The Straits Times, 3 June 1965

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 145,000 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1%5 15 CENTS KDN 1189 M.C.(P). 1005
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  • 879 1 Five inspiring years, says Tengku KING: THOSE HARD WORDS SPOKEN IN PARLIAMENT WAY OF DEMOCRACY KUALA LUMPUR. Wed IN the glittering Throne Room of the Istona Negara today the Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, offered the nations thanks to the Yang d i Pc r t va
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  • Article, Illustration
    416 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday THE Yang di-Pertuan Agong today asked the people of Malaysia not to be unduly worried or concerned about the heated way in which his speech from the Throne was being debated in Parliament. The King was broadcasting to the nation on the occasion of
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  • 123 1 Sock moves his crack troops to Rhio KI'AI.A LUBI1V PUR, Wed President Soekarno has moved his era c k Siliwangi troops into the Hhio islands near Singapore to step up his campaign of terror against this country. An o tli c i a I source confirmed today that two battalions
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  • 120 1 LONDON. Wednesday. AM ILLJONS of pounds were today added to the iTI share value of British companies with overseas trading interests, following taxation concessions announced by the Government last night. Oil. rubber, tin, tea and I tobacco shares all benefited when dealers on the stock
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 43 1 BATHURST. cOamblai, Wed The Gambian House of Representative* yesterday unanimously adopted a motion that Gambia become* a Republic within the Commonwealth on Feb. 18. 1966. exactly MM year after Independence Tae motion was presented by the Prime Mn.i:,ier. Mr David Jawara.—Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 31 1 MANILA Wed The Foreign Office announced today I hat 12 student* from the Philipplnei Thailand and Pakistan would be offered one-year scholarship* by the Routh-eßsi Asia Treaty Organisation—R«ut«r.
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  • 228 1 Indons on the run in Johore s swamps CIXGAPORE, Wed. Security forces were today trying to locate the remaining: Indonesian infiltrators, believed to have retreated deep into swampland in South Johore. No contact with the rnemy was made today. One infiltrator has bern killed and a number of others captured
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  • 44 1 JAKARTA. Wed —There were renewed rumours in Jakarta today that President Soekarno was planning an imminent over-pas trip One report claimed the Prpsiceni would leave tomorrow. Askert •bout the rumours, the Foreign Ministry spokesman, Mr. Gams Harsono denied this report
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  • 175 1 ALL SET FOR THE BIG SPACE FEAT i A PE KENNEDY, Wed. Doctors, weathermen and project chiefs yesterday ij;iYt' astronauts James McDivitl ;iikl Edward While the "*;<>" sign for nuin's niosi daring challenge in s|>;uv tomorrow. "We're ready." said Jubilant pilot McDivltt, following an afternoonlong look at preparations for the
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  • 30 1 THE SECRET ROUTE BRISBANE. Wed. Sixty Australian soldiers leaving here tomorrow for service in Malaysian Borj neo will use secret route to avoid flying over Indonesian territory Reuter.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 89 1 Have you thought of wearing invisible CONTACT LENSES The modern answer to spectacles DAH SIN OPTICAL HOUSE 325, North Bndae Rd.. Spore -7. (Next Door OOEON), Phone 34*71. Optom*trt»r CHEN YIN FOOK, A C.C.I.*. Certified Corneol Lent Practitioner Dip. Opt. Univ. of W. Australia. STOKVIS REFRIGERATORS made .NfTALv |PJ^ —^zjr'l
      89 words
    • 82 1 SYMBOL OF P'| AUTHENTIC fvQlfißfl SOUND ■2!Sbb(bPZbbK if you MUST have the best then INSIST ON BASF PROVED, TESTED ACCEPTED IN THE TROPICS by All Wise Tapeologists. ESSO GAS COSTS SO LITTLE A CYLINDER LASTS AN AVERAGE FAMILY ONE MONTH Cooking is so easy with ESSO GAS. It lights instantly,
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    • 239 2 NAIROBI. Wad A DECLARATION that Kenya rejected Communism was made by President Jomo Kenyatta yesterday. Addressing a mass rally In Nairobi on the second anniversary of the country's self- government, Mr. Kenyatta said Kenya had chosen a non-aligned policy and "to us,
      AP  -  239 words
    • 237 2 Left and Right Indon groups at war lAKARTA, Wed. Trouble between members of the left-ist-controlled Indonesiar, Journalists Association and rightist groups in Indonesia is continuing, according to reports here today. This mornings bulletin of the official Antara news agency reported from Medan In North Sumatra that "counter revolutionary elements" had
      Reuter  -  237 words
    • 43 2 OTTAWA, Wed— Canada s External Aid Office announced yesterday a C 5500,000 grant to finance a study of a proposed 52 6-mile highway In Thailand to link one of Thailand's richest ricegrowing areas with major market* In South-East Asia AP.
      AP  -  43 words
    • 206 2 MAO'S TROOPS IN LAOS, SAYS GENERAL BANGKOK, Wednesday. THE Commander-in-Chief of the Laotian National Army, General Ouane Rattikone, said here yesterday that he believed some Communist Chinese troops were in Laos. "We have monitored I the Pathet Lao field radio and found that it carried messages in Chinese. We have
      Reuter  -  206 words
    • 99 2 Catholics step up campaign in Saigon CAIGON, Wed. South Vietnamese Roman Catholics stepped up their campaign against the Government yesterday as the six-day-old Cabinet crisis continued with no sign of a solution. Catholic suburbs, community halls and villages near Saigon were strung with banners demanding the replacement of the Government
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    • 40 2 SALISBURY (Rhodesia). Wed. A government spokesman said today 67 people had been arrested and symbolic sticks, fur hats and literature had been seized since a state of emergency was declared in two remote areas of Rhodesia last Friday.
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    • 214 2 Stonehill shock: I financed election of Maca VANCOUVER, Wed. American millionaire Harry Stonehill had said he had financed the election of President Macapagal of the Philippines, an aide to the Prime Minister, Mr. Lester Pearson, testified yesterday. The Pearson aide, Mr. Hal Dornan. was testifying at the forgery trial of
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    • 127 2 f)ACCA. (East Pakistan), Wed. A new cyclone swept Jnto East Pakistan yesterday and smashed through the same areas devastated by a cyclone on May 12. Winds of nearly 30 miles an hour were reported as communications were cut off with districts from Ting on
      AP  -  127 words
    • 225 2 FUKUOKA, Wad DESCUE workers were still probing through mountains of rubble in the, Yamano Coal Mine this morning after a noontime gas explosion yesterday that killed more than 200 men in Japan's third biggest mine, disaster. The casualty toll at 9 a.m.
