The Straits Times, 7 June 1965

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 27 1 RATIONAL LIBRARY; SINGAPORE. AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 145,000 f .tAA The Straits Times [ft**** Estd. 1845 MONDAY, JUNE 7, 1965 15 CENTS KDN 1189 M.C.(P). 1005
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  • 376 1 Help for the indigenous people KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. j THE Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, today announced the setting up of seven divisions within the Rural and Industrial Development Authority to help improve the economy of the indigenous people. The divisions and Uieir lusks arc: TRAINING
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  • 168 1 African ballet's chief: Cover up our women? We would rather go away KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. T*HE director of the Les Ballets Africains, A Mr. M'Carthy Samuel, said today there is no immorality in their cultural dances. "We are proud to present for the first time our cultural dances to the
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  • 25 1 WEST BERLIN. Sun —A 22--yetr-old East German border guard crossed over the Berlin Wall early today in uniform and with sub-machinefrun. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 75 1 DANANO, Sun— Two U.S. Marine helicopters from Seventh Fleet Carrier. Iwo Jima, collided in midair today and crashed into the sea. All eight crewmen aboard both craft are feared dead. A U.S. spokesman here said three bodies had been recovered from the sea.
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  • 551 1 McDIVITTAND WHITE ENTER FOURTH DAY OF FLIGHT HOUSTON, (Texas) Sunday. GEMINI space twins James McDivitt and Edward White orbited through the heavens into their ffnal day in space today, unshaven and itchry. but still cheerfully prepared to stay up longer. In spite ol the* discomfort
    Reuter  -  551 words
  • 139 1 U Thant will attend Algiers conference UNITED NATIONS Sun. The Secre-tary-General, U Thant, will attend the conference of Asian-African countries in Algiers, a U. N. spokesman said. He said U Thant may not be at the June 29 opening, but will arrive as soon as possible afterwards. U Thant will
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  • 125 1 TEHERAN. Sunday. FIRE and an explosion aboard a 40.n00-ton Italian oil tanker was feared to have taken a heavy toll Of life. Two men an oil company I worker and a customs man. i both on shore were known i dead In the fire
    UPI  -  125 words
  • 34 1 BANGKOK. Sun. A U.S. Air Force F-105 jet fighter exploded in mid-air over the Mekong river dividing Cambodia and Thailand. reports reaching here Mid yesterday The pilot parachuted to I safety
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  • 24 1 JAKARTA Sun— The .wni-of-flcial Indonesian Herald has accused India of attempting to "deviate" this months Afro-Asian conference from Its an U-Imperial-*sm "commitment."
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  • 73 1 PARIS. Sun. A Parisian, who wanted to talk to a colleague in Milan, 375 miles away in Italy and put in a telephone call. was told there might be some delay. When the operator finally made the connec- i tion. four and a half hours later, the
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 710 1 'Work for a just and equitable Malaysia' pledge SPORE RALLY BY SOLIDARITY CONVENTION SINGAPORE, Sun. The Malaysian So- lidarity Convention, at a rally attended by a capacity crowd at the National Theatre, today, pledged to unite and mobilise all their potential preponderant strength to build the foundations of "a united,
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  • 162 1 PONTIAN INDONS MURDER COCONUT PLANTER pONTIAN, Sun. 1 Indonesian infiltrators who landed in the Pontian district of Johore early this week killed a 62--year-old coconut planter. His mutilated body with parang slashes across the neck and body was found this morning by three members of the local Vigilante Corps. Scattered
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  • 57 1 LONDON. Sun Bernard Vaughn said today he is ■urpriaed he lorn a 10-1 bet with his mother thai ins wife would have a boy. "I can't understand what went wrong." he said, after his wife ga\e birth to a girl this week. "The Vaughn family
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 203 1 CAIGON, Sun. Large concentrations of Communist V i c t c o n g forces appeared today to be closing in on PleiI ku, 240 miles north-oast of Saigon, following a night of small guerilla attacks through the area. Reports reaching Saigon this
    Reuter  -  203 words
  • 29 1 NORTH VIETNAM CLAIM TOKYO. Sun. North Vietnam said today it had shot clown three American plane*. damaged many oHhts ycsertlay. North Vietnam News Ak< ncy rportcd. Router.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 90 1 CUforttt* Cases VoitS todies Cents Brush Sets Boßv Spoons Pushers Tea S«ts ft Solv«r S Condiment Sets ttc S-'V.Zt.d* S'dva £td. SINGAPORE IPOH ASSO CO SPH 01 SUVA HKJ LTft [jMobilJ 1 MOTORING SERVICE I Gets you J on your way faster! Soon you will see many more of these
      90 words
    • 52 1 '1 1 PATEK PHILIPPE! lit N t V( j gt&\ World's Finest Watch-Hand Finished I J.sipr H.Sena Ltd. Jeweller* ■>:-:^w^'^iji^^istf?!jto'.'^i';vxVi; '■■'%<' ■>;■;•** m&O the man's beer. .Men know whatthey want.. .thegolden strength of Tiger beer.. .freshly brewed. ..served cold in a man-sized glass. When men get together there's always... ti
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    • 201 2 SAIGON, Sun. About 15,000 more U.S. troops with amphibious equipment that can operate in South Vietnam's criss-cross of rivers and flooded padi fields will soon arrive in Vietnam, according to informed military sources. Waves of cargo aircraft are bringing the reinforcements to Okinawa and
      Reuter  -  201 words
    • 300 2 64 yesterday— 'complete rest' JAKARTA, Sun PRESIDENT Soekarno said at his summer palace in Bogor yesterday: "I must have a complete rest, and therefore I want to hide on my birthday." He told reporters: "If I did not hide you can imagine
      Reuter; UPI  -  300 words
    • 39 2 JERUSALEM (Jordanian Sectoii. Sun. Jordan and Israel have lodged complaints with the Jordanian-Israeli mixed armistice commission over an exchange of fir* across the border north of Amman on Friday night, a Jordanian commission member said today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  39 words
    • 109 2 JAKARTA BANS INDEPENDENT PAPERS JAKARTA, Sun. The Indonesian Government yesterday announced a new set of regulations that virtually forbids the publication of independent newspapers. Un^er the regulations, which came into effect as of Friday, the Government will only grant licences to newspapers that are affiliated .<• political parties, social organisations,
      AP; UPI  -  109 words
    • 183 2 Indonesians still like Americans despite all disputes, says Jones HONOLULU Sunday. MERICANS are still liked in Indonesia, despite A disputes between Jakarta and Washington, according to former U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia, Mr. Howard P. Jones. Mr. Jones, newly- appointed I Chancellor of the East-West Centre at the University of Hawaii,
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    • 52 2 TAIPEH. Sun. Lin Tienchen, alias "Black Dog", yesterday received the death sent«nce froir a Taipeh district court for dope trafficking. The presiding judge in passing the death sentence said Lin wa* given capital punishment for having engaged in dope peddling for six years between 1956 and
      Reuter  -  52 words
    • 59 2 SUVA (FIJI). Sun. More than 1.700 Fiji residents are now part owners of the colony's biggest Industry sugar milling South Pacific Sugar Mills Ltd.. which owns the four crushing mills in the colony, issued an invitation to the people of Fiji to take up shares in
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 24 2 JAKARTA. Sun. Indonesians have been notified that there will be a one-week air raid exercise throughout the country starting tomorrow. A.P.
