The Straits Times, 1 June 1965

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 22 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 145,000 tie**** The Straits Times Estd. 1845 TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 1965 15 CENTS KDN 1189 M.C.(P). 1005
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  • 328 1  - Lee's 'f airy tales' KUALA LUMPUR Now Dato Ismail hits back at the 'twisted facts' behind accusation by PAP leader REPORT OF THE DEBATE BEGINS ON PAGE 12 By our Parliamentary Reporters Monday THE Peoples Action Party has been spreading "fairy tales" about Malaysia overseas, the Minister for Home Affairs,
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  • 807 1 tinue to progress in accord with the democratic constitution towards a Malaysian Malaysia, and that On the contrary, the Address had added to the doubts over the intentions of the present Alliance Government and over the measures it would adopt when
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  • 131 1 A GLASS of tonic water "no gin, please" was the celebration drink for a 71-year-old spinster who had just been handed a cheque for K 93.090. Little. grey haired Miss Mabel Phillips, or Sandgate. Kent, won her fortune with a Is 9d stake and a 23 points
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  • 144 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. A 24-hour curfew has been imposed in the Penggarang area of Johore from Parit Bungah to Tanjong Punggai for "security reasons." according to an emergency communique issued today. The curfew, which will be In force until further notice, covers all waterways of
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  • 49 1 SYDNEY. Mon. A man was jugged here for six months at his own suggestion for stealing six bars ot chocolate. What do you reckon you should get?" the judge asked Frederick Newye, 40. "What about a sixer for six chocolates?" he replied. The judge obliged. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 411 1 Lee gives a hint: It could be partition ALTERNATIVE ARRANGEMENT SINGAPORE. Monday SINGAPORE'S Prime Minister. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, last night spoke of the possibility of partition as an '"alternative arrangement" should unconstitutional methods be used to prevent a Malaysian Malaysia. Those Slates which wanted a MalayBan Malaysia could gel
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  • 57 1 HONO KONO. Mon -More than 10 people were arrested by police here last week under the Deportation of Alter* Ordinance a Government »poke*man said today But he refused to any details One source said the men under arreut were suspected of -secret political activities"
    UPI  -  57 words
  • 63 1 JAKARTA. Mon -The Communist controlled Indonesian Farmers Brigade .BTIi in a written statement hmd today admitted that its members had beaten an army officer 10 death in the estates of Simelungun. North Sumatra, early this month. The statement quoted by the armed forces newspaper said that
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 351 1 Hanoi troops move into battle ()lA\(i NGAI (South Vietnam i. M o ii. Senior I.S. military sources said today they had confirmed the presence of two battalions of North Vietnamese regular troops in the Quang Xgai province area and one had in fact joined the Vietcong in a series of
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  • 31 1 NKRUMAH TO SEE THE TENCKU .ACCRA. Mon. President Nkrumah of Ghana said today In- would staortIv meet Tcnsku Abdul Rahman for diMiissions on solution to Malaysia Indonesia conflict. Router..
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 33 1 A Quick Shiix m Quick Tinr with RE-POJ AUTO POUSH and CUANEt No Scotch improves the flavour oS water like Teachers riiiHiri tiiiuM atAd mm vmmi rttJ^l rnumi nrautiß«n Miuim *^pP x I
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    • 93 1 CM J t lift V^MTfilVialiaif^Kfl V Time after time the Forslund Crane has *r PJ provided the simple and economical answer f X to loading and unloading problems. The i LJ versatility of a Forslund Crane is unlimited LJ m and the operation is so simple, withonehand *t| U on
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    • 84 2 OEKING, Mon. A Foreign Minis try spokesman today denied rumours that Communist leader Mao Tseturg was ill. "Chairman Mao is In excellent health." the spokesman said. He did not say where Mr. Mao was at present but many lureign diplomats here believed he was away
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    • 19 2 MANILA. M»n. Filipino managers and supervisor* returnad to their jobs at Caltex today, ending a 38-day strike.
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    • 101 2 JAKARTA, Monday. THE Indonesian Regional Army Commanders have ended their three-day annual conference here rejecting the Communist demand to have a political commissioner within the Army. The Army spokesman, Brig. Gen. Ibnu Subroto, was quoted by the official Antara news agency today as saying "the idea
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    • 103 2 'Another imperialist plot' cry in Jakarta IAKARTA. Mon. Indonesia claims to have evidence of another plot by imperialists this time to dislocate Indonesia's trade and economy. Last Friday President Soekarno said imperialists had a plot to assassinate him, the Foreign Minister. Dr. Subandrio, and the Army Commander, Lieut, Gen. Ahmad
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    • 54 2 JAKARTA, Mon.— Police arrested 23 people in Medan after they ransacked and damaged the office of the city's newspaper Harian Harapan last Friday night. Antara newi agency reported today. Aiitnra did not report the reason for the attack on the office.— Reuter. mni appointment
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    • 246 2 Three-two stalemate in Saigon Cabinet crisis SAIGON, Mon.— South Vietnam's Chief of State, Mr. Phan Khac Suu. has approved three of five Cabinet appointments made last, week by the Prime Minister, Dr. Phan> Huy Quat. However, Mr. Suu still refused to approve Dr. Quat's appointments to the Important Interior and
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    • 90 2 TOKYO. Mon.— The Foreign Minister. Mr. Shiina Is planning a visit to Asian countries this summer as part of the Prime Minister. Mr Sato's policy to under- tak a more active diplomatic programme, the Mainichl newspaper said today. The newspaper sola that Mr. Bhiina. would
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    • 30 2 NEW DELHI. Mon. Rescue teams have recovered 110 bodies from Bhori coal mine following Friday's underground explosion. Estimates of the death toll range from 250 'o AP.
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    • 26 2 ALGIERS. Mon. The Algerian Oovernment has decided to nationalise 69 abandoned iron, lead, tine and copper mines, it was announced here last night. Reuter
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    • 30 2 KARACHI. Mon. Mr. Chou En-lal will make a one-day visit to Pakistan next week (or a meeting with President. Ayub Khan, the Oovernment announced I yesierday.— UPl.
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    • 427 2 Johnson rejects 'Bomb Hanoi missile sites' advice WASHINGTON. Monday PRESIDENT John- son was reported to have rejected the advice that anti-air-craft missiles sites being built by the Russians near Hanoi should be wiped out before they became operational. Informed sources said that the sites, constructed to defend the industrialised and
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    • 270 2 'Big error if US bombs Hanoi' says Walker EDINBURGH, Monday. pORMER Foreign Secretary Mr. Patrick Gordon Walker said here today the United States would be making a major error if it extended North Vietnam bombing attacks to Hanoi or industrial centres. Mr. Walker recently returned from a fact-finding tour of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 83 2 A Family Affair BRAND'S SUPER GIFTS SCHEME GIFTS GIFTS GIFTS A fabulous array of Gifts for the whole family. Choose your Gifts from the colourful catalogue to be found at your Brand's dealer. On your own, or with your family, start saving Brand's lids now, and get Top Quality gifts
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 143 3 Jamaica to Britain: Let in more of us KINGSTON, Mon. Jamaica is prosing Britain to admit more ot its emigrants as a means ol solving the Caribbean island's problems of mass unemployment ai:d a soaring birth rate. A Britbh immigration comheaded by Earl Mounttetten. studied these probli ma with the
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    • 34 3 MA. Mun. The HuPtiar.HM Unister, Mr. Kiidar. returned tonight to Budapest from ;i vt\-<;;iv visit to Ma-cow •inch he reached agreeE leaders on p.mcl economic relaUrn next flve years. R
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    • 205 3 pAPC KENNEDY. <Hu- ricla). Mon. 'In hrn MM aartf today tl-arcd uo thr w;it*r leakage protil" m in the two-man <t<mini spacecraft and space oflHcials said Thursdays ambitious Mieht «ns back on schedule. After almost 2-i hour* of probing the complicated plumbing
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    • 199 3 Threat by France to boycott Nato exercise PARIS, Monday. NATO Defence Ministers begin strategy talks here today faced with new dissension by France over how the alliance's nuclear might should be used. French Nato delegation sources said that France would send only token forces to the Nato "Fallex exercise next
      Reuter; UPI  -  199 words
    • 48 3 LONDON. Muii. A uniformed British .soldiT was arrested by military pohcr ypstrrdiiy wh..e demonj-tratir.K with member.* of the Campaign for NuciCttr Disarmament iCNDi. Priviite Barry Easier was i 1 arrested in Tralalzar Square whi'.c rarry:n? a plnr;ncl lending 'Ser- vicemen against ..m In Vietnam.*' —UPI
      UPI  -  48 words
    • 24 3 LONDON. Mon.— HiMckers overpowered a truck dn\er \e.-ierday and made off with a load ot three I million cigarettes. UPI. j
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    • 117 3 NEW RED BID FOR AN ANTI-GAULLE POLLS DEAL ¥>ARis, Mon.— French Com--1 munlsts today launched a new bid for an alliance with the Socialist Party aimed at defeating President de Gaulle in the December presidential elections. A letter from Mr Waldeck Rochet, the French Communist Party secretary-general, to the Socialist
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    • 193 3 ANGRY CROWD BEATS UP NAZI LEADER jrpORONTO. Mon. Anti-Nazi spectators beat the Canadian Nazi Party leader, Mr. John Beattie, and broke up a rally of his followers in a park here yesterday. About 100 policemen, some on horseback, were called out to put down the attack and rescue Mr. Beattie.
