The Straits Times, 28 May 1965

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 23 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 145,000 The Straits Times .Hot*** 1 Estd. 1845. FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1965 15 CENTS KDN 1189 M.C.(P). 1003
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  • 363 1 Tengku defends his Vietnam policy KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Tengku Abdul Rahman today defended his policy on South Vietnam and said it was "u n f o r t u n at e" that Malaysia could not help the wartorn country more because of her own commitments on confrontation. The Tengku
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  • 957 1 Day-long row in Parliament over clash of views between Mr. Lee Kuan Yew and Dato Syed Ja'afar REPORT ON THE DEBATE BEGINS IN PAGE 6 By Our Parliamentary Reporters: 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. A PAP move to censure the Central Government over the Yang di-Pertu-an Agong's Speech
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  • 285 1 THAT KAYO: WAS IT A KARATE BLOW? T ONDON. Thurs. Sonny Liston was knocked out by a karate blow of the kind that can kill or paralyse a man, the Sun newspaper claimed here today. The Sun said Cas.sius Clay's "twister punch" was developed from karate, the deadly Japanese method
    Reuter  -  285 words
  • 47 1 LONDON. Thurs Mr E.P. iJohn> Eades. 49, left here by air for Hong Kong today to become Far East representative of Cable and Wireless Ltd. He arrives in Hong Kong on May 31 to take up the post, which is a new one.
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  • 49 1 JAKARTA. Thurs.— About 20 members of Uie "Independent Malaya Movement" demonstrated In orderly fashion outside the Japanese Embassy here today. A delegation of the demonstrators was allowed <nto the embassy to present a petition addressed to the Japanese Prime Minister, urging Japan not to support Malaysia. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 28 1 TOKYO. Thurs— A gas explosion tore through the Ikoma coal mine 600 feet underground In Japan's main northern island ot Hokkaido today, killing four miners
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  • 49 1 BRUNEI TOWN. Thurs— Field I Marshal Sir Richard Hull. Brltain's Chief of Defence Staff-de-signate, inspected border outposts of Bario in Sarawak and Long Pasla In Sabnh today He is on a Borneo tour and files i to Labuan and Kuching totnor- I row. UPI.
    UPI  -  49 words
  • 185 1 'One voice' hint by Senu KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Inche Senu bin Abdul Rahman, said today that the Central Government is "seriously" thinking of having only "one voice" for television and radio. He was speaking in the House of Representatives in reply to Singapore's Prime
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  • 473 1 MANHUNT AS INDON BOMB IS FIRED By JACKIE SAM, PHILIP KHOO and ABDUL FAZIL: SINGAPORE. Thursday A 25 II). Indonesian bomb was exploded in the sea off Singapore this afternoon by bomb experts while a big manhunt continued for Indonesian infiltrators in the port area. It began last night. The
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  • 113 1 XL ALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Two timebombs, each containing about "JO Ib. of explosi\«-v were found under a bridge at the Bth mile Klang Road here this afternoon. The (li>to\cr\ was made by a policeman patrollinc the area at 3.30 He informed I'italinc Java police station
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  • 78 1 Warships blast Red targets. SAIGON. Thurs— Four troyers of the IS. Seventh Fleet have shelled Communist Vietcong coastal targets in the first use of American warships in the Vietnam conflict. I U.S. military spokesman said today. The four destroyers carried out fixed firinu missions in the coastal areas of Binh
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 373 1 Kiwis now South Vietnam \yi-LLI NGTON, T h 11 r s. The Prime Minister, Mr. Keith Holyoake, :mnoiinced today that New Zealand will send combat troops to South Vietnam. It was proposed to send an artillery battery to assist the forces fighting for South Vietnam. His announcement in the House
    Reuter; AP  -  373 words
  • 39 1 ENCLAND 232-3 LONDON. Thurs. England were 232 for three wickets at close on opening il.iy of first test agates! New Zealand at EdgtMUten. Boycott made li.irber 11, Dexter 64, Barrin^ton <>1 ti o and Coudrev 11 no.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 158 1 GERMANY'S IN FASHION Jt AVAHAIU IN MODEL SR-18EGH J22SRSK 5-7 Persons SPORE $48.00 s.?el fo r FED. 55.00 Ljjii^i NATIONAL FULLY AUTOMATIC RICE COOKERS A Frre Drniomiratiiin will l>e givrn u|»"ii your f^^^^fe requtsi ji cur NATIONAL Showroom, 12? j North Bridge Road. Ihe latest nodell NATIONAL Automatic Rice Cookers
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    • 51 2 I LUSAKA. Thurs— The United Nations Special Committee en Colonialism today called on Britain to save the lives of people condemned to death under Rhodesia's Law and Order Maintenance Act. A resolution which It approved also called (or the release of all political prisoners In
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    • 47 2 CHICAGO. Thurs Tornadoes hit several communities in the Chicago aren today. damaging homes and other property. A bus was blown against two power line poles, a car was swept off a road, and a tractor was lifted into the air. No-one was injured. Reuter-
      Reuter  -  47 words
    • 298 2 'We'll be at Algiers' say the Russians TOKYO, Thursday. RADIO Moscow said yesterday that the Soviet Union plans to attend the second Afro-Asian conference in Algiers over China's objections. In a broadcast beamed to Japan, it said: "The Soviet Union considers it its international duty to take part in the
      Reuter  -  298 words
    • 103 2 Iraq drops its flag and anthem to adopt Nasser's OEIRUT, Thurs. Iraq yesterday dropped its flag and National Anthem and took up those of President Nasser's United Arab Republic. Baghdad Radio renorted. The action fffective Immediately was taken within tlv- framework of a programme to unite the two countries. Joint
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    • 188 2 ARAB ROW OVER 'EXPEL TUNISIA' QUESTION r«AIRO, Thurs. Heated discussions over the question of expelling Tunisia from the Arab League marked the opening session of the Arab Premiers Conference here yesterday. Sources close to the conference said the Moroccan Foreign Minister. Mr. Ahmad Ben Hlma, challenged the right of Mr.
      AP  -  188 words
    • 39 2 PEKING. Thurs—The Chinese. Foreign Ministry has Issued Its 384 th serious warning to the US over the intrusion today of two American military planes Into the airspace over Kwangtung province, the New China News Agency reported—Reuter.
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    • 87 2 pAIRO. Thurs. Jewels worth thousands of pounds, reported in the Press here to have been secreted in a transistor radio aboard the Pakistani Boeing airliner which crashed here last week, have now been found, the Egyptian Middle East News Agency reported. The
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    • 216 2 Soviet A-A missile site No. 2 in Hanoi: Rusk VLT A S H I NGTON, Thurs. Mr. Dean Rusk, the Secretary of State, yesterday disclosed indications that the Soviet Union had stepped up its military support of North Vietnam by constructing a second anti-aircraft missile site near Harpl. He coupled
      Reuter  -  216 words
    • 97 2 MANILA. Thurs. The municipal council In nearby Lucena City has passed an ordinance prohibiting aliens from establishing business stores In certain parts of the city. It was passed after some students held a rally demanding the designation of certain areas for alien
      Reuter  -  97 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 283 2 These quality features make the finest air-conditioners Compare them and you will find thai GENERAL ELECTRIC is the best value for your money f*QSx*''*- .^tfß^dß^B^L^B^kT^ !(M j^r Made in U.S.A. 1. EXCLUSIVE 6.E. ROTARY COMPRESSOR engineered and built by G.E. to give you quiet, velvet-smooth cooling power. Proven by 8
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    • 139 2 It's good to be thirty To be young and vigorous, with great hopes for the future. One of those hopes is, of course, that when the time comes to retire, you will still be active-and have the money to enjoy your leisure to the full. Now is the time to
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 102 3 Their church— lion's cage IT happened in the parish of d'Ars, Milansomething that surely has never happened before in the history of the Roman Catholic Church or of the circus: Three children took their first communion in the lion's cage. They are the children of performers m the Orfei Circus,
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    • 146 3 I|TARSAW, Thurs. A mass grave containing the bodies of hundreds of victims of Nazi atrocities has been found at Rakow, Polish newspapers reported. The fcrave was found when walls of a sand quarry col- j lapsed after heavy rain. The Polish Communist Party newspaper
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    • 37 3 MEXICO CITY I*hurs Two hundred and forty resident doctors and interns at a hospital here' were among 500 hospital staff dismissed throughout Mexico yes-' terday for defying a Government ultimatum to end a five-week-old .strike—Renter.
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    • 44 3 HOLLYWOOD, Thurs.— Actress Jeanne Cram has given birth to her seventh child, a boy weighing 81b. lloz. The birth on Tuesday came on her 40th birthday. She and her husband. Industrialist Paul Brinkman, have three other boys and three girls.—Reuter.
      Reuter  -  44 words
    • 32 3 LONDON. Thurs.—Mr Jacques Rueff. the French monetary expert, yesterday urged the doubling of the price of gold in an eflori to end international pressure on the dollar and sterling.