      AP  -  24 words
    • 75 2 DAR-ES-SALAM. Sun.— The Chinese Prime Minister. Mr. Chou En-lal. and President Jallus Nyerere. yesterday held their first formal talks since the Chinese leader's arrival on Friday for a four-day visit to Tanzania. Government sources said i members of Mr. Chou's delegation, which includes the Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs.
      Reuter  -  75 words
    • 158 2 '$17 for an Indian head' on the Kashmir line YEW DELHI, Sun. 11 An official Indian spokesman said today that Pakistani irregulars had been offered rewards for producing heads of civilians they had killed in raids across the Kashmir ceasefire line. The reward offered was 25 rupees (about $17) a
      Reuter  -  158 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 388 2 Ml |E) STEEL ELECTRODES JW M A low priced g«ner«l purpos* eleej^p f m trod*, giving minmum economy in Jpr Mr M welded mild steel constructional work. j^T Af H RADIAN jfr Jjf If A high quality, general purpose elec J& O trod* available in sizes suitable tor all Jo'
      388 words
    • 168 2 Swpet news You enjoy sweet things, but want to stay slim and active? Then Hermesetas (pronounced Herme-SEE-tas) U for yomt This pure Swiss sweetener is fat sweeter than ordinary sacchatins. No additives, so no after* taste, no stomach upsets. And no worries about overweight! Life is sweeter with economical Hermesetas.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 183 3 Concord: Now Bonn and Rome are invited I OKDON. Sun- Britain has hrld exploratory talks with West Germany and Italy after inviting them to cooperate in the AnßloFrench project to produce the Concord supersonic airliner. An Aviation Ministry spokesman said here last night that British representatives had discussed the proposal
      Reuter  -  183 words
    • 34 3 PARIS. Sun. Prance mill have a population of 49 million by the end of July, an Increase of seven million Inhabitant* In the last 15 the National Statistics Institute announced. Reuter.
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    • 64 3 MOSCOW. Sun. Russian parachutist preparing to jump was thrown from his plane when it went into a dive Rut the pilot pulled hack on the stick and the parachutist, Vasily Prcherskikh. landed back "ii top of the aircraft. He crawled along the fuselage in mid -air, jumped
      Reuter  -  64 words
    • 81 3 LONDON. Sun. Leading Russian poetess Anna Akhmatova received the honorary degree of doctor of letters of Oxford University here on Friday The 77-year-old writer, denounced during the Stalinist regime, heard herself described as "m embodiment of the past who can console the present and
      Reuter  -  81 words
    • 38 3 ATLANTA. Sun. Ku Klux Elan officials, with a hu«e metal cross as backdrop, at a rally of 600 supporters, last night called for renewed strength and Increased Klan activity. Including marches In other southern cities. Rcuter.
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    • 438 3 THIRD DAY AND THE SPACE TWINS CATCH UP ON SLEEP In excellent health and with no ill-effects from over 60 hours in space HOUSTON, Sunday gPACE twins James McDivitt and Edward White were following orders to catch up on their sleep today as they approached the three-quarter mark of their
      Reuter  -  438 words
    • 107 3 THE HAGUE. Sun. -Police protection has been given to the British Ambassador. Sir Peter Garran, because of a letter he received from a man threatening to kill him, an Embassy spokesman said last night. Police said the letter threatening to shoot Sir Peter
      Reuter  -  107 words
    • 34 3 BIRMINGHAM. Sun. The £33 million Rover Motor ManuI facturlr.K Group here has made a i successful takeover bid for the Alvi.s firm, internationally known for custom-built cars and military vehicle production. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 191 3 Water gun and 'cap pistol' next for spacemen UOLSTON (Texas), 11 Sun.— A "water ffun," a "cap pistol" and improvements to the propulsion gun carried by Astronaut Edward White in his space walk are being developed for future space flights. Mr. Harold Johnson, division chief of crew systems at the
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    • 36 3 VIENNA. Sun.— Budapest s Nep stadium, which holds 90.000 people, has already been sold out for the only performance In Hungary by the American jazz trumpeter 1 a i Armstrong next Wednesday. Reuter
      Reuter  -  36 words
    • 29 3 PARIS Sim A 53-year-old man has been sent to prison for four months for bltinn a policeman who tried to stop him beating his wife Reuter.
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 138 3 LONDON. Sunday. ol Whitsun holiday travellers milled in chaos through London Airport today as a snap unofficial strike by British European Airways staff worsened. i Baggage loaders who struck yesterday, leaving 10.000 passengers stranded at the airport, were joined today by drivers, caterers, loaders and warehousemen
      Reuter  -  138 words
    • 219 3 The rich girl who starved herself to death I ONDON. Sun.—Bren- da Marsh. 18, who lived in a comfortable home with a well-to-do family, died of starvation. Her smartly dressed mother. Mrs. Jessie Marsh, told an inquest on Friday that the girl had obstinately refused to eat. Instead, she would
      UPI  -  219 words
    • 97 3 NEW YORK- Sun.— The New York subway system thi& week 1 had its first crime-tree night. In history. transit commissioner John Gilhooley said yesterday. He said this record, set on j Thursday night, was "remarkable testimony" to a recently Introduced plan for
      Reuter  -  97 words
    • 38 3 LONDON. Sun Mr. Arthur Bottomoley. the Bri'.Lsh Commonwealth Secretary, yesteroay rejected a suß«e*ti m that Britain should try to get the United Nations to mediate in the Rann of Kutch dispute between India and Pakistan- Reuter
      Reuter  -  38 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 257 3 iJM W^ Why break your T^llfP t\ |I|4UM arm lifting an old- Ifjl \J fi l^^tiLl^l V C;^ -^~r\ weight iron when I I B^B* H 111 B^S' B^^^^^^^iJl way of ironing? With a Philips 111 LI «^BT A lightweight. Just set the dial at m the right heat and
      257 words
    • 216 3 Beautifying COMPLEXION Raising RESISTANCE Fortifying VITALITY f^^p 9Sii mcS^B^^^B^l 4. Ti f/|lll j^B^^fdl If IKI Wonder Tonic with VjjP Each Sweetlet is equivalent to 10 oranges vitamin C). HICEE SWEETLET& will keep your v complexion smooth and clear, free I \>"* from blemishes and rough skin. It will also relieve
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  • 1224 4 INDIGENOUS PEOPLE GET A SWEEPING PLAN KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. A comprehensive plan to help Malay and other native small holders has been recommended to the Economic Congress of the Indigenous People here. Highlights of the plan are: THE INTRODUCTION of legislation
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  • 327 4 Ungku Aziz: Capitalism or co-ops to better ijf e for indigenous people? KUALA LUivA'UR, Sun. The Dean of the Faculty of Arts, University of Malaya, Prof. Ungku Abdul Aziz, has told the Economic Congress of the Indigenous People that it has to decide between the path of capitalism and the
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  • 279 4 UNITE AGAINST PAP's 'SEPARATISM' CALL BY KEAN SIEW KUALA LUMPUR. Sun rpHE secretary-general of the Socialist Front Mr. Lim Kean Siew, today called on the people to unite against PAP's "separatism." In a speech read by a leading member of the Selangor division of the Labour Party. Mr. Pang Qui