      UPI  -  225 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 212 2 1 I* r* V WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THE REMARKABLE KLM OPERATION BEFORE YOU BOOK YOUR SUMMER TRIP TO EUROPE, ROME, PARIS, LONDON, AMSTERDAM OR ANY OF THE 33 CITIES IN EUROPE KLM Royal Dutch Airlines International DC-8 Jets leave Singapore for Europe every Sunday and every Wednesday. The
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 414 3 LONDON. Wed. gHARES in British companies with overseas investments shot up in after-hours stock market deals last night in anticipation of an expected Government announcement that they will receive taxation concessions. The little boom was set off by a statement in the House
      Reuter  -  414 words
    • 44 3 MIAMI BEACH (Floridat. Wed. —Mr- Elliott, Roosevelt, son of i the Lite Amerioan President. has been elected Mayor of Miami Beach. Mr- Roosevelt. a 54-year-old business consultant moved here in 1963 with his fifth wife, formerly Patricia Pea body .—Reuter.
      Reuter  -  44 words
    • 195 3 LONDON. Wednesday. MR, WILSOiM. the Prime Minister, said* last night he was not prepared to sacrifice Commonwealth trade for the sake of entering the European Common Market. He tolr the Hoiw <v Commons t.iat the Common Market r,Tlcultural policy would mean a
      Reuter  -  195 words
    • 189 3 BANK OF ENGLAND STEPS IN TO AID THE LONDON. Wed. The Bank of England had to step in to bolster the price of sterling after persistent selling of British Government securities at lower prices on the Stock Exchange her* yesterday. Dealers reported Paris was selling sterling, and European countries were
      Reuter  -  189 words
    • 31 3 CARACAS (Venezuela!. Wed Hollywood actress Natalie Wood will marry Venezuelan millionaire Ladlslav Blatnlk. 30. at Maracav near here on Ju)v 12 the Venezuelan Government tourist office announced- Reuter,
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 71 3 NEW YORK. Wed— Mr. William Martin, chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. .said yesterday there were "disquieting similarities" between present prosperity slid the boom days which preceded the depression of the *****. "We should take these warnings seriously enough to inquire Into their merits and to
      Reuter  -  71 words
    • 25 3 WASHINOTON, Wed. President Johnson announced at a Press conference that an additional 2.000 U.S. Marines were being withdrawn from the Dominican Republic. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  25 words
    • 53 3 NEW YORK. Wrd 'I he Rockfeller Foundation mnnunced yes'erday it had crnntrd U*****.700 through April 1968, for the Am an programme of the International Press Institute in Zurich. The grant brings the total of Foundation aid to the programme to more than U.S $500,000 since
      Reuter  -  53 words
    • 324 3 LB J acts on Mekong project A US$B9 MIL. START WASHINGTON. Wednesday. PRESIDENT Johnson yesterday took another step towards his goal of helping South-East Asia develop economically. He sent to Congress 'a very special message" requesting an initial appropriation of US$B9 million to help develop the "vast water and power
      Reuter  -  324 words
    • 106 3 WEST BERLIN, Wed Mr. ft Patrick Gordon Walker, former British Foreign i Secretary, said yesterday the next British general 1 election would be "at the earliest this October, at the latest next October." Asked at a Press conference here why the British Government did
      Reuter  -  106 words
    • 87 3 A mother chooses jail than be juror rjLASGOW. Wed. A mother of three chose three months in Jail rather than serve on a jury. Mr.-,. Margaret Pettlgrew 1 vent to court when railed for jury service But when she go; there she refu-cd to >ervo. The judee told hr>r she
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    • 19 3 BONN. Wed. The Queen Mother will visit West Germany this summer, it was announced yesterday. AP.
      AP  -  19 words
    • 66 3 LA PAL, (Bolivia >. Wed- Armrcl troops eu nded Bolivia s tin mines yesterday as a nationwide scheme went Into opera' ion to rehabilitate the. industry and save the national" economy. The situation in Otf coun'ry i was cnlm after widespread stnl;p.s 'id riots over
      Reuter  -  66 words
    • 36 3 BERLIN. Wed.— East German i dpninn.strators invaded the U.S. I military mission In nearby Potsdam yesterday, tore the American flag off its pole and damaged the bui'ding. the East Oerman news agency ADN said.
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    • 139 3 LONDON. Wed BRITISH Nazis last night defied Parliament over racialist policies and said the House of Com.nons was afraid to act against them The move followed a decision by the powerful House committee on privileges not to take any action over a Nazi letter to Members
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    • 209 3 pATE (Texas), Wed. Mrs. Marina Oswald, 23, Russianborn widow of the man who killed President Kennedy, has married a neighbour who took her on fishing trips when she moved into the house two doors away. Mr. Kenneth Jess Porter, 27-year-electronics worker, crossed the border into
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 81 3 DUNLOP MALAYAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED GRIP This is the shape the C 49 takes when you take a corner at speed It bends and bulges, but the whole tread stays flat on the road The C. 49 gives you grip that actually increases as your need for grip increases Mile after
      81 words
    • 491 3 if^KS/4JVSUcCKwK ueres the kind ot meeMi story that all Malaysians liko to hear. In May 1956 the Malaysian Co-operative Insuranea Society Ltd. commenced business In nine years the MCIS h?.s become one of the leading life assurance companies In Malaysia. There Is no doubt about this. In 9 years the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 898 4 I I bb^b^b^b^blb^Bbl^bßHHhl bb^btViH I Pi *^^a^ '^^S^L^SSSHJ <*\V I J Si i I I Hill 111 l bMbViM H iMWiIWIiW Mb^b^bßlb^bM^bW^b^b^b^b^b^b^bßb^b^b^blb^b^b^bl I 111 111 l illl II KWBWte»,JWHM3EIa W BJ^MmMmmBmmmmpmbBBBBI 1 I 11l illl 111 l II IB| BpIBI I if 111 111 111 l Bl"JI b^SRi 1 1
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  • 228 5 Subandrio seeks a meeting with Pelaez AIANILA. Wed. The 1 Indonesian Foreign Minister, Dr. Subandrio, wants to meet the Philippine Vice-Presi-dent, Mr. Emmanuel Pelaez. before the AfroAsian Conference is held in Algiers from June 24 to June 29, it was reported here today. Mr Pelaez. who will lead the Philippine
    UPI  -  228 words
  • 34 5 KUALA I.UMPUR, Wed. A food and fun fair will be held at th* Trinity Methodist Church. Petallng Jays, on Saturday in aid of the church's proposed youth i centre project. I
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  • 94 5 Painting nets $1,600 for D-Fund If U ALA KANGSAR. Wed.— IV An oil painting by the Sultan of Perak was auctioned for $1,600 at a dinner and dance in aid of the National Defence Fund at the Idris Club here last night. The money was donated to the fund. The
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  • 76 5 TELUK ANSON. Wed Mr. K. Ramasamy of the PPP withdrew his censure motion against the Alliance dominated Town Council here last night because he could not find a seconder. The motion seeks the I resignation of the councillors of the ruling party on
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  • 30 5 SINGAPORE. Wed. Thiev» ransacked the home of Madam Lee Ah Sow in Jalan Sultan when she was out yesterday morning and stole cash and jewellery worth 13 050
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  • 514 5 Save-the-spacemen teams stand by in S'pore SINGAPORE. W.d I I TWO specially-trained United States Air Force rescue teams are in Singapore poised to go on the alert tomorrow evening when they join a massive world-wide network should the Gemini-4 spacecraft run into trouble. Their job: To search and rescue Astronauts
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  • 74 5 Ling lLing gets the vote MISS Helen Leu Lint Ling. 18. a clerk in a lawyers' office, who won the "Miss Perak 1965" title at a beauty contest at th* Cathay cinema in Ipoh on Tuesday night. Eight girls took part in the contest. Che Zainah binte iWohamed Salleh. 20.