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    • 251 3 Theory on cancer— by the man who beat polio YORK. Thim.— Dr. Jonas Salk, whose vaccine against polio brought him world fame, has now published a theory aDout cancer. The 50 year old re. searcher, .showered w th international honours tor the serum which did much to abate the polio
      Reuter  -  251 words
    • 41 3 NASSAU Thurs —Actress Luclana P.tluzzi. making the James Bond film "ThunderbaH" in the Bahamas, says shark rldini? is the latest sport in the islands It's too scary, she said. So she tried riding a giant turtle Instead.—A.P
      AP  -  41 words
    • 57 3 CARACAS. Thurs. Italian Or Alessandro Beltramini and his Spanish girl friend Jotefa Ventosa were deported to Italy last nignt after 48 days In Jail on suspicion of bringing funds to Venezuelan Communists for subversive purposes Detectives escorted the couple Into an Italian airline plane and handed
      AP  -  57 words
    • 244 3 'All-Cyprus union with Greece— or a holocaust' NICOSIA, Thursday. PRESIDENT Archbishop Makarios declareu here last night that either all Cyprus would be united with Greece, or the whole island would be burned in a holocaust. He criticised the current Greek-Turkish talks on a Cyprus settlement in an address to thousands
      AP  -  244 words
    • 80 3 I ONDON I'hurs Mabel L Phillips 71 -year-old spinster vho lives on a £4 15s. weekly pension and public assistance, yesterday won £93.090 on the soccer pools At this time of the year when there Is no soccer In Britain, punters predict the results of games LH
      AP  -  80 words
    • 165 3 WA S H I N GTON. Thurs. The Senate yesterday passed a Bill to guarantee voting rights to all Americans, regardless of race or colour. Voting was 77 to 19 and came after five weeks of debate in which Southern senators sought to block the
      Reuter  -  165 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 181 3 Latest Good News B ir*l Ever 1965 SINGAPORE LIQUOR QUEEN CONTEST Jointly Sponsored by 14 Singapore Restaurants This is to inform the public that we, the following 14 Restaurants will jointly sponsor a 1965 Singapore Liquor Queen Contest. The purpose for holding such a Contest is to promote Singapore's tourist
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    • 448 3 The Greatest Name in s German Electronics! 5 jj 20 beautiful Models ji to choose from! I jA I I DIPLOMAT 1 A fc«lN«IUf o* Hw NORDMINOE T«»«»i»ion Rt««i»er Ronq. with Puth Button Quick Action Chonnel Selector. It it modern in d««iqn and hot grootott operating convenience. Wrth 42 functions
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  • 585 4 Judge rules cautioned statements by 3 admissible NANNY RAPE CASE SINGAPORE. Thurs. CAUTIONED statements said to have been made to the police by three men, arrested in connection with the rape and robbery of a 51-year-old British nanny, were admitted today at their continued trial: before Mr. Justice Ambrose at
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  • 36 4 SINGAPORE. Thurs.— The Ministry of Culture will give free film shows at Sekolah Padang Terbakar. Sing Hwa School In Llm Tua Tow Road and Wei Sin School tomorrow. All shows begin at 7.30 p.m.
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  • 250 4 SINGAPORE, Thurs— Mr. Lam Thian, president of the Cotton Products Association, today denied the. suggestion of the Lancashire cotton Industry that the textiles quota the British Board of Trade had granted Malaysia had Increased her export quota of cotton goods to Britain. He was referring
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  • 304 4 SINGAPORE. Thurs.— A former accountant with the office of the Church of England, Diocese of Singapore and Malaya, St. Andrew's Cathedral, was today jailed for five months on each of four charges of criminal breach of trust amounting to $2,003. Chelllah Yesudlan Selvadural. 52.
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  • 308 4 SINGAPORE, Thurs. THE chairman of the Automobile Association of Singapore. Mr. Milton Tan today agreed that the introduction of "contract carriage licences" would help solve the problem of transportation for school children and stamp out the pirate taxi menace. He was commenting on
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  • 153 4 SINGAPORE, Thurs.— The O Malaysian Command of the Salvation Army today began a five -day celebration to mark the movement's centenary and the 30th anniversary of Its founding in Singapore. During tne next four days, open air mass meetIngs, musical programmes, salvation meetings
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  • 49 4 SINGAPORE, Thurs The Armco tunnel at Clement! Road was completed today. As the Bailey bridge there U to be removed, motorists are advised not to use that part of the road between Clementi, Bukit Timah and I'lu Pandan roads from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. tomorrow.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 304 4 LAST 2 DAYS! atcapitol: v«. I WC/ (SINGAPORE) f* _rf_ THE MIRISCK _f-»f^yLK_WL- CORPORATION The price for uncovering the secret of I J« The Satan Bug conns hieh KQt/J? LIFE! QD Xi_i/J GEORGE MAHARIS RICHARD BASEHART ANNE FRANCIS DAHAAHDR^ W S_; fiaw "LIDO (Spore OPENS TODAY LT,U ■GUARANTEED TO GIVE
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    • 339 4 r-CATHAY". tomohrob .--PALACE-^ '—AT 11.45P.M.--' MIDNIGHT! 12.15A.M WHEN SHIRLEY MicLAINE LANDS IN A HAREM ...YOU'RE IN FOR A WHIRL OF WONDERFUL, WILD MADCAP FUN! r <- SHWIHMacLAINL PETER us^ richard mm.J,:' m _j6 ■ww scon ww mv^ 'fit Enchanting, Captivating, Scintillating LAILA and The Dancing Sirens iSt, iK Jfc US
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    • 510 4 HOW SHOWING! d s A h&s l.OO, 4.30 8.30p.m. BROUGHT BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! TOMORROW MIDNIGHT! CATHAY PALACE I 11.45 P.M. 12.15 A.M. John Goldfarb Please Come Home Shirley MocLoin. P t Ustinov C> "(•'no Scope COLOR (Fox). \mv Minn »<.: 1 30, 4.00, 6 30 t 9.1 S p.m.
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  • 63 5 Employment survey next month KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. The Government Is to conduct an employment survey next month. I This is an annual survey and only samDle households in five of the largest towns in Malaya have been chosen. These are Kuala Lumpur '(including Petaling Jaya). Georgetown, Ipoh, Klang and Johore
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  • 295 5 Anti-sabotage steps to be extended PRIVATE ESTABLISHMENTS T00... KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday J THK Central Government is to extend its antisabotage measures now in full force at vital installations and public buildings to certain private establishments. These should be in Category One of the vital installations list being compiled by the
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  • 202 5 Afro- Asians to aid Malaysia? 'Splendid idea' says expert SINGAPORE, Thursday. 4 BRITISH expert on defence affairs. Mr. Leonard Beaton, yesterday welcomed as a 'splendid idea" the proposal to get Afro-Asian troops to help Malaysia protect its territorial integrity and sovereignty against Indonesian confrontation. However. he doubted whether the Afro-Asian
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  • 97 5 Speaker to preside at language forum PENANG. Thurs. The Speaker of the Penang State Assembly. Haji Sulei- man bin Haji Ahmad, will I nreside at a national language forum in the Youth Civics Centre in Farquhar Street on Sunday night. The subject: "1965 as the interim year for making the
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  • 42 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Thieves broke into Shut Kat and Co. in High Street here and stole I 30 cine-cameras, and tripods worth over 96.000. They also took $420 from the petty cash drawer and several rolls of film.
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  • 68 5 PENANG. Thurs. Prnung's four waterfront workers' unions with a total membership of about 5.000 arr to merge into a single organisation Following a series of meetings sponsored by the Prnang division of the MTUC. the Penan* Boatmen* I num. Prai Wharf Workers' Union. Penang Stevedore* and Dock
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  • 70 5 SINGAPORE. Thins. About '500 waitre.sse.s working in 14 barn j and restaurants in Singapore will take part m a "Bar Queen" conI test the first in the State. Patrons of these bars and restaurants will be given ballot papers from June 15 to Sept. 15
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  • 286 5 Bring back that old Emergency Regulation: Miners IPOH. Thurs. With 1 the high price of tin, ore thefts have increased and miners feel the Government should re-introduce an old Emergency Regulation against such pilfering. Mr. D. R. Mitchell, outgoing president of he F.M.S. Chamber of Mines, said this at its
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  • 43 5 IPOH. Thun -A $100 contribution to the National Defence Fund from the Perak Hydro Employees' Union was presented io the Mentrl Besar M Perak. Dato Ahmad bin Said, by ;ts president. Syed Lope bin Sveci Hamzah. and two other officials here.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 239 5 New Delhi Four direct flights from Bangkok via convenient connecting carrier. Superb service bilingual cabin attendants cuisine by Maxim's of Paris and, most important, you fly with Pan Am's Priceless Extra of Experience. feu Yon're better off with Pan Am j9 world's most experienced airline Beirut Daily flights direct from
      239 words
    • 393 5 START ANEW I INTEREST IN LIFE ENJOY A SAFE I FROM A DEPOSIT ACCOUNT I Your money earn* the maximum i»fe »nd surf rale of ft*: wh«« I >ou place it in Deposit Account »ith LOMBARD BANkINO. I n,. i K. Income T»x will be deducted; your money and vouf
      393 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 1523 6 PARLIAMENT: Second day of the debate on the King's Speech By Our Parliamentary Reporters Kuala Lumpur, Thursday SINGAPORE'S Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, today told the House of Representatives of the necessity for making alternative arrangements "the sooner the better"
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  • 2509 6 Devan urges Govt: Think again on that ban on strikes Penang. Malacca and other parts of Malaysia to their tender mercie.s. We cannot, üblige. We will nol. We need the juxtaposition of strength and weakness
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 53 6 «dfcg»j YOU MEET THE NICEST PEOPLE ON A HONDA TBB B9"V^^WHI K_*y A m •^B^^i fill V in t 9 P^ g r^^ y^i'fc Ba>^ ny mnini) V/ii? hflfhs sSr**vfl sJ' lyj^W J jßf V^m y %J Sf fJ T T x7 X^^X World's Largest Motorcycle Manufacturer HONDA MOTOR CO..