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  • 76 4 PENANG. Sun.— Mr POT Swainson. Penang branch manager of Boustead and Co. Ltd I last night presented watches to I four members of the staff who have retired after putting in a total of 136 years service Inche Hashim bin Mohamet 60. Mr Yeap Chong
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  • 34 4 PORT HWETTENHAM. Sun Eight of the fast batch of Mu.slim pilgrims who arrived in the liner Kuala Lumpur here on Friday, have been admitted to Kiang District Hospital with smallpox
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  • 48 4 26 complete course MUAR. Sun.— The first batch of 26 volunteers from the Muar Civil Defence Corps completed a twomonth intensive training course here yes'erday The District Officer, fnche Mohamed Smd bin Mnhameri Tabir. who Is the chairman of the corps, took the salute -v the passingout parade
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  • 311 4 From ARTHUR RICHARDS I ONDON. Sur> The rate of British investment in Malaysia has been impeded by President Soekarnos confrontation towards the region. This was stated by Lord Nelson of Stafford, chairman and chief executive of the English Electric Company Limited, who
    311 words
  • 112 4 If U ALA LUMPUR, Sun Building plans for a $70,000 three-storey headquarters for the 14,000-stron* National Mining Workers' Union are beinsr finalised by its architects. The union's executive secretary, Mr. M. Arokiasamy, said that two shop lots in Brickfields Road had already been
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  • 34 4 IPOH Sun. The birthday of the Sultan of Peralc. which has been celebrated on Aue. 28 for th« oast two years, will be officially celebrated on Sept 15 from UUa year onwards
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  • 193 4 J^UALA LUMPUR, Sun. Malaysian Indians have been urged to act as a "unifying torce In the country Speaking at a dinner given in his honour by the Selangor Indian Chamber of Commerce here, the Indian High Commissioner to Malaysia Mr. M.K. Kidwai. said that Indians
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 286 4 [The smoothest, safest ballpoint in the world... SH EAFFER Imperial II Put a Sh._. fer ballpoint to paper and you immediately feel the gliding ease... effortless writing without smudging. And, only a Sheaffer has the exclusive 'Safeguard' clip. Press it, and instantly the point is ready for writing. Press it
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 142 5 First in Malaysia First in the world In Malaysia all over the world— more people smoke Rothmans than <^^^^^ any other KING SIZE VIRGINIA cigarette. And for a good reason. fS^i m Nobody knows more about making KING SIZE cigarettes than Rothmans. m The best tobacco money can buy— a
      142 words

  • 369 6 SEVENTEEN Sinsaporc employees of the Straits Times Press, Ltd., with a total of 538 years of service last night received Atmos clocks and gold watches from Mr. A.C. Simmons. Chairman and Managing Director of the company, in appreciation of tseir long service. The occasion was
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  • 290 6 PENANG, Sunday. FkR. LIM CHONG EU, leader of the UDP Opposi- tion, will jntroduce a motion at the State Legislative Assembly meeting next Wednesday, urging the State Government to investigate the "urgent problem" facing Penang-based trawler- I fishermen. Dr. Lim (Kotsy will urge I
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  • 127 6 Burmese doctors for exam course OINGAPORE, Sun. —A group of 12 Burmese doctors flew into Singapore today for a three-month Colombo Plan course, which will enable them to sit for their primary Fellow of the Royal Australian College of Surgeons certificate examinations, at the University of Singapore. Three more of
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  • 172 6 A LOR STAR, Sun. A Ked a h Princess, Tengku Kamal i a h, youngest sister of the Sultan of Kedah, celebrated her 19th birthday today with her engagement to her cousin, Tengku Ja'afar Laksa- I mana, 23, grand-nephew of the Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul
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  • 198 6 SINGAPORE. Sun— The Adult Education Board announced today that members of the Public can now enrol tor the boards new tnree-month course in •Graphic Design and Silk Screen Printing," i whicn will be held at the Cultural Centre, Canning Rise commencing as soon as sufficient
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  • 23 6 SINGAPORE. Sun. Mr Jaswant Singh Bandal has been elected president of the Singapore Khalsa Association at its 32nd annual meeting recently.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 46 6 HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS DATO' RUNME SHAW on the conferment of PANGLIMA NEGARA di-dolam Darjah Mulia Pongkuan Negara by Duli Yang Mulia Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pcrtuan Agong on June 2nd 196S from the Management of KV3LL U UiC RESTAURANT LIDO CINEMA BUILDING, ORCHARD ROAD, S PORE 9.
      46 words
    • 63 6 I E&rWctfi!.} Today 3 Show, 3-a 9 a.m. A POWeRfUL MUSICAL Ml COD t AM A! IMttfDA REMMAN JL Tj-aLaß^KaWt^^KrT^^y Last Day: 3.30 I 7.30 p.m. Steve Reeves in "HERCULES" Eng. (with Scope and Color) Tomorrow Only: "The Quick ond The Dead" Eng. Last 2 Mm 3.30 A 7.30 a.m.
      63 words
    • 277 6 Arriving VERY 500N Simultaneously" at (s pore) CAPITOL FEDERAL (k. l.) a TRUE! HEROIC! SUICIDAL EPIC OF THE" a UNDERGROUND FIGHTERS in WORLD WAR II! af fIM Bt^ w bbr bbeP^^^'^bß^B ■Aw&i ■bb^^^^Hbbbl w bbbL^^-^^HIK t aaBBPV—^B*«fjMBBBBT ia^SBrBBBM la> I LflBK f^PBBBBBV aaa B BmJ> L HPi ywJBBBBBT i IT
      277 words
    • 457 6 Now Showim;: LAST OAY! Horn. 130.4 00 1 00 330 6.30 t930 pm 6 4549 15 pm Shirley MocLoinc Peter Ustinov PALACE: OPENS TOMORROW TRAIN 349 FROM BERLIN Joie FERRER Scan FLYNN CATHAY N ■own j I \<»%V MIOU I Horn, 1 30, 4 00. 6 30 9 30pm. i
      457 words

  • 571 7 BIG CEMENT PLANT OPENED |POH. Sun.— Tengku Abdul Rahman today praised a "remarkable and energetic Malaysian, my friend, Dato Low Vat." through whose "initiative and enterprise one more magnificent achievement" has been added to the country s industrial field. The Tengku was
    571 words
  • 349 7 IPOH. Sunday T<HE Minister of Commerce and Industry. Dr. x Lim Swee Aim. stressed today the need for the manufacturing industry to grow faster if it is to make a "more marked" contribution to the national economy. r Speaking at the official
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  • 108 7 IJUCHING. Sun.— Men of 1V the 3rd Bn., Royal Malay Regiment, stationed in Sarawak's Third Division have contributed to mosque Improvement funds in Sibu and Song. The commanding officer. Lt Col. Ismail Ibrahim, presented two cheques for $200 each to Dato Tuanku Bujang who
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  • 183 7 DENANG. Sun. The National Union of Teachers is to seek a court ruling on the Government's opinion that women teachers must resien when they marry, and be arbitrarily placed on the unified teaching scheme. "Wp shall be issuing a writ in
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  • 55 7 SINGAPORE. Sun. The Sin- gapore Musical Society has decided to begin practices tomorrow for its Christmas presentation of excerpts from Handel's "Messiah" at St. Andrew's Cathedral Memorial Hall rrom 5.30 p.m. 'o 7.30 p.m. Anyone interested tn tninlng should get in touch with the society. Tel
    55 words
  • 47 7 rii LANO tiuii. TllP OMtMtl of thr Land Office here. Inche Ibrahim bin Abdul Ghani. hH been apponted xrcretary of the Kluang Town Council. He sueceeas Ha.U Sarajudm bin Ali who has been transferred to Johore Bahru as secretary of the town council there.
