The Straits Times, 31 May 1965

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 145,000 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 MONDAY, MAY 31, 1965 15 CENTS KDN 1189 M.C.(P). 1005
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  • 351 1  - The MPs resume the big battle today FELIX By ABISHEGANADEN KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday THE battle over the PAP move in the House of Representatives to censure the Central Government over tlu> King's speech from the Throne continues tomorrow with buck-benchers joining in th« fray. I understand at least 20 back-benchers
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  • 384 1 'WE HAVE MADE THE NECESSARY PREPARATIONS TO ISOLATE MALAYSIA' JAKARTA, Sunday CHINA and Indonesia are reported to have made the "necessary preparations" to exclude Malaysia from next month's Afro Asian conference in Algiers. Trie Indonesian Foreign Minister, Dr. Subandrio, returned to Jakarta last night from talks
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  • 267 1 Don't be caught in this trap KHIR WARNS THE MALAYS KAJANG. Sun. The The Minister of Education, Inche Mohamed Khir Johari, today appealed to Malays not to be caught I in "the PAP trap" which was intended to make them clash with the Chinese. He advised Umno members to "refrain
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  • 33 1 PEKING. Sun— Peking newspapers today headlined a statement saying that Soviet leaders are conducting an 'ardent flirtation" with U.S. imperialism •They are like lovebirds that cannot separate. it added.—Reut*r.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 39 1 LONDON. Sun— A Roman Catholic edition of the Protestant revised standard edition of the new testament, regarded by theologians as a major step towards a common Bible for all Christians, goes on sale here next week Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 118 1 DEKING. Sun. No official comment mi available here today on rumours that the Chinese Communist Party chairman. Mr. Mao Tse tung. is seriously ill. There have been three such rumours in the year at times when the 71--year-old chairman disappeared from the headlines for
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 51 1 COPENHAGEN Sun Stnkinu brewery workers have refused to end their four-week walk-out which has cvi Denmark's beer consumption to nearly zero. The union vote was a severe blow to Denmark s tourist industry and to the Government, which is losing US$3OO,OOO a day in beer taxes.
    AP  -  51 words
  • 29 1 ATLANTIC CITY (New Jersey), Sun. The 56th annual convention of Rotary International opens here today with more than 12.000 Ro- tarlans from throughout the world attending Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 20 1 JAKARTA. Sun— The Minister of Culture has Installed a "book control committee" to supervise what Indonesians may read. UPI.
    UPI  -  20 words
  • 72 1 ROME. Sun The screen Adam and Eve are going to get an opportunity the Biblical Adam and Eve never had a second chance in the Garden of Eden. iThe Eden sequences of Dino do Laurent is nim 'The Bible are being re-made. Studio sources said director I
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  • 960 1  -  GEOFFREY GELDARD: From KUCHING, Sunday SARAWAK'S Chief Minister, Dato Stephen Kalong Ningkan, wants a pledge of "undivided loyalty and trust to me and other Ministers in the State Cabinet" before he will accept Inche Taib bin Mahmud. the former Minister of Communications
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  • 67 1 SINGAPORE. Sun— The htghly decomposed body of an Indonesian I was found at 6.30 a.m today by a fisherman near a kelong off Katong. Police later said it was one of j the two missing Indonesians, who together with one captured had I jumped overboard from their
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  • 67 1 London, sun Leningrad enKineers are building ;i cybernt titrobot to issue ticket* for all types of transport, the Tass commercial I seruce reported today. The robots would need only two to three seconds to issue a ticket for any or the 100 trains. 60 ocean and
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  • 127 1 SUPP BRANCH BANNED AS REDS gUCHIXG, Sun. The Sarawak Governnenl tonight announced the banning of another branch of the Opposition leftwing Sarawak United People's Parly. An official statement said the Government had evidence that the branch at the 24th mile Kuching to Simanggang Road was under Communist control and its
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  • 47 1 LONDON. Sun —The Prime Mini' -er. Mr Harold Wilson. wa« booed by a crowd outside No 10 Downing Street, yesterday when be left lor the weekend. "I have never MM anything like it." said a policeman oa duty. "Tney were most hostile." UPI.
    UPI  -  47 words
  • 31 1 QUEEN HOME PORTSMOUTH, Sun. Thousands of Briton* cheered QMH Flizabrth today on her arrival home aboard the royal yacht Britannia from a triumphant st.itr visit to Wrst Germany. I'PI.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 57 1 Cigorcttt Cotes Voxci Ladies Cents Brush Sets Bobvj Spoons Pushers Tea Sets Salvers Condiment Sets etc 5.^.5*. d*Sllva£td. SINGAPORE IPOH ASSO. CO SP.H. OE SUVA (H.KJ LTtX Shelltox in the blue aerosol tin KILLS ALL INSECT PESTS FXOX Destroys in two distinct ways fffUßffffM 1- instantly on contact action in
      57 words
    • 99 1 "AcornHby li Xyl GEORG JENSEN DANISH CUTLERY of STERLING SILVER I N. SENA LTD. jewellers MHWHtmiT HNMM4 II TOPS...! i^m^k for refreshment i y^-^fi stoos! W^ #»W W Go nt > r Pl aces ccl i n SP e °P* OT^V^rJ^/r^ill l e -GettingupapartyorrushllS^^^ II I ing for a date.
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    • 257 2 Everest climbed four times by Indian team NEW DELHI, Sun. An Indian expedition yesterday became the first group to climb Mt. Everest four times exactly 12 years after the world's highest mountain was first conquered. Two members of the Indian expedition are nephews of Tenzing Norkay. the Sherpa who first
      Reuter  -  257 words
    • 409 2 Third day of big Vietcong offensive SAIGON, Sunday rjOMMUNIST Vietcong guerillas launched further attacks on vital bridges in the country's northern provinces today in the third successive day of their offensive against Government forces. Reports received here said two bridges between 20 and 25 miles south of Danang were heavily
      Reuter  -  409 words
    • 46 2 TOKYO. Sun. Vietconi; guerillas "put out of action" 3.485 South Vietnamese troops nid 54 Americans in Quang Tri and Thua Thien provinces in the Hrst four months of the year and shot down or damaged 19 aircraft, the (North) Vietnam new» agency reported. Reuter
      Reuter  -  46 words
    • 99 2 ADEN, Sun.— A time-bomb yesterday wrecked an empty British Air Force Dakota aircraft at Aden airport. First reports said the Dakota had been used a few hours before to carry the British High Commissioner.. Sir Richard Turnbull. but British Middle East Command headquarters later
      Reuter  -  99 words
    • 26 2 PARIS. Sun. The King of Afghanistan, accompanied by Queen Homaira. arrived by plane yesterday in Nice on an official visit to Prance. AP.
      AP  -  26 words
    • 90 2 U'ORMER American Ambassador to Indonesia Mr. Howard Jones plants a farewell kiss on tr> cheek of an Indonesian child at Kemajoran airport here. Before he left Mr. (ones wished that better understanding would prevail between Indonesia and the United States in the future. Mr. Jcncs who is
      UPI  -  90 words
    • 55 2 JAKARTA. Sun. Indonesian Muslim and student organisations have condemned the recent killing at Simelungun of an army lieutenant by the Communist farmers organisation (8.T.1.) members. The Indonesian Islamic Youth Federation said in a statement that the incident should be condemned and strict measures should be taken against
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    • 195 2 Leopoldville, Sun. 1 /CONGOLESE National V; Army troops, spearheaded by white mercenaries, yesterday closed In on the last two rebel strongholds in northern Congo in a bid to rescue about 100 white hostages. The targets are Buta. 185 miles north-west of Stanleyville, and Bondo, 310 miles
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    • 147 2 'Peking is behind all the trouble in Africa' ABIDJAN, Sun. China is behind most of the subversion in Africa, including the recent attempt on the life of President Hamanl Diori of Niger, according to President Felix Houphouet-B oig n y of the Ivory Coast. He made this accusation at a
      Reuter  -  147 words
    • 95 2 /COLOMBO. Sun. The vy Prime Minister of Ceylon, Mr. Dudley Seranayake, will not attend the Commonwealth Prime Ministers' conference in London next month due to pressure of work, it was officially announced here. Mr. Senanayake is the fourth of the Commonwealth's 21 leaders now known
      Reuter  -  95 words
    • 23 2 hong kong. Bun.— Ten anal factories were dP.stroyed early ye.verday when flre raged through a block on the Kowloon waterfront.— A.P.