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    • 196 3 CANTO DOMINGO. Mon. Diplomatic sources last night reported stalemate in the five-week-old Dominican Republic crisis as leaders of the two rival regimes both refused to negotiate with the Organisation of American States (OAS) Dr. Jose Mora, the OAS secretary-general, has been trying to get
      Reuter  -  196 words
    • 80 3 ONDON Mon— The Sun day Telegraph yesterday reported Dranksters In the House ot Commons stole one shoe of Mr Marcus '.ipton i Labour* while he was bleeping In the library. A* a result it said, when the 1 bell rang for an Important vote he had to
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    • 316 3 WILSON IN WEEKEND CHEQUERS TALKS TO BOOST ECONOMY I ONDON, Mon. The Prime Minister, Mr. Harold Wilson yesterday held talks on the country's economy that could settle the timing of the next general election— widely tipped for autumn or next spring. His discussions with top i Cabinet colleagues were centred
      Reuter  -  316 words
    • 24 3 ONDON Mon. —Queen Elizai Ofth returned to Buckingham I Pi, mi :.i>! rrictM liter an 11-day latatf visit i- Germany. Reuter.
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    • 73 3 LONDON. Mon. Two Scottish architects. Mr. Jiime.s Stirlir.c and Mr. J.ime.s Uow.m. have tv>en aw'iirded the 1965 U5525,000 R. S. Reynold.- Memorial Av.ard. administered by the American Institute of ArcbttacU. it was announced here This is the first time the aw.ird has gone 10 British
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    • 61 3 PARIS. <m A court »t Grassr fined Claudine Bau. a pretty brunette dancer, 300 tana <SlBO > lor par,idiii(? in (mil < f crowds ouislde lOMUMS'I |pad:re h'-tel In a too- le.^.s nrlinult neently i "I difln"! -hir-k 1 «i* orr:ilc ng any laws .ird I
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    • 16 3 NEW ORIEANa Mom —Street lighting broke uut between nhurs i and Negroe*. UPI
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 158 3 LONG DISTANCE OBSERVATION BECOMES AN EXCITING EXPERIENCE WITH THE LOW COST POLAREX SPOTTING SCOPES Over the years, the Polarex Spotting Scope has proved its efficiency throughout the world and under all conditions. Low in cost, precision in performance, high quality, the Polarex Spotting Scope is the ideal equipment for terrestrial
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    • 325 3 HAVE YOU MET A Jr"*'«f PROFESSIONALS i 1 INSURANCE W vSr MAN T^^ Who is he? Th*!f ue Ml many kfl Malaysia Who llfeal He is a very good person to know. He could be just as Important t( you a& your doctoi or lawyer. You should meet the MCIS
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 772 4 ii m b i I IB i^^ Py^E^» U J Ij«mKkwBrW^^C'. bfil (AC '7 I 15'^ "&2f*mvlK~ 111 XI I I k^LV. .^B Hl m I^lsSHbo IbbbbbibbbbbbhHHHHHHHHHHHHHH _HJ I I 18/" bbb^— ~-~^^bb! bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbh bB iBSSH^BraBBBBBP^V'^- I IPBBlmß|MbbbbbbbMM bb^V B I^bbbbbbbß^SP T^bbbbbbbbbbbbJ M^j,^(,»^{w^B^^^^B^^ -:i|2ff^E Bbß BBbI^bBBbIbBBBBBBBBBbI IBBBH^BBBB) f 881 BBBBBB^l^**^~^^^^^bß
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  • 231 5 EIGHT THUGS DETAINED AND RECORD HAUL OF WEAPONS KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. In an intensified campaign against secret societies in the capital this month, Selangor police made a record haul of gangland weapons. They recovered more than 100 "dangerous" weapons, including one revolver, 36 parangs, 10 pitchforks
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  • 177 5 INDUSTRIAL HEALTH HYGIENE UNIT SOON 17UALA LUMPUR. Mon. —The acting Minisi ter of Labour. Inche i Abdul Rahman bin Ya'acob, announced in 1 the House of Representatives today that the Government would set up an industrial health hygiene unit soon. Replying to a question by Mr. C.V. Devan Nair (PAP-i
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  • 166 5 j I(UALA LUMPUR. I 1V Mon. The Mini- 1 1 ster of Health. Inche Bahaman bin Samsudin. i today called on private 1 practitioners to volun-j I teer for part-time ser-i j vice in hospitals 1 throughout the coun-j try. He said in the House
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  • 63 5 IPOH. Mon Orchid thieves werr active again in Harmony Park. oH Maxwell Roed, when they stole six plants valued at S5OO belonging to a housewife. Che Soo Hatiyah bint* Yuen. 37. The plants were stolen from her garden in Siputeb Road. Two weeks ago thieves stole
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  • 47 5 IPOH. Mon. A flMiprman. I. ok Hoor.R. 31. was today charged with illegal possession of a .45 automatic pistol and three round* Inf ammunition in Menelembu on Wednesday night. No plea was recorded and h» was remanded In police custody until June 7.
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  • 254 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon fHE National Art Gallery will hold an exhibition of contemporary art of Malaysia at the Commonwealth Arts Festival in England in September. The festival will be held simultaneously In London Glasgow. Liverpool and Cardiff. The exhibits will be shown In Dublin in
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  • 221 5 KOTA BHARU. Mon. The Indian Hiph Commissioner to Malaysia, Mr. Mustapha Kamil Kidwai, last right called on Malaysians of Indian origin to be always prepared to defend the integrity and sovereignty of the country they had adopted as their home. Mr. Kidwai
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  • 73 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Mr. Francis Chan Kwong Wah of the University of Malaya is now ntudying for his Ph. O. at Stanford University in California under an American agricultural development council scholarship. Mr. Chan, 30. was a tutor at the Faculty of Agriculture in the
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  • 51 5 KANGAR. Mon. Shanffah 1 1 Pntimah bintc Syed Mahmud. the first adult education domestic science teacher here, has been elected chairman of the Behor I TMMk Sinaran Youth Ciub. The vice-chairman is Inche Norclin bin Mahmud. secretary Inche Mahmud bin Hussein, and i frr.i.-urrr Inche Nordin bin
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  • 35 5 IPOH. Men. A maJUaei »ant, \i<- Him-. 37. had her liandbna containing $30 snatched from her by a cyclist after she hud ill. slued" from a bus in Green Lane here last night.
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  • 54 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The chairman of Uie F"lfi d Land Development Authority. Inche Taib bin Haji Andak. has been appointed chairman of the board of managed**.: of the Tropical Fish Culture Research Institute. Malacca. He replace* Dato Sir Alexan- der Oppenheim who hs.- resign- 1 ec as
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  • 57 5 SINGAPORE. Mon. A tourm.ui sales and study delegation from thp Indian tobacco export promotion council m Mauins arrived here by air thi* evening tor a six-da y visit During their stay nere. thpv VtU survey the local market 'or Indian tobacco and tobacco products, and
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  • 225 5 Union wants fair deal for 'frustrated' Indian graduate teachers MALACCA, Monday. 'THE Minister of Education, Inche Mohamed 1 Khir Johari, was today urged to give a "fair deal" to about 40 Indian graduate teachers serv- ing in Malaya. "They have been shabbily treated." complained Mr. R. Chelvarajah, chairman of the
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  • 30 5 i JESSELTON. Mon. Royal Australian Engineers working "on a road building project in the interior of Sabah have built and donated a library to the people of Keningau.
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  • 151 5 Discourage spoon feeding ra'ayat: Mentri ly I TREXGGANC. Mon— The Mentri BeMl of Trengganu. Dato I Ibr. him Fikri. has urged that the practice of spoon-feeding the ra'ayat should gradually be discouraged. The ra'ayat must he en- couraged to walk on their own feet, if Government efforts to improve their
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  • 37 5 SEGAMAT. Mon. The e.\e- i cutive committee of the National Union of Teachers. Johore branch, will hold its end of term meeting at the Segamat Secon- dary English School hall at 10 a.m. on Wednesday.