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  • 49 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The Yang di-Pertuan Agong has sem greetings to the President of the Republic of Italy. Mr. Giuseppe Suragat. on the occasion of Italy's National Day today. Tengku Abdul Rahman has sent a .similar message on behalf of the Government and people of Malaysia.
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  • 38 5 'Week opening KUALA LUMPUR. Wed Th« Assistant Minister of Culture. Youth and Sports. Ungku Mohaeln bin Abdul Kadir. today opened the "Youth Week" organised by *.h« Kuala Lumpur District Youth Council at the Dewan Bell* Kampong Pandan here.
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  • 37 5 ALOR STAR. Wed —A Kedah State assemblyman and Alor Star town councillor. Mr. Ooi Eng Hong, has been re-elected president of the Alor Star MCA Kampong ward branch for the third time in succession.
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  • 80 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed.— The Minister of Lands and Mines. Inche Abdul Rahman Yaakub. today clarified a remark he made In the House of Representatives last night regarding the Sarawak Alliance crisis. He said the letter stressing the need for natives to hold land "extracts of which he read
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  • 174 5 The whole village watches bomoh call a croc KOTA BHARU. Wed.— The whole village of Kampong Teluk In Bachok turned out yesterday evening to watch a bomoh calling a crocodile. The bomoh. Nik Deh bin Nik Man. 45. a well-known crocodile hunter, has been in Bachok for a week trvtng
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  • 29 5 .lOHORE BAHRU. Wed.— The All Malayan Estates Staff Union. South Johore branch, will hold its annual merlins on Sunday at the Diamond Jubilee Hail at 230 p.m.
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  • 138 5 TPOH. Wed Thlrty--1 six fishermen hay» been arrested off Pangkor Island so far for putting out to sea without having passes. The ruling, which reqiilret fishermen to carry passe* instead of their identity cards, came ljito effect on April 22 Known as the
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  • 69 5 PENANG. W>d. The Mayor of Penan*. Mr CV Choy. paid a trtbute to the Preiw as a most important .sourer of influence .md inspiration to a gmwine nation" when he attended the ninth anniversary dinner of the Journalists' Union of North Malaya hep» last night. The
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 146 5 I The Parker 61 r i The perfect gift: a writing instrument remarkably trouble-free Your gift will really be appreciated when you give a Parker 61. This remarkable pen is completely unique in concept and performance. A dependable capillary action simplifies filling, enables the Parker 61 to drink ink through
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 196 6 ffK?irYifPrDi/i\ i i?nrfn /^TfniriPfK^ JpULIIjuIJDIJu/A\lJ lIJiMAiUUIIJIiJe) fa DATO' RUNME SHAW (CHAIRMAN of THE SHAW ORGANISATION) On the conferment of PANGLIMA MANGKU NEGARA di-dalam Darjah Mulia Pan&kuan Ne&ara by Duli Yang, Maha Mulia Seri Paduka Ba&inda Van& di-Pertuan A&on&, on the occasion of His Majesty's Official Birthday on June 2nd 1965.
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  • 411 7 SINGAPORE. Wed fT*HE Yang di-Pertuan Agong's birthday celebrations in Singapore began with a multi-religious prayer meeting at the Istana Negara this morning. Representatives from the Muslim, Buddhist. Christian. Hindu. Jewish. Sikh and Zoroastrian religions were among those present. The meeting was opened by the Minister for
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  • 45 7 SINGAPORE. Wed. -Water will be cut off in the whole of Chestnut Avenue. Chestnut Close, and part of Chestnut Crescent tomorrow from 9.30 a.m. to 3 p.m and along Tiong Bahru Road between Jalan Membina and Henderson Road from 9 am to midnight.
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  • 189 7 SINGAPORE. Wednesday. f\F eight more pirate taxi operators, arrested by the Traffic Police here last Saturday and charged in court, seven were convicted of using their vehicles for hire without licences and without proper insurance coverage. The eight claim- Ed trial. The Police Secretary. Mr.
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  • 74 7 YWCA PLANS IDEAL HOME EXHIBITION SINGAPORE. Wed. The Young Women's Christian Association oi Singapore will organise an Ideal Home Exhibition at the Victoria Memorial Hall in August. This display will show "what the women of the YWCA can do to help plan an ideal home within every family's budget." a
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  • 56 7 SINGAPORE. Wed Mr. James T«o Kirn Leng has been elected president of the Lions Club of > Singapore East Vice-presidents are: Messrs. Chan Weng Khoon. Leonard Anthony Marcus, and Abdullah F. Tyebally Other officials are Messrs. Chan Young Wah. secretary; Moti C. Melwanl. treasurer: Keith Anderson, lion
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  • 277 7 Aussie sappers rush road project JESSELTON. Wed. Bull dozers, graders, from -end I loaders ajid tippers ol the Royal Australian Engineers i are rumbling towards a deadline in the Borneo jungle. They belong to the Ist Field Squadron, which la due to return home early next month. Before they hand
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  • 54 7 SINGAPORE. Wed.— A picnicker. Mr. Henri P'ng. who found a wristwatch and a comb on Changi Beach this afternoon, later walked into Times House in a bid to trace the owner Mr. P'ng said the owner could contact him at his home, at 1012 Jansen
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  • 53 7 SINGAPORE Wed Mr E Peretra has been elected chairman ol the Singapore Association ol the Chartered Institute of Secretaries Other officers are: Vicechairman. Mr James Ten Kirn Leng. secretary. Squadron Leader R.G Llndus. auditor. Mr. L.C Loong Committee Messrs: Nigel McStephens. Kon Choon Kool. K.T Sam. Leone Hong Chiew
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  • 137 7 mmmmm SINGAPORE. Wrd Miss Toh Chee Hung i above >. 17. who passed the Gradf VIII examination of the Royal School of Music when she was only 12. will soon leave for London to join the Royal Academy of Music. She will be away for
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  • 50 7 SINGAPORE. Wed—Report of loss of Singapore identity cards should be made at the Registry of Persons. K.mpress Place as from Jane 15. instead of > at any divisional police station. A statement says that report of change of address will, as usual be accepted at any police
