 'Brow Beautiful' Now fashion favors brows that are brushed on... easier, quicker, naturally prettier. Erase the harsh, hard lines of yesterday's brows. ..brushon softer colorwithßevlon's clever stay-put powder. In tortoise-tone kit with wedge-tipped brush. 5 subtle shades. Black; Grey; Dark,
      418 words

  • 250 11 OINGAPORE. Wed. Two men, said to have been expelled from the Singapore Harbour Board Staff Association, have filed a writ in the High Court against 22 members of the association's executive committee. If. Karuppiah and Tay Peek Llan, claiming to be reof the Port
    250 words
  • 285 11 POLICE SEARCH FOR ASSAILANT WHO FLED INTO JUNGLE AFTER TRAGEDY JESSELTON, Wednesday. JpOURTEEN people have died as a result of a young Iban running amok at Kampong Bukit Merah, near Sandakan. Police are still combing a large area for the assailant who fled into the
    285 words
  • 149 11 Newspaper Pay claim is put off IT UA L A LUMPUR. •■^■Wed. The Malayan Times case in which a former sub-editor is claiming $1,050 as arrears of pay was today adjourned to June 22 by the president of the Sessions Court here, Inche Abdul Hamid bin Azmi. Inche Abdul Hamld
    149 words
  • 40 11 MALACCA. Wed.— Thr South Korean Ambassador. Mr. Kru Hnh Choi. accompanied by his wife today oaid a courtesy call on the Governor of Malacca. Tun Haji Abdul Malek bin Yusoff. at Sri Malacca. They were entertained to lunch-
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  • 193 11 No second try of Everest for me: Sir Edmund L'UALA LUMPUR. Wed. 1V Sir Edmund Hillary, coconquerer of Mount Everest, said here today that he was now not capable of climbing the highest mountain again. He was speaking to newsmen before returning to New Zealand after a four-day visit here
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  • 25 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Malayan Youth Hostels Association will hola its annual meeting at the youth hostel at Jalan Vethavanam here on Sunday.
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  • 126 11 SINGAPORE, Wed. The Public Utility Board today said the total blackout throughout the island in the early hoars of today —the worst in the State for many years was caused by a breakdown at the Pasir Panjanic power station. A Board spokesman ruled out
    126 words
  • 78 11 SINGAPORE. Wed— One of the two United States Air Force rescue planes, which had been waiting In Singapore to go Into action If the American space capsule I Oetalni-4 came hurtling down anywhere in this area, left for its Hoi. o lulu base yesterday. Tt>e
    78 words
  • 112 11 PNANG, Wed. A 20--year-old Swedish seaman. Curt Jagandar. accused of causing hurt to a woman, was warned to "stay out of michief" by the sessions court president. Mr. Nr Mann Sau. today. "Until you leave Ihe country, you had better behave yourself." Mr.
    112 words
  • 86 11 KUALA KANGSAR. Wed. —The Malay College here will celebrate its diamond jubilee over a three-day period from June 25 when old boys including members of the royalty and other V.I.P.s from throughout the country will attend. Included in the programme Ls the old boys' reunion dinner
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  • 157 11 Wayang kulit: 'Why do youths stay out?' KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. A former director of the National Museum today suggested that a forum for young people be held to find out why they keep away from wayang kulit shows. Speaking at the Rotary luncheon meeting here. Haji Mubin Sheppard said that
    157 words
  • 31 11 SINGAPORE. Wed. The Prime Minister. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, will attend the annual dinner of the Royal Institute of Cl.artered Surveyors at the Tanglin Club next Monday.
    31 words
  • 204 11 In lock-up for two months, now he's jailed TPOH. Wed. Hashim x bin Baba, 31. unemployed, who was detained in the police lock-up for nearly two months because he was unable to find a bailor, began a two- week jail sentence today as an. alternative to a $50 fine. He
    204 words
  • 27 11 TELUK ANSON. Wed. Th« Sultan of Perak will make a fiveday tour of the Lower Perak District, beginning next Tuesday. MORE NOTICES IN PACE 15
    27 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 288 11 GET A MODERN EDUCATION AT HOME! For advancement or persbnal satisfjctioo a good education is th« key. You can g«t that education by studying at horn* tor th« General Certificate of Education ('O' or 'A' levels) in SngHsh. Maths and many other subjects through the U niversity Correspondence Coi lege.