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  • 208 5 Inquest on Mrs Ram put off to June 12 I IPOH. Mon. Further i hearing of the in- quest on Mrs. Teerath Ram has been set for June 12 and June 14. Mrs. Ram. who was head of the Arts Department in th» Anglo-Chinese School here and wife of the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 446 5 WiN $12,000 r YARDLEY BRILLIANTINE CONTEST WIN A HEW TRIUMPH PHIZES TOTALLIHG $12,000 this is all you have to do Ist New TRIUMPH HERALD 1200 Saloon 1. Spot the deliberate mistakes we have HFRAI (I ***** *%alnnn o.^ a made in the picture above; mark each nunflLU I£UU OaIUUII 2nd
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 59 5 Bugs Bunny By Ralph Heimdaht I Kcy^BoyfS I oktav, cicero W \k k LET ME ~i/-j "X f LH?K! I VIV BANDAGE V/l NEED LOTS CUT Arty I\s« |T 'BU6S!. 4 OF PRACTICE Afingec: J v -^y--^ pass aw ./WEV! WHAT'RE WMILE 1 WAS ABOUT IX V V. VA GONNA
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  • 145 6 Rotan and jail for acid bombs youth SINGAPORE, Monday. £*HENG Ah Kiiu, a youth who was round Carrying six bulbs of acid, was today jailed for two years and ordered to be given four strokes of the rotan by the First Criminal District .Judge, Mr. Ell Cheow Chye. Mr. Eu,
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  • 180 6 Housing Board photo competition results SINGAPORE. Mon.—Judging of the Housing and Development Board photographic competition entries —totalling 649 took place yesterday at the Hollywood Room, Odeon Cinema. Out of the 319 black-and-uhiie prims and 330 colour slides, 210 prinu and 112 slides were selected for an exhibition to be held
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  • Article, Illustration
    64 6 MISS Maureen Kitson (left). 25. a telephone operator at the Singapore Telephone Board, who won the "Carnival Queen" contest organised by the Amalgamated I'nion of Public Employees at St. Joseph's Institution on Sunday. Second was Miss Katherine Yip, 22, a final year nurse at the General Hospital, and
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  • 106 6 ALFRED IIM of Boys' Town English School receiving an envelope containing S3OO and a trophy from the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Education. Inche Rahim Ishak. after winning the first prize in the Nestles "Talentime for Schools. 1965" competition at the National Theatre at the week-end. Second
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  • 105 6 SINGAPORE. Mon. A i road safety pester com- I petition, organiseii by the Automobile Association of Singapore, has received tremendous response from school children in the State. A total of 1.300 entries have been submitted from 95 schools. The many high quality posters had made the judgr*
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  • 37 6 LADY HULL shaking hands with .shy Neo Bee San at the St. Andrew's Mission Hospital yesterday. Making the introduction is the Matron, Mrs. C'henc- In the background is Mrs. D. Murphy.
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  • 43 6 SINGAPORE. Mnn. The Law Faculty of the University of Singapore will hold four public lectures during June and July at the new lecture theatre No. 2. The dates are: June 8. June 22. Jiry 13 and July 20.
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  • 140 6 SINGAPORE. Mon. Lady Hull. \vif<- of Britain's newly -appointed Chief of Defence Staff, Held Marshal Sir Richard Hull, today >penl 30 minutes rWUag ihf si. Andrew's .Mission Hospital, where she once did voluntary work when her husband was C'-in-C East Land Forces She mas
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  • 24 6 SINGAPORE, lion. The Department of Extra-.Mural Studies University of Singapore, announced today that enrolment for the public relations course is already full.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 305 6 CAPITOL (Spore) OPENS TOMORROW: ACTION-PACKED THRILLER f^ HRHV ■of intrigue, murder and mayhem /«&^l\ I MIH actually filmed in Honakonf/l Itmll, /^r Vjtt I I.JU cabarets. waterfront den» A the. J J |^V 4*UKjU forbidden quarter! (M Tfy JAMES HADLEY CHASE'S J^-%\WIZII Coffin fßomwnjWMtjj "with HEINZ DRACHE ELGA ANDERSEN SABINA
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    • 107 6 m^-i^infLLLZEE 0 W^^^SkWXX. THE MOSrCAPT/VATWG '\l^fksoNG DANCE TEAIVf EVER y^^WfU TO PERFORM IN SINGAPORE w r Z V-% L^ v: RETURNS BY J 2 v"y: popular jC*f'-7f* Jfc R-\ a nightly at f m J CATWAV RESTAURANT and J Q^cUucU ARUNDEL ROOM TONIGHT 8 p.m. at the NATIONAL THEATRE UNIVERSITY
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    • 154 6 r-ODEON— i TONIGHT -—PALACE—^| THEATRE^ J MIDNIGHT! KATONG i (ODEON THEATRE: SEASON FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT!) TRAIN 349 will carry you on an exciting journey... A JOURNEY <r YOU'LL NEVER FORGET! j ££Mffl m^^Bi Jose FERRER Scan FLYNN Nicole COURCEL —CATHAY— opens r^PAaCE^ —^cinema —^l TOMORROW! katong 1 WONDERFUL, WILD MADCAP
      154 words
    • 529 6 L^S^S! LAST DAY! i O B°3oV n 0 jAT NORIViAL PRICES! "WAR AND PEACE" I Henry Fonda Aidrcy Hepburn OPENS TOMORROW! CATHAY PALACE CIKtWSOJrt L/ < Ca»nDiH«£ LAST DAY! 1 30, 4 00, 6.30|| 1 00, 3 30, I 9.1S pm. I 64S 9.30pm "LOVE HAS MANY FACES" j 1
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  • 279 7 pENANG. Mon. A 1 16-year-old girl, referred to as "Miss X" told a magistrate's court today that a childhood friend forced her into prostitution and lived on her earnings. She wa.s testifying against W R. Pasnan. 26. who faces !wn charges
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  • 243 7 MOKHTAR: LEE HAS NO RIGHT TO SPEAK FOR SABAH JESSELTON. Mon. Inche Sulaiman Ahmad Mokhtar. publicity chief of the United Sabah National Organisation. said here today that thp people of Sabah were content with the present arrangements regarding the State's entry into Malaysia. He was commenting on a statement by
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  • 77 7 A BIRTHDAY GIFT FROM THE GRAND ALLIANCE THE Minister of Education, Inche Mohamed Kh i r (ohari, presenting a "golden heart" with a Chinese inscription "Long Live Mr. Tan Siew Sin" to the Finance Minister at the Crand Alliance dinner in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday night to
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  • 78 7 WELLINGTON. Mon. A Royal New Zealand Air Force opthalmic team will spend six weeks in Malaysia and Thailand in July and August, said the Prime Minister. Mr. Holyoake. in a prepared statement today. r would give lectures and demonstrations on the latest surgical and
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 265 7 Malayans: A 'colonial' complex in Sabah PENANG, Monday. Sabah Government should dispel the idea that Malayans assigned to work in Sabah are colonial masters, Inche Zainul Alam bin Harji Zainul Abidin, Controller of Radio, Northern Region, said today. "The Sabah people should also dismiss their belief that Malayans go there
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  • 55 7 Bomb kills Bajau fisherman JESSELTON, Mon. A fish bomb which exploded at Pangi. near La had Oatu. lulled a 42-year-old Bajau fisherman and injured nine others four seriously, a police spokesman said here. The dead man was Japara bin Akar and the injured included six children and a woman who
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  • 119 7 A $16 mil. scheme in Sabah JESSELTON. Mon. Inche Harris bin Mohammed Salleh. State Finance MnU- ter. yesterday said that the Government may get a loan from the Commonwealth Development Corporation to finance Its $16 million scheme in Jesselton to house natives now residing In two kampongs and create a
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  • 40 7 BRUNEI TOWN. Mtin. A pol cc station is t<> b»» built soon at Lamunin. a Kadayan centre 20 miles frum Brunei Town. There i was considerjblo support for the rebels there during the 1962 reI volt. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 140 7 •DRUNEI TOWN, Mon. I Brunei can have a television service within two years, according to a report submitted to the Brunei Govenv ment. The report made by Pappas and Associates of Canada, claims no major technical problems are in- volved. It Ls being
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 146 7 MITSUBISHI i n^nßßßßßnßn^naV^^nßßßßßßK JDnnfl^nßß^E^n^L&vl- iffSi LanaHk 1l Jr i^^L^_ XaAsi Kf 1 nnr 4 w. \S« I^HwFaV ■Bjaf r b xSWSc WjP* M^S&s wßm u^m! II W ,i HMI MUn L:' I \-^^~m~~~~**>^' m l m mmmm 'WtX!!!KB^ mmm m *''^^~~~^^~^^^^m r^ fInB^nBBBBBB^nBP JT wk WC vnW nnv- .^nF^^H nnr^^^
      146 words
    • 243 7 Manila Ml~V\ fit Three direct flights weekly on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays. Superb service bilingual cabin attendants... cuisine by Maxim's of Paris... and, most Important, you fly with Pan Am's Priceless Extra of Experience. Yon're better off with Pan Am S^pA world's most experienced airline innaMnW^ #J nit?tiiJilLlifflsHA™'^^ ffi I
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  • 60 8 IPOH. Mon. The Sultan and the Raja Perempuan of Peralc and the Mentri Besar, Dato Ahmad bin Said, will attend a National Defence Pund dinner and dance at the Idris Club in Kuala Kangsar tomorrow night. Donations collected in the Kuala Kangsar district for the fund
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  • 54 8 SINGAPORE. Mon.— Five members of the visiting 14-man Bouth Korean trade mission this morning called on the chairman of the Economic Development Board, Mr Hon Sui SPn. and Ministry of Finance officials. At the Economic Development Board they were briefed on Singapore's industrial progress, and various
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  • 360 8 TAIPING. Monday rpHE Perak branch of the National JL Union of Teachers has decided to urge its national body to set up an industrial action fund to prepare itself for the eventuality of the Central Government lifting its ban on strikes. This
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  • 75 8 rpilE Minister for SaraM. wak Affairs. Dato Temengffong Jugan. with Miss Nancy Blassan, the winner of the Miss Sarawak 1965 contest sponsored by Knching Jaycces on Saturday. Miss Elizabeth Onr took second place and Che Fatimah Abdul Rahman was third. Miss Blassan, a receptionist in the
    Lee On Win  -  75 words
  • 75 8 PENANG, Mon.— The Chief Minister. Dato Wong Pow Nee, said last night that Malaysia was not worried about the threat from external aggression. "We are more concerned with the preservation and maintenance of national solidarity at this hour of emergency," he told members of the
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  • 198 8 Free bus rides for the blind move by Mayor DENANG, Mon. Th« Mayor, Mr. C. Y. Choy, today urged the City Council to implement a policy which would allow blind people in the State to travel free in any of the Council's buses. "All over the world progressive councils have
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  • 53 8 Thugs smash stalls DENANG, Mon. A 1 gang smashed up seven eating stalls at the Prangin Market last night. Customers ran for shelter as the raiders went about smashing tables, chairs and cooking utensils, causing damage estimated at $800. Someone telephoned for th« police who arrived soon afterwards. But the
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  • 24 8 LONDON. Mon. The d«>ath has occurred In Lisbon of Mr. F.H. Brunton. for many years a ruWxr I estate manager In Malaya.