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  • 228 7 More rail travellers but revenue drops KUALA LUMPUR. Wed.— Sixty thousand more people travelled by the Malayan Railways in the first i three months of this year than the same period in 1964. but passenger earnings dropped. The Malayan Railway Administration magazine Keretapi in its latest issue gives no reason
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  • 32 7 SINGAPORF. Wed —The Minister lor Labour and Assemblyman lor Queeastown. Mr. Jek Yeun Thong, will declare open the Permaisura Primary School in Commonwealth Drive on Monday at 7 30 p.m.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 484 7 \O\% SHOW I M.! 1 1 am. I iO. 4 CO, 6JO A 930 pm JOt.-- htRRER SEAN FLVNN P \berun ~«m SATURDAY MIDNIGHT 1 ODEON PALACE "CODE 7... V1CT1M 5" Urn Barker Ronald Fro»«r op*. r .'c \o\v siiotviM.: llam. 1 30,4 00 1 00, 3 30, *****9 :0
      484 words
    • 147 7 FREE STYLE v iiivii j.\i; j^ k ON SATURDAY sth JUNE AT 9 p.m. f^ AT GAY WORLD STADIUM |rl_ W LIOW KWONG CASTON iV 4. <^lf; SENG LEFARGE 'W .JKlf, I j Partners Vi. Partners J a JAN BIG JOHN I 1 Sll W f GAIRIELSON THOMAS I MJI
      147 words
    • 50 7 ■"■■■■■■■■■l A nwenfui musical milodkama! fHAGOONA \J H«HEFDA»ENMAN V J* KAMAUHT f IT p,str fcIFDW J9v Todo, j JO 7.30 p.m. M G.R and bAROJA DEVI in j "ENGA VEETU PILLAI" (T) Next Change "Th« Quick ft Th« Deod" Enq ■i.lM..lil.'liW.Bß!HHl^f|y Todor Only: 3.30 7.30 p.m. I "WE TWO" -Tamil
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 433 7 IN AND OUT BY AIR 'PHK lollouint i« today »chedule mnbul. MM l.»ndiin c<JK 7:i7i 1 of civil aircraft movements at *M P m to Jakarta, Darwin. SydPay. Utar a.r,..,. .in.apore: .W^ BM Pft ARRIVALS lines: To Uomhay. t«tani.ul. l-ondon BOAC: Kiom London. DUMMaa, |WM 7n*> IMi I 1 ">
      433 words

  • 38 8 It Words Iff (MMmum) THANKS to tba late Poa* Jawa XxUlI for rarowr ie»n)r»ed. TNI FAMILY of <ke late Mr ■Yaarts Armonte thank relatives and fiiaada for their •aadolaacea. wrea'ba. itanatiooa ««>'"»nf« and attendance at the rniMTal
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  • 31 8 M »<W. Hi minimum I m P««O AND Ofcsrtaillfl Maaunn a* ftftar Peaat Oenn aal*ad to rest s-ev-sa. -not «B-day bajt e*ar*«v. In etMasoa. w« iiiiiiii si Wit* aa*d
    31 words
  • 203 8 S» R«araW tit CaTlil an) iTaMIMi LADIES- ILAOKI ataea |v 4* JsaEsVD axl<jn I I <E»x>ll>»W aUxASaCI LaVsaal gsV— 4l. Jmat arrived at Oaprlce, Ngee Aaa ■Sat;, apora. rep discounts 10* so* at Waao Levliea wear. uvm. Rlowm. BLacka and Ompleie naens wear. Rash a< 1. RaOae Place, Spore.
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  • The Straits Times
    • 779 8 A federation goes one of I two ways; either its compon- ent territories break up, or I they come closer and closer together. "I cannot envisage Malaysia splitting up." added Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, "it must r come closer and closer to- gether." There is much else
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    • 279 8 Oil his birthday each year, the Yang di-Pcrtuan Agong honours Malaysians who have made outstanding contributions to the well-being and i progress of the nation. It is fitting, this year, that the nation should recall the tremendously constructive role which the King and his Coni sort themselves have
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    • 205 8 Thai tourism is booming, I with last year showing a 50 per cent increase in visitors over 1963. and Malaysia is right in there pitching. In 1964, according to Bangkok figures, 47.548 of us visited our northern neighbour, accounting for nearly a quarter of its total tourist intake.
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  • 1939 8 The King speaks to the nation The tiniM «r« critical. Hit future uncompromising, but we can meet all difficulties with stout hearts because we know we do not stand alone. We are most grateful indeed to all those who understand our problems and give a ready and willing hand to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 505 8 tWTk*s)4IUvW •OLD BTBsHsia SJWPajsV «rrr book atcissß übb WlaaSiaatar Neaea> Ois»«i «aam> TMB MeTwa rWOeTT M. M. WMAIL B t—mnny e«e«. Nasaa Baaa MAMIBM STOPM 141* oaaar Owaagt Baaaa, •Mfaeera I*. V NBTNAaAMV a «af »»i :a>a» Ma**. •> r kaaaaae. a a MwsMßjwat a ostoav nwav. t Mala Hi'iMi,
      505 words
    • 41 8 Thm Renowned CUSTOM TAILORS Styles Cat to the Latest Fashions Hand Tailored Best Workmanship Almo Importer* ExnorlatS of High Cssmb WofatosJ. I WoosWob. SIHsSAKMI: 21, Ckwl.o Sttwe*. Tel. ***** HONGKONG: M.rodor MiaaJsn, lit Floor, Roossi No. I, 54-64, Norhon Rood. Kowtoon.
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    • 83 8 doni choose your new cai^ by tossing a coin... gel behind the wheel Good looks attract, but you'll only discover all th« feature* of the SIMCA whan you driva it! S«o tho d y n m 'c SIMCA range today and Oil SI arranga for a tost drivo. S^ CHRYSLER
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  • 360 9 Sungei Besi creche: The solution for working parents KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. A solution Is on the way for mothers in the Sungei Besi area who find it impossible to take up a Job because there is no one to look after their little ones. Various organisations nave come forward with
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  • 281 9 SOCIALIST FRONT, PMIP EXPECTED TO ABSTAIN WHEN VOTE IS TAKEN KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday. THE debate in the House of Representatives on the motion thanking the Yang di-Pertuan Agong for his Speech from the Throne, and the PAP amendment censuring the Government, will end tomorrow. Singapore's Prime
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  • 254 9 Acupuncture: Expert suggests research unit SINGAPORE, Wed Mr. Slow Yong Chat a young Singapore acupuncture expert well known in British medical circles, last night suggested that the proposed Institute of medical specialities of the University of Singapore should Include a research unit on acupuncture. He was speaking on "Chinese therapeutical
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  • 42 9 PENANG, Wed. The Penang 'state branch of the Malayan Association or Youth Clubs is to set up a voluntary public relief group system under which members can be called upon to belo lat any fire, flood or similar rescue operation.