      288 words
    • 463 11 Hawker Siddeley-the name that spans the world of engineering I BBBMBL^^^BJ BY BB| ITBBWT •TBJSR j jBTSbJWB^M 1 m^BßP*********^.., B^feV. -^**r^* Ijtf Ti m ir B^^BB^bl I ?^^W^ r-£?T T*Z, s? V flW"*'*^^^^4^t^^ t^|^BMßßßlßH B^B^B^ki Bb 9^bl mMfctJNfc^. ffsr a f" 1 TRIDENT Maintaining B.E.A. and other 810 DIESELS A
      463 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 268 11 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 6. An Emperor I would contrast 1. Alurnauve j.uuailon* on a lth Mercury ("i. nne aay iB>. Short-tempered, if going in 5. AMi of amiude In ancient to take the stand (7). umes at sea tb> 8 Always like a true lover (10). 9 Pay oui
      268 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 536 12 SsSh-BH iJ l^P^P^P'v^^^^9^'9^P^V99^Wfl^V^Bl Continued from Pace Si SITUATIONS WANTED U Here!* M I Mim.,— Bux St tl*. txlrm READ the geniv Appointment. cant in The Sunday Mall each weea EX FOREIGN OFFICE English Seerrtary seek* employment, sk. St. Tboma* Walk, Singapore 9. DEGREE HOLOER EXPERIENCED Kxrcutlve seek* responsible position in
      536 words
    • 473 12 I ACCOMMODATION VACANT < ii Word* M (MiH.t—Box M eta. txlro OXLEV GARDEN Furnlsned Klat. two bedrooms, one servant* room, Llv./Dln. Room, Mosaic, Parquet floorings throughout. Pleas* apply Tel: 32f93/*****/***** B'pore. TANCLIN AREA Flat and Office Space suitable for Dental or Medical Clinic* Available Immediately. Area approximately 2.000 sq.ft. Please
      473 words
    • 887 12 SHOPS WANTED IS Word. St < Min.,-h..x ix rl, rrlrm REQUIRED 40P SPACE or any other apace orchard Road/1 augiin area. Offers Box A 4419 ST. Spore. FACTORY SPACE VACANT •J »or*. M 1 Win i-«oi Hi rl. txlrm 810 FACTORY at 6 Little Road. Paya Lebar Industrial Area supply
      887 words
    • 815 12 TOURS ft EXCURSIONS '.li M~r4» iMtm.t—Bm* it rim 'tlr. MALAYA I DAYS AWS BSfH)'--14 6 65. '.1)'« Ai. 27/6. 65 'Nam-Ho Travel Service. 138. Cross SUeet. i 8 pore Tel. *****. BOOKS or PUBLICATIONS j 1 PROGRAMMES JUNE 14 JUNK .'v Uel reut sear »> tile HAOIO WktKLV ruDAi PMM
      815 words
    • 899 12 VEHICLES FOR SALE IS Word. <« tmirn.)— Box i« rta. txlrm 1951 THAMES VAN. Good condilioo. new paint, insurance, tux t1.900.0U < Vie win* 10 a.m. I p.m. IS. Mohamcd Sultan Road. Spore. V. i JAGUAR IMI M innurrd J*n IWHt good tyres MM belt 11.OOU mil** run* I Working
      899 words
    • 727 12 FRESH FLOWERS IS tt'»r*?< $< i Win.) Sox it tl*. txlrm MINVIM »AVt ioi >ou witii ers tbou«-rit fully stlecua md Moult Fully arranged idmi "sparkl*" youi iuud Kishcs -'51. Urcnard Rd., S pore I>| juwj.' MoVi. .m^iMßwam^.*** GEORGE COWAN M\( Ml DECEASED. LATE OF ETTBICK, RICHMOND AVENLE. HIMr RILS.