      AP  -  23 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 62 2 Ifa WU MEET THE NICEST PEOPLE ON A HONDA W fl QXn m pl*C mf m jj^^l^^l JU \~sLiy OLr Lt £»>, h m «*PMPiC*y «fc* Z *mmLw& WJW Lull r lit y lunto 9 MLI rMtiWMm^. I KJhm f.JL C^^ *^pH»^| p^ bkUw"^^ I J \rt\ ouj C Cltlu
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    • 222 3 Crash due to metal fatigue? Denial by airline I ONDON. Sun. Leading officials of Royal Jordanian Airlines in London denied reports that a company spokesman had claimed that the crash of company's Dart Herald In Syria recently was due to metal fatigue. The officials are Mr. Tewflk 8. Tabbaa. chairman
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    • 173 3 NATO SEEKS A STAND FOR THE NUCLEAR AGE DARIS. Sun. Nato Defence Ministers will meet here tomorrow and on Tuesday to hammer out a common strategy re c on c iling force requirements and economic resources available for the defence of Europe in the nuclear age. They will try to
      Reuter  -  173 words
    • 77 3 BERLIN. Sun. Ten British soldiers were under close arrest here last night after a battle with .nore then 30 West Berlin police following an afternoon brawl in a restaurant. The incident came only two days after half a million Berliners had hailed Queen Elizabeth's visit here as
      Reuter  -  77 words
    • 67 3 MOSCOW. Sun —Pavel Kazban. a former Red Army officer, has lived for 24 years with a bullet Inside his heart, according to ihe weekly Moscow News. The paper said that Kazban was shot in the heart during a 1941 battle. The bullet lodged in the
      UPI  -  67 words
    • 39 3 PHILADELPHIA. Sun. About I 2 million Americans now own a sec< rd home, which is some form of holiday or weekend home, ac- 1 to .i survey conducted by •he N;'ion;il Association of Home Builders. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  39 words
    • 418 3 CAPE KENNEDY. Sun. fHE Gemini Four space flight, planned as Americas most ambitious manned space trip so far. got the full go-ahead for a Thursday lift-off from officials of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration last night. The flight will involve
      Reuter  -  418 words
    • 182 3 'I want my money back' suit by man who saw fight JKRSKV CITY. Sun (Jhargine the ListonClay fight played him for a sucker, a New York stockbroker has filed suit for the USSIO he paid to watch the match on clos-ed-circuit television. Ronald Lewis, who lives in Elbrown, believes the
      UPI  -  182 words
    • 83 3 LONDON. Sun.— Startled advertising man Dennis Ellam opened a bank statement and found that he was credited with a balance of £9.999.999 9s. I lid. Ninety minutes later. Mr. Ellam found that the bank had made an error -of X 9.999.999 9s. lid. I "Someone must have
      UPI  -  83 words
    • 179 3 Bolivia warns: No more violence or else A PAZ, Sun. -A total of 74 arrests were reported yesterday as the Government declared it would not tolerate further outbreaks of violence of the sort that I have shaken Bolivia over the past week. Military sources expect that j martial law will
      Reuter  -  179 words
    • 34 3 NEW YORK. Sun. A Nor.UWe*>i Airlines jetliner carrying 54 people made an emergency landing on ;i fo;<m-covered rnnway at Kennedy Airp. I night with i> defective nosewhet-l. No-one was injured. UPI.
      UPI  -  34 words
    • 45 3 WASHINGTON. Sun.— Mr. B«rt Talcott (Republican-California) probably had the briefest congressional criticism of professional boxing following the Clay-Llston title fight this week. The complete text of his speech, as inserted In yesterday Congressional Record: "Mr. Speaker, professional boxing stinks."— UPl
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 177 3 ENJOY A QUICK MEAL....FOR LUNCH OR SNACKS jf\^TOMOSAMA M |Readyto\ D A mCU instant M I Serve in llUlfll Rflavoured Pso 111 linif IfciINOODLE O NOURISHING HYGIENIC ECONOMICAL Minutes mix flavoured with J Jjk j^ EGGS. CHICKEN MEAT BEWARE OF f J*P^ l^^^ TONOSAMA RAMEN Jt{ ML PROTEIN 18 B,
      177 words
    • 406 3 ■■••■s--.ll**' i t~ *>_ ,JBk WATER FILTER /STUILIZER mm^mmmmmmmmmmmm^ Delicious, safe drinking water purified at the actual point of use Guaranteed to produce instantaneously potable water as per British or American Standards i QNLY unit carrying this Seal will be backed by Manufacturer's Warranty, Service After-Sale and Genuine Spares Sole
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 472 4  - 2 'dragons' clash as gang war hots up ABUL FAZIL By SINGAPORE, Sun. "FkRAGONS" are spitting fire and Singapore is facing one of the biggest internecine gangland wars in recent years. Pitted against each other are two big affiliates of the 24 Secret Society Group: "Gi Hai Leng" (Virtuous Sea
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  • 34 4 SINGAPORE, Sun.—Registration for the August 1965 national language public examinations, for Standards I, II and 111. conducted by the Ministry of Education, will begin on June 1, and close on June 18.
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  • 163 4 SINGAPORE, Sun. The Adult Education Board is organising a six-month practical course in oil painting, which will commence sometime about the end of June. The course will be conducted In English. The tuition fee for the full course is $35 Lessons will be held either
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  • 245 4 FORUM: LEE CALLS FOR NEW DATE SINGAPORE, Sun. Singapore's Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew has written to the piesldent of the University of Malaya Historical Society suggesting a new date for the political forum, which was cancelled on Thursday night. In his lever. dated Saturday, Mr. Lee said: "1
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  • 362 4 SINGAPORE. Sun. q^HE Minister for 1 Health, Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin, said yesterday that the Singapore Government would eventually rectify the present unsatisfactory state of affairs in which unqualified persons practised as pharmacists, when the shortage of qualified pharmacists had been overcome. He was speaking
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  • 11 4 RECINA (14> taken Horn* by Jeaui at 11.30 a.m. 30/5/69.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 44 4 IlllllllllllllllliillllllllllllllllllllllJlimiiiimijiimmmikj. fW% BANDS FESTIVAL M <(L SPORE BADMINTON HALL, SAT. sth Jun. IPM BEATLES vt. ROLLING STONES i|M COMPETITION VARIETY SHOW. *\A BOOKINGS AT Winston's T«l: ***** I .^P fJL A Daily* Flow.r Shop T«l: ***** yAJL Tick.H: S3 Ml: SV- C Ul_ ■KJli||||||t:ill||||IIIIICJIIIIIIIIIIIIC3llllll!IIIIIC]IIIIIIIIIIIIC3lllllllllllT
      44 words
    • 4 4 CLASSIFIED ADS. #orit Minimum)
      4 words
    • 363 4 j'ubb" (Si»"a"c") NEXT CHANCE! DELMER D»VES...who gave you "Parriih Sunnier j Place" "Lovers Must Learn" now brings you a UL THE BLISTER-HEAT of the BEST-SELLER! ■?3 awoman I could jjHjyS M ACROSS A ROOM f M. YOUNGBLOOoH.iI **H A H M* blister- heat of the best-seller! JAMES FRANCISCUS SU/ANNE PLESHETTE
      363 words
    • 517 4 ■■■■■"■■■■l] GANISATIOWJ iT.('ii«^Liii3i3 \OU SHOWING! oj 11 am, 1.45,4.00, 6.30 4 9.30 pm B "The PAtMltO SKIN" coiorfl Mandarin with English tubs. NEXT CHANGE! COFFIN FROM HONG KONG BrHcinz Drache Elga Anderson Shows Stor Angela Yu Chen in Ultrascope Color (SB). B TOMORROW MIDNIGHT! "BUTTERFLY CHALICE" h Mandarin in Scope
      517 words

  • 142 5 AT remote Long Jawi in Sarawak's Third Divi sion, men of the 3rd Battalion. Royal Malay Regi- ment, have made friends with the local Kayan people they are defending against Indonesian raiders. Whenever the battalion commander. Lt..-Col. Ismail bin Ibrahim, visits his positions at Long Jawi he
    Lee On Wine shows Lt  -  142 words
  • 125 5 Aid from NZ: Date of arrival soon KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The arrival date of $3.4 million worth of military equipment from New Zealand will be announced soon. The New Zealand Prime Minister, Mr. Keith Holyoake. while on a visit here in April last year, announced that NewZealand would give $2,313,900
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  • 56 5 KOTA BHARU. Sun. The State Engineer. Mr. A. J. Cole- man, 36. has left here under the Malay.sianisation programme. Mr. Coleman was the last expatriate government officer in the State He was with the P.W D. for two years and is succeeded by j Mr- Poo Pook
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  • 185 5 Ministry's new instructions on certificates puzzle heads PENANG, Sunday. PRINCIPALS of secondary schools here are puzzled over the Ministry of Education's latest instructions about certificates for successful candidates in last year's Lower Certificate of Education examinations. "We have been asked to fill in the names and particulars of each successful
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  • 82 5 An American memorial wreath at the war SINGAPORE, Sun. Tht United States ConsulGeneral In Singapore. Mr. John A. Lacey, and the president of the American Association. Mr. William Krall. this morning laid a wreath at the Kranji War Memorial to mark America's Memorial Day. Also present were the naval attache
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  • 53 5 IPOH, Sun— All employees rf rubber estates in the Parlt district are to donate one per cent of their wages for three months to the National Defence FundThe estates are Buloh Akar. Glenealy, Parit Perak. Sadang. Senggang and Sera poll. The total amount will be in the
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  • 24 5 IPOH. Sun. My. Choy Kok Kuan was re-elected chairman of ttip National Union of Commercial workers. Perak branch, ai its annual meeting