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  • 76 9 rpAIPEH, Wed. A 41A man agricultural study mission from Malaysia arrived in Taipeh today for a 17-day visit. The mi.vslon headed by Inrhe All bin Bharlfl. political secretary to the Mlnlst*r of Agriculture and Cooperatives, included four Members of Parliament. The MPs are Inche Husaln
    AP  -  76 words
  • 51 9 Speaker pays his respects THE Yang Di-Pertuan Agong who celebrated his official birthday yesterday, receiving the respects of the congregation after yesterday's special prayer at the Kampong Bahru Mosque, Kuala Lumpur. Picture shows Inche Abdullah Yasin. Speaker of the Selangor Legislative Assembly, about to kiss the King's hand. Straits Times
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  • 163 9 Missing woman: Family gives up hope [{UALA LUMPUR, 1V Wed. The sisters and brothers of Miss Siew Kam Yoke, 30. a seamstress who has been missing from home for the past six weeks, have given up hope of ever tracing her. One of her younger sisters. Miss Slew May Lan,
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  • 37 9 SINGAPORE. Wrd The Secretary of Defence. Inche Abdul Kactlr bin Shamxuddtn, wttl visit thf Royal Malaysian Navy .ship Malaya at Woodland* on SaturdayInche Abdul Kadlr will aJee review )».<* ing-out parade el recruits
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  • 35 9 MACHANG. Wed— lnche YeN prob bin Hajl Ismail has been reelected chairman of the Umno branch here. Others elected were sejre^'rv. Inche Ibrahim bin Mohammed: and treasurer. Inche Zainal Abldln bin Ilajl Suleiman.
    35 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 221 9 GRAND ANNUAL SALE NOW ON SPECIAL 10* DISCOUNT ON ALL ARROW SHIRTS A limited quantity of ARROW Shirts and Sportswear to clear at $5.50 to $7.50. SAXONE RODNEY SHOES to clear from $19.50 to $25.00. SWAN Casuals for $19.50. Latest, striped and checked long and short $leeve ahirtt, from $6.90.
      221 words
    • 184 9 _^^Vw_ %l SW^ BBfP^^^^SF 1 *0 WOCL N MS^39p ZI^MBBBVdyOsBI L^SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKW «BBBK M^ijß v\i J^ «BbW_ jK? I 1 \tV 1«t %^W sbbbbbV J i T i t S j|HL ja > I A. 'j. iTSI i L. *^I^F J t. .aTSBBBBBV^ I Jt vflHßsafl jk W- r p. 'm
      184 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 782 9 TV MALAYSIA (Malaya) CHANNELS: Kuala Lumpur Corner: 8.34 FUnUtoaas; 7 and Fenang 5, Ipoh and Ma- Newt in English; 7.10 Shindig; lacca 6. Jehore Bahru 3, Taip- 7 35 Beverly HilllblUies; > News lac 4, Beiu Panat 7. Kluanc 9. i in Malay; 8.10 Mart Berbual; P.M.: 2 Test pattern
      782 words

  • 22 10 Large crowds attend Malaysia-wide celebrations THE PRIME MINISTER addressing the Yang di-Pertuan Agong during the Mengadap ceremony
    22 words
  • 710 10 BIG TOWNS AND REMOTE KAMPONGS GO GAY FOR THE KING'S LAST OFFICIAL BIRTHDAY Straits Times Reporters: Kuala Lumpur, Wed. BUNTING flew and flags flapped as Malaysia today celebrated the last official birthday of the present Yang di-Pertuan Agong. In big towns and remote kampongs. ceremonies ire re held, congratulatory messages
    710 words
  • 79 10 A SECTION of the YIPs at the Mengadap ceremony at Istana Negara. Those in the picture include (seated from left): Datin Norashikin, wife of the Minister of Home Affairs, Dato (Dr.) Ismail bin Dato Abdul Rahman (next to her); Toh Puan Raha, wife of the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
      125 words
    • 107 10 Advertisement Lemons for Beauty TO keep your skin clear and fair you need the natural cleansing and bleaching tonic of lemons. Ask your chemist for a bottle of lemon delph. the latest type skin freshener used by beautiful women throughout the world Lemon delph makes the complexion, neck and shoulder
      107 words

  • Palace investiture ceremony
    • 138 11 Queen Elizabeth sends birthday greetings I^UALA LUMPUR, Wed. Birthday greetings from several Heads of State and scores of organisations poured into Kuala Lumpur today for the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. The greetings from abroad included one from Queen Elizabeth who expressed the "very best wishes for
      138 words
    • 164 11 KUALA LUMPUR. WedMore than 1,000 people joined the Vans diPertuan Agon; in special prayers at the Kampong Bahru mosque here today. Among: them were Tcngku Abdul Rahman, Tun Abdul Razak, other Cabinet Ministers. Muslim diplomats and local community leaders. About 500 children in
      164 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 346 11 aw a^Ebvl Lav t%** afl S& V B^l D <J I aaal IT 4 B <*"* < IJ I\l M*aES*laYaal KJ •■H i t W Brl w* •So you know it it Kodak Tape which, you will quickly learn, means highly superior tape* So you alwaya know the type of
      346 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
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  • Article, Illustration
    43 12 MAINLY WOMEN BEAT the boys at their own game and borrow BACK their dandy fitted blazers, their straight-cut trousers, their natty stripings. BEAT the boys at their own game and borrow BACK their white reefers, their Bermuda shorts and white pique Bermuda suit.
    43 words
  • 289 12 Beat boys at their own game Women fight back by being more feminine PEAHENS of th c world unite before the peacocks snatch all the finery! Those gorgeous men are muscling into fashion, and they look like winning by a gaudy shirt tail Shamelessly they've pinched our ideas on bright
    289 words
  • 236 12 Yoju may like to know MlSfe HO EE CHUA. of Penang, below i a secretary at the Malaysian High Commission in London, is critical of British women's fashions. "I think we have better fashions at home", she told Arthur Richards, our correspondent. London is "a human jungle". in her opinion;
    236 words
  • 394 12 JULIA PINES was one of those dynamic women executives. She went to a surgery recently because she was taking out a life assurance policy and she had to undergo a routine medical examination The doctor looked at her fingernails when she laughed.
    394 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 238 12 Beautifying COMPLEXION Raising RESISTANCE Fortifying VITALITY I* w bb^SJ 4 a jC HII9H J b^b^bbb^bß ■KilSb^B i 2 BBV^bI I Wonder Tonic with I Ow ZCEE s\ne^B^ Each Swcctlct is equivalent to 2V 10 oranges (Vitamin C). '^-^^jl^r HICEE SWEETLETS will keep your complexion smooth and clear, free >-""-*v from
      238 words
    • 531 12 bH^ \^||aMpjp Introducing. .Revlon's Brow Beautiful" Now fash ion favors brows that are brushed on... easier, quicker, naturally prettier. Erase the harsh, hard lines of yesterday's brows. ..brushon softer colorwith Revlon's clever stay-put powder. In tortoise-tone kit with wedge-tipped brush. 5 subtle shades. Black; Grey; Dark, Medium or Light Brown.