      727 words
    • 779 12 PEMBERITAHU TAWARAN Tawaran daripada PemboronK2 yang berdaftar di-J.KR. dalam Kelas "C" dan ka-atas akan diterima di-pejabat Jurutera Negeri. Melaka. sa-uingga pukol 3.00 petang pada 23.6.65 untok.MEMBENA SATU BELOK BILEK DARJAH. ASKAMA. JALAN YANG BERTUIOP DIATAS DAN KERJA2 LAIN I YANG BERKAITAN DI-SEKO-LAH MENENGAH UGAMA. MELAKA bemua buurJ yang berkaltan bole.i
      779 words
    • 315 12 KERETAPI TANAH MELAYU TENDER NOTICE Tenders, will be rtieivcd Irom resiMeied natradon by tiie Jeniuali Pembuka Tender Ibu Pejabai d a Kttua AkaunUn. Keretapi lanah Melayu KimU Lumpur up ur \u uu~ a.m on Wednesday 23 6 65 for the following work: lai From Class D and abov* contractors lor
      315 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1272 13 Tt L'VERPKL I WUT PAST U.R.i l uui Spori Sals P. S'hai* Pinaat aACNABN Linrcool la Pt/Jaai ll Jan tl CLTttNEUS l.ferpool. Glasgow «M. 1> Jmi .1 Ma 12/11 Mil 17 •YMHUS Liverpool, Glasgow Jmi 12 Jmi 14 lIOMEI Liverpool, Glasgow JM* It Jate<2 MN2I/2S Jm*H ATPIU Liverpool, Dublin. A'mouth...
      1,272 words
    • 1266 13 WUU^^LUddM^SiMIJi^U T//FL A \>UNES tkx j im- EXPRESS SAILINCS TO NEAR EASI, CONTINENI ANO aCANBINAVIAi P. S ham Penang An-. t>eiuj non H burg K lam Aata Com KOREA aj J*M 11/21 JIM 22/24 25/ 2t Jll) It .4 Jaly 2/ My M 2 IS BUSUANCA tj Jam 21/ 2
      1,266 words
    • 1145 13 I BEN® LINE I EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONOON, LIVERPOOL CONTINENTAL PORTS orWT ADIf For Ma-""t IMJ HtNLAHIb loBB0(l in, i Smppora S'nam Penang 6'mouta my It la Part/11 Jim M'brouglt lily 2t BENLOMOND P S-ham for u^mZ. I. .11 tll/JMlli Imi 12/11 Jmi 14*14 Hamburg Jill 11 MM .-POO.,
      1,145 words
    • 1284 13 jtoj- ELLERMAN BUCKMALL S.S. CO.. LTO. 1 Ir*"""^ U.K., Continent Singapore P. S ham Penang CITY OF COLOMIO Lonaon, Hamburg, Kutteidam, na«re, Hull, Immingnam 25, 2) Jim 21 jmi CITY OF WINNIPEt Lonaon, Hamburg. Notieraam, Aweip, Hull 14 JUy LITY OF WELLINGTON Lutioon, Hamburg, Rotterdam Havn, Hull, Imminttum 21 2)
      1,284 words

  • 306 14 Straits tin price is down by three dollars rpUE price of Straits tin yesX terday fell by three dollars to $772.25 per picul on an offering estimated increased by U tons to 240 tons. When the market re-opened to London on Tuesday after the holiday tin was steady In moderate
    306 words
  • 127 14 MELBOURNE, Wed. INDUSTRIALS eased under a x slackening In demand with leaders most affect*^. ICIANZ declined a further 6c to 445. Base mrtals and oils mostly eased. Mt. Isa was down Is. 2d. to 375. 9d. Today's eleetnt; prlne* with Tuesday's price* In brackets: Mount Is a 37/9
    127 words
  • 107 14 'TNI Malayan Exahang* Bank*' Auo--1 ciatian made tbeae changra In It* rate* to merchant* yraterday (all rates to $100): Hiw V»r«: buying TT 32 11/18, airmail OD 32 13/16. 90 d/at. 33 3/18 credit I. ills. 33 5/16 trade bllla. Canada: buying TT as 7/16. airmail OI) 35
    107 words
  • 911 14 From Our Market Correspondent THE public have had more time to digest the effects of the postponement till January 1 of the imposition of the capital gains tax. and yesterday realised that no commitments under the tax would have to be declared until the
    911 words
  • 30 14 Malayan Stock Indices t June 8 June 9 'Industrials: 7>.Bj 72 -4 Tins: fell oJV, 7 S rubbers: i 03 .86 Io; bg Ore. 1963-100 Ore. 29. 1962^100
    30 words
  • 813 14 BUSINESS In and reported to the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms ol the Stock Exchange of Malaysia yesterday, with the number of the shares traded In brackets: INDUSTRIALS: oouatead (1.000) SI. IS; EtM (14.000) 51.50; F. and N. trds (4.0O0) 52.34 D, (3.000) 5J.34, (3.000)
    813 words
  • 27 14 June 9. MALAYAN RUBBER PRICE: 7tJ cents (down three-eighths of a cent). TIN: $772 25 (doHTj S3). Inofficial estimated offering 24.S tons (up 20 tons).