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  • 51 5 SINGAPORE. Sun. Police today said that the explosion which occurred late last night came from somewhere in Indonesian waters off Singapore's Pulau Sebarok. It is still not known what caused the blast, and Marine Police patrols which scoured territorial waters around the area last night did not find
    51 words
  • 106 5 KUALA LIMPI'R, Sun. Only one out of 20 of those whose application). for firearm permits wer* turned down by the police had been successful in appeals to the Minister of Home Affairs. This was stated b? a spokesman of the Ministry of Home
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  • 47 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun.— More than 15 girls have entered for the "Miss Patriotic 1965" contest to be held at the Chinese Assembly Hall here on TuesdayThe contest being organised in conjunction with a dance in aid of the National Monument ant Partriotic Funds.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 367 5 Sw#»et news You enjoy sweet things, but want to stay slim and active? Then Hermesetas (pronounced Hermc-SEE-tas) is fot you This pure Swiss sweetener (s fai sweeter than ordinary ttocha rins. So additives, to no after taste, no stomach upsets. And no worries about overweight i Life is sweeter with
      367 words
    • 170 5 THE HALLMARK OF QUALITY SELANGOR PEWTER We hove all manner of products ranging from Ash troy* and Beer mugs to Tea ond Coffee sets to brighten your home or to delight your friends. See the beoutiful range on display in our showroom or at our agents. Every genuine SELANGOR PEWTER
      170 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 65 5 Bugs Bunny By Ralph Heimdaht abeva^J I/but j'm afwaio^ i coamn' im i wont 6ee vy 0 h I fOtt NOT, ELMER? TH' BUS COMINS AND 7%\ iJkl saSP>Er^ SE I s j VTLL mi«s m, HMM-THA'S^I W I SUBgY& I f UNLAX'. IT PROBLEM^ I |sSBre J]| AINIT I^E
      65 words

  • 364 6 SINGAPORE, Sun. The Alliance Party Slngapura said yester- day that anyone who supported Malaysia in words and not in deeds < could never be a true Malaysian. In an attack on Singapore's Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. and the
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  • 65 6 Ulu Langat to celebrate L-Month l/AJANG. Sun. The Ulu Langat district will begin its month-long celebrations marking this year's National Language campaign on Friday. Highlights ot the celebrations will be a folk-dancing contest open to all races, a National Language Queen contest and a National Dress contest for men The
    65 words
  • 194 6 PENANG, Sunday. THE Penang State Alliance last night set up a committee for the promotion of the national language at an inaugural meeting held at the MCA headquarters here. The meeting, attended by MCA, Umno and MIC leaders. was opened by a State Exei cutive
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  • 73 6 FATAL HEAD-ON CRASH CINGAPORE. Sun— A 23--year-old scooterist, Ibrahim bin Omar, was fatallyinjured when his machine was involved in a head-on collision with a motor-cycle ridden by Khoo Boon Thlam. 21. along Jalan Eunos yesterday Ibrahim, of Lorone Mazukl. Chanei. died In hospital early today. Khoo has been warded and
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  • 92 6 IPOH, Sun.— Ten munici- pal councillors from Kuching today visited the Tasek industrial estate here. They arrived yesterday for a three-day visit as guests of the Ipoh Municipal Council They visited the municipality's Sungei Part low- j cost housing scheme and I were entertained
    92 words
  • 72 6 rpHE Sultan of Pahang bestowing the title of Dato Kurnia lohan Pahlawan on Mr. David Marshall, Singapore lawyer and a former Chief Minister of the State. The investiture ceremony was held at the Balai Rong, Istana Abu Bakar, Pek m. on Saturday on the occasion of the Sultan's
    72 words
  • 137 6 Support for language order I^ANGAR, Sun. The xv Perlis branch of the National Schools Teachers Union of Malaya last night supported Chief Education Officer, Inche Ariffin bin Mat Nam's directive to Chinese schools in the State to use only the national language for announcements on their notice boards. "We hope
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 303 6 1 Jki IE a IQJ Iml FOR BREAKFAST-ALL-DAY ENERGY! Why is NESTUM such a rich source of energy why is it so ggJ^pEßSP*"' -*-^i_ good for Baby and all the family? Because NESTUM is P^C^^TPTTlfT'^] 3-CEREALS-IN-ONE— with health-giving vitamins of the B f^.fTf,^! rTooTT,, group plus valuable mineral salts. NESTUM
      303 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 249 6 4###'f/ Onp By V. T. Ham tin *A jr —^J I m, BE impossible exactly! its I I yfh? have you tor- 'courst not: \vei.l,what rvx/; ir K MACHINE TO TO GET A MACHINE SOME OF THCSE GOTTEW TH' ROBOT \IT NtAKLV TAKfc T IX/MCN YOU TAkC MV PLACE IS
      249 words

  • 665 7 'People won't engage in race strife to aid this politician' TAJ\: THE POWER STRUGGLE KUALA LUMPUR. Sun fHK Malays and Chinese. are "not so foolish"' as to engage in racial strife merely to enable an over-ambi-tious politician to achieve supreme power, the Minister j of Finance, Mr. Mr. Tan Siew
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  • 98 7 SINGAPORE. Sun. 30 employees of Cathay Advertising Ltd. yesterday staged a protest walk-out over what they described as the "management's unethleal tactics in attempting to split the unity of their union At 11.30 a.m. the work- j ers commercial artists, clerks and peons
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 184 7 1a.% V hk m .jvf j 7 Mbl Wm\ BY JB) BBBBBBBBBBaVfIBafI 1 BBBBBBBBBBB^^^_^_ Ja^s_™^ jVJ MONO'D'PUMP Versatility ij the feature of the Mono range of pumps. The standard 'D' series of Mono Pumps are constructed with cast iron bodies for non-corrosive duties. For corrosive duties. some types can be
      184 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 242 7 Straits Times Crossword ■^^^bbbbb^l WS aaaaf aaaaV aaaaf fcaaaT^~" Bi^l ia^^ aaaT"" At'ROftS 6. A name on ground not 1. T»* S .voiding .ctkm in r^umng tnwL<lam psychologic*! ttrmi .8 9>. c n J n 7thi Li t. Point to drunkrn lord it i 6. A Latin Is of this
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  • 395 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. THE chairman 'of the Malayan Employers' Consultative Association, Mr. S.O.K. Übaidulla, today called on all employers to adhere to the Code of Conduct for industrial peace. Mr. Übaidulla said in a statement: "It has been suggested in the Press 'that
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  • 113 8 PENANG TO ACT ON BEGGAR NUISANCE pENANG, Sun. The public here is being urged to refrain from giving alms to vagrants and beggars. "We need this co-oper-ation in order to eradicate this nuisance from our 'streets," says an official statement. Police action will be started on Tuesday to round up
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  • 58 8 KANGAR, Sun. The Mentri Besar. Dato Sneikh Ahmad bin Mohamea Hashim. has assured Thai resident!, of Kampong Behor Gelam. six miles from here, that the State Government will keep its promise and build a road to their village. He gave this assurance to a sixman delegation, led
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  • 165 8 Kidwai: India's definite 'yes' at Algiers j/OTA BHAKI. Sun The Indian Hgh Commissioner to M:ili>sia, Mr. M.K. Kidwai (above), today reiterated his country's support for Malaysia's participation in the Afro-Asian conference in Algiers. Speaking to reporters here today, Mr Kidwai said: "Malaysia is i reality and Afro-Asian countries cannot afford
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  • 188 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. A BOUT 150 security guards who are looking after A several million dollars worth of private property in the nations capital may go on strike next week. The guards, employed by Securicor (Malaya) Ltd.. will give the management a 24--hour strike notice
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  • 22 8 IPOH. Sun. Ten piglets worth $200 were stolen from a farmer. Wong Seng Loy. in Kampong Simee here yesterday.
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  • 61 8 PARIT BUNTAR. Sun. Th« Krian District Officer. Dato M"lianied bin Ibrahim, was entei- tamed to a farewell dinner Imsi I ni?ht by members of the Krian 1 Club. Dcto Mohamed leaves tomorrow on transfer to Teluk Anson as District Officer. Lower Perak. Hr will be succeeded
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  • 50 8 PENANG. Sun. A Malay Co- operative Thrift and Investment Society was formed last night to raise capital to buy land. Over 100 Malay businessmen attended the inaugural meeting convened by Inche Jaldin bin Sanusi and declared open by Syed Hassan Aidid. Penang Umno divisional president.
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  • 35 8 KOTA BHARU. Sun. The Mentri Besar of Kelantan. Inche Asri bin Haji Muda. will hold a garden party at his residence on Wednesday evening to celebrate the birthday of the Yang diPertuan Agong.
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  • 294 8 I^UALA LUMPUR. Sun. 1V The Federation Xray Staff Union today expressed regret that Dr. Mahatir bin Mohammed, M.P.. "in spite of being a medical practitioner himself, is ignorant of the conditions of work of X-ray assistants." Mr. Yeo Thiam Hork. secretary of the
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  • 75 8 SINGAPORE. Sun. Siow Yong Chai. an acupuncture expert who has made a name in British medical circles, will give a talk on "Chinese therapeutical methods of acupuncture and moxibustion" in the Pathology lecture theatre. General Hospital, at 8 pm. on Tuesday. The talk is sponsored
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  • 34 8 TAIPING. Sun. Wan Chlk bin Hamid. 38. was fined a total of $800 by the Sessions Court here yesterday for being in ytonsession of Indian lienu, cultivating eight Indian hemo plants.