      531 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1199 13 TO LIVERPOOL t WEST COAIT H.K.I OmS'poii mi P. S'ium Pimm IUTOLTCm mtrpiet Oublin. A-aMtt... It Pert «CHAON J*w*Ml Jmi I Jim I Jim 1/11 mm M .LTTONEUS L.«erMtl, 6la<go« IMI I MM 11 JMI U/11 IMI II tiihus LmrpMt, Glatgo* lim 11 Jim 14 DIOMED LifirpMl, ClaifM lust II
      1,199 words
    • 1226 13 IhL EAST ASIATIC COMPA.'.r Lid ViMfasfli in EXPtESS SAILINGS 10 NEAR EAST. CONTINENI ANP SCAMIHAtNA. S'pori P S'Ma Pinang A/ri 6mm immi H'fturg mat Aate t*M UM. 47 BASRA I) li Pt J JMI 4/ 9 1/ I iom 11 Mly 1 Jiiy I II II KOREA II lIM 11/21
      1,226 words
    • 1220 13 I BENULINE j UPRtSS SERVICE 10 LONDON, tIVERPOOL t CONTINENTAL PBRTS BENDORAN fm Lonoo* m« Singapuie P. S had Penang Hamourg lili 1 G. 11/TiMy Jim 1/ S BLNVORLICH n. ygg* MJ Singapori P. Sham Penang Antwirp Jill II Il Pt June I Jim 7/ I Rotterdam IMf U Singapori
      1,220 words
    • 1220 13 feELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO., LTD. U.K./Continent tugapott f, I'haa Pimmi CITT OP COLOMII tondo*. Hamburg. Rotterdam Hjvii, null, lir.anngnaa tt/27 lull 11 IMt CITT Of WINNIPtI Lunoon. nimboig Rolltiaaa. «»ll|. Hull 14 Ith CITT Of VtuiNGIM ionoo«. Mamourg Rotttrotm. Hull, immingntm IV«> «ry aim .■in Of NEWCAITU Lcnoo*. Himbuig
      1,220 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1132 14 l»^^L»WtjaJtss»^ssWMlastWlss^RWasysf<^S^Bsftl 1 Vv" KISEN KAISHA LTD^4 Cast Canada and U.S.A. Great Lakes Service H'>oa| Yo«i*aiM Mostrttl lororto OMioit Ciirato "■.HB.tava Hars" IS'llJast 21 Js*e 21 Ja-t 1 Ist t Aa*. 11 *a| "Flenta Mara 21/24 July I Ast 'Seat I Stf I U Seal U Sept West Coast ot Central
      1,132 words
    • 986 14 ( Sf sviCl/ajE* {EUINI MSU. 'XiMIN aNO P. SUlr MItVICI It Ftpsusiit, Jlstlaitt, Mtittuitt. Sytsei la. MttHat it« Hatsasttitasi r-enant ;'•>*•■ S'*ext S'Nir* K I>tw ctntni B*sph» S tst t/11 Itat 11/14 It** HWULJI r* Ptrt I last Jtst SOMStU 7 Jaly 111 Julj 11/11 M) MjUU tint Ist* Him
      986 words
    • 753 14 Continues] from Pare 8) SITUATIONS VACANT IS Words U (mim.)— Box St ttt. txtrm EXPERIENCED COOK BOY or CookAmah required for British coupl* id Johore Bahru. Ring J.B. 2400 or Box A 4336 S.T. Spore. COLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT j Application, ar* in.ited for the poll el COURSE SUPERINTENDENT at the
      753 words
    • 816 14 SITUATIONS WANTED IS Word* U (Him.) 9mm It ctm. exlrsi ENGLISH SPEAKING COOKBOV excellent testimonials willing to go Singapore and Malaya please rlna siori ***** Leon DRIVING INSTRUCTOR Chinese. fluent KnKhsh. Malay, several dialects seeks position with reputable driving school. Highly recommended. Reply Box A 4311 S.T. Spore. ACCOMMODATION VACANT
      816 words
    • 770 14 HOUSES LAND FOR SALE I li Word, >< Mm.)— Box SO rf*. »tlr,, 13 LARGE POST-WAR Bungalows at 9| miles Tamprnl* Road, about 80 year* Lvasr to go. few yard* from bus stop, elevated land each with 3 md 4 bedrooms, attached bathrooms, without M.S. verandah, spacious ball servant's qrs..
      770 words
    • 878 14 TOURS EXCURSIONS IS Wmrit <« I tfrr. Box tt cU. mrtrm SAST COAST 5 DAYS 565/- «S. C Highland lpoh $35.00 4/«'«3. K.U Wri'krnd S2U 00. M.T.T 8. Tel. 7»M7, B'pore. FOR HIRE IS Wmrm-t ft r Win l-Bnt 5« rtt. txtrm RENT-A-CAR, Licensed Properly Insured Self-Dnve Cars, LMIMJ9. Kvrrflae
      878 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 973 15 (nntinnrd from Page 14) VEHICLES FOR SALE li Words $1 Vin.)—Box SI rts. txtro LATi IN] CORTINA r Order. wtMS. clean, veil maintained, low mileage, one owner, Tcieonone *****/***** X.L IMT FIAT 1100. Paintwork engine Hood condition. St. 400-. View S? M.'Ofsuao Road (Neesoon), Singapore Mi IMI lINQIR Oood condition.
      973 words
    • 790 15 AT YOUR SERVICE IS Words SI (Mist.)— Box St els. txtrm APPOINTED PAILLARD BOLtX Scrvlc* Station lor Malaysia Tbs Optical House. SKA, Orcbard Road. Spore, Trl: *****, (or Repairs of Bolex Equipment. PHOTOCOPYING PLAN PRINT INC: Metropolitan Bulldlnc Service. 40. atedrlros Bulldlac Blncapore. Tsl. ***** 408. China Insurance Buildin*. XL
      790 words
    • 671 15 IN THE MATTER OF THE CO-OPERATIVE BOCITIES ORDINANCE. AND IN THE VATTKR OF NANYANG UNIVERSITY CO-OPERATIVE STORES SOCIETY LIMITED NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the Creditors of the abovenamed Society, which Is being wound-up under Section 38 of the I Co-operative Societies Ordinance, are required on or before Saturday 3rd
      671 words
    • 722 15 PEMBERITAHU TAWARAN Tawaran daripada Pemborong2 yang berdafter dl-J.K R. dalam Kelas "BX" dan ka-atas akan dlterlma dl-pejabat Jurutera Negeri. Melaka, sa-hlngga pukol 3.00 petang pada 18.6.65 untok: MEMBENA DAN MENDIRIKAN CHONTOH D' SEKOLAH RENDAH PELAJARAN DI-JASIN. MELAKA. Semua butlr3 yang berkaltan boleh dl-dapatl dart pejabat Jurutera Negert Melaka. dalam maaa
      722 words
    • 1145 15 TENDERS TENDER NOTICE Kementerian FrrUnian A Sharikat Kerjasama Malaysia Tender for the Supply of Water Pumps Tenders will be received in the office of the Setia Usaha Tetap, Kementerlan Pertanian Si Sharikat Kerjasama, Jalan Swettenham, I Kuala Lumpur up to 12 noon of I 21st June, 1J65, for the supply
      1,145 words
    • 621 15 TENDERS J.K.R. TENDER NOTICE TENDERS from J K.R. reglster■d contractors Class 'E' and above under Head VII will be received at the office of the Jurutera Neger), Jabatan Kerja Raya. Perak. Ipoh up to 3.00 pm. of the 10th June. 1065 for: The supply and laying 10" diameter double flanged
      621 words
    • 390 15 TENDERS J.K.R. TENDER NOTICE Tenders from J.K.R. Registered Contractors Class C Supplies and above will be received by the Pengarah Kerja Raya, J.K.R., Ibu Pejabat. Jalan Maxwell. Kuala Lumpur up to 12.00 noon on 15th June, 1965 for the Supply and Delivery of Kitchen Equipment for Army Camps In Malaya
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  • 172 16 Almost ready, a palace with a difference JOHOJIE. BAHRU, Wed. Finishing touches are now being put to a new $500,000 ultra modern palace on Bukit Serene for the Sultan of Johore. The Tstana Bahru. which Is sited on top of a hill, is designed to convey a feeling of roslness
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  • 77 16 KUCHING. Wed The Corps 01 Drums of the 3rd Bn.. Royal Regiment .stationed in Sarawak's Third Division is maktn| the 150-mile journey upriver noni Sibu to Nanga Gaat today' to pl»y at an Iban farewell party ;o the detachment of 845 Naval A,r
    77 words
  • 57 16 "NAKRY 'Guinea). WML liie Malaysian goodwill mission led by the Minister "f Labour. Mr. V. Maiv.rkfivH.sieam. will leave here tonight for a two-day rMt Mnll. Tlie mission, which arrived here on Monday from Abidian. is meettng xevwal Gu:nean leader.* to explaln Malaysia's case for ailmi*lion to
    57 words
  • 31 16 KUALA LUMPUR. Wad. The I:..i>ert<>r-Oener«l of Polio*. Dato C H Fenner, will inspect a p*»-Mng-out parade of 365 police reruns at the Police Depot here nt »ru on Prld*;.