    27 words
  • 111 14 SHIPS lying aUngsid* th* Singapsra Harbour ¥»har»«t or expected today are: Oakvtlle 1/2 Bolasevaln 3/4, Hanka Savvlcka 6/7, Glenfallocb 8/9, Sabann 18, Reginald Kerr 21/22. Hoi Houw IT/M, Bakongan 31/32, Leda Maenk 83/36. Cbttral 42/43. Werraateln 45. Halldls 46, Kararbl 47, Jarak N.W. 2. Lipls N.W. 4,
    111 words
  • 33 14 The following further May cropa are notified: Krmpa* Group 1.*****0 Ib. Brnta 127.000 lb Irram KuanUn 109.000 lb.. Kundonc Tanjonc 182.000 lb. MrnUkab 83.000 lb.. and Sunjn Bacan 215,000 lb. I
    33 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1152 14 I V\"Tettir^T^ :AWARA f KISEN IiAISHA LTD-4 I East Canada and U.S.A. Great Lakes Scrrviea H'k'.-nn Yokctiamt Mo«"r»al lorofito Uefton Cniceti< Mania Man" JV24 B Am 4 Seal (Seat USeti 17 Seat *aeaam*r" 12/11 Am MAm *«»t I Bet S Bel IS Btt j Win Coast Ql Central South
      1,152 words
    • 930 14 AUSTRALIA »IR»ICt Xt» <tALAN« iNBIA. PARItIAN ANP P. GUlr SttVICI Itt Frtaatilt. AsXtMJe. Meltetree ItM** Th Ma«ras mi Umapsnitsa Hian| P i'i«i S'twa Spurt P. $tita Peaani BARPETA Sj lea la Part 12/14 Jtte RAJUU t1. 21 Jtat 2B Jtat IS late 80MBALA 1 luly 111 July IM] July RAJULA
      930 words
    • 347 14 WtSTBOUND. tUROPE SUVICti Siniuoore t-.S'haa Paaam K>*< NAUSICAA 14/11 leae I I/IB Jtat ISJ4M MarttillM. Harrt. Dunkirk. YAM* r/11 Jsly 14,11 Jaly wMy Marseilles. Bordeaux. Havre. Ounkirk. NARA 11/14 Am UVII Am IS Aaa Ma^seilltt. Havre. Dunkirk. TAYfi* li/U 'ti 14/tlSftt WSeat Marseilles. Bordatux. Havrt. Ouattr*. i "SIBOUNBi u-ii «n
      347 words

  • 82 15 rpilE Federation Minister of Finance has fixed these prices for calculating customs duties for the period from June 10 to June 16. lubber 73- cts a Ib. Copra $7 12 a ton. o-onut Oil $1,074 a ton. Palm Oil $834 a ton. Palm Kernels $490.25 a ton. The
    82 words
  • 257 15 II M. first grade rubber f.o.b. buyers closed at 5 p.m. in Singapore and KuaU Lumpur yesterday at 72 !n cents per Ib. down three-eighths of a cent on Tuesday's closing level for the position, the tone was barely steady. It. AS. and F.M.K.E. closing prices in cents
    257 words
  • 236 15 June 9. Three months. INDUSTRIAL* Kuu.strnd 13 CU. Mounter U cv. City Dcv. S CU M. lnvt. eta. C.S. Holding 14 cv. N. Iron 0 eta. Puuiup.M 10 eta 0.C.8.C. 14 eta I. Mtii-ltlng KothmanaScu. L'l eta. San 6 cv. ■asolltta. S«l. Prop. 11 eta. Fa*. DISVI 12
    236 words
  • 65 15 hinese Product Exchani*, Slnaad.iy: Coconut oil: bulk Jbii aellen, drum J6TJ ».-11.-i-s. Copra: June/July L'K /Continent. Unquoted. Ptpptr: Muntok whit* $1,121 aellera. ■anwaJi »hitu JISil srllvra, »p*cial ■arawak Msek Sl3O sellvra, garbled tampons black $isu(N> seUsts, asta Sl62i(N) scllera. Sinxapori Coconut Oil Millers' Association pricei; bulk $64 50
    65 words
  • 55 15 THE present rate of the Maiayap dollar against the pound sterling fixed on November 24 last year is Selling TT or OO 2s. ;< 15 ldd. (Juviiij TT 2s. 4 1/lCd. Buying OD 2s. 4\d. I in- dollar Is at its statutory midrili position in relation to its
    55 words