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  • 464 8 Industry in the long run better than trade— chamber head SINGAPORE, Sunday rE president of the Indian Chamber of Commerce. Mr. K. M. Abdul Razak. said yesterday that Singapore's century-old reliance on entrepot trade, which played an Important part in its progress and prosperity, was gradually giving way to industrialisation.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 431 8 \U i Bur^m\ |J^^ OCI3JK iWfc^aJ fc^^^aSa^a^^ wM I announces Wm fi^ M \-A~-d a complete ■w>N_ B^ahH ftW Copy Center. «J COME TO KODAK COPY CENTER 150/2, MARKET STREET, SINGAPORE I. TEL: *****. You're invited to see the latest and best in office copying: KODAK Copiers that speed communications,
      431 words
    • 71 8 Congratulations to the MUNICIPALITY OF IPOH on the occasion of their 3RD ANNIVERSARY THE RADIO CENERAI TRADINC CO., LTD. 186-188 Brewster Rd., Ipoh Tel. 4281. CARPETS LIKE MAGIC! Y«s we produce them to order in any size, thape, design or colour. Tai Ping rugs are handmade in Hong Kong of
      71 words

  • 53 9 KANGAH. Sun. The Perils 6i:. ii Government, hrt.s uxed June 15 as ihe target data tm the start of the padi planting .season this year Farmers who tali to observe this within three months an liable to a fine of $10 for every unplanted relong. or
    53 words
  • 51 9 PENANG. Son The Chier Minister. Djio Wong Pvm Xe* will open in exhibition of New i Zealand contemporurv paintinst> land ceramic* at the Town Hall at' I 4.15 D.m. on June 7. The exhibition, under the auspices of the Penang Ann Council, will be open until June
    51 words
  • 231 9  - Hunt for Redhead the monster crocodile AHMAD RAMLI: From Kota Bharu, Sunday HUGE red-headed crocodile has been terrorising people along the coast from Tumpat to Kuala Besut, 100 miles from here, for the past two months. The crocodile the biggest seen here for many years —is believed to have come
    231 words
  • 104 9 Help Govt call to opposition parties rpAIPING. Sun— The mm--1 tri Besar of Perak. Date Ahmad bin Said, called on all opposition parties to put aside their political differences and cooperate with the Alliance Government to strengthen Malaysia's defence aeainst a common enemy. He was speaking here yesterday to 15
    104 words
  • 36 9 lANGKAK. Sun. Work hui begun on a reservoir costing $400,000 at Panchor. 24 mile* j from here When completed in September. It will provide three million gal- i lons of water daily-
    36 words
  • 341 9 Tun Razak has high praise for Girl Guides i KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. The Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak. today called on parents to encourage their daughters to Join the Girl Guide movement because it provided not only fun and adventure but also good leadership and character training. He made
    341 words
  • 158 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. RATIONAL Servicemen who have been drafted 11 into the Civil Defence Corps stand a chance of becoming officers with an equivalent rank of second lieutenant if they make the grade. This decision was taken by the regional headquarters here In view of
    158 words
  • 77 9 I/UALA LUMPUR. Sun. IV The Selangor Eurasian Association has postponed its annual meeting to next Sunday at io a.m. because it was unable to form a quorum today. Only 16 members turned vp five short to form a quorum. lv president. Mr. A. S.
    77 words
  • 34 9 BATU PAHAT, Sun— The Information Department here will hold a civics course for 100 residents of Parit Sulong on June 7. The District Officer. Inche Tallb bin Abu. will open the course.
    34 words
  • 148 9 FUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The Technical Association of Malaysia has called on Its members to provide the "dynamic technical guidance and action" which the country demands. An editorial In the association's quarterly journal said that the technologist could not afford to continue in the same old
    148 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 91 9 S~\ <tg ft^fr'| j^S l^^ J^. **^^3^W'*"' I c 4y^S *4mZ 1 tMM vC J^B"*^\ m •^■k~~ v v^ &i/er3oo llatestt t most fashionable styles CLEARING I at HALF OF OUR COST COMMRNCfiIG TODAY FOR 2 WEEKS ONLY Hong Kong Shoe Company <>(<• M ITOIII hThe moat compeOMw $ho* $ton
      91 words
      174 words

  • 57 10 M Word* Sit (Muttimum) MR. AND MRS. Victor Muttlah. Koala Kangsar, thank all those who sent gift*, good wishes and attended their wedding 2H-5-1963. TNI FAMILY OP the late Mrs. Ta» Bung Chiam nee Betty Teo Lay Tee thank relatives and friends for tbelr oaodoiences, wreath*, scroll", donations, night
    57 words
  • 106 10 M Words SIS (Mtmiwmm) -40HM COLDFARB, Plea** Coma Horn* Shirley. DISPOSAL SALE Don* Gedde*. Goodwood Hotel. Dresses 30' v offAocessorHs etc 2S<" r Wonderful values! ROLAND'S. Perm your hair abort! Race Of the Season! At Roland's. of course! Appointments *****. 247. Orchard Road, S pore. ENGLISH CHEESES PLEASES, none
    106 words
  • The Straits Times
    • 642 10 Although the proposed changes in the Criminal Procedure Code are not as drastic in at least one important respect as was first reported, they are far reaching and on the whole regressive. They are not attracting anywhere near the attention they deserve. The two major changes proposed
      642 words
    • 414 10 The pace of change at the University of Malaya is to become even more rapid in years to come. Already (on Saturday) it has held its i first convocation conducted entirely in the National Language; the medical centre is almost completed; new faculties are to be opened; and
      414 words
    • 158 10 Singapore has few enough bathing beaches, and that even these should be polluted by floating oil is something of a civic disaster. The anger of people who went to Changi for a swim and then found oil "all over the place" is therefore justifiable. Unfortunately time is likely
      158 words
    • 371 10 IN the final resolution passed at the May 22nd meeting of the Singapore Bar is a reference to the abolition of the titles- of Maha Hakim' and 'Lord President' now connected with and belonging to the office of Chief Judge of Malaysia. The resolution calls
      371 words
    • 61 10 A SCHOOL I know of compels the students to run In its cross-coun-try race and to take part in the "standard test". Not all students are born to be good runners, and to compel them to participate under threats of punishment If they refuse Is most unfair. There
      61 words
    • 232 10 HAVE been reading your postbaK for years and it has given me a sad insight into human nature. I often wonder when human beings can be satisfied. I often read of aelayt. In the payment of salaries to various categories of government servants. Yet early this
      232 words
    • 63 10 1 REFER to a letter on "Danger Spot" by Mr. Chua Chye Seng (S.T. May 19) and wish to state that the Hawkers and Markets Department is aware of the situation at Bukit Ho Swee primary school and action had been taken periodically against these unauthorised hawkers whenever
      63 words
    • 835 10  -  Halcro Ferguson In strike-paralysed Bolivia arrn^d and angry tin miners hold the key to peace or civil war and collapse of a nation By THE strike by tin miners in Bolivia, paralysing the industry on which the national economy depends, has been costing the country 150,000
      OFNS  -  835 words
  • 592 10  - Learning Malay 89 YUNUS MARIS by M.A. UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA VOCABULARY: Chun, menchuri (vi to ste&l, penohuri (n) thief; taman cm garden; taman bunga (N) flower garden, public garden such as the Lake Oarden in Kuala Lumpur; taman hiboran (N> entertainment or recreational park; rehat, berehat (v) to rest, relax;
    592 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 874 10 Strain Tißtes k Mslay MtO Cleserfled advertisements may ke ftande*' tor COLD iTOKAOI •UPBRMARKKT Orchard Reed (itssinlonlsi Datk) COLD STTORAaB IKANCHII At Hollind Red Kltoflf h.v.i Base. Aat*mrl.e4 Ageate: CITY BOOK ITOKI LTD Wln«h..ter House, C«lly*r Qcjes; TH« NKWSJ FRONT ntspetrlsk's luMrnuUM M. M. ISMAIL S Admlretty Road. Newel ew
      874 words
      34 words
    • 234 10 CONGRATLXATIONS to j CHANRAI'S on the occasion of the opening of their new department store in Kuala Lumpur. SELANGOrUH PEWTER CO. 219Jln.TuankuAbd. Rahman. K.L.Tel.B3429 SORE THROAT Kill the germs that cause it Get soothing relief Nearly all sore throats are caused by germs. DEQUADIN ff-rgf: LOZENGES art an antibacterial treatment
      234 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 333 11 %L£m^ come to LUMPUR }yU, 30, JALAN TUANKU ABDUL RAHMAN. /^mß^t M V^ Chanrai's, The Exclusive Shop for top quality goods, service and tailoring, now offers you in Kuala Lumpur the Hj^ A J same top quality goods and top service with the added facility of a ladies Department All
      333 words
      12 words
    • 703 11 DR. LIM OFFICIATES AT KUALA LUMPUR STORE OPENING THE openinjr in Kuala Lumpur during the weekend of Chanrai's exclusive shop for top quality goods, service and tailoring marks a step forward in the firm's expansion plans for a chain of fashion stores throughout Malaysia.