    24 words
  • 226 8 JESSELTON. Mon. 1 I 1 MR. J. E. Falrbairn, retiring chief of the Special Branch of the Police In Sabah, said here yesterday that the State had managed to contain subversion because of the "wonderful co-operation" he had received from the people of
    226 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 129 8 V^^^b^lß ■jtaji^TK <£■ f*\ > Y W "> f\ T m With every quart bottle (or 2 pint bottles) of OTARD ROYAL or JjSySiAW} V.S.O.P. you buy from 17th May 1965 to 26 June 1965 you get :rw^j»fejj!fji! a Dinner Set as illustrated above FREE while stocks last. Otard Royal,
      129 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
      237 words

  • 1543 9  -  BERNARD S. FALL MYTH outside agitators were needed to rouse religious intolerane. TRUTH many born in Vietnam don't even feel Vietnamese By Author of The Two Vietnams A PARAMOUNT fact that must be considered in any appraisal of Vietnam is that it is a mosaic
    1,543 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 102 9 -M*maM i 16 l4BfW ,4ofu I S*.tch^~[L T me Svvltc h^ j I Benson au Hedges \^^9mr*r Money can buy no finer, smoother cigarettes. King Size Benson Hedges are made of superb tobaccos perfectly blended and married to exactly the right filter. They are packed in a golden metal-covered
      102 words

  • 73 10 Wm4» lit <mtmtm>mmi FAMILY OF THI late Mr Peter Chin Nee Bena. thank all retattTee friends for their coodolenfes. donations, wreaths ani attendance DR AND MMS. A. RhaDkar stDearely thaak their relatives and Meads for tfcair kind a'terdanro euaanatulatory massa«es. valuable pre 1 aaata and aaalstAnre oa 'he oroaaioiis
    73 words
  • 184 10 Kerala m ltnmtmm "JOHN OOLDFARB, Please nomt I lasme We need you al toe Cathay Tomorrow Shirley. FIDIRAL PWajLIOATIONS LTD. f.,n. all teaenen aad book addlata to browse in their itemoß at Tlmea ■•■as. River Valley Road, Itntaport COLO STORAOE SUPCftMANKIT i rv-hard Road, and sunnapore Brnnchos will be
    184 words
  • 66 10 IS Word* fS <*Hm.)—Hoz in ef. **tra SOHJTH Ist EOFWICHT oharmlnK country cottage comfortably furnished aleep available October IAH.V May t;n Writ.- Dalmahoy, Stratton Kod. Koin-on.-tii-ld Hucks FOR WINTER LEAVE or Retirement why not live on the Costa Del Sol (Spain) which .us the finest ytarround climate In
    66 words
  • The Straits Times
    • 715 10 »>d with consorting with Indonesian guerillas, who wer* not tried by a jury. The objections offered by the Bar Council, Bar Committees, the Law Alumni of the Universities and others have been made, however, on the ground of the Government's failure to consult the judge* j (other
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    • 165 10 The security forces in Sarawak have a difficult enough task without having to cope with treachery as well. The State Government's action in banning a branch of the Sarawak United People's Party, on more than adequate grounds, is therefore entirely justified and should serve as a warning to
      165 words
    • 350 10 Reports from Washington that President Johnson haa ruled against American air strikes against the missile sites the Russians are building i near Hanoi, have drawn from 1 Secretary of State Dean Rusk i a statement emphasising that American policy on this question is open. Any commitment to leave
      350 words
  • 1125 10  - Time for a change in india? CYRIL DUNN India's unbeatable Congress lacks the greatest of all democratic goads fear of retribution at the polls By New Delhi. Mon SHOULD India turn away from the parliamentary kind of democracy she inherited from Britain and adopt instead the presidential form used in
    1,125 words
    • 554 10 ONE of the reasons why Malaysia is respected In the world is that It is a nation which believes In the Rule of Law. And no right thinking person would question the good faith of the most respected Prime Minister of Malaysia and others who
      554 words
    • 200 10 JT has been brought to my notice in open court by Mr. Naldu counsel for the Malayan Times In the case Mervyn Nicholas 1. The Malayan Times, that you have published a report on this case in your paper dated 27th May. 1965 in columns one
      200 words
    • 74 10 \VE refer to the letter (8T May 15) by "D.1.V." of Singapore under the heading "self help with a phone". Subscribers are advised If at any time dlfflc- s are not properly remedied, or unsatisfactory conditions recur, they should write to the General Manager relating the nature of
      74 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 662 10 StwJtsTT—* Maky Mail COLO OToaAoM ajupsn*. MAaiKBT^ •VOLO ajTOHAaS ■•UkMOSMSa At HSOtoMS BOMd nj|j K IWvu Baas. Actuaries* Aa*e>«s «rrv book bttonc WMchaoosr Msews. Caiiioji Qaay TWa NIW« PMOMT M. M. ISMAIL AoMßtraity aw**. Hai«i mmm NAMMM BTO sag. I4lt W—r Ciiaat Sjm. V. aMTTNASMUtV M •7t BS Kav*.
      662 words
    • 46 10 MALAYSIA'S OWN BANK The Bank with the biggest network of branches in Malaysia with overseas branches in London, Hong Kong, Kowloon and Brunei. JsSJjjjJIHL HEAD OfflCE: MALAYAN »ANK BUILOiNO 92. Jalan Bandar. Kuala Lumpur. BANKING LIMITED AutHortwa Capttil: $$0,000,000 anMtf aaa Pud Up Capftth 115.0 M.000
      46 words
    • 53 10 rariHjj big car room Biriili rocketing power with Nlinii h d e n s fier v uo h -p- engine option. J Progress Motors '/jmited 46 Orchard Road, Singapore, 9. V J For Better Performance always add fcjjj^^im TO YOUR OIL 4 FUEL I I IBs I **<nr«»^* ',11 r
      53 words

  • 332 11 'IF WE DON'T THINK OF OURSELVES AS MALAYSIANS WE MAY WRECK COUNTRY' KUCH ING, Monday THE people of Sarawak must not think of themselves purely as Malays, Chinese or Dayaks as this would sow the seeds of communal mistrust "and this mistrust can quickly wreck
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  • 130 11 'Go east call to US traders SINGAPORE, Mon. A call to American businessmen not to delay in setting up operations in Malaysia and other countries in South-East Asia has been made by Mr. Elmer I Winter, president of Manpower Ltd.. on his return to the United States following a recent
    130 words
  • 48 11 SINGAPORE Mon. A formpr manager of Cable and WireIrss Ltd here been appointed East representative by the companyHe is Mr. E.P- Eades. 49. who will co-ordinate the companrs regional policy and operation* with those of other telecommunii rations administrations irom Hone Kong.
    48 words
  • 196 11 Two-death horror of the shell that fell short ITUCHING, Mon— The explosion which killed two Sarawak villagers and wounded five others at Tepoi near the border in the Kuching district on Friday was an artillery shell which fell short. It was one of a barrage the Security Forces fired In
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  • 36 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Mr. Ww. Rajasingam. president of nip Railway Co-operative Society. today presented a cheque for $10,000 from the society to tba Deputy Prime Minister. Tun Abdul Razak, for the National Defence Fund
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  • 131 11 CINGAPORE, Mon. The 13 Social Welfare Depart. ment today appealed to the public to help trace the parents or relatives of an eight-year-old girl (above), who was found loitering in Geylang on Jan. 28. For want of a name, the department has called
    131 words
  • 27 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon—Tengku Abdul Rahman will officially open the Pan-Malaysia Cement Works Ltd. at 13) milestone IpohKuala Kangsar Road on Sunday at 11 am
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  • 208 11 JACKIE'S FIANCE FACES BREACH OF TRUST CHARGE SINGAPORE, Mon. Lee Khim Hong. 30. fiance of New Zealand strip-teaser Jacqueline Flemirg, is wanted by the Kuala Lumpur police on a charge of criminal breach of trust. This was told to a magistrate's court here today when Lee was charged with misappropriating
    208 words
  • 107 11 Just fancy that TOUCHING. Mon. A New Zealand soldier who came to Sarawak with his battalion last week for border operations has a problem. He wrote to his bank In New Zealand Informing them that he would be serving in Sarawak and asking them if they had a branch here.