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  • 113 7 'Sabah, Sarawak better known than Penang 9 DKNANG. Sun Mr. F. .Marvin Flake, executive director of the Pacific Area Travel Asvciation. said here last night that Sabab and Sarawak were better known than Penang outside South -East Asia. "But Penang is a lovely island and I have not heard one
    Agencies  -  113 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 66 7 Lft&AtLiiiiFRICAIfUS The iirst African cultural show to perform in Malaysia at STADIUM NEGARA KUALA LUMPUR BOOKINGS START TODAY Season starts TOMORROW TUESDAY, Bth June. Daily 2 Shows: 7 p.m. 9.15 p.m. Proceeds of the 7 p.m. show tomorrow Tuesday Bth June, will be Donated to the National Defence Kund. Tickets:
      66 words
    • 83 7 NATIONAL CAR CL "SII r*** >■■* Hflt'*'- EoEJ9 M D fj-628 A compact and sturdy little or HHhBI cleaner. Cleans car interior within sAto minutes anywhere.*..anytfme. No /^m^fw/ cumbersome attachments. Self-corv tamed dust bag. 1 4-foot electric cord J allows unrestricted access to all parts L. y °'f car luggage
      83 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 276 7 Straits Times Crossword ACROSft 7. Spring novel. IBm 1) (4. 2. 1. "7 thai the 22 acrott spirit doth i lo U25 H»« r Ted-»o Md (6-7.. 10. One piece of furniture Ir mort B Set 1 (3 4 complex than two! t7>. lo! He vsdllmle* ever perturbed lv Irvingla.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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  • 324 9 PARIS. Sunday. 'I' UK Malaysian Labour Minister Mr. V. Manickavasagam, arrived today from a tour of five West African countries to propound Malaysia's cause in the struggle with Indonesia. He said he was confident Malaysia would be able to make
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  • 56 9 PENAf G. Sun. The Pennris Mu.Mim Endowment Board has j agreed t > uiye the Muslim, mm- munity *wak«f lendowmenn land' for builriincr un orphanage Tor I Mu-..n. girls. Hail G. M. Yu.Mjff. 'ho pm!4a.skcd a delegation of Muslim women which met the board last Fi
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  • 111 9 1 ,000 college students to boycott classes SINGAPORE. Sun. Some 1.000 students of the NRee Ann College in Tank Road will boycott classes from tomorrow. At a meeting last night they decided on this move as a protest against the suspension of work on the college's million-dollar Department of Technology
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  • 54 9 PARII. Sun Thr Assistant I District Officer heir. Inrhe Sulaiman bin Hashim. has been flirt- 1 ed president r>r thp newly formrd .Malay Co-openunp Housing So-: ciety. Inchc A!::is bin McKimed Aliff whs ploc-tpd chairman with Inchr Abdul Rahim bin Haii Ismail as MCKtan and Inche
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  • 166 9 Swimsuit problem for Miss Malaysia contest KUALA LUMPUR, Sun.— The organisers of the Miss Malaysia contest this year are faced with a problem swimsuits. The chairman of the or- i ganising committee. Mr. C. L. Liew. said today: "We are still waiting for a reply from the District Office here
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  • 49 9 HAMPDEN 'Massachusetts, Sun. Mr. Thornton W. Burgess, who wrote thousands of stones about Peter Rabbit and his friends, died here lair last night aeed 91. Mr. Burgexx' book.- sold more than 7J million ropien throughout the world. He wrote 15.000 wories for rhi'.dren Reuter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 123 9 rpUMPAT. Sun. The District Officer here, Inche Yusof bin Harun. last r.*ght reminded the Malays that if they do not study the national language hard they may be left behind by others. He was speaking at the opening of a speech, contest for students
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  • 262 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. A petition for the winding-up of the Malayan Times Ltd. has beer\ lodged in the High Court here by Madam Neo Kirn Hiap. of 220-A Jalan Ipoh. Kuala Lumpur. The Gazette notice .says: The aald petition Is directed to be
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  • 183 9 SINGAPORE. Sun. The Singapore MedicalWorkers' Union today accused the Ministry of i Health oi taking sides in its dispute with the rival Amalgamated Union of Public Employees over representation of Division IV employees. In a statement, the unions secretary. Mr. M. Nadaraiah. charged that the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 59 9 BOAC GEISYOU mm "3Kiii^ 'Y\. iiiSß^bjiii^iiiiii Quickly Comfortably -J mm wmm ttmi ■■ft MM Directly For more details of BOAC'S services, consult your local BOAC Appointed Travel Agent or Malaysian Airways (General Sales Agents) Telephone Singapore ***** Kuala Lumpur ***** ALL OVER THE WORLD BOAC TAKES GOOD CARE OF YOU
      59 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 160 9 t//#*t/ 1h, f IS if T. Itfimiin -*Jl I I SET ME MY CLUB, JMY STAJ», 1S»/t| I'LL SAY IT IS.' OOP HIS OVE? ..I'M GO»KIG I U^V^AObi W)LL YUH? AN' HURKT THIS A kINPA JUST SHOWED UP!.. I OH, MY WITH YOU. 1 Or^* IT UP...I'M GOtKJ'ON SUPOEN^ J
      160 words

  • 25 10 K,,,rf, S/5 iVimtmum) MR AND MRS Thotna* Oinmrn inn ap|>rrrmtioo to Inrn<lt. r»lftt;v*4 tnt pajajMl .<»v!«tanre. good :m<i Kiln .ii thur wMdinn T
    25 words
  • 37 10 It M „-rft ffj I Minimum I IN AFFECTIONATE REMCM IRANCI of our Iwinvrd dao Albert TTianibmh Srlvaratnara. A life well MM in rtrrn.<. pf»» .No aorno««. no to»m Your iwfi armlra anil llnii<T hrre.