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 13 7 SUN GLASS STYLES 1965 ;;;Hi::::;:::::::::::::::::::::ii:jyiiii;y;:;: Obtainable at all leading opticians. FOR LONGER LIFE
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    • 196 7 It's time you j3^.^ %jff£\ Ai illustrotedt it "^•rW^ Th n w GR ANBY wo me<M wtf^Tu with tr nsiitor *">"•<"? «>*•• men t and in elegant black, with polished brass points and At illustrated: gleaming brass plated dial. The luxurious TAVISTOCK with the new slim line electric movement, available
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  • 384 8 A trust is set up for blinded tin mine kepala TPOH, Thurs.—A trust fund is being set up rrom public donations for Mr. Lee Swee Chong, 31, the tin mine kepala whose eyes were gouged out by robbers earlier this year. The total collected by newspapers and from other sources
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  • 27 8 MALACCA, Thurs. Gift parcels worth about $400 will be distributed to welfare and children's homes here on the Yang di-Per-tuan Agong's birthday next Wedi nesday.
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  • 108 8 $800 cheque •pENANO. Thurs. India* 1 njarathon cyclist. Blbl Jahn. was presented with a cheque for $800 by the Mayor of George Town. Mr. C. Y. Choy. at the Parents Association School yesterday. Mr. Choy thanked Blbl for her services to the school and handed her
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  • 44 8 N-Service— the fifth batch KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. The fifth batch of 760 National Servicemen will begin military training at Slginting Camp. Port Dickson tomorrow. Of the total Intake, 30 are from Sarawak. 16 from Sabah. 86 from Singapore and the rest i from Malaya.
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  • 30 8 PENANG. Thurs.— A 23-year-old Jamaican airman. Amos S Miller of the Royal Air Force. Butterworth, has embraced Islam and is now known a* Amo* Miller bin Abdullah.
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  • 198 8 I KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. A CONSIDERABLE amount" of TNT was found scattered over the bridge near the junction of Lornie and Brickfields Roads here after an exexplosion last night. Police, who found it during investigations early this morning, confirmed that it was of Russian origin. The
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  • 168 8 42 WOMEN FROM KAUM IBU TO JOIN TERRIERS PENANG. Thurs. Fortytwo members of the Penan? Kaum Ibu will join the Penang Territorial Army on Monday. They will assemble at I'm no Hall at 2.30 p.m. and then march to the Territorial Army headquarters in Peel Avenue. The State Ka-im Ibu
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  • 41 8 SINGAPORE. Thurs.—Dr. C. W. Chen has been elected governor ot district 308 of the Lions club International. He will represent the Malayi sian Lion Clubs at the annual convention in Los Angeles from July 7 to July 10.
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  • 132 8 LONDON, Thurs. 1 rrHE Sultan of Brunei is expected to return home this weekend after a round of talks here on a ministerial system of government for Brunei. The Sultan had informal talks here yesterday with Mr. Arthur Bottomley. the Commonwealth Relation* Secretary, during a
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 162 8 The night a hungry tiger roamed in Raub OAUB, Thurs. A tiger came to town last Sunday night, triggering off a tiger scare here. The beast had obviously wandered about the town In search of food. No one was aware of the prowler until a partially eaten goat was found
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  • 84 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs^The Malaysian Signals U looking for ex-servicemen I from the Malaysian Armed Forces or tho British Army for re-enllstment In the rapidly expanding regiment. Vacancies exist for drivers, i electrician drivers, linesmen, technU il storemen and non-trades-men. Applicants should be under 39 years
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  • 36 8 KANGAR. Thurs. A team ttt youth leaders from various clut» In Perlis will visit Malacca from June 21 to June 24 to attend th» Mandl Saiar festival at Tanjong Kling: and visit historical spota.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 252 8 k, JBITE^M It's rugged. It's a tyre with teeth in it. It's the Dunlop R.K.9. With thousands <J& of extra miles in its every inch with Dunlop know-how in its every rib designed v and made especially for Malaysian truckers in Malaysia by Malaysians. DUNLOP What's different about the NEW
      252 words
    • 84 8 V dm mk 0 vili LU^^P"'" I^^^ Slimming pfJ V Fret Patten Service Be Your Daughter's Oor Old Ftflcs-Do We Fashioi Fling Bosom Friend Ctre Enough For Tne«? v The Reptile Look W^M Are You A Difficult Mate? Delectable Dishes -A Malaysian I=3 23 Kitchen Special In Colour Talking Shop
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  • 443 9 KUALA LUMPUR. ThursdayFederal Court of Appeal today granted conditional leave to Mr. C. V. Devan Nair to appeal to the Privy Council over a judgment against him in a matter involving his election to Parliament. Mr Nair. represented by Mr
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  • 122 9 Envoy: Nehru's lesson to us... I/UAUV LUMPUR, Thurs. 1 Officials and staff of the Indian High Commission here assembled on the Chancery lawn this mornlng to pay tribute to the memory of Mr. Nehru, the late Prime Minister of India The Deputy High Commissioner. Mr. Mah boob Ahmed, said that
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  • 24 9 PENANG. Thura. The Staff Islamic Religion Council has distributed $60,000 In ntrah money < tithe* i 10 needy Muslims in the State
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  • 170 9 The dogs of war impress a dog expert CINGAPORE. Thurs.— Trained war dogs are playing an Invaluable role In checking Indonesian infiltration along the borders of Sarawak and Sabah. according to Mr. Stanley Dargerfleld. an International dcg show Judge. He has Just returned af- ter a short visit to Kuchlng.
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  • 63 9 SINGAPORE. Thurs. -The Yang di-Pertuan Negara. Tun Yusof bin Ishak. his wife. Toh Puan Noor Aishah and the Minister for National Development. Dm'o Mm Kirn San. will be guests of honour at the Singapore In.«*itute of Architects' annual dinner tomorrow. Mr. will also be the gnes' speaker
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  • 24 9 IPOM. rnur.» Tllr Peru* branch of the National Onion of Commercial Worker.- will hold its annual mreMng here tomorrow at SIS pm.
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  • 197 9 SINGAPORE. ThumThere has been a marked increase in the number of tourist* visiting Singapore. The number of visitors In the first two months of this year shows an Increase of about 17 per cent ove.r the same period last year. Hotels
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  • 266 9 i SINGAPORE, Thurs. i CINGAPOREV Minister to r Culture. Mr. S. Rajaratnam. said last night that the Singapore Government I had not breached any constitutional arrangements agreed to between the State and the Central Government in connection with 1 the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 48 9 I 11 BOAC AT YOUR ©LMWUUaL __r Wf^^^^Br^Jm/^ JjP^^» 'J_— Kf- 1; j __R^*^^i ____H M___3> __r^ '_i JB D^k___ 4ft ***^^_H r _____f*v_^ -_m___R___L^ ____V^^_B___R_fc __Cv ijt <^H_____n ____i -m.- vi R^___r__i 1 <mw^ ____W _w '*_____P ___F^ S Jmr BY SUPREME BOAC TRIUMPHANTLY SWIFT SILENT SERENE
      48 words
    • 67 9 BOAC iIDW mg BBMHHMMi mm '^If&m*** ~|<^^^ with the most experienced pilots the most advanced aircraft with Rolls-Royce power and superb service For more details of BOAC'S services, consult your local BOAC Appointed Travel Agent or Malaysian Airways (General Sale 6 Agents) Telephone Singapore ***** Kuala Lumpur ***** ALL
      67 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 186 9 1//#» V Onp a,, y m 7; Unntfin rrasunE be/yem? wai,a»_-^WR-tIHOPE M^ I on. doi/tvicrry,] yes sir! we're from now on, LT /a NICE TO SET ON. ..THE t*O4»*S J OSPMTrURE WtVTV OOP-.WEVE GOT SETTING UP A WE'LL DO ALL /^A I *OBOT? BACK HOME 1 AH. READY HAJJPICAP >OUR
      186 words

  • 45 10 it W.rdt SIS (Miniwutm) PETER CNIN n.. UNO, S4. >Ulld <v on ?«s«i X p m Iravlnt b«- Tit wife, i' nil, 2 dauchttr* »nd a "inla-U*. Corttg* lf»ve» 3,^. \joront M for Holy Kamlljr Church »t 4 p m ">ir» to Bldadiirl C*mH*rt
    45 words
  • 57 10 Word, SIS (Minimum l THE FAMILY OF tha lata Mr. \r. i>rk ivni thnnk rvlatlvM and frirnda for their rondolanrci, wraatn*. liinatlona. nlfht-vliita. anmitanc* and ttmdanra at th« funeral 3NO/LT. AND MRS. NP. Nalr • all rclatlvea and frir-ndi for thrlr valuable prmr-nta. (r*«tlngi. kio<l and full attrndanra on
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  • The Straits Times
    • 675 10 The armed forces purge and the Cabinet reshuffle ordered by the South Vietnamese i Prime Minister, Dr. Quat. follows the defeat last week of la plot to overthrow the Government. A connection probably exists between the two events, though it is far from obvious. The nine sacked
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    • 324 10 With two years still to go to the next Malaya-wide stir- j vey of employment, unem- ployment and under-employ-ment, tl;e success of next month's more modest oper- i ation is of considerable im- portance. In Kuala Lumpur (including Petaling Jaya), Georgetown, Ipoh, Klang and Johore Bahru enumerators j
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    • 220 10 The American Negro's right to vote in local as well as federal elections is now virtually assured. The Senate passed the bill guaranteeing this right easily this week, alter only five weeks of not very determined filibustering, j The House of Representatives, e\un more in President i Johnson's
      220 words
    • 193 10 Capital gainstax and sluggish trading THE long-awaited comments from the Malaysian Government in regard to the abolition of tax concessions given to overseas tax corporation appeared in the Sunday Times (May 23). Although lacking in clarity, it would seem that the memorandum to Mr. Bottomley for transmission to the Chancellor
      193 words
    • 101 10 J REFER to the letter by •Angry" (April 24*. In every case of renaming of streets, naming of new streets and renumberin* of houses, the postal authorities are informed. Obviously then, the letters which were meant for "Angry" must have borne the old <and not the latest) house
      101 words
    • 61 10 I SHOULD be glad lr "Worried," whose letter headed "No Teacher in Classroom" appeared in the Straits Times (May 24. would get in touchwith me. As far as Assisted Bchools are concerned, it Is not possible to do the Three-Year Lower Secondary Course leading to the Lower Certificate
      61 words
    • 98 10 WHEN several schools had become the victims of bomb hoaxes, the Police announced on many occasions that the trntors when caught would "be severely dealt with." Unfortunately after a boy had been convicted of sending a false alarm to his own school, his
      98 words
    • 121 10 THE attitude of the authorities of the State English schools' Hostel. Johore Bahru, in allocating places to students Is dismaying and discouraging. Recently a new H.B.C. class was opened up at the English College, Johore Bahru. Students from as far away as Kuala Lumpur make up this class.
