The Straits Times, 5 June 1965

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 145,000 Nat*"* 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 SATURDAY, JUNE 5, 1965 15 CENTS KDN 1189 M.C.(P). 1005 J
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  • 245 1 Tew more days before rest are caught' KUALA LUMPUR. Friday OECURITY forces have killed one Indonesian infiltrator and captured 1 5 others in South-East Johore so far since the landings on Sunday morning. The latest capture was yesterday, when the kompong folk in the area rounded
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  • 308 1 Too excited over jet-propelled 'walk' outside orbiting Gemini -4.... HOUSTON (Texas), Friday ASTRONAUTS James McDivitt and Edward White sent word back to earth early today they were having the same problems that trouble many other travellers. The excitement of space travel was disrupting their sleeping and
    AP  -  308 words
  • 91 1 Tengku's likely day to travel: June 13 ITUALA LUMPUR. Fri 1V Tengku Abdul Rahman is expected to leave for the Commonwealth Prime Ministers' conference in London on or about June 13. He will most probably be accompanied by the Deputy Prime Minister. Tun Abdul Razak. and another Minister. The officials
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  • 25 1 JAKARTA. Fri Indonesians were notified today rhnt there would be a one-week air raid exerc»«* throughout the country starting on Monday— AP.
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  • 108 1 SINGAPORE. Fri.— (iemini-4 is believed to have passed over Kuala Lumpur at 7.31 a.m. today 7< > minutes behind the original schedule, due to the delayed blast-ofT. A U.S. Information Service spokesman said: "We don't have any reports that anyone saw it. But it can
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  • 117 1 M«f #*M!> ,««T. TM*T'» JUST WHAT IT MIANI /CAPETOWN. Fri— A non\j English speaking Chinese sailor. Pang Wai Chee. in a nurslnß home here, writing to his folks in Honr> Konp was faced with the problem of how to eive an address for a reply. So he scouted round
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  • 810 1 No time for Lee: The Speaker explains KUALA LI MPI R. Fri The Speaker of the House of Representatives. Dato CM. Yusof. said today that Opposition Mps were given 14 hours out of the .'i. hours and 55 minutes devoted to the debate on the Kings speech from the Throne.
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  • 178 1 Plane crashlands at airport KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. A twin enuinod four-seater Super-aero aircraft the only one of its kind in Malaysia erashlanded on the runway at the International Airport here today. The two occupants the pUol and the co-pilot—escup- ed unhurt. The pkme piloted by Captain W. Melliu.s With Mr.
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  • 43 1 MYSTERY BLAST SINGAPORE. Fri—Poll- patrol boats tonight sp<d to SMcrs Inland, two mills south of Singapore, j to inwstUate mystery ex- plosion heard about H-25 i p.m. Residents along the west coast heard blast, but police were unable to pin-point it.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 51 1 m mmm mmm with MORGANS POMADE LONGINES_ >. j^f^^'A automaticX^CD&tyX HARD MASTER fN^S, V M to be plcoicd »hot v«u \s 4* w po«esi a watch which i% robust j J ronqe o» orecr.c and olwayt maintain! its \^K|^d7 modih on sole: agents: MACLAINE WATSON (IMPORTS) LTD. Sing.ipur* Kuala Lumpur
      51 words
    • 44 1 CROCKETT JONES NORTHAMPTON ENGLAND FM AM 4-Band 9-Transistor Portable Radio Model KH-907H 12-Month Full Guarantee WH-900 WH*-°BBB Model TMBI6U ft '^\/l Model r- I M^k I Sf TH 12 P /\i SB St o \i t for top quality buy 1111 t^li \£j S
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    • 151 2 NAIROBI, Fri.— Kenya's Vice-Presi-dent, Mr. Oginga Odinga. has been replaced as leader of his country's delegation to the Commonwealth Prime Ministers' talks in London, the Government announced last night. The Foreign Minister, Mr. Joseph Murumbl, has been chosen to lead the five-man team.
      Reuter  -  151 words
    • 54 2 HONG KONU. Kri. Nar- I touts seized 135-lb. of rkw opium worth about HKIIOO.--000 in a search on a Royal Fleet auxiliary vessel. The opium was found In the I rrew quarters on the Langley, which arnvid from Singapore JTMUrday morning. Three Chinese j i-rew
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    • 38 2 BANGKOK. Fri. The Thai Deputy Defence Minister. Air Chief Marshal Dawee Cliullasapya. said here yesterday that the United States had promised PFFS Thunderchief jet fighters for the Royal Thai Air Force next year. Reuter
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    • 80 2 Cairo bars newsmen as Chou flies in CAIRO. Fri. Foreign reporters were barred from the tarmac when the Chinese Prime Miniser, Mr. Chou En-lai, flew in here last night for a brief stopover on his way to Tanzania. Police threw a double cordon around the white Russian-built airliner as it
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    • 27 2 HONG KONG. Pri. Mr. R. L. G. Ch.ii'.is arrived today to take up the post of New Zealand's first Commissioner in Hong Kong. Reutcr
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    • 38 2 MANILA, Fri. A 28-year-old pregnan; housewife in Iloilo city, in the souther; Philippines, stabbed herself to death yesterday after a bitter quarrel with her husband over his failure to buy horse meat for her.— Reuter.
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    • 288 2 Chou: War in China will not be a world war CAIRO, Friday THE Chinese Premier, Mr Chou En lai, has said China would not want to involve the Soviet Union in the event of Sino-American hostilities. Asked in an interview with the weekly magazine Al Mussawar whether it was true
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    • 143 2 Jungle hunt by 800 policemen I>OMBAY, Fri. Two Australians, arrested near Goa border after they were sought in the Jungle by 800 police, were arrested and brought here last night on charges of stealing a car. Their names were given as Leslie Alexander Dunlop, 23, a draughtsman from Melbourne, and
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    • 27 2 DACCA (Pakistan). Pri. The United States Government has granted USS2.I million <56.3 million) for the repair and reconstruction of East Pakistan's cyclone-damaged coastal embankments.
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    • 58 2 CONGO: We won't be there T EOPOLDVILLE, Fri. The Congo (Leopold ville) will not attend the second Afro-Asian summit in Algiers because of "Arab interference" in African affairs, the Foreign Ministry said yesterday. A communique said there was a tradition of Arab interference in African affairs and referred to Prime
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    • 22 2 pARIS. Fri. Togo will not attend the AfroAsian conference In Algiers. President Nicolas Gruntizky announced last night.
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    • 22 2 UANGKOK, Frl. Thailand's delegation to the Algiers conference will be led by the Foreign Minister. Tun Thanat Khoman.
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    • 290 2 MANILA. Friday Pelaez clarifies that statement on Manila's stand and Malaysia THE Philippines Vice-President, Mr. Emmanuel Pelaez, yesterday clarified a statement attributed to him by the Manila Times that the Philippines had not yet made up its mind about supporting Malaysia at the Algiers conference. Mr. Pelaez told reporters
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    • 210 2 MOSCOW. Frl. AFRO-ASIAN sources in Momou said yesterday that Soviet participation in tin* Algiers conference now had ma.joriy support, hut that a Kremlin delegation might still be kept out by Chinese opposition. The sources said active canvassing in recent weeks showed
      Reuter  -  210 words
    • 84 2 \fANILA. Frl. India's Deputy External AfTairs Minister. Mr. Dlnesh Singh, arrived here yesterday from Tokyo for a two-day visit. An Indian Embassy spokesman said he did not know the reason for Mr. Singh's visit to Manila but informed diplomatic sources surmised that the Minister
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 132 2 You're looking at the Starliner, another liP^^^^^ s^!! Rado watch with suoerb Swiss 11 1 M>.M,..A:.Mr quality and matchless styling. Like all Rado ipt^jl Jyit m i\% watches, the Starliner is totally Jm§M f W Wm^ unique in appearance because Rado J^^^^PR always creates and innovates. -SSn^i mechanism is working
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 43 2 THE GAMBOLS by Barry Appieby 'FRIDGE A /'don't I f /'l EXPECT^Y IS OPEN AMD If (WORRY I PLIWEff WAS I I LOCKED/ v 2**/ V «blino J f~n\ATS MOT TUe) /^V*4eRE OD ME LEARfT^) V»l POINTj— V— TO PICK. LOCKS Ty* ts>s
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    • 505 3 LBJ: LET'S SHARE THIS EARTH CHICAGO. Friday |)KKSIDENT John- son coupled an unusual direct plea lor peace to the Russian people last night with an announcement that he had ordered the withdrawal of all remaining I.S. Marin-i-s from Santo Domingo. Speaking against a
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    • 90 3 I ONDON. In Held v Marshal Lord Harding. 68-year-old former Chief oi the Imperial General stall. wa.s named co-res-pondent in a divorce case yesterday. Mr. Charles Ryves Maxwell Eley, 62, a company director, wa.s granted a decree nisi of adultery by his wife,
      Reuter  -  90 words
    • 39 3 WASHINGTON. Fri. President Johnson yesterday recommended in a special mes&age to Congress that future Unite.l States ten-cent. 20 cent and S3 .■ent coins should contain less Mlvpr than at present in order :o coreeni silver supplies.