    31 words
  • 737 16 Negotiate, yes, but what about and how? Wilson asks Common Malaysia settlement would get full British backing THE British Prime Minister, Mr. Harold Wilson, said last night that a negotiated settlement of the problem between Malaysia and Indonesia would get Britain's fullest backing. 'Having said that, in one sense there
    Reuter  -  737 words
  • 176 16 Christian Council joins anti-sweep chorus SINGAPORE, Wed. The Malayan Christian Council has joined in the chorus of opposition to the proposed Bill tabled in Parliament to amend the Racing Club (Public Sweepstakes) Act 1965. The amendment would allow members of the public to take part in turf club sweepstakes instead
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  • 49 16 SINGAPORE. Wed. A Malaysian coastal patrol intercepted two Indonesians in a sampan off St. John's Island last night. The Indonesians, who were later turned over to the Immigration Department, claimed to be barter traders. Some 150 bundles of firewood were found in the sampan.
    49 words
  • 116 16 Armed thugs take $5,700 from painter WINOAPORE. Wed Four armed robbers held up a painter. Mr. Tang Scow Tonß. at his house in Woodlands yesterday morning and took cash and articles worth a total of 55.710. The gang walked into the house and herded Mr. Tang, his girlfriend and mother
    116 words
  • 53 16 PENArfG. Wed -Competltlonii («r KirN witii the longest hair and the most attractive "bun'" halrxtvles will be held at the Sungel Glußor Umno fun fair on th» village playground from June 2S to July 3 Tliere will also be «ln«ln«. aarong-kebaya and fancy dress contests Entries close
    53 words
  • 292 16 Brunei detention camp warder held ORCNEI TOWN. Wed. A warder at Berakas detention camp has been detained for alleged subversive activities. He is David Hong, 24. from Singapore. He was formerly in the army in Malaya and came to Borneo two years ago in search of work. He had been
    292 words
  • 33 16 KAJANO. Wed— The District Officer. Inche Haroun bin Mahmood. will open a poster competition anci exhibition and an exhibition of National Language books at the Kajang hall here on July 3.
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  • 504 16 Ngee Ann Board of Governors quit in protest SINGAPORE, Wednesday. THE Board of Governors of Ngee Ann College, headed by Mr. LienYing Chow, has resigned en bloc in protest against what it described as an "arbitrary action" of the newly-elected president of the Ngee Ann Kongsi, Mr. Tan Siak Kew.
    504 words
  • 206 16 No sign of hijacked lorry or tin ore I(AMPAR, Wed.— Police v today continued their State-wide search for the flve-ton lorry and its load of 84 piculs of i tin ore, hijacked by I four robbers armed with i knives near here ir ester-' day morning. After a fruitless all-night
    206 words
  • 201 16 ONDON. Wed. Flight Lieut. John Bradshaw, a 25-year-old RAF medical officer now stationed with Urn RAF at Tengah. has been awarded the MBE for outstanding devotion to duty and courage in going to the aid of a seriously inlureri seaman, it was officially
    Reuter  -  201 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 159 16 IK' tl WL W^' Pleasantly flavoured T" V A new ONE-DOSE m y treatment for J^ ROUNDWORMS *m j j THREADWORMS PRIPSEN Granules, th« rvtw remedy for worms, gives you everything you In*.^ *jg could ask for In a medicine. Only a SINGLE DOSE of PRIPSEN is needed for clearing
      159 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 294 16 Straits Times Crossword i* ill bh^ ACROSS .■> Karl of the White BtM •*> i Oreai champion of enieruin- P« inl r flnd her f, th -8 Red and white ore shows J] ier! ivy s blue among redhead* Not bo d at ocUl lher U You need a qualification
      294 words

  • 156 17 INDIANAPOLIS. Wed.— A pro- test that mechanics of Parnelli Jones, second in the Indianapolis 500-milf race, had broken the rules, uas turned down by United States Automobile Club officials yesterday. The protest wis made by the chief mechanic of Mario Andrettl. who was third in
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 50 17 PENANG. Wed. The Penan* cricket team for the MCA League match against Prrnk ut Ipoh on Saturday and Sunday: N. Monerasinghe (captain) D. Klemm. J. Caldwell, Jars. S. Sivadass. W- Doss. K. Etutz. K Taylor. T. Lopez. Raja Amir and K- Tye,. 12th man: McDonnell Umpire: Eric Cromack.