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    • 45 10 I WOULD like to congratulate Television Malaysia i Kuala Lumpur) for transmitting their test pattern on Channel 6 for the entire evening (Wednesday May 19). I am sure no other television service in the world can beat this record. TAN CHOO KIAT Goprng
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  • 584 10  - Twelve months after Nehru... PETER JACKSON By NEW DELHI, Thurs INDIA has w e athered 12 months of crisis since the death of Jawaharlal Nehru, her first Prime Minister, a year ago today. Food shortages, and rising prices caused by the shortages have been the major problems for the Rovernmer.t
    Reuter; UP  -  584 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 696 10 Strain TiBM Malay Mag tIMaMM MnMIMMMI M *•■>«•« to COLO 9TORASI ffUPIW* MARKET Orch.'d RM4 (IhmllHlll OM«) COLD STORAOB BRANCH!* Al Holland Road »M| Naval !•■< Aaitfcarlaad «*•«>• CITY BOOK •TORI LTD winch.,i.r Hh». CaMfW Qaajr TUB NaTWa FRONT nupatctck-a SnpiiinlM at. M. ISMAIL Admiralty MaM Im MAMIBM STORK 141*
      696 words
    • 59 10 A BACHELORS GUIDE TO MARRIAGE Corey Ford (who's j dodged a lot of flying I crockery) offers a few hints "marriage counsellors may have overlooked." Find out the one thing to murmur when your wife (tardy) asks if you've been waiting long or your husband (lost) drives 50 miles before
      59 words
    • 591 10 Learning Malay— 88 By YUNUS MARIS. M.A. University of Malaya VOCABULARY Aku. menfaku. menffakui ioii:-uucUons>. In which caM CKDANG and »v> to admit, confess; also, to certify; aalah TEXUAH wtU precede the subject (in this cm* .m kmlahan <n> error, mistake, guilt: •alah (adj t wrong bual. berbual to htMALAM,
      591 words
    • 82 10 No Scotch improves the flavour of water like Teachers 1 nicim nim iat cttAat scoi ca >u*u Bf^S- 1 IUIUHI IKWUSaWI MaUISla NAIL CLIPPER Bath-Pac is the com- .A J pit. kit containing a '^^CHpTWEEziRIS--^ nail clipp«r, toe nail |V' clipper, nail file, twee- rr™^ zers and emery board*. TOE
      82 words

  • 196 11 capital— ITUALA LUMPUR, v Thurs. Malaysia will celebrate the official birthday of the Yang di-p crtuan Agong on Wednesday with an elaborate programme in the capital. The celebrations will begin with the Mengadap ceremony at the Istana Negara at 10 a.m. About 150
    196 words
  • 48 11 IPOH, Thur.s. About 11.000 children have bepn immunised against polio so far in the mass antl-.xdio campaign. The week-Tong campaign which started on Monday is scheduled in end on Saturday but, the Municipal Council has decided to keen two centres open until further notice.
    48 words
  • 655 11 Three firms named in row over engineers DR. TAN. BIG GOVT PROJECTS AND UNQUALIFIED MEN... KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday By our Parliamentary Reporters AL L E G A TIONS that a firm of consultant engineers with unqualified or underqualified staff had been given contracts for big government projects were made in
    655 words
  • 85 11 Dividend cut for D-Fund ITUALA LUMPUK. Thurs. More than 3.600 members of the Railway Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society will have their dividends cat by onr half per cent for donation to the National Defence Fund. Thr dividend should have been j fivr per cent, but at the «ocirly's annual
    85 words
  • 115 11 Council president, deputy charged CEREMBAN, Thurs.— Lai Pong Yuen. 32. UDP President of the Seremban Town Council, and his deputy. C Rajaratnam. 45, were allowed ball today on charges of cheating a contractor. Ng Chee Benc They surrendered to the president Of the Sessions Court, Hajl Ten r ku Ya
    115 words
  • 25 11 PENANG. Thurs.— Two youth* armed with dpfrgers held up a couple traveling in a trisha last night and robbed them of a watch-
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  • 396 11  -  ABUL FAZIL SHE CLUTCHED THE GOLD CROSS IN HER HANDS ON TOP OF BLOCK OF FLATS, THEN... By CINGAPORE, Thurs.— Twelve hours after her husband left for Malaya to look for a Job, pretty 20-year-old Sim Geok Hoon plunged to her
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  • 55 11 SINGAPORE. Thura The i 15.000-ton Liberian tanker. Meracou Losa. went aground :.t Buffalo Rock today about two and i a half miles south of the Pulau Sebarok Esso oil installation in Indonesian territorial waters. The ship's local agents. C. P. Sharp* and Co., said the tanker was
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  • 51 11 PENANO. Thurs— The Penang contingent ot tr.e Royal Malaysian Police will hold their annual dance at the Penang Chinese Girls' High School on June 12. Two bands— the Royal Malaysian Police Band and Edwin Rajamoneys Isla id Rhythmics will be in attendance from 9 pm- to 2
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  • 44 11 NIBONG TEBAL, Thurs. Work has started on four midwifery clinics at Changkat and Tanjong Berembang in Province South, and Sungei Puyu and Kampong Tok in Province North The clinics, each costing $11,000. are expected to be completed by August.
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  • 24 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs.— The Selangor Eurasian Association will hold its annual meeting at 10 a m. on Sunday at th« club premiers.
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  • 101 11 SINGAPORE. Fri. Mr. Ralph Wendeborn. national director of the Canadian Junior Red Cross, left for Kuala Lumpur this evening with a new idea he picked up during his 24-hour visit here. Mr. Wendeborn said after a visit to the General Hospital, where he observed
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  • 166 11 S-E Asia tour for winner of speech contest SINGAPORE, Thurs. The Singapore Junior Chamber of Commerce is to hold a pan-Malay-sian speech contest for students in secondary schools on the theme "The Progress Towards Racial Harmony." The contest will be open to students from Singapore. Sarawak, Sabah and Malaya. Selection
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  • 43 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The Minister of Works. Posts and Telecommunications. Dato V. T Sambanthan. will open the 22nd annual meeting of the Sel&ngor Telecommunications Industrial and Manual Group Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society at Telecoms Headquarters here tomorrow at 4.15 pm.
    43 words
  • 32 11 KUALA LrMPUR, Tliurs. The Ambassador at Kuwait to Mr. Souleiman A! Moh«^ mad Al-Sanc. presented his credentials to the Yang di-Pertuan Aeone tit the Istana Ne«ara her* this morninc.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 203 11 Vital for your Vitality I^.*- LEO ROSETTE IJ..T VITAMINS from DENMARK l»».t LLU Energy. Keep yourself healthy with Leo I Vitamin Capsl-tabs. Leo Capsi-tab lets you I work hard and play hard all through the day. I For new vim and vigour in your life, take a 1 Leo Capsi-tab
      203 words
    • 209 11 GRAND SALE Commencing TO-DAY Drastic reductions in English, German, Italian French shoes -latest designs. English shoes to clear at $12.00 per pair. Also Latest designs of striped checked, long or short sleeved shirts from $6.90 JANTZEN swimming trunks I shorts to clear at 30 discount. English woollen wear, sweaters and
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 807 11 TV MALAYSIA {Malayal CHANNELS News in Tamil. 6.10 Magic 5 Kuala Lumpur and t'rnanc Boomerang: 6.35 Colt .45; 7 6 Ipoh and Malacca News in Enpllsh; 7.10 BporU 3 Johore Bahru arena 7.34 Across toe Seven 4 Talpinc SeaS; 8 N e w In Mandarin; 8.10 7 Batu Pahat Marl
      807 words

    • 277 12 THOMSON: WHEN PRESS FREEDOM ISN'T PRACTICAL ONDON, Thurs. Complete freedom of the Press may not br practical in many new nations, newspaper magnate Lord Thomson said here yesterday. In many new countries "criticism of governments may legitimately be subject i to some degree of restriction." the head of the Thomson
      Reuter  -  277 words
    • 35 12 NIAMEY (Niger). Thurs. A State security court last night condemned to death five men. Including former Defence Minister Zodi Ikla and ex-Capt. Amadou Diallo. for plotting to overthrow the Niger Government. UPI.