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    • 108 3 JJOGALUSA (Louisiana i. j Fri. a Negro deputy sheriff was killed and an- 1 other wounded when gun- i fire from a truck riddled their patrol car on a lonely '< road near this tense mill 1 town on Wednesday night, i An
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    • 60 3 WASHINGTON. Pri. Prest dent Johnson announced yesterday that the U.S. unemployment ruir in May fell sharply to 4.6 per cent the lowest figure in more i than seven years. The number of Jobless people dropped by 220.000 last month :o 3.3 million. The decline was
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    • 240 3 Russia: Probe into junta repression in Dominica UNITED NATIONS. Friday. JJUSSIA called yesterday for a United Nations investigation of charges ol 'massive repressions" by the Dominican junta against the republic's civilian population. Dr. Nikolai T. Fedo renko, the Soviet delegate, said the Security Council should "forthwith"' set up the investigating
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    • 35 3 COPENHAGEN, Fri. Danes are selling refrigerators to Eskimos in Greenland. The government-run Royal Greenland Trading Company announced it has sold almost 1.500 home freezers on the world's biggest and coldest island.— UPL
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    • 100 3 J^OME. Fri. A magistrate yesterday began nro- ceedinus against Gina Lollobrigida < above > and other film stars on allegations of presenting obscene scenes in an Italian film called "Le Bambolp" (The Dolls). The charges were filed by a magistrate at Viterbo. a
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    • 77 3 NASSAU (Bahamas). Fri. Four Miami skindivers who found a sunken treasure ship loaded with thousands of valuable 17tri Century coins, have signed an agreement with the Bahamas Government to keep 75 per cent, of what they salvage a spokesman said. The spokesman. Mr. Michael P.
      AP  -  77 words
    • 32 3 CAOLIARI i Sardinia i. Fri. Seven workers building bet-r brewery MM here were electrocuted yesterday when a mute they were moving touched hicli tension ■Ink. Two others Miflm-d bunts.
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    • 352 3 Callaghan: We are united to defend sterling I ONDON. Fri. The I British Government, acted yesterday to re-, store overseas financial I confidence by cutting J the bank rate from seven per cent to six per cent and announcing tougher domestic credit restrictions. At the same time, the Prime Minister.
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    • 150 3 WASHINGTON, Friday. T»HREE masked bandits broke into the home of the Kuwait ambassador before dawn yesterday, tied up the ambassador, his wife and butlers, and escaped with approximately US$25O. Police said Mr. Talat AlGhousseln and his wife were awakened when the lights were turned
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    • 88 3 WASHINGTON. Fri— The United States Benate yesterday ratified two amendments to the United Nations Charter aimed at increasing the representation of AfroAsian nations on the Security Council and the Economic and Social Council. The vote was 71 to 0. The amendments, which required approval by
      Reuter  -  88 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 114 3 ...and look at her lovely hair! HERCQfi 3ffi OLIVOL SHAMPOO H 9 ALSO OLIVOL SKIN LOTION AND TURTLE OIL FACE LOTION W& Lovely hair doesn't just grow. Hair needs care. Begin iS^^r with a deep-cleaning HERCO Olivol Shampoo which %I^J contains pure olive oil and not only cleanses, but \mm
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    • 246 3 PJrlnf I big car rocm lirilll rocketing power with Nrlflff Holdens fiery 140 h.p. X X2' engine option. J Progress Motors Limited 46 Orchard Road, Singapore, 9. V J FIELD DAY at the COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE SERDANG 10th JULY 1965 10.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. A wide range of agricultural
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  • 157 4 SINGAPORE, Friday. 'JMIK crisis in shortage of blood in the Singapore Blood Bank is over thanks to the response of 18,' f donors up to late afternoon today, since the appeal was made yesterday morning. A spokesman of the Blood Transfusion Service said
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  • 101 4 Indon on grenades charge SINGAPORE. Fri. The case against an Indonesian. Hadju, son of Boli, who faced two charges under the Internal Security Act came up for mention in the Ninth Magistrate's Court today. On the first count, Hadju is accused of having a wooden box containing about 25 Ib.
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  • 182 4 $267,400 not paid firm, court told SINGAPORE. Fri.— The High Court was told today that a sum of $267,400 had still to be paid to a firm of contractors, which built the multi-mil-lion dollar building in Orchard Road known as Wisma Indonesia. Reliance Contractors of Singapore is claiming this sum
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  • 200 4 SINGAPORE, Friday. A RECORD number of 579 University of Singapore graduands will receive degrees or diplomas at the university's convocation ceremony at the National Theatre at 6 p.m. tomorrow. The University's ViceChancellor. Prof. Llm Tay Boh, will preside at the ceremony In place of the Chancellor,
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  • 108 4 AAS road safety display SINGAPORE. Frl. The Automobile Association of Singapore's road safety poster exhibition opened this afternoon at the Victoria Memorial Hall with a variety of traffic Do's and Don'ts on display. The exhibition was opened by Inche Buang bin Omar Junld, Parliamentary secretary to the Deputy Prime Minister,
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  • 179 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri.— The need for immediate plans to treat casualties in the event of bomb attacks was strongly stressed by two doctor MPs in the House of Representatives tonight. Dr. Tan Chce Khoo (SK-Batui and Dato Dr. Mtgzt Khu I All Kuala Kungsan told the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 459 4 LIDO" OPENS TODAY IHHHMMSinaapor* Dv« to Films Length HJ J|^^^^"«« I 3 H m 8 Not* RtviMd Times HP^^^ NJ> aj 10 30, lIS. 4, 4451 9 30 "Youn,blood Howke" starts BBff*^ J >.V. promptly at 10 42 am, > IB| J> T& 4 17. 7.02 &9 47 p.m. IBK%.^^M
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    • 311 4 SINGAPORE HOTEL ft— M^ DANCE !»\3. i\\ TONIGHT 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. S4 i i i.' Music for doncing around the clock 1 J» *J*\ iby THE SPARKLERS and i^Bß^^'^gm^ I Raymond Ortega His Starlight Six fPE^tk mCf* Wlth DARLING CHUNG at the mike L PJ*™jL >^«^FLOORSHOW by^^ :^OUMOTrtE
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    • 549 4 Horn, 1 30,4 00 100, 3.30, 6.30 9.30 pm 645 9 15 pm Shirley MocLaino Pclcr Ustinov CATHAY: "WHEKc LOVE riAS GONE" I Suson Hoyword B«tt« Davii Techn.color TcchniScope lA Paramount Picture). CATHAY: romorn o 4;> •MACISTE IN THE VALLEY OF THE KINGS" j PALACE: Tomorrow 10.30 o.m! M»M«WiHJ6T
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  • 332 5 GHAFAR STRESSES RACE SOLIDARITY MALACCA. Friday JHE Chief Minister of Malacca, Inche Abdul Ghafar bin Baba, said here today that Mr. Lee Kuan Yew had very little knowledge of the State of Malacca if he believed that Malacca would accept his
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  • 178 5  - 1,000 CALL FOR RESUMPTION OF EXTENSION JOB Ngee Ann row: A protest by students LIM BENG TEE By SINGAPORE, Fri. About 1,000 students of the Ngee Ann College this afternoon attended a mass protest meeting against the suspension of the college's million-dollar extension project for its Department of Technology. At
    Low Yew Kong  -  178 words
  • 232 5 SINGAPORE. Fri. One of three high-powered hydrofoil craft which Mr. Simon Brooke Mackay, son of the Earl of Inchcape and grandson of the last Rajah in Sarawak. Sir Charles Vyner Brooke. is presenting to the Sarawak Marine Police was demonstrated in the sea off Cliifonl Pier
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  • 421 5 Union with the support of all eight student societies in the college. The chairman of the union, Mr. Chua Ah Foh, described the suspension of extension work as a "stranglehold" on the three-year-old college. He said: "The building pro.lecus nit .ii life
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  • 69 5 Union move regretted by Alliance SINGAPORE, Fri. The Alliance Party Singapore today expressed regret that the office-bearers of the Chinese School Teachers Union had chosen to attend Sunday's convention of five Opposition parties, including the ruling Peoples Action Party. An Alliance statement alleged that the decision had been taken without
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  • 32 5 SINGAPORE, Fri.— Mr. Ho Bee Beng. Assemblyman for Bras Basah, will attend celebrations of the Mount Tan Patt Chu temple at the Middle Road community centre at 7 p.m. tomorrow.
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  • 100 5 MAN ON DUD CHEQUES CHARGE REMANDED SINGAPORE, Fri. Jaswant Singh of Kuala Lumpur was charged in a Singapore Court today with Issuing dud cheques and cheating Mohan P. Parimalani of Chanrai <M) Ltd.. at Goodwood Hotel Arcade in Scotts Road. Jasv.ant. who pleaded noi guilty, MM alleged 10 have Issued
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 341 5 f TO-NIGHT 8 P.M." f SINGAPORE BADMINTON HALL 100 ALL NEW SHOW! -BANDS FESTIVAL] BEATLES vs. ROLLING STONES COMPETITION AND VARIETY SHOW 8 NEW BANDS CLASH AAn £wl Supported by:— J^^^^^j Zjm Blackout Comic 1 JM Sunny Jessie, The Penang Champs |anson Merlin, Mark Louis His Hula- v Hula Latin
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    • 388 5 i ii w a CD PIONEER J WOitD-ItMOUS HAND IN Hl.fl MP*OOUCTION As illustrated: 1. A fast Selling 12" 2 way speaker equipped with independent horn type tweeter. Hi ohms, 20 watts. PAX 30C. 2. A rugged precision. Stereophonic record player in a modern cabinet made for extensive home and
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  • 1640 6 Dr. Tan and Devan Nair clash over 'front man' charge 'Danger when a Communist turns non-Communist 1 TWO Opposition members from the Socialist Front and PAP clashed in the House of Representatives today while discussing methods for wooing Afro-Asian support. The SF Member for Batu, Dr. Tan Chcc Khoon. took
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 527 6 i HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS j j DATO' RUNME SHAW j (CHAIRMAN of THE SHAW ORGANISATION) f On the conferment of PANGLIMA MANGKU NEGARA di-dalam Darjah Mulia Pangkuan Negara 4 by Dull Yang Maha Mulia Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong on June 2nd 1965. zL From the Staff of Shaw Organisation's
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  • 90 7 CINGAPORE. Fri. A magistrate yesterday I ordered two Indonesians to be remanded for a week pending police investigations. Jappar bin Ahmad and Lasinang bin Kadfr. who were found in a sampan iff St. John's island, were charged inder the Internal Security Ac i
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  • 59 7 SINGAPORE. Fri.— A Royal Air i Force Whirlwind helicopter at first light yesterday winched up an intured seaman from the RoyaJ Navy frigate Chlchester. off Ku- 1 kup. at the south-western tip of j Malaya, and flew him to the Brit- j ish Military Hospital here..