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  • 51 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. —Do not be alarmed If you hear artillery fire In the Jalan Taylor area at 3 p.m tomorrow, it Ir only practice shots for the 21-gun salute which will be fired on Wednesday at 10 a.m. for the birthday of the Ytnf dlPertuavn
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  • 226 11 STUDENTS' JOURNAL HITS AT 'WICKED' SYSTEM J£ UALA LUMPUR, Mon. The journal of the University of Malaya Students' Union, Mahasiswa Negara, today sympathised with the students "who have been deprived of a university education because of their failure to obtain 'suitability certificates'." An editorial said: "While extending our hearty welcome
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  • 209 11 35 Malay women want to serve in the Army OENANG, Mon. Thirty-flve members of the Penang Umno Kaum Ibu today volunteered to serve the country as members of the Territorial Army. Led by Che Dasimah Dashir. the women alighted from a bus at the gate of tbm Territorial Army headquarters
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  • 51 11 KUALA LUMPUR Mon The Yang di-Pertuan Agong has sent greetings to the President of the Republic of Tunisia. Mr. Habib Bourgulba on the occasion of I Tunisia's National Day tomorrow. Tengku Abdul Rahman has sent a slmi'n; message on behalf of the Government and people of
    51 words
  • 205 11 Professor: I saw my wife embrace a man I^UALA LUMP"' R, Mon. 1Y A history professor at the University of Malaya, Professor John David Frodsham, told the High Court here today that he returned from England after a holiday to flno his wife embracing another man. He was suing his
    205 words
  • 63 11 Wallet stolen at race course IPOH. Man. Mr. Bjarna Zacharisser.. 52. a company director, iost his wallet containing S5O and about $360 worth of Swedish currency at the Perak Turf Club race course here yesertlay. He told the police that he waa in the midst uf a crowd at the
    63 words
  • 33 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Mr. C. Slvasubramantam, executive engineer with the Public Worka Department, Sungel Patani, Central Kedah. lert for Kuchlng today on secondment as a project engineer there for two years.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 193 11 Vital for your Vitality SLEO ROSETTE VITAMINS from DENMARK Strength. Get youthful energy with Leo Vitamin Capsi-tabs. Work hard, play hard. Leo gives you a lift towards better health. One vitamin-packed Leo Capsi-tab a day is all you need to add zest to your life. There are three varieties to
      193 words
    • 113 11 '^VV^? Will the refrigerator you buy keep it safely frozen? 'i^iwtiriim'rnTftifht'n'im It will if it's a Kelvinator! You can be sure of safe foodkeeping temperatures with a Kelvinator refrigerator. That's because every Kelvinator has enough insulation and enough cold-making power even for hot tropical climates. This means that it also
      113 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 765 11 TV MALAYSIA (Malaya) CHANNELS 5 Kuala Lumpur Woodpecker; 6.35 Stimtray anc Penanc 6 Ipob and -The Plain oi Doom'; 7 News Malacca, 3 Johore Bahru, in English 7.10 F.uum: Econo--4 I..ipin R 7 Batu Pahat. mic Congress Bumipuir.t: 7.34 9 Bal MMJimin. 8 Nrus in FJL: 2 Test pattern
      765 words

  • 3209 12 PARLIAMENT: Third day of the big debate rpHE Alliance policy of promoting inter-racial harmony X had brought the country independence and provided political stability which had generated confidence, the Minister for Home Affairs, Dato (Dr.) Ismail, told the House of Representatives
    3,209 words
  • 176 12 k'UAL.-\ LUMPUR. Mon. —UDP leader Dr. Lim Chang Eu today criticised the Governnirflt for adjourning the debate on the King's speech to hold the I'm Tersity of Malaya convocation in Parliament on Saturday. While congratulathig the Minister of Finance, Mr. Tan Siew Sin, for
    176 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 331 12 Alitalia. one or i& r^nnrT^/^rr^r? enroutetorome... TUT? WffDTTYO 9LL. I I SEE BANGKOK. .BOMBAY LXLh WUKLDb B| h u^ [JS Karachi teher an LARGEST AIRLINES y jJj^ [Mm Jill U I L fornotanextraceDt! A TV T^^T 7* T T T^ ¥t -y *t^ ;>. .SL '^H HLv J ft Flying
      331 words

  • 164 13 KTALA LI.MPIR. Mon. The Minister of Home Affairs. Dato (Dr.) Ismail bin Dato Abdul Rahman, told the House of Representatives tonight it would cost the Central Government S2 million annually to operate a free legal aid scheme. In view of confrontation,
    164 words
  • 344 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. j MR. JUSTICE Gill in the High Court here today sentenced an unemployed man to three years' jail and six strokes of the rotan for robbing a housewife of a gold chain. He told N. Selvaiodi. 24.
    344 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 197 13 "NATIONAL" BOY water f*sprayer with every purchase of V_ tf^f^^, J a "NATIONAL" Fully Automatic A THoSE WHO KNOW BUY l?>Mtl?m J\^ x *^^^^WH^Bi L^Lw^WHWW^^ a^aWW^Saiaia^L^^^^a^a^aMf NI-53A NAT.ONAL FULLY AUTOMATIC IRON Automatic thermostat control maintains even temperature? 1 ■^fHj^^fe^lwhen pressing clothes. Temperature selector dial convenient Pv^ffW^rl for variety of material.
      197 words

    • 308 14 Where the accent is on showing off shape FASHION writers in Saigon are worried. Not because of the prospect of a fullscale WRr with the North or Communist retaliation of bombing of Ho Chi Minh's installations. They are worried because the traditional Vietnamese dress "Ao Dai" is being threatened with
      308 words
    • 198 14 Earrings back in fashion MODERN girls are demanding better quality costume jewellery, a demand that has resulted In the creation of extremely attractive ranges which not only look good but are good. Aiming at a neat and elegant look, one leading costume jewellery firm in London has Introduced fine link
      198 words
    • 319 14 you may like to know GOLF is getting popular In Kuchlng not only among the men, but also the women. Twelve women blazed through two rounds of 18 holes in the Sarawak Club's Ladies Golf Championship last weekend in climate that ranged from gale to mist and scorching heat. Emerging
      319 words
    • 184 14 How to leave off lipsticks and the manslaughter ITALIAN film stars made the discovery ages ago: If you didn't look as though you were wearing lipstick, you could get away with manslaughter in terms of all the rest of your make-up. Their eyes, huge and dark with shadow and mascara,
      184 words
    • 171 14 >JINE Asian and Pacific i women journalists and 10 of their American counterparts are in Honolulu discussing their role in the "Decade Ahead." JournaUsts from Asia and the Pacific went from Malaysia, Australia, India. Philippines, Japan. New Zealand, Thailand. Taiwan and South Korea. Representing Malaysia
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
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    • 224 14 r MOTHERS AKTAVITE ensures GOOD HEALTH PROPER DEVELOPMEIMT and Jy*Z&sjßj\ "ESERVES OF ENERGY t o f/ffikr^StJ •very mem be* o» yow» romily j [If^ >Oi) I OcHcloua In hot or c< \\l jl*^* S VITf contain* a balanced (ormula o« A \fl i H. a»»antlal vitamin* j^^Ym all-round beauty care
      224 words

  • 153 15 OENANG. Mon. A man accused of bank robbery, Tan Choong Kian, 24, was today acquitted on a charge of attempting to murder Inspector Chooi Kong Shing. of the antiSecret Societies Branch here, on the afternoon, of Oct. 9, last year. "I am not
    153 words
  • 61 15 Offence on girl: 18 months j SINGAPORE, Mon. A married man, Mariasamy Adekalam. 38, was today Jailed for 18 months for having carnal coni nection with a 15-year old girl lin a house in Jalan K;impcn» 1 Teban last August. The girl's evidence was recorded in camera. Adekalam admitted the
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  • 355 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. TWO men who entered a teakwood* dealer's office to collect $2,500 extortion money walked straight into a police ambush and were arrested, the Sessions Court was told today. The money actually only $100 (ten $10 notes) although they had
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  • 89 15 SINGAPORE. Mon. A man was charged this morning with armed robbery at the Universal Store, on the ground floor of the multistorey car park in Cecil Street. Involving $30,976 on May 24 at 2.50 p.m. Chan Kia Chusi was alleged to have witlv three other
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  • 53 15 KUCHING. Mon. A youth •reused of using indecent force on an 18-year-old Land Dayalc aman was acquired and discharged alter the girl told the magistrate: "I did licit mind him trying to kiss me. I complained to the police because he took my keys and would not
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  • 173 15 Survival tip for front-line Pussy J^ABUAN, Mon. The RAF here has some advice for any military unit throwing cats into action against border rats: Get them in peak condition first by feeding them well Recently a batch of strays rounded up in Kuchlng were sent off to Bau to deal
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  • 205 15 An MCA chief queries need for a stronger party executive SEREMBAN, Monday T»HE secretary of the MCA Negri Sembilan branch, Mr. Joseph Siow Loong Hun, last night questioned the party's need to have a stronger executive arm" with more powers for the secretary-general. He asked if it would not be
    205 words
  • 198 15 Policeman charged with $20 breach of trust ]^f ALACCA, Mon. A i i police constable, Daud bin Ismail, 37, was today charged in the magistrate's court here with criminal breach of trust of $20 belonging to Che Maimunah binte Musa, wife I of a detainee, former Municipal Council president Hasnul
    198 words
  • 100 15 SINGAPORE, Mon. Four members of the Singapore Trained Nurses Association will leave for Germany soon to attend the 13th quadrennial congress of the International Council of Nurses. They are Mrs. B. Brohier (president I. Mrs. Ang Mun Moi (secretary". Miss Prances Low and Miss
    100 words
  • 114 15 'Made in Malaysia' fair: 60 apply KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. More than 60 commercial and Industrial firms have applied to take part In the "Made In Malaysia" trade fair to be held here from July 23 to Aug. 8. The Ministry of Commerce and Industry, with the cooperation of manufacturing and
    114 words
  • 235 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon r ANDIDATES taking Cambridge School Certi- flcate. Malaysia Certificate of Education and the Higher School Certificate examinations will have to continue writing both the Index number and their names on the examination i papers. The Minister of Education. Inche
    235 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 203 15 paint with ZEISS IKON Contarex A camera as only ZEISS IKON knows how to make cameras The superb CONTAREX is one of the great achievements that havt) made the name of ZEISS IKON famous throughout the world, and represents the ultimate in single-lens retlei camera systems. The CONTAREX is able
      203 words
    • 79 15 (c V\ BOAC mm V^ X Im »r»7i»^BMßaM&£^*»^SL j? with the most experienced pilots Jri the most advanced aircraft r"v with Rolls-Royce power 9 #ti _^hI i B>ySt^jjS£ '-4F and superb service For more details of BOAC'S services, consult your local BOAC Appointed Travel Agent or Malaysian Airways (General Sales
      79 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 585 16 I ontlnord from P»»e Itl SITUATIONS VACANT j Wtrdm tt (mHm.>—*UM tt em*, matrm WANTIO UNOINTLV TIAMMM l-islined or untrained. Apply 81 Joseph's Institution, Biosapore. A TOUNO ENIROITIC nOMSt lad M driver and for work In clinic comt>iM4. Rln« S'por* *****. COMMUNICATION lALII ■NOINIIR required Ou»ll"«t snd with working siMrlr»n
      585 words
    • 422 16 SITUATIONS VACANT li Word* Si min.)— Box It ct: txtrm WANTED EXPERIENCED SENIOR office ma rtilnos mechanic for well known office equipment company for their Ipon Office. Applications to Box A 513 8.T.. Ipoh. Wanted by well estaMMhed Eurepean firm AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN fer Singapere and the State ef Jshers.