  • 36 15 ON th« trtt •Jtchani;* marhtt in Urn..: KunK yuterday the U.S. dollar iiuuteri at 6 731 lor T.T. A 74 t for -a»h. Itirlmx »v« quoted at 1t.04 and •im tail Mold al 360.
    36 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 137 15 1 MALAYAN TIN DREDGING LIMITED. OUTPUT RETIRN May 1965 4.541 Piculs 4 Dredges working. General Manager. (W. E. GABBITAS;. NOTICE This is to advise all customers that Salesman Kung Huah Eng is no longer employed by this Company and is no longer authorised to transact any business or collect any
      137 words
    • 1245 15 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT STATE OF BRUNEI VACANCY FOR STENOGRAPHER (ENGLISH). APPLICATIONS are Invited foi appointment to the poet of English Stenographer In the Immigration and National Registration Department, Brunei. SALARY: In the scale $350-370-380x20-560 per month. Point of entry will depend on qualifications and previous experience. QUALIFICATIONS: (a) Applicants must be
      1,245 words
    • 514 15 CHANGE OF ADDRESS during construction of new multistorey block of offices. As from 14th June 1965, the address of McALISTER AND COMPANY LIMITED will be 13, North Boat Quay, Singapore 6. Telephone Numbers and P.O. Box Number remain unchanged iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii As from 14th June 1965, the address of GRAFTON LABORATORIES
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    • 1274 15 THE CHLORIDE ELECTRICAL STORAGE COMPANY LTD Turnover and profit again at record levels Non-battery interests developing as planned The 74th Annual General Meeting of The Chloride European Batten Division. General demand for autoElectrical Storage Company Limited was held on 18th May motive batteries again exceeded supple, despite subat the Institute
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    • 403 16  - MAAU 'crash programme' to prepare for Seap Games FRANCIS EMMANUEL: By Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday THE MALAYSIAN Amateur Athletic Unions five-year national track and field development commm ittee have suggested a "crash programme" for this year in preparation for the Seap Games in December. The programme, if fully implemented, will include
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    • 144 16 RAZAK IS BACK IN S'PORE SIDE SINGAPORE, Wed.— The Singapore cricket selectors have recalled Abdul Razak. the Indian Association batsman, for the MCA League match against Johore i here this weekend. Razak. who last played for Singapore six years ago. has been showing good lorm recently. He scored 91 for
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    • 48 16 PEN AN G. Wed. The Perils! FA will hold their first course for football referees this weekend, with the co-operation of the Malaysian Football Referees' Association. Inche H.A.B. Mansoor (Penan?* p'-"-i Inche Mustapha Bakar (Piraki j will conduct the course to- i morrow. Friday ana Saturday.
      48 words
    • 28 16 TAIPING. Wed. The north zone of the Perak AAA will hold I their annual championships on I the Sultan Yusuff Stadium here 1 on June 26-27.