      UPI  -  35 words
    • 43 12 PRINCE Hiro (third from left), five-year-old son of Japanese Crown Prince Akihito and Princess Michiko, enjoys playing with classmates during a day's outing in Tokyo recently. His mother is expecting her second child in December. UPI photo.
      UPI  -  43 words
    • 178 12 COMMONS BLOCK A SEX BILL PASSED BY THE PEERS LONDON, Thursday. J^ MOVE to legalise homosexual practices in private between consenting adults in Britain received a setback in the Mouse of Commons yesterdayA Labour member. Mr. Leo Abse. failed by 178 votes to 159 to get approval to Introduce a
      Reuter  -  178 words
    • 31 12 BATU PAHAT. Thurs—An allJohore talentime contest organised by the District Hockey Association will be held on June 3 and June i 4 at the Cheng Siu Hall here
      31 words
    • 93 12 '\'EW YORK, Thurs. Mark A Fein, a wealthy executive convicted of .slaying his bookmaker over an unpaid baseball World Series gambling loss, was sentenced yesterday to prison for 30 years to life. A prostitute testified that she helped dLspose of the body ol bookie Reuben
      AP  -  93 words
    • 32 12 LA PAZ. Thurs.—Factory workers today began returning to I work here after a militant 10-day strike and clashes with police and troops in which an estimated 100 people died.—Reuter.
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 70 12 /^ALDWKI.L (New JerM-vi. Thurv Sixty-eight wo v ■lien pilots flying 37 >inß|t--engined planes took oft yesterday from here on the first leg of the 1.4<>8-mile 15th annual "Ansel Derby" to Nassau. Bahamas Thirty-one of the small planrs carried ntwi of two women while six flew solo.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 244 12 MgOLVED MY K. C^ O SO I II i>'Vi 1 EL* j^m m PROBLEM by opening a savings account with THE HONGKONG BANK Mr. Thrifty saved a little of his pay every month with The Hongkong Bank. When the time came for him to pay his Income Tax, he found
      244 words
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    • 201 13 Britain to suggest a new strategy in Europe T ONDON, Thurs. The British Government, with American support, has decided to press immediately for a drastic revision of Allied defence strategy in Europe. Qualified officials reported last night the British plans envisage: ABANDONMENT Of an 11-year-old strategy binding all Nato forces
      AP  -  201 words
    • 117 13 I ONDON. Thurs. House of Commons yesterday voted 176 to 128 to make a Bill to abolish the death penalty for murder in Britain valid only for a trial period of five years. But whether this will be included in the Bill
      Reuter  -  117 words
    • 133 13 SANTO DOMINGO, Thursday. 600 U.S. Marines were airlifted yesterday to the aircraft-carrier Boxer in the first withdrawal of men since American forces landed here a month ago, a U.S. military spokesman said. The number of Marines withdrawn equalled the number of Latin American troops which
      Reuter  -  133 words
    • 69 13 MONTREAL. Thurs. The International Air Transport Association announced yesterday that its member airlines have voted in favour of free transportation of fresh human eyes from England to India, Pakistan and Malaysia in connection with a British eje bank's experimental programme. The Governments concerned have given
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 51 13 BOSTON, Thurs.— Mr. Joseph Clark Grew, who warned in January 1941 as U.S. Ambassador :n Tokyo that Japan was planning a surprise attack on Pearl Harbour, died at his home here yesterday. He would have been 85 tomorrow. Mr. Grew served in Japan from 1931 to 1941.—
      Reuter  -  51 words
    • 188 13 It's not sporting, says the Goya thief I ONDON, Thurs.— The mystery thief who stole a £140,000 Goya portrait of the Duke of Wellington paid his debts like a gentleman yesterday but complained of unsporting treatment. He sent a postal order for 7s. the excess charges Incurred by the missing
      Reuter  -  188 words
    • 41 13 CAIRO. Thurs. The United Arab Republic Ministry of Agrii culture has declared a state of emergency to combat the cotton worm. The announcement said mor* than 37.000 acres of cotton plantatioas throughout the countr» had been infested. Reuter
      Reuter  -  41 words
    • 40 13 ACCRA. Thurs. The City i Council has decided that all 1 house-owners in the capital should I put up Tljurescent lights outside i their houses by June 1. There is very little street lighting in Ac- era". Reuter.
      Reuter  -  40 words
    • 96 13 HANOVER, Thurs. The British Army last night apologised to 6,630 soldiers at Sennelager because they were kept waiting on parade nearly half an hour for Queen Elizabeth. British sources said the apology was broadcast over loudspeakers to the men after the Queen
      Reuter  -  96 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 187 13 I Period Interettl fixed 1 o/ o 3monlht p s I I DEPOSIT HP^fe ——INTEREST 6 months 6 I B^^^BJ *y PER I 12 months 6% I 7 *m ANNUM I3.24months 61 I I CONTINUING -#BJfcO/ 0 I M I DEPOSIT ■■^.nurlstl U I ACCOUNT *«JL# annum I UNITED NATIONAL
      187 words
    • 165 13 Jk Jr A *L secured investment is to own a home in HAPPY GARDEN 2-STOREY DETACHED BUNGALOWS 5 bedrooms with bathrooms attached/ lounge, dining room and servants room. Ground floor with terrazzo or mosaic tiling First floor with parquet flooring. Large compound FREEHOLD LAND Price from $4 8,100. 2-STOREY SEMI-DETACHED
      165 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 178 13 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 1. Patriarch and city dramatically associated by 27 i", 7». 9. Subaequent adherents (9). 10. Save the artlat in the Hebride* (5). 11. Tear away in Yorkshire (5). 12. A successor In office of 1 across in Yorkshire too and Ohio (9j. 13. A nursery charact*r?
      178 words
    • 123 13 6. Vehicle the French fixed with wire (5). 7. Trainee one stair up. (You'll know the ropes!) (7). 8. Eccentric final arrangements belittle American lobelia (8, 6). 15. Editorial comment on 1 down (2. 3. 4). 18. Quick! Not a single person's back! See; (6. 2). 18. Point to nc
      123 words

  • 364 14 Now plea for brains to aid research SINGAPORE, Thurs. Dr. Gwee Ah Leng, senior physician of the General Hospital, today urged the public to bequeath their brains to research, and to help in the fight against one of the world's four main killers brain disease Speaking at a lunch meeting
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  • 105 14 FOUR OFF TO W.A.Y. MEETING IN BAGUIO I^UALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Four members of the Malaysian Youth Council left here today for the Philippines to take part in the World Assembly of Youth Conference. They are Che Nazlee Raja Zalnal Abldln (leader). Che Lily Majeed. Inche All Basha and Miss G.
    105 words
  • 412 14 26 Bills tabled in Parliament 1/UALA LUMPUR. Thurs. A total of 26 Bills were tabled in the House of Representatives meeting the majority to be discussed at the present sitting. Among the Bills to be discussed are the Constitution of Malaysia Act (Amendment) Bill, the Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Bill,
    412 words
  • 317 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. J^ HOUSEWIFE told the Sessions Court here today how a firm's storekeeper gave her gate passes for more bags of cement than she had ordered for her father's shop. Yap Kin Chin, 23, said that the storekeeper, Ang
    317 words
  • 145 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs— An appeal by an American youth suffering from cerebral palsy has caught the sympathy of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, and today an autographed photograph of the King and Queen is on its way to the United States. In a letter to
    145 words
  • 36 14 I IPOH. Thurs.--A "Flower and I Orchid night" organised by th» Ipoh VMCA will be held ai thu j YMCA hall here on Saturday. Exhibits will come from Singapore. Cameron Highlands and Ipoh.
    36 words
  • 32 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Ttiurs. The Mentrl Besar of Selangor. Daio Harun bin Haji Idns. will visit the site of the Kampong i Bahru low-cost housing scheme here at 3 p.m. tomorrow.
    32 words
  • 174 14 I/lAI.A LI'MPI'R. Thurv The oft-delayed seven 24-ft. hich bronze figures for the SI million National Monument in the Lake Gardens here will arrive in Port Swettenham on Monday or Tuesday. This was stated today in Singapore by a spokesman of the Isbrandtscn Line.
    174 words
  • 74 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Thury. The Central Government is eon- *iciermg kiviiir specialist fees on the same terms as those in Malaya to doctors in Sarawak called upon to do special^ dutiesThe acting Minister of Health. Dato Donald Stephens, said this in the House of Representatives i
    74 words
  • 31 14 SINGAPORE. Thurs. The Singapore Tour Operators' As-noil.-ion tonight K;ive a cocktall party to celebrate its Rut anniversary and the successful completion of a training course by 40 tourist guides.