    37 words
  • 650 10 The Straits Times Monday. June 7, 1965. Problem of Algiers Although Malaysian ad- mission to the Afro-Asian conference in Algiers is still not certain Dr. Subandrio asserts that Indonesia and > China 'have made the necessary arrangements" for our exclusion sponsorship by i India and the announced sup- port of
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  • 435 10 Nineteen months ago, after a dispute which led to a change of Vice-Chancellors. the Singapore Government j I agreed in principle to support i a programme for the rapid i expansion of the University of Singapore. In the intervening j period, a start has been made towards developing
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  • 171 10 One of the saving graces ot television is its utility for educational purposes. Its value, already established in many advanced countries, is potentially even greater in countries like Malaysia, where the supply of good teachers and modern teaching facilities and aids is far from adequate. Through television, the
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  • 456 10 Waiting for germ passengers from the planets WASHINGTON. Sun.- A committee of scientists has recommended that American astronauts returning from the moon and planets be kept in "strict" quarantine for at least three weeks to prevent the possible contamination of the earth by dangerous germs from other worlds. The recommendation
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  • 761 10 ACCUSATION AND TRIAL 'A two-pronged attack on apex and base of the whole judicial structure../' A LETTER FROM T.B.F.Menon President Law Alumni of th« Universities in Malaysia THE bill to amend the C r i m i nal P r o c edure Codes has been given some coverage in
    761 words
    • 111 10 IT is most disturbing to note that had not the Sultan of Pahang visited the military camp at Sibu and taken up the issue of its repair, the poor soldiers would still have bopn housed under such deplorable conditions. Surely such matters should have been the responsibility
      111 words
    • 124 10 I REFER to the letter by V. N. Mahtani 'S. T May 10) in which he cited the case of a locally posted letter taking eight days to reach him by post The above instance does not represent the normal standard of delivery service provided by the Postal
      124 words
    • 224 10 "PUZZLED" of Kuantan. gave an accurate picture of the property developing business in Kuantan. He sounds like another developer who has abandoned one more housing project: and in doing so. Incurred financial loss, wasted effort and time. As a matter of fact, the people of Kuantan have
      224 words
  • 455 10  - Learning Malay 92 Yunus Maris M.A. by Lnivcrsity of Malaya VOCABULARY: Tani. berUni (vi to be engaged in farming; petani mi farmer: Jenis m 1 class, kind, type, sort; boaof, membaanc (v) to thro\:. to throw away to waste: sunccoh (.adj. advi true, truly; bersunffohs larivi in earnest, seriously, conscientiously;
    455 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 989 10 Simla Tiain Mala? Mai MAItKCT O'c»«-> »«m» (•KWllwlfl D«*a) «t |M »oa« Nava. laa* ArtfcorlMal »t»»ia CITY lOOK STOKE LTD wi^".i'<i Houa*. C«lly*> Q»«V THE NIAI FRONT ritjp.t.ic. i.Hmvw M M. ISMAIL Atitiira <> 'oil Waial laaa MAMIEM STORE 141* wppcr rnanft Haa«. I»|U«I 17 V RITNASAMY CO ill Jalan
      989 words
    • 58 10 S All TV lIKM is O.C.B.C's Policy. Because it is the best in the end. Let it be your policy too 1 BANK WITH OVERSEA-CHINESE BANKING CORPN. LTD. the LARGEST and STRONGEST locally incorporated bank. AUTHORISED CAPITAL: SI 00,000.000 00 ISSUED FULLY PAID: 30 000.000 00 GENERAL RESERVE: $33,000,000.00 TOTAL
      58 words
    • 122 10 ROLEX The Wonderful 'Dotejusl' Officially Certified Chronometer with the Rolex Red Seal. Self-wound by the Rolex Perpetual rotor mechanism. Oyster case 100% waterproof, instantaneous calendar. Oat* magnified by Cyclops lens. ay t* J ROLEX A landmark in the history of Time measurement See the full range of other wonderful ROLEX
      122 words

  • 2305 11 Solidarity Convention holds first assembly: It will preach gospel of inter-racial unity and propagate basic rights of all races Experience in similar countries has shown that a united nation can arise only if one race does not aspire to be the master race, but all citizens
    2,305 words
  • 124 11 Union urged: Keep naval base efficient nGAPORE. Sun. The general-secretary of the ..aval Base Laoour Union. Mr. K. A. Kurap, has called on members to give their wholehearted co-operation to the Central and State Governments by keeping the services at the base going efficiently. Sprakii g j: the Itmoni annual
    124 words
  • 65 11 BRUNEI TOWN. Sun. The Sarawak Government's hydrographlc survey boat, Lomba Lomba. which was destroyed by fire at Muara. north of here, Uto be replaced by another now being fitted out. in Kuchtng. The Lomba Lomba was making a survey off the Brunei coast last j
    65 words
  • 57 11 BRUNEI TOWN. Sun— A report on Brunei* tourist potential calls for the building of more hotels. It wa.-> written by Mr Nelson Chang. UN. tourist adviMT who visited Brunei in February He also urges a publicity campaign to tell the world of Brun-ls tourist attractions, .mri
    57 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 229 11 In Vitamin C ULTRA-LOW il price for tnis BSSI»\ double-size bottle m^Stit Yaar body need* rich supply o( Vfl^*.Vc£fe9sraf&' VTTAMIN Cto combat tir»dne*t, pPJs»iii«3j^P^Bj build body tissue .mi fight infection. |*ASC A D Enrure radiant health and vigorous jII *-\£\^g~tf&jx I' energy by drinking Cascade Ulti»C j daily. A hottle
      229 words
    • 438 11 1 it INTEREST 1 V )lh> PER ANNUM from your deposit account with Pan Malayan Finance gives you a steady and safe income. Write today for our booklet "A SAFE AND SOUND DEPOSIT" giving full details of how easy it is to open a Deposit Account. /#%PAN MALAYAN |i^.iIFINANCE LTDY^\^r
      438 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 842 11 TV MALAYSIA (Malaya) tHANNI.LS: English. 3.42 Close: 5.15 5 Kuala Lumpur and I'rnanf;; Test pattern and music. 5.45 6 I pnh and Malacca; Opening and pruxntin.uc simi--3 .lohcre Bahru: mary: 3.50 News, m the Na--4 Taipiii'; tional Language: 5.53 Na--7 Batu I'ahat: tlona] songs. 6.00 News m Kluaur Tamil: 610
      842 words

    • 90 12 1 BL'ENOS AIRES Sun. A monkey at large in the city's fashionable Bolgrano district has started a feud between house- wives and policeThe police have been ordered to catch the monkey while the ladies are bringing it fond. "But for their kind hearts the
      Reuter  -  90 words
    • 383 12 LONDON, Sunday pOUR Heads of Government will be absent from the Zl -nation Commonwealth Prime Ministers' Conference which opens here on June 17. The nine-day conference will take a fresh look at economic, political and defence problems, and create a multi-racial secretariat
      Reuter  -  383 words
    • 111 12 KHARTOUM. Sun. Police have arrested four ex-army officers, believed to have been planning a coup d'etat. A substantial quantity of arms was seized believed to belong to a "liberation movement." sources here said. More arrests. including civilians, were expected. One of the four ex-officers who
      UPI  -  111 words
    • 48 12 pKAtit'E. Sun. President Tito of YuKOslavia attacked Chinese policies yesterday in a speech to motor workers at Plzen. Chechoslovakia, where ho was a steelworker in his youth. He |MMi hinese Iradrrs of di>torting the >rnsr of peaceful rorxistencr. the Czechoslovak news agency Cetcka reported.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  48 words
    • 215 12 DIAMONDS IN SEABED OFF THE AFRICAN COAST U/'ILMINGTON (Dela- ware). Sun. A ship named Rockeater has been drilling 27-inch diameter holes in the seabed oft* the southwest coast of Africa for the past two years and coming up with diamonds. Mr. Willard Bascom. president of Ocean Science and Engineering. Inc..