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  • 33 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri The St. John Ambulance Brigade in Shelley Rnad is conducting a first aid class every Saturday and invites members of public who are interested to attend- I
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  • 28 7 SINGAPORE. Fri About 30 Chinese chess players will take part in a competition at the Jalan Teck Kee community centre in Soranaoon Garden Estate OB Tuesday
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  • 19 7 KAJANG. Fri. The Ulu Largat, District Liquor Licensing Board will meet at the District Office here tomorrow.
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  • 55 7 MUAR. Fri. About 500 Umno members will attend a oneday political course to be held here en June 24. Among the speakers exptcted are ihr Minister < f Home Affairs. Cato i Dr. i Ismail on Dato Abdul Rahman, and the Minister f Information aid Broadcast
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  • 348 7 'Malayan Times had difficulties only with NUJ members' SAYS DIRECTOR I7UALA LUMPUR. Fri. —A director of the Malayan Times. Mr. V. Krishnan, told the Sessions Court here today that his company had '•difficulties" only with employees who were members of the National Union of Journalists "Sr> you want them to
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  • 294 7 Topless show preview to convince the police KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. fHE police and officials from the District Office will attend a special preview tomorrow at the Stadium Negara to decide whether the topless j African dancers can perform in i public. An official from the District Office here said today:
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  • 93 7 Woman is robbed of $1,650 CINGAPORE. r r I Three armed men today held up a woman who was alone in her house in Jalan Kering, off Chua Chu Kang Road, and robbed her, of gold ornaments worth j about $1,500 and Sl5O In cash. Madam Chia Chen Kew told
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  • 106 7 CI.NGAPORK. Fri Mi>s Margaret van Mccl (above). a model. is :imon; s-ome 30 contestants for the Mil. mi Negara Queen contest to be held at the Victoria Vemoria! halt tomorrow night. The contest will be the highlight of a charity (I. inrc organised by
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  • 41 7 MALACCA Fn. Mr A S Pmto has been 4 e-clected president of the Ma'acca Eurasian Association Others elected w«»rr: Vice-presi-dent. Mr. LOR Mm: secretary. Mr. G. B Lazaioo; treasurer. Mr F J Scully: and sports secretary. Mr. Tyron^Fletcher
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  • 36 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Fn. The AsMMar.t Minister of Culture. Youth and Sports. Engku Mohsein bin Abdul Kadir. will declare open the second Artists' Exhibition on Monday at the AIA building here at 530 p.m
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  • 103 7 Malaysian birds and orchids on new stamps i IJUALA LUMPUR. Fri— Two new series of postage stamps, which depict Malaysian birds and orchids in full colour, will be issued this year They will replace the present stamps of the States of Malaya. Singapore. Sarawak and Saoah Announcing this today, the
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  • 58 7 SINGAPORE f-Vi Th ll* lajratftn Solidarity Convention wil hold its tirst mass rally at the Nh- tional Theatre at 9.30 am- or Sunday. Leaders of thr convenor par ■of the convention the Limed Democratic Party, the People; Progressive Party. Machinda. Sa rawak United People's Parly ;\nt
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  • 53 7 KANGAR. Fri. Thr BpralWl of the state LegWathw Imb biy. Inche Yusofl bin Abu B;.kar lias been elated tKMUXtr ul I Pertia Selatan L'mno division. < i 'which Haji Mokiuar bin Ismail ii chairman. Thr .-t'creiary is Irchc Talb bir Ismail and thp publicity ofßcn Ku
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  • 96 7 r pAWAU. Fn. Sena- tor Hong Teck Guan said today he believed the recent explosion at his sawmill in Apas Road was the work of subversive elements. The explosion shattered one of the three Chain -*aw.>In the sawmill and the damage is estimated at $12,000
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  • 144 7 Tin duty brings in less in first quarter IPOH. Fri. Duty on Malayan tin exports in the first quarter of this year was $5.05 million loss than for the previous quarter, although more mines were producing. Export dmy for \hc first quarter wu SJ2 s:i million against 527 57 million
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  • 64 7 $400 fine on samsu man -SINGAPORE, tr: n Yidr. 45. who pleaded uuiltv :o two ch;ir(?e.s oi baring one gallon of and 12 gallons of fermented mush including still, was tod;iy finrd a total of S4OO m default three months ill by the ninth niac.>n.u< Ho was BITCBted DJ*
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 445 7 wf^MF 4 I MAKE YOUR HRSJ DRINK A GIN TONIC Such perfect partners in light sophisticated refreshment Gordon's Gin and FAN Extra Dry Tonic. such perfect partners for warm youthful company Gordon's Gin and F&N Extra Dry Tonic. There's something rather different about a Gin n 1 Extra. It's not
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    • 211 7 COME ALONG TO THE "DANCE AROUND THE CLOCK NIGHT" TANCHO PRIZES TO BE WON IN ?W B spot dances and "Dance around the pP*#^ iM clock session" at Singapore Hotel P^^li|jt WWi W toni&ht trom 9p.m. to 2a.m. Bk jmlol! TIBEBMf conjunction with the screen?jm W in& °f Columbia's '"Dance
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    • 1167 8 Day One of Gemini-4 mission to orbit the earth till Monday 'Go 9 signal for 62 orbits until Monday PICTURES OF FEAT ONLY WHEN THEY RETURN TO EARTH HOUSTON (Texas), Friday. ASTRONAUT Edward White today spent 20 minutes "walking" in space
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    • 345 9 ASTRONAUT WHITE ALMOST ENJOYED HIS WALK TOO LONG I IOUSTON. (Texas}. Fri. Astronaut Edward White not only took a walk in space yesterday he walked over the top of his spacecraft. Dr. Charles Berry said at a news conference: "Ed was all over the Cemini 4 under, behind and on
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    • 168 9 The first man to "walk in space 'j'lll first man to "walk ii. space," Lt.-Col. Alexei Leonov (above) of Russia, stepped out of his spaceship Voskhod II while it was in orbit on March 18 this year. Me spent about 20 minutes outside, floating free for about half that time.
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    • 237 9 Wives see scientists direct husbands' flight OOUSTON (Texas). Fri. n —The wives of the Gemini 4 spacemen visited the tightlyKuarded mission control centre yesterday afternoon to watch scientists direct their husbands' historic flight. Mrs Edward H. White, wearing a white dress with a blue iacket. told newsmen as she left
      AP  -  237 words
    • 393 9 I ONDON. Fri. The Gemini 4 space venture brought a new thrill to Europe's television screens yesterday. Throughout Western Europe programmes were interrupted o flash the news that Ed White was taking his space walk on the end of his
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    • 250 9 THE TWINS MAT RETURN LOOKING LIKE U.S. PIONEERS DOIJBTON (Texas), 11 Fri. Astronauts Edward White and James McDivitt could come back from their four-day space journey looking like a pair of oldtime American pioneers. There are no razors aboard the Gemini 4. and when the two spacemen splash down in
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 180 9 *T7m Hi r ■8 w/ En v 1 /"Sii^^^p^jl §L most convenient departure time I fflyjfl most convenient arrival time mS&kt&oAmmM Travel the friendly Canadian way NON S^MMtf^Sv!^ T o p TOKYO lth Canadian Pacific. Fre j?^*» _J*o^^M quent fast flights leave Hong Kong in the Ifc H^7 early afternoon
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    • 115 9 BETTER LIVING He may not be very big yet. but his mother knows that h« will always be tit and strong because his food is kept fresh and germ-free in her Mitsubishi refrigerator which has a sterilizing lamp 64 times stronger than natural sunlight in destroying oacteria •b °vT BETTER
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  • 442 10 Ministers and their prestige: Dato Ismail KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. I I rpHE need for Cabinet Ministers to -L maintain the prestige of their jobs was stressed in the House of Representatives by the Minister of Home Affairs, Dato (Dr.) Ismail bin Dato Abdul Rahman yesterday. He was replying to criticisms
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  • 111 10 Brooke for Bangkok to ask about Indon visa DENANG. Fri. The for--1 mer Raja Muda of Sarawak, Mr. Anthony Brooke (above). will leave for Bangkok tomorrow to find out if his application for a visa to visit Jakarta ha» been approved. Mr. Brooke, who is the president designate of the
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  • 111 10 SINGAPORE, Fri. More v than 1,200 teachers from 160 schools from the four laguage streams are expected to attend a rally to celebrate Teachers' Day at the Gay World tomorrow The rally will open a» 9.30 a.m. when the chairman of the <tganising commlUfe. Mr.