      703 words
    • 476 11 VfR. B.H. MELWANI. managing director of Chanrai's belongs to the category of top businessmen who devote a great part of their time to social work. As head of a chain of fashion stores, he Is pressed for time, but somehow manages to find time
      476 words
    • Article, Illustration
      45 12 TOP' The finer points ot exclusive suit lengths are put forward by experienced and trained staff to Hie customer before a tale is concluded at Chanrai'* "men's exclusive shop" at 81. High Street, Singapore. ABOVE General view of Ch.inr.iis store at High Street.
      45 words
    • 484 12 story of Chanrai is one of drive, business acumen and the propensity to move with changing times by two Indian brothers .Ihamalmal and Thakurdas Chanrai. Scions of wealthy I fc?^— i Zamindars (Landowners), they set up a company known as J.T. Chanrai in
      484 words
    • 428 13 1 1 nifs*^ WEAR SAKE* \JR. KRISHNA Khcmlani, the manager of Chanrai's new shop, felt convinced that Kuala Lumpur being the Malaysian capital there was room for this kind of Chanrai store. "I feel there is great need for a shop such as Chanrai's
      428 words
    • 635 13 TO 'EXCLUSIVE MEN'S SHOP' MR. B. H. MELWANI, managing director of Chanrai's, likes to recall a letter from a client who wrote on the envelope; "The Singapore's only exclusive Men's Shop, Singapore." This letter was duly delivered to Chanrai's at High Street. Said Mr. Mcl
      635 words
    • Article, Illustration
      29 14 VIEW of Chanrita exclusive Saree Centre with its modern and carved furniture. It carries a wide variety of the latest styles in sarees and other fashionable goods.
      29 words
    • Page 24 Advertisements
      • 246 24 RSs I ESSaL-^f^PHfl W aW/^^^V jfik^B If/ aY/ aT Mr'M SKra vS \mmlt WmmMm amWßa^mlal aHMaI away /iflaff AND HERE'S WHY IT IS THE CAMERA FOR YOU The new J-P is developed from the highly successful and popular YASHICA PENTA-J. This automatically makes it the value-leader among 35mm tingle-lens reflex
        246 words
      • 322 24 ...Lau CLASSIFIKPS ?> Wor-U S/i I minimum I NO TOTISSf Than^.« v, d.Ktr,. J S World-Wide Reception. •i on 15 Wave -Bands with the SendaiiOHoi JVeufi I Globetrotter I la^ai ■^fl^^^^^^^^'SaaiM j f m m *a B-X '-V--V- M v v -''v~-* X"* v 1 i M W "b t
        322 words
    • Page 24 Miscellaneous
      • 194 24 SPORTS DIARY SOCCER Ipoh Div. 2: Police FP v NUCW (JAJi; Div. 3: Govt Printers v Kilat 'A': Ipoh Polic« j v Shaw Bros. B (both at Coro- j nation grdi. T»ipJnf Div. 2: Kamuntlng v Town Council. Kamp»r Div. 2: ACS A 1 v ACS 'B\ H»rvey I Shield:
        194 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 182 12 j f f t- r f Latest 1965 ladies swim wear collection. Every time you look ahead, there's I newsform. Sole Agents: f MULLER PHIPPS Congratulations and Best Wishes to on the occasion of the opening of their new Department Store in Kuala Lumpur. THE UNITED COMMERCIAL BANK LTD. Raffles
      182 words
    • 167 12 PICKLES SHUTTLEWORTH LTD. wish to extend their congratulations and best wishes to on the opening of their new shop at 30 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Kuala Lumpur. PICKLES SHUTTLEWORTH LTD. are proud to announce that they supply Seltex Brand Terylene/ Worsted Suitings To Chanrai s Sole Agents: Borneo Mala\a Representatives
      167 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 225 13 Congratulations and best wishes to on the occasion of the opening of their new shop at M) Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Kuala Lumpur. from SIR JACOB BEHRENS SONS LTD. suppliers of Bear Brand Terylene/ Worsted Suitings to CHANRAI'S. Sole Agents: Borneo Malaya Representatives Ltd. P. O. Box 2197 Singapore Congratulations
      225 words
    • 195 13 and Best Wishes to on the occasion of the opening of their New Department Store in Kuala Lumpur, from Maidenform, Inc. m2t ays JiiUUii •^Sfi A MM! L3l 1 ish ing A II Success And Prosperity to from: UNITED AGENCIES (MALAYA) •Manufacturers Representatives 605, China Insurance Building Kuala Lumpur Tel:
      195 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 194 14 i| Best Wishes on the occasion «tf the opening of their new Department Store in Kuala Lumpur. m f> j cl IV I* K^K j wr our MAN-ONTHE-SPOT to work for YOU i Munk of America I l MATIONAL J«\J,« I; ...for trade ami industrial financing. S'NGAPORE. 31. RAFFLES place.
      194 words
    • 222 14 Congratulations to CHANRAI'S 30, Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Kuala Lumpur > W\ yzf— just wear a smile a ir\ a and a J/ \Mmanhm mm nttl^ I '9/ K/lV^l^^S^ COTTON SPORTSH I RTS ran V J DISTRIBUTORS FOR MALAYSIA: 1. E. TELS i. Cos TRADING SOCIETY Congra tv la tions
      222 words

  • 185 15 ACCRA, Sun. Presi- dent Nkrumah of Onana hopes shortly to meet the Malaysian m e Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, to dis<"ss i solution to the Malaysia-Indonesia dispute. In a joint statement issued here yesterday in conjunction with the viMtinsr Malaysian roodwill mission. President Nkrumah
    185 words
  • 31 15 ALOR STAR, Sun. The Kedah Government is to ask the Ministry of Rural Development for more American Peace Corps volunteers to help in community development in the State's rural
    31 words
  • 1542 15 Reporting a very special occasion in the history of the Straits Times DINNER TO HONOUR A TRULY GREAT NEWSPAPERMAN AND PUBLISHER' KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday THE Malaysian Press in aspiring to the highest standards must never forget that what it can and should do "must eventually be governed by what is
    1,542 words
  • 140 15 LTIFTEEN Straits Times employees in Kuala Lumpur received long service awards last night from the chairman and managing director of the organisation, Mr. A. O Simmons. Nine workers with more than 30 years' service were presented with handsome clocks. The others, with more than 25 years' service,
    140 words
  • 177 15 Royal fish drive on Pahang River DEKAN. Sun. A flsh drive along the Pahang River today brought to an end the week long celebrations marking the 61st birthday of the Sultan of Pahang. The Tengku Ampuan of Pahang and members of the royal family also took part. Among the YIPs
    177 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 117 15 m JAY GEE Z7 ENTERPRISES Congratulate CHANRA] ORGANISATION ON THE OPENING OF THEIR NEW SHOP LADIES' GENTS' WEAR Obtainable your Playtex Bras from Chanrai's Kuala Lumpur LIVING STRETCH BRAS 59 with Nylon Locc Caps and odi istable, cushioned stretch straps provide lirxunous comfort ond long lasting support Avoilab c \Q
      117 words
    • 254 15 DON'T &3. GAMBLE WITH YOUR HARD-EARNED MONEY INVEST WISELY PAN MALAYAN FINANCE offers security with good returns on DEPOSITS. Invest in a DEPOSIT ACCOUNT with PAN MALAYAN FINANCE to-day and be :>ure of a safe and steady return. 6 n o on six month"s notice of withdrawal. A\°/ o on
      254 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 838 15 TV MALAYSIA (Malaya) (HAVNtLS ture Theatre •Japanese 5 Kuala Lumpur and Petiang ishl "«f VUlajie and "Pelican 6 Ipoh and Malacca. P«««J j 7 New* In English; 3 Johore Bahru. 7 10 Forum: 7.34 Mr. Maggo 4 Taipinc William Tell"; 8 New* in 7 Batu Pahat Mandarin: 8.10 Mari Berbual.
      838 words

  • 186 16 Sock's ship is freed again— on a US$2 mil. bond i NEWARK (New Jer- i sey). A ship owned by the Indonesian Government was released by U.S. Marshals yesterday after a surety company posted i. US$2 million bond. The freighter Johannes Latuharhary had been detained after attorneys for an American
    AP  -  186 words
  • 193 16 A $5.4 MIL. STATE SWINDLE IN ROME ROME. Sun. Three doctors and a lawyer were remanded for trial yesterday on charges of turning the fight against tuberculosis into a business that netted them (US) 51. 839.045. The case was the latest In a rash of Italian civil service scandals in
    UPI  -  193 words
  • 114 16 Restriction order on Nkomo's lawyer BULAWAYO. Sun. Mr. Leo Baron, the attorney who has been representing African nationalist leader Joshua Nkomo and his colleagues for the last three years, was served yesterday with a Government order restricting him to a 15-mile radius of Bulawayo. London-born Mr. Baron camp to Rhodesia
    AP  -  114 words
  • 36 16 CLEMSON (South Carolina), Sun.— Harvey Oantt, the first Negro in modern times to attend it white, state-supported university in South Carolina, graduated with honours today with a degree In architecture from damson University— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 19 16 PORT MORESBY. Sun. Work is to begin shortly on building the first university in Papua-New Oulnea.