      215 words
    • 195 12 The ultimate weapon: A nagging woman WASHINGTON. Sun i A man has suggested that the U.S. Army use the ultimate weapon against the enemy the voice of a nagging woman. The suggestion, referred to in i military research publication, was submitted recently to the army's research office. The Identity of
      Reuter  -  195 words
    • 39 12 I KUCHING. Sun. Closing date for entries to the crafts section of the Malaysian An and Crafts i Competition is now July 10. The exhibition of selected crafts ha* been postponed to July 21-30 I A P-
      39 words
    • 104 12 MANILA. Sun_ A woman pharmacist and mother of four was reported to have plotted the murder of her physician husband "because he never appreciated anything I did." Lydia Guzman Montoya admitted to the police that she hired assassins to kill her husband. Her husband,
      UPI  -  104 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 290 12 PickCPCdS.. S^ the pick of "f-^j electric cookers J G3l Lj z ,C_^^^^^^^^s^ Creda Super Carefree C Cooks with loving car* Creda 315.S Valo. for money l™"H*»fr IVm up4»-the-s«csnd btaatin (re* IW ttpcrb Ctti* ring* to W your kifebe* brgc ar smill, *ni your huiftl. Airf •fat a cboictl
      290 words
    • 141 12 Taipei The copttol city of Totvwb b conveniently served by tm swfft and silent Coraveie M* Of THAI INfTO?NAT!ON»SL Enfoy the famed Rovol Odrid Service with «jrv o cntatea. fine wines, ond oil the ho»*tolity of Thai ond Scondaovion fflghi arw:. Mm unwi km. urns puo. iiiiMiwL 18. MM
      141 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 53 12 Bugs Bunny By Ralph Heimdahl KhE-S STIU_YIET 'laT CHASING RUKj! HE'S /HELP, BUGS il THAT CAT \J FAT AN 1 COVEC GOT J mm W WHAT'LLf NEEOSTW' V^awav: 'i^L v£ PO7y\EXEocise; g -z^ lil^fcfiSa^ rHE'STBEEOTWeXI Mf^jfc^VPOOC DCAB I6TOO\ CAT! NOW VOLI'LL. lv^^Hfc<\ TIRCD TO WALK I HAVE TO HCLP ME
      53 words

  • 1492 13  - History of Sabah: Light on some less known facts STRAITS TIMES BOOK REVIEW ALLINGTON KENNARD by A HISTORY OF MODERN SABAH 1881—1963. By K. C. Tregonnlng. (University of Mataya Press: Oxford University Press. $9) came, after the Japanese occupation, for the British Crown to assume possession. The Company's 4.000 shareholders
    1,492 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
      191 words
    • 541 13 ___fl____________________l_____R____ ■v wk^___T_F__l __T **M _j__fic St """SS^Pv Sstid for a copy of this famous PR^ W/\i book. It will cost you nothing. \J\. Yet It can open the door to a i wonderful career. General Certificate It win show you how you can o< Edue "«o" be a success
      541 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 530 14 151 ontlnued from Pace 10 1 SITUATIONS VACANT IS Hard* tt (Mim >—Bnx S» rtt BBS*) TYPIST REQUIRED. Apply Mating qualification* experience salary required to Boa A43«9 s T g'port SALESMEN WANTED by Estab- -ned Firm. Apply personally 118 Tras Street. Spore Pbone M 236. ENERCETIC MEN and women for
      530 words
    • 994 14 SITUATIONS VACANT U Ward* U (Mim.)— Box St rf*. BBESB COST CLERK with Senior Cambridge and Credit in Mathematlca and practical experience in a manufacturing undertaking fo- Petaling Jaya factory of Internationa) group. Pay according to experience. Excellent conditions Full particular* to Box A 2083 8.T.. K L WELL-SPOKEN ENERGETIC
      994 words
    • 1058 14 SITUATIONS WANTED or4t <•« (Hin.) Set it rrt txtra CENSRAL AMAH (MALAY) position Lnderatand Engltab. Good references Contact 197 Pasir Panlang Road Mm» s pore MID- FORTY MALAYSIAN Kurasian Engineer isteani and diescn experienced in Held labour supervition and factory roremanship available for Immediate employment Minimum salary acceptable X3OO- Box
      1,058 words
    • 892 14 GODOWN SPACE WANTED i ri's «> rMiK.l—Bex tt eta, extra STORACE SPACB REQUIRED 4.UUU tq ft minimum around Boor Dtstnct v desirable out not essential Writ* Bo* A40"o 8 T Boor* MERCHANT FIRM require* tell contained ground floor sodown 3.900 to 9.000 square feet preferably within 2 mile*
      892 words
    • 941 14 EDUCATION i <S SUI rf* •%>'* HOW IS YOUR Malay progressing?Improve your knowledge of the National Language by readmit Benta Hariao daily, the only romaniMd National Language newspaper. counting. Shorthand. I ypewrltlag Camnridge £xan> Health Kcience Cl«»» with txcelleal oote* iJßineM YMCA. ii- ■'rleulr Road "orv -'wBl FOORMAN'S SCHOOL OP
      941 words
    • 949 14 HI-FI STEREO ROQERS STERBO AMPLIFIER Model HO4* MX II excellent condition and quality. Owner going on eav* S3.V. Box A43S& 8 T. 8 pore BEAUTY CULTURE •S Hard* Sf (Hint—Box Se eta. extra REDUCE SAFELY wttb Reducins Bionelle* A new Urnnaa dl*oov*ry. from all chemists RUGS. CARPETS CURIOS SHROFFS CARPBTS
      949 words
    • 954 14 FOR SALE M *Ta**J| Box is stj nßtsa SPECIAL BARGAINS 23" TV *3W l» TV S3*9. TV $I'.iS. RMtifusioo Hlnnaporr only CLEARANCE tALII Am«rlcsn Childirri Cotton $1 'JO Only. 60. Winrtie»lcr Houm. TH: MHB, S'por*. 1»«5 PHILCO AIRLONDITIONSR available at ■-ii.capur* RefrigeratloD i Co 184. OMSBBBcaaa A\* Tel 8
      954 words
    • 612 14 NOTICE THE PUBLIC ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED tint It is proposed to repair the Railway track at th« ndermentioned Level Crossine;:— "The Public are hereby notified that th. roadway at the Public Level Crossing at 16J mile. Sunset Bakap. will be closed for repaint on the nmht of 11.6.65 from 600
      612 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1324 15 TO LIVtRPBOL I. WEST CBAST UK.: Due S'cwi Sailt P. S'hara PMaajj HACHADN I <»-dool CM. IS Ttlay JMe I'll J*M 11 CLYTONIUS I .erpool. Glasgow IMt I Jm* ll Jm* 12, II Jmi 17 PYRRHUS I .'-ooo', Glasgow Imi 12 Jmi 4 BIOMII L'«trpMl, Glasgow Jim II IMa 21
      1,324 words
    • 2408 15 MMMMaa»«.* M^MMMMMMMMMMMMPMMMMPI mßmmmWmmmmmWmmmmWmmmWmmmmmmmWmWmmmmmmmmmmmm THE E A XjL/NES '>■:. I »ST AilAliU COMPWMV LI4 L-ccipctltd «i {Xttii* EXPRESS SAILINCS TO NEAR EAST. CBNTINENT ANB SCANDINAVIA: S ourr P Shan Penang Arr: Genoa Havre H burg R'dam Antw Coph BASRA I) Sailel Sailrt la Pt J Jmi 2a July 2 July 7
      2,408 words
    • 1223 15 tip*-* ELLERMAH BUCKHALL S.S. CO., LTD. lr^^^ U.K. /Continent BMBMart P. I htm Pmms Cm Or COX O MM lonoo*. rtamouri. HotttrMß. Havn, Mull, I— iMnm lill imi MlMt CITY U OlMJiiPtl Lonooa, HlMuia, Sontrtaav .irp Hull HIM CITY BT tJEUIKStIH LMOO*. HaaOorg. RottarMm. «*>(!. Hull. I—IMIMM BVH Itn IB
      1,223 words

  • 1101 16 THt Üb» of shares on thr Malajan Stock Exchange shows last business to May 39. (A) and last butinrss since that date ißi with H and I, standing for Highest and Lowest business for 1964 and this year to date. 2 5 i/- B>itoh inv> I si* U/o
    1,101 words
  • 113 16 IT-S. auto production in May I reached a monthly high tor the sixth consecutive month, and auto makers plan another record output In June, according to company reporu. Production last month rose tn 837,168 cars, up 15 per cent trom the previous May record of <25.314,
    113 words
  • 85 16 The £33 million Rover Motor Manufacturing Group has made a successful taJce-over bid for the Alvls firm. Internationally known for custom-built cars and military vehicle production. Alvls have agreed to the deal, said to be worth about £2,700.000. which lnvohes a straight swap of ordinary shares
    85 words
  • 72 16 THE Mal t y*w Exctungt Sinks* As to* ratea to mcrcbanti on Saturday (all rates to $100): Canada: buylnf TT 35 7/16. airmail OD 35 9/16, 00 el/st. 36 1/16 credit bills, 36 1/8 trade bills. tailing TT or OD ready: Canadian dollart 35 1/lb: Deuttche Mirks 1A
    72 words
  • 54 16 T'UE present rate of the Malajan dollar against the ponnd sterLLn r fixed on November 24 last year la Selling TT or OD 2a, 3 15/16 d. Buying TT 2a, 4 1/160. Buying OD 2b. 4&d. The dollar Is at its statutory middle position in relation to its
    54 words
  • 50 16 The Abertoyle Tin Development Partnership formed a new Unmlnlng company, Gibsonvale Aiiuvlals N.L. to operate leases In the southern part of New South Wales Members of the Aberfoyle Tin 1 Partnership are Aberfoyle Tin N.L Metals Exploration N.U. North Australian Uranium Corporation N.L., and Paiinga Mining EL
    50 words
  • 38 16 /"IN the free exchange mirktt KJ Hoot KonK on Saturday -ho UI. dallar wan quotrd at 5.75 f for T.T. and 5.741 for cash. tttrlina was quoted at 16.03 tad m tatl of sold at 260).