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    • 357 16  - Jega out with 'worst ever' injury ERNEST FRIDA By SINGAPORE, Wed— Mam JegaIhc&an, the Malaysian spruit L.i.nnpioii, will be out vi action lor at least .t month after suetotaling a muscle pull in last weeK- tirJs Malacca AAA Open Relaj cn.uiipioii.Miipi. He told Timcsport today: -Thai injury m the worst
      357 words
    • 248 16 GOLF IPOH, Wed. Darwis Derail, the North Malaya golf champion, is making a bid to score a double this season by winning the Perak Amateur championship at the Tiger Lane course here on Saturday and Sunday. He won the Perak title in 1963 and hopes
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    • 346 16  - WESTPHAL: PERAK'S SOCCER STANDARD IS POOR LEE FOO SAN By IPOH. Wed. —The standard of soccer in Perak was comparatively lower than that in Selangor and Penang, said West Ger- man coach Otto Westphal today. Westphal. who Is on a I one-year contract with the F.A. of Malaysia by ar-
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    • 238 16 Not interested, says O'Neill Chosen to play for Rest of the World but... Wed. "Not interested," wai what Norman O'Neill said today when told that he has been chosen to play In the Rest of the World XI in two matches against England beginning on Sept. 8 and 11, reports
      238 words
    • 194 16 COUNTY SCORES LONDON. Wrd.- Somerset, the i English county chainp.onship leaders, retained tiieir plm at the f lop of the table although tliey could only draw their match against. Gloucestershire yesterday. Rain caused long hold-ups at mast centres and none ol the i games ended in
      194 words
    • 70 16 gV'-L'ANG. Wed.— A PWD Com- bined Services playf^ Mum, stnt off for punching a Re--1 \eriex SC opponent during today a soccer match between the two top division teams. The incident oci eurred ten minutes from time wttti the score 1-1. I Rough play also marked 1«<-: i
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
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    • 87 16 NATIONAL PORTABLE RADIOS XHOO 9T*ANSISTO* 4IANO BTRANSISIOR 3BANO R -307 -^f 10TRANSISTOR 3IAND '•■■■^iiii'''"'"'"!!' 'HBlKikmlb R-lO4A ~^^^^L ATRANSISTOR HAND T (TRANSISTOR 3IAND n R-330 T BTRANSISTO* 3BANO R-BO7' BTRANSISTOK 2BAND FK-A^^ mmmm^ m^^ 4 BAND ROB 6 TRANSISTOR HAND (2»UM-3) ffNLIGHT lATTFRIES Manufactured under the most enacting standards ot quality
      87 words
    • 292 16 lfMBE81NSia«""ll B» i i IBP 'iH HP^H MiOQaK vt^^H announces ffl a ftthe opening of W>% COME TO KODAK COPY CENTER 150/2, MARKET STREET, SINGAPORE I. TEL: *****. You're invited to see the latest and best in office copying KODAK Copiers that speed communications, simplify paperwork and eliminate tedious, costly
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 254 16 I SPORTS SUMMARY" SO< t KR L. Prrak Div. 3: N Scotia Malacca under- 19 flnml: Hakka SAAS 2 HOCKEY jAssn I High School 0 Stffi Lfe (S ban>: Rangers 3 Negrt Div. 1 (Sban): CRC 1 170 Harimau 0; 17 Gurkha Signal! Regt RA 0; Div. 2: Kilat 3
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    • 357 17 New syndicate has registered four horses in top class ITUALA LUMPUR, Wed— One of the brightest features of the current Malaysian racing season is the increasing number of new owners. A newly-formed syndicate In Singapore, called the Chukell Stable, has four horses all registered in Class One. The horse:; are:
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    • 92 17 IN SIXTH POSITION AS FIELD ROUND TATTENHAM CORNER... ABOVE: Rounding Tattenham Corner, the French colt Sea Bird II is in sixth position. Meadow Court, the mount of Lester Piggott, is well up among the leaders with I Say nicely positioned on the rails. LEFT: At the
      Mirrorpic  -  92 words
    • 187 17 Hart's bill: 'Last chance for boxing' WASHINGTON, Wed. A U.S. senator yes-j terday introduced a bill I to brine American boxine: under federal control with a national commissioner to enforce regulations. The bill would bring in broad i nowers to investigate and police professional boxing and give sanctions to prosecute
      Reuter  -  187 words
    • 26 17 MALACCA. Wed. Eugene Campos (nett 70) won the Malacca Club monthly golf tournament held at Lereh here. Quek Soon Tay (nett 77) was runnerup.