    31 words
  • 153 14 JAWAU. Thurs. Brig. Tengku Ahmad bin Tengku B«sar Burhanuddin paid tribute to the people of eastern Sabah for their co-ODeration with the security forces against Indonesian guerillas. "The people of Tawau have been very helpful and co-operative. I hope they will continue to
    153 words
  • 258 14 Ambulance drivers angry over MP's charge L'UALA LUMPUR, •IV Thurs.— The Union of Government Health and Medical Drivers today denied charges by Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamed in Parliament yesterday concerning its members. Dr. Mahathir said In Parliament yesterday that 'ambulance drivers want to drive their ambulances In well-paved city streets
    258 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 327 14 r l^^^jto Jk GUESS WHO HAS A SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH THE CHARTERED BANK*! Guess which man is the envy of his friends @2>° 0 p.a. interest, paid twice ytarly. and neighbours! Guess who can always /-v afford to buy the things he wants!. Guessed You can draw U P <o
      327 words
    • 167 14 TYPEWRITERS ON EASY TERMS Take a good look at these THREE SUPERB MODELS by REMINGTON which you can have today on hire purchase with no down payment THE REMINGTON MONARCH -good looking, smooth effortless response t« your touch the MONARCH combines elegance with precision. With 42 n keys and 84
      167 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 47 14 The Weather HIGHEST and lowest temperatures In Malaysia for the period 8 p.m. Wednesday to 8 p.m. yesterday Hirhrat Lowest Kuala Lumpur 91 73 Kota Bharu 73 Penang 88 77 Ipoh 91 75 Malacca 88 75 Singapore 90 75 C Highland 60 Jesselton 75 Kuchlng 86 73
      47 words

    • 325 15 INDUSTRY MUST BE UNITED, HE SAYS t CALL to Malaysian industry to co j operate in shaping the development of the national economy has been made by Mr. David N.W. Lee. president of the National Chamber of Malayan Manufacturers. Writing in the introductory passage or tne 1965 diI rectory produced
      325 words
    • 41 15 i Japan Air Lines earned a gross revenue of 5395 million during the company's last financial year, up 20 per cent over the preceding year. After expenses, special depredation and tax deductions, the net profit was $11.7 million.
      41 words
    • 430 15 First local assembled TV sets out soon I OCALLY assembled television sets will be put on sale in the Malaysian market sometime in July. The products of Setron Limited, the sets are being assembled locally with components imported from a leading European manufacturer of electro- nic products. Setron Ltd.. a
      430 words
    • 122 15 DEVELOPMENT 'IMPRESSIVE,' SAYS TOP FORD OFFICIAL THE vice-president of Ford Motor Company, Mr. Tom Lilley (above), who spent five days in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur last week to familiarise himself with FordMalaysia's operations and the Malaysian automobile market. While his primary object was to view Ford's factory in Singapore which
      122 words
    • 105 15 New general manager for Seacorp COUTH East Asia Development Corporation Ltd. has a new general manager He is Mr. B.L Mathews whose appointment follows the development of the company's operation in Malaysia and the expansian of the Kuala Lumpur and Singapore offices. Mr. Mathews (above), who established a branch office
      105 words
    • 163 15 Formosa plans to raise cement output FJESPITE 1964 setbacks In for- eiga bales, the Formosan cement Industry is Increasing production this year, according to a report In the Free China News Syndicate of Talpeh. Last year, the Industry produced 2.339,000 ton* rive per cent more than in the previous year,
      163 words
    • 20 15 Beer Imports into Singapore last year totalled 983.700 gallons, against 1.2 million gallons In 1963, according to statistics.
      20 words
    • 174 15 German answer to Japan challenge yEISS Ikon Ag Stutt- gart, one of Germany's leading manufacturers of cameras, has worked out plans to counter the mounting Japanese competition which it is facing in the South-East Asian market. As part of the campaign, the company is introducing cameras in the lower price
      174 words
    • 139 15 Jan-March foreign trade up rE first quarter of this year proved to be a favourable period lor Singapore and Malaya's foreign trade, with both imports and exports well up on the comparable period last year. Official statistics Issued this week show that total trade was worth $2.1 7 7.2 million,
      139 words
    • 201 15 *FHE American President Lines luxury liner, Presl- dent Monroe, is expected in Singapore on June 20 with about 50 American intransit passengers on a special round the wnrln erata*. The 9.256 gross tons liner. which has a speed of 16} I knots, will dock
      201 words
    • 43 15 The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company reports consolidated net sales of $1,481.1 million for the first three months of this year, up 8.6 per cent over the corresponding period of last year. Net Income was $66.5 million, up 11 per cent.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 580 16 ll onliirjfil 1 •■in Page 10l SITUATIONS VACANT WonU Min.)— Box SO rt: extra COOK AMAH* REQUIRED. Apply 7 c 11. WANTEO JUNIOR DESPATCH 'lerk also experienced salesman. v Box AU74 ST. Spore ASSISTANT REQUIRED by Legal firm in Ipoh. Apply P.O Box 163, Ipak A FEW VACANCIES Kxlst for
      580 words
    • 578 16 ACCOMMODATION VACANT Muro 1 S* Mm.)— Box SO et*. extra LEAVt MOUSt ver> ■nodern 1/1 rtedroom nungalot* District II available 4th June lor two montns Phone X0474 s nor* O BEDROOMS QUIET LOCALITY, large garden, for quiet Chinese ten- ithout bablea. Ring Mdra. Tan rs pore) *****2. STOREY TERRACE HOUSE
      578 words
    • 983 16 I ACCOMMODATION VACANT Win i h..x in rt, -i/.,, STUDENTS, WORKING MEN. Gl.-ls. l^uuking for rooms/ Accommodaiwu Ageno Kurnuacd l iiiuinwhod .vi meals, i I'T.r rt pole t'ttl Id.M V.M p.m. weekdays). Vwais •)»> weekends ACCOMMODATION WANTED 14 Word-, tm Mm. I— tux Hi CIS exl'U 3 OR J SEUROUMt
      983 words
    • 930 16 EDUCATION /j »ord* yf I Mm.)— Box SO ett extrn ENCLISH PARENTS OVCHSCA*. mmiv lrom M»iav«i». warmly i ommenn Liniineld Boys School. Aruodel. ausaek \v or til wide experieDce 01 uroDlemo io voueu lo<r guineas HOW IS YOUR Malay protfreMinK'' improve your knowledge of the National Language by reading Berita
      930 words
    • 934 16 DOGS, PETS, ETC. IJ H.,r<i« (Min.)— Box SO eU. extrm HEALTHY MKA.I OACHSHUND Puppies Black/Broun seven weeks dcu'ormed. Knquire Vo«- i>'.MBl. View i» <>n Koad. Singapore. MACHINERY PLANT FOR SALE 10 A 1U Rri rJxravator. b to 12 tons Marshall Road Holler, Kork-Llft Truck. L* Tourneau Scraper Tractoi Towed 12
      934 words
    • 916 16 FOR SALE rrf, (Uin.)-Box SO rfs. txtro TRADE IN YOUR IrlrvisiUD vi I Ksdionrarn ror Germany Mtt Kut* _'V oi 27" TV or rv-Uterwj Kadio.ram Comninaiioo. from Uolr A(i.-ni len Bee Hens Co.. M) Kut.m«on Koad. Stngapora 1-A1 JsUd Imn Kuala Lumpur I COOD CONDITION TELEVISION Consolette Model •Normendi'" Rad;utiram
      916 words
    • 956 16 aaaJßkfeassasssl jSMLsBBBBBT^sfe UM oi unclaimed security deposii.-> lor electricity supply to premises vacated !>ince lit September 1963 to 31bt August, 1964 will be on display or available at the lolloumg olflces of the CenI tral Electricity Board until 31st I August. 1965. Alor bur Kepala Baias Arau Kangai BUM
      956 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1242 17 10 LIVERPOOL > WEST COAST U.K.! Out S'Dnn gmi. I'itaa »inaat AUTOLYCUS Liverpool. Dtb'n. A'piootll... Ma. 13 TUai May 21/ 2 Jim 3 AUT3MEOON Liierpiel, Ouolm May 30 JBM 2 MiCHAON .Kirpail »v 3 imi I mm I/IB Mac II CLYTONEUS limpiol. Glasgow Jum 8 Jim 1 Juae 12/18 Im
      1,242 words
    • 2480 17 B*BB»JaMBBaB«B»» IHt EAST AMATIOOOM mf. B*J EXPRESS SAILINGS TO NEAR tASI, CONTINEN) ANO SCANBINA»IA, S'ocrt i urn Pinang Arii oanoa naxt n Ourg K'oim Anne **>co fill 4} BASRA 8) May 30/ 2 Juae 1/8 1/8 lim 29 Jlly 2 lily J II 19 *u"t> i -m U/21 iunr
      2,480 words
    • 1259 17 to^ ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO., LTD. lr"*"""l U.K. /Continent Singapofi y S ran Pining Cm OF RIPON Lonoon. Hamburg. Rotterdam. ham, Hull G.^. Today 38 May CITY Of CO.DMBO loi aon, Hamburg, Rotterdam. Havre. Hull. Iraming'.m 23/21 Jum 28 me CITY OF WINNIPEB London, Hamburg Rotterdam, ••»erp, Hull 14 Illy
      1,259 words

  • 832 18 From Our Market Correspondent MOKK counters were dealt in on the Stock Exchange yesterday when tbe easier tendency which has been observable for the past few days took on more definite shape. In industrials there were 24 losses throughout the list including Ounlops, (old
    832 words
  • 26 18 Malayan Stork Indices May 26 May 27 •Industrials: 74.45 73.39 Tins: 95.28 93.88 S rubbers: 103.56 103.56 •Dec. 30. 1963 104) Dec. 29. 1962=100
    26 words
  • 300 18 Straits tin price still has see-saw movement rE Straits tin price yrstrrday continued to see-saw Raining $6.37} to $780.87 i per pitul. Tbe estimated ofTering at 195 tons, down 15 tons, wan below the 200 tons level for tbe first time since midApril. In London overnight tin eased at the
    300 words
  • 52 18 THE present rate of the Malayan x dollar against the pound sterlUnr fixed on November 24 last year is Selling TT or OO 2s. 3 15/164. Baying TT 2s. 1/16. Buying OD 2s. 4-..d. The dollar Li at its statutory middle position in relation to IU range against
    52 words
  • 46 18 1-ME Malayan Exchang* Banks' Association made these change* In Ita rates to merchants yesterday (all rmteo to itioi)): Selling TT or OD ready: Osutieh* Marks 129t: Holland Guilders 116 i: Brlrian Francs 1.607: French Frsncs luiian Llro 20. '.'TT: Danish Kroner L'L'li: Norwenian Kroner
    46 words
  • 129 18 MELBOURNE. Thurs. INOI'STRIALS moved narrowly in very dull trading and most issues gained slightly. Leaders attracted little support. Baw mrtals were mostly slightly higher Oils were steady In quiet trading. Tod. iv closing pritts with WednetIky prices In brarket*. Mount bat 34 ft (34/8) S. Broken HIM (1O«
    129 words
  • 37 18 On the trss aiehangt mirkst in HonA Kong yenurday the U.S. dtllar »as quoted at ft.7M for T.T. and 5.74t for oath. •tarling was quoted m 16 03 and ont tatl or (aid at 25*|.