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  • 292 10 Thug robs couple then holds girl for ransom I^LANG. Fri.— A thiiß i robbed court ing I couple of cash and valuables worth more than $200 and later I collected .$l5O as ranI som for the release of the girl in Batu Tiga Road here late last night. A Selangor
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  • 48 10 KL'ALA LL'MPLH Pi D( L S- Sodhy, thr Mumcip.t! Health Officer will ialk on Public health v. ith partirulnr rrlprencc to Kuala Lumpur at 4 pin on Sunday at the Kuala Lumpur Psychology Club. 29. Ipoh Rond. The talk will be open to th* public.
    48 words
  • 168 10 KANGAR, Friday rE Ministry of Education is to be asked to consider an appeal by the committee of 10 Perlis Chinese school boards of management and teachers' associations to be allowed to use Chinese in addition to the national laneraee
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 363 10 M COLOGNE M LJL WESTERN GERMANY J-* invites you to IFFA 4NTERNATIONAL MEAT INDUSTRY SUPPLY EXHIBITION Saturday 10th to Sunday 18th of July 1965. Slaughter house supplies, meat processing and preserving, refrigeration and ventilation systems, shops, packing, sales, office and book-keeping supplies, general articles. 430 firms from Europe and the
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
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  • 203 11 Kean Siew: Lee's alternative will not stop Indonesia PEKANG, Fri. The secretary-general of the Socialist Front, Mr. Lam Kean Siew. said here today the alternative constitutional proposals suggested by the Snmupore Prime MinisMr. Lee Kuan Yew, would not solve the problem of Indonesian confrontation.. "Should such a partition (Of Malaysia)
    203 words
  • 38 11 I \IPING. Pri. Two Tmtpii Mhools are making preiwrations to celebrate their anniversarif in.- year. King ijdward VII School will j celebrate its diamond mbilfe and St. Oontes In.stittition it.^ erlci- .1 j nibllee.
    38 words
  • 35 11 I'KNANG. Pri.— N. A. K. Nur- uddin. a businessman m Dindings Road, was today fined $75 by a nm«i t rate's ccurt for I opentlng a radio set without a lieenpe.
    35 words
  • 125 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. Sir Edmund Hillary, the co-conqueror of Mount Everest, will arrive here by air tomorrow for a four-day visit. Si Edmund is on his way back to New Zealand after visiting Nepal where he hu been leading his third expedition to help
    125 words
  • 188 11 'No discrimination' call to Govt for debate by the teachers MALACCA. Friday. •j'HE Government is to be urged to remove dis- crimination between Benham Scheme colleget rained teachers posted to former Government schools and those posted to former aided schools. ThL-i is one of five resolutions to be moved at
    188 words
  • 78 11 PINANO. Fri. The Penani Kaon ibu. which enrolled 35 women volunteers for the Territorial Army on Monday plans to enrol a second batch next week. "If we era get enough volunteers, vc will march them to the Territorial Army headquarters for reftMrmtton." Che Dacimah Dashir.
    78 words
  • 32 11 KUAI A I L'MPfK Pri idi the L'.ueni Ar*.« Bortet! nroductmn 01 Fr:in/ Irhar"« 'Land ol smiio" *n now n Ml iwti •Ufrri *t tut- Town Hall from July 10
    32 words
  • 234 11 UNITED NATIONS. FHd.y THE President of the Security Council. Dr. .1 Q. De Beus'of the Netherlands, paid hieh tribute today to his predecessor for May. .Mr. R. Ramani of M;il;tvsia. saylnc the month's near-record nf 25 meetings had been distinguished by his conduct
    Reuter  -  234 words
  • 46 11 NIBONG TEBAL Kri. Thirty women from Su'igri Balcap yesterday became ih<- nr.M women n Penanst to join the Vigilante Corps At .1 tl Illllimj in Sunae: Bttkan thr women. WfcflM ages ranw from 25 to 65 pi^daeti to he!o defend the country
    46 words
  • 181 11 LABUAN. Friday. /CHILDREN in Kampong Mendolong here had good reason to laugh and shout with joy when a RAF helicopter made a surprise landing. The aircraft's crew brought toys trains, dolls, teddy bears, croquet and baseball sets, paint* and crayons and presented them all
    181 words
  • 169 11 OUR MAN WILL CONFRONT INDONS IN BELGRADE I^UALA LUMPUR. Fri A senior police officer left here today for an International conference in Belgrade. Yugoslavia, determined to prove to the Indonesians present that he is "a free man from a free country." Assistant Commissioner of Police J J. Rai Jr. who
    169 words
  • 23 11 JOHORE BAHRU. Pri. The Telecoms Athletic .md Welfare Asstx-.ation will hold its annual dance at the Diamond Jubilee hall here tomorrow
    23 words
  • 175 11 Controller: Big ring behind Penang smuggling OENANG. Fri. A big r syndicate is behind the present extensive smuggling from Penang into principal customs area. Che Wan Hamzah bin Haji Wan Mohamed. Regional Controller of Customs, Malaya, said here today. "It is a hishlv-organised ring and wo know vcrv wp!l who
    175 words
  • 21 11 SINGAPORE Pri. The pujrrim slr.p Kuala Lumpur will t arrive in Singapore from Mecca At 9 a.m. tomorrow.
    21 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 160 11 Js&.M~ %k'JZ? b^3P bj -m m vBLJgb ao M«, j9v BL"^. wKsiKBit^« '^Sß gßßKJ3Paifc> v^BbVb> Bv^*B Bmbh BbOTJ Bsla^nSlß9^^S»K'la^iV i&SOlM^' BP^I BB^9 oBbV BE ftSi. M^BnBJHF WML *y3»'r s^>^a^aa^a^B^Blßtt3Bt2B^fltti "rfR J^Egaß jBV^^V BVm K n^ wSB MRS A W t 9 rW9 Wt j-i.M M 'i "'■■■^lujJßli 1 ISL f\
      160 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 343 11 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 141. 1. Appears to aim In back- T. Takes unuxual c«re to set »ard places <b. I). Into form, but shows a back1. Express approbation of langu- ward tendency 18) age wuhoul disturbing the 8 Detwt the river having a don (7i. trace of untidiness
      343 words

  • 55 12 M ■Tar* SIS I Minimum} AT THC Brin-h Hospital. l.>hon. a.iddMilv on irith May. K H Brunton. formi'ilv 01 IMM s. laniror POWELL PETER RICHARD ut lanah M.rah H>tiiie. I'ort IMk.-on. »ue .'ii. .suddenly on S In a tar MM at st Mary Church. Kirn la Lumpur at
    55 words
  • 95 12 .'ft H nrlt. SIS 'tfimiHliml THE FAMILY of the late Anthoma-'Hi-xmrnal thank rrlativra and tnenija for thrir comfoltnctt. wrtatha. mttod»ncr at tht tuneml MR. A MRS. nnaiamapala JayawiHl thank frienda and rtlatlvea for their slfta an.) good i»hta on tbt •COMMi of their weddinK. 20-5-65. LATC T.V.R. CHINNIAH NAIDU.
    95 words
  • 275 12 ?a H'nr*. IH '(fiiumuin) THE COCKPIT RIJSTTAFEL ih h.i.i'i id) >.iiuiil^y and Sunday lum ii time. SAINT GABRIEL S ».onrl«n- S. hnol i i :n p m SpMial BMBtl lor Old Hi>\j FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS LTD. Invitr *H NMM "n<l boon addlcia lo nrc.v *r in thr-lr aho^. room n\
    275 words
  • 331 12 It M „rrf. BJ i Minimum > PCNTICOIT METHOOItT BMVIIOM Koon S^rn R<l S n in B«*m Ml nvuflit Krhakvan. in ;«i a.m. Wor»nip B#rv\rr. :in p m (ioipn Prrvict. PRItavTINIAN CMUMCH. tINCA. PORI. •'nrnfr OftMN Road. r»n»n« Road. Sunday BtfTMM V a.m and P m Sunday School
    331 words
  • The Straits TimeS Saturday. June 5, 1965.
    • 687 12 Mr. Khaw Khai Boh has at last announced his plans for beating the housing shortage; in Malaya and for promoting home-ownership on a big scale. By way of compen- sation for the long delay, the scheme has a uood deal of i imagination and flair. Families with
      687 words
    • 415 12 From the heat of politics to the cool calculation of econ- < omic advances that is the leap to be made on this post- I parliamentary morning with the opening of the first Congress on Native Economy in Kuala Lumpur. Here there will be no room for fiery
      415 words
    • 194 12 At last Malaysians can look forward to a series of postage stamps which will both honour their country and ornament their mail. In August or September, according to the Minister of Works, Posts and Telecommunications, a series of full-colour Malaysian denom- inations. ranging from 25 cents to $10.
      194 words
  • 151 12 T rerer to a letter on the Library zefund by Mr. B. Wee <S.T. April 10). As the closing dale for re-reglstratlon approaches more readers are now swarming to the Library to re-reglster, and, due to the Library's limited imprest for the refund of deposits to readers who
    151 words
  • 1103 12  -  WAN ABDUL HAMID BUMIPUTERA— NATIVES OF MALAYSIA By If economic inequalities between groups of nationals are allowed to persist and even increase, they are bound sooner or later to increase tensions THE large and steadily increasing economic inequalities between developed and under-dev-eloped countries
    1,103 words
  • 438 12  - Learning Malay— 9l YUNUS MARIS, 8v MA. University of Malaya VOCABULARY: lautgal mrniancialksin (vi to Ulte off. to remove: jamb, mrnjawab <v> to a»»wer, wpiy; Unv*. bertanr* <v) to &«k, M*k*nd fni intention, motive, meaning; Uteri m> w'.tt: bcrtoteri (v— to taKe a wife TENSE (contd.) In :he i;.s: l'.sson.