    38 words
  • 42 16 May 31. June 1. June 2. June 3. June 4. Jun* 5. Industrials: 72 65 Tins: 93.20 S rubbers: 103 63 72.43 72.53 92.88 95.40 103.83 103.63 72.06 92.18 103.61 103.61 Dec. 30. 1963 100. Dec. 29. 1962 100.
    42 words
  • 45 16 Current payment Date of payment Total Total for for year pru iom >«' Brata Rubber 5 I Kramat Tin 3d. Wearoe Bra*. 6<%t (Increased capital) Amal Malay Rubber 15 Dindinjs Robber 35% June 29 June 30 June 22 12J-- 10% 40 Tc t Interim
    45 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1155 16 *J*4)^aaaa*a > a > a'*'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*aaa Baoi CUBBKiaI and U.S.A. Great Lakes Sorvte* H kont To*f>iama Mnntreal lornnto Oetron Curate "fienda Mars" 21 24 Jsif I Atf 4 Sett I Sett USttt WSett ■Itfaaaftr 12 l] Aq 21 Asf. 2) Sept 1 Oet Oct II Bet West Coast ol CentrsU/Soutb America
      1,155 words
    • 948 16 (E^ORIENT] LINES j ATTENTION STUDENTS! INEXPENSIVE TOURIST CLASS ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE ss. "ORSOVA" (29,000 tons fully alrconditioned stabilised) Deport.n, SINGAPORE 23rd July 1965 Arriving LONDON 13th Aug 1965 via BOMBAY, ADEN, PORT SAID, NAPLES BARCELONA. Apply to your Travel Agent, or to:ISLAY KiRR A CO. LTD., SINGAPORE. HARRISONS I CROSFIELD (MALAYSIA)
      948 words
    • 775 16 LLOYD TRIESTINO yX*^,a^ajsaaaaaaalsaaaaaaaaaaaßaW TRAVEL TO THE CONTINENT OF EUROPE AND TO THE UNITED KINGDOM VIA ITALY m.v. "VICTORIA" Selling from Singapore 21st June, 1965 m.v. "ASIA" Soiling from Singapore 27th July, 1965 LIMITED ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE FOR BRINDISI, VENICE TRIESTE via Bombay, Karachi, Aden Port Said Special Concessional Rail Sleeper Tickets
      775 words
    • 60 16 GOLDEN LINE \"^W LOADING MBJ*. UCUIDt. MfLtOUIMt. HMBJf, V rtor* Ptaaat P Shaai S'poro ts dm*. diactj /load discft /iom re >ao* ■.f. BfcißlH tWNOCt J/Ujaa* aVtJeaa Bf. StLDCN SPtINS 14/11 lei, Mat aB) 71 IB Jaly 29 31 Jal Sinqoporc K. Lumpur P. S'hom Pcoon. GUAM GUAM SHIPPING LTD.
      60 words

    • 1166 17 From Our Market Correspondent MAIN event of importance on the Stock Exchange last week was the Callaghan amendments giving some transitional Corporation tax relief to companies with overseas trading corporation status. These companies will get transitional relief amounting it is estimated, to about £20
      1,166 words
    • 915 17 Tin price down$.75 on week COMMODITY REVIEW i i 'pHE Straits tin price con--1 eluded another erratic week on Saturday by dropping a further $2.75 to $771. This represented a net loss on balance during the holiday shortened week of $5.75. The week began with a fall of $6 12i
      915 words
    • 24 17 BIBBER TIN (prrlb). (per pirul). May 31. 73*4 $770.25 June 1. 74 $773.50 2. 3. 74S 577H.75 4. :t $773.75 5. $771.00
      24 words
    • 697 17 rE following is a complete list of revised quotations for the week ended on Friday. June 4. INDUSTRIAL* B. Alex Brtclu 13.50 Rousttad 1.15 C. 8. Holding! 2.00 C.T.B. ordi 88/9 Dunlop* 1.26 K.iso 1.41* Ktao dtb I.UO Kant Smelt 3.82 K. N 2.2H Ked Dlip
      697 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1631 17 U-^ IN THE HIGH COURT AT MALAYA AT ALOR STAR Originating Summons No. 307 of 1963 Bh ax-wan Sln(h it Co. Ltd. Applicants Fatlmah binti Mat Respondent NOTICE OF SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION Persuant to an Order of Court made on the 4th May 1964 In aforementioned O S No.
      1,631 words
    • 706 17 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS i STATE OF BRUNEI VACANCIi FOR MEDICAL OFFK OH Application are Invited for appomtmen. to the posts of Mecxal Officers In thp Medical and Health Department, Brunei, i Lady Medical Officers and Male Medical Oiucers required). QUALIFICATIONS: i a) .up holder of any degree, diploma or licence which
      706 words
    • 690 17 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS PUBLIC APPOINTMENT PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD SINGAPORE ELECTRICITY DLPARTXtXT: Requires lA) SENIOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR lot the Si Inspectorate Section In salary scale t1.280 x A 45-1.370 x A5O--I.62o —the commencing bas: to be dependent upon applicants qualifications and experience plus variable as payable from ttme to tune.
      690 words

    • 550 18 Joseph is Negri's man of the match MALAYA CUP ROUNDUP SEREMBAN. Sun. NEGRI SEMBILAN 2 SINGAPORE 2 I (.Kl SEMBILAN fought back from two goals down at half-time to hold South zone leaders Singapore to a draw today in one of the most exciting Malaya Cup football matches seen on
      550 words
    • 183 18 PFNANG 10 PERLIS 2 pENANCJ, Sun. Playing at home and against weak opposition. Penang strolled away to an j easy victory in their Malaya Cup north zone I match at City Stadi--1 urn tonight. Perils, the bottom team I In the zone who have yet
      183 words
    • 225 18 JOHORE 1 MALACCA 2 lOHORE BAHRU. Sun. Malacca took full points off Johore today to step up their challenge for the south zone leadership la the Malaya Cup competition. After a shaky start, Malacca settled down to play fast, forceful football and quickly built up a
      225 words
    • 72 18 P\H.\NG 1 KKI..\NT\N 4 DENTONG. Sun. Piling nn the pressure in the second I naif. Kelantan ran out easy winners in this M.U.iya Cup east zone rr.urch here today. Panting held the visitors to 1-1 at half time bur they .soon I ran out of steam and
      72 words
    • 201 18 TPCA 1 KILAT 0 1/UALA LUMPUR. Sun. I Tamilian Physical Cv 1 tural Association won the Selangor senior knockout hockey championship today. i A 35th minute goal by leftback Shanmuganathan. off I a long corner decided the issue in the replay between TPCA
      201 words
    • 43 18 IPOH. Sun. Kmta Indians. 1 the Ipoh League champions beat, Kilat Ciub. RDY Cup ehampiot:.\ 2-0 in the annual soccer match for ihe Coronation Cup Stadium Perak here today. Kinta who ied 1-0 at halftme. scored through Brtehnan and Ramafamv.