    50 words
  • 38 17 SUNGEI PATANI. Wed. Ke- j dun will hold a Mate cricket trial I at Alor Star on Friday to select a team for their MCA league match ngainsr Selangor on June 11-12 at I Alor Star
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  • 599 17 CRICKET ROUNDUP CYDNEY, Wed. Aus- tralia would have defeated the West Indies if fast bowler Charlie Griffith had not played, Australian wicketkeeper Wally Grout said when he returned to Sydney yesterday after the recent Test series ir. the West Indies. Grout said he
    599 words
  • 2087 17 Dinding romps in by six lengths Clay is Tighter of the Month'— Ring YEW YORK, Wed. World heavyweight champion Cassius Clay is named "Fighter of the Month" by the American boxing magazine, The Ring, following his recent controversial knockout of challenger Sonny Liston. The Ring's editor, Nat Fleischer, said "Innuendos
    2,087 words
  • 47 17 TOTAL POOL 589.850. 1 No. *****0 ($22.2381 2 No. *****2 (111,119) I 3 No. *****9 ($5,559) Starters (1686 each): No*. *****5 *****7 *****8 *****8 *****5 *****9 *****8 *****6 I *****5. Consolation ($432 each): No*. *****9 *****3 *****1 1TZ360 *****0 *****8 *****9 *****1 *****1 ******. i
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  • 141 17 Electronic 'ring' round Epsom stables LONDON, Wed.— Polio* threw an invisible electronic ring round the stables housing runners in today's classic Epsom Derby— to keep out would-be dopers and other racecourse law-breakers. From temporary headquarters nearby, police were able to watch every inch of the stable area through closed c'neult
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  • 115 17 ITUALA LUMPUR, Wed. lv Selangor Combined Schools won the Jock Hunter Trophy today when they beat Selangor Cricket Association Presidents XI by eight wickets on the Padang here. Scores: President's XI 87 i Pathma.iathan 34, Zainon Mat 5-27 Sivabalan 4-36) and 99-5 dec. Schools 122-5 dec (Alwl
    115 words
  • 180 17 KING HONOURS 3 OFFICIALS KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Three sports officials were among the 310 people in the Yang diPertuan Agong's birthday honours list. They were: Mohamed Natt bin Mobamed Yusuf. Selangor's Chief Police Officer, who was awarded the Johan Mangku Negar; UMN). A. S.
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  • 21 17 MACHANG. Wed.— Hamzah Primary School will hold its annual sports at the Sekolah Kebangsaan field tomorrow at 3 p.m.
    21 words
  • 347 17 S'pore missed Rahim touch SINGAPORE, Wed. The Wesi German soccer tourists, Nuremberg FC, were hard pressed to beat a Singapore selection 2-1 before a crowd of 8,000 at Jalan Besar Stadium tonight. Singapore put up a splendid fight against the experienced German side who had been European Cup semi-llnalista In
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 184 17 II LUC r I Tji\ *jl jU="' t The three volumes of this f^BP I superb new set together form a 11-^H iffft < *"^^Bl complete, popular survey of the *-f*°* Lm Kll world. Geography, resources. fl^^Bl^Kif (M fl are covered but in addition H^^K I^HhH Mr ii\ welcome attention
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 120 17 DIARY SOCCEB Spore Div SA: TBA v BODCA (Oeylang). Mt Emily v 40 Reme (Farrer Pk). Div SB: Katong v Alagappa: Radin Mas v RTC (both matches at Farrer i'k> looh Div 3: Ipoh Youngsters v DID (Coronation grd i. Kampar Div 2: Kota Bharu v Dravidians (padang). Sultan Yusnif
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    • 58 17 SUMMARY HOCKEY IVralt six-a-side tourney final (Ipoh) Andersonlans 'A' 2 Prisons. Taiping 0. SOCCER Victory Cup final (Malacca) Kllat 1 Hakka Assn 0. Nankivel Shield (S'ban): Negri PWD 5 Perak PWD 2. Negri Div. 1: Indian Assn 'A' 5 Rangers 1. Kampar Div. 1: Aux. Police 3 Perak Hydro 0.
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  • 259 18 Sea Bird flies in at Epsom LOS DON Wed. Sea Bird, the 7-4 lavourite. flew in at Epsom this atternon to win lor France their seventh Derby since the war. It l.s exactly 100 |Mn MMiclhr Frej. h look then first Derby with Gladutpur. BupsrMjr ridden by 38-year-old Austia l.m
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  • 250 18 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. A man fell to his death from the top floor of the Selangor Fui Chiu. Association building at the Petaling Street-Foch Avenue junction here this afternoon. He landed on the bumper of a moving taxi. His body ended sprawled on
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  • 102 18 SYDNEY, Wed.— Smugglers are trying to get as many silver coins as possible out of Australia before the changeover to decimal currency next February, according to customs authorities. Tney believe this following the recovery of nearly £400 worth of coins from ships
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 369 18 LONDON. Wed— The market was i.atured today by advances In shares, ol companies taxed overBMS, ior which corporation tax concessions giving improved transitional relief were announced last night. Otherwise, conditions were rather dull. Buyer* were Mill reluctant to commit themselves and business remained on a
    369 words
  • 50 18 LONDON, Wed. Bpot 23 '*d.. July 22-3 16d Aug. 22 ',d.. Sept. 22-1 16d.. July Sept 22'sd.. Oct. Dec 22d., Jan March 21-15 16d.. Apl. June 21-13 16d.. July Sepi. ?l ,d. Oct. Dec. 21-11 18*.. c.i.f. June 22d.. July 21 \d. Aug. 21 id Tone: Steady but quiet.
    50 words
  • 24 18 LONDON Wed— Buyers £1605. sellers £1607'. a Forward buyers £1558. seller* £1559. Settlement £1605. Turnover a.m. 185 tons. pm 160 tons Tone: Steady
    24 words
  • 223 18 JAKARTA. Wed. President Soekarno and an Algerian Presidential envoy today discussed means to prevent certain controversial issues from frustrating the AfroAsian conference in Algiers. This was revealed by reliable diplomatic sources, who also said that Algeria the host country wants to ensure
    AP  -  223 words
  • 537 18  - OTC tax relief surprise from Callaghan HALL ROMNEY -From LONDON, Wed. I TNI-; Financial Times describes the relief for overseas trading corporations in the corporation tux amendments of the Chancellor of the Kxchequer, Mr. James Callaghan, as "the real 'surprise." Some of these companies, including those operating in Malaysia, are
    537 words
  • 42 18 Typewriter for music now LONDON. Wed— A type- j writer that can produce a musical score has been invented by a 48-year-old London woman. Imperial typewriter shares rose yesterday on the news that the company had secured world rights for the invention.
    42 words
  • 313 18 Another Vietcong blow to Saigon troops SAIGON. Wed. Aboir, 150 Government troops wore killed, captured or missing after a major attack aid three ambushes oy Communist Vietcong guerillas in an area about 220 miles northeast of Salgon yesterday. The new Virtiong blow followed (ii the heels ol lh«' Quang Ntal
    Reuter  -  313 words
  • 25 18 TAN KIM HOCK. -1 73 Of 30. l»roi t ;«vic«:fuliy ion L'-H-tt... iMMag wife, and n!M I rntldrvn. Funeral at 1 p.m. on 4-«-b*.
    25 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 267 18 Late CLASSIFIEDS Z* Huriij Hi i Ml M mum Imm TAN LIAU: T:in CTlOng Mr and Mm T;m B-n» hi to Liau Wrr Br. <1 o Mr .n.rt Mis LI»U Thi.irii Hai. or Kuala Tri i^Kunu 0« Jnd Junr dj proud lyi pi of my ■btbJPl BULI_k 1 I
      267 words