    19 words
  • 110 16 CYDNEY. Sun— A £1.000 round trip by Shaw Savill ship to Singapore will go to the winner of an Australian national competition to find this country's most competent young driver under 25. The contest is aimed at helping to combat the increasing road accidents among young drivers.
    110 words
  • 351 16 MOSCOW, Sunday. THE Soviet Union accused Canada yesterday of conducting a "witch hunt" against Soviet officials in Ottawa. The Russians said Canadian police had hidden microphones in the Soviet Embassy in Ottawa, spied on Soviet officials and kicked them out of the country
    AP  -  351 words
  • 62 16 CAIRO. Sun.— President Nasser's eldest daughter. Hoda. 19. a thirdyear student at Cairo Iniversity's Political Economy College, passed her National Guard practical pxam with distinction recently. Hoda who has one more year to take her degree., must total 52 hours a year as a
    62 words
  • 32 16 SUVA (Fiji). Sun.— Ships and a flying boat yesterday went to the aid of the 8.631-ton Greek freighter Eurytnedon, on fire in the Pacific 300 miles south of Suva.
    32 words
  • 115 16 A RIDE in a push chair? Not for 15-month-old speed fan Russel Selby. H^'d rather tear around a dirt-track in the sidecar of a racing motorcycle especially when it's in the hands of lm eight-year-old sister. Pat. Russel Is the youngest member of
    Mirrorpic  -  115 words
  • 41 16 UNITED NATIONS. Sun I baa ratilied ■ante to the U.N. chart it which would the Security Council from 11 to 15 members and tlie Economic and Social Council from 18 to 27 members, it wua announced vr.fordav. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 101 16 l£lj i 'J g Imß^m^imkM^K <C^"t^ c IP "Sip* S'ttHMwr i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i -'H'll'iiirimiiiiiiiiiMiiiiliiiiitniWMiMfHniMfmiimiiiniiiiiiimiiiiniiHifiHifg j We tender our Best Wishes to the j MUNICIPALITY OF IPOH j on the occasion j of their 3rd ANNIVERSARY p~
      101 words
    • 86 16 Hlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!IIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I FELICITATIONS TO THE MUNICIPALITY OF IPOH on the occasion j of their 3rd ANNIVERSARY -A j K. C. BOON CHEAH CO., LTD. AND BOON CHEAH STEEL PIPES LTD. —TASEK INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, IPOH congratulations best wishes I to the MUNICIPALITY OF IPOH j on the occasion of their 3rd.
      86 words

  • The Straits Times BOOK PAGE
    • 337 17 NETSUKE: A Guide for Collectors. By Mary Louise O'Brien. (Tuttle. Tokyo. U.S. $10) by STUART KOBE UNTIL they attracted the fascinated attention of the Wes.erner netsuke were an almost unregarded form of Japanese art. held in not much higher esteem than the wood-print. The netsuke was
      337 words
    • 218 17  -  HUGH MABBETT oy A POCKET DICTIONARY (Chinese English.) AND PEKINGESE SYLLABARY. By Chauncev Goodrich. (Hong Kong University Press reissue. HKS2O). NORMALLY a Chinese dictionary which takes no note of compounds in a language increasingly accepted as Disyllabic would be of small interest, but this book has an important
      218 words
    • 154 17  -  CHARLES LEAM BY LEARN GOLF BACKWARDS. By. Rag Knight. (Collins 165.) SMOOTHER golf by simple methods Is Reg Knights formula, backed uy the jellef that It Is quite wrong tor beginners to worry about technical details and better even for many of the more experienced
      154 words
    • 75 17 Chun hills crating meu>u rtd tunes art; still The historical record remains of a tremendous protean figure—- statesman, soldier, orator, author, parliamentarian a man who walked with destiny. Published by Purnell (London ss. and edited by Neil Ferrier, "Churchill: Man of the Century" is a pleasinc gallery
      75 words
    • 990 17  - The cold war from its origins ALLINGTON KENNARD reviewed by WK are making the twentieth century certainly the most turbulent and perhaps the most brutal period of man's history. It is also the most written about; all the material for agonising appraisal is thrust upon our attention. The issue of
      990 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 56 17 The Bulletin Is the VIETNAMESE WAR RE ALL Y A CIVIL WAR! WHO RUNS the VIET CONG Richard Walker details North Vietnamese control of the Viet Cong in a special four-page BULLETIN inquiry. David McNicoll on MEXICO TODAY MALCOLM MUGGERIDGE defends Roman Catholic opposition to THE PILL The Bulletin SI
      56 words
    • 398 17 Ih >*******^^ hYb^HSL^ VJ HHH^^ ~2 2HH ShMhW^L MW Khh^hPshhl -«*HHHHHHHHHH a HHHHHHHHHHH«HHiSHHHHI iW^»A V W'- f HOW IHI HELPS STEEL MAKERS MODERNIZE ECONOMICALLY When Japan's major steel man- the world. In October 1964, it equipment and auxiliary maufacturers need-new equipment set a world record monthly pro- chinery for the
      398 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 476 18 Contlnafd froir Page 101 SITUATIONS VACANT J Word* U (MiK.)-Hox tt rl, tit, a BOX A «019. Adve-t of 6U> May AppllcanU thanked. Position oiled. SALES EXECUTIVE Biitlsb Company associated with a wld* range of marketing and manufacturing activities, requires an energetic Malaysian executive who sbould possess th. following qualifications:
      476 words
    • 468 18 SITUATIONS VACANT S Word* $t 'Mm.) Box tt et*. txtrm. WANTED OOCTOR to take over llnic in Perak. Apply Box A2OVO 1.T., K.U COMMERCIAL MANAQER required by LOCAL MANUFACTURINO COMPANY. Jualincatlona. An Honours Degree M Eaenomict and 'or Bunneti Administration. ilxiierirnce: At laatt years in Markstin* at whaletale and rstail
      468 words
    • 882 18 SITUATIONS VACANT IS I* nrd, .1 i Mm.)— Box Hi rl* 'xtr. ARMY DEPARTMENT. SINGAPORE Applications are Invited for the foiiuwIng vacanclea: 1. Line Mechanic. Tbe qualification required and the duties for tbe grade are;— Qualification A knowledge of D.C. and A.C theory, aa applied to D.C. and V.F. telegraphy:
      882 words
    • 895 18 ACCOMMODATION VACANT li t» nrd, >o i Him.)— Box JO el*, txtrm b. MARUOLIOUTM ROAB (off; t ste\en Rosdi r urnuhed :i-nedroom Bungalow Please Pbone B'por* 22Sv:t for particulara »nd appointment to ROOM AVAILABLE June IStb with Kurasian family. Single/double with/ I without food, no children. Tel. neai airport Bennett
      895 words
    • 858 18 HOUSES k LAND FOR SALE I 15 Wnrca ft (Mm.)— Boa tt et*. txlr, I "LUCKY PARK" at Aooainaiai Avenue UarlivH Aveou* 'as 1 1 I Bukit ritnah Koad) 2-MtoV*y Menu- j Detached Huotimai at *-btor*t lorrace Houses duok early tv avoid 111--appoinuneuu lype "B tJi.uoo/- upI waroa, "C" $34.5UU/-
      858 words
    • 771 18 EDUCATION M Wmrd* *t •Mm.l Uox i* rfs txtrm STARTING JUNE: Beginners Short hand iMormng. Afternoon, tveolngi Typing. Book-keeping. Accounting. Malay Mala> Standard One. Malayunorthand SIC. 74 Middle Koad. S por f ttlßl H. TAN ACCOUNTANCY SCHOOL: June Session Beginners Bookkeeping AccounUncy. Law Diploma Intermediate Kinal AC WA ACC.A A