      422 words
    • 941 16 ACCOMMODATION VACANT IS WmrtU U (Htm.)— Bern tt rta. «rfr« KIMSIA COURT furnished flat, two bedrooms. Llv./Dln. room. Mosaic/ Parquet floorings. Moderate rent. Apply Tel. (S'porei ***** '3422</2«916. 3-BEDROOM FURNISHED Detached Bungalow. European Locality. $450/--p.m. at Chestnut Drive, 9th Mile Bukit Tlmah Spore Tel: *****. CARLICK AVENUE. Fully Furnished Bungalow
      941 words
    • 939 16 TUITION IS Word* U <mtm.y-B*M tt eta, mxtrm QUIENSTOWN tTUDKNTS ACHIEVE top success In Maths. All standards experienced tutor moderats rers Ring (B'porel *****7. MALAY LANCUACt Special Intensive course for failure* Bt. 1/11. Individual attentloo. Beainnera commenclng now. Postal Tuition Arranged. Pbone 4956^7. (S pore) SPECIALISED TUITION In Matbematlcs KnKlish:
      939 words
    • 989 16 VEHICLES FOR SALE It W*r4» U (mm.. Bum It eta, twtrm PIAT MULT I Pi. A iMSj. New paintwork, new battery, new aeat covers. 52.000/- 000 Tel: Singapore *****. S4OO DOWN PAYMENT and own a good used car from Tay Vooo. 32. Bencoolen St. Spore. Tel: *****. LATE 1963 CORTINA
      989 words
    • 602 16 SHOPPING GUIDE (Spore) IS Word* St (Mtm.)—Box til ct*. mum GIFT* AND GEMS tor UM tbdtvi- I dualist. Lee Onn Jewellers. 206/ b Souto Bridge Koad, Singapore, nave tbera. JEWELLERY makea UM moat aoof* elated gift- Lateet rang* at Tin *in» i Uoldtmitna Lid., xlo-lll? «touu> ana,. Koad. Singapore. A
      602 words
    • 554 16 KENYATAA.N T.WVARAN JKR. PAHANG TAWARAN akan dl-terlma di-Pejabat Jurutera Daerah J.K.». Bentong htngga Jam I 3.00 petang pada 17.6.1965 daripada pemborong2 J.K.R yang berdaitai perlngkat 'EX' ka-atas bag! membena Pe.abat Kerjasama, Bentong. Segala butlr2 boleh dl- dapati dl-masa kerja dlPejaoat Jurutera Daerah JKR. Bentong. PUBLIC APPOINTMENT VACAfIT HEADSHIP APPLICATIONS invited
      554 words
    • 499 16 TENDER J.K.R. PILAU PINANG IKLAN TAWARAN TAWARAN daripada Pemborong2 yang berdallar di-J.K.K. Kelas EX" iKerJa2> dan ka-atas akan dl-terlma dl-pejabat Juruter* Kerja Kanan, J.K.R Seberang Perai htngga 3.00 petang 7hb Jun. 1965 untok PEMENOHAN TANAH DAN MEMOTONG PARIT TANAH SA-PANJANG JALAN PRAI (DI-SABELAH SELATAN) ANTARA RANTAI 205 DAN 295. SEBERANG
      499 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1279 17 10 LIVERPOOL 1 WEST COAST UK. I™™™1 Du* S'por* Mi 'a P. S'haai Pinang 4UTOLYC4K uvtrMM. OuWia. A'taMtA.. ll Pt/J*M 2 laaa I tUTOMEBOM UterMH. Ouall* GO 31 IMI 2 machaon .iterpeal lim I Imi I JM* I/It imi 11 CLYTOMM Liftrnil. GlasgM) l««* I lim 11 JIM 12/11 lim
      1,279 words
    • 1222 17 MJU^^LUddM^Lidmmmmwtm\ aaMMtaata.MatMtjtititititH.^tjtititM.aßa>iti^.H.^tatMta^ißi^ii*iaißißßiMßa T//fLl\\jZ//VfS m KrrrT. TMS LAjT AJJIATIO Luf.'HA.'W L:X lr.corpOltjltd m Of~ f* EXPRESS SAILINGS TO NEAR EASI. CONTINtHI ANt SCANaINAtIA, unit I Sham Panaog Ai>> G*m* H'owg K'aaa A*t* »*m i Uii 47 BASRA I) I- Pt 3 JM* 4/ t 7/1 IN* tt Ml 2 Mf
      1,222 words
    • 1209 17 I BENULINE I EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONDON. LIVERPOOL A CONTINENTAL PORIS BEND ORAN For London Im*2l Singapore P. S'tam Penang Hamburg JUy 3 33 Jun 1 IMI 3/ S BENVORLICH K B«j S.-gapon P. S>am P.narg Antwerp luly It G. 3 Jut» Jill 3/ I Jilt 7/ I Rotterdam Illy
      1,209 words
    • 1185 17 toj- ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO.. LTD. In*™*" 4^ U.K. /Continent liagasort P. I'DM Pimm CITT a* CKOMM London, Hamourt Rotttrdan. Haw*. Hull, innunihata 13/21 Im* 2* imi CM* IP ■INNIPEt lonoon. Mamouig. Rotterdam. Hull Cm If NEUINSION LOnOM. HamDurg. Rottirdam. Ha.ri, Hull, imminiiam 2VIJ ury IMI CITT a,' NEWCUTU Lunooa.
      1,185 words

  • 122 18 MELBOURNE. Mon. INDUSTRIAL leaders moved nar- rowly in quiet trading. Second rank issues were a little more active and moves were in balance. Base metals were steady and oils easier. Mk Isa gained is. to 365. 9d. Today's aMalns prlaaa with Friday, prlcti id bracken. Mount Isa
    122 words
  • 238 18 JUNE tint cnule rubber f.o.b. buyers closed at 5 p.m. In Singapore and Kuala Lumpur yesterday at 73% cents per Ib., unchanged on Friday's closing: level for the position. The tone was inactive. R..VS. and F.M.R.K. rlosinr prices in cents per lb. yesterday: Buyers Sellers Int. 1 R.S.S.
    238 words
  • 237 18 May 31. Thrree montbs. tNOUSTRIALS Boustead 13 cts McAlmier 11 els. City U«v. 7cu. M. Invi Sets. C.B. Holdln«s 14 cts N Iron9cu. Dunlops 11 rta OCBC. 14 cts U. Smelting 22 cts. Kothmans IU cts Esso It cts. fan t> cts Ked Disp I2CU. .--I Prop. 12
    237 words
  • 22 18 May 31. MALAYAN RUBBER PRICE: 73} cents (unchanged). TIN: 5770.25 (down $6,124). Unofficial estimated offering 220 tons (down 20 tons.