    37 words
  • 71 18 CHINESE Product Eichania, Slnta1 por« nun pricts ptr picul yeittrday: Coconut: oil: bulk SbGi seller*, dram sett] mBmKi Copra: May June UK/Coot In-nt: Unquoted. Poppor: Muotok white S150 Kllera. Sarawak whit* (1471 aellera, special Sarawak black HJ'i Milan, garbled Lampoas black S147i<N) sellrrt. ASTA $160(N) seller.. Singapore coconut
    71 words
  • 29 18 May 27. MALAYAN RUBBER PRICE: "3; cents (down a quarter of a cent). TIN: S7BO 871 (up 56.37 A). L'noliicial estimated offerins 195 tons (down 15 tons).
    29 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1056 18 A\ KISEN KAISHA LTD, East Canada and U.S.A. Great Lakes Service M'liong Yotoitmi Montreal loronto Oct'Oit Chicago simikawi Man" 10 13 Jum 2i lilt 21 'sly 1 Aag I Ait 11 Aat •Isnla Mara" Jl 24 lily I Aig 4 St|l I Scat 13 Stpt H Sin West Coast of
      1,056 words
    • 1057 18 mW Jaßaff &fl H^fiß I I .t^W™ USlt»u» JERVICE/NEt) ttILIHI iNI>« PIDiSIAN «NB P SUI» SERViCI h Freaaatlt. ««tlailt. Mtilttrti. StMn In Malm iM NapMttnaaj ••intni P ynam Sport I'Tort V**m Ptnani **IPt!» *,Mt 1/ I Jttt 11/1 J Jtat «»JUI» mi SJltt I JaM Musi IOMOIU J Jal* 1/11
      1,057 words
    • 366 18 W*l^^ Orient mid-east lines Great Lakes Service FAST OIRECT SAILINtS FROM SINBAPORE AND MALAYA TO CANAOIAN ANO US GREAT UKES PORTS. S'aort f> S'nam Ptnanf ETA Toronto ORIENT TRADER Ma? 21/ JtM 1 2/1 4/5 JU« 1 ORIENT MERCHANT Jlf» 12/14 IS/11 W/11 A*f II ORIENT LINER Aaf 12/14 IS/U
      366 words
    • 406 18 WILHELMSEN LINES FROM: scaatiaamaa ato Csttiaesui Psrts far Oatgkta ail Hug Aug. "•nans S'htm Siniioom TOMAR C3Hs Vanila) 14/15 Jilt 11/11 Jill 1! 71 Jons TIBER (Calls Pusan. Japan) 2a 31 Jugs TALABOT (Calls Manila) 12/13 JIM 1416'luly 17/11 July BARBER LINE FROM U.S.A, EAST AND WEST CJASI PORTS TOREADOR
      406 words

  • 858 19 DUSINESS in and reported to the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia yesterday with the number of shares traded In brackets: INDUSTRIALS: Bouitoad (1,000) SI IS, C.S. Holdings (1,000) 12. 1U: Dunlopi $1.30 BL, (1.000) (1.31. 30; Eiiu ords. (4.000) (1.41r: E.
    858 words
  • 248 19 JUNE tint grade rubber f.o.b. buyers closed at 5 p.m. in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur yesterday at ?3" H cents per lb., down a quarter of a cent on Wednesday's closing level for the position. The tone was quiet after slightly easier. R.A.S. and F.M.K.E. closing price* in
    248 words
  • 240 19 May 27. Three montna. INDUSTRIALS Bouatead 13 cts McAlister 11 cU. City Dry. 7 cts. M. lnvt. 9 eta. C.B. Holdings 14 eU.N. Iron 9 cts. Dunlops 11 rts 0.C.8.C. 14 cts K Smelting 22 eta. Rothmans 10 cts Esaollcti. Ban 6 cts. Fed. Dlfp 12 ctl. Bel.
    240 words
  • 106 19 l-HIP* lying ■l*nglld« UM tlniaMr* Harbour whitili *r •MMcttO I*. *C«th»y 1/2. Olenroj 3/4. Autolycui 13/14 VUhvm Vlr 18, Ifikurno H»ni 19 Alcoa Ma«ter 77/28. Mlchlyo liani <t'/30 OaHvllle 31/32. Qulrli.aU 88/38. hor«by 40/41. City of Rlpon 44. Ro--,r,0 Mani 43, AfVi»»lloo 4«. lUnnowr 47, SfnarrMt N.W
    106 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 417 19 WINMORE CORPORATION LIMITED (In Voluntary Liquidation) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 238 and 275 (1) tb) of the Companies Ordinance, Cap. 174 that the Final General Meeting of Members of the abovenamed Company will be held at sth floor. Flnlayson House, Raffles Quay, Singapore, on Thursday, Ist
      417 words
    • 631 19 BERNAM OIL PALMS LIMITED (Incorporated In the States of Malaya) NOTICE OF DIVIDEND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that In pursuance of a Resolution passed at the 36th Ordinary Annual General Meeting, the following dividend Is declared for the year ended 31st December, 1964, viz:— 4 shillings per share (Coupon No.
      631 words
    • 331 19 NOTICES WINMORE CORPORATION LIMITED (In Voluntary Liquidation) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 238 and 275 (1) (b) of the Companies Ordinance, Cap. 174 that the Final General Meeting of Creditors of the abovenamed Company will be held at sth Floor, Flnlayson House. Raffles Quay, Singapore, on Thursday,
      331 words
    • 3906 19 COMPANY MEETING ADDRESS DELIVERED BY THE PRESIDENT, MR. D. R. MITCHELL, AT THE 54TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE F.M.S. CHAMBER OF MINES ON 27TH MAY, 1965 Gentlemen. Since our last Annual General Meeting Indonesia's policy of "Confiontaiion" towards Malaysia has been Intensified, and last September a htate of emergency
      3,906 words

    • Article, Illustration
      963 20 U.S. CONGRESS URGED TO INVESTIGATE CORRY. Pennsylvania, Thnrs. The lorry Journal, an afternoon newspaper, ran thii box on Page One yesterday: "Due to the nature oi last nifht'a fight, thi Journal feels it does not warrant coverage. Don't look for It on the sporU P«*e." The Richmond Newt
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  963 words
    • 254 20 SOCCER Stuttgart baffle Hong Kong XI HONG KONG. Thurs.— West Germany's Stuttgart soccer team defeated the Hong Kong F.A. XI 3-0 in a friendly match here last night. Halftime score was 2-0. Hong Kong could not cope with the "rolling system" adopted by the visitors In which attacks were Initiated
      Reuter  -  254 words
    • 238 20 TENNIS Maria, Margaret in semi-finals DARIS, Thurs. Wim- bledon champion Maria Bueno of Brazil and French title-holder Margaret Smith of Australia both won their way into the women's singles semifinals at the French hard court tennis championships here yesterday. rhe 24-year-old Maria played with a great variety of strokes to
      Reuter  -  238 words
    • 395 20 CRICKET Brown, Sharpe take top honours I ONDON. Thurs- David Brown. Warwrkshire\s young fast bowipr who toured South Afrira with MCC last winter. and Yorkshire batsman Phil Sharpe took the honours of the day in a county cricket programme hit by rain. Brown took the first thre« wickets to fall
      Reuter  -  395 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 717 20 PEMBERI TAHU TAWARAN J.K.R., NEGRI SEMBILAN Tawaran2 akan dl-terlma dl-Pe- >i>at J.mitera Negrl. Negri Sembl!an. Srremban hlngga jam pukol 12 00 tengah harl pada Bhb Jun, I9M dtfl pemboroog2 J.K.R. Yang >erdaftar di-dalam perengkat "E" ka-atas batjl: MEMBENA DAN lENYIAPKAN SATU BLOCK MKNOANDONOI EMPAT (4) BUAH DAN SATU BLOCK ME(IANDONGI
      717 words
    • 877 20 NOTICE j CHAPTER 195 (Pawabriken) Ptedfrd C. <xJi and Jewellery from the followtaf Pawnbroker*' Shops. No. 136 New Bridge Road. Lam I Joon Stoog (Chop Sem Foh). I No. 256 South Bridge Road. Ho Tan Kee (Chop Heng P«tt) 1 Yong Kee. No 287 South Bridge Read. Scow Klan i
      877 words
    • 965 20 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS CITY COUNCIL OF GEORGE TOWN, PENANG Appoinment of Assistant Maintenance Engineer APPLICATIONS are inrttod 3 from suitably qualified persons for i the appointment of Assistant Maintenance Engineer, Penang t Power Station. 2. The duties of the post Include 1 organisation and supervision of I mechanical maintenance work on
      965 words
    • 75 20 >sL*/ SECURITY WA IJfriH SAVING ACCOUNT llKfll 7 DAYS' NOTICE Kg VJB ONE MONTH DEPOSIT I •fcMH SIX MONTKS OR LONGER PERIOD Placo your fund% whoro you con oarn 9iO niQxifnuni socuriiy ond inTOroST* Singapore Financ* offers you both, for long or short forms deposit*. Writ* for more particular* today.