    438 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 280 12 Strait. Timei Jr Mila? Mail Claial'ixi MaNMMI M cold sTowAaa oupeftMAMacrr O'Ch.rf («.C».I.«H< r...) COLO •TO*A«I M<NCMII IBM AMtho'taW Aavata CITY BOOK tTORI LTO wr«na«w*t*r MM**. Ctmpmt TMB NBWO MONT fi'ipatrtck t tuawrmarhM M. M. ISMAIL A#HHra ilv ft 9+4 Mmml Vmq NAttllM •TOMB 141* upp.. CMafl bH. miuoii 17
      280 words
    • 73 12 If you are PAST 40, Stop trying to fool your EYES! ---P9---M-I __T -mW^^^^^^m^^^ If you can't see objects clearly or comfortably at normal reading range, place the care of youeyes in competent hands. Go to a man skilled in eye science a vision specialist (optometrist). Professional knowledge, skill and
      73 words
    • 75 12 THE HALLMARK OF QUALITY SELANGOR PEWTER We have all monner of produc*' -ongmg from Ash trays end Beer mugs to Tea and O >,ets to brighten your home or to delight your fnendi See the beautiful range on display in our showroom or ot^ur agents Every genuine SEI ANGOR PEWTER
      75 words

  • 806 13 400 to find ways to set up more Malays in business TENGKU WILL OPEN ECONOMIC CONGRESS TODAY KUALA LUMPUR, Frt THE P r i m c Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, will open the economic congress of indigenous people at the Dewan Tengku Abdul Rahman here tomorrow. About 400 delegates and
    806 words
  • 360 13 DATO JUGAH: WHAT RIGHT HAS LEE TO SPEAK FOR SARAWAK? KUALA LUMPUR, Frl ■pHE right of Singapore's Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, to speak on behalf of Sarawak was questioned today by Dato Temenggong Jugah the Federal Minister for Sarawak Affairs. I 1 In a statement Issued here Dato
    360 words
  • 125 13 IJKI NKI TOWN, Frl. v Two elected members are expected to be among the four assistant Ministers to be appointed by the Sultan of Brunei, according to palace sources here. The sources said that at least one will be an exdetainre. Their names will In-
    125 words
  • 112 13 j QINOAPORE. Frl— Two Ink'donesians were today laiii ed for three days each in a district court for illegally importing 150 bundles of firewood from Indonesia. Jappar bin Ahmad and Laslnang bin Kadir. who pleaded guilty, were also given a concurrent threeday jail sentence
    112 words
  • 64 13 Malay Mail Jackpot is won! THERE is good news for Malay Mail readers. The Jackpot of Word Puzzle Contest "EM" has been won. Are you the winner? Look in the Malay Mail of Monday. IN the meantime, send in your entry to Word' Puzzle Contest "EN". Another prize of $5,000
    64 words
  • 64 13 1 BINOAPORE. Frl. A Nanyang University graduate. Mr. Yong Chlng Fait, who in 1962 won an Australian Commonwealth scholarship for postgraduate studies in History has been awarded a further fellowship by the Australian Natlona l University to enable him to pm<eed to the Ph. D Mr.
    64 words
  • 38 13 SINOAPChE. Frl A carpenter. Goh Kirn Hoe. 28 was today fined a total of $4,500. or 12 months' (all. on two charges of having 37.64 va'lons of dutiable samsu and a 60-gallon still on Feb 9
    38 words
  • 34 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Fit. The Bank Neaara of Malaysia has received a total of $4 693.223 for the National Defence Fund and another t1. 3 10.579 for the National Patriotic Fund.
    34 words
  • 241 13 Hunt for clerk as $9,000 vanish from Govt safe SINGAPORE. Fr i Police are looking for a health department clerk following the disappearance of about 59.000 from the department's safe. Tlu> clerk had not report H<*i. Or wo? at the health d«i n n *»dquarters in iu?"^* 0 Monday when
    241 words
  • 25 13 BINGAPORE, Frl— The B*rtsan Sosialis today said the troub'es between the Central Government and the Sirgapore Government could be resolved by dissolving Malaysia
    25 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
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    • 159 13 f bugged 1 by bugs? iwf bug killer they're gonej New FLIT BUG KILLER is specially formulated to combat Cockroaches, Silverfish and all other crawling insects. JB&M^ One application leaves a deadly invisible film IIHHHHV which goes on killing. Simple and economical to use, get a can today! flgPa^l I
      159 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 890 13 TV MALAYSIA (Malaya) CHANNELS 5 Kuala Lampir Popoye A Jolly Oood Furand I'rnanc. 6 I poh and loufh"; 6 17 Little Rnscn.s Malacca; 3 Johnro Bahru. 4 "Lad and Lamp"; 6 35 HuckicTaiping. 7 Baiu I'aJiat, 9 berry Hound and ioa I Kluanf. 7 News in fcnglish. 7 10 M
      890 words

    • 26 14 JAKARTA. Fn. A DutrH i company has rncvrd permission for tiiumond mining in Indonesian t Borneo. Uip official Antara tipw« agency Sdid today.— UPl.
      26 words
    • 63 14 Oh Is it still going on ONE member just manages to be up to listen to a speech being made by an opposition Socialist Party member as the rest of his Liberal Democratic colleagues doze in the 7 a.m. session of the Japanese Diet. The Opposition party's filibustering tactics to
      63 words
    • 85 14 WASHINGTON. IT. The United States viid yesterday it had spotted "a number' of IHtU vintagt S:>viet bombers in North Vietnam The defence department »aid number llviishin ?HS had been spotted At Hanoi Military sources were 1 puzzled about the appear- ante of the twin-Jet.
      85 words
    • 17 14 Soekarno ha.s eivon his approval for the integration of all state banks in Indonesia. Rcutrr
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    • 91 14 Protest, so out go corps four 1 1 IMA. Fri. Four American Peace Corps volunteers who have been teaching at the National University of En- gineering have been expelled I because of U.S. intervention jin the Dominican Republic, i the newspaper La Prensa said j yesterday. La Prensa said the
      AP  -  91 words
    • 475 14 IT WAS 'NO, NO, NO' LONDON, Fri gRITAIN'S Foreign Secretary, Mr. Michael Stewart, yesterday set out British plans for a Vietnam peace settlement which, he said, was being prevented by the refusal of the Soviet Union. China and North Vietnam to
      475 words
    • 98 14 I ONDON. Fri. Christopher Crisp not only wants his wife back. lie wants to know who she is. Crisp. 37. explained that tiny met at a London dance hall. She introduced herself as Susan Berry, from Rhodesia. A week later they married. And two weeks after that
      AP  -  98 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 171 14 Bergen THE NAME YOU CAN TRUST dfjMfy Btqt P*.pt» K«v« won J&tif •oiKi r»pu'«'«" tor %uprrmm .^H^^^^T "4* qu*l*y and •»c*ltant durab.- 4^ f I>v i" "W diWmtr jr |j«UM»d rotttttnl to mou'd and ijUt^^K m fungut *or larger pvnooV nr^UBBJ I For mn (Mily-apoliod. H^IHLVf •bl*. long-lit* protKiiv* VJI
      171 words
    • 48 14 Beware of Singapore foot 9! Have your own fjcttd Bowling Shoes. top n in the y \^mk garr/e J^HpF/ M, BOWLING SHOES /Vk :<£} I FLEXIBILITY iS OHM.ITY LEATHER SV HARD CRAFTSMANSHIP Vi SIZES: 2- 6! $13.90 W "O 5-12 $15.90 AVAILABLE AT THE MAIN STORE BATA BLDG. SPORE.
      48 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1161 15 ADVERTISEMENT A new star in the Singapore night sky MITSUBISHI Electrical Corporation, ever since its founding in 1921, has enjoyed a high reputation for integrity in the manufacture of electrical equipment. As one of japan's largest and most versatile manufacturers of electric machinery, appliances and electronic instruments, Mitsubishi Electrics products
      1,161 words
    • 395 15 appliances generally. The company's efficient planning has also led to great Improvements In production, sales and profits. Ever since 1055 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation's stature as a leader among Japan's top three manufacturers of electrical machinery and appliances has grown steadily. Total sales, for example, during fiscal 1963/4 exceeded 155 billion
      395 words
    • 576 15 Kbb HP^T* ff? XXAX^T^^BBT^i Br _^^<- 'S*^ Sp j., a, A^K *i: 2 f^Bßli BBp*^ <JMP* C bbbbW^^^K 3slBP^bbbbwlsß P^sS^ The giant new aky sign for Mitsubishi Electric Corporation recently erected above the twenty storey Selegie House in Selegie Road, which wtM add scintillating brilliance to the Singapore night scene.