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    • 293 17 |)ENANG. Wed. Acceptors lor L the amateur races here on Saturday: Race One 2.15 p.m. Class 5, 2f (catchweights 12.7): Trooper Jones, Lul Hoon, Harapan, Maju. Ebor Hee Haw, Jaya 11. David Katie, Shane. Race Two 2.45 Classes 2, 3 and 4, 5f handicap
      293 words
    • 140 17 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed— S*langor Badminton Association "s efforts to revive the game in -he state are succeeding- Judging by the number of entries received for the junior and veterans' championships which start tomorrow at the SBA hall Fifty entries have wen received for the men f s
      140 words
    • 88 17 Bangkok venue BANGKOK. Wed. The venue for the first leg of the annual badminton international between Thailand and Malaysia will be Bangkok. Nal Saovasak Pientham. secretary of the Badminton Association of Thailand, announced today. It will be held on July 31 and I August 1 if Malaysia agree to the
      Reuter  -  88 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 55 17 CHONG GAY FILM CO. LTD. proudly presents LFSBftiICISARICAIIUS The most spectacular and the first African cultural 1 show to perform in Malaysia at STADIUM NEGARA KUALA LUMPUR. HURRY BOOK NOW Today Daily 2 Shows: 7 p.m. 9.15 p.m. Tickets: $2, $4. $6, $8 $10. Available from Stadium Ne&ara, Tel: *****.
      55 words
    • 229 17 This one Schick Stainless Steel blade just shaved these 15 barbers! Special Schick Stainless Steel takes an edge twice as sharp as a barber's straight razor and holds its q#»^ sharpness through as many as 15 shaves or more. Jl^tf l^ Get Schick Stainless Steel Blades today you'll get consistent
      229 words

  • 689 18 Cabinet row reaches a head: Military leaders asked to step in and mediate SAIGON. Wednesday. HR. Phan Huy Quat, the Prime Minister, announced today he had asked South Vietnam's military leaders to mediate in the two-week-old political crisis. For ;i Fortnight Dr. Qual has been
    Reuter; UPI  -  689 words
  • 105 18 17.500 at Madison Square rally of protest >TEW YORK Wed.— New York's Madison Square Garden was almost filled to capacity last night for a rally protesting against U.S. policy in Vietnam. The meeting was sponsored by the National Committee for a Sane Nuclear policy and by 29 other religious, professional,
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 51 18 TEIPEH. Wed —Mr Ku Cheng Kanp. president of the free China Relief Association, predicted yestfinav that a new exodus of refugees from the China mainland m.tiln take place soon Mr Ku based his claim on recent Communist suppression of dissident elements and Intensified t raining of militiamen.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 174 18 TOKYO POLICE KICK ANTI-U.S. STUDENTS TOKYO. Wednesday. JAPANESE riot police clashed with university students here today as more than 4.000 demonstrated against American policy I in Vietnam. Alerted to the demonstration. ,000 steel-helmeted riot pt lice were in position along the two-mile route the st icents were to follow. Shouting
    174 words
  • 16 18 ALICE MAUD LEICESTER. BKrd n <li-«i I I U uliir t /ODk Illneu. |irmv»ly born*
    16 words
  • 153 18 I A FAULTY TRACK: SO WAGONS GO OFF RAILS SEREMBAN. Wed. Twenty wagons of a goods train travelling from Kuala Kr a v jumped the rails at 4 p.m. yesterday between Bahau and Gemas because of a faulty track. Nobody was hurt. Because of this accident tomorrow's "Golden Blowpipe" mail
    153 words
  • 87 18 HELEN THE TYPIST IS PERAK'S CANDIDATE PERAK'S beauty queen who flew into Kuala Lumpur yesterday is shape ly (34-25-35) Miss Helen Lee. 18. Her ambition is to become either a newspaper reporte: or an air hostess. Right now she is a typist in a lawyer's firm in Ipoh. On Saturday