      75 words

    • 270 21  - CRICKET Recs and Seletar meet in key tie Sunday E. FRIDA By SINGAPORE, Thurs. Singapore Recreation, Club, the current leaders, and Royal Air Force Seletar, lying '< second in the Singapore Cricket Association senior tournament, will clasji in their vital match at Seletar on Sunday. Recs. the "Rlamour" cricket team
      270 words
    • 68 21 •>(>( CER Spore Div. 3A: Ocean 1 Serangoon Malays 1; Div. 3C: Radin I Mas 3 RAP Tengah 0. Div. 2D: Star Soccerites 2 Arsenel 2. Ipoh Div. I: KIA 5 M'pallty 0; Div. 2: Shaw Bros 0 Menglembu 0. Taiping Div. 2: Sukan Melayu 4 Rubber Plantations 3.
      Bernama  -  68 words
    • 339 21 Parakee does a smashing gallop RACING with Epsom Jeep IPOH, Thursday. pARAKEE, Jalisco, Caravelle, Unchallenged and High Perfection are five horses for your "must follow" list at the Perak Derby meeting which opens here on Sunday. Parakee did a smashing trial on good going this morning when, ridden by Des
      339 words
    • 202 21 SINGAPORE. Thurs.— Racing driver Tom Tayler and his wife. Ann, have both enured for the Gap Hill Climb here on Sunday They will drive Bond -4 S cars In two events 1,200 cc sports cars and racing cars unlimited. The Taylera will be
      202 words
    • 375 21  -  M. RAHMAN TENGKU TELLS THEM: PLAY GAME IN RIGHT SPIRIT By ITUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Malaysia's first women's soccer team to travel abroad left this morning for! Hong Kong where they) will play three matches next week. Four officials accompanied the team of 16 players, with Puan
      375 words
    • 143 21 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Rose I Nunls. the president of the o.ugapore Women's P.A., today 1 urged women In the Police Force j and Services who are Interested in soccer to form teams to compete in Itiie League tournament. Miss Nunls said: "Interest In
      143 words
    • 146 21 VOLLEYBALL Get top coach, expert advises SINGAPORE, Thurs. Tetsuo Takahashi. vice-president of the All-Japan Volleyball Association and the manager of the visiting Matsushita side, said that Malaysia must engage a coach soon if they hope to do well In the Seap Games tournament in December. •The chances of Malaysia performing
      146 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 333 21 v* EKCO ster EKCO 'LIBRA' Model SRG797 De-luxe stereogram. Powerful 9 valve radio ?o%k I**w**>&r- incorporating magic eye selector. Five MBBBa^^gg^^^^^ A wavebands including MW.MSW and three SW with piano-key selector. The famous Model TBO4, a superb 23* receiver with j MM Garrard ATS 4-speed auto changer. Twin push-button programme
      333 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 171 21 I DIARY SOt (I.IC Malaya Cup: Kedah v Perils iA. Star); Trengganu v Pahang (K. Trengganu). Sitor* Div. 1: Star Soccerlies v Amicatolea (Jn. Besar. 5.15): Div. 2A: CA 'A 1 I v Rumbia; Div. 3A: BODCA v 40 REME; Div. 3B: Katong v P. Panjang (all matches at Farrer
      171 words

  • 112 22 SINGAPORE. Thurs— Ken Paglar, 22. who took a car without the consent of its owner "for a Joy ride" was today fined $350, In default one month's jail, and disqualified from driving for a year in the Third Criminal District Court. Earlier he
    112 words
  • 31 22 SINGAPORE. Thurs —Entries for the "Housing and Development Board photographic competition" will close tomorrow. Judging will take place at the Hollywood Room, Odeon Theatre, on Sunday at 10 a.m.
    31 words
  • 69 22 PKI THE PRIDE OF THE COUNTR Y— SUBANDRIO JAKARTA. Thurs. Dr. Subandrio said last night the Indonesian Communist Party had become the pride and property of the Indonesian nation and revolution. The Foreign Minister made the remarks at a reception to commemorate the party's 45th anniversary. He said the PKI
    AP  -  69 words
  • 173 22 Korean kick thrills Hamid KIALA LUMPUR, Thurs. —The Chief of General Stall of the Malaysian Armed Forces Major-Gen. Dato Abdul Hamid bin Bidin, today witnessed a demonstration of judo and tae kwon do (Korean art of self-defence) by military police personnel. He was visiting the Malaysian military police headquarters in
    173 words
  • 82 22 LONDON. Thurs. The snobbish reluctance of British cavalrymen to give up their horses and take to tanks was responsible for Britain's defeats in the first years of World War II military historian Capt. B. H. Uddell Hart said today. •The early battles of World
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 60 22 SAIGON. Thurs. American and South Vietnamese fighter bombers continued to hammer North Vietnamese military installations and transport facilities today, damaging and destroying barracks and supply areas, railway yards, boats and bridges. More than 75 American and Vietnamese aircraft made five separate raids. One U.S. Navy jet
    60 words
  • 51 22 SINGAPORE, Thurs.— An exhibition of books on management was opened at the National Library today. It will remain open until June 17. A list of books and periodicals on management available for home reading and reference at the National Library will be distributed to visitors to the
    51 words
  • 361 22 LONDON, Thurs. It was a somewhat sensational day in the stock markets. Gilt-edged dealers were at a loss to know what opening prices should be after the Chancellor of the Exchequers gains tax moves. Dealings eventually started at lunch time. It was a case of Irregular adjustments to
    361 words
  • 58 22 LONDON. Thurs. Spot 22d., July 22 1 16 d. Aug. 22 1'16d.. Sept. 22d.. July Sept. 22 1 16 d.. Oct Dec. 2115 16d. Jan. March 2113 16d, April June 21 s id.. July Sept. 21 -,d. Oct. Dec. 21 '-d. cl.f June 21 T .d.. July 21 11
    58 words
  • 25 22 LONDON Thurs —Buyers £1575. j sellers £1580, Forward buyers! £1543. sellers £1545. Settlement: £1575. Turnover a.m 70 tons, i p.m. 95 tons. Tone: Steady.
    25 words
  • 181 22 BARJASA DECISION ON ALLIANCE SOON: TAIB KUCHING. Thurs. The former Sarawak Minister of Works and Communications, Inche Taib bin Mahmud. said tonight that Barjasa was interested in seeing a united and progressive Alliance "so that we can Face the next elections with confidence." Inche Taib. a central figure in the
    181 words
  • 135 22 Steel man warns U 4 S. of threat to tin NEW YORK. Thurs.— A trading American steei man said today that almost any principal soiirt c of tin could come unrirr Communist control at any time. Mr l\or IV Sims, a vicepresident of Rethlehem Steel Corp. told the annual meeting
    AP  -  135 words
  • 34 22 SINGAPORE. Thurs.— A member of the Buddhist Union. Chia Siew Lian, will take an Order of Bnikkhuni cnuni at an ordination ceremony at. the Jalan Senyum Shrine on Sunday at 10 cm.
    34 words
  • 31 22 Singapore. Tbura. Tht Tuberculosis Control mobile Xray unit will be at the Yum Hwa Theatre square at Ban Heng. off Jalan Kayu. from 3 to 830 pm. tomorrow.
    31 words
  • 108 22 Xl ALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Mystery surrounds the cancellation of a political forum at the University of Malaya tonight at which Singapore's Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. and Malaysia's Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Inche Senu bin Abdul Rahman, were to have
    108 words
  • 71 22 THE REMAINS OF Hi s Chrlllah retired T.leconm Supervisor' will ha removed for cremation at 6 p.m. on 2*-i-K.-> 413 Temlans Koad. E LAU KWANC KHAW. 10 away peacefully on '.'7..V65 at Malacca leaving behind 5 aonn, 4 daughters, dauKhters-in-lau, 3 rons-ln-law, 39 grand children. 37 great-grand children. Cortege
    71 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 168 22 Jsf APPROVED /^WX SCIENCE LABORATORY f 85 Well-equipped Lab., Qualified Experienced 17 lll*^M Graduate Teachers; Practical Theory I At CAMBRIDGE COLLEGE (MALAYSIA'S COLLEGE OF ARTS SCIENCE) Hock Ycc Hin Building, 5 Jalan Ah Fook, Johore Bahru. Tel: 3958 Principal: K. A. Augustine 8.A., B.L. Enrol Early for H. S. C.
      168 words
    • 57 22 Late CLASSIFIEDS 20 Wordt Hi 'Minimum I Traditionally a part of the Malaysian Scene... |j Anchor Pilsener Beer. naturally at home in everyday Malaysia as this homely crafts- £s^L=^&L man who patiently turns a chiseh -vf^^^^i on a block of wood to create a cake mould of simple artistry.
      57 words