      771 words
    • 972 18 VEHICLES FOR SALE v >« Wi« i esxs ri, sßfra IBM VW 1200 UM Ku-uw«n U»n-t I] U P.J. tsaj FIAT UOO. One o--ner. Trie- I pnonr 5bM4. 1' am —i r.m. or write I Ne« ton P.O. Box ii. j i FORD CONSUL Uit l»«u. driven carefully by a
      972 words
    • 516 18 AT YOUR SERVICE It U n. .r,r. PUBLIC PHOTOCOPY URVICI .1 noderule pru-e includmg nervue. Coa:ait Isl Kioiir U7A New. Brides Road, Si'pore I CERTIFICATES OOCUMENTS Pnoto■Jßl Barnei Merlin Photography. Nsx lU. Jnun Singii. PetalniK Jaya. near Suit- Ibentre WE uupt uOLUMaMis. CenK fieslea. Uit>k>mas. Hian rraciacs eta. while you
      516 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1230 19 TO LIVERPOOL t WEST COAST U.K.; Due S'pure Mi's P. S'r-im Penang AUTOLYCUS kivcrpeel, Dublin. A'aoutt... li PVJaaa 2 Jaaa 1 AUTOMfDON livcrpeal. Oubtiaj Gdi. 31 Jne 2 ..verpeel June J Jun 7 Jiaa I/It Jaaa 11 CLYTONEUS Li.erpeil. Glasgow lune I Juie 11 Jin 12/11 Jm 1? PTRRHUS liveipeel,
      1,230 words
    • 1224 19 T//£-Lh\jZ//VFS to I IHt LAST ASIA IMNVIM I caavaiaatliOwaaai EXPRESS SAILINGS 10 NEAR EASI. CONIINENI ANO SCANOINAVIA. Spore P S'haoi Ptni.ii Aiii Genoa Havre H'Otirg it' urn aai. Gda 41 BASRA I) In Pt 2 Ine 3/1 7/1 lum 25 Illy 2 Illy t II IS KOREA a) Jne II
      1,224 words
    • 1193 19 I B£NMZINF\ EXPRESS SERVICE 10 LONDON, LIVERPOOL CtNIINENTAI PORTS BENDORAN For London Jne 21 t»M r. snam -nane Hamburg Jily 1 G 33 June 3 Jun 5 BENVORLICH For l™. gl Singapore P. S'baa Pinaog jENLARIG Hamburg. London. G'mauW. M L Olifltl jijii a j a, SlS^tfc 0 10 L
      1,193 words
    • 1227 19 feELLERMAN BUCKHALL S.S. CO., LTD. U.K. /Continent Staaapori P. I'naa Panang Cm OP COLOMBt Londoa, Hamburg. Rotteriaa. Havre. Hull, immingham 2S/2J laaa Him cm OF WIUNIPEI Lonooa, Hamburg. Rotterdaa, •in. Hull M iiiy CITY If WELLINGTON London. Hamburg, Rotterdaa. Havre. Hull. Hmntnghaa 28/ *7 July 21 JUT CITY Of NEWCASUI
      1,227 words

  • 230 20 pHANCELLOR of the Ex\j chequer, Mr. James Callaghati announced exemptions from planned capital gains taxes would apply to some Government gilt-edged issues. He told the House ot Commons late on Wednesday night that gains In tbe area between Issue prices and redemption prices lor outstanding Government
    230 words
  • 51 20 T^HE present rate of the M.ii.^.in dollar against the pound sterling; fixed on November M last year is Selling TT or OD N. 3 15/16 d. Buying TT 2s. 1/16. Buying OD 2s. i'-A-The dollar is at its statutory middle position in relation to iU range against the
    51 words
  • 87 20 IME Malayan Eicn.n XtK t Bankk' A»tociation made Ujm Its rates Io merchants on .-.'luMaj mil rate* to flUOi: Ntw Vorfc: DuyiriK rr .11' 1 1/ia, airmail OU 81 U 16, BO d/M I ia iri'dn bills. :i.) .in trade mils. Canada: riuyinK IT ;i.. :</■>, .iirmHii OU
    87 words
  • 1158 20 rptiE Ublr of shares on the 1 Malayan Stork Exchange shows last business to May IS, (A) and last business since that date (B) with H and L standing for Highest and Lowest business for 1964 and this year to date. indus rm«i3 <et Bricks 15.60 2.11 1.24
    1,158 words
  • 57 20 Harbour Lam pong l.anmt [rmbia Rubber Luala Selangor Malay L. Sidim impat Tin f'urrrnt payment Bd.' Ift 9(1. 15'; 2s. 3d. Date of payment June 22 June 30 July 13 June 26 June 16 July 2 June 30 t Inurim Total Kir lot.illm tear previous \rar 15%
    57 words
  • 47 20 Industrials: Tins: S rubber*: May 24. May 25. May 26. I 75.33 75.04 74.45 96.30 96.13 95.28 103.56 103.56 103.56 •Dec. 30. 1963 100 Dec. 29. 1962 100. May 27. 1 73.39 93.88 103.36 May 2b. 72.72 93.28 ***** May 29. 72.63 93.26 103.60
    47 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1055 20 *V* KISEN.KAISHA LTdI 4 im\ 1 Ban Canada and U.S.A. Great Lakes Service) H'kon| Yotnama Montreal Toronto Detroit Chicago "KiniiaM Mara" il/u ivaa H tot 1» >aiy 1 *as I Aaa II »«t ■Tlanla Mara" |i/i« Jary 1 Ai| Saat I Seat U teat 17 Seat Waat Coast oS Central/South
      1,055 words
    • 991 20 IE°IoRIENTl r TMES ROUND VOYAGE TO MANILA 8c HONG KONG S.S. "CHITRAL" Dcporti:— Penang 7 June 196S P. Swettenham 9 June 1965 Singapore 11 June 196S For Manila 15/16 Juno, Hong Kong 18/22 Juno Returns:— Singapore 26 Juno 1965 P. Swettenham 29 Juno 1965 Penang 30 Juna 1965 Fare From:—
      991 words
    • 784 20 LLOYD TRIESTINO TRAVEL TO THE CONTINENT OF EUROPE AND TO THE UNITED KINGDOM VIA ITALY m.v. "VICTORIA" Sailing from Singapore 21 *t June, 1965 m.v. "ASIA" Sailing from Singapore 27th July, 1965 LIMITED ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE FOR BRINDISI, VENICE TRIESTE via Bombay, Karachi, Aden Port Said Special Concessional Rail Sleeper Ticket*
      784 words
    • 126 20 SOUTHERN SHIPPING LINES FROM BRISBANE. SYDNEY, MELBOURNE ADELAIDE VIA BANGKOK S'Dore V. S horn Penonq M.S. Martin Thore 17/19 July 20/22 July 23/26 July M.S. Broholm 23/25 Aug 26/28 Aug 29/ I Sop FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY, MELBOURNE AMD ADELAIDE VIA SARAWAK AND SABAH Spore P. S'hom Penonq Spore M.S. Martin
      126 words

  • 2152 21 General price drop on stock Exchange From Our Market Correspondent, rpHE trend on the Stock Exchange last week can be seen at a glance all 40 industrials dealt in were easier, seven out of the ten properties traded also declined as did 17 of the 25 mining counters. The reason;
    2,152 words
  • 1016 21 rl eased in Penang on Saturday by $4.37* to $776.37 J per picul and showed a net gain on balance for the week of $1.25. It was a week of see-sawing prices which followed the previous period when the spectacular advance was halted and reversed.
    1,016 words
  • 38 21 ON tne free exchange market in Hong Kong on Saturday the U.S. dollar was quoted at 5.75:1 for T.T. and S 74i for cash. Sterling was quoted at 16.03 tnd one tasl of gold at 2501
    38 words
  • 34 21 KI'RKKK TIN (per lb.) (per picul I. May 24. 73 t cts. $780.00 25. 73>,cts. $787.25 26. 74'xcts. J774.50 27. 73 7 H cts. $780.87 28. 73% cts. $778.75 29 $776.37 Ji
    34 words
  • 727 21 rIE following is a complete list of revised quotations for the week ended on Friday. May 28: INDUSTRIALS UNITT TRUSTS (Mansgers' Prices) First Malayyan 1.91 201 Second Malayan 1.34 1.44 Third Malayan 1 00 1.10 Malaysia Commerce .*2 S3 xd First Hong Kong 1.03 l.0«« Second
    727 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 1379 21 JOHOR J.K.R. MINISTRY OF DEFENCE TENDER NOTICE. TENDER NO T.CE Tenders from Class BX" and T»nri»r« >r« invited for the above JKR. Registered Contrac- upp T y n *^^r^W^ltt'to tors will be received at the office h An<ric«tan T»nt»ra BersenlmU of the JURUTERA NEGERI. V}£i a^i« Tentera Bersenjaia J.K.R.. JOHOR.