      43 words
    • 871 18 CRICKET ROUNDUP By ERNEST FRIOA SINGAPORE, Sun. Singapore Cricket Association's j chief selector Khoo Ong Leei 1 took the day's batting hon- ours in the SCA senior tournament today when he al■Ml scored his second century of the season but his iflne effort did
      871 words
    • 230 18 I IPOH. Sun. Penang oeat Perak by 81 runs in their MCA League match in the Municipal Padang here today. Scores: Penang 135 and 97-8 dec- Perak 36 and 115. SCORKBOARD Penanf 2nd Inns: Stuu b Letchumanan 23: i Devadas c Letchumanan b Path-
      230 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 704 18 TENDER NOTICE TENDER NOTICE Nahah ('•ntponrnt K«yal r«ii.r Tenders are invited for the i m h supply, nreparation rook me and If p* t Presentation oi food In the ResM.pply >t i«.,iirr Field Fore* .puck hf SeJlinßO| Cj(in iH^s;'"^ T C Decem J<i n Kuala Lunipur for m l
      704 words
    • 857 18 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS STATE OF BRUNEI vacan<tes for dental officers Applications are Invited for appointment to the posts of Dental Officers. Medical and Health Department. Brunei i 3 vacancies). QI AI.IFICATIOXS: Applicai. must poises* any of J the following qualifications:— I) L.D.S. 'Singapore) or 11) L.DS iMa lava i or 111)
      857 words
    • 783 18 TENDERS MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND CO-OPERATIVES TENDER NOTICE SI'PPLV Ot" FERTILISERS Separate tenders for A and B 1 below will be received in the Office of the Setla U-alia Tetap. Kemeniertan Pertanlan dan Shankrti Kerja& Jalan Swettenham Kuala Lumpur up till Noon of 22nd June. 1965 for i A Supply
      783 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 139 18 DIARY K<M'(.'KR Spore l>»v. 2B: Darul Afiah A 1 v Seletar Young i Indians. Div 2A: Telolt Kurau Utd v Bintand Bulan (all matches at Farrer Pk-'. Div. 2C: Minto v Spore Airport (Balestler Rd>. Div tD- Arsenal v Marine Dept. (Parrer P<>. 3*: Ocean v Mt Emily <St Georges
      139 words
    • 124 18 SPORTS SUMMARY ATIII.KTKS .let i 543 Malarra open relay* (RKKI I i 100 m 1 Achilles 2 Prisons 3! Shrppherd Trophy i Malacca Swifts 45.0: 4 x 200 m: 1 Swtft* 2 BPA bt 45 Regt RA by 37 nins SPA Achilles 3 Spore School* 1:32 9: 77 and 113-4
      124 words

    • 1840 19  - It's Wineman's Derby OUTSIDER LEADS ALL THE WA YIN IPOH CLASSIC Epsom Jeep RACING with BIG SWEEP TOTAL POOL $107,500 1 No. *****6 ($26,606) 2 No. *****7 ($13,303) 3 No. *****7 ($6,651) Starter* ($1.23? each): Nos. *****6 *****1 *****5 *****8 *****6 *****7. Consolation ($517 each): Nos. *****7 *****7 *****6 *****0
      1,840 words
    • 296 19 HAIL TO ALL TRIUMPHS IN THE BELMONT STAKES NEW YORK, Sun.— Hail To All won the Bclmont Stakes, I third and final leg of the American Turfs triple crown run at Aqueduct here yesterday. The colt had finished fifth In I the Kentucky Derby and third In the Preakness Stakes,
      Reuter  -  296 words
    • 692 19 THE WORLD of SPORT ATHLETICS Lon- don, Sun. Lynn Davies, Britain's Olympic long jump champion, won two events when the two-day British Games began, at White City Stadium here yesterday. Davies, though below his best form, won the long flimp with a distance of
      Reuter  -  692 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements

  • 703 20 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun* PAPER URGES DRIVE TO IMPROVE ECONOMIC POSITION OF MALAYS, NATIVES THK Central (Government was asked today to organise a largescale campaign similar to the National Language Month to make Malays and other natives give serious attention to efforts to improve their economic position.
    703 words
  • 64 20 SINGAPORE. Sun— The Singapore Sal Chiew Village Association will present a Cantonese opera on Saturday. June 26 at 7 p.m. at the National Theatre in aid of the Red Cross Crippled Children's Home at Tanah Merah Besar and other Red Cross trainIng and welfare projects. The
    64 words
  • 48 20 SINGAPORE. Sun— Water v. ill br cut off in Houses Nos. 2 to 14 I 1 even Nos.i. 23 to 101 (odd Nos.i. 1 Cairnhill Circle and from Houses Nos. 7 to U 'Odd Nos.i. Peck Hay Road tomorrow from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
    48 words
  • 98 20 SPCA PLEA FOR SALE DONATIONS SINGAPORE. Sun.— The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has appealed to the public to donate goods for its annual Jumble sale to be held at Presbyterian Church hall on July 7 at 8.30 p.m. The society in a statement .--aid that all
    98 words
  • 428 20 LTAM meet advanced to September attract Aussie team BACK PAGE SPORT KUALA 1 IMI'l'K. BUI) Australia's official uaUonal tennis team. Who ;»re at present on a Kuropeantour ;ire expected to likb pun in the Malaysian open championships, a d i from Dtr. 9-12 .t0 Sept. 2-5. the I. awn Ten
    428 words
  • 39 20 PENANG. Sun. Selangor Polo Club won the Burma-Malaya Cup when they beat Singapore Polo Club "A 1 8-3 in the three-day tournament which ended here today. Royal Pahani;. Hip holders, were beaten by Singapore 'A' yesterday.
    39 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 125 20 NEW FOR SUMMERS! It's the tastiest way to slim! New cheese-flavour Limmits Crackers are the tastiest ever way to slim. Slimming never tasted so good before Limmits Crackers are so crisp, so savoury, you'd love them even if you weren't slimming And they really work Try them yourself, today I
      125 words
    • 297 20 Late CLASSIFIEDS 20 Hvrds tli < Minimum) m ZUBCR Mm <t Glrni-.i .<ll FLETCHER. To MbiM nnd Ralph n -..11 Inn* Mh. Both mfll. Uratoful th:ink» to IV). 'or and Staff Kuntnar Ward Educators Recommend f^l Jg* STAMFORD \3e£&fSf COLLEGE jSKp because home-study courses offered by Ps2siL^ fik STAMFORD COLLEGE
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 44 20 THE WEATHER Highest and lowest temperatures in Malaysia for the period 8 p.m. Saturday to 8 p.m yesterday Huhi-I Lowest Kuala Lumpur !K) 73 Kola Bharu 90 73 Penans 88 77 Ipoh 88 11 Malacca 88 70 Sumapore 84 7.1 Jc.isel'.on II Kuchini; 72
      44 words