      576 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 800 16 GIANT OF INDUSTRY THE NAME GUARANTEES THE QUALITY A MITSUBISHI SEWING MACHINE THE MACHINE THAT GIVES PERFECT SEWING I J& Model MAZ-4 Fully Automatic with WPj»^^ built-in Button Mokr 1 1/ c WHF Sewing Machint ll J Model MZ-I M*chin« -V if Model HE 3 if \l Straight Stitch j
      800 words
    • 547 16 ADVERTISEMENT 30 per cent in prime movers, 25 per cent in motor vehicles, and 40 per cent in paper machinery. AH these products are being supplied to both domestic and overseas industries, earning high praise. Before World War 11. the Japanese shipbuilding industry was mainly engaged In the construction of
      547 words
    • 1015 16 I if I l. -wi. .jTu l i ■■m iTT*" "Tniifnii fm nm*MtTT" ml wl M lit Ml IH lO war. mentioning large-sized ships alone, some 160 export ships of a total dead-weight tonnage of 5.000.000 and some 260 domestic ships of a total dead-weight tonnage of 3.500.000. Plant and
      1,015 words
    • 180 16 manufacturing cargo handling machinery and conveying machinery, such as conveyors and cranes, and Is contributing to the development of various industries by rationalising and modernising cargo handling and conveying systems in harbours, construction grounds, and works. Hydraulic machinery, transmission" gears, pumps, blowers, compressors, industrial cooling towers, pulverisers. dryers, solvent-recovery equipment,
      180 words

    • 317 17 Flat blackout facts and sympathy OERMIT me to refer to 1 the letter (ST. May 22) from Mr. F. A. Trindade regarding the cut-ofl of electricity supplies to his flat on May 18. In order that any wrung impressions created by Mr. Trindades letter may be corrected. I wish to
      317 words
    • 49 17 THE Alliance Government has pledged to make everybody a house owner. The Pahang Government Is one hundred oercent Alliance. But how are we poor people to own our homes if we have to pay more for houses because of the new conversion fee in Kuantan? PUZZLED Kuantan
      49 words
    • 190 17 The fate of a Customs checkpoint extension T ATE last year the Johore Bahru lj Customs checkpoint was extended in a hurry to take in more cars, so as to alleviate the traffic jam during peak hours. This was personally requested by Mr. Tan Siew Sin, the Federal Finance Minister,
      190 words
    • 71 17 Beautiful beach, empty beer cans JASON Bay. now known as Telok Mahkota. is one of the nicest seaside resorts in South Malaya. It is perfectly disgraceful how this beautiful beach has been ruined by the hundreds of empty beer cans thrown on tliu beach. Cannot something be done to clean
      71 words
    • 123 17 I REFER to the letter from "Potholes"' complaining about the poor condition of Chestnut Avenue (ST. May 22>. A site investigation revealed that Chestnut Avenue is in a comparatively good condition except for the trench which the P.U.B. has excavated along the left hand side
      123 words
    • 960 17 MR. NAIR STATES THE CASE r piE Sunday Mail's leader writer has asked me a few public questions about our "Afro-Asian image" which deserve a public answer. He says that I have carefully avoided descending from the vague and general to the concrete and particular, and
      960 words
    • 185 17 I REFER to your report of the proceedings of the Dewan Ra'ayat headed "Dereliction of duty at Malacca hospital: Man died" (S.T. May 27). The report of the committee appointed to enquire into this death contains many recommendations but the committee did not recommend disciDlinary action against any
      185 words
    • 78 17 QN Sunday. at the Johore Bahru Zoo. a man, evidently l n the employ of the Zoo. was to be seen teasing the chimpanzee with a stick, and hitting the crocodiles extremely hard with a long pole. His intention appeared to be to 'enliven' these animals for
      78 words
    • 196 17 The soldier s penalty for making a home' in barracks JCOMETIME after his arrival at an overseas station a Serviceman and his family moved into a married quarters furnished to a standard pattern and to the minimum at that. To make his home look like a home and different from
      196 words
    • 58 17 1 would like to thank th« police tor a ruined tv-ening and a broken car. caused by one of their road blocks. Must we all sufler these blocks? One wonders how many saboteurs, etc. are inconvenienced by this. It must be in the ratio of one saboteur to
      58 words
    • 50 17 'PHIS public display of politics exhibiting more virulence than a»-Knment has to be checked. Short cut remedies will have to be replaced by long term solutions, for otherwise Malaysia will break up even before It begins to stand, much to the glee, no doubt, of Bung Soekarno. SUNDRY Singapore
      50 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 101 17 |T7TT THE Paperbacks iti JJk fjt^l^ *n Malaysia! f;™ MB IN A <r/o» k Have you read these I P^HiiieJ^ exciting James Bond thrillers? They are available in PAN books and easily fl Hl^^^^^L obtainable from fl your local bookshops! \^B*T\T|jr^^^^^^^^^^ GOLDFINGER T^^V^^^^^^^^^^Hft. FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE <■ CASINO ROYALE
      101 words
    • 253 17 Culturally Speaking... The Orient is a kaleidoscope of rich fabled land. The Royal Orchid Serand varied cultures, conveniently vice provides a perfect link, with the linked by the frequent services of renowned hospitality and efficiency of THAI INTERNATIONAL-the first A c Thai and Scandinavian flight crews all-jet airline in the
      253 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 210 18 I^bW^Sxobbbb! I Experts recommend STAMFORD COLLEGE because its home study courses are) Easy Competent Successful Recognised by educationists of world repute. Join the STAMFORD COLLEGE Whether: You seek further education. You are still in school. You want a better job: ENSURE YOUR SUCCESS in Higher School Certificate School Certificate Malaysia
      210 words
    • 2085 18 1 |.i4,:*W-Mrf niitinurd Irom Pajr 1Z) OVERSEAS LEAVE IJ Wordm *t (Mm.t Box tt rta. axtra VMITIMU BRITAIN* oyoetuu wiu dm Ltd Prtersnam Mewa, London, d W.I, offer Cboice ot 3 self-drive rates rui Morna Minis. lluOa, Cortina, aad v rt'ra— from o gne. p.w. (winter) (Juotatlona for period biro
      2,085 words
    • 1124 18 ACCOMMODATION VACANT ,S M ..,«V >t I *fl a. I Hnx J« «l'r» TWO KOROOMIU BUNUALUW orui MBMBsj Sitting, iimog fans. cooker, refrigerator, longnatns Newly EMM S DETACHED BUNGALOW, geavtew Park for rent $450 IKm v h'urnishedi or sale. Pbone S pore ***** after 4.JU p m 1 FULLY furnished
      1,124 words
    • 881 18 I HOUSES LAND WANTED lIS Hord* S 1 Him. >— Box in rl*. nlra I TO BUY/TAKEOVER :»-o-Stor«> twnKalow Capital Park r^mculara 10 Tsung P.O. Boa *2b. Cingapora. TUITION t »i»4i >lin 5" rl* 'rlrm I SCHOOL CERT Matha Additional/ Eltmrnlary experienced University Graduate Tel IS pore) 260&0 MADAM MARIE
      881 words
    • 851 18 PEST CONTROL I Uali ta ttte "rrn tou mc MOM AS COWAN CO.. L.TU a-UUII IM IUK '.ajii ai eas K FUMIGATION a PBST I.OHIHUI r at uiruugnout P MALATBIA A rNAIUkNU -^—m O> RUGS. CARPETS CURIOS ■i H-or*. <« <J*, n .>— Baa tt res. ejrtro BLACKWOOO. ROSEWOOD, LAC
      851 words
    • 1128 18 VEHICLES FOR SALE VEHICLES FOR SALE i »..rrf. S« fifcaj EOJB Sn rl* tssjasj U Waw4* x» (triii.,_»j M io rfi tt ra I»S4 MORRIS MINI Super Taxed MBS WOLSCLEV 444 StsH usurer] Jan l\mn One Kiiropean V*«M 1300/- loaiiarci i"l»i tS.Tto ono Tel' pore Ml i RalmllMsi ?L Oo
      1,128 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1284 19 TO LIVERPOOL^t WEST COAST UK: Due S'pora Sail! P. Sham Penang Liverpool Cta. 15 June 7 June 1/11 jaaa 11 v 'O-ifUS livrrpool, Glasgow imi I June 11 Jaai 12/11 laai 17 PTRRHUS li«erp«ol, Glasgow IMI 12 Jmi 4 BltMEl Liverpool, Glasgow June 11 Ine 21 line 22 25 lune
      1,284 words
    • 2377 19 I U thf\ A hz/jias 1 EXPRESS SAILINCS TO NEAR EAST. CONTINENT AND SCANDINAVIA: Spore P. S -am Penang Arr: Genoa Havre H burg R'dam Antw Coon BASRA t) Sailed Ii Pt/Jue 5 i 1 Juae 2i Jaly 2 Jaly 7 11 IS 'KOREA a) tune 18 71 Juae 22/24
      2,377 words
    • 1175 19 terw ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO., LTD. IT**"*"* U.K./ Continent Imuii P. S'haa Panaai Cirt Of COLOMBO 101.000, Hamburg, Komrom Havra. Hull, lomlainam 24/27 Jim au Dim cinr o> ajiNNIPEB lonooa, namouig. liotteraa*. *'wi9. Hull aa v ion CUT Of WELLINGTON Lonooa. Hamburg. Rotiettaa. Havia, Hull, inmngnaa oVr) )*y II tail
      1,175 words

  • 377 20 Rubber prices move narrowly rpHE short week's trading 1 due to the mid-week holiday was again a quiet one and prices fluctuated narrowly around 74 cents before consolidating at the present higher level, state H.C.B. Co. Ltd. in their current Malayan Rubber Market review. Considering the dearth of overseas orders
    377 words
  • 237 20 June 4. Three monlbs. INDUSTRIALS Boustead 13 eta. McAlisttr il eu. City Dev. 7 eta. M. Invt. V eta. C.S. Holdlngx 14 etavN. Iron 9 eta. otiDlops 11 eta. 0.C.8.C. 14 eta K. Smaltlng 22 eta.Rottunans 10 eta. E«so 11 eta. San 6 CU. Ked. Dlup 12 eta.