      1,379 words
    • 722 21 NOTICES NOTICE For the Information of clients and agents we advise that the following persons are no longer employed by us with cocci from the 31st May 1965, and consequently have no authority to transact business or collect money on our behalf. Charles Dlas Tan Boon Kirn Veo Slew Keng
      722 words
    • 358 21 TENDERS TENDER NOTICE SI PPLY. I)KLIVI:KV AMI INM AU.ATION OF FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENTS AND KIT- llr.N EQUIPMENTS FOR IHK TELECOMS TRAINING CENTRE, JALAN GUKNI M \I.A LIMI'IK Tenders lor the above will be received by the Diretior General of TeleconimunicH'.ioii.s Uo. ment of Malaysia, Telecoms Head> quarteis. Bukit .mala Lumpur
      358 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 527 22 AMPAT TIN DREDGING THE PENANG TURF CLUB LIMITED AMATEIR RACE MEETING 1961 incorporated in England) s.VTI HI) AY 12TU Jl'N'E 198! ENTRIES close at 11' O'clock Now NOTICE Ls hereby given that Thursday. 3rd June. 1965. at the lorllx-omlnK Annual Oeneral Meeting to be held on the USUAL SI UNLIMITED
      527 words
    • 769 22 NOTICE NOTICE NEWSPRINT STKIPPLVGS AND KEEL ENDS The Straits Times free* i (Maiaya) Limited HI Jalao Pudu Kuala Lumpur oflers tor salt a quantity of newsprint stripping.and reel ends. Further details ma? oe obtained from the office manager. Tel: X.L ***** Ex. 28. PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS LEMBAGA LETRIK PUSAT RNObOMO PEGAWAI
      769 words
    • 720 22 I NOTICES THE BENTA RUBBER ESTATES LIMITED (Incorporated in the States of Malaya) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an interim dividend of 1%, less tax, has been declared by the Directors in respect of the finan- J I cial year ending 30th September, 1965. payable on 29th June. 1965, to
      720 words
    • 753 22 NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN I that as from Monday. 31iU May 1965:- COLUMBIA FILMS (FEDERA- TION) LTD. wiU be known as COLUMBIA FILMS OF I MALAYSIA LTD. And Also, let tt be known jtnat:— 1 All business previously transacted by COLUMBIA FILMS OF SINGAPORE LTD. will henceforth be
      753 words
    • 311 22 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT KERETAPI TANAH MELAYU VACANCY FOR A TELEPHONE OPERATOR Applications are invited from unmarried Female Federal Citizens who have attained their 16th but not their 22nd birthday for appointment as Telephone Operator in the Chief Mechanical Engineering Department ol the Malayan Railway Administration on the salary scale ot $104
      311 words
    • 341 22 PINDAAN KENYATAAN TAWARAN, JKR. PAHANG Tawaran di- pclawa dan akan di terima daripada Pemborong2 yang sasusai dalam daftar Kepala 11 (Bangunan) J.K.R. hingga pukol 3.00 petang pada lOhb Jun. 1965 > bagi berbagai kerja di-bawah tahun. 1965 Rachangan Sekolah Anika Jurusan dalam d;urah2 dan di bawah i peratoran yang terchatit
      341 words

    • 2068 23  - Entertainment V storms to a neck win Epsom Jeep: RACING by Ipoh. Sunday gHAW Stable's Entertainment V to- j" day underlined his chances in next Sunday's 12f Perak Derby by scoring a spectacular neck win from the odds o n favourite, Parakee, in the BJf| handicap for Class 1, Div.
      2,068 words
    • 175 23 24 COLTS LEFT IN EPSOM —DERBY- LONDON. Sun. There were 24 colts left in the Derby at, the three-day declaration stage yesterday. There were no surprise withdraw The race, to be run over 12t at Epsom on Wednesday wih be Worth a tot*] of £77.060. Witt] he winner a prize
      Reuter  -  175 words
    • 24 23 MALACCAi Sun— The Malacca Badminton Association will hold Its annual meeting at the Malacca BA Hall on June 14 at 7.30 pm.
      24 words
    • 42 23 TOTAL POOL: $99,150 l«t No. *****9 ($24,53!>, No. *****8 (812,269) 3rd No. *****5 6,134) < STARTERS ($852 each I: Nos. *****3, *****2, *****2. *****0, *****0, *****5. *****0, *****1. Consolation ($477) Nos. *****7. *****6, *****2, *****6, *****8, *****3, *****6, *****5. *****6. *****7.
      42 words
    • 129 23 SYDNEY. Sun. Result* of Australian Association football matches played today: Representative match Australian World Cup XI 1 Chelsea NSW North Dlv. I— Cessnock I Cardiff 4; L. Macquarie 1 WaUsend 1; Newcastle 1 Awaba 4; West Wallsend 4 Weston 1. NSW Federation D«v. I— Hakoah 0 Polonia
      Reuter  -  129 words
    • 241 23 SOCCER SUBSTITUTES WILL BE ALLOWEB NEXT SEASON IN ENGLAND LONDON, Sun. Substitutes will be allowed in English League football next season for the first time in the history of British soccer. This revolutionary move was decided by the clubs at the annual meeting of the Football League here yesterday. The
      Reuter  -  241 words
    • 23 23 PENANG, Sun.— The Penang Open billiards championships, sponsored by the Old Xaverlans" Association, will be held here from June to August.
      23 words
    • 23 23 IPOH. Sun. Sixteen teams have entered for the Perak HA six-a-side tournament which begins on the Municipal padang here <n Wednesday.
      23 words
    • 162 23 DARIS, Sun.— Fred Stolle. W:m- bledon runner-up last year, won his first major title yesterday when he beat Tony Roche In the all-Australian men's singles final of the French lawn tennis championships here. Siolle. 26. who has frequently been runner-up in the world's lending
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    • 25 23 yERA CASLAVSKA shows winning form in the European gymnastics championships in Sofia, Bulgaria, last week. She won the allround combined title.— U.P.l, picture.
      25 words
    • 125 23 ■MODESTO, California, Sun. Two world records inre broken at the international athletics meeting here last night by Hal Connolly in the hammer eveni. and Ralph Boston In the long jump. Connolly, a gold medal winner at the Melbourne Olympics in 1956. beat his 1962 record when he
      Reuter  -  125 words
    • 377 23 NZ put up a gallant fight T ONDON, Sun. New Zealand, forced to follow on 319 runs behind, fought back gallantly against England on the third day of the First Test at Birmingham yesterday but everything still points to a comfortable England win tomorrow. On a pitch taking a fair
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 265 23 Speaking of Comfort... A •flight on a mighty THAI INTERNATIONAL Caravelle jet is the comfortable culmination of years of research and more than half a decade of Caravelle operation by leading airline th'Cjg n out the 1. A perfect setting for the famed Royal Orchid Service, with superb cuisine, fine
      265 words
    • 112 23 BETTER LIVING He may not be very big yet, but h;i. mother knows that he will always be fit and strong because his food is fresh arid germ-free in her Mitsubishi refi igerator which has a s>ert!izing lamp 64 times stronger than natural sunlight in destroying o \*Moa, bacteria *>
      112 words

    • 168 24 Ihr matcti Mr, de Silva told the Timcspon that be was certain that Mahai was ollsidc. Trie matcli was thriller irom lie start. Both team aitacki <J m turn but were '.nmblr to ■core against sturdy defence?. Sclangor bad tUgbt >ciK" over Permk p.. I ui>d half. TABLES
      168 words
    • 200 24 REFEREE SAYS: I AM CERTAIN IT WAS OFFSIDE— BUT 10,000 CROWD DISAGREE IPOH, Sunday. GOAL disallowed by the referee, Greg de Sih a of Singapore, sparked unruly scenes at the end of the Malaya Cup north zone match between Perak and Selangor at Stadium
      200 words
    • 927 24 HOUGHTON'S 84 n.o. HELPS SRC TO DRA W CRICKET ROUND-UP 4 sound 84 not out by Malaysia's opening bats- man Steve Houuhton. his highest this season, was the feature of today's key match between Singapore Recreation Club and RAF Seletar in the SCA senior tournament which ended in a draw
      927 words
    • 214 24 SINGAPORE. Sunday. JOINT SERVICES and Johore, who lost all their J first round matches, got a point each today when they drew 2-2 in their south zone Malaya Cup second round match at Jalan Besar Stadium Services looked the better side In this match. In fact,
      214 words
    • 232 24 Penang hit top gear after the interval DENANG, Sun— Penang kept up their challenge for leadership in the north rone of the Malaya Cup with a 4-0 home win over Armed Forces here today. Penang adopted "wearing out" tactia which paid off hand•xmely. They allowed Force* to Xt the pace
      232 words
    • 199 24 Stanton gets late winner for Malacca VI ALA CCA. Sun. ITI A seventy-fifth minute goal by in-side-left Jack Stanton enabled Malacca to beat Negri Sembilan 4-3 in a Malaya Cup south zone soccer match at Kubu Stadium here today. At one stage Malacca led 3-0 but Neßri Sembilan staged a
      199 words
    • 100 24 HONGKONG. Sun. The 'Isiting Malaysian women's football team tonight defeated All-Hong-kong 1-0 in their first match of a three game series against the Colony. An estimated 9.000 crowd Mtw M la's inside-neht Rosalind Ong netting the solitary goal In the first half. Hongkong women fought gallantly
      100 words
    • 17 24 I,A LUPMUR. Sun The Malaysian national tennis tmhins will br h^l ib courts here on
      17 words
    • 338 24  -  F. EMMANUEL LIM BACK FROM LONDON SAYS: By I^UALA LUMPUR, Sun. The FIFA Committee of Study will stron gly recommend that Asia and Africa be given an extra seat each on the executive committee of the world soccer federation. According to
      338 words
    • 577 24 SINGAPORE. Sun. Tony Goodwin, driv- ing a Lola Ford, won the F.T.D. award at the Sirvgapore Motor Club's Gap Hill Climb today with the time of 45.755er Goodwin set the fastest time of the day In his second run when winning
      577 words
    • 184 24 Low wins Lake Cup by 3 strokes J^UALA LUMPUR. Biin. N.F. Lov:. (handicap 18), won the Lak« Cup in the 36 -ho 1 c stroke play competition at the Royal Selaneor Golf Club course today. Low carded a total of 140 to win by three strokes from C. H. Teoh.
      184 words
    • 58 24 DINIJi MAHTHA b»lov«l mother and Iv. ihia RaMeottfM Road Oktkaaral ■>' «l«v ::i isks aT pn K.dadari. I mv mihvon n-.. nr linear en m rrornilK I. m .1 f m MADAM ANTHO'H- Arhiammal Wo lata Manir» im 4abn 1 Funeral from IHi- "-.r^nt to rhurt-h of ihr Blaaaad
      58 words