    22 words
  • 663 18 From Our Market Correspondent ABOUT the only real feature on the Stock Exchange yesterday was continued activity in Sungei Bidor following the two takeover bids. Yesterday 37.000 shares were done from 75.6 d. to 75.5 d. to 75.6 d. following a turnover of 30.000
    663 words
  • 26 18 Malayan Stock Indices May 29 May 3t 'Industrials: 72.63 72 65 Tins: 93.26 93.26 S rubbers: 103.60 103.63 •Dec. 30, 1963—100 Dec. 29. 1962=100
    26 words
  • 745 18 dUSINESS in and reported to the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia yesterday, with the number of the shares traded in brackets: INDUSTRIALS: Dunleps (1.0OO) 51.24; Ktsa (1.000), (tf.uuu) M.4D; Ease deb. (1.000) (1, (20.UUU) $1.01: P. and N.
    745 words
  • 167 18 DIVIDENDS expected this month and in July with the date of the announcement last year in brackets are as follows: INOUTRIALS: Celd Iterate (final I9b.ii4). Geerge Town Ol«a«niary (final 24.6.64). Malayan Containers (one payment 30.664). Metal Bex (final 27.6.64). Wsames (Interim 4.6.64), Hongkong A Shanghai Bank (Interim 15.7.64).
    167 words
  • 40 18 ON me lr*e ixchanie market -i Hook Kong yesterday tba U.I. oellar >v quoted at 5 75i tor T.T. and 3 74t for cash. Ittriiog wan quoted at 16 03 aatf en* tael ef |iM at 260 i.
    40 words
  • 307 18 rpHERE was a drop of $6.12} X in the Straits tin price in Penang; yesterday which took it down to $770.25 per picul. The offering was estimated at 220 tons, down 20 tons. Tin output in Malaya in April amounted to 5.012 tons
    307 words
  • 113 18 c i!i»l lying alergsMe the Imganere J ««)i#.:> er «ip«ctcd today are: Glengarry s/T. Barvaaakerk 10/11 Sanukl Maru 15/16. tilzan Mara 45 PeUllng N.W 3, Northern VaMasi 19' Dtomed 44. Dona Leto 4J/43. Bcdca.... N.W. 5 Port Iwtttonham: Wharf Berths Alcoa Master. Waakoko. Eastern Rover. Bomhala. Perils
    113 words
  • 11 18 May April Robber: 75.899.t5. 74.217 cU Tin: »75«.5» $712.93
    11 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 975 18 M^""^^KAWASAKI RISEN ILMSHA LTL\ J Ban Canada and U.S.A. Croat Lake* fJarvtaa h >.'| Yco-jTia Montreal loronto Detroit C^icilo "IsMkKM lain" 11/iJjsss i«m tl •ait I ata t II *v -flarila Man" ti/14 IMr I tsi iSwf I sm v U Sett We«t Coast OS Central South America Service)
      975 words
    • 957 18 AUSIIAIIA UIVICt/Ntft ZtAllM IN|I« fIIiMAN AMI t. SUlf SfIVICI 1c >-.»ntit Mtilsefse SfMet lit Malrai ■afMantasa BAttETA Ilia* I'll Isat 12/14 lim RAJUIA ll Psrt I III! J JIM BOMBAIA 7 J||| 1/11 Jil| 11/11 lII* RAjULA 21/21 Jim 2J June JI Jess r*OM AIMUAi.k Ml* {MIAMI IaiULA IJ/25
      957 words
    • 213 18 NEDLLOYD LINES GREAT LAKES SERVICE Fost tailings from Maloysio direct to Canadian and U.S. Great Lake* oort* iinth Si "floors P S*lne> tsm An. Montre* ZEEUNB Him T-IJins 1/11 Jane I Jul, lAWEAN 13/1$ IMI 21/21 Jasi 22/21 Jill 25 July ILNtiaALIS 14/21 lay 42/2) ia«i <4/tt iMt i* Asa
      213 words

  • 249 19 jHt lollowing list ot selected Malayan industrial yields Is based on last sales '<> May 29. •P. »D.V. ♦E.Y. •T.O. N on grossed up dividend of 20 par X net. •P. Price*; «D.Y. Dividend Jleld (crons per cent) *E.Y. Earning* Yield (cross per cent); 'T.C. Time* Covered. Definition
    249 words
  • 74 19 CHINESE Product Excnin**, •in|apor* neon pnett p»r pieul y»«Urday I Coconut ell i milk S63i aellen. drum >■''■» •rllert. Cepra: May/June UK/Contlneat Unquoted. Pepptr: Muntok white (ISO feller*. Sarawak whit* *M7i ■ellera. special Sarawak rlnck JK"> seller*, sarhltrt ijimponK black *14?t (N) seller*. ASTA >v.'i iNi seller*. Singapore
    74 words
  • 49 19 ON the official Malaysian Short Term Money Market for the week ended Saturday (May 29) the range of call rate* waa as follows:— BANK FUNDS: S<i per cent to i per rent GLNERAL FUNDS: 3.. per cent to 4'i per cent. MOVEMENT of funds totalled $75.6 million.
    49 words
  • 53 19 j'lll present ralr of the M.ilavan dollar against (he pound sterling lixed on November 24 last Ml i<. Srllinx TT or OO 2s. 3 15/16 d Buying TT 2s. 1/16. Biivins Olt 2a. 4 ld. The dollar is at Its «tatiilor> middle position in relation to ltn range
    53 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 375 19 KRAMAT TIN DREDGING LIMITED (Incorporated la Malaysia) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a dividend, the sixty-first, of ninepence iDdj per Stock Unit, leas Income Tax at the rate of Korty per cent, has been declared due and payable to Stockholders on the register on the 16th June, 1965, in respect
      375 words
    • 732 19 MALAYSIAN COMMERCE INDUSTRY FUND Announcement of Distribution of Income. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thai under the terms ol the Trust Deed. distribution ol income ot the above Fund Is expected to be made on 30th June. 1965 to unitholders registered on loth May, I 1965. The amount available lor dlstrl-
      732 words
    • 620 19 TENDERS PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD SINGAPORE TENDERS ARCHITECTS DEPARTMENT: (Ist Floor, Halifax Road). (a) Contract for the Construction and Completion of Switch Gear and Transformer Plinths at Paya Lebar Airport. Singapore. Tender Deposit $100/-. Close at 2.15 p.m. on 15th June. 1965. GAS DEPARTMENT: (Showroom, Mansoor Street). Ib) Supply of Low
      620 words
    • 555 19 PINDAAN KENYATAAN TAWARAN, JKR. PAHANG Tawaran dl- pelawa dan akan dl terima daripada Pemborong2 yang sasusal dalam daftar Kepala lKßangunan) JKR. hingga pukol 3.00 petang pada lOhb Jun, 1965 bagi berbagai kerja di- bawah tahun. 1965 Rachangar, Sekolah Anika Jurusan dalam daerah.2 dan di bawah peratoran yang terchatit di bawah
      555 words
    • 651 19 TENDERS TENDEBS FOB DISPOSAL OF SWILL FROM GOVERNMENT WELFARE HOMES Tenders will be received at the office of the Sena Usaha. Kementerian Perkhidmatan Kebajikan Am. Malaysia, Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Kuala Lumpur up to 12.00 noon on 22nd June, 1965 for the disposal of Swill from the following Welfare Homes
      651 words
    • 458 19 MINISTRY OF DEFENCE TENDER NOTICE Competitive Tender closing at 2.30 p.m. on the dates shown against each of the tender below have been distributed to the Contractors registered with this Ministry other than 'Open' groups for the supply and services as follows:— C.T. No: Group Closing Date Items 240/65 Open
      458 words

    • 554 20 He is rated one pound above Entertainment V IPOH. Monday. VKM VIC'I Stable's useful stayer. Champion, gets pride of place with 9.4 in the $25,000 Perak Derby over 12f to be run at Ipoh on Sunday. Shaw Stablr"s classy stayer Entertainment V is rated 1-lb below
      554 words
    • 721 20 SPOTLIGHT on your fancies 0 Epsom |cep spotlights the fancied runners Jt Ipoh tomorrow: L 1. DIV 2— 5 IF STR I'elor Mas: fu.v. tini.->hing >eccnd to Fire Gold in fast-run 61 race a i Penang last month: working well. Sir Argent speedy easy an-the-way winner over .>;: at Penang
      721 words
    • 382 20 IPOH. Mon. The MRA Stipendiary Steward's report on yesterday's races: RACK I: Teh Su Su iAsuwsri;> stumbled as he jumped away and lost a little ground. Matte (apprentice Velayutham) \va.« reluctant to gallop freeiy for short distance after the stun BACK I: Ditton Wood <Subi*ii' was fractious
      382 words
    • 177 20 RACING ABROAD PARIS. Mon. Mmc Guy Welswelller's Esso won the £8,570 Prix Jean Prat for three-year-olds over 9>' 4 f at Longchamp yesterday. Esso, ndden by Jean Massard, won by li lengths from the Aga Khans White Star with M. Gregoire Egalis's Sunday, favourite, placed a short
      Reuter  -  177 words
    • 485 20 PERAK RACE WEIGHTS rOII. Mon. Wright, for all right races here on Wrdnrvlav. second day of the Prrak Turf (lob Derby meeting Cl. I, Div 2— 51 straight Kit Suka n mi Pelor Mas X.l.t Sri vntum 8.1? Sir Argent X.ll Loch l.e\rn X.09 Redrar 8.07 Flash Time X.Oti Satoro
      485 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 125 20 BUTTERY BUTTERY BUTTERY BUTTERY ■Lit"' Make a date to meet at Singapore's most exciting new restaurant, the BUTTERY. Located in Jackie's Bowl, the BUTTERY is lavishly furnished, «ir-condi- i tioned from 9 a.m. to midnightA /and serves\ Malaysian as well as European specialities. ThebarintheßUTTEßY is the perfect spot to share
      125 words
    • 116 20 Now Bulova splits the second into 360 parts to give you the world's most accurate watch Bulova accutron t'HC Slic-m Smi t n] si«.ni #l> S'«« Alt*a«wl«bl«<» $»>4 So»c«.«»' m M) i It is here— the revolutionary Swiss watch that splits each second into 360 parts, instead of the usual