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  • 65 18 50 bullets to freedom WEST BERLIN. Wed. East German border guards fired at least 50 sub-machlnegun bullets at a 22-year-old East Berliner swimming 300 yards across the river Spree to reach West Berlin early today. West Berlin police said the refugee was hit several times, and had severe chest wounds
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 62 18 NEW DELHI. Wed. A Thai Embassy spokesman today denied that the Dalai Lama, exiled Spiritual Leader of Tibet, has asked for political asylum in Thailand. Usually reliable sources in Bangkok said yesterday the Thai Government was considering such a request by the Dalai Lama, who had said
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 99 18 CLEVELAND. Wed. A kidney removed from the body of a murder victim two hours after his death was transplanted into the body of a sick woman here last night The head of a Cleveland hospital surgical team. Dr. Ralph Straffon. said an
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 155 18 Minister off on 5-nation mission KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Malaysia's admission to the AfroAsian conference in Algiers would mean not only the survival of Malaysia but of all small nations in the world, the Minister of Lands and Mines, Inche Abdul Rahman bin Ya'acob, said today. He was speaking at the
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  • 26 18 LONDON. Wed. Fijian troop* will perform spear and fan dances at Britain's 75th Royal Tournament here next month, it was announced today. Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 362 18 Customers rush for those 'miracle cancer cure' herbs SINGAPORE. Wed A PRESCRIPTION of Chinese herbs, which is claimed l<> have helped restore the health <>l Date Lee Kong Chian after his operation for cancer of the fiver, has caused a l)i« rush of people to i\ Chinese druggist firm in
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  • 43 18 LEAMINGTON. Wed —Officials today barred Robin Hood from entering an archery tournament here because he is too young. The 17-year-old namesake of the legendary Shenvood Forest hero is a year short of the minimum age for contestants. UPI.
    UPI  -  43 words
  • 339 18 LONDON. Wed.— With wouldbe buyers pul cf. by the persist enl slide on Wall Slreet and with the pound meetine renewed pressure in the foreign exchange market, the better trend of the past lew days In thr stock markets i.i me to a halt. Alter
    339 words
  • 59 18 LONDON. Wed— Spot 21« id, July 21 13/164.. Aug 21 13 I6d!, Sept 21 3 id., July/Sept 21 13 16d.. Oct Dec 21 11 16 d.. Jan. Ma rob 219 16d. April June 219 16d.. July Sept 217/16 d.. Oct Dec. 21'« d.. elf June 21 s ;d.. July
    59 words
  • 24 18 LONDON Wed— Buyers £1572, tellers £15.'2'j. Forward buyers £1544. sellers £1545. Settlement ***** V Turnover a.m. 285 tons. pro 100 tons Tone: Steady.
    24 words
  • 221 18 Move to allow 'desirable' Asians in From K. HOOPER SYDNEY, Tues.— Late this month the New South Wales Country Party annual conference at Wagga Wagga will be asked to seek approval for the migration to Australia of a limited number of "desirable" Asian people. This represents one of the most
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 7 18 Lnt* CLASSIFIEDS It Hur<> Hi Minimum I
      7 words
    • 90 18 "NATIONAL' BOY > M^^t^^. j water sprayer with >- J^Kj^''fes "S every purchase of J^ I^BtaLjl "S a "NATIONAL" A fl HP^i v 4 Fully Automatic I(f Electric Iron! g\. THOSE WHO KNOW BUY Lfrlill^JJ MODEL NI-53A NATIONAL FULLY AUTOMATIC IRON Automatic thermostat control maintains even temperature ;miy«a:j when pressing
      90 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 50 18 THE WEATHER Highest and lowest temperatures In Malaysia for the period 8 p.m. Tuesday to 8 p.m. yesterday: Ilißhest Lowest Kuala Lumpur 91 73 Kotu Bharu 91 73 Peuang 88 75 Ipoh M 71 Malacca W 73 Singapore »v 72 C. Highlands 66 60 Jesselton 88 73 Kuching 90 73
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