    237 words
  • 55 20 THE present ratr of the Malayan dollar acainst the pound sterling ilxed on November 21 last year is Selling TT or OD 2a. 3 15 16d. Buying TT 2s. 4 116 d. Buying OD 2s. l .il The dollar Is at itn statutory middle position in relation to
    55 words
  • 17 20 The following May rubber crops are reported: Sungri Tukang 85.890 lb and Temerloh 94.700 lb.
    17 words
  • 18 20 Pahang Consol crushed 19.500 tons of ore in May and the output was lode 190 tons.
    18 words
  • 27 20 June 4. MALAYAN RUBBER PRICE: 741 cents (down a quarter of a cent). TIN: $773.75 (down $5). Unofficial estimated offering 240 tons (down 15 tons).
    27 words
  • 897 20 From Our Market Correspondent IT was a fairly auiet day on the Stock Exchange yesterday, the turnover being an average one for the present state of the market. Tin shares were off following the overnight marking down in London which in
    897 words
  • 21 20 June 3 June Industrials: 72. .V! 72.0 ["ins: 9.">.|i) 92.1 rubbers: 103.63 103.6: •Dec. 30. 1963-100 Dec. 29. 1962-100
    21 words
  • 782 20 BUSINESS In and reported to the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia yesterday, with the number of the shares traded in brackets: INDUSTRIALS: Cold Stare (1.000) (2. (1.000) $2.02; E»»» 51.49 81* 12.000) 51. 49; r\ «"d H. ardt (7,000)
    782 words
  • 41 20 i (\S tne ir.i ticnang* market V' H..DK Kong ycKterday the US. i dollar was quoted at .'i.Tsl lor T.T. p and 5.741 for cash. i Sterling «v quotod at 1« 03 aa4 on* U*l of lOM at 2A9L
    41 words
  • 511 20 rE price of Straits tin fell in Penang yesterday by $5 to $773.75 per pica! on an offering estimated at 240 tons, down 15 tons. Tin values edged lower In London on Thursday to register end of aesslon losses of around £14 and
    511 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1141 20 Wm mm i m h^^^m^j f m jC iWWWW i^K mm m U I mk Y^ KAWASAKI IUSENKAISHALTTX^ g East Canada and U.S.A. Great Lakes Service H'kong Yokohama Montreal loronto Oetrort Chicago ■■riariis Mara" M'24jal| I Aaf Seat I Seat 11 Seat II Seal ■■MtsaHnia Man" 12/13 Jlty 2i Jal|
      1,141 words
    • 929 20 ■USTKUIJI StRVICE/NEW *E»UKD iNDIJt. PAKISTAN AMD CULT StIVICI la: FrtauMle. AaelMa, Mciaasraa. SvMti. Ta> MsaYas aid Hataaaniaa*. i>»nain P. S ha» S'pora Sows P. SHam Pinani lAKPITA «Jm 1/11 Jaaa 12/14 last MJUIA la Pan S Jan J laae IOMIaU I Jal| 1/11 Jail 11/11 Jail RAJULA /3 ?l Jaaa
      929 words
    • 107 20 HEAP ENG MOH STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. K.P.i. Buildint, 1, Fiiliisßr. Greet. n TEL *****. Weekly Service to Kicfeme. Sarikil. BiuUßt. Sibi "GIANG ANN". li Pirt Sails 7/1/15. GIANG LEE" Dw 11/ Sail 14/l/tt. Weekly Senrice to Narirti»«, Pittni, SBCfkMa. -SOON BEE" li Pirt Sails I/S/SS. GOLDEN LINE Vw N^^\ LOADING
      107 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 929 21 (ontinucd from Page 18) VEHICLES FOR SALE I Wore 1 5« (Mi*.)— Box St tt: txtrm MINI MINOR NEC. Krh. 1964. it condition, blue, many extras, me European owner J3.3( 0 on o. lirtcr car. Tel: (Spore) 2801 HIS, Visit 7A Cornwall Road P m. FORD FALCON, American Model. n,
      929 words
    • 941 21 VEHICLES FOR SALE MERCEDES 190 D GREY: Safety belts, under sealed: July 1904 used ML Leave, first registered Johore 24 '4 US, mileage 12.K00. May be intv ted J B. or Singapore by arrangement. Telephone 214. VISIT CHANCI AUTO SERVICE for a wide range of low priced useo cars. Low
      941 words
    • 900 21 FOR SALE f H >»»r«t> f Mi* I H-E rl* -MlGERMANY'S BEST KUBA TtlavlslUb I rtie TV sot sold Ibroutb satisßM I owners rv ummt nd^t lea Top X)iscoudi I* (or cssb Hirt Purcbas* or TV Tradein Avccplsbl*. Teb Bee HeoK Co.. tfO, Robinsoo Koad. Singapore. l-Al. Lornm Road, Kuala
      900 words
    • 712 21 IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 174) AND IN THE MATTER OF HUP YICK COMPANY LIMITED (Members Voluntary Winding -up I. Notice Is hereby given that the Creditors of the above-named Company, which is being voluntarily wound-up are required on or before Saturday, 3rd Ju1y, 1965 being the
      712 words
    • 714 21 TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited tor the supply, preparation, cooking and presentation ot forx In the Restaurant of the Selangor Club, Jalan Raja Kuala Lumpur, for a minimum period of two years. Forms ot Tender and all particulars should be applied lor in writing to the Chauman. Restaurant Sub-Committee, Selangor
      714 words
    • 790 21 TENDERS TENDER NOTICE 1. TENDERS will be received by the Chairman. Tenders Board. k l the Office ot the Stale Financial Officer, Ground Floor, of the Government Offices. Brunei, from Registered P.W.D. Contractors Class A. up to 4.00 p.m. on Monday 12th July. 1965 for:CONSTRUCTION OP LAPAU AND OEWAN MAJLIS.
      790 words
    • 561 21 TENDERS Tawaran Pembrkalan PrrkakasZ Tukan; Kayu, Tukang Brsi. I'rusan Rumah Tan(ga dan alaUn2 untok llmu Sain I'ntok sekolah2 ba(i Tahun 1965. Tawaran akan dl-terlma dan pada pemborong2 sahincya Jam 3 (H> petang tepat pada 15.6.65 untok membekalkan perkakas yang tersebut dl-atas. Butir2 Jenls F perkakas yang dl-kehendakl Map 2 bahagian
      561 words
    • 197 21 TENDERS PEMBERiTAHU TAWARAN J.K.R. KEDAH Tawaran2 durlp .da PemboronK3 ang berdafur dl-JKR. Kelas D" ka-atas. dl-bawah kepala II 'tieilan 1, akan dl-teiima di'ejabat Jurulera Negeil, Kedah' 'erlis, Alor Star hincga 3.00 teLang pada lMib Jun, IMb. JNTOK: MEMBINA 3 B U A H RUMAH KELAS "F". SATU BLOK 4 PINTU
      197 words

    • 262 22 WORLD ROUNDUP HENNING IS BACK IN LIMELIGHT GOLF Wentworth. Surrey. Fri. South African Harold Henning bounced back into golfing limelight yesterday with a storming 67 to lead in the first round of the Daks 72-hole tournament. But he attributed his return to form tc some expert coaching from former Australian
      262 words
    • 383 22  -  Epsom Jeep RACING br But watch out for lightweight Cash Inn JPOH, M Shaw Stables Entertainment V will be the hottest Perak Derby favourite in years. The Irish-bred five-year-old was one of the best horses flown out from England last year. He was fourth
      383 words
    • 225 22 Entries for amateur meeting DENANU. Pri EMii'.s ior tin 1 .iiiiHU'ui' race meeting ban n t>aiurdivv. Jui r 12 are: I OkMi I Handicap 8U Bel- ■Mm: P..ik. T.moeiiai:. Sweet I Eiulileeii. West S.:ir. K> iryfi.«lf. Punter* D. liulu 111. Obediei't S :n. Downing Street. Laci. Ircln S.mdgate.
      225 words
    • 31 22 LONDON. Pri Oncidium i won the Conn .at ion Cup run over 12f ;it Epsom yesterday I Soderini wax second and Home- ward Bound third of ten runners. Rputer
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 1087 22 Race 1—2.0 Gl 4 Div 1 ($5,500) 9£ 1 2TIM4 Fast A Furious a (Ipoh SO R Breulc 4 90 (Fl MM I 2 ?8&00 Mikado II n <KN Leong) Sullivan 6 8.6 Nelson X 3 ***** Triimu a <W SO Mawl 4 8.5 (F)
      1,087 words
    • 548 22 EPSOM JEEP spotligbts the fancied runners at Ipoh tomorrow. RACE ONE Fast and Furious: four h to Ber.xalU over 8t last Sunday: smart winner ovfr Penang B}f last- monih. Trumps, third to Bersatu: can get 9f. Otaro: unlucky when second I by a neck
      548 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 207 22 experts know... Xj^L^jLt 2 IT DOES ITS ly^mk^? BEST WITH f^L Z^SBL-Jr* CHAMPION SPARK PLUGS fT*~ wS Engine fxperta know that every MlffiM docs iU best with t'hanipion ff I S Spark PlufS. Tliat's wliy Cham-a-I H^^JH ichampioni pions art' the world's favourite J 1 spark plugs. j^ty The arrows
      207 words
    • 675 22 THK HUH PKRAK Dl Kin STAKFS To be run ovrr 12f at Ipoh tomorrow at 3.4P pm. (Race Four). The winner will receive 51 7.500 and a gold trophy; 55.000 to thr .second horse and 52.500 to the third horse. 1 4. '«26 CHAMPION i\>".i Vicl Stflblei 9 4 Trormia
      675 words

    • 767 23 MALAYA CUP PREVIEW By TIMESPORT REPORTERS KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. At the end of the flrst round of the current Malaya Cup football tournament, a revival of SingaporeSelangor rivalry in ihe final fpr the flrst time since 1956 appears to be a strong possibility and this weekend's
      767 words
    • 53 23 IPOH. Frl. St. Michaels Institution. Ipoh beat Horley Methodist Secondary School. Teluk Anson. 4-1 in a semi-final tie of the Perak inter-sctioois badminton competition for the Ovaltine Cup. St. Michael's, central Perak zone runners-up. will meet Anderson, the winners, in the finals on Monday at the St.
      53 words
    • 401 23 CRICKET KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. I OELANGOR and Negn Sembilan will resume their long-star/ling inter-state friendly cricket match on the Kuala Lumpur padang this weekend to end a quarrel between the two state associations over the last match played in 1958 In that year Negri Sefn.
      401 words
    • 47 23 rpPCA goalie Perampalan grimaces in pain after he had stopped a hard 1 drive from Selangor centre-forward George Cummings in the drawn SHA senior knockout match on the Padang yesterday. Others in the picture are G. Vijianathan and T. Nagendra.
      47 words
    • 245 23 Kiwis are facing defeat by Yorks LONDON, Frl. After being forced to follow on for the fourth tune in eight matches, the New Zealand cricketers appear to be headed for defeat at the hands of Yorkshire at Branford. Shot out for 134 in just under three hours, on the second
      245 words
    • 73 23 UONO KONG. Fri.— The Malay- sian women's football team left by ferryboat for Macao today to play exhibition matches there The visitors, who beat All-Hong Kong 1-0 in their flrst match here and set the seal on their superiority by trouncing a combined Chinese side 7-0
      Reuter  -  73 words
      • 31 23 Ipoh Div. 2: Kllat 2 Menglembj 1; Div. 3: PCRC 2 PTCSC 0. Taiping Div. 1: Fed. Engineers 2 Sulcan Melayu 1. Malacca Div. 2: Yew Llan 7 Medicals 0.
        31 words
      • 61 23 Friendly (Pontlan): Johore Ceylonese bt Johore Malays by inns and 54. Malays 135 (Othman Kadlr 58. Onn Bhoy 23. D. de Sllva 3-24. Kanagaratnam 3-26) and 77 (Ismail Biran 28. Kanagaratnam 5-30) Ovlonese 260 (D. de Silva 3-24. Kanagaratnam 3-26) and 77 (Ismail Blran 28. Kanagaratnam 5-30) Ctylonese 266
        61 words
    • 213 23  - THREE GAMES PLA YED—BUT NO WINNER... Mansor Rahman POLICE 1 TPCA 1 by KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. Selangor Police. Kilat and TPCA do not seem to be getting anywhere in their three-way playoff for the Selangor Hockey Association senior knockout championship. In the flrst match on Tuesday. Police and Kilat drew
      213 words
    • 28 23 IPOH, Frl. Those who wish to sit for the Malaysia Hockey Federation Umpires Board's written examination on Sept 5 must submit their applications before July 1.
      28 words
    • 176 23 IPOH. Fri.— The Perak Malay* Badminton Association waa revived, after a lapse of six years, at a meeting here. The meeting unanimously agreed to invite Dato Ahmad bin Said. Mentrt Besar of Perak. and Inche Sulaiman bin Bulon. A«* sist;int Minister of Rural Development, and
      176 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 88 23 ft (j> I UJI tltblnlb Get Fuji Fans for silent, H \Sf\S symbol of better uving efficient performance and I elegant styling. With Fuji AWtT 111 l ||J "ISj^ you have fingertip control >n over the direction and speed H^^^^^EKSsß of the airflow. For lasting mtH^^f Jsl[fs|B service the motor
      88 words
    • 276 23 f W& ~-48 'Br jjjy WT Jut press the button, and th« r world's first capless pen is ■FHH ready to write. 3 e*ii*r> ffi&Xf* A flat foorteen-karot gold *t &9* J •j\ point lets you add the shadings l£sP*i A and touches that spell writing 3jfs *J&SS&jmftß& A personality.
      276 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 153 23 SPORTS DIARY SO('( KR Malaya tup: S'Kor TENNIS Chua Cup: Perak v v Armed Forces (Merdeka Stadium. Kedah (Chamberlain courts. Ipoh. 8 p.m.). L. Perak Div. 1: Sg Ber- 4 p.m.). Spore YMCA open lnvlnam v PWD (T. Anson). S'pora tatlon tourney (Bras Basah. A Div. Khalsa v Geylang Utd.;
      153 words

  • 643 24  - Reconciled Sarawak Alliance in sight Ningkan GEOFFREY GELDARD: From KUCHING, Fri. OARAWAK'S Chief Minister, Dato Stephen Kalong Ningkan, said this afternoon that a reconciliation of all five founder member parties of the Sarawak Alliance was within sight. Delegations from the Barisan Ha ayat Jati Sarawak and Parly Negera Sarawak call
    643 words
  • 107 24 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The Government today promised to consider giving assistance to people living along the Indone-sian-Malaysian and ThaiMalaysian borders who have been deprived of their livelihood as a result 1 of security operations. The Minister of Home Affairs. Dato (Dr.) Ismail bin Dato
    107 words
  • 45 24 JAKARTA. Fri. Twenty-one people have been arrested In Slngkawang. Indonesian West Borneo, (or possessing weapons without a permit, the Antara news agency reported today. The people told the authorities thai the weapons were to guard their homes. Antara said. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 49 24 SINGAPORE. Fri. Two political detainees, held since Operation Cold Store in Februar" 1963, have been released from Changi prison. They are Seah Yam Hwee. a former committee member of the Barisan Sosialis. and Pan Wee Tiong. a committee member of the defunct Singapore Rural Residents Association.
    49 words
  • 44 24 TOKYO. Fri.— Thousands here face the prospect of going without regular baths for perhaps several days as more than 2.500 public bathhouses closed today lr. definitely to press demands for a higher bath charge. The strike is the third this year. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 368 24 LONDON, Fri— The stock markets ended an eventful week on a quiet note. Helped by a firm pound, the undertone Improved slightly but business was even smaller with few people wishing to open new positions In lront of the long weekend. Glltedged again reflected the one per cent
    368 words
  • 67 24 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri The Minister of Information and Broadcasting. Inche Senu bin Abdul Rahman, said today he hoped to take up with the Government the question of extending the national television servi<y to the Borneo States during the first Malaysia Plan period. He also hoped to
    67 words
  • 50 24 LONDON, Fri.— Spot 22-3 16d July 22', d. Aug. 22-3 16d. Sept. 22 ',d.. July Sept. 22-3 16d.. Oct Dec 22d.. Jnn. Mar. 21 7 ,d April June 21-13 16d July Sept 2WA.. Oct. Dec. 21-11 16d.. c.i.f June 22d.. July 21-13 lbd. Auk lm .v Tone: Very quiet
    50 words
  • 466 24 Wife-murder-bid inquiry is told of dagger in car KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. A DAGGER was found on (tie back seat floor of a car in which two men allegedly attempted to murder the wife of an insurance executive, Koh Hung Khoon, in a conspiracy with him, a preliminary inquiry here was
    466 words
  • 20 24 LONDON. Pri— Buyers tlohed. sellers closed. Forward buyers closed sellers closed. Settlement £1580 Turnover a.m. 210 tons. p.m. closed
    20 words
  • 22 24 MRS. ANGELINA MORIIRA. moth.i of Lenny Morrlra. dtntial paaard away prhccfulljr at KalathancMl Putban- fiirlchv Motirnrd by KrHnddaiicnvri ("onnte and KthW
    22 words
  • 658 24 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri TIM] controversial Turnover T;ix Mill received Us Second Reading in the House of Representatives lit I c tonight. Introducing it. the Minister of Finance, Mr. Tan Siew Sin, said money obtained under the Bill would help to pay
    658 words
  • 118 24 KUALA LUMPUR. Pri. I The House vi Repri'.sintaUvtt, which Bent five days debating the King's Bpeech, sat until midnight today to 1 catch up with Government I business. The Hoise normally m 1 j 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and then irom I 4 p.m.
    118 words
  • 428 24 Lee: King's Speech debate good start to a new era OINGAPORE. Fri. Singapore's Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, described the debate on the King's Speech as "a good beginning to a new phase to consolidate Malaysia." Smilin?. and looking very cheerful tonight on his return from Kuala Lumpur. Mr.
    428 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 42 24 Lav CLASSIFIEDS :n W»r4t lit I minimum) VEAL: To Susan and John *on John Rohcrt Stanley M Hidmouth 3rd Jun. Born «ril TO MAHAOfWA and lanakl a daiiKtitir on <•«■«;, at Matrrnity Hr... pllal K.I- Grand diiuxlitir to Kandiaha and Mnrirkam* K L
      42 words
    • 258 24 t MALAYAN CORRESPONDENCE COLLEGE (Malaysia's College of Postal Education) Founded: 1959 Fob Chong Building, Johore Bohru. Tel: 2171 Secret of examination tuccen: Systematic study under expert guidance. This is what M.C.C. offers you. COURSES FOR 1965/1966 EXAMINATIONS We offer you tho most comprehensive homestudy courses tor all examinations from Primary
      258 words