      116 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 266 20 Straits Times Crossword Sal HI H ACROSS in certain circles, v appears I. Mtmics retirement before to me <7i. desert charge, resulting In 1. Sum that Richard wartedT disunion (10. <6> 6. In which people live and a. Member I a religious sect play. (6). writes a second time It's
      266 words

    • 258 21  -  F. EMMANUEL NARONG AND SOMSOOK FOR SBA TOURNAMENT IN SEPT By KL'ALA LUMPUR, Mon. Thailand is the first country to accept the Selangor Badminton Association's invitation to participate in the open international championships to be held at the Stadium Negara here from Sept. 17
      258 words
    • 141 21 I^UALA LUMPUR, Mon. JV Hong Kong Chinese will send a formidable team for the Ho Ho Cup soccer match which will be played for the first time at Ipoh on June 26. They are determined to score their third victory, having beaten Malaysian Chinese 2-0 at Penanu in
      141 words
    • 278 21 BADMINTON Sadali in line to keep his title SINOAPORE, Mon. Mohammed Sadall. the Evergreen i badminton champion, looks set to retain his Singapore veteran singles title for another year. Having received a walkover In the semi-finals of the S.B.A. annual veterans and Juniors championships at the Badminton Hall here last
      278 words
    • 231 21  - SOCCER Nuremberg FC test for Choo boys JOE DORAI By SINGAPORE, Monday SIX MEMBERS of Singapore Amateur Football Asscciation's new squad of young trainees for the State team have been selected for their first "international" trial against Nuremberg F.C. of Germany at Jalan Besar Stadium on Wednesday (7.30 p.m.). Hussein
      231 words
    • 179 21 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon.— Dato Abdul Jamil bin Rais, a vice-president of the FA. of Malaysia, is the new, chairman of the Organising Committee for the eighth Merdeka anniversary soccer tournament which will be held from Aug. 14 to 28. Dato Jamil replaces Lim Kee Slong,
      179 words
    • 267 21  -  FRANCIS BOEY By I The Malaysian Chinese side will be selected on June 10. There will be no centralised training because of the Malaya Cup fixtures The Hong Kong team will pay aeveral friendly matches after the Ho Ho Cup before returning
      267 words
    • 490 21 MONACO GP: HILL MAKES IT THREE-IN-ROW WORLD ROUNDUP MONTE CARLO, Mor. pRAHA A vi HILL, 3b-year-oia Londoner, yesterday became the first driver ever to win the Monaco world championship Grand Prix three years In a row. Hill's tremendous victory In a BRM put him at the top of the world
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  490 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 283 21 GEORGE COHEN (FAR EAST) LTD announce that they have been appointed by Gammon (Malaya) Ltd. as Sole Selling Agents for the heavy equipment used in the construction of the INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT at KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYA Constructed by the consortium of Gammon (Malaya) Ltd., Hawaiian Dredging <fc Construction Co. Ltd. and
      283 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 62 21 DIARY SOCCER S'porr Div. 2A: Ch Athletic 'A' v RAP Tengah (Geyterg); Dlv. 2B: SRC v Jollilads: BCC v Rajaji (both at padang): Dlv. ZC: STU v B. Kesenlan: Dlv. ID: Marines v Star Soccerites (both at Farrer Pk); Mlnto v Sukaramal (Balestier Rd). L. Perak Dlv. 3: Tamil Yg'sters
      62 words
    • 220 21 I SPORTS SUMMARY j ATHLETICS condary School. Parlt Buntar by Central Perak PWD meet 5 runs. MES 17 (V. Radah 4-10). flpoh): Champion District: Kuala Clifford School 22 (K. Merlyn 17 Kangsar (Buildings and Water Boon Keat 5-16). Works) 42> 2 pts: champion Friendly (Ipoh): Perak Malay athlete: Yang Pun
      220 words

  • 97 22 Wipe out rebels deadline JAKARTA. Mon.—Government troops are expected to launch large-scale operations in the Southern Celebes against Darul Islam rebel remnants, according to Jakarta newspapers today. The army commander. Lieut Gen. Ahmed Yani. in a recent annual conference of regional military commanders order the Southern Celebes commander, Brig-Gen. Vusuf
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 181 22 INDON REDS ACTIVE IN THE PHILIPPINES SAYS PAPER MANILA. Mon. The Manila Bulletin said today that armed forces intelligence had expressed grave concern over Communist elements of the Indonesian community in the Philippines. The newspaper said these elements are trying to influence public opinion in favour of Indonesia, nain access
    AP  -  181 words
  • 71 22 Williams plays to full house at the Vic SINGAPORE. Mon. Charles Dickens as portrayed by Emlyn Williams In a one-man show at the Victoria Theatre this evening drew a full house. Among the audience were the Minister for Culture Mr. S. Rajaratnam and his wife. His earlier performance in Kuala
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  • 210 22 Four girls who made heads turn at airport KUALA LUMPUR. Mon.— Four pretty woman customs officers from Sabah were the centre of attraction at the airport here when they started their training today. The girls looking chic In their "air-hostess" uniforms are the only women officers in the current batch
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  • 104 22 NAIROBI. Mon.— Clement Inhango was in jail today for biting a dog. His victim was a fierce police alsatian named Judge, a dog with 500 arrests to his credit. A police patrol spotted Inhango acting suspiciously one night, and Judge was sent to get his man. But
    AP  -  104 words
  • 33 22 SINGAPORE. Mon— The Singapore Society for Spiritual Culture is holding a series of six weekly lectures on Buddhism at the Cultural Centre. The lectures are held every Tuesday at 8 p.m.
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  • 38 22 SINGAPORE. Mon —The first Pan-Malaysia Boys Brigade Week began yesterday as hundreds of Brigade boys throughout Malaya. Singapore and Sarawak went round collecting donations for the organisation. The BB week will last till June
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  • 433 22 LONDON. Mon. Interest was at a low ebb In the stock markets today, apart from the shares ol those comnanies with large overseas Interests which were wanted on hopes that the Chancellor will make a concession in respect of the corporiition tux Gllt-edgeds started on
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  • 120 22 SINGAPORE. Mon. Five leftwing trade unionists, including a young woman, have been released by the Special Branch here after being detained for Just over a month under the Preservation of Public Security Ordinance. They were arrested about two days before May Day. The four
    120 words
  • 197 22 LEOPOLDVILLE, Monday. PONGOLESE army troops commanded by Irish-mercenary Col. Mike Hoare have taken the northern Congo town of Bondo and released two Europeans held there by insurgents, it was reported here. According to radio reports reaching Congolese army headquarters here, the Central Government forces found no
    Reuter  -  197 words
  • 316 22 Arab Heads of State end second meeting fAIRO. Mon. Arab i Heads of State today ended their second conference here this year after five days of almost continuous wrangling over a unified political and military stand against Israel. The conlercnce. in preparation for the third Arab Heads of State meeting
    316 words
  • 133 22 SINGAPORE. Man. Insp. K. Dyriam. central flgsjrc of a police inquiry into complaints of manhandling am\ discrimination ;i: ..inst total newsmen in Match, has been transferred to the Police Depot in Kuala Lumpur At the Depot, his duty is to train new recruits
    133 words
  • 103 22 Two tie for junior chess title SINGAPORE, Mon— Kwok Ah Soh of the St. Josephs Institution and Wee Kirn Hin of the Anglo-Chinese School have tied for the title of Singapore junior chess champion. They Miami the first and second prizes, each receiving $87..>0 m prize money. Today, the Slncapore
    103 words
  • 52 22 SAIGON, Mon. American pilots sighted eight North Vietnamese MIG jet fighters today on a bombing raid only 45 miles south of Hanoi. But the MIGs jettisoned their external fuel tpnks and fled when U.S. fighters moved in for an attack, according to a U.S. military
    52 words
  • 26 22 JERUSALEM 'Israeli 6ector». Mon. Pour people were wounded by Jordanians firing into the Israeli sector of Jerusalem today, according to preliminary Israel reports. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 265 22 asiaiife YOUR INTEREST BUILDS UP FASTER WITH A $32 A BONUS FOR EVERY THOUSAND INSURED <& For every thousand dollars you insure at Asia Life, you will get a bonus of $32 a j*^ < j* > f»* < 1 year at the current rate. This amount will build